5 one-part definitely personal sentences. Types of one-part sentences

One-part sentences - these are sentences whose grammatical basis consists of one main member, and this one main member is enough for a complete verbal expression of thought. Thus, "single-part" does not mean "incomplete".

Main Member one-part sentence- a special syntactic phenomenon: it alone constitutes the grammatical basis of the sentence. However, in its meaning and ways of expression, the main member of the majority one-part sentences(except nominal) approaches the predicate, and the main member of nominal sentences - with the subject. Therefore, in school grammar it is customary to divide one-part sentences into two groups: 1) with one main member - the predicate and 2) with one main member - the subject. The first group includes definitely personal, indefinitely personal, generalized personal and impersonal sentences, and the second group includes nominal sentences.

Behind every type one-part sentences(except for generalized-personal ones) their own ways of expressing the main member are fixed.

Definitely personal suggestions

Definitely personal suggestions - these are sentences denoting the actions or states of the direct participants in the speech - the speaker or the interlocutor. Therefore, the predicate (the main member) in them is expressed by the form 1st or 2nd person singular or plural verbs.

The category of a person is in the present and future tenses of the indicative mood and in the imperative mood. Accordingly, the predicate in definite personal offers can be expressed in the following forms: tell, tell, tell, tell, tell, tell, let's tell; go, go, go, go, I will go, you will go, we will go, you will go, go, go, let's go.

For example: I do not ask for honors or wealth for long journeys , but I take the little Arbat courtyard with me, I take it away (B. Okudzhava); I know that in the evening you will go beyond the ring of roads, we will sit in a fresh shock under the neighboring haystack (S. Yesenin); What are you laughing at? You laugh at yourself (N. Gogol); Do not look forward to happy days presented by heaven (B. Okudzhava); Keep proud patience in the depths of Siberian ores (A. Pushkin).

These sentences are very close in their meaning to two-part sentences. Almost always, relevant information can be conveyed in a two-part sentence, including the subject in the sentence. me, you, we or You.

The sufficiency of one main member is due here to the morphological properties of the predicate: the verbal forms of the 1st and 2nd person, with their endings, unambiguously indicate a well-defined person. Subject I, you, we, you turn out to be informatively redundant.

We use one-component sentences more often when it is necessary to pay attention to the action, and not to the person who performs this action.

Indefinitely personal sentences

- these are one-part sentences that denote the action or state of an indefinite person; the actor in the grammatical basis is not named, although it is thought personally, but the emphasis is on the action.

The main member of such proposals is the form 3rd person plural (present and future indicative and imperative) or forms plural(past tense and conditional verbs or adjectives): they say, they will say, they said, let them say, they would say; (im) satisfied; (he) are happy.

For example: They say in the village that she is not at all a relative of him ... (N. Gogol); An elephant was led through the streets ... (I. Krylov); And let them talk, let them talk, but- no, no one dies in vain... (V. Vysotsky); It's nothing that we are poets, if only they would read us and sing (L. Oshanin).

The specific meaning of the figure in indefinite personal sentences in that it actually exists, but is not named in the grammatical basis.

The form of the 3rd person plural of the verb-predicate does not contain information about either the number of figures or the degree of their fame. Therefore, this form can express: 1) a group of persons: The school is actively solving the problem of academic performance; 2) one person: This book was brought to me; 3) both one person and a group of persons: Someone is waiting for me; 4) a person known and unknown: Somewhere far away they scream; I got a 5 on the exam.

Indefinitely personal sentences most often have minor members in their composition, i.e. indefinite sentences are usually widespread.

As part of indefinite personal sentences two groups of secondary members are used: 1) Circumstances of place and time, which usually indirectly characterize the figure: hall sang. In the next class make noise. Often in youth strive someone imitate(A. Fadeev); These distributors usually characterize the figure indirectly, designating the place and time associated with the person's activity. 2) Direct and indirect additions made to the beginning of the sentence: Us invited into the room; him here glad; Now hiswill lead here (M. Gorky).

When these minor members are excluded from the composition of the sentence, the sentences are incomplete two-part with a missing subject: In the morning we went to the forest. We stayed in the forest until late in the evening.

Generalized personal offers

Generalized personal offers occupy a special place among single-component sentences. This is explained by generalized personal sentences do not have their own forms, and thus, the main criterion for their selection is a semantic attribute.

The meaning of generalization can be characteristic of sentences of different structures: And what rus sky does not love fast driving (N. Gogol)(two-part sentence); Looking for words cannot be neglected nothing (K. Paustovsky)(impersonal offer); You can't command the heart (proverb)(definitely personal proposal).

Generalized-personal only those sentences are considered that are definitely personal or indefinitely personal in form, but denote actions or states of a generally conceivable person. These are sentences in which observations are formulated related to the generalizing characteristics of certain objects, life phenomena and situations: Take care of honor from a young age (proverb); What do we have- we do not store, having lost- crying (proverb); Chickens are counted in the fall - (proverb); Having removed their heads, they do not cry over their hair (proverb).

The most typical form is the 2nd person singular present or future simple indicative: You surrender involuntarily to the power of the surrounding cheerful nature (N. Nekrasov); ... In a rare girl you will meet such simplicity and natural freedom of sight, word, deed (I. Goncharov); You can’t put a scarf on someone else’s mouth (proverb).

In contrast to the outwardly similar definite-personal sentences with verbs in the form of the 2nd person, in sentences of generalized personal never talks about the specific actions of the interlocutor, the subject of the action is thought in such sentences in a generalized way, like any person.

impersonal proposals

impersonal proposals - These are one-component sentences that talk about an action or state that arises and exists independently of the producer of the action or the carrier of the state. Feature of grammatical meaning impersonal proposals is the meaning of spontaneity, involuntariness of the expressed action or state. It manifests itself in a variety of cases, when it is expressed: action (The boat is carried to the shore); condition of a person or animal (I couldn't sleep; He's cold); state of the environment (It gets dark; Pulls with freshness);"the state of affairs" (Bad with shots; Experiments should not be postponed) etc.

The main term can be expressed:

1) shape 3rd person singular impersonal or personal verb: It's dawning!.. Ah, how soon the night has passed / (A. Griboyedov); It smells of spring through the glass (L. May);

2) shape neuter: Happiness covered you with snow, took you centuries ago, trampled you with the boots of soldiers retreating into eternity (G. Ivanov); There was not enough bread even before Christmas (A. Chekhov);

3) word No(in the past tense, it corresponds to the neuter form was, and in the future - the form of the 3rd person singular - will be): And suddenly consciousness will throw me in response that you, obedient, were not and are not (N. Gumilyov); There is no beast stronger than a cat (I. Krylov);

5) a combination of the word category state(with modal meaning) with infinitive(compound verb predicate): When you know not to laugh, then- then this shaking, painful laughter takes possession of you (A. Kuprin); It's time to get up: it's already seven o'clock (A. Pushkin);

6) short passive neuter participle(compound nominal predicate): Wonderfully arranged in our world! (N. Gogol); At I have not been tidied up!.. (A. Chekhov);

7) infinitive: You will not see such battles (M. Lermontov); Well, how not to please your own little man? (A. Griboyedov); Long sing and ring the blizzard (S. Yesenin)

Name sentences

denominations (nominative) offers - these are single-component sentences in which the existence, being of objects or phenomena is affirmed. Grammatical basis nominal proposals consists of only one main member, similar in form to the subject: main member nominal proposals expressed nominative case of a noun(single or with dependent words), for example: Noise, laughter, running around, bows, gallop, mazurka, waltz... (A. Pushkin).

Meaning nominal proposals consists in the assertion of being, the existence of a phenomenon in the present time. That's why nominal sentences cannot be used either in the past or in the future tense, neither in the conditional nor in the imperative mood. In these tenses and moods, they correspond to two-part sentences with a predicate was or will be: Autumn(name offer). It was autumn; It will be autumn(two-part sentences).

There are three main varieties nominal proposals.

1. Being: Twenty first. Night. Monday. The outlines of the capital in the darkness (A. Akhmatova).

2. Index; they include pointing particles here, here, there, there, there: Here is the place where their house stands; Here is a willow (A. Pushkin); Here is the bridge / (N. Gogol).

3. Estimated existential; they are pronounced with an exclamatory intonation and often include exclamatory particles what, what, well: Siege! Attack! Evil waves, like thieves climb through the windows (A. Pushkin); What a night! Frost is crackling ... (A. Pushkin).

feature nominal proposals is that they are characterized by fragmentation and at the same time a large capacity of the expressed content. They name only individual details of the situation, but the details are important, expressive, designed for the imagination of the listener or reader - such that he can imagine the general picture of the situation or events being described.

More often nominal sentences are used in descriptive contexts of poetic and prose speech, as well as in remarks of dramatic works: Rocks blackened from sunburn ... Hot sand that burns through the soles (N. Sladkoe); Evening. Seaside. Sighs of the wind. Majestic cry of the waves (K. Balmont); Living room in Serebryakov's house. Three doors: right, left and in the middle.- Day (A. Chekhov).

Offers are divided into one-part and two-part. Grammatical basis two-part sentences consists of two main members - subject and predicate:

Chichikov's strange request suddenly interrupted all his dreams..

Grammatical basis one-part sentences consists of one main member - subject or predicate:

Young birch trees are now planted in parks and large cities; Red caftan, golden shoes, blond wig, lace sleeves.

At the same time, a one-part sentence is characterized by semantic completeness.


Definitely personal suggestions

Definitely personal one-part sentences express an action associated with a specific, but not named person: I gently raise my hand. I pull the shawl off one ear. We drink coffee with milk at a large table covered with a clean tablecloth. Let's shout and cry frankly, sometimes together, sometimes apart, sometimes alternately.

Definitely personal offers are characterized by the following features:

1) there is an actor, he is defined, but not named;

2) you can insert the subject I, we, you, you ;

3) the predicate is expressed:

- a verb of the 1st or 2nd person singular. or many number of indicative mood present. or bud. time;

- imperative verb.

Indefinitely personal sentences

Indefinitely personal one-part sentences denote an action performed by indefinite or unmarked persons: Bridge started to repair(they, some people), but because of the crisis, apparently they stopped. At the end of the war, captured Germans are brought to our village. They didn’t let me go anywhere, they didn’t give me days off, they kept me strictly, almost in a military way.

For indefinite personal sentences :

1) there is an actor, but not named and not defined, since it is unimportant; the result of the activity is important;

2) you can insert the subject they, some people;

3) the predicate is expressed only by the plural form of the verb:

- 3rd person indicative mood present. or bud. vr.;

- past. temp. indicative mood;

- conditional mood;

Generalized personal offers

Generalized-personal one-part sentences do not report specific actions, but express general judgments applicable to any person. Often these are proverbs, well-known truths, aphorisms: If you like to ride - love to carry sleds; Do not count your chickens before they are hatched . Live and learn . Pancakes are baked in milk.

For generalized personal sentences the following features are typical :

1) there is an actor, he is not named, but is thought of as a generalized one;

2) you can insert the subject everyone, anyone, all people ;

3) in structure they coincide with definitely-personal or indefinitely-personal;

4) are proverbs, sayings, morals and truths, aphorisms;

impersonal proposals

Impersonal one-part sentences are sentences in which there is no actor and cannot be: To me should have come For dinner. Cold and damp ; Face to face, no face to see; Garden to bloom; There is not a soul; Smells like cherry; Blooms; It's sweeping outside the window.

They express:

1) a process or state independent of the active agent, of the will of the person: I can not wait;

2) state of nature: It's cloudy outside;

3) the actions of an unknown force, elements: The car skidded at the intersection;

4) action of an indirect subject: The wind tore off the poster;

5) the absence of something: No time; Neither people nor animals;

6) modal meanings (must, necessity, possibility, impossibility): Need to think; Should agree.

Impersonal offers are characterized by:

1) there is no actor and cannot be;

2) the predicate is not a combination with Im.p.;

3) the predicate is expressed:

- an impersonal verb;

- a personal verb in impersonal use;

- a short passive participle;

- infinitive and various auxiliary components;

- state words with or without a connective component and an infinitive;

- a negative word in combination with the genitive case;

- a noun in the form of the genitive case with negation;

- infinitive (some linguists distinguish the type of infinitive sentences, while others consider them as a kind of impersonal ones);

4) express:

- a process or state independent of the active agent;

- the state of nature;

- actions of an unknown force, elements;

- an action performed by an indirect subject;

- the absence of something;

are modal values.

Denominative (nominative) sentences

One-part nominative (nominative) sentences have one main member - the subject, expressed by a noun in the form of the nominative case (less often - a personal pronoun or numeral):

Transparent spring air. Creeping slowly and lazily clouds. Morning . Freezing . Here is the turn. Such sentences serve to state the fact of the existence of something in reality, that is, they name objects or phenomena that exist here and now.

For title sentences the following features are typical :

1) the presence of only the subject;

2) express the fact of the existence of an object or phenomenon here and now

3) do not have additions and circumstances

may include agreed and inconsistent definitions, particles, index words

4) is not a denominative sentence of a nominative representation (nominative of the topic).


Continuation. See No. 13, 15/2004

System of lessons on syntax in the 8th grade


One-part definite-personal sentences

I. Learning new material You can start with grammar work. Two people come to the board, the first writes down sentences in which both main members are present, the second - with only one main member.

1. I am ready to scatter my heart around the world.
2. A stream of tears flows from Tanya's eyes. (A. Pushkin)
3. Let's go out with you to wander in the moonlight.
4. You will not escape from the court of the world, just as you will not escape from God's judgment. (A. Pushkin)
5. I freeze with shame and fear. (A. Pushkin)
6. I will note by the way: all poets of love are dreamy friends. (A. Pushkin)


Are sentences in which there is only one main member incomplete in meaning?

What can be the conclusion? Their grammatical basis consists of only one member. One-part sentences can be defined:

Let's continue recording and analyzing the material for observation (find the predicates and determine to which person the action they denote refers, pay attention to their grammatical form).

1. And day and night through the snowy desert I hasten to you headlong. (A.Griboedov)
2. Thank you for pleasures, / For sadness, for sweet torments, / For noise, for storms, for feasts, / For everything, for all your gifts ...... (A. Pushkin)
3. But here we congratulate / my dear Tatyana on the victory. (A. Pushkin)
4. Where are you running, dear path, where are you calling, where are you leading? (M.Isakovsky)
5. What are you laughing at? Laugh at yourself. (N. Gogol)
6. Advise them to meet me with childlike love and obedience. (A. Pushkin)

After we find out that the actions indicated by the predicates in these sentences refer to the only possible person (1st or 2nd), and we establish what forms the predicates are expressed in, we can ask the students to give a definition of a one-part definite-personal sentence.

As homework, you can offer to find or come up with 3 examples for each way of expressing the predicate in definitely personal sentences.

One-part indefinitely personal sentences

I. Learning new material you can start with grammar work: on the board, one student writes one-part sentences, the other two-part sentences, both emphasize grammatical foundations and determine the grammatical meanings of predicates.

1. They make a lot of noise in our classrooms. (A.Chekhov)
2. Planes make a lot of noise on takeoff.
3. Parents took him by the hand.
4. They led an elephant through the streets. (I. Krylov)
5. The days of late autumn are usually scolded. (A. Pushkin)

We determine to which person the actions expressed by predicates belong in one-component constructions (1, 4, 5), why the presence of the subject is not necessary in them, and also determine the grammatical meanings of the predicates in these sentences, paying attention to the indispensable presence of the plural form. Then we give a definition of indefinite-personal sentences. As a result of the analysis, we come to the conclusion that the subject is not needed here, the sentences are complete in meaning, since the actions expressed by the predicates refer to indefinite persons who are not of interest to the speaker: the process itself is important. These conclusions will help to formulate indefinite-personal sentences, which students, as always, do on their own.

II. Fixing new material can also be carried out in the form of grammatical work: at the blackboard, one student writes down definite-personal sentences, and the second - indefinitely-personal.

1. You will probably be arrested too. (M. Gorky)
2. Arrest anyone suspicious.
3. Then you respect your father.
4. Elders are not very respected these days. (A. Ostrovsky)
5. Years went by. They transferred him to another province. (A.Chekhov)
6. I will translate the clock, even though I know there will be a race. (A.Griboedov)

One of the students can be offered an individual task (below is an approximate sample)

Again in the middle_ (n_) than (n_) died_sh_
Up to the cheeks of the in_kh_dyashchuyu blood.

(A. Fet)

Open the brackets, insert the missing letters, find the grammatical basis and determine the meaning of the predicative and the type of the sentence according to the nature of the grammatical basis.

The class is parsed at the same time by another sentence:

Look forward to a clear day tomorrow
Siskins flicker and ring.
purple streak of fire
Transparent illuminated sunset.

After completing the frontal work, we check what is written on the board and copy it in notebooks.

As homework, you can invite children to find or come up with 12 examples of vaguely personal sentences.

Generalized meaning of one-part sentences

In some textbooks and teaching aids, generalized personal sentences are considered as an independent construction. I believe that this is a special meaning of definite-personal and indefinite-personal sentences, and I offer my own version of the study of these sentences.

Exploring a new topic we start with grammatical work: on the board, one student writes down definite personal sentences, and the second - indefinitely personal sentences.

1. They do not write with a pen, but with the mind.
2. You can't please everyone.
3. Chickens are counted in the fall.
4. Be able to say in time, be silent in time.
5. Don't wave your fists after a fight.
6. You can't grab a hedgehog with your bare hands.

When writing down examples, we pay attention to which person the action expressed by the predicates refers to in these constructions (grammatically - to the only possible one in definite-personal sentences or to an indefinite one, not of interest to the speaker, in indefinite-personal sentences). And semantically, that is, in meaning, the action in all sentences refers to any possible person, that is, anyone can be in the place of the addressee of the speech. This is the generalized meaning of one-part sentences. Children together independently define constructions with a generalized meaning.

As homework, you can invite children to pick up 15 examples of one-part sentences with a generalized meaning.

One-part impersonal sentence

I. Consolidation of the studied material. Two people work at the blackboard on individual tasks (exemplary tasks are given below).

At this time, we are analyzing another proposal with the class.

1. All (the same) a song of vengeance for death / They will sing to me on the other side. (A. Blok)

2. They look into the mouth of the joker, / They catch the word greedily. (A. Tvardovsky)

II. Studying new theme, As usual, we start by recording material for observation. Students designate grammatical foundations and determine the morphological ways of expressing them.

1. From the wilds the fogs timidly / Native closed the village; / But the spring sun warmed / And the wind blew them away. (A. Fet)

2. In the evening everyone sleeps, / It's dark outside. / A dry leaf falls, / At night the wind is angry / Yes, it knocks on the window. (A. Fet)

Children find single-component sentences in these examples and determine what the actions expressed by the predicates refer to, whether there can be subjects in the sentences. Let's define an impersonal sentence.

As homework, you can invite the children to come up with or find 15 examples of impersonal sentences.

Morphological ways of expressing the predicate in an impersonal sentence

I. Consolidation of the material covered can be carried out by an individual survey on cards, for example, such.

How fresh it is here under the thick linden... (A. Fet)

No housing is visible anywhere in the open. (A. Fet)

Find the grammatical basis, determine the type of a simple sentence by the nature of the grammatical basis.

With the class at this time, the following examples can be parsed.

1. Melo all month in February. (B.Pasternak)

2. Such a winter has not been issued for a long time, / There has not been such a cold for a long time. (D. Samoilov)

3. The candle was blown from the corner. (B.Pasternak)

II. Explanation of new material. Impersonal sentences, for all the seeming lightness of the topic, are actually difficult for children, primarily because the morphological ways of expressing predicates are very diverse in them. And besides, among these methods there are those that, in the course of morphology in the middle link, did not attract sufficient attention of teachers. First of all, these are impersonal verbs and predicative adverbs or, according to the terminology of L.V. Shcherby, words of the category of state. In addition, difficult material is the distinction between proper impersonal verbs and personal verbs in the meaning and form of impersonal ones. That is why I consider it appropriate to devote a separate lesson to this topic. The main thing here is to show the special semantics of impersonal verbs and that they have only three forms, as well as to teach to distinguish between impersonal verbs and personal ones in the meaning and form of impersonal ones.

We begin the explanation of the new topic, as always, with material for observation (you need to find the predicates and determine the morphological ways of expressing them).

1. It's dawning!.. Oh, how soon the night has passed! (A.Griboedov)
2. Here, cold dampness has been carried from the east. (M. Lermontov)
3. Sweet naps in the crib. (A. Blok)
4. Do not catch up with you crazy three. (N. Nekrasov)
5. How few roads have been traveled, / How many mistakes have been made. (S. Yesenin)
6. It's hot under the canopy of the dark barn. (A. Akhmatova)
7. Hey, it's not a pity to give souls / For the look of a black-browed beauty. (A. Pushkin)
8. Dreams and years have no return. (A. Pushkin)
9. No breeze, no bird cry. (A. Blok)
10. But we are destined to part. (A. Blok)

In the first example, the predicate is expressed by an impersonal verb, that is, one that denotes a self-performing action and has only three forms: the infinitive, an analogue of the 3rd person singular present tense (it's getting light) and analogue of the past tense singular neuter (light).

In the second sentence, the predicate is already expressed by a personal verb in an impersonal sense. This action seems to us to be self-performing, since there is no subject producing it, but this verb can also denote an ordinary subjective action, so that it is a personal verb used in this case in an impersonal meaning and, accordingly, in one of the three impersonal forms.

The third example is very important, since it contains an impersonal verb formed according to a model that is productive in the modern language: by adding a postfix to an ordinary verb -sya.

In the fourth sentence, the predicate is expressed by the infinitive. In some manuals, such constructions are singled out as a separate - infinitive - type, but I believe that such a separation is inappropriate for a school grammar course, especially since these constructions satisfy all the conditions of an impersonal sentence.

In the fifth example, the predicates are expressed by short passive participles.

In the sixth sentence, the predicate is expressed by a predicative adverb. The complexity of this case lies in the fact that such adverbs can have ordinary adverbs as homonyms, which will denote a sign of some action (cf. hot breathed), as well as short adjectives (cf. breath hot). It may be worth considering such cases separately. I am sure that it is necessary to do this in a strong class. With predicative adverbs, there may be auxiliary verbs that change the meaning of the present tense to the past or future (cf. It was / will be hot under the canopy of the dark barn). This should also be taken into account by students. Such predicates belong to the category of compound nouns.

In the seventh example, the predicate is expressed by the predicative adverb it's a pity(cf. it's a pity) with an adjoining infinitive. In general, the adjoining infinitive is a frequently occurring structural part of the predicate in impersonal sentences.

The eighth and ninth examples give various forms of negation as a predicate in an impersonal sentence. The most commonly used word here is No and genitive forms of nouns with a particle neither. Usually, in such constructions, the functions of particle and union are combined in one word, as in the example given.

The last, tenth, example gives a complex and rare case of using a short adjective as a predicate in an impersonal sentence, used as a short participle. But this case can only be considered in a very strong class as optional.

As homework, you can invite children to come up with or pick up 2 examples for each way of morphological expression of the predicate in an impersonal sentence.

Denominative (nominative) sentences

I. Consolidation of the material studied in the previous lesson can be carried out in combination of individual tasks with frontal work, two people work at the blackboard and write down examples.

With a class, the following examples can be parsed.

1. It is not a sin for an old man to rest.

2. Sometimes they were sad, but never bored. (I. Krylov)

II. Further fixing of the material carried out in the form of grammar work.

On the board, one student writes out sentences with impersonal verbs from dictated examples, the other - sentences with personal verbs in the meaning of impersonal ones.

1. Small ripples flashed along the sleepy river. (N. Leskov)
2. And the yard has already turned white. (A.Griboedov)
3. Somehow I felt sad in the monotonous steppe. (M.Koltsov)
4. It was beginning to get dark when I came to the commandant's house. (A. Pushkin)
5. At this very time he was shivering and breaking down. (L. Tolstoy)

III. Explanation of the new material: I recommend explaining the topic "Nominative sentences" with the help of handouts in the form of cards on which A. Fet's poem is printed.

wonderful picture,
How are you related to me?
white plain,
Full moon.

the light of the heavens above,
And shining snow
And distant sleigh
Lonely run.

The poem is copied in a notebook, all the sentences are found. Except for the first two verses, which are a two-part sentence complicated by inversion, all other verses are nominative sentences. By asking the appropriate questions, I lead the students to formulate the definition of these constructions.

As homework, students can be asked to select 10–15 examples of these structures.


After studying the general issues of the structure of a simple sentence and the structure of its grammatical basis, you can proceed to the study of secondary members of the sentence.

Definition as a minor member of the sentence.
Definition types

I. Fixing the material by an impersonal sentence or by a nominative sentence. Two people work on individual tasks, examples of which are given below.

A slender bridge made of openwork iron, / Glazed with fragments of an azure sky. (D. Samoilov)

Find the grammatical basis of the sentence, determine its type and morphological way of expressing the predicate.

A slow flash of white lightning. (G.Kalashnikov)

Find the grammatical basis of the sentence, determine its type and morphological way of expressing the predicate

With the class, you can review other suggestions or check homework.

1. And boring and sad, and there is no one to give a hand / In a moment of spiritual hardship. (M. Lermontov)

2. Cold air lining. / Icy underside of water. (G.Kalashnikov)

II. Learning a new topic as usual, we start with material for observation (students coming to the blackboard should determine the syntactic functions of the same word in the examples given).

1. Autumn this year was late. (N. Nekrasov)
2. Late autumn. The rooks flew away. (N. Nekrasov)

On these sentences, we demonstrate that the adjective can be both the main member of the sentence and the secondary one. We continue to write down the material for observation, in the examples given, the students find phrases with the meaning "object and its attribute", built on the basis of the connection harmonization, and determine the morphological affiliation of dependent words.

3. In That evening near our fire / we saw black horse. (I. Brodsky)
4. And with each in autumn I bloom again. (A. Pushkin)
5. In last once, for third pass / The coachman disappeared, ringing and not dust. (A. Fet)
6. Out bright illuminated The door on the left led to the living room.
7. And on a pine tree, overgrown moss, / A squirrel's tail flickers fluffy. (A. Fet)


1. What do dependent words mean?
2. What question is being answered?
3. What parts of speech are they?

After analyzing these aspects, the children give a definition.

Continuation of material for observation

In the sixth example, find a phrase with the same meaning ("an object and its attribute"), but built on the basis of a connection adjoining and write it out separately.

In the seventh example, find a phrase with the same meaning, but built on the basis of the relationship control write it out separately.

8. There were no bigger and more important events in his life.


1. With the help of what subordinating connection are the defined words and definitions connected here (the events are bigger and more important; his life)?

Based on this, formulate which definitions are called agreed and which are inconsistent.

As homework, you can ask students to come up with or select 10 examples of agreed and inconsistent definitions.

To be continued

One-part sentences- sentences with one main member only the predicate or only the subject: Silence. It's getting light. There's no one on the street. There is only one main member in a one-part sentence, and it cannot be called either a subject or a predicate. This is the main member of the proposal.

One-part sentences can be common and non-common, depending on whether the main member is explained with additional words or not. One-part sentences are of two types: verbal and substantive.

Verb one-part sentence. A distinctive feature of one-component verbal sentences is the absence of a subject: they do not represent the subject of the action, therefore the action is considered as independent. Such a one-part sentence includes the conjugated form of the verb as an auxiliary or linking verb, or is only such a verb: Are you going home?; Outside the window they sing; You won't fool him; He was having fun; Do not pass here. Verbal one-part sentences are divided into:

    definitely personal;

    vaguely personal;

    generalized personal;


Definitely personal suggestions- one-part sentences denoting the actions or states of the direct participants in the speech - the speaker or the interlocutor. The predicate (main member) in them is expressed in the form of the 1st or 2nd person of the verbs, singular or plural.

The category of a person is in the present and future tenses of the indicative mood and in the imperative mood. Accordingly, the predicate in definite personal sentences can be expressed in the following forms: tell, tell, tell, tell, tell, tell, let's tell; go, go, go, go, I will go, you will go, we will go, you will go, go, go, let's go.

I know that in the evening you will go beyond the ring of roads, we will sit in a fresh shock under the neighboring haystack. (S. Yesenin);

In the depths of the Siberian ores keep proud patience. (A. Pushkin).

These sentences are very close in their meaning to two-part sentences. Almost always, the relevant information can be conveyed in a two-part sentence by substituting the subject into the sentence. me, you, we or you.

Indefinitely personal sentences- these are one-part sentences that denote the action or state of an indefinite person; the actor in the grammatical basis is not named, although it is thought personally, but the emphasis is on the action.

The main member of such sentences is the 3rd person plural form (present and future tense, indicative mood and imperative mood) or the plural form (past tense and conditional verbs or adjectives): they say, they will say, they said, let them say, they would say; (im) satisfied; (he) are happy.

For example:

In the village they say that she is not at all a relative of him ... (N. Gogol);

An elephant was led along the streets ... (I. Krylov);

And let them talk, let them talk, but - no, no one dies in vain ... (V. Vysotsky);

It's okay that we are poets, if only they would read us and sing. (L. Oshanin).

The form of the 3rd person plural of the verb-predicate does not contain information about either the number of figures or the degree of their fame. Therefore, this form can express: 1) a group of persons: The school actively addresses the problem of academic achievement; 2) one person: They brought me this book; 3) both one person and a group of persons: Someone is waiting for me; 4) a person known and unknown: Somewhere far away they scream; I got a 5 on the exam.

Indefinitely personal sentences most often have secondary members, i.e. indefinitely personal sentences, as a rule, are common. As part of indefinitely personal sentences, two groups of secondary members are used: 1) Circumstances of place and time, which usually indirectly characterize the figure: They sang in the hall. There is noise in the next class. In youth, they often strive to imitate someone (A. Fadeev); These distributors usually characterize the figure indirectly, designating the place and time associated with the person's activity. 2) Direct and indirect additions made to the beginning of the sentence: We were invited into a room; He is welcome here; Now he will be brought here (M. Gorky).

Generalized personal sentences- these are one-part sentences in which the verb-predicate denotes an action that is performed by a wide, generalized circle of people.

The verb-predicate in a generalized personal sentence is in the same form as in definite personal and indefinite personal sentences. Proverbs are a prime example.

You can't even catch a fish from a pond without effort.

Business before pleasure.

You never know where you will find the real word. (Paust.)

Generalized personal sentences are used in cases where it is important to name the action itself, and not the persons who perform it. Generalized personal sentences - sentences in which the action is timeless, refers to any, every person, to a group of persons. Common in proverbs, sayings, aphorisms.

Definitely personal and indefinitely personal sentences can have a generalized meaning, that is, the action referred to in the sentence applies to all persons in general.

impersonal proposals- These are one-component sentences that talk about an action or state that arises and exists independently of the producer of the action or the carrier of the state.

A feature of the grammatical meaning of impersonal sentences is the meaning of spontaneity, the involuntary nature of the expressed action or state. It manifests itself in a variety of cases when it is expressed: action ( The boat is carried to the shore); condition of a person or animal I couldn't sleep; He is cold); state of the environment ( It's getting dark; Pulls with freshness); the state of affairs ( Bad with frames; Experiments cannot be delayed.), etc. According to D. E. Rosenthal, impersonal sentences have a “tinge of passivity, inertia”.

According to the school classification, impersonal sentences also include infinitive sentences (that is, sentences with a main member-predicate expressed by an independent infinitive).

The main term can be expressed:

Form of the 3rd person singular of an impersonal or personal verb: It's getting light! It smells of spring through the glass (L. May);

The neuter form: Happiness covered you with snow, took you centuries ago, trampled you with the boots of soldiers retreating into eternity (G. Ivanov); There was not enough bread even before Christmas (A. Chekhov);

Word No(in the past tense, it corresponds to the neuter form did not have, and in the future - the form of the 3rd person singular - will not): And suddenly consciousness will throw me in response that you were not and are not more obedient (N. Gumilyov).

By combining the word of the category of state (with a modal meaning) with the infinitive (compound verbal predicate): When you know that it is impossible to laugh, then - then this shaking, painful laughter takes possession of you (A. Kuprin); It's time to get up: it's already seven o'clock (A. Pushkin);

Brief passive participle of the middle gender (compound nominal predicate): Wonderfully arranged in our world! (N. Gogol); I have not tidied up!.. (A. Chekhov);

Infinitive: You will not see such battles (M. Lermontov); Well, how not to please your own little man? (A. Griboyedov); For a long time to sing and ring the blizzard (S. Yesenin).

Substantive one-part sentence. The main member is expressed by the form of the noun. Substantive sentences are not just verbless, they are not even supposed to act. Depending on the meaning, substantive sentences are divided into:




Nominative proposals assert the existence of an object in the present tense: Night. Street. Flashlight. Pharmacy. (Blok A.A.).

Genitive sentences, in addition to beingness and the present, have the meaning of redundancy, enhanced by emotional coloring. Genitive sentences can be common: Gold, gold, how much evil through you! (Ostrovsky A.N.)

denominations- this is one of the types of one-part sentences, the form of the main member in which is similar in expression to the subject.

The main member of nominal sentences is expressed by the form of the nominative case of the noun and the phrase, which includes the nominative case. In principle, the use of a pronoun is also possible, usually in colloquial speech: "Here I am!" Ariel said as she floated into the living room.. The use of the independent nominative case is possible in these sentences, since their meaning is a message about the being, presence, existence of an object or phenomenon. Therefore, only one grammatical tense is assumed - the present.

Types of nominal sentences

Nominative existential state the existence of an object. The subject is expressed in the nominative case of any nominal part of speech: Mom, porridge, cat, spoon, book, bright cover...

denominative indexes point to an object. In the grammatical basis, in addition to the subject, expressed in the nominative case of any name, demonstrative particles HERE or WON appear: Here is a sofa for you, spread yourself out to rest (Gr.).

Estimated denominative evaluate the subject from the speaker's point of view. In the grammatical basis, in addition to the subject, expressed in the nominative case of any name, various expressive-emotional particles appear: Well, night! Here's to you, grandmother and St. George's day.

Desirable-naming express a strong desire for something. In the grammatical basis, in addition to the subject, expressed in the nominative case of any name, particles appear ONLY, ONLY WOULD, IF: If only not the control.

Incomplete a sentence is called that is characterized by an incomplete grammatical structure due to the omission of certain formally necessary members (main or secondary), which, even without naming, are clear from the context or setting.

The incompleteness of the grammatical structure of such sentences does not prevent them from serving the purposes of communication, since the omission of certain members does not violate the semantic completeness and definiteness of these sentences.

In this respect, incomplete sentences differ from unsaid sentences, which are interrupted for one reason or another by statements, for example: But wait, Kalinina, what if... No, it won't work like that...(B. Paul); - I'm, mother. Am I... People say that she...(B. Paul.).

Correlation with complete sentences is revealed by the presence in such sentences of words that retain the grammatical functions and forms characteristic of them in the corresponding complete sentences. It is they who point to the "empty" positions of the omitted members of the sentence. Incomplete sentences are especially common in colloquial styles of language, they are widely used in fiction, both in the transfer of dialogue and in description.

Types of incomplete sentences. Incomplete sentences are divided into contextual and situational. contextual incomplete sentences with unnamed members of the sentence that were mentioned in the context are called: in the nearest sentences or in the same sentence (if it is complex).

Contextual suggestions include:

    Simple sentences with unnamed main or minor members (separately or in groups). Absence of subject:

- Wait, who are you? Kurov was surprised.

- Rostislav Sokolov, - the boy introduced himself and even bowed at the same time(B. Paul.).

Absence of predicate:

- You left your wife, Mikola?

- No,she me(Shol.).

Absence of both subject and predicate:

- Does the baker Konovalov work here?

- Here!I answered her(M. G.).

Absence of predicate and circumstance: Kalinich stood closer to nature.Ferret - to people, to society(T.).

Absence of predicate and object: Who was waiting for him?Empty, uncomfortable room(B. Paul.).

The absence of a minor member of the proposal (additions, circumstances) in the presence of a definition relating to the missing member: The mother gave the father carrots, but forgot to give the gloves.I handed my father(S. Bar.).

    Compound sentences with an unnamed main or subordinate clause.

- Well, where are your Near Mills? - What is it to you? You say, not mills? - Where? What do you mean "where"? Here. - Where is it? -Where do we go(Cat.). The main part is not named in the last sentence.

    Incomplete sentences that are part of a complex sentence with an unnamed member in another part of the complex sentence.

In a compound sentence: In one hand he held a fishing rod,and in the other - a kukan with a fish(Sol.). In the second part of the complex sentence, the main members that are in the first part are not named.

In a complex sentence: Lopakhin jumped into the trench and,when he raised his head, I saw how the lead aircraft, absurdly falling on the wing, dressed in black smoke and began to fall obliquely(Shol.). In the subordinate part of the sentence, when he raised his head, the subject was not named, which is common with the main part.

In a non-union complex sentence: This is how we go:on level ground - on a cart, uphill - on foot, and downhill - so with jogging(Sol.). In the explanatory part of the complex sentence, the predicate mentioned in the explanatory part is not named.

situational incomplete sentences with unnamed members are called, which are clear from the situation, prompted by the situation. For example: Somehow, after midnight, he knocked on Zhuravushka's door. She threw back the hook ... -Can?he asked in a trembling voice(M. Alekseev).

Occasionally there was a whine somewhere. Apparently not close.

- Calmed down- peacefully said my neighbor(S. Bar.). While I was waiting for my turn, printing presses began to scroll behind me. Only women worked for them today.

- I'm behind you!I warned and ran to my car.(S. Bar.).

Incomplete sentences are especially typical of dialogic speech., which is a combination of replicas or a unity of questions and answers. The peculiarity of dialogic sentences is determined by the fact that in oral speech, along with words, extralinguistic factors also act as additional components: gestures, facial expressions, situation. In such sentences, only those words are called, without which the thought becomes incomprehensible.

Among dialogic sentences, sentences-replicas and sentences-answers to questions are distinguished.

Suggestions-replicas are links in a common chain of successive replicas. In a dialogue replica, as a rule, those members of the sentence are used that add something new to the message, and the members of the sentence already mentioned by the speaker are not repeated, and the replicas that begin the dialogue are usually more complete in composition than subsequent ones. For example:

- Go to the dressing.

- Will kill...

- Crawling.

- You won't be saved anyway.(New-Rev.).

Suggestions-answers vary depending on the nature of the issue. They can be answers to a question in which one or another member of the sentence stands out:

- What's in your knot, eagles?

"Crayfish," the tall man answered reluctantly.

- Wow! Where did you get them?

- Near the dam(Shol.).

They can be answers to a question requiring confirmation or denial of what was said:

- Do you have a grandmother?

- Not at all.

- And the mother?

- Eat(New-Rev.).

Can be answers to a question with suggested answers:

- What have you not tried - to fish or to love?

- First(M. G.).

And finally, answers in the form of a counter-question with the meaning of the statement:

- How will you live?

- And what about the head, and what about the hands?(M. G.).

- Tell me, Stepan, did you marry for love? - asked Masha.

- What kind of love do we have in the village? Stepan replied and chuckled.(Ch.).

One-part sentences are those in which one of the main members of the sentence is missing and without it the meaning of the sentence is clear, its restoration is not required. In connection with these, all single-component proposals are divided into:
a) predicates, subjectless - verbal;
b) subject, inexpressible - denominative.
Verbs (depending on how the main member of the sentence is expressed - the predicate) are divided into:
a) definitely personal;
b) indefinitely personal;
c) generalized-personal;
d) impersonal.
One-part sentences can be both common and non-complicated, complicated and uncomplicated.

1. Verbal one-part sentences
A. Definitely personal suggestions.
In these sentences, the verb-predicate is in the form of 1 or 2 person singular indicative or imperative in the present or future tense.
For example:
I am sitting alone at home. I love you, Petra creation! (A. S. Pushkin)
As a subject in a sentence, you can substitute the pronouns I, we, you, you.
Attention! Never in definite personal sentences the verb-predicate is in the form of the past tense, so there is no person in the given tense, and, therefore, such sentences are two-part incomplete.

B. Indefinitely personal proposals.
In these sentences, the verb-predicate is in the form of the 3rd person plural of the indicative mood of the present or future tense or in the plural form of the past tense.
For example:
They knocked on the door. Summer is usually loved more than other seasons.
The pronoun they can be substituted as a subject in such sentences.

B. Generalized-personal sentences.
In form, these sentences are similar to both indefinitely personal and definitely personal, but they have the meaning of generalization, that is, the action referred to in generalized personal sentences can be attributed to any person or group of persons. As a rule, in the form of such sentences there are most often proverbs.
For example:
Chickens are counted in the fall (in form it resembles an indefinitely personal). If you like to ride, love to carry sleds (in form it resembles a definitely personal).

D. Impersonal offers.
Impersonal sentences are sentences in which the action is performed on its own, without the help of any person, and therefore the subject cannot be substituted in these sentences. The predicate in impersonal sentences is expressed differently:

a) with an impersonal verb: It's getting dark outside;
b) a personal verb in the meaning of an impersonal (can also be used in two-part sentences): Snow covered the tent (cf. in two-part: An animal brought a virus to itself);
c) with the words it is necessary, it is necessary, it is possible: You need to think about others more often;
d) the infinitive of the verb: To be war;
e) words of the state category: The girl was sad all day;
f) the words no, it wasn’t, it didn’t turn out: There is not a cloud in the sky;
g) short passive participles in the form of the middle gender: The hero was described earlier.

2. Nominative sentences.
One-part denominatives are sentences in which there is only one main member of the sentence - the subject.
They report on the subject, phenomenon, fact of reality.
For example:
Winter. Beautiful weather.
Attention! One-part nominatives should be distinguished from the nominative theme (or nominative representation), which does not name anything, but only contains the theme of further reasoning.
For example:
Films about love. Most of us have seen these films at least once.

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