Allergic rash treatment. Allergy rash and everything associated with it. Interaction with toxic substances

In recent years, adults and children are increasingly developing skin allergies - photos on the Internet will help you independently diagnose the pathology before a medical consultation, and will help provide first aid for a skin allergic reaction.

Attention! You need to understand that photos of allergies on the Internet do not always correspond to the pathology that you suffer from. Therefore, it will be better to consult a specialist at the first symptoms of allergic dermatosis, rather than self-medicate, focusing on the photo.

Clinical picture


Vice-President of the Association of Children's Allergists and Immunologists of Russia. Pediatrician, allergist-immunologist. Smolkin Yuri Solomonovich

Practical medical experience: more than 30 years

According to the latest WHO data, it is allergic reactions in the human body that lead to the occurrence of most fatal diseases. And it all starts with the fact that a person has an itchy nose, sneezing, runny nose, red spots on the skin, and in some cases, suffocation.

7 million people die every year due to allergies , and the scale of the damage is such that the allergic enzyme is present in almost every person.

Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries, pharmaceutical corporations sell expensive medications that only relieve symptoms, thereby hooking people on one drug or another. This is why in these countries there is such a high percentage of diseases and so many people suffer from “non-working” drugs.

Causes of skin allergies

Experts distinguish two types of allergies, the signs of which differ little from each other in the photo:

  1. True allergy is a negative reaction of the body when the skin interacts with an irritant - a foreign protein, as a result of which free histamine is released and the production of immunoglobulin E increases. Characteristic rashes on the skin of an adult or child appear upon contact with an allergen and can be mild, moderate or severe - see photo you can understand what stage of allergy the patient has;
  2. Pseudo-allergy - unlike a true allergy, with a pseudo-allergy the immune system is not involved in the response to the irritant. Basically, pseudo-allergy on the skin appears due to the consumption of highly allergenic foods and is often accompanied by gastrointestinal disorders: stool upset, attacks of nausea, vomiting, flatulence, pain, discomfort, pain in the abdominal cavity.

It is impossible to accurately determine the factors that contribute to the manifestations of allergies on the skin. But there are several reasons that provoke allergic reactions and cause skin problems:

Allergic symptoms that appear on the skin can be different, therefore, by comparing photos on the Internet and your own condition, you will not be able to completely recover from the disease - only an allergist or dermatologist will make a diagnosis based on the general picture of the allergy.

It is important! Allergic dermatosis is characterized not only by skin rashes - the respiratory system, digestive tract, and mucous membranes are also involved in the allergy process. In addition to skin rashes, allergies manifest themselves as rhinoconjunctivitis, cough, swelling of the mucous membranes, red spots that itch, and other unpleasant symptoms. In the photo on the Internet you will see the accompanying symptoms of skin allergies.

Skin allergies are most easily diagnosed by photos posted on the Internet, because the characteristic symptoms are:

  • sensation of itching, burning, pain;
  • skin hyperemia;
  • dry, flaky skin;
  • swelling of the skin;
  • various skin rashes - blisters, papules, vesicles, blisters and others.

All areas of the skin are susceptible to skin rashes - the photo shows the head, neck, arms, legs, back, abdomen, and buttocks affected by allergies. The first symptoms occur when interacting with an antigen.

Classification of allergic reactions on the skin by etiology

Allergy is an immune response that appears on the skin due to the influence of internal and external factors. Each allergy sufferer reacts individually to a specific allergen. Most often, the photo shows patients suffering from signs of allergies caused by the following allergens:

  • highly allergenic foods, synthetic food additives - citrus fruits, honey, nuts, chocolate, alcoholic beverages, milk, chips, fish, etc. Children under 1 year of age are most often susceptible to food allergies, but some people develop allergic skin reactions throughout their lives;
  • long-term use of potent medications - allergies are caused by antibacterial drugs, vitamin-mineral complexes, anesthetics. Allergies often affect babies and adolescents - characteristic symptoms are visible in the photo;
  • pollen grains of plants with a high concentration of allergens - seasonal allergies - hay fever - are formed in infants and persist in humans throughout life. Allergic symptoms appear during the flowering season of plants and require immediate treatment, which is noticeable in the photo;
  • household chemicals - interaction with the composition of chemicals leads to allergies. The immune response is especially often noticeable on the skin of the hands - places of direct contact with the antigen - skin lesions are visible in the photo;
  • dust mites - invisible organisms that cause allergies, which often results in a negative reaction on the skin;
  • waste products of pets - saliva, urine. It is believed that animal fur causes allergies, but this is wrong. Pet excrement is a strong allergen - urine has toxic properties, and saliva contains a protein that causes a negative reaction when it comes into contact with the skin;
  • insect bites - the reaction to the saliva of stinging insects is clearly visible in the photo;
  • exposure to heavy metal salts;
  • reaction to ultraviolet rays;
  • cold allergy - photo shows characteristic signs of the disease.

Types of allergic rashes

There are several types of allergic dermatoses, manifesting themselves in different ways. Looking at the photos of patients, we can conclude that each allergic reaction has its own signs. Most often, allergies with skin rashes are expressed as follows:

  • contact dermatitis;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • nettle rash;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • angioedema;
  • toxic epidermal necrolysis.

Contact dermatitis

All segments of the population are susceptible to allergic skin diseases - from infants to adults. An allergy occurs due to direct contact with an irritating substance.

Photos of patients show allergic skin rashes:

  • hyperemia, swelling;
  • blisters that are very itchy and peel off afterwards;
  • vesicles filled with purulent exudate;
  • sensation of severe itching, burning.

Reference! Contact allergies rarely appear on the face. Comparing photos of allergies, you can see that the reaction occurs in places of contact with clothing.

Atopic dermatitis

An inflammatory skin disease that most often occurs due to heredity. Skin pathology is difficult to cure and often becomes chronic.

Skin inflammations are localized depending on age: if the baby is less than 1 year old, signs of allergy are visible on the face, folds of the arms, legs; in a child over 5 years old, the skin becomes inflamed in the folds, palms, and feet.

Patients of all ages experience skin lesions on the genitals, organs of the digestive system, and mucous membranes. Seborrheic atopy affects the scalp and face - photos show the severity of the allergic process.

Look at the photo and pay attention to the symptoms of allergies in the form of atopic dermatitis:

  • swelling of the skin;
  • redness of the skin followed by peeling;
  • papules with liquid inside;
  • feeling of unbearable itching with pain;
  • cracked, dry skin;
  • the appearance of crusts with further scarring.

Note! Atopic dermatitis is usually a consequence of food allergies. But other reasons lead to skin disease: allergies to pets, dust, household chemicals. Pediatricians note that skin diseases accompany dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.


The disease is an inflammatory process of the epidermis - the upper layer of the skin. Eczema develops due to allergies and improper functioning of certain organ systems (digestive system, immune system).

Often the disease is combined with atopic dermatitis and appears due to heredity. Basically, eczema is chronic, that is, relapses replace a state of remission.

Signs of skin pathology are visualized using photos:

  • hyperemia;
  • severe itching, burning;
  • many single blisters on the skin, which subsequently merge together;
  • the formation of ulcers that release pus when scratched;
  • the appearance of crusts on the skin.

Interesting! During partial or complete remission, symptoms subside, but the skin becomes thicker - epidermal changes are visible in the photo.

Nettle rash

The disease, the signs of which appear on the skin due to allergies, begins in childhood and occurs periodically, becoming chronic with age.

Symptoms of urticaria resemble nettle burns (see photo) - from light pink to bright red with blisters that are very itchy and cause discomfort to the patient.

Due to the feeling of unbearable itching, there is a desire to scratch the spots, after which erosive formations appear on the skin.

Reference! After properly prescribed treatment, allergy symptoms completely disappear.


Neuroallergic dermatosis occurs in children over 2 years of age and is recurrent over a long period.

The allergic disease is characterized by the appearance of a nodular rash of a light pink hue throughout the body. The rash is very itchy.

If the pathology appears in a child, it is difficult for the baby to restrain the desire to scratch - in this case, the skin acquires a reddish tint, and the nodules merge together.

Afterwards, elements of a rash with scales, compactions, and deposition of skin pigments are noticed on the skin, which are easy to diagnose from a photo.

It is important! If a child suffered from diathesis in infancy, the pathology will most likely be replaced by neurodermatitis.


A distinctive feature of allergies is swelling of various areas of the skin and mucous membranes. An immediate allergy is characterized by a strong itching sensation.

Attention! A complication of allergies is anaphylactic shock - swelling of the larynx, accompanied by asphyxia. If you do not call an ambulance at the first symptoms of Quincke's edema, death is possible. Pay attention to the photo - signs of angioedema are visible to the naked eye.

Skin disease develops as a result of allergies to potent medications - antibacterial drugs, antimicrobial agents. Toxicoderma is characterized by severe redness of the skin, mucous membranes, blisters - photo attached.

A severe manifestation of an allergic reaction on the skin is Lyell's syndrome, in which the allergy sufferer's condition is comparable to second-degree burns - inflammation with severe swelling, hyperemia - photos convey an instant immune response.

It is important! Lyell's syndrome is a rare allergic reaction, but when the first signs appear, it is necessary to call a rescue team, otherwise the pathology can be fatal.

Diagnosis of skin allergies

Allergies are difficult to determine on your own, but by comparing the photo with the description on the Internet and your own symptoms, you will be able to draw a conclusion about the presence or absence of an allergic reaction.

It is important! Very often people confuse allergies with infectious and viral dermatological diseases. Allergy symptoms are multifaceted - usually, along with skin rashes, other allergic signs appear: cough, lacrimation, mucus, nasal congestion, sneezing attacks, itching, burning sensations. If the allergy has not reached an advanced stage, skin lesions can be effectively treated with antihistamines. It is difficult to determine the nature of the disease from a photo - an allergy or other non-allergic pathology, so consultation with a specialist is necessary.

At the appointment, the doctor, after a visual examination of the patient’s skin, will collect an anamnesis and prescribe additional diagnostic procedures:

  • blood test for immunoglobulin E concentration;
  • allergy tests;
  • clinical blood test with formula.

Treatment of allergic dermatosis

Effective and correct treatment completely eliminates subsequent complications - the allergy progressing to the chronic stage. The most important thing in treating allergies is to stop contact with the irritant.

But if the patient is affected by skin diseases such as neurodermatitis, eczema, contact, atopic dermatitis, local treatment with ointments and creams will not be enough - allergies in the form of such diseases are treated from the inside, using a complex of drugs:

  • antihistamines - Claritin, Telfast, Erius, Suprastin, Diazolin and others - relieve signs of allergies in a short time. An excellent remedy for allergies are drops with an individual composition for allergies;
  • sorbents - activated carbon, Polysorb, Smecta, Enterosgel, Lactofiltrum - cleanse the body of the toxic effects of internal or external factors;
  • hormonal and non-hormonal creams and ointments - act on the skin locally;
  • restorative drugs - calcium chloride;
  • folk remedies in the form of baths, lotions, solutions - oak bark, sage, burdock, yarrow, chamomile and others.

Note! Allergy patients of different ages are prescribed a variety of treatments: the only common treatment will be the use of antiallergic drugs. Remember, if an allergy affects the child’s skin, therapy is carried out taking into account age. Thus, treatment of newborns involves a small list of medications - the effects of local medications can also be harmful to the baby’s skin. Children after 12 months are allowed to use more medications. But self-medication is fraught with a worsening of the condition, so to prescribe correct and effective therapy, consult your doctor.


Allergic skin rashes are one of the most common reactions of the body to any external or internal irritants.

At the same time, whatever the cause of the allergy, it is worth remembering that this is the first alarm signal about a malfunction in the body. And the sooner it is eliminated, the better!

Causes of skin irritations

Allergic dermatosis is the medical name for a disease characterized by changes in the skin of varying severity.

There are a great many reasons that can provoke undesirable consequences in the form of the development of the disease. In recent years, the number of people suffering from any type of allergic rash has been growing rapidly. Explanations for this sad trend could be:

  • Environmental changes;
  • eating genetically modified foods;
  • maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle (abuse of alcohol, tobacco products, etc.).

Allergens can be and, the propaganda of which is actively carried out by the giants of the world of fashion and beauty. The haptens included in creams and masks can not only provoke minor changes in the skin (the appearance of a rash), but also lead to severe forms of dermatosis (if the purchased cosmetics turned out to be counterfeit).

Besides everything else irritation may cause factors such as:

Types, description and localization of allergic dermatosis

Allergies in adults look different, depending on the severity of the disease, the cause that provoked the dermatosis and, naturally, the reaction of the body itself (namely, the immune system) to the problem.

– the mildest form of allergic rashes, characterized by the appearance of small blisters throughout the body.

In shape and structure, it is very similar to the site of a burn, while blisters located close to each other can merge together, forming foci. Locations where urticaria appears are the areas of the arms and legs, and the abdomen. However, some doctors distinguish a form of urticaria, which is characterized by a rash in the groin area, also characterized by severe itching and slight swelling of the affected area.

Contact- this is nothing more than the manifestation of a rash in adults after prolonged contact with an allergen. The affected area first turns slightly red, then a gradual appearance of vesicles with transparent exudate inside is observed on the skin.

Moreover, the severity of this type of dermatitis directly depends on the person himself and how long the exposure to the allergen was - the longer the contact with the allergen occurred, the greater and worse the manifestation of the body’s allergic reaction to the irritant will be. Naturally, there are a great variety of localization sites for contact dermatitis, but the most common are the areas of the upper and lower extremities.

Atopic dermatitis- a more complex allergic reaction, starting with itching of the affected area of ​​the skin, followed by the almost instantaneous appearance of nodular rashes and plaques with unclear boundaries. After some time, the skin swells greatly, and there is a slight itching of the whole body.

If treatment is insufficient or untimely, blisters and eroded areas of the skin almost completely lose their integrity, turning into weeping wounds. Neurodermatitis can be hereditary and appear on the face, neck, arms, abdomen, armpits and back.

– pale pink irritations, which after a few days turn into dark red (purple) spots. It is believed that the cause of eczema is a sharp temperature change, as a result of which the body and immune system have not yet had time to adapt.

According to dermatologists, children are most susceptible to eczema, but cases of irritation in adults have also been reported. As a rule, this form of allergy is localized on the face and limbs. However, in advanced cases, it can spread significantly throughout the body and lead to the appearance of scars on the skin.

Allergy or infection: how to distinguish?

According to doctors, allergic rashes in adults are almost never accompanied by an increase in body temperature, since the source of the disease is on the outer skin and not inside the body. In other words, the appearance of an allergy is just the body's reaction, but not the development of internal inflammation, which increases body temperature.

However, we should not exclude cases when allergic dermatosis may still be accompanied by this symptom. This is possible with multiple scratches of the rash localization sites, when an infection enters the body through damaged skin.

Unlike allergic rashes, infectious diseases are always accompanied by fever, since the phenomenon of intoxication occurs in the body, as a result of which a person may experience a headache, fatigue, pronounced weakness and aches throughout the body.

Another clear indicator that you have an allergy is itching. The affected areas of the body quickly make themselves felt: at first it is manifested by a slight change in color, which very soon turns into a blister or “burn” (depending on the form of the allergic reaction).

At different stages the intensity can change: from practically unnoticeable to absolutely unbearable. However, with dermatosis it is present in any case! Infections, on the contrary, may not manifest themselves for several days or even weeks, which is absolutely not typical for allergies.

And finally, the third difference between an allergy and a systemic infection is lack of phasing. As a rule, timely treatment of dermatosis allows you to protect the patient from the spread of the rash throughout the body, since local therapy is used to suppress the source of the rash.

In infectious diseases, rashes are characterized by stages of appearance: forming in one place, they spread further and further, sometimes without even “responding” to drug treatment. It follows from this that a common allergy is faster and easier to cure than a serious infection, the source of which occurs inside the body and requires complex and long-term treatment.

How to get rid of an allergic rash, what to do?

It is worth understanding that it is unlikely that it will be possible to quickly identify and remove the allergen. Therefore, to prevent the rapid development of the disease, it is very important to find a local treatment that can reduce swelling and itching.

The most effective way to deal with this is a cold compress applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. In some cases, if the rash does not yet represent highly erosive areas, wiping with cotton wool soaked in alcohol is possible. However, open wounds should not be treated in this way due to the unbearable pain.

Under no circumstances should the affected areas of the skin continue to come into contact with external irritants, otherwise the spread of the rash throughout the body will resume and accelerate significantly.

You should carefully monitor what materials touch the affected skin, and also protect the area from insect bites and scratches from pets. The latter, by the way, can cause dermatosis to combine with infection, as a result of which the affected area will become enlarged, inflamed, and its treatment will last many times longer.

Treatment with tablets

Do not delay drug treatment and treatment of affected surfaces with ointments.

Typically, your doctor will prescribe a course of oral (by mouth) antihistamines, which are the most effective and efficient treatment for most types of allergic rashes in adults. To the most commonly prescribed drugs include:

  1. Gistan are capsules containing medicinal plants and a complex of vitamins. The drug is aimed at regulating immune processes and relieving allergic symptoms. It is also prescribed as a prophylactic agent, it has anti-inflammatory properties and protects the body from possible infectious complications.
  2. Tavegil is a medicine available in the form of solution, syrup, tablets and even intravenous injections. The action of Tavegil is very similar to Gistan - having antihistamine properties, the drug restores metabolic processes, removes harmful substances from the body and enriches the immune system with vitamins, thanks to which resistance to the allergen is significantly increased.
  3. Pipolfen is an antiallergic H1 receptor blocker. An oral course of taking Pipolfen can reduce pain in the affected area of ​​the skin, eliminate itching and dry out weeping wounds that occur with atopic dermatitis. Effective for rare forms of allergies in adults, manifested by a rash and the appearance of stomatitis in the oral cavity and mucous membranes.
  4. Diphenhydramine is a local anesthetic drug that eliminates the effects of histamine. It is prescribed, as a rule, for severe tissue swelling and hyperemia. Possessing completely natural ingredients, Diphenhydramine has a sedative effect and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Application of ointments

In most cases, drug treatment does not work with pills alone. , which contain natural substances and herbs, can also have healing, anesthetic and soothing effects.

How many days to smear them and in what dosage - before using any drug, it is highly recommended to consult a dermatologist.

Some ointments contain hormonal substances, which means they can have a detrimental effect on the body if used incorrectly and in the wrong dosage.

If speak about non-hormonal ointments, then the most commonly used are:

Depending on the effect they provide, they are made in the form of creams, ointments, sprays and liquid foams. Most non-hormonal drugs use for the treatment of mild forms of urticaria and eczema, localized on the face and upper extremities.

Bepanten spray can also be used in the treatment of atopic dermatitis, but on the condition that weeping wounds are first dried with special antiseptic agents. Otherwise, the foam only stops the affected area, but does not eliminate the problem.

Homeopathic ointments such as Iricar and Wundehil are prescribed as the main anti-inflammatory drugs, capable of reducing swelling and eliminating severe peeling of the skin observed with eczema of varying severity.

Unlike homeopathic treatment, hormonal drugs are aimed at suppressing the production of antibodies, which cause allergic reactions in the body. Conventionally, they are divided into 4 groups, each of which should be prescribed by a specialist, since it represents a separate treatment method and is effective only for specific situations and types of allergic rashes in adults.

Traditional medicine in the fight against allergies

In the initial stages, skin rashes can be cured on your own, without seeking help from a dermatologist. Nevertheless, experts warn that advanced cases of skin allergies can go into a more serious form, so relying only on yourself is not the best solution to the problem.

One way or another, people have many effective methods of combating allergies. The most popular way to treat rashes on the body has been and remains mumiyo solution. For 100 grams of boiled species, dilute 1 gram of mumiyo (see photo), after which the solution is infused for 15 minutes. You can anoint with gauze or cotton wool soaked in a solution. At the same time, there should be no open or weeping wounds on the skin.

Taking mumiyo orally is also possible. In this case, the concentration decreases tenfold, that is, 2 teaspoons of mumiyo are mixed in 100 grams of boiled water. The “drink” is consumed no more than once a day, preferably before meals in the morning. For severe rashes, the course of taking the solution orally is 20 days. If the rash disappears quickly enough and the itching does not bother you too much, the treatment should be completed after 10 days.

Another proven method of traditional medicine is oral administration. powdered eggshells. Preparation is as follows:

  • The shells of raw eggs are cleaned of the inner film and then dried;
  • The fully prepared shell is crushed as best as possible, after which it is poured into a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid for better storage;
  • Before ingestion, ¼ teaspoon of powder is mixed with 100 grams of boiled water and a small amount of lemon juice. The course of treatment is one month.
  • Freshly squeezed vegetable juices are considered no less effective, as they help normalize metabolic processes in the body and restore the immune system.
  • To prepare cocktails, correctly, take raw carrots, cucumbers and beets in equal proportions. The juice is taken 3-5 times a day, preferably before eating.

The appearance of allergic skin rashes is quite a typical occurrence today, even for those of us who have never had allergies. However, self-treatment with the drugs you like from the pharmacy is far from the best solution to the problem, because only a specialist can determine the causes and nature of the rash. And since the types differ, so does the treatment.

That is why remember - only a correct diagnosis by a dermatologist, as well as timely treatment, will guarantee a quick and effective solution to this problem!

Video on the topic

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you about allergic rashes in children:

In contact with

Skin damage is one of the most likely manifestations of allergies, that is, excessive sensitivity of the body to any substances. Rash of various types is localized in certain areas or becomes widespread (generalized). Skin allergies can occur acutely or occur constantly (chronic form), are observed in people of different age groups and always require high-quality treatment.


Allergic dermatoses are skin diseases caused by immediate or delayed immune sensitivity reactions.

In the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) they are coded under the designations L20-50.

Types of skin allergies are classified as:

  1. Allergic dermatitis.
  2. Eczema.
  3. Toxicoderma.
  4. Hives.
  5. Atopic dermatitis.

Allergic dermatitis occurs as a result of localized contact with a provoking substance when it is intentionally or accidentally applied to the skin.

The most common causes of the development of pathology are medications, household cleaners and detergents, and cosmetics.

Eczema is characterized by a chronic course, with a tendency to frequent relapses (exacerbations). The disease is characterized by a variety of types of skin allergies: vesicles, papules, erythema. Triggers from the external environment act as provoking factors: industrial and professional irritants, household chemicals, medications, as well as endogenous intoxication in the presence of foci of chronic infection.

Toxicoderma is an acute inflammation of the skin in reaction to substances that enter the body by inhalation, injection or through the gastrointestinal tract (medicines, chemicals).

Urticaria is a manifestation of an allergy on the body, the rash in which is fleeting in nature - it appears quickly after contact with a trigger (pollen, insect bite, food) and can disappear without leaving any traces, even without the use of specific therapy.

Atopic dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that develops in people with a hereditary predisposition to excessive production of IgE (immunoglobulins, or antibodies of a special class) as a result of interaction with antigens (foreign substances) from the environment. It worsens upon contact with food, household and industrial triggers, with sudden changes in climatic conditions, as well as due to emotional stress, disruption of work and rest, during infectious diseases of a viral, bacterial, fungal nature.

What is an allergy rash?

Skin damage is a symptom characteristic not only of individual sensitivity, but also of other diseases. There are many types of rashes, but for allergic dermatoses the following elements are of greatest importance:

  • macula (pale pink flat spot with a diameter of 0.5 to 2 cm);
  • erythema (these are red or purple areas that appear as a result of the fusion of spots, the size often exceeds 2 cm);
  • papule (pinkish-red nodule from 0.1 to 2 cm in diameter, visually and palpably determined above the skin level);
  • vesicle (a vesicle measuring 0.1 to 0.5 cm containing serous fluid);
  • bubble (diameter is from 0.3 to 0.5 cm, the cavity is filled with liquid, usually transparent);
  • blister (differs from a bubble in the absence of a cavity, most often has a porcelain-white, reddish color, round shape, raised above the surface of the skin).

There may also be types of skin allergies that appear, replacing the primary rash:

  • scale (rejected epidermal cells);
  • erosion (residual phenomenon after opening of a bubble or vesicle);
  • hyperpigmentation (skin coloring due to the deposition of melanin and hemosiderin);
  • crust (occurs as a result of drying out the contents of blisters and vesicles);
  • lichenification (characterized by thickening of the epidermal layer, severe dryness, increased skin density in combination with the appearance of areas of hyperpigmentation).

An allergic rash usually appears as a combination of elements. Pimples or pustules are not typical (unless there is a secondary infection).


The skin is a kind of indicator of the intensity of sensitivity - it reacts to the slightest amount of irritant, applied externally or inside the body. Let us consider the main forms of diseases accompanied by local (local) or systemic (general) damage.

Allergic dermatitis and eczema

Skin manifestations in the first of these diseases are localized directly in the area, but with a severe reaction they often spread further and present as swelling and erythema without clearly defined boundaries in combination with many small bubbles (microvesicles). After the elements of the rash are destroyed, scales and crusts appear in their place - transparent with a yellowish tint.

A similar picture is characteristic of the beginning of an exacerbation of eczema. Against the background of redness and swelling, numerous microvesicles appear, after opening which erosions with serous discharge remain, forming weeping areas.

After they dry, the skin peels off and becomes crusty. A feature of eczema is the simultaneous existence of various elements of the rash. The most likely areas to be affected are the dorsum of the hands, forearms and feet. Skin allergies in children are localized mainly on the upper and lower extremities, buttocks, as well as on the chest and face.

Atopic dermatitis

According to the volume of the lesion it is divided as:

  • common;
  • limited localized.

The onset of the disease often occurs before the age of 2 years, with itching being a constant symptom. Types of skin allergies (photo) vary depending on the stage of dermatitis:

  1. Infant First, the face and the outer surface of the legs are affected. The skin turns red, swells, weeping and crusting appear. Then the changes spread to the neck and limbs. Allergic skin rashes can be seen in numerous photos in textbooks.
  2. Children's Papulovesicular elements, areas of hyperpigmentation or, conversely, discoloration, localized on the flexor surfaces of the limbs and the back of the neck, predominate.
  3. Adult Rash and itching are provoked by irritants - most often of a chemical nature. Areas of lichenification are also characteristic. Photos on the Internet illustrate the types of skin allergies in adults. Red spots and papules are classic symptoms of the disease.

Atopic dermatitis is characterized by a persistent course with periods of exacerbation and remission (subsidence of severe manifestations).


The rash is characterized by a large number of elements - spots, blisters, vesicles, papules, which tend to merge with each other, as well as the presence of areas of erythema. The mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals may be affected. Patients complain of severe itching.

If toxicoderma is limited (fixed), several red round spots appear against the background of skin swelling; sometimes there is a bubble in the center. In the widespread form, the rash covers a large surface of the body. The cure for skin allergies in this case is, first of all, the abolition of the provoking medication; glucocorticosteroids (Dexamethasone) are also used.

Soon after stopping the drug, the swelling disappears, and the spots transform into areas of hyperpigmentation.

One of the most dangerous forms of allergic diseases is Lyell's syndrome. This is a type of toxicoderma in which extensive necrosis of the skin is observed, accompanied by the formation of large blisters and areas of erosion. It is provoked by taking antibacterial agents, sulfonamides, anticonvulsants, salicylates, etc. The disease is characterized by:

  • acute onset and rapid development;
  • fever up to 40 degrees Celsius;
  • damage to the face, trunk, limbs, mucous membranes.

The skin turns red, swells, and spots form with a tendency to merge. After just a few hours, thin-walled blisters appear, which, when opened, reveal bleeding and painful erosions. Even a light touch to the skin leads to detachment of the epidermis. The mucous membranes are also affected.


Skin allergies are characterized by urticarial rash, that is, the presence of itchy blisters raised above the surface of the skin. The acute form is a reaction to:

  • food and drug allergens;
  • cold or sun rays;
  • insect bites.

Helminth infections and persistent foci of infection are often mentioned as probable causes of chronic urticaria in children.

Allergic rashes are round or elongated, porcelain, pinkish or red in color, and can merge. In addition to blisters, the patient develops chills, body temperature increases, and Quincke's edema (swelling of the lips, tongue, larynx) may develop, resulting in impaired breathing.


Conducted under the guidance of a physician. Different methods are used:

Basic Specific
History taking General clinical blood test Microscopy of nasal discharge, eye discharge, and sputum Enzyme immunosorbent, radioallergosorbent analysis (ELISA, RIA) Skin tests
Target Obtaining information about the disease, burdened by heredity (intolerance in parents, brothers, sisters) Search for changes characteristic of immune sensitivity Antibody detection Checking for a reaction to a specific trigger (one, several)
Execution technique Questioning a patient by a doctor Taking the necessary biological material (capillary blood, venous blood, smears) and rapid delivery to the laboratory Applying the prepared substances to the forearm, back, waiting for a given period of time, evaluating the results
Peculiarities A detailed clarification of the facts related to the disease is needed The rules of preparation for taking tests must be followed, which should be clarified with the attending physician. The results may be affected by medications (antidepressants, glucocorticosteroids); some types of studies are not carried out during the acute period of manifestations
Interpretation (what supports the diagnosis of allergy) Presence of relatives suffering from individual sensitivity, as well as episodes of reaction in the past The presence of eosinophil cells in large numbers Identification of specific immunoglobulins The occurrence of swelling, redness, itching, or a blister in the contact area in the absence of such symptoms in the control area

If the patient has suffered anaphylactic shock or another severe general reaction, skin tests are contraindicated.

With this study, there is a risk of developing systemic disorders. An alternative is laboratory tests, which are safe for the patient’s health, since there is no direct contact with the reaction trigger.


If the patient encounters a provoking substance, he is bothered by peeling of the skin, redness, burning, and does not stop itching; Some people experience discomfort not only because of sensitivity symptoms, but also because others are under the mistaken impression that the disease is contagious. To improve the condition, you need to:

  1. Follow the principle of elimination. All allergens must be removed from the contact area. This is not always possible - but, for example, if you are sensitive to dust, regular wet cleaning will help reduce the concentration of triggers in the room.
  2. Stick to a diet. You need to eat little by little, preferring food that is steamed, boiled, stewed without spicy seasonings, or baked in the oven. Citrus fruits, nuts, chips, tomatoes, peanuts, as well as other food options with a high allergic potential are excluded (you can read more about diet selection in other articles posted on the site).
  3. Use medications wisely. For allergies, medications such as antihistamines (Cetrin, Zyrtec), cromones (Ketotifen), and glucocorticosteroids (Elocom, Dexamethasone) are indicated. They can be taken orally in tablets or applied to the skin (ointments, lotions, emulsions).

Sometimes additional products are needed - for example, with atopic dermatitis, moisturizing creams, emulsions, gels, oils (Mustela, Emolium) will help relieve irritation and dryness. They are suitable for inflamed skin and are intended for daily care. With regular use, the rash will go away faster and remission will last longer.

Allergic dermatoses cannot always be assumed and distinguished during the initial examination. Often, to confirm the diagnosis, a wide range of tests are required, which are used both to establish the variant of the pathology and to detect differences between diseases with a similar clinical picture. If a rash, swelling and itching occurs, you should consult an allergist or dermatologist, who can determine the type of pathological process and select the appropriate treatment.

Against the background of increased sensitivity of the body to various allergens, allergic rashes on the skin often appear. The rash can look similar to other skin conditions, so it's important to learn how to differentiate it before taking antihistamines. If allergies occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor for appropriate treatment rather than try to cope on your own.

Allergic rashes can appear when faced with both external and internal irritants. The reaction can be provoked by:

  • Components of household chemicals.
  • Animal fur.
  • Food.
  • Dust.
  • Pollen.
  • Wearing synthetic clothing.
  • Medications.
  • Cosmetic care and decorative products.
  • Some metals, metal elements of clothing and accessories.
  • Insect bites.
  • Cold.
  • Sun.

Often, a rash appears almost immediately after contact with an allergen, but the reaction can drag on for several days, which makes it difficult to independently determine the allergen. So, if you don't know that you may have allergies, be sure to see your doctor to get tests done to determine the cause of your rash.

Types of allergic rash

Skin allergies manifest themselves in different ways. You may develop:

  • hives;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • toxic-allergic dermatitis;
  • neurodermatitis:
  • Quincke's edema.

Manifestations differ in the accompanying symptoms and appearance of the rash. An experienced doctor can easily determine the type of allergic rash.


Urticaria got its name for a reason - the rash with it really looks like nettle burns. Its features:

Most often, urticaria is caused by food allergies and other internal irritants (medicines, dietary supplements). If left untreated, hives can spread throughout the body.

Quincke's edema

It begins as hives, swelling appears. It develops quickly, the patient's face and whole body swell. Airway problems may occur due to swelling. This condition requires immediate medical attention because it can be fatal.

Contact dermatitis

Appears after direct physical contact with the allergen. May be caused by exposure to aggressive components of household chemicals, paints and varnishes, cosmetics, and pesticides. Rashes can easily be confused with other skin diseases; even detailed photos can be misleading.

Characteristic features of contact dermatitis:

The rash has clear contours and does not spread beyond the point of contact with the allergen (a striking example is the photo above).


Of all the types of allergic skin reactions, eczema is the most unpleasant. It develops very quickly to a severe stage, causes a lot of inconvenience, and is not so easy to cope with. Features of allergic eczema:

It is important to organize proper treatment so that the ulcers go away without leaving marks or scars on the skin.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis in a child - severe form

Allergic rashes of this type most often occur in children under three years of age, the cause is food allergens. There are three stages of the condition:

  • Easy. The rash is single, light pink in color, there is practically no itching.
  • Average. There are numerous rashes, the itching becomes more intense.
  • Heavy. Ulcers appear, discomfort and itching can prevent the child from sleeping.

Atopic dermatitis is accompanied by dryness and flaking of the skin, manifesting mainly on the cheeks, temples, bends of the knees and elbows.

Toxic-allergic dermatitis

Toxicoderma is an allergy from medications. Develops after taking medications. Peculiarities:

  • Red isolated rashes on the skin.
  • Rashes on the mucous membranes.
  • Blisters rarely form.
  • Development of Lyell's syndrome: high temperature, rashes become large, merge with each other, and hurt.

A red rash from taking medications can cover up to 80-90% of the entire body if the patient is not helped in time and the correct treatment is not prescribed.


Neurodermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease of an allergic nature. It is characterized by the appearance of small pimples and bright redness of the skin. Pimples can merge with each other, forming an unpleasant knot. The skin peels, itches, and microcracks may form. The condition is dangerous because it negatively affects the immune system.

Localization of allergic rashes

An allergic rash can occur all over the body; a certain localization is characteristic only of atopic and contact dermatitis. In the first case, the rash spreads over the face and the bends of the elbows and knees, in the second case - at the site of contact with the irritant. In other cases, the rash can appear on any part of the skin and even on the mucous membrane.

When to see a doctor

Many allergic rashes go away on their own, you just need to stop contacting the allergen. But in some cases, the help of a doctor may be required. You should contact a specialist if:

  • The rash does not go away for a long time, the condition worsens.
  • The rash spreads quickly and takes up most of the skin.
  • Body temperature rises.
  • Severe swelling and breathing problems occur.

It is also worth understanding that irritation that occurs on the skin can easily be mistaken for an allergic reaction, even if it is not. Therefore, if a rash appears on your skin, it is better not to postpone a visit to the doctor and find out its nature.

Treatment with medications

Allergies and their manifestations are treated with medications prescribed by a doctor. The dosage and duration of therapy are prescribed depending on the patient’s age, the severity of the allergy, and concomitant diseases. Can be written:

  • Antihistamines such as Zyrtec, Suprastin, Fenistil.
  • Sorbents for cleansing the body of allergens, such as Smecta or Polysorb.
  • Ointments with corticosteroids for external use in adults. These are Advantan, Triderm, Prednisolone.
  • Non-hormonal local ointments such as Levomekol or Panthenol.

Folk remedies

To alleviate allergy symptoms, you can resort to traditional recipes:

  1. Pour 6 tablespoons of nettle into 1 liter of boiling water and wait until it cools. Drink half a glass several times a day before meals.
  2. Squeeze the juice of fresh dill, mix with water 1:2. Soak a cotton swab in the mixture and apply to damaged areas of the skin to relieve itching.
  3. Pour 40 grams of thyme with water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain the mixture and take baths with this mixture.
  4. Grind white cabbage, potatoes or cucumber. Place the pulp on gauze and tape it to the affected area of ​​skin.

It is worth using traditional recipes for allergies after consulting with your doctor. Any self-medication, even “harmless” folk medication, can aggravate your condition.

The following tips will help you cope with rashes without consequences, and also encounter them less often in the future:

  • Do not self-medicate, consult a doctor if rashes appear, so as not to worsen your condition.
  • Follow a diet that eliminates allergens that cause you a negative reaction.
  • Contact with chemicals using protective gloves.

Allergic rashes can appear on the skin of children and adults both during internal and external contact with an irritant. There are different types of allergies, it is important to quickly identify the allergen so as not to come into contact with it in the future. Medicines and home remedies can help treat the rash.

Different types of skin allergies exhibit characteristic symptoms. Blisters, vesicles, plaques, the occurrence of which is accompanied by itching, are signs of an allergic reaction in the body. From the article you will learn how to distinguish one type of allergy from another.

What does an allergy look like?

Even the mildest allergic manifestations are very dangerous, as they are disguised as other diseases. Allergies are directly related to disorders of the immune system. It has many faces and is difficult to recognize on its own. It looks different, for example, in the form of nodules, dots, blisters of various sizes. Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis.

Photos with explanations will help you understand the types of skin rashes and understand what pathology the rash is associated with.

Allergic contact dermatitis

Refers to delayed type reactions. It occurs in people of young and middle age groups. It develops after contact with stainless metal alloys, which are used to create household products (jewelry, keys, kitchen utensils, watches) and medical items (dental crowns).

At least 10-14 days pass from the moment of skin contact with the allergen to the initial symptoms. The pathology is manifested by itching, swelling of the skin, and bright redness. Against the background of the listed symptoms, papules and blisters appear that burst and leave weeping erosions. As in the photo below.

Thus, allergic contact dermatitis is characterized by an allergic reaction of the eczematous type. At the site of contact with the allergen, large vascular red spots appear, occupying a large area (erythema). Later, bubbles (vesicles) appear - cavity formations the size of a pea, which are located inside the epidermis and contain a cloudy liquid.

Symptoms range from transient erythema to severe swelling with blisters and ulcers. The rash is characterized by a certain localization (a ring-shaped strip of erythema under the watch bracelet). Although the rash is usually limited to the point of contact, it can spread due to autoeczematization and scratching.

Nettle rash

. A common allergic disease in which widespread skin rashes are observed in the form of severely itchy, raised elements due to swelling. The blisters are red and turn pale when pressed. They vary in size from a few millimeters to the size of a palm. The rash appears almost instantly, lasts up to 24 hours, disappears quickly and without a trace. The disease can be acute or chronic. The latter includes cold, solar, thermal, and aquagenic urticaria. In many cases, the causative factor cannot be determined.

Urticarial rash is a swelling of the papillary layer of the skin, often appears from insect bites and looks like this.

Blisters do not have a cavity and rise above the level of the skin. They are distinguished by density, intense itching, pink-red or pearly white color. Tend to merge with the formation of large areas with a large number of excoriations (scratches) that occur when scratching. There are no secondary elements.

Secondary reaction to medications

. Accompanied by general or local clinical signs. It develops only with repeated administration of drugs. It occurs as a complication in the treatment of other pathologies, and as an occupational disease among medical workers.

Allergies on the body manifest themselves in the form of vasculitis, erythema multiforme, maculopapular exanthema, fixed drug rash, exfoliative dermatitis. Clinical signs vary depending on the patient and the medication. The same drug can cause different reactions in different people.

In case of drug allergies, recurrent single or multiple, well-defined spots are diagnosed. Exanthema (measles-like rashes) is more common, and urticaria is less common. A pathological rash in the form of spots, papules, vesicles disappears spontaneously after stopping the medication, leaving hyperpigmentation. Here's what it might look like.

Atopic eczema (dermatitis). Diagnosed in people with a genetic predisposition. The onset usually occurs in childhood in the first year of life. By 3-5 years, most children recover. In a third of patients, it enters the adult phase. Any area of ​​the skin is involved in the process.

The lesions are located limitedly on the skin around the lips or appear multiple times in the elbow, popliteal folds, and in the neck area. The disease causes dryness, thickening of the skin, hyperpigmentation, and a pronounced pattern. In some places there are pityriasis scales, hemorrhagic crusts and linear cracks. Symptoms are always accompanied by severe itching.

When the disease occurs, pale pink papules (nodules) rise above the surface of the skin. Formed in the epidermis or dermis. They have a smooth surface, irregular outline and unclear boundaries. Observed against the background of non-acute inflammatory erythema. In dynamics, the development of secondary pigment spots, lichenification, and cracks is possible. You can see what an allergic rash on the skin with atopic dermatitis looks like in the photo.

When itchy papular rashes coalesce, the skin thickens, becomes rough and dry. The furrows increase, become deeper and more elevated. In this regard, an emphasized diamond-shaped pattern appears with quadrangular or polygonal loops arranged in the correct order. This change in the skin is called lichenification.

Photodermatoses, or

Allergic reactions can develop under the influence of the sun. Common photodermatoses include sun prurigo. The disease regularly appears in early spring and subsides by mid-summer.

Characterized by the appearance of nodules that can merge. As a result, the epidermis thickens and becomes lichenified. Changes in the form of plaques are diagnosed on the skin. It becomes covered with excoriations and hemorrhagic crusts due to itching and scratching. This is clearly demonstrated in the photo below. Subsequently, the affected areas become pigmented. Other photodermatoses include solar eczema, solar cheilitis, and persistent erythema.

. Observed after general or local cooling at any time of the year. The reasons for the appearance are unknown. There is no precise explanation for why some people develop it and others do not. The provoking factor is swimming in cold water, drinking cold drinks, contact of hands with ice, snow, water. Signs are observed during cooling or some time after warming up.

Swelling and blistering occurs on the skin, which lasts up to 2 hours. Their appearance is accompanied by redness, burning and itching. Localization – face, hands, that is, open areas of skin.

In some cases, blisters persist for a week or longer and are found not where the skin was exposed to cold, but around the chilled area. The allergy usually disappears within 3-5 years after its onset, but can persistently recur.

Insect allergy

Insect allergy. Occurs when bitten or stung by insects, as well as after inhalation of their waste products or body particles. The most common symptoms are swelling, redness, itching after bites of mosquitoes, midges, wasps and bees.

As a result of the reaction to the saliva of a blood-sucking insect, which enters the human body during a bite, local manifestations dominate the clinical picture. Swelling, burning at the site of the bite, and itching appear. Subsequently, the swelling spreads throughout the body, and regional lymph nodes may become inflamed. A polymorphic papular, bullous, hemorrhagic rash is observed. The photo shows an element of urticarial rash.

In some cases, an erythematous reaction develops, which resembles erysipelas. Hymenoptera stings cause a more severe reaction ranging from mild localized redness and swelling to erythema and severe swelling that may persist for more than 10 days.

. Allergic rashes can be the result of a reaction to foods. The most characteristic signs are urticaria, atopic dermatitis, angioedema, urticarial and non-urticarial rashes.

One of the typical manifestations is the presence of oral allergy syndrome. It is expressed by swelling and itching in the area of ​​the lips, tongue, hard or soft palate. After eating a food allergen, numbness of the tongue and itching in the ears often occur. In sensitized individuals, allergies are caused by the consumption of milk, eggs, seafood, and peanuts.

Immediate symptoms include erythema, urticaria, and morbilliform rash. Rashes in the form of red spots can be combined with the lips. They do not rise above the skin level and do not have a cavity. This is the result of changes in the epidermis, hypodermis, and dermis. See photo below.


Allergic angioedema. An acute reaction that is caused by food allergens, medications, pollen, and insect poison. On examination, localized swelling of the subcutaneous tissue and deep layers of the dermis is observed.

Most often, swelling is located in the eyelids, lips, tongue, as well as on the back of the arms and legs. In places with well-developed subcutaneous fat. Develops within minutes or several hours, usually the reaction appears 15-30 minutes after contact with the allergen. It may be accompanied by itching, but in many cases it is absent. The swelling is dense, painless, asymmetrical. Associated with urticaria. The skin in the area of ​​swelling is usually pale. Local changes persist for several hours or days, then disappear without a trace.

Allergy to latex

Latex allergy. The risk of occurrence increases in persons with a history of atopic reactions. It is more common in women aged 30 years. Observed after contact with any latex product. Diagnosed after inflating balloons, working with rubber gloves, after vaginal and rectal examinations using condoms.

Clinical symptoms appear on the body in the form of contact dermatitis and urticaria. Allergic reactions can be immediate and begin within a few minutes of contact with the irritant. They are expressed by hyperemia of the skin, severe itching and swelling. Delayed reactions occur less frequently. They appear 6-72 hours after contact and progress from mild dermatitis to blistering. The photo shows pronounced symptoms of latex allergy.

Clinically, sensitization to helminth allergens is expressed by urticaria. By palpation, small compactions may be detected in the areas of the rash. The leading symptom is skin itching, which occurs more often at night and in the morning, and intensifies after eating sweet foods. The nature of the allergic rash is varied: from urticarial to papular, herpetiform and polymorphic spots. The simultaneous presence of these elements is possible. The photo shows one of the rash options.

Allergic skin vasculitis

Allergic vasculitis. The disease is classified as a polyetiological dermatoses, but the allergic component is considered decisive in its development. Its cause is drugs, chronic intoxication, infectious factors, endogenous allergens in digestive disorders. Vasculitis is based on an allergic reaction of the vessels of the dermis.

There are different types of allergic vasculitis with damage to vessels of different sizes, up to the main ones. In periarteritis nodosa, the skin is involved in 10% of cases. A few nodules appear along the course of the vessels, which are not persistent and do not leave atrophy. Often there is a combination of nodular and nodular rashes ranging in size from a pea to a walnut. Localization – lower limbs. Necrosis is possible in the center of the rash element.

Skin symptoms of allergic arteriolitis are papular, urticarial, hemorrhagic rashes. In the hemorrhagic type, the rash is papulo-erythematous with purpuric components; in the polymorphic-nodular type, there is a uritkar-like rash of a brownish-red color with the formation of vesicles, crusts, and pigmentation. This is what it looks like.

Erythema nodosum is characterized by the appearance of dermo-hypodermal nodes, pink-red in color, rising above the surface of the skin. Location: lower legs, buttocks, less often upper limbs and face. One element exists on the skin for 1.5-3 weeks. The nodes leave behind pigment spots.

Allergy to house dust mites

. House dust plays an important role in the development of allergic diseases. Its main component is mites that feed on the epithelium of human skin. As a result of their life activity, they produce allergens, most of which are found in fecal pellets. Mite excrement remains in indoor dust for up to 4 years. They rise into the air and settle in the human respiratory tract.

On the skin, an allergy to house dust manifests itself in the form of atopic dermatitis. Symptoms include redness, a rash as in the photo below, burning and itching in the affected areas.

Now you know what allergies there are. There are quite a lot of them, the symptoms are largely similar. Therefore, to get a correct diagnosis, it is better to consult a doctor.

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