Anna Kuznetsova Commissioner for Children. Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for Children's Rights. Your family lives in Penza

Always wanted to have a big family

She studied at the secondary school No. 72, then at the Pedagogical Lyceum No. 3.

Anna was a very active schoolgirl: she herself volunteered to participate in various events, wrote scripts, and involved others. The class teacher believed that the girl, when she grew up, would work in the city administration.

In 2003 she graduated with honors from the Penza State Pedagogical University named after V. G. Belinsky with a degree in Psychology. She worked in the Penza multidisciplinary gymnasium.

In the same 2003, Anna married Alexei Kuznetsov and took her husband's surname. Acquaintance with the future spouse took place when Anna learned to work with a computer. Alexey Kuznetsov is a specialist in the field of information technology, graduated from Penza State University, defended his Ph.D. thesis. When he decided to become a priest, his wife, Anna Kuznetsova, received a second higher education - theological.

Currently, the Kuznetsov family has six children: two daughters and four sons.

The Pokrov Foundation has saved more than 200 lives

In 2008, Anna Kuznetsova became the founder of the Blagovest public organization, which helps children in hospitals and orphanages, promotes family placement for children left without parental care, prevents social orphanhood and helps low-income and large families.

In 2010, she initiated the creation of the Pokrov Charitable Foundation for Support of Family, Motherhood and Childhood and headed this organization.

Thanks to the activities of the foundation and Anna Kuznetsova herself, a comprehensive demographic program “Life is a sacred gift” is being implemented in the Penza region. The purpose of the program is the fight against abortion. According to the Penza media, Kuznetsova and her colleagues have saved more than 200 lives during the foundation's work.

In 2011, the “Pregnancy Trust Service” was organized, the specialists of which provide psychological and legal assistance to pregnant women. Another project of the Pokrov Foundation is the Regional Stage of the International Festival of Social Technologies in Defense of Family Values ​​“For Life-2011”. In addition, the charitable organization is holding a regional competition among antenatal clinics "In defense of life."

Currently, the Charitable Foundation "Pokrov" works in several directions. These are assistance to seriously ill children (the “All for One” program), support for needy, low-income families, as well as children from dysfunctional families (the “Happy Family” program), promotion of adoption and care for children in orphanages (the “Mom, Dad and Me” program). ).

Candidate for the State Duma

Since 2014, Anna Kuznetsova has been a member of the All-Russian Popular Front (then - the head of the Penza executive committee of the ONF). In the same year, she became the chairman of the regional branch of the All-Russian public movement "Mothers of Russia" in Penza and headed the commission for interfaith interaction and charity in the Public Chamber of the Penza Region.

In 2015, on her initiative, the Association of Family Protection Organizations was established.

In September 2015, she was included in the working group under the President of the Russian Federation to develop proposals for additional regulation of the activities of socially oriented NGOs.

Anna Kuznetsova: “I always managed to overwhelm myself with work, do several things in parallel ... My mother is convinced that I am a workaholic, and she and her husband are very worried about me if I can’t take a break for a long time. I have wonderful friends, very different and very sincere, I am proud of them, and sometimes they save me from my "blockages". I like to relax only with my family and children, this is my happiness. Resting, sometimes I take a great interest in my hobby: there is such an art "Church floristry". I myself learned how to make compositions from flowers, and I decorate the temple for various holidays. I love the land very much, I grow seedlings, flowers, I love animals ... But the main thing should always remain the main thing: this is a family. I want to help people. Conversation with Anna Kuznetsova

In April 2016, the Pokrov Foundation, headed by Anna Kuznetsova, became one of the grant operators that distribute funds to support NGOs under the presidential program. 420 million rubles were transferred to the fund.

Kuznetsova previously formulated her vision of the tasks of the grant operator in an interview with

In May 2016, she participated in the primary elections in the federal constituency in the Penza region and Lermontov single-mandate constituency No. 147 from the United Russia party.

On June 4, 2016, the Federal Organizing Committee of United Russia nominated her for elections to the State Duma on the regional list.

On September 9, 2016, Vladimir Putin appointed Anna Kuznetsova Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation. Another candidate for this post, as the media found out, was Elena Alshanskaya.

What do they say about the appointment of Kuznetsova?

Vladimir Putin informs A. Yu. Kuznetsova about her appointment to the post of commissioner for children's rights. Photo: from

Elizaveta Glinka (Doctor Liza), head of the International Public Organization “Fair Aid”: “The regions have a better grasp of the situation than those in Moscow. In the capital, children are better off, there are more levers of influence, and in the regions it can be difficult to get through to the problem.<…>I think that she / Kuznetsova / is more familiar with the problems, especially since, as I know, she has 6 children of her own, she understands what any mother can face. (Dr. Liza: Penzenka Kuznetsova understands the problems of children better than Muscovites)

Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children Olga Epifanova: “She (Kuznetsova. - Ed.) is a professional in matters of family protection and a mother of many children, who knows from her own experience how to work with children. If she acts together with Elena Alshanskaya in matters of helping orphans, the results of their joint work will be impressive.” (The family committee of the State Duma was delighted with the decision of the situation with the children's ombudsman)

Co-Chairman of the Central Headquarters of the ONF, Secretary of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation Alexander Brechalov: “Anna Kuznetsova is a great professional in matters of motherhood and childhood.<…>She organized and held in the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation a congress of organizations that help mothers in difficult life situations, and managed to unite them into an Association, took an active part in the Community forums and made proposals for the development of the third sector in our country. It is important to note that she is distinguished by modesty and decency. (The secretary of the OP noted the professionalism of Kuznetsova in matters of motherhood)

Elena Alshanskaya, President of the Volunteers to Help Orphans Charitable Foundation: “Her experience should help solve problems. In addition, she has already held fairly high public positions, she has experience of self-presentation in the political sector. I think she can handle this job. But whether it will cope with specific tasks - time will tell. ("

Anna Kuznetsova - the main defender of the rights of Russian children, the ombudsman and just a beautiful smart woman, was born in Penza, 01/03/1982.

Love for children

Anna grew up in Penza, where she graduated from a regular secondary school. The family was all believers, the girl was brought up in piety, according to Christian traditions. Since childhood, she wanted to become a teacher, she simply adored kids and could not imagine herself in another profession. Her parents supported her, believing that although this is not the most prestigious profession, it is one that is aimed at serving people.

Anna studied well, although not all sciences were equally easy for her. But the family brought up diligence and diligence in the girl. She was loved by teachers and respected by her classmates. Somehow it turned out by itself that she was a leader at school, the guys listened to her and supported all her initiatives.

She willingly did household chores, helping her grandmother in the garden in her free time.

Therefore, after receiving a secondary basic education, Anna transferred to a pedagogical lyceum, and later entered a pedagogical institute in her hometown. Seeing in front of her many children from difficult, dysfunctional and single-parent families, she wanted to help them with all her heart. Therefore, the specialty was chosen by the teacher-psychologist, already then planning for herself work with the so-called "difficult" children.

Priest's wife

Anna's family was not rich and, trying to help her parents somehow, she started working from the second year: a journalist, an assistant teacher in a kindergarten, later a psychologist at school. Now Anna herself is surprised how she managed to do everything.

Her future husband, whom she met at the institute, a mathematics student Alexei Kuznetsov, helped with her studies. Anna was given higher mathematics and exact sciences with great difficulty.

It so happened that Alexey and Anna were brought up in families with the same value system. There were priests in the Kuznetsov family, and Christian traditions were also deeply respected there. At first, it was planned that Alexei would become a programmer, and he even entered graduate school. The management already perceived him as a future teacher. But everything turned out differently.

Realizing that the desire to serve God and the people in it is stronger, Alexei decided to choose the path of a clergyman, continuing the family dynasty. He asked Anna if she agreed to become the wife of a priest, and the girl gladly supported him. In the same year that she graduated, the young tied themselves up for life, going through the wedding ceremony and entering into an official family union.

Do good

Even during her studies, she began to take an active part in various charitable projects. And she was so carried away by this occupation that soon she and her husband founded a new public organization "Blagovest", which was engaged in charitable activities and helped disadvantaged children and families. And in 2011 - a charitable foundation that provided targeted assistance.

All this time, the couple did charity work together. However, the scale of his activities grew, and it became more and more difficult for Alexei to combine ministry in the church (village of Uvarovo) and work with the foundation. Therefore, Anna, who by this time had already become a mother, took on most of the care for their offspring.

Unexpectedly, the Popular Front began to provide active support to the charitable foundation, which Anna later joined. The Popular Front won a serious grant for a charitable organization, with which they were able to open a shelter for pregnant women in difficult situations. So Anna's charitable activities were also added to political ones.

Life is a priceless gift

“Life is a priceless gift” is one of the projects organized by the Blagovest Foundation. It is aimed at combating abortion, which is being done more and more every year in Russia. Being the mother of six children herself, Anna cannot imagine how one can kill her own child for any reason.

However, not being divorced from the realities of life, she was well aware that some pregnant women sometimes find themselves in situations that seem hopeless to them.

Putting forward various initiatives aimed at combating abortion at the state level, she simultaneously did her best to help pregnant women in each specific difficult case. At the same time, she did not leave without guardianship children-refuseniks who ended up in a baby house, and then in children's homes.

Anna Kuznetsova's programs found active support at the highest state level. In 2015, she was approved by the head of the Penza Executive Committee. Almost simultaneously, she headed the Association for the Protection of the Family, which was engaged in charitable projects of an all-Russian scale.

And in 2016, she replaced Pavel Astakhov as children's ombudsman.

Date and place of birth: 3.1.1982, Penza, Russia

Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights,
- Head of the Penza Regional Fund for Support of Family, Motherhood and Childhood "Pokrov"


In girlhood - Bulaeva.
Father is a builder, mother is an engineer.
Born in Penza, in connection with her appointment to the post of Ombudsman, she is preparing to move with her family to Moscow.


Until 1997 - studied at secondary school No. 72 in Penza,
- in 1998 - 1999 - studied at the Pedagogical Lyceum No. 3 in Penza,
- in 2003 - graduated from the PPI (former PSPU) named after. Belinsky, majoring in Psychology. Has a diploma with honors.
- second higher education - theological.

In 2008 - became the founder of the Blagovest public organization, which was engaged in helping orphans and preventing social orphanhood,
- in 2010 - created and headed the charitable foundation for supporting the family, motherhood and childhood "Pokrov", which was officially registered in January 2011,
- Member of the Governor's Council of Women,
- Assistant to the Chairman of the Commission on interfaith interaction and promotion of the protection of freedom of conscience of the Public Chamber of the Penza Region,
- since 2014 - member of the All-Russian Popular Front (then - head of the Penza executive committee of the ONF),
- in 2015 - on her initiative, the Association of Family Protection Organizations was established,
- in September 2015 - she was included in the working group under the President of the Russian Federation to develop proposals for additional regulation of the activities of socially oriented NGOs,
- in April 2016 - the Pokrov Foundation became one of the grant operators that distribute funds to support NGOs under the presidential program,
- September 9, 2016 - By the decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, Anna Yuryevna Kuznetsova was appointed Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights.

Political activity

In May 2016 - won the United Russia party in the primaries,
- June 4, 2016 - nominated for elections to the State Duma on the regional list.

Social activity

In 2012, between the regional regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society (RGO) and the Pokrov Foundation, an open-ended Agreement on cooperation in the field of environmental protection, education, cultural and educational and charitable activities was signed.

Awards and titles

Anna's work is highly appreciated by the public and government officials, which is confirmed by numerous diplomas, certificates and thanks.

Audience Award at the III International Festival of Social Technologies "For Life - 2012"


As a result of Anna Yuryevna Kuznetsova’s professional activities, since 2008, with the support of the Regional Government, a comprehensive demographic program “Life is a Sacred Gift” has been introduced in the Penza Region, within the framework of which measures are being taken to reduce the number of abortions and promote traditional family values. Pre-abortion psychological counseling of pregnant women is carried out in antenatal clinics in Penza. For the second year in a row, the Pokrov Charitable Foundation for Supporting Family, Motherhood and Childhood has announced a regional competition among antenatal clinics “In Defense of Life”. As a result of this work, about two hundred children were saved, whose mothers initially made the decision to have an abortion.
Since February 2011, the Trust Service for Pregnant Women has been launched, within the framework of which the Foundation's specialists provide psychological and legal assistance to pregnant women who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

Also, in order to attract broad public attention to the problem of abortion and to promote traditional family values ​​among the youth of the city of Penza, in our region, the Charitable Foundation for Supporting the Family, Motherhood and Childhood "Pokrov", with the support of the Government of the Penza Region, implemented a social project - "Regional Stage International Festival of Social Technologies in Defense of Family Values ​​"For Life-2011". The experience of organizing the festival at the regional level was unique, and the charitable foundation for supporting families, motherhood and childhood "Pokrov" was appointed coordinator of the implementation of regional stages in other regions of Russia.

A number of charitable programs are also being implemented aimed at supporting vulnerable segments of the population, such as helping low-income and disadvantaged families, helping families with disabled children and orphans.

Married since 2003. Husband Alexei Kuznetsov is a priest in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in the village of Uvarovo, Issinsky District.

Acquaintance with the future spouse took place when Anna learned to work with a computer. Alexey Kuznetsov is a specialist in the field of information technology, graduated from Penza State University, defended his Ph.D. thesis. Then he decided to become a priest.

Six children: daughters - Masha and Dasha, sons - Ivan, Nikolai, Timofey and Leo (October 24, 2015).

Interesting facts from life

On the eve of the 350th anniversary of Penza, the Kuznetsovs became a family. In the sense that they are now seven-I. The fifth child was named Timothy. Anna, having convinced the doctors that childbirth is not a disease, that it is harmful for her to lie still, the very next day she left the hospital and went to the construction site ...

The post of Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation was taken by Anna Kuznetsova, the priest's young wife with many children. She replaced Pavel Astakhov in this post - a political centenarian who seemed unsinkable: he tirelessly cared for the children of Russia since December 2009, practically merging with this position. Let's get acquainted with the new children's ombudsman, without forgetting, however, about the old one.

Old Ombudsman - Pavel Astakhov

The resignation of the Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for the Rights of the Child, Pavel Astakhov, has been talked about for a long time - at least three years. Let's think about what could lead to such a denouement.

Ordinary citizens, not particularly delving into the problems of child protection, were annoyed by Astakhov with a lifestyle more suitable for a mediocre oligarch than for a state official. Tirelessly caring for Russian children, he preferred to take his own family out of the country - the south of France seemed to him a much more pleasant place than any point from Kamchatka to Kaliningrad. The youngest son of Astakhov (now he is 7 years old) was born in Nice at all - in the same hospital and even in the same ward where Hollywood star Angelina Jolie gave birth.

- In this case, I took care of the safety of my family, the health of my wife and unborn child. I couldn't risk it. I was free to choose and didn't have to ask anyone
- the happy father commented on what was happening then.

Of course, the question immediately arises: if childbirth in Russia is a serious threat to the health of mother and child, does the children's ombudsman cope with his duties? But this, unfortunately, remained behind the scenes.

Having taken care of his own children in this way, Astakhov made every effort to ensure that other children, especially those who have no parents, did not leave their homeland, in other words, he became the initiator of the Dima Yakovlev Law, which actually abolished the adoption of Russian orphans by foreign citizens. It was especially painful for disabled orphans, those who could not be provided with full-fledged medical rehabilitation in Russia.

Now both Astakhov's eldest sons (born in 1988 and 1993) work together with their father. In fairness, it should be noted that almost nothing is known about the middle son, but the eldest, as reported in the media, studied (and not particularly successfully) not at all in Russian universities, but in Oxford and New York. Then, in 2012, in Moscow, he was arrested for allegedly drunk driving (he refused a medical examination, so he would be deprived of a driver’s license for six months), and in 2014, apparently taking his mind, he bought 8.5% of the shares of the Regional Development Bank and joined its board of directors. Following the son of Astakhov, the money of the fund for helping the children of Ukrainian refugees, which was organized by Astakhov Sr., "entered" this bank. Even a person not very well versed in economic intricacies would suspect that these events could be connected. And in vain! The guy is just incredibly talented.

- In the summer, I arranged for him to work with friends in a development holding. So that the guy has some practice,- Astakhov tells about his first child in an interview with 7 Days magazine. - So he got into the accounting department and quickly figured out what and how to optimize. He impressed the authorities and in a week Anton grew from an intern to an assistant to the president of the holding.

If financial issues interested the presidential anti-corruption department, then the general public was shocked by the monstrous mistakes of Pavel Alekseevich during public speeches.

Commenting on reports about the scandalous wedding of a 17-year-old resident of the village of Baytarki, Kheda-Luiza Goylabieva, and 47-year-old head of the Nozhai-Yurt District Department of Internal Affairs of Chechnya, Nazhud Guchigov (presumably the girl was given in marriage against her will), :

- There are places where women are shriveled at the age of 27, and by our standards they are under 50,- he said without hesitation.

After that, a campaign was launched on the Internet to collect signatures for the resignation of the Ombudsman. The last straw, apparently, was the phrase “Well, how did you swim,” recorded by impassive television cameras, with which Pavel Astakhov addressed the children in the hospital who miraculously escaped during the tragedy at Syamoozer drowned 14 schoolchildren).

In a word, at some point the children's ombudsman became a figure simply odious. Astakhov's resignation was expected immediately after that, but he denied all such rumors and went on vacation. waited , but again they were deceived - the official came out of vacation and calmly took up his duties.

Finally, on September 9, the resignation became known; as it turned out, the official, who had turned 50 the day before, on September 8, did not want to upset before the anniversary. Settled after.

Well, having congratulated Pavel Alekseevich on his anniversary, let's get acquainted with his successor. And then, as they say, hold on

New Ombudsman - Anna Kuznetsova

The debate over the appointment to the post of Minister of Education did not have time to subside how a lady with an even more impressive biography was chosen for the post of children's ombudsman.

” - Penzenka Anna Kuznetsova is still far from her 50th birthday - she was born in 1982. But she has six children, and the youngest son is not even a year old! Large families should not be surprised - Anna Yuryevna is not only a mother, but also a mother, the wife of a priest.

She takes the duties of the wife of the rector of the temple with all seriousness - in addition to pedagogical education, she received a theological education. After the birth of her second child, she took up volunteer work - collecting diapers for abandoned children in local hospitals. After the birth of her third child, she realized that this was not enough. An active opponent of abortion, she launched a broad campaign for the preservation of pregnancy. Through her efforts, a comprehensive demographic program "Life is a sacred gift" was introduced, within the framework of which a regional competition among women's consultations "In Defense of Life" is being held. At least 200 women have been dissuaded from having abortions. With the support of the charitable foundation for support, family, motherhood and childhood "Pokrov", created by Anna Kuznetsova, there is a shelter for women in difficult life situations.

This year, her "Pokrov" became one of the operators of presidential grants to support NGOs, it must distribute 420 million rubles a year.

She is also a member of the Council of Women under the Governor of the Penza Region, Assistant to the Chairman of the Commission on Interfaith Cooperation and Assistance in Protecting Freedom of Conscience of the Public Chamber of the Region and, importantly, the head of the executive committee of the Penza ONF.

(If you briefly dropped out of the public and political life of the country, we explain that the All-Russian People's Front (ONF, ORNF) or the "People's Front "For Russia"" is a coalition of socio-political organizations, a public movement created in May 2011 at the suggestion of Vladimir Putin (at that time - Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation).The coalition was created immediately before the elections to the State Duma, so that deputies elected independently of political parties could become members of the Duma faction of the party "United Russia". On the whole, this was slightly reminiscent of calls to “vote for the candidates of the bloc of communists and non-party people,” with which all elections were held in the Soviet Union. Today, the ONF is the most influential (and simply the only) non-partisan organization in the country.)

Kuznetsova has good contacts with human rights activists, the Public Chamber, and the presidential administration. In the spring, she won the primaries of United Russia in the Penza region and ended up on the party's pre-election list in the Duma elections: she is included in the territorial group that unites the Penza, Volgograd, Saratov and Tambov regions. This group is headed by Vyacheslav Volodin, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, who oversees the work of the commissioners in the Kremlin.

An expressive detail: at the congress of "United Russia" on June 27, Kuznetsova was sitting on the right hand of President Vladimir Putin (on the left was the leader of the party, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, photo RBC).

Anna Kuznetsova was not the only contender for this post. In addition to her, the government considered two more, perhaps even more well-known candidates in society: the director of the Fair Aid Foundation, Elizaveta Glinka (the famous doctor Lisa) and the founder of the Give Life Foundation, actress Chulpan Khamatova. The first did not pass the selection according to formal criteria, the second, according to media reports, refused to sacrifice her artistic career. Well, let's see how successful the current choice is!

Prepared based on media materials Irina Ilyina

Today's article will tell you about a wonderful person, the Commissioner for Children's Rights, who does almost everything to protect the younger population of Russia. And we are talking about Anna Kuznetsova - this woman is the founder of a large number of charitable and public organizations.

In 2016, the country had a new ombudsman, our today's heroine became it. He also has a membership in the All-Russian People's Fund of the city of Penza and is a full third-class state adviser.

Height, weight, age. How old is Anna Kuznetsova

Anna Kuznetsova is the commissioner for children's rights, and is a fairly well-known person in the vastness of the Russian Federation.

Many inhabitants are very interested in how a woman retains her natural beauty. And consequently, those who are interested in her external data are haunted by questions about her height, weight, age. How old is Anna Kuznetsova - only this question can be answered, at this point in time, she is 35 years old. And the woman decided not to share the rest of the information, because "it's indecent to ask girls like that."

Anna Kuznetsova photo in her youth and now, there is also no way to answer this, since her photos in her youth or even in childhood are not publicly available. Ombudsman by zodiac sign - Capricorn.

Biography and personal life of Anna Kuznetsova

She was born on the 3rd day, in the first month of 1982. Little Anya was brought up and grew up in a completely ordinary working family, in the city of Penza. It was in this city that the biography and personal life of Anna Kuznetsova gave its start.

Father - Yuri Bulaev, a builder by profession, and his mother has an engineering education. The Ombudsman also has a brother, Konstantin Bulaev. From the very school age, young Anya was prophesied an administrative position in the city leadership. The primary educational institution in which she studied ten grades is the 72nd secondary school. Even then, Anna Yurievna showed considerable activity.

The next stage of the educational period of life was admission to the Pedagogical Lyceum, and at the end, he decides to continue his studies in the same specialty and submits documents to the GPU. V.G. Belinsky in his native city. After that, he receives a "red" diploma of a psychologist-teacher, and decides to get a second higher education degree, in a technological specialty, which he defends his thesis in 2005.

Three years after completing her studies, Anna Kuznetsova begins her work in social activities. First of all, he establishes Blagovest. And also, with the support of members of the Penza Regional Board, he begins to lead a comprehensive demographic program called "Life is a sacred gift", which is aimed at saving the lives of unborn children - against abortion.

At the festival of social technologies, under the loud name "For Life", the Ombudsman receives two prestigious awards, namely the victory in the nomination "Interaction", and also becomes the winner of the audience sympathy for the aforementioned program "Life is a sacred gift". The public really liked the idea of ​​preserving the traditional values ​​of the family.

In 2014, with the support of Anna Yurievna, a remarkable event took place, namely the creation of the Foundation for the Support of Family, Motherhood and Childhood, called "Pokrov". It is worth noting that this fund is non-profit, and the initial direction was the moral support of women. Subsequently, it became possible to provide humanitarian assistance to families in need, in particular the supply of food and medicines. Soon, a "trust service" of the fund was opened, where anyone in need could apply.

The next step in the development of the fund was the opening of a women's shelter, where women who lost their homes were settled. An equally important business of the foundation was to provide assistance to low-income families, as well as the search for funds for children with intractable diseases. A significant event in the life of the foundation was the receipt of a presidential grant.

After a few months, Anna Kuznetsova becomes the chairman of the commission on interfaith interaction.
In parallel with her work in the foundations, the ombudsman conducted webinars, which she devoted to helping women in difficult life situations at the stage of pregnancy.

Soon, after the creation of "Pokrov", the woman became one of the leaders of the All-Russian People's Fund, in her native region. Also, she was offered the position of chairman of the regional department of the All-Russian social movement, referred to as the "Mothers of Russia".

In the spring of 2016, she won the vote of the United Russia party in the election race of her native region.
Another grand event for Anna was the appointment of the Ombudsman for Children, which happened six months after the preliminary vote was won. As Kuznetsova herself said, this was a big surprise for her.

Huge experience in working with public and charitable organizations has become a big plus in the work of a woman as an authorized person for children's rights. It is worth noting that the appointment to a position of this nature is made by the president himself, in this case, Vladimir Putin.

The woman tries not to advertise her personal life, the press officers know only that she has a husband and children.

Family and children of Anna Kuznetsova

As mentioned earlier, the Ombudsman grew up in an ordinary family. But as for her personal, what is she like, the family and children of Anna Kuznetsova? The woman has a rather entertaining family, as well as the spouses are parents of many children. More specifically, Anna is the mother of two daughters, Daria and Maria, and four sons: Leo, Timofey, as well as Nikolai and Ivan.

During the time free from the position of a public figure and ombudsman, a woman tries to spend with her children and husband, as well as devote a grain of time to caring for the land.

The sons of Anna Kuznetsova - Ivan, Nikolai, Leo and Timofey

In one of her interviews, the Ombudsman spoke about her children and their everyday life. In particular, about how lovely the sons of Anna Kuznetsova are Ivan, Nikolai, Lev and Timofey Kuznetsov.

Vanya became a first grader in 2017. According to his mother, the boy is very inquisitive and no less active than his peers. Anna Sergeevna was very worried about the beginning of her child's school life and was looking forward to this moment.

Ivan loves arithmetic very much, so the Ombudsman believes that her child will really like the school mathematics course. And the younger sons, as the woman herself said, help as much as they can and make her very happy, and like all children, they require attention, which Anna and her husband try to give as much as possible.

Daughters of Anna Kuznetsova - Maria and Daria

The girls have already entered school life and started their education. The daughters of Anna Kuznetsova, Maria and Daria, are smart and quite reasonable, as the Ombudsman herself notes. The elder sister Maria plays the guitar and shows considerable interest in such sciences as biology and history. This manifested itself from the moment the girl began to read.

Dasha, in turn, is a very athletic girl, she wakes up earlier than others, does exercises and runs. But also, she is engaged in music, namely playing the flute, although at first her mother enrolled her youngest daughter in guitar lessons, but after two weeks the girl said that the flute sounds more beautiful.

Anna Kuznetsova's husband - Alexey Kuznetsov

With her future spouse, the woman first met at a church service. At that moment, the man was not associated with church activities and was a postgraduate student at the University of Technology.

The husband of Anna Kuznetsova, Alexei Kuznetsov, while meeting his future wife, was a parishioner of the Mitrofanov Church in the city of Penza. Prior to receiving the priesthood, he became a specialist in the field of information systems and technologies, and soon began to lead services in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ, located in the village of Uralovo.

Instagram and Wikipedia Anna Kuznetsova

The Ombudsman is a very media person, because her position is directly aimed at working with the public. As for the question from the category, which Instagram and Wikipedia Anna Kuznetsova, it can be stated with confidence that she does not have an account in the social service for sharing photos and video materials Instagram. But there is its own page in the free Internet encyclopedia "Wikipedia", which describes in detail all the details of the formation of Anna Kuznetsova as a public figure.

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