White skin on the labia. Benign tumors of the external genitalia and vagina

Ulcers on the labia are deep-seated violations of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes. There are many reasons for the appearance of this symptom: infectious, chemical, mechanical and others. The main ones are sexually transmitted infections. This problem often frightens women, and they rush to seek help from specialists.

When we talk about ulcers, we mean various kinds of skin defects that become inflamed and weepy. Outwardly, they look like deepened formations, erosions or inflamed wounds. Such elements can be open (festering, bleeding) or crusted.

They are localized on the labia majora and minora. Sizes, depths, colors and shapes vary widely.

Causes of ulcers

The formation of ulcers on the labia occurs for several reasons. Here is their list:

  • lymphogranuloma venereum (donovanosis);
  • genital herpes;
  • candidiasis;
  • allergy;
  • dermatitis;
  • neoplasms;
  • Lipschutz-Chapin disease;
  • pyoderma;
  • lichen planus;
  • pseudodiphtheria;
  • abdominal typhus.

Primary syphilis

This sexually transmitted disease is caused by Treponema pallidum. As a result of infection, a syphilitic ulcer (chancre) forms on the skin or mucous membrane of the labia. It is painless, has dense edges and clear outlines. After a few weeks, the chancre completely disappears, leaving no traces. In this case, the inguinal lymph nodes are enlarged.


This pathology is caused by the Ducray bacterium. About two weeks after the infection occurs, rashes in the form of red spots appear on the labia. After another 7-9 days they turn into pinkish ulcerative defects. All this may be accompanied by itching and pain. After healing, ulcers sometimes leave behind scars. In the advanced form, the inguinal lymph nodes are affected, as in bubonic plague.

Lymphogranuloma venereum (donovanosis)

This is how a chlamydial infection can occur. Another name for it is Durand-Nicolas-Favre disease. Its distinctive feature is flow latency. First, small pimples appear on the skin of the labia. This appearance of the rash may persist for a month. They then transform into dark sores. Their diameter is only a few millimeters. The rash is painful and irregular in shape. Within a week, an unpleasant complication appears - lymphadenitis. It is characterized by inflammation and purulent lesions of the lymph nodes. The inflammatory process progresses rapidly, body temperature rises, and intoxication syndrome increases. The ulcer constantly grows in depth and, if left untreated, can reach the bone tissue of the small pelvis. Lack of timely treatment threatens with dire consequences ─ loss of the reproductive organ and disability.


This venereal disease is caused by Neisser's gonococcus. It provokes the appearance of red ulcers on the labia, producing purulent discharge. The skin and mucous membranes turn red and thicken, and a yellowish-white coating forms on them.

Associated symptoms include severe pain during urination. If gonorrhea is not treated, it can result in infertility.

Genital herpes

A herpetic infection is characterized by the appearance of a red spot that is very itchy and tingling. After some time, whitish bubbles (vesicles) filled with liquid content form in its place. At first it has a transparent color, but over time it becomes cloudy. When the blisters burst, ulcerative defects remain in their place. During the healing process, they become covered with a yellow crust with a dense structure.

Detailed information about genital herpes in women in this video.


A local allergic reaction (dermatitis) on the female genital organs often manifests itself in the form of ulcers. It occurs due to exposure to external stimuli. Here is their list:

  • lubricants, condoms;
  • male sperm;
  • insect bites;
  • underwear made of low-quality and synthetic material (do not provide sufficient air exchange);
  • tampons, pads;
  • washing powder
  • intimate area care products.

Note! Allergies also occur to medications. This is especially true for sulfonamides and iodine-containing drugs.

With allergies, severe itching is always present, and redness and swelling form on the labia. If you scratch them, the skin is damaged and ulcers form. There are cases when secondary infection occurs: bacterial, fungal or herpetic in nature.

Molluscum contagiosum

This pathology is more common in girls under 12 years of age. It manifests itself as small ulcers (up to 10 mm) of orange-pink color. The surface of the elements has a pearlescent appearance. The disease often goes away on its own even without treatment.


This type of skin lesion of the labia is rare. It is caused by streptococci and staphylococci and has the appearance of round-shaped pustules with a brown-red color. In this case, the inguinal lymph nodes often swell.

Lipschutz-Chapin disease

This disease is caused by Doderline's vaginal stick. It is characterized by the appearance of small festering ulcers surrounded by a purulent rim. The eruptive elements have a soft structure and affect the deep dermal layers. In the advanced stage, patients suffer from severe pain.


When the acid-base balance and vaginal microflora are disturbed, yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida actively grow. Severely itchy red spots with cheesy films appear on the labia. When scratched, ulcers form. Associated symptoms: the appearance of cracks, discomfort during urination, and a sour odor.


This disease is caused by the scabies mite. It is highly contagious and is transmitted through close contact with an infected person. The symptoms will be specific.

The itching occurs mainly at night, and paired elements are visually visible on the skin of the labia. These are the entry and exit points for the tick.

Neoplasms (leukoplakia)

Oncological diseases mainly develop in women over 50 years of age during menopause. At this age, estrogen production decreases, the skin and mucous membranes of the labia become thinner and dry. Against this background, dense white elements appear, rising above the surface of the skin. Then they transform into ulcerative defects and erosions, growing in breadth and depth.

Typhoid fever

This infection usually affects the human body in the summer. Warm climatic conditions are the most favorable for its reproduction. Infection occurs through household means (through food, dishes). The appearance of ulcers on the labia with this disease is not uncommon.

Lichen planus

With this skin pathology, characteristic reddish elements with a depressed center appear on the labia. During the healing process, they turn into ulcers.

Classification by color

Depending on the color, white and red ulcerative defects are distinguished.

White ulcers

With candidiasis (thrush), ulcers with a white head appear. Beneath them is a pinkish, inflamed mucous membrane.

The white color of the rash also indicates the progression of genital herpes. In such a case, you should get tested and accurately determine the presence of infection.

Red rashes

A similar shade of ulcers is found in most ailments. Here is their list:

  1. With pyoderma, round brown formations form.
  2. Ulcers of gonorrheal origin have a red bottom and produce purulent discharge.
  3. With Nicolas-Favre disease, the sores will be round in shape and dark red in color.
  4. With hormonal disorders, similar rashes with a reddish color may also appear.
  5. Ulcers of a dark red color with pronounced outlines are characteristic of syphilis. As they increase in size, the elements become granular in structure.

What symptoms accompany ulcers on the labia?

When such rashes appear, women often present other complaints. These include:

  • pain and discomfort in the pelvic and genital areas;
  • feeling of itching;
  • burning during urination;
  • enlargement of regional lymph nodes;
  • change in the amount and color of vaginal discharge;
  • decreased libido;
  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse.


Dermatologists, gynecologists and venereologists are involved in solving this delicate problem. Doctors prescribe this or that type of therapy only after receiving all the necessary tests and making an accurate diagnosis. During the inspection, the following actions are performed:

  • visual examination of the genital organs to determine the nature of the ulcers, their shape and location;
  • collecting anamnesis to determine the presence of diseases that contribute to the formation of eruptive elements;
  • issuing referrals for microbiological studies.


Therapy is determined by the cause of the disease. It involves not only local treatment of ulcers, but also the fight against the underlying disease.

Ulcers that occur due to syphilitic, chlamydial and some other infections are treated with antibiotics. Depending on the type of pathogen, the following medications are used:

  • Penicillin;
  • Ecmonovocillin;
  • Cephalosporins (Tarivid, Ceftriaxone).

Important! While taking antibiotics, it is necessary to support the intestinal microflora. For this purpose, eubiotics are prescribed.

Allergic manifestations require the use of antihistamines orally (Zodak, Loratadine, Claritin, Cetrin). Screen-Cap, Afloderm, Fenistil are used as external agents. Among the traditional methods, baths with potassium permanganate or medicinal herbs (chamomile, celandine, viburnum) have a good effect. In addition, it is necessary to exclude external irritants (condoms, hygiene products, soap).

Candidiasis is treated with antifungal drugs. Creams, ointments, suppositories (Clotrimazole, Pimafucin) are used topically. If the disease is chronic, it is advisable to use systemic medications (Diflucan, Fluconazole, Mycostatin).

Specific local medications (Spregal, sulfur ointment) will help treat scabies.

When treating herpes, antiviral drugs (Acyclovir) of local and systemic action are used. Interferons (Viferon, Kipferon) also have a good effect.

Neoplasms are treated by oncologists using chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

If pain is present, painkillers are prescribed (Diclofenac, Ketonal, Movalis, Analgin, Ibuprofen).

For any of the pathologies, it is useful to take a course of vitamins to strengthen the immune system. Particularly important are B vitamins, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, and retinol acetate.


To prevent the occurrence of ulcers on the labia, preventive measures must be taken. Here is their list:

  • using condoms during sex;
  • strengthening the body's immune forces;
  • minimizing skin damage and trauma in the genital area;
  • try to avoid contact with carriers of infection;
  • wearing comfortable underwear made from natural materials;
  • daily intimate hygiene;
  • use of personal hygiene products.

The appearance of ulcers on the labia should never be ignored. Even if the ulcers heal on their own, this does not mean that the disease is completely gone. Immediately go to a antenatal clinic or an appointment with a venereologist. Early treatment promotes a quick and effective recovery.

Another cause for concern regarding the female intimate area may be black spots on the labia. Firstly, they do not look aesthetically pleasing, they cause stiffness and self-doubt in a woman, and secondly, doubts arise regarding their safety, as well as the likelihood of their relationship to the symptoms of any disease. Sometimes such fears turn out to be unfounded, sometimes not.

If, when examining the skin of the intimate area, black glasses are discovered, then you should not immediately panic. Even if this is a sign of the disease, it was possible to identify it at the very beginning, which means that the prognosis for the upcoming treatment will be as favorable as possible. However, such formations are not always related to infections and skin diseases. The black dot may be:

  1. small mole;
  2. clogged mouth of the sebaceous gland;
  3. tick;
  4. hematoma.

You should immediately pay attention to the last item in the above list. At certain times of the year, during the period of tick activity, every outing into nature is fraught with bites from these insects. Usually people examine the body to detect an attached tick, but, unfortunately, the intimate area is usually ignored. Meanwhile, this is one of the most likely places to find it, especially if it was not sufficiently protected (short shorts, swimsuits, etc.). Therefore, if there is such a possibility, it should be excluded first.

When there is no danger

The safe ones include, first of all, those black dots on the labia that arise as a result of blockage of the mouth of the sebaceous gland. This phenomenon can occur in any part of the body. Usually such points attract attention if they are located on the face. But the skin of the labia is just part of the general skin, which means that the same principles and reactions apply to it as to other areas. The reason for the appearance of points of this type on the surface of the skin of the intimate zone can be:

  • insufficient intimate hygiene;
  • increased sebum secretion;
  • excessive sweating;
  • accumulation of skin flakes as a result of peeling;
  • improper epilation.

Such a small black dot on the labia will look the same as on the face or other part of the body. However, this type of education does not pose a health hazard. To minimize the risk of such spots appearing, you need to keep your skin clean, select care products according to its type, and wash the genital area more often during the hot season and/or when there is profuse sweating.

Another safe type of neoplasm can be considered a mole or, as it is also called, a nevus. If a mole is the size of a dot and does not protrude above the surface of the skin, there is no point in removing it. It is quite difficult to damage such a mole; accordingly, the likelihood of its degeneration into a malignant nature is also low. However, it is still worth monitoring her condition. If changes occur, especially regarding size and color, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Black dots on the labia of women photo

When treatment is necessary

Treatment will be required if the point turns out to be a sign of an infectious lesion, for example, a viral disease such as condylomatosis. At the initial stage of development of the disease, its external signs may well look like a black dot on the labia protruding above the surface of the skin.

Having recognized a condyloma at this point, you can remove it, spending a minimum of effort and time, and also avoiding unpleasant consequences in the form of the growth of large conglomerates, infection of a sexual partner, and the spread of the virus to healthy areas of the skin. However, unfortunately, at this stage, condylomatosis is rarely identified, since such a small formation is not only recognizable, but also difficult to notice.

If, however, the detected point begins to grow, and new growths appear next to it, you must immediately consult a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis and determine how to remove the formations. You should not count on the fact that condylomas will go away on their own. If left untreated, these growths can grow significantly, forming large, unkempt colonies that resemble a cock's comb. At the same time, they often affect not only the labia, but also the area around the anus, causing enormous discomfort, being damaged during defecation and rubbing against clothing.

Condylomas can only be removed surgically. However, this type of intervention is minimally invasive and often virtually painless. Among them are such procedures as:

  • cryodestruction;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • laser excision;
  • radio wave removal.

Too large formations can also be removed by excision with a scalpel, which is traumatic and therefore the least preferred method. Self-removal of condylomas is strictly prohibited.

A rash is the appearance on the skin of certain elements that may differ in different parameters: color, type, quantity, elevation above the skin, etc. A rash on the genitals is often a symptom or manifestation of various pathologies - both systemic and cutaneous. In this case, there are usually a number of other complaints. In this case, it is important to correctly differentiate the diagnosis, that is, determine the cause of the rash, distinguish the norm from the disease and prescribe adequate treatment.

Not every type of rash can be a signal of illness, but in this case it is necessary to visit a doctor. Sometimes a rash appears on the genitals not due to a sexually transmitted disease, but as a result of allergies, an imbalance of sex hormones, metabolic disorders, etc.

Types of rashes on the genitals

The rash on the genitals usually has the appearance of certain skin elements and may appear in the patient suddenly or after an incubation period.

In this case the following appears:

  • blisters - they have a short-term course and disappear on their own without treatment;
  • pustules are yellow or green in color, contain purulent discharge and appear when the disease is in an advanced stage;
  • blisters - they are filled with liquid, located in groups or singly, without treatment they turn into ulcers;
  • chancre – has a red color, hard edges and an ulcerated bottom;
  • erythema - a very reddened area of ​​​​the skin that rises above healthy tissue;
  • condylomas - they are round lumps above the surface of the skin, they can be either flesh-colored or brown.
  • nodes are rashes with a dense structure that lie in the dermal layer of the skin.
  • plaques are a rash that consists of grouped small blisters.

These are the most common types of genital rash, but there may be others.

Symptoms accompanying a rash on the genitals

In addition to the typical elements on the skin, there may also be other signs that bother the patient. Typically, a rash on the genitals is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain;
  • swelling of the genitals;
  • separated from elements;
  • itching and burning;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the groin;
  • hyperemia with clear edges or diffuse;
  • local or general fever.

The following rashes are not a sign of pathology:

All of the above types of rashes on the genitals are normal and do not require any treatment. They are observed in every third man and are associated with blocked glands or enlarged glands of the genitals.

What does this or that rash on the genitals indicate?

The following types of rashes on the genitals of men and women should alert you:

Causes of rashes on the genitals

We recommend reading:

The main factors that can result in the appearance of elements on the skin are:

  • allergy;
  • venereal diseases;
  • skin pathologies that have nothing to do with STDs;
  • lack or poor personal hygiene.

Among the pathologies that cause rashes on the genitals, which pose a real threat to health and require adequate treatment, a special place is occupied by

  • . It is caused by the scabies mite, which, when it gets on human skin, begins to gnaw passages in it and lay its eggs there. Its typical habitats have thinner skin: the lower abdomen, genitals, scrotum, groin, anus, buttocks. Men often complain of a rash on the penis, namely on the foreskin and glans. Due to bites, maggots, etc. The patient develops a very severe allergy. The presence of a tick is also indicated by the following symptoms: severe itching, due to which patients scratch the skin to the point of wounds, a rash in the form of red nodules that appears over the passages of the tick, can be scattered or multiple. There are also scratches on the skin (these are burrows), and there may be pustules from blisters that have opened. The basic principles of treating scabies rash on the genitals are simultaneous treatment of everyone in contact with the patient, the use of anti-scabies on the entire body, you can wash before applying the ointment and no earlier than 12 hours after application. To eliminate itching, antihistamines and steroid ointments are prescribed. It is better to carry out all therapeutic activities closer to the evening.
  • Syphilis. It occupies a leading place among STDs; humanity has been familiar with it since time immemorial, so today there are plenty of effective treatment methods. Within 1.5 months (incubation period), symptoms of the disease do not appear. Afterwards, the patient begins to develop a typical symptom complex: chancre on the genitals (2 cm in diameter, clear edges), at first it does not cause pain, then enlarged lymph nodes appear, which hurt on palpation. If the chancre becomes infected, ulcers form on it, and pus and blood begin to ooze. The rash appears 2-3 months after infection, it signals the transition of the disease to the second stage and is accompanied by low-grade fever, poor health, and sore throat. Treatment of the disease and the accompanying rash on the genital organ consists of prescribing specific antibiotic therapy for a long time in the form of injections or tablets. Typically, the drug of choice is penicillin, and if you are allergic to it, macrolides or cephalosporins.

  • Psoriasis. It refers to skin diseases with a chronic course. Very often, it causes a rash to form on the genital organs of men, namely on the head, pubis, and groin. This happens less frequently in women and a rash can usually be found on the labia minora. However, psoriasis is not transmitted through sexual contact. Rashes on the genitals with psoriasis do not tend to spread and may be accompanied by itching. The patient first develops papules that become covered with scales. Psoriasis is often mistaken for vulvitis in women and balanoposthitis in men. Treatment consists of the use of corticosteroid ointments and creams, immunomodulators, and various physiotherapeutic procedures.
  • This is a viral pathology that has an incubation period from 2 weeks to several months. The first signs are the appearance of dense erytomatous nodules on the skin of the genitals, abdomen, and thighs. Contact molluscum is transmitted through sexual and domestic contact, as well as through water (swimming pool). Over time, the nodules become associated with itching and secondary bacterial infection. Molluscum contagiosum is not very dangerous, but is a sign of weakened immunity. Treatment of such a rash on the genitals consists of mechanical removal of the contents of the nodules or cauterization, prescribing immunomodulators, antiviral ointments and tetracycline antibiotics if necessary.

  • It is a disease of inflammatory origin, which develops as a result of the negative influence of an external irritant. Recently, it appears in patients due to the use of various types of contraceptives (pills, latex condoms, creams, suppositories), which provoke an allergy in the form of a rash on the genitals in both women and men. Also, a similar reaction is possible to synthetic underwear, low-quality powder, etc. This is manifested by burning, swelling, itching, redness, the appearance of blisters, the addition of a secondary infection, whitish plaque and pain when urinating. Treatment of genital dermatitis involves identifying the allergen and then eliminating it. Antifungal and antihistamines are also prescribed, and ointments, if necessary.

  • . It is provoked by fungi from the genus Candida, which equally cause thrush in both men and women. As a rule, candidiasis develops against the background of reduced immunity, as a result of uncontrolled proliferation of fungi, which causes typical symptoms. Patients complain of itching in the genital area, a rash on the genitals, and emphasize that it hurts to urinate. In men, a spotted white coating is found on the head, and in women, profuse leucorrhoea (like cottage cheese). Therapy for candidiasis is the prescription of antifungal medications (ointments, tablets), and it is mandatory for both partners.

  • Yulia Viktorova, obstetrician-gynecologist

    Causes of discomfort in the labia area. What should you do if your labia are itchy and swollen?

    Most women associate the appearance of itching and burning in the labia area with banal thrush, so they don’t bother too much and try to get rid of this problem with some advertised suppositories. Of course, if the cause of such symptoms was thrush, then after a couple of days the girl will completely forget about the discomfort.

    If such a nuisance is caused by more serious diseases, then such treatment will only aggravate the woman’s condition. If you don’t want to get into a similar situation, then let’s figure out together what diseases can cause burning, itching and rash on the labia.

    Dryness and itching, white pimples, spots, swelling, inflammation of the labia minora and majora: symptoms of what diseases?

    Diseases that manifest themselves as dryness, itching, swelling and rash

    As you probably already understood, itching, burning, dryness and various types of rashes can be caused not only by thrush. Although it is the most common female disease, there are many diseases that can manifest themselves with similar symptoms. In view of this, if you notice at least a couple of such manifestations, then immediately seek advice from a specialist.

    After all, if you cannot correctly determine the cause of the problem, then the inflammatory process can ultimately affect the ovaries and appendages and, as a result, this can even lead to infertility.

    Diseases that manifest themselves as dryness, itching, swelling and rash:

    • Candidiasis
    • Allergy
    • Inflammation of the bladder and kidneys
    • Benign and malignant neoplasms
    • Vaginal dysbiosis
    • Hormonal disbalance
    • Bacterial vaginitis
    • Genital herpes
    • Chlamydia
    • Trichomoniasis
    • Leukoplakia
    • Syphilis
    • Lichen
    • Psoriasis
    • Diabetes
    • Scabies
    • Genital dermatitis

    Gynecological diseases on the labia: signs, photos.

    Gynecological diseases of the labia

    The female reproductive system is a very good indicator of intimate health. As a rule, if a woman begins to have some problems in this area, she immediately begins to experience itching and burning in the area of ​​the labia minora and majora.

    That is why representatives of the fair sex should take such symptoms very seriously and try to eliminate the cause of their occurrence as soon as possible. And so that you can independently figure out what caused such problems, we bring to your attention a list of gynecological diseases that can manifest themselves with similar symptoms:


    • Thrush (severe itching and white, curd-like discharge)

    • Inflammation of the ovaries (burning and foul-smelling discharge)

    • Colpitis (itching, burning and swelling of the vaginal mucosa)

    • Bacterial vaginosis (yellow or green discharge that is accompanied by severe itching)

    • Vulvitis (burning, swelling and plaque on the labia)

    • Chlamydia (itching and burning that occurs immediately before and immediately after menstruation)

    Sexually transmitted diseases on the labia: signs, photos.

    Venereal diseases, unlike gynecological diseases, are considered more dangerous because for a long period the patient may not even suspect that she has become infected with one of them. For this reason, when the disease begins to manifest itself openly, it is usually in the most intense phase of development.

    That is why if you have even the slightest suspicion that you have become infected with a sexually transmitted disease, then immediately begin treatment. Indeed, in addition to the fact that such pathologies behave hidden, they also give more severe complications that require quite long and expensive treatment.

    Sexually transmitted diseases:

    • Gonorrhea

    • Syphilis

    • Chancroid

    • Donovanosis

    • Lymphogranulomatosis venereum

    Signs of sexually transmitted diseases:

    • Pain during urination
    • Unpleasant vaginal odor
    • Green, yellow, brown discharge
    • Ulcers and pimples on the labia
    • Purulent cracks

    Which doctor should I contact for itching and burning on the labia?

    Examination by a gynecologist

    If you experience quite severe discomfort in the labia area, you should not ignore it. Since this symptom can be a sign of various diseases, it will be better if a specialist gives you an accurate diagnosis. Initially, women with such a problem should contact their gynecologist.

    After the specialist conducts an examination and takes all the necessary tests, he will be able to determine whether the itching and burning is a gynecological problem or whether it was caused by pathologies not related to the reproductive system. If the problem is not gynecological, the woman will have to undergo additional examination by a venereologist, dermatologist, allergist and endocrinologist.

    Medicines, ointments, folk remedies for itching and burning on the labia

    Medicines for burning and itching

    I would like to say right away that we provide a list of medications to combat itching and burning in the labia area solely for informational purposes. Since they all have their own contraindications and side effects, only a qualified specialist can decide whether they are suitable for you or not.

    As for traditional methods of treatment, you must understand that they are in any case less effective than official therapy. In view of this, it will be better if you use this method of treatment together with the therapy that your doctor has chosen for you.

    Medicines for burning and itching:

    • Amoxicillin(a broad-spectrum antibiotic that kills almost all types of fungi and bacteria)
    • Fluconazole(effective antifungal agent)
    • Terzhinan(vaginal suppositories that help reduce itching and burning)
    • Nystatin(vaginal suppositories that block the proliferation of fungi)
    • Pimafucin(used to treat vaginitis and vaginal dysbiosis)
    • Pimafukort(an ointment that promotes the healing of wounds and cracks on the labia mucosa)

    Folk remedies:

    • Soda washes
    • Douching using chamomile decoction
    • Healing baths with calendula

    Signs of genital herpes on the labia: how to treat, what to smear?

    Signs of genital herpes on the labia

    Herpes is one of those pathologies that cannot be completely cured. Consequently, if a woman’s body encounters the causative agent of this disease, it will remain with her for the rest of her life, and periodically she will have to pacify it.

    But still, if you approach the treatment of genital herpes correctly, then representatives of the fair sex will remember its presence only as a last resort.

    Signs of genital herpes:

    • Redness of the labia majora and minora
    • Itching and burning
    • Watery blisters
    • Enlarged inguinal lymph nodes
    • Weeping erosion

    Treatment of genital herpes:

    • Antiviral drugs
    • Immunomodulators
    • Suppositories that relieve inflammation
    • Ointments that promote wound healing

    Signs of thrush on the labia: how to treat, what to smear?

    Signs of thrush on the labia

    Perhaps the most obvious symptom of thrush is a curdled discharge, the amount of which increases as the disease progresses. Since these secretions contain a huge number of pathogenic microorganisms, when released, they inflame all the mucous membranes, thereby provoking a noticeable burning and itching.

    If a woman delays treatment, then in addition to the above-mentioned symptoms, she develops painful ulcers and cracks.

    Drugs for the treatment of thrush:

    • Levorin
    • Nystatin
    • Clotrimazole
    • Ketoconazole
    • Nitrofungin
    • Griseofulvin

    Signs of the disease with kraurosis of the vagina on the labia

    Signs of kraurosis on the labia

    As a rule, at the initial stage, kraurosis affects exclusively the area of ​​the labia majora. At this stage, the patient may not notice any pathologies at all, since during this period the disease will manifest itself exclusively by dry skin immediately after hygiene procedures.

    As the pathology progresses, it will move to the labia minora and then to the vagina. At this stage, the woman will begin to experience severe itching, which will be accompanied by a burning sensation. In addition to these symptoms, almost all patients with kraurosis experience wrinkling of the mucous membranes and swelling of the vulva.

    Treatment of kraurosis:

    • Estrogen cream
    • Progesterone gel
    • Ointment with 2% testosterone
    • Suppositories with glucocorticoids

    Signs of fistulas on the labia

    Signs of fistulas on the labia

    A vaginal fistula is a rather unpleasant phenomenon that most often appears due to trauma to the vagina or infections occurring in the anus or intestines.

    Almost all women who are faced with this problem begin to feel difficulties associated with hygiene. As a rule, if a fistula forms in this place, then feces periodically come out of its external opening in addition to pus and an unpleasant odor.

    Other symptoms of labia fistula:

    • Uncontrolled release of bad-smelling gases
    • Urinary incontinence
    • Purulent discharge
    • Painful sensations during sexual intercourse and urination
    • Burning and itching in the labia area

    Signs of allergies on the labia

    Signs of allergies on the labia

    We are accustomed to thinking that an allergy necessarily means a runny nose, watery eyes and a small rash all over the body. But in the case of the labia, the signs will be slightly different. As a rule, the rash in this case is also small, but unlike the dermatological one, the pimples are smaller and almost always watery.

    As for itching, it is more intense and is necessarily accompanied by burning and the formation of erythema. Some time after the onset of these symptoms, the patient’s discharge will definitely increase. They can change not only their quantity, but also their color and smell. If the allergy is not treated, then small wounds also form on the labia.

    Itching on the labia with diabetes

    Itching on the labia with diabetes

    As you probably know, diabetes cannot be completely eliminated. For this reason, people who are faced with a similar illness have to do everything so that it does not interfere with their normal life.

    In view of this, if this pathology also manifests itself as itching in the labia area, then the sick woman simply needs to ensure that the acid balance of the skin in this area is always within normal limits.

    To avoid itching in the labia area, follow these rules::

    • Use a neutral pH cleanser
    • Be sure to wash yourself 2 times a day
    • Iron your laundry on both sides
    • During your period, change your pad and tampon every 3 hours.
    • Wear underwear made from natural fabrics

    Itching on the labia due to scabies

    Itching on the labia due to scabies

    Scabies is an infectious disease that is very easily transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person. The causative agent of this disease is a microscopic mite, which multiplies very quickly, so in this case the sick person must fight not only the consequences of his life activity, but also himself.

    If you simply try to reduce the itching and burning, but do not block the reproduction of the mite, then you will definitely not be able to get rid of scabies.

    Remedies for the treatment of scabies in the labia area:

    • Sulfuric ointment
    • Zinc ointment
    • Washing with chamomile and furatsilin

    Itching on the labia after hair removal

    Itching on the labia after hair removal

    I would like to say right away that itching after epilation appears only if it was carried out using previously used devices or if the skin was injured during this process.

    That is why if you want to avoid such problems, then just try to follow all the rules of depilation at home.

    If itching appears, then try to get rid of it with the following remedies::

    • Rinse your skin with chamomile solution
    • Make a compress with calendula
    • Wipe the inflamed areas with a decoction of the string

    Itching on the labia with psoriasis

    Itching on the labia with psoriasis

    Typically, genital psoriasis manifests itself as pale pink, round papules in the area of ​​the labia majora and minora. After some time, the dermis in these places becomes very dry and covered with light scales, which gradually fall off, thereby only increasing the itching and burning.

    A fairly large number of women believe that if these scales are removed, the problem will go away on its own. In fact, in order to get rid of psoriasis, drug treatment alone is not enough. In this case, it is extremely important to adhere to proper nutrition and be sure to strictly monitor vulvar hygiene.

    Means for the treatment of genital psoriasis:

    • Tacrolimus
    • Pimecrolimus
    • Iclosporin
    • Methotrexate
    • Vitamin D
    • Salt baths
    • Washing with golden mustache tincture

    Itching on the labia due to worms

    Itching on the labia due to worms

    As practice shows, if worms begin to migrate from the intestines to the vulva, then the woman begins to feel severe night itching. As a rule, immediately after washing in the morning it disappears, but towards lunch it begins to be felt again.

    Another characteristic symptom of genital infestation with worms is the pronounced sour smell of the discharge. In addition, all representatives of the fair sex who are faced with this problem almost always develop a small red rash.

    Medicines that will help get rid of worms:

    • Albendazole
    • Wormil
    • Angelmex

    Itching and swelling of the labia during pregnancy: what to do?

    Itching and swelling of the labia during pregnancy

    Almost every pregnant woman faces such a problem as itching and swelling of the genitals. And although in most cases such changes can be attributed to physiological, sometimes they can indicate that the expectant mother is not all right with her health.

    Sometimes swelling and itching in the labia area is caused by thrush, vulvovaginitis, varicose veins or bartholinitis. That is why, if such symptoms occur, a pregnant woman should immediately see a doctor. After all, although these pathologies are not fatal, they can still cause harm to both the woman and her baby.

    As for the treatment of such pathologies during pregnancy, in most cases doctors prefer to carry it out without the use of antibiotics. In view of this, if they see that the disease is in the very initial stage, they recommend treating it with antifungal, anti-inflammatory and regenerating ointments and gels.

    Remedies to help get rid of the problem:

    • Troxevasin
    • Heparin
    • Tetracycline ointment
    • Chamomile decoction

    Is it possible to smear the labia with baby cream?

    For some reason, there is an opinion among women that baby cream is the most useful hygiene and care product, and that is why sometimes they decide to use it to get rid of irritation and dryness in the labia area. And although the majority of those who have tried this treatment method on themselves claim that it helped them, we do not recommend that you conduct such experiments on yourself.

    After all, no matter what quality cream you choose for these purposes, you must understand that it is intended exclusively for external use. Therefore, there is always the possibility that if it enters the vagina, it will cause an allergic reaction, which will only increase discomfort.

    It is also worth considering that now each manufacturer makes products according to their own recipes, which means that they can add substances to them that, in general, are unacceptable for use in children's cosmetics. For this reason, it will be better if you still use products specifically designed for this purpose to eliminate sexual discomfort.

    Prevention of itching and burning on the labia

    Prevention of itching and burning on the labia

    If you want to forget about itching and burning in the genital area once and for all, then follow these rules:

    • Regularly undergo examination by a gynecologist and examination by a therapist.
    • Try to avoid drying out the dermis in the vulva area
    • Wash yourself with special products
    • Wear only natural underwear
    • Avoid eating sweet yeast baked goods
    • Use a condom during sex

    Video: Swelling of the labia: causes, symptoms and treatment

    Unfortunately, rashes on the labia are not uncommon. It’s just that many women are embarrassed to see a doctor with such a delicate problem, trying to cope on their own. In most cases, medical attention is not necessary. But sometimes even a small pimple can signal the development of a dangerous disease.

    Why do they appear?

    Among the causes of rashes in the female genital area are:

    1. Hormonal disruptions in the body occur in adolescents, pregnant women or during menstruation. From excess androgens, the sebaceous glands begin to work faster and produce a lot of sebum. As a result, the excretory ducts become clogged, and after infection occurs, they become inflamed along with the surrounding tissues. This is how a pimple with purulent contents is formed;
    2. violation of hygiene standards leads to the accumulation of secretions, dirt, particles of defecation products and urine on the surface of the genitals. This entire mass is a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic flora. This is where rashes appear on the labia. Do not forget also about the need to change panties daily;
    3. wearing synthetic or too tight underwear damages the delicate epithelium, causing microcracks to appear. And any wounds become a gateway for infection. According to statistics, women who prefer thongs are more likely to encounter;
    4. hypothermia causes cold rashes - large, painful bumps that often cause discomfort when walking. They usually heal spontaneously, although it takes a long time. However, the addition of an infection can cause the formation of a boil, the treatment of which is best left to a professional;
    5. thrush is sometimes accompanied by a small erosive rash covered with a white coating. In this case, the woman feels pain during urination and sexual intercourse, and abundant curds appear on her underwear;
    6. inflammation of the hair follicles looks like a regular pimple localized at the mouth. It can be caused by improperly growing hair after an injury during hair removal. The process is accompanied by slight suppuration and mild pain on palpation. Usually everything goes away on its own, but in case of severe inflammation, you can wipe the rash with antiseptics (Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide);
    7. irritation after shaving provokes a small rash on the labia, which itches and hurts;
    8. physiological characteristics (Fordyce granules);
    9. sexually transmitted infections (herpes, syphilis, genital warts);
    10. diseases of another etiology (molluscum contagiosum, bartholinitis).

    Statistics say that in approximately 70% of cases the cause lies in an allergic reaction and Fordyce granules.

    Fordyce granules

    Light nodules on the outer labia are seborrheic cysts, which are not dangerous for the woman herself and do not pose a threat to others. Many small white or yellowish pimples can also form around the nipples and on the penis in men. If you press lightly on the granules, a thick white content comes out - sebum. The pathology occurs due to the uncharacteristic location of the sebaceous glands slightly higher than usual.

    For this reason, they are clearly visible through the thin epithelium. This feature is not considered a pathology or developmental defect, but is a variant of the norm. Women experience only aesthetic discomfort, so they are often removed. However, none of the methods of disposal brings the desired result, since the cysts reappear after some time.

    Genital herpes

    Small blistering rashes on the labia minora filled with cloudy liquid are a symptom of infection with the herpes virus. Initially, the affected area becomes red and swollen, then a rash appears, which spontaneously opens, leaving painful ulcers. The process ends with complete healing of the wounds without traces. The disease is prone to relapse. In severe cases, antiviral drugs are used to stop the pathogen from reproducing.


    Rashes in the genital area appear in the primary stage of infection. Hard chancres are localized at the sites of penetration of Treponema pallidum. They look like shiny erosions with a red surface and serous edges. After the rash disappears, the disease progresses to the next stage and affects all body systems.

    Condylomas acuminata

    The human papillomavirus is transmitted both sexually and by contact. If small thin formations on a flesh-colored stalk appear in the vaginal area, they must be removed in the hospital. Some strains of the pathogen can cause cervical cancer. The growths are easily damaged during shaving or intimate contact. And the blood released from them is a source of self-infection or becomes the cause of infection of a beloved man.

    Molluscum contagiosum

    The main symptom of a viral disease is white pearly rashes on the labia majora with a depression in the center. When pressed, a curd mass comes out. during skin-to-skin contact, when using shared towels, washcloths and linen.


    In the vestibule of the vagina, in the thickness of the labia majora, Bartholin's glands are located. They are intended to produce a lubricant that moisturizes the vaginal mucosa. When an infection penetrates, the gland becomes inflamed, resulting in the formation of a dense capsule with pus on its surface. A breakthrough of the abscess triggers the chronic course of the disease, due to which a cyst forms on the glands. At the initial stage, you can feel general malaise, enlarged inguinal lymph nodes, and a blistering rash. Moreover, you should not neglect this recommendation if, shortly before the onset of discomfort, you had unprotected sexual intercourse with a partner whose intimate health is not 100% certain.

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