Biochemical analysis of blood alt ast decoding norm. Deciphering the norms of alt and ast in a biochemical blood test in adults. Can ALT increase in pregnant women

  • drug intoxication;
  • cardiac pathology, including insufficiency;
  • myocarditis, heart attacks;
  • shock conditions with burns and various serious injuries;
  • necrotic lesions of the skeletal muscles.
  • Also, alanine aminotransferase in the blood, as a rule, is increased in all pregnant women. However, an excessive amount of ALT should alert the attending physician, since such an indicator may indicate a serious pathology of the internal organs, especially the liver.

    An increase in the activity of aminotransferases (AST and ALT) by 1.5-5 times compared with the upper limit of the norm is considered as moderate hyperenzymemia, 6-10 times as moderate hyperenzymemia, more than 10 times as high. The degree of increase in the activity of aminotransferases indicates the severity of the cytolytic syndrome, but does not directly indicate the depth of violations of the actual function of the organ.

    In myocardial infarction, an increase in serum ALT activity is detected in 50-70% of cases, more often with extensive necrosis of the heart muscle. The greatest increase in ALT activity is detected in the acute phase - an average of 130-150% of the norm, which is noticeably inferior to that of AST - an average of 450-500% of the norm.

    In liver diseases, ALT activity changes first and most significantly compared to AST. In acute hepatitis, regardless of its etiology, the activity of aminotransferases increases in all patients. The activity of ALT contained in the cytoplasm changes especially, due to its rapid exit from the cell and entry into the bloodstream, so the determination of ALT activity is a more sensitive test for the early diagnosis of acute hepatitis than AST. The half-life of ALT is approximately 50 hours. AST is located predominantly in mitochondria, its half-life is 20 hours, so its activity increases with more severe damage to the hepatocyte. The activity of ALT and AST increases 10-15 days before the onset of jaundice in hepatitis A, and for many weeks in hepatitis B (the activity of these enzymes increases simultaneously, but ALT - to a much greater extent). In a typical course of viral hepatitis, ALT activity reaches a maximum at the 2-3rd week of the disease. With its favorable course, ALT activity normalizes after 30-40 days, AST - after 25-35 days. A repeated or progressive increase in the activity of aminotransferases indicates a new necrosis or relapse of the disease. The prolongation of the period of increased activity of aminotransferases is often an unfavorable sign, since it may indicate the transition of an acute process into a chronic one.

    In the acute period of viral hepatitis in all forms except severe, the de Ritis coefficient ranges from 0.55 to 0.65, in severe cases this coefficient averages 0.83, which reflects a more significant increase in AST activity. In the differential diagnostic respect, it is of some importance that in alcoholic liver lesions, in contrast to viral ones, a predominant increase in AST activity is characteristic (de Ritis coefficient - more than 2).

    Chronic hepatitis is characterized by moderate and moderate hyperenzymemia.

    In latent forms of liver cirrhosis, an increase in enzyme activity, as a rule, is not observed. In active forms, a persistent, albeit slight, increase in aminotransferase activity is detected in 74-77% of cases.

    Noteworthy is bilirubin-aminotransferase dissociation, that is, cases of severe hyperbilirubinemia (mainly due to direct bilirubin) and low activity of aminotransferases. This dissociation is observed in subhepatic jaundice with stable biliary hypertension, acute liver failure. The activity of AST and ALT, as well as alkaline phosphatase, increases with the resolution of chronic heart failure (the peak is usually 3-4 days).

    An increase in the activity of ALT and AST can also be detected in practically healthy carriers of the hepatitis B surface antigen, which indicates the presence of apparently asymptomatic active processes in the liver.

    Causes of a decrease in ALT

    Alanine aminotransferase may be below normal in very serious pathologies, such as necrotizing atrophy of the liver. Release, release of ALT into the bloodstream is possible only in case of damage to hepatocytes, their cell membranes. In addition, an elemental deficiency of vitamin B6 can also affect the decrease in ALT levels.

    Alanine aminotransferase in the blood is usually determined together with AST - aspartate aminotransferase, both of these indicators are important for assessing the condition of many internal organs.

    When a person is sick, it is almost impossible to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe competent treatment without tests. Often, you do not need to go through all the existing laboratory tests. To date, it is enough for a doctor to study the decoding of a biochemical blood test and the indicators of the ALT and AST norms in an adult or a child in order to understand the whole nature of the disease. One of the most important indicators in this analysis is the level of liver enzymes - ALT and AST. Changes in the permissible limits of these blood components may indicate serious diseases.

    What is AST

    AST, in scientific circles, aspartate aminotransferase - a protein - a "builder" responsible for the synthesis of amino acids in the body. In addition, he is an active participant in all metabolic processes of the body.

    AST is a component that has its own specifics. It is concentrated exclusively in tissues, and its detection in serum is an alarming sign. The highest concentration of this enzyme is concentrated in the heart, kidney, muscle tissues, part is located in the nervous tissues. As soon as the analysis reveals the presence of this element in the biomaterial, then the pathology begins where AST is found the most. Accordingly, its level in the blood begins to rise. Most often, diseases are associated with pathologies of the heart or liver. All changes in the level of AST can only be detected by a biochemical blood test.

    A few words about ALT

    Together with the AST indicator, a biochemical blood test reveals the level of ALT, alanine transferase, an enzymatic protein synthesized in the human liver. The main percentage of ALA is found in the liver and kidneys, while a small amount is found in the heart tissues.

    This enzyme is involved in the metabolism of amino acids. Thanks to this, general immunity increases, the production of lymphocytes actively begins, and it controls the production of sugar. By nature, it is arranged in such a way that this hepatic transaminase behaves more actively in the male body than in the female.

    If the level of ALAT rises, then most likely we have a problem with the kidneys, liver, lungs or pancreas.

    AST and ALT are indicators that are considered and interpreted in conjunction with each other.

    Indications for analysis

    It happens that in order to make a diagnosis, the attending physician needs only an analysis of ALT and AST. Biochemistry is prescribed in the following cases:

    • pregnancy;
    • with existing pathology of the heart and liver;
    • control of prescribed therapy;
    • suspected cardiac infarction;
    • injury to the abdomen or chest;
    • when taking strong drugs that have a detrimental effect on the heart and liver. For example, in the treatment of HIV or major depression.

    What can analyzes reveal?

    The AST test and the ALT blood test are the most important tests. Any deviation from the norm is considered a pathology. AST and ALT monitor the body's response to various stimuli.

    From the side of the liver, it can be:

    1. Liver damage from alcohol or excessive or prolonged use of medications.
    2. Cirrhosis of the liver, including alcoholic.
    3. Hepatitis of any type

    The indicator of the level of ALAT in the blood may vary depending on the degree of physical exertion on the body, the presence of burn areas, ischemic damage, and injuries of any type. Based on the results obtained, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment.

    Biomaterial collection rules

    Absolutely any analysis requires careful preparation. Only in this way can you be sure of the reliability of the results obtained.

    Since ALT and AST are the most important indicators of liver function, it is very important to follow a diet for at least a few days before donating the biomaterial.

    Do not eat salty, fatty, spicy. This can not only worsen your score, but also significantly increase blood clotting, which may not allow for an examination, as required.

    • The analysis is given strictly on an empty stomach with a sustained hungry pause of 8 hours or more.
    • Refrain from smoking for at least a few hours before giving the sample.
    • Drink only plain water. Sweet drinks will blur the real picture.
    • Alcohol is prohibited.
    • Limit the use of eggs, cottage cheese, any dairy products.
    • Eliminate physical overwork on the eve of the study.
    • Tune in a positive way, calm down, and only after that head to the treatment room.
    • It is not necessary to analyze the level of AST and ALT, if the day before that you underwent an ultrasound examination, an X-ray, visited a physiotherapy room, and did a fluorography.

    Deciphering analyzes

    AST. Norm and deviations

    In an ideal biochemistry analysis, the AST value should be as low as possible. This means that no health problems have been identified to date. However, it is important to understand that the norms for this study are a relative concept. They vary by age and gender.

    A sign of the disease can only be high rates. We are not talking about a low level of ASAT. Even if you see 0 units / l in the decryption, then you should not worry. As a deviation and a sign of the disease, this is not considered. The only thing that can indicate a decrease in ALT and AST in the blood is a lack of B vitamins. A decrease in indicators is also characteristic of pregnancy, which is due to the bearing of the baby and the restructuring of the hormonal background.

    Doctors divided the severity of the situation into three types:

    • moderate, when the excess is 5 times;
    • medium form - 10 times;
    • severe form, in which the level of AST is overestimated by 10 times or more.

    The following pathologies are possible:

    ALT norms

    Norms of ALT, as well as ASAT, depend on the gender and age of the patient. The study in children is carried out taking into account the age.

    It is important to surrender that all these norms are relative. So the result can be increased when taking certain drugs, for example, aspirin, paracetamol, or when using oral contraceptives. The same false result will give you the use of valerian, echinacea, excessive physical activity for non-compliance with the rules for the delivery of biomaterial.

    Preliminary diagnosis

    Amino acid intercellular metabolism occurs with the participation of alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase, and is called transamination. The enzymes enzymes ALT and AST are enclosed in cells of various organs, and their excess in plasma analysis always indicates cell necrosis. Why ALT and AST are elevated must be found out by a specialist, but let's try to figure out why this happens.

    ALT is seen in:

    • Liver tissue (most of all).
    • pancreas.
    • Muscles.
    • Kidney.
    • Heart.
    The analysis for ALT is increased with the disease of these organs in an adult, most often with pathological changes in the liver.

    The places of concentration of AST are:

    • Heart (most of all).
    • Liver.
    • Muscular skeleton.
    • Brain.

    When ALT and AST are elevated, what does this mean? At the beginning of the study, with elevated transaminase, the doctor evaluates other plasma parameters, in particular bilirubin. If other deviations in the test results are observed, a series of diagnostic procedures must be completed in order to identify the organ affected by the pathology.

    In medical practice, with a serious increase in ALT, the liver is examined, and with an increase in AST, the heart of the patient.

    What can affect the result?

    The level of transaminases in the blood is determined during a biochemical study of blood plasma. It often happens that an increased amount of enzymes is not a sign of illness. The following factors may influence the result of the study in the direction of increasing transominases:

    • Breakfast before plasma donation.
    • Drinking a cup of tea, coffee or other beverage other than water in the morning.
    • Taking certain medications 2 weeks before the test.
    • Eating fatty foods or alcohol 3 days before the test.
    • Intense physical activity 2 days before the analysis increases the level of AST.
    All these factors increase the level of transominases in the blood, and therefore, the analysis for enzymes must be prepared with great care.

    If you are unable to stop taking medications, you should tell your doctor about it to avoid misdiagnosis.

    Ask your question to the doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics

    Anna Poniaeva. She graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy (2007-2014) and residency in clinical laboratory diagnostics (2014-2016).

    Watch a video about ALT and AST

    Test transcript

    Deciphering the transaminase test should only be carried out by the attending physician. It is the specialist who will be able to take into account the factors that increase the level of transaminases and the individual characteristics of the body when deciphering the results. The accepted norms of transominases in plasma are:

    • ALT female - less than 34 units / l.
    • AST female. - less than 31 units / l.
    • ALT male. - less than 45 units / l.
    • AST husband. - less than 41 units / l.
    In children, the indicators depend on the age category.

    The highest rates are observed in babies up to 6 months of age. Also, a sharp jump in transaminases can happen in adolescence, which is associated with intensive growth of muscle tissue.

    Decoding by the de Ritis coefficient

    Analysis for the de Ritis coefficient is a specialized study, which shows the ratio of transaminases to each other. It is this analysis that allows you to identify a diseased organ and determine the risks for the patient. The analysis is prescribed for diagnosis with increased transominases.

    Normally, the indicators of AST to ALT according to Ritis is 1.33 with a possible fluctuation in either direction by 0.42. With a larger deviation, doctors make a preliminary diagnosis. Possible diseases:

    • Coefficient 0.5-0.83 - early stages of hepatitis A or B.
    • Coefficient 1 - viral hepatitis.
    • Coefficient 1-2 - liver damage with tissue dystrophy, chronic hepatitis.
    • A coefficient above 2 is alcohol poisoning.

    ALT, alanine aminotransferase. It is a specific enzyme involved in the production and breakdown of proteins. Synthesized by cells of various organs: liver, spleen, kidneys, lungs, heart muscles. Normally, a small amount enters the bloodstream. Blood ALT testing is a common diagnostic test.

    Diagnosis based on ALT analysis

    The detection of the level of alanine aminotransferase is carried out as part of a general biochemical blood test. Complaints for which a blood test for ALT is prescribed are:

    • Increased fatigue;
    • Decreased appetite;
    • The appearance of weakness in the body;
    • Pain on the right side of the abdomen;
    • change in the color of urine;
    • Yellowness of the skin;
    • Pain in the region of the heart;
    • Inclination to nausea.

    It is mandatory to identify the level of aminotransferase in patients suffering from obesity, diabetes, liver disease.

    Important! Blood donation is done in the morning on an empty stomach. It is not recommended to consume alcohol and fatty foods the day before the analysis.

    It is also worth refraining from taking strong medications. The results of the study can be affected by the psycho-emotional state of a person and physical stress.

    Exceeding the threshold of normal

    In medical research, the upper limit of normal ALT is important. The limit for adult men is 45 units / l, for women 34 units / l. An increase in ALT in a blood test indicates an inflammatory process in the body. The following are the diseases that cause such a pathology.

    1. Pancreatitis. Severe damage to the pancreas. It occurs due to the appearance of a tumor that blocks the enzyme ducts. As a result, the accumulated digestive enzymes begin to digest the pancreas itself. Possible lethal outcome;
    2. Hepatitis. Liver disease. It is characterized by inflammation of the tissues of the body. It is divided into several types. Hepatitis C is considered the most dangerous. The latter often becomes chronic and can cause cirrhosis of the liver. Common causes of hepatitis are: toxic damage to liver cells (for example, alcohol), viral infection;
    3. Myocardial infarction. The most severe heart disease. It is characterized by the death of some parts of the heart muscle, due to a critical decrease in blood circulation. There are many reasons for pathology. The main ones: smoking, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, sedentary lifestyle.

    There are reasons for exceeding the ALT norm in a blood test, not associated with the listed diseases:

    • Chemotherapy;
    • Injuries accompanied by damage to the muscles of the body;
    • Taking strong drugs;
    • Physical and emotional overstrain;
    • Eating fatty fried foods
    • Taking drugs.

    Important! The main recommendations aimed at reducing the likelihood of these diseases will be: proper nutrition, refraining from using drugs (including alcohol, nicotine), moderate physical activity, and reducing stressful situations in life.

    De Rittis ratio

    One of the most important research methods is considered to be the comparison of the level of ALT with the level of AST - aspartate aminotransferase. The latter is also an endogenous enzyme involved in the synthesis of amino acids. Aminotransferases have similar threshold levels in the blood. The diagnosis of a particular pathology depends on the balance of ALT and AST. The AST/ALT ratio is characterized by the de Rittis coefficient.

    Important! The normal value of the de Rittis coefficient is 1.33-1.75 units / l.

    A decrease in the rate below 1 unit / l will mean viral liver damage. An increase in the coefficient to 2 units / l and above, subject to an increased content of albumins, indicates myocardial infarction.

    Normal levels of ALT / AST in the body:

    • Alalnin aminotransferase: men - up to 45 U / l, women - up to 34 U / l;
    • Aspartate aminotransferase: men - up to 41 units / l, women - up to 31 units / l.

    Independent interpretation of analyzes

    Often, patients, having read medical information, try to independently decipher a blood test for ALT levels. After receiving the results in the laboratory, some people, seeing the deviation of indicators from normal values, self-diagnose serious diseases in themselves.

    Doctors know that exceeding ALT thresholds is not always a sign of pathology. Results from different laboratories may differ from each other. It depends on the equipment, on the research methods, on the materials used in the analysis. Also, other factors can influence the results, whether it is the patient’s wrong lifestyle, medication, emotional state, and others.

    Only a doctor can correctly decipher the results of the research. He also prescribes medication.

    To date, physicians do not use ALT analysis as a means of accurate diagnosis. An excess of ALT in a blood test indicates only the possibility of a disease. To make a final diagnosis, additional studies are used, specialists of a narrow profile are involved: urologists, cardiologists and others.

    Normalization of ALT levels with folk remedies

    After the examination, a patient with a high ALT level is prescribed medication. But for prevention, the doctor may recommend herbal medicine. The following are examples of the use of folk remedies to reduce the level of alanine aminotransferase.

    • Milk thistle decoction. To prepare a teaspoon of chopped herbs, pour a glass of boiling water, wrap and let it brew for 20 minutes. Then filter the infusion. Take a decoction in small sips, half an hour before meals twice a day, for three weeks;
    • Herbal collection. Immortelle, St. John's wort and celandine are mixed. The proportion of herbs is 2-2-1 respectively. The collection is poured with 1 liter of hot water, wrapped and infused for 12 hours. Then you need to strain the infusion. Take half a cup 4 times a day for two weeks;
    • Dandelion infusion. For cooking, take 200 g of crushed dandelion flowers. Pour 100 ml of vodka. The remedy is insisted during the day. Take 2 tablespoons three times a day for three weeks;
    • A decoction of corn stigmas. To prepare the product, dried crushed stigmas are taken. Pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes. Take the infusion twice a day in a glass. The course of treatment can be six months.

    Important! Folk remedies are not a cure! They are used for the prevention of diseases and general strengthening of the body.

    The level of development of modern medicine makes it possible to accurately diagnose most known diseases. One of the generally accepted research methods is a biochemical blood test. It contains many indicators, one of which is the level of alanine aminotransferase.

    Exceeding the normal level of ALT indicates the possibility of developing serious diseases in the body. But only a doctor can accurately determine the disease. We strongly recommend that you do not engage in self-diagnosis, and even more so self-treatment. If you experience anxiety symptoms, contact the clinic immediately. They will conduct all the necessary examinations and help you cope with the problem.

    Everyone had to take blood tests, but often we are not able to decipher these indicators. If we talk about a biochemical blood test, then such an analysis is considered the most detailed. One of the important indicators of this study is ALT (alanine aminotransferase). Analysis for ALT (gpt) is sometimes detected by chance. If the indicators are higher than normal, then the doctor may suggest the development of a serious disease in the body.

    To understand the whole essence of this biochemical blood test, it is necessary to understand the nature of the origin of this substance, its functions and capabilities.

    What is ALT in biochemical analysis?

    Alanine aminotransferase is an enzyme that is produced inside cells. It is produced in a small amount, but its role is quite large. Alanine aminotransferase in adult men is produced more actively than in women. The female body carries out processes involving ALT a little slower. Blood tests for women and men for this indicator have different norms. A sharp increase in ALT is due to the destruction of internal organs. The main task of the alt-enzyme is to ensure the exchange of amino acids.

    In addition, ALT is a catalyst for alanine. This substance is an amino acid that can be converted into glucose. It helps to get the body energy, develops the work of the central nervous system and the brain. This substance can accumulate in certain organs, namely:

    • liver,
    • kidneys
    • spleen,
    • muscle mass,
    • pancreas,
    • heart muscle,
    • lungs.

    In what cases is this analysis vital?

    If the ALT blood test is elevated, then the doctor may suggest several possible diagnoses at once. Often, for a more detailed and accurate diagnosis, doctors compare two indicators - alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST). These are two enzymes that are equally produced inside cells.

    liver cells

    Their ratio may indicate the presence of problems with the internal organs in which they tend to accumulate. When ALT is higher than AST and far from normal, then this situation may indicate the presence of serious destruction of liver cells. If, on the contrary, AST is higher than ALT, then this indicates the presence of problems with the heart.

    Important! When taking tests, the content of AST can increase sharply in those patients who are sick with cirrhosis of the liver.

    Sometimes, using ALT in a biochemical blood test, doctors can determine the degree of neglect of the disease and a possible prognosis for recovery.

    When can a doctor prescribe an ALT test?

    1. with suspicion of hepatitis, jaundice,
    2. complaints of constant weakness,
    3. feeling of rapid fatigue with minimal physical exertion,
    4. loss of appetite,
    5. nausea,
    6. gagging,
    7. frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages in large quantities,
    8. parallel course of diseases of the heart, kidneys and liver.

    In the blood test, ALT in such cases will be elevated. Often this figure is higher than normal in people who have been abusing alcohol for a long time, as it has a destructive effect on the functioning of internal organs.

    Norma ALT

    Blood biochemistry is an important analysis that is carried out for both adults and children. The ALT indicator has its own limits for each age group, and the table with norms is often divided into three groups: men, women, children of different ages.

    Important! The norm for women is up to 30 U / l, and for men - up to 40 U / l.

    The norm for men and women is somewhat different, since the male body produces this enzyme more actively and faster.

    As for the child's body, the age of the child plays an important role here. Since the child's body is experiencing active growth until almost 12-14 years old, the test results may vary, which is considered the norm. Norms of ALT tests for children:

    • up to 5 days of life - no more than 49 U / l,
    • from 6 days of life to 6 months - no more than 56 U / l,
    • from 6 months to 1 year - up to 54 U / l,
    • 1-3 years - up to 33 U / l,
    • 3-6 years - up to 28 U / l,
    • 6-12 years - no more than 39 U / l.

    When passing this analysis, parents should not panic, because as active growth subsides, the enzyme level should stabilize. In addition, an important role is played by the period of puberty, when a sharp change in the hormonal background occurs in the body of a teenager.

    Various drugs or active physical activity can also affect the amount of this enzyme in the body. There are cases when patients do not have complaints about the work of their body, but according to the analysis, ALT is elevated. Before donating blood, you need to tell the doctor which medications the patient has been taking for a long time.

    People who have diseases of the heart, liver and pancreas need to systematically take ALT. Often, when a person is diagnosed with a myocardial infarction, the amount of ALT is exceeded by 5 times. There are cases when, after a heart attack, this figure increases even more up to 10 times. Such a picture of the course of the disease indicates a deterioration in the condition. In people with pancreatitis, this figure may be 3-5 times higher than normal. When a patient is sick with hepatitis, ALT can exceed the normal value by 20-50 times.

    What can increase ALT?

    ALT in a blood test is an important indicator, but some disease can not always affect its increased amount. There are a number of reasons that can increase the production of this enzyme:

    • long-term use of drugs (it is especially important to take into account the use of antibiotics),
    • intake of fatty foods immediately before the test,
    • muscle injury,
    • drinking alcoholic beverages 5-7 days before the day of analysis,
    • severe stress,
    • strenuous exercise or heavy physical labor,
    • conducting surgery immediately a few days before the test,
    • chemotherapy,
    • toxic poisoning of the body,
    • taking drugs.

    All this means that different factors can affect the amount of ALT, so before taking the test, you must follow all the recommendations of the attending physician. If the indicators are increased, then you need to know what to do in this case. Self-medication is contraindicated, subsequent therapy is established only by the attending physician.

    How to prepare for blood donation?

    To take the test material, doctors use venous blood, therefore, to diagnose ALT, they take blood from a vein.

    Conducting an analysis

    For the result to be true, you need to follow a number of recommendations:

    • 14 days before the delivery of the material, it is worth giving up a number of medicines (the doctor must independently cancel the medication),
    • 24 hours before the analysis, you can not take alcoholic beverages,
    • for 1-2 days it is worth giving up fatty, fried and junk food (fast food is contraindicated),
    • for a day you can not load yourself with heavy physical exertion,
    • Better to be less nervous
    • parallel procedures should be postponed for the time being,
    • on the day of blood donation, you can not eat food for 8 hours (the analysis is carried out on an empty stomach).

    These are simple but necessary rules to follow.

    What diseases can develop with an increase in ALT?

    An increase in the synthesis of transaminases affects the functioning of internal organs, therefore, doctors often, when examining blood for ALT, suggest the development of the following diseases:

    • Hepatitis. In the table of analyzes, ALT in viral or alcoholic hepatitis will be increased several times at once. The doctor can diagnose such a condition a few days before the first symptoms of the disease appear. In the case of hepatitis A, this analysis allows you to diagnose the disease at an early stage.
    • Liver cancer. A neoplasm in the liver cells actively increases the production of ALT. Sometimes an increased content of alanine aminotransferase makes it impossible to perform an operation on this organ. In the case of surgery, there is a high probability of developing even greater complications.
    • Pancreatitis. An increase in transaminase during a blood test is possible before an attack of pancreatitis. Patients who have had pancreatitis all their lives should be regularly tested for this indicator. In some cases, timely blood donation can prevent an exacerbation of the disease.
    • Myocarditis. This is a heart disease in which ALT enzyme biochemistry values ​​are elevated, there is shortness of breath and severe weakness. The patient may complain of pain in the sternum. The rate of alanine aminotransferase can increase up to 5 times. In rare cases, the level of ALT may increase due to myocardial infarction.

    Special attention should be paid to muscle tissue injuries. When the body is subjected to frostbite, burns, or extensive trauma, the levels of the enzyme in the blood will rise.

    What symptoms can indicate high ALT?

    A high level of alanine aminotransferase can sometimes affect a person's well-being. Depending on the disease, a person may experience a number of negative symptoms.

    Liver disease can manifest itself in the form of the following changes:

    • enlargement of the veins of the anterior wall of the abdomen,
    • varicose veins in the abdomen,
    • abdominal ascites (fluid accumulation)
    • pain in the right side of the hypochondrium,
    • feeling of nausea,
    • vomit,
    • yellowness of the skin and sclera,
    • the appearance of spider veins on the body.

    Of particular importance is varicose veins, which is accompanied by bleeding.

    Diseases of the pancreas can be expressed:

    • frequent bloating,
    • soreness in the navel,
    • frequent vomiting,
    • clouding in the eyes,
    • strong weakness.

    The presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system is also important in the process of deciphering blood tests. What is most important is the parallel symptomatology. A patient who underwent an ALAT blood test, and it turned out to be overestimated, should pay attention to the following symptoms:

    • burning pain in the region of the heart, which can radiate to the shoulder, jaw,
    • the presence of shortness of breath,
    • frequent changes in heart rate
    • drop in blood pressure
    • increased sweating,
    • severe weakness,
    • nausea,
    • feeling of fear.

    Often the cause of an increase in the alanine amino acid in the body can be neoplasms. A person can quickly lose weight, lose appetite, become too weak in a short period of time. Only the attending physician should deal with deciphering the values ​​of the analysis.

    How is the diagnosis carried out?

    First of all, the patient should understand that ALT rises due to the development of some disease. When the doctor accurately diagnoses and starts the right therapy, the analysis should normalize over time. Often, the diagnosis of this indicator is carried out in combination with a biochemical blood test, but sometimes it is carried out on an emergency basis. Such cases may be myocardial infarction, cirrhosis of the liver, an attack of pancreatitis, etc.

    The correct interpretation of the analysis should be done by a qualified doctor. Often, the de Retis index is used for decryption. This is the ratio of AST and ALT. The norm of these indicators should be in the range - 0.91-1.75. There is a rule that helps the doctor understand which organ is damaged.

    Important! If the calculated indicator is above 2, then the reason for the increase in the enzyme lies in heart disease. When ALT is below 1, the patient suffers from liver disease.

    Often, patients with an overestimated amount of alanine amino acid are transferred to inpatient treatment. For an additional examination, it is recommended to undergo an MRI, pass extended urine and blood tests, undergo vascular angiography, or take a needle biopsy. The amount of transaminase may vary, so the doctor recommends retesting after the first stage of treatment.

    Can ALT increase in pregnant women?

    In adult women who are in the first trimester of pregnancy, a slight increase in the enzyme associated with transaminases can be diagnosed. This condition is not considered a pathology, but often this indicator should remain normal.

    Alanine excess often occurs with preeclampsia. The liver of a woman simply can not cope with the load received. Often, a pregnant woman stays in this state only in the later stages. She may feel dizzy, severe weakness, nausea. Only the attending physician should stabilize the condition during this period; it is contraindicated to take any drugs on your own. Negligent attitude to one's own health during pregnancy can become a threat of miscarriage.

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