The left hand of the hand hurts. The indications for surgical intervention are Causes of pain in the hands

Severe discomfort or pain in the hand common and widespread. Often, pain is accompanied by numbness, inflammation, swelling, and limited mobility of the hand. In most cases, the pain is associated with an injury or a fall, and is easily controlled with rest and over-the-counter pain and anti-inflammatory medications.

If your hand hurts, and you do not consider your condition serious, it is quite can do without a visit to the doctor limited to home care.

Expert opinion

Prikhodko Arkady Arkadievich

Rheumatologist - city polyclinic, Moscow. Education: FGBNU NIIR named after V.A. Nasonova, Astrakhan State Medical Academy.

But in some cases, pain in the hand can become an alarming symptom of a serious systemic disease and require medical attention.

Main reasons

Let's look at why the hands hurt. The most common causes of pain are:

Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. Graduated from the Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical intern and neurologist of BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".

  • Regular stretch
  • fractures
  • Bursitis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome (carpal tunnel syndrome) and other nerve damage
  • Repetitive Load Injury

Regular stretch

Stretching - most common injury in which the hand hurts. Stretching occurs due to too much and sharp physical activity that exceeds the usual load. The tendons of the hand have a large margin of safety with a low ability to stretch, and therefore they are easily damaged during extreme load.

Expert opinion

Astafiev Igor Valentinovich

Neurologist - City Pokrovskaya Hospital. Education: Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd. Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after A.I. HM. Berbekova, Nalchik.

If you pulled your hand, avoid exertion until you are fully recovered, you can use symptomatic therapy to relieve pain in the hand (read below for detailed treatment).


Fracture of the hand is common, accounting for almost a third of all bone fractures, because many falls occur on the hand. An open fracture of the hand, fingers or a fracture with a displacement can be diagnosed by yourself (an unnaturally bent finger is hard to miss), but even if you do not notice visible signs of displacement, but you feel severe pain in the hand and swelling, you should see a doctor and take an x-ray to clarify the diagnosis .


Repetitive and prolonged, excessive exercise can cause fluid to accumulate in the joint capsule. So the body tries to compensate for excessive friction in order to protect the joint from damage.

Carpal tunnel syndrome and other nerve damage

If your hands go numb, especially on the back, you most likely have carpal tunnel syndrome. It develops gradually and usually worsens at night. In the wrist, compression of the median nerves occurs, and therefore the thumb, index and fingers usually hurt and go numb, there is weakness of the fingers, dull aching pain, paresthesia (tingling sensation, “goosebumps”).

Tunnel syndrome is often observed during pregnancy, in the second and third semester.

Also, pain and numbness in the hand can cause damage to the nerves in other departments - for example, pathologies of the cervical vertebrae: spondylosis or osteochondrosis.

Pain radiates to the hand, numbness and paresthesia occur.

If, in addition to your hands, you also experience soreness in the neck, it is worth doing additional research.

Repetitive Load Injury

Chronic injury from repetitive stress - typical problem repetitive work. Most often, assembly line workers, packers, construction workers, and office workers suffer from such injuries. Improper organization of the workplace, uncomfortable posture, uncomfortable chair, keyboard, lack of a mouse pad lead to constant overstrain. Repetitive stress leads to tendinitis (inflammation of the tendons), carpal tunnel syndrome (compression of the median nerve), and chronic tendon sprains.

If you suspect such an injury, you may need to reorganize your workspace or even change your work schedule.

Less common causes

Less common reasons include:

  • Tendinitis and tendosynovitis
  • Arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis
  • Heart disease
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Gout

Tendinitis and tenosynovitis of the wrist

Tendinitis is characterized inflammation of the tendons of the wrist. Multiple injuries and dislocations can eventually lead to the development of infection. The main symptom of tendinitis is pain in the wrist during sudden and rapid movements. Running tendinitis can be complicated by the deposition of salt buildup in places of injury to the tendon, degeneration and even tissue death.

Tenosynovitis is defined as inflammation of the synovial sheath of the tendon. Symptoms include hand pain, swelling, and difficulty bending the joint. The thumb or wrist is most commonly affected.

It occurs due to the ingress of bacteria into the synovial membrane through damaged skin.

Arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis

Arthritis of the hand is determined inflammation of the joints. When infectious agents enter the bloodstream, they can spread throughout the body, including penetrating the joints and causing inflammation. The pain of the hand with arthritis is permanent, not stopping at rest. Patients with arthritis also complain of morning pain and limited joint mobility after sleep.

The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are similar to ordinary arthritis, but it is an autoimmune process. Inflammation is caused by an "attack" of one's own immune cells.

Often in rheumatoid arthritis, several joints become inflamed at once.

Heart disease

Without immediate and urgent medical care, death occurs.


Osteoarthritis of the hand is characterized by thinning of the cartilaginous tissue of the joint. As the cartilage is destroyed, bone growths - osteophytes - appear on the surface of the joint. A typical symptom of osteoarthritis is aching and dull pain, which increases during physical exertion, there is a crunch and clicking of the joints during a change in position.

In the morning, after a long rest, the pain subsides, but returns in the afternoon.


During gout, uric acid is deposited in the joints as a result of a metabolic disorder. Gout is a systemic disease, therefore, several joints are affected at once: asymmetric joint damage is characteristic.

Most often, patients complain not only of pain in the hands, but also of similar pains in the legs.

Character and localization

The hand contains 27 bones connected by joints, ligaments and muscles. By the nature of the localization of pain, its intensity and type, it can be assumed which diseases may be involved.

If the joints of the hand hurt, we can assume:

  • Bursitis
  • Arthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Gout
  • Osteoarthritis

Wrist pain is characterized by:

  • stretching
  • fractures
  • carpal syndrome
  • Repetitive Load Injury
  • Tendinitis
  • tenosynovitis

Pain during flexion and extension of the fingers of the hand is typical for rheumatoid arthritis, fractures, torn ligaments and tendons.

If the brush hurts the pain subsides in the morning, after sleep, but resumes during the day, it is worth excluding osteoarthritis and chronic injuries, which are characterized by pain relief, depending on the time of day.

But if, on the contrary, the pain is most severe at night, they check for pinched nerves (for example, carpal syndrome), exclude gout and chronic injuries. A single attack of nocturnal pain can indicate sprains and sports injuries.

If only the thumb hurts, possible chronic injury(a numb finger is most common in those who work with a computer mouse) or tenosynovitis. But if three hurt at once - large, index and middle, it may be a pinched nerve of the wrist or cervical region.

Pain and numbness of the little finger and ring finger are much less common, usually associated with chronic trauma, pinched ulnar nerve.

Swelling of the joint of the phalanx of any of the fingers may indicate fractures and inflammatory diseases - arthritis, tenosynovitis. But if several joints are swollen at once, gout and rheumatoid arthritis should be excluded.

It does not really matter - the right hand hurts or the left. But it is the pain in the left hand, especially in the complex of other symptoms, that may indicate the onset of a heart attack. Pain in the right hand is more typical for chronic injuries (for the right-hander), similarly, the left hand will hurt the left hand.

Why do pregnant women have arm pain?

Complains of pain in the wrist more than half of expectant mothers. As a rule, they describe numbness of the hands, weakness of the fingers when bent, tingling and a feeling of "goosebumps", sharp shooting pains,.

The development of such pain is associated with the physiology of pregnancy. A woman is actively gaining weight, swelling appears, pinched nerves occur, which leads to the development of pain and numbness.

All symptoms will disappear shortly after delivery, when the weight and swelling go away. For pain relief, follow these tips:

  • During a night's sleep, make sure not to put your hands under the pillow.
  • Avoid excessive monotonous work, accompanied by monotonous actions (knitting, embroidery, computer work).
  • If numbness develops, move your hands intensively, shift them higher on the old sofa or chair.
  • Periodically develop the fingers, wrist and elbow, bending and unbending them.


Before starting treatment, you need to find out what causes pain. If pain occurs due to sprains, chronic injuries will be enough to simply provide rest to the sore arm and symptomatically relieve pain and swelling.

In addition to the main treatment, it is also necessary to develop joints in order to prevent improper healing and the occurrence of contractures.

In the case of a chronic injury, minimize the likelihood of its occurrence: change the work schedule, re-equip the workplace. For chronic diseases, it is very important to observe the orthopedic regimen.

During the rehabilitation period, the doctor can refer to massage, exercise therapy complex, physiotherapy, adjust the diet and exercise. If you are not sure what you can and cannot do during treatment, be sure to consult your doctor.

For the treatment of inflammatory diseases, the doctor will prescribe. In patients with gout, supportive medications and diet therapy are prescribed. Rheumatoid arthritis is treated with hormone therapy.

Drug treatment is aimed at stopping pain and relieving swelling.

Among the groups of drugs for pain relief and relief of inflammation, they are most often prescribed for external and internal use. Due to the likelihood of side effects, internal forms (tablets and injections) are used only when it is impossible to achieve the desired effect using ointments and gels.

For local use use:

  • ( , )
  • ( , )
  • ( , Fastum, )

Injections are prescribed for the relief of acute joint pain and are rarely used in home treatment.

If there are no contraindications, NSAIDs are prescribed:

  • Ketorolac ()
  • ( , Flexen)

To relieve pain during injuries and sprains, in the complex therapy of arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis, NSAIDs are used in the form of tablets:

  • Ketorolac (Ketanov)
  • Ketoprofen (, Flexen)
  • Nimesulide (Nise)

If a course of more than 3 days is required for the injectable form of drugs and more than 10 days for the oral form, the doctor may additionally prescribe drugs that protect the gastrointestinal tract from the effects of the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Almagel, Maalox, Omeprazole, Ranitidine.

For diseases affecting the ligaments, joint and articular cartilage, chondroprotectors are often used. As part of

Sometimes injections are prescribed into a diseased joint. This is a complex, but very effective manipulation, with which you can bring the medicine directly to the joint. To relieve acute pain, injections of hormonal drugs are used: Kenalog,.

And to improve joint mobility, hyaluronic acid is injected:, Farmatron.

Folk methods of treatment

With the help of folk methods, you can treat simple injuries, especially chronic ones, sprains. But if you have a fracture, a torn ligament, an inflammatory process, or systemic diseases like gout and rheumatoid arthritis, you should not neglect medical help. In such cases, folk recipes can only be used in a complex and coordinated with the doctor.

Alternative methods are reduced to symptomatic relief of pain.

You always need to know why it hurts before being treated with folk methods.

Here are some well-known and proven recipes:

  • Warm bath with the addition of essential oils and herbs of rosemary, nettle, viburnum and lilac. It has a calming effect, will help relieve tension and swelling, drown out pain.
  • Compress of honey and vodka. This old and tried-and-true recipe is great for warming up joints, relieving pain and reducing inflammation.
  • Infusion and decoction of dandelion roots, infusion of lilac flowers, walnut shells. Used to relieve symptoms of arthritis and gout.

When should you seek immediate medical attention?

Contact your doctor immediately if:

  • Physical activity causes pain, which immediately disappears at rest. In addition, the condition is complicated by chest discomfort or pain, which also disappears after rest. This may indicate a limited blood supply to the heart - angina pectoris.
  • You suspect a wrist fracture, but you're not sure.
  • The brush turned red, swollen and became hot, all this developed in just a few hours. You have a fever and develop weakness and malaise. This may indicate the development of an acute infection.

Call an ambulance if:

  • The pain came on suddenly and for no reason; it seems to you that your chest is squeezing and there is not enough air, there is shortness of breath, pain under the shoulder blade or behind the sternum on the left. This happens at the beginning of a heart attack or heart attack. Most often, pain is felt in the left arm, but not necessarily.
  • Your hand is broken - it looks wrong, the bones have shifted, the fracture can be seen with your own eyes (open).

In most cases, the soreness of the hand is associated with injuries.

In our time, this is already a disease not only of active people and athletes, but also of ordinary workers in offices and enterprises. With age, degenerative disorders of the musculoskeletal system also develop.
Be sure to watch the following video on the topic

Wrist pain is not a symptom to ignore. Therefore, if your hands hurt, you must definitely find out the reason why this happened and take appropriate measures.

Problems with the musculoskeletal system cause discomfort to a person, violate his confidence in his own abilities and prevent it from working properly.

In search of an answer to the question why, you need to analyze the symptoms and possible causes.

This can only be done by a professional practitioner.

In a relaxed relaxed state may not feel uncomfortable. But, at the slightest movement, aching pain appears, numbness of the fingers is possible.

Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. Graduated from the Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical intern and neurologist of BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".

The full list of symptoms depends on the cause of the problem.

Causes of painful symptoms

Diagnosing the causes of discomfort will help you choose an effective method of treatment.

Dislocations of the hand

A dislocation is violation of the articular joints of the hand. This happens as a result of injury for two reasons: mechanical impact and destructive processes as a result of the pathology of the body (tuberculosis, tumor formations).

Severe pain with impaired motor function of the limb

Immediately after the injury, the victim develops swelling around the area of ​​dislocation, possibly bruising, partial or complete loss of arm mobility. The pain is localized not exactly at the site of the lesion, but throughout the hand. You can check that this is really a dislocation by a simple method of identifying the “symptom of springy fixation” - when you try to change the position of the bone formed as a result of the injury, springy resistance is felt.

In the event that the joint of the hand hurts due to dislocation, it is necessary to contact a traumatologist. He will diagnose the problem (consultation, bone palpation) and prescribe treatment. If necessary, the doctor may order an x-ray.

Dislocation treatment methods consist of three stages: reduction, immobilization (application of a tight bandage or splint), long-term restoration of limb functions.

Rheumatoid arthritis

autoimmune disease, which leads to inflammation of the joints and tissues that surround them. The nature of the disease is still not clear to doctors, the causes of rheumatoid arthritis can be frequent stress, past infectious diseases and genetic predisposition.

Joint pain that gets worse at night and in the morning

Other symptoms of the disease: stiffness of hand movements after a long sleep, the appearance of reddish swelling in the joint area, fever in the body and tissues of the hand. Often the problem occurs in people over 30 years old as a hereditary disease. Women are less prone to developing rheumatoid arthritis due to the use of contraceptives, prolonged breastfeeding (2 years or more).

A rheumatologist can tell you how to treat. Diagnostics includes:

  1. General and biochemical blood test for anemia, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and high protein content.
  2. General analysis of urine for the presence of protein.
  3. Puncture from the joint to detect an increased number of leukocytes and neutrophils in the joint fluid.

If the patient has more than 4 symptoms of the disease, then therapy should be started immediately under the supervision of the attending physician.

Anti-inflammatory drugs (non-steroidal,), basic drugs and hormones can get rid of the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. You can not do without drug therapy and diet.


Another reason why the joints of the hands hurt is degenerative-dystrophic disease called polyosteoarthritis. It belongs to the chronic type and occurs in people over 50 years of age. The causes of the disease can be: diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders, thyroid disease and genetic predisposition.

Joint pain at the beginning of physical activity and its decrease as activity increases

The first symptom, the appearance of which should be the impetus for action, is stiffness and difficulty in moving the hands, which will disappear after 30 minutes (usually after a night's sleep). Also, the joints begin to deform. Only the use of drug therapy, which a rheumatologist can prescribe, can get rid of the symptoms. The disease is diagnosed by tomography, radiography and scintigraphy of the joint surface.

Treatment consists of drug and non-drug therapy (magnetotherapy, phonophoresis, local cryotherapy).

Psoriatic arthritis

The disease develops as a complication of psoriasis due to hereditary predisposition or stress. A viral-bacterial infection against the background of psoriasis can also cause psoriatic arthritis.

Pain in the hands at night

Psoriatic arthritis has external and internal signs. The external ones include deformity of the joints, the skin in the area of ​​development of the pathological process acquires a dark red color, fingers are shortened. Internal causes are expressed by swelling and deterioration of joint mobility.

The treatment of this disease is carried out by rheumatologists who prescribe therapy in the form of immunobiological preparations, physiotherapy and diet.

Gouty arthritis

Inflammatory damage to the joints called "gouty arthritis" - this is another reason why the joint of the hand hurts. What to do in case of a disease, only a doctor can say, having studied all the symptoms, and this type of arthritis has a lot of them: pain, swelling, fever at the peak of the disease.

Severe pain in the area of ​​the affected joint, aggravated by movement

The disease occurs in three stages: latent, acute and chronic. In the latent period, you can find out about the disease by the results of the blood (an increased content of uric acid is diagnosed). In the acute form of gouty arthritis, severe attacks occur with pain, fever up to 38-39 degrees. The chronic form differs from the acute one only by the presence of remissions in a few months.

The disease also affects the small joints of the hands, swelling and pain of which increase in the acute form of the disease.

Another pronounced symptom of the disease is the appearance around the inflamed joint of tophi - white subcutaneous formations. Only a rheumatologist can diagnose and prescribe a course of treatment. A diet that excludes purine-containing foods, anti-inflammatory drugs, and drugs that reduce the production of uric acid in the body.

Tunnel Syndromes

Disease refers to pathologies of the peripheral nervous system. Possible causes are compression of the median nerve as a result of stretching of the ligaments or swelling of the limb and metabolic disorders. Also, the basis for the emergence of carpal tunnel syndrome, which provokes pain in the joints, may be a violation of the blood supply caused by smoking and obesity.

Not severe pain with slight tingling

To determine that the patient has a tunnel syndrome, he can at home or a rheumatologist. Symptoms of the disease are manifested in the weakness of the limb, numbness of the thumb, index, middle and ring fingers. With complications, dystrophy of the hand occurs.

At the initial stage, treatment requires reducing physical exertion on the hands and applying ice when pain occurs. Serious forms of tunnel syndromes are treated with anti-inflammatory drugs and electrophoresis.

In advanced cases, surgical intervention is not excluded.


Disease is an inflammatory process in the synovium which leads to the accumulation of fluid in the joint. According to statistics, overweight people are more susceptible to synovitis. In most cases, the fluid collects in the joint of the left hand or right hand, the simultaneous manifestation of the disease in both limbs is rare.

Painless course of pathology

The first thing that becomes noticeable with synovitis is joint enlargement. Gradually, hand movements become constrained, the general and local body temperature rises. In the acute form, a person feels pain, chills and even hallucinations appear. If the problem is not solved in time, it will lead to a number of diseases: hydroarthrosis, purulent arthritis, periarthritis. Pathology is diagnosed by taking a puncture from the inflamed joint, arthroscopy and a blood test.

Treatment is carried out by an orthopedist, who prescribes the following methods: joint bandaging, physiotherapy.


Disease belongs to the genus of chronic degenerative-dystrophic pathologies. The cause of osteoarthritis can be: genetic predisposition, age-related loss of elasticity of cartilage fibers, regular monotonous finger movements.

Aching pain in the arms

At the initial stage, the disease manifests itself in the form of nodular thickening of the joints. After 2-3 years, osteoarthritis becomes a painful problem that affects the interphalangeal joints and the base of the thumbs. The fingers are deformed, subluxations are formed, discomfort appears during flexion and extension of the limbs. Periodically, the disease leaves a visible mark on the skin in the form of redness and swelling.

Therapeutic therapy for patients with osteoarthritis is prescribed by a rheumatologist: phonophoresis, intra-articular injections of corticosteroids, physiotherapy and massage are used.

Kienböck's disease

According to scientists, the disease develops as a result of traumas and microtraumas. More than 75% of people with Kienböck's disease are representatives of such professions: power athletes, crane operators, masons - professions where the main load falls on the wrist joint.

Wrist pain that worsens with exercise

The disease has 4 stages. At the initial stage, the blood supply is disturbed, which does not manifest itself in any way. The second and third stages are characterized by hardening of the bone, bone collapse is possible (reduction in size, decay into small parts with further migration). In the fourth stage, neighboring bones are affected, which causes arthrosis of the wrists and joints. Diagnose and make it clear why the bones of the hands harden, what a rheumatologist or orthopedist can do in this situation

Therapy aimed at recovery includes immobilization and surgery.

Damage to the ligaments of the hand

List of hand ligament injuries includes stretching and tearing. This happens with an awkward movement, a fall, or prolonged overexertion of the hands. Ligament rupture occurs when the load on the joint exceeds the elasticity limit of the cartilage tissue.

Minor, severe or sharp pain depending on the stage of the lesion

The first mild sprain or rupture of the ligaments is characterized by minor pain, which does not interfere with actions. The second stage of the lesion is accompanied by severe pain, the formation of edema and hematoma. The most complex form indicates a complete rupture of the ligaments. At the same time, the motor function of the limb completely disappears, severe swelling and sharp acute pain appear, hemorrhage passes to neighboring tissues. The traumatologist is engaged in the treatment of damage to the ligaments of the hands, as well as the knees.

He applies a tight bandage, prescribes painkillers and.

infectious arthritis

Under the influence of infectious pathogens in the joints of the left or right hand, infectious arthritis may occur. Disease extremely dangerous for the musculoskeletal system and the whole organism as a whole: the infection destroys the joint tissues and can penetrate into the blood (sepsis).

Aching pain in the joints and aching muscles

Other symptoms of infectious arthritis are excessive sweating, stiffness of the limb, swelling of the joint, and fever at the site of the infection. The body can respond to the causative agent with fever, chills and vomiting (most often this manifestation is observed in children). A rheumatologist can get rid of the disease by prescribing therapy in the form of taking and antifungal drugs, physiotherapy and physiotherapy exercises.

Causes of pain in the left or right arm when bending

In addition to the above diseases, other serious pathologies can become causes of pain in the joints of the hands of both hands:

  • Ischemic heart disease and myocardial infarction;
  • Defeat;
  • in the elbow area;
  • Benign tumors of the nervous tissue.

If the smallest painful sensations begin to appear in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hands, then it is necessary to consult a doctor.

First aid

If the cause of the pain is a bruise, then you need to perform the following actions: immobilize the arm in an elevated state (to reduce blood flow), apply ice or a bottle of very cold water. When the patient cannot endure the pain, then you can offer him to take painkillers: Aspirin,. With not strong and not frequent pain in the joints of the hands, you can practice traditional medicine: make compresses from a decoction of wormwood, rub from the roots of elecampane, or prepare an ointment based on baking soda, mustard powder and honey.

In all cases, the most correct and effective solution will be to see a doctor.

Be sure to watch the following video on the topic

Conclusion on the topic

If a person feels pain in the joint of the hand, then this can cause minor injuries and serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

If the systematic nature of painful sensations is expressed, one cannot ignore the problem, but immediately turn to a specialized specialist - a general practitioner, rheumatologist, neuropathologist or orthopedic surgeon.

  • Injury
  • Inflammatory diseases of ligaments and tendons
  • Rheumatoid diseases
  • Dystrophic lesions of the joints
  • Hygroma
  • What to do?

Wrists - anatomical formations between the hands and forearms of the hands, consisting of two rows of small bones, articulated by joints. They provide movements in the hands, experience power loads. Therefore, this section of the upper extremities is most often prone to disease. What to do when your hand hurts in your wrist?

Reasons for the appearance of such pain are enough:

  1. Traumatization.
  2. Inflammatory diseases of ligaments and tendons.
  3. Rheumatoid diseases.
  4. Dystrophic lesions of the joints.
  5. Avascular necrosis of the carpal bones.
  6. Hygroma.


A fall on the hand or a direct blow can cause a fracture of the small carpal bones. Often the injury goes unrecognized due to vague signs. The occurrence of pain in the wrists, swelling, discomfort and change in shape indicate damage. And untreated fractures cause impaired movement in the hand.

From sharp flexion, stretching of the ligamentous apparatus that unites the radius or ulna or wrist bones is noted. This condition is accompanied by constant aching excruciating pain with impaired mobility in the hand.

Inflammatory diseases of ligaments and tendons

Tenosynovitis is an inflammation in the tendon sheaths that transmit movement from the muscles of the forearms to the fingers. Pain in the wrist occurs from frequent repetitive actions and loads in workers of some specialties, in athletes. The disease is common among tailors, painters, pianists, tennis players. The constant movement of tendons in narrow sheaths causes irritation, inflammation, and the formation of seals. Therefore, the characteristic signs of tendovaginitis are pain, crunching and crackling when moving. The disease develops for a long time, the wrist hurts in the process of bending, the grasping of objects with a brush is disturbed.

Carpal tunnel or carpal tunnel syndrome

Tunnel (carpal) syndrome is pain in the wrist more often than the right hand, caused by the same type, monotonous, long work. Often the pathology is of a professional nature, it develops in surgeons, seamstresses, musicians. Also, the disease occurs in people working at a computer. The mechanism of pain in the wrist is the pinching of the nerve in the narrow carpal bone-fibrous canal. In addition to pain from the elbow to the hand, patients are concerned about burning, tingling, weakness in the fingers, the inability to perform movements and habitual actions.

Rheumatoid diseases

Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common systemic immune disease that affects the joints, including the wrist. The reason for the development of the process is the production of antibodies against the body's own tissues, which leads to their damage and inflammation. Pathology is chronic protracted. The disease affects mainly young women 30-50 years old. Arthralgia is symmetrical, that is, the wrist of the right and left hands hurts at the same time, arthralgia is combined with reddening of the skin, swelling of the soft tissues. Patients note soreness in the wrists after waking up (so-called starting pains), passing after movements. Rheumatoid arthritis affects not only the joints, but also bone formations, so it is dangerous with persistent deformities of the hand.

Dystrophic lesions of the joints

Arthrosis - damage and wear of the cartilage covering the articular surfaces, during which it becomes thinner, dehydrated, loses its shock absorber properties, which causes the development of pain. Arthrosis of the wrist joints is less common than dystrophic processes in large joints. Pathology is considered the lot of the elderly. But sometimes the wrists hurt due to arthrosis in adolescence and even childhood.

Avascular necrosis of the navicular or lunate bones

Pathology due to softening of the bone and the formation of deformity is rare. Young men are suffering. The process is long. At first, the pains are not strong, they only disturb during work, but over time they become incessant and constant. A characteristic symptom is painful sensitivity to pressure and tapping of the affected bone - the scaphoid or lunate.


Hygroma is a benign formation on the hand that arose from blows and injuries. Hygroma usually has the appearance of a small bump on the hand, which does not particularly bother patients or reminds of itself with mild pain when flexed.

What to do?

Arm pain is not a diagnosis, but only a symptom of a whole list of diseases. Why the wrist of the left and right hands hurts will be established by a specialist: a traumatologist, neurologist or rheumatologist. Symptoms cannot be ignored. After all, the lack of treatment sometimes leads to deformation and loss of function of the hand.

A complete treatment for wrist pain is based on identifying the cause of the ailment, and not just taking painkillers. Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs brings only temporary relief, but does not eliminate the cause of the pain.

Pain in the wrist of the right and left hand: causes and treatment of the wrist joint

Today, the pathology of the bone and muscular system is a fairly common phenomenon. After all, every person at least once in his life felt pain in the wrist or in the left or right hand.

In most cases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system are accompanied by pain, which can be of a different nature. Very often, patients who come to see a doctor complain of pain in the area of ​​the wrist joint. These symptoms can manifest themselves in a variety of diseases (osteoarthritis, necrotic damage to bone tissue, etc.).

The wrist joint is very important for the comfortable existence of each person. After all, this joint is responsible for the movement of the brush. If discomfort is felt in the bone on the wrist, then you need to seek medical help to rule out the presence of a serious illness.

Why does it hurt in the wrist?

It is noteworthy that pain does not always indicate the presence of any degenerative process.

It happens that its causes lie in certain physiological conditions, for example, a pregnant woman often experiences discomfort in the wrist joint.

In this case, special treatment should not be carried out.

But most often the pain is provoked by the following reasons:

  • gouty arthritis;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • tumor in the area of ​​the wrist joint;
  • hand injury;
  • nerve damage;
  • dental diseases (brucellosis, syphilis);
  • inflammation of the bones of the hand (arthritis).

In this case, the left wrist often becomes numb or tingles. Often, the hand of both hands is injured due to strong physical exertion. In this case, severe pain appears in the affected area.

Also, the wrist joint can be affected if other diseases are treated with certain medications. Another cause of pain may lie in arthrosis or Peyronie's disease. Moreover, if the wrist hurts, then most likely the person is suffering from cardiovascular pathology, including a heart attack.

Why does wrist pain appear during pregnancy?
Quite often, pain syndrome accompanies a woman during childbearing. In medicine, there is a concept - carpal tunnel syndrome. The third trimester of pregnancy is considered the most critical.

As a rule, pain syndrome appears due to damage to the median nerve, located on the arm. But the main reasons for its occurrence lie in the weight gain and the formation of puffiness, which often haunts women in position.

However, not all pregnant women suffer from wrist pain. But if it occurs, it is often accompanied by tingling and burning sensation in the hand.

Sometimes there is a tremor. The intensity of the pain increases at night. At the same time, uncomfortable sensations haunt a woman constantly.

The specificity of painful manifestations in case of nerve damage is that they are localized on the outer side of the palm in the area where the first 4 fingers are located. Occasionally, discomfort accumulates in the little finger. Most likely, such a symptom indicates the presence of another pathology.

Additional manifestations of this phenomenon include:

  • puffiness;
  • muscle weakness in the upper limb;
  • malaise;
  • deterioration in general well-being.

An important factor is that after childbirth, the pain in the wrist disappears on its own. But for some women in labor, it may remind of itself for a short period of time.

The study of such a condition consists of an external examination, the effectiveness of tests during passive flexion and extension of the arm. Also, the doctor sometimes conducts percussion of the left or right hand. This technique allows you to determine at what point of the nerve the pain is concentrated.

As an additional diagnostic, electromyography is prescribed. Regarding therapeutic methods, special treatment is not used in this case. Medical recommendations boil down to the fact that pregnant women should try not to strain the muscles of their hands, that is, to abandon work related to fine motor skills of the fingers.

During sleep, do not put your hands under the pillow, which contributes to increased compression of the nerve. It is also useful to conduct special gymnastics aimed at improving the functioning of the fingers of the left and right hands.

Sometimes, if the pain is very severe, the doctor will prescribe a treatment that consists of putting a splint at night and taking NSAID painkillers.

Hand pain in rheumatoid arthritis

In multiple cases, wrist pain may indicate the presence of rheumatoid arthritis. This disease is a systemic pathology of connective tissues. If arthritis affects the hand, then wrist pain is sure to occur, which is far from the only manifestation of this disease.

In addition to the fact that the joint is affected, other organs can also be affected - lungs, skin, heart. Unfortunately, if inflammation has developed in the wrist joint, then this pathological process can quickly spread to other joints. The pain that accompanies rheumatoid arthritis is permanent, since such diseases are chronic.

As a rule, rheumatoid arthritis of the fingers appears in people aged 25-55 years. But sometimes the symptoms of this disease appear in children. In this case, the disease proceeds in an acute form.

In addition, children may experience not only symptoms such as pain in the wrist, but also discomfort is concentrated in the cervical spine. In the later stages of arthritis, the wrist joint becomes deformed.

If the treatment was not timely, then the deformity of the joint can cause dislocations and subluxations.

With a severe course of the disease, the formation of contractures and tendon rupture is noted.


Pain in the left or right upper limb can also manifest itself as a result of stretching of the ligamentous apparatus. This phenomenon affects children and professional athletes.

Ligaments are elastic, dense tissues, the main function of which is to bind the bone structures of the wrist and attach muscle tissue to the latter. Often this pathology appears in boxers and people engaged in physical labor. Also, sprains can occur after unsuccessful exercises on the horizontal bar.

If the pain is localized in the hand, then perhaps the wrist was injured at home. Domestic injuries very often provoke the development of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Discomfort in the hand is often the result of a fall. In this case, stretching is combined with dislocation. An injury to the ligamentous apparatus involves a rupture of the connective elastic fibers, however, vessels and nerves can be damaged.

There are 3 phases of sprain severity:

  • The first stage - pain in the wrist is insignificant.
  • The second - the gap does not exceed 50% of the total number of fibers, everything is accompanied by moderate pain and slight swelling.
  • The third one is characterized by swelling and a strong pain syndrome, it is also difficult for a person to make any movements with the brush.

Diagnosis is based on an external examination, history and x-ray results, which will rule out a fracture. The first thing to do when stretching the ligamentous apparatus is to immobilize the joint using a splint or bandage. You also need to cool the hand and take an analgesic.

Stretching should be treated with gels and ointments that relieve inflammation and swelling. In addition, treatment involves the imposition of fixing bandages, exercise therapy and physiotherapy.

Occupational diseases

When pain occurs in the wrist joint, it is possible that the causes of its occurrence lie in occupational diseases. After all, in almost every profession there are negative sides.

Discomfort in the hand occurs due to constant work at the computer, since when typing, you need to systematically make small movements with the brush, so the muscles are constantly tensed.

Such work contributes to swelling and rapid wear of the tendons and ligaments. Rarely, a nerve may become inflamed. Basically, the pain is concentrated in the right hand, with the exception of left-handers.

Signs of an occupational disease are as follows:

  1. discomfort in the hand;
  2. the occurrence of weakness if a person tries to grab an object with his hand;
  3. pain;
  4. palm numbness.

These symptoms are characteristic of carpal tunnel syndrome. Hernias, osteochondrosis and spinal injuries have a significant place in the progression of this pathology.

In this case, it is important to carry out preventive treatment, including:

  • warm-up or hand massage;
  • proper organization of the workplace;
  • pauses between work;
  • proper lighting;
  • a comfortable posture while working with the support of the elbows and forearms.

Soreness in the hand also occurs in carpenters, telephone operators, locksmiths, people whose work is associated with a jackhammer, tailors and musicians. The progression of this pathology leads to disability.

In most cases, painful symptoms indicate avascular necrosis of the bone tissue of the wrist or tendovaginitis. In this case, necrosis appears in locksmiths, crane operators and carpenters. The main factor in its development is systematic damage to the hand.

The principle of the progression of the painful syndrome is associated with the destruction of the bone tissues of the hand due to a violation of their blood supply. The intensity of pain increases in the course of work.

Treatment consists of immobilizing the injured arm, taking analgesics, applying a plaster cast, and performing physiotherapy.

And if conservative treatment has not brought the necessary results, then you can not do without surgical intervention.

Pain in the hand with other pathologies

In certain cases, soreness in the wrist area indicates the presence of gouty arthritis. This disease is characterized by a metabolic disorder and the deposition of urates (salts).

As a rule, gout appears on the feet, but sometimes it affects the wrist joints. The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • puffiness;
  • the formation of tophi;
  • temperature increase;
  • pain in the affected joint;
  • increased concentration of uric acid in the blood;
  • hyperemia;
  • limited movement.

Treatment of gout should begin with diet therapy. So, it is desirable to remove coffee, fish, cabbage, spinach, sorrel and legumes from the diet. Also, long-term treatment involves resting the diseased joint, physiotherapy, taking anti-gout drugs and NSAIDs.

In addition, if your wrist hurts, this may indicate the presence of osteoarthritis. This disease progresses after operations, injuries, inflammations, against the background of dysplasia, tuberculosis, syphilis or gonorrhea.

Osteoarthritis affects muscle and cartilage tissues, and sometimes osteophytes, bone growths, can form. From the foregoing, it follows that if the wrist hurts, then this symptom may appear due to many diseases. For these reasons, it is very important for successful treatment that the diagnosis is made correctly.

Arthritis of the joints of the hands- a disease that changes hands beyond recognition. How to treat arthritis of the hands so that they always remain attractive, able-bodied and do not bring discomfort?

What is hand arthritis?

The joints of the hands are the most vulnerable to arthritis. A person constantly performs many different operations with his hands in all spheres of life. They are the most exposed to stress and injury. But not only these factors provoke the development of the disease. Arthritis of the joints is an inflammatory disease that can appear due to infections, poor working conditions, or be an autoimmune reaction of the body to its joints.

The disease affects people of different ages. With age, the number of patients increases. Arthritis most often affects women. This is due to the fact that the disease is inherited only by them. Those who have relatives who suffer from arthritis are most at risk of developing arthritis.

Signs of arthritis brushes directly depend on how long a person has been sick, in what form (acute or chronic) the disease proceeds. Feeling pain in the joints and swelling above them are the primary symptoms hand arthritis.

When the disease is chronic:

  1. The pain occurs when the hands are cold.
  2. In the morning, after waking up, there is stiffness of the fingers.
  3. During movement, the joints creak.
  4. Nodules are palpable under the skin.

About acute form of arthritis testifies:

  • fever;
  • acute pain in the joints;
  • swelling and hyperemia of the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints.

Without timely and proper treatment, the disease leads to loss of mobility and deformation of the joints of the hand.

Reasons for the development of pathology

The causes of arthritis of the fingers are very different:

  1. These are various kinds of infections. Arthritis appears against the background of other ailments: rheumatism and influenza, psoriasis and tuberculosis, syphilis and hepatitis, and the like.
  2. Weakened immunity. The inflammatory process occurs as a result of hypothermia (due to cold water, weather).
  3. Severe lingering stress and emotional upheaval. In most cases, these are long-term resentment, guilt, long-held anger, self-hatred for something.
  4. Immune failure. Changes in the hormonal background due to the use of certain medications, diseases, stressful situations give rise to the destruction of the tissues of one's own joints by leukocytes.
  5. genetic predisposition. The disease is inherited.
  6. A variety of injuries and bruises, the transfer of surgery on the hands.
  7. Failure of metabolic processes in the body. They create the basis for the emergence of the pathology of the vessels of the hands. There is a defeat of small vessels, blood supply is disturbed.

Hand arthritis is treated by several specialists. The first condition for its effective therapy is competent diagnosis. It is based on laboratory studies of the internal contents of the articular bag. The analysis makes it possible to establish the nature of the disease: infectious or non-infectious.

After the final diagnosis is made, an individual treatment program is drawn up. Arthritis of the hand is treated using drug therapy and therapeutic and preventive measures.

Medical treatment includes:

  • painkillers (the doctor selects each individually);
  • chondroprotectors (provide protection for the joint and inhibit the synthesis of a destructive enzyme);
  • combined preparations (combine several active substances that provide multi-vector therapy).

Topical treatments are used to reduce inflammation and pain:

  1. Lubricate places in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdiseased joints with gels and ointments based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. Intra-articular and perifocal administration of glucocorticosteroids.

Non-drug treatments include:

  1. Reducing to a minimum the load on the joints.
  2. Prevention of factors that provoke the disease.
  3. Performing therapeutic gymnastic exercises with a simultaneous visit to the pool.
  4. The use of physiotherapy procedures: thermal, ultrasonic, laser-magnetic and acupuncture, massage and hydrotherapy.
  5. Rejection of bad habits. Do not abuse coffee drinks.
  6. Compliance with a therapeutic diet. Foods with a high content of antioxidants and vitamins D and E, dairy products, fruits and vegetables are introduced into the diet. Foods rich in starch and fats, salty and fried foods are excluded.

In the most advanced forms of arthritis of the hand, surgical methods of treatment are used.

They mean:

  1. Joint replacement surgery.
  2. Arthrodesis (fixation of the joint in a given position).

Folk remedies for the treatment of the disease

To date, treatment with folk remedies has not lost its significance:

  1. Tinctures. Perfectly relieves joint inflammation and pain alcohol tincture of white lily flowers. To prepare it, you need to pour 10 flowers of the plant into 400 ml of alcohol. For about 20-30 days, insist in a dark, cool place. After that, the infusion is filtered and the joints are lubricated up to 3 times a day. The duration of treatment has no time frame.
  2. Baths. For baths with white clay, 100 g of clay and 1 liter of water are needed. Clay is purchased at a pharmacy, diluted with warm water and baths are placed for 15-20 minutes. The duration of the course is not limited. The course of treatment with hay trays is 7 days. Then they take a break for 7 days, after which they repeat the course. To prepare a bath, 200 g of dry straw is poured into 2 liters of boiling water. Up to 40 minutes languish in a steam bath. The broth is cooled to body temperature. Take a bath from 15 minutes to half an hour.
  3. Compresses. In acute pain, honey is the main remedy. It is mixed with vodka. Strips of linen or cotton fabric are moistened in the mixture and hands are wrapped. Cotton gloves are put on top. The compress is put on at night. You can make compresses from the juice of white cabbage or wormwood, gruel of onions.
  4. Ointments. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 chicken yolks. By heating the beeswax in a water bath, slowly pour the honey-egg mixture. The ointment is applied warm. Therefore, it is prepared just before use. A wide strip of fabric is moistened with ointment. Then applied to the hands and fixed with a bandage. Leave all night.
  5. Rubbing. Mix equal amounts of henbane and sunflower oils. The mixture is rubbed into sore spots overnight. Insist for 1 month in 1 liter of vodka 2-3 green chestnut peels. Then rub the hands. Affected areas can be treated with an alcohol tincture of bird cherry bark (2 tablespoons per glass of vodka).
  6. Teas. Take anti-inflammatory compound teas (in the proportion of plants 1: 1):
    • from currant leaves, rose hips, hibiscus;
    • from chamomile, calendula, lemon balm;
    • from birch leaves, chamomile and cinquefoil flowers;
    • from the leaves of currant, lingonberry, birch.

    Mix 1 tablespoon of raw materials. Then pour boiling water and insist 1 hour. Strain, drink 1 glass 3 times a day.

  7. Tinctures for internal use. They are made on the basis of herbal infusions of horseradish and black currant leaves.
  8. Using special clothes. Mittens are knitted from natural wool (dogs or sheep). During periods of exacerbation and during attacks of pain, these things are put on at night. Then the pain gradually subsides.

Do not ignore the first signs characteristic of inflammation of the joints. Arthritis is quite a dangerous disease.

You can get a lot of trouble and complications from it. If the disease becomes chronic, one can expect dangerous complications that are more difficult and expensive to treat, and even earn disability.

If the disease is detected in the early stages, you need to do only the right and complex therapy.

Self-medication can become hazardous to health, as some therapeutic agents may be contraindicated in a particular case.

Before starting treatment with folk or medicinal preparations, you should always consult a specialist.

Wrist and hand hurt. All causes, diagnosis. treatment

The human hand is a very complex and delicate instrument. It is quite often exposed to various injuries, injuries, infections and other pathologies. One of the symptoms of many pathological conditions is pain in the hands. It can serve both as a direct indicator of hand diseases, and as a symptom of disorders of other organs and systems in the body.

We list the main diseases for which the occurrence of this symptom is characteristic. In most cases, they cause pain in the hand:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • gout;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • joint inflammation (arthritis);
  • tunnel (carpal) syndrome;
  • inflammation of the ligaments and tendons (peritendinitis);
  • trauma;
  • lesions of the cervical spine;
  • ischemic heart disease and myocardial infarction.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most common and severe autoimmune diseases. The reason for it lies in the fact that the patient's immune system begins to perceive the cells of his own body as foreign, and attacks them, which causes inflammation, dysfunction of the organ or system, and leads to the development of pathology. Rheumatoid arthritis occurs predominantly in middle age, between the ages of 25 and 55, but children are also affected, especially during puberty. The onset of the disease in children is often acute. At the same time, not only the joints of the extremities, but also the joints of the cervical spine are involved in the chronic inflammatory process. This disease in women is much more common, but the representatives of the stronger sex are also susceptible to it.

In most cases, the course of rheumatoid arthritis is chronic. The inflammatory process usually begins in the joints of the toes and hands, and begins to spread to the limbs, capturing the ankle, knee, elbow, hip and shoulder joints. Quite often, the pathological process affects the wrist region, causing pain in the joints of the hands.

A characteristic feature of rheumatoid arthritis is the symmetry of joint damage - inflammation develops in the same joints on both hands and feet. In the affected areas, there is swelling and redness of the skin. Inflamed joints have limited mobility, and acquire a characteristic spindle shape. Pain can be both constant and intermittent. Acute pain for this disease, as a rule, is not characteristic, and the pain is usually of moderate intensity. Patients report stiffness for several hours after waking up, and feel the need to "disperse". In addition, the pain of rheumatoid arthritis also decreases somewhat after exercise.

In rheumatoid arthritis, not only the joints themselves are affected, but also the cartilage tissue adjacent to them, as well as bone structures. A continuous and prolonged inflammatory process is the cause of the slow destruction of surrounding tissues.

In addition to the pain syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis in the hand is also dangerous due to the rapid development of disorders and difficulty in bending and unbending the fingers. In addition, there are deformations of the hand, which are difficult to correct. If timely measures are not taken, then dislocations and subluxations often develop in the affected joints. In severe cases of the disease, the hands can even deviate to the ulnar side.

Such deformations of the fingers are due to two main reasons:

  1. The destruction of the ligaments and joint capsules deprives the joints of stability, but the tendons continue to exert traction, which leads to the development of deformity - the fingers begin to deviate to the ulnar side, extension is limited and subluxations appear.
  2. The tendons involved in the rheumatoid process are destroyed, replaced by scar tissue and, in those areas where they are most subject to friction and pressure, are torn. One symptom that precedes these "spontaneous" tendon ruptures is pain on the back of the wrist.

Diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis is based on the collection of characteristic complaints of the patient, X-ray examination data and laboratory tests, during which the presence of the so-called rheumatoid factor is determined in the patient's blood. If you suspect the onset of rheumatoid arthritis, you should contact a rheumatologist as soon as possible. This disease is incurable completely, but with the help of anti-inflammatory therapy or even surgery, progressive changes in the joints can be stopped in time.


The reason for the development of gout is the accumulation in the joints of substances that are formed in the process of nitrogen metabolism, in particular, uric acid and its derivatives, the so-called urates. The source of these substances in our diet is meat products, which is why gout is also often called the disease of meat eaters. Mostly men get sick, in addition, the likelihood of this pathology increases with age.

Gout most often affects the joints of the lower extremities: toes, feet, ankles and knees. A characteristic symptom of this pathology is an acute onset with unbearable pain in the big toe. Edema and pronounced redness develop in this area. In the future, the pathological process spreads to other joints, and can also spread to the upper limbs, affecting, in particular, the wrist region, causing pain in the joints of the hands. Unlike rheumatoid arthritis, gout does not show symmetry of the lesions on the right and left extremities.

In the acute period of gout, the patient experiences excruciating severe pain in the affected joints, which are usually characterized as burning, pressing, arching and throbbing. The pain has a maximum intensity at night, and decreases in the morning. When the disease passes into the chronic stage, so-called tophi are formed around the involved joints - characteristic gouty bumps. Exacerbations of gout are observed from two to six times a year, and their duration is up to several days.

The factors provoking the onset of an attack are usually:

  • intake of alcoholic beverages;
  • large portions of meat or fatty dishes;
  • abuse of coffee, strong tea or cocoa;
  • bath procedures.

The diagnosis of gout is made on the basis of the patient's complaints, as well as the results of chemical and microscopic studies of the joint fluid. It contains uric acid crystals.

Analgesics are used to relieve pain in an acute attack of gout, and anti-inflammatory drugs (eg, indomethacin) are used to relieve inflammation. In the future, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the diet, which consists in limiting meat products, fish and alcohol. In addition, at the discretion of the nephrologist, it is periodically indicated to take courses of therapy with drugs that reduce the content of uric acid in the blood.


Pain in the joint of the hand can be caused by arthrosis - a disease based on premature aging and wear of the cartilage that covers the articulations of the bones that form the joint. The affected cartilage begins to thin, crack, dehydrate and lose its cushioning properties. Pain syndrome is a manifestation of this. Over time, osteophytes begin to appear on the articular surface - spike-like bone growths that change the configuration of the joint, cause its deformation, and injure the surrounding tissue structures, causing increased pain. Almost always, this pathology is the lot of the elderly, although there are also familial, hereditary forms of osteoarthritis, in which the onset of the disease is noted in adolescence or even in childhood.

Pain in osteoarthritis is more often observed in the knee and / or hip joints. However, this pathology often affects the upper limbs. With osteoarthritis of the joints of the hands, pain syndrome is noted in the small joints of the hands, the metacarpal-carpal joint of the thumb, in the elbow and shoulder joints. Often, the impetus for the development of osteoarthritis of the wrist joint is ununited fractures of the bones of the hand.

The classic symptoms of osteoarthritis in the wrist are:

  • pain during physical exertion;
  • painful sensitivity to pressure in the area of ​​the wrist joint;
  • limited range of motion in the joint.

Pain in osteoarthritis is dull in nature, increases in the daytime, especially during physical exertion. The intensity of pain is significantly reduced in the morning, as well as after a long rest. In the joints, characteristic crunches and clicks are periodically noted. As the disease progresses, the pain syndrome becomes more pronounced, the pain does not disappear after rest, and can also appear at night. The course of the disease is undulating: sometimes the exacerbation lasts for several months, and sometimes the attack stops after just a few days.

X-ray examination plays an important role in the diagnosis of osteoarthritis. On radiography, the presence of bone growths, narrowing of the joint space, flattening and deformation of the cartilaginous surfaces of the joints, as well as destruction of the bone tissue itself, is determined. Treatment of osteoarthritis begins with the removal of inflammation and pain with the help of steroid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Also used are agents that increase the protective properties of cartilage. But the main place in the treatment of this disease is exercise therapy, physiotherapy and spa treatment.


Arthritis is called inflammation of the joint. Unlike rheumatoid arthritis, which is caused by autoimmune inflammation, in ordinary arthritis, the pathological process is based on an infectious lesion. Infectious agents can penetrate directly into the joint, or enter it with the blood flow from other areas of the body.

There are two forms of arthritis:

  1. Acute, which is characterized by severe pain, swelling, redness of the skin around the joint and fever;
  2. Chronic, flowing slowly, not pronounced and reminding of itself with pain only sometimes.

This vagueness of symptoms is one of the main dangers of chronic arthritis. Ignoring the disease for a long time, the patient runs the risk of bringing the affected joint to a complete deformation or even destruction.

Arthritis of the wrist is characterized by constant pain in the hand. The presence of pain syndrome does not depend on whether or not there was physical activity. In addition, the syndrome of morning stiffness of the affected joint after a night's sleep is common.

Diagnosis of arthritis is based primarily on laboratory studies of the synovial fluid - the internal contents of the joint capsule - and the determination of the presence of infectious agents in it. In the treatment of this disease, in addition to anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, antibiotics are widely used to eliminate the main cause of the pathology.

Carpal (tunnel) syndrome

In some cases, pain in the hand occurs as a result of compression of the nerve conductors in the anatomically narrow spaces of the wrist between the muscle tendons and the bone along the course of the nerve. This pathology is called tunnel, or carpal (carpal) syndrome. In general cases, it manifests itself as nocturnal dull diffuse pains in the hand, mainly in the right. Often the pain in the right hand tends to spread up the arm, sometimes reaching even to the back of the head. This disorder often occurs against the background of serious endocrine and hormonal changes in the body, for example, during pregnancy, menopause, diabetes, etc.

Carpal syndrome is manifested in the infringement, compression and swelling of the nerve, which is responsible for the sensitivity of the middle, index and thumb, as well as the palm. This disease begins with tingling, numbness, burning and pain in these areas. These sensations usually occur at night or in the morning. Gradually, pathological sensations turn into a strong decrease in the sensitivity of the fingers and palms. Often, carpal syndrome is observed in women in menopause, and the right limb is more often affected. Pain in the right hand causes such patients to wake up a few hours after going to bed. Massaging and shaking the brush at first bring relief. In the morning there is a feeling of swelling of the hand, and there are also difficulties for several hours with fine movements of the fingers.

In addition, carpal tunnel syndrome may be due to working conditions. Previously, this pathology was common among typists, and in the modern world, people who work at a computer for a long time are susceptible to it. A constant static load on the same muscle group, as well as an uncomfortable position of the hands while working with a keyboard or mouse, leads to a pinched nerve.

To prevent the development of this pathology, it is necessary to take preventive measures. For example, it will be useful to use special mouse pads that have rollers to support the brush. They help to arrange the hand more conveniently, and remove most of the load from it. Also, to prevent the development of carpal tunnel syndrome, if you need to work at the computer for a long time, you need to take frequent breaks, as well as knead and shake your hands.

Inflammation of ligaments and tendons (peritendinitis)

Peritendinitis mainly affects the tendons that are responsible for the extension of the hand and the ligament of the wrist joint. The leading symptom of peritendinitis is quite intense aching pain in the hand near the wrist. Sometimes swelling can be observed along the tendon. Diagnosis of peritendinitis is based on examination and examination of the patient. A characteristic symptom of the appearance of pain when pressed with a finger in the affected area. In addition, with active movements in the hand, you can feel a slight creaking (crepitus) by touch, and sometimes you can determine it by ear. Treatment consists in taking anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as limiting motor activity in the affected hand.

Hand injury

There are three types of hand injuries:

  • bone injury;
  • tendon and ligament injuries;
  • muscle tissue injury.

Bone injuries most often involve fractures - the lunate and navicular bones of the wrist are most susceptible to this.

These acute conditions and injuries are the result of falls on the hands or direct blows to the wrist. After injuries of the hand associated with fractures, complications such as dystrophy with diffuse swelling of the wrist joint, smoothing of the contours of the joint and very intense pain can develop.

Depending on the severity and nature of the injury, the symptoms of a fracture can range from swelling and mild discomfort to excruciating pain and obvious deformity of the hand. Often, fractures of the bones of the wrist do not show severe symptoms, and therefore are misdiagnosed as sprains. This is their danger: improperly treated or undiagnosed carpal fractures can have serious consequences, such as loss of joint mobility. Therefore, it should be remembered that the signs of a fracture of the bones of the hand are not always obvious. In some cases, the injury occurs after a blow, and goes unnoticed, manifesting itself only with serious physical exertion, and the accompanying pain is taken as a sign of a simple bruise.

Injuries to the tendons and articular-ligamentous apparatus of the hand are manifested by subluxations, dislocations, sprains and ruptures of the ligaments. All these pathological conditions in the vast majority of cases are accompanied by pain syndrome of varying intensity.

Subluxations and dislocations are evidence of injuries and failure of the articular-ligamentous apparatus of the hand. As a result of sharp physical impacts or weakening of the joint capsule due to inflammation or degenerative changes, the normal spatial configuration of the joint is disturbed. Simply put, the articular surfaces of the bones are in the wrong position in relation to each other.

Such conditions cause stretching, and sometimes rupture of the articular capsule, and are quite easy to diagnose. The presence of a dislocation in many cases is determined visually, and the diagnosis can be unambiguously confirmed, as in the case of a bone fracture, using an X-ray examination.

With the weakening of the articular apparatus, which is due to dystrophic changes in the tissue of the articular capsule, subluxations and dislocations can become "habitual". They can occur repeatedly during the day, and the patient himself sets them in place. It should not be thought that this brings relief. Over time, these habitual dislocations weaken the entire joint more and more, and sooner or later it may completely lose its function.

Stretching is called pathological (greater than possible) stretching of the ligaments and tendons. The final and most pronounced stage of stretching is the rupture of the ligament, i.e., the loss of its physical integrity. Most commonly, sprains in this area involve either the ligaments that hold together the lower ends of the forearm, ulna, and radius bones, or the ligaments that hold the carpal bones together (carpal).

Symptoms of a sprained tendon:

  • sharp pain in the wrist;
  • swelling;
  • limitation of the range of motion in the hand;
  • instability of one or more joints.

Injuries to muscle tissue are manifested mainly by bruises or, in severe cases, open wounds and crush injuries of the soft tissues of the hand. In the case of open wounds, questions about the diagnosis of the cause of pain in the hand do not arise. Bruising of soft tissues is characterized by the absence of violations of the skin, but at the same time, hematomas (hemorrhages) of different sizes and localizations occur. In such traumatic lesions, an X-ray of the hand should always be taken to ensure that there is no fracture of the bones. In addition, pain in the hand can occur with too much muscle tension, which is provoked by excessive physical exertion, an uncomfortable position of the limb, or prolonged work.

It must be remembered that in most cases, a hand injury combines several types of lesions. For example, bone fractures are almost always accompanied by soft tissue contusion, and often sprains or tendon ruptures. Therefore, both the diagnosis and treatment of hand injuries must be approached comprehensively. Of great importance is the careful collection of patient complaints, and a detailed clarification of the causes and circumstances of the injury. Clarification of the volume and localization of damage to the hand is carried out using radiography. The treatment consists in artificially restricting the movements of the injured hand, and in case of fractures or torn ligaments, surgical intervention is indicated to restore the anatomical integrity of the injured structures.

Cervical spine lesions

If no local causes for the occurrence of pain in the hand by the type of joint damage or trauma are found, it is necessary to pay attention to the cervical spine. In some cases, it is pathologies in this area that can manifest themselves as pain in the hand:

  • protrusion of the intervertebral disc;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • cervical sciatica.

Pain in the hand with these pathologies is due to the fact that compression or inflammation of the nerve pathways at the exit from the spinal cord leads to transmission disorders and "perversions" of nerve impulses going to the hand. Pain can be given to the entire arm, to the wrist joint or to individual fingers. A syndrome of spreading pain from the elbow to the hand is characteristic. In some cases, this carries diagnostic information, and allows you to determine which of the vertebrae caused the development of pain.

Diagnosis of lesions of the cervical spine is largely based on the collection of characteristic complaints of the patient, as well as on the results of radiography and magnetic resonance and computed tomography of the spinal column. These surveys allow you to accurately determine the localization of the pathological process, its volume and prevalence.

Treatment of such pathologies is always a difficult task, and takes a long period of time. In the early stages, these diseases are more or less susceptible to conservative therapy. At the same time, methods of manual influence (with the exception of a herniated disc!), physiotherapeutic procedures, the use of physiotherapy exercises and spa treatment are of great importance. In the later stages of the development of these pathologies, in most cases, to alleviate the patient's condition, one has to resort to surgical interventions on the spine.

Ischemic heart disease and myocardial infarction

In some cases, pain in the hands can be a sign of cardiac pathology, especially if the pain is localized in the left hand, and at the same time radiates to the upper limbs. Such a symptom is a characteristic sign of exacerbation of coronary heart disease, or even myocardial infarction. In addition, pain in the hand may be accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • pressing pain behind the sternum, in the upper limb, under the left shoulder blade;
  • difficulty breathing, shortness of breath;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • the appearance of cold sweat;
  • nausea;
  • inexplicable fear and anxiety.

If you feel pain in the left hand in combination with the symptoms listed above, then you need to call an emergency doctor.

Diagnosis of coronary heart disease is based primarily on an electrocardiographic study, a thorough collection of complaints and examination of the patient. Treatment for this disease is long, and includes the use of a large number of drugs used to improve the blood supply to the heart muscle.

localized pain

In addition to the listed general pathological conditions that can cause pain in the entire hand, diseases that lead to pain in only one or more fingers of the hand should be mentioned:

  • Pain and sensory disturbances in the ring finger and little finger are observed most often with lesions of the ulnar nerve in the elbow area. This is characterized by the presence of weakness when spreading the fingers and atrophy of the interosseous muscles.
  • Pain in the thumb, middle and especially the index finger is often observed with lesions of the median nerve of the forearm. In addition, the same localization of the pain syndrome is observed in radiculitis of the cervical spine.
  • After damage to various branches of the nerves of the upper limbs (for example, due to trauma), benign tumors of the nervous tissue can form on the fingers. They have localized tenderness, which in some cases may radiate up the arm.
  • Damage to the sensitive dorsal digital nerve can be caused by pressure exerted on the area of ​​the thumb by any tool (for example, scissors) during prolonged work. Such injuries are accompanied by burning pains in the indicated place.
  • Point pain in the terminal phalanx of just one finger, most often in the area of ​​​​its nail bed, may be due to the occurrence of a benign skin tumor, very rich in nerve fibers. In some cases, this neoplasm appears under the skin of the finger or under the nail in the form of a bluish spot. With this disease, local pain occurs first only with pressure, and then spontaneously with the usual lowering of the arm down.
  • Sometimes rheumatic diseases also appear with localized pain in the interphalangeal joints or individual fingers. This is observed in primary chronic polyarthritis or arthrosis of the extreme interphalangeal joints. A characteristic symptom in such cases is the appearance of painful swelling of the joints - Heberden's nodules.


In addition to a thorough questioning and collection of patient complaints, his careful clinical examination, manual muscle testing (determination of pain when bending the hand), it is also necessary to use additional methods of instrumental diagnostics. The first is radiography. Ultrasound methods of research and magnetic resonance imaging are also used.

Wrist pain treatment

Pain in the hand can develop into a significant problem, especially if, due to this symptom, the patient loses the ability to perform his usual work. It is clear that if pain is associated with hand injuries (fractures, soft tissue bruises, sprains or torn ligaments), then with adequate and timely treatment, this pain is most often temporary. As the functions of the injured organ are restored and the tissues heal, the pain syndrome disappears.

But at the same time, one should not forget about the functional development of the hand during the rehabilitation period. Neglecting these measures, and letting the healing process go by itself, can be fraught with trouble in the future. With a decrease in functional activity in the small joints of the hand and fingers, contractures may develop - painful restrictions in movement. In addition, fused tendons and ligaments can form pathological constrictions, which can also significantly impair the working qualities of the hand. Over time, you may find that the hand is no longer as effective as it used to be. In some cases, for example, if the patient's work activity was associated with fine motor skills of the fingers, this can be a serious problem.

Home and folk remedies for pain in the hand include compresses with decoctions of rosemary and nettle. Applications are made from a mixture of these herbs. It is necessary to brew the mixture, put a warm herbal slurry on the hand and cover it with polyethylene. From above you need to wrap your hand with something warm, for example, a scarf or a scarf. However, you need to understand - if folk methods do not bring quick relief, you should seek professional medical help.

Pain in the hand: when is it necessary to urgently consult a doctor?

  • pain in the arm, lasting more than two days;
  • decreased sensitivity of the fingers and palms;
  • the pain is aggravated by physical exertion on the hand;
  • the deformation of the hand or joints becomes visually noticeable;
  • there are restrictions or disturbances of movement in the joints of the hand;
  • edematous phenomena begin on the affected limb.

Pain in the hand is not a separate disease, but only a symptom that can be an indicator of the presence of many different pathologies described above. Therefore, drug treatment of the pain syndrome itself usually consists in taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. However, in the vast majority of cases, such therapy is temporary - it brings relief to the patient for some time, but does not eliminate the immediate cause of the pain. And this means that sooner or later the pain will return.

A complete treatment of pain in the hands, which brings a persistent and lasting positive effect, must be based on the identification and elimination of the main cause of pain. Often, for such therapy, it is necessary to involve a variety of medical specialists in order to compile a comprehensive treatment regimen. Indeed, often pain in the hand can be the result of diseases of other systems and organs of the body, for example, nervous or cardiovascular.

If you experience pain in the hands, you should consult with the following specialists:

  • neuropathologist;
  • traumatologist;
  • rheumatologist.

Prevention of pain in the hands includes:

  • maintaining a balanced diet;
  • care for the hands when performing any traumatic work;
  • alternating periods of work and rest with massage and relaxation of the hands while working at the computer.

Remember that timely access to doctors about pain in the hand and early treatment of the underlying disease can prevent the development of many complications, which means keeping your hands healthy and strong for many years.


Pain in the right upper limb are quite common, often they appear against the background of diseases of the musculoskeletal system or the nervous system. If sensations occur on the one hand, their cause should be determined and treatment should be started in a timely manner.

The first symptoms may appear suddenly, causing acute severe pain in the arm, these attacks can last for several weeks, worsening several times a month. Lack of treatment in most cases leads to numbness of the area, muscle atrophy, and tremor occurs. Systemic diseases, acute inflammatory processes, post-traumatic changes should always be excluded.

The right hand consists of the following parts:

  1. The wrist is the beginning of the hand;
  2. Palm (inner part of the hand);
  3. The outer part of the brush;
  4. Fingers - little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger and thumb.

The wrist is located in the crook of the hand and consists of many small bones connected by ligaments. The wrist area is sometimes associated with the place of wearing a watch or a bracelet.

In this area, the right limb narrows, placing many nerves and ligaments in a small area. The first cause of pain may lie in the reduction of the channel for the nerves, thereby causing the syndrome of the carpal tunnel of the right hand. Sometimes arthrosis, arthritis, peritendinitis, and some bone diseases are disturbing in this area.

This area has a lot of workload and as a result, programmers can develop a chronic course. If the reason lies in the constant load when working with the mouse, you should change the working conditions and adjust the work schedule.

Pain in right hand, inside. The symptom often occurs with neurological lesions of the median or ulnar nerves, diseases of the intervertebral discs of the cervical C5-C7. Sometimes you can find Dupuytren's contracture, accompanied by the formation of painful connecting nodes.

Pain in the fingers of the right hand

In most cases, on the right river, several fingers hurt at the same time. According to statistics, almost 50% of all symptoms occur on the ring finger and little finger at the same time. Sometimes patients are concerned about numbness, slight tingling of the tips.

In about 30% of cases, it bothers at the same time - the index and thumb, slightly affecting the middle one.

How can fingers bother:

  • All the fingers of the right hand hurt. It is quite rare to meet such a situation, the main problem should be sought in the vessels, to exclude hypothermia, injuries.
  • Pain simultaneously in the index, thumb and ring fingers is a clear sign of damage to the radial (if it hurts outside the palm) or median nerve (if it bothers you inside the palm).
  • Thumb and forefinger on the right side - most likely a problem in the spine, in the 6th cervical root.
  • The little finger and ring fingers can hurt, go numb with a right-sided foraminal hernia between the fifth and sixth cervical vertebrae;
  • The middle finger and half of the two nearest fingers - right-sided foraminal hernia C4-C5.

The pain is not always clearly expressed in all areas, but worries in one area.

Right thumb, the sixth cervical root is responsible for its work, which can be damaged by a posterior disc herniation between the third and fourth cervical vertebrae on the right. If the pain occurs only on the outside, this may indicate a lesion of the radial nerve. The median nerve is responsible for the end of the finger, the last phalanx.

The index finger rarely bothers individually, it is innervated by the seventh right cervical root. The pain can spread to neighboring areas, patients are worried about discomfort in the neck. MRI is used for diagnosis.

Because most often sore right ring finger and little finger, the symptoms are accompanied by sharp stabbing pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nails or fingertips. Over time, the symptoms develop into upper limb numbness or slight tingling. Right little finger may hurt due to a hernia at the level of the fifth sixth cervical vertebrae.

Causes and treatment

Of particular importance in the diagnosis of such symptoms is the timely visit to the doctor for a complete examination. The list of diagnostic methods is extremely extensive; tests for rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis, gout, and diabetes mellitus may be recommended. The main diagnosis is based on MRI of the cervical region, examination of sensitivity and muscle function.

If, after examination of the spine, damage to the nerve roots by the intervertebral discs is detected, treatment should be started in a timely manner. With a timely visit to the doctor, the pain in the fingers can be eliminated without surgery. Lack of timely assistance can lead to weakness in the right hand, muscle atrophy, paresis, disability, etc.

Note! Online counseling is NOT available. Contact phone records.

Please check your post for errors and readability!

    Hello, for more than a year I have had pain in my first rkua upper part. But it doesn’t hurt much. I don’t know why and plus I have thermo hands, and I’m 34 years old.

    The right hand hurts on the inside of the palm in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bone, the fingers do not go numb, they do not hurt. Movement in the joint is not limited, but rotation causes pain.

    Periodically there is a throbbing pain in the PULSE of the right hand near the thumb. It also stops suddenly. Usually in the evening at 7-8 o'clock. My blood pressure is normal 120-130 x 70. In general, I am a fairly healthy person, my heart, internal organs are in order., although I am 85 years old.. I lead a healthy lifestyle, my profession is a civil engineer.

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    Hello, after a tight lock on the door, my wrist hurts. I wring out rags with pain, peel potatoes. It doesn’t bother me at rest.

    the thumb and middle finger go numb at 4-5 in the morning What to do Will massage the spine help How to get rid of numbness I make circular movements with my hands I rub and so on and all this at 4 in the morning Please tell me

    Good afternoon I am worried about the pain between the thumb and forefinger of the right hand. It started when I worked as a secretary and I had to write a lot by hand (from morning to evening!), in the truest sense of the word. at first there was such a pain as if the finger was tired of writing and just needed to rest. But even after resting, the pain did not go away. It got to the point where I couldn't move my arm. it was very painful. It is also impossible to lift weights, strain my arm in general, and I could not write at all. I turned to the therapist, they only advised me to make a compress with ketonal ointment. I saw the result soon. But more than a year has passed, and the hand periodically makes itself felt. Until now, I can’t lift anything heavy, I can’t write for a long time ... in general, discomfort and I’m afraid that I won’t be able to work properly ... because I work a lot at the computer. Advise to what doctor to address how to struggle with this pain?! Thank you.

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