Reading is trendy! class hour (Grade 3) on the topic. Is reading trendy? Reading is cool! Why reading is fashionable and useful

Books are called "food for thought". Before the widespread introduction of television and computerization into our lives, reading was the most important entertainment for people at their leisure. With the advent of "blue" screens, people increasingly began to look at it, go to cinemas and read less often. And with further global informatization, society turned its eyes to the monitors of computers, laptops and all kinds of mobile “gadgets”. And the books were generally pushed farther away to gather dust on the shelves.

But it couldn't last long. No matter what level of technical development civilization reaches, eternal values ​​will always remain relevant. And now few people have the opinion that reading is a waste of time, because there are movies and computers. In recent years, there has been an increasing trend of increasing reading people. This is especially noticeable in large metropolitan areas: people have to get to their place of work for a long time, travel by several modes of transport. And to pass the time on the road, most people read. There is a combination of pleasant and useful. You have obviously heard about the benefits of reading since school, but it’s hard to argue with the main logical arguments:

  • Reading, like nothing else, develops visual memory - words, sentence construction, punctuation - which, in turn, develops literacy, even without special grammar lessons.
  • The imagination develops well, since any book forms certain visual images in the reader: the characters, their characters and appearance, the surrounding nature, the environment, and much more.
  • Thanks to specialized literature, you can engage in self-education: learn new terms from professional fields that are familiar or new to you.
  • An interesting, unusual plot, invented by the author, captures us, and this surprises the brain and makes it perceive the world around us in a new way.

The information development of mankind affected reading not only negatively, but it also gave a significant positive impetus towards convenience and economy. Types of books appeared that were alternative to ordinary printed (paper) publications. So, let's go in order, what can you choose if you decide to continue or just start reading?

Printed book editions.

So to say, no one has canceled real or paper books and will never cancel them. Fans of rustling pages, inhaling the smell of old yellowed paper or brand new crispy only from the printing house will not be transferred. You can always buy a book at a regular bookstore, a second-hand bookstore, or just borrow it from the library. For those who are not in the know, a second-hand bookshop is a kind of "second hand" books where people can bring their unwanted ones, exchange them for others or buy them for a very affordable price.


With their appearance, we got the opportunity not to carry heavy volumes with us, but to download countless books and read them on a small flat board that can easily be carried in your pocket. Hence the name “Pocket book” (English, “Pocket book” - “pocket book”). E-books are especially convenient on the road - light weight and plenty of time to read if you suddenly get bored. It is clear that you can download and read books on any computer or mobile device, but we are talking about books, so we are not distracted from the topic. Books differ from other mobile devices - smartphones, tablets and the like - by significantly less functionality, but by a longer charge retention time. But a book is a book. We buy it for reading, not for surfing the Internet or working with computer programs. Although manufacturers are already trying to equip some books with such features.

The main fundamental point that you should first of all pay attention to when buying e-books is the type of screen - liquid crystal (TFT like a computer monitor) or ink type (E-ink). I will not go into details of technologies, you can read about this in many technical sources if you wish. I will only say the most important thing, that if books with a TFT screen have the same harmful effect on vision as computer monitors, then ink-type books are not harmful to vision, their effect is exactly the same as that of an ordinary paper book.

Audio books.

I don't think anyone is surprised by the existence of audio books these days. Of course, they are not exactly books, they are not read, but listened to, which, accordingly, has a different effect on us and our intellect. But still, in a way, they are books, as you are listening to a recording of someone reading aloud some real book. Anyone understands that audio books cannot exist in nature in paper form, and to listen to them you need some kind of device (any type of e-book or mobile “device” will do) and headphones.

Such recorded books train auditory memory, contribute to the replenishment of vocabulary, the formation of whole sentences and phrases in human memory, which, in turn, improve the quality of your speech. Audio books are very handy when traveling in shaky vehicles. You may not be able to read with your eyes - it is harmful to vision and is not suitable for people with a weak vestibular apparatus, as there is a “motion sickness effect”. And turn on your headphones, and the sea is knee-deep, and the road seems shorter!

In general, what can I say here: reading is not a sign of backwardness from life, but a fashionable “trick”. No other biological organism, except for man, is capable of this, therefore, despite our love for animals, we will once again prove the intellectual superiority of man.

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The importance of books and reading in the life of mankind is difficult to overestimate. Since ancient times, a person who can read was respected and honored by fellow citizens, and the book itself was treated with reverence. But, unfortunately, reading is one of the activities that not many people are fond of nowadays. But we can say with confidence that reading is fashionable. Since ancient times, books have been not only a source of knowledge, but also an inexhaustible source of life and many useful things. Only by reading, a person can comprehend many secrets and cultivate his feelings. The purpose of the class hour: to cultivate interest in reading, respect for books.



Purpose of the class:

Raise interest in reading, respect for books;

Show the significance of the book for humanity.

improving library and bibliographic literacy.


To acquaint children with the rules and responsibilities of the reader of the children's library;

To instill respect for the book, to teach the correct handling of the book;

Involve in the preservation of the library fund:

Instill a love of reading.

Introductory word of the teacher:

A book is a teacher, a book is a mentor.
The book is a close companion and friend.
The mind, like a stream, dries up and grows old,
If you let go of the book.
The book is an adviser, the book is a scout,
The book is an active fighter and fighter.
The book is an imperishable memory and eternity,
Satellite of the planet earth, finally.
The book is not just beautiful furniture,
Not an application of oak cabinets,
The book is a magician who knows how to tell stories
Turn into a reality and into the basis of the foundations.
(Viktor Bokov is a Russian poet, prose writer and collector of folklore)

The importance of books and reading in the life of mankind is difficult to overestimate. Since ancient times, a person who can read was respected and honored by fellow citizens, and the book itself was treated with reverence. But, unfortunately, reading is one of the activities that not many people are fond of nowadays. But I can say with confidence that reading is fashionable. Since ancient times, books have been not only a source of knowledge, but also an inexhaustible source of life and many useful things. Only by reading, a person can comprehend many secrets and cultivate his feelings.

I can't imagine life without reading books. It makes you think right and think about your actions. To love to read is never to know boredom, it gives maximum pleasure. I am particularly concerned about the question: “Why do young people read so little?” But on reflection, I realize that for many, this is a waste of time. In our age of high information technology, many people undeservedly bypass reading with their attention, unfairly considering the book a relic of the past. But they are mistaken because reading is not only fashionable, but pleasant and useful.

I have interesting tasks for you. Having completed them, we will be convinced that we cannot do without reading.

1. Guys, you have sheets of paper on your tables. Think, please, and formulate the reasons why you still need to read!

Here are some reasons to read:

  1. Children and adolescents who read literature frequently have higher IQs than those who do not.
  2. Reading makes us more beautiful.
  3. A reader can communicate with anyone. And not reading - only with his own kind.
  4. A person who reads lives longer.
  5. A person who reads books will inevitably control those who do not read.
  6. A reader is difficult to manipulate.
  7. Reading promotes literacy.
  8. Reading is relaxing and helps relieve stress.
  1. Competition "Fairy tale quiz"

1. What is the name of the fabulous long-lived king. (Koschey)

2. This tale tells how a stepmother drove her stepdaughter into the woods on New Year's Eve to get flowers. What is the name of this fairy tale? Who is author? (“12 months”, S.Ya. Marshak).

3. Who wrote the books about Uncle Fyodor? (Uspensky).

4. Name the fairy tales of G.H. Andersen. (Thumbelina, Ugly Duckling, etc.).

5. The main character of the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”? (Kai).

6. Who did Tsar Gvidon turn into? (In mosquito, bumblebee and fly).

7. In which work was the door located behind the painted hearth? (Tolstoy "The Adventures of Pinocchio")

8. Who wrote the fairy tale “Silver Hoof”? (P.Bazhov)

9. From what work are these heroes: a boy and a girl, a little robber (“The Snow Queen. Andersen)

10. The one who gave Pinocchio wise advice. (Cricket)

11. “Pull your leg out from under you and lower it under the table. Don't eat with your hands, that's what spoons and forks are for." (Malvina - Pinocchio)

13. Under the pressure of a royal person, this woman committed a terrible crime. Under the guise of a wretched beggar, she penetrated to a kind, unsuspecting girl and treated her to a very common tasty fruit. As a result, she fell dead. (Chernavka poisoned the young princess. “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”)

14. Three intruders, while in the service of a high-ranking person, committed a forgery of a document, which had sad, very dramatic consequences: the family was destroyed. Mother and son are severely punished. But in the end, truth triumphed, evil was defeated. (A weaver with a cook, with a woman-in-law Babarikha. “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”)

15. The name of what very sour fruit is the prince from the fairy tale about the adventures of Chippolino? (Lemon)

16. Who is Kaa? (Python, Mowgli's friend)

17. Companion of the fox Alice. (Basilio)

18. Terrible robber of Chukovsky's fairy tales (Barmaley)

19. The means by which Dr. Aibolit communicated with animals (Phone)

20. Far, far away, in the country where the swallows fly away from us for the winter, there lived a king. He had eleven sons and one daughter, Eliza. (G.H. Andersen. “Wild Swans”)

  1. Informative moment.


People read a lot these days, actually. Countless messages, a non-stop news feed, favorite blogs on the Internet ... But nothing can replace a book. It is reading books that helps a person to keep a lively mind for many years. Here are interesting facts about reading that will make you look at this type of pastime in a new way.

  • Russian writer Maxim Gorky read at a speed of 4,000 words per minute.
  • The American inventor Thomas Edison read 2-3 lines at once, memorizing the text for almost pages, thanks to maximum concentration.
  • French writer Honore de Balzac read a 200-page novel in half an hour.
  • Napoleon read at a speed of 2000 words per minute.
  • Stalin read 400 pages a day, considering this the minimum norm.
  • Eliyahu Gaon - an outstanding genius of the spiritual Orthodox Jewry, a mathematician literally remembered 2500 books he had read

People stop thinking

D. Diderot

Target: to promote the formation of students' need for a book, reading, spiritual and intellectual growth, self-awareness and self-education.


Promotion of the value of reading and books, the formation of an information culture of the individual;

Development of creative abilities by organizing literary competitions;

Active involvement of students in the cultural and educational activities of educational organizations;

Preparing a young reader for individual reading activities aimed at meeting the needs for leisure and self-educational reading.

During the classes.



Guys, 2016 has been declared the Year of Reading in the Donetsk People's Republic. Therefore, as you may have guessed, our first lesson will be about reading and books.

A book is a teacher, a book is a mentor.
The book is a close companion and friend.
The mind, like a stream, dries up and grows old,
If you let go of the book.
The book is an adviser, the book is a scout,
The book is an active fighter and fighter.
The book is an imperishable memory and eternity,
Satellite of the planet earth, finally.
The book is not just beautiful furniture,
Not an application of oak cabinets,
The book is a magician who knows how to tell stories
Turn into a reality and into the basis of the foundations.
(Viktor Bokov is a Russian poet, prose writer and collector of folklore)

The importance of books and reading in the life of mankind is difficult to overestimate. Since ancient times, a person who can read was respected and honored by fellow citizens, and the book itself was treated with reverence. But, unfortunately, reading is one of the activities that not many people are fond of nowadays. But I can say with confidence that reading is fashionable. Since ancient times, books have been not only a source of knowledge, but also an inexhaustible source of life and many useful things. Only by reading, a person can comprehend many secrets and cultivate his feelings.

I can't imagine life without reading books. It makes you think right and think about your actions. To love to read is never to know boredom, it gives maximum pleasure. I am particularly concerned about the question: “Why do young people read so little?” But on reflection, I realize that for many, this is a waste of time. In our age of high information technology, many people undeservedly bypass reading with their attention, unfairly considering the book a relic of the past. But they are mistaken because reading is not only fashionable, but pleasant and useful. Here are some reasons to read:

    Children and adolescents who often read literature haveIQhigher than those who neglect this occupation.

    Reading makes us more beautiful.

    A reader can communicate with anyone. And not reading - only with his own kind.

    A person who reads lives longer.

    A person who reads books will inevitably control those who do not read.

    A reader is difficult to manipulate.

    Reading promotes literacy.

    Reading is relaxing and helps relieve stress.

    Questionnaire "Reading in the life of adolescents".


When did you guys last read a book? And what role does reading play in your life? The questionnaire "Reading in the life of adolescents" will help you understand this issue.Students answer the questions of the questionnaire (see Appendix 1).


Albert Einstein was once asked how we can make our children smarter. His answer was simple and wise. If you want your children to be smart, he said, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be even smarter, read more fairy tales to them. He understood the value of reading and imagination. Winner of many prestigious literary awards,English writer Neil Gaiman, said thatno one understands this world better than storytellers. And only with time do you understand the statement of Clive Lewis (Irish writer, poet, teacher, scientist and theologian) that each of us will someday grow up to the day when he starts reading fairy tales again. Because they contain the whole truth of life, without superficial gloss and falsehood, which are often found in real life.

    Competition "Fairy tale quiz"

1. What is the name of the fabulous long-lived king. (Koschey)

2. This tale tells how a stepmother drove her stepdaughter into the woods on New Year's Eve to get flowers. What is the name of this fairy tale? Who is author? (“12 months”, S.Ya. Marshak).

3. Who wrote the books about Uncle Fyodor? (Uspensky).

4. Name the fairy tales of G.H. Andersen. (Thumbelina, Ugly Duckling, etc.).

5. The main character of the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”? (Kai).

6. Who did Tsar Gvidon turn into? (In mosquito, bumblebee and fly).

7. In which work was the door located behind the painted hearth? (Tolstoy "The Adventures of Pinocchio")

8. Who wrote the fairy tale “Silver Hoof”? (P.Bazhov)

9. From what work are these heroes: a boy and a girl, a little robber (“The Snow Queen. Andersen)

10. The one who gave Pinocchio wise advice. (Cricket)

11. “Pull your leg out from under you and lower it under the table. Don't eat with your hands, that's what spoons and forks are for." (Malvina - Pinocchio)

13. Under the pressure of a royal person, this woman committed a terrible crime. Under the guise of a wretched beggar, she penetrated to a kind, unsuspecting girl and treated her to a very common tasty fruit. As a result, she fell dead. (Chernavka poisoned the young princess. “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”)

14. Three intruders, while in the service of a high-ranking person, committed a forgery of a document, which had sad, very dramatic consequences: the family was destroyed. Mother and son are severely punished. But in the end, truth triumphed, evil was defeated. (A weaver with a cook, with a woman-in-law Babarikha. “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”)

15. The name of what very sour fruit is the prince from the fairy tale about the adventures of Chippolino? (Lemon)

16. Who is Kaa? (Python, Mowgli's friend)

17. Companion of the fox Alice. (Basilio)

18. Terrible robber of Chukovsky's fairy tales (Barmaley)

19. The means by which Dr. Aibolit communicated with animals (Phone)

20. Far, far away, in the country where the swallows fly away from us for the winter, there lived a king. He had eleven sons and one daughter, Eliza. (G.H. Andersen. “Wild Swans”)

Video "Action about reading"

    Informative moment.


People read a lot these days, actually. Countless messages, a non-stop news feed, favorite blogs on the Internet ... But nothing can replace a book. It is reading books that helps a person to keep a lively mind for many years. Here are interesting facts about reading that will make you look at this type of pastime in a new way.

    Russian writer Maxim Gorky read at a speed of 4,000 words per minute.

    The American inventor Thomas Edison read 2-3 lines at once, memorizing the text for almost pages, thanks to maximum concentration.

    French writer Honore de Balzac read a 200-page novel in half an hour.

    Napoleon read at a speed of 2000 words per minute.

    CTalin read 400 pages a day, considering this to be the minimum norm.

    Eliyahu Gaon - an outstanding genius of the spiritual Orthodox Jewry, a mathematician literally remembered 2500 books he had read

    Literary auction.

Each participant presents one previously read book so that those present have a desire to read it. The one with the most votes wins.

Video "Who is your hero?"


Reading is the ability to learn and live. This is a way of familiarization with culture, a means of intellectual development, a mediator in communication. The problem of reading is one of the most significant in culture and education. The Academy of Sciences has compiled a list of books to read. Books are divided by age. Here is a list of books for your age (see annex 2 ).

    View book trailers.

Booktrailer - miniature video, teaser (teaser), which includes the brightest and most recognizable moments of the book, visualizes its content.

Jules Verne "Children of Captain Grant"

Grin Alexander Stepanovich "Scarlet Sails"

Daniel Defoe "Robinson Crusoe"

Jack London "White Fang"

Arthur Conan Doyle "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes"

    "Hat of Predictions".

Students are asked to draw a prediction from the hat about what the school year will be like for them. The teacher writes wishes on pieces of paper in advance, students take turns pulling them out (see appendix 3).

    Final word of the teacher

Now all over the world there is a demand for people who are able to make non-standard decisions, who can think creatively and show creativity.

Soon you will determine your place in life and your creativity will be shown not in games, but in the real thing. And it will depend on you who you become in your business - an artisan or an artist

In principle, each person individually can say about the benefits of the book, because everyone has their own interests and positive aspects. The main thing - remember that the book is your faithful friend and assistant on the path to self-development.

Read, kids!

Read on boys!

Girls, read!

Favorite books

Search the site!

On the subway, on the train

And the car

Away or at home

At the cottage, at the villa -

Read on girls!

Read on boys!

They don't teach bad things

Favorite books!

Not everything in this world

It's easy for us

And yet stubborn

And the wise will achieve

For what is good

The heart strives:

He will open the cage

Where the bird languishes!

And each of us

Take a breath of relief

Believing what is wise

Time will come!

And wise, new

Time will come!

(N. Pikuleva)

Annex 1.

Questionnaire "Reading in the lives of young people"

    How do you spend your free time?

I'm chatting with friends

I listen to music

Watching TV

I'm playing on the computer

I am engaged in sections, circles

Read books

Other (specify)

I only read in school

I don't read

3. Do you remember the first childhood book you read? Name the author and title of the book.

4. Do you like to receive books as a gift?

Not really

5. Have you yourself given books as a gift?

Not really

Librarians Have a home

7. Do you study additional literature to master the subject?

Not really

8 What kind of literature do you read with interest?

Adventure, detectives


About love

According to the school curriculum

Fairy tales



9. What media do you most often use?

Periodicals (newspapers, magazines)

A television


10. Please name a book you have been reading lately?

11. Do you think a person can live without a book?

Not really

Annex 2

Books for children from 12 to 14 years old

1. Isaac Asimov "Lucky Star - Space Ranger"

2. Vladimir Arseniev "Dersu Uzala"

3. Edgar Rice Burroughs "Lord of Mars"

4. Edgar Rice Burroughs "Tarzan"

5. Louis Boussinard "Captain Blow Head"

6. Jules Verne "Children of Captain Grant"

7. Jules Verne "Fifteen-year-old captain"

8. Jules Verne "The Mysterious Island"

9. Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka"

10. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Mirgorod"

11. Homer "Iliad"

12. Homer "The Odyssey"

13. Alexander Stepanovich Green "Scarlet Sails"

14. Alexander Stepanovich Green "Golden Chain"

15. Victor Hugo "Les Misérables"

16. Daniel Defoe "Robinson Crusoe"

17. Charles Dickens "Great Expectations"

18. Charles Dickens "Oliver Twist"

19. Arthur Conan Doyle "The Lost World"

20. Arthur Conan Doyle "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes"

21. Alexandre Dumas The Count of Monte Cristo

22. Alexandre Dumas The Three Musketeers

23. Veniamin Kaverin "Two Captains"

24. Alexander Petrovich Kazantsev "Flaming Island"

25. Arthur Clarke Dolphin Island

26. Janusz Korczak "King Matt the First"

27. Vladislav Krapivin "Boy with a sword"

28. Vladislav Krapivin "The Musketeer and the Fairy"

29. James Crews, My Great-Grandfather, Hero and Me

30. Jack London "White Fang"

31. Jack London "Hearts of Three"

32. Sergey Lukyanenko "Boy and darkness"

33. Sergey Lukyanenko "Knights of the Forty Islands"

34. O'Henry "Leader of the Redskins"

35. Lars Henrik Olssen "Erik - the son of man"

36. Janusz Pszymanowski "Four tankers and a dog"

37. Thomas Mayne Reed, The Headless Horseman

38. Anatoly Rybakov "Dagger", "Bronze Bird", "Shot"

39. Rafael Sabatini "The Odyssey of Captain Blood"

40. Rafael Sabatini Chronicle of Captain Blood

41. Henryk Sienkiewicz "The Crusaders"

42. Walter Scott "Ivanhoe"

43. Walter Scott "Quentin Dorward"

44. Leonid Solovyov "The Tale of Hodge Nassredin"

45. Robert Louis Stevenson Treasure Island

46. ​​Robert Louis Stevenson Heather Honey

47. John Ronald Reuel Tolkien The Lord of the Rings

48. Alexey Tolstoy "Aelita"

49. Alexei Tolstoy "Peter the Great"

50. Evgeny Schwartz "Cinderella", "Ordinary Miracle"

Appendix 3

Wishes to students

Live and learn all your life

And don't be ashamed to smile

Give joy and warmth

And the good around.

Love loved ones, take care

And treat them always

So that happiness illuminates the face,

Eyes sparkled with joy.

Farewell, it is unnecessary to keep evil

And be full of grace

And everything will turn into success

Kohl in life is right to lead!

May the school new year

Will bring you success

And five diary,

He will color it exactly.

May patience and work

The knowledge of teachers

You will pave the way in life,

Through hardship to the stars!

Study diligently

Tasks, examples,

Successful decision.

Make friends unselfishly

Always help

And please loved ones

Learn for five!

Dear students,

We gladly wish

So that study is only for you,

It was easy for everyone.

To grow your intellect

IQ (aykyu) was high,

To help knowledge

Conquer the heights!

Wish you patience

I want now

And four quarters

Make an effort!

I wish you success

To make learning work

And of course behavior

Yours was only five!

Perseverance and work

your attentiveness,

All this is the basis

Knowledge programs.

We will go with you

interesting road,

Where can we find a lot

Required special knowledge.

I wish you

It was interesting here

And at the school of friends,

You got it soon!

Let me congratulate you on the new year,

Happy school year - a new step in life!

Let every school day pass for good reason,

You need to know a lot, a lot

To become like cosmonaut Gagarin,

We want to study well

And be friends with everyone in the class,

Learn to rest and work

Surround loved ones with love,

Always have fun

And never get sick again

Become smart and strong, try

Always be diligent!

Not only beautiful, but intelligent girls are in fashion! And, unlike fashion standards, which are constantly changing, intelligence is a constant value. And they will help you achieve the now fashionable image of a girl with non-standard thinking and a peculiar inner world of the book!

1. Reading sharpens the eye.

You will better understand and see the world around you and people, and most importantly, yourself.

2. Reading will keep you physically healthy.

Putting letters into words, words into images, realizing what the author wanted to express with them, and finding their own explanation for them is gymnastics for the brain. No risk of injury!

3. Reading has a positive effect on the environment.

If you are reading a book, then the tree from which it is made was not cut down in vain. Books do not require electricity or batteries to read, and they are lighter than a laptop.

4. Reading will teach you how to communicate.

Your interesting remarks will miraculously transform even boring conversations. And your growing talent for storytelling will make it easy for you to take credit for the adventures of fictional characters. This makes a particularly great impression on people who hardly read.

5. Reading helps you enjoy your free time.

You will never get tired of reading books, because there are so many of them, even a few lifetimes are not enough to read them all. You have to try many different genres before you find books that you really enjoy. Don't give up until you find "your" book, because it can change your life.

6. Reading brings peace.

Parents, teachers, and other adults will be so excited to see their child reading that they won't tug on them.

7. Reading is good for your wallet.

First, books are cheaper than computer games. Secondly, your friends will not be tormented by the choice of a gift if they find out that you like to read. And thirdly, for those who did not receive a book as a gift, there are libraries - books are worth nothing there.

8. Reading helps you concentrate.

9. Reading is good for your figure.

A reading person does not need high-calorie food to "seize" boredom. With a book, you can travel as far as you want and make your wildest dreams come true. It’s harder to tempt you with popcorn: after all, the “movie” is already going on in your head.

10. Reading is good for parents.

By watching a child enjoy a book, adults are drawn into reading too, even if they are too busy to read. Adults will be grateful to the child for their newfound happiness.

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