Read online Dontsov's Bermuda triangle of the black widow. Daria Dontsova - Bermuda triangle of the black widow. About the book “The Bermuda Triangle of the Black Widow” Daria Dontsova

Inna Valeryevna Golikova contacted Tatyana Sergeeva’s team. She clearly loves her forty-year-old son beyond measure and does not want him to get married. Alexey is a successful businessman, owner of a chain of stores. He directly told his mother that he had met fate in the person of a certain Vera Lazareva, and intended to get married and live separately. His bride is not an innocent girl, she has four deceased husbands in her past. All of Vera’s spouses died after exactly one year of marriage from a heart attack. The loving mother believes that Alyoshenka is in danger - and begs to expose the black widow. Sergeeva’s boss embarrassedly admitted: Golikova is his mother’s friend, and he asks Tatyana to get a job at the Svetatur travel agency, where Lazareva is currently working, and find out as much as possible about her. Tatyana immediately picked up the trail. Thus began this investigation, which gradually began to resemble a saga about two families. Where is the Forsyte Saga?

The Bermuda Triangle of the Black Widow - description and summary, author Daria Dontsova, read for free online on the electronic library website website

Daria Arkadyevna Dontsova

Bermuda triangle black widow

Bermuda triangle black widow
Daria Arkadyevna Dontsova

Tatyana Sergeeva. Diet Detective #19
Inna Valerievna Golikova contacted Tatyana Sergeeva’s team. She clearly loves her forty-year-old son beyond measure and does not want him to get married. Alexey is a successful businessman, owner of a chain of stores. He directly told his mother that he had met fate in the person of a certain Vera Lazareva, and intended to get married and live separately. His bride is not an innocent girl, she has four deceased husbands in her past. All of Vera’s spouses died after exactly one year of marriage from a heart attack. The loving mother believes that Alyoshenka is in danger - and begs to expose the black widow. Sergeeva’s boss embarrassedly admitted: Golikova is his mother’s friend, and he asks Tatyana to get a job at the Svetatur travel agency, where Lazareva is currently working, and find out as much as possible about her. Tatyana immediately picked up the trail. Thus began this investigation, which gradually began to resemble a saga about two families. Where is the Forsyte Saga?

Daria Dontsova

Bermuda triangle black widow

© Dontsova D. A., 2015

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2015

“Behind one man is like behind a stone wall, behind another is like behind a plasterboard partition.”

I looked up from the computer and looked at the plump brunette, who continued to selflessly complain about her husband:

– I’m not conflicted at all, I don’t demand much from Sergei. Doesn't he know how to earn money? Okay, I’m spinning and spinning myself, trying my best, dragging a pretty penny into the house. He's not capable of hammering a nail, he doesn't drive a car? I don’t care, I’m great with a hammer and a drill, and I can deliver my husband to the dacha myself; I’ve been driving for almost ten years. But you can’t ask him to do anything at all. I sent Seryoga to a parent-teacher meeting on Friday, on Monday Kostya came home from school, and there was a “two” for his behavior and a note: “I don’t call Nechaev’s parents for a conversation anymore, after the parent-teacher meeting I realized: my son has taken after his father.” Let me shake my husband and ask him questions: “What did you say that was cool? For what reason did she act out?” Sergei throws up his hands: “Zaya, I was silent the whole way, I didn’t say a word.” But I understand that Alevtina Leontyevna didn’t just get angry! I called Ninka, the mother of Kostya’s classmate. Well, you won't believe it!

The brunette grabbed a bottle of mineral water from the table and began to greedily drink straight from the bottle.

– What happened, Svetlana Alekseevna? – the slender blonde sitting by the window inquired.

The fat woman rolled her eyes:

“The class teacher, as usual, started scolding the children, got to Kostya and said: “Nechaev is making fun of me. I told the guys: “If you have a sunstroke in the summer in forty-degree heat, you need to unbutton your clothes, or even better, take them off, wash with cold water, go into the shade, but under no circumstances should you throw yourself into a river or lake, vascular spasm may occur.” which will lead to death." They understood everything, wrote it down in a notebook, and Konstantin extended his hand: “Alevtina Leontyevna, what should you do in case of sunstroke in winter? Without clothes in the cold it’s cold, and the river is under ice.” The parents giggled, and the husband widened his eyes and said: “I don’t see anything funny. The boy was right to ask. He doesn't know what to do in the cold. And I don’t know how to deal with sunstroke in winter. You need to explain the material to the children clearly, and not get angry that they didn’t understand you.” What's it like?

Everyone present in the room laughed, only the young woman with a shock of fiery red curls did not react; she was looking intently at the computer.

“It’s fun, of course,” Svetlana Alekseevna pouted, “but I forgave Seryozha for this stupidity, although such problems began at school!” The class is harmful, vindictive, and for the third day in a row she writes remarks to the boy in his diary. I’ve already fantasized about “War and Peace.” Okay, I’ll get over this too, someday the evil child will get tired of spreading rot. But I won’t forgive Sergei the cutlets. Never. My endless patience has burst.

– What did your husband do with the cutlets? – asked the lady, wrapped in countless pearl necklaces.

Svetlana turned to her:

- Think about it, Kira! Yesterday I crawled home around eleven in the evening, tired as a Savraska. I want to eat, I have no strength. For the first time in my husband’s life I asked: “Seryozhik! I'll go take a shower, while you heat up the cutlets for me. I just took the pan out of the refrigerator.” I come out of the bathroom, the microwave oven beeps, Sergei is not in the kitchen. Stupid me, I was happy, it means my husband didn’t forget about dinner, and now I’ll finally have a meal in peace. I open the stove, take out the plate, and in it... Some round things, brown... I didn’t understand what they were. I open the pan into which I put the cutlets yesterday after frying, and there...

Svetlana looked around at everyone:

- Soup? – repeated the blonde at the window.

“Yes, Lena,” the narrator whined, “I cooked cabbage soup with meatballs this morning.” Sergei caught them and served them to me for dinner. All. Last straw. Divorce.

The red-haired girl stood up:

-Have you mixed up the pots? Did you get soup instead of cutlets?

“You are very smart, Vera,” Svetlana Alekseevna grimaced, “yes, my attention has dulled from fatigue.” And I have kitchen utensils from the same set, all red with floral designs.

Vera went to the door:

“Then you shouldn’t be angry with your spouse, it’s your own fault.” They told him to heat up what they pulled out. So he tried.

Vera silently slipped into the corridor, Sveta sobbed:

– Do you all think the same as she does? Sergei is great, but am I a harmful fool?

Those present vying with each other began to console their colleague.

- Of course not.

– Why is there a man at home who is of no use?

– Find your feminine happiness. Verka has had eight husbands, now she’s going for a ninth and isn’t worried.

“My personal life is over,” Svetlana Alekseevna sobbed, rushing to the exit, “I will devote myself to my son and father!” No more men. Enough!

The office door opened with a creak, then slammed shut. The blonde rushed after the runaway. Kira looked at me:

- Circus, huh?

“It seems that Svetlana Alekseevna is not very lucky with her husband,” I answered diplomatically, “but, on the other hand, as I managed to understand from her stories, he does not drink, does not party, and loves his wife.” And they have a child. Before you finally file for divorce, you need to think carefully. But I’ve been working here recently, I don’t know all the family vicissitudes of the owner of the travel agency. If I were in Svetlana Alekseevna’s place, I would laugh heartily at my husband. The poor fellow was catching meatballs from the soup. I could have pulled out the potatoes at the same time; the cutlets needed a side dish. It’s really funny, why is Sveta so worried? Probably, the point is not in Sergei’s stupidity, but in the fact that there are fewer clients, Svetlana is afraid of going broke, so she’s twitching.

Kira looked at the door and whispered:

- Tanya! Svetka's guy is a woodpecker, he's lazy, look for some. But, you know, she chose him herself. And everything is not good everywhere, Svetlana and her father were unlucky, which means that the hubby must be a cretin for balance.

- Who is our dad? – I asked.

“Alexey Valerievich Nechaev,” Kira blurted out in one breath, “is the owner of the social network “Friends”, he has a carload of money with a trailer.

“He seems young,” I was surprised, “and Svetlana is over thirty.”

“Daddy turned fifty dollars last year,” the colleague began gossiping with pleasure, “Svetka is thirty-three.” She was born from school love. Her mother died in childbirth, her father's parents raised the girl. Alexey treats his daughter more like a younger sister. She loves her deeply, despite all her worthlessness. Svetka lies to everyone that she studied at Moscow State University and then worked as a translator. I don’t have the brains to figure it out: they’ll Google you in five minutes, all the information is on the Internet. Nechaeva was kicked out of the university in her second year; the “princess” has no higher education. I don’t know what she was doing before the Svetatur office was brought to her bed on a silver platter five years ago, but I think she was sitting on my dad’s neck and taking care of her personal life: she got married, gave birth to a child. She doesn't worry about customer churn. Nechaev keeps his daughter’s business afloat. Sveta has no head, she hired Lenka as a staff member, she used to work in the salon as a manicurist, she was fired for sleeping with her clients’ husbands. Vorobyov wants to screw the rich man, so he’s not shy. You will also see how she shows off in front of the guys who take a tour to the Maldives for fifty thousand dollars. And our Barbie doesn’t care that a man and his woman are on vacation. She won’t even look at those who decided to ride a bus around Europe for a little Euro. But God does not give horns to a lively cow. They willingly sleep with Lenka, but don’t invite you to the registry office. All her novels last for a couple of weeks, or at most a month. And then ciao, bambina, sorry, it’s fun with you, but I have a wife. Is it possible to keep such a prostitute in the service? Sooner or later a scandal will happen because of her. But Svetka doesn’t fire her. Elena is cunning, she has gained the trust of the owner, goes to her house, does manicures and pedicures out of friendship, does not take money from Nechaeva, like they are friends. I can see her calculations ten kilometers away. Alexey Igorevich is not married, Vorobyova is planning to shoot a fat duck. Do you understand, hu from Elena? Verka is even worse. Do you know how many ex-husbands she has? Eight. And everyone died.

- Yes, well? – I was amazed. – Poor Lazareva, she’s unlucky.

Kira tapped her forehead with her fist:

– Sergeeva, activate the brain batteries. She's a black widow. Where did Verka get her luxury apartment and foreign car? She signs with the man, lives with him for a year, and then the poor fellow leaves for the next world. She never changes her last name, she understands that she won’t live with him for long.

Tatyana Sergeeva. Detective on a Diet - 19

Chapter 1

Behind one man is like behind a stone wall, behind another as if behind a plasterboard partition.

I looked up from the computer and looked at the plump brunette, who continued to selflessly complain about her husband:

I’m not conflicted at all, I don’t demand much from Sergei. Doesn't he know how to earn money? Okay, I’m spinning and spinning myself, trying my best, dragging a pretty penny into the house. He's not capable of hammering a nail, he doesn't drive a car? I don’t care, I’m great with a hammer and a drill, and I can deliver my husband to the dacha myself; I’ve been driving for almost ten years. But you can’t ask him to do anything at all. I sent Seryoga to a parent-teacher meeting on Friday, on Monday Kostya came home from school, and there was a “two” for his behavior and a note: “I don’t call Nechaev’s parents for a conversation anymore, after the parent-teacher meeting I realized: my son has taken after his father.” Let me shake my husband and ask him questions: “What did you say that was cool? For what reason did she act out?” Sergei throws up his hands: “Zaya, I was silent the whole way, I didn’t say a word.” But I understand that Alevtina Leontyevna didn’t just get angry! I called Ninka, the mother of Kostya’s classmate. Well, you won't believe it!

The brunette grabbed a bottle of mineral water from the table and began to greedily drink straight from the bottle.

What happened, Svetlana Alekseevna? - asked the slender blonde sitting by the window.

The fat woman rolled her eyes:

The class teacher, as usual, started scolding the children, got to Kostya and said: “Nechaev is making fun of me. I told the guys: “If you have a sunstroke in the summer in forty-degree heat, you need to unbutton your clothes, or even better, take them off, wash with cold water, go into the shade, but under no circumstances should you throw yourself into a river or lake, vascular spasm may occur.” which will lead to death." They understood everything, wrote it down in a notebook, and Konstantin extended his hand: “Alevtina Leontyevna, what should you do in case of sunstroke in winter? Without clothes in the cold it’s cold, and the river is under ice.” The parents giggled, and the husband widened his eyes and said: “I don’t see anything funny. The boy was right to ask. He doesn't know what to do in the cold. And I don’t know how to deal with sunstroke in winter. You need to explain the material to the children clearly, and not get angry that they didn’t understand you.” What's it like?

Everyone present in the room laughed, only the young woman with a shock of fiery red curls did not react; she was looking intently at the computer.

It’s fun, of course,” Svetlana Alekseevna pouted, “but I forgave Seryozha for this stupidity, although such problems began at school!” The class is harmful, vindictive, and for the third day in a row she writes remarks to the boy in his diary. I’ve already fantasized about “War and Peace.” Okay, I’ll get over this too, someday the evil child will get tired of spreading rot. But I won’t forgive Sergei the cutlets. Never. My endless patience has burst.

What did your husband do with the cutlets? - asked the lady, wrapped in countless pearl necklaces.

Svetlana turned to her:

Think about it, Kira! Yesterday I crawled home around eleven in the evening, tired as a Savraska.

Bermuda triangle black widow Daria Dontsova

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Title: Black Widow Bermuda Triangle

About the book “The Bermuda Triangle of the Black Widow” Daria Dontsova

Inna Valerievna Golikova contacted Tatyana Sergeeva’s team. She clearly loves her forty-year-old son beyond measure and does not want him to get married. Alexey is a successful businessman, owner of a chain of stores. He directly told his mother that he had met fate in the person of a certain Vera Lazareva, and intended to get married and live separately. His bride is not an innocent girl, she has four deceased husbands in her past. All of Vera’s spouses died after exactly one year of marriage from a heart attack. The loving mother believes that Alyoshenka is in danger - and begs to expose the black widow. Sergeeva’s boss embarrassedly admitted: Golikova is his mother’s friend, and he asks Tatyana to get a job at the Svetatur travel agency, where Lazareva is currently working, and find out as much as possible about her. Tatyana immediately picked up the trail. Thus began this investigation, which gradually began to resemble a saga about two families. Where is the Forsyte Saga?

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