What to eat a man before conceiving a child. Products for conceiving a boy. Vitamins and minerals needed when planning a pregnancy

Much has already been said about how to prepare for pregnancy for women. Yes, and they themselves, long before the moment of conception, on a subconscious level, absorb all the information about pregnancy, these are the natural instincts of a woman. And, of course, men have the opinion that in many respects the woman is responsible for the health of the unborn child. Most men do not even think that when conceiving a child, the state of health of both the mother and the man plays an important role, and sometimes it is men's health that mainly affects conception.

The first doctor that a man should visit in preparation for conception is a urologist. He will conduct a general examination, based on the results of which he will write out directions for the necessary tests and consultation with other specialists.
It is also necessary to consult a therapist, endocrinologist and geneticist.

After a full examination, if necessary, treatment will be prescribed. Write out the necessary vitamins.

An approximate list of tests that can be prescribed to a man in preparation for conception.

  • General urine and blood tests.
  • You need to know the Rh factor and blood type. The blood type does not play an important role, but the Rh factor can significantly affect the pregnancy process. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the compatibility of the spouses.
  • Blood test for infections.
  • Spermogram is the most important analysis. According to the spermogram, the general condition of the spermatozoa will be visible. When preparing a man for conception, this analysis is most recommended.
  • Compatibility of spouses. It often happens that a woman becomes pregnant, but then a miscarriage occurs. Or spouses can not conceive a child for a long time. This may cause the pair to be incompatible. But even this problem can be cured if you know about it in advance.
  • Fluorography - should be done no more than a year ago.
  • Hormone tests. Here, more attention should be paid to testosterone.
  • Analysis of prostate secretion. It is prescribed by a urologist if there is a suspicion of problems with the prostate gland.
Refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol. Alcohol and nicotine, getting into the body, quickly spreads to all organs, also getting into the sperm. In a healthy, nonalcoholic male, about 20% of the cells in the semen are pathologically unhealthy. But their chance of fertilizing an egg is very small compared to healthy sperm. When drinking alcohol, these chances are almost equalized. As a result, when an egg is fertilized by a defective sperm, there is a high probability of having a child with pathologies. Therefore, you should refrain from alcohol 2-3 months before the planned date of conception. 70 days is the period in which the "maturation" of spermatozoa occurs.

Refrain from masturbation. Abstinence from masturbation, and general abstinence, for 5-6 days has a positive effect on the ability of sperm to fertilize. But you shouldn’t get carried away either, since longer abstinence contributes to the appearance of “overripe” spermatozoa.

Overheating of the body. Sauna, bath, hot tub, heated car seat - all this can negatively affect the quality of sperm.

Chemistry. In the period before conception, contact with various varnishes and paints should be avoided. Narcotic substances reduce the concentration of cells in semen by up to 50%, and in the worst case, can lead to infertility. Anabolic steroids also negatively affect sperm, the use of which leads to a reduction in cell viability.

Nutrition. plays an equally important role. In the diet of men, there must be products containing zinc, vitamin C, E, B12, which affect cell activity. But no matter how much you eat these foods, your body may not get the right amount of vitamins, so it is also recommended to take them separately.

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Couples who decide to have a child should take conception seriously. The course of pregnancy, successful bearing and the birth of a healthy baby directly depends on the health of his parents, so mom and dad should carefully prepare for the upcoming pregnancy. For a woman, this means undergoing all kinds of examinations, taking tests, if necessary, undergoing treatment. And what does it mean to prepare a man to conceive a child? Is she really that important?

Why should a partner prepare for conception?

Unfortunately, not all men realize the importance of personal involvement in preparing for conception, and in fact, not only how soon the couple sees the long-awaited two stripes on the test, but also the health of the unborn child often depends on this. The presence of latent infections in a partner can lead to infection of a woman, which means that complications can occur during pregnancy, and sometimes even.

Many hereditary diseases in most cases go unnoticed, so that the partner does not even know about their existence until a certain point. There is a risk that the baby will inherit them from the father, so it makes sense to go ahead.

Sometimes the result of the unpreparedness of a partner when planning a pregnancy is a long wait for fertilization. What is it about? Spermatozoa under the influence of bad habits and malnutrition become less mobile, lethargic, as a result of which they are almost unable to achieve their goal - to fertilize the egg. Months can pass in vain attempts to conceive a child, although everything can be changed if a man realizes the importance of his own participation in preparing for his wife's pregnancy. In order to find out what caused the unsuccessful attempts to conceive a baby, a man should discuss the need with an andrologist, the purpose of which is to assess the ability of sperm to fertilize.

General assessment of the health status of the partner

Before conceiving a child, a man is recommended to undergo a general examination by a general practitioner who will send him to a fluorography, ask him to give urine and a general blood test. Based on these studies, the doctor will assess the health of the young man. If any deviations from the norm are found and diseases are detected, the man will be able to start treatment.

Another specialist that a man needs to see is a urologist. He will make an external examination and take an analysis for the presence of genital infections - chlamydia, gardnerella, trichomonas. These bacteria are sexually transmitted, so their detection in a man suggests that his partner is also infected. In this case, the couple must first undergo a course of antibiotic treatment, and only three months after its completion, having passed a second analysis, you can start trying to conceive a baby. In no case should such diseases be ignored. They can lead to serious pathologies in the development of the fetus.

A necessary condition is the donation of blood to detect diseases that are inherited - these are AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B and C. After receiving the results of the study, as well as a detailed examination of the patient's history, the doctor makes a conclusion - can he currently have healthy children.

What can a young man do on his own?

How can a man prepare for conception on his own? What should a future dad do besides undergoing a medical examination? The main concern of a man before conception is to improve the quality of his sperm. This figure is influenced by many factors. Let's look at them in more detail.

  • stress And fatigue reduce the maturation of spermatozoa and reduce their activity. A young man should get enough sleep, and in relations with others to achieve harmony.
  • Bad habits- Smoking and alcoholism also have a negative effect on sperm. It is worth abandoning them no later than three months before the planned date of conception.
  • Maintaining the optimal temperature in the groin area - another condition for successful conception. During this period, it is better to refuse to visit the sauna, do not use the seat heating function in the car.
  • Decreased blood circulation in the testicles before conception is unacceptable. If you like to wear tight jeans or underwear that is too tight, give up this habit temporarily, otherwise it will affect the production and quality of sperm.

Vitamins before conception for men

Taking vitamins for men before conception, you care not only about your health, but also about the future generation. Doctors have long come to the conclusion that both partners must take vitamin and mineral complexes in order to conceive and give birth to a healthy child. Did you know that zinc and vitamin E play a huge role in sperm production, and levocarnitine, vitamin B11, increases sperm motility? An important substance is folic acid for men for conception. She is a great helper in the fight against infertility.

By taking all the necessary measures for successful conception, a man can make a huge contribution to family planning. Thanks to such actions, his wife can be sure that she bears and gives birth to a healthy baby. The personal participation of a man in preparation for conception will help partners get even closer. How much joy a young happy couple will experience when they see the cherished two stripes on the test!

Until recently, it was generally accepted that the woman was “to blame” for the childlessness of the couple. In fact, in about half of the cases, the reason for this is a decrease in the quality of sperm and the pathology of the reproductive system in a man.

Over the past 50 years, the average number of active germ cells in the sperm of the average representative of the stronger sex has halved. If earlier an indicator of 60 million cells per 1 ml was considered normal. seed, now even 20 million is perceived without anxiety. Moreover, the older the man, the lower this figure.

Of course, the decline in sperm quality can compensate for the achievements of reproductive medicine. Thanks to the procedure of artificial insemination (IVF), it is possible to become a father even with very poor sperm quality indicators. But this pleasure is not cheap, and not everyone can afford it.

For those who dream of becoming parents, but at the same time are not able to find tens of thousands of rubles for artificial insemination, there are recommendations, following which you can increase the chances of conception.

We propose to understand the information about what helps to conceive a child, and how justified are some of the "truths" about male fertility.

What does a man need to conceive a child?

First of all, it is important to understand that it takes at least 2-3 months to prepare for conception. That is how much time is required for the maturation of spermatozoa in the testicles and for their maturation in the appendages.

One of the most important factors affecting sperm motility and viability is the temperature at which they matured. The normal temperature is 35°C. The genitals of a man are not in vain located outside - thus the temperature in the testicles is maintained a couple of degrees below body temperature. Even the usual flu and a temperature of 38-39 degrees can be a factor what prevents the conception of a child. It takes two to three months for the body to recover from a cold that lasts only a few days. Of course, the chance of conception remains even during a fever, but the chances are greatly reduced.

Outside temperature can also damage male fertility. Therefore, regular visits to the bathhouse and a man's addiction to hot baths negatively affect fertility. Future fathers should remember that every trip to the sauna after one and a half to two months will make itself felt by the low quality of sperm. So if you are planning a child, it is better to give up the bath for a while.

By the way, there is an opinion that tight briefs harm sperm because they contribute to overheating. This is only half true. In fact, when wearing tight swimming trunks, body temperature rises slightly. However, tight underwear significantly impairs the blood supply to the testicles and maturing spermatozoa do not receive enough nutrients.

Reduce the quality of sperm and serve as a factor what prevents the conception of a child may certain medications. The danger in this case is even ordinary headache pills. In general, drugs that “hit in the groin” include:

  1. 1. Some hormonal steroids. If you are actively involved in sports and take drugs for rapid muscle growth, be careful.
  2. 2. Antibiotics, which are prescribed for the treatment of the genitourinary system and kidneys.
  3. 3. Antibiotics from the group of sulfonamides. Often they are prescribed for bronchitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia.
  4. 4. Glucocorticosteroids - drugs that are taken for allergies and asthma.
  5. 5. Some drugs for hypertension (but not all).
  6. 6. Cytostatics - drugs that are often used for malignant neoplasms.
  7. 7. Painkillers from the group of opiates.
  8. 8. Testosterone hormones. Oddly enough, some doctors prescribe them to "improve the spermogram." But in fact, with prolonged use of these hormones, the opposite effect occurs, also called pharmacological castration. Receiving testosterone from the outside, the body itself ceases to produce it. The hormone from the drug enters the bloodstream, while in the sex glands (where it is especially needed) it becomes less. Such a "skew" of the hormonal background often causes infertility.

Often the reason for why can't you conceive a child become nervous stress. Problems at work and disagreements in the family do not go unnoticed for men's health. Stress can increase sexual desire, but fertility will be significantly reduced. The reason is corticoid hormones, which are produced by the adrenal glands during nervous experiences. They suppress the formation of sperm, although they are similar in structure to germ cells.

Electromagnetic and radio wave radiation is also dangerous for future fathers. Of course, you should not blame the microwave oven and the mobile phone that you used to carry on your belt for infertility. But if your work involves radiation in high doses, remember that the "professional costs" are inevitable.

Another enemy of men's health is the chemicals that surround us everywhere, from food to plastic bottles. Phthalates contained in plastic packaging of products, during long-term storage, can pass into food, and then into the body of the person who eats it. Once in the body, they suppress the action of male hormones. Also, among the enemies of the future father, it is necessary to single out preservatives, stabilizers, substances that are contained in some detergents. Pesticides and insect poisons are also very harmful.

  1. Listing things that can interfere with conception, one cannot fail to mention alcohol and nicotine.
  2. The systematic use of alcoholic beverages significantly increases the risk that the egg will be fertilized by a pathological sperm. This will entail the birth of a child with mental and physical disabilities.
  3. Nicotine, in turn, adversely affects the concentration and mobility of sperm cells.

That's why, to conceive a healthy child, it is advisable for the future father to refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol 72-75 days (or 2-3 months) before the intended conception. This is how long the period of "ripening" of sperm in the body of a man lasts.

Much depends on the diet and eating habits. In the period of preparation for conception, it is especially important that the diet is complete, rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids. In the daily diet, there must be a sufficient amount of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, dairy products, lean meats, sea fish and seafood. But from semi-finished products, fatty, spicy, smoked and canned food, it is better to refuse altogether.

Unfortunately, even the most expensive organic products will not help to fully provide the body with the necessary amount of trace elements. Judge for yourself: to get a daily dose of selenium, you need to eat half a kilogram of peas every day! Not everyone can do this, and the intestines may not like it. Therefore, to compensate for the deficiency of micronutrients, it is recommended to take special vitamin complexes.

(Spematon) is designed to improve sperm quality and increase male fertility. The components of the drug stimulate spermatogenesis, increase the mobility and concentration of germ cells in the seminal fluid.

Contains L-carnitine, folic acid, vitamin E, zinc and selenium in high dosages.

Thanks to the action of the components of the drug, Speroton helps to restore the reproductive function of a man, increases the viability of spermatozoa, increases their concentration and mobility, helps to reduce the number of pathological forms of spermatozoa, stimulates the synthesis of testosterone and follicle-stimulating hormone, and increases libido.

(Spematon) is not a hormonal drug, but its components help to normalize the production of hormones necessary for to conceive a healthy child.

It is advisable to start taking Speroton (Spematon) 3 months before the intended conception. After all, as mentioned earlier, spermatozoa mature within 72-75 days, and useful substances must enter the body during this entire period.

And one more important question: is it necessary to have sex every day, to conceive a child?
Most researchers believe that two to three days of abstinence before a planned attempt is a good way to increase fertility. With such a frequency of sexual intercourse, the concentration, mobility and quality of germ cells are maximum. But turning sex into daily work on offspring is not at all what what helps to conceive a child. This approach will only hurt.

So, as you can see, almost everything affects the quality of sperm. An unfavorable ecological situation, a sedentary lifestyle, fast food and stress, without which, unfortunately, the life of the majority of the stronger sex is unimaginable, do not at all contribute to the preservation of fertility. The good news is that everything is fixable.

Sperm matures and is constantly updated. And in most cases, to increase fertility and conceive a healthy child, it is enough to change your lifestyle for at least 3 months. Remember: the health of your unborn child depends on how carefully you take care of your health in the period of preparation for conception.

If you are planning a pregnancy, you should find out what a woman and a man should not do before conceiving a child. Especially if you have been dreaming of a child for a long time, but attempts to conceive a baby do not lead to anything. There are certain factors that significantly reduce the likelihood of pregnancy. We will talk about seven such “no” before conceiving a child in this article.

Can't drink alcohol

The effect of alcohol on conception should never be ignored. Drinking alcohol adversely affects both the female and male reproductive systems and reduces fertility.

Approximately a quarter of the spermatozoa contained in the seminal fluid of a healthy man have an irregular structure. Normally, the chances of these spermatozoa to fertilize an egg are very small. But under the influence of alcohol, the number of “defective” spermatozoa increases and, as a result, the likelihood that just such a spermatozoon penetrates the egg increases. And this, in turn, can cause either spontaneous abortion or congenital diseases in the child.

The female reproductive system also suffers from alcohol. When drinking 10 or more doses of alcohol per week (1 dose of alcohol \u003d 30 g of vodka \u003d 120 g of dry wine \u003d 300 g of light beer), a woman's fertility is more than halved.

How much can not drink before conception?

It is advisable for the future father to refrain from drinking alcohol 72-75 days before the intended conception. This is how long the period of maturation of spermatozoa lasts.

For women, doctors usually do not set a specific time frame for how much to drink before conception. However, it should be understood that the removal of alcohol from the body is a rather lengthy process in itself, and after the complete removal of alcohol, it is still necessary to give the body time to normalize its work and get rid of the consequences of taking alcoholic beverages.

Therefore, answering the question "how much alcohol should not be drunk before conception", doctors recommend that both future parents refrain from alcoholic beverages for 2-3 months before conception.

No smoking

Everyone knows that smoking during pregnancy is taboo. However, not everyone is aware of how smoking affects the conception of a child. However, addiction to cigarettes is very bad for both male and female fertility, reducing the chances of conceiving a child.

How does smoking affect conception in men? Under the influence of nicotine and tar contained in tobacco smoke, the viability of spermatozoa and their concentration in the ejaculate decrease - in smoking men, the concentration of spermatozoa is 17% lower than in those who do not smoke. In addition, smoking increases the amount of free radicals in the male body, and germ cells (spermatozoa) are especially often attacked by free radicals. As a result, the genetic material of spermatozoa is damaged, which can cause both spontaneous abortion and the birth of a child with pathologies.

How does smoking affect conception in women? According to research published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, women who smoke are more difficult to conceive than non-smokers and are more likely to experience infertility.

Therefore, no matter how difficult it may be, it is imperative to quit smoking before conception. Refusal of cigarettes should occur at least 3 months (preferably six months) before the intended conception.

You can not eat fast food, eat products with pesticides, herbicides, hormones, preservatives and dyes

The presence in the diet of fast food, semi-finished products, smoked meats, fried foods and products with trans fats prevents the proper nutrition of cells, which can lead to cell metabolism disorders and hormonal disruptions. As a result, the risk of menstrual irregularities in women and spermatogenesis processes in men increases. In addition, fast food, contact with pesticides, preservatives and other substances causes oxidative stress. Oxidative stress underlies such disorders in the body of a man as defragmentation of spermatozoa (a consequence is habitual miscarriages in a partner), prostate hyperplasia, erectile dysfunction. In women, oxidative stress provokes mastopathy, polycystic ovaries, pregnancy complications.

You can not follow a strict diet or starve for the sake of weight loss

Despite the need to control the diet, strict diets are something that cannot be done before pregnancy.

A sharp restriction in nutrition or hunger in general is a signal for the body about an “unfavorable” situation in the environment. Under such conditions, the probability of conception is sharply reduced, as the body “decides” that it does not have enough resources to carry a child.

Therefore, if it is necessary to adjust body weight, it is necessary to change the diet gradually, gradually replacing high-calorie foods with vegetables and fruits, changing the method of cooking meat and fish for baking or steaming in order to prepare the body for changes, get used to healthy food and avoid too rapid weight loss.

It is important to bear in mind that a poor diet can lead to the development of a deficiency of important vitamins and minerals, which can cause pregnancy failure. Therefore, at the stage of preparation for conception, it is recommended to take specialized vitamin complexes for men and women.

You can not take antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and some other drugs

Some medications should be stopped a few months before conception, as they may reduce the chance of conception or increase the risk of fetal abnormalities.

Taking antibiotics before and during early pregnancy carries an increased risk of organ failure in the baby.

The withdrawal period of antibiotics is from several hours to several days and even months (in cases of highly specialized strong antibiotics). Therefore, if a woman took antibiotics shortly before conception, in the early stages of pregnancy, they can still be in her body and adversely affect the fetus.

In men, antibiotics can reduce the quality and quantity of sperm, which affects conception, or rather, the likelihood that it will take place. Contrary to popular belief, the use of antibiotics by the future father most often does not pose a danger to the health of the unborn child. Although there are dangerous antibiotics that affect the gene apparatus embedded in the spermatozoon.

Therefore, when planning pregnancy, you should take into account the time factor and stop taking antibiotics long before conception.

High doses of steroids, certain migraine medications, anticoagulants, valproic acid, and antimalarial drugs can also cause fetal developmental disorders. In addition, in preparation for conception, anti-inflammatory drugs (Movalis, Voltaren, Diclofenac) should not be abused, as they can interfere with the implantation of a fertilized egg.

You can't go to the bath

Taking hot baths, visiting a sauna and a bath is something that a man cannot do before conception. The fact is that high temperature can adversely affect the mobility of spermatozoa in the ejaculate. Of course, you should not associate a long non-occurrence of pregnancy solely with going to the sauna. However, the impact of high temperatures should not be discounted. And if you are going to conceive a child in the near future, then it is better to wait a little while visiting the “steam room”.

You can't be nervous

Stress hormones affect a woman's hormonal levels, preventing pregnancy. During stress in a woman's body, the level of the hormone prolactin increases, while the production of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones decreases. This, in turn, interferes with ovulation and impairs the readiness of the endometrium, which lines the walls of the uterus, for egg implantation.

Stress also adversely affects a man's reproductive health. With stress in the male body, the hormonal balance is disturbed, which leads to a decrease in potency and a deterioration in the quality of sperm.

Therefore, if you are trying to conceive a child, you need to control your emotions and learn to relax. If necessary, a course of relaxation therapies can be recommended.

You can't get enough sleep

Lack of sleep is also fraught with reduced fertility. This is due to fluctuations in the levels of the hormones leptin and ghrelin, which are sensitive to sleep disturbances.

Women who regularly lack sleep have a higher risk of menstrual irregularities.

In men, a decrease in blood leptin levels caused by lack of sleep can lead to a deterioration in sperm motility.

So, what not to do before pregnancy? In fact, the list of restrictions is not so great. A few months before conception, make sure that your menu contains mostly natural products, exclude food with dyes, preservatives and flavor enhancers from your diet. Say goodbye to bad habits. It is best to stop smoking before conception and refrain from drinking alcohol. Also try to maintain a favorable psychological environment in the family, get enough sleep and take special vitamin and mineral complexes for future parents. Believe me, this is not difficult at all, and the birth of a healthy son or daughter will be your reward.

According to today's data, the male factor is the cause of infertility in about 30% of cases, miscarriage - in 20%. In addition, many malformations and hereditary diseases are transmitted exclusively through the male line.

How to plan a pregnancy

Conception is the formation of a new organism in the process of merging an egg with a sperm cell. Spermatozoa are constantly produced in the testicles, but it takes 75 days for them to fully mature, after which they go along the route: testicle - epididymis - seminal vesicles - prostate gland. The life expectancy of a spermatozoon in the genitals of a man is small - 25-28 days, after which, not escaping, they die.

If a man leads an active sex life, then with each sexual intercourse, the accumulated spermatozoa are thrown into the urethra, and new ones ripen in their place.

It is a mistake to believe that the success of conception depends primarily on the potency and sexual activity of a man. It is not uncommon for sexually weak men to have excellent sperm, and vice versa, for sexually active men, the content of spermatozoa is reduced or completely absent. According to the literature, the number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate, their mobility can even differ several times in the same man depending on the period of sexual abstinence, the intensity of physical or emotional stress. So, for conception, the most optimal break between sexual intercourse is 2–3 days: this time is needed for the “maturation” of spermatozoa, improving the quality and quantity of sperm. With a longer period of sexual abstinence, the number of spermatozoa increases, but their mobility worsens.

In accordance with the above, in order for the spermatozoa to be complete, it is necessary to start preparing for pregnancy no later than 3-4 months before conception.

Pregnancy planning for men

To begin with, you should reconsider your attitude to the usual way of life. And first of all, you need to give up bad habits. Any quantity alcohol, drunk before conception, can adversely affect the mental and physical development of the child.

In the sperm of any healthy non-drinking man, there are 25% of unhealthy cells, but they are much less likely to participate in conception than normal sperm.

After taking alcohol, the chances of healthy and defective spermatozoa are practically equalized, as a result of which the “wrong sex” cell may participate in fertilization, which will lead to a miscarriage or the birth of a child with certain deviations.

Bad effect on man's abilities to childbearing and smoking. Tobacco poison destroys any, including germ cells, which in some cases affects the ability to conceive. If a man continues to smoke next to pregnant woman, then this habit can affect the health of the child in the form of impaired functioning of the lungs, blood vessels, and the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to giving up bad habits, try to acquire good ones during this time. It is advisable to spend at least 1.5 hours a day outdoors, for example, arranging joint walks in the evening. Preparing a man for conception also involves moderate physical activity, the main thing is not to be overly zealous: “overload” negatively affects the fertilizing ability of sperm.

Pregnancy planning for men: research

For young healthy men, it will be enough to visit a therapist and undergo a small examination. It makes sense to pass a general blood and urine test and tests for the detection of sexual infections (they not only adversely affect health, but can also lead to abnormalities in the development of the fetus, diseases of the newborn), exclude the possibility of hepatitis B and C, syphilis and HIV. All these infections are very dangerous for the fetus.

It is also recommended to be tested for the presence of antibodies to rubella and chickenpox. If neither you nor your wife are immune, consider getting vaccinated. Also, during the period of preparation for pregnancy, it is advisable to get vaccinated against the flu, so that later you do not bring this infection to your pregnant wife. It is better to get vaccinated 3 months before the intended conception.

An Rh blood test is important for couples in which the woman is Rh negative. If this indicator turns out to be different for partners, a woman will be advised to inject anti-Rh globulin even before conception, so that the baby is born healthy.

In terms of preparing for pregnancy, it is advisable for the future dad to treat all existing foci of chronic infection, the most common of which are caries and problems with the nasopharynx. Before conception, treat your teeth and watch them carefully. If you suffer from chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, you need to prevent exacerbations - washing and rinsing. The incidence of staphylococcal and streptococcal infections in newborns (which is usually blamed on maternity hospitals) could be significantly reduced if the family itself was not the source of the infection.

But not all men who plan to become a dad need to visit a urologist and do a spermogram (sperm analysis). This is necessary in cases where pregnancy does not occur for more than one year or if the wife had miscarriages. Also, this study can be recommended for men who have undergone genital surgery, trauma, inflammatory diseases. If you have chronic diseases and you are constantly taking some drugs, then consult your doctor if they will have a negative effect on conception. If the family has hereditary diseases, the couple is recommended to be examined by a geneticist.

Pregnancy planning for men: healthy eating

No less important for the successful conception of a child is the nutrition of the future dad. The more complete the diet of a man, the better the quality of the sperm, and the easier it is to fertilize. First of all, you need to exclude from your menu all fast food, canned, fatty, spicy foods, chemical seasonings and smoked meats. The diet should contain as many fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, and dairy products as possible. Eating sprouted grains of wheat, seeds, nuts, cheese and milk, liver, salmon, caviar, oysters increases testosterone levels.

Particular attention to nutrition should be paid to men with excess body weight. The fact is that adipose tissue produces female sex hormones, blocking the production of male hormones necessary for the full formation of spermatozoa. In overweight men, the volume of sperm and the concentration of spermatozoa in it are lower, and the number of unhealthy germ cells is higher.

Vitamins for pregnancy

In order for the fetus to develop normally in the future, the menu must include folic acid, vitamins C, B, E, selenium, zinc and fatty acids.

400 mcg folic acid per day significantly reduce the level of sperm with the wrong number of chromosomes, as well as with defective chromosomes. Folic acid is found in fresh herbs, cabbage, beets, carrots, bran, seeds and nuts.

Vitamin C deficiency affects the gonads, reducing sperm production and causing sperm to stick together in the ejaculate. A lot of vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, kiwi, bell peppers, herbs, rose hips, green tea.

B vitamins activate metabolic processes, participate in the synthesis of DNA and hormones, improve the motor activity of spermatozoa and their ability to penetrate the egg. The main sources of these vitamins are meat, eggs, dairy products and grains.

Vitamin E improves sperm quality and viability of spermatozoa, positively affects their number and motility. With its lack in sperm, the percentage of immature cells increases, which reduces the chances of conception. Foods containing vitamin E: vegetable oils, eggs, grain bread, buckwheat and oatmeal, legumes, nuts. Sprouted grains of wheat are richest in vitamin E.

Selenium protects biological membranes from the damaging effects of free radicals, removes salts of heavy metals, promotes sperm renewal. With a lack of this element, fetal malformations often occur. Selenium is found in milk, seafood, liver, fish, and garlic.

Zinc- a component of more than a hundred enzymes, stimulates the production of testosterone and follicle-stimulating hormone, which control sperm synthesis. Zinc deficiency can lead to infertility. It is found in buckwheat, oatmeal, cheese, beans, walnuts, pumpkin seeds. The most unique product in terms of the amount of zinc is wheat bran, 1 tablespoon contains the daily norm of this microelement.

And yet the main vitamin for successful conception is love. Love each other, take care of each other, spend more time together, and the baby will not keep you waiting long!

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