What do you need to take care of your braces? Braces care from a to z Braces how to care what to eat

Nowadays, there are often people who wear braces. This raises a lot of questions about how to properly care for braces? There are many varieties of the system, and each of them requires individual care.

Most often, malocclusion occurs due to artificial feeding in infancy, sucking on a pacifier, and upper respiratory tract disease. Bad habits, such as sticking fingers and other objects into the mouth, can also contribute to malocclusion. Currently, the disease in the form of malocclusion can be overcome not only by a child, but by every adult. To do this, you need to make the right decision and contact the orthodontist for help in choosing a system of braces.

What are braces

Bracket system is a specially designed device for correcting malocclusion in case of incorrect position of the teeth. Wearing braces significantly complicates the daily care of your teeth. After eating, food particles remain between the teeth and between the elements of the braces. In order to avoid plaque, you should brush your teeth with specialized appliances after each meal.

You can use items for cleaning your teeth, such as:

  • brush;
  • dental floss.

You should especially brush your teeth before going to bed.

How to care for braces

Caring for the outside of braces is not as easy as it seems. In order to clean this part, you need a special brush for braces. It should be with a recess in the center of the bristles. This brush will help to thoroughly clean the braces from the outside. It must be remembered that you can additionally use a single-beam brush for braces.

To clean the surface of the teeth in the gum area, you need to use a toothbrush with soft bristles. You should brush your teeth from the outside and from the inside, while paying special attention to the gum line. To clean the gaps, usually use dental floss and specialized brushes.

One of the most important questions that worries patients is: what kind of paste should be used to clean braces?

To solve such a delicate problem, you need to contact a specialist who will give recommendations on choosing a paste. If there is no time or opportunity to get to the doctor, then you should adhere to the following criteria:

  1. Toothpaste should be such that it does not damage tooth enamel.
  2. Do not use a paste that is harsh in taste.
  3. Fluorine is present in toothpaste.

In practice, there are very often cases when it is not possible to clean the braces, for example, in a cafe or in a restaurant, in which case you can treat the oral cavity with a specially designed rinse aid or warm water. Such procedures will greatly facilitate the problem of caring for the bracket system in unforeseen circumstances. For those who wear braces, the recommended brushing time should be 3 to 5 minutes per day during each treatment.

The main recommendations for the care of the bracket system include:

  • do not use solid foods;
  • hard vegetables and fruits are recommended to be chopped in any convenient way;
  • categorically do not use chewing gum.

When a specialist recommends wearing a bracket system, it is recommended to wear it for at least six months and no more than two years in everyday life.

Types of braces

There are several systems for caring for the correct bite:

  1. Metal.
  2. Sapphire.
  3. Plastic.
  4. Golden.

What is the basic principle of the braces system

Braces have a so-called shape memory. They are installed on areas with irregularly shaped teeth, and in the future, the system tries to take a normal shape, moving the teeth along with it.

Today, there are many people who suffer from malocclusion. This problem is very common all over the world, and there is a solution to this ailment - a bracket system that can help to quickly and efficiently overcome the so-called disease. If there are signs or suspicions of malocclusion, you should immediately consult a doctor who will help you individually select one or another system, depending on the complexity of the irregularities, in order to avoid unforeseen consequences. Most often, this problem is faced by children and adolescents, and if you do not deal with it in time, this can affect your overall health in the future. You can have a beautiful smile! And today, any problems with teeth are easily solved.

In the process of bite correction, the final result is influenced by many factors, such as the professionalism of the doctor, the correct selection of the orthodontic structure, and the complexity of the pathology.

However, the issue of regular observance of hygienic rules for caring for the oral cavity is of no less importance, since during orthodontic treatment with braces there is a risk of developing certain diseases - caries, gingivitis, periodontitis.

Therefore, it is necessary to use specially designed hygiene products and devices that will minimize the possibility of developing inflammation. This will facilitate and speed up the process of correcting the bite.

Carrying out procedures for the care of braces, the patient must understand that the general condition of the oral cavity depends on their quality and regularity.

At the same time, the hygiene procedure itself is noticeably different from the usual brushing of teeth, and has several rules:

  1. Visit to the attending physician. Throughout the period of bite correction, it is necessary to visit the dentist at the prescribed frequency. This will allow you to timely adjust the position of the structural elements and detect a developing disease.
  2. Teeth should be brushed after every meal. If it is impossible to carry out a full-fledged procedure, it is worth rinsing the mouth with water or a rinse balm.
  3. Device usage. For oral hygiene, it is necessary to use special devices that help clean the elements of the bracket system and the space between them and the enamel.
  4. Cleaning from all sides. When cleaning teeth, it is necessary to pay attention not only to their external and internal surfaces, but also to the areas around the elements of the dental structure.
  5. Nutrition. During the period of orthodontic treatment, it is worth refusing to use products that can damage the components of the braces - nuts, crackers, lollipops. In addition, sudden changes in the temperature of the food consumed are undesirable.
  6. Don't forget about regular professional dental cleanings. This will timely eliminate the plaque that forms on the enamel and prevent its transformation into tartar.

Used tools and devices

In addition to standard toothbrushes, there are several devices that make it easier to clean teeth and orthodontic appliances. They can be purchased at pharmacies or stores.

V-shaped brushes

For effective cleaning of the oral cavity during the period of wearing the orthodontic system, a special shape of the toothbrush with a V-shaped cut has been developed.

Its difference from the usual manual device lies in the presence of bristles of various lengths: shorter fibers are located in the center, and longer along the edges.

This structure facilitates the process of removing plaque from the teeth and parts of the bracket system. The villi located at the edges effectively clean the enamel and interdental space.

Short bristles, located in the center of the product, remove dirt from the locks of the orthodontic design.

The procedure for cleaning the oral cavity with a V-shaped brush is as follows:

  1. Sweeping movements process the outer and inner side of the tooth.
  2. With the help of vertical movements, the locks of the braces are cleaned. In this case, it is necessary to direct the brush from the gums to the edges of the teeth.
  3. The arch of the bracket system is processed using horizontal movements. The brush is positioned in such a way that the arc is placed in the middle of the brush - in the area of ​​the shortest bristles.

It is worth remembering that before cleaning the oral cavity with a toothbrush, it is necessary to remove the rods and special holding rubber bands from the bracket system.

Mono-bundle brushes

The device consists of a long handle and a special small head, on which a single bundle of bristles is located. The tip of such a beam can be of various shapes from even to pointed. This helps to remove plaque in the interdental space.

When choosing a mono-bundle product, you should pay attention to the stiffness of the villi. Among the assortment of various manufacturers you can find both very soft and hard products.

The treatment of the oral cavity with a mono-beam brush begins with the position of the product in the oral cavity at an angle of 90ᵒ with respect to the teeth. First you need to clean the gum line, gradually moving to the cutting area.

After processing the teeth, it is necessary to clean the locks of the braces. To do this, the brush is placed perpendicular to the mounts and, with the help of smooth circular movements, soft plaque is removed. The arch of the brackets is processed with sweeping movements along its entire length.


The brush is a structure consisting of a handle-holder and a thin metal rod, on which nylon fibers are fixed. The shape of the working head can be cone-shaped or cylindrical. The length, shape and curve of the handle can also vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.

The key purpose of an interdental brush is to remove plaque and small food particles from the interdental space and the spaces between brackets and enamel.

To clean the oral cavity with a brush, it must be placed perpendicular to the surface of the bone organ and smoothly inserted into the space between the teeth that is supposed to be processed.

Then, with reciprocating movements, it is necessary to remove soft deposits from the lateral parts of the teeth and periodontal canals. Thus, the entire oral cavity is processed, after which they begin to clean the bracket system.

To clean the metal arc, the working head is placed parallel to the structure and placed between the arc and the tooth surface. Turning the brush around the axis, the structure is processed along its entire length. After that, the locks of the braces are processed in the same way.


To remove plaque from hard-to-reach areas of the oral cavity, for example, the interdental space or areas between the elements of the bracket system and the tooth, dentists recommend using an irrigator.

This device is characterized by the supply of a thin stream of water under pressure from a special reservoir located in the handle of the device. The liquid easily penetrates into small cracks and effectively flushes plaque out of them.

Before using the irrigator, it is necessary to clean the oral cavity with a toothbrush and paste. Further, boiled water of a comfortable temperature or a conditioner balm is poured into the tank of the device. The fluid supply tube must be placed at right angles to the treated area.

For effective cleaning of the gum pockets, the water jet must be directed from top to bottom. It is necessary to start the treatment procedure with a small pressure of liquid, gradually increasing it.


Orthodontic floss is used to clean the space between the teeth and the elements of the bracket system.

For these purposes, a special thread is used, equipped with a strong tip, so that it is quite easy to thread it into the area between the components of the braces.

The use of dental floss is carried out as follows. The two ends of the floss are clamped with the thumb and forefinger of both hands, stretched, after which translational movements are carried out. To extract the floss, it is necessary to lead it up to the cutting surface.

It is worth remembering that when using floss, it is necessary to make smooth movements in order to avoid accidental injury to the gums and damage to the elements of the bracket system.

For more information on the proper care of braces, see the video.

professional cleaning

Despite following the recommendations for oral hygiene at home, you should not neglect the procedure for professional office cleaning. It will allow you to remove dirt from the surface of the teeth and the components of the braces as much as possible.

There are several ways to clean the oral cavity in the dental office: AirFlow method, ultrasonic method. In each case, the dentist evaluates the condition of the patient's oral cavity and offers the most appropriate option.


When choosing a toothpaste for brushing your teeth with braces, you should give preference to products that do not contain fluoride.

It is worth paying attention to pastes containing various enzymatic elements that allow you to effectively break down small food residues and soft plaque, which contributes to their better removal.


Mouthwashes belong to auxiliary means of hygiene of teeth and gums. They have an antibacterial effect, help strengthen and remineralize enamel, and prevent caries.

In addition, balms have an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, which is important during orthodontic treatment.


When correcting an overbite with braces, you should carefully consider the issue of choosing food.

Sticky candies like toffee should be avoided as they often cause the locks to come off. For the same reason, it is necessary to avoid a sudden transition from cold to hot dishes.

When using a plastic construction, it is desirable to limit the intake of coloring products that can cause discoloration of elastic bands or staples.

The video presents the most basic rules and secrets for caring for braces.

Braces are used to correct various defects associated with the position of the teeth. Orthodontic treatment is used for patients of all ages.
The system of braces is installed on the surface of the teeth, as a result of which access for oral care is difficult. At the same time, the teeth under the structure require increased attention, which will help protect them from damage and caries. For cleaning activities in this case, use specialized toothbrushes, rinses and irrigators.

After installing the bracket system, the patient is faced with the question of how to properly care for the oral cavity during this period in order to avoid problems. Cleaning your teeth requires a more thorough approach. During the hygiene procedure, attention should be paid not only to the teeth and gums, but also to the design of the braces itself, since microbes can also accumulate on it.
Brushing your teeth during this period is recommended three times a day. After brushing with a toothbrush, use an antibacterial rinse such as Parodontax, Lacalut or Listerine. Rinsing agents help fight bacteria that cause cavities, improve the condition of gums and enamel. During the hygiene procedure, it is necessary to especially carefully clean all surfaces, including hard-to-reach places, such as interdental spaces. For these purposes, special irrigators and dental floss are suitable. Each meal requires, at a minimum, rinsing the mouth. In addition to home care, if necessary, professional oral hygiene at the dentist should be carried out every three months.

Mouthwash is a tool for complex care of teeth and gums. Taking a minute to rinse your mouth after brushing, you can not only freshen your breath, but also enhance the effect of using the paste, while protecting not only your teeth from caries, but also your gums from inflammation.

In the first weeks after the fixation of the structure, the patient gets used to it. During this period, braces can bring discomfort and require treatment with orthodontic wax to avoid injury to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.
While wearing braces, eating hard foods such as nuts, crackers and seeds is not allowed. They can damage the structure. Caution must be exercised when using ice cream, as low temperatures can adversely affect the adhesive base of the system.

Choosing a toothbrush

For cleaning teeth with braces installed, special brushes with a V-shaped cut are used. This feature allows you to effectively clean surfaces below the level of the orthodontic structure from plaque. To clean the surfaces located under the braces, use single-beam toothbrushes. These brushes are small in size and allow you to reach the most inaccessible areas. There are also specialized brushes that clean the areas between the teeth and under the arch of the braces.

A mono-tuft toothbrush is a brush with one tuft of bristles. It perfectly cleans teeth in hard-to-reach places for a regular toothbrush. Covering the area near the neck of the tooth and perfectly removes plaque, which prevents the deposition of tartar.

The dentist will help you decide on the choice of hygienic devices. Kits for cleaning teeth and braces are most often sold at a pharmacy. There you can also buy a solution to determine the quality of hygiene. A special liquid is an indicator that paints areas with plaque in a bright color, which allows you to determine which areas have not been given enough attention.

Choice of care products

The best option for teeth with braces is to choose a fluoride toothpaste. Fluorine provides a good preventive effect in the fight against caries. While wearing braces, the gums become more sensitive and prone to damage, so toothpaste should also contain antibacterial ingredients.

Therapeutic toothpastes (fluoride-containing) differ from prophylactic ones in a higher concentration of active ingredients. They are not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of the initial stage of caries, which is chalky spots on the surface of tooth enamel.

Aggressive products aimed at whitening and polishing tooth enamel should be avoided, as they contain abrasive components that increase tooth sensitivity.
For patients undergoing orthodontic treatment, special pastes have been developed that take into account these nuances. These agents include Xerostom, Curasept and Enzycal, which have a pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, and are also aimed at remineralizing tooth enamel, preventing the development of carious lesions.

Important! If you are careless about the choice of care products and do not carefully carry out daily hygiene, this can lead to the rapid formation of plaque and tartar, which are fertile ground for caries. The sensitivity of tooth enamel may increase, as well as the risk of developing gingivitis or stomatitis.

Therefore, do not neglect the advice of a dentist regarding the care of braces and teeth.

Braces care: basic principles

After the installation of the braces, patients are faced with the need to reconsider the usual ways of oral hygiene, and adopt new rules, somewhat more complex. Despite the fact that care during this period requires more time, it quickly becomes a habit and becomes an integral part of daily activities. Following these recommendations helps to avoid possible problems during the period of orthodontic treatment and make it as comfortable and effective as possible.
Key tips to keep in mind:

Oral Care Tools

The main means of oral hygiene, both with braces and without them, is a toothbrush. Let us consider in more detail the features of brushes, as well as other tools for cleaning teeth during the period of bite correction:

  1. Toothbrushes are the main hygiene tool. To care for braces and teeth, brushes of a certain shape are used, which allow you to evenly and effectively clean the surface of the teeth, gums and the orthodontic structure itself.
  2. Single-beam brushes and special brushes. Brushes help to cope with plaque on the surface of the teeth and between them. With the help of a brush, dirt is removed from where the toothbrush does not reach. A single-beam (mono-beam) brush is a thin and small tool that allows you to penetrate into the narrowest and hard-to-reach places, including on the farthest chewing teeth and under the bracket construction. A single-bundle brush and brush can be purchased at a pharmacy or in the medical supply department. The dentist will help you decide on the size and other parameters of the instruments.
  3. It is impossible to completely clean the interdental spaces without the use of dental floss or floss.

    Attention! For the care of braces, specialized flosses are produced, which not only clean the space, but also contain fluoride compounds that have an anti-caries effect. Do not forget that this tool is a one-time use, and re-flossing is unacceptable.

  4. Another tool for cleaning hard-to-reach places in the oral cavity is an irrigator. It is a device that delivers a jet of water (or treatment solution) under pressure, washing out the remnants of contaminants from the interdental spaces and areas under the braces. The choice of device and the pressure with which the liquid is supplied is selected individually, taking into account the sensitivity of the patient. Portable compact irrigators allow you to carry out high-quality hygiene on trips and in public places. However, it should be remembered that the use of an irrigator does not replace basic hygiene using brushes and flosses.
  5. The final step is rinsing the mouth with a special tool. Individually selected rinses have an additional effect, prolonging the cleanliness of the teeth and providing an additional antibacterial effect.

Even with proper home care for teeth and braces, there is a possibility of tartar formation, which cannot be dealt with on your own. Therefore, you should regularly see the dentist, and, if necessary, carry out professional cleaning.
The basic principles of dental care during orthodontic treatment apply to all types of braces, both lingual and vestibular. Daily procedures, carried out carefully, will help maintain healthy teeth and get the maximum effect from the correction. The period of bite correction usually takes several months, and requires patience and care from the patient. However, the extra effort spent on caring for braces and teeth at this time is fully compensated by the quality of the result.

Those who wear orthodontic structures, in particular, braces, know firsthand about the peculiarities of caring for braces and its importance. Therefore, it is so important to purchase all the necessary products for the care of braces in a timely manner. The fact is that with a conventional brush, even an electric one, it is difficult to clean bracket systems well. It is almost impossible to remove food residues from the areas where the braces meet the teeth, the interdental spaces and the structures themselves. It is for this purpose that special devices have been developed to enable meticulous care.

Types of products for braces

The modern market offers a great variety of different care products for owners of orthodontic constructions: U-shaped and mono-bundle brushes, brushes, superfloss, pastes, rinses, wax and silicone. Each type of funds performs its own special functions, complementing each other. U-shaped brushes have different lengths of bristles, which allows you to clean your teeth well even in hard-to-reach places. Mono-beam brushes are designed to clean the areas where the structures meet the teeth and around the brackets themselves. Brushes of various shapes and sizes will help get rid of plaque and food debris between the teeth. Superfloss (dental floss for bracket wearers) will help to carry out the dental hygiene procedure in any conditions and in any place. Wax and silicone will protect your oral cavity from accidental damage through braces. With the help of special pastes, the cleaning process will become doubly effective. Rinsers will become a lifesaver during a trip, travel or during the work day.

Where can I buy?

You can buy any type of goods for braces in our virtual store IRRIGATOR.RU. Now you no longer need to look in different places: we have a wide range of all the necessary products for braces. Our online store will not leave indifferent even the most demanding customer, forcing them to return more than once for new purchases. You can order all purchased goods with delivery not only in Moscow and the region, but also in the regions of the Russian Federation.

Procedures that allow you to straighten the dentition and correct the bite are among the most complex and very lengthy in dentistry. Bracket systems and their installation require a large financial investment on the part of the patient, and without proper care, they may need to be replaced even before the desired result can be achieved. It is important to follow the rules for caring for braces, follow all the doctor's recommendations exactly, and do not forget about regular brushing of your teeth.

Of course, the risk of mechanical damage to bracket systems is quite high, but sometimes an expensive structure fails due to the abuse of “forbidden” products. Food during the period of using braces should not be too hard or viscous.

Rules for the care of braces

On the first day after the installation of the bracket system, the patient's habitual lifestyle changes. From this moment on, a person needs to learn how to properly care for his oral cavity. Hygiene care before and after the installation of braces varies greatly. Brushing your teeth should not be done twice a day, as before, but every time after eating. Orthopedic structures need to be given no less attention, in order to properly clean them, you will have to use tools specially designed for braces.

Hygiene products

An integral part of the care of orthodontic constructions is a thorough oral hygiene. In order for an expensive product to retain its properties throughout its entire service life, it is necessary to use a whole arsenal of various accessories and care products. The list of necessary hygiene products includes:

  • a brush with V-shaped beveled hard bristles;
  • toothpaste;
  • waxed dental floss;
  • flosses and brushes for cleaning interdental spaces (more in the article: how to use interdental brushes?);
  • monopuff brush;
  • small mirror.

There are special orthodontic kits, which include all the necessary devices. They are convenient to take with you on a trip or a business trip. At home, after a snack, you can brush your teeth without wasting time looking for the right accessory.

When choosing toothpaste, it is better to give preference to those that contain fluoride and xylitol. Rinses are also better to take with fluorine, as this mineral reduces the number of pathogenic microorganisms. Ordinary salt water can be a good substitute for the rinse, it promotes the speedy healing of wounds and destroys bacteria.

How to properly brush your teeth with braces?

A qualified specialist, having installed a bracket system, must explain to the patient how to care for the brackets. If the teeth are brushed incorrectly, food particles will begin to accumulate under the metal structures, and this is a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms. It is important to regularly and as carefully as possible take care of your teeth with braces, removing plaque and disinfecting metal elements.

When starting cleaning, the patient needs to remove the rubber bands from the structure and remove accumulated plaque and food particles from the teeth. The brush is then set at a 45-degree angle to the jaw so that the bristles cover the ligature. Each dental crown must be given at least 10 seconds. The inside of the teeth is cleaned with a V-shaped brush. As soon as all the metal components of the structure are perfectly clean, it is necessary to carry out the final stage of the procedure by waxing the places where the braces come into contact with the mucous membrane.

To remove food particles from the interdental spaces, it is necessary to use a floss toothpick, dental floss will help to remove dirt accumulated under the braces. Waxed 30 cm thread must be passed several times under the rings and through the gaps in the locks on each tooth.


In addition to proper care, a patient with braces needs to be careful about the choice of food. It is necessary to exclude too solid food, it is also worth abandoning ingredients with a viscous consistency. If the menu includes "forbidden" products, then this is fraught with damage to dental products. During the period of correction of the dentition with the help of braces, it is necessary to abandon bad habits, eating crackers, caramel and products that contain coloring substances. Also, don't chew on the seeds.

Solid and viscous products

Although braces are highly durable, they are very susceptible to external influences. Very hard food can affect the geometry of the ligatures and even break the fasteners. Nuts, seeds, dried fish and tough meats are banned.

Everyone knows that sweets can damage your teeth. Sweet viscous products can stick to braces, and it will be very problematic to clean them off. It is for this reason that you need to eat muffins, chocolate, jam or chew gum as little as possible, and it is better to completely abandon these products.

Temperature difference

Too cold food and drinks, as well as hot food, can damage not only the enamel of the teeth, leading to its cracking, but also to the rapid wear of the braces. Due to temperature fluctuations, dental structures can even “peel off”. In order not to once again test braces for endurance, it is better to drink warm coffee or tea, wait until the hot soup cools down a bit before eating it.

Coloring dishes

Products containing dyes can affect the shade of tooth enamel. When installing leveling systems, this must be taken into account. If after the use of some products staining of enamel and plastic elements occurs, then all parts of the structure will have to be dismantled in order to clean them. Such manipulations bring little pleasure, and the tissues of the oral cavity are once again injured.

For this reason, coffee, red wine, soda with artificial colors, and other foods high in coloring matter should be excluded from the diet. When smoking, cigarette smoke gives the enamel of the teeth a yellowish tint - this is an additional reason to give up a bad habit.

Grinding food before eating

In order not to subject the braces to high overloads, experts recommend not biting off the products, but grinding them before putting them into the mouth. Food should be cut into small pieces that cannot harm the bracket system, and chew it thoroughly using the wide surface of the molars. You can not bite into apples, carrots and other products of high hardness.

Other features of dental care with braces

If the patient strictly follows all the recommendations of the doctor during the treatment period, then he will be able to avoid all possible problems associated with the use of braces. In order for orthodontic structures to retain their properties throughout the entire service life, you need to eat right, include foods high in vitamin C, calcium and magnesium in the menu. In order not to damage the structure, you need to abandon dangerous sports.

The orthodontist should be visited in accordance with the appointed schedule of scheduled examinations. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the teeth and oral cavity, so it is important to visit the dentist regularly.

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