What does the name Lyudmila mean according to the church calendar. Name day of Lyudmila (Day of the angel Lyudmila) according to the Orthodox calendar. When is the day of the angel Lyudmila

On September 29, Orthodox believers celebrate Ludmila's Day 2017. The martyr defended the common people and paid for it with her life. In honor of the saint, the Day of the angel Lyudmila is celebrated today. publishes the best congratulations on Ludmila's Angel Day.

Ludmila's Day 2017: history

Saint Ludmila was born into a noble Serbian family. She was given in marriage to a Czech prince.

For a long time the couple were pagans. But after they learned about Christ, the family was baptized and began to glorify the Christian faith.

It is known that the spouses built many temples, and also enlightened their subjects with faith.

Even after the death of her husband, Lyudmila continued to take care of the education of the peasants and financially supported churches and temples.

After the death of the prince, the son of St. Ludmila Bratislava and his wife Dragomira ascended the throne. And his son Vyacheslav, who was barely 18 years old, began to rule his death. Dragomira took advantage of this.

The woman wanted to revive paganism in the country and therefore began the persecution of Christians. Dragomira executed Christians, destroyed churches and glorified paganism.

Lyudmila came to the defense of the common people, thereby giving rise to the hatred of her daughter-in-law. The people warned the Saint that Dragomira wanted to live her. Therefore, the princess took refuge in the city of Techin.

But the evil daughter-in-law found out about this place and sent the boyars to kill the princess. The intruders broke into her house and strangled Lyudmila, who was just praying to God.

Believers began to come to the burial place of the Saint.

Ludmila's Day 2017: best congratulations on Angel's Day

Lyuda, Lyudochka, Lyudmila,

Be always so sweet.

And any dream

Embodied in two clicks.

To live always in abundance,

With a stable salary.

To the sea of ​​​​positive

Life brought you, Lyudmila!

Not to be bored at all

I didn't forget about relatives.

In the garage so that - a foreign car,

Well, life is always good.

You are reasonable, sweet and patient,

No wonder they call Lyudmila.

You are simply necessary for everyone around,

You are the most devoted friend in the world.

And on your clear day, I wish you

Good luck, joy, love and kindness,

Health, ease, enthusiasm,

So that your dreams come true in an instant.

So that you love and in return your beloved

In fact, sincerely

Lyudmila, my dear Lyudmila,

Let your soul always bloom!

Beauty eclipsed all

Birthday Lyudmila!

To shock her

Let's read congratulations!

Younger every year

Surprising people!

Let troubles be afraid of you

And problems are avoided.

So that all tasks are solved!

Happiness, faith and good luck!

We congratulate you, Lyudmila.

Today we wish you

Health, happiness and success,

Smiles, joy and laughter.

We wish family happiness

And let bad weather bypass the house,

And peace reigns in the heart.

May it always be so with you.

Beautiful Ludmila,

May you be fabulously lucky

To have a villa in the Maldives,

Holidays are eight per year.

From a loved one - gifts,

Loyalty, tenderness and flowers.

Do not be ill! Be bright

Beauty queen!

And let it not tear to pieces

Never heart sadness

Bright joy and happiness

Let your life shine!

She was given in marriage to Prince Borivoi. Both of them were personally baptized by Saint Methodius. After that, the couple did a lot to ensure that Christianity spread among their subjects: they built temples, invited priests to conduct worship.

However, great grief befell this family; at the age of 36, Prince Borivoi passed away to the Lord. Saint Lyudmila, after the death of her husband, led a pious life, taking care of the Holy Orthodox Church. 33 years after Prince Borivoi, his son Vratislav, who was married to Dragomra, ruled. They had a son, Vyacheslav. After the death of Vratislav, the son ascended the throne. But since he was inexperienced, his mother Dragomira concentrated all power in her hands.

She began to plant paganism in the country. But she received powerful opposition from St. Ludmila. Then Dragomira decided to kill her mother-in-law. At the time when the martyr retired to pray in the city of Techin, the murderers sent by Dragomira entered her cell and carried out their crime. So the martyr Lyudmila departed to the Lord, whose body was first buried in Techin, and then transferred to Prague to the church of St. George.

Lyudmila is a very beautiful old Russian name, meaning "dear to people." In Russia, it was forgotten and began to appear again only in the era of romanticism. The contribution to the emergence of interest in the name Lyudmila was made by two great classics of Russian literature A. Zhukovsky with his ballad "Lyudmila" and A. Pushkin with the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila". But the name reached its greatest popularity in the Soviet period. Now, girls are not so often called by this ancient name.

Name day of Lyudmila according to the Orthodox calendar

The name day named after Lyudmila is celebrated on September 29 (16 - according to the strict style) and is associated with the name of the Czech princess-martyr Lyudmila. She was baptized into Orthodoxy by Saint Methodius, a Russian enlightener and one of the authors of the first Slavic alphabet. Having accepted the teachings of Christ, Lyudmila began to spread the Orthodox faith in the Czech Republic. She had a particularly great influence on the upbringing of her grandson Vyacheslav in the spiritual traditions of Orthodoxy. However, in 927 she was martyred by her daughter-in-law, who was an ardent pagan. Since then, the day of the angel named after Lyudmila has been celebrated in the fall, on the day of the death of the Czech martyr.

There is a popular belief that on a holiday - the day of Lyudmila, one can judge the approach of winter: if the geese are already flying away, then the cold is not far off.

The meaning of the name Lyudmila

Short names formed from this name: Lusya, Luda, Lyulya, Mila, Mika. There are analogues of this name in foreign languages. For example, the English Lucie - "Lucy", derived from the Latin root "lux", meaning "light".

The very pronunciation of the name "Lyudmila" initially speaks of a certain duality of character inherent in girls bearing this name. On the one hand, a rather harsh first part and, at the same time, a soft ending. So it is noted among many bearing this name that an analytical mind, good organization and a desire to maintain order in the house are combined with a storm of passions, jealousy for partners and a desire for constant change. Lyudmilas are often demanding and impulsive. They are also characterized by increased egocentricity.

In relationships with other people, Lyudmila really wants to be "nice to everyone", but this often entails that a girl with this name wants to look better in the eyes of others than she really is. Frequent obsession with one's own person gives rise to close people.

In a love relationship, Lyudmila is a real owner, very jealous of her partners. Therefore, often the bearers of this name fail in marriages. In this case, they focus all their attention on children.

Of the positive qualities of Lyudmil, one can note curiosity, a love of reading. Despite the analytical mindset, they can also take place in creative professions, for example, fashion designers, artists, actresses. They also become successful where increased accuracy and consistency are required, for example, as in the teaching profession. Great compassion and a desire to help strangers makes Ludmil good nurses and doctors. Diplomacy and perseverance, also inherent in Lyudmila, often helps her to realize herself in the role of senior staff and a middle and top manager.

Lyudmila is very kind to her home. She is a born housewife. He always knows what to cook for dinner, how to decorate the house, so that the family does not feel the need. She needs a lot of attention and communication, and therefore likes to receive guests in her house. However, she needs confidence in the inviolability of personal space. Lyudmila loves to feel like a full-fledged and only mistress in the house, which often gives rise to conflicts with her grown daughter, and especially with her daughter-in-law.

You always want to know more about the origin of your name. One of the first questions that arises is about stories related to the life of the saints of the same name and the days of their memory. After all, it is at this time that the day of the angel is celebrated. After reading the article, you will find out when the name day of Lyudmila is according to the church calendar.

When is the day of the angel Lyudmila

The Slavic roots of the name originated during the Middle Ages. The era of romanticism of the 19th century is the time of the spread of this name. The impetus was the appearance of Pushkin's poem about Ruslan and Lyudmila. Most often it met in the 50-60 years of the previous century.

The church form of the name is Lyudmila.

Briefly - Mila, Luda. In foreign countries it is found as Lucia. In the male version - Lyudmil.

The name speaks for itself - "sweet people."

It can be divided into two parts:

  • “people” sounds tough;
  • “Mila” is pronounced softer and more melodic.

This property gives duality to the behavior of a woman. Luda's prudence and organization are combined with irascibility and impulsiveness.

Twice a year, the name day of Lyudmila is mentioned in the church calendar:

  • Petrova - September 28;
  • Czech - 29 September.

A folk sign says: you can judge the approach of cold days if you saw flocks of goose flying away these days.

Brief description of Lyudmila

A lot of trouble for Luda is caused by the duality of character. It combines strength with weakness, laziness with efficiency, sensuality with emotional coldness.

She has a good memory, so studying is very easy for her.

She has many girlfriends. Lyudmila always tries to help them solve problems and give useful advice. He is respected for his ability to keep other people's secrets secret. Gossip, squabbles are not for her.

Positive traits:

  • kindness;
  • unselfishness;
  • love of reading and needlework;
  • attentiveness;
  • accuracy;
  • patience;
  • hospitality.

Professional activity

Lyudmila does not like monotony and painstaking work. She needs an interesting job with a creative approach.

She has excellent intuition, which allows her to quickly deal with the characters of the people around her.

Lyudmila will find her calling in the profession:

  • medical worker;
  • teacher;
  • lawyer
  • designer
  • seller;
  • advertising agent;
  • artist;
  • writer.

She is suitable for leadership positions. She does not find fault with trifles in vain, she fairly evaluates the actions of employees.

In creating her own business, she is not always lucky, often having to create everything again.

Family relationships

Independence of character and excessive independence of Luda is a common cause of discord in the family. The husband does not want to put up with these traits. The family is falling apart.

Successful marriages with Alexander, Andrei, Eugene, Cyril, Ilya, Dmitry.

Family relations with Nikolai, Yegor, Yakov, Stepan, Eduard do not add up.


A woman needs to pay attention to the cardiovascular system. At a fairly early age, varicose veins occur. The main thing is not to miss the onset of the disease.

Problems with neurological disorders are observed when the daily routine is not observed, when Luda goes to bed late and sleeps for a long time in the morning. This way of life affects her appearance.

History of the Holy Martyr Princess Ludmila of Czech

She is called the patroness of grandmothers, mothers and Orthodox teachers.

The origin and date of birth of Lyudmila Czech is unknown. She was married to a Czech prince. Together with her husband, she adopted the Christian faith. They preached it to their subjects, built new temples.

Soon the prince died at the age of 36. After his death, the widow led a righteous life, worried about the church, ruled the country for her young children.

Her son Vratislav, married to the pagan Dragomir, came to the throne, and then their son Vyacheslav. Dragomira took advantage of the youth and inexperience of the young man, began to spread pagan rites in the country. She hated her mother-in-law, who tried to resist, and tried to destroy her. On her instructions, the princess was killed during a prayer.

According to legend, various miracles took place at the burial place (near the city wall):

  • burning candles appeared at night;
  • the blind man was healed when he touched the ground from the grave.

Having learned about the signs that were taking place, Vyacheslav ordered her relics to be transferred to Prague to the church of St. George.

The story of the martyr St. Ludmila Petrova

Lyudmila Petrova, a needlework teacher, lived in Rostov.

Since her retirement, she has been arrested several times. She was accused of belonging to a church-monarchist group, sent into exile.

In 1937 she was shot.

Name day is an important date in a person's life. Remember your patron saints, take an interest in their fate. There is always something to learn from them.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Lyudmila

The name Lyudmila came from the Old Slavic language, in translation from which it means "dear to people", and is quite widespread in our country.

It is noteworthy that, in Bulgaria, this name is not popular, but you can often meet the owners of its male form - Lyudmil.

Named Lyuda, the girl grows up to be a wonderful helper for her mother - she takes on numerous housework, takes pleasure in babysitting her younger brothers and sisters.

The owner of this name is very responsible, she is not afraid of any work - both physical and requiring intellectual effort.

Having matured, Lyudmila remains as kind and sympathetic as she was in childhood, but at the same time, it is important for her to be better than others in everything.

She wholeheartedly helps a classmate with studies, an employee at work, but only if she knows that she is actually better than him in this or that matter.

In love, a girl with this name is far from always lucky, since Lyudmila shows her feelings not with passion, but with care and attention. For her, it is more important that her husband looks neat and is fed, rather than satisfied in terms of love.

Unfortunately, men often have completely opposite priorities, which can disrupt the harmony in the family. But in the role of a mother, Luda feels “like a fish in water”, and even growing up, children continue to spend a lot of time with their mother.

Congratulations for Lyudmila on the name day in verse

Lyudmila, our dear, you are the most beautiful!
You are kind and gentle, glamorous, diligent!

Luxurious, neat, quite incredible,
You are simply tenderness, delight and inspiration!

Good luck, good luck, clothes from Versace,
More fun days, and live - as long as possible!

You are reasonable, sweet and patient,
No wonder they call Lyudmila,
You are simply necessary for everyone around,
You are the most devoted friend in the world!

So that you love and in return your beloved
In fact, sincerely
Lyudmila, my dear Lyudmila,
Let your soul always bloom!

SMS congratulations to Lyudmila on her name day

Lyudmila! You are infinitely sweet and kind, pleasant and friendly! So let all the warmth that you give to other people return to you like a boomerang and make every day of your life happier and more joyful!

Lyudmila, Lyudochka, Lyudmila, burn like a bright star!
And may a good mood always haunt you!

I congratulate you, dear Lyudmila,
Always be happy, loved and sweet!

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