What is considered normal internet speed for various tasks and how to measure it. How to determine what Internet speed is considered good

It is important to understand that no matter what speed the provider promises, its compliance with reality will not least depend on the user himself. The provider, of course, is obliged to constantly monitor the situation in order to identify emergency situations within its area of ​​responsibility, and also strive to expand its external channels in the network.

The user, in turn, is responsible for a correctly configured computer. And the speed of the Internet will depend on this to a greater extent. Consider the factors that to some extent affect the speed characteristics of the Internet and can be eliminated by the subscriber independently:

  • Tariff plan. Always keep in mind that in practice the maximum possible speed cannot be achieved. If you have a tariff that does not have traffic speed limits (unlimited), then you should understand that in fact the provider itself has limited the connection speed for such a tariff. Often, as a publicity stunt, the provider offers tariffs without limiting incoming traffic, while artificially lowering the speed of the Internet connection for subscribers who consume a large amount of traffic.
  • Viruses and programs that limit the width of the channel. Despite the fact that this reason seems very obvious and rather banal, the fact remains: increased virus activity on the subscriber's computer device not only worsens its technical characteristics, but also significantly reduces the connection speed (all because viruses create hidden traffic that is not under the control of the user) .

  • OS settings. Any operating system must be correctly configured to work with the Internet, or generally must remain unchanged from the date of purchase of a computer device. Let's just say that with a high-quality setting of any OS, you can slightly increase the speed of your Internet connection.
  • Network equipment settings. In recent years, users have gained immense popularity, which allow you to connect to the network from several computer devices at once. Note that this device must be configured properly, otherwise, it can significantly slow down the information exchange between computers.
  • Connection by . Wi-fi technology has been booming in the last five years. Wireless access points can be found in many public places, food and recreation establishments, and, of course, many users have them at home. We will not go too deep, we will only say that in order to get the highest possible Internet connection speed, you must use the latest standards for connecting a device to distribute wi-fi and be located in close proximity to the device.

Optimal speed for watching online movies and videos

In order to comfortably watch movies and videos in average quality, the minimum Internet connection speed on your computer device must reach at least 3 Mbps, and the traffic should not be "clogged" by third-party sites.

If you want to watch a movie or video in a higher quality, then make sure that the Internet connection reaches a minimum speed of 5 Mbps (the channel should not be loaded with additional sites). If several sites are loaded at the same time, then it is better if the Internet speed on your device is at least 10 Mbps.

If the middle value is not for you and the task is to enjoy a movie in HD (Full-HD) quality, the minimum allowable speed will rise to 12 Mbps.

Advice. Video content can have different levels of compression. This means that a movie in Full-HD quality can be both 3 GB and 33 GB.

Optimal speed for online games

Playing online requires a good enough internet connection, which will allow players to maintain a stable connection with the server.

Different games have different speed requirements, respectively. In any case, the communication channels must have a high bandwidth. The quality of the implementation of an online game on a computer can be determined by the following time limits:

  • up to 50 ms - the quality of the game will be at a high level;
  • from 150 ms - the quality of the game leaves much to be desired.

Generally speaking, online games are not particularly "demanding" to the speed of the Internet connection. So, for example, for Warcraft, DOTA2 and GTA-online, 512 kbps will be enough, and for WoT and Counter Strike - 256-512 kbps .

We have provided you with information on what Internet connection speed will be enough for a computer so that you can fully enjoy watching your favorite movies and developing skills in online games.

Internet for games: video

Today, the use of the worldwide global network is very popular. Some people have fun using the Internet, and some have found their workplace. An important point in this matter is the chosen Internet connection speed, which is categorically not recommended to be neglected, because otherwise, you can be completely disappointed in using the global network.

Today we will consider the most optimal Internet connection speed parameters for performing various kinds of operations.

Internet speed for SMART TV at home

We often like to watch movies using SMART TV, but as soon as we put a movie on view, instead of enjoying the plot of our favorite movie, we see terrible freezes. This happens because there is not enough internet connection speed to download your movie. The choice of Internet connection speed for SMART TV will directly depend on the quality in which the movie will be viewed. Here is a common example of the volumes of films in various qualities:

  • Movie HD rip - 1.36 GB;
  • Movies DVD - 4.3 GB;
  • Movies HD - 12 GB.

From this it is worth concluding that to watch movies in HD rip quality, a speed of 3 Mbps will be enough, for DVD quality, 5 Mbps will already be required, but to watch movies in HD quality, the minimum Internet connection speed parameter must be at least 10 Mbps .

Internet speed for online games and Stream

In order to play modern online gaming applications, for example, World of Tanks, a speed of 2 Mbps will be enough. But under this condition, the player deprives himself of the possibility of communication between players using voice communication, since this requires higher Internet connection speed parameters. As a rule, 5 Mbps will be enough to achieve such a goal. These comparisons can be safely attributed to other gaming applications.

For games like Dota and the full use of the Stream, an Internet speed of 3-5Mbps is enough.

Internet speed for tablets and smartphones

The choice of the Internet connection speed parameter for tablets and smartphones will directly depend on what the user will do with his device. If he uses it to chat on social networks, view images or read a book from any site, then 1 Mbps will be enough with his head. But if the device will be used to watch movies, listen to audio files, or communicate via Skype, then this speed will no longer be enough, here it is best to follow the rule, the more the better.

Skype connection speed

In order to fully communicate through the popular Skype software application, a high speed Internet connection is not required, as a rule, 2 Mbps is more than enough. But this is subject to exclusively voice communication. If video communication will be used, then it would be better to use 5 Mbps. Also, do not forget that with the help of this software application it is possible to transfer various files between users, and the transfer speed of any file will directly depend on the speed of the Internet connection.

Internet speed in Japan

Among the countries with the highest Internet speed (average value), South Korea and Japan are considered leaders. In these countries, the average speed per client is up to ~12 Mbps (Japan) and ~14 Mbps South Korea. For example, in Ukraine and Russia this figure is much more modest and ranges from 2 to 3 Mbps.

Data transfer method

The first feature of the network is related to the way data is sent. You can receive and send information by cable or by radio channel.

It is immediately worth noting that it is unprofitable for wired providers to massively lay their networks in villages and. Accordingly, the owners of private houses basically have to rely only on wireless Internet.

Your ISP probably wants to sell you a faster internet connection. Pay more money every month and you will get faster internet speed. It sounds simple, but do you really need these speeds, and when will they be useful?

How fast is your connection now?

If you're wondering what internet speeds you get from your ISP. First, make sure nothing else is being used on your internet connection. In some cases, there may be other benefits to higher levels of Internet connectivity.


The second important characteristic is the data transfer rate. To make it clearer the connection between the speed of access and the opportunities provided, we offer the following examples:

You can work with mail and search for information on the Internet at a speed 0.2 Mbps;

Speed ​​tends to be the biggest focus of broadband marketing, and you're likely to come across terms like "ultra-fast fiber optics" when looking for a deal. So what does all this mean, how much speed do you need and what kind of speeds can you get? We demystify speed jargon and help you decide how fast your broadband needs to be.

What speed do I personally need?

To decide what speed you need, consider your household's Internet habits. We have divided typical users into three broad categories.

What kind of Internet user are you?

Light users only need fairly low speeds. If that sounds like you, you'll find a standard broadband service with a current average speed of 4Mbps, good enough for what you're doing.

Moderate users may need broadband fiber optics

You are busy online most days, but don't consider yourself an internet fanatic.

To listen to music and download small files, you need from 0.3 Mbps;

Communication on Skype and social networks requires a speed of at least 0.5 Mbps. It is enough for voice communication and correspondence, but for video communication - this is the minimum. The same with social networks - a slow Internet is enough for correspondence, but viewing and downloading photos, and even more so video, will require speed 0.5-1 Mbps;

Heavy users require a fiber optic internet connection

You can opt for ultra-fast fiber optics if you like optimal speed and if it's available in your area - but it's certainly not necessary for good service at this level. Your family uses everything the Internet has to offer, such as downloading lots of movies and music, and perhaps sharing files with peer-to-peer access. You do it all on multiple devices at the same time.

What is "Mbps" and how many Mbps do I need?

To keep things simple, Mbps refers to speed, and the more Mbps you have, the faster your broadband speed will be. Put those speeds in a row now - from 17 Mbps to 300 Mb and once you know that 17 Mbps is enough for most small households and 300 Mb can easily serve the needs of 40 people, then between these speeds be enough clear.

To watch videos from Youtube in normal quality, the Internet speed must be from 1 Mbps;

To watch and download videos in HD quality or play online games, you need a minimum 5 Mbps.


The third characteristic is the amount of traffic. All received and sent information is called traffic, that is, when calculating, not only the sizes of downloaded pages and downloaded files are taken into account, but also the data sent.

Nobody likes to sit and wait forever for a song to download or a movie to buffer. In fact, one study shows that people start to abandon online videos if it takes more than two seconds to buffer! We've put together a guide below to help you understand the different internet speeds available and what they can do for you.

Download Speed: What's the Difference? There are two factors that affect your overall connection speed: download and upload speed. Download speed is the speed at which data is transferred from the Internet to a computer. It determines how quickly and efficiently you can transfer music and videos or play games online. As a rule, Internet users download much more data than they upload, so high download speed is the key for most people when choosing a connection speed. Ideal internet speeds vary depending on whether you are purchasing a residential connection or a business connection.

In addition, we must not forget that some programs, such as antiviruses, update their databases from time to time, which means they increase incoming traffic.

This value is measured in megabytes (MB). Depending on the chosen package traffic can be unlimited or limited.

Here are some tips to help you determine what's right for you. 8-10Mbps download Ideal speed for uninterrupted online gaming, video and music streaming and fast downloads. A good option for large enterprises with many users. . For many professionals, terms like "megabit" and "broadband" are lumped into white noise, which is usually classified as "Internet", or what allows us to receive email and surf the web. jargon terms mean something specific to you and your business, and include 50Mbps high-speed internet speeds - which may be just the speed you need, or overkill.

In the latter, the user pays for each megabyte or chooses a tariff with a fixed volume, for example, 250 Mb / day, and if it is exceeded, he pays extra according to the first scheme.

The choice of traffic volume depends on the tasks to be solved, tariff plans and the type of connection. If we are talking only about reading news and business correspondence, you can limit yourself to the minimum package. If you want to download movies, watch online videos and play online games, it is better to choose unlimited.

What is the best provider?

The term "Mbps" is a unit of measurement that expresses the speed of broadband access or the speed of data transfer over a network. However, whether this is overkill for your business depends on your specific needs. To get a little perspective, it's important to understand what 50Mbps really means in practice. However, the time taken to load web pages was about the same.

The right speed for your business depends on two main factors: what you use online and how many people use it at the same time. The FCC violates it in terms of a household of one to four Internet users, which can essentially be a small business with one to four employees. On the heavier end, if you're doing multiple high-definition video calls at the same time, you'll need more than 15Mbps in addition to basic internet usage, making 50Mbps a safer choice.

Russia has a very good and, no less important, affordable home Internet. Seriously! In villages and a very deep province, things are, of course, worse, but take any, even a small city in the European part of the country and look at the tariffs. For 300-400 rubles a month, you can bring Internet to an apartment at a speed of around 25-50 megabits per second, and for some promotion, all 100 megabits.

Data transfer method

You can visit the National Broadband Map website to find out which service providers are in your area and what internet speeds they offer. Some of these providers even have online tools to help you determine what speed your business will need. This is especially true if you rely heavily on video conferencing or video calls, as download speed is just as important as download speed for such applications.

New broadband rules will help subscribers get out of contracts if their connection speed is too slow. So far, clients have run into a deal after the first three months - unless they were going to pay a redemption fee. So does this affect you, how bad should it be and how do you test your speed?

For comparison: in "civilized" countries, fast Internet (both home and mobile) costs an order of magnitude more expensive. And the concept of “monthly data limit” still lives there. We have this left only with cellular operators.

However, cheapness is not a reason to pay for something that you do not use. Even a hundred rubles saved warms the wallet, and therefore the tariff for home Internet must be chosen based on real speed needs. Let's figure out how many megabits per second are required in various situations, and start with basic concepts.

The new rules apply to ISPs using digital subscriber line technology. When a customer signs up for a deal, providers must communicate to users the range of speeds the customer can expect. However, there is another dimension that companies are less likely to mention: the minimum guaranteed access line speed.

How bad is my connection?

This is the fastest download speed given to the slowest 10% of customers on a similar service. Under the new rules, they can do this at any time as they give the ISP a "reasonable" opportunity to fix the problem. image captionDon't use a stopwatch - this is just a stock image to illustrate internet speed.

The data size is usually measured in bytes. For example, an HD movie weighs between 700 megabytes (megabytes) to 1.4 gigabytes (gigabytes), while Full HD is 4 to 14 gigabytes.

It is customary to indicate the data transfer rate in bits (not bytes!) Per second, and sometimes this causes misunderstanding.

Byte ≠ bit.

1 byte = 8 bits.

There are several ways to do this. The distance your home is from the telephone exchange, the time of day you go online, and the number of people in your home using the Internet at the same time can all play a role in slowing down your connection.

Your provider will be able to tell you what speed they expect from you before signing up for a deal. Everything we want on the Internet is bigger, better and faster. The point is, the more things we do online, the more you need speed. Choose the internet plan that suits you.

1 megabyte = 8 megabits.

1 megabyte per second = 8 megabits per second.

If the user does not distinguish between bytes and bits, then he can easily confuse them or take them for the same thing. In this case, it will calculate the approximate download time of an HD movie via torrent like this:

  1. The film weighs 1,400 "mega".
  2. Internet speed 30 "mega" per second.
  3. The movie will download in 1400 / 30 = 46.6 seconds.

In fact, the Internet speed is 30 megabits per second = 3.75 megabytes per second. Accordingly, 1,400 megabytes should be divided not by 30, but by 3.75. In this case, the download time will be 1,400 / 3.75 = 373 seconds.

This speed works with moderate internet usage. Ideally, if several members of your family post, chat and check emails. It's the perfect package for busy households with multiple people posting, streaming, playing, downloading, searching and shopping, all together with enough speed to save.

Enjoy blistering fast speeds without loading and waiting times. Video streaming, free video conferencing experience, download massive files in seconds, while being hosted on multiple devices at the same time. This is what happens when our best of the best meet almost instantly. Download massive files instantly. Multiplayer gameplay is out of this world. Video chat, movie streaming, file downloads, when using multiple devices without delay.

In practice, the speed will be even lower, because Internet providers indicate the speed "to", that is, the maximum possible, and not working. In addition, interference, especially when transmitting over Wi-Fi, network congestion, as well as limitations and features of user equipment and service provider equipment, all contribute. You can check your speed with the help, and increase it with the help.

This is our fastest of the fastest. Minimum system requirements and configurations apply to ensure optimal internet speed. 400 Mbps Internet is not available in all areas. Customers with 10 Mbps internet must first upgrade to 25 Mbps before upgrading to higher tiers. Actual speeds may vary and are not guaranteed. Speed ​​is based on average file sizes. Average upload and download time estimates vary and are not guaranteed. All trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.

Often the resource from which you download something becomes the neck. For example, your Internet speed is 100 megabits per second, and the site gives data at a speed of 10 megabits per second. In this case, the download will occur at a speed of no more than 10 megabits per second, and there is nothing to be done about it.

Obviously, the above table needs clarification.

Which digital TV is better than conventional or interactive?

Limit one router per household. We believe this new service will provide speeds that open new doors for businesses in Raleigh and surrounding areas, while potentially saving them money on their internet bill. How fast internet connection do I need for my business? These are typical questions asked by small and medium business owners. Decision makers need to be able to answer this question about internet speed so they don't overestimate their business or waste their budget.

Questions and answers

What to do if the Internet is used on two or more devices at once?

Let's say you watch Full HD streaming video on a smart TV, your wife is surfing YouTube on a laptop with an HD screen, and your child is also watching something from a smartphone or tablet in HD quality. Does this mean that the numbers from the table need to be summed up?

Megabits, megabytes and real speeds

The Internet is the lifeblood of business, it enables. Although everyone uses the Internet, it is quite common for businesses to run into problems with insufficient access to the Internet. Not many people know which connection level is right for their needs. How much bandwidth you need depends on what you're doing and how many people are doing it. We've seen businesses literally go the extra mile by trying to do too much with too little.

What internet speed do you really need

Yes, absolutely right. In this case, you will need about 20 megabits per second.

Why do different sites have different speed requirements for watching videos of the same resolution?

There is such a thing as bitrate - the amount of information that encodes an image per unit of time, and, accordingly, a conditional indicator of picture and sound quality. The higher the bitrate, the better the image, as a rule. That is why on torrents you can find versions of the same movie with the same resolution, but different sizes.

In addition, there are ultra-smooth videos at 60 frames per second. They weigh more and require faster internet.

Is it true that online games are so undemanding to the speed of the Internet?

Yes, for most games like CS, Dota 2, WoT, WoW and even GTA 5, only one megabit per second is more than enough for multiplayer, but in this case, ping becomes decisive - the time it takes for a signal to travel from you to the game server and back. The lower the ping, the lower the delay in the game.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to know in advance even an approximate ping in a particular game through a particular provider, since its value is not constant and depends on many factors.

Why does the picture and sound from the interlocutors go to me normally during video calls, but not from me to them?

In this case, not only the incoming, but also the outgoing Internet speed becomes important. Often, providers do not indicate the outgoing speed in the tariff at all, but you can check it yourself using the same Speedtest.net.

For broadcasting through a webcam, an outgoing speed of 1 megabit per second is sufficient. In the case of HD cameras (and even more so Full HD), the requirements for outgoing speed increase.

Why do ISPs start at 20–30 or more megabits per second in tariffs?

Because the higher the speed, the more money you can take. Providers could keep tariffs "from the past" at a speed of 2-10 megabits per second and reduce their cost to 50-100 rubles, but why? It is much more profitable to increase the minimum speeds and prices.

When buying a PC, you probably thought that you would later connect the Internet. It is impossible to do without the World Wide Web in the modern world. Many people do not just use the network to find information, but to communicate and work. It is much more convenient to transfer data and files by e-mail or Skype.

But in order to avoid problems when uploading files or loading pages, you should know what Internet speed is needed for professional and personal needs.

Speed ​​detection

  • Information received or sent from your PC to the Internet is measured in bits, 8 bits is a byte, 1000 bits is a kilobit, and 1000 bytes is a kilobyte.
  • For each provider, the connection speed is measured in megabits transmitted per second. In order to find out the download time of files, the size of which is shown in megabytes or gigabytes, you need to convert megabits to megabytes. After that, you need to divide the file size by this speed.
  • So, for example, if your connection speed is 10 Mbps, then dividing by 8, we get a speed of 1.25 Mbps. At this speed, a 700 MB movie will be downloaded in 560 seconds, i.e. in 10 min.
  • In any tariff plan, the maximum speed of downloading and uploading is indicated. And usually these two indicators are not the same. This is called an unbalanced connection. It is good for personal needs such as downloading movies and music.
  • A higher download rate is required for webmasters who must, at the proper speed, transfer files to their resource. Or, when asked what speed is needed for Skype, it is also worth considering an increased download rate. After all, it is through Skype that many people transfer large files that must be uploaded on time.
  • Also, an increased download value can be chosen by people who distribute on torrent trackers and must transfer movies and music in large files.
  • For other people, it is normal when the download speed is several times greater than the upload speed. Indeed, for downloading movies, music, software or games, just such an indicator is suitable.
  • Another important point may be what Internet speed is needed for a wireless connection, or WiFi? Each provider must provide a range of wireless connection rates, where you choose the speed. For such a connection, you need the appropriate equipment, which must be provided by the provider.
  • Not always the specified speed will be equal to the actual one, because. its parameters are affected by line load and server features. On the Internet itself, there are a number of online resources where you can check the speed of your connection.

What is the speed of the Internet connection to watch online video?

So, according to the management of portals that provide online video viewing services, for comfortable watching movies, you need an Internet connection speed of at least 4 Mbps, and for movies in HD quality - 20 Mbps. We have tested these data - in general, we confirm them, but with some notes, which we will consider below.

The real Internet speed for online viewing of medium quality video should be at least 1.5 Mbps, and preferably at least 3 Mbps, and the channel must be completely free! In other words, if the task is to watch a movie or other video file of good quality in real time, then the real bandwidth of the channel should be at least 5 Mbit / s (again, provided that the channel used is no longer busy). If any sites are viewed in parallel on the channel, then the speed should already be at least 10 Mbps, and if any files are downloaded and other various Internet applications work, then it is better that the channel be at least 15 Mbps

To watch online high-definition video (HD, 720p), it is better to have a channel of 8 Mbps or more. To watch a high-definition video (Full HD, 1080p) with a size of 5 GB, an Internet connection with a speed of at least 12 Mbps will be excellent. Again, this is provided that there is nothing more to download traffic on the channel (it is during online viewing that is meant). Also keep in mind that the degree of compression of video content can be different, the same two-hour movie can take both 2 GB and 38 GB. And for a FullHD movie with a low compression ratio (compression occurs due to the loss of quality - sound and video, although the resolution remains the same) 30 GB in size will require a channel with a speed of at least 15 Gb / s

Ideally, the speed on your tariff should be from 20 Mbps and higher - then the video will show stably, without interruption for downloading.

Conclusion - if you plan to actively watch high-definition online video (up toFullHD) - then the speed of your Internet connection must be at least 12 Mbps, to watch standard definition video, a speed of 5 Mbps or more will be enough. The higher the speed, the better, of course. It is better to choose the tariff "with a margin".

You also need to take into account how many devices (computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and so on) will “hang” on one channel, for example, through a router - the more of them will work simultaneously, the more channel speed is needed. The modern standard, i.e. the bar that operators are striving for is the bar of speed of 100 Mbps. 100 Mbit / s - speed that allows you to simultaneously in one house:

  • watch TV shows on multiple TVs
  • play online games
  • to talk on Skype
  • download large size movies from the internet

Based on practice, it can be argued that 100 Mbps is really enough for simultaneous viewing of online TV programs on 6-7 TVs, the smooth operation of all PCs, laptops and smartphones in the house.

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