What is fluoridation? What is dental fluoridation and why is it needed? What drugs are used

The main minerals in the natural enamel coating of a tooth are calcium and fluoride. A deficiency of these substances causes thinning and destruction of the enamel, which leads to its darkening and the appearance of microcracks on its surface, into which bacteria penetrate, subsequently causing the development of caries. Sometimes a lack of minerals leads to the tooth surface becoming unpleasantly uneven or rough.

The process of leaching calcium and fluoride from dentin is designated by a special medical term - “demineralization” and is widespread in modern society. Almost 80% of the adult population of our planet faces a lack of important minerals in dental tissues. It is quite possible to stop the process of dentin demineralization and enamel destruction - you need to contact our dentistry in Moscow and undergo a dental fluoridation procedure.

Indications for the fluoridation procedure are as follows:

1. Thinning and destruction of the natural enamel layer of teeth.

2. Prevention of caries.

3. Increased sensitivity of teeth.

4. Increasing the useful life of already installed fillings.

However, it is worth knowing that fluoridation, like any other dental procedure, has not only indications for implementation, but also contraindications. In particular, manipulations to saturate dental tissue with fluoride cannot be carried out if there is an individual intolerance to the active substances contained in fluoridating compounds, hypersensitivity to odors and tastes, as well as epidemic fluorosis.

Attention! Not only a deficiency of minerals is harmful to the body, but also an excess of them, and therefore, after fluoridation of teeth, you should not use pastes and rinses containing fluoride in oral care.

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Basic methods of fluoridation of teeth

Fluoridation of teeth during active demineralization can be carried out in two different types - simple and deep. The procedures have fundamental differences, which we will discuss in detail below.

Simple fluoridation of teeth

Simple fluoridation of teeth is a popular and most frequently performed procedure in modern dentistry. This method of dentin remineralization is painless and does not cause discomfort to the patient, except in cases where the patient has an increased sensitivity to fluoride-containing medications.

Simple fluoridation can be carried out in two ways:

1. Using individual aligners. During the first dental visit, the dentist examines the patient and takes an impression of his teeth, from which the mouth guards are then made. The recesses in the aligners are filled with fluoride gel, and then the wax structure is placed over the teeth for 15 minutes. The procedure is repeated about 10-15 times.

2. Using fluoridating varnish. The drug is applied to the surface of the teeth manually, with a brush, and it is extremely important to ensure that the substance does not get on the mucous membrane or gum tissue. The number of procedures to achieve the most pronounced result is 3-4.

Simple fluoridation of teeth differs from deep fluoridation in that the mineral during manipulation does not penetrate deeply into the enamel coating and dentin, but simply forms a dense protective film on the surface of the tooth, the integrity of which is maintained for 5-6 months, after which it is recommended to repeat the remineralization procedures.

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Stages of simple fluoridation

The simple fluoridation procedure consists of several successive steps:
  • Before remineralization, the specialist must clean the surface of the teeth with a special brush and paste;
  • The teeth are dried to prevent saliva from entering, and the oral cavity is tightly lined with cotton swabs;
  • Fluoridation. A fluoride varnish is applied to the natural enamel coating of the tooth with a brush. If a gel is used in simple fluoridation, it is placed in mouthguards that are placed on the patient’s teeth for about a quarter of an hour.
  • Repeated drying is necessary for complete drying of the fluoridating composition on the tooth surface.

Upon completion of the above-described manipulations, the doctor removes the cotton swabs from the oral cavity and advises the patient in detail on dental care after the procedure. After fluoridation, it is traditionally recommended not to eat for an hour. If varnish was used in remineralization, the next visit to the dentist is scheduled every other day, if the procedure was carried out with fluorine gel - after 10 days. It is recommended to do tooth replication in conjunction with the Air Flow teeth cleaning procedure.

Deep fluoridation of teeth

The procedure for deep fluoridation of teeth is a more complex process, but also more effective. Therapeutic procedures involve the use of special preparations that can seal tooth enamel and thereby protect it from thinning and destruction.

Two preparations are used to seal the enamel - calcium hydroxide and a composition saturated with copper, magnesium and fluorine. The active substances of the drugs react with each other to form crystals on the enamel surface of the tooth, which seal the enamel.

The compositions used in deep fluoridation contain ions of this mineral in extreme concentration, and therefore the positive result from remineralization will be maximally prolonged and persistent. The procedure is repeated no earlier than a year later. Another advantage of the method is that it uses a preparation containing calcium, and this makes it possible to further strengthen both the enamel coating and dentin of the teeth. It is recommended to do tooth alignment in conjunction with the procedure

A procedure called fluoridation is often used to protect sensitive teeth. During this procedure, a special varnish is applied to the surface of the dentition, which protects the teeth from the proliferation of various microbes that cause caries. This procedure is used for both adults and children. But still, before using it, you should carefully study all the features.

Fluoridation is the process of saturating dental hard tissues with fluoride compounds. This is done through the use of liquids that are applied to the tooth enamel. This procedure can be used for primary and molar units, and it has a beneficial effect on all types of teeth.
During fluoridation, a special composition is applied to the surface, from which fluoride ions are released. Next, the ions begin to contact the tooth tissues, this process leads to the formation of calcium fluorides. This process ensures the strengthening of tooth enamel and stops the process of destruction of its structure from carious effects.

Fluoridation of teeth is a procedure that is carried out to strengthen tooth enamel and is an effective prevention of caries.

Mechanism of local fluoridation

In the structure of the dental units of all living creatures there are the following types of apatites:

  • Carboxyapatites. Apatites of this type are easily ground and erased. As a rule, this type of apatite is found in rodents;
  • Hydroxyapatites have an average degree of permeability. These apatites belong to man;
  • Fluorapatites – have a high degree of strength, belong to sharks.

The fluoridation procedure ensures the interaction of fluorides with hydroxyapatite, resulting in the formation of fluorapatites. The increased stability of the connection helps to reduce the permeability of the enamel and increases its degree of resistance.
To increase acid resistance, it is only sufficient to ensure partial conversion of hydroxyapatite to hydroxyfluorapatite.
Fluoride causes inhibition of enzymes that break down carbohydrates. This component also has a suppressive effect on the development of microflora in the oral cavity. Fluorides in childhood take part in the metabolism of enamel protein. At the same time, the degree of resistance to carious effects increases.

Fluoridation is the use of special solutions that saturate tooth enamel with fluoride ions. This coating is perfectly protected from the harmful effects of an acidic environment. Fewer bacteria will accumulate on the teeth, and the development of caries will slow down.


The positive qualities of fluoridation include the following advantages:

  • Fluoridation provides increased protection to baby and molar teeth from early caries;
  • This procedure is quite simple and easy to perform, so it can be used even for children;
  • After this procedure, the teeth become white, darkening and yellowness disappear;
  • Due to fluoridation, the strength of dental tissue increases, and if there was increased sensitivity before this procedure, then this problem disappears;
  • When treated with mixtures for fluoridation of fillings, the service life of the filling material increases.


Despite the large number of positive qualities, this procedure also has disadvantages:

  1. Regular repetition of the procedure;
  2. With an increased intake of fluoride into a child’s body, poisoning of the body may occur;
  3. This restoration method will not be effective in cases of increased carious lesions.

Fluoridation of teeth increases the hardness of tooth enamel and reduces tooth sensitivity, but restoring teeth with fluoride is not effective for deep carious lesions, because the enamel is already destroyed.

Attention! Fluoridation of teeth is a fairly useful procedure. During it, special varnishes and gels are used that help restore and strengthen the enamel structure.

  • For carrying out preventive procedures, the main effect of which is aimed at reducing the likelihood of the formation of cavities with caries;
  • To eliminate multiple caries;
  • Used in the period after wearing braces;
  • During the final stage of dental restoration;
  • To reduce hypersensitivity;
  • After whitening dental units.

Fluoridation is often used for children with milk bites. If the tissues of the units are not strong enough, then additional methods of endogenous and exogenous prevention can be used. Often, when children undergo fluoride varnish applications, the enamel layer is strengthened and the initial caries disappears.

Fluoride gels have a positive effect on dental health, they help reduce the incidence of caries, and also reduce the likelihood of secondary caries. Thanks to the use of fluoride gels, the service life of fillings is significantly increased.


This procedure has some contraindications in which fluoridation should not be performed. These include the following conditions:

  1. The occurrence of allergies to the constituent elements of fluoridation products;
  2. The presence of endemic mottling of the dentition;
  3. High levels of fluoride compounds in water.

Before proceeding with fluoridation, it is worth finding out what types of this procedure there are. Each species has some important features.


During this procedure, the tooth enamel is coated with fluoride varnish.
The doctor can make special spoons or trays into which a special solution is poured. After this, these devices must be applied to the surface of the dental units.
These manipulations can be carried out independently. Usually, there are no difficulties with simple fluoridation; the main thing is to accurately apply the aligners and wait the required time.

Deep fluoridation

This procedure is performed in a dental clinic. It must be carried out by a specialist using mixtures and equipment. After this procedure, the effect lasts for a long time. The degree of sensitivity and unpleasant symptoms become less pronounced after the first use.

Fluoridation is divided into three types: simple - coating of enamel with fluorine-containing varnish, deep - performed by a doctor using special mixtures, electrophoresis - fluoridation using electric current.


This type of fluoridation procedure uses electric current and calcium gluconate. Due to the current, the transition of fluoride ions from a special solution into bone tissue is accelerated.

Stages of fluoridation

Before starting fluoridation, the doctor first removes plaque from the surface of the teeth. After this, you can begin to perform simple fluoridation; this procedure can be carried out using several methods:

  • The first method of fluoridation is carried out using mouth guards. The doctor creates these products individually based on dental treatments. Then a special solution containing fluoride is added inside the mouth guards and the product is placed on the surface of the teeth. The trays are left for 10-15 minutes. This procedure is repeated 10-15 times;
  • The second method is made using a special fluoride varnish. This product is applied to the surface of the tooth enamel. Then the surface is dried with a llama. This procedure is repeated every 6 months.

There are two ways to fluoride teeth: the first is with the help of mouth guards and a special fluoride solution, the second is with the use of a special fluoride varnish.

Features of deep fluoridation

During deep fluoridation, special mixtures are used that are able to penetrate deep into the structure of tooth enamel. Unlike simple fluoridation, the deep method provides a more lasting result.
As a result of this procedure, submicroscopic crystals are formed in the dental tissues, which can persist for several years in the tooth enamel. From these crystals, fluoride ions will be released over a long period into the tooth tissue, thereby supporting their remineralization process.
Deep fluoridation consists of the following stages:

  • At the initial stage, teeth and spaces between units are cleaned from plaque;
  • The dentition is dried;
  • Next, the teeth are treated with a composition that contains calcium and magnesium fluorides;
  • Then the teeth are dried for a second time;
  • At the final stage, the surface of the teeth is treated with a special mixture, which includes calcium hydroxide.

Fluoridation at home involves two methods of cleaning teeth: the first is home care using fluoride paste, the second is fluoridation using mouth guards. The doctor makes individual impressions for the patient, filled with a fluoride-containing agent inside.

Since professional fluoridation is quite expensive, not everyone can afford it. Especially if you need to conduct several courses. For this reason, there is a special fluoridation procedure that you can easily do yourself at home.
Many patients are interested in the question: is it possible to independently apply fluoridation varnish to the surface of tooth enamel? Because buying this product will be much cheaper than paying for the procedure in a clinic.
The use of this drug should be carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

Important! It is worth remembering that the intake of large amounts of fluoride into the body can cause adverse effects and also provoke poisoning.

In addition, when used independently, the risk of the product getting on the surface of soft tissue increases, and accidental ingestion of the product may also occur, which can ultimately lead to serious poisoning. For this reason, it is not advisable to risk your health in order to save money.

What products can be used for home fluoridation?

The following types of products can be used for home fluoridation:

  • Fluoride-containing toothpastes;
  • Fluoride-based gels;
  • Rinse aids.

It is worth paying attention to one important piece of advice; when using the above remedies, you must pay attention to the above dosage of fluoride, which is expressed in ppm units. For adults, you can use products with a dosage value of 1500 ppm; they are used for preventive purposes. Children should brush their teeth with toothpastes that have a fluoride concentration level of no more than 600-800 ppm.
The most suitable remedy for home use is Elmex-gel. This gel contains amino fluoride, which belongs to fluorine-containing compounds. This substance is maximally integrated into the structure of the enamel crystal lattice, and it also forms a film on the surface of the teeth. Due to the film, the active components of the gel can act for a long time and penetrate into the deep layers of the enamel. Teeth cleansing with gel is carried out once every 7 days, as well as with simple fluoride toothpaste. When cleaning, it is not recommended to allow the product to be ingested.
Additionally, you can use dental elixirs. These products not only freshen your breath, but also clean out all particles from hard-to-reach places. In addition, these products enrich the enamel with useful components. The percentage of fluorine for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes is 0.15%. It is necessary to rinse your mouth with these products twice a day after meals.

The cause of caries is the acids in our mouth, toothpaste with fluoride can prevent caries, provide adequate nutrition to the teeth, they become strong and strong.

Is fluoridation harmful?

Fluoridation does not have any harmful effects on health; on the contrary, this procedure is an excellent prevention against caries. However, this procedure should not be performed by those who live in regions with high levels of fluoride in drinking water.
Fluorine is an important mineral that is necessary to maintain the full functioning of the entire body. Thanks to this component, all the qualities of tooth enamel are maintained. Therefore, if there is a deficiency of this component in the body, this will primarily negatively affect the quality of teeth. It is important to have the necessary supply of this component in the body and for this it is necessary to regularly replenish its supply.
The simplest method of replenishing this component is fluoridation, which provides an increased degree of protection of teeth from harmful effects.

Fluoridation during pregnancy

This procedure poses absolutely no health risks, so it is often recommended for pregnant women. Fluoride creates a strong connection with the other components of the teeth, and will help the enamel very effectively fight the effects of various harmful factors.

This procedure is absolutely harmless to health, so it can be performed during pregnancy. In addition, during pregnancy it is allowed to use various elixirs and toothpastes with a whitening effect. These procedures are absolutely safe for the woman and the unborn child. Carrying out fluoridation during pregnancy allows you to saturate your teeth with fluoride and useful components, and also strengthens tooth enamel.
It is worth remembering that during pregnancy there is a decrease in immunity and active destruction of dental tissue. This procedure will provide an increased degree of protection against negative impacts and carious lesions.

At what age is fluoridation allowed?

Important! Fluoridation can be used for people of any age. It can even be done from the moment the child has his first baby teeth. This procedure does not have any harmful effects. But many doctors recommend simple fluoridation at this time.

Deep fluoridation is allowed to be used for children aged 1.5-2 years.
Since this procedure has no contraindications or negative consequences, it is allowed to be used for children of all ages. In addition, the use of fluoridation from the moment the first ones appear makes it possible to increase the activity of mineralization processes that occur in baby teeth over several years.

Fluoridation will help make your child's teeth less sensitive. The procedure increases the strength of teeth and extends the life of fillings, and also reduces the activity of bacteria and their negative impact on the mucous membranes of the mouth and gums.

Cost of the procedure

Fluoridation is a fairly expensive procedure, the cost of which depends on various factors. Typically, the price is influenced by the type of technology used and fluoride-containing product:

  • Application of fluoride varnish on average costs from 50 to 400 rubles per 1 tooth;
  • The deep fluoridation procedure is a fairly expensive procedure that provides a long-lasting effect. The cost ranges from 120 to 600 rubles.


To ensure that your teeth are always healthy and strong after and before fluoridation, you must take the following preventive measures:

  • In order to protect the child’s teeth from negative influences and premature destruction, the expectant mother during pregnancy should consume foods with a high content of vitamins, calcium, and fluorine;
  • Regularly maintain oral hygiene - brushing your teeth in the morning and evening, using various products containing fluoride;
  • Limit the consumption of sweets, soda, baked goods;
  • Monitor the state of the immune system, improve it with the help of vitamin complexes;
  • It is necessary to visit the dentist twice a year.

If you follow all the necessary doctor’s recommendations, you can keep your teeth in perfect order for a long time. It is also important that fluoridation is performed by an experienced doctor. If you decide to carry out this procedure yourself, then you definitely need to study all the features of home fluoridation.

A little earlier, the only way to compensate for the lack of fluoride was to use a special fluoride-containing paste for brushing teeth. Today, instead of this ineffective technique, dentists recommend deep fluoridation of teeth - a professional in-office procedure that allows you to restore hard tooth tissues and tooth enamel, compensate for the lack of mineral components, and reduce tooth sensitivity and stop the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria that provoke the development of caries.

Deep fluoridation is considered almost a mandatory procedure for residents of those regions where the fluoride content in water and food is reduced. If this element enters the human body in insufficient quantities, the risk of early tooth decay increases many times over. This technique is of particular importance for children, since it has a positive effect on the formation of permanent teeth and increases the hardness of tooth enamel by 10 times.

Deep fluoridation of teeth, as a therapeutic and prophylactic technique, is based on a series of sequential chemical reactions, during which calcium fluoride crystals are formed, filling microcracks and cavities in the tooth enamel. Dental treatment is carried out in several stages.

Before proceeding with fluoridation, it is necessary to clean the surface of the teeth from plaque and hard mineralized deposits. For this purpose, special pastes and dental instruments are used.

After professional cleaning, the surface of the teeth is air-dried and coated with a solution of highly dispersed calcium fluoride (magnesium fluoride), which seals the enamel. Next, the teeth are dried again with a stream of warm air and covered with a second protective layer – copper-calcium hydroxide.

During the chemical reaction that occurs between the coating layers, microcrystals of calcium fluoride are formed. The smallest particles of this compound easily penetrate into the deep layers of tooth enamel and fill all cavities and cracks.

In addition to microparticles of calcium fluoride, this chemical reaction leads to the formation of copper compounds, which have a pronounced antibacterial effect. As a result of the interaction of chemical compounds, it is possible to achieve the desired - preventing the destruction of enamel and protecting teeth from caries.

The entire procedure is quite comfortable and absolutely painless for the patient. Since the achieved effect lasts for several months, it is considered sufficient to undergo fluoridation procedures once (maximum two) times a year.

  • - fluoride deficiency in the body associated with poor nutrition or region of residence;
  • - thinning of enamel;
  • - increased sensitivity of teeth;
  • — preparation for installation of braces and treatment of teeth after their removal.

The advantages of the technique are as follows:

  • The risk of developing caries is reduced by half.
  • The likelihood of developing recurrent caries is reduced.
  • The condition of the soft tissues of the oral cavity improves.
  • The hardness of the enamel increases 10 times.
  • The service life of fillings is extended.
  • Teeth sensitivity decreases after whitening, cleaning, and irrigation procedures.
  • The risk of tooth decay during pregnancy is reduced.
  • The possibility of white spots appearing on the surface of teeth after removal of orthodontic systems is eliminated.

In addition, the deep fluoridation method is absolutely safe. Therefore, it can and should be used by children of preschool age, as well as people suffering from diabetes. If desired, you can use a simpler method - conventional fluoridation.

The methods of deep and simple fluoridation of teeth differ both in the method of implementation and in the materials used during the procedure. Conventional fluoridation can be carried out in two ways.

The first is that the surface of the tooth is coated with a special varnish using a brush. In order for a dense protective layer to form on the enamel, this procedure must be repeated 3-4 times.

The second method of simple fluoridation is performed using a “spoon” made from an impression of the patient’s teeth. The “spoon” is filled with gel or a special paste containing fluoride, applied to the teeth and held in this position for 15 minutes. The maximum effect of fluoridation is achieved after 10-15 consecutive sessions.

It should be noted that the number of simple dental fluoridation procedures may vary. The duration of the course is determined by the dentist.

The disadvantage of this technique, in contrast to the method of deep fluoridation of teeth, is the fact that it is impossible to penetrate crystals of highly dispersed calcium fluoride into the deep layers of tooth enamel.

The advantage of this method is the ability to carry out procedures at home. In this case, it is necessary to use only those fluoride-containing preparations that are prescribed by the dentist. Therapeutic agents are simply rubbed into the enamel, evenly distributed over the surface of all teeth.

Similar home fluoridation procedures using special pastes can be carried out daily without fear of harming the oral organs. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe fluoride applications. In this case, the duration and number of procedures are determined for each patient individually.

Dentists recommend that all people have their teeth fluoridated regularly, starting from a very early age. Moreover, depending on the condition of the teeth and oral cavity, children can undergo both simple and deep fluoridation, without forgetting about other preventive measures aimed at maintaining dental health.

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Deep fluoridation of teeth is most often performed on children, but this procedure can also be extremely beneficial for adults. In just one visit to the dentist Using this technique, you can solve a lot of problems with tooth enamel.

What is fluoridation of tooth enamel?

Fluoridation is the saturation of the upper layers of the tooth with active components. There are different types of techniques, but the principle of their action is always the same: a special preparation with a high content of active substance is applied to the patient’s teeth, fluoride ions in contact with the enamel form calcium fluoride, the process helps strengthen hard tissue and prevent the development of a number of diseases.

The procedure is safe, requires minimal time and is painless, which is why it is actively used in pediatric dentistry.

Indications for dental fluoridation

The main task of fluoridation is to strengthen the enamel. This effect is necessary in the treatment of a huge number of diseases, for their prevention and even for improving the appearance of a smile.

Dentists prescribe the procedure in the following cases:

  • Increased sensitivity, strong reaction to hot or cold.
  • Presence of external enamel defects: scratches, chips.
  • Prevention of caries development in children and adults.
  • Treatment of the initial stage of caries on children's teeth.
  • Strengthening enamel after wearing braces.
  • Prevention of hypersensitivity after professional cleaning or bleaching.
  • Increasing the strength of a composite restoration or filling.
Most often, fluoridation is used to prevent problems with enamel, less often - to strengthen it. Fluoridation itself will not be able to restore the protective enamel layer, but in combination with other measures it gives good results.

When treating baby teeth, the procedure is also not a panacea. If a child’s enamel is actively deteriorating, then first of all you need to reconsider his diet and oral care. Fluoridation is only an additional measure.

Contraindications to dental fluoridation

Fluoride is a beneficial component for dental tissue, but if used incorrectly, it can be very dangerous. Excess fluoride in the body leads to fluorosis, With this disease, teeth are especially affected: stains appear on the enamel, and its sensitivity increases.

It turns out that fluoridation of enamel can lead to the opposite of the expected effect. Therefore, the procedure is prohibited if:

  • The patient has already been diagnosed with fluorosis.
  • A person consumes water with a high fluoride content.
  • The patient uses oral care products containing this component.

Another contraindication to the procedure is diabetes. This is explained by the fact that fluoride can negatively affect the absorption of sugar, and in diabetes this is already a problem. However, people with this disease still undergo enamel strengthening with fluoride. An element can harm her only if there is too much of it in the body.

Types of fluoridation

Relatively recently, fluoridation meant coating the enamel with a special varnish, but today there are several options for carrying out the procedure:

  • rapid fluoridation;
  • use of fluoride varnish;
  • deep fluoridation;
  • electrophoresis.

The effectiveness and indications for different procedures differ, and you will also have to pay differently for each service.

Rapid fluoridation

If you calculate all the time spent, it turns out that the name of this technique does not suit it at all. One procedure takes 5–10 minutes. Compared to other methods, it really doesn't last long. But to achieve the same result as after the same deep fluoridation, you need to undergo a course of 10 procedures - one every week.

Quick or simple fluoridation is more gentle than other methods. Therefore, it can be carried out even at home without the supervision of a specialist.

This treatment is usually done after wearing braces or recent whitening. Some experts recommend the procedure after professional plaque cleaning if it was unsuccessful and damaged the surface of the tooth.

To carry out rapid fluoridation, mouthguards and a special gel with an average content of fluoride and other useful components are needed. After gentle brushing of the teeth, a tray with gel is placed in the oral cavity. After 5–10 minutes, it is removed, and the remaining product is removed with water.

Express fluoridation of tooth enamelcan be performed in the dental office or at home. In the second case, a drug with a lower content of active substances is used so that the patient cannot harm himself.

Application of fluoride varnish

The simplest and fastest method of restoring enamel is to apply a fluoridating varnish. , with its help you can treat all teeth in just 2-3 minutes. The varnish not only strengthens the enamel, but also creates a protective layer on its surface that lasts on the teeth from several days to several weeks. All this time, the product protects the teeth from irritants and dyes, and in the same way it acts on filling compounds.

Most often, dental coating with fluoride varnish is carried out as an addition to other procedures:

If there are no contraindications, the dentist always uses fluoride varnish after in-office cleaning. This has become so commonplace that the procedure is not even paid for separately.

Deep fluoridation of tooth enamel

The greatest effect in strengthening and restoring enamel is provided by deep fluoridation of teeth. Electrophoresis also bears fruit, but it has many contraindications, and the procedure itself causes discomfort to the patient. Therefore, deep saturation of enamel with fluoride firmly holds first place among all similar techniques.

During this procedure, beneficial substances remain not only on the surface, but also penetrate far into the enamel. If the patient has hypersensitivity, such fluoridation can be performed once every 6 months - discomfort from cold or hot will not be felt until the next procedure.

Deep saturation with fluoride takes the most time, as it is carried out in several stages:

  1. Professional cleaning is required. The choice between available techniques depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. Most often, specialists resort to ultrasonic cleaning.
  2. The teeth are well dried with a stream of warm air.
  3. The enamel is coated with a preparation containing a high content of calcium and magnesium fluoride, then dried again. This time they use special lamps.
  4. Finally, a varnish with calcium hydroxide is applied to the enamel. It seals the first compound inside and allows it to restore the structure of the protective layer of the tooth even after the procedure is completed.
Deep fluoridation of tooth enamel takes 30–40 minutes; teeth cleaning is usually paid for separately.


This procedure is also carried out in two stages, in each of which different active substances are used. It is aimed not only at saturating the enamel with fluoride, but also at deep penetration of this substance. For this purpose, minimal electrical discharges are used. An electrode with a pad soaked in a calcium solution is placed on the patient’s teeth. The device delivers weak current discharges, which may be unpleasant for the patient, but it would be difficult to call the resulting sensations pain.

The duration of the current is selected individually and depends on the health of the enamel and the number of fluoridation procedures performed previously. The first time the effect lasts only a few minutes, then the time is gradually increased.

When the first stage is completed, the electrode pads are changed. This time a 2-4% sodium fluoride solution is used. After exposure to this substance, active chemical processes begin in the enamel, helping to strengthen it, and a protective layer is formed on the surface.

Fluoridation of teeth at home

After pastes with a high fluoride content became available in regular stores, dentists sounded the alarm. The number of people suffering from fluorosis has increased significantly. However, even today such products are still the only way to fluoride teeth at home. Only when using them you will have to follow some rules:

  • You need to choose toothpastes that contain sodium monofluorophosphate, tin fluoride or aluminum fluoride. These active ingredients are the most effective and safe.
  • The amount of active substance should not exceed 0.15%.
  • Fluoride-containing paste alternates with conventional products at least every other day.
  • A course of home fluoridation lasts no more than one month.
  • Between courses there is a break of 1.5–2 months.
In addition to pastes, special medications in the form of a gel, which contain a fairly large amount of active fluoride, are suitable for fluoridating enamel at home. These gels should be applied to all teeth immediately after cleansing.

Prices for fluoridation of teeth

Fluoridation of teeth is usually carried out comprehensively for the entire row. In Moscow, a quick procedure with mouth guards will cost 2.3–3 thousand rubles. for the entire course, deep fluoridation - from 2.7 to 4 thousand rubles. depending on the clinic. Electrophoresis usually costs 2–2.5 thousand rubles.

Coating enamel with fluoride varnish is the cheapest procedure. Usually it costs from 1 to 2 thousand rubles. for all the teeth. Treatment of one tooth costs from 100 to 400 rubles.

The cost of the procedure is very affordable, and the benefits from it can be colossal, so it doesn’t hurt to carry out fluoridation at least once a year.

Strong and white teeth are the key to the health of the whole body, beauty and success. Naturally, no one wants to smile if the enamel is damaged, has an unpleasant yellow tint or other problems. To restore its integrity and beauty, dentists today use a procedure such as dental fluoridation. What it is, what the features of the process are, you will learn from this article.

General concept

Often, poor nutrition or inflammatory processes in the oral cavity lead to the enamel losing its original functions. In this case, the patient experiences severe pain and unpleasant symptoms are present. In order to avoid such consequences or correct them, it is necessary to carry out fluoridation of the teeth. What it is, you will find out right now.

So, this procedure involves strengthening the enamel using various means. Moreover, it can be carried out both in a specialist’s office and at home. The procedure allows you to enrich the enamel with fluoride. It, in turn, prevents the development of most dental diseases. It should be noted that the presented process is completely painless.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Naturally, dental fluoridation, the price of which varies depending on the type of procedure chosen and ranges from $0.10 to $6 per tooth, has its advantages. Among them are the following:


Restoring the health and functionality of enamel.

Elimination of tooth hypersensitivity.

Restoring enamel whiteness.

However, the procedure is not without its drawbacks. The following are the disadvantages of fluoridation:

1. Fluorosis and bone damage due to excessive use of substances containing this element.

2. Reduced ability of the body to absorb sugar.

In principle, no other side effects were found with this procedure. Therefore, fluoridation of teeth (you have already learned what it is) is used even in pediatric dentistry.

Indications for the procedure

Before you start, you should definitely consult your doctor. He will tell you whether you can have fluoridation or not. Indications for the procedure are:

Strong to cold and hot foods.

Pain during hygienic cleaning of enamel.

Formation of accumulations of yellow plaque near the gums.

Presence of carious damage to the crown.

Removing braces or other structures.

What contraindications does the procedure have?

In principle, dental fluoridation (what it is is described above) may be prohibited or limited for certain categories of patients. For example, people who suffer from diabetes should not use the procedure too often. The fact is that increased levels of fluoride reduce the body's ability to absorb sugar, which in this case increases the load on the pancreas.

Also, fluoridation should not be carried out at all for those patients who have an excess of this element in their body. In addition, an allergic reaction to the drugs used may be a contraindication. You should also not use the procedure if a high level of fluoride is detected in the water you eat. In this case, it will not only not be useful, but can also cause harm.

Types of fluoridation

Now we should consider the question of what methods can be used to restore enamel. Fluoridation of teeth (reviews about it help to understand that it is quite useful, painless and effective) comes in several types:

-Simple. This process is done quickly. In this case, you can do all the procedures yourself. To do this, you will need a special varnish (“Difluen”), which covers the surface of the enamel, or an individual “spoon”, which should be filled with a special substance (“Bifluoride 12”) and applied to the teeth. The duration of such manipulation is no more than 15 minutes.

-Deep fluoridation of teeth. This procedure is performed in the dentist's office.

- Electrophoresis. For this purpose, electric current and calcium gluconate are used.

Features of deep fluoridation

First of all, it should be noted that the presented procedure provides maximum effect and consolidates the positive result for a long time. For work, the dentist uses a special product - magnesium fluoride silicate. It is recommended to carry out manipulations no more than 1-2 times a year. Increased sensitivity of teeth disappears after the first procedure.

Before carrying out this procedure, a specialist must carry out professional cleaning of the enamel. Next, dry your teeth thoroughly. Only now, using a brush or swab, a special liquid can be applied to the surface of the enamel. Next, you should wait a few minutes, dry your teeth again and blend the liquid using a solution of copper and calcium hydroxide.

Please note that this fluoridation does not remove calcium from the crowns, so they are not damaged. This method eliminates not only increased tooth sensitivity, but also caries, as well as other minor damage to the crowns.

It must be said that you can enrich your teeth with fluoride at home. To do this, it is enough to use special enamel cleaning pastes that contain this element. However, you should not use them constantly.

Features of fluoridation of children's teeth

You have already found out that the presented procedure is safe and painless. Therefore, fluoridation is practically no different from the procedure for adults. At the same time, you can strengthen both milk and permanent crowns. Manipulations should be carried out annually. This will give you a better chance of keeping your enamel healthy and strong.

Naturally, before carrying out any manipulations, the doctor is obliged to carefully examine the little patient. After all, additional treatment may be required. In addition, he will have the opportunity to find out exactly what type of fluoridation needs to be applied.

Please note that the presented procedure is not a panacea. The child must be able to properly care for his teeth. In addition, his body requires natural sources of the element presented. Therefore, provide your baby with proper nutrition and, if necessary, take multivitamins.

Fluoridation of teeth in children is a very effective way to protect enamel from destruction, as well as strengthen it for a long time. These are all the features of this procedure. But don’t forget to brush your teeth twice a day and use mouthwash. Be healthy!

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