What is the menstrual period. How do periods go - how a regular cycle is formed and what should be the discharge. Types, causes and symptoms of cycle disorders

The cycle of menstruation is a phrase familiar, perhaps, to every woman. But not everyone understands what kind of cycle it is, how it should be calculated and why. Let's analyze this issue.

The cycle of menstruation is not quite the correct definition, it would be more correct to say - the monthly or menstrual cycle. Its definition is simple - this is the period of time from the first day of the last menstruation to the first day of the next. Attention - the cycle is not counted from the end of menstruation, but from their first day! The average duration of the menstrual cycle is 28-35 days. If menstruation begins more often than every 21 days, or less often - than once every 35 days - this is no longer the norm. If pathologies are not detected with the help of analyzes and examinations, some minor, temporary, most likely, circumstances are to blame for the violations of the cycle. To normalize the cycle of menstruation, the doctor may recommend drinking oral contraceptives for 3-4 months, of course, if the woman has no contraindications to them.

The vast majority of women planning a pregnancy know how to count the cycle of menstruation. After all, having this knowledge, you can calculate the most favorable day for conception - the day of ovulation. In addition, knowledge on how to calculate the cycle of menstruation is necessary for women who are being treated for infertility. They regularly provide all the information regarding their cycle to the doctor. This is required to prescribe the correct treatment, as well as to monitor its (treatment) results.

What can the failure of the cycle of menstruation mean? Sometimes this is considered the norm, and sometimes - a pathology. For clarity, we give examples. Menstrual irregularities are normal:

1. when setting a cycle in adolescent girls (within 2 years after menarche);

2. after childbirth (especially if the woman is breastfeeding);

3. at the onset of menopause (hormonal levels change).

Abnormal, but often there are failures of menstruation after abortions (hormonal imbalance occurs). Menstruation may completely disappear with a sharp and significant weight loss (menstruation stops due to a lack of estrogen that has arisen due to excessive weight loss). A menstrual cycle of 40 days or more occurs in women suffering from hyperprolactinemia (increased production of the hormone prolactin). Uncontrolled intake of drugs also rarely goes unnoticed. And this is not all the reasons that lead to failures in the female body.

But no matter what anyone says and no matter how scary - a regular monthly cycle of 25, 35 days, without "errors" is not so common. Too fragile female nervous system. If not physical pathologies, then stresses will surely bring down these “biological clocks”. Therefore, do not worry about rare, minor delays.

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If you want to determine the approximate period, first determine the length of the menstrual cycle. To do this, count seven to fourteen days from the beginning of the last critical days (), this will be the approximate period with the onset date.

The duration of the menstrual cycle is considered from the first day of critical days to the first day of the next minus 1. For example, menstruation began on January 1, the next on January 28. Thus, the length of the menstrual cycle is 27 days. Keeping such notes for several months, you can calculate the average duration of both the cycle and critical days.

The length of the menstrual cycle of a healthy woman ranges from 25-30 days, but this number can vary, for example, there are women whose cycle is thirty-two days. If the fluctuations are no more than five or six days, it is considered that the girl has a regular menstrual cycle. If the difference is more than eight days, such a violation is a sign of a disease.

The duration of critical days varies between two and six days. If this period is much shorter or longer, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps this is a symptom of some disorder in the body, such as hormonal failure. However, this may be your individual feature.


  • how to calculate your menstrual cycle

Duration - the length of a note, interval or chord in time. The combination of different durations creates the rhythm of the melody. The shape of the note mark allows you to determine the duration.


The quarter note has a stem and is shaded. It counts as 1.

The sixteenth note has a double edge. Makes one fourth of the bill.

Twice shorter than the sixteenth thirty-second, even less than the sixty-fourth. Eight and sixteen pieces per account are counted, respectively.

Pauses also have duration. Whole, half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth pauses are common. Their outline is indicated in the illustration.

A dot to the right of a note or rest means that the duration is extended by half of itself. For example, a quarter becomes a quarter and one eighth, half becomes a half and a quarter.

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A woman needs to be aware of the changes taking place inside her body, so it is important to be able to calculate your menstrual cycle. In youth, this will help prevent unwanted pregnancy, and subsequently make it possible to plan the desired conception.


Get a notebook, a regular pocket calendar, and train yourself to carefully mark the days when your period starts and ends. Anyone can use a notebook for this purpose, because there is no need to carry it with you - it can be at home. Speaking of calendars. You should not throw them away after a year, since these data will be useful to you throughout the entire reproductive period, and even in the postmenstrual period, during menopause. The fact is that all changes in the female body obey a certain rhythm, purely individual, and calendars for several years can always show what changes and in what period occurred.

So, the first menstrual day has come - this is the beginning, mark it on the calendar. The duration of bleeding usually ranges from 3 days to a week. At this time, part of the functional layer (the mucous layer lining the inner lining of the uterus) is brought out with blood and mucus. So the body prepares for the maturation of a new one.

Menstruation has stopped, mark the end of it on the calendar. Now the body, under the influence of pituitary hormones, will begin to grow follicles, so that later an egg can mature in one of them. At this time, it thickens and prepares for.

It is this ovulation period, in which only conception is possible, that you have to calculate based on the data of your individual rhythm calendar. What happens during ovulation? The mature egg is released from and travels to the uterus through the fallopian tube. She is completely ready for fertilization.

This is where a notepad comes in handy. Write down in it the features of your condition during the ovulation period (discharge of whitish mucus from the vagina, an increase in rectal temperature, etc.) in order to later know what the body demonstrates that it is ready for conception. On the eve of ovulation, the temperature drops, and the next day it rises by half a degree and lasts until the very menstruation. This is the second phase of the cycle, which normally lasts two weeks.

The ovulation period gives rise to the phase of the formation of the corpus luteum, which, if the egg is fertilized, will become the corpus luteum of pregnancy, and if it does not occur, it will be removed from the body as unnecessary during menstruation. Under the influence of progesterone (yellow body hormone), the endometrium is filled with secretion and thickens even more. The mammary glands at the same time increase, become dense and painful, and this is a normal phenomenon, so do not be afraid of it.

2-3 days before menstruation, so-called premenstrual symptoms may appear. They may or may not be - all these manifestations are very individual. Irritability, tearfulness, absent-mindedness and headaches, insomnia, heaviness in the lower abdomen and swelling - be sure to mark them. So you will know the reason for feeling unwell or unmotivated behavior and you can be patient for a couple of days, realizing that soon everything will pass by itself.

Regular periods appeared - mark them on the calendar - that's the cycle and ended (usually its duration is 28-30 days).

Helpful advice

Manage your calendar carefully. Thanks to this, you, firstly, will not be taken by surprise by menstruation; secondly, you will immediately notice the deviations (significant increase or decrease) of the cycle. This will help the doctor in determining the cause and treatment. Thirdly, knowing in advance when a new cycle is expected, do not miss the delay and do not delay the pregnancy, especially if it is undesirable for you. Fourth, keeping a calendar will help determine fertile days when you decide to have a baby. Fifthly, a stack of calendars and a notebook with notes will do you and your doctor a good service during menopause, although you hardly think about it now.


  • how to calculate cycle time

There are several ways to determine the time most favorable for conception. Since ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle, this will help calculate its duration - the period from the beginning of one period to the beginning of the next.


Use the calendar method. To calculate and find out on which days you are more likely to get pregnant, take data on the last three, and preferably six, for greater reliability. Determine the first auspicious day by subtracting 18 from the number of days of the shortest cycle, and the last from the number of days of the longest 11. For example, if within six months the shortest cycle was 27 days, and the longest - 30 days, then the best time for the possible will be the period from the 9th to the 19th day of the menstrual cycle (27-18=9; 30-11=19).

Measure your basal body temperature with a regular thermometer placed in your mouth, vagina, or rectum. Keep a small diary in which you write down the indicators for a month. On the day, you will certainly notice a sharp increase in basal temperature (usually at least 0.6 ° C). So, if you measured the temperature from the 1st to the 13th day of the cycle, and it ranged from 36 ° C to 36.6 ° C, and on the 14th it rose to 37.2 ° C, then this day and will be the day of ovulation. Until the end of the cycle, these indicators will remain unchanged, then they will again decrease to 36-36.6 ° C. The reliability of the indicators will directly depend on whether the night sleep preceded the measurements or not.

Due to the fact that the entrance to the woman's uterus is blocked by a mucous plug (cervical mucus), which remains thick until ovulation occurs, pay attention to the amount of vaginal discharge during the cycle. Usually in the first few days after ovulation there are much more of them than in the rest.

Acquire a personal microscope to determine the day of ovulation using the saliva crystallization method (“fern symptom”). Since there is a certain hormonal balance in the female body on this day, saliva, having dried on a piece of glass, crystallizes in the form of a fern leaf, which can be seen with a microscope.

Any industrial enterprise goes through a certain cycle of operating activity. It represents a period of time during which the necessary raw materials and materials are purchased, finished products are produced and sold.

You will need

  • - knowledge of financial analysis;
  • - calculator.


In production, the cycle begins with the moment of acquisition, receipt of raw materials both to the warehouse and to them, and ends with the sale of products to customers. The formula for its calculation is as follows: PPV = POm + POgp + POzPOm - the period of turnover of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products; POz - the period of turnover of work in progress, POgp - the period of turnover of stocks of finished products.

The financial cycle begins from the moment the funds are transferred to suppliers and ends when the money is paid for the shipped products. It represents the period of time during which the goods were produced and sold, and the period of circulation of receivables. Since the company usually pays off with suppliers not immediately after the sale of products, but with some delay, the duration of this cycle should be calculated as follows: PFC = PC + POdz - POkzPTs - the duration of the production cycle, POkz - the period of turnover of receivables POkz - the period of turnover of accounts payable

It is necessary to strive to reduce the operating and financial cycles. As a result, the funds invested in production will go through all its stages faster and will be able to make more turns. As a result, the enterprise will have free money at its disposal, which it can direct to expand production, improve it, or for other purposes. This can be achieved by reducing the period of storage of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products, reducing the duration of the process of manufacturing products and storing them in a warehouse.

The menstrual cycle is regular bleeding from the uterus in women who have reached puberty. Women should monitor the regularity of menstruation and the duration of the cycle, the simplest calendar can help with this.

Why you need to count the days of menstruation

In the course of the mature egg moves through the fallopian tubes to. If fertilization does not occur, it is removed from the body along with the blood and uterine mucosa. Contribute to uterine contractions hormones, they cause spasms of blood vessels. Physiological processes in a woman's body are inextricably linked with the menstrual cycle: the peak occurs during PMS (premenstrual syndrome), and the decline occurs during. These changes are observed even in healthy people: their body temperature changes, the activity of the thyroid gland, the structure of the mammary glands, breathing and blood pressure change. Normally, the first come in 12-14 years. Earlier and later periods indicate problems in the body.

Before menstruation, many women suffer from sudden mood swings, general malaise, irritability.

A woman has to keep track of her menstrual cycle for many reasons, for example, so that her period does not catch her by surprise. For women planning pregnancy, a calendar for conception. If pregnancy is not included in the plans, this calendar will help her: abstinence during the period of ovulation from unprotected sexual intercourse is one of the safest methods of contraception for women's health. If a woman constantly maintains such a calendar and monitors the duration of the cycle, delays or early onset of menstruation will not go unnoticed. This will allow you to see a doctor in time to avoid more serious problems.

How to count the days of menstruation

The best way to keep a menstrual calendar is to record the date when the bleeding begins, as this will be the first day of the cycle. When the dates of two cycles are marked, the number of days between them is counted. It will be correct to count from the day when the first cycle began, until the day before the next menstruation (inclusive). You also need to fix the dates of the end of bleeding. Normally, periods should last three to seven days.

Ideally, the menstrual cycle corresponds to the lunar cycle and is 28 days.

On average, the menstrual cycle can last 28-35 days. If menstruation occurs more often than once every twenty-one days, or less often than after thirty-five days, or if their duration does not correspond to the norm, this is considered a pathology that requires a visit to a gynecologist. If the examination and analyzes did not show the presence of the disease, the violation of the cycle may have been caused by temporary circumstances. Emotional overload, stress, overwork can delay or shorten the periods of menstruation.

Hello Polina.

The duration of the menstrual cycle in a woman is one of its important characteristics, which can indicate the state of her health. To begin with, it is worth saying what is the norm for a woman.

Normal length of a woman's menstrual cycle

In general, the cycle is divided into 2 phases, in the first of which the maturation of the dominant follicle containing the egg occurs. During this period, sex hormones such as estrogens predominate in the female body. This phase ends with ovulation, i.e. rupture of the follicle and the release of an egg ready for conception. After that, the body increases the production of progesterone, as a result of which the uterus prepares to receive a fertilized egg, and a corpus luteum forms in place of the ruptured follicle. If conception does not occur, then the corpus luteum regresses, the endometrial layer is rejected, i.e. a woman begins menstruation, and with it a new menstrual cycle.

The normal duration of the first phase of the menstrual cycle is from 10 to 16 days, and the second - from 12 to 16 days. That is why doctors consider it normal when the duration of the menstrual cycle is from 21 to 35 days. However, it is worth noting here that in most cases the duration of the second phase of the cycle is relatively constant, i.e. the menstrual cycle can fluctuate mainly due to the maturation phase of the follicle.

The formation of a constant menstrual cycle occurs in the first 2 - 3 years after the onset of menstruation. At this time, in girls, the cycle may be irregular, because the hormonal background in the body is becoming established. After the duration of the menstrual cycle has stabilized, only slight fluctuations, not exceeding +/- 5 days, are considered the norm, which is associated with a natural fluctuation in the level of sex hormones in the body. If the length of the menstrual cycle is far from normal, then this is an alarming sign, which is the reason for contacting a gynecologist.

Lengthening of the menstrual cycle

One of the pathologies that relate to the duration of a woman's menstrual cycle is an increase in the duration of the menstrual cycle, or, as this condition is also called, opsomenorrhea. This can be said in cases where the cycle exceeds 35 days. If this happens rarely, for example, once a year, then there is nothing to worry about, most likely. The alarm must be beaten if the long duration of the menstrual cycle has become constant.

Why does the menstrual cycle get long?

There can be many reasons for such irregularities in the menstrual cycle, for example:

  1. Hormonal disorders. Various endocrine pathologies can lead to this, for example, diseases of the thyroid gland and organs of internal secretion;
  2. Chronic diseases leading to metabolic disorders, liver diseases;
  3. Various pathologies of the ovaries;
  4. Infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  5. Chronic diseases of the uterus;
  6. Endometriosis, endometrial polyps;
  7. Tumors of the uterus and ovaries;
  8. Uterine bleeding;
  9. Climate change, nervous experiences, overwork of the body;
  10. Sudden changes in diet and lifestyle, diet;
  11. genetic predisposition.

Very often, operations on the uterus and ovaries, abortions, etc. lead to an increase in the duration of the menstrual cycle.

How does opsomenorrhea manifest?

Its main manifestation is an increase in the duration of the menstrual cycle. At the same time, in some women, menstruation becomes not only rare, but also scarce. Many note an increase in body weight, a violation of fat metabolism, the appearance of acne on the face, chest and back. Often, masculine traits begin to appear in appearance. Very often, opsomenorrhea leads to women having problems conceiving.

What to do if the duration of the menstrual cycle has increased?

In adolescence, when the formation of the hormonal background in the female body occurs, the menstrual cycle is not always regular. Many note long delays in menstruation, or menstruation occurs regularly, but rarely. This is considered normal for 2 to 3 years after the start of the first menstruation.

However, even at this age, it should not be ruled out that any pathological processes in the body become the causes of a long menstrual cycle. That is why a mandatory visit to the doctor and an examination are necessary, during which, most likely, you will have to take blood tests (including for sex hormones), a vaginal smear for the presence of pathogenic microflora, undergo ultrasound, etc.

An important role in diagnosing the causes of menstrual irregularities is the progesterone test. If necessary, the doctor prescribes treatment, which in most cases involves taking vitamins C, E, folic acid and hormonal drugs, although in some cases only the selection of a special balanced diet helps. In cases where drug therapy does not help, surgery may be prescribed, for example, to remove endometrial polyps, ovarian cysts, etc.

All women sooner or later ask themselves the question of what should be the cycle of menstruation, the rate of its course and what to do if there are deviations. The fact is that menstruation accompanies sexually mature women almost all their lives. Moreover, it is its normal course that ensures the proper functioning of the reproductive organs, hormonal levels and other vital processes. Therefore, it is very important to understand the seriousness of this aspect and be very wary of any, even the most seemingly insignificant deviations from the norm.

General definitions

The menstrual cycle is a periodic process that occurs in the female body and is characterized by changes in the genitals in order to be able to conceive. With the advent of menstruation, girls become sexually mature. This usually occurs between the ages of 11 and 14. At first, menstruation can be irregular, and a normal menstrual cycle is established after a few years and lasts almost until the end of the childbearing period - 40-50 years. The cycle is usually divided into phases that correspond to changes in the ovaries:

  1. 1. Menstrual - from 3 to 7 days, characterized by bleeding from the genital organs, namely from the uterine cavity. During this period, the endometrium is rejected, to which a fertilized egg is attached during pregnancy.
  2. 2. Follicular - an average of 14 days, begins simultaneously with the menstrual phase. During this period, the renewal of the endometrium begins and a special component is formed in the ovaries, which is called the follicle. It is in it that the egg matures.
  3. 3. Ovulatory - 3 days, characterized by the exit from the follicle under the action of hormones of a mature and ready for fertilization egg. This process is called ovulation. Very often, some women during this period may experience pain in the lower abdomen.
  4. 4. Luteal - from 11 to 16 days, characterized by the active production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. They are responsible for preparing the whole body for pregnancy. This phase is accompanied by the so-called premenstrual syndrome, during which women feel pain in the lower abdomen, increased appetite, mood swings and pain in the swollen mammary glands.

What should be the norm?

The healthy functioning of the female body directly depends on the normal course of menstruation and the formation of their cycle. Any deviation can have a detrimental effect not only on a woman's ability to become a mother, but also on her health in general. That is why it is very important to pay due attention to all issues related to menstruation and their course. Determine how menstruation corresponds to the norm, according to such features as the frequency, duration and amount of discharge. Menstruation is normal, which lasts not 1 calendar day, but from 3 to 7. Conventionally, blood loss from 40 to 60 mg is considered normal. And the frequency is determined just by the menstrual cycle.

It is generally accepted that the average normal cycle length is 28 days. But as practice shows, it is present in no more than 20% of the female representatives. Therefore, scientists came to the conclusion that its duration may well range from 21 to 45 days. This is an individual feature of every woman. In addition, in adolescence, when the cycle has not yet fully formed, this period can reach up to 45 days. At a more mature age, starting from the age of 40, it will, on the contrary, decrease, lose its regularity. The most stable cycle occurs between the ages of 25 and 35 years. In this period, the norm is from 25 to 35 days.

What are the deviations?

As practice shows, at least 20 days must pass between periods, otherwise such a menstrual cycle is considered too short. Conversely, the interval between periods of 45 to 90 days is too long. Moreover, their absence for more than 90 days is a very serious and dangerous pathology, of course, if it concerns women of the childbearing period. It is important to understand that a normal cycle is not the arrival of menstruation on the same day of each month. The regularity of menstruation means that a certain number of days are observed between the previous and upcoming critical days.

There are the following types of deviations of the menstrual cycle:

  1. 1. Algodysmenorrhea is a condition during menstruation, which is accompanied by aching or contraction-like pain in the lower abdomen and back. During this period, there are severe headaches, general weakness, impaired stool and nausea. All these symptoms last for 2 days and do not stop after the birth of the child.
  2. 2. Dysmenorrhea is a condition in which the regularity of critical days is disturbed, there can be both a delay and their premature appearance. Most often, dysmenorrhea appears during acclimatization and goes away on its own.
  3. 3. Oligomenorrhea - a condition in which menstruation becomes a rare occurrence, the ability to become pregnant is significantly reduced. A person notices the appearance of excess hair and weight. All of these symptoms can lead to polycystic ovaries.
  4. 4. Metrorrhagia - bleeding that occurs between periods. They are not accompanied by any other symptoms or pain, so they are often ignored. But this may indicate the development of very serious pathologies, such as fibroids, adenomas, polyps, malignant tumors, abnormalities in the thyroid gland, blood clotting, etc.
  5. 5. Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation for more than 6 months. It can either have natural physiological causes (pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause), or be a dangerous symptom of oncological, mental and cardiovascular diseases.

Causes of violations

Various reasons can lead to irregular menstruation.

Absolutely every woman should know what menstruation is. All women sooner or later have to deal with this term.


A woman's menstrual cycle is normally four weeks. This time period can shift in one direction or another for about a week, all this is considered a variant of a normal cycle.


The female cycle begins with the fact that the uterus, under the influence of secreted hormones, rejects the layer of the grown endometrium, and it pours out in the form of blood. Immediately after the end of the discharge, the production of estrogens and follicle-stimulating hormone begins. Under their action, the follicle grows and increases in size, and a new layer of the endometrium is formed.

Around the middle of the cycle, the mature follicle bursts, and an egg is released from it, which is waiting for a meeting with a male cell for conception. The growth of the endometrium at this time does not stop, but slows down significantly. The female cell makes its way through the fallopian tubes, moving towards the uterus. At this point in time, the active production of progesterone begins - a hormone that, in the event of pregnancy, will support its normal development.

If the spermatozoon performs fertilization, then a zygote is formed, which is attached to the grown endometrium, and pregnancy begins to progress.

If conception does not occur, then the female cell dies, and after a while, the production of progesterone stops, and the next menstruation comes.

First menstruation cycle

The very first bloody discharge from the genital tract of a girl is observed at the age of 10 to 18 years. Their arrival too early or late may indicate an existing hormonal imbalance or other developmental abnormalities.

The first cycle of menstruation can be non-standard, the discharge can be very scarce and end quickly. So, the next menstruation can occur only a few months after the first. Do not worry too much about this, this is all a variant of the norm. Over time, the cycle will be established and become regular.

Many girls who experience their period for the first time are wondering if there is a way to calculate the cycle of menstruation that appeared for the first time and find out when the next ones will begin. Even scientists and experienced gynecologists will not give you an answer to it. For some girls, the cycle is established immediately, and for some it is necessary to wait for quite a long time.

It is worth noting that under comfortable living conditions for a girl, with good nutrition and the necessary physical development, menstruation begins much earlier than for those who live far from civilization and do not receive the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Calculate the cycle of menstruation

If you can correctly figure out the date of the next period and the approximate day of ovulation, then you can assume that you know your body very well. However, the female hormonal background is very changeable, even minor stresses, worries or a common cold can affect it. And yet try to calculate the cycle of menstruation.

Remember when was the first day of your cycle. Many women mistakenly believe that the day when the bleeding ended is considered the beginning. This is an absolutely wrong opinion. If you stick to it, you will never be able to correctly calculate your period.

The cycle begins its countdown from the very first day of spotting from the genital tract. Even if on the first day menstruation is scanty and looks more like a “daub”, it is still considered to be the beginning of a new female time period.

So, now you know what to take for the first day of the cycle. Next, you need to calculate its average length. To do this, remember the last three months and count how much time has passed from the first day of one period to the beginning of others in each of them. Sum these values ​​and divide by three. You will get the average number of days, which is the length of your menstrual cycle. Now add the number of days to the first day of your last bleeding. The number you get will be the approximate day the next cycle starts.


It happens that, having calculated the approximate date of the next menstruation, you have not found the arrival of menstruation. The very first assumption that a delay in the monthly cycle suggests is pregnancy. In order to get a reliable answer, you need to purchase a test at a pharmacy kiosk. It is he who will help at home to confirm or deny the presence of pregnancy. If you received a positive response, you should contact the doctor for registration and further monitoring of your condition and the development of the unborn child.

Upon receipt of a negative result, it is also worth visiting a doctor, but already in order to find out the reason for the absence of another bleeding. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe some examinations for you, after which he will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Do not neglect your health and hope that the cycle will begin by itself, you just have to wait. Such an opinion can turn into big complications in the future. That is why it is so important to know how to count the cycle of menstruation, and do it regularly.

Early arrival of menstruation

Quite often, girls can find themselves with minor spotting during the period of ovulation. Many of the fair sex take them for menstruation in the middle of the cycle and start counting a new time period. This is not entirely correct.

At the moment of rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg from it, the smallest vessels can be damaged. This blood has to go somewhere, and it finds its way out. Women, seeing red discharge, believe that menstruation has come. But two weeks later, normal menstruation begins, and then the ladies run in a panic to the doctor with a statement that their cycle duration is only 10-14 days.

Every girl should monitor her menstrual cycle and be able to calculate it. This is what doctors strongly recommend to do. By doing this, you will not only simplify their work, but also make your own life much more comfortable.

With a delay, do not expect a miracle and the independent arrival of menstruation, contact a gynecologist for advice. Otherwise, you risk earning serious complications.

With frequent jumps in the duration of the cycle, an examination by a doctor is also necessary.


From the foregoing, we can conclude: it will not be difficult for any girl to calculate her monthly period. If you know your menstrual cycle to the day, you will have significant advantages. You will know what to expect tomorrow, and you will not get into awkward situations due to the surprises of the female body.

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