What kind of medicine is Cortexin injections? Nootropic drug Cortexin

Cortexin– a polypeptide agent with optimal, balanced composition polypeptides and neurotransmitters, which have a tissue-specific effect on the cerebral cortex. The drug reduces toxic effects neurotropic substances, improves the learning ability of patients, increases cognitive abilities (nootropic effect), activates reparative processes in the central nervous system. It also has anticonvulsant and cerebroprotective effects. Cortexin promotes rapid recovery functions of the central nervous system after stressful influences.

Cortexin normalizes the ratio of excitatory and inhibitory amino acids in the brain, regulates the content of dopamine and serotonin. Other mechanisms of action are restoration of the bioelectrical activity of brain cells, influence on oxidative stress(antioxidant effect) and GABAergic effect.
Pharmacokinetic parameters cannot be determined, since the L-amino acids and neuropeptides included in the drug have an average half-life of about 3 minutes, which makes it impossible to determine the absorption, excretion and distribution of peptide residues.

Indications for use

· Neuroinfections (bacterial and viral),
· violation cerebral circulation,
· traumatic brain injury,
· encephalopathy of various etiologies,
· asthenic syndrome,
· V complex therapy encephalitis and encephalomyelitis (acute and chronic forms),
epilepsy (as part of complex therapy),
suprasegmental autonomic disorders,
Impaired thinking, memory, decreased learning ability,
· children's cerebral palsy,
· delayed speech and psychomotor development in childhood.

Directions for use

Designed for intramuscular injection. The contents of 1 bottle are dissolved in 1-2 ml of solvent before administration. As a solvent, you can use water for injection, or 0.9% sodium chloride solution, or 0.5% procaine solution. Administer 10 mg once daily to adults for a course of 5-10 days. In pediatrics: children weighing more than 20 kg – adult dosage, children up to 20 kg (can be prescribed from the first days of life) – 5 mg 1 time per day. The course of treatment is 5-10 days. If necessary, a course of introductions cortexin can be repeated after 1-6 months.

Side effects

Hypersensitivity reactions are possible (rare).


If there is a history of allergic reactions to cortexin and other components of the drug.


Contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Interaction with other drugs

Used in complex therapy. There were no reports of adverse interactions.


Clinical picture of overdose cortexin not described.

Release form

Lyophilized powder in 10 mg bottles. Intended for preparing a solution for intramuscular administration.

Storage conditions

In a place protected from moisture, at a temperature of 2-10°C.


Active Ingredient: cortexin.
Others: glycine.


The drug does not affect psychomotor reactions, so it can be prescribed to drivers and people working with complex technology.

Basic parameters

ATX code: N06BX20 -

To improve brain activity, activate metabolic processes in brain tissue and eliminate various neurological pathologies, children are often prescribed nootropic medications. One of them is a drug from the domestic pharmaceutical company Geropharm, called Cortexin. When is it prescribed to a child and how to properly treat children with this medication?

Release form and composition

Cortexin is available in pharmacies in only one form - injectable. It is sold in boxes containing 10 glass bottles containing white or yellowish-white powder (lyophilisate). It may also appear as a porous, homogeneous yellowish or white mass.

The main ingredient of such a powder is polypeptide fractions, the molecular weight of which does not exceed 10 thousand Da. Such protein molecules with small length and mass are a water-soluble complex and are also called cortexin. Their quantity in one bottle can be 5 mg or 10 mg. These polypeptides are extracted from the brain of pigs or large cattle(from bark).

Glycine is added to the medication as a stabilizer. Its dosage is 6 mg in bottles with 5 mg of the active complex (in total the drug contains 11 mg, and the volume of the bottle is 3 ml) and 12 mg in the drug with 10 mg of cortexin (in total there is 22 mg of powder inside, and the volume of the bottle is 5 ml) .

Operating principle

After injection, low molecular weight protein molecules of Cortexin pass through the blood-brain barrier and have the following effect on the brain:

  • Both nerve cells and neurotrophic factors are stimulated, due to which information is transmitted better and faster along the fibers, and the balance of excitatory and inhibitory mediators is normalized.
  • They protect neurons from various damaging factors, for example, from hypoxia, free radicals or calcium ions. This therapeutic effect of the drug is called cerebro- or neuroprotective. It makes nerve cells more resistant to any external influences, including stressful situations and taking various psychotropic medications.
  • They activate metabolic processes in brain tissue and accelerate the recovery of nerve cells, resulting in improved overall tone and central nervous system functions.
  • Have a positive effect on learning abilities new material and work. This is the action that is called nootropic. It consists in improving the functions of thinking, among which attention and memory are especially important.
  • Reduce convulsive activity in cases of brain tissue damage. Thanks to this effect, the use of Cortexin helps prevent the occurrence of seizures.
  • They slow down oxidative processes in brain cells, that is, they act as an antioxidant.


Cortexin in childhood is prescribed:

  • For traumatic brain injuries or to eliminate their consequences.
  • For encephalitis or encephalomyelitis.
  • With speech delay.
  • For epilepsy.
  • For neuroinfections caused by viruses or bacteria.
  • With delayed psychomotor development.
  • For circulatory disorders in the brain.
  • For encephalopathy.
  • With hydrocephalic syndrome.
  • For problems with memory or attention.
  • With asthenia.
  • For children with cerebral palsy.

At what age is it allowed?

Cortexin can be prescribed to children of any age, including infants of the first year of life. This remedy is used even in premature infants, if there are serious indications for this, for example, with birth trauma, neuroinfection or hypoxia during childbirth.


The drug is not used in children with intolerance to its components. There are no other contraindications for this medicine. However, if your baby gets sick during the course of therapy, you should definitely consult a doctor and discuss stopping the medication. As a rule, for colds, flu and other acute respiratory viral infections, injections are not given, but treatment is postponed until the child has fully recovered.

Side effects

Sometimes treatment with Cortexin provokes allergic reaction, such as a rash or itchy skin. If the injection site turns red, rashes appear, or the child complains of pain and burning, you should show the baby to a doctor.

Instructions for use

Cortexin is administered only intramuscularly. Before injecting, the lyophilisate must be diluted. The powder is diluted immediately before the injection. For this purpose, use sterile water intended for injection, as well as sterile saline solution.

The medication can also be diluted with a 0.5% solution of novocaine, but this solvent is used much less frequently. Although it reduces the pain of the procedure, when diluted with an anesthetic, the therapeutic effect of Cortexin decreases, and the risk of an allergy to the injection increases. For this reason, the use of novocaine is recommended only if the child has a hard time with the injections and they are very painful for him, and if the child is allergic to novocaine little patient absent.

To dilute Cortexin, you must first draw up 1-2 ml of solvent with a sterile syringe, then remove the foil from the lyophilisate bottle and pierce the rubber stopper. Next, the solvent should be carefully released into the bottle so that foam does not form (to do this, it is recommended to direct the liquid stream towards the wall so that the solvent slowly flows onto the powder).

Having released all the water or saline solution and without removing the needle, you need to gently shake the bottle until the powder is completely dissolved. As soon as the solution becomes homogeneous and transparent, it is drawn back with the same syringe, and then an intramuscular injection is performed.

It is important to remember that for one injection the entire lyophilisate is diluted, and then the required volume of medication is collected. Dividing the powder into parts and then diluting only one of them is unacceptable.

The medication is recommended to be injected into the muscles of the shoulder or thigh. To reduce pain, the injection should be performed with a thin needle and the medicine should be injected very slowly. The next injection is given at least 1 cm away from the previous one.


  • For babies weighing up to 20 kg, the dose should be calculated by weight. To do this, the number of kilograms is multiplied by 0.5, for example, if a child weighs 8 kg at 10 months, then he needs 8x0.5 = 4 mg of cortexin per day. For such a baby, take bottles with 5 mg of the active ingredient, dilute with 2 ml of water for injection and administer 1.6 ml of the finished medicine to the baby (it is from this amount that the baby will receive 4 mg of the active complex). If the medication is diluted with 1 ml of saline solution or sterile water, then the child needs to be given 0.8 ml. The remainder of the drug is discarded.
  • For a child weighing more than 20 kg, Cortexin is prescribed 10 mg per day. One bottle with this content of the active complex is diluted with 1 ml of water for injection or saline solution.
  • The drug is administered once daily for ten days. It is recommended to give the injection in the first half of the day, because the medication has a stimulating effect. After a 10-day course of treatment, a break is taken for 3-6 months, after which the therapy can be repeated.
  • For stroke, 2 injections of 10 mg are given daily. One of them is done in the morning, and the second - at daytime, since an injection given in the evening may interfere with falling asleep.
  • If for some reason the injection was missed, the next day there is no need to administer the drug at a double dose. In such a situation, the course is extended so that there are 10 injections in total.


During the entire period of use of the medication in children, no cases of overdose were registered.

Drug interactions

Cortexin does not have any negative effect on other medications, so it can be used in conjunction with various medications. In this case, the drug cannot be mixed in the same syringe with any other solutions other than approved solvents. If several injections are prescribed, they should be administered as separate injections.

Terms of sale and storage

Purchasing Cortexin in pharmacies is possible only if you have a prescription for such a medication obtained from a pediatrician, neurologist or other specialist. Average price 10 ampoules containing 10 mg of the active compound cost 1,200 rubles. Separately, you should purchase a package with 1-2 ml ampoules of saline solution or water for injection.

It is recommended to keep the box with bottles at home at a temperature below +25 degrees in a place where the product will be hidden from sun rays and inaccessible to children. The shelf life of sealed bottles with powder is 3 years from the date of manufacture. The diluted medicine can be stored for no longer than 20 minutes. If, for any reason, more time has passed after mixing with the solvent, the syringe with the drug must be thrown away, and then diluted and the lyophilisate drawn from a new bottle.


There are a lot of stories about the treatment of children with Cortexin. good reviews. In them, mothers note that after a course of injections, the child speaks better, easily memorizes poetry, remembers new information, becomes less nervous, expands his vocabulary. In the smallest children, the medicine accelerates motor development. According to parents, after injections, babies quickly learn to roll over on their tummy, sit, stand up, hold a spoon, master crawling, and so on.

When treating schoolchildren, mothers confirm positive impact Cortexin on thinking, attention and memory. In children of this age, the drug effectively helps with low learning ability, difficulties with learning material, and problems with speech. Doctors also emphasize that injections help eliminate the negative effects of stress, hypoxia, trauma and other factors on the brain. However, many doctors, including Komarovsky, classify Cortexin and other nootropics as medications whose effectiveness has not been proven.

The medicine is well tolerated by most young patients. Local reactions to injections occur very rarely and often when the powder is diluted with novocaine. IN negative reviews complain about the high cost of treatment, severe pain injections, and in some children the absence of any positive influence on the nervous system. Also, many parents do not like that the product is released only in injection form, so they choose analogues in tablets.


Instead of Cortexin, children may be prescribed other drugs with similar therapeutic effects:

  • Cogitum. This medicine in the form of a sweet banana solution in ampoules is in demand for cerebral cancer, asthenia, perinatal damage to the central nervous system, neuroses and other problems. It is prescribed from the age of 7.
  • Cerebrolysin. The effect of this medicine in ampoules for intravenous or intramuscular injections Provided with peptides that are obtained from the brain of pigs. The drug is used in children with traumatic brain injuries, organic or metabolic diseases of the brain. It is prescribed to children at any age if there are indications for it.
  • Aminalon. Such coated tablets act thanks to gamma-aminobutyric acid. They are prescribed for problems with attention, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, depression, drowsiness, motion sickness, prescribing to children older than one year.

Latin name: Cortexin
ATX code: N06BX
Active ingredient: Polypeptides
cattle cerebral cortex
Manufacturer: Geropharm, Russia
Dispensing from the pharmacy: By prescription
Storage conditions: t from 2 to 20 C
Best before date: 3 years.

Under the influence of Cortexin, activation of regulatory peptides is observed. The drug has a pronounced nootropic, neuroprotective and strong antioxidant effect.

Indications for use

The use of a medicine such as Cortexin is indicated for:

  • NS ailments caused by viruses and bacteria
  • Brain pathologies of vascular origin
  • A number of conditions characterized by impaired cerebral circulation
  • Rehabilitation period after TBI
  • Diagnosing cerebral autonomic disorders
  • Signs of diffuse brain tissue damage syndrome of various origins.

The drug can be used with other means for complex treatment epileptic seizures, various inflammatory diseases of the brain and spinal cord.

For children, drugs are prescribed for memory and thinking disorders, and a decrease in the level of information perception. The drug is effective for cerebral palsy, inhibition of speech and general psychomotor development.

Composition and release forms

Cortexin (injections) contains a complex of specific polypeptide fractions that are highly soluble in water. In 1 fl. contains 5 or 10 mg of this substance. The description of the drug indicates that the lyophilisate contains another component - glycine.

Cortexin for children and adults is presented as a lyophilized powdery or porous mass of a milky or creamy shade. The medicine is dispensed in bottles of 3 ml and 5 ml; inside the pack there are 10 bottles with lyophilisate.

It is worth noting that Cortexin is not currently produced in tablets.

Medicinal properties

The drug Cortexin is a whole complex of various polypeptides that are highly soluble in water.

Water-soluble polypeptides pass through the blood-brain barrier and then reach the nerve cells. The drug has a nootropic, tissue-specific, antioxidant, as well as a pronounced neuroprotective effect.

The nootopic effect is manifested by improved brain function, increased perception and reproduction of information, and normalized memorability. This increases the body's resistance to stress.

Antioxidant activity is manifested by stopping fat peroxidation inside nerve cells. In addition, the drug helps to increase the viability of the neurons themselves in the event of impaired oxygen supply or oxidative stress.

The tissue-specific effect is due to the activation of nerve cell metabolism in the peripheral nervous system and central nervous system, acceleration recovery processes. The drug normalizes the tone of the nervous system and is prescribed for diseases of the brain, as it normalizes its functioning.

The neuroprotective effect is manifested in the formation of specific protection of nerve cells from possible defeat endogenous neurotoxic factors, while significantly reducing negative impact various psychotropic drugs.

The mechanism of action is based on the activation of peptides of nerve cells, as well as a number of neurotrophic factors, while optimizing the balance of both inhibitory and stimulating amino acids, serotonin, and dopamine. Under the influence of active substances, the indicator of convulsive activity of brain cells decreases, and BEA is normalized. The drug prevents the formation of free radicals.

At the moment, it has not been possible to identify the pharmacokinetic properties of the drug, since the duration of the decay period of the components of Cortexin, optically active amino acids, and neuropeptides is about 3 minutes. That is why it is not possible to determine the rate, as well as the level of absorption of peptide components, and their possible distribution.

Cortexin: complete instructions for use

Price: from 684 to 1388 rubles.

The drugs are administered only intramuscularly.

How to properly dilute lyophilisate

Before use, the powder mixture in the bottle will need to be dissolved with prepared water, novocaine solution or 0.9% saline solution to the required volume. It must be remembered that the needle must be directed directly to the wall of the bottle, thus preventing the formation of small bubbles in the injection solution.

The drug is administered once a day. Cortexin is administered to adults at a dosage of 10 mg over the next 10 days.

If necessary, repeat treatment course after 3-6 months. When diagnosing hemispheric ischemic stroke, inject the medicine at a dose of 10 mg. It is worth noting that the course of application is 10 days, then a repeat course is indicated after 10 days.

How to inject drugs into a child

The medicine can be injected into Decam from birth.

After diluting the lyophilisate with water or saline, shake the bottle thoroughly and draw the prepared solution into a disposable syringe.

The drug will need to be administered as slowly as possible; rapid administration may cause pain.

Children up to 6 months. IM administration of the drug is carried out in the front of the thigh, thus preventing accidental damage to the sciatic nerve.

For young children, injections are given using a solution of saline or water. It is worth noting that injections with Novacaine are not so painful, but they can only be done if there is no allergic reaction to it.

Like other neurometabolic drugs, it is preferable to inject Cortexin during the first half of the day, as it can have an activating effect and cause psychomotor agitation.

Cortexin for children weighing up to 20 kg (including infants): administration of drugs should be carried out in a dosage of 0.5 mg of drugs per 1 kg; for a body weight exceeding 20 kg, a drug dosage of 10 mg is indicated. Treatment with Cortexin lasts 10 days, and after the course you will need to conduct an examination to determine the effectiveness of therapy.

Contraindications and precautions

Before injecting medicine into a child or adult after dilution, you should make sure there is increased sensitivity to the components or not.

The medicine should be used only on the recommendation of the attending physician.

You cannot use a 0.5% solution of procaine to make an injection solution.

The finished medicine cannot be saved for later use. The drugs are not mixed with other solutions.

If you miss the next injection, you should not administer a double dosage of the drug; it is recommended to inject it as usual, according to the regimen prescribed by your doctor.

The drug does not affect the ability to operate precision machinery or vehicles.

Cross-drug interactions

Medicines cannot be used simultaneously with drugs that have a peptide structure.

Side effects

Most common adverse reactions are allergic manifestations, which are associated primarily with increased susceptibility to the components of the lyophilisate.


Cases of overdose with Cortexin have not been reported.


You can replace Cortexin with analogues; your doctor will help you choose both cheaper and more expensive substitute drugs. It must be taken into account that the drug is prescribed taking into account the type of disease and the nature of the pathological process.

EVER Neuro Pharma, Austria

Price from 1007 to 3680 rub.

The drug has a specific effect on neurometabolic processes that occur in the brain. The main component is a peptide complex, which is obtained from raw materials of animal origin - pig brain. Cerebrolysin is indicated for use in cases of head injury, the development of pathologies after a stroke, and NS disorders. It is made in the form of a solution for giving injections.


  • Indicated for mental disorders
  • Used in pediatrics
  • Improves higher brain functions.


  • Not prescribed for epilepsy
  • Shortness of breath may occur during treatment
  • Possible increased seizure activity.

Microgen, Russia

Price from 229 to 552 rub.

Cerebrolysate is a nootropic agent that increases the brain's resistance to hypoxia, normalizes memorability and perception of information, and helps normalize metabolic processes. The therapeutic effect is ensured due to the manifestation of properties active component, namely bovine brain hydrolysate. Prescribed for encephalopathy, myelopathy, neutropathy, ischemic stroke. Cerebrolysate is produced in the form of a solution for injection.


  • Improves general condition after hemorrhagic stroke
  • The drug is used in neuropediatric practice
  • Allows you to improve cognitive abilities.


  • Not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women
  • Should not be carried out combined use with antidepressants
  • Use with caution for epilepsy.

Biologische Heilmittel Heel, Germany

Price from 742 to 17098 rub.

Phyto-based drugs regulate metabolic processes. It is recommended for use in cases of neurological disorders, hypovitaminosis, and joint pathologies. Included medicinal solution includes plant coenzymes and ascorbic acid.


  • Eliminates tissue hypoxia
  • Activates protective reserves
  • Shows antioxidant properties.


  • To achieve visible therapeutic effect recommended for use in combination with other drugs
  • Expensive
  • Local swelling may occur after the injection.

Ferrer International, Spain

Price from 618 to 1855 rub.

The drug helps eliminate the observed cognitive impairment and stimulates the process of restoration of damaged brain tissue after a stroke. The mechanism of action of the drug is due to the specific properties of the main component - citicoline. Ceraxon is recommended for use in complex therapy for vascular disorders brain, to speed up recovery after TBI. The release form of Ceraxon is a solution.



  • May cause hallucinations
  • Should not be used concomitantly with medications containing meclofenoxate
  • Contraindicated in case of fructose intolerance.

Registration number:

P N003862/02

Trade name:


Group name:

polypeptides of the cerebral cortex of cattle.

Dosage form:

lyophilisate for preparing a solution for intramuscular administration.


One bottle contains:
active substance - Cortexin 10 mg (complex of water-soluble polypeptide fractions),
excipient- glycine 12 mg (stabilizer).


Lyophilized powder or porous mass of white or white with a yellowish tint.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

nootropic agent.

ATX code:



Cortexin is a complex of water-soluble polypeptide fractions with molecular weight no more than 10,000 Yes.

Pharmacological action

Cortexin® contains a complex of low molecular weight, water-soluble polypeptide fractions that penetrate the blood-brain barrier directly to nerve cells. The drug has nootropic, neuroprotective, antioxidant and tissue-specific effects.

Nootropic - improves higher functions brain, learning and memory processes, concentration, resistance to various stressful influences.

Neuroprotective - protects neurons from damage by various endogenous neurotoxic factors (glutamate, calcium ions, free radicals), reduces the toxic effects of psychotropic substances.

Antioxidant - inhibits lipid peroxidation in neurons, increases the survival of neurons under conditions of oxidative stress and hypoxia.

Tissue-specific - activates the metabolism of neurons of the central and peripheral nervous system, reparative processes, helps improve the functions of the cerebral cortex and the general tone of the nervous system.

Mechanism of action medicinal product Cortexin® is caused by the activation of neuronal peptides and neurotrophic factors of the brain; optimization of the balance of metabolism of excitatory and inhibitory amino acids, dopamine, serotonin; GABAergic effects; a decrease in the level of paroxysmal convulsive activity of the brain, the ability to improve its bioelectrical activity; preventing the formation of free radicals (products of lipid peroxidation).

The composition of the drug Cortexin®, the active substance of which is a complex of polypeptide fractions, does not allow for conventional pharmacokinetic analysis of individual components.

Indications for use

In the complex treatment of cerebrovascular disorders, traumatic brain injury and its consequences, encephalopathies of various origins, cognitive impairment (memory and thinking disorders), acute and chronic encephalitis and encephalomyelitis, epilepsy, asthenic conditions (suprasegmental autonomic disorders), reduced learning ability, psychomotor delays and speech development in children, various forms cerebral palsy.


Individual intolerance to the drug.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy (due to lack of data clinical trials). If necessary, the use of the drug during lactation should be discontinued. breast-feeding(due to lack of clinical trial data).

Directions for use and doses

The drug is administered intramuscularly.

Before injection, the contents of the bottle are dissolved in 1-2 ml of 0.5% solution of procaine (novocaine), water for injection or 0.9% sodium chloride solution (directing the needle towards the wall of the bottle to avoid foaming) and administered once daily: adults at a dose of 10 mg for 10 days; children with body weight up to 20 kg at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg, with body weight over 20 kg at a dose of 10 mg for 10 days.

If necessary, repeat the course after 3-6 months.

For hemispheric ischemic stroke in acute and early recovery periods adults at a dose of 10 mg 2 times a day (morning and afternoon) for 10 days, with a repeat course after 10 days.

Possible adverse reactions

Next unwanted reactions, observed during clinical application, are listed below in accordance with the system-organ classification, in descending order of frequency of occurrence: very often (≥1/10), often (≥1/100, but<1/10), нечасто (≥1/1 000, но <1/100), редко (≥1/10 000, но <1/1 000), очень редко (<1/10 000).


Currently, no cases of drug overdose have been reported.

Interaction with other drugs

The use of the local anesthetic lidocaine as a solvent for preparing a solution in children is associated with an increase in the severity of adverse reactions, and therefore its use is not recommended. (See “Special Instructions”).

Special instructions

Use Cortexin® only as prescribed by your doctor!

When using a 0.5% solution of procaine (Novocaine) as a solvent for the drug Cortexin®, you should adhere to the information on contraindications, precautions and age restrictions set out in the instructions for use of Procaine (Novocaine).

The use of the local anesthetic Lidocaine as a solvent for preparing a solution of the drug Cortexin ® is not recommended.

The bottle with the dissolved medicinal product must not be stored or used after storage. The Cortexin® solution is not recommended to be mixed with other solutions.

There are no specific effects of the drug upon first use or upon discontinuation.

No special precautions are required when disposing of unused drugs.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery

If symptoms of stimulant action occur (see section “Side Effects”), the drug may affect the performance of potentially dangerous activities that require special attention and quick reactions (driving vehicles, working with moving mechanisms).

Release form

Lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for intramuscular administration, 10 mg. 22 mg of lyophilisate in 5 ml colorless glass bottles, sealed with rubber stoppers and rolled aluminum caps with a tear-off orange plastic lining. 5 bottles each in a blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride or polyethylene terephthalate film and aluminum foil. 2 blister packs with instructions for use in a cardboard pack.

Best before date

3 years.
Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package.

Storage conditions

In a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Vacation conditions

Dispensed by prescription.


2. LLC Firm "FERMENT", Russia

Manufacturer/place of production address

1. Russia, 196158, St. Petersburg, Moskovskoe highway, 13, lit. VI, lit. VL; Russia, 142279, Moscow region, Serpukhov municipal district, urban settlement Obolensk, district of the settlement. Obolensk, building No. 5
2. Russia, 143422, Moscow region, Krasnogorsky district, village. Petrovo-Dalneye, "Biomed" named after. Mechnikov.

Organization receiving complaints

Russian Federation, 191144, St. Petersburg, Degtyarny lane, 11, lit. B

One of the greatest achievements of domestic medicine is the appearance of the drug “Cortexin”, which promotes the treatment of various pathologies that arise in the human brain. It took almost 30 years to develop the drug. The creation and testing of the drug was carried out by the Military Medical Academy.

Has Cortexin earned at least one positive review? Practicing clinicians and leading pharmacologists have proven that this drug is a leading drug in the field of brain therapy and most related ailments of neural etiology.

The principle of therapeutic effect

What is Cortexin and what is its therapeutic effect? The drug is a complex morphological structure with many elements. It consists of the simplest protein components, which are balanced in a certain way from vitamins and other biologically essential compounds. Together, all these components of the Cortexin drug enable nerve cells to quickly restore their lost functions.

Long-term practice confirms the ineffectiveness of most fairly potent drugs in the treatment of abnormalities in the functioning of the brain. They do not cope with problems due to the inability to overcome this. This is a powerful defense system of the body that prevents the impact of various unfavorable and aggressive factors on the brain.

Despite the fact that the drug “Cortexin” has a complex structure, it has a fairly low This allows the drug to quite easily overcome the described barrier and penetrate into the brain, as a result of which the therapeutic effect is faster and stronger.

Mechanism of action of the drug

The effect of the drug "Cortexin" lies in its ability to restore the disturbed balance between amino acids. They affect the activity of important biological processes in the nervous system, memory, intellectual capabilities, and also suppress reactions in the form of seizures and prevent the destruction of neurocytes. This effect of Cortexin allows it to be used not only in the field of neurology, but also in the case of mental disorders, in neurosurgery and other therapeutic actions. This versatility of the drug can only cause positive feedback. "Cortexin", in addition to its wide spectrum of action, has one more advantage.

The dose load of the product on the body is minimal, which facilitates its use regardless of the age category of patients. Therapy with it can be prescribed to both newborns and elderly people.

Areas of influence of the drug

The positive effect of Cortexin can also be observed in the case of Already a few days after starting to take the drug, the condition of the affected area of ​​the brain and the vascular bed improves, the process of restoring neuropsychic connections that have been disrupted is accelerated, and positive dynamics are observed when performing an electroencephalogram. In this case, the Cortexin medication also acts indirectly, stimulating an increase in blood flow and improving its access to the affected areas of the brain.

The effectiveness of the drug has also been proven in the treatment of symptoms of various neuroinfectious diseases. With its help, you can reduce the number of patients suffering from headaches, weakness and dizziness by several times. This fact also causes more than one positive review.

"Cortexin" is also used for ophthalmological abnormalities - with damage to the retina or other parts of the optic nerve.

Other areas of influence of the drug

The drug exhibits a rapid rehabilitative effect, which provides a positive effect in the treatment of not only the brain, but also areas of the nervous system remote from it. For example, Cortexin reduces inflammatory reactions in the case of sacral or lumbar radiculitis.

Indications for use

The drug "Cortexin" is used for the complex treatment of the following conditions and diseases:

  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • bacterial and viral neuroinfections;
  • asthenia;
  • encephalopathy;
  • encephalitis;
  • and memory;
  • cerebral palsy (its various forms);
  • decreased learning ability;
  • delayed speech and psychomotor development at an early age;
  • radiculitis;
  • pathologies of the retina and some others.

Contraindications and side effects of the drug

In some cases, when using Cortexin, allergic reactions occur. Slight redness may appear at the site where the drug was administered by injection. But pretty soon it disappears, as evidenced by more than one review. Cortexin is contraindicated for use in
period of pregnancy and lactation. If you are hypersensitive to the drug, it is also not recommended for use.

Directions for use

For whatever purpose the drug Cortexin is used, its effectiveness depends directly on the stage of the disease during which treatment with it was started.

The method of introducing the drug into the body is intramuscular injection. The contents of the bottles are dissolved either with sodium chloride. The drug is administered daily, once a day. The appropriate dosage should be prescribed to each patient by a doctor.

The recommended amount of Cortexin for newborns and babies weighing less than 20 kg is 0.5 mg per kilogram of the child’s weight. The rest are given 10 mg of the drug daily. The course of treatment is 10 days. It is repeated if necessary. In this case, the break between courses must be at least one month.

Interaction with other drugs

Cortexin should not be used simultaneously with medications of peptide origin. Novocain should not be used during its dissolution.

The drug "Cortexin": price

The minimum cost of this medicine is 67 rubles per bottle (5 mg). At the same time, the lowest price for a package, which includes 10 such vials, is 620 rubles. How much does the medicine “Cortexin-10” cost? The price of this drug ranges from 100 rubles per bottle to approximately 1090 rubles per package (meaning 10 vials of 10 mg each).

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