Cosmonautics Day at school: holiday script. Class hour and other events for the Day of Cosmonautics in elementary school. An interesting Cosmonautics Day at school: a scenario of events - a class hour, a quiz, a concert. Rules for an entertaining class

Cosmonautics Day at school

Cosmonautics Day is not only a tribute to a wonderful holiday that all mankind is proud of, but also an opportunity to expand children's knowledge about the Universe.
Let's fast forward 50 years together.
Moscow is speaking. All radio stations of the Soviet Union are working! Moscow time - 10 hours 2 minutes. We are transmitting a TASS message about the world's first manned flight into outer space.
On April 12, 1961, the world's first spacecraft-satellite "Vostok" with a man on board was put into orbit around the Earth in the Soviet Union. The pilot-cosmonaut of the Vostok satellite is a citizen of the Soviet Union, pilot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

Astronauts have a hard job
Sometimes dangerous, like death, she is.
And how many secrets does the cosmos hide in itself?
Such a distance! Road to nowhere!
Gagarin was the first fearless cosmonaut,
He opened the way to space for us
Many years have passed since the flight,
But no one has forgotten his name.!


line dedicated to Cosmonautics Day

the song sounds "he said let's go and waved his hand"

Attention! Attention! All the radio stations on Earth are speaking!

On April 12, the whole world celebrates Cosmonautics Day. This is a special day for all the inhabitants of the Earth, which opened the way for all mankind to the unknown space worlds!

Today it seems familiar to us that spaceships start from the Earth. Dockings of spacecraft take place in high celestial distances. Cosmonauts live and work in space stations for months, automatic stations go to other planets. You can say “what is special about this?”

But just recently, space flights were spoken of as science fiction. Exactly half a century ago, a new era began - the era of space exploration. On April 12, 1961, for the first time in the world, the first cosmonaut of the planet flew on the Vostok spacecraft. It was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

Gagarin's speech sounds before the start

The street is full of noise

Spring is coming. The work day is in full swing.

And from the universe a radio wave

Brings a Russian name: GAGARIN.

It breaks into everything,

Into all hearts, like a swallow flies,

And mother earth, holding her breath,

The flight of the hero-son is watching!

- Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934. in the villageKlushino, Gzhatskydistrict, Smolensk region, in a simple peasant family

--In the fifth grade, together with the guys, he organized a technical circle, where the guys themselves made a flying model of an airplane.

--After graduating from school inGzhatsk, he thought about the profession and entered the factory, first graduated from a vocational school in Lyubertsy, then the Saratov Industrial College with a degree in moulder-caster. But the dream fly did not leave him.

--Simultaneously with his studies, he completed flying courses at the Saratov flying club and flewonYAK - 18. He received a referral to the Orenburg Aviation School, graduated in 1960. and received the specialty of a military test pilot.

---In 1960 At the age of 26, Gagarin was included in the cosmonaut training squad.

Ah, this day is the twelfth of April,

How he swept through people's hearts!

It seemed that the world involuntarily became kinder,

Shocked by his own victory.

What he thundered with universal music,

That holiday, in the colorful flame of banners,

When the unknown son of the Smolensk land

Was adopted by the Earth-planet.

For decades every year

We mark new

Space milestones.

But remember:

The journey to the stars has begun

From Gagarinsky



Who was Yuri Gagarin, the first cosmonaut of the planet Earth, for everyone? Open, charming, simple... His life was filled with the most sincere love of all the people of the planet... His smile was a symbol of the USSR.

The fate of the first cosmonaut of the Earth ended tragically, Gagarin died on March 27, 1968 while performing a training flight. He was 34 years old. Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was buried on Red Square in Moscow.

The memory of the great man of the Earth will live forever in the hearts of people!

Let's honor the memory of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin with a moment of silence.

Humanity does not stop there. The universe was waiting for the second earthling. They became German Stepanovich Titov. The Vostok-2 spacecraft made 17 orbits around the Earth in 25 hours.

From the flight, Titov brought a color photograph of our planet, and everyone saw that the Earth is really a “blue planet”

Space was conquered not only by men. The first female cosmonaut - Tereshkova Valentina Vladimirovna.

“I am the Seagull!” - is heard again

Above the stars.

What is the name of this seagull?

Yes, just Valentino!

- "The Seagull" Tereshkova was called because she had such a call sign in space.

In 1965 a very important event took place. A new stage in space exploration - a man went into outer space.

The name of this man is Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov.

Today, we can name dozens of names of cosmonauts, among whom are our countrymen - Kuban - Sevastyanov, Gorbatko, Berezovoy, Padalka, Treshchev.

Space exploration continues

- The inhabitants of the Earth will always remember with gratitude the names of people who opened a new sphere of human activity. But in this constellation, some of the brightest are the name of the first cosmonaut of the planet, Yuri Gagarin, and the name of the chief designer, Academician Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.

Lead 1. Of the 40,000 professions that exist on Earth, the profession of an astronaut is the most difficult, dangerous and responsible. This is a real feat. The feat is scientific, technical, organizational, but, above all, human.

Lead 2. We are just standing on the threshold of a new era - space. Despite the fact that after the first manned flight to the stars, hundreds of people from different countries have already been in near-Earth orbits, we are only taking the first steps into the universe.

The student reads the poem.

When the last turn is rounded
So good to come down to Earth again
And plunge after all the worries
In the living beauty of everything earthly.
Galaxy in the cross section of star trails,
We look at her, do not look enough,
But, rising into the sky every time
We leave our heart to our Earth.

Perhaps one of us will devote his life to the study of the expanses of the universe!

We are the future! We are aiming for the stars!

You hurry, guys, to your class,

Things won't work without education.

Astronauts are growing among you,

But without knowledge they won't take you to Mars!

Guys! Get ready to fly!

Soon, soon the time will come

When will the roads be open

To the Moon, to Venus, to Mars!

Svetlana KUMALKOVA, director of school No. 10 named after pilot-cosmonaut A.G. Nikolaev, Cheboksary:

What's the use of sitting for hours at computer games!

Cosmonautics Day is one of the main holidays in our school. During the traditional April space decade, we leave for the small village of Shorshely, the homeland of our famous fellow countryman. The school staff has been friends with the cosmonaut's family for many years, and his daughter Alena is an honorary member of the school's governing board.

For the past three years, the school detachment of young cosmonauts "Space" has been winning prizes at the republican competition "We are called by space distances." Our students are well versed in physics, computer science, and astronomy. And we call classes crews.

On the basis of the school, there is a public organization of graduates of the Kazan Aviation Institute, whose members help high school students make their choice of profession: in particular, they conduct master classes at the traditional school gathering of young cosmonauts.

The flag of our school is the only school flag in the world that has been in space. Pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of Russia Nikolai Budarin complied with the request of the students and delivered him on October 10, 2007 to the Earth's orbit.

The teachers of the school consider it their task to instill in each student a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland through an interest in the history of the country and its heroes. The children's public organization of the school is called LUCH (leadership, passion, honor). Its activists were part of the delegation that visited the Baikonur Cosmodrome and were present at the launch of the rocket with the Russian-Korean crew. The guys actively participate in charity events, labor landings, creative and intellectual competitions held under the auspices of the Association for the Promotion of Cosmonautics "Baikonur - Cheboksary".

Many famous Russian cosmonauts are friends with our "space tenth". For the guys, they are not abstract heroes, but a real example of an interesting life in which there is no place for senseless sitting at a computer game or walking with a bottle of beer in hand.

Alla BIRYUKOVA, director of the Klushinsky school, Gagarinsky district, Smolensk region:

He was easy to talk to and incredibly charming...

The school where Yuri Gagarin studied is no longer in our village. But the memory of him is carefully preserved in these places. In the new school, built in 1981, a museum corner has been created, where, in particular, the memories of local old-timers about Gagarin's childhood and his family are collected. I personally was well acquainted with Valentin Alekseevich Gagarin, the brother of the famous cosmonaut. But the meeting with Yuri Alekseevich himself, when I was still a girl, left an exceptional, unforgettable impression in my soul. He came to us in Klushino at the height of his fame, performed in an old club. I remember that everyone was simply fascinated by this man. He was easy to talk to and incredibly charming. People cried from an excess of feelings, talking to him ...

Every year, our school hosts a month of preparation for the holiday, during which quizzes and sports competitions are held. On April 12, a traditional athletics run from Klushino to the city of Gagarin is organized, in which adults and children who come to us from all over the region participate.

We host our old friends - cosmonauts. For many years, Alexei Leonov, Valery Korzun, Vladimir Kovalyonok and even foreign space explorers have visited the school. Sometimes "star" guests gather 20-30 people. At the meeting, the students show them amateur performances, the girls dance with the astronauts to the music of the "Space Waltz", composed by our music teacher Vladimir Petrov. And the guests accept primary school students in Gagarin.

Do our children want to become astronauts? They want - and not only boys, but also girls! And many of our graduates are now studying in flight schools.

Raisa MALTSEVA, director of children's art school No. 14 named after A.A. Leonov, Tisul village, Kemerovo region:

Dreaming of originals

The first cosmonaut of the planet who went into outer space, Alexei Leonov, is a native of the village of Listvyanka, Tisulsky district. Our regional art school was named after him two years ago. Alexey Arkhipovich personally came to the school then, spoke to the students and residents of the village, presented books to the school. Such attention is not accidental: Alexei Leonov is not only an astronaut, but also a world famous artist. The school carefully stores two albums with reproductions of paintings and artistic photographs by Alexei Arkhipovich dedicated to the theme of space. Our dream is to organize an exhibition of Leonov's original paintings at the school in the future.

The school has 13 teachers and 150 students. The younger ones, of course, as always, dream of being astronauts. And graduates connect their lives with the fine arts, enter the Repin Institute in St. Petersburg or the Novosibirsk Academy of Architecture. Someone chose the profession of a designer.

On April 12, the school, as usual, will celebrate with a large traditional exhibition dedicated to Cosmonautics Day. I must say that our students are frequent winners of regional and all-Russian fine art competitions.

Nadezhda LUKSHINA, Principal of School No. 122, Yekaterinburg:

Only 108 minutes

I have been working at school for a long time, as a pioneer leader I once organized mass school holidays dedicated to memorable dates, and sometimes I remember them with regret. The traditions of upbringing must be carried over to the present day. And the theme of the holiday on April 12, I think, is very relevant at the present time, because our children do not know the history of their country well enough. I think that for today's schoolchildren Cosmonautics Day, regardless of the events held, is an ordinary day. And therefore, if it falls on weekdays, I personally always talk a little about this date in my lessons. I am not a historian - a mathematician. But on this day, I will definitely give my students a “space” problem, where the answer will be equal to 108 minutes, during which Yuri Gagarin flew around the Earth.

On the eve of the celebration of the space anniversary, the Sadovskaya School worked on a mini-project« Russia - Motherland of cosmonautics», in which all students took part under the guidance of class teachers and the deputy director for educational work Irina Valentinovna Gavrilova. Within the framework of the project competitions of drawings, posters, applications, crafts, newspapers were held. All works were presented at the exhibition« The name is space distance», devoted to space, stars and human spaceflight. In the works of childrenspace expanses, galaxies, planets and stars have turned from a fantastic reality into the reality of our world. Children's drawings are emotional fantasies on the theme of the unknown, very bright, expressive both in color and in shape. Each visitor to the art exhibition was able to discover such an attractive, amazing and mysterious world of space. IN anniversary day was held a great festive event"Son of the earth and the stars of the sky", in which results of all work. On n yo m sounded poems and songs about the first cosmonaut, the exploration of outer space. Videos and presentations were shown, telling about the places in Saratov associated with the name of Yu.A. Gagarin, his studies and life, about space flight. P the recollections of eyewitnesses of the events of that distant day sounded - Vasily Andreevich Evseev, a resident of the village of Sadovy, who previously worked in a design bureau for assembling aircraft parts. The children were very interested in the memory of Alexandra Petrovna Elistratova, who was present at the celebration. On the same day, the winners of various competitions dedicated to the Cosmonautics Day were announced. In nomination"Best Drawing" the first places were taken by first graders Yulia Tumaikina, Dina Karadau and 4th grade student Nargiz Beloglazova. The posters of fourth graders were recognized as the most colorful posters, and student 1st class Nizami Mirzaev. The most interesting newspapers were published by the editorial boards of the 9th and 8th grades. The jury members named the handicrafts of Maria Suzgayeva and Daria Demidova, Danila Alexandrov, Angelina Strygina as the most original works in the nomination"Applique" the best were the joint works of Sofia Kozlova and Maria Suzgaeva, Angelina Strygina and Polina Kalugina. Contest winners"Melodies of Space" became a student of grade 11 Yulia Savelyeva and members of the circle"Weighty notes." In the competition " Son of earth and stars» for the best reading of the poem, the winners were eniki 3 classes. School teachers are confident that research work on the space theme will not go unnoticed.

The week dedicated to the 55th anniversary of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin's flight into space started at the school in the village of Shirokoye. Teachers prepared interesting presentations and films, quizzes and games for schoolchildren, told about the history of the holiday, the first cosmonauts, and interesting facts. Children read poetry, designed rockets of the future and the present, drew space. Physics teacher Galina Ivanovna Muchkaeva was the coordinator of all events. For preschoolers, Cosmonautics Day was marked by sports competitions. Teams"Rocket", "Comet", "Sputnik" competed in agility, endurance, dexterity, and then all together launched an artificial satellite into Earth orbit using balloons. These wonderful space adventures were organized by teachers of preschool groups Tatyana Viktorovna Makeeva, Irina Leonidovna Kuznetsova, Irina Vladimirovna Gladilina, music director Anzhela Viktorovna Ignatieva, physical education teacher Irina Vasilievna Gubanova, deputy director for educational work Tatyana Anatolyevna Medvedeva and 9th grade students Albina Kiselnikova and Kira Yurina .

At the school in Kurdyum village Also held a number of events dedicated to D nude astronautics. School students took part in the competition of drawings and crafts, photocross, reading day« Reading about space and astronauts». On this day, the guys remembered the biography of the first cosmonaut, watched a video about Yu.A. Gagarin. The most memorable event was the quest game« Space trip», where elementary school teams visited the planets of the solar system. Each station met the team with a new task: T antsy aliens", " AND test by weightlessness", " AND development wastes”. The teams confirmed their erudition, performed great space songs, and also showed physical endurance. They were rewarded with a great time and certificates of winners.

Pupils 9 "A" and 7 "A" classes of the school in the village of Storozhevka with the teacher Marina Alexandrovna Zhogal prepared and held an event dedicated to this date. The assembly hall was full. There were poems and songs. From the screen, beaming with a famous smile, Yuri Gagarin spoke, his voice sounded:" Go! ". Rushing up, took off" EAST ". TASS report, jubilant people fill the streets! And then a story was told about how a person could accomplish this, what contribution to space exploration has been made and is being made by the enterprises of the Saratov region. The guys replenished their knowledge about cosmonauts whose life was connected with the Saratov region: German Stepanovich Titov, Gennady Vasilievich Sarafanov, Yuri Georgievich Shargin. Everyone listened with interest and watched the information about the spaceports of Russia. In the hall of the school there is an exhibition of wall newspapers dedicated to space exploration. Each class presented their newspaper on a given topic.

This day at school A Sokur was filled with interesting activities. All classes made presentations as part of the project« The amazing world of space». The guys told about the childhood, youth and family of Yu.A. Gagarin, about preparations for the first space flight, about memorable places associated with the name of the first cosmonaut. Then the students of grades 4-7 took part in« space relay», where the guys showed resourcefulness, showed a high speed of reaction and showed their leadership qualities. And students of grades 8-11, having received a route sheet, went to« Space trip» by stations « Through hardship to the stars», « Encounter with aliens"," Constellations ". All tasks were completed and the guys safely "returned" to Earth.

TO55th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's flightpupils and teachers of the school in the village of Yagodnaya Polyana prepared in advance, having prepared and developed a number of events dedicated to this date under the motto"Raise your head." Kristina Kuzyaeva, 11th grade student, took part in the regional competition« cosmic attraction», where I read a poem by P. Nefedov« Ballad of the untied shoelace» and was awarded with a diploma. Her performance was shown on TV" Russia, Saratov ". Pupils 6 and 7 classes Elizaveta Kucherenko, Konstantin Zverev, Ilya Kuznetsov became the winners of the 22nd scientific and practical ecological conference of students dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the flight of the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin. Thematic class hours were held for children on April 12« Space! Gagarin! 55!», « Gagarin in Saratov", "Raise your head." The teachers of the school visited the landing site of Yu.A. Gagarin, and in the near future it is planned to leave the students. The events dedicated to the anniversary date do not end there. On Friday, April 15th there will be a school event.« People reach for the stars» for students in grades 1-11 and their parents.

An event dedicated to the 55th anniversary of manned space flight was held at the school in the village of Bolshaya Kamenka. The program of the event included a story, a presentation about the biography of A.Yu. Gagarin, poems about the first cosmonaut; acquaintance with memorable places that bear the proud name of Gagarin, watching a documentary film about Gagarin's preparation for the flight and about the takeoff of the satellite ship" East ". Children received a huge amount of positive impressions, knowledge, and felt proud of their country, which was the first to master outer space. The school was also visited by a visiting planetarium with the theme« Gagarin - the first cosmonaut». The children listened to the lecture about space with pleasure, and looked at the stars and other space objects with interest.

A fascinating journey into virtual space that day was made by students of grades 1-4 of the school in the village of Karamyshka. The guys made models of rockets and met in flight with weight yo lym alien, competed in dexterity, dexterity and ingenuity. Prepared and hosted a game event« Space trip» primary school teacher Svetlana Nikolaevna Yagubova. The teacher of history and social studies Elena Alekseevna Gavrilova held a single lesson« Space is us. Gagarin lesson», at which the leading events introduced the children to the history of space exploration, told the biography of Yu.A. Gagarin, about achievements in the field of astronautics. The speech of the presenters was accompanied by a presentation and video clips."The Flight of Gagarin", "The Death of Gagarin", reading poems about Yu.A. Gagarin and space. At the end of the event, the children were offered a game program« Journey into space», in which students from all grades participated. Children traveled the planets"Unknown", "Mysterious", "Fantasy", "Star": guessed riddles, rebuses about space, answered mini-quiz questions, competed in artistic skills, collected puzzles. Also on this day, traditional mini-football competitions for the Gagarin Cup took place, which have been held at the school for 10 years. The victory was won by the combined team of 6-9 classes. The cycle of events ended with a drawing competition« Man and space».

B 1 "B" in the class of the Cadet-Cossack orientation of the school in the village of Vyazovka on April 12, a lesson was held« Space is us. Gagarin lesson". During the lesson, students went flying to the planet"Znaiki", where they learned about the first cosmonaut of the planet Yu.A. Gagarin, saw video footage of the first manned flight into space, and the beauty that Yu.A. Gagarin once saw. We learned about the achievements of the rocket and space industry of our country, space stations, satellites. Viewed an exhibition dedicated to space. They answered the questions of the quiz, and upon arrival on the planet Earth they depicted the cosmos in their drawings. On the eve of the day to osmonautics schoolchildren made collective and individual crafts.

Department of Education, Physical Culture and Sports of the Administration of the Municipal District

Cosmonautics Day is one of the few memorable dates in the history of mankind, the appearance of which is not associated with wars, cataclysms or bloodshed. On this day, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin ventured into space for the first time. When is the day of cosmonautics celebrated and why is the flight of an astronaut interesting? We will talk about this in our article.

history of the holiday

Our compatriot, a cosmonaut named Yuri Gagarin, famous all over the world, decided to be the first to go into space. This memorable event took place in 1961 in the month of April. Since that time, by decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Cosmonautics Day has become an official holiday, which has been celebrated annually on the 12th since 1962.

Mass celebrations are held on the territory of Russia, congratulations are addressed to the cosmonauts of the state, and the memory of the great man who carried out the first space flight is also honored. In Ukraine, Cosmonautics Day is not so solemn. However, he is not forgotten.

- Cosmonautics Day

Almost 57 years ago, the whole world was shocked by the TASS news, which reported that the Vostok spacecraft, piloted by Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, had been successfully launched from the territory of the Soviet Union. The ship was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome and was the first in the history of mankind to make an orbital flight around the planet Earth, which lasted almost 2 hours. Thus, the flight of a citizen of the Soviet Union proved that a person can exist and is in space. Thanks to Yuri Gagarin, a new profession appeared on the planet - an astronaut.

After 7 years, the domestic Cosmonautics Day gained official worldwide recognition, and, according to the decision of the Council of the International Aviation Federation, became known as the World Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics.

Exploring the Universe

After the flight of the first cosmonaut, during each subsequent launch into space, the study of outer space was carried out. The cosmonauts tried to master more serious space technology, there was an expansion of the program of scientific and technical research, the duration of flights and the time spent in space were extended.

4 years after the first manned flight into space, in March 1965, cosmonaut A. Leonov, wearing a special spacesuit, left the ship and ended up in outer space. His walk in space lasted about 20 minutes.

Astronauts from the United States of America 4 years later, in 1969, flew to the moon, where the crew landed on the surface. Also, since the mid-70s of the last century, direct cooperation between astronauts of various states in outer space began to actively develop.

In our time, significant advances in space technology are noticeable: a huge number of satellites circle the Earth, spacecraft have landed on the Moon, Venus and Mars. Some of them have left the limits of the Solar System, and carry messages to other intelligent life forms. Mars rovers move on the surface of Mars. Space explorers are making fantastic discoveries with the help of various multifunctional radio telescopes in orbit.

April 2011

On April 12, 1981, for the first time, according to the American program called the Space Shuttle, a manned flight was made.

50 years later, after the first flight into space by Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, during a special plenary session of the UN General Assembly, it was decided to adopt a resolution in which April 12 was officially considered the International Day of Human Space Flight. The decision to adopt this resolution was taken by about 60 countries.

In connection with these events, since 2001, in many cities of the world, a party-event called "St. George's Night" has been held. The initiator of this event is a non-governmental division of the Space Generation Advisory Council, which unites about 60 states from all over the world.

Holding a holiday

The party-event called "St. George's Night" is a night version of Cosmonautics Day for those who wish to celebrate the holiday. As part of the memorable event, solemn events are held all over the world, which differ in direction and scale. These include thematic exhibitions, scientific seminars, various quizzes and experiments.

For young people who love parties and parties, the owners of nightclubs are trying to hold a grandiose show program. On this night, most cinemas broadcast pictures that are associated with the first flight into orbit.

When visiting a thematic site dedicated to the passage of St. George's Night, you can see a poster for entertainment and various events. So everyone can become the initiator of holding a holiday in their hometown - without any prohibitions.

On April 12, we celebrate Cosmonautics Day - one of the most beloved holidays in our country. This is not surprising, because in childhood, many dreamed of becoming astronauts and going to space.

The holiday was first celebrated in 1962, exactly one year after the first space flight by Yuri Gagarin, and in 1968 he received worldwide recognition and acquired the prefix "World". On April 7, 2011, at a special plenary session of the UN General Assembly, at the initiative of more than 60 countries, a resolution was adopted that officially proclaimed April 12 as the International Day of Human Space Flight.

What can you tell your child about space and astronautics?

Since ancient times, people have dreamed of learning to fly like birds. The mythical hero Icarus made wings from feathers and attached them to his back with wax. He managed to rise high into the sky. But he flew too close to the sun, the sun's rays melted the wax, and Icarus fell into the sea. Since then, that sea has become known as the Icarian. People continued to try to conquer the heavenly space. First, they took to the skies in balloons. But they could not be controlled. Wherever the wind blew, the ball flew there. Then they came up with an airship - a controlled balloon. He was very big and clumsy. Later came airplanes. Then planes and helicopters. However, people did not stop there. A simple teacher, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, came up with a "rocket train", a prototype of modern rockets, on which one could fly to the stars and visit other planets. But, unfortunately, Tsiolkovsky did not have the opportunity to manufacture this apparatus. Only many, many years later, the scientist-designer Sergei Pavlovich Korolev designed the first space rocket. But before sending a man into outer space, it was necessary to make sure that this was possible. First, mice, rabbits, and dogs went into space. Animals were specially trained, taught not to be afraid of shaking and noise, to endure cold and heat. The first animals to make an orbital space flight and return to Earth unharmed were the Soviet cosmonaut dogs Belka and Strelka. After many successful flights of dogs, it was decided to send a man into space. They became Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin circled the entire Earth on the Vostok spacecraft and returned alive and unharmed. The flight, which lasted 1 hour 48 minutes, forever entered the history of the world.

To make your story arouse maximum interest in the child, we recommend using the following products:

· - a set of cards with bright clear pictures. With it, you can tell the kids about astronautics. They will learn a lot of new and interesting things about the first cosmonaut in open space, the Mir orbital station, animals in space, the first satellite, S.P. Korolev and much more. The back of the cards contains the necessary information. This information will help make your story exciting and educational for every child.

· - a book from which children learn a lot about the planet Earth, its satellite - the Moon, the role of the Sun in the emergence and development of life on Earth, the planets of the solar system, stars and constellations, as well as space exploration by people.

· - a set of 20 colorful cards with photographs of space objects for children on high-quality cardboard. On the back of each card you will find 10 fun facts, 3 tasks for the child and a riddle. Classes with a child will turn into an interesting game.

· - A colorful encyclopedia will tell your child about space. The journey will be very fun and exciting, because your favorite characters, Angry Birds, will act as guides.

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