Baby candles with glycerin for newborns. Glycerin suppositories for newborns - help or harm? Irritating means healing: the best option for kids

Constipation is a common occurrence that parents of babies have to deal with in the process of their growth. To date, many ways have been found to eliminate such an unpleasant condition. However, when it comes to babies, we are primarily interested in the safety of the method and the minimum of adverse reactions.

Therefore, in our article under close attention were glycerin suppositories for newborns. But, before we talk about the candles themselves, let's discuss why babies are prone to constipation.

Causes of infantile constipation

It is believed that up to three months, children should poop 2 to 4 times a day, and closer to a year - 1-2 times a day. If the baby has not emptied for two days, he behaves restlessly, cries, pushes, puffs him up. There are signs of constipation.

When the baby has no problems with bowel movements, the whole family is happy

The children's digestive system is still in the stage of formation, improvement, and this will continue for up to a year. Constipation can be caused by:

  • transition to artificial mixtures after breastfeeding, mixed feeding;
  • teething;
  • recent infection;
  • too hard feces.

More rarely, constipation occurs in such situations:

  • immobility of the child;
  • hot weather;
  • too little body weight;
  • premature birth and complications associated with them;
  • rickets.

How to make life easier for a child with glycerin suppositories for newborns? Can they be used in infancy?

Advantages of candles

The first and main advantage is that glycerin suppositories CAN be used for babies. According to the instructions, the use is allowed from three months from birth, although, if there are direct indications and the doctor has prescribed the drug, it is also used at an earlier age.

The second advantage lies in the active substance glycerol, which behaves quite inertly - the drug is not absorbed into the walls of the rectum. This means that his work takes place at the local level: glycerol, getting into the anus, softens the stool, lubricates and irritates the rectum, causing the urge to defecate. The rest of the substance comes out with the emptying.

The third plus glycerin suppositories are not addictive, unlike many "adult" laxatives. The process does not take much time, and the result is usually positive, to the delight of mother and baby.

Nuances of use

Although the drug is not addictive, it is not recommended to abuse it. Optimal application for constipation with an interval of three days.

Dosage for children should be appropriate

It should also be borne in mind that candles are produced in different dosages. For example, the drug Glitselaks contains 0.75 gr. glycerol for children and 1.5 gr. for adults. If it is not possible to buy children's suppositories, an adult candle, cut lengthwise into 2 or 4 parts, will do. Before insertion, it is recommended to “smooth” the side pointed on the incision with your fingers so as not to scratch the baby.


One of the significant disadvantages of this remedy is that only the symptom is treated, and not the problem itself. With the help of glycerin suppositories, you can buy time, provide "first aid" here and now. Parents are required, together with pediatricians and other specialists, to identify the cause of constipation and begin appropriate treatment. It is impossible and wrong to keep a child on laxatives for months.

With prolonged use, intestinal receptors lose sensitivity, and the body stops responding to such exposure. As a result, the miracle drug, which used to help out, ceases to be effective and cope with its main purpose.

It happens that an overdose can cause a burning sensation in the anus, which the baby cannot yet tell. In such a situation, it is difficult for parents to understand why the baby is crying. In rare cases, constipation can turn into diarrhea.

How to insert a candle

With the introduction of a candle, the baby is placed on its side, the legs are pressed to the tummy

The instructions for use contain the following recommendations: suppositories with glycerin are administered a quarter of an hour after a meal (preferably after breakfast) into the rectum. The child is laid horizontally on a diaper or oilcloth, turned on its side and legs bent to the tummy. Then, spreading the ass with your fingers, carefully insert a candle. The buttocks are clamped by hand for a few minutes so that the candle does not come out back.

Suppositories are not additionally lubricated with any oils, they pass gently by themselves. The effect usually occurs within 20 minutes.

Contraindications for use

This laxative is contraindicated in such diseases:

  • hypersensitivity to glycerol;
  • diarrhea;
  • bleeding;
  • hemorrhoids in the acute stage, anal fissures;
  • kidney failure;
  • appendicitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the rectum, tumors.

If the baby is often tormented by constipation, then suppositories with glycerin can come to the rescue. You need to worry when the child has no stool for more than two days and other unpleasant symptoms appear (pain, crying, refusal to eat, vomiting). For the digestive system to function properly, it is necessary that the food contains enough liquid and the intestines function without disturbance. If these conditions are not met, then constipation occurs. Fecal masses become hard and are excreted from the body with difficulty.

The main active ingredient is glycerin. Sodium carbonate and stearic acid act as additional components. Candles have an oblong shape with a cone-shaped end, transparent white color, neutral smell. There are 10 of them in a pack. Candles are produced for both adults and children.

If there were no children's candles at hand, then you can use adults, after dividing them into several parts. The drug is available without a prescription and can be found at any pharmacy.

One candle weighs 1.4 g. The glycerol content is 0.75 g. For babies up to three months old, the candle can be divided into two or three parts. Store them in a dry, cool and dark place.

Before putting a candle to a newborn, you should consult a doctor: he may recommend that you undergo an examination to rule out pathologies of intestinal development.

Properties and principle of operation

Infants (especially those who are bottle-fed) often have problems with stools. Each mother, among other important medicines, should keep funds that help in this problem. However, it must be safe and effective.

To facilitate the act of defecation in children under one year old, you can use special glycerin suppositories.

The main advantages of this medicine are the following:

  • glycerin coats the intestinal walls and provides their lubrication;
  • softens feces;
  • activates the contractile activity of the intestine and promotes the natural discharge of feces;
  • does not penetrate into the walls of the intestine, but has an effect on its surface;
  • easy and painless insertion;
  • when used correctly, candles are not addictive;
  • contributes to the elimination of the problem for a long time;
  • medicine harmless to all human organs;
  • the remnants of the suppository come out with the feces.

It should be remembered that glycerin suppositories do not cure the disease, but only help to cope with the symptoms. You can use them until the cause of the violation of the stool is eliminated. Sometimes it is enough to make adjustments to the diet, and sometimes serious methods are required, up to surgery.

Why do babies get constipated

If constipation is rare, then do not worry. But in the event that stool disorders appear periodically, a comprehensive examination of the child's body is necessary.

The main causes of constipation in infants include the following:

Most often, constipation occurs in children who are on artificial and mixed feeding.

Application features

Candles can be placed when the child begins to push in vain. Ideally, you should use them in the morning, a few minutes after eating.

With frequent and prolonged use of suppositories with glycerin, the sensitivity of the intestine to its effects is lost.

Once again, when you need to quickly get rid of constipation, the remedy will be ineffective. In the anus, a burning sensation and irritation may occur. The difficulty also lies in the fact that the child will not be able to tell adults about this, and it will be difficult to make out why he is crying. Using glycerin suppositories constantly, you can disrupt the intestines, and in this case, constipation can turn into diarrhea.

The action of the candle comes within half an hour. If the feces have not come out, then you can repeat the procedure, but not earlier than after 12 hours.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Often it is impossible to resort to this method of dealing with constipation. It is worth using candles with glycerin no more than once every three days. You can not put a candle for preventive purposes, otherwise you can permanently disrupt the natural contractile function of the intestine.

When not to use candles:

  • glycerin suppositories should not be given to children who have hemorrhoids, especially in the acute stage;
  • wounds and fissures of the rectum and anus;
  • inflammation, tumors of the intestine;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • kidney disease;
  • appendicitis.

If there are no anatomical disorders in the structure of the digestive system, then constipation is a temporary phenomenon. In this case, candles with glycerin will come to the rescue, which quickly and effectively help the child to free the tummy, saving the baby and his parents from this unpleasant problem.

Pregnancy is not the only time to be wary of completely safe medications. Almost everything is contraindicated for newborns, and they get sick quite often. That is why in this article we will discuss whether it is applicable to newborns, how to put a glycerin suppository on a baby, and in what cases the use of suppositories can be harmful.

What helps

Glycerin suppositories for newborns, according to the instructions for use, help to cope with constipation of various origins.

However, it’s worth going a little deeper and talking about the components of suppositories to find out which active ingredient helps to cope with the problem, and whether there are components that can harm.

Did you know? Glycerin is a food additive E 422. It is used to mix components that cannot be mixed without the participation of trihydric alcohol.

The main component is glycerin, which, after entering the rectum, irritates its walls, causing emptying. However, if the feces are very dense and physically cannot exit through the hole, then such irritation will lead to tissue damage.

Is it possible or not

Generally speaking, the answer is yes, that is, the suppository can be used for babies. However, this medicine is applicable when the baby is 3 months old. Until this time, glycerin suppositories are used only as a last resort, and then under the supervision of a specialist.

Important! The drug does not eliminate the cause of constipation, but only causes a bowel movement.

It's all about the irritating properties of the main component (both glycerin and glycerol are used).

It is not absorbed into the walls of the rectum and does not cause dependence, however, its use can cause catarrhal proctitis, which will only exacerbate the problem, since having inflammation in the excretory tract, the baby will feel pain with every bowel movement.
It is also worth talking about the fact that suppositories do not contain components that solve the problem itself. That is, they can be compared with an antipyretic, which brings down the temperature, but does not eliminate the cause of its appearance.

Therefore, “treating” a baby with candles is a bad idea. If suppositories are used in combination with medications or one-time, then you should not worry about their action.

How to put

Let's start with the fact that you need to buy exactly children's candles, which have their own dosage - 1.75 g.

Next, pay attention to the fact that the children's dosage involves use from 3 months of age, so if your baby is younger, then we divide the children's version into 3 parts.
Before use, it is better to calm him down and distract him with something. The candle, getting into the rectum, will cause discomfort, after which the baby will not let you put it next time. Therefore, put on a cartoon, give your favorite toy, or do something that will greatly distract the baby.

We put the child on a flat, clean surface, remove clothes and a diaper, wipe everything with antibacterial wipes. Next, turn the baby on its side, bend its knees to the chest and quickly insert the candle.

It should be understood that the deeper the candle goes, the less likely it is to fall out immediately. Moreover, we need to get the maximum effect in order not to use the drug again.

You can also pre-lubricate the anus with baby cream to make it easier to insert a suppository.

How fast does it work

Many are concerned about the question of how long a glycerin suppository works in a baby, because the child does not sit still, and the action of suppositories can cause a fairly quick reaction.

If the feces are not very hard and can pass through the intestines, then bowel movements should be expected in the first half hour after administration. If the child cannot go to the toilet, and the suppository has definitely not come out of the anus, then you need to go to a specialist for advice, because the cause of constipation is different.

Did you know? Glycerin and propylene glycol are used as the main ingredients in the liquid used in electronic cigarettes.

Precautionary measures

In this case, you need to immediately mention how often you can put glycerin suppositories on babies, because it is uncontrolled use that leads to severe burning and various diseases.
Put only one (dose) per day. You can not put it again if there is no expected effect, since the problem may not be in the candles.

Even if part of the candle did not dissolve and fell out, you should not put a new one. It can be very painful for a child because of an excess dosage, but he will not be able to tell you about this. Therefore, in no case do not put several suppositories in a row or within 24 hours.

Side effects

The constant use of the drug leads to the fact that the intestinal receptors atrophy, and the baby in the literal sense of the word will not be able to defecate on his own.

Important! If you have any problems, you should immediately contact your doctor.

Diarrhea or intestinal irritation may also occur, but such a “side effect” appears only in case of excessive use.


The first contraindication for you should be the doctor's words. If the doctor said that candles should not be used, then this is true.

Also, the use of a suppository is prohibited for hemorrhoids, tumors, cracks or inflammation in the anus. Or in the case when the child has sensitivity to the main component.

Now you know that you can use glycerin suppositories at an early age, but it is better to consult a doctor. This remedy is not a panacea, but it helps to temporarily solve the problem until the cause of constipation is clear. Always try to consult with a specialist so that there are no additional problems.

For those who are faced with the unpleasant problem of constipation, the question of a quality laxative is acute. Many people remember the old and proven method for decades - glycerin suppositories. Before using them, those suffering from constipation wonder how long the glycerin suppository lasts, since this delicate problem wants to be solved as soon as possible.

The instructions for the drug contain only information regarding the period after which a person has an urge to go to the toilet, and in consumer discussions, information on the speed of action of these suppositories can be found completely different. In this article, we will look at how glycerin suppositories work, and find out how long it takes to wait for the result.

Description of the drug

These suppositories have a translucent or completely transparent color. They may be completely colorless or have a slight yellowish-brown tint. Suppositories are hygroscopic.

The active ingredient is glycerol. Stearic acid, macrogol and sodium carbonate decahydrate are used as auxiliary agents.

Indications for use

Glycerin suppositories (instructions for use must be read before using them) are recommended in the following cases:

  • hemorrhoids and pain during bowel movements;
  • constipation lasting more than two days (including in pregnant women);
  • constipation prevention;
  • the need to facilitate emptying for those people who, for various reasons, cannot strain during bowel movements;
  • anorectal stenosis.

How the drug acts on the body

Glycerin suppositories, the instructions for use of which clearly explain the principle of their action, help soften feces. After the introduction, the candle is sent to the rectum and there it begins to melt. This leads to the fact that glycerin, enveloping stagnant feces, softens them, so that emptying occurs gently, without injury and pain. This ability of glycerin suppositories is important for people suffering from hemorrhoids.

Also, lubricating the rectum, glycerin has an irritating effect. It reflexively stimulates intestinal motility, thereby provoking the urge to empty, which is directly used in the fight against constipation.

In what cases this drug will not help

In medical practice, constipation is usually divided into two main types: cologous and proctogenic. In the first form, due to such mechanical obstacles as scars, spasms or tumors, stool is retained above the rectum. In this case, the use of glycerin suppositories becomes absolutely useless. They can have a laxative effect only in cases of proctogenic constipation - when feces move freely through the intestines and get stuck only in the anorectal zone.

Instructions for use: how long does a glycerin suppository last

Each pack of suppositories must be accompanied by an official instruction for the use of the drug. It is definitely worth familiarizing yourself with it for those who use the drug for the first time and wonder how to put glycerin suppositories correctly. First of all, you need to take a comfortable position for yourself. For easier penetration, the anus and the candle itself can be lubricated with any vegetable oil. It is recommended to wear a medical glove on your hand.

When wondering how long a glycerin suppository acts, it is necessary to understand that each organism is individual. As a rule, glycerin begins to have an irritating effect on the intestines 15-30 minutes after the administration of the suppository. But judging by the reviews of those who use the drug in question, an unambiguous answer to the question "How long does a glycerin suppository work in adults?" No.

For some, the urge to void occurs almost immediately after the introduction of the candle, while others take time - more than 30 minutes. If the patient uses the drug for the first time and does not yet know how soon his body reacts to such a laxative, he is recommended to administer the candle in the morning, after breakfast, and at least 1 hour before leaving the house.

Finding out how long a glycerin suppository works in young children is easier. The desired effect is achieved a few minutes after the administration of the drug, because their intestinal mucosa is very sensitive and glycerin begins its irritating effect on it almost immediately.

How often can glycerin suppositories be used?

According to the instructions for the drug, the suppository is administered rectally, in an amount not exceeding 1 pc. at a time. At the same time, systematic and long-term use is highly not recommended. Due to addiction to additional irritants, intestinal motility may worsen. This medicinal product should be used in cases of single constipation.


Despite the fact that this drug is practically harmless, certain contraindications to its use are still present. It is better to refuse the use of glycerin suppositories in the presence of the following problems:

  • hypersensitivity to glycerol;
  • anal fissures;
  • tumors of the rectum;
  • paraproctitis and proctitis;
  • acute inflammation and swelling of the veins of the rectum.

Possible side effects

With increased sensitivity of the rectal mucosa during the use of glycerin suppositories, irritations may occur, which are accompanied by itching and a burning sensation. If such symptoms appear, the use of suppositories should be stopped immediately. To soothe the mucosa, it is recommended to introduce about 15 mg of warm olive, peach or ordinary sunflower oil into the rectum.

Another side effect is that with prolonged use of these suppositories, addiction to the effects of the drug is likely, and, as a result, a weakening of the independent defecation process.

Specifics of use by pregnant women

Instructions for use of this drug does not prohibit its use by women in position. But before using glycerin suppositories, they are advised to consult with their gynecologist. Leaking through the mucous membrane, glycerin can irritate not only the intestines, but also the walls of the uterus, increasing its tone, which can be dangerous for the fetus during pregnancy.

Already after childbirth, glycerin suppositories are advised to almost all women, and often this drug is found on the list of things that you need to take with you to the hospital.

Glycerin suppositories for children

Since the remedy in question is considered one of the safest local laxatives, pediatricians often prescribe it even to infants. For children aged about a year, emptying 1 or 2 times a day is considered the norm, but they have a problem of constipation quite often. There can be a lot of reasons for this: from violations in the process of feeding to a lack of mass in the baby.

The use of laxatives at an early age is considered undesirable, as it can provoke a loss of protein and potassium in the body, as well as weaken the intestinal muscles. But from the age of three months, children can, if necessary, insert glycerin suppositories.

There is an opinion that the main active ingredient of this drug, glycerol, is not absorbed by the intestines, but only irritates its walls. But in any case, before giving a child any medication, and even glycerin suppositories, parents must consult with their pediatrician without fail.

Often, young mothers are faced with such a problem as constipation in newborns and infants. Especially often babies who are bottle-fed suffer from constipation. But such problems also occur in children who are breastfed due to changes in the mother's diet.

A very popular remedy for constipation in infants and newborns is glycerin suppositories. In case of constipation in a child, mothers with experience, and many pediatricians, will advise you. But, if you are going to use glycerin suppositories to eliminate stool problems in your newborn baby, you must first learn all about this remedy.

Can glycerin suppositories be given to newborns?

There are no special glycerin suppositories for newborns. Most likely, you will buy ordinary candles with glycerin or candles for children (for example, glycelax) in a pharmacy. In the annotation to both, you can read that they are used in children starting from 3 months of age (and a child under 1 month old is considered a newborn).

But in some cases, if it is really necessary, pediatricians still prescribe glycerin suppositories not only for infants, but also for newborns. It is believed that this is not dangerous, since the active substance contained in them - glycerol - is not absorbed by the intestines, but only has an irritating effect on the rectum. Therefore, glycerin suppositories are not addictive and do not have any negative impact on the children's body as a whole.

However, glycerin suppositories can still harm a growing organism: if glycerin suppositories are given to a child haphazardly and in unlimited quantities, natural peristalsis and defecation can be disrupted for a long time. In extreme cases, much more serious problems are possible, such as enterocolitis, drug-induced diarrhea, intestinal obstruction.

Glycerin suppositories for newborns - dosage

Children's glycerin suppositories are available in a dosage of 0.75 g, adults - in a dosage of 1.5 g. day no more than 7 days. In neonates, this dose should be spread over at least 3 days. It is not recommended to put glycerin suppositories more than once a day.

How to put glycerin suppositories in newborns?

First of all, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. With a clean, sharp knife, cut the suppository (candle) lengthwise into 2-4 parts. Lubricate the baby's bottom with baby cream or oil. Lay the baby on the back, lift his legs with one hand, bend and press them to the tummy. Insert the cut piece of the suppository into the child's anus slowly and carefully. Then hold the child's buttocks closed with the palm of your hand for 2-3 minutes (you can take the baby in your arms - this will make you feel more comfortable and calmer). After this time, or a little later, the baby will be able to "do his business." As a rule, you have to wait no more than half an hour. Some babies manage to do this in the first seconds after the introduction of the candle.

The main thing to remember when using glycerin suppositories to combat constipation in newborns

Glycerin suppositories are not a remedy for treating constipation, but only to eliminate its symptoms. It is worth using them only until the main cause of problems with the child's stool is clarified and eliminated. This is where a pediatrician should help parents first of all. Often, to normalize the baby's digestion and stool, it is enough just to adjust the nutrition of a nursing mother or change the milk formula. Dysbacteriosis can also be the cause of constipation - then a thorough examination and treatment is necessary. So, parents, be extremely attentive to the health of your baby and do not get carried away with symptomatic treatment.

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