Disinfectant anolyte instructions for use. Modes of disinfection of various objects with anolyte. Contraindications for use

The apparatus for the production of living and dead water in my mind looks like a magician's hat, extracting colored ribbons, gloves from it, and at the end - the apotheosis of trick! - a live rabbit.

Indeed, we take a rather simple device, pour tap water into it, add a little salt, plug it into the electrical network, turn it off after a while and - bang, hocus-pocus! - we get two solutions with medicinal properties.

One of them is anolyte, or dead water: antiseptic, disinfectant. It is used for disinfection in the hospital, it can disinfect water, treat tonsillitis, it has anti-allergic properties and is effective in the treatment of eczema, neurodermatitis, allergic dermatitis (and these are not unfounded statements, there are experimental and clinical studies confirming the effectiveness of anolyte in each of the listed cases).

Even at the very beginning of the research, we conducted a number of experiments to understand which bacteria can be destroyed by anolyte, in what quantities, and how long it will take to destroy these bacteria.

The methodology of these studies was standard: microbes were mixed with an antiseptic agent (in this case, with anolyte), then this mixture was placed in a thermostat for various times (to determine how many minutes the antiseptic must contact the bacterium in order to destroy it), after which the mixture was sown on nutrient medium - agar (to create favorable conditions for microbes to grow). If the anolyte works, then, naturally, there will be no bacteria in Petri dishes with agar in a day, if it does not work, bacteria will grow in the agar. This growth can be seen even with the naked eye, and a microscope is needed to count the number of bacteria (colonies).

The following microorganisms were taken for the experiment.

group of staphylococci. In most people, staphylococci can live on the skin and mucous membranes of the nose or throat without causing disease. With a weakened immune system, staphylococci become the causative agents of pneumonia, infections of the skin and soft tissues, bones and joints. Staphylococci easily acquire resistance to many drugs, which creates great difficulties in the treatment of patients.

Staphylococcus aureus (S. Aureus). Can affect almost any human tissue. Most often it infects the skin and its appendages - and thus causes severe, chronic diseases - from staphylococcal impetigo (Bockhart's impetigo) to severe folliculitis.

The main causative agent of mastitis in women, infectious complications of surgical wounds and pneumonia, infections of the musculoskeletal system (osteomyelitis, arthritis and other diseases); in particular, it causes 70-80% of cases of septic arthritis in adolescents.

Staphylococcus epidermidis (S. Epidermidis). Most often affects the smooth skin and the surface of the mucous membranes. Very often it is the causative agent of infections in the presence of prostheses, catheters, drainages. Quite often affects the urinary system.

Staphylococcus saprophytic (S. Saprophyticus). It affects the skin of the genitals and the mucous membrane of the urethra.

Escherichia coli. Lives in the intestines of animals and humans. At the same time, some types of Escherichia coli are completely harmless and even beneficial to the body, while others cause severe intestinal diseases that occur like cholera, dysentery, or hemorrhagic colitis.

Shigella Flechner. It causes a disease known as bacillary dysentery or simply dysentery. The disease can occur in acute and chronic form. Acute dysentery is characterized by fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea with blood and mucus. In severe forms of dysentery, patients may even die from toxic shock.

Salmonella paratyphi A and B. It is the causative agent of infectious diseases (paratyphoid A and B), accompanied by fever, intoxication, ulcerative lesions of the lymphatic apparatus of the small intestine, enlarged liver and spleen, rash. Registered everywhere, especially in countries with low living conditions. Paratyphoid A is more common in the Far and Middle East. Paratyphoid B is common in all countries of the world.

Salmonella typhi murium. It is the causative agent of typhoid fever - an acute infectious disease, characterized by fever, symptoms of general intoxication, enlargement of the liver and spleen, lethargy of the patient, enteritis and diarrhea, trophic and vascular disorders in the mucous membrane and lymphatic formations of the small intestine, toxic lesions of the heart.

Beta-hemolytic streptococci (streptococci of groups A, B). According to Brown's classification, alpha, beta and gamma streptococci are distinguished.

Alpha- and gamma-streptococci are found in large quantities in the oral cavity and intestines of healthy people and animals, but are rarely pathogenic, while different types of beta-streptococci are the cause of scarlet fever, tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis, and erysipelas.

Streptococcal tonsillitis (acute tonsillitis) of children is a headache for their parents. Most children suffer from this disease several times, for many it takes a chronic form (chronic tonsillitis) and the child has a sore throat almost every month. Streptococcal angina often causes complications, such as rheumatism. Subsequently, chronic heart disease may develop with damage to the heart valves. It is also possible the occurrence of such a complication as nephritis - inflammation of the kidneys with a violation of their function. In addition, hemolytic streptococci cause a severe skin disease called erysipelas. When they enter the bloodstream, they can infect any organ or cause a generalized infection - sepsis.

Streptococcus mutans. These streptococci are the main causative agents of caries, previously considered completely harmless bacteria. They live in the oral cavity. Only recently it turned out that they are "sweet teeth" and, absorbing glucose from food, secrete lactic acid in return.

As a result of the vital activity of Streptococcus mutans, saliva becomes more acidic, organic acid reacts with mineral salts of tooth enamel, enamel loses minerals, and with them strength. If caries is not cured in time, then you can lose a tooth altogether.

The result of our research (jokingly we called them 1:1:1): 1 ml of anolyte added to 1 million bacteria of any of the above species destroys bacteria within 1 minute.

Based on the bacteriological tests described above, clinical studies were conducted on the use of anolyte in the treatment of diseases caused by these pathogens, namely: dysentery, salmonellosis, chronic tonsillitis, staphylococcal skin lesions, furunculosis, acne vulgaris (acne), eczema, neurodermatitis, trophic ulcers.

If intestinal infections are relatively well treated by traditional means, then chronic skin diseases with allergic manifestations are far from always.

It is the sick eczema, allergic dermatitis, psoriasis, trophic ulcers diabetic and other etiologies, which modern medicine could not help, were looking for alternative ways of treatment and turned to us, to our medical center, for help. Moreover, the patients did not come “fresh”, at the beginning of the disease, when it is much easier to treat. No, these were especially serious patients who, as they say, went through fire, water and copper pipes. They have already used almost everything, from antibiotics to hormones, and often they were threatened with amputation (I mean patients with trophic ulcers).

We have helped almost all of these patients. In any case, patients with trophic ulcers- absolutely everyone, even those who were unequivocally diagnosed with "beginning gangrene" and offered surgical treatment - amputation.

Sick eczema And allergic dermatitis anolyte also helps very well - usually after a course of treatment, such patients experience a period of long-term remission and, in order to avoid exacerbation, they must repeat the treatment 2-3 times a year.

Sick psoriasis anolyte most often only helps to relieve symptoms (itching, peeling), as well as prevent the appearance of new lesions, although there have been several cases of the complete disappearance of psoriatic plaques.

Anolyte helps well (when washing the lacunae of the tonsils and gargling) for patients chronic tonsil cast, including children. Already after a week of treatment, inflammation of the tonsils, swelling and purulent plugs disappear. The tonsils acquire a pink color and decrease to the size of the physiological norm.

I want to give a few examples of anolyte treatment and show some photos from our archive.

Anolyte saves from amputation

"Anolyte helped me save my leg." Anolyte treatment of a leg wound (from the story of L. F. Zlatkis (Latvia))

In 1993, I had a terrible accident, and my leg was almost amputated, but the doctor at the hospital said: “We will always have time to amputate, we will try to save it.” So, not without a painful process of healing and rehabilitation, they saved my leg within a year.

Everything was fine until the moment when all of a sudden I turned yellow, and two huge seams on my right leg in the thigh area parted (10 years after the accident - in 2003). Doctors have not established the cause of the incident. After a long stay in the hospital and taking a huge amount of medication, I was discharged with open wounds on my leg. It was scary to watch. All the muscles were visible in the wounds, which measured approximately 10–15 cm in length and 3–6 cm in width. There were deep "pockets" (approximately 1.5 cm) in the upper and lower sections of the wounds. Doctors practically refused to treat me, prescribing a large number of narcotic pills, it is not clear why.

Being in such a situation, I accidentally heard about anolyte through my friends. At first I did not believe that something would help me, but I was not ready to amputate my leg. Thus began my treatment with anolyte. I have used it externally for washes and lotions. The result began to appear by the end of the 1st week: the color of the wound changed (from dark blue to bright red), the wounds began to slowly shrink. The wound closed completely by the end of the 2nd month of treatment. I didn't go to the hospital anymore.

On fig. 2 shows the wounds of the patient at the beginning of treatment with anolyte, and in fig. 3 - at the end of treatment.

Rice. 2. Wounds on the 2nd day of treatment with anolyte

Rice. 3. Wounds in the 7th week of anolyte treatment

The following photos are from my archives. This woman came to my house. How she knew that I could help her, I don't remember. I only remember that I open the door (it was winter), and there was this woman in slippers. Her legs were so swollen and swollen that neither boots nor shoes fit. By that time, she had been sick for more than 6 months, since the summer, and no treatment (antibiotics, hormones) helped. I treated her simply with anolyte: baths and dressings for 2 weeks.

You can verify the effectiveness of the treatment by looking at Fig. 4.

Rice. 4. The results of the use of anolyte in chronic dermatosis complicated by fungal infection. Above - the patient's legs before treatment. Below - after 2 weeks of treatment with anolyte

Treatment of chronic skin diseases

Eczema, allergic dermatitis, psoriasis

Anolyte preparation. In these diseases, local application of anolyte in the form of wet dressings and lotions is recommended. The anolyte is prepared as follows. Warm tap water is poured into the device. 1/3 teaspoon of table salt is added to the anode zone of the apparatus (internal container). The device is connected to the electrical network for 15 minutes. For treatment, an anode zone solution is used.

Method of treatment. A gauze cloth (preferably a four-layer one) is moistened in this solution and applied to the affected areas for 15-20 minutes 4-5 times a day. You can fix the lotion with a single-layer bandage bandage. In cases of severe tightening of the skin from the 3rd-4th day of anolyte application, softening ointments or vaseline can be applied. The effect will be enhanced if 2 ml of a 1% diphenhydramine solution and 2 ml of a 50% solution of analgin (per 25 g of cream) are introduced into the ointment.

Trophic ulcers

Preparation and use of catholyte. Boiled water is poured into both zones of the apparatus, 20 ml of 10% calcium chloride is added to the anode zone. Activate 7 minutes. Drink catholyte 300-350 ml 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals, during the entire treatment period. In elderly patients with a tendency to hypertension, the intake should be accompanied by control of blood pressure.

Preparation and use of anolyte. Local treatment is carried out with anolyte. To prepare it, warm tap water is poured into both zones of the apparatus, 1/3 teaspoon of table salt is added to the anode zone. Activate 13 minutes. The wound is washed with an anolyte solution 3-4 times a day for 3-5 minutes.

After each washing, it is recommended to apply a lotion with anolyte, fixed with a bandage, for 30-40 minutes. With severe dryness of the granulation tissue that has appeared after the lotion, the wound is lubricated with streptomycin or synthomycin ointment or sterilized cottonseed oil.

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis

Local treatment of chronic tonsillitis, both in the acute stage and in remission, begins with the sanitation of the throat by rinsing with anolyte.

Anolyte preparation. The anolyte is prepared on the basis of tap water (40–45 °C) with the addition of 1/3 teaspoon of table salt and 5 drops of iodine or Lugol's solution to the anode zone. Activate 10 minutes.

Method of treatment. Gargling should be done 4-5 times a day. It is also good to wash the lacunae of the tonsils with anolyte 2-3 times a day using a syringe without a needle. Treatment with anolyte should be carried out for 4–5 days, and then for another 2 days, alternately gargle with anolyte, then catholyte. Both solutions are prepared simultaneously according to the above method.

ATTENTION! All instructions for the use of activated solutions are designed for the devices described at the end of the book and are not suitable for other devices!

Anolyte - "smart" antibiotic

I can not tell you about another amazing property of the anolyte.

For the first time, we noticed this property when treating chronic tonsillitis with anolyte (rinsing and washing the lacunae). So, when doing bacteriological cultures, we noticed that the anolyte destroyed the pathogenic flora (in this case, hemolytic streptococci of groups A and B, Staphylococcus aureus and other bacteria), but did not touch the microorganisms that are not involved in the process of inflammation of the pharynx (micrococci, non-hemolytic streptococci) , that is, showed selective antibacterial activity.

To check whether the "smart" selectivity of the anolyte was not random, we conducted a number of experimental and clinical studies on the use of the anolyte, observing its effect in the treatment dysbacteriosis, nonspecific And candidal colpitis, alkaline cystitis.

With all these diseases, the selectivity of the anolyte was repeated: destroying pathogenic microorganisms, it left the beneficial (indigenous) microflora intact. Moreover, it turned out that the "intelligence" of the anolyte directly depends on its redox potential(this will be discussed below) and appears only at certain values.

This property of the anolyte gives it a huge advantage over antibiotics, because by destroying the pathogenic flora, they also “cut out” the indigenous one, that is, they destroy the bacterial environment necessary for the normal existence of an organ, which leads to numerous diseases - candidiasis (fungal diseases), dysbacteriosis, disorders of immune and enzymatic functions.

The main secret of anolyte

Anolyte is a light, transparent solution with a chlorine smell. He possesses antiseptic, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, decongestant properties.

Anolyte renders local curative effect. This means that it acts (on a bacterium or inflammation) only with direct contact. Therefore, with tonsillitis, they gargle with it, with skin diseases they make lotions, and with salmonellosis they drink. With inflammation of the lungs or other diseases where direct contact is impossible, anolyte does not help.

Unlike catholyte, anolyte retains its properties for quite a long time. You can store it in a closed glass container for many months. But my advice to you is: if you have the opportunity, use the anolyte within 1-2 days after preparation.

For disinfection of water, rinsing with tonsillitis and treatment of trophic ulcers, various anolytes are used, the properties of which depend on the redox potential, the content of active chlorine or iodine. The content of active chlorine depends on the amount of salt added during the cooking process, and the redox potential depends on the activation time.

As a result of the electrolysis of an aqueous salt solution, strong oxidizing agents are collected in the anode zone: chlorine radicals– chlorine dioxide, hypochlorous acid and oxygen radicals– atomic oxygen, ozone, and also hydrogen peroxide. This composition, as well as a high redox potential, determine the properties of the anolyte.

Contacting with a microbial cell, the anolyte causes its death by violating the integrity of its cell wall, leakage of intracellular components, disruption of the ribosome apparatus, coagulation of the cytoplasm, etc. At the same time, the anolyte imitates the processes used by the body itself in the fight against bacteria, viruses, and also alien and regenerated (cancer) cells.

So, for example, the "military forces" of the body's immune defense - macrophages - envelop the "enemy" (bacteria, virus, cancer cell) with their tentacles (pseudopodia) so that it is inside the macrophage, and then "digest" it using a whole range of means , capable of destroying "enemy" cells, including with the help of oxygen and chlorine radicals - hydrogen peroxide, hypochlorite, singlet oxygen, hydroxyl ion, nitric oxide.

Anolyte is a blitz agent designed either for external use or for short internal intervention, mainly to fight infections.

It is precisely because of these properties that anolyte can be used for a rather long time to fight infections by external use, but only for a short period of time (5–7 days) and in a limited amount for oral administration (2–3 times a day, 100– 150 ml for adults).

The indicator of redox potential (or redox potential, in English reduction- recovery, oxidation– oxidation) is the most important parameter of activated solutions. This is an indicator characterizing the activity of reducing agents or oxidizing agents in a given solution, or, in other words, its redox properties, that is, the ability of a solution to donate or accept electrons.

The anolyte has a high redox potential (up to 1200 mV) (Fig. 5), which indicates the presence of strong oxidizing agents in its composition and the ability to take electrons from other compounds and biological objects, thereby causing oxidation and disruption of their viability.

Rice. 5. Redox potential of the anolyte: 1126 mV.

Oxidizing and reducing agents are the material of chemistry of the 8th-9th grades, which many have forgotten. To help remember, I will give a simple and elegant explanation from the textbook for high school A. V. Manuylov and V. I. Rodionov “Chemistry. 8th and 11th grades. Three Levels of Learning": "It's just so hard to remember which process - donating or capturing electrons - is called oxidation and which is reduction. For some of you, this drawing will help, which tells about the reaction between sodium and chlorine as if it happened in a “chemistry kindergarten”.

In this "kindergarten" the rules are the same as in the usual. Chlorine came to the kindergarten earlier and took as many as 7 toys (electrons). Sodium came a little later, and he got only a truck. Then Chlorine saw Sodium's truck and decided that it was this toy that he was missing! Chlorine is bigger and stronger, so the truck was instantly with him. And so that Natrium does not snitch (he has such oxidized view!), Chlorine offered to play together. What is there! Of course, Chlorine dragged all 8 toys closer to him, and Sodium only remains to stand next to the "oxidized" species.

In this story, shown in Fig. 6, chlorine is an oxidizing agent, and sodium is a reducing agent, that is, chlorine takes away electrons, and sodium gives them away.

Rice. 6. Not quite the usual record of the equation of the chemical reaction Na + Cl = NaCl. Chlorine takes foreign electrons. Sodium "oxidized" - this is noticeable in his sour physiognomy

So, oxidizers are substances that accept (or “take away”) an electron, and reducing agents - substances that can donate an electron.

Anolyte neutral ANK
Instructions for medical use - RU No. LS-002150

Last Modified Date: 21.03.2012

Dosage form

Solution for local and external use.


Sodium chloride solution 0.22% containing hydroperoxide oxidants - 0.008 - 0.012%;

Description of the dosage form

Clear colorless liquid with a slight smell of chlorine.

Pharmacological group


pharmachologic effect

Neutral anolyte ANK is an aqueous solution of a diluted sodium chloride solution, passed through an electrochemical reactor that produces chlorine-oxygen and hydroperoxide oxidants (hypochlorous acid, hypochlorite ion, active oxygen compounds). Anolyte neutral ANK is non-toxic, has high reactive and catalytic activity at a low concentration of active substances, disinfecting activity, detergent and anti-inflammatory properties. Anolyte neutral ANK accelerates the healing of infected purulent wounds.


The active substances of Anolyte neutral ANK, when applied topically, do not have a resorptive effect on the body.


Treatment of skin, skin folds, mucous membranes for the purpose of disinfection and removal of organic contaminants (sweat, sebaceous glands, other contaminants). Treatment of infected wounds, prevention of wound infection.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Do not treat basilioma, skin cancer at the intended treatment site.

Dosage and administration

Outwardly. locally.

The prepared solution is applied to a gauze napkin until intensive wetting and a napkin soaked in Anolyte neutral ANK is applied to the treated inflamed or healthy skin area. Application time - 10 - 15 minutes. The consumption of Anolyte neutral ANK during application therapy is 40 - 70 ml per 1,000 cm 2 of the skin surface, which corresponds to a dose of active substances from 4 to 7 mg - in terms of human body weight - 0.06 - 0.1 mg / kg of body weight for one application. After application, the skin area treated with Anolyte neutral ANK is dried for several minutes and the treatment is continued by other methods at the discretion of the attending physician (dry sterile dressing, fat dressings, ointment dressings or other methods). The total number of applications with anolyte 2-3 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is 5 - 7 days.

Side effects

Allergic reactions.

If the exposure time is extended beyond 15 minutes, skin irritation may occur.


Do not use in conjunction with iodine-containing antiseptics.

Release form

Solution for local and external use in bottles of 400 - 450 ml. Synthesis of the drug is allowed in electrochemical devices such as STEL ex tempora in the conditions of the operating unit, dressing room, procedural room, at the patient's bedside. The preparation prepared ex tempora is placed in clean sterile containers and used according to indications.

Storage conditions

At a temperature of 15 ° - 25 ° C, in a place protected from light. Freezing or heating of the drug is not allowed.

Anolyte ANK, pool use

In this topic, as promised earlier, I sum up the two-year use of anolyte to disinfect the pool water and maintain the water in an "ideal" state.
I do not plan to describe the anolyte in this topic, there is enough information on the Internet, I give only a short reference.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Brief information about Anolyte ANK

Anolyte ANK.

The most effective disinfectants in terms of functional properties with simultaneous low toxicity or its complete absence are metastable low-mineralized chlorine-oxygen antimicrobial solutions (electrochemically activated solutions).

Studies of recent decades have established that all higher multicellular organisms, including humans, synthesize hypochlorous acid and highly active metastable chlorine-oxygen and hydroperoxide compounds (a metastable mixture of oxidants) in special cellular structures to fight microorganisms and foreign substances. A mixture of oxidants close in composition is the active principle of a new generation antimicrobial solution - an electrochemically activated anolyte ANK, produced by STEL devices and their varieties from a dilute sodium chloride solution.

STEL devices and the like use flow-through electrochemical modular reactors - the FEM-3 element. In the process of practical work with FEM-3 elements, the idea was formed that it was from the moment of the creation of a reliable, universal and easy-to-use electrochemical reactor (Patent 1994) that the technology of electrochemical activation in particular and the technology of “personal” applied electrochemistry in general began.

Solutions that have the highest antimicrobial activity among all known liquid sterilizing and disinfecting agents with the lowest toxicity or its complete absence for warm-blooded organisms are electrochemically activated solutions, in particular, ANK neutral anolyte, which is produced in STEL-type installations. Quite often these solutions are identified with solutions of hypochlorite. This is due to the lack of awareness of people and their natural desire to simplify the classification of activated solutions produced in accordance with the principles of the new technology of electrochemical activation, by classifying them as well-studied hypochlorite solutions based on external signs of similarity.

Anolyte ANK, in contrast to 0.5 - 5.0% solutions of hypochlorite, which have only a disinfectant effect, is a sterilizing solution with an oxidant concentration in the range of 0.005 - 0.05%. Even after relaxation time, ANK anolyte is a much stronger antimicrobial agent than sodium hypochlorite.

The main principle of the technology for obtaining activated solutions is the use of a unipolar joint electrophysical and electrochemical effect on the medium being processed (the possibility of a short time of electrochemical effect on the liquid, 0.3 - 10.0 s, is provided by design at a significant current density up to 3000 A/m2, voltage up to 3000 mV and low specific energy consumption from 0.05 to 5.0 W*h/l), during which either selection or introduction of electrons is carried out, resulting in a directed change in the physicochemical, including structural, energy and catalytic properties of this medium .

The active substances in ANK anolyte are a mixture of peroxide compounds (hydroxyl radical; peroxide anion; singlet molecular oxygen; superoxide anion; ozone; atomic oxygen) and oxychlorine compounds (hypochlorous acid; hypochlorite ion; hypochlorite radical; chlorine dioxide).

Such a combination of active substances ensures the absence of adaptation (resistance) of microorganisms to the biocidal action of ANK anolyte, and the low total concentration of active oxygen and chlorine compounds guarantees complete safety for humans and the environment during its long-term use.

Anolyte ANK is a universal solution, therefore it is used both for disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization, as well as for general cleaning of premises, disinfection of equipment in healthcare facilities, clothing, surgeon's hands, etc.

The anolyte produced in the plant is a sterilizer for up to 5 days, a disinfectant for up to 60 days when stored in a dark place at room temperature.

In addition to anolyte, this season I used equitall to fight the smallest impurities that the sand filter does not hold back and to prevent "green" - algitin.
For the entire last season and the first half of this season, I used weekly anolyte treatment, from about the middle of this season (August-September) I began to use daily treatment. Anolyte has no restrictions on the time of application; it can be applied directly during bathing. I usually prepared the anolyte for 2-3 weeks and poured it into a plastic barrel of 215 liters, from which, according to the timer, the anolyte was fed into the supply pipe of the pool with a peristaltic pump. For 2 seasons, I was convinced that the anolyte can be successfully used to disinfect pool water, while the water has an attractive appearance, smells of freshness, and this treatment method can be recommended for those who cannot tolerate "chlorine" smells for any reason and want to have pool only safe chemicals. The anolyte itself has a slight smell of bleach, but when added to water, there is no smell of bleach. The activity of the anolyte is measured by hypochlorous acid, while the concentration of free chlorine when using the anolyte can be maintained well below the recommended level, in my experience the free chlorine rate of 0.3 mg / l is reached only at the time of application, and then it is within 0.1 mg / l at a constant water temperature in the pool above 30 degrees. Here is how the process of making anolyte and its application looks like:

Next season, I plan to give up (try) algitinn by weekly shock treatment of pool water with anolyte. In general, this season from the end of April to the beginning of October (the water was drained last weekend), despite the maintenance of a "hot" water temperature of 30-32 degrees, there was never a hint of greenery formation, I assessed the possibility of its formation by the color of the plaque on the white rag filter robot vacuum cleaner. As soon as the shade acquired a yellowish-greenish tint, algitin was applied (the frequency of application of non-foaming algitin is approximately once or twice a month at the rate of ~ 60-70 ml per 20 cubes).
I hope that next season there will be more information on the use of anolyte in the "problem" pool water, where there is a lot of iron and calcium (magnesium). In this regard, my water is not an indicator, it is from a well, rather soft (total hardness is not more than 1.5 W), there is practically no iron. Plus, I poured it into the pool through a softener.

Last edit: 10/14/16

Registration: 20.08.16 Messages: 1 Thanks: 2


Registration: 20.08.16 Messages: 1 Thanks: 2

I am a theoretician - I plan to put a pool next season. I study all aspects of the types, installation and maintenance of pools. Several times I met vagorzel messages about anolyte. I found and read a lot of third-party information. The result - I was imbued with this idea as the least "chemicalized". I will check with my experience. I can always switch to tablets. Thanks to all forum users for the experience.
  • Registration: 19.05.15 Messages: 2.148 Acknowledgments: 1.342

    I forgot to add, or rather, it was necessary to start the topic with this, that I do not sell, do not manufacture installations, I am not a dealer, manager or anyone else interested in selling anolyte production installations. I only describe how to apply it to the pool. Therefore, I cannot answer questions about where to buy and how much, etc.
    I don’t see much point in describing the advantages of anolyte, everyone can study this in detail from publications on the Internet and in special medical literature. I'd rather talk about the problems of using anolyte, which lie on the surface.

    SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Problems when using anolyte

    1. Anolyte, although the cheapest and most versatile disinfectant, but its initial solution has very low concentrations of active substances. Therefore, it must be made in fairly decent amounts compared to more concentrated "brothers" in the form of tablets or liquids. In my experience, this is about 10 liters of anolyte daily per 20 cubic meters of pool water (in the anolyte that I use, about 0.7 g / l for hypochlorous acid, in more common installations - 0.3-0.5 g / l) .
    2. Although they write about anolyte that it has the most prolonged action as a disinfectant, especially in low concentrations, it is still calculated in days. Freshly prepared anolyte works as a sterilizer for almost a week (up to 5 days), and then just as a high-quality disinfectant (storage in a dark and cool place - up to a maximum of 60 days). And after dissolving in water, its concentration drops very quickly, literally in a day or three (depending on the water temperature and lighting), its concentration is no longer sufficient for high-quality water treatment. But, given that there is not a single "magic substance" that would be thrown into the water once and forgotten - no, this property of the anolyte is not very different from other disinfectants.
    3. The 2 properties of the anolyte described above (the required daily or weekly volumes) immediately lead to the fact that it is almost impossible to buy it and transport it fresh to the place of use, unless there is some pharmacy or hospital nearby where you can agree to buy goods there on a permanent basis. basis. And the cost of even the simplest installation is at least two or three times higher than, for example, the cost of a chlorine generator, with which there are practically much fewer worries, if it does not scare away a slight "chlorine" smell, besides, a lot has been written and rewritten about it. Usually, it is this need to purchase an installation that is the last point of interest in the anolyte. This (high installation cost) is indeed the biggest disadvantage of this pool treatment technology.
    4. The real danger when working with anolyte, where you can get injured, is washing the deposits in the reactor of the installation, although it’s hard to get a burn at such a concentration, but if you don’t wash off the skin areas that accidentally get acid on, then you can probably get a burn . Flushing according to the passport should be carried out with a 5-10% hydrochloric acid solution. The washing process itself is simple - a hydrochloric acid solution is pumped from one bottle to another with a manual pump through the installation. Since this process is no different from the removal of mainly calcium-magnesium deposits on teapots and coffee makers, I have seen reports that the installations are washed with solutions of acetic or citric acid. The frequency of flushing from deposits depends entirely on the composition of the water, the harder the water (a lot of calcium), the more often flushing will be required (this moment is determined by the fact that it is no longer possible to withstand the current in the established sizes due to deposits on the surfaces). As I wrote earlier that my water is quite soft, this season I washed it only once, and then for prevention.
    5. Since the main active ingredient in the anolyte solution is hypochlorous acid, you need to carefully monitor the pH of the water and keep it within 7.2-7.6. This is true required for any pool, if you strive for "ideal" water. But still, when using anolyte, it is necessary to have at least two meters - a pH meter and a residual chlorine meter.

    If I remember some other negative points when using anolyte for the pool, then I will definitely write them down here.

  • Registration: 19.05.15 Messages: 2.148 Acknowledgments: 1.342

    SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Technology of pool water treatment with anolyte

    My recipe for the operation of heated pool water in a polycarbonate pavilion for the next swimming season May-September in the north of the Moscow region with anolyte treatment, based on the experience of 2 seasons.

    In October, I completely drain the pool, wipe it dry (from the inside) and open it so it winters in the pavilion.

    I. Preparing the pool for filling with water.

    I choose a more or less warm (if I'm lucky) sunny April day (three weeks before May), I wipe it with a wet cloth soaked in anolyte (I dilute about 1:20), the inner walls and bottom of the pool from dust and other contaminants accumulated during storage in open form, I give a couple of hours to dry, then with the help of a conventional sprayer I treat these surfaces with algitine (I breed according to the instructions). So I leave it at least until the next day to dry. However, according to experience, the walls dry out, but puddles from the algitinn solution still remain at the bottom.

    II. Pouring water into the pool.

    I start pouring water in mid-April. I fill it through a rope filter and a water softener, in a slow trickle using a timer. My well is quite shallow (5 rings in the ground, one above the ground), in the spring the water is active, with a large drawdown in the well, “dregs” form from fine suspended clay, so I fill slowly so that the water also flows into the well “slowly” ” without the formation of “turbidity”. The filling process takes about 10 days for me, the timer is set so that it turns on the solenoid valve for filling water for 15 minutes every 4 hours, the daily replenishment of water in the pool is about 2 cubes. In this “situation”, the water level in the well practically does not change, the water enters the well (by eye) is very clean (since the make-up is rather small) and there is time for fine suspension to settle in the well if it rises due to the operation of the pump. Weekly, during the pouring process, I pour in anolyte in a shock concentration (I proceed from the calculation of approximately 2-3 mg / l of the active substance per already filled volume of water). I have a pH of water from a well of about 6.7-6.9, so a disinfectant containing chlorine oxidizers works in an almost ideal (acidic) environment for it, and I do not adjust the pH in the process of pouring water.

    III. pH adjustment, final preparation of water for the beginning of the season.

    After filling, despite the fact that the water looks perfect, I connect a small sand pump-filter to the nozzles, fill in the shock concentration of anolyte again, run the robot vacuum cleaner into the pool (the water temperature is usually not lower than 12 degrees) (2 times in a row for 2 hours) to ensure active mixing of water so that the anolyte works in all the "back streets" of the pool. The filter pump runs for a couple of hours more. At this time, I install and prepare for operation the main seasonal set of filtration, water treatment with anolyte and water heating (heat pump). Then I level the pH to about 7.4 (I need pH plus, I also use a robot vacuum cleaner to thoroughly mix the reagent).

    IV. Starting the pool in working mode.

    There is about a week left until May and I connect a seasonal kit: the main sand pump-filter (I have a 20 m3 pool) ~ 5.5-6 m3 / h, a heat pump (HP) Brilix 100 and an anolyte supply unit. I set the water temperature in the HP to 31 degrees (according to experience, this is the most pleasant temperature for the first bath). According to the experience of 2 seasons in a week, it just enters this mode from about 12 degrees at the time of the launch of the HP.

    V. Operation in the season May-September.

    For the most part, the pool operates on a weekly cycle: Friday-Sunday swimming, Monday-Thursday just “walking”. The surface of the water is constantly covered with a solar blanket. It performs several functions: it protects water from excessive dust and other air pollution, water with a blanket warms up faster and cools down more slowly, when the air temperature in the pavilion is lower than the water temperature, this blanket saves from excessive evaporation of water and an increase in humidity in the pavilion. The anolyte is applied daily, twice a day, 60% in the morning (about 10 hours) - it is applied in 1 hour at a rate of 100 ml / min, then around 15 hours the remaining 40% (in 40 minutes). For application, a peristaltic pump with a timer is used. Anolyte has no restrictions on the time of application, it can be applied directly at the time of bathing. That is, 10 liters of anolyte are added daily (with an initial concentration of the active substance ~ 0.75 g / l) in two doses per 20 cubic meters of water heated to 30 degrees. According to the calculation, it turns out that I pour in the first portion approximately (0.75 g / l * 6l / 20m3) 0.225 mg/l active substance, the second portion approximately (0.75 g / l * 4 l / 20 m3) 0.15 mg/l. Since, when poured, part of the anolyte immediately reacts with impurities, and the remaining part slowly decomposes under the influence of light and temperature, the concentration of active substances in water is constantly changing, reaching a maximum at the time of application and falling to minimum concentrations by morning. I gave measurements of residual chlorine (active substances in the anolyte are measured by its equivalent) in the topic (can be viewed from this message)
    Periodic measurements of residual chlorine are generally as follows: half an hour after the end of anolyte addition and thorough mixing of water by a robot (18 m3 / h), residual chlorine is usually at the level of 0.22-0.24 mg / l, by the morning about 0.05-0 .1 mg/l. This, of course, is less than even the lower limit according to SanPiN for pools when using chlorine-containing components of 0.3-0.5 mg / l), but this concentration of anolyte (for hypochlorous acid) surpasses other known oxidizing agents in its activity as an oxidizing agent and disinfectant ( chlorine, hypochlorite, peroxide, etc.) in a concentration of about 10-50 times greater, which is fully confirmed by the practice of use.
    In past seasons, I periodically used algitinn to prevent the formation of greenery (in the outgoing season, there was never greenery at a water temperature above 30 degrees all season). Next season I will try to completely eliminate algitin by doing (for example, on Monday after departure) a one-time weekly shock treatment with anolyte at a concentration 2-3 times higher than usual (up to 0.5-0.7 mg / l of the calculated concentration of active substances upon application) . Then, of all the chemistry, besides the anolyte itself, only equital will remain (to remove contaminants that are not retained by the sand filter due to their small size) and pH plus for equalization (I add “acidic” water from the well with pH ~ 6.8, plus anolyte is also prepared specially acidic and has a pH<6 для большей активности). В прошлых сезонах я готовил анолит нейтральный с pH=7,7, но все равно естественное для бассейнов повышение pH в процессе эксплуатации не смогло «перебить» понижение pH за счет подливаемой воды. В итоге, в этом сезоне я после выравнивания pH до уровня 7,4 в начале сезона больше pH не регулировал, ph медленно падал и к октябрю стал примерно 7,1-7,15. В прошлом сезоне я примерно в середине августа повторно выравнивал pH (тоже pH плюсом) до уровня 7,3.

    VI. The end of the swimming season, plans for the future.

    This season I also purchased a TDS meter (a TDS meter is designed to measure the mineralization of water, that is, the total amount of TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) impurities dissolved in water, mainly alkali metals.). At the beginning of the season, the readings were about 110 units, at the end of the season (beginning of October) about 880. That is, for the entire season, an addition of about 770 units (the norm for pools is up to 1000 units). Since there is still unreacted salt in the anolyte and I think that it basically gave an increase, then at the end of the season I worked out the process of making anolyte from the pool water, making a tap after the main pump, so that this “leaked” salt could also be used for business and as a result, I hope, I will somewhat reduce the rate of increase in the mineralization of water in the pool. To some, this may seem like an overkill (water is already normal), but since there is an opportunity to improve the quality of water, I think it is simply necessary to use it.
    After the end of the season, I turned off everything (primarily the heat pump) and began to drain the water. I first drained by backwashing the filter directly to the ground (about half a cube-cube), then switched to drain bypassing the filter and through the drain pipe into the gutter near the road. Then the pool was completely wiped dry from the inside and so it was prepared for wintering.

    The described technology of caring for the pool water is unlikely to be suitable as a mass one, it requires, especially at the beginning, a lot of attention and time (although after debugging the processes, time is spent only on preparing anolyte with a frequency of once every 1-3 weeks, and less often: up to 1 once every 60 days, but a large container is needed to store the produced anolyte), may be of interest only to those who are looking for the safest and most environmentally friendly methods of water treatment with minimal concentrations of "chemistry", cannot tolerate the smell of chlorine either in the water or in the air of the room (pavilion ) and wants to bathe at any time, regardless of the chemical application schedule. Well, those who master this technology and select the modes on their water will always have a clean pool with guaranteed safe water, with the smell of freshness and saturated with oxygen after the introduction of anolyte.

    Last edit: 10/21/16

    Registration: 06/09/12 Messages: 389 Acknowledgments: 168

    All this is extremely cool, but where does such a price for equipment come from? from 60 thousand for the minimum device, from 230 thousand for an alligator. And this is the minimum. I don’t know what’s inside this box (everywhere it’s only described how cool it is, I didn’t find the principle of operation, composition, or instructions), but I can assume a cost of 10-30 thousand rubles. the rest is marketing and know-how type. This is the approach I do not accept. When an idea is taken, a “Kremlin pill” is made from it and sold for crazy money. Business in Russian. I think if it were the Chinese, they would have already made a device costing 5-10 times less. And made a lot of people happy. And then you see the manufacturer has a high idea - environmental friendliness ... apparently for the super elite.
  • Registration: 19.05.15 Messages: 2.148 Acknowledgments: 1.342

    SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Pouring water into the pool.

    No wonder they say, "if you want to make God laugh, tell someone about your plans." So it turned out this year, it was a warm March, but April changed places with it and plans also changed. Therefore, water began to be poured only now, although night frosts are predicted, but there is already a lag in the planned dates for the opening of the season in warm water. Therefore, I slightly adjusted the process of pouring the pool. I pour a day, using a daily electromechanical timer in increments of 15 minutes, about 2.25 cubic meters of water (18 cubic meters in 8 days), from 9 pm to 9 am pouring 15 minutes (the required flow is adjusted by a tap) every 1 hour 15 minutes (9 times) and from 11 am to 9 pm 5 more times every 2 hours. I hope that in a little over an hour (at night) the water will not have time to freeze in taps and other metal parts with expected frosts of about minus 2 degrees.
    Checked by a tester HMDigital TDS-4 the total mineralization of the flooded water received approximately 85 ppm, this gives a total water hardness of approximately 1.7 F (mg-eq / l), since 1 meq / l \u003d 50.05 ppm. For the hardness of water when pouring, I look for the third year, usually in the spring it is less than 2J. This year, I decided not to use a softener at all when pouring (in 2015, I poured about half of the pool with a softener, in 2016, completely the first fill). In 2015, he handed over water for analysis for 2 indicators for pH and general hardness (degrees of hardness W, 1W = 1 mg-eq / l). I did it more to check and calibrate my measuring instruments. Now the pH of the water is 6.9.
    During the day of filling, I made sure that I calculated everything correctly, approximately the estimated volume of water is collected per day. Filling is carried out through 2 successive rope filters " Geyser 20 BB flow", the first at 10 microns, the second at 5 microns. The flow rate through the filters is approximately 10-10.5 liters per minute, the flow rate is indicated on the filter no more than 30 liters per minute, so in this regard, I think that everything is fine for quality filtration.
    The water is transparent in appearance, but still has a slight grayish tint (this is melt water or "storm water", "perch water"), this happens every year when pouring. He poured 20 liters of anolyte (approximately 15 grams of active substance per 2-2.5 cubic meters of poured water, which approximately corresponds to a shock concentration of 7-8 g / m3 (up to 10 g / m3 for chlorine, using, for example, hypochlorite from a chlorine generator or in The poured water noticeably "cleared". After full pouring, I will process the entire volume and pour in the anolyte until the concentration in a couple of hours after the last injection and mixing of the anolyte is at least 3 g / m3. For mixing, I use a small sand pump and
    vacuum cleaner underwaterICLEANER-120 ICHROBOTER (except for thorough mixing of the water in the entire volume at the same time it cleans the water in the volume, the bottom and the walls, if anything precipitates during the shock treatment). So it will be necessary to maintain this concentration (about 3 g/m3 in terms of residual chlorine), adding and stirring the anolyte, at least for a day. After such a shock treatment, almost everything that can be oxidized and disinfected will definitely be oxidized and disinfected, all the sediment will be collected by the robot and it will be possible to bring the pool to operating mode. In my experience, about a day after the last infusion and maintaining a residual chlorine level of about 3 mg/l, this level will naturally drop to about 0.3-0.5 g/m3 (if the day is sunny and warm). From this point on, it will be possible to connect the main filtration system, a heat pump and an automatic anolyte injection into the pool water.
    But this will be the next step, I will describe it when its time comes..

    Last edit: 04/24/17

  • Registration: 19.05.15 Messages: 2.148 Acknowledgments: 1.342

    The pool is flooded, the water since the morning of April 30 was 10 degrees. At 11:00 a.m. all the equipment was started: sand pump, heat pump and anolyte application station (200 liter drum and peristaltic pump with timer).

    Today by 18 o'clock the water was 23 degrees, could not resist and swam, so we can say that the season is open.
    I expect that by next weekend the water will reach the operating mode of 30-32 degrees, children and grandchildren will come to open the 2017 season.
  • Registration: 19.05.15 Messages: 2.148 Acknowledgments: 1.342

    Now many will pour water into their pools, it is almost impossible to immediately pour "ideal" water, because water from a well is either increased iron or calcium (or both at once), from surface sources it is even more "dirt" . Despite the fact that I poured through two successive large-volume filters of 10 and 5 microns and the water looked very transparent, after working with a robot vacuum cleaner, a suspension of very fine clay is still found on a dense cloth filter, which passes through a 5 micron filter. In my experience, after several runs of the robot and the constant use of equitall (coagulant in cartridges (bags) for a long time to remove suspended matter from the pool water, used in pools with a sand filter (significantly improves the quality of filtration), the water is noticeably cleared (less sediment density in a cloth filter ) already in the first month of operation, and the sediment in the sand filter is washed out faster during weekly cleaning, although when I started the pool, I had to rinse it literally a day after working around the clock (the pressure increased). , which are at hand or which can be purchased for this, then there will be much less problems with the purification of this water during the operation of the pool.
  • The "Aquamed" unit is designed for the preparation of highly efficient, environmentally friendly and cost-effective disinfectant and cleaning solutions. It is a reliable and safe alternative to traditional disinfectants and detergents. "Aquamed" allows you to get rid of the problems of acquiring, transporting, storing and accounting for disinfectants. At any time, you will have as much disinfectant solution as you need!

    The unit was developed jointly with the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology of the Voronezh State Medical University and is intended for electrochemical conversion of aqueous salt solutions of chlorides into a metastable activated disinfectant solution - neutral anolyte (registration certificate No. 08-33-0.232467), which contains active substances represented by products of anodic water oxidation , hydrogen and sodium chloride (HClO, HClO2 , ClO2 , H2 O2 , HO2 , O3 , O2 , HO).

    The department, together with the Vitebsk OTsGEiOZ, the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Hygiene and the Research Institute of Epidemology and Microbiology, has established a high bactericidal, tuberculocidal, virucidal and fungicidal activity of neutral anolyte, which, according to the normative indicators of safety and effectiveness of disinfectants, meets the requirements of SanPiN 21-112-99.

    Neutral anolyte is intended for disinfection in medical and preventive and pharmaceutical institutions, trade, public catering and market establishments, hotels and hostels, as well as for disinfection of swimming pool water in accordance with the instructions approved and registered with the Ministry of Health.

    Neutral anolyte, having high biocidal activity, is at the same time environmentally safe, does not accumulate in the environment, and is produced from available and cheap components. The safety of the anolyte is given by a low concentration of active substances, and environmental friendliness is its natural property to spontaneously relax without the formation of toxic xenobiotic compounds, while neutralization after use is not required.

    For the operation of the installation, a pressure source of drinking water, edible salt and a voltage of ~ 220V are required.

    The use of the "Aquamed" installation is cost-effective. For example, to prepare 200 liters of neutral anolyte, it is necessary to spend 1 kg of table salt and 1 kW of electricity, i.e. current costs for the preparation of 1 liter of neutral anolyte are about 1 ruble.

    The neutral anolyte obtained at the Aquamed plant is superior in terms of application to the similar solution prepared at the domestic production unit of the BAVR type and Russian-made units of the STEL, EKHA-30, REDO-MT2 and others types, because the effect of disinfection of objects is achieved at a lower concentration of active substances in the solution and with a shorter exposure time. At the same time, the price of the Aquamed installation is lower than the indicated analogues.

    Currently, the Aquamed installation is successfully used by dozens of medical and sanatorium-resort institutions of the country.

    There is all the necessary regulatory documentation for the installation and neutral anolyte.

    INSTRUCTIONS for the use of a neutral anolyte disinfectant solution, obtained at AQUAMED-type devices in medical and preventive organizations

    The INSTRUCTION was developed by the Vitebsk State Medical University, the Research Institute of Sanitation and Hygiene, the Vitebsk Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health, the Vitebsk City Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology, and the AQUAPRIBOR Research and Production Unitary Enterprise.

    The INSTRUCTION is intended for personnel of medical and preventive organizations, disinfection centers, hygiene and epidemiology centers and other institutions involved in disinfection activities.

    1. General information

    1.1. Neutral anolyte is a transparent liquid with a slight smell of chlorine, the main active ingredients of which are highly active oxygen compounds of chlorine (ClO 2 , HClO, NaCIO, HClO 2 ,NaClO 2, etc.).

    1.2. A neutral anolyte disinfectant solution is obtained by electrochemical activation in Aquamed-type units (TU RB 490085159.002.2003) from aqueous solutions of chlorides (NaCl, KC1, etc.) in accordance with the Operation Manual. The installation allows to obtain anolyte with active chlorine content of 200 - 400 mg/dm 3 and pH=6.2 - 7.2.

    1.3. The quality control of the neutral anolyte is carried out when the unit is put into operation and then monthly in the chemical laboratory, and self-control is carried out daily and when the operating mode is changed by the express method in accordance with Appendix 1.

    1.4. Prepared solutions of neutral anolyte are stored in sealed containers made of inert materials (glass, nylon, plastic or enamelware) with tightly closed or screw-on lids, in a place protected from sunlight at room temperature for no more than 5 days after preparation.

    1.5. Neutral anolyte complies with the normative indicators of safety and effectiveness of disinfectants, according to the requirements of SanPiN 21-112-9, does not have a toxic effect on the body and belongs to low-hazard chemical compounds (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76). It does not irritate the skin, slightly irritates the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and eyes.

    1.6. Neutral anolyte has bactericidal, tuberculocidal, virucidal and fungicidal activity. It is effective against viruses and fungi at a concentration of 250 ± 50 mg/dm 3 , Mycobacterium tuberculosis - 350 ± 50 mg / dm 3 , other bacteria - 250 ± 50 mg / dm 3 active chlorine.

    1.7. Neutral anolyte is intended for disinfection of indoor surfaces, dishes, linen, personnel overalls, toys, sanitary equipment, medical products, cleaning equipment and materials in case of infections of bacterial, tuberculosis, viral and fungal etiology. Disinfection modes are presented in Table 1.

    2.2. Surfaces in rooms (floors, walls), surfaces of appliances, appliances, furniture, cleaning equipment, sanitary equipment (sinks, toilet bowls, bathtubs, urinals, heaters, lighting fittings, ventilation system grilles) are evenly moistened with anolyte neutral by 2-fold wiping with a rag at intervals of 15 minutes. The consumption of neutral anolyte is 100 cm 3 per 1 m 2 of surface. Surface areas as an object of disinfection are determined in accordance with Appendix 5 to the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus No. 165 of November 25, 2002.

    2.3. Disassembled medical devices are completely immersed in a container with neutral anolyte. In the presence of cavities and channels, they are filled with a syringe, pipette or other devices, while removing air bubbles. The layer of disinfectant solution above the product must be at least 1 cm.

    2.4. Tableware is freed from food debris and completely immersed in a container with neutral anolyte at the rate of 2 dm 3 per 1 set. Laboratory glassware is immersed in neutral anolyte. The disinfectant level must be at least 1 cm higher than the submerged dishes.

    2.5. Linen contaminated with biological fluids, personnel overalls, dressings, as well as cleaning materials are soaked in containers with neutral anolyte at the rate of 4-5 dm 3 /kg of dry material.

    2.6. Toys, patient care items are completely immersed in neutral anolyte. The disinfectant layer must be at least 1 cm above the disinfected objects.

    2.7. After disinfection is completed, the objects are washed with tap water.

    Table 1
    Modes of disinfection of various objects with neutral anolyte (рН=6.2-7.2)
    Disinfection object Disinfection modes for infections:
    Bacterial, viral and fungal etiology Tuberculous etiology
    Concentration, mg / dm 3 Exposure, min Concentration, mg / dm 3 Exposure, min
    Medical products from:
    - metal, glass;
    - plastics, rubber, etc.

    Not< 200
    Not< 200


    Not< 300
    Not< 300

    Tableware, laboratory Not< 200 60 Not< 300 90
    Surfaces (floor, walls, furniture, appliances, apparatus, etc.) Not< 200 60 Not< 300 90
    Sanitary equipment (sinks, bathtubs, toilet bowls, heaters, lighting fittings, etc.) Not< 200 60 Not< 300 90
    Overalls for staff (robe, cap, shoe covers, etc.) Not< 200 60 Not< 300 90
    Underwear and bed linen, diapers, dressings, etc. Not< 200 60 Not< 300 90
    Toys Not< 200 60 Not< 300 90
    Patient care items (oilcloths, enemas, vessels, etc.) Not< 200 60 Not< 300 90
    Cleaning equipment (mops, buckets, pots, etc.) Not< 200 60 Not< 300 90
    Cleaning materials (rags, napkins, etc.) Not< 200 60 Not< 300 90
    Rubber mats Not< 200 60 Not< 300 90

    3. Safety requirements for obtaining neutral anolyte

    3.1. The operation of the installations upon receipt of neutral anolyte should be carried out in a separate well-ventilated room. Anolyte is collected in closed containers

    3.2. Personnel who have studied the "Operation Manual" of the "Aquamed" installation and passed a medical examination in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus No. 33 of 8.08.2000 should be allowed to service the unit.

    When working with neutral anolyte, it is necessary to protect the skin of the hands with rubber gloves. For the duration of the exposure, the containers in which the immersion treatment is carried out are tightly closed with lids.

    3.3. When operating the unit, it is necessary to comply with the requirements set forth in GOST 12.2.025. The service personnel must monitor the tightness of the connections and the serviceability of the equipment, cleanliness and order in the room. When working with neutral anolyte, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene. It is forbidden to smoke, drink and eat at the workplace. After work, the face and hands are washed with soap.

    3.4. Neutral anolyte must be stored separately from medicines.

    4.1. In case of violations of labor protection rules when working with neutral anolyte, the personnel may develop acute poisoning, the signs of which are: redness and itching of the skin; headache.

    4.2. If signs of acute poisoning appear, it is necessary: ​​to carry out, if possible, inhalation in pairs of a 2% solution of baking soda (1 teaspoon per glass of water); see a doctor.

    4.3. If neutral anolyte gets into the eyes, they should be rinsed with plenty of water and consult a doctor; on the skin of the hands - wash them with water and grease with a softening cream.

    5. List of possible errors in the production and use of neutral anolyte and ways to eliminate them

    5.3. In case of violation of the disinfection regime (reduced chlorine concentration or exposure), the biocidal activity of the neutral anolyte decreases.

    Annex 1

    to the “INSTRUCTIONS for the use of a neutral anolyte disinfectant solution obtained at AQUAMED type devices manufactured by Aquapribor ChNPUP (Gomel, Republic of Belarus) in medical and preventive organizations.

    Anolyte quality control methods

    1. Sampling

    When taking samples for quality control, the following conditions must be observed:

    the volume of the anolyte sample for determining the content of active chlorine should not be less than 500 cm 3 (in accordance with GOST 18190-77);

    The sample container must be sealed, made of inert material and completely filled.

    2. Determination of active chlorine

    2.1. Determination of active chlorine content by iodometric titration in accordance with GOST 18190-72 “Drinking water. Methods for determination of residual active chlorine”.

    2.1.1. Equipment, materials and reagents:

    Measured laboratory glassware according to GOST 1770-74 and GOST 20292-74 with a capacity of: measuring flasks 100 and 1000 cm 3 ; pipettes without dividing 5, 10, 25 cm 3; microburette 5 cm 3 ; conical flasks with ground stoppers with a capacity of 250 cm 3 according to GOST 25336-82;

    Distilled water according to GOST 6709-72;

    Sulfuric acid according to GOST 4204-77;

    Potassium dichromate according to GOST 4220-75;

    Soluble starch according to GOST 10163-76;

    sodium thiosulfate.

    All reagents used in the assay must be of analytical grade (analytical grade).

    2.1.2. Preparation for analysis:

    a) preparation of a 0.1M solution of sodium thiosulfate: dissolve 25 g of sodium thiosulfate in freshly boiled and cooled distilled water and bring the volume to 1 dm 3 in a volumetric flask;

    b) preparation of a 0 1 mol / dm 3 solution of potassium dichromate: 4.904 g of potassium dichromate, weighed to within +0 0002 g, recrystallized and dried at 180 ° C to constant weight, dissolved in distilled water and adjusted to 1 dm 3;

    c) preparation of 1 mol / dm 3 solution of sulfuric acid: 28 cm 3 concentrated sulfuric acid is carefully added in small portions to 750 cm 3 of distilled water, cooled and the volume is adjusted to 1 dm 3;

    d) preparation of a 0.5% starch solution: 0.5 g of starch is mixed with a small volume of distilled water, poured into 100 cm 3 of boiling distilled water and boiled for several minutes;

    e) preparation of a 10% solution of potassium iodide: 10 g of potassium iodide is dissolved in distilled water and the volume is adjusted to 100 cm3;

    f) determination of the correction factor of sodium thiosulfate solution: 10 cm 3 10% potassium iodide solution is placed in a 250 cm 3 conical flask, 20 cm 3 1 mol / dm 3 sulfuric acid solution and 10 cm 3 0.1 mol / dm 3 potassium dichromate solution are added . Stir and put the flask in a dark place for 5 minutes. The released iodine is titrated with 0.1 mol/dm 3 sodium thiosulfate solution in the presence of 1 cm 3 starch until a turquoise color appears, which lasts for at least 30 s. The correction factor (K) is calculated by the formula:

    and where a is the volume of sodium thiosulfate consumed for titration, cm 3.

    2.1.3. The course of determination: 5 cm 3 10% solution of potassium iodide, 50 cm 3 1 mol / dm 3 sulfuric acid solution and 10 cm 3 anolyte are introduced into a conical flask with a ground stopper. The contents of the flask are mixed and placed in a dark place for 3-5 minutes. The released iodine is titrated with 0.1 mol/dm sodium thiosulfate solution until a light yellow color appears, after which 1 cm 3 of a 0.5% starch solution is added and titrated until the blue color disappears. The concentration of active chlorine (C ah, mg / dm 3) is calculated by the formula:

    C ax \u003d (V * K * 35.46 * 1000 * 0.1) / 10

    V is the volume of 0.1 mol / dm 3 sodium thiosulfate solution used for titration, cm 3; K is the correction factor for the molar concentration of the equivalent of sodium thiosulfate solution; 10 - volume of anolyte sample taken for analysis, cm 3 ; 0.1 - molarity of sodium thiosulfate solution; 35.46 - the content of active chlorine, corresponding to 1 cm 3 1 mol / dm 3 sodium thiosulfate solution.

    2.2. Determination of active chlorine by express method using indicator paper.

    2 2.1. Equipment, materials and reagents:

    Indicator paper "Millichlor";

    Color scale.

    2.2.2. The course of determination: dip a strip of indicator paper into the test solution, put it on a white waterproof surface and after 30-40 seconds compare the color of the strip with a color scale.

    2.3. Determination of active chlorine by the express method with potassium iodide.

    2.3.1. Equipment, materials and reagents:

    Crystals of potassium iodide (KI) according to GOST 4232-74, chemically pure;

    - "eye" spoon;

    Color scale.

    2.3.2. The course of determination: fill 1/2 of the test tube with anolyte, add 1 "eye" spoon (5 mg) of potassium iodide, mix, compare with the color scale.

    3. pH determination

    3.1. Determination of the pH value of the anolyte is carried out by the potentiometric method on the ionomer in accordance with the instructions attached to the device.

    3.2. Determination of the pH value by the express method using universal indicator paper.

    3.2.1. Equipment, materials and reagents:

    standard scale.

    3.2.2. The course of determination: dip a strip of indicator paper into the test solution, then remove it and immediately compare the color obtained with the standard scale.

    INSTRUCTIONS for the use of neutral anolyte obtained on "AQUAMED" type devices for disinfection of swimming pools.

    The INSTRUCTION is intended for medical and technical personnel of the swimming pool, hygiene and epidemiology centers, disinfection centers and other institutions engaged in disinfection activities.

    1. General information

    1.1. Neutral anolyte is a transparent liquid with a slight smell of chlorine, the main active ingredients of which are highly active oxygen compounds of chlorine (СlO 2 , НClО, NaClO, HClO 2 , NaClO 2 etc.).

    1.2. Neutral anolyte complies with the safety and efficacy standards for disinfectants for disinfecting swimming pool water, in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 21-112-99 (p. 1.3, 2.3), does not have a toxic effect on the body and belongs to low-hazard chemical compounds (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76). It does not irritate the skin, slightly irritates the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and eyes.

    1.3. Neutral anolyte has bactericidal, tuberculocidal, virucidal and fungicidal activity.

    1.4. This instruction regulates the use of neutral anolyte, obtained at Aquamed type installations, as a disinfectant for disinfecting swimming pool water, preventive disinfection of rooms and equipment, disinfection of the pool bath after draining the water and mechanical cleaning. Neutral anolyte is a chlorine-containing substance characterized by physical and chemical properties that allow it to be used as a substitute for chlorine-containing preparations used to disinfect swimming pool water.

    1.5. The instruction regulates the quality control of the anolyte neutral in terms of the content of active chlorine, the use of the anolyte for disinfection of water, premises and equipment of the pool and the control of the effectiveness of disinfection.

    1.6. The main documents regulating personal hygiene measures, sanitary-hygienic, anti-epidemic and sanitary-technical measures during the operation of bathing and sports swimming pools are SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the device, operation and water quality of swimming pools" No. 2002.

    1.7. Disinfection of water, preventive disinfection of premises and equipment, disinfection of the pool bath is carried out by specially trained pool personnel or local disinfection stations on a contractual basis with systematic laboratory control based on a production laboratory with regular at least 1 time per month and according to state sanitary supervision.

    1.8. Responsibility for compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime of operation of swimming pools and the use of neutral anolyte as a disinfectant lies with the administration of the pool.

    2. Preparation of a disinfectant solution of neutral anolyte.

    2.1. A neutral anolyte disinfectant solution is obtained by electrochemical activation in Aquamed type devices (TU RB 490085159.002-2003) from aqueous solutions of chlorides (NaCl, KC1, etc.) in accordance with the “Passport” AGFTZ.293.000 PS. The installation allows to obtain neutral anolyte with active chlorine content of 200 - 2000 mg/dm 3 and pH=6.2 - 7.2.

    2.2. The prepared neutral anolyte solution is preliminarily accumulated before use and stored in a separate sealed container made of chlorine-resistant material (plexiglas, polyethylene, vinyl plastic, polyvinyl chloride, etc.) at room temperature for no more than 5 days after preparation.

    2.3. The quality control of the neutral anolyte is carried out when the unit is put into operation and then monthly in the chemical laboratory, and self-control is carried out daily and when the operating mode is changed by the express method in accordance with clauses 3.3, 3.4.

    2.4. Precautions when working with neutral anolyte are set out in the passport for the Aquamed installation.

    3.1. Sampling is carried out in a sealed container made of an inert material, which is completely filled;

    3.2. Determination of active chlorine.

    Color scale.

    3.3.2. Definition progress:

    Measured laboratory glassware according to GOST 1770-74 and GOST 20292-74 with a capacity of: test tubes 15 cm 3 .

    Crystals of potassium iodide (Kl) according to GOST 4232-74, chemically pure;

    - "eye" spoon;

    Color scale.

    4. Chlorination of the pool with neutral anolyte.

    4.1. Chlorination of pool water with anolyte, like any other chlorine-containing preparation, should be based on a preliminary determination of the chlorine absorption of water, calculation of the working dose of anolyte introduced into the pool water, determination of the concentration of residual chlorine in water. The constant concentration of residual chlorine in the sports pool should be maintained at the level of 0.3 - 0.5 mg/l, in the rest - 0.5 - 0.7 mg/l.

    In the pool bath for children 1-6 years old, the content of free residual chlorine is allowed at the level of 0.1-0.3 mg/l in the absence of coliphages in the water.

    4.2. During a long interval (more than 2 hours), an increased content of residual free chlorine is allowed up to 1.5 mg/l, associated - up to 2 mg/l. By the beginning of the reception of visitors, the concentration of residual chlorine should not exceed the standard level.

    4.3. During daily cleaning, the equipment and surfaces of the toilet, showers, cloakrooms, walkways, benches, door handles, handrails, rugs, etc. are disinfected with neutral anolyte with a residual chlorine concentration of 200 mg / l by wiping twice with a rag with a disinfectant consumption of 200 ml per 1 sq. m at the surface.

    General cleaning of all premises with subsequent disinfection is carried out at least once a month.

    Disinfection of the bath after draining the water and mechanical cleaning is carried out with a neutral anolyte with an active chlorine concentration of 200 mg / l by double irrigation with a disinfectant consumption of 200 ml per 1 sq. m of surface. Washing off the disinfectant solution is carried out with hot water no earlier than 1 hour after its application.

    4.4. During the operation of the pool, neutral anolyte is added to the circulation system constantly or periodically using an ejector connected to the storage tank.

    4.5. Determination of chlorine absorption by water of neutral anolyte chlorine. The equipment, materials and reagents are the same as those used to control the concentration of residual chlorine in the pool water (section 5.3).

    A liter of pool water is poured into three liter flasks and anolyte is added in volumes containing 1, 2, 3 mg of active chlorine, respectively, in the first, second and third samples. The contents of the flasks are thoroughly mixed, kept for 30 minutes, and the amount of residual chlorine is determined by the iodometric method. Chlorine demand is compiled taking into account the chlorine absorption of water and the dose of residual chlorine. The volume of anolyte is recalculated for the volume of the pool and its required amount is introduced using a dispenser.

    Example: suppose that the working dose of anolyte, taking into account the chlorine demand of water, was 2 mg / l of active chlorine, or in terms of the volume of anolyte containing 200 mg / l of active chlorine, 10 ml of anolyte per 1 liter of water, or 10 liters per 1 cu. m of water. If the volume of the pool is 1000 cubic meters. m, then you need anolyte 10 cubic meters. m.

    5. Monitoring the effectiveness of pool water disinfection with neutral anolyte

    5.1. The concentration of residual active chlorine is checked in the pool water every 2 hours.

    5.2. Water sampling is carried out at least at 2 points (in shallow and deep parts).

    5.3. The determination of residual chlorine is carried out according to GOST 18190-72 by the iodometric method.

    6. Signs of poisoning and first aid

    6.1. In case of violations of labor protection rules when working with neutral anolyte, the personnel may develop acute poisoning, the signs of which are:

    irritation of the respiratory system (tickling in the nose and nasopharynx, acute incessant cough, discharge from the nose);

    irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes (burning, pain, itching, profuse lacrimation);

    redness and itching of the skin; I


    6.2. If signs of acute poisoning appear, you must:

    urgently remove the victim to a well-ventilated area or to fresh air;

    provide him with peace and warmth;

    give a warm drink (milk with mineral alkaline water or baking soda);

    if possible, inhale in pairs with a 2% solution of baking soda (1 teaspoon per glass of water); consult a doctor.

    6.3. If neutral anolyte gets into the eyes, they should be rinsed with plenty of water and consult a doctor; on the skin of the hands - wash them with water and grease with a softening cream.

    7. List of possible errors in the production and use of neutral anolyte

    7.1. With the wrong choice of the dose of sodium chloride, increased or reduced specific consumption of electricity, an anolyte can be obtained with an insufficient concentration of active chlorine and other active substances, as well as with an acidic or alkaline reaction of the medium.

    7.2. In case of violation of the method of application of neutral anolyte (uneven wetting of surfaces, incomplete immersion or soaking), the biocidal activity of the disinfectant may decrease.

    7.3. In case of violation of the disinfection regime (reduced chlorine concentration or exposure), the biocidal activity of the neutral anolyte decreases.

    7.4. When using an anolyte with an acidic reaction, corrosion of metal products is possible. To reduce the corrosivity when processing metal products, only neutral anolyte should be used, and, if necessary, corrosion inhibitors (0.14% sodium oleate solution) should be used.

    INSTRUCTIONS for the use of neutral anolyte obtained on "AKVAMED" type devices for disinfection of trade, public catering and market formations.

    The INSTRUCTION was developed by the Vitebsk State Medical University, the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Hygiene, the Vitebsk Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health, the Private Scientific and Production Unitary Enterprise "AQUAPRIBOR", Gomel.

    The INSTRUCTION is intended for personnel of trade enterprises, public catering and market formations, as well as specialists of disinfection centers, hygiene and epidemiology centers and other institutions involved in disinfection activities.

    1. General information

    1.1. A neutral anolyte disinfectant solution is obtained by electrochemical activation in Aquamed type devices (TU RB 490085159.002.2003) from aqueous solutions of chlorides (NaCl, KC1, etc.) in accordance with the Operation Manual. The installation allows to obtain anolyte with active chlorine content of 200 - 400 mg/dm 3 and pH=6.2-7.2.

    1.2. Neutral anolyte is a transparent liquid with a slight smell of chlorine, the main active ingredients of which are highly active oxygen compounds of chlorine (СlО 2 , НClО, NaClO, HClO 2 ,NaClO 2, etc.).

    1.3. Quality control of the neutral anolyte is carried out when the unit is put into operation and then monthly in the chemical laboratory, and self-control is carried out daily and when the operating mode is changed by the express method.

    1.4. The prepared solutions of neutral anolyte are stored in sealed containers made of inert materials (glass, nylon, plastic or enamelware) with tightly closed or screw-on lids, in a place protected from sunlight at room temperature for no more than 5 days after preparation.

    1.5. Neutral anolyte complies with the normative indicators of safety and effectiveness of disinfectants, in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 21-112-9; does not have a toxic effect on the body and belongs to low-hazard chemical compounds (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76). It does not irritate the skin, slightly irritates the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and eyes.

    1.6. Neutral anolyte has bactericidal, incl. tuberculocidal, activity, virucidal and fungicidal activity.

    1.7. Neutral anolyte Designed for disinfection of indoor surfaces, utensils, production equipment, refrigeration equipment, process equipment, sanitary equipment, production and cleaning equipment, materials, etc. in case of infections of bacterial, viral and fungal etiology. Disinfection modes are presented in Table 1.

    Table 1
    Modes of disinfection of various objects of trade enterprises, public catering and market formations with neutral anolyte (рН=6.2-7.2)

    Disinfection object

    Disinfection modes for infections:

    bacterial, viral and fungal etiology

    Concentration, mg / dm 3

    Exposure, min

    Inventory (trade, production) from:

    Metal, glass;

    Plastics, rubber, etc.

    Equipment (commercial, refrigeration, technological) from:

    Metal, glass;

    Plastics, rubber, etc.

    Trays, wash basins, racks, sales counters from:

    Metal, glass;

    Plastics, rubber, etc.

    Scales, bottling machines for juices and drinks, vending machines for milk, coffee, cocoa

    Surfaces (floor, walls)

    Sanitary equipment (sinks, cisterns, toilet bowls, heaters, lighting fittings, etc.)

    Cutting boards, decks

    Cleaning materials (mops, buckets, basins, pots, rags, napkins, etc.)

    2. Application of anolyte neutral

    2.1. Anolyte neutral should be used once without dilution.

    2.2. Surfaces in rooms (floor, walls), surfaces of production and refrigeration equipment, furniture, sanitary equipment (sinks, toilet bowls, bathtubs, urinals, heaters, lighting fittings, ventilation system grilles) are evenly moistened with neutral anolyte by 2-fold rubbing with a rag with an interval of 15 min. Anolyte consumption is 100 cm3 per 1 m2 of surface.

    2.3. Disassembled production equipment and inventory is completely immersed in a container with neutral anolyte. In the presence of cavities and channels, they are filled with a syringe, pipette or other devices, while removing air bubbles. The layer of disinfectant solution above the product must be at least 1 cm.

    2.4. The dishes are completely immersed in a container with neutral anolyte. The disinfectant level above the dishes should be at least 1 cm.

    2.5. Harvesting materials are completely immersed in neutral anolyte at the rate of 4 dm3/kg of dry material.

    2.6. After the end of disinfection, the objects are washed with tap water for 1-3 minutes.

    2.4 Precautions when working with neutral anolyte are set out in the passport for the Aquamed installation.

    3. Quality control methods for neutral anolyte.

    3.1. Sampling is carried out in a sealed container made of an inert material, which is completely filled;

    3.2 Determination of active chlorine

    3.2.1. Determination of active chlorine content by iodometric titration in accordance with GOST 18190-72 “Drinking water. Methods for determination of residual active chlorine”.

    3.3. Determination of active chlorine by express method using indicator paper.

    3.3.1. Equipment, materials and reagents:

    Indicator strips DESIKONT-NA-01-P-150 NPF "Vinar";

    Color scale.

    3.3.2. Definition progress:

    Dip the indicator strip into the test solution, put it on a white waterproof surface, and after 60 s compare the color of the strip with the color scale.

    3.4. Determination of active chlorine by the express method with potassium iodide. 3.4.1. Equipment, materials and reagents:

    Measured laboratory glassware according to GOST 1770-74 and GOST 20292-74 with a capacity of: test tubes 15 cm 3 .

    Crystals of potassium iodide (Kl) according to GOST 4232-74, chemically pure;

    - "eye" spoon;

    Color scale.

    3.4.2. The course of determination: fill 1/2 of the test tube with anolyte, add 1 "eye" spoon (5 mg) of potassium iodide, mix, compare with the color scale.

    3.5. pH determination

    3.5.1. The determination of the pH value of the anolyte is carried out by the potentiometric method on the ionomer in accordance with the instructions attached to the device.

    3.6. Determination of the pH value by the express method using universal indicator paper.

    3.6.1. Equipment, materials and reagents:

    Paper indicator universal;

    standard scale.

    3.6.2. The course of determination: dip a strip of indicator paper into the test solution, then remove it and immediately compare the color obtained with the standard scale.

    4. Signs of poisoning and first aid

    4.1. In case of violations of labor protection rules when working with neutral anolyte at personnel may develop acute poisoning, the signs of which are:

    irritation of the respiratory system (tickling in the nose and nasopharynx, acute incessant cough, discharge from the nose);

    irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes (burning, pain, itching, profuse lacrimation);

    redness and itching of the skin;


    4.2. If signs of acute poisoning appear, you must:

    urgently remove the victim to a well-ventilated area or to fresh air;

    provide him with peace and warmth;

    give a warm drink (milk with mineral alkaline water or baking soda);

    carry out, if possible, inhalation in pairs of a 2% solution of baking soda, a teaspoon per glass of water);

    see a doctor.

    4.3. If neutral anolyte gets into the eyes, they should be rinsed with plenty of water and consult a doctor; on the skin of the hands - wash them with water and grease with a softening cream.

    5. List of possible errors in the production and use of neutral anolyte

    5.1. With the wrong choice of the dose of sodium chloride, increased or reduced specific consumption of electricity, an anolyte can be obtained with an insufficient concentration of active chlorine and other active substances, as well as with an acidic or alkaline reaction of the medium.

    5.2. In case of violation of the method of application of neutral anolyte (uneven wetting of surfaces, incomplete immersion or soaking), the biocidal activity of the disinfectant may decrease.

    5.3. In case of violation of the disinfection regime (reduced chlorine concentration or exposure), the biocodic activity of the neutral anolyte decreases.

    5.4. When using an anolyte with an acidic reaction, corrosion of metal products is possible. To reduce the corrosivity when processing metal products, only neutral anolyte should be used, and, if necessary, corrosion inhibitors (0.14% sodium oleate solution) should be used.

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