Diet for iron deficiency anemia in the elderly. Nutrition for iron deficiency anemia

The underlying cause of iron deficiency anemia, as the name implies, is a lack of iron in the body. To resist such a disease, it is necessary to ensure that the necessary substances and elements enter the bloodstream.

If the disease is due to the fact that a person ate poorly, worked hard physically, starved for a long time or adhered to strict diets, then he can be helped by correcting nutrition.

If the disease is associated with the presence of internal bleeding or malignant neoplasms, then a simple change in nutrition is not enough here: long-term qualified treatment will be required.

The diet for iron deficiency anemia can be used both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

The main direction of such a diet can be called the following:

  • providing the body with all the required vitamins and minerals;
  • general strengthening of immunity.

Nutrition during treatment should consist mainly of protein foods (up to 120 g of protein per day), vegetables and fruits. Fats are limited to 40 g per day. The diet necessarily includes fresh herbs, berries, freshly squeezed juices.

Foods that are rich in iron should be consumed with those foods that contain a lot of vitamin C, since ascorbic acid facilitates and accelerates the absorption of iron.

But dairy products should be eaten separately from foods rich in iron, since calcium does not allow iron to be fully absorbed. By the way, the same can be said about caffeine and alcoholic beverages: they do not contribute to the absorption of iron into the blood.

Diet for anemia in adults

In adults, this disease is somewhat less common than in children, but the course is more complicated and longer. Most often, this condition is associated with heavy physical exertion and lack of a balanced diet.

The diet for anemia in adults provides for an increase in the content of food proteins, vitamins and trace elements.

Regarding the nutritional value of dishes, it is necessary to adhere to the following daily scheme:

  • protein - up to 120 g;
  • fats - up to 40 g;
  • carbohydrates - up to 450 g.

The average daily calorie content should be an average of 2500-3000 kcal.

The composition of the diet of adult patients should include vegetable and fruit dishes, berries are well-known "carriers of hematopoietic factors".

A lot of iron and its compounds are found in potatoes, in almost all types of cabbage, in eggplants and zucchini, melon, pumpkin, garlic and onions, rose hips, citrus fruits, apples, corn, etc. The use of berries is welcome: viburnum, cranberries, gooseberries, blueberries, etc. strawberries.

Diet for anemia in pregnancy

Anemia in pregnant women is a frequent and dangerous phenomenon, because with a long-term current disease, the growth and development of the unborn child can be disturbed.

If anemia is diagnosed in a pregnant woman, then complex treatment is necessary: ​​taking complex vitamin preparations plus a special diet. In other cases, it is recommended to follow a diet to prevent anemia.

During pregnancy, the need for trace elements and vitamins increases, because the body of the expectant mother is the only source of nutrition for the baby. In addition, in a pregnant woman, the volume of circulating blood grows, which means that there should now be more blood cells.

The main point in the prevention of anemia is a balanced, varied diet, since anemia can be triggered not only by a lack of iron, but also by proteins, vitamins and some minerals.

Iron is found in meat, fish, liver. Of the products of plant origin, buckwheat, berries, and vegetables can be noted.

As we have already noted, iron will not be absorbed sufficiently without the presence of ascorbic acid. This vitamin can be found in cabbage, cranberries, citrus fruits, and currants.

If the disease is caused by a lack of B vitamins, then milk, eggs and meat products should be included in the diet.

Diet for anemia in the elderly

Anemia in old age can be found quite often. This is due to a sedentary lifestyle, with chronic diseases, with a drop in the body's defenses.

The main rule of nutrition for the elderly is the regularity of food intake: attacks of hunger should not be allowed, as well as overeating. The physiological processes of aging, which affect all human organs, including the digestive system, lead to limited functionality, so hunger and overeating can adversely affect the subsequent absorption of food.

It is inappropriate to talk about prohibited foods at this age, but the foods that should be preferred can be listed. As a rule, these are meat, dairy products, vegetables, herbs, fruits. Switching to a vegetarian diet in old age is strongly discouraged, since it is very, very difficult for an elderly body to adapt to global changes in nutrition.

It is necessary to eat eggs (2-4 per week), cereals (especially buckwheat), vegetables (beets, cabbage). Legumes are not worth eating, they are not well absorbed at this age.

If an elderly person cannot consume fresh plant foods due to diseases of the teeth or digestion, then they should be crushed as much as possible to a puree state, then the assimilation will be complete.

Diet for anemia in children

The diet for anemia in children should be varied, the dishes should be appetizing, so that the little gourmet wants to eat something healthy himself. The daily diet should include meat, vegetable, fruit dishes and eggs.

If the disease is significant, then in the baby's menu it is necessary to limit fats.

It is very important for the baby to eat foods with sufficient iron, vitamins (especially A, C and B). Among such products are dishes from the liver, tongue, beans, cereal side dishes (buckwheat, barley, oatmeal), vegetable purees and stews. Vitamin A is sufficiently contained in marine fish and fish oil.

Vitamin B is found in sufficient quantities in beef meat, prunes, legumes. It is also present in the liver, which is highly recommended for children of all ages. For babies, pureed liver is added to cereals, mashed potatoes, and for older children, you can cook pate or casserole.

The disease often develops in children who are characterized by uniformity in nutrition. For example, a child requires only their favorite yogurt or sausage with pasta, and can eat such food three times a day every day. It is important to take timely measures to prevent anemia by diversifying the diet. Try to cook in such a way that the child is interested in such food. A good way to “work up an appetite” is to cook a dish with your child, and then he will probably not be able to resist trying his “masterpiece”. You can not force the baby to eat this or that dish: such behavior will further push the child away from wholesome food.

Iron, calcium, vitamins, copper - such important components of food, together with the organization of the daily routine, outdoor games, guarantee successful treatment.

Diet 11 for anemia

The nutrition of people suffering from anemia is based on a therapeutic diet No. 11, which provides for limiting the consumption of animal fat and preferential nutrition with the most useful products for hematopoiesis.

Diet 11 is prescribed not only for anemia, but also for some states of exhaustion of the body, a drop in immunity, in the period of rehabilitation after long-term illnesses.

Diet 11 for anemia is aimed at increasing the protective forces and stimulating the restoration of oppressed functions, including hematopoietic ones.

Treatment table 11 provides for an increase in the daily calorie content of the diet, an increase in the intake of proteins, vitamin and mineral components of food. Dishes are consumed warm (since cold and hot foods are digested much worse).

Of the permitted products, you can use the following:

  • bakery products, cookies, gingerbread, muffins;
  • all kinds of first courses;
  • sea ​​fish and seafood, liver, meat dishes;
  • dairy and sour-milk products, hard cheese and cottage cheese;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • side dishes of legumes, cereals and pasta;
  • in any form, berry, fruit and vegetable dishes, as well as raw vegetables and fruits, herbs;
  • bee products;
  • vegetable oils;
  • herbal teas, freshly squeezed juices.

It is undesirable to include in the diet:

  • cream cakes, cake, ice cream;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, vinegar, marinades, sauces;
  • lard and fatty meat;
  • butter, margarine, melted fat;
  • puff pastry;
  • canned food, smoked fish and meat;
  • chocolate;
  • alcoholic drinks, coca-cola.

Salt is consumed in an amount of no more than 13 g per day, liquid - at least 1.5 liters.

Diet for moderate anemia

Anemia of moderate degree may be a sufficient indication for the appointment of dietary table No. 11. With this degree, it is important not to start the disease, but to correct and restore the hematopoietic function in time.

A diet for moderate anemia can be reinforced by taking vitamin preparations, but such a decision should be voiced by a doctor.

It happens that a person consumes enough food rich in iron, and the situation with anemia does not stabilize. It should be noted that in case of illness, not only preparations or products containing iron are important, but also a number of vitamin and mineral substances.

For example, vitamin E is involved in the neutralization of free radicals, serves as a prevention of damage to cellular structures and allows you to keep blood cells safe and sound.

Of great importance in the diet for anemia is folic acid and vitamin B¹², which are found in large quantities in meat products and cereals. Without these vitamins, blood cells lose their ability to carry oxygen throughout the body. In addition, folic acid facilitates the absorption of iron, stabilizes the function of the nervous system. With digestive disorders, the absorption of folic acid may be impaired, which can lead to the development of the disease.

Another very important vitamin for preventing disease is vitamin C, which helps with the absorption of iron. There is a lot of such a well-known vitamin in citrus fruits, cabbage, berries. Products with ascorbic acid are best consumed fresh, as the vitamin loses its ability during heat treatment.

Diet recipes for anemia

  • Oatmeal fruit and nuts

We will need: 1 cup of oatmeal, 200 ml of water, 200 ml of milk, two handfuls of finely chopped favorite fruits, 2 tablespoons of any nuts, a little cinnamon, salt and sugar.

Pour oatmeal into boiling water and boil for about 6 minutes, then add warmed milk and spices and cook until tender. Add the fruit and nut mixture to the finished porridge.

  • Chicken liver pudding with rice

We will need: 2 cups of rice, about ½ kg of liver, 2 eggs, 2 onions, sunflower oil, 50 g of hard cheese, greens.

Chop the onion and fry in sunflower oil until golden brown. Cut the liver into arbitrary pieces and add to the onion, fry for about 8-9 minutes. We take it off the fire.

Meanwhile, cook rice (about 20 minutes) with salt. We take eggs, separate the proteins and beat well, put in a cold place for 10 minutes. Rub hard cheese.

The cooled rice is carefully combined with proteins, mix. In an oiled mold, spread half of the resulting mass. Put the liver and onion on top, pour one beaten yolk. Again a layer of the remaining rice and a beaten second egg yolk. Sprinkle with grated cheese and place in the oven at 180°C for about 20 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

  • Carrot pie

We will need: 175 g of granulated sugar, 175 g of vegetable oil, 3 eggs, 3 medium carrots, 100 g of raisins, orange peel, 175 g of flour, 1 teaspoon of soda, the same amount of cinnamon, a pinch of nutmeg. For glaze: 175 g of powdered sugar, up to 2 tablespoons of orange juice.

Combine sugar, vegetable oil and eggs, beat a little. Add finely grated carrots, raisins and zest.

Mix flour, spices and soda, mix with the previously prepared carrot mixture.

Pour the dough into a greased form and bake at 180 ° C for about 45 minutes. After cooking, cool, remove from the mold and pour over the icing. For the glaze, mix the powder and orange juice.

Diet menu for anemia

Approximate diet for anemia for 7 days.

  • Breakfast. Millet porridge with fruits, rosehip tea.
  • Lunch. The vinaigrette.
  • Dinner. Borscht, sour cream, steak with cabbage salad.
  • afternoon tea. Freshly squeezed juice with biscuits.
  • Dinner. Boiled potatoes with meat, tea with lemon.
  • Breakfast. Sandwich with liver pate, soft-boiled egg, yogurt.
  • Lunch. Apple.
  • Dinner. Shchi, chicken with rice, compote.
  • afternoon tea. Pomegranate juice.
  • Dinner. Jellied fish, potatoes, tea.
  • Breakfast. Oatmeal with fruits, a glass of milk.
  • Lunch. Banana.
  • Dinner. Chicken soup, stewed vegetables with meat patty, apple juice.
  • afternoon tea. Cup of cottage cheese with sour cream.
  • Dinner. Cabbage salad, meatball, tea with lemon.
  • Breakfast. Cheesecakes with honey, fruit compote.
  • Lunch. A handful of berries.
  • Dinner. Pickle, fish fillet with potatoes, oatmeal jelly.
  • afternoon tea. Cake and apple juice.
  • Dinner. Macaroni and cheese, tea with lemon.
  • Breakfast. Cottage cheese casserole with berries, tea with milk.
  • Lunch. Apple jelly.
  • Dinner. Meat rice soup, zrazy with mushrooms, compote.
  • afternoon tea. Fruit biscuit.
  • Dinner. Chicken cutlet, beetroot salad, tea with lemon.
  • Breakfast. Buckwheat porridge, milk sausage, tea.
  • Lunch. Fruit salad.
  • Dinner. Fish ear, fried liver with vegetables, prunes compote.
  • afternoon tea. Pear.
  • Dinner. Stuffed cabbage, tea with lemon.
  • Breakfast. Fried eggs with tomatoes, cranberry juice.
  • Lunch. A handful of nuts.
  • Dinner. Pea soup, boiled beef with pasta, fruit juice.
  • afternoon tea. Fruit curd.
  • Dinner. Fish pie, vegetable salad, rosehip tea.

Anemia is a common disorder that is found in every 7 inhabitants of Russia. At the same time, many people do not even suspect that the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells in their blood is reduced. Anemia often makes itself felt with symptoms such as increased fatigue and fatigue. A modern person, living in an active rhythm, attributes his condition to the abundance of problems that he has to solve at home and at work.

In fact, distinguishing the symptoms of anemia from banal fatigue is not always easy. Moreover, anemia often acts as a background condition of a particular pathology.

With anemia in the blood, there is a decrease in the level of erythrocytes and hemoglobin, hypoxia of organs and tissues develops. A common cause of all these troubles is malnutrition, when a person abuses fast food, depriving his menu of fresh and healthy products.

What is anemia and why does a person need hemoglobin?

There are several types of anemia:

    Deficiency anemia, which is characterized by a lack of vitamins and nutrients in the body. And most often a person suffers from an iron deficiency. The process of hematopoiesis is disturbed, anemia develops.

    Hemolytic anemia, characterized by the death of red blood cells. The reasons for starting this pathological process can be very diverse, ranging from poisoning with toxic substances to genetic mutations.

    Sickle cell anemia, which develops due to the mutation of red blood cells. As a result, their shape changes, erythrocytes become unable to perform their functions. This anemia is inherited.

    Aplastic and hypoplastic anemia. These are severe pathologies that develop due to bone marrow failure.

    Acute or chronic posthemorrhagic anemia. This anemia develops against the background of bleeding.

It is iron deficiency anemia that occurs in medical practice more often than other pathological conditions. To determine this violation, you will need to perform a clinical blood test.

Hemoglobin is a protein that contains iron. It is responsible for supplying oxygen to all internal organs. When the level of hemoglobin falls, the cells of the body begin to experience oxygen starvation, which affects the functioning of all organs and systems.

Normally, the hemoglobin level for women should remain at around 120-140 g / l, and for men at around 130-160 g / l.

As for children, normal hemoglobin values ​​vary depending on their age:

    Immediately after birth, the hemoglobin level will normally remain at around 145-225 g / l.

    When the child reaches the age of 3 months and up to six months, hemoglobin values ​​\u200b\u200bwill be equal to 95-135 g / l.

    After a year and up to 18 years, the level of hemoglobin gradually increases and is equal to that of an adult.

For pregnant women, the values ​​of the hemoglobin norm rise to 110-140 g / l. This jump is due to the fact that the fetus is growing. For his needs, the reserves of iron and folic acid from the depot of the body of the expectant mother are spent.

Why does anemia develop and how does it manifest itself?

There are various reasons that lead to the development of anemia, among them:

    Bleeding, which can be the result of previous operations, or develop against the background of injury. Menstruation, which differs in duration and abundant discharge, leads to blood loss in the female body. Inflamed hemorrhoids can lead to development, and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines are also the cause of chronic blood loss.

    Diseases of a neurological nature and mental disorders can become an impetus for the manifestation of anemia, since immunity decreases against their background.

    Physical inactivity, as well as enhanced training, can lead to the formation of anemia.

    Pathologies of the urinary system, gastrointestinal tract can become the basis for the formation of anemia.

    Past infections and cancerous tumors pose a serious threat to human health and life. Very often these diseases are accompanied by anemia.

    Errors in nutrition, in particular, insufficient consumption of animal products, cause anemia.

When exposed to the human body of one or more causes, it develops anemia.

This condition is characterized by the following symptoms:

    Depressed mood.

    Excessive fatigue.

    Unexplained muscle weakness.

    Daytime sleepiness.

  • Anemia during pregnancy and lactation: how to raise hemoglobin?

    A woman carrying a fetus should eat right. This will cover the needs of not only her body, but also the needs of the child growing in her. Iron deficiency will lead to the development of anemia in both the pregnant woman herself and the child. This is very dangerous, as it causes a delay in intrauterine growth and development.

    Therefore, the expectant mother should adhere to the following recommendations:

      You need to drink green tea, it allows the iron to be better absorbed. It is best to avoid the consumption of black tea.

      Pomegranate juice should be consumed in small amounts, as its overabundance can provoke stool retention.

      If you have frequent diarrhea or vomiting, you should consult your doctor. This problem cannot be ignored.

    Anemia and diabetes

    Diabetes mellitus leads to a malfunction in the functioning of the kidneys, which are responsible for the production of a hormone called erythropoietin. It is needed by the red bone marrow to produce red blood cells. Diabetes provokes the death of cells responsible for the production of erythropoietin, which leads to the development of anemia.

    You can get rid of anemia that develops against the background only with the help of drugs that contain erythropoietin. However, this does not negate the observance of the principles of proper nutrition.

    The diet of such patients should be strict, enriched with iron and folic acid. Therefore, the menu should include pomegranates, persimmons, legumes, vegetables, buckwheat, juices.

    Nutrition for anemia: recipes

    To increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, you need to use the following recipes:

      Vitamin blend. For its preparation, you will need 0.5 kg of prunes, walnuts, raisins and dried apricots. All these products are passed through a meat grinder and mixed with honey (0.35 kg). The mixture is stored in the refrigerator under a closed lid in a glass jar. You need to take it 2 tablespoons before meals, 3 times a day.

      Juice with beets and carrots. Mix 50 g of beetroot juice, 100 g of carrot juice and a tablespoon of honey. All components must be combined and drunk before dinner.

      Cranberry-apple juice. To prepare the drink, you need to mix half a glass of cranberry and apple juice, add a tablespoon of beetroot juice. Drink this drink 4-5 times a week.

      Delicious flour to increase hemoglobin. Walnuts and buckwheat groats are ground into powder on a coffee grinder (a glass each). Add 100 g of honey to the powder mixture. Take the medicine inside a tablespoon 3 times a day a few minutes before meals.

      Vitamin cocktail. To prepare it, you will need to mix the juice of pomegranate, carrots, apples, beets and grapes. To sweeten the drink, you can add honey to it.

    There are foods that help reduce the absorption of iron in the body. Therefore, they should be excluded from the menu.

    These include:

      All fatty foods.

      Sweets and flour products.

      Tea and coffee.

      Gas drinks.

      Canned products.

    • Alcohol. If a person drinks a surrogate, then with anemia it can be deadly.

    In order for iron to be better absorbed by the body, you must use the following recommendations:

      Meat and liver should be eaten with vegetables, beets and carrots are especially useful.

      Ascorbic acid helps iron to be better absorbed, so it is useful to drink cereals, fish and meat dishes with orange juice.

      Eating 50-70 g of honey per day will allow iron to be better absorbed in the body. Honey is also good for boosting immunity.

    It is enough to follow these simple recommendations so that anemia recedes, or does not appear at all.

    Menu for the week for people with anemia




    Boiled buckwheat. Tomato juice

    Stewed vegetables, boiled meat, pomegranate juice

    Salad with fresh vegetables, fresh berries

    steam fish

    Beans with meat, juice with carrots and beets

    Buckwheat and beef liver, fresh pomegranate

    Hercules with berries green tea

    Vegetable soup, chicken breast, carrot juice

    Baked fish, rice, juice with grapes and apples

    Pomegranate juice and muesli

    Meat and pea soup, tomato juice

    Buckwheat with liver, vegetable juice

    Berries and cottage cheese, freshly squeezed juice

    Soup with hearts, green tea

    Potatoes and meat, tomato juice

    Buckwheat with raisins, orange juice

    Beef liver, stewed vegetables, carrot juice

    Stew, vegetable salad, mashed potatoes

    Muesli and green tea

    Vegetable stew, meat and pomegranate juice

    Rice, fish, vegetable salad, grape and apple juice

    Food that allows you to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood can be not only useful, but also varied, without compromising the taste of dishes. Thus, following the advice of specialists, you can prevent the development of anemia.

    Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University N. I. Pirogov, specialty "Medicine" (2004). Residency at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).

Anemia is a disease characterized by a decrease in erythrocytes - red blood cells, as well as hemoglobin and respiratory function of the blood, which leads to oxygen starvation of tissues. Anemia is often a symptom of another disease. The main reasons for the development of anemia include: infectious diseases, kidney disease, infection with worms, insufficient bone marrow function, blood loss after surgery, as well as mental disorders, a sedentary lifestyle, hard mental or physical labor. In addition to drugs, with anemia, it is important to follow a specialized diet aimed at stimulating hematopoiesis (the process of hematopoiesis).

What is the diet for anemia in adults

The main symptoms of anemia are: weakness, fatigue, frequent headaches, tinnitus, nausea, drowsiness, dizziness, shortness of breath, brittle hair and nails, dry mouth and a sharp change in taste preferences.

Varieties of anemia:

  • Iron deficiency - iron deficiency in the body;
  • Hemolytic - rapid destruction of red blood cells;
  • Folate deficiency - lack of folic acid and vitamin B12 in the body;
  • Sickle cell - abnormal production of hemoglobin in the body under the influence of mutations;
  • Aplastic - a violation of the functionality of the bone marrow;
  • Posthemorrhagic - a consequence of profuse blood loss.

Diet for anemia Table 11 according to Pevzner is enriched with iron (daily intake of at least 20 grams), amino acids, proteins and vitamins. The diet for iron deficiency anemia is aimed at replenishing the body with the necessary vitamins and microelements that provoked the development of the disease, namely: iron, folic acid, vitamins B12, C.

Therapeutic nutrition for iron deficiency anemia should be rich in foods with a high content of rapidly digestible iron (red meat, oatmeal and buckwheat, porcini mushrooms, seafood, offal, fruits, berries, dried fruits, honey).

The diet for hemolytic anemia involves the use of foods that are involved in hematopoiesis and affect the rapid absorption of iron in the body. The diet should include foods containing cobalt (kidneys, liver, rose hips, currants, milk), copper (mushrooms, cereals, legumes), zinc (yeast, cheeses, mushrooms), manganese (legumes, greens).

During pregnancy, it is important to monitor the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Its deficiency can negatively affect the formation of the internal organs of the child. The level of hemoglobin in the blood of a pregnant woman is determined after a general blood test. The diet for anemia in pregnant women is to limit foods containing calcium (dairy and sour-milk products). Calcium affects the poor absorption of iron in the body. In addition to medications, pregnant women simply need to follow a diet that is prescribed from 3 to 6 months. The diet includes: lean meat, poultry, fish and seafood, offal, vegetables, fruits, wholemeal bread, dried fruits, berries, nuts and honey.

An important rule of the Pevzner Table 11 diet is a balanced diet. Eating with a diet should be allowed foods, which in combination will contribute to the normalization of iron metabolism in the body. Overeating during a diet is not worth it, which will not speed up the healing process, but will cause weight gain. During the diet, it is recommended to additionally take vitamin and mineral complexes, especially those containing folic and ascorbic acids.

Allowed and prohibited products

Diet for anemia - allowed foods:

  • Meat (beef, veal, lamb, pork, rabbit);
  • Poultry without skin (turkey, chicken, duck);
  • Fish and seafood;
  • Offal (liver, heart);
  • Cereals and cereals (oats, buckwheat);
  • Peas, lentils;
  • Mushrooms (especially porcini);
  • Bread and bakery products from wholemeal flour (bran, rye, whole grain);
  • Low-fat dairy and sour-milk products;
  • Vegetables (potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, carrots, bell peppers, broccoli, onions, garlic);
  • Fruits (citrus fruits, apples, pears, plums, apricots);
  • Greenery;
  • Berries;
  • Dried fruits;
  • natural honey;
  • Brewer's yeast.

In between meals during the diet for anemia, it is recommended to drink mineral water without gas, freshly squeezed juices (orange, grapefruit, pomegranate) without sugar, berry fruit drinks, rosehip decoctions

Diet for anemia - prohibited foods:

  • Bakery products made from wheat flour;
  • Canned food;
  • Pickles;
  • Marinades;
  • Tangerines;
  • Spinach;
  • Sorrel;
  • Asparagus;
  • Rhubarb;
  • Cabbage;
  • Beans;
  • Nuts;
  • Bran;
  • Egg yolk;
  • Chocolate;
  • Tea coffee.

The above products contain oxalates, which prevent the absorption of iron in the body, which is unacceptable while following a therapeutic diet for anemia.


Diet for anemia menu for the week (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):


  • Oatmeal with apple and raisins;
  • Mushroom soup. 2 slices of rye bread. Beef cutlets;
  • Orange juice;
  • Mashed potatoes. Baked pike perch with tomatoes and bell peppers.


  • Buckwheat porridge with milk and honey;
  • Borscht with veal meat. 2 slices of bran bread;
  • Cranberry juice;
  • Braised beef liver with onions. Greek salad".


  • Omelet from 1 egg and 2 proteins. Tomato;
  • Ear with pieces of fish. 2 slices of rye bread;
  • Pomegranate juice;
  • Roast with beef.


  • Muesli with berries and honey;
  • Chicken soup with pieces of poultry meat. 2 slices of whole grain bread;
  • Grapefruit juice;
  • Baked perch. Vegetable stew.


  • Cheesecakes with raisins and sour cream;
  • Pea soup. 2 slices of rye bread. Baked turkey fillet;
  • Rosehip decoction;
  • Spaghetti with meatballs in tomato sauce. Cucumber and tomato salad.


  • Fruit salad dressed with cream;
  • Cream soup with seafood. 2 slices of bran bread;
  • Berry juice;
  • Lentil puree. Chicken and vegetable salad.


  • Curd pudding with berries;
  • Soup with meatballs. 2 slices of whole grain bread;
  • Plum compote;
  • Baked salmon steak with potatoes, tomatoes and bell peppers.


Roast beef

Roast beef


  • Beef 500 gr;
  • Potatoes 500 gr;
  • Onion 2 pcs;
  • Carrot 1 pc;
  • Vegetable oil 2 tablespoons;
  • Greens to taste;
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel potatoes, onions and carrots.
  2. Finely chop the onion, three carrots on a grater.
  3. Fry the onion in a frying pan heated with vegetable oil until golden brown, then add the carrots, simmer for 4 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. We cut the potatoes into cubes, send them to the mold (clay pot, glass baking sheet). Add vegetable sauce to potatoes.
  5. We wash the beef, dry it, cut it into small pieces, send it to the vegetables.
  6. Salt the dish, fill to the top with water.
  7. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 45 minutes.
  8. Before serving, sprinkle the roast with chopped herbs to taste.

Include hearty roast beef for dinner on your anemia diet menu.

Spaghetti with meatballs in tomato sauce


  • Spaghetti 300 gr;
  • Ground beef 300 gr;
  • Egg 1 pc;
  • Onion 1 pc;
  • Tomato paste 3 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable oil 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt a pinch;
  • A pinch of sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the onion, grate.
  2. Add grated onion, egg, salt to minced meat.
  3. Form small ball-shaped meatballs from minced meat, fry in a frying pan heated with vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown.
  4. Transfer the tomato paste into a glass, pour warm water to the top, add a pinch of salt and sugar, mix until smooth.
  5. Transfer the meatballs to a saucepan, pour over the tomato paste, simmer for 20 minutes over medium heat.
  6. Boil the spaghetti until tender, drain the water, transfer to a plate.
  7. Top spaghetti with tomato paste, put the meatballs.

Spaghetti with meatballs in tomato sauce is recommended to be included in the diet menu for anemia for lunch or dinner.

Chicken and vegetable salad

Chicken and vegetable salad


  • Chicken fillet 300 gr;
  • Tomatoes 2 pcs;
  • Cucumbers 2 pcs;
  • Onion 1 pc;
  • Lettuce leaves;
  • Olive oil 2 tbsp;
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

  1. We wash the chicken fillet, dry it, cut into pieces, 2 cm thick.
  2. Fry the chopped chicken fillet in a pan with heated olive oil on all sides until golden brown.
  3. Wash tomatoes and cucumbers. Cucumbers cut into circles, tomatoes into slices.
  4. Onions are peeled, cut into thin half rings.
  5. Put lettuce leaves on a plate, then vegetables, fried chicken meat on top.
  6. Salt to taste, dress the salad with olive oil, mix gently.

An appetizing salad of chicken and vegetables can be consumed as an independent dish, or as a cold snack while following an anemia diet.

Oatmeal with apple and raisins


  • Oatmeal 1 cup;
  • A handful of raisins;
  • Apple 1 pc;
  • Water 2 glasses;
  • Honey 2 tsp;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Butter.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour raisins with boiling water, leave to swell for 5 minutes, drain the water.
  2. Pour oatmeal into a saucepan, add swollen raisins, fill with water.
  3. Bring to a boil, reduce the gas and cook the porridge for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Peel the apple, cut into slices.
  5. Season the porridge with butter, put it on a plate, decorate with apple slices on top and sprinkle with cinnamon to taste.

Healthy oatmeal with apple and raisins is perfect for an anemia diet for breakfast.

Cranberry juice

Cranberry juice


  • Cranberries 1 cup;
  • Water 1 liter;
  • Honey 2 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the cranberries, pour warm water, let it brew for 30 minutes.
  2. Pour cranberries with water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, reduce gas and cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Add honey to cranberry broth, stir until honey is completely dissolved.
  4. Strain juice, cool.

Tonic cranberry juice promotes the absorption of iron in the body, and therefore you should definitely include it in your diet for anemia.

Diet for anemia in children

Anemia in children or anemia is a common disease characterized by a decrease in red blood cells and hemoglobin levels in the blood. In children with anemia, weakness, lethargy, fatigue, rapid heartbeat are observed. You can identify the disease by passing a general blood test.

With anemia in children, the following are necessary: ​​the correct regimen of the day, taking medications, prolonged exposure to fresh air and a balanced diet. Nutrition for anemia in formula-fed children should consist of mixtures enriched with iron. With the development of anemia in children who are breastfed, multivitamins and iron should be included in the mother's diet.

The diet for iron deficiency anemia in children of preschool and school age should consist of: beef, liver, seafood, vegetables, herbs, seaweed, legumes, fruit and vegetable juices. When dieting, it is important not to feed the child, but to organize proper nutrition, enriched with iron, vitamins C and B12. Following a diet, on average, the healing process takes from 6 to 10 weeks. This diet is indicated for both treatment and prevention of the disease.

General rules

anemia occur against the background of various etiological factors, the main of which are iron deficiency, folic acid or vitamin B12. In clinical practice, iron deficiency anemia (IDA) accounts for almost 85% of all cases of anemia.

Iron-deficiency anemia is secondary and develops against the background of various pathological and physiological conditions. It is based on a violation of the synthesis processes hemoglobin with a simultaneous decrease in the total volume erythrocytes, caused by a long-term deficiency in the body of the trace element iron (Fe).

The main reasons for the development of IDA include:

  • chronic blood loss from various organs and tissues (menstrual and gastrointestinal blood loss);
  • alimentary insufficiency (more often in newborns and young children), as well as in adults with an unbalanced diet with protein restriction - mono-diets, vegetarianism;
  • increased need of the body for iron (intensive growth, pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding);
  • malabsorption of iron in the intestine.

The level of iron in the blood plasma is determined by the ratio of the processes of synthesis and decay of erythrocytes. On average, in the human body, the iron content in the bound form varies from 3 to 5 g. In the process of hematopoiesis, the body uses iron from food, and when it is deficient, reserves from the depot (liver, spleen, bone marrow) are activated. The natural way to replenish the body with iron is through food. Clinical symptoms of iron deficiency anemia occur in cases where the intake of iron from food (2 mg / day) is less than the level of its loss. However, even with a diet enriched with foods high in iron, its absorption does not exceed 2.5 mg per day, since the absorption of iron from food is less than 20%.

There are two forms of iron: heme and non-heme. It is heme iron that is part of hemoglobin and is relatively well absorbed (by 20-30%), while other food components practically do not affect the process of its absorption. Heme iron is found only in products of animal origin (meat, fish, offal).

Non-heme iron has an extremely low bioavailability - its absorption is at the level of 3-5%. Contained mainly in products of plant origin (cereals, legumes, fruits, berries) and its digestibility is influenced by many factors. Thus, it is almost impossible to provide the daily requirement of the body through food (for men 10 mg/day with a loss level of 1 mg/day and for women 18 mg/day with a loss level of up to 2 mg/day) is almost impossible.

However, despite the impossibility to fully compensate for iron deficiency in the body with food, an anemia diet is an essential component of the complex treatment of patients with IDA. At the same time, it is important to consider not so much the iron content in food as the form in which iron is found in foods.

At the heart of clinical nutrition - dietary Table number 11(high protein diet). The diet provides the physiological need for macro- and micronutrients, the calorie content is about 3500 Kcal (120-130 g of proteins, 70-80 g of fats and 450 g of carbohydrates). Free liquid - 2.0 liters, sodium chloride content - 10-12 g.

The diet is enriched with iron-rich foods - red meat, organ meats, fish, seafood, canned fish, butter, vegetable oil, chicken eggs, vegetables, honey, fruits, various cereals, drinks. In the diet, animal products containing iron in the form of heme (veal, beef tongue, rabbit meat, beef) are of particular value, and it is with them that the diet should be enriched. The inclusion of by-products, in particular liver, is of little value, since the absorption of iron in the form ferritin And transferrin, in which iron is found in the liver is much lower than in meat.

The diet also includes foods containing non-heme iron - cereals, fruits, legumes, vegetables. A feature of the absorption of iron in non-heme form is the dependence of the process on the content in the diet of substances that potentiate or inhibit iron absorption. The factors that enhance the absorption of iron from bread, eggs, cereals include, first of all, ascorbic acid therefore, the diet should contain such products as rosehip broth, fruit drinks, citrus juice, fruits and berries, as well as compotes with the addition of 25-50 mg of citric / ascorbic acid.

Potentiates the absorption of iron and copper. Foods containing copper include: dried figs, green vegetables, cherries, apricots, seaweed, brown algae. To increase the absorption of iron, it is recommended to add sulphate ferrous and oxide iron to food, gluconate And iron glycerophosphate.

Slow down the absorption of iron products, which include phosphate, phytate, oxalate, tannate, lectins, pectins. These substances are found mainly in bran, cereals, various grains, bread, corn, rice. Restrictions are subject to coffee and red wine (contain polyphenolates), tea ( tannin), hydrocarbonate and sulfate mineral waters, as well as milk, which includes calcium. Given the negative effect of such products, their use should be limited or consumed separately from other products (in a separate meal). Fatty foods are also subject to restriction, since fats interfere with the absorption of iron. Iron deficiency anemia does not provide for any restriction in the culinary processing of products, with the exception of frying, since this process uses a lot of fat and produces oxidation products that adversely affect the body.

Nutrition for anemia in the elderly

The most common causes of IDA in the elderly are malnutrition due to dental problems, low socioeconomic status of life, acquired malabsorption syndrome(for diseases of the stomach, liver, intestines, pancreas), long-term use of drugs.

Symptoms and treatment, nutrition of this category of patients do not fundamentally differ, however, the diet is adjusted taking into account the age needs and lifestyle of the patient. In the presence of dental problems, products containing heme iron are recommended to be consumed in a pureed form. Typically, the level hemoglobin in adults, it normalizes after 2-2.5 months, however, it is recommended to be on a diet and continue taking iron supplements for at least 3 more months until the body’s iron stores and levels are completely replenished. ferritin up to 30 ng/l.


Iron-deficiency anemia.

Approved Products

Diet therapy is based on the inclusion in the diet of foods containing the maximum amount of heme iron: red meat (beef), offal (beef tongue, beef and chicken liver, chicken stomachs and hearts), meat products (sausage, ham, sausages), fish and fish products , seafood, butter and vegetable oil.

Soups and first courses are cooked in rich meat or fish broth.

For the preparation of a side dish, you can use various types of cereals and pasta.

It is allowed to include various vegetables and fruits in the diet in any culinary treatment, especially with a high content ascorbic acid(citrus fruits, black currants, wild rose, chokeberry), as well as dried fruits - raisins, dried apricots, figs, prunes, sunflower seeds, pumpkins.

Dark honey is especially useful, since the copper, iron, manganese and fructose contained in it increase the absorption of iron in the intestines. It is preferable to use dark varieties of honey, as they contain more.

From drinks it is necessary to use rosehip broth, vegetable and fruit juices, mineral water.

Table of allowed products

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

boiled cauliflower 1,8 0,3 4,0 29
boiled potatoes 2,0 0,4 16,7 82
boiled carrots 0,8 0,3 5,0 25
pepper salad 1,3 0,0 5,3 27
boiled beets 1,8 0,0 10,8 49
dill 2,5 0,5 6,3 38


apricots 0,9 0,1 10,8 41
oranges 0,9 0,2 8,1 36
cherry 0,8 0,5 11,3 52
grapefruit 0,7 0,2 6,5 29


cranberry 0,5 0,0 6,8 26
gooseberry 0,7 0,2 12,0 43
Rowan 1,5 0,1 10,9 50
currant 1,0 0,4 7,5 43
rose hip 1,6 0,0 14,0 51

Nuts and dried fruits

prunes 2,3 0,7 57,5 231

Cereals and cereals

buckwheat (ground) 12,6 3,3 62,1 313
oat groats 12,3 6,1 59,5 342
cereals 11,9 7,2 69,3 366
Wheat groats 11,5 1,3 62,0 316

Bakery products

wheat bread 8,1 1,0 48,8 242
whole grain bread 10,1 2,3 57,1 295


jam 0,3 0,1 56,0 238

Raw materials and seasonings

honey 0,8 0,0 81,5 329


kefir 3.2% 2,8 3,2 4,1 56
cream 15% (low fat) 2,3 15,0 3,6 161
sour cream 15% (low fat) 2,6 15,0 3,0 158

Cheese and cottage cheese

cottage cheese 17,2 5,0 1,8 121

Meat products

lean pork 16,4 27,8 0,0 316
pork liver 18,8 3,6 0,0 108
beef 18,9 19,4 0,0 187
beef liver 17,4 3,1 0,0 98
veal liver 19,2 3,3 4,1 124
mutton 15,6 16,3 0,0 209
rabbit 21,0 8,0 0,0 156
ham 22,6 20,9 0,0 279
liver pate 11,6 28,9 2,5 317
beef stew 14,1 17,4 0,0 214


smoked sausage 16,2 44,6 0,0 466
blood sausage 9,0 19,5 14,5 274
beef sausages 11,4 18,2 1,5 215


chicken liver 20,4 5,9 1,4 140
turkey 19,2 0,7 0,0 84
turkey liver 19,5 22,0 0,0 276
goose liver 15,2 39,0 0,0 412


chicken eggs 12,7 10,9 0,7 157

Fish and seafood

brown algae 1,7 0,6 8,3 43
pink salmon 20,5 6,5 0,0 142
Red caviar 32,0 15,0 0,0 263
cod roe 24,0 0,2 0,0 115
pike caviar 17,3 2,0 0,0 87
squid 21,2 2,8 2,0 122
shrimps 22,0 1,0 0,0 97
salmon 19,8 6,3 0,0 142
mussels 9,1 1,5 0,0 50
sea ​​kale 0,8 5,1 0,0 49
herring 16,3 10,7 - 161
cod (liver in oil) 4,2 65,7 1,2 613
trout 19,2 2,1 - 97

Oils and fats

vegetable oil 0,0 99,0 0,0 899
butter 0,5 82,5 0,8 748
olive oil 0,0 99,8 0,0 898

Wholly or partially restricted products

Fatty varieties of meat and fish, animal and cooking fat, cooking, spices, pastries and cream cakes, fatty and spicy sauces are completely excluded from the diet.

Foods rich in calcium (parsley, milk and dairy products), tannin and caffeine (strong tea, coffee, Coca-Cola, chocolate) are limited, as they slow down the process of iron absorption.

Alcohol intake is completely excluded, since ethyl alcohol affects the liver, disrupts the absorption process flavocins and iron.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calories, kcal

Nuts and dried fruits

nuts 15,0 40,0 20,0 500

Cereals and cereals

wheat bran 15,1 3,8 53,6 296


cake 3,8 22,6 47,0 397


chocolate 5,4 35,3 56,5 544

Raw materials and seasonings

mayonnaise 2,4 67,0 3,9 627


milk 3,2 3,6 4,8 64
sour cream 30% 2,4 30,0 3,1 294

Cheese and cottage cheese

cheese 24,1 29,5 0,3 363

Meat products

pork fat 1,4 92,8 0,0 841

Oils and fats

culinary fat 0,0 99,7 0,0 897
rendered pork fat 0,0 99,6 0,0 896

Alcoholic drinks

white dessert wine 16% 0,5 0,0 16,0 153
vodka 0,0 0,0 0,1 235
cognac 0,0 0,0 0,1 239
liquor 0,3 1,1 17,2 242
beer 0,3 0,0 4,6 42

Soft drinks

cola 0,0 0,0 10,4 42
coffee 0,2 0,0 0,3 2
pepsi 0,0 0,0 8,7 38
black tea 20,0 5,1 6,9 152
energy drink 0,0 0,0 11,3 45

* data are per 100 g of product

Menu (Power Mode)

Menu Diets No. 11 is quite simple, almost all major products are allowed. Food is fractional, in small portions.

For children

Nutrition for anemia in children has a number of features. Iron deficiency in the body of a newborn child is determined by the level of fetal iron supply during fetal development and the iron content in the mother's breast milk or in mixtures after birth. With the standard development of full-term children, the depletion of iron reserves occurs by 4-5 months of life, in premature babies - by the 3rd month of life. From this period, the child's body depends only on the amount of iron supplied with food.

The best option is to continue breastfeeding the child, because, despite the low content of iron in breast milk (1.5 mg / l), its bioavailability is at the level of 60%. This is facilitated by the form of iron-containing protein in the form lactoferrin.

Along with breast milk, the baby's diet during this period should be expanded through complementary foods. However, most parents use non-adapted dairy products (kefir, milk) for these purposes, which contributes to the development of iron deficiency in the child's body due to the appearance of microdiapedetic intestinal bleeding. This is especially true for children who are on early artificial feeding with a late (after 8 months) introduction of meat complementary foods.

With artificial feeding, especially in children at increased risk (premature, twins, children with low weight), it is recommended to use adapted infant formula enriched with iron - Similac with iron, Detolact, Nutrilon 2, abbot, Nestogen,Samper Baby 1 And. In full-term children, these mixtures are recommended to be used from the 4th month of life, in premature babies - from the 2nd month.

The inclusion of iron-enriched complementary foods (instant cereals, fruit and vegetable purees, fruit juices) in the diet of children significantly increases the intake of iron from food. It is extremely useful to include in the diet of a child from 5-6 months of meat and vegetable products, complementary foods - meat and vegetable canned food, which are produced by various manufacturers (JSC Lebedyansky, Samper, Gerber, Beech-Nat, HiPP, Heinz, UniMilk, Kolinska).

To cover physiological needs, older children need to receive with food:

  • 1-3 years - 1 mg / kg of iron per day;
  • 4-10 years - 10 mg / day;
  • after 11 years - 18 mg / day.

Girls require special attention during puberty, which is associated with the onset of menstrual function, and for many, poor nutrition due to the desire to lose weight. Therefore, during this period, it is especially important for parents to control the child's diet and include all the necessary foods in it. In parallel, it is recommended to take iron supplements. To children of early age - in the form of syrup / drops - Lek(syrup), Hemopher(drops), Aktiferrin(drops, syrup), Ferrum Maltofer(drops, syrup). Teenagers - Ferrum Lek(chewable tablets in a dosage of 100 mg).

Advantages and disadvantages

Nutritionists' comments

Strict vegetarianism is one of the risk factors for the development of both latent iron deficiency (a decrease in the iron content in the depot and its transport level in the absence of changes in hemoglobin and red blood cells) and iron deficiency anemia. Due to the long-term, almost complete absence of foods containing heme iron in the diet, many vegetarians develop iron deficiency. The non-heme iron found in cereals and vegetables has low absorption.

An additional negative aspect of vegetarian nutrition is the higher fiber content in food, which makes iron absorption more difficult. Therefore, those who practice this type of diet can be recommended to enrich their diet with foods rich in ascorbic / citric acid, which significantly improve the absorption of iron. To prevent the development of anemia, periodic intake of iron-containing drugs is recommended, one of which is a combination drug. Ferro-Folgamm containing anhydrous ferrous sulfate, cyanocobalamin, folic And ascorbic acid.

Reviews and results

  • “... I suffer from heavy periods for 5-6 days, so this diet therapy is a salvation for me. After 3-4 weeks of taking iron supplements and dietary nutrition, everything returns to normal, but I am always afraid of my critical days ”;
  • “... My daughter and her friends went on some kind of special diet for weight loss. Despite my persuasion, she ate this way for more than a month, until fainting began. They called a doctor. As a result, anemia, low hemoglobin, headaches, skin changes. They prescribed a diet, I buy all products containing iron, but I am afraid that after recovery she will not find another diet.

Diet price

The calculation of the cost of products was carried out at average market prices and amounts to 2650-3200 rubles per week.

NOTE! Information about diets on the site is a general reference, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on their use. Before using the diet, be sure to consult a dietitian.

So, iron deficiency anemia has been identified, its causes have been found and, if possible, eliminated. The next stage is the treatment of iron deficiency anemia in children.

Just giving medicine is not enough. Let's start with other, equally important activities, such as daily routine, walks in the fresh air, if necessary - additional daytime sleep. Children with anemia do not feel very well, they experience constant weakness, lethargy, headaches, so for some time you need to free them from too active attendance of additional circles, sports sections, replacing intense physical activity with walking in the fresh air, gymnastics, massage.

A diet for iron deficiency anemia in children is of great importance, since properly selected nutrition in combination with drug treatment quickly leads to an improvement in well-being, normalization of hemoglobin, and elimination of all unpleasant symptoms of anemia. However, one diet, albeit high in iron, unfortunately, cannot completely eliminate its deficiency. Remember - first there is a pre- and latent iron deficiency, when hemoglobin is still normal, but the iron depot is rapidly losing it, and only then does the hemoglobin content in the blood fall. When treatment begins and iron enters the child's body, hemoglobin first normalizes, and only then the iron reserves in the depot are replenished. And only a diet cannot provide this, since the absorption of iron from the gastrointestinal tract is limited to only 2-2.5 mg per day. That is, more than two and a half milligrams of iron per day will not be absorbed, even if there is plenty of it in food.

As I already wrote, iron contained in meat products is best absorbed and much worse in vegetable products. So, about 20-22% of the total iron contained in them is absorbed from meat products, 11% from fish, 3% from fruits, beans, corn, and 1% from cereals. By the way, the well-known opinion that in case of anemia it is necessary to eat liver, especially pork, is not entirely true: it is absorbed from the liver much worse than from meat, since it is contained there in the form of ferritin and hemosiderin. It is good to give the liver with vegetables, since iron, which is part of ferritin and hemosiderin, improves the absorption of iron from vegetables. And, let me remind you that the absorption of iron is significantly reduced by tannin, oxalates, phosphates and phytates found in tea, cheese, eggs, cereals, as well as a large amount of milk. In addition, fatty foods and excess carbohydrates impair iron absorption due to inhibition of gastric secretion.

Breast milk is a unique product in terms of iron absorption: 50% of the iron contained is absorbed from it! Therefore, for infants suffering from iron deficiency anemia, it is so important to breastfeed longer. In addition, it is imperative that mother's food contains iron in sufficient quantities.

Children under one year of age who suffer from iron deficiency anemia are sure to introduce iron-rich vegetables into the first complementary foods, and do not start complementary foods with cereals. These are zucchini, cabbage, potatoes, beets. Of course, not all at once, but gradually adding new ones. Then it’s good to introduce meat, and give it with vegetable puree. Then, cereal complementary foods are introduced, best of all in the form of industrially produced cereals enriched with iron (buckwheat, for example), fruit puree and juice.

1. Foods moderately rich in iron:

Oatmeal 4.3 mg

Peaches 4.1 mg

Lamb 3.1 mg

Raisins 3 mg

Spinach 3 mg

Beef 2.8 mg

Apricots 2.6 mg

Chicken egg 2.5 mg

Apples 2.5 mg

Pears 2.3 mg

Plum, black currant 2.1 mg

Pork 1.6 mg

Chicken 1.5 mg

Beetroot 1.4 mg

Rice 1.3 mg

Potato 1.2 mg

Cabbage 1.1 mg

Cod 1 mg.

2. Foods rich in iron:

Sunflower halva 33.2 mg

Pork liver 29.7 mg

Rosehip 28 mg

Dried apples 15 mg

Dried pears, prunes 13 mg

Dried apricots, apricots 12 mg

Beef liver 9 mg

Blueberries 8 mg

Buckwheat groats 6-7 mg

Peas (shelled) 6 mg

Yolk 5.8 mg

Beef tongue 5 mg

Oatmeal 5 mg

Beans 5 mg.

You can see that there are quite a lot of iron-rich foods, the main thing is to include them in the child's diet every day. This is especially true for meat and fish. It was revealed that the majority of vegetarians who refuse meat products suffer from iron deficiency anemia if they do not use additional multivitamins and iron preparations. Lack of vitamins in food, which are so abundant in vegetables and fruits, also leads to impaired absorption of iron and anemia, so feed your child and eat fruits and vegetables themselves, drink juices, rosehip broth, dried fruit compotes.

Health to you and your kids! And let everything be fine!

25/11/2015 00:30

Anemia is a disease that is being diagnosed today every seventh inhabitant of our country. At the same time, many do not even suspect that they have this problem, writing off the symptoms that appear as ordinary fatigue from everyday and work problems.

Indeed, anemia can easily be confused with physical and emotional fatigue, but in fact it is most often itself a symptom of some other disease.

Anemia is characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin, a decrease in the number of red blood cells, and the development of oxygen starvation of the blood. And one of the main roles in the development of anemia is played by malnutrition, for example, frequent meals with junk food and a lack of vitamins, micro- and macroelements in the meals consumed.

What is iron deficiency anemia, and what role does hemoglobin play in the blood?

There are several types of anemia:

  • scarce- occurs with a lack of vitamins, micro- and macroelements (most often iron), which play an important role in hematopoiesis.
  • Hemolytic- destruction, agglutination of red blood cells due to serious poisoning with chemicals (poisons), genetic diseases, frequent severe stress, exposure to very low temperatures and other factors.
  • sickle cell- mutation of red blood cells, the acquisition of irregularly shaped blood cells. This species is classified as a hereditary disease.
  • Hypo- And aplastic- a severe type of anemia associated with impaired hematopoiesis in the bone marrow.
  • Acute and chronic posthemorrhagic- the result of large blood loss (wounds, bleeding).

Iron deficiency anemia (lack of iron)- the most common type of anemia in our region, and a general blood test will help to diagnose it, where the hemoglobin level will be indicated.

It is the iron-containing protein hemoglobin that transports oxygen through the blood to organs and tissues in the human and animal body. If the level of hemoglobin decreases, malnutrition of the cells occurs, resulting in oxygen starvation.

On a note!

There are generally accepted indicators of the norm of hemoglobin:

  • For women– from 120 to 140 g/l, for men– from 130 to 160 g/l.
  • Children's norm hemoglobin depends on the age of the child. For example, in a newborn baby who is only 1-3 days old, hemoglobin normally ranges from 145 to 225 g / l, at the age of 3-6 months - from 95 to 135 g / l. Then, from 1 year to adulthood, the hemoglobin rate gradually increases and becomes the same as in adults.
  • For pregnant For women, the norm of hemoglobin in the blood is from 110 to 140 g / l, that is, it can be lowered from the very early stages, since intrauterine growth of the fetus is always a rapid consumption of iron and folic acid reserves.

Causes and symptoms of anemia

Let's find out why iron deficiency anemia occurs, and how to eat right to increase the level of iron in the blood.

As a result of these and many other reasons, symptoms of anemia begin to appear, similar to ordinary daily fatigue.

Anemia symptoms:

  • Apathy for all events in life.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Constant feeling of weakness in the whole body.
  • Nausea, frequent headache and constipation.
  • Sleepiness throughout the day and dizziness that occurs for no reason.
  • Noise in ears.
  • Dryness of the oral mucosa.
  • Pale skin, brittle hair and nails, caries.
  • It is even possible for a long-term presence of subfebrile temperature - 37-37.5 °.

Iron rich foods list

To get rid of iron deficiency anemia, eating the right foods rich in iron will help.

List of foods rich in iron

Animal origin:

  • Meat.
  • Fish.
  • Cream.
  • Oil.
  • Offal - liver, heart, tongue, kidneys.

Plant origin:

  • Cereals - buckwheat, legumes.
  • Vegetables - tomatoes, beets, potatoes, herbs, carrots, bell peppers.
  • Fruits - pomegranate, pear, currant, apple, plums, apricots, quince, persimmon.
  • Berries - currants, blueberries, wild strawberries, strawberries.
  • Mushrooms.


  • Plum juice.
  • Tea with honey and lemon.
  • Grape and apple juice.
  • Tomato juice.
  • Carrot juice.
  • Beet juice.
  • 72 mg - Beans
  • 51 mg - Hazelnuts
  • 45 mg - Oatmeal
  • 37 mg - Skimmed milk cheese
  • 31 mg - Buckwheat
  • 29.7 mg - Pork liver
  • 20 mg - Peas
  • 19 mg - Brewer's yeast
  • 16 mg – Seaweed
  • 15 mg - Apples (dried fruits)
  • 12 mg - Dried apricots
  • 9 mg - Blueberries
  • 9 mg - Beef liver
  • 6.3 mg - Heart
  • 5 mg - Beef tongue

It is possible and necessary to fight iron deficiency anemia not only with the help of drugs. Very effective in this case is a balanced diet - a diet rich in iron, vitamins, trace elements.

Interesting to know!

  • Per day the human body with food should receive a minimum 20 mg iron.
  • Iron is better absorbed in the body, if it is combined with foods rich in vitamin C. For example, you can eat porridge and pomegranate fresh, meat and juice together.

How to increase the level of hemoglobin in a child?

Fighting iron deficiency anemia in children of any age is a must. For example, in infants, a decrease in hemoglobin leads to oxygen starvation of the whole organism, which depressingly affects the functioning of the baby's nervous system, and seriously affects its physical and mental development. As a result, the child may often cry, startle, be irritated.

Parents immediately panic, suspecting the presence of some kind of disease from the field of neurology, but first of all, you should pay attention to the hemoglobin rate in the child's blood.

With a healthy lifestyle of the mother, anemia in babies under the age of 6 months is extremely rare, since the absorption of iron from mother's milk is much higher than from other products.

To cure iron deficiency anemia in infants, it is necessary to balance the mother's diet. If the baby has already introduced complementary foods, then you need to take care of the correct nutrition system. For this, both the nursing mother and the child should consume buckwheat, meat, beets, apples and apple juice, pomegranate juice.

For children older than 3 years, the normalization of nutrition with iron-containing foods is generally not difficult. At this age, you can already eat almost everything, taking into account only individual food intolerance and allergic reactions.

How to eat with anemia for pregnant and lactating women?

During pregnancy, a woman needs to take care that her body receives as many vitamins, minerals and other useful substances so that they are enough for herself and her unborn baby.

Since iron deficiency provokes a decrease in hemoglobin levels and, accordingly, leads to oxygen starvation, this negatively affects both the mother and the child.

Especially scary is that the risk of slowing down the development of the fetus increases. That is why a pregnant woman needs to seriously monitor her diet. To do this, doctors recommend eating as many iron-containing foods as possible.

Features of the nutrition of expectant mothers:

  1. Black tea for pregnant women should be replaced with green tea - it promotes better absorption of iron.
  2. Drinking pomegranate juice to increase hemoglobin should be in small quantities - excessive consumption provokes constipation.
  3. A nursing mother, like pregnant women, should receive enough iron from food, since the baby will also receive it with breast milk.
  4. If you have problems, such as diarrhea, discuss your diet with a nutritionist and a doctor - specialists will be able to draw up a complete menu.

Prevention of anemia in diabetic patients

In diabetic patients, the kidneys are damaged, namely, they produce the hormone erythropoietin. It, in turn, transmits signals to the red bone marrow, which already produces red blood cells. In sugar nephropathy, the cells that produce erythropoietin die, leading to kidney failure and anemia.

Unfortunately, anemia is very common in diabetic patients. But it can also be cured only by taking medications containing erythropoietin, in combination with a balanced diet rich in vitamins and microelements.

To prevent anemia in diabetic patients, a diet high in iron and folic acid should be followed. To do this, eat buckwheat, legumes, vegetables, vegetable juices, persimmons, pomegranates.

Recipes to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood

There are many recipes that help increase hemoglobin in the blood.

We will focus today on the most effective:

  1. We take half a kilogram of raisins, dried apricots, walnuts and prunes, as well as one lemon. We twist it all through a meat grinder, add about 350 g of honey. The resulting mixture is placed in a tray or jar and consumed before meals, 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
  2. We prepare daily beet-carrot juice with honey. To do this, we need 50 g of beet juice, 100 g of carrot juice and 1 tablespoon of honey. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and a delicious sweet drink is obtained. It is recommended to consume such juice in the first half of the day for better absorption of the vitamins contained in it.
  3. Half a glass of apple juice should be mixed with the same amount of cranberry juice. We supplement the resulting drink with 1 tablespoon of beetroot juice - and the juice rich in iron is ready! It is recommended to drink it at least 4-5 times a week.
  4. Grind a glass of walnuts and half a glass of raw buckwheat with a coffee grinder to a state of flour. Add 100 g of honey and mix thoroughly. The resulting mixture should be consumed 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.
  5. The easiest recipe that quickly increases hemoglobin is a drink consisting of equal parts of natural apple, carrot, pomegranate, beet and grape juices. Sweets can be added to the drink with 1-2 tablespoons of honey.

Forbidden foods for anemia: what to do to increase the absorption of iron?

Proper nutrition involves more than just eating iron-rich foods. It is also important to remember that there are a number of foods and drinks that slow down the absorption of iron. In principle, if you do not have allergies, you can eat almost everything, but when it comes to the absorption of iron, it is still better to refuse some foods.

The absorption of iron is slowed down by:

  • Flour products
  • Caffeinated carbonated drinks
  • Conservation
  • Vinegar
  • Alcohol
  • Foods rich in calcium

It is important to know! Strong alcoholic drinks and their various surrogate substitutes provoke the development of a syndrome of impaired blood clotting. They are also harmful to a healthy person, and extremely dangerous for a patient with iron deficiency anemia.

What can be done to improve iron absorption?

There are also a number of rules that contribute to better absorption of iron from foods:

  1. Try to combine vegetables with meat and liver. Vegetables, especially beets and carrots, are able to start the process of regeneration of iron contained in meat.
  2. Vitamin C speeds up the absorption of iron, so it is advisable to eat them together. For example, buckwheat with meat or vegetables with fish can be washed down with orange juice.
  3. Honey improves the absorption of iron. Doctors recommend consuming 50-70 g of this sweet daily. It will not only help to cope with anemia, but also strengthen the protective properties of the body as a whole.
  4. Pear accelerates the process of restoring the normal concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. Doctors often recommend eating pears for anemic patients, especially if medical treatment is ineffective.

All these simple rules will significantly improve the process of iron absorption by the body and help get rid of iron deficiency anemia as soon as possible.

Menu for 7 days

When compiling a menu for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia, use the lists of allowed foods, and also take into account individual tolerance.

Day 1:

Breakfast. Buckwheat porridge and tomato juice.
Dinner. Vegetable stew, a piece of boiled meat, pomegranate juice.
Dinner. Vegetable salad, berries.

Day 2:

Breakfast. Omelet with a piece of boiled meat or steamed fish.
Dinner. Bean puree, baked meat, beet-carrot juice.
Dinner . Buckwheat with beef liver, pomegranate.

Day 3:

Breakfast. Oatmeal with berries, green tea.
Dinner. Vegetable soup with chicken breast, carrot juice.
Dinner. Rice and baked fish, grape-apple juice.

Day 4:

Breakfast. Muesli and pomegranate juice.
Dinner. Pea soup with meat and tomato juice.
Dinner. Buckwheat with offal, vegetable juice.

Day 5:

Breakfast. Cottage cheese with berries, fresh.
Dinner. Offal soup, green tea.
Dinner. Mashed potatoes with meat, tomato juice.

Day 6:

Breakfast. Buckwheat with raisins, green tea.
Dinner. Vegetable stew, beef liver, carrot juice.
Dinner. Mashed potatoes, stew, fresh vegetable salad, pomegranate juice.

Day 7:

Breakfast. Muesli and green tea.
Dinner. Stewed vegetables, meat, pomegranate juice.
Dinner. Rice porridge with fish and fresh vegetable salad, grape-apple juice.

As you can see, nutrition with iron deficiency anemia can be not only rich, but also tasty. Follow the recommendations of nutritionists - and you will forget about such an unpleasant illness as anemia!

Anemia, popularly referred to as anemia, occurs in children at the time of active growth due to changes in the skeletal system. Most often, this disease affects children under two years of age, as well as in adolescence. This disease manifests itself in blanching of the skin and mucous membranes. These manifestations indicate a violation of internal processes associated with an insufficient amount of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is an iron-rich blood protein that is responsible for attaching oxygen particles and transporting it through the circulatory system.

The culprit of the disease is malnutrition or nutrition devoid of the required amount of vitamins. But if anemia is diagnosed as a diagnosis, then only special diets will not be effective. In such a situation, you have to take medications with a high iron content, prescribed by a doctor.

Products necessary for a child with anemia

The main, key approach in the treatment of anemia in children is systematic and proper nutrition. First of all, you should contact a specialist who will help you choose the right list of foods for this disease.

An improperly selected diet is the cause of the disease, and changing it is a sure way to a speedy recovery.

The main components to pay attention to are:

  • vitamin B 12;
  • iron;
  • chlorophyll.

There are various lists and diets that doctors prescribe for an anemia disease, but not all of them are valid. An integrated approach is important in the selection of products that promote the neoplasm of erythrocytes.

First of all, food should be cooked tasty and cause appetite, since the calorie content of food for this disease should slightly exceed age norms. The complex of vitamins of groups A, B, C - will be an excellent assistant in hematopoiesis. But the most important component that will certainly lead to success is the chlorophyll contained in greenery.

Animals avoid this disease because they eat green plants, because everyone has repeatedly seen how cats or dogs eat green shoots, while being predators. This program is laid down by nature, so why does a person not follow this obvious instruction?

Some food rules

Nutrition system for children with anemia:

Rules for feeding children

The first and basic rule from which all the rest are built is diet. A balanced diet means that all sorts of "harmful things" like Coca-Cola, chips and other things will be excluded. The diet should last for a long time, a week or a month will not fix anything. It is better if the proper nutrition system will accompany the child all his life - this is not only the prevention and treatment of anemia, but also a great opportunity to live a little longer and better.

The next rule or principle is the daily routine. Like it or not, a healthy lifestyle depends not only on what we eat, but also on when we eat it, how many times a day, when we sleep and how much time is spent on it. An excellent option would be a daytime nap for a child, but as a rule, this is not suitable for everyone.

Sleep determines the time when the need for food comes and therefore breakfast should not be late, just like dinner itself. It is impossible to give exact guidance to parents on the organization of the child's day regimen, everyone knows this aspect, but not everyone attaches special importance to this fact.

And, of course, frequent walks in the fresh air will be useful. A good metabolism in the body and the assimilation of the necessary elements occurs during active rest. The more calories burned, the better, and the manifestation of activity in childhood contributes to the better development of all functions and processes in the child's body.

What not to eat with anemia

If the child has anemia, then some foods will have to abstain. First of all, we are talking about food containing large amounts of calcium - it is this substance that, with its large consumption, prevents the processes of effective absorption of iron.

Doctor's advice: the child's diet should definitely be built based on this fact. It is quite simple to implement this - for example, it is better to give dairy products separately from iron-containing products, and in specific small portions.

Childhood anemia, among other things, limits the ability to eat fried and fatty foods. This is a prerequisite in the framework of the philosophy of proper nutrition. Of course, this does not mean at all that it is necessary to feed the baby exclusively with low-calorie dishes - everything should be moderate and harmonious. It is better not to include dishes with a high content of vinegar or brine with it in the child's diet.- This product has a negative effect on the state of the blood. Caffeinated drinks, carbonated sugary drinks - these should also not be abused. It is a balanced diet that is the key to success in the treatment of anemia in children.

Video about anemia in children

That is why she needs some treatment. After reading today's article, you will learn about the features of nutrition for anemia.

General principles

When the first symptoms of this disease appear, you should consult a doctor. A competent specialist will identify the exact cause of the ailment and recommend an individual nutrition scheme that is suitable for a particular patient. But if a person, due to some subjective reasons, cannot go to the clinic, he can be advised to adhere to certain rules regarding the use of certain products. Any dish should be prepared using a minimum amount of fat. All foods consumed should contain a sufficiently high concentration of proteins and B vitamins.

Proper nutrition for anemia completely eliminates the use of low-calorie diets designed to reduce body weight. During this period, a person should receive at least 2500 kcal per day. All dishes are best prepared from easily digestible varieties of meat, seafood, caviar, fish and eggs. During illness, you should stop the vegetarian diet and reduce the consumption of milk and its derivatives.

As for drinks, it is advisable to replace the usual tea or coffee with pure non-carbonated water, fruit and berry compotes or rosehip broth. Until complete recovery, it is advisable to adhere to fractional nutrition. You need to eat small portions five or six times a day.

What can be consumed during the illness?

The list of allowed foods for anemia is quite wide. All of them are high in iron and bring invaluable benefits to the human body. In the diet of people suffering from anemia, meat and offal must be present. The liver plays a special role in replenishing iron deficiency. Therefore, experts recommend more often to use dishes prepared on its basis.

Also, the menu of patients who have this pathology should be diversified with fish, oysters, mussels, mushrooms and chicken eggs. As for cereals, barley, millet, rice, oatmeal and buckwheat will be of particular benefit.

Nutrition for iron deficiency anemia must necessarily include nuts. Especially useful are hazelnuts, peanuts and almonds. Also, fresh vegetables and fruits must be present in the diet of a sick person. Therefore, the list of allowed foods should be supplemented with pineapples, peaches, bananas, apples and oranges. As for vegetables, the menu can be varied with pumpkin, carrots, cauliflower, beets, zucchini and tomatoes.

Scientists have found that in addition to foods containing a large amount of iron, there are those that contribute to its absorption. Therefore, until complete recovery, it is important to ensure that natural honey and some high-quality white wine periodically appear in the diet of a sick person.

What can not be eaten with anemia?

People suffering from this pathology are strictly forbidden to consume milk, fats, pastries and drinks that contain caffeine. Also, for the period of rehabilitation, it is desirable to limit the intake of food prepared with the addition of vinegar. This is due to the fact that this ingredient destroys blood cells.

Proper nutrition for anemia implies the complete exclusion of smoked meats, pickles, spicy and fried foods. It is highly undesirable to eat foods containing tannins and oxalic acid.

Approximate diet for anemia in adults

A diet for people who have this pathology has been identified, taking into account the causes of the problem and the general condition of the particular patient. Regardless of these factors, nutrition for anemia and middle-aged women and men should be complete and well balanced.

In any case, 50 g of sugar and 200 g of wheat and rye bread should be included in the daily diet. For breakfast, you can cook porridge from cereals and vegetable salad. For lunch, it is recommended to eat boiled rice, borscht in meat broth or a light soup. Between meals, you can drink a little berry compote or rosehip broth. For dinner, you should eat meat with vegetables.

Approximate diet for babies

Proper nutrition for anemia in children is considered the most important complex component of the treatment and prevention of anemia. In the diet of babies and adolescents diagnosed with this pathology, vegetables containing a high concentration of iron must be present. It can be parsley, spinach and lettuce. All greens can be pre-cooked, as this will not affect the iron content in any way.

Meat, liver, cheeses and egg yolks must be present in the children's diet. During this period, it is undesirable to get involved in dishes prepared on the basis of cereals. An exception can be made only for buckwheat porridge. As for drinks, children and adolescents suffering from anemia are advised to consume enough water and rosehip broth.

Nutrition for iron deficiency anemia in women in position

Many expectant mothers often have anemia. According to available statistics, every third pregnant woman suffers from this disease. This is due to the fact that a significant part of useful trace elements goes to the formation and development of the fetus. To make up for the resulting iron deficiency, a woman should more carefully monitor her diet.

Nutrition for anemia in pregnant women is built on basic principles applicable to all categories of patients. The basis of the menu of the future mother should be lean meat, fish, chicken eggs, some types of vegetables, fresh herbs and buckwheat porridge.

For better absorption of iron, it is recommended to regularly consume green tea and natural pomegranate juice. At the same time, expectant mothers need to be careful about dishes prepared from the liver. Since excessive consumption of this product can cause fetal developmental pathologies.

Nutrition for anemia in the elderly

As a rule, elderly people have a whole range of chronic diseases. Therefore, the diet of old people suffering from anemia should be slightly different from the menu of a younger person.

It is desirable to use meat not in a whole piece, but in the form of casseroles, meatballs or meatballs. It is better to replace the usual dinner with yogurt, curdled milk or low-fat cottage cheese. A couple of times a week, the diet can be diversified with chicken eggs.

As for cereals, they should be well boiled. Be especially careful with beans, beets and cabbage. With age, the number of enzymes responsible for the processing of these products gradually decreases in the human body. Therefore, they can be consumed not on an ongoing basis and only in boiled form.

vitamins for anemia

For better absorption of iron contained in food, additional substances are needed. Therefore, vitamin C must be added to the diet of people suffering from anemia. This is the most powerful natural antioxidant that promotes the absorption of iron. It is found in large quantities in blackcurrants, sweet bell peppers, citrus fruits and cabbage.

B vitamins play an equally important role in this matter. They are found in lettuce leaves, honey, liver, nuts, meat, fish, legumes and brewer's yeast.


From all of the above, it follows that anemia is a very common and rather unpleasant disease. Of course, when the first signs of anemia appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. After all, only a specialist will be able to establish the true cause of the problem and prescribe the correct treatment. It is important to understand that anemia refers to those diseases, the disposal of which requires a very competent integrated approach using special medications.

Not the last role in the treatment of this disease is given to proper, well-balanced nutrition. When compiling a menu for each individual patient, it is important to take into account his age, individual characteristics and general condition of the body.

Of course, nutrition for anemia implies certain restrictions. But if desired, for a sick person, you can cook a lot of different, not only healthy, but also quite tasty dishes.

What to eat with anemia for children and adults

If low hemoglobin is diagnosed in the blood, we are talking about iron deficiency anemia, which negatively affects the state of the whole organism. Outwardly, the disease may not manifest itself in any way, but the patient at any age experiences weakness, reduced tone, complains of passivity and a depressed emotional state. If the problem is identified, the attending physician individually prescribes a therapeutic diet for iron deficiency anemia, which is required to be followed until the specified blood count is normalized.

What is anemia

This is an official disease, which is characterized by a pathological decrease in hemoglobin and the quantitative composition of red blood cells in the systemic circulation. Such an ailment is more often associated with chronic fatigue and overwork, but in reality, an acute shortage of iron-containing protein in the blood can lead to irreversible health consequences in patients of any age. To avoid such a pathology, it is important to include vitamin B12 in sufficient quantities in the daily diet.

In order to promptly respond to such an unpleasant health problem and consult your doctor for advice, it is important to pay attention to such changes in general well-being:

  • increased fatigue;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • increase and decrease in body temperature;
  • pallor, cyanosis of the skin;
  • increased frequency of migraine attacks;
  • spleen, apathy, a tendency to a depressive state;
  • nausea, dizziness;
  • tendency to chronic constipation;
  • violation of the structure of nails and hair;
  • disturbed phase of sleep, insomnia with palpable fatigue.

Such unpleasant symptoms can indicate many internal diseases, so you should not engage in superficial self-medication. It is necessary to contact the local therapist (pediatrician) and get a referral for a general blood test. According to its results, the pathological process and the degree of its neglect in the patient's body will be revealed.

Nutrition for anemia

With the development of iron deficiency anemia, the first thing the attending physician recommends is to radically revise the usual daily diet, to exclude harmful foods. It is important to enrich the daily menu with natural vitamins, minerals, trace elements. Recommended adjustments and features of a therapeutic diet for anemia are detailed below:

  1. With regard to BJU, it is important to replenish the menu with protein foods, which provide the process of iron absorption, which is necessary for the formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the chemical composition of the blood.
  2. Fats have astringent properties, so they pathologically reduce the natural process of blood circulation. To exclude stagnant blood processes and a decrease in hemoglobin concentration, it is important to minimize such organic compounds in the daily diet.
  3. If this disease is of an allergic nature, the first step is to identify and eliminate the main allergen, then exclude seasonings, spices, pungency, pickles, fatty and fried foods.
  4. When unpleasant symptoms are represented by constipation, it is important to remove foods with coarse fiber from the diet, to make cooking, stewing and steaming the preferred methods of food processing while maintaining all the beneficial properties of food ingredients.
  5. It is important to forget about strict diets, everyday nutrition should be fractional, but complete and balanced. Separate nutrition is also categorically contraindicated, as it can aggravate the disease.

Nutrition in the elderly

Health problems can appear in old age. In this case, it is more a symptom of the underlying disease, which significantly reduces the quality of life, requires timely correction by official and alternative methods. Among the main causes of pathology, doctors single out alimentary insufficiency, which is provoked by dental diseases, low socioeconomic status of life, long-term medication, and acquired malabsorption syndrome.

With age, it becomes more and more difficult for the body to produce hemoglobin, so changes in the daily menu only help restore balance. A therapeutic diet can slow down the metabolism, which is already disturbed in the elderly body. Therefore, before taking any measures for iron deficiency anemia, you must first consult with a knowledgeable specialist, exclude self-medication. Here are valuable recommendations for the daily menu of an elderly person:

  1. It is important to identify chronic diseases of the body, to ensure a long period of remission of those.
  2. You need to eat often, but little by little (fractional nutrition is welcome), carefully controlling the body's water regime.
  3. Products should be ingested in a crushed and softened form, for example, in the form of boiled mashed potatoes.
  4. For dinner and before going to bed, the body should receive low-fat dairy products, be sure to have cottage cheese for better nighttime digestion.
  5. It is advisable to cook crumbly porridge from cereals, and eat eggs no more than 2 times a week. Due to the lack of intestinal enzymes, it is important to limit the consumption of beets, legumes and cabbage in old age.

Among women

A diet for anemia is not required if a balanced diet prevails, and a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals enters the body. Since a woman prefers not to eat for diet purposes, the health problem may soon become global. Among the factors provoking anemia in this case, one can single out the features of the menstrual cycle, the internal state of health. It is important to completely eliminate fasting and strict methods for losing weight from your life so that subsequent violations do not lead to a lack of hemoglobin in the blood circulation:

  1. The daily calorie intake should vary between 2500-3000 kcal for an adult, and you should not starve.
  2. Meals should be fractional, but frequent, while it is advisable to eat at the same time (work out a daily routine for yourself).
  3. You can speed up the process of absorption of iron from the intestines by medication or with the participation of individual food ingredients.

Iron rich foods for anemia

If a health problem already exists, it needs to be addressed, and in a timely manner. It is necessary to include foods with iron in the daily diet for anemia, while making sure that these are absorbed by the body in full. The results will be obvious in a few days if you perform a second laboratory blood test. Below is a list of foods that will help solve the current problem, what to eat with anemia.

beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit

legumes, buckwheat, oatmeal, muesli, millet

potatoes, cabbage, eggplant, beets

apple, plum, pear, lemon, avocado, apricot, persimmon

currant, blueberry, strawberry, strawberry, blueberry

lean varieties, preferably red

kidneys, heart, liver, beef tongue, brains

cottage cheese, kefir, butter, cream

raisins, dates, dried apricots, walnuts


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Herbs for iron deficiency anemia

This health problem often occurs with profuse blood loss, so treatment should be immediate. In addition to pills and nutritional correction, doctors recommend using alternative medicine methods. This is an element of auxiliary therapy, which is also capable of increasing the hemoglobin index in the blood in the shortest possible time. So, the body must be enriched with greens as a natural antioxidant (parsley, dill, lettuce), and already folk remedies with recipes are presented below:

  1. Decoction of yarrow. Raw materials need to be crushed, in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. steam in 1 tbsp. boiling water. Insist, strain, take chilled, 1 tbsp. l. three times a day, regardless of food intake.
  2. Nettle decoction. The specified type of medicinal herb can be prepared according to the same recipe, taken as a decoction in the morning and evening, 0.5 tbsp. preferably on an empty stomach until the unpleasant symptoms disappear completely.

What drink

With anemia, it is required not only to eat (eat) correctly, but also to maintain the body's water balance. To maintain and increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, it is desirable to use freshly squeezed juices, always in the morning during breakfast. This is a pomegranate, tomato, grape, carrot, potato or beet fresh juice. The recommended dose is no more than 1 tbsp. during the first meal and can be even before bedtime. In diabetes, the use of grape juice must be abandoned so as not to provoke a relapse of the underlying disease.

What to feed a child

If anemia develops in childhood, one nutritional correction can finally eliminate such a health problem (without the additional participation of medications). If the baby is breastfed, an additional introduction of iron-containing protein in the form of lactoferrin is recommended. As you grow older, it is necessary to competently introduce complementary foods, taking into account the following recommendations of pediatricians:

  • include non-adapted dairy products in the form of low-fat kefir and milk in the daily menu;
  • starting from 6 months and older, the baby can be introduced to instant cereals, fruit and vegetable purees, fruit juices;
  • you can add small portions of meat, mainly in boiled and pre-shredded form.

How to eat while pregnant

With such an unpleasant problem as iron deficiency anemia, women are more likely to encounter during pregnancy. during gestation, the doubled blood flow loses the permissible concentration of hemoglobin, and it is necessary to eat in order to replenish it in a timely manner. It is important not only to eat more, but to learn how to eat right, while not forgetting about the benefits of vitamins and trace elements from individual food ingredients. The following are general recommendations from gynecologists:

  1. With anemia, you can eat the products of dietary table No. 11, which includes the total calorie content of meals per day, not more than Cal, where 120 - 130 g of protein, 70 - 80 g of fat and 450 g of carbohydrates.
  2. The recommended volume of liquid is at least 2 liters, but the consumption of table salt will have to be reduced to 10 g in order to completely eliminate congestion in the pregnant body.
  3. It is recommended to eat foods fortified with iron. Among those are red meat, chicken eggs, organ meats, cereals, fish, seafood. Non-heme iron, which is also good for health, is found in cereals, fruits, legumes, green vegetables, and root vegetables.

Unwanted Products

With anemia, the need for vitamins, micro- and macroelements is growing rapidly, but their use will be useless if adjustments are not made to the daily menu in a timely manner. It is important to know the prohibited foods for anemia, so that during pregnancy and not only exclude them from the daily menu, thereby not hindering the natural healing process. Here are the best things not to eat with iron deficiency anemia:

  • fatty soups;
  • cream confectionery;
  • mayonnaise, hot sauces, ketchup;
  • puff pastry;
  • butter and ghee;
  • ice cream;
  • fatty meats, lard;
  • all canned food, smoked meats;
  • chocolate and alcohol.


Being in a state of iron deficiency anemia, in addition to healthy foods, attention should be paid to vitamins, in which a weakened body needs especially acutely. In this case, we are talking not only about the composition of food ingredients with natural vitamin complexes, but also about pharmacy products with different pricing policies. This is especially true for pregnant women who, when carrying a fetus, suffer from progressive hypovitaminosis. these vitamins are necessary for an organic resource for a full life:

  1. Vitamin C (acetylsalicylic acid). Contained in cabbage, all kinds of citrus fruits, bell peppers, black currants. It is a natural antioxidant, promotes the absorption of iron for better absorption of a valuable trace element (iron).
  2. Vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin). An indispensable ingredient not only for expectant mothers, but also for all age categories. To exclude the development of anemia, it is necessary in 1st. warm milk put 1 tsp. brewer's yeast and honey. Drink this drink in the morning on an empty stomach.
  3. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). Found in nuts, fish, meat, legumes. Able to induce and stimulate metabolic processes, promotes the process of protein digestion, the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Additionally, take Erythropoietin.
  4. Vitamin B9 (folic acid). Predominant in nuts, citrus fruits, beef and chicken liver, honey, lettuce. It is an effective prevention of anemia, you can eat such food ingredients in moderate portions.
  5. Iron and copper contribute to the intensive production of hemoglobin, so the concentration of such important trace elements needs to be increased daily, and for this there are apples, beef liver, and other products.

In addition to natural sources, you can use pharmacy products, represented by multifunctional multivitamin complexes. If we are talking about pregnant women, such a pharmacological appointment must be previously agreed with the attending physician, superficial self-medication is strictly prohibited. Here are the medications we are talking about:

Daily nutrition for anemia should be fractional, but balanced. It is required to speed up the metabolism, while replenishing the chemical composition of the blood with vital hemoglobin. In addition, it may be necessary to additionally take multivitamin complexes, it is advisable to discuss such a nuance with your doctor before buying and starting a health course. If you correctly compose a treatment menu, in a few days the health problem will be completely solved. The following are valuable and especially relevant recommendations from experts:

  1. It is necessary to match the BJU in the daily diet, where there will be 120 g of protein, 40 g of fat and 450 g of carbohydrates with a total calorie content of dishes Kcal (per day).
  2. The recommended water intake is 2 liters, it is additionally recommended to drink fresh juices, berry fruit drinks, green tea, herbal decoctions. What you can eat, the nutritionist, therapist will tell you.
  3. An obligatory food ingredient for anemia is boiled liver (chicken or beef), which you need to eat daily in a volume of 100 g.
  4. Sweets and confectionery products remain banned, it is dangerous to consume chocolate, alcoholic and carbonated drinks. From such ingredients, blood hemoglobin falls.
  5. If digestive problems predominate, there is a tendency to chronic constipation, food must be steamed or stewed.
  6. Dark honey is 60% fructose, so it is necessary to eat it daily with iron deficiency anemia.
  7. For the rapid absorption of iron, regular drinking of low-mineralized iron-sulfate-hydrocarbonate-magnesium water helps a lot.

The attending physician, after a detailed diagnosis, provides the patient with a list of allowed and prohibited foods, approximately the menu of a therapeutic diet. If you strictly adhere to it, a second blood test can be done in a week, and there will be a positive trend. Otherwise, you have to resort to the help of drug therapy, vitamin therapy.

One day menu for an anemic patient

Hemoglobin is closely associated with bone marrow cells, so its abnormal decrease in the blood can provoke irreversible pathological processes, internal diseases. The patient needs to respond to alarming symptoms in a timely manner, and according to a blood test, it is already decided what it will be - an individual nutritional correction, alternative treatment, or a full course of conservative therapy. It’s worth starting the action with a therapeutic diet, below is an approximate menu for one day, which will help increase the hemoglobin level in the blood:

Nutrition for iron deficiency anemia - what foods increase hemoglobin levels?

Anemia is a disease that is diagnosed today in every seventh inhabitant of our country. At the same time, many do not even suspect that they have this problem, writing off the symptoms that appear as ordinary fatigue from everyday and work problems.

Indeed, anemia can easily be confused with physical and emotional fatigue, but in fact it is most often itself a symptom of some other disease.

Anemia is characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin, a decrease in the number of red blood cells, and the development of oxygen starvation of the blood. And one of the main roles in the development of anemia is played by malnutrition, for example, frequent meals with junk food and a lack of vitamins, micro- and macroelements in the meals consumed.

What is iron deficiency anemia, and what role does hemoglobin play in the blood?

  • Deficiency - occurs when there is a lack of vitamins, micro- and macroelements (most often iron), which play an important role in hematopoiesis.
  • Hemolytic - destruction, gluing of red blood cells due to serious poisoning with chemicals (poisons), genetic diseases, frequent severe stress, exposure to very low temperatures and other factors.
  • Sickle cell - a mutation of red blood cells, the acquisition of irregularly shaped blood cells. This species is classified as a hereditary disease.
  • Hypo- and aplastic - a severe type of anemia associated with impaired hematopoiesis in the bone marrow.
  • Acute and chronic posthemorrhagic - the result of large blood loss (wounds, bleeding).

Iron deficiency anemia (iron deficiency) is the most common type of anemia in our region, and a general blood test will help diagnose it, where the hemoglobin level will be indicated.

It is the iron-containing protein hemoglobin that transports oxygen through the blood to organs and tissues in the human and animal body. If the level of hemoglobin decreases, malnutrition of the cells occurs, resulting in oxygen starvation.

There are generally accepted indicators of the norm of hemoglobin:

  • For women - from 120 to 140 g / l, for men - from 130 to 160 g / l.
  • Children's hemoglobin norm depends on the age of the child. For example, in a newborn baby who is only 1-3 days old, hemoglobin normally ranges from 145 to 225 g / l, at the age of 3-6 months - from 95 to 135 g / l. Then, from 1 year to adulthood, the hemoglobin rate gradually increases and becomes the same as in adults.
  • For pregnant women, the norm of hemoglobin in the blood is from 110 to 140 g / l, that is, it can be lowered from the very early stages, since intrauterine growth of the fetus is always a rapid consumption of iron and folic acid reserves.

Causes and symptoms of anemia

Let's find out why iron deficiency anemia occurs, and how to eat right to increase the level of iron in the blood.

As a result of these and many other reasons, symptoms of anemia begin to appear, similar to ordinary daily fatigue.

  • Apathy for all events in life.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Constant feeling of weakness in the whole body.
  • Nausea, frequent headache and constipation.
  • Sleepiness throughout the day and dizziness that occurs for no reason.
  • Noise in ears.
  • Dryness of the oral mucosa.
  • Pale skin, brittle hair and nails, caries.
  • It is even possible for a long-term presence of subfebrile temperature - 37-37.5 °.

Iron rich foods list

To get rid of iron deficiency anemia, eating the right foods rich in iron will help.

List of foods rich in iron

  • Cereals - buckwheat, legumes.
  • Vegetables - tomatoes, beets, potatoes, herbs, carrots, bell peppers.
  • Fruits - pomegranate, pear, currant, apple, plums, apricots, quince, persimmon.
  • Berries - currants, blueberries, wild strawberries, strawberries.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Plum juice.
  • Tea with honey and lemon.
  • Grape and apple juice.
  • Tomato juice.
  • Carrot juice.
  • Beet juice.
  • 72 mg - Beans
  • 51 mg - Hazelnuts
  • 45 mg - Oatmeal
  • 37 mg - Skimmed milk cheese
  • 31 mg - Buckwheat
  • 29.7 mg - Pork liver
  • 20 mg - Peas
  • 19 mg - Brewer's yeast
  • 16 mg – Seaweed
  • 15 mg - Apples (dried fruits)
  • 12 mg - Dried apricots
  • 9 mg - Blueberries
  • 9 mg - Beef liver
  • 6.3 mg - Heart
  • 5 mg - Beef tongue

It is possible and necessary to fight iron deficiency anemia not only with the help of drugs. Very effective in this case is a balanced diet - a diet rich in iron, vitamins, trace elements.

  • At least 20 mg of iron should be supplied to the human body with food per day.
  • Iron is better absorbed in the body if it is combined with foods rich in vitamin C. For example, you can eat porridge and pomegranate juice together, meat and juice.

How to increase the level of hemoglobin in a child?

Fighting iron deficiency anemia in children of any age is a must. For example, in infants, a decrease in hemoglobin leads to oxygen starvation of the whole organism, which depressingly affects the functioning of the baby's nervous system, and seriously affects its physical and mental development. As a result, the child may often cry, startle, be irritated.

Parents immediately panic, suspecting the presence of some kind of disease from the field of neurology, but first of all, you should pay attention to the hemoglobin rate in the child's blood.

To cure iron deficiency anemia in infants, it is necessary to balance the mother's diet. If the baby has already introduced complementary foods, then you need to take care of the correct nutrition system. For this, both the nursing mother and the child should consume buckwheat, meat, beets, apples and apple juice, pomegranate juice.

For children older than 3 years, the normalization of nutrition with iron-containing foods is generally not difficult. At this age, you can already eat almost everything, taking into account only individual food intolerance and allergic reactions.

How to eat with anemia for pregnant and lactating women?

During pregnancy, a woman needs to take care that her body receives as many vitamins, minerals and other useful substances so that they are enough for herself and her unborn baby.

Since iron deficiency provokes a decrease in hemoglobin levels and, accordingly, leads to oxygen starvation, this negatively affects both the mother and the child.

Especially scary is that the risk of slowing down the development of the fetus increases. That is why a pregnant woman needs to seriously monitor her diet. To do this, doctors recommend eating as many iron-containing foods as possible.

  1. Black tea for pregnant women should be replaced with green tea - it promotes better absorption of iron.
  2. Drinking pomegranate juice to increase hemoglobin should be in small quantities - excessive consumption provokes constipation.
  3. A nursing mother, like pregnant women, should receive enough iron from food, since the baby will also receive it with breast milk.
  4. If you have problems, such as diarrhea, discuss your diet with a nutritionist and a doctor - specialists will be able to draw up a complete menu.

Prevention of anemia in diabetic patients

In diabetic patients, the kidneys are damaged, namely, they produce the hormone erythropoietin. It, in turn, transmits signals to the red bone marrow, which already produces red blood cells. In sugar nephropathy, the cells that produce erythropoietin die, leading to kidney failure and anemia.

Unfortunately, anemia is very common in diabetic patients. But it can also be cured only by taking medications containing erythropoietin, in combination with a balanced diet rich in vitamins and microelements.

To prevent anemia in diabetic patients, a diet high in iron and folic acid should be followed. To do this, eat buckwheat, legumes, vegetables, vegetable juices, persimmons, pomegranates.

Recipes to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood

There are many recipes that help increase hemoglobin in the blood.

  1. We take half a kilogram of raisins, dried apricots, walnuts and prunes, as well as one lemon. We twist it all through a meat grinder, add about 350 g of honey. The resulting mixture is placed in a tray or jar and consumed before meals, 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
  2. We prepare daily beet-carrot juice with honey. To do this, we need 50 g of beet juice, 100 g of carrot juice and 1 tablespoon of honey. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and a delicious sweet drink is obtained. It is recommended to consume such juice in the first half of the day for better absorption of the vitamins contained in it.
  3. Half a glass of apple juice should be mixed with the same amount of cranberry juice. We supplement the resulting drink with 1 tablespoon of beetroot juice - and the juice rich in iron is ready! It is recommended to drink it at least 4-5 times a week.
  4. Grind a glass of walnuts and half a glass of raw buckwheat with a coffee grinder to a state of flour. Add 100 g of honey and mix thoroughly. The resulting mixture should be consumed 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.
  5. The simplest recipe that quickly increases hemoglobin is a drink consisting of equal parts of natural apple, carrot, pomegranate, beet and grape juices. Sweets can be added to the drink with 1-2 tablespoons of honey.

Forbidden foods for anemia: what to do to increase the absorption of iron?

Proper nutrition involves more than just eating iron-rich foods. It is also important to remember that there are a number of foods and drinks that slow down the absorption of iron. In principle, if you do not have allergies, you can eat almost everything, but when it comes to the absorption of iron, it is still better to refuse some foods.

  • Flour products
  • Caffeinated carbonated drinks
  • Conservation
  • Vinegar
  • Alcohol
  • Foods rich in calcium

It is important to know! Strong alcoholic drinks and their various surrogate substitutes provoke the development of a syndrome of impaired blood clotting. They are also harmful to a healthy person, and extremely dangerous for a patient with iron deficiency anemia.

There are also a number of rules that contribute to better absorption of iron from foods:

  1. Try to combine vegetables with meat and liver. Vegetables, especially beets and carrots, are able to start the process of regeneration of iron contained in meat.
  2. Vitamin C speeds up the absorption of iron, so it is advisable to eat them together. For example, buckwheat with meat or vegetables with fish can be washed down with orange juice.
  3. Honey improves the absorption of iron. Doctors recommend daily use of this sweet. It will not only help to cope with anemia, but also strengthen the protective properties of the body as a whole.
  4. Pear accelerates the process of restoring the normal concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. Doctors often recommend eating pears for anemic patients, especially if medical treatment is ineffective.

All these simple rules will significantly improve the process of iron absorption by the body and help get rid of iron deficiency anemia as soon as possible.

Menu for 7 days

When compiling a menu for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia, use the lists of allowed foods, and also take into account individual tolerance.

Breakfast. Buckwheat porridge and tomato juice.

Dinner. Vegetable stew, a piece of boiled meat, pomegranate juice.

Breakfast. Omelet with a piece of boiled meat or steamed fish.

Dinner. Bean puree, baked meat, beet-carrot juice.

Dinner . Buckwheat with beef liver, pomegranate.

Breakfast. Oatmeal with berries, green tea.

Dinner. Vegetable soup with chicken breast, carrot juice.

Dinner. Rice and baked fish, grape-apple juice.

Breakfast. Muesli and pomegranate juice.

Dinner. Pea soup with meat and tomato juice.

Dinner. Buckwheat with offal, vegetable juice.

Dinner. Offal soup, green tea.

Dinner. Mashed potatoes with meat, tomato juice.

Breakfast. Buckwheat with raisins, green tea.

Dinner. Vegetable stew, beef liver, carrot juice.

Dinner. Mashed potatoes, stew, fresh vegetable salad, pomegranate juice.

Breakfast. Muesli and green tea.

Dinner. Stewed vegetables, meat, pomegranate juice.

Dinner. Rice porridge with fish and fresh vegetable salad, grape-apple juice.

As you can see, nutrition with iron deficiency anemia can be not only rich, but also tasty. Follow the recommendations of nutritionists - and you will forget about such an unpleasant illness as anemia!

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