Should gums hurt after tooth extraction. Symptoms of the development of an inflammatory lesion in the area of ​​​​the socket of a pulled out tooth. St. John's wort and pine needles

Tooth extraction is a rather painful and unpleasant procedure for the patient. In essence, such an intervention is a full-fledged surgical operation, moreover, the dentist often has to make incisions in the gums, violate the integrity of the bone tissue, apply sutures, etc.

But even if the removal is simple, and not complicated by any negative factors, there is still an injury to the gum tissue, periosteum, and nerve endings. And therefore, when sore gums after tooth extraction, such pain is referred to as normal postoperative phenomena. Unfortunately, even the most modern technologies, medicines and an experienced doctor will not save you from such troubles.

But it often happens that pain in the gums appears due to the development of some kind of pathological process in the hole. And then the patient needs emergency medical care.

Inflammatory processes in the gum

If, after tooth extraction, an inflammatory process develops, then such a disease is called alveolitis by dentists, and when the process is running, when inflammation covers the periosteal tissues, osteomyelitis is called.

The inflammatory process can develop for a variety of reasons. The most common are improper oral care, removal or initial absence of a protective blood clot in the socket, an incorrectly performed operation, non-sterile instruments, the presence of foreign objects in the socket left by the dentist through inattention (the rest of a tooth fragment, a piece of cotton wool or gauze). Often, the inflammatory process develops after the removal of the eighth molar, in cases where the operation was complicated by the presence of chronic inflammation in the oral cavity, as well as other systemic diseases that the patient suffers from.

If tooth removed, gum hurts usually within a few days, with the pain gradually becoming less intense. And if over time the sensation, on the contrary, intensifies, then this may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process. Additional signs are severe swelling of the gums, swelling of the adjacent cheek, redness of the gums around the hole, bad breath, purulent taste in the mouth, purulent discharge, fever, headaches, development of general malaise, weakness.

The inflammatory process in the gums is a serious disease, and it must be treated under the supervision of a dentist. You can not hope that the tumor will pass with time or self-medicate. Any delay can lead to very serious complications, such as blood poisoning or phlegmon - an extensive purulent lesion of muscle tissue, deadly to humans.

How to recognize signs of tooth decay in the earliest stages

In the first hours after the operation, you will not feel any pain, as anesthesia will still work for some time. After pulled out a tooth, gum hurts, in most cases from a few hours to two to three days. Exceptions are complex removals, accompanied by serious tissue damage, in such cases, the pain can last up to ten days.

Due to such natural postoperative pain, it can be difficult to determine the onset of the development of the inflammatory process. You should be alerted by the fact that after a few days after surgery, you still have swelling of the tissues, while the intensity of the pain increases, and the tumor increases. An unpleasant odor from the oral cavity can also serve as an alarm signal indicating the presence of inflammation. Pay attention to general well-being: weakness, malaise, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the presence of pain in the gum area - symptoms of the inflammatory process.

What to do if the gum hurts after tooth extraction

In the presence of pain, it is strictly forbidden to perform any warming procedures. Do not wrap your cheek in a warm scarf or shawl, do not apply a heating pad with warm water, do not rinse your mouth with herbal decoctions until they have cooled to a temperature slightly above room temperature. Heating the inflamed gums will worsen the condition, and may provoke the onset of a purulent process.

You can apply cold compresses to your cheek, for example, crushed ice with water, placed in a rubber heating pad or an ordinary plastic bottle, or just a cloth towel, which must be moistened in cold water as it warms up.

You can rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, calamus, oak bark or sage before you see a doctor. However, do not make intense rinsing movements, you can wash off the protective clot. Just hold the decoction against the sore gums, as if you were making a bath for an extracted tooth.

If the pain is too intense, you can take an analgesic, but antibiotics and antiseptic drugs should be used only as prescribed by your dentist. Therefore, with the development of inflammation, try to get an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.

Preventive measures to prevent inflammation

When a tooth is removed, the gum hurts, an inflammatory process develops - there is little pleasant. However, the risks of negative consequences of the operation can be significantly reduced if certain preventive measures are taken.

First of all, try to make an appointment with a doctor for tooth extraction when you do not have any colds or exacerbation of chronic diseases. Against the background of reduced immunity, the inflammatory process develops much more often than in cases where the operation was performed on a healthy person.

After tooth extraction, it is necessary to carefully observe all the rules of oral hygiene in order to prevent infection from entering the unhealed hole. On the first day, brush your teeth only from the side opposite to the extracted tooth, then start brushing as usual, taking extra care in the area of ​​the extracted tooth. Do not forget that toothpaste can cause irritation, so try to use it in minimal amounts, and on the first day, it is better to brush your teeth without any toothpaste. Be especially careful when rinsing your teeth, the protective blood clot can be washed off if your movements are too intense.

Sometimes, especially in cases where a complex removal has been performed or a clear decrease in immunity is observed, the doctor recommends taking antibiotics. Such a measure will help you recover faster and reduce the risk of developing inflammation.

If a tooth is pulled out, the gum hurts too much on the first day after the operation, then you can take an analgesic. No rinses on the first day after surgery can not be used without the permission of your doctor. For general development, you can learn other animals.

Modern dentistry allows for the removal of teeth as painlessly as possible and without subsequent complications.

However, in some cases, pain cannot be avoided. The removal of wisdom teeth is especially difficult due to the inaccessibility and tight fit of the tooth.

Complexity of the procedure

Despite the use of strong painkillers, acute pain is possible during the surgical and postoperative period. This is due to the complexity of the operation and possible provoking factors, including:

In some cases, the removal of a tooth requires a gum incision. This is due to the incorrect formation of the diseased tooth.

For example, wisdom teeth can come out at an angle, catching neighboring teeth, loosening their root system and causing severe pain due to pinched nerve endings. In this case, the tooth is subject to sawing and phased removal. The hole and incisions are sutured to speed up the healing process and avoid infection.

There are other factors that can complicate the removal operation:

In all these cases, a gum incision is made, which can lead to complications due to infection or poor-quality surgery.

Why does my gum hurt after surgery?

If the gum hurts after the tooth is pulled out, then this may indicate inflammation of the tissues.

It is especially important to ensure that after the operation there is no washing out of the blood clot, which protects the socket from infection and promotes rapid healing.

The clot prevents food from entering the damaged area, which can provoke inflammation. To prevent washing out of the blood clot, you should refrain from eating, after which you can only eat soft food.

Do not rinse your mouth earlier than a day after removal. If sutures were applied during the operation, then it is necessary to load the oral cavity as little as possible, avoid visiting the bathhouse, solarium and other places with elevated temperatures, and stop smoking for at least a few days.

When should you go to the clinic?

Pain after a tooth is pulled out is normal. With the termination of the action of anesthesia, aching pain occurs. Usually the pain goes away within a day, with a more difficult removal, pain can be observed for several days.

It is worth consulting a doctor if the pain is of the following nature:

These symptoms usually indicate the presence of an infectious complication.

Most often, you have to deal with the following consequences when removing a tooth:

How to relieve pain?

In the absence of complications, cold applications, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, which can be used no earlier than 24 hours after the operation.

To prevent the spread of a purulent infection, antibiotics can be prescribed, which are also recommended in case of complex operations associated with cutting the gums.

If complications occur, a special treatment is prescribed, which is determined based on the disease.

What to do if the gum hurts a lot after tooth extraction, the dentist will tell:

If there are complications

If something went wrong after the extraction of the tooth, then the appropriate measure must be taken.

Alveolitis therapy

The well is subject to mandatory washing with an antiseptic solution. Washing is carried out under local anesthesia using compounds such as Furacilin or Chlogrexidine. Less commonly used is hydrogen peroxide, which is usually used for minor lesions.

After the extraction of pus and particles of dead tissue, the well is treated, followed by drying.

With severe inflammation, antibacterial drugs are injected into the hole to prevent the spread of infection and stop inflammation of the gums. Then an antiseptic dressing is applied to the affected area using painkillers.

In a normal course, the pain disappears after two days and healing occurs.

If the disease is in a neglected state, then physiotherapeutic procedures can be added to these measures aimed at reducing the inflammatory process and activating the protective forces of orgasm.

The patient is prescribed antiseptic rinses and vitamin complexes.

The occurrence of a hematoma

After tooth extraction, it causes more aesthetic inconvenience than real physical discomfort. Cold is usually prescribed, which reduces swelling of the gums and contributes to the rapid resolution of the bruise. On the other hand, a hematoma may indicate an infection of the wound.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics and antiseptic baths. A pressure bandage is recommended to prevent the spread of the hematoma.

In cases of neuritis

Pain in neuritis is difficult to confuse with symptoms of other diseases. This is a sharp "shooting" pain that permeates the entire face. With trigeminal neuritis after tooth extraction, anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed.

The patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs, B vitamins, as well as physiotherapy.

Cyst treatment

Treatment of the cyst is carried out taking into account the spread of the disease. The patient should take an x-ray that can determine the location and size of the cyst.

With a slight lesion, therapeutic treatment is prescribed, which involves taking antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

If the cyst did not have time to damage the tops of the roots of adjacent teeth, then its removal is carried out quickly and painlessly.

If neighboring teeth are affected, laser dialysis may be recommended, which involves the introduction of a laser into the canal of the tooth in order to stop the growth of the cyst and prevent inflammation.

Removal of residual fragments of the tooth is carried out by a surgical method. The gum is incised and the fragment is removed. Next, the patient is prescribed restorative therapy with the use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

He hopes that after visiting the clinic, the pain will immediately subside and he will be able to forget about these unpleasant sensations for a long time. But this is not always the case. Sometimes after tooth extraction, the gum hurts and swelling appears. What to do in this situation? Of course, run to the doctor. Only he, after examination, will understand why the gum hurts after removal and how to fix this problem.


In order to choose the right treatment, you need to understand why the gum hurts a lot. The most frequently identified causes are:

  • pronounced inflammatory process;
  • abscess formation;
  • the presence of stomatitis or periodontal disease;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • position features;
  • a large number of teeth removed in one visit;
  • consequences of complex removal;
  • characteristics of the patient - age,
  • the presence of diseases.

At the same time, in almost 90% of cases, the cause of pain is alveolitis - the penetration of infection into the tooth socket. In rare cases, the cause of pain may be a fracture of the alveolar process, which is eliminated by applying a splint.

It is worth noting that sometimes after the removal of a molar, neighboring units or the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe injured gum hurt. This is seen as the norm. Here it is important to clarify how long the mucous membrane hurts, how severe the pain is and whether there are secondary symptoms. To determine the causes and identify the presence of complications, a thorough examination is carried out and an x-ray is prescribed.


To understand that it is time to run to the dentist and start treating complications, it is enough to find out exactly how the consequences of simple and complex removal manifest themselves. First of all, it is pain in the area of ​​​​the former root of the tooth. You may notice that the gums are swollen and there is a pronounced reddening of the mucosa. Some patients experience severe sore throat after tooth extraction or fever. Also, a deviation is the inability to move the jaw to the maximum open state, that is, it is difficult to open the mouth.

In order to assess the situation, you need to pay attention to the timing. If the gum hurts after a difficult removal during the day, this is considered the norm, but the persistence of pain for 3 days is a sign of complications. Cheek swelling is a common process after tooth extraction. If you have a tooth removed and your cheek is swollen, then you should not be nervous. In this article, we will tell you what to do in such a situation.

Circumstances in which you should not worry about a swollen cheek:
1. Swelling of the cheek is not pronounced and is not prone to increase.
2. Body temperature has not increased; on the day of surgery, the temperature rose, and the next day it dropped and did not change after that.
3. Pain in the gums and cheek gradually decreases.
4. Lack of unpleasant odor from the place of tooth extraction.

There is a need to contact the clinic:
1. The volume of edema increases every day.
2. Strong pain at the site of the extracted tooth that does not subside.
3. For several days, feeling unwell, high body temperature does not stop.
4. Difficulty opening and closing the mouth, as well as sore throat.
5. The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the wound.

Why does my cheek swell and hurt after a tooth extraction?

When a tooth is removed, the soft tissues of the oral cavity are damaged. The remaining wound heals within a few days, but the patient feels discomfort and pain in the gums all this time. Sometimes the body temperature rises. The process of tooth extraction and the subsequent healing of the gums is stressful for the patient. If after the operation the cheek is swollen and pain is felt, then this is probably the body's "response" to the surgical intervention. When soft tissue regeneration is completed, the swelling will disappear.

In the case when the malaise and pain do not recede for a long time, inflammation may have begun. Usually there is only one reason - improper postoperative care. For example, the gauze swab that the doctor left on the wound to stop the bleeding was removed by the patient too late. A swab in the blood is a breeding ground for infection. You need to get rid of it immediately after the bleeding stops. This should be done carefully so as not to damage the formed blood clot. If you touch it, suppuration will soon begin.

Wisdom tooth removed and swollen cheek. What to do?

There are always more problems with wisdom teeth than with the rest. After the removal of the eighth molar, several symptoms often appear at once: difficulty opening and closing the mouth, pain when swallowing, large swelling of the cheek, pain in the gums, fever. If these effects of the operation last a couple of days and gradually subside, then everything is in order. An unpleasant smell from the hole in the gum left from the pulled out tooth, as well as the progression of primary symptoms, is a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor.

TO REMOVE Swelling

After tooth extraction, it is recommended to apply cold to the cheek as soon as possible. The easiest option is to take a piece of meat from the freezer and wrap it in a towel. It should be applied no longer than 5-7 minutes. The number of times - 3-4. Applying cold will help prevent the swelling from increasing, but only if this procedure is done on the day of the tooth extraction. On other days, applying cold to the cheek will not help.

Another effective way is to put a soda-salt compress on the gum. To prepare it, you need to take one teaspoon of soda and half a teaspoon of salt, place them in a container and pour a glass of barely warm water. Next, moisten a piece of sterile cotton wool in the resulting solution. The swab should be placed on the damaged area of ​​the gums, and after 15 minutes - removed. You can repeat the procedure in an hour.

A gradual decrease in swelling is facilitated by sleeping on 2-3 pillows. The higher the pillows, the better.

Complications after removal

Separately, we consider the most common symptoms of complications after removal:

  • Often after a difficult removal, you notice that the gums are swollen and the cheeks are swollen. Normally, due to the destruction of surrounding tissues, edema appears, which persists for 2 days. If within 2-3 days it increases, the temperature rises, you should consult a doctor.
  • An increase in body temperature can also be the norm as a reaction of the body to an intervention. If the throat hurts after removal, the gums are swollen and the symptoms increase for several days, treatment should be started, since all this indicates an inflammatory process and suppuration.
  • A tooth can hurt very much in cases where there was a purulent process in the hole at the time of removal. Also, the remains of fragments of the roots can cause pain.

If the above symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, and not wait for the condition to improve.

If a tooth hurts after extraction, complications should be excluded. One of the most common is dry socket. Normally, after the teeth are removed, a blood clot should form, which covers the hole and protects it from infection. It may be absent due to too intense rinsing or against the background of internal deviations in the patient. To eliminate this problem, the doctor puts a drug in the gum that will relieve inflammation and speed up the healing process.

The next particular complication is alveolitis. The cause of this disease is the penetration of infection, dry socket, remnants of bone tissue, and so on. If you notice that after the extraction of the tooth, the gums are swollen and a grayish coating appears on the hole, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. There may also be associated symptoms such as severe pain, bad breath, and so on. If this condition is not treated, inflammation of the periosteum develops, and this already threatens with the loss of neighboring perfectly healthy teeth. In this situation, you need to see a doctor. He will explain what to do with alveolitis, treat the hole and prescribe treatment.

The next reason why a tooth hurts after surgery is suppuration. It leads to a violation of the instilled asepsis during the procedure or non-compliance with the recommendations of the doctor. If left untreated, a fistula, abscess or phlegmon is formed. To prevent this, you need to treat the hole and take a course of antibiotic therapy. It should be noted that inflammation can also occur after a long period of time, so dentists recommend starting prosthetics after tooth extraction only after 2-3 weeks. During this time, you can make sure that there are no complications and the complete healing of the hole.

In some cases, patients turn to dentists with the question of why a tooth hurts after surgery on an adjacent root. This is due to trauma and irradiation of pain, but fractures of the roots must also be excluded. For this purpose, radiography is prescribed and, based on the result, treatment is prescribed.


So, you have found out what caused the pain and want to get rid of them as soon as possible. To begin with, let's figure out how to relieve pain in the first days after visiting the dentist. A cold compress on the area of ​​intervention will be appropriate. Within 1-2 days you can not rinse your teeth and brush them. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever immediately after the anesthetic wears off, especially if you have a headache after the extraction.

The first meal is allowed after 2-3 hours. Spicy dishes are excluded, and you need to chew food on the healthy side. To prevent bleeding, hot baths, saunas and baths should be abandoned. Also, you can not work in an incline or lift weights.

From the second day, begin non-intensive rinsing with antiseptic solutions. If the doctor prescribes antibiotics, be sure to drink the indicated course. If any of the above symptoms occur, you should immediately contact your dentist. At the same time, pay attention to how much the tooth hurts after removal, how severe the pain is, where they are localized and if there are other symptoms.

If the doctor's recommendations are followed, on the second day the pain subsides, and the swelling decreases. But even in this case, it is impossible to stop taking the prescribed drugs, since if the course of treatment is shortened, the infection can flare up with renewed vigor. Only after all the symptoms subside, the mucosa is completely tightened and stops bothering you, the doctor will allow prosthetics after tooth extraction. In other words, no matter how much you are in a hurry and do not want to return lost teeth, you should not agree to early prosthetics, as this can cause serious complications, which will be more difficult to get rid of.

The procedure for removing a tooth refers to full-fledged surgical interventions. This is due to the fact that damage to the mucous membrane, as well as bone tissue, occurs when a patient has a tooth removed. The gums can hurt after such an operation for a couple of days. If a serious intervention was carried out, then pain persists for 5-7 days. If after a week the pain does not go away, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Features of the tooth extraction procedure

Specialists are always distinguish between the complexity of removal. So, if the tooth has curved roots, a deformed crown, or a lot of different damage, then we are talking about a complex removal. In this case, you can not do without acute pain. In addition, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • pain during swallowing;
  • edema formation;
  • difficulty opening the mouth.

As a rule, the gum hurts within a week. If the pain increases, the swelling increases and an unpleasant odor appears, the likelihood of developing inflammation is high. Sleep disturbance, increased fatigue and weakness are considered other alarming symptoms.

Reasons why the gum hurts after removal

Most often, discomfort occurs after the tooth is removed and the anesthetic wears off. If it was a difficult removal, then the gum hurts for a week. During this period, the swelling gradually subsides.

Some patients after tooth extraction complain of throbbing pain in the gum There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Alveolitis. We are talking about inflammation of the hole, in which there is severe pain. If there is also a purulent infection, then the pain becomes pulsating due to the accumulation of pus. The gum becomes red and gradually swells. With such symptoms, various pain medications work for a short time. A cold compress also does not help, so you do not need to do it.
  • Trigeminal neuritis. Pathology is observed if the tooth is pulled out in the lower jaw, where the branch of the trigeminal nerve is located. Sometimes tooth roots are located in the bone tissue, due to which nerve damage is possible during removal. In this case, there is a shooting pain, which can radiate to the temple, neck or eye. At the same time, all other teeth also begin to ache and whine. At the site of removal, soft tissues do not swell, and pain persists even at rest.
  • Cyst or remaining tooth root. In rare cases, the tooth is not completely removed, which leaves a small piece in the gum and bone tissue. Over time, secondary inflammation occurs, causing the gums to become painful, swollen, and red. When pressed, a small amount of pus is often released. In some cases, a cyst that was not removed by a doctor during surgery can lead to pain. It gradually increases, therefore, if you do not visit a doctor in time, periostitis or osteomyelitis may develop.

In order to eliminate pain in the gums in the postoperative period, one of the drugs belonging to the NSAID group should be taken. The best thing opt for nurofen. In this case, only the doctor must say how many tablets you can drink. If a molar tooth was removed and a pronounced pain syndrome appeared, a more powerful analgesic, namely ketanov, should be taken. In addition, antihistamines, especially suprastin, will help reduce pain. This tool removes puffiness, and also activates the effect of painkillers. Suprastin has a pronounced sedative effect, so the patient can fall asleep immediately after taking it.

Not less than topical treatment is considered effective. We are talking about baths with anesthetics or chilled herbal decoctions. Chamomile, sage, calendula or oak bark are suitable for these purposes. It is enough to take the liquid into your mouth and hold it for about a minute, and then spit it out.

A cold compress has a pronounced analgesic effect. To prevent frostbite, a dense fabric is used to prepare the compress. The duration of the procedure should be no more than 15 minutes.

If the patient has started development of complications you should visit the dentist's office. So, the doctor will clean the hole from pus and prescribe antibiotics. Thanks to this, you can quickly improve the condition.

In some cases, rinsing is recommended. To do this, dissolve furazolidone in 200 ml of warm water. A light pink solution of potassium permanganate is also considered effective. Some experts recommend the use of a saline solution. Its preparation is very simple: only 1 tsp is required for 200 ml of water. table salt.

Decoctions of herbs are good for getting rid of pain. For 1 glass of water, 0.5-1 tsp will be required. chopped St. John's wort, chamomile or sage. The liquid is insisted for 30-60 minutes, after which you can start rinsing.

Preventive measures

In order not to face pain in the postoperative period, it is enough follow a few rules.

It should be remembered that proper care after removal teeth are very important. If you do not follow simple recommendations, the development of various complications is likely. In cases where rinsing and taking painkillers are ineffective, you should urgently consult a dentist.

How long can the pain last? If moderate pain is present in the first 2-4 days, then this is normal. Longer discomfort lasts if there was inflammation or a wisdom tooth was pulled out. This phenomenon is explained by the usual trauma of the gums, which occurs even with uncomplicated tooth extraction.

What to do if the gum hurts after tooth extraction?

The situation when a tooth is pulled out, and the gum aches and the pain interferes with normal activities, is familiar to almost everyone. All negative sensations should be treated at home carefully so as not to provoke infection and leaching of the formed clot from the wound. The following measures help the most:

  1. Apply a cool compress to the cheek at the operation site. Such a measure significantly contributes to the removal of edema, pain, and the formation of a hematoma is not so active.

  2. When the hole periodically bleeds, it is better to apply an application from a sterile bandage previously moistened with an antiseptic to it. With frequent bouts of bleeding, you can not constantly apply compresses, you should immediately go to the dentist!
  3. Pain reliever for a short period, but still helps to relieve pain. The main thing is not to use such medicines too often.

Related article: sore gums and bad breath after tooth extraction - what are these symptoms?

When should you see a doctor?

Pain is normal after a tooth is pulled out. However, a person needs to monitor his condition in order to determine in time when this symptom becomes a sign of a pathological process. Inflammation is evidenced by the following factors:

  • puffiness;
  • pus in the wound;
  • weakness;
  • spread of pain to other parts of the face;
  • pulsation in the hole.

What to do in case of complications

With any of the complications, you should not try to treat yourself or just relieve the symptoms that bother you. The intervention of a dentist is always required, which must take measures to clean and disinfect the hole in order to prevent the spread of necrosis.


The formed well is washed out with Chlorhexidine or furacilin solution. The area is anesthetized first. If the inflammation is small, then these antiseptic solutions are replaced with hydrogen peroxide. The treatment procedure for alveolitis is the extraction of all dead particles.

When the hole is cleaned and drained, special antibacterial compounds are injected into the wound to prevent an increase in infection. A small bandage soaked in an anesthetic is applied to the gum itself. Active healing begins on the second day.

With advanced alveolitis, physiotherapy is additionally required. Her measures have a general strengthening effect on the body. Along with this, the patient takes vitamins and antibiotics.


Severe pain that occurs with the disease is treated through broad anti-inflammatory therapy. With vivid symptoms, blockades are made with novocaine. They are repeated if necessary until the symptoms disappear. As in the previous case, vitamin therapy and physiotherapy are required.


The nature of the treatment of a cyst is determined by its features and degree of spread. Sometimes complex antibiotic therapy is enough, but if the cyst is large, then it is required to remove it surgically. The operation can go almost unnoticed by the patient if she did not have time to hit the adjacent teeth.

With the help of a laser, treatment is carried out with the defeat of neighboring teeth. This technique simultaneously relieves inflammation, stops the growth of the cyst. Laser dialysis is complemented by conventional surgery to remove fragments of teeth. In the future, the patient is selected drugs for conservative therapy.


A bruise is not dangerous for a person, it does not provoke strong symptoms, but it causes other inconveniences. To quickly get rid of a hematoma, it is better to regularly apply the medicine to the injury in order to speed up its resorption and remove swelling.

Sometimes a similar sign indicates an infection, therefore, for prevention, rinsing with antiseptics is regularly done, even antibiotics are used. The spread of the hematoma can be prevented by a pressure bandage.

Video: Pain after tooth extraction causes, duration, numbness.


There is severe pain in the gums, the cheek is swollen, the hole is inflamed and suppurated, subfebrile body temperature after surgical removal of the tooth is a sign of alveolitis.

After the operation, the hole is filled with a dense blood clot, which acts as a barrier against bacteria. If for some reason it falls out, the wound remains empty, food remains accumulate there and a convenient environment is created for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. There is inflammation and suppuration of the walls of the hole.

Causes of alveolitis:

  1. Prolapse of a blood clot.
  2. Fragments of roots in the hole.
  3. Weakened immunity.
  4. Poor oral hygiene.
  5. The presence of carious units in the mouth.
  6. Inflammatory gum disease.
  7. A cyst that has not been removed from the socket.

They pulled out a tooth, the gum hurts, alveolitis has developed, what to do, how much will it hurt? You need to see a doctor. It is impossible to cure the disease on your own. The dentist will thoroughly clean the hole, treat it with an antibacterial agent, and lay an iodomorphic turunda. In addition, he will prescribe a course of antibiotics, antiseptic mouth rinses with Chlorhexidine or Miramistin.

They removed a tooth with flux, the gum hurts for a long time, what should I do? If the extraction is carried out against the background of inflammation, the doctor puts an anti-inflammatory agent in the hole, opens the purulent sac and puts drainage. Antibiotic treatment is carried out, antiseptic procedures are prescribed.

How many days does the gum hurt, the hole with inflammation after tooth extraction? The patient the next day will feel significant relief after therapeutic procedures. Swelling, pain will gradually disappear, recovery occurs in 10-14 days.

Extraction of the third molar

How much does a tooth hurt after removing a rotten wisdom tooth (eight or third molar)? These are the last units that grow in a person. Their appearance is often associated with pain and discomfort. If, during eruption, the figure eight grows in the wrong position, destroys neighboring units, is severely affected by caries, is completely hidden in the jaw bone tissue, then it is removed.

There was a strong, aching, unbearable pain after the removal of a wisdom tooth, how many days will it bother, what should I do? When the figure eight is pulled out, an extensive wound remains, sometimes it is sutured. It hurts for up to 10 days. To alleviate the condition immediately after pulling out a rotten unit, you can apply cold to your cheek for several minutes. This helps not only relieve pain, but also reduce swelling. You can not apply heat, so that the swelling does not increase, and inflammation does not form. You can also drink painkillers: Analgin, Ketanov, Tempalgin, Nurofen.

After the removal of the wisdom tooth, the gums and jaw become inflamed and sore, the pain does not go away for a long time, what should I do? When the first signs of inflammation appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Wisdom teeth grow next to a large number of blood and lymphatic vessels, so pus can easily enter the bloodstream. The dentist will process the hole, lay the medicine, and sew the gum edges. At home, the patient should rinse with antiseptic solutions, brush his teeth regularly, take painkillers, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic drugs.

How many days does the gum hurt badly after a difficult wisdom tooth extraction? Up to 14 days.

The extraction of eights hidden in the bone is difficult. The doctor has to cut them out with a drill in parts, extract them with special tools. The procedure is quite traumatic, it can last from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Anesthetics are taken to relieve the condition.


Why does the gum and bone hurt after tooth extraction? This may be due to the formation of a cyst. If fragments of the root remain in the hole and they are not pulled out, inflammation may not occur immediately. The foreign body is overgrown with a rounded shell and gradually develops into a cyst filled with fluid. An odontogenic cyst may form at the apex of a wisdom molar root if it is not properly erupted.

They removed the destroyed tooth, but the pain remained, a cyst formed, how long will the gum hurt? If the cyst opens, the patient's temperature rises sharply to 38-39˚, swelling grows, throbbing, unbearable pain appears after tooth extraction. When these symptoms appear, it is impossible to postpone a visit to the dentist. All discomfort will pass after the treatment of the hole and drug treatment.


After the removal (pulling out) of the tooth, how long does the gum hurt if there was chronic periodontitis? Periodontitis is called inflammation of the mucous membrane. Before extraction, antibacterial treatment is carried out to eliminate pathogenic microflora. If the diseased unit had to be pulled out urgently, bacteria can infect the hole and lead to alveolitis. Pain and swelling will go away only after treatment at the dentist in 10 to 14 days.

Antiseptic preparations

What should I do if my gums hurt for a long time after tooth extraction? Do not rinse on the first day, a blood clot may fall out. Make baths with an antiseptic solution. Later, the mouth is rinsed with antimicrobials to relieve pain, prevent infection, and speed up the healing of the hole. Particular attention should be paid to the hole after the extraction of the wisdom tooth. It is located in a hard-to-reach place, there is a large accumulation of bacteria.

  • They pulled out a tooth, the gum hurts, the jaw hurts, what should I do? Chlorhexidine solution is used. The agent is kept in the mouth for 1-2 minutes. Rinsing should be done after meals.

  • How long can gums and bone hurt after tooth extraction? When using Miramistin, without inflammation, the pain will pass in three days. This drug not only kills germs in the oral cavity and acts on the herpes virus.
  • How long does the gum, tooth and jaw hurt after a conventional tooth extraction? No, if you follow the doctor's recommendations and perform rinsing with soda-salt solution. The remedy is especially effective after opening the abscess, it accelerates healing.
  • Infusions of medicinal herbs will help relieve inflammation, accelerate wound healing, and freshen breath. But they should be used only in combination with medical treatment.

How long should a tooth or jaw hurt after extraction? The recovery time depends on the complexity of the operation, compliance with the instructions of the attending physician, and the implementation of hygiene procedures.

Possible consequences and complications of tooth extraction

Most complications after tooth extraction are associated with infection. Many microorganisms live in the oral cavity, many of them are conditionally pathogenic - that is, under certain conditions they can provoke an infectious process.

So, if the hole after tooth extraction is deep enough, not closed by a blood clot and does not heal for a long time, food debris and pathogenic microorganisms can accumulate in it, which provokes suppuration of the wound and inflammation:

    Alveolitis is an inflammatory process in the hole, which usually manifests itself on the third day after surgery and is characterized by severe pain, bad breath. The wound healing process slows down, which can lead to a number of other complications; (read also: Alveolitis - causes, symptoms, complications, treatment)

    With a long non-healing wound after tooth extraction, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich purulent-inflammatory processes are observed, the risk of osteomyelitis of the jaw increases;

    If the infection has affected the wound after the removal of the lower wisdom tooth, the risk of complications and serious consequences increases several times, since the soft tissues in this area have an intensive blood supply. The infectious process, which may occur after an incorrectly performed operation or if the rules of the rehabilitation period are not followed, spreads deep into the tissues. This creates the prerequisites for such serious complications as an abscess, phlegmon, or even sepsis, in which pathogenic microorganisms enter the bloodstream and spread to other organs. Sepsis can lead to disruption of the entire body and even death.

The infection can get into the wound directly during the operation with insufficient sterility of the conditions, or develop after it if the patient ignores the rules of hygiene and wound care during the rehabilitation period.

After the operation, after the rehabilitation period, it is recommended to install an implant in place of the extracted tooth, otherwise a number of other unpleasant consequences develop. Firstly, the chewing function is disturbed, the load is unevenly distributed on the remaining teeth, which leads to their rapid wear and entails a number of dental problems in the future. Inadequately chewing food can cause problems with the digestive system.

The absence of a tooth can lead to a distortion of facial features, the appearance of early wrinkles, and atrophic changes in the jaw tissue. That is why the installation of the implant should be carried out as early as possible, especially since the engraftment process immediately after tooth extraction is faster.

Signs of complications after tooth extraction:

    Sustained temperature rise to 38 degrees or more;

    Swelling that does not subside for several days; swelling so large that it interferes with swallowing and opening the mouth; (read also: Swelling after wisdom tooth removal)

    Severe pain in the area of ​​the extracted tooth, which lasts for several days and does not subside after taking painkillers;

    Bleeding does not stop for more than 12 hours, while the blood comes out in large quantities and has a bright scarlet color;

    Numbness in one or both jaws that does not go away for more than two days from the time of the action of the anesthetic that was applied during the operation.

If you have any of these signs, you should consult a doctor, as they indicate the development of an infectious process.

What can not be done after tooth extraction?

    You can not immediately throw away the gauze swab that the doctor has installed on the wound - it helps to stop bleeding and form a blood clot. It is kept for half an hour or even an hour for problems with blood clotting;

    Do not rinse immediately after the operation and on the first day. Instead, soda baths are used (the liquid is kept in the mouth for a minute and gently spit out so as not to create negative pressure and unnecessary mechanical stress);

    Do not drink or eat for at least three hours after the operation, and possibly longer. This period depends on the rate of formation of a blood clot, which closes the hole and does not allow food debris to accumulate in it. The diet should not include food that causes irritation - spicy and burning, sour or too hot. It is also better to refuse sweet and excessively salty foods at this time;

    In the first few days after the operation to remove a tooth, the patient is contraindicated for thermal procedures, such as a sauna, a hot bath, a bath or a solarium. Overheating of the body can cause bleeding, due to which the blood clot falls out and the healing process is delayed;

    Avoid heating the operation site and the face in its area, as this can stimulate the inflammatory process;

    After tooth extraction, you need to brush your teeth very carefully, trying not to affect the area of ​​​​the extracted tooth, use a minimum of toothpaste or do without it;

    Avoid any mechanical impact on the affected area. This is especially true of attempts to touch the wound with the tongue or fingers, which patients often do. Any manipulations with the wound are carried out by the attending physician or on his recommendation. Self-medication and self-diagnosis during this period will only aggravate the situation, even if something is really wrong with the wound;

    Until the wound heals completely, you can not chew gum and eat sucking sweets. Chewing load creates unnecessary mechanical irritation, there is a risk of disrupting the healing process. When sucking lollipops, negative pressure occurs in the oral cavity, which provokes a displacement of the blood clot;

    It is not recommended to go in for sports after the operation, it is better to refrain from increased physical activity for several days. Avoid any tension, as they can increase blood circulation, increase pressure, which provokes bleeding from the wound;

    If the gum is very swollen after surgery, then you can apply a cold compress to the cheek at the site of swelling, keeping it for 10-15 minutes;

    To relieve pain after tooth extraction, you can take painkillers prescribed by a doctor, avoiding drugs that affect blood clotting like aspirin;

    If a tooth was removed from a woman during lactation, breastfeeding is allowed, since anesthetic drugs will not affect the child's body.

    To relieve inflammation and reduce pain, you can make baths based on medicinal herbs, holding the decoction in your mouth for several minutes;

    If you are at increased risk of infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics. Nursing mothers need to warn a specialist about their condition and choose drugs that are safe for the baby;

    Hygiene procedures are carried out with warm water to avoid overheating of the body and bleeding. It is also allowed to wash the head, but at the same time it cannot be lowered to avoid blood flow to the head;

    Coffee and tea can only be drunk chilled no earlier than three hours after the operation. Drinks other than alcohol are also allowed, but they must not be drunk through a straw. Of the permitted food products during the rehabilitation period - vegetable and fruit purees, sour-milk products, you can eat ice cream. Avoid solid food, as chewing it can mechanically injure the damaged gum;

    Air travel after tooth extraction is allowed if the journey takes a little time. You need to take a sterile cotton swab with you on a flight in case of sudden bleeding. If stitches were applied during the operation, then you can fly on an airplane not earlier than they resolve.

What to do if the gum hurts after tooth extraction?

Pain in the gums at the site of the extracted tooth is a normal phenomenon after surgery, they begin two to three hours after the end of the anesthetic and can occur for another 2-3 days with varying intensity. In addition to the pain syndrome, the norm is swelling and swelling of soft tissues, difficulty in swallowing. After the removal of wisdom teeth, it can be difficult to open the mouth for some time, a hematoma may occur at the operation site, which is often observed in patients with high blood pressure. All these are signs of post-traumatic inflammation.

Edema can move to the masticatory muscles - this complication usually resolves on its own, but if after four days there is no improvement, you should consult a doctor.

The pain syndrome can be relieved with painkillers prescribed by the attending physician. It is forbidden to use drugs that affect blood clotting. If the pills do not help, and the pain does not stop for several days, you should consult a specialist.

How much does the gum hurt after tooth extraction?

Pain can last from several hours to several days after surgery. In the case of their intensity and duration, the doctor may prescribe painkillers, which are taken one and a half hours after tooth extraction and continued at intervals of six hours.

What to do if the gums are swollen after tooth extraction?

Swelling of the gums after surgery is a typical post-traumatic phenomenon, a local inflammatory process that develops with mechanical tissue damage.

Edema can move to the masticatory muscles - this complication usually resolves on its own, but if after 4 days there is no improvement, you should consult a doctor.

How long does the gum and socket heal after tooth extraction?

The hole at the site of the extracted tooth brings discomfort in the healing process - food debris can get into it, it can bleed and hurt. Moreover, it is necessary to carefully monitor her condition, observing all the rules of hygiene and care in order to avoid suppuration and inflammation, alveolitis.

Immediately after the extraction of a tooth, a blood clot forms in its place, which plays an important role in the wound healing process. It closes access to bacteria and prevents food particles from clogging into the hole. That is why picking a wound with fingers, a toothpick, or a tongue is strictly contraindicated so as not to dislodge a blood clot, as this threatens with complications in the form of a dry socket or alveolitis.

Gradually, as healing progresses, the blood clot is replaced by granulation tissue, which, in turn, is replaced by osteoid tissue. Thus, in the place where the tooth used to be, new bone tissues are formed, over which the gums are located.

At the first stage of tissue restoration, the circular ligament surrounding the tooth is pulled together, bringing the edges of the gums closer to each other. This process is also called secondary tension, and its success largely depends on the quality of the operation. If during the extraction of the tooth the surrounding tissues were severely damaged and crushed, the wound heals for a long time and is problematic.

So, normally, the edges of the gums converge after about 2-3 weeks, and during a traumatic operation, this process is delayed for a month or two. At the same time, in case of complications, the complete healing process takes from four to six months.

How long does swelling last after tooth extraction?

A slight swelling after tooth extraction is normal, since surgery causes a local inflammatory process, and swelling and redness of the tissues are its signs. Local inflammation appears when the integrity of the gums is violated, without which it is impossible to remove the tooth. The danger is a situation in which the edema does not subside in a week, but gradually increases, affecting the area of ​​the cheek, chin.

With a normally performed operation without complications, the edema lasts no more than 4 days, completely disappears after a week. If there is no improvement, you should contact a specialist.

However, if the swelling after tooth extraction does not decrease or, on the contrary, increases, moving to the cheek or chin, then you should definitely consult a doctor, as this may indicate the development of infectious and inflammatory complications.

How to remove swelling after tooth extraction?

A slight swelling of the cheek at the site of the projection of the extracted tooth occurs in many patients and does not pose a threat to health. However, it is very important to independently control the size of the edema and record the slightest changes. Usually, the edema subsides a day after the operation and does not require additional measures to eliminate it. In order to prevent complications, you can take photographs of the face several times a day to compare the amount of edema and the dynamics of the process over time, as well as measure the temperature every two to three hours. Swelling and a slight increase in temperature within 37-37.5 degrees are acceptable, if swelling and temperature increase and do not decrease for several days, you should consult a doctor.

For preventive purposes, as well as to relieve existing puffiness, it is recommended to do cold compresses. Cold exposure to the area with swelling is carried out with a heating pad with ice, a wet towel or a bottle filled with cold water. The exposure time is 5-10 minutes, at intervals of at least five minutes.

How to stop bleeding after tooth extraction?

Home methods of stopping bleeding are used in uncomplicated cases, the help of a specialist is necessary, because if the blood goes too much and does not stop, then the reason for this is a postoperative complication or the use of specific drugs.

    The first way to stop bleeding from the hole at home is to firmly press a gauze pad, which is made from a sterile bandage or napkin, to the affected area. The hemostatic effect of this action is not in the absorbent action of the tampon, but in compression, that is, pressing the edges of the gums. The swab should be pressed as hard as possible, trying not to injure the tissue;

    The following method involves the use of a gauze swab and 3% hydrogen peroxide. The compression effect is complemented by the action of peroxide, which accelerates blood clotting. A napkin or swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide is pressed with teeth for 2-3 minutes, after which it is carefully removed;

    If the previous methods were ineffective, you can purchase a hemostatic sponge in a pharmacy and place it deep into the wound with tweezers and a gauze swab. With its help, it is possible to temporarily stop the bleeding. But usually, if a gauze pad and peroxide are not enough to stop the bleeding, specialist help is needed, and a hemostatic sponge helps to reduce blood loss for a while until medical attention is received.

Since one of the causes of increased bleeding from the hole is increased pressure, the solution to the problem in some cases may be taking drugs for arterial hypertension.

How long does it take to bleed after a tooth extraction?

Bleeding of varying intensity during the first hours after tooth extraction is observed in all patients, blood impurities in saliva may remain for several more days. Bleeding takes longer in patients who have taken aspirin or blood-thinning drugs the day before, as well as in people with arterial hypertension. If the blood goes long and intensively for more than a day, medical help is needed.

What to do if the bleeding does not stop after tooth extraction?

Bleeding after tooth extraction is a common occurrence caused by tissue trauma during surgery. The danger is prolonged and intense bleeding, which can occur when large vessels are damaged. This often occurs during an operation to remove teeth, during which an incision was made in the gums or work with a drill.

It happens that immediately after the operation, bleeding is not observed, blood from the wound appears only after a few hours. This is due to the presence of adrenaline in the composition of the anesthetic, which causes a short-term spasm of the blood vessels. If a large vessel is damaged, then this situation poses a serious threat to health, as patients go to the doctor too late. With non-stop bleeding, urgent medical care is needed - the doctor applies a hemostatic sponge and connects the edges of the gums with sutures. In case of severe bleeding, especially if symptoms of dizziness and weakness are observed, it is necessary to contact a round-the-clock dentistry or call an ambulance.

At home, you can try to stop the bleeding with a tightly applied sterile gauze swab. It is recommended to apply cold compresses for five minutes several times with an interval of three to four minutes on the cheek at the site of the damaged gum projection. (Read also: How to Stop Bleeding Gums?)

After tooth extraction, the temperature rose, what should I do?

A slight increase in temperature in the evening for several days after the operation is also a normal phenomenon, the body's reaction to post-traumatic inflammation. If the temperature rises to 38 degrees and above, while maintaining these indicators for a long time, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

How long can you eat after tooth extraction?

You can’t eat immediately after the operation, as this can prevent the formation of a blood clot, provoke bleeding and infectious complications. You can eat food at least three hours after tooth extraction. The same goes for liquids. But if you are very thirsty, you can drink a little warm one hour after the operation.

The diet in the postoperative period should be changed, products that provoke irritation are removed from it - sour, spicy, salty and sweet. You can eat warm, but not hot food, drink chilled tea and coffee. Solid foods that need to be chewed thoroughly are excluded from the menu to prevent mechanical damage to the gums and bleeding. Do not rinse your mouth after eating.

Can I rinse my mouth after a tooth extraction?

Rinsing in the usual form after a tooth extraction operation is prohibited, as they can provoke a displacement of the blood clot. They need to be carried out in a sparing mode, without intense muscle movements: take a medicinal solution into your mouth and hold it there for 1-2 minutes, then gently spit it out. Baths for the gum area injured during the operation are carried out using herbal decoctions, soda and antiseptic preparations.

How to rinse your mouth after tooth extraction?

To mitigate pain and inflammation in uncomplicated cases, herbal decoctions of chamomile, calendula, sage or eucalyptus are used. In the presence of purulent lesions of the gums, salt baths with soda help. Antiseptic rinsing of the oral cavity after tooth extraction is prescribed for concomitant diseases - periodontitis, gingivitis and carious lesions of the teeth, in order to prevent pathogenic microflora from entering the hole. Antiseptics are necessary if the gum was incised to remove the flux, the inflammatory process began even before the operation.

Popular antiseptics that are used for baths are Chlorhexidine at a concentration of 0.05%, Miramistin, a weak solution of potassium permanganate or furacilin. The procedure of rinsing with antiseptics is carried out three times a day.

Do I need to take antibiotics after a tooth extraction?

Taking antibiotics is always associated with some risks, since drugs in this group have many contraindications. Therefore, their use is not a mandatory measure after tooth extraction, but is prescribed according to indications. So, the basis for taking antibacterial drugs can be inflammatory processes that arose long before the operation, dental diseases (periodontitis, gingivitis, gumboil), the formation of abscesses on the gums.

To reduce the risk of infectious complications, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics after complex tooth extractions, which were performed with an incision of the gums and traumatization of periodontal tissues, operations to remove a wisdom tooth.

Antibiotics should be taken by people with a weak immune system, serious blood diseases, and people with diabetes. Antibiotics can prevent the development of inflammatory processes due to the introduction of pathogenic microflora into the hole and normalize the healing process.

With weak immunity, after tooth extraction, chronic diseases can worsen, herpetic rashes, colds appear. In such cases, it is advisable to take immunomodulating agents and vitamin complexes recommended by the doctor.

What antibiotics to drink?

Antibiotics prescribed after tooth extraction are available in the form of solutions for rinsing, tablets, ointments, drops and injections. They are prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and contraindications to a particular drug.

Below is a list of popular drugs in this group:

    Cifran - this drug is prescribed in the presence of dental pathologies such as periodontitis, gingivitis, carious lesions, prevents the development of infectious and inflammatory processes;

    Amoxicillin is a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug that is safe for use in children and women during pregnancy;

    Flemoxin - another broad-spectrum penicillin antibiotic that helps prevent inflammation, fever and suppuration of the hole, is taken only as directed by a doctor;

    Amoxil - a combined drug, suitable for patients of any age group;

    Lincomycin - used for concomitant dental diseases, there are contraindications for admission with renal failure, liver disease, as well as for pregnant and lactating mothers.

Why does pain occur? Main reasons

The reason that the places of the removed wisdom teeth hurt is the natural physiological reaction of the body, which is a consequence of the operation. Wisdom teeth are very large. They can have from two to five roots in stock, so they are quite firmly attached to the patient's jaw. As a result, after their removal, a wide wound is formed. It bleeds as a result of damage to the gum tissue.

In order to prevent the infection from entering the body through the formed open wound, a blood clot is formed in it, which later turns into a connective tissue called "granulation". It performs the function of a kind of filler of the vacated space.

The main causes of pain (sharp, aching, shooting):

  • injury to nearby tissues (gums, bone tissue);
  • damage to the ligaments that hold the tooth (ligaments, blood vessels, nerve fibers are torn);
  • mechanical damage to nerve effector endings;
  • the appearance of inflammation in the surrounding tissues.

The normal state includes the following:

  • the place of the extracted tooth “whines” for two days (sometimes it seems that it hurts in the jaw itself);
  • there is a slight swelling of the lips and cheeks, which can persist for three days;
  • a hematoma may form;
  • it is possible to increase body temperature to 38 ° C (this symptom manifests itself on the first day after the operation was performed);
  • may have a headache.

These phenomena are temporary. Normally, pain, which is aching in nature, may not leave the patient for a week. But every day the discomfort should decrease. Otherwise, you should visit a doctor.

Possible causes of pain

In addition to the natural reaction of the body, other phenomena can cause pain:

  • Poor quality of the operation. Often, inexperienced doctors can miss small details. As a result, the cyst or root of the tooth remains unremoved. These residues cause inflammation, and the place begins to hurt.
  • Aching pain can cause alveolitis. This is a disease that develops as a result of inflammation of the hole where the "eight" was located. Such a pathological condition may occur due to disturbances in the formation of a blood clot. It happens that it may not form at all or move slightly to the side, which allows the infection to enter the open wound. It is the basis for the development of the inflammatory process. This phenomenon is observed infrequently with a simple operation (3 cases out of 100) and more often with a complex one (20 out of 100).
  • Trigeminal neuritis. During the procedure, you can affect the branch of the trigeminal nerve, which is located in the thickness of the lower jaw. This situation often occurs if the root of the tooth sits very deep. After the wisdom tooth has been pulled out, this condition is accompanied by severe shooting or aching pain. It can give to the entire jaw (teeth and gums), eyes, temples and neck. There is no swelling and discoloration of tissues.

Ways to remove the "eights"

The degree of pain may also depend on the method in which the wisdom tooth was removed. There are two varieties: simple and complex removal. The decision on how to extract a tooth is made on the basis of an x-ray.

The easy way

The first method is used when the "eight" is located correctly. This method also assumes that the integrity of the crown is not broken in the tooth, all the roots are even, there are no inflammations in the oral cavity. Pulling out a tooth in this situation is quite simple. Therefore, complications appear infrequently if the operation is performed correctly and the patient subsequently takes proper care of the healing wound.

The process of simple removal is accompanied by the following:

  • the tooth is gradually shaken to a state where it can be removed from the hole almost without hindrance;
  • in the process of manipulation, the ligaments that hold the "eight" are torn;
  • the surrounding soft tissues and nerve endings are injured, and therefore the appearance of aching or sharp pain is inevitable.

To carry out such a procedure, the doctor needs a minimum set of tools: an elevator and S-shaped forceps.

After the tooth is pulled out, discomfort is significantly reduced in the first two days.

The hard way

It is necessary to remove a wisdom tooth with a complex operation in the following cases:

  • pathological location and growth of the tooth (horizontally or at an angle);
  • pericoronitis (when there are difficulties in eruption);
  • with a broken crown;
  • if the roots of the "eight" began to grow into the maxillary sinuses.

In the presence of such pathologies, it is necessary to promptly remove the "eight". This procedure does not take much time, but more tissues are injured.

Operation steps:

  • an incision is made in the gum (it can be different in size depending on the degree of the problem), due to which the "eight" is exposed;
  • if the tooth has a large number of roots, the doctor uses a drill to cut it;
  • bone tissue is drilled;
  • all dental remains are alternately pulled out of the hole;
  • the last stage is the restoration of the gums (the hole is sewn up with threads).

Because you have to open the gum, a complex operation injures more tissues and nerve endings. Although an anesthetic drug is used during the procedure, after the end of its action, severe aching pain may occur. The manifestation of discomfort is more pronounced than in the first case.

Perhaps the development of an inflammatory process under the hood of the wisdom tooth. It is a gum tissue that covers a still unerupted tooth. Food debris accumulates under it, which is quite problematic to remove in the usual way while brushing your teeth. As a result of their decomposition, inflammation may form. If the operation is performed before the onset of the inflammatory process, the wound will heal in the same way as with a simple removal. Otherwise, the inflammation is treated with antibiotics.

How to relieve pain after surgery

What to do when the place where the wisdom tooth was hurts? After the "eight" is torn out, aching pain can continue for another week. There are several effective ways to deal with it. The most effective way to avoid a toothache is to take medicines:

  • Ketorol or Ketanov - are potent drugs. You can buy them in a pharmacy only with a prescription. Very effective, but have some degree of toxicity. The action continues for six hours.
  • Nimesulide - the effect of the drug is activated within 20 minutes. Also sold by prescription.
  • Analgin and Baralgin - are used for mild pain syndrome.
  • Spasmalgon - recommended for moderate pain.

It should be borne in mind that all drugs (especially potent ones) have a wide range of side effects.

For rinsing, you can use Chlorhexidine, Stomatidin, Rivanol, Furacilin, Miramistin. This will prevent infection from entering the wound.

For those who do not like to use medicines, you can try alternative methods of treatment:

  • The first day you can make a cold compress. After that, it will no longer be effective. To do this, you need to take a cloth soaked in cold water and attach it to the aching cheek. And also for a compress, you can use frozen foods, ice, a bottle of cold water. Due to the action of cold, nerve endings are frozen, blocking the source of pain.
  • Baths based on natural decoctions. Baths for the mouth are best made from oak bark, chamomile, St. John's wort. The procedure is that the patient holds the decoction in his mouth for half a minute. Such a bath will not only help to cope with pain, but will also contribute to the speedy healing of the wound.
  • Rinsing. For rinsing, a solution of salt or soda is usually used (1 tablespoon per glass of water). The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day. You can use this method no earlier than three days after the operation. Otherwise, it is possible to remove the thrombus that protects the well with water. This can cause the development of an inflammatory process.

To reduce the risk of inflammation at the site of the extracted teeth, as well as reduce aching pain, you must follow certain rules:

  • after you have had the operation, do not touch the hole with your tongue or toothpick;
  • from rinses it is better to limit yourself to antiseptic baths;
  • for the period of rehabilitation, it is advisable to refuse hot and cold food;
  • it is preferable to breathe through the nose so that the cold air does not irritate the wound;
  • you should forget about smoking and alcoholic beverages;
  • do not eat sweets;
  • do not apply heat to the painful area.

Because very often getting rid of a tooth is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and the places of extraction are very sore, experts advise to follow a number of rules so that later you do not have to treat the results of complications.

For the first two hours after a tooth is removed, you should not eat or drink. In general, on the first day it is better to refuse liquid food so as not to wash the resulting blood clot. It is recommended to chew solid food on the back of the operated side.

Brushing your teeth after surgery is allowed no earlier than a day later. It should be observed if there is any bleeding. The hole and adjacent areas are best avoided.

For speedy healing and so that the tooth does not hurt, you can do baths.

Thus, we can conclude that the pain syndrome appears three hours after the manipulation (when the effect of the anesthetic ends) and can last for a week. Aching pain can be constant or occur intermittently. Every day it must subside. The norm is the presence of swelling and edema.


There are three main reasons why pain can be very severe and persist for a long time. All of them are complications and require the intervention of a doctor:

  • Alveolitis or "dry socket". This is the name of the inflammation of the hole left after the extraction of the tooth. It happens due to the washing out of a blood clot or if the dentist's recommendations for caring for the oral cavity are not followed. The infection enters open injured tissues, causing inflammation, sometimes a purulent infection and severe swelling.
  • Hematoma. Suppuration of blood accumulated in the soft tissues.
  • Trigeminal neuritis. Sometimes the roots of the teeth of the lower jaw can reach the trigeminal nerve, and when removed, injure it. In this case, there are no signs of any changes in the gums, and the pain is not localized.
  • Remnants of roots or cysts. Sometimes a doctor may not notice a part of a broken root or cyst, which subsequently becomes inflamed inside the soft tissues, which also causes swelling and severe pain.

All this provokes not only local manifestations, but also a general malaise. Treatment includes additional surgery or drug therapy.

The first step is to contact a specialist in any of the cases that are outside the normal healing process. Appropriate treatment is prescribed only after examination and diagnosis:

  • the presence of purulent inflammation involves a gum incision to remove it and the appointment of antibacterial drugs;
  • for neuritis - complex treatment, aimed entirely at restoring the nerve.

Local preparations

First of all, it is worth mentioning obligatory mouth rinses with antiseptic solutions. They prevent the development of inflammation, improve the outflow of pus, if the focus of suppuration is on the surface. You can use the following ready-made preparations:

  • Furacilin;
  • Miramistin;
  • Hexoral;
  • Chlorophyllipt;
  • Tantum Verde;
  • Trachisan;
  • Iodinol.

Among them are Septolete, Geksaliz, Pharyngosept, Grammidin and others. Using them several times a day allows you to do without rinsing.


To remove the manifestations of pain within 4-7 days, doctors recommend taking funds, depending on the strength and nature of the pain:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. This is a large group that includes strong drugs: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Ketanov, Ketorol, Meloxicam. Selected individually. It is advisable not to use Aspirin from the entire group of drugs, since, by thinning the blood, it can increase bleeding.
  • Finlepsin. It is classified as an anticonvulsant. According to reviews - successfully relieves attacks of pain in case of damage to the trigeminal nerve. Should be taken with caution.
  • Use of local painkillers. Among them are drugs that contain benzydamine hydrochloride (Tenflex, Oralcept, Tantum Verde).


Taking such drugs is required only in cases where an inflammatory process develops.. The standard treatment period is from 7 to 10 days.

In this case, it is worth giving preference to those broad-spectrum antibiotics that are used specifically in dental practice, for example: Olethetrin, Neomycin, Lincomycin, Gramicidin.

If the symptoms indicate nerve damage, and there is no clearly localized pain in the gums, but only when pressed, then you should not start using antibiotics.

Possible medical manipulations

Sometimes it is impossible to do without repeated surgical intervention. This does not cancel the use of antibiotics in these cases, as well as painkillers and antiseptics.

What manipulations can be performed:

  • drainage of the remaining hole, that is, installing a tube or a piece of gauze into it, through which ichor and pus will leave;
  • sanitation- complete cleaning of the hole from pus, remaining roots, secretions, and so on;
  • suturing- suturing, closing the hole and preventing the reappearance of inflammation or suppuration.

Methods of treatment at home

There are ways and recipes that you can use at home to get rid of gum pain after tooth extraction. Partially, these include the already described intake of antiseptics and painkillers, which do not require a visit to a doctor. This article contains ways to rinse your mouth after tooth extraction.

Folk ways

The most common are three methods that can eliminate pain. They do not use drugs, they are simple and safe.

Cold compresses

The greatest efficiency of this method is observed in the first two days after removal, then it gradually decreases.

The towel should be soaked in very cold water, squeezed slightly and applied from the outside (to the cheek) in the area where there is pain in the gums. Cold dulls sensations and prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria.

Instead of a wet towel, you can use ice, a frozen piece of meat, or a cold water bottle.


A solution of soda or ordinary table salt is suitable for such rinses. One teaspoon per glass of water is enough. The procedure is carried out up to four times a day.

It is forbidden to do this on the first or second day so as not to inadvertently remove a blood clot that tightly closes the wound.

Healing baths

Baths are suitable even for the first days after the operation. There are no sharp fluctuations of liquid in the mouth, so there is no danger of re-injuring the wound. First, you should prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs that have an antiseptic effect.

Take a little liquid in your mouth, hold it there without rinsing, and then spit it out. Like rinsing, this procedure is carried out about 4 times a day.

Solutions and decoctions that are used for rinsing and bathing should be barely warm. Do not rinse with cold or hot liquid.

Sometimes, in addition to these methods, plugging can be used. To do this, a gauze swab is moistened with a decoction and pressed closely against the place on the gum that hurts.

Homemade herbal recipes for rinses, baths and other procedures

Medicinal herbs and plants in dry form are sold at any pharmacy, while they are available without a prescription and are affordable. They can be used singly or in mixtures.


You will need 2 tablespoons of the flowers of this plant. They need to be crushed finely. To do this, it is good to use deep porcelain dishes.

Then the grass is poured with boiling water and insisted for about an hour. You can rinse after straining and cooling to room temperature.

St. John's wort and chamomile

St. John's wort requires 2 tablespoons, chamomile - 1. After mixing and pouring boiling water, the mixture should stand for about an hour and a half.

Sage and calendula

Equal portions of herbs (one tablespoon each) are poured with boiling water (1.5–2 cups). Mix well and keep in a water bath for another 10-15 minutes. Insist until cool under the lid.

St. John's wort and pine needles

St. John's wort take 4 spoons, and needles - one. The mixture is poured with boiling water (1 cup) and kept for another 5 minutes over a small fire.

After the mixture has been infused for about an hour, it should be re-put on a small fire and wait until half of the liquid has evaporated. Used to wet tampons.

What to do during pregnancy?

Now a little about timing. The second trimester is the safest time. It was then that the intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory groups by pregnant women is not prohibited. Certainly, need to limit the dosage, but these drugs will not harm, but only help.

The rest of the time you can take paracetamol which also has an analgesic effect. Up to 4 tablets of 500 mg per day are allowed. The maximum single dose is 1000 mg, that is, 2 tablets.

They also use foreign-made drugs - Efferalgan, Kalpol, Panadol. In addition, children's Nurofen can also be effective in some cases. A complete list of pills approved for use during pregnancy to get rid of toothache and jaw pain is given in this article.

Rinses and baths, using salt, soda and a variety of herbal decoctions, can be done by pregnant women. In this case, you should adhere to the indicated dosages of dry herbs and the number of procedures per day.

Brief instructions for self first aid

The table contains symptoms, a presumptive diagnosis and what to do in such situations.

Tolerable pain during the day and after the withdrawal of anesthesia This is fine It is not forbidden to drink 1 tablet of Nise, it will relieve pain and help relieve inflammation.

Cold to the cheek will reduce swelling.

The pain lasts for several days and gets worse There is inflammation.

Check the hole with a mirror. If there is no white coating in it, the clot may be washed off and alveolitis begins.

If the hole is in order, inflammation can provoke a tooth fragment forgotten inside.

You need to see a doctor in any case.

1 tablet Nise.

Bath in place of the extracted tooth. Three times a day to choose from:
I) hydrogen peroxide + water in a ratio of 1:1.
II) soda 1 tsp 1 glass of water at room temperature.
III) calendula 1 tbsp. brew in a glass of boiling water, cool, strain.

Unbearable pain in the gums and when moving the jaw, swelling, temperature, putrid odor from the wound alveolitis began.

In the early days, due to the immediately washed away blood clot, exposure of the alveolar process and infection.

A few days later due to a violation of the integrity of the wound or non-compliance with oral hygiene.

1 tablet Nise will relieve the pain by half.

An urgent visit to the doctor is required to clean the dead tissue from the wound, wash it, create a new blood clot, apply an antiseptic with an analgesic locally, and prescribe antibiotics.

Self-opening of the wound will lead to serious consequences.

What are the symptoms to go to the doctor?

A slight pain and fever after tooth extraction on the first day is considered the norm. Such a reaction is not present in all cases, but only when an inflamed tooth with flux is removed. If the extraction is carried out on time, there should be no side effects.

The pain haunts the patient for no longer than two days, if it does not go away, but on the contrary, it intensifies, and the temperature rises, you need to see a doctor. There are frequent cases when a crisis overtakes a patient at night, if the pain is tolerable, it is better to wait until the morning and contact your doctor.

If the problem is prolonged to critical and the symptoms indicate alveolitis, then every hour counts. With a combination of the following symptoms, you need to take measures to expedite the receipt of medical care:

  1. severe boring pain, radiating to different parts of the face, which is not stopped by pills;
  2. temperature (sometimes not);
  3. putrid smell from the mouth;
  4. pain when moving the jaw, inability to eat and even drink water;
  5. swelling of nearby soft tissues;
  6. painful general condition.

You need to call the emergency dental office or the maxillofacial department of the city hospital and describe the situation. It is better to come to the hospital right away, because. in the emergency room they do not have the right to refuse self-application, and by phone they can ask to be patient until the morning.

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