Breathing exercises for slimming the abdomen: how to properly do vacuum and other pranayama breathing exercises to remove the stomach. Breathing exercises for weight loss: types and methods of execution

The system of health-improving breathing exercises originated in China in ancient times. Breathing is the basis of many oriental healing techniques. Their effectiveness has been verified by the results of healing people from many diseases. Breathing is able to maintain the right amount of oxygen in the body, and is deservedly considered the source of life. If you breathe correctly, you can lengthen your life. Breathing exercises can be mastered by people of any age. Suitable for any time and place. It is better to start this technique as a preventive measure. More and more people come to targeted breathing exercises for losing weight in the abdomen. The absence of material costs attracts additionally.

How to remove the stomach with the help of breathing

Excess fat on the abdomen not only indicates health problems - it changes the appearance, makes a person unattractive. Exhausting diets and sports give a significant effect in getting rid of it. This path for many people turns out to be difficult - either there is not enough willpower, or there is not enough material resources - for a balanced diet, to pay for gyms. Breathing exercises in this case are out of competition and quickly show excellent results.

It's quite simple - it's time for a person to return to the breath that nature has awarded him. The baby, having been born, remembers this, breathes deeply, uses the tummy and diaphragm. Inhalation completely fills the lungs with air, exhalation - frees. At some point, a person loses this ability, switching to chest breathing. In this case, the diaphragm has a very small load, the lungs stop working at full load, because when they exhale, part of the air remains in them.

Oxygen, entering the cells of the body, starts the processes of accelerating metabolism, splitting fat through oxidation. Toxins are removed, digestion improves. If breathing is performed correctly, then the nervous system calms down, the production of the hormone of happiness increases.

Any technique can teach you to breathe correctly. There are many of them, they have different names, approaches, but they all lead to recovery.

Types and descriptions of breathing exercises

There are such types of exercises: several types of gymnastics, yoga, methods with and without breathing simulators. The martial art of Wushu is based on proper breathing.


Aerobic breathing is the basis of breathing exercises. It is developed on the basis of ancient oriental sciences in order to improve and rejuvenate the human body. The principle of this gymnastics is to burn fats, lipids, increase lymph flow and optimize muscle mass. Breathing is carried out in combination with the use of isometric stretching exercises with the stomach, diaphragm and promotes weight loss.

Noticing how the only activity cheers up, improves overall well-being and gives an influx of vital energy, a person believes in the effectiveness of breathing exercises.

Bodyflex has three rules:

  • regularity;
  • exercise before meals;
  • do not combine with strict diets.

20 minutes a day is enough for breathing exercises.

Diaphragmatic breathing begins from a “standing” position - the legs should be slightly bent at the knees, hands rest on the legs above the knees, the torso should be slightly tilted forward. The head is held vertically, the gaze is directed forward.

Step by step development of technology.

  1. At the first stage, exhalation is mastered - it is done through the mouth with the complete release of the lungs from the air. To squeeze out all the air, you need to round your lips and pull them forward a little, as if before a whistle. Exhale the air to the last drop. They do it calmly, at the end they close their lips.
  2. Inhalation of diaphragmatic breathing is done through the nose. It is performed sharply until the lungs are completely filled with air. A correctly taken breath will be noisy. The saturation limit of the lungs will manifest itself in the inability to continue the breath. The head at this time is kept slightly raised, the lips are compressed.
  3. The next step is a sharp exhalation: they open their mouth wide, compress the stomach and diaphragm, pushing all the air out of the lungs, exhalation is accompanied by a noise similar to the sound of air being released from a punctured tire.
  4. Holding the breath is the most difficult process: they close their lips tightly, tilt their heads a little, concentrate on the retracting stomach, very slowly count in their minds up to eight (a beginner from the first time may not be able to master such a pause), gradually tighten their stomach more and more - it becomes flat. At this point, the stomach and intestines go under the ribs. The abdomen becomes concave, almost "touches" the spine.
  5. After the end of the count - another breath: relax all the muscles, allow the air to burst into the lungs sharply and noisily.

Having learned to pause with a count of up to eight, a person is considered to have mastered the body flex.

If desired, you can fix the stabilization of metabolism and accelerate weight loss by doing exercises while lying on a hard surface.

It takes three to four weeks of daily practice to master the technique. During breathing, the hands lie on the stomach and, while inhaling, control its rise for 3-4 seconds. In the next three to four seconds of inhalation, the lower ribs are stretched. The hands are moved to the collarbones and continue to inhale to fill the lungs. Then the breath is held. The optimal pause should be approximately four times the time spent inhaling. The next phase is 3-4 seconds of exhalation: hands on the stomach control relaxation and retraction (you can help squeeze out air with your hands). The final phase (hands on the chest) is reduced to closing the upper ribs and releasing the rest of the air.


Oriental Qigong technique is accompanied with motor exercises, which, together with breathing, control and distribute the internal bioenergy of a person. The Chinese called this energy "qi". They believe that the Qigong technique controls the energy of the body, improves well-being and relieves excess weight, which contains bad energy.

Breathing exercises can make a beautiful figure, but it also requires a serious approach. This is where mindfulness and persistence are important. Only daily exercises will give a positive result. The Qigong system has no age or health restrictions, but in old age it is better to consult a doctor.

Spend them in silence or to calm quiet music:

  • take a deep breath through the nose
  • simultaneously inflate the stomach, helping to open the diaphragm and completely let air into the lungs.
  • exhale - through the mouth quickly, sharply.

Jerks, chest breathing, raising the shoulders in qigong gymnastics are excluded. The main thing is relaxation, calmness and an average pace.

Exercise "Wave":

  • lie on your back, knees at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • the left hand is placed in the center of the abdomen, the right hand on the chest;
  • relax, take a full breath, draw in the stomach. straighten the chest.
  • with exhalation, the abdomen expands, the chest is retracted.

This series resembles a wave motion. It is performed 20 to 25 times daily.

"Frog" is done on a chair:

  • legs at the knees form angles of 90 degrees;
  • between the knees 20-30 cm;
  • the left hand is in a fist, and the right one clasps it;
  • close your eyes, relax;
  • inhale through the nose, hold the air in the abdomen;
  • exhale slowly through the mouth (the abdominal muscles are relaxed);
  • again they draw air in the same way;
  • with a filled bloated belly freeze for 3-10 seconds;
  • quickly, but not abruptly, inhale and exhale.

"Lotus" is performed by sitting in the "Buddha" position, legs crossed (hands on knees). The back is straight, the head and shoulders are slightly lowered, the eyes are closed. Relaxation is also facilitated by touching the palate with the tongue. Breathe deeply for several minutes. In the next 10 minutes, the position is not changed, but breathing is made free and comfortable. The absence of thoughts during this exercise improves the result.

Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova

This technique is of Russian origin. Professional singer A. Strelnikova discovered her own method, looking for ways to restore her voice. Subsequently, other beneficial effects of breathing exercises on the body were established. In addition to eliminating ailments associated with the heart and nervous system, it turned out that this method contributes to weight loss.

Breathing exercises have a small list of contraindications: injuries, osteochondrosis, bleeding, high blood pressure and acute thrombophlebitis. Before starting classes, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

There are eleven exercises in the complex. Each subsequent one is added as the previous one is mastered. The first three are the main ones.

The difference between this technique and the previous two is that the chest is compressed during inhalation.

  1. The exercise is performed while standing. Palms up, elbows bent. They inhale rhythmically four times, at the same time clench their fists, and lower their hands, rest for four seconds and exhale. Repeat 24 times.
  2. The fists are pressed to the stomach and, together with the exhalation, the hands are pushed down (shoulders tense). Then they are again placed on the stomach and, relaxing, exhale. Repeat 8 times.
  3. Hands along the body. During inhalation, they are pulled towards the floor without touching it. Exhale while straightening up (but not completely). The exercise is done with intensity one hundred times per minute.

Only after mastering these three stages well, you can move on to the next.


According to experts, the Oxysize system is not harmful even to pregnant women. And the benefits are not only in losing weight - it has been established that the technique lowers blood pressure, improves blood in diabetics, and relieves joint pain. Although there are opposing opinions on this matter, so you still need to consult a doctor.

Oxygen entering the body during breathing exercises breaks down fats and removes them.

The technique was developed by an American D. Johnson. Physical exercises in technique are combined with diaphragmatic breathing. It holds the breath, there are no sharp breaths, exhalations, but there are new concepts: “deep breaths” and “final exhalations”. They are done in threes: inhale and three “breaths”, exhale and three “breaths”.

Twenty-minute sessions daily give great results.

Breathing exercises with Marina Korpan

Marina is a well-known Russian certified instructor specializing in weight loss through breathing exercises. Several thousand people have already lost weight with its help.

Breathing exercises for weight loss of the abdomen is as follows:

  • Exhaling - the stomach is drawn in;
  • Inhaling - inflate;
  • Exhale smoothly, with an open mouth;

At the end, the head is tilted and the stomach is drawn in. Do it four or five times. Daily breathing exercises will give noticeable results after the first week of classes.

Other breathing exercises

Yoga. The technique is designed for 20 minutes a day.

  1. Bandha. Do it daily in the morning before breakfast in a sitting position with crossed legs. On exhalation, the stomach is pulled in and pressed in, holding the breath and exhaling smoothly. Repeat five times.
  2. Jauti. It is performed according to the previous scheme, but after fixing the inhalation, exhale sharply. Repeat fifty times in two steps.

Holotropic breathing contributes to the healing of the body from many ailments and weight loss of the abdomen. It is performed to music in groups simultaneously with two trainers.


Performing exercises, it is necessary to control your well-being. Perform them in the morning after waking up and visiting the toilet room.

The pose is taken at the moment of stopping breathing (pause).

Lateral stretching is done while standing:

  • During a respiratory pause, either leg is extended to the side, touching the toe of the floor.
  • The arm (of the same side) is pulled up, creating a line with the leg.
  • The elbow of the other hand is on your knee.
  • The back is straight.
  • The neck is not strained.
  • Feel how the lateral muscles are stretched.
  • Exhale through the nose and relax.

Stretching is performed 4-5 times for each leg.

Scissors are performed in a flat lying position.

  • On a pause in breathing, two legs are simultaneously raised at a distance of about ten centimeters (socks are pulled out with tension).
  • The legs are first spread apart, then crossed.
  • The neck is not strained.

After every 10 completed movements, inhale through the nose and relax. Repeat four to six times.

Cat - an exercise that is performed in the "cat" pose:

  • While holding the breath, the back is rounded;
  • The head is lowered;
  • For a few seconds, the stomach is pulled in (at this moment, the maximum muscle tension is felt).
  • Exhale and relax, straighten your back.

Repeat five to seven times.

Vacuum is a unique exercise for tightening the abdomen and reducing the chest. Perform it exclusively on an empty stomach immediately after waking up.

  • Perform lying on the floor;
  • Legs are bent
  • Hands are straight.
  • The stomach is pulled in with maximum effort for 10-15 seconds or more.

At the end of this time - inhale and relax. Repeat at least eight times.

Finish the exercises with water procedures.

Tiring workouts, strict diets, starvation, and even surgery - we go to any lengths to get a slender figure.

Meanwhile, losing weight is easy. You just need to learn how to breathe correctly! Fantastic, you say? No - breathing exercises!

Breathing exercises

“To lose weight, you need to breathe” - this is the motto of adherents of breathing exercises. The effect of losing weight is achieved by accelerating the metabolism and, accordingly, the rapid burning of fat is one and a half times more than when jogging!

To lose weight, you need to breathe

You no longer need any gyms and sports training to have a slim and healthy body: breathing exercises not only help you lose weight, but also improve the functioning of internal organs and increase lung capacity. If you are a supporter of sports, then do not twist your mouth, believing that this method is for lazy people. It will also come in handy for you - after doing breathing exercises, tired muscles recover faster.


The bodyflex system is ideal for people who have never played sports or are recovering from injuries or childbirth. With the help of simple exercises, not only the figure is tightened, but also the skin - and this is important, because it eliminates the appearance of stretch marks on it after losing weight. In addition, a muscular corset is formed. Result: you get a slim figure with a beautiful relief and perfect skin.

  1. It is necessary to conduct classes every day and always on an empty stomach.
  2. Stand in the starting position: slightly spread your legs, bend your knees slightly, lower your arms relaxed down.
  3. Exhale, inhale deeply and - a sharp exhalation with a cry of "groin".
  4. Hold your breath for 8-10 seconds while doing the following exercise: pull in your stomach, straighten up, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Round your hands in front of you so that they touch each other with your fingertips. Hold the position for about 8 seconds without breathing.

Then relax, inhale, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 more times. Thanks to these simple actions, you will get a toned stomach, slender arms and trained legs in 10 minutes a day!

Important: the bodyflex technique is contraindicated for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension and retinal detachment!

Oxysize breathing exercises are based on almost the same principle as bodyflex, but more gentle and healing.

Oxysize breathing exercises are based on almost the same principle as bodyflex

It can be performed even during pregnancy!

  1. So, stand up, put your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Take a quick breath, smile broadly and relax your abdominal muscles as much as possible.
  3. Then pull in your stomach, squeeze your buttocks tightly.
  4. Next - 3 short breaths through the nose. Exhale forcefully through your mouth, pursing your lips. Feel the muscle tension in your chest.
  5. Take three more short breaths. Then relax all muscles.

Repeat the exercise 15 times.

Proper nutrition for breathing exercises

Whatever gymnastics you choose, remember that you need to follow the daily routine and eat right. After all, this is the first step to beauty and health!

So, the “right” products: still water, freshly squeezed juices, green tea. Boiled eggs, boiled lean meat or fish, any vegetables (except potatoes), fruits, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal (on water), dark chocolate, fruits (except bananas), low-fat dairy products. And - as little salt and sugar as possible.

Freshly squeezed juices are the key to health

Eat in small quantities: fried, smoked, alcohol, pastries, sweets, pickles.
Exclude: chips, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, butter, sweet soda.

sample menu

  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese, boiled egg, fruits and / or dried fruits, tea / coffee without cream and sugar, or a glass of freshly squeezed juice.
  • Lunch: boiled meat or steamed fish, raw or stewed vegetables, fruits. Juice or green tea without sugar. Some dark chocolate.
  • Dinner: vegetables, some rice or buckwheat, cottage cheese, juice, apple or pear.

Breathe and lose weight

A beautiful figure is not always the result of long workouts and painful diets. Sometimes the right breathing technique helps to become slimmer. How to breathe to lose weight? Fitness trainer Anita Lutsenko knows the answer, sharing with us a few important rules that will help you learn how to breathe correctly and at the same time lose weight.

It is no secret that most people have shallow breathing, because of this, the cells of the body do not receive the right amount of oxygen. The result of shallow breathing is a slow metabolism, cellulite and increased irritability. Energy consumption is much greater if you breathe intensively. If we breathe slowly, then energy accumulates in our body.

Breathe deeply, therapists and fitness trainers advise us, and for good reason: it's one of the easiest ways to stay healthy, cheerful and slim. True, few people listen to them: we are used to taking short breaths and exhalations. Experts call this method of breathing chest or expanding the chest.

“With this method, the air circulation in the lungs is minimal, because of this, breathing becomes shallow and intermittent. Ultimately, this leads to numerous diseases, including obesity, hyperventilation and panic-type disorders.,

The way out is to take deep breaths, filling the diaphragm area with air, the muscle that, when contracting, creates a vacuum in the space between the lungs and the chest. How to check that you are breathing correctly? Place your palm on your stomach: when inhaling, it should rise, while exhaling, lower. Therefore, by the way, another name for the diaphragmatic method is “belly breathing”.

Still don't believe it will make you slimmer? In vain.
Deep and even breathing helps to fight the stress and anxiety that we are used to seizing on buns and chocolates. Therefore, the more correctly we breathe, the less we overeat, which means we reduce weight. Breathing deeply can speed up the process of losing weight and significantly strengthen the main muscle groups, because. Full breathing speeds up our metabolism, which helps us burn extra calories and makes us feel better overall.

So, three exercises from Anita Lutsenko. For proper breathing, which activates the work of the internal organs, it is necessary to put one hand on the chest, and the other on the stomach. Start breathing through your nose and at the same time press a little on your stomach with your hand. Breathe calmly.

Exercise "Frog"
The exercise is borrowed from the Jianfei breathing exercises for weight loss. Here is its full description:

Sit on a chair so that the lower leg and thigh form a straight or slightly smaller angle, knees apart at shoulder level. A woman squeezes her left hand into a fist, and wraps her right hand around a clenched fist, a man squeezes his right hand into a fist, and wraps his left hand around it. Put your elbows on your knees and put your forehead on your fist, then you need to cover your eyes, touch your lips with a smile, relax your whole body and take the most comfortable position, bring yourself to a state of complete rest.

Then you need to regulate your thoughts and nervous system, that is, calm down, relax internally. To do this, it is enough to first breathe once, as if after fatigue, so that the whole body seems to go limp. Now try to think about the most beautiful and joyful things in your life (for example, that you are lying on the grass near the water and enjoying nature) in order to get spiritual satisfaction, peace of mind. For a minute or two, you maintain a physically and mentally calm, pleasant state.

After you settle your thoughts, proceed to the main stage of the Frog exercises. All thoughts are completely focused on breathing exercises. First, take a free breath through your nose and guide the air, helping yourself mentally, into the abdomen, then exhale through your mouth lightly, slowly, evenly - while there is a feeling that the abdomen is gradually becoming relaxed and soft. When all the air is slowly exhaled, inhale again through the nose, the inhalation should also be light, slow, even. During a breath, the lower part of the abdomen, as it were, is gradually filled with air and swells. When the stomach is full, freeze for two seconds, then take an additional short breath, after which immediately begin a slow exhalation. Thus, such a cycle of breathing is obtained - exhale, inhale, freeze for two seconds, take a short breath and exhale again, inhale, and so on. During the respiratory process, the chest does not rise, only the abdomen is drawn in, then swells, which is very reminiscent of a frog.

During the “Frog” exercises, you need to monitor the degree of filling the abdomen with air when inhaling, taking into account the state of your body, otherwise unwanted deviations are possible. You can not do these exercises with internal bleeding and those who have not yet expired three months after internal surgery.

For those who suffer from cardiovascular and gastrointestinal and other serious diseases, it is enough to bring the degree of filling the abdomen with air when inhaling to 10-20 percent. It is better for women during menstruation to suspend classes, replacing them with Lotus exercises. The vast majority of healthy people and people suffering from common chronic diseases can do these exercises, and the degree of air filling of the abdomen can be increased to 80 - 90 percent.

The Frog exercises take about 15 minutes. After completing them, do not immediately open your eyes to avoid dizziness. Raise your head with your eyes closed, rub your palms together 10 times, then “comb” your head several times with the fingers of both hands, then open your eyes, clench your hands into fists, lift up, stretch, take a deep breath, after which your eyes will clear, increase forces.

These exercises during the period of intensive weight loss should be done three times a day, each time for 15 minutes; can be done during normal meal times, you can choose another time.

Exercises "Frog" stimulate blood circulation throughout the body, metabolism in the body. And this, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. With deep inhalations and exhalations, the diaphragm of the chest rises and falls, which plays a wonderful role in massaging the internal organs.

Frog exercises raise the tone of the whole organism and effectively eliminate or mitigate all the adverse effects that food restriction usually causes.

Bhastrika exercise

Bhastrikaili or bellows breath it is one of the yoga techniques, which is recommended for everyone to do every day, and perhaps, in general, one of the most important breathing exercises of hatha yoga.
To perform Bhastrika, one should actively inhale the air with force, and then exhale it with the same effort. As in a forge a fire is fanned with bellows, such breathing increases the "inner fire" in the body of the practitioner, which is considered very beneficial for health and progress in yoga.
So, start breathing with effort, powerfully, through both nostrils: inhale-exhale without pauses between breaths, at the same time, stick out your stomach outward and return it sharply back. The length, effort and time of inhalation and exhalation should be equal, this is important.
Do not strain, do not specifically “help” yourself with your body; face relaxed. Observe the movement of the abdomen and the work of the diaphragm.

Do 10 bellows breaths, then inhale deeply and exhale slowly, and then let the breath flow freely without doing anything to it. This is 1 approach. Avoid forcing the practice: if you are experiencing any of the effects of hyperventilation, then you need to slow down the pace. Some people experience discomfort during Bhastrika.

If during Bhastrika you start experiencing dizziness, ringing in the ears, nausea - you are overzealous, you need to do Bhastrika more relaxed, slowly, or do less repetitions in each phase.
Do 1-3 of these approaches, and at the end sit still for 3-5 minutes, allow your breathing to fully return to normal

Mastering this technique will take a long time, but at the initial stage it is not at all difficult to practice. So you can already today, having tried to do Bhastrika, get great benefits from it. It is necessary to master Bhastrika gradually, avoiding discomfort. In no case should you do this practice "through the can't", despite the uncomfortable sensations: such an unreasonable practice can harm even a strong and healthy person!

Please note that Bhastrika has a number of contraindications: high blood pressure, heart disease, umbilical hernia, stomach ulcer, paralysis, epilepsy, dizziness.
Caution should be practiced in asthma, chronic bronchitis, after tuberculosis. All individuals with the aforementioned complaints should first consult with a leading yoga therapist before beginning self-practice.

Exercise Vacuum

This technique allows you to work out the transverse abdominal muscle, which holds all the internal organs. In fact, it is precisely because of the relaxation of this muscle that the stomach does not look perfect.

Anita in the video does this exercise just standing upright, but there is a more correct technique for doing it according to the yogi method.
The Vacuum exercise is done as follows: you need to stand straight, spreading your legs shoulder-width apart. During a deep breath, we slightly bend the body forward and bend the legs at the knees, while placing the palms on the hips. Then all the air from the lungs is exhaled, and at this time the stomach is drawn inward as much as possible. At this moment, the wall of the abdomen and all the internal organs should, as it were, shift under the ribs.

To properly perform this exercise, you need to monitor the position of the head. The head should be slightly tilted down, as if you want to press your chin to your chest, but you should not look at the floor, but directly. It is this position that prevents air from entering the lungs.

In addition, during the exercise, the back should be perfectly flat. If everything is done correctly, you will have the feeling that your internal organs are slightly raised to the ribs. In fact, this is how it happens. After holding the stomach in a retracted position for at least 10 seconds, slowly relax it, restoring breathing.

The number of repetitions is purely individual - repeat the exercises until the moment when you feel that it is difficult for you to completely exhale the air. In addition to losing weight and pumping up the abdominal muscles, vacuum exercises heal the body. For example, in yoga, it is believed that it rejuvenates the nerves of the gastric tract and intestines, helps to eliminate toxins, strengthens the back muscles, which has a good effect on posture, massages the internal organs, and also rejuvenates the internal glands.

In mastering the art of holding the abdomen in full vacuum, the most important thing is consistency. Despite the apparent simplicity of this technique, it is unlikely that it will be possible to perform it correctly the first time. However, do not despair, because judging by the results of people who are actively involved in these exercises, after about a month of constant training, the stomach will not just be toned, but perfectly flat. This technique is often used in their workouts by professional bodybuilders and bodybuilders.

My advice is to vacuum throughout the day. Just control your abdominal muscles during all the movements that you make. Try to draw in your stomach constantly, whether you are standing or sitting. Over time, the transverse abdominal muscle will acquire tone and tension will become natural for it.

However, despite its enormous usefulness, the vacuum exercise for a flat stomach also has its contraindications. Firstly, you should not practice it with a stomach or duodenal ulcer, on “critical” days and during pregnancy. Secondly, this exercise should be performed with extreme caution in case of any diseases of the lungs, stomach and heart muscle.

It is important to understand that regular breathing exercises will subsequently develop into the habit of breathing correctly always and everywhere.

Try, master breathing techniques and get rid of your annoying tummy forever!

An effective cleansing and rejuvenating complex, consisting of physical and breathing exercises, which is based on vacuum retraction of the abdomen.

With the help of deep breathing and enrichment of the blood with oxygen, fat cells will be burned and, by performing various exercises at the same time, we will work out the most problematic areas in the body.


It's no secret that the best way to lose weight is diet and exercise. But what about people who want to lose extra pounds, but for some reason cannot go in for sports or are simply too lazy to do it?
The way out of the situation can be such a “frivolous”, according to many, occupation as breathing exercises.

The dream of many women - to become slimmer without strict diets, grueling workouts and other severe restrictions - seems impossible.

But it is not so. In fact, there are simple ways to get rid of extra pounds.

We are all used to thinking that the process of losing weight is only diet and exercise. But these are only two elements of the set. Few people know that you can lose extra pounds with the help of proper breathing. Moreover, thanks to breathing exercises, you can improve your well-being, cure some diseases and simply tone your body.
Today we will tell you about an exercise that is performed using a regular bottle. The exercise is quite simple to perform and does not require much time. So, for starters, get on all fours, clamp the neck of an empty plastic bottle between your teeth. This is our starting position, now we begin to breathe correctly.

Need to take slow breaths in and out using abdominal breathing. Take a normal breath through your nose, and then forcefully exhale the air into the bottle, tensing your diaphragm and abdominal muscles. If the heart and lungs are in order, you can breathe in the same way, through the bottle. It is important to exhale slowly with little effort. Do 15 such breaths. Or you can just breathe like this for 10-15 minutes, not counting.
Watch your well-being, in no case do not bring yourself to dizziness. If you feel that there is not enough air or any discomfort, you need to stop doing the exercise and return to it later.
Diaphragmatic breathinguseful not only for weight loss, although it has been proven more than once that weight with regular training goes away very well. Among other things, exercise helps improve blood circulation, speed up metabolism and increase the amount of nutrients that are absorbed by the body. Also, breathing exercise helps to cleanse the body of toxins that are contained in adipose tissue.

After regular classes, you will feel how the body is filled with energy, the muscles come into tone, and the centimeters on the waist and hips gradually disappear. In addition, this exercise helps to get rid of stress and chronic fatigue. And it also has a very positive effect on the condition of the skin, because it helps to fill the cells with oxygen. Thus, one simple exercise helps not only to lose weight, but also completely rejuvenate the body!

Series of messages " ":
breathing exercises
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 22 -
Part 23 -
Part 25 -

Many people want to find the simplest and most affordable ways to lose weight. But not everyone is ready to devote themselves to sports, diets, that is, investing in trainers, nutritionists. An interesting know-how in the matter of losing weight is breathing exercises. As the developers of the methods assure, it can not only reduce weight, but also increase the effectiveness of restorative physical education after injuries, improve heart function and blood flow, and the brain. This is only part of what gymnastics gives for breathing.

Goals of gymnastics

Each specific technique is based on the individual principle of performing a specific breathing exercise, but oxygen saturation of the body is a common goal. A sufficient amount of it leads to an improvement in metabolism, burning unwanted adipose tissue.

Together with the use of "oxygen gymnastics", it will be relevant:

  • revision of eating style;
  • maintaining an active lifestyle;
  • rejection of bad habits.

The first results from gymnastics can be expected if the metabolism is normalized. Strict adherence to the recommendations for the implementation of breathing techniques in practice (which differ in the methods) play an important role: duration, frequency of the respiratory cycle, depth, speed. Avoid rooms with dust and with the presence of foreign odors.

By performing certain actions of each technique, you can achieve the following:

  • positive dynamics in the breakdown of fat;
  • decreased appetite, dulling the feeling of hunger;
  • general strengthening of the immune system;
  • resistance of the nervous system;
  • improvement in well-being.


The Chinese technique combines three cycles - "lotus", "frog" and "wave". The effect is not expected to be seen in the near future, but perseverance and consistency can lead to the reduction of unwanted weight.


Exercise is aimed at reducing appetite. It should be done before you start eating.

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor.
  2. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest.
  3. Inhale deeply, while using your hand on your stomach to help yourself inhale with your chest, slightly pressing your stomach so that the air enters the lungs as much as possible. The hand on the chest does not interfere with inhalation.
  4. Hold your breath for a few seconds, time is controlled by personal sensations.
  5. Exhale, relaxing your hand on your stomach (it should, as it were, inflate). A hand on the chest helps to release air from the lungs.

During breathing cycles, either the diaphragm or the chest will rise, visually the process resembles a wave. Repeat 40 times.


A useful practice for restoring the nervous system, in addition to the fact that thanks to this exercise, you can lose weight.

  1. Sit on a low chair, legs slightly apart. The angle of bent knees is not more than 90⁰. At the time of execution, you need to concentrate on breathing.
  2. Lean on your knees, clench your hand into a fist (men - right, women - left).
  3. With the other hand, make a fist girth from above. Rest your forehead on your fist. Achieve relaxation.
  4. Start inhaling with your diaphragm. Exhale should be in turn - mouth / nose. It is welcome to hold the breath after inhalation (up to 5 seconds), the duration of the cycles is about 15 minutes, the frequency is 3 times a day.

Instead of a chair, you can use a frameless chair or fitball. If during the performance there are difficulties with breathing (stuffy nose, sore throat), then the duration of the session can be reduced and take shallow breaths so that there is not much exhaled air.


They perform the exercise on a chair, pouffe, bean bag, but with the condition that there is a small height. The highlight of the exercise is the restoration of the body.

  1. Sit in the lotus position. Put your hands in front of your stomach so that your palms are turned up. Place one palm under the other (women - left on top, and men - right).
  2. Sit with a straight back, close your eyes, lowered chin. Do it in 3 steps:
  • Perform breathing cycles for 5 minutes smoothly, slowly. The chest or diaphragm should not rise at this point;
  • Align breathing, achieve soundlessness and uniformity. Duration - 5 minutes;
  • For 10 minutes, it is necessary to perform respiratory cycles as comfortably as possible, while focusing on breathing.

It is not necessary to do all the Jianfei exercises. They must be chosen depending on the purpose.

Strelnikova's technique

The main exercise is to inhale sharply and deeply, then slowly exhale. When losing weight, it has little value (does not reduce appetite and does not reduce the amount of food eaten, does not improve metabolism and does not burn calories). It is included in the complex of physical exercises as an addition.

When exercising on cardio machines or just when running, they use the sharp breath technique to ensure sufficient oxygen in the blood. This is necessary to improve the burning of excess fat. It is recommended to do exercises before physical activity in order to "start" the body.

The main idea is to learn how to take quick and deep breaths, while exhaling does not matter. Having learned to take such breaths, they can later be combined with physical activity.

The system of gymnastic exercises, in which the rapid inhalation system is used, allows oxygen to reach all internal organs. Approaches - 1-2, 10-15 times in one approach. Inspirations fall on the starting position during the exercise.

  1. Head turn. Relax your arms, lower your shoulders, put your legs in a comfortable position for stability. Perform head turns. Exhale - when turning.
  2. Head tilt left/right. Exhale - while bending over.
  3. Pendulum head. Exhale - when throwing the head back or forward.
  4. Roll. Stand with your feet wider than your shoulders. Clasp your hands in a “lock” at chest level. Bending your knees, roll your hips to the right and left. Take breaths with the body position straight, on the rolls - exhale.
  5. Front step. Highly raising the thigh, lower the leg to its original place. Inhale at the starting position, exhale when lifting.
  6. Back step. Bending the leg at the knee, lift it forward, and step back.

Light exercises will teach you to do at least a minimal warm-up (effective when deciding to start doing physical activity), regulate breathing during exercise, and improve blood circulation. After a simple set of warm-ups, they should be complicated.

  1. Tilts in different directions, rotation of the torso, hips.
  2. Move your legs.
  3. Tilts with a stretch of the lower back (bend and clasp hands, lean forward). Exhale with each bend.

Such gymnastics can be performed by people of all ages, regardless of previous training experience.


Proper breathing, which this technique will provide, will help to adjust the weight and overall shape. In addition, it is necessary to adjust the schedule of meals and products. The standard PP system (nothing fried, salted and peppered, smoked, with additives, etc.) is optimal.

Classes are designed to use various exercises for five weeks. In this case, breathing is of key importance.


It will not be possible to make the correct respiratory cycle immediately, but soon it will become a habit and will not cause difficulty.

  1. Inhale sharply through the nose. Use the diaphragm when inhaling.
  2. Smile and breathe in through your nose.
  3. Relax.

When inhaling, draw in the stomach, hold your breath, shake your hips from the bottom up diagonally. Tighten the buttocks, the bottom of the pelvis too. Take 3 extra breaths.


Form lips when exhaling in the form of a tube. There will be a feeling of heaviness under the breasts. Do not lower your head while doing this. Leave the buttocks pulled in. When exhaling, make great efforts to tighten the muscles of the abdomen and abs. Then exhale sharply three times. If this is difficult to do, then you can help with your hand and press your stomach.

Do the complex 30 times. Efficiency will be manifested if it is performed daily. Additionally, physical exercises are included.


Exercises are performed on an empty stomach. When practicing bodyflex, hunger is not welcome. Non-caloric snacks are essential throughout the day.

Respiratory system

  1. Inhale deeply, then exhale.
  2. Inhale intense air.
  3. Exhale well (sharply).
  4. With the stomach pulled in as much as possible (with a full exhalation), hold your breath.
  5. Inhale.

You can use this breathing system with physical activity. For a change, use this exercise:

  1. Exhale through the lips with a tube.
  2. Inhale air quickly through the nose.
  3. Open your mouth wide and exhale.
  4. Draw in the stomach, close the mouth.

Repeat exercises along with physical activity. It can be a set of simple movements for morning exercises.

Holotropic Breathwork

This technique is based on the psychological aspect, where in addition to exercises, a person must experience certain experiences. These are memories of the past, thoughts about the creation of the Universe, space and time, etc.

During classes, they put on guiding music in order to maximize the experience and emotions (they can be different). The breathing technique itself is not complicated, but unusual for the body. You need to breathe very often and coherently, there are no pauses between inhalation and exhalation.

Holotropic breathing classes are best done under the supervision of an instructor who will introduce a person into a state of experiences that are taken from the depths of the psyche. The technique is designed for bodily and emotional liberation, which helps oxygen to penetrate into all organs and parts of the body. Excess fat is burned, and the internal organs begin to function better.

Many breathing techniques came to us along with yoga, where concentration and control of breathing is necessary. Each exercise is accompanied by its own respiratory cycles, which help the body to fill with oxygen and burn excess body fat.

In life, we inhale the air superficially and rapidly. In this regard, the average person has oxygen starvation: metabolism slows down and body fat accumulates, as a result, unnecessary kilograms appear. Regular exercise for 15-20 minutes a day and breath control will help you quickly and effectively get rid of excess weight.

How it works?

Most people, especially women, breathe in through their chests. During this, abdominal breathing is actively used, which increases blood flow in the organs, and diaphragmatic contractions additionally stimulate them. Also, deep breathing makes oxygen enter the blood faster, which helps to speed up the metabolism and burn fat deposits.

For two to three months of regular exercise, the volume of the lungs can increase by 0.3 liters.

Why is it effective?

Fat oxidation

The interaction of oxygen with fat cells is the first step to getting rid of excess weight. Once in the body, it oxidizes the accumulated fat deposits.

Breakdown of fat cells

The intake of sufficient oxygen in the body helps maintain the level of alkaline environment necessary for the breakdown of fat cells. Thus, weight loss occurs due to the rapid conversion of food consumed into useful energy.

Acceleration of the digestion process

Oxygen provides absorption in the gastrointestinal tract of useful elements obtained from products. With shallow breathing, the absorption of nutrients is reduced by 72%, metabolism slows down by 30%.

Removal of harmful substances

Breathing exercises help to remove harmful substances from the body that accumulate in fat cells (preservatives, pesticides). With the help of deep breathing, you can reduce the harmful effects of toxins and toxins by 70%, remove them from the body in the form of gas.

It has been proven that toxins negatively affect the production of thyroid and adrenal hormones. The body, protecting itself from this harmful effect, accumulates fat cells and uses them as a storage for toxins. As a result, your weight increases.

Stabilization of the nervous system

Through deep breathing, you not only improve your body, but also improve your state of mind. Performing special exercises will help you concentrate, distract from everyday problems and be alone with your thoughts.

The fight against overeating

Stressful situations encourage many people to consume unnecessary calories in the form of chocolate and candy. When enough oxygen is received in the body for 10 minutes, the production of cortisol (stress hormone) is reduced by 50%.

Breathing exercises for weight loss dulls the feeling of hunger, helps food to be digested, promotes the breakdown of fat cells, calms the nervous system, strengthens the immune system, gives a surge of vigor and strength.

Varieties of breathing exercises for weight loss

The most popular today among the numerous breathing techniques for losing weight are bodyflex, the Oxycise complex and Chinese jianfei gymnastics.


This technique combined yoga exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the diaphragm and abdominals with proper breathing.

The program was developed by 53-year-old American Greer Childers, who was able to return to the 44th clothing size after the birth of three children (after the 56th).

You should train strictly on an empty stomach (preferably in the morning). Another important rule is the rejection of strict diets or starvation, since energy costs will be colossal anyway. The scheme for performing all exercises is as follows: you go through four stages of breathing (exhale - inhale - exhale - pause), while holding your breath, take a certain position for a few seconds and only then inhale the air (fifth stage).

Five-stage diaphragmatic breathing

1. Exhale completely through the mouth. Round your lips, pull them forward, calmly and slowly exhale through your mouth. It is necessary to literally squeeze out all the air from the lungs and then tightly close the lips.

2. Quick breath through the nose. Take a sharp breath through your nose, taking oxygen into your lungs to capacity. If you did everything right, you should have a sound effect. Now hold all the air in.

3. Sharp exhalation through the mouth from the diaphragm. Open your mouth wide, sharply squeeze the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen. Such an exhalation should be accompanied by a whistling sound of “puff” or “pah”.

4. Holding the breath. Tilt your head slightly towards your chest. Gradually pull your stomach under the ribs until a hollow forms. There should be a sensation of touching the spine. Try to stretch the whole process from three to eight measures with the following count (to yourself): one-one-one, two-two-two, and so on.

5. Inhale through the nose. When you count to eight (ideally), inhale. Relax all the muscles and allow the air to freely enter the lungs with a sound reminiscent of a sob: “sssh”.

The complex contains 13 exercises. We bring to your attention five poses for performing breathing exercises that are best for beginners.

"Cat". Get on all fours, lean on your hands and knees. Keep your head straight, back and arms straight. While holding your breath, draw in your stomach and tilt your head down while arching your back up. Go through three stages of breathing according to the bodyflex system, fix this position on holding your breath (fourth stage), then inhale (fifth stage) and return to the initial position.

"Boat". Sit on the floor, spread your straight legs wide, toes pointing to the ceiling. Put your hands behind your back, rest your palms on the floor. While holding your breath, move your hands forward, trying to bend as low as possible. Exhale, straighten up and put your hands behind your back. Do three repetitions.

Lateral stretch. Starting position standing. Lower your left elbow to your bent left knee. Pull the toe of the right foot and stretch this leg to the side, while the foot should not come off the floor. While holding your breath, raise your right hand up and stretch it to the left side (from the side you should feel how all the muscles stretch from the waist to the armpit). Do three to four repetitions on each side.

"Martin". Get down on the floor, lean on your elbows and knees. Extend one leg back with the heel up. In this case, your head should be raised, look forward. While holding your breath, squeeze your buttocks while counting to eight. Do three repetitions on each leg.

"Scissors". Lie on your back and straighten your legs. Place your hands palms down under your buttocks. The head lies on the floor, the lower back is also pressed: it should not come off the floor during the exercise. While holding your breath, lift your legs up 10 centimeters from the floor and make 10 quick wide swings. Do three to four sets.


  • severe cardiovascular pathologies,
  • increased intracranial pressure, cerebral aneurysms,
  • the presence of implants in the spine,
  • recent spinal surgery
  • the presence of acute inflammatory and infectious diseases,
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases,
  • tumor diseases,
  • bleeding of any localization,
  • pregnancy.


The complex differs from bodyflex in a softer and more gentle breathing system, without sharp inhalations and exhalations. Therefore, it is suitable for weakened people and pregnant women. Another advantage of this gymnastics is that it can be performed at any convenient time.

Breathing technique

During Oxycise exercises, the following breathing technique is used: inhale, three additional short breaths, exhale and three additional short breaths.

1. Inhale. Inhale slowly and calmly through your nose. The abdomen is inflated, the shoulders and chest are motionless. It is recommended to smile broadly so that the nostrils expand and more oxygen enters the body. When you feel that your lungs are full, tighten your buttocks and take three more short breaths.

2. Exhale. Pull out your lips and forcefully exhale the air. Try to keep your buttocks tight and smile. When you feel that all the air has come out, take three more short exhalations. Keep your buttocks pulled in and your head straight.

After mastering the breathing technique, you can start gymnastics. The Oxycise complex includes many exercises, we have selected the most effective ones according to reviews.

Press training. Stand up straight, pull your stomach in a little, point your buttocks forward. The knees should be slightly bent, the lower back should be even, the shoulder blades should be brought together. In this pose, inhale and exhale according to the mastered technique.

Squats along the wall. Lean back against the wall, clench your palms in front of your chest and slowly squat. When the thighs reach parallel with the floor, apply a special breathing technique. Do three sets.

Wall push-ups. At the moment of greatest tension, stand on your toes, straighten up and perform one breathing cycle.

"Rocket". Lie on your back and imagine that you are being pulled by your arms and legs in different directions. While sipping, inhale and exhale through the Oxycise system.

"Cobra". Roll over on your stomach, put your hands in front of you and bend back. After stretching the abdominal muscles, proceed to breathing exercises.


Chinese gymnastics allows you to quickly establish a metabolism. Recommended for those who are on a diet, as it dulls the feeling of hunger. A small complex includes only three exercises.

Chinese woman Rosa Yu Bin, only with the help of jianfei gymnastics, got rid of 10 extra pounds in a few months without dietary restrictions and sports loads.

Each of the three jianfei exercises has its own focus and can be used at different times and in different quantities.

"Wave": to reduce the feeling of hunger. Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet straight. One palm should be on the chest, the other on the stomach. Start breathing exercises with a little help with your hands. Take a deep slow breath while drawing in your stomach and lifting your chest. Hold your breath for a few moments and exhale. When exhaling, try to draw in the chest, and, on the contrary, inflate the stomach.

"Frog": to restore the central nervous system. Sit on a chair, put your feet shoulder-width apart (under your knees - a straight or sharp angle) and put your elbows on your knees. Squeeze your hand into a fist (men - right, women - left) and grab it with the other hand. Rest your forehead on your fist, close your eyes and relax. Fully fill the stomach with air, alternate inhalations-exhalations through the mouth and nose, hold your breath for 1-5 seconds.

"Lotus": to relieve fatigue and internal tension, regulate metabolism, improve blood circulation. Sit on a low chair or in the "Buddha pose". Place your hands on your feet with your palms up (women put the left hand on top of the right, and men, on the contrary, put the right hand on top of the left). The lower back is straightened, the shoulders are lowered, the chin is tilted slightly down, the eyes are closed.

  1. For the first 5 minutes, breathing is deep, even, inhalations and exhalations are long. The chest and abdomen should rise imperceptibly.
  2. For the next 5 minutes, inhale the air naturally and naturally. As you exhale, relax completely and concentrate on achieving silent, even, deep breathing.
  3. For the last 10 minutes, breathe normally, paying no attention to depth and rhythm. Clear your mind of extraneous thoughts, relax and calm down.


In the presence of internal bleeding (menstrual or postoperative period), temporarily refrain from performing the Frog exercise. The rest of the exercises have no contraindications.

All three proposed breathing exercises for weight loss not only contribute to weight loss, but also have a general healing effect. This is a great option for people who, for whatever reason, cannot lead an active lifestyle and visit. With the correct implementation of the breathing technique and daily exercises, the results will not be long in coming.

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