Effective remedy for underarm sweating. Effective Armpit Sweat Remedies Best Underarm Sweat Remedies Ointments and Creams

Hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating. The body has a large number of sweat glands. The human body can lose up to 10 liters of fluid per day. Sometimes the work of the sweat glands is disturbed and hyperhidrosis begins.

There are several types of hyperhidrosis. Primary occurs outside of other diseases. As a rule, it is observed since childhood. The reasons are not clear. Secondary occurs under the influence of other diseases. Separate hyperhidrosis permanent and seasonal. There is also intermittent, in which increased sweating alternates with normal.

Causes: pregnancy, allergies, trauma, stress, poisoning, drug side effects, oncology, hypertension, obesity, fever, infections, alcohol, diabetes, menopause and more. If you notice an unpleasant symptom in yourself, contact your endocrinologist first. Adjust your diet.

Hyperhidrosis is treated by frequent washing of the head with antifungal shampoos. It is desirable to have short hair. Drugs: atropine, oxybutine, promethazine, trihexyphenidyl. Sedatives are also prescribed. Do not take any of these drugs unless your doctor tells you to. It may be dangerous.

Hyperhidrosis is treated with a laser, injections, iontophoresis, reflex therapy. Learn more about causes and treatment below.

What is hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis does not mean an increase in the number of sweat glands or their size. A distinctive feature is the increased secretion of excreted sweat. Strong sweating in women is characterized by the active work of the sympathetic nervous system and the presence of a gene predisposition.

Eccrine sweat glands begin to actively produce sweat during severe stressful situations, as the level of adrenaline rises in the blood and provokes increased sweat production.

Hyperhidrosis of the face and head is often inherited. This factor is explained by the predisposition of the body. If such dynamics is observed in the father or mother, then the risk of developing this pathology in the child is high.

The mechanism of the sweat glands

Hyperhidrosis is a physiological phenomenon in which the body produces excess water on the skin. Increased sweating ensures the normalization of body temperature under the influence of environmental factors (increased physical activity, the development of infectious diseases).

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The released sweat cools the skin and prevents metabolic disorders, which can upset the normal vital processes in the body. If this symptomatology is permanent, then it is necessary to identify the cause of discomfort and prescribe the correct treatment regimen.

Features of the functionality of the sweat glands:

  • There are more than 4 million sweat glands in the human body, which secrete a colorless, transparent liquid and are classified as eccrine type;
  • Eccrine sweat glands in the face and head are mainly located on the cheeks and frontal part;
  • In hot weather and intense physical activity, a person can lose up to 10 liters of fluid per day;
  • The activity of the eccrine sweat glands is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system, the brain stem (hypothalamus).

The importance of sweating for the body

Sweating is necessary for the human body because this process helps to stabilize normal body temperature, causing a cooling effect on the skin.

What causes natural sweating:

  1. Nervousness and emotional stress.
  2. High air temperature.
  3. Physical activity.
  4. Eating hot or very spicy food.
  5. Overwork and other factors.

With such effects on the body through the skin pores, sweat is constantly released, which is considered an absolute norm. However, there are some diseases that provoke this process. The development of certain pathologies often causes hyperhidrosis of the head and other parts of the body.

This condition does not pose a serious danger to human health and life, but it is necessary to be treated for it. It is necessary to start therapeutic measures and examination of the patient as early as possible, because a person is in constant stress if his head, face, and neck sweat all the time.

Normal communication with work colleagues or other people becomes impossible, the patient experiences discomfort and feels uncomfortable, this significantly complicates life.


Hyperhidrosis of the head refers to the local type of hyperhidrosis, that is, it manifests itself only in a certain area of ​​​​the body.

In most cases, excessive sweating in craniofacial hyperhidrosis occurs only in the face, but sweating can also affect certain parts of the face (sweat drops can appear only in the nose, cheeks, forehead, or upper lip).

In some cases, excessive sweating is observed over the entire surface of the head and may even affect the neck.

Craniofacial hyperhidrosis can be:

  • Primary (essential). Occurs independently of any diseases, the obvious cause cannot be established. It was found that in 40% of cases, facial sweating was observed in the patient's relatives, therefore, hypothetically, primary hyperhidrosis is of a hereditary origin. It can appear at any age, but is usually observed since childhood.
  • Secondary. Always develops under the influence of any disease.
  • Constant, independent of weather and temperature.
  • Seasonal, appearing only under certain weather conditions.
  • Intermittent, in which periods of absence of increased sweating alternate with exacerbations.

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Sweating can be expressed in varying degrees - from light perspiration, in which patients rarely go to the doctor, to profuse sweating, when sweat literally drips down the face.

In some cases, facial hyperhidrosis is combined with increased sweating of the palms and redness of the face. As a rule, the violation of sweating is symmetrical, but there are also unilateral forms.

Primary facial hyperhidrosis

It is a consequence of the following factors that provoke improper functioning of the sweat glands on the face:

  • genetic abnormalities;
  • heredity;
  • minor disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

Primary facial hyperhidrosis is much more difficult to treat. If the problem is in the nervous system, specialists will be able to solve it. Another thing is genetics and heredity, the consequences of which are most often irreversible.

Secondary facial hyperhidrosis

The causes of secondary facial hyperhidrosis usually lie on the surface and are easily determined by the carriers themselves. It can be:

  • unsatisfactory state of health (various diseases);
  • taking certain powerful medications;
  • disruptions in the hormonal system, dictated by pregnancy, lactation, menopause;
  • thyroid disease;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • overweight;
  • heart diseases;
  • excessive use of food additives;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • neurotic disorders;
  • negative skin reaction to cosmetics.

The very first cause of secondary facial hyperhidrosis (poor health) should be described in more detail. Then you will know for sure which diseases lead to the pathology of the sweat glands.

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They can become:

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • climacteric syndrome;
  • pheochromocytoma (hormonal tumor of the adrenal glands);
  • carcinoid syndrome;
  • acromegaly (dysfunction of the pituitary gland);
  • tuberculosis;
  • brucellosis (infection of the body with microbes);
  • malaria;
  • HIV infection;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • focal brain lesions;
  • syringomyelia (a chronic disease of the nervous system, when cavities appear in the spinal cord);
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • neurosyphilis;
  • stroke;
  • peripheral neuropathies;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • lymphogranulomatosis.

So doctors quite accurately determine the reasons why facial hyperhidrosis appears. They can be both internal factors lying inside the body (diseases of internal organs) and external (living conditions, climate, habits).

If you had to face this misfortune, even before visiting a doctor, try to understand for yourself what is happening with your body: review all your possible illnesses, analyze the habits and lifestyle of the last two weeks.

Surely there are factors that led to disruption of the subcutaneous glands and excessive sweating. But how can you be sure that you have hyperhidrosis?


It is still unknown what exactly is the cause of this pathological condition. However, there are comorbidities that can result in or co-exist with hyperhidrosis of the face and scalp.

These are the following states:

  • pregnancy;
  • allergic reactions;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • side effect from the use of drugs;
  • poisoning, malnutrition;
  • state of stress, depression, nervous breakdown;
  • oncological diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • excess weight;
  • increased body temperature;
  • metabolic disease;
  • chronic forms of various infections;
  • excessive use of alcoholic beverages and drugs;
  • hormonal causes: diabetes, menopause, thyroid disease.

Excessive sweating is also a symptom of such dangerous diseases as:

  • AIDS;
  • tuberculosis;
  • lymphogranulosis;
  • hypoglycemia.

Increased sweating is a normal condition when playing sports, lifting heavy objects, in the summer. But for some people, even at a comfortable air temperature, a large amount of sweat is released.

Increased sweating, as a rule, delivers increased difficulties in ordinary life to any person who has encountered this problem.

In addition to physical discomfort, patients with such a pathology often develop a nervous system disorder, permanent stress and depression, due to the fact that others pay attention to their excessive sweating.

With hyperhidrosis, the face (mainly the forehead, temples, nose) and head (including its part covered with hair) sweat heavily. Most often, red sweat spots appear on the face.

Sweating of the face or increased sweating on the head can only occur at night. In this case, it is worth undergoing examinations for the presence of such diseases as: tuberculosis, lymphogranulosis, AIDS, as well as reflex pathology (throwing the contents of the stomach into the esophagus).

Including severe sweating of the head and face during sleep is caused by disorders of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism), a decrease in the amount of sugar in the blood (hypoglycemia), the abolition of alcohol or drugs in addiction.

Very often, severe sweating of the head and face occurs in women with menopause. In a situation where the head and face are sweating, the doctor may diagnose craniofacial hyperhidrosis.

This diagnosis gives the following symptoms:

  • manifestation of sweating in large volumes;
  • profuse sweating on the head, forehead, cheeks, nose, lips and neck;
  • the patient feels intense heat;
  • redness of the skin;
  • the patient feels constant nervousness;
  • the release of an unpleasant odor, which is caused by the multiplication of microorganisms in a humid environment.

There are also accompanying symptoms - these are headaches, dizziness, loss of strength, hot flashes.

  • Normalizes the psycho-emotional state
  • Stabilizes perspiration
  • Completely suppresses odor
  • Eliminates the causes of excessive sweating
  • Suitable for adults and children
  • Has no contraindications

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If you find these symptoms in yourself, you should not delay the visit to the therapist. Sometimes a person does not even think about the course of any diseases in his body, but often they cause severe sweating.

The therapist will give directions to narrower specialists. An endocrinologist should be visited, especially if excessive sweating also includes lacrimation, fever, hot flashes, chills, and an enlarged thyroid gland.

You should contact an oncologist if, together with severe sweating of the head and face, neoplasms appear on various parts of the skin. If a cough is present, working capacity is reduced and hyperhidrosis is diagnosed, then a disease such as tuberculosis is suspected, and a consultation with a phthisiatrician is prescribed.


When a patient suffers from excessive sweating of the head and face, he is first prescribed a general diagnosis to exclude or confirm the presence of pathology.

These are various studies:

  • blood;
  • ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland;
  • electrocardiogram.

Often, severe sweating of the head of the face in both women and men is a symptom of some more serious illness, i.e. secondary hyperhidrosis. With such a suspicion, further treatment is prescribed from the primary disease, for which the therapist sends a narrower specialist for consultation.

One of the first to visit is an endocrinologist. Sweating of the head and face can occur with some endocrine diseases. With diffuse toxic goiter, the thyroid gland is enlarged in front, and the patient also has tearing, nervousness, increased sweating, and bulging eyes.

In diabetes mellitus, the head and face sweat very much, as well as the rest of the body from above, while from below, on the contrary, dryness of the skin is observed. With menopause, women experience severe sweating of the entire body, including the head and face.

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Some oncological pathologies give hyperhidrosis of the head and face, therefore, with similar symptoms, the patient may be referred to an oncologist for a series of studies.

With infections, the head and face may sweat, which are treated by an infectious disease doctor. These are such diseases as:

  • malaria;
  • flu;
  • hepatitis;
  • SARS.

Many neurological conditions can cause excessive sweating (for example, Parkinson's disease). If a person reacts very emotionally to various situations that are uncomfortable for him, he may begin to sweat heavily on his head and face on a nervous basis.

Such conditions are dealt with by a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. Patients are prescribed sedatives, after which, as a rule, hyperhidrosis disappears.

In acute poisoning (food, chemical) there are manifestations of excessive sweating of the head and face. These situations are dealt with by toxicologists who clean the blood and wash the stomach. With effective treatment of poisoning, hyperhidrosis also disappears.

Emergency cardiac pathologies (myocardial infarction) are accompanied by sweating of the face and head. Accordingly, with a successful outcome, hyperhidrosis also passes.

Who to contact

Treatment of hyperhidrosis of the face and head must definitely begin with a visit to the therapist. Often a person may be unaware of the presence of certain pathologies in the body. However, they are the cause of excessive sweating.

The therapist will not tell you how to get rid of facial sweating, without a conclusion on the patient's health status issued by narrow specialists.

  • An endocrinologist should be consulted with simultaneous sweating and lacrimation, enlargement of the thyroid gland, hot flashes and chills at the time of fever.
  • If a person has formations in any parts of the body and at the same time the face sweats, a malignant tumor can be assumed. You will need to consult an oncologist.
  • In the presence of cough, decreased performance and hyperhidrosis, there is an increased risk of diagnosing tuberculosis at a consultation with a phthisiatrician.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis of the head is carried out subject to the basic rules. It is important to change your lifestyle by eliminating some of the habits that cause you to sweat in large quantities.

  • If you are overweight, it is especially important to follow a diet, as well as increase physical activity. Fresh vegetables should be introduced into the diet, and sweet foods, alcohol, convenience foods and fast food should be excluded. As a result, metabolism can be normalized.
  • It is important to cure any infectious diseases and chronic pathologies.
  • Women during menopause need to normalize hormonal levels, blood pressure.
  • It is necessary to carry out head hygiene in a timely manner. It is allowed to use antifungal shampoos with mint in the composition.
  • Rinsing after washing should be carried out using decoctions of oak bark, sage and string.
  • With long hair, the head sweats more. Consider changing your hairstyle.

Especially often women suffer from sweating of the head and face during menopause.

Treatment Method

The method of treating hyperhidrosis of the head and face depends on the cause that caused the disease. Doctors use various methods that have a beneficial effect on the elimination of this pathology.

In severe stressful situations, sedatives are recommended, as they eliminate irritability and prevent the formation of increased sweating. If a person is overweight, then dieting is preferable.

Restricted nutrition allows you to normalize metabolism and eliminate heavy sweating. The diet should be dominated by dishes from natural products prepared using safe cooking methods (steaming, stewing, baking).

It is necessary to exclude products such as confectionery, fast food, semi-finished products, alcoholic, carbonated drinks.

  • Thorough and frequent shampooing (at least 3 times a week);
  • Use of antifungal shampoos containing natural mint extract;
  • Wearing a short haircut (more recommended for men);
  • Rinse hair with medicinal decoctions (oak bark, sage, string).

Psychotherapeutic impact

Psychotherapy is an additional way to create a favorable environment against which the main types of therapy are used.

Mental influence can be realized in different forms: auto-training, hypnosis, individual conversation or group session. Any type of psychotherapy is aimed at increasing the strength of the patient in the fight against the disease.

During classes, hypnosis sessions are held, relieving a person of self-doubt and nervousness caused by increased sweating. The patient is supported by individual conversations and auto-training.

Elimination of stress factors

Like any other form of hyperhidrosis, craniofacial hyperhidrosis increases during nervous tension. This type of pathology occurs in extremely suspicious and impressionable people who are worried about every occasion. Increased sweating appears at the moment of greatest excitement and stress.

In order not to aggravate the disease and not provoke increased secretion of sweat glands, it is necessary to protect the patient from various types of experiences. Invaluable assistance in this can be provided by treatment in a sanatorium.


This type of pill is able to quickly eliminate excessive sweating in any part of the body by acting directly on the sweat glands, but they cannot be used constantly, as they are quickly addictive. In this capacity, the already mentioned drugs are used in the form of Clonidine, Oxybutine, Atropine and Benzotropine.

More recently, pharmacies have begun to offer a new drug for sweat in tablets - Dry Dry, which are taken one or two pieces during heavy sweating. However, they have a short-term effect, as soon as their action stops, the sweat glands again begin to produce an increased amount of sweat.

Cholinolytic drugs have their effect due to the content of substances that block acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter. This category of drugs includes:

  • Alkaloids in the form of Atropine, Scopolamine, Oxybutine, etc.;
  • Antihistamines in the form of Promethazine;
  • Trihexyphenidyl and Benzotropine.

From the listed list, Atropine and Oxybutin are safer for the body, from the use of which you can expect the least side effects.

Sedatives and tranquilizers

There is no doubt that the cause of increased sweating in any part of the human body, if no diseases are identified that contribute to this condition, is his psycho-emotional health. Nervous situation, various psychological shocks almost always lead to profuse sweating.

If this process is really caused only by a psychological state, then the patient is prescribed sedatives in the form of:

  • Tablets with a sedative effect;
  • tranquilizers;
  • Antidepressants.

Taking this type of pill should be continued from 2 weeks to 1 month, only the attending physician can extend the course of treatment. Such treatment can help and relieve anxiety, fear, worries and excitement, i.e. Such conditions, which are always accompanied by flushes of cold sweat.

It should be noted that they are not prescribed for clinical depression.

The absence of an acute nature of emotional imbalance does not require the appointment of psychotropic pills, but to eliminate violations with the help of light antidepressants of plant origin. And only in the absence of a positive result from their intake, stronger sedative drugs should be taken.


Of the physiotherapeutic methods, iontophoresis is the leading one. Under the influence of direct current, ionized particles penetrate the skin. Iontophoresis is a simple, economical and harmless treatment method.

This method of treatment has a different effectiveness in different people. The average period of blocking sweat glands ranges from several weeks to several months. Botulinum therapy is a method of treatment with botulinum toxin for excessive sweating of the head due to the presence of autonomic dysfunction.

Nutrition Features

With excessive sweating of the face, you need to make adjustments to your menu. Quite often, this helps to completely solve the problem.

So, experts advise to adhere to such recommendations:

  • Add olive oil to the menu. This product is perfectly absorbed by the digestive organs, and the body does not require large expenditures for digestion. In addition, olive oil helps lower cholesterol and lower blood pressure, which also helps to cope with hyperhidrosis.
  • Limit consumption of spices, onions and garlic. These products enhance the synthesis of sweat and give it an unpleasant odor.
  • Drink green tea, fresh juices and still mineral water. At the same time, coffee and any other products containing caffeine are prohibited.
  • Eat foods containing B vitamins. They ensure the normal functioning of the whole organism and the nervous system. Through less stress and self-control, sweating can be reduced. Such vitamins are found in nuts, fruits, vegetables, eggs, whole grain baked goods.
  • Avoid hot spices and alcoholic beverages. These products can provoke an increase in temperature, which causes increased sweating.


An effective method of treating hyperhidrosis of the head and face is acupuncture. Applied corporal and auricular techniques. The effect is achieved due to the normalization of the work of the autonomic parts of the central nervous system.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis with a laser

Laser treatment is considered a very effective way to combat hyperhidrosis. This method is considered the most harmless and effective. During therapy, the sweat glands are exposed to a laser effect. As a result, they are destroyed, while the structure of the skin remains intact.

Before starting the procedure for such a correction, you should definitely consult a doctor. It is the specialist who selects the exact radiation parameters. The procedure itself is performed under local anesthesia. In total, its duration does not exceed 15 minutes.

It will not be necessary to repeat the session later, since the destroyed sweat glands cannot be restored. At the same time, the level of sweating in other areas will remain the same.

It is important to consider that this method has certain contraindications. These include the following:

  • abrasions, scratches and other skin damage;
  • tumor formations of different origin and localization;
  • infectious pathologies;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.


Drug therapy in the treatment of hyperhidrosis also gives good results. In this case, drugs are used that have a complex effect on the body - they calm the nervous system, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, have a vasoconstrictive effect, etc. Among the drugs, the most popular are:

Name Active ingredients Action Contraindications
"Bellaspon" Ergotamine, phenobarbital, belladonna alkaloid. Calms the nervous system, has a vasoconstrictive effect, restores metabolic processes, eliminates spasms, reduces heart rate, reduces the need for cells in energy. Hypersensitivity to active ingredients, atherosclerosis, hepatic and renal pathologies, glaucoma, hypertension, respiratory failure, pregnancy, lactation.
"Klimadinon" black cohosh root Shows sedative properties, contributes to the normalization of the autonomic nervous system, normalizes hormonal levels. Estrogen-dependent tumors, lactose intolerance, hypersensitivity to the active substance of the drug.
"Apilak" royal milk It is a biogenic stimulant that has a general tonic effect, stimulates cellular metabolism and regenerative processes, improves tissue trophism. Allergy to bee products.


Surgical treatment of hyperhidrosis is used only if other methods of eliminating the disease do not bring positive results. The essence of the operation is to interrupt the nerve impulse emanating from the brain stem to the sweat glands.

This goal is achieved by destroying the symptomatic alignment. This is done in several ways - by excising it or pinching it with a titanium clip.

To carry out these manipulations, the operation is performed endoscopically or openly. The duration of the rehabilitation period and the risks of complications depend on the chosen tactics of surgical intervention.

Most often, negative consequences are observed after an open (with a scalpel) operation. In this case, rehabilitation can take up to 4-6 weeks, accompanied by fever and complication in the form of a bacterial infection.

There are also high risks of developing the Harlequin sign, in which sweating persists on one side.

Botulinum toxin injections

In order to get rid of sweating for 6-8 months, botulinum toxin injections are used. Preparations based on it innervate the sweat glands and block the nerve endings, after which sweat ceases to be released in a certain area. One of the treatments used is botulinum toxin injections.

The drugs are administered with a thin insulin needle, cutting off the area of ​​increased sweating. In some cases, temporary numbness may occur in this area, which disappears on its own within a few days.


You can fight the disease with the help of physiotherapy. With hyperhidrosis, iontophoresis is considered the most effective. During the procedure, a low-intensity unipolar current is applied to the sweat glands. They go through the water.

Treatment is carried out in medical clinics with appropriate equipment. But devices for home use are available for sale. The kit comes with nozzles that are used for the head, forehead and face.

The course lasts at least 10 days. After that, the level of excreted sweat decreases. The effect persists for 3 months, and then the treatment is repeated again.

Iontophoresis helps to restore the work of the sweat glands


Therapy of hyperhidrosis with reflexology (acupuncture) is fully justified. This method gives good results if increased sweating is caused by any pathology of the body, such as obesity.

Acupuncture helps in the fight against the disease. Fat people are often tormented by hyperhidrosis of the head and face, which is successfully treated with acupuncture. Modern reflexology specialists help patients lose weight and at the same time get rid of excessive sweat secretion.


There are universal remedies that do not affect the cause of the disease, but can reduce sweating for 3-5 days. The composition of medical antiperspirants includes salts of zinc and aluminum, as well as formaldehyde and ethyl alcohol. These remedies can be used for sweating of the face.

Facial antiperspirants can be used to relieve symptoms of the disease.

Applying them to clean and dry skin allows you to narrow the ducts of the sweat glands, thereby reducing the release of sweat. Such drugs are active against bacteria, which prevents the appearance of a specific odor.

The disadvantage of this method is that the components of medical antiperspirants can clog the excretory ducts of the sweat glands and lead to the development of an inflammatory process. These products should not be used to eliminate sweating in the scalp.


How can folk recipes help in this case?

  1. You can use herbal baths. To do this, fill the bath with water, then add an infusion of birch, rowan, lingonberry leaves and oak bark brewed in advance. After this bath, you do not need to rinse with plain water.
  2. In addition to the bath, you can make ordinary lotions with oak bark and St. John's wort. This infusion can also be used for washing three times a day, thus stopping the sweat glands. In addition, if you wash your hair with this solution, your hair will become stronger and healthier in appearance.
  3. If you're worried that over-the-counter antiperspirants will cause you an allergic reaction, you can make them at home. To do this, you will need lemon juice (one part), vodka and glycerin (two parts). This product can be used on the face.
  4. A decoction of sage helps (one tablespoon of dried sage per glass). This green tea should be drunk throughout the day in equal portions. This method helps with excessive sweating in case of hormonal disruptions.

Treatment with folk remedies for acne and hyperhidrosis of the face has a place to be, but still it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor. In addition to the above tips, it is worth noting the importance of observing the drinking regime (you should not drink a lot of water), as well as not to abuse spicy, salty and fried foods.

The main thing is to contact a specialist in time so that he diagnoses the cause of hyperhidrosis and prescribes an individual treatment that will eliminate this problem.

"Folk" hair wash

It is known that various compositions for washing the head of a person have been used since prehistoric times. In particular, 50 years ago in our country washing the head with nettle decoction was widely practiced. This tool is available to everyone, since the raw materials for its production grow in every wasteland. How to prepare nettle decoction? Make it simple.

A handful of dry grass is taken and poured with a liter of boiling water. The mixture is brought to a boil, and then cooled to room temperature and filtered. It should be used to rinse the head after washing it with regular shampoos.

The tool allows you to achieve a double effect: reduce the volume of sweat and significantly improve the condition of the hair. To see positive changes, it is necessary to apply the decoction at least once a day, for about a month.

Unfortunately, the remedy also has a negative side: with frequent use, the hair becomes somewhat stiffer than usual, but this is completely offset by the use of conditioners immediately after washing off the shampoo.

Allergic reactions to nettle decoction develop extremely rarely, it is completely safe for the human body. That is why this tool is widely used at home.

Consider a more unusual "drug". This is slightly acidified sour cream. It is applied twice a day to the scalp. Wash off with clean water (you can use the same nettle decoction). Sour cream normalizes the pH of the scalp, due to the acid reaction, pathogenic microflora is destroyed.

Again, this remedy helps not only with sweating, but also helps to get rid of dandruff. In a word, a double benefit!

Radish as a remedy for sweating

An ordinary radish can be a real salvation for a person experiencing difficulties from a constantly wet, damp head. And for this there is no need to absorb it in kilograms! The composition for eliminating sweating is very simple.

To do this, you need to take three medium-sized radishes, wash them thoroughly and clean them of the remnants of earth and debris, and then, using a meat grinder with a fine attachment, a blender or a regular grater, chop the vegetables to a fine gruel.

Then, laying it in gauze or other clean cloth, the rare juice is carefully squeezed out. It should only be used fresh! The composition is applied to the scalp, wait about five minutes, then rinse with clean water.

Attention! If during this procedure you feel itching, burning or other discomfort, immediately stop using radish juice! Perhaps you have an allergic reaction to some components of the latter.

Decoction of oak bark

It is impossible not to mention another decoction that has been used since ancient times in the treatment and prevention of dermatological diseases: a decoction of oak bark is an excellent remedy that relieves not only sweating of the scalp, but also other problems.

Making it is easy enough. Two tablespoons of crushed bark are taken per liter of water. The mixture should be brought to a boil over low heat, then boil for another 15-20 minutes. After that, the mixture is cooled to room temperature and filtered.

The decoction can be used for washing the head, as well as for rinsing the face. When using the product for a month, you can easily see the positive effects: sweating decreases, pores on the face narrow, hair condition improves.

Since the product does not cause allergic reactions and other negative effects, it can be used two to three times a day.

Still, it’s not worth it anymore: the broth contains too many tannins, and therefore, with excessive zeal, the skin on the head and face can become too dry and tight. Therefore, people with combination and oily skin can use the decoction more than three times a day.

A similar effect, by the way, is caused by some cosmetic preparations designed to care for oily skin. So with the help of a simple oak bark, you can save a lot!

But the methods of traditional medicine are much richer, and therefore they are not limited only to the methods described above! Here are a few more methods that have proven themselves in the elimination of hyperhidrosis of the scalp.

  • Great help infusion of sage. To prepare it, you need to take a handful of dried flowers and herbs, pour a glass of boiling water and insist until the liquid cools to room temperature. It is best to drink it in the morning on an empty stomach, instead of tea. You can add sugar, but not honey, as the latter enhances the process of sweating. As a rule, the duration of the therapeutic course is about a month. The broth is drunk until all manifestations of excessive sweating completely disappear. The product can also be used externally - instead of water when washing your hair. The duration of treatment is about the same.
  • Schisandra chinensis is an almost forgotten but excellent remedy for sweating. Just one glass of his decoction a day - and sweating will be finished. The plant is a powerful natural antioxidant. It is easy to make a decoction - pour a few berries of lemongrass (preferably fresh) with a glass of boiling water and infuse to a “tolerable” temperature. Drink instead of tea, you can use sugar.
  • The most common baking soda can also be used to eliminate sweating. It is used as a thick paste. To prepare it, you need to take a small amount of soda and add enough water to make a thick, pasty mass. The latter is applied to the scalp and left for five to seven minutes. Rinse off with plain warm water. The duration of treatment is at least a month.
  • Natural apple cider vinegar mixed with fresh (not hard) honey works great. Vinegar take two teaspoons. Honey needs to be poured in so much to get a semi-liquid, but at the same time viscous, mixture. Take orally, before meals. Often two weeks of regular use of the composition is enough.
  • All the same apple cider vinegar can be used externally. They moisten a cotton swab and gently apply the composition to the scalp. Leave on for about five minutes, rinse with clean, warm water.

Hyperhidrosis in young children

Profuse sweating of the head and face can affect both adults and toddlers. Especially carefully you should pay attention to the baby if sweating occurs mainly during sleep.

This phenomenon may indicate that your child has rickets, and this is a good reason to contact professionals, because only a specialist can confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Excessive sweating is not always a pathology. As in adults, facial hyperhidrosis may indicate an incorrect temperature regime in the room. Often, parents are too worried about their babies and wrap them in a lot of warm clothes. You don't need to do this.

Often, increased sweating appears due to the use of synthetic bed linen or the same clothing. To fix this problem, you just need to remove this linen.

If hyperhidrosis is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, you should immediately contact a professional. These symptoms include:

  • restless sleep;
  • crying in the middle of the night;
  • body itching;
  • abrupt change of mood.

Medical professionals say that excessive sweating of the head is the most difficult to treat, especially in children. Medicines are practically powerless here.

Increased sweating of the head is associated not only with health problems, but also with individual characteristics, while it occurs equally in men and women. Nevertheless, in representatives of different sexes, hyperhidrosis can be caused by different reasons.

In men, increased head sweating is caused by urological problems, the risk of which increases with age. Diseases of the urogenital area often lead to violations of the water-salt balance and hormonal changes.

In addition, sweating of the head can occur during adolescence or early adulthood, accompanying the process of puberty.

In women, intense sweating in the head area may be associated with hormonal changes during pregnancy, menopause, and gynecological diseases accompanied by menstrual irregularities. Therefore, the treatment of head sweating in women must be prescribed taking into account these features.

Increased sweating of the head often occurs in early childhood. In many cases, sweating will normalize over time. But in such a situation, one should be careful, since hyperhidrosis can be a symptom of rickets, allergies, and thyroid diseases.


Facial hyperhidrosis is a dangerous disease that can end very badly if not properly treated. Undesirable consequences include:

  1. Psychological discomfort with further restriction of contacts with others and depression as a result.
  2. neuroses.
  3. Fungal lesions of the epidermis.
  4. Skin irritation.
  5. Lichen.

It turns out that one disease (hyperhidrosis of the face) entails a lot of others in the absence of professional treatment. So you need to take care of yourself and be sure to get rid of this unpleasant defect. And even better - to warn him by observing a number of preventive measures.

Disease prevention

The main prevention of hyperhidrosis is proper nutrition, refusal of alcohol, since this disease is mainly a consequence of improper functioning of internal organs. For this reason, you need to monitor your health more, play sports, walk more in the fresh air.

Additional preventive measures are: Washing with cold water several times a day. This procedure will improve blood circulation and narrow the pores.

Hyperhidrosis is a serious problem, the treatment of which depends on many factors. By following preventive measures, you can help the body to normalize the level of sweating throughout the body.

To solve the problem of hyperhidrosis, in addition to the usual antiperspirants and other proven remedies, there are sweat pills. But you should not self-medicate, because without the help of a doctor, you will not be able to find a magic pill in a pharmacy. Treatment of disorders of the sweat glands must begin with a complete medical examination, a visit to a neurologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist and dermatologist. This approach will allow to establish the true cause of increased sweating and the degree of the disease, which means that the prescribed treatment will certainly be effective. Consider what drugs are used to treat hyperhidrosis.

What is hyperhidrosis

Medical treatment of hyperhidrosis begins with identifying the possible causes of the problem. Then the treatment will be aimed not only at eliminating the unpleasant symptom, but also at treating the underlying disease. Common causes of excessive sweating:

  1. Endocrine disorders in the body (hyperthyroidism, Itsenko-Cushing's disease, menopause, diabetes mellitus).
  2. Infectious diseases (ARVI, tuberculosis, malaria, syphilis).
  3. Malignant neoplasms (tumor of the pituitary gland or other part of the brain, adrenal glands; carcinoid).
  4. Violations of the sympathetic nerve fibers (local irritation, Riley-Day syndrome).
  5. Disorders of the brain and its circulatory system (stroke, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, atherosclerosis).
  6. Severe intoxication (alcohol, drugs, drugs) and withdrawal syndrome.

Excessive sweating may be due to physiological causes, for example, overheating of the body or a genetically determined greater than usual in healthy people, the number of sweat glands in certain areas of the body.

Hyperhidrosis is local, when there is profuse sweating in certain parts of the body. It can be the skin of the scalp, face, palms, feet, armpits, back, chest area and other areas. Excessive sweating can be generalized - in this case, the whole body sweats.

Drug treatment is usually carried out in several directions and should take into account the severity of the disease. The degree of hyperhidrosis can be:

  1. Light. Slight increase in sweating. In this case, it is enough to use antiperspirants.
  2. Average. Signs of profuse sweating at this stage: a strong smell of sweat, its traces on clothes.
  3. Heavy. Sweat constantly streams over the body, the patient is forced to change clothes several times. This stage may be accompanied by psychological problems.

Drugs for the treatment of hyperhidrosis

For the treatment of severe forms of local hyperhidrosis, modern methods are used, such as botulinum toxin injections, iontophoresis, and others aimed at inhibiting the sweat glands. The severe stage of generalized hyperhidrosis usually accompanies serious illness or severe fever. In this case, it is necessary first of all to treat the underlying cause of profuse sweating.

Mild to moderate degrees of excessive sweating are quite amenable to medication.

Sedatives and tranquilizers

Drug treatment of hyperhidrosis begins with the use of sedatives and emotional stress-reducing agents of synthetic or herbal origin. Most often, in this case, preparations of valerian, mint, motherwort, peony, passionflower and other medicinal plants with a calming effect are prescribed, in addition, complex herbal remedies, for example, Persen. They are well tolerated and have virtually no side effects. These drugs have a calming effect on the sympathetic autonomic nervous system, helping to reduce body sweating.

As sedatives for the treatment of hyperhidrosis, bromine preparations are also prescribed - sodium or potassium bromides, camphor bromide, ammonium bromide (Propantheline). Treat excessive sweating with bromine preparations with caution due to their slow elimination and contraindications such as glaucoma and prostatic hypertrophy.

If sedatives are not effective, tranquilizers are prescribed - psychotropic drugs, in the spectrum of which there is a vegetative-stabilizing effect. They normalize the functional activity of the visceral nervous system and eliminate autonomic signs of anxiety, such as hyperhidrosis.

These drugs are especially effective if the cause of excessive sweating is stress, emotional instability, or an illness that causes depression. The course of treatment should not last longer than a month and take place under strict medical supervision, since tranquilizers can cause addiction or other side effects. In addition, they are absolutely contraindicated for pregnant women, who also often suffer from excessive sweating.

There is another type of tranquilizers - calcium channel blockers. These are benzodiazepines (eg Diltiazem).

Products with belladonna extract

For the treatment of hyperhidrosis, preparations of belladonna, or common belladonna, are often prescribed. They are especially effective for treating excessive underarm sweating, but they are not prescribed to patients under 18 years of age. Use the following medicines:

Apilac drug

Apilak is a biogenic preparation based on such a beekeeping product as royal jelly. This substance has antispasmodic, tonic and regenerating properties. Apilac is used to treat hyperhidrosis, which accompanies malnutrition, hypotension, and neuroses. This tool is safe, has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to bee products.

They can even treat children's diaper rash. Apilac contains a number of amino acids, vitamins (such as ascorbic acid, folic acid and other B vitamins). For hyperhidrosis, 1 tablet is prescribed sublingually 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. Can be taken by pregnant and breastfeeding women.


Anticholinergic (anticholinergic) drugs are substances that block the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. This category includes alkaloids (atropine, scopolamine, etc.), antihistamines (promethazine), and some drugs for the treatment of Parkinson's disease (trihexyphenidyl, benzotropine).

Of this group of drugs for the treatment of excessive sweating, atropine and oxybutine are the safest.

An effective remedy for sweating of the face, hands, feet and armpits is atropine. This alkaloid inhibits the sweat glands. It is isolated from belladonna and such poisonous plants as henbane and dope. The use of atropine may be accompanied by undesirable effects, such as dry mouth, loss of sensitivity to taste buds, impaired speech, constipation. Atropine is an effective remedy for sweaty hands and feet. It is taken 1-2 tablets 1 to 3 times a day, depending on the severity of the problem.

An equally effective remedy for sweating of the palms and feet is oxybutin. It is taken 1 tablet (5 mg) 2-3 times a day before meals. This drug is also prescribed for elderly patients - ½ tablet 2 times a day.

Medicines for menopause symptoms

Drug treatment of hyperhidrosis after menopause is closely related to hormonal compensation in a woman's body. The lack of estrogens, caused by the withering of the reproductive function, leads to a violation of the thermoregulation of the body.

As a result, a woman periodically sweats profusely - this is a manifestation of the so-called "tides". Most often, the face and upper body are covered with sweat. Complex therapy in this case includes the above sedative and stabilizing agents for the autonomic nervous system.

In addition, the following phytopreparations are used:

  1. Climandion. The tool helps to reduce the frequency of hot flashes.
  2. Feminal. The drug is especially effective against hypersecretion of apocrine (axillary) sweat glands.
  3. Estrovel. Helps reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes and sweating.
  4. Femilax. Reduces perspiration in the armpits, relieves the flow of hot flashes.

Phytopreparations against menopause have a cumulative effect, are safe and harmless. The most effective in the fight against hyperhidrosis is a reasonable combination of different methods and medicines. Do not forget that most drugs that inhibit sweating have a number of contraindications and side effects, and therefore they cannot be taken on their own, without the appointment and control of the attending physician.

The doctor will prescribe the necessary therapy. As a rule, drug treatment of hyperhidrosis is used, including various pharmaceuticals. The safest medicine for sweating contains herbal ingredients. When prescribing pills for sweating, it is important to take into account the localization of the pathological process, since it is necessary to get rid of sweaty armpits or sweating of the head by different means.

When is the need for medicines?

The problem of increased sweating at least once bothered every person in life. There are signs of hyperhidrosis of the head, armpits, feet, sweating of the body is less common. Thus, the human body copes with overheating, which is caused by various reasons. The table shows the 3 stages of hyperhidrosis of the armpits and other parts of the body, and the necessary therapeutic measures.

In order for drugs to help against sweating, you must first find out the causes of hyperhidrosis and act directly on them.

Varieties of drugs

Help eliminate the causes of sweating pills with plant base?

Valerian may be prescribed as a sedative.

There are different pills against sweating, but the safest are drugs containing natural ingredients. The doctor prescribes to the patient a remedy for excessive sweating with a sedative effect, since sweating is always associated with autonomic disorders. An effective remedy for sweating is valerian. Motherwort and peony are often used. The most common drug that is indicated for hyperhidrosis contains belladonna extract. The pharmacy sells a lot of products with this component. The drug helps to get rid of increased sweat, unpleasant odor and is not addictive. Sweating can be treated with such herbal remedies:

  • Bellaspon tablets. The components suspend the function of the glands that produce sweat. The patient is relieved of convulsions and has a calming effect. Use the remedy three times a day after meals with warm water.
  • The medicine "Belloid" in the form of a dragee. It is prescribed for neurogenic abnormalities that occur with thyroid pathologies. Given the type and severity of the disease, an individual dosage and duration of treatment are prescribed.
  • "Bellataminal". It is indicated for excessive sweating that has arisen against the background of increased excitability of the central nervous system. Recommended for neurosis and constant irritability.

Effective for sweating and tablets containing bromine, which help get rid of hyperexcitability. After taking them, the patient significantly reduces the production of sweat in different parts of the body. It is not recommended to use such tablets without a doctor's prescription. It is important to bear in mind that the active substances of the drug are excreted from the body for a long time.

When are tranquilizers used?

If a person is often stressed, then he is shown taking tranquilizers.

Body sweating is not always eliminated by herbal preparations, then the doctor recommends taking tranquilizers. Such medicines normalize the mental state of the patient, which is disturbed by regular stress, increased emotionality. It is the best remedy for sweating due to mental stress or discomfort. The duration of therapy is 30 days, then the sweat remedy is stopped. If treatment is not stopped after a month, addiction will occur.

Therapy with the use of tranquilizers must be carried out under medical supervision. This is due to the fact that the pills have side effects and are not recommended for severe depression and pregnancy.

Vitamins and other means

Of the vitamin preparations, group B can be prescribed.

From profuse sweating, the doctor prescribes vitamins A, E, B, as well as rutin. They help to cope with increased sweat production and have a beneficial effect on the entire human body. Additionally, the following funds are assigned:

  • neuroleptics;
  • calcium channel blockers;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

List of popular drugs

What tablets are shown?

In order not to sweat the armpits and other parts of the body, it is necessary to take a tablet remedy for sweating. The table shows the most common pills for body sweating:

Hyperhidrosis pills help to cope with unpleasant symptoms. But on your own, without consulting a specialist, you should not take them. Only the doctor determines the cases of drug treatment, prescribes the dosage and determines the duration of treatment.

What drugs can be prescribed for oral administration for increased sweat formation? The first drugs for the treatment of hyperhidrosis, which are usually prescribed by specialists, are sedatives. First, infusions of such medicinal herbs as valerian, motherwort, mint, lemon balm can be prescribed. Medicines for sweating in the form of tablets: Glycine, Persen, Novopassit.

If excessive sweating is associated with excessive emotionality and frequent stress, doctors prescribe tranquilizers. They will reduce the amount of sweat produced in a short time. The effectiveness is much more powerful than herbal preparations. The course of treatment should not exceed 3-4 weeks, so as not to be addictive.

Doctors may prescribe the following medications for hyperhidrosis:

  1. Diazepam is useful to reduce sweat, which appears against the background of neurosis, depression. Relaxes the muscles, normalizes sleep, eliminates itchy sensations. The course of treatment is two weeks with a gradual decrease in dosage. With prolonged use of the drug, dependence develops, and visual disturbances appear.
  2. With increased sweating, Oxazepam helps. The drug reduces emotional tension, contributes to the disappearance of fear and anxiety, improves the quality of sleep. If excessive sweating is caused by insomnia, depression, neurosis, then doctors often prescribe this drug. The maximum daily dose is 120 mg. A gradual decrease in dosage is expected by the end of the course.
  3. Phenazepam suppresses the feeling of fear, anxiety, restlessness. All these conditions are always accompanied by increased sweating in any part of the body. Even with proper use, there is a risk of developing dependence on the drug, which manifests itself in mental disorders. Usually, a dosage of 0.003 g is prescribed per day.

Sweating pills, which are tranquilizers, have a long list of adverse reactions. The instructions for them warn that these drugs should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, a contraindication is a severe depressive state and muscle weakness.

herbal ingredients

Often prescribed drugs for hyperhidrosis based on belladonna and belladonna. They are not addictive and cope with increased sweat production.

From hyperhidrosis, Bellaspon tablets slow down the activity of the sweat glands, calm the nervous system, and have a sedative, vasoconstrictive effect. In order for the medication to help with sweating of the head or other problem areas, you need to drink one tablet three times a day after meals. Contraindications for use include severe diseases of the organs of vision, liver and kidneys.

Do not use for pregnant and lactating women, as well as patients with high blood pressure and atherosclerosis.

From profuse sweating, Belloid tablets help. They are prescribed most often when a person begins to sweat due to disorders of the thyroid gland or nervous system. They relieve irritation, normalize the work of the vegetovascular system, improve sleep. Helps with sweating of the armpits and other parts of the body. It should be taken three times a day, 1-2 tablets. The drug is contraindicated in the last trimester of pregnancy, with glaucoma and in the presence of prostate pathology.

Bellataminal from sweating helps to reduce the excitability of the central nervous system, relieves hyperhidrosis, and normalizes sleep. Treatment with pills for excessive sweating is advisable if the cause is neurosis, stress, excessive irritability. Contraindicated in patients under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, with diseases of the eyes and heart.

Various groups of drugs

What medicines are prescribed for sweat if other therapy is ineffective? Anticholinergics for the treatment of hyperhidrosis affect the functioning of the sweat glands in various parts of the body. These medicines can help with facial hyperhidrosis if topical products have not helped. Medications are addictive, so you can't use them all the time.

  1. Clonidine treats sweating caused by heart palpitations and high blood pressure. Eliminates the feeling of fear, has a sedative effect on the body. To achieve a therapeutic effect, the tablets are drunk three times a day for a month. The dosage is increased gradually.
  2. It can be treated with Oxybutynin. The drug reduces the tone of internal organs, relieves spasms. Assign 5 mg 2-3 times a day.
  3. Benztropine tablets, which reduce sweat, have antihistamine, sedative, analgesic effects. Eliminate unpleasant symptoms that appear due to increased sweating.
  4. Atropine helps with increased sweat. It reduces the work of the sweat glands, relaxes the muscles.

All of the above medicines are taken only after consulting a doctor. You can not independently change the dosage, stop or prolong the course of treatment. Medicines can cause a wide range of adverse reactions.

Vitamin-mineral complexes help to cope with sweating, vitamins of groups B, A, E are especially useful. Treatment with tablets containing calcium, sodium bromide, chloral hydrate is effective in hyperhidrosis:

  1. Calcium lactate is used not only with a lack of calcium in the body. The drug can be taken in complex therapy for any skin diseases, including hyperhidrosis.
  2. Sodium bromide has a sedative effect, normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system. Most often prescribed 100 mg three times a day before meals.
  3. Chloral hydrate will help with heavy sweating. Calms the nervous system, relieves pain and improves sleep. Take tablets of 0.2 g three times a day after meals.

Promethazine reduces itching and pain, eliminates inflammation and allergy symptoms, and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. A single dosage should not exceed 0.075 g.

Glycopyrrolate reduces the activity of the sweat glands, especially in the face and head. Relieves mental stress and exhibits a sedative effect. Has a long duration. You need to take one tablet an hour before breakfast for a month.

Apilac has a general strengthening effect. Relieves spasms, nourishes tissues, accelerates the process of recovery of damaged cells. Consists of trace elements, amino acids and vitamins. Increases immunity and gives strength. It is prescribed for diaper rash, armpit hyperhidrosis, even in young children. The composition contains bee products, so the tablets can cause individual intolerance.

In parallel, treatment may be accompanied by anti-inflammatory drugs, immunomodulators, vitamins, pharmaceutical deodorants, local ointments and creams.

Pills during hormonal changes

Menopause is accompanied by a change in hormonal levels. There is a failure in the work of all systems, including perspiration. The lack of hormones is manifested by hot flashes, which are characterized by increased sweat formation.

During menopause, common drugs for excessive sweating are products based on herbal ingredients. The advantages of such therapy are safety, the absence of adverse reactions and contraindications, and a gradual effect.

Klimadinon is prescribed for vegetovascular disorders, sleep disorders, increased nervous excitability. All these conditions are accompanied by excessive sweating. Take one tablet in the morning and evening. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis in women during the period of hormonal adjustment can be carried out with Feminal tablets. They are prescribed to women during menopause with the appearance of sweating, hot flashes, sleep disturbances, irritability. You need to drink one capsule a day with meals.

Estrovel is prescribed for the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms associated with the onset of menopause or premenstrual syndrome: excessive sweating of the whole body, weakness, sleep disturbance, instability of the nervous system. For two months, you need to drink 1-2 capsules per day.

Femicaps tablets calm the nervous system, relieve tension, reduce swelling. Users noted that the drug reduced the production of sweat. The duration of treatment is three months. You need to drink 2 tablets twice a day.

Any drugs for sweating should not be chosen and taken on their own. This can lead to worsening of the condition, the appearance of complications. Many of them are sold in pharmacies only by prescription.

Excessive sweating - hyperhidrosis - brings a lot of unpleasant moments to the owner of this disease. Sweat flowing in streams from the face, armpits, back, palms, feet - what could be more unpleasant for a person? Stains on clothes, an unbearable smell of sweat, surprised and disgusted glances of passers-by make a person look for ways to get rid of excessive sweating. One way is drug therapy, in particular, pills.

Stains on clothes, an unbearable smell of sweat, surprised and disgusted glances of passers-by make a person look for ways to get rid of excessive sweating.

What pills will help with excessive sweating

Are there pills to stop sweating? Of course, there are, but most pills for hot flashes (in women with menopause) and sweating in pharmacies are sold by prescription. And only a doctor can answer the question of which pills to take from excessive sweating. Treatment, as a rule, begins with the intake of tinctures of valerian, motherwort - sedatives. Then, if there is no therapeutic effect or it is insignificant, preparations for body sweating with extracts of belladonna (Belladonna) are prescribed.

Is Bellaspon effective for sweating?

Bellaspon contains 3 main components: belladonna alkaloids, phenobarbital, ergotomine.

Release form: two blisters of 15 blue tablets.

Bellaspon contains belladonna alkaloids, phenobarbital, ergotomine

Pharmacological action of the components of the drug:

  1. Ergotamine has a vasoconstrictive effect, exhibits a sedative effect. Slows down metabolism, reduces the need for cells and tissues for energy, reduces heart rate.
  2. Phenobarbital has a sedative effect.
  3. Belladonna (Belladonna alkaloid) - antispasmodic.

Interesting: Belladonna, she is also Beauty, she is also a mad berry. Why is that? In such a beautiful guise lies a deadly poison. But this did not stop the beauties of the last century from burying their eyes with juice to give them a charming shine, and rubbing their cheeks for a blush. In small quantities, belladonna is a valuable medicinal component.

The drug has contraindications:

  • increased individual sensitivity to the drug;
  • glaucoma, arterial hypertension, pregnancy and lactation;
  • deep pathology of the kidneys, liver;
  • atherosclerosis, respiratory failure.


Neurotic states, neuroses, vegetative symptoms,. Prescribe pills to reduce sweating. It is recommended to drink 1-6 tablets per day.

Feedback on the use of Bellaspon

Irina K., 19 years old, student.

Once I drank Bellaspon, a neuropathologist prescribed it for severe sweating of the hands. Previously, the drug was sold only by prescription. I wanted to drink these sweat pills again, but I read on the forums that Bellaspon was not registered in the State Register of Russia. In some countries, these tablets for hyperhidrosis are generally discontinued, as they do not meet the safety standards adopted by the European Union. I don't know if this is true or not. Maybe someone read about it?

Anton P., 49 years old, instructor.

I bought through an online pharmacy pills for excessive sweating of the body (Bellaspon) of Czech, Indian production. The medicine is well tolerated, I did not have any side effects, but it cannot be taken for a long time, and it is not recommended to drink alcohol while taking the medicine. While I'm taking pills, I try not to drive (a precautionary measure described in the annotation).

Belloid for hyperhidrosis

Belloid is a sedative with the main components: belladonna extract, ethylbarbituric acid, ergotoxin.

Release form: 50 (250) dragees in a plastic bottle.

Belloid is a sedative

Pharmacological action: has a calming effect, antispasmodic, reduces vegetovascular disorders, sweating, normalizes sleep.

Indications for use:

  • neuroses, vegetovascular disorders;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • hyperhidrosis, angioedema.


  • individual hypersensitivity;
  • glaucoma, third semester pregnancy;
  • prostate pathology.

Method of application: a single and daily dose are determined individually (but not more than 6 tablets per day). Belloid is available by prescription only.

Does Belloid help with sweating - reviews

Svetlana P., 34 years old, teacher.

The neuropathologist prescribed me Belloid for the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, increased fatigue, severe sweating of the armpits and face. I drank for two weeks, with a break of three days (as recommended by the doctor). The medicine helped me, my sleep became stronger, I began to react less to problems at work, sweating practically disappeared. The only thing that caused some discomfort was that the drug lowered my blood pressure, so I had to take additional medication to normalize it.

Important: Buy only those drugs prescribed by the doctor, read the instructions for the drug. Do not be alarmed if you read that the medicine has many contraindications and side effects. Conscientious manufacturers record even small, isolated cases of contraindications or side effects.

Yuri K., 34 years old, athlete.

Life is going well for me - except that I have to constantly fight with increased sweating of the body, especially the armpits. The doctor prescribed pills for sweat, called - Belloid. Reviews for hyperhidrosis in this drug were mostly positive. I drank the course - I got significant relief, I think I will repeat the treatment over time.

Bellataminal - Russian drug for sweating

Bellataminal is a drug in the form of sedative tablets from a Russian pharmaceutical company.

Bellataminal is a drug from a Russian pharmaceutical company

Release form: light yellow tablets in blisters of 10 or more pieces.

Ingredients: belladonna alkaloids, ergotamine, phenobarbital.

Indications: insomnia, neurogenic disorders, hyperhidrosis.


  • persons under 18 years of age;
  • pregnant, lactating women;
  • with glaucoma, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis.

Tablets in pharmacies are released only by prescription.

Irma V., 56 years old, secretary.

This is the second year since the menopause has appeared. Constant tides and cause so much trouble. It has become harder to work due to psychological and physical discomfort, and it is too early to retire - the retirement age is not soon. The doctor prescribed a bunch of drugs and Bellataminal - pills for excessive sweating. I have been drinking for a week now, there is less sweat, but there is a slight lethargy, drowsiness. And in my work you need to be in constant readiness and a clear mind. I think I will ask the doctor to replace the drug.

Are sweat glands necessary? Are there sweat pills to stop sweating at all? If only life were wonderful! No, life would turn into hell. Sweat removes metabolic products, excess heat, more than 250 types of chemical compounds from the body. It is said that sweat is sterile, but, getting on the surface of the skin, it is quickly seeded with bacteria, which leads to the appearance of a specific smell.

Petr S., 42, businessman.

Has anyone taken Bellataminal - pills for face and armpit sweating, do they help? Something confuses me the price - painfully cheap drug. What other pills are there to stop sweating?

Anna V., 37 years old, manager.

Petr, try to ask the doctor to prescribe you Apilak - pills for excessive sweating. I drank a few years ago. The medicine helped me.

Apilak - pills against sweating based on royal jelly

Apilac is a biogenic stimulant based on royal jelly, has a general strengthening effect, relieves spasms and nourishes tissues, enhances cell regeneration processes.

Apilac includes:

  • a set of vital essential and non-essential amino acids;
  • almost the entire complex of vitamins (C, B, folic acid);
  • rich composition of microelements.

Apilac is a harmless drug that can be prescribed to children with malnutrition, anorexia, hypotension, neurotic disorders, diaper rash, hyperhidrosis, improves immunity, helps with chronic fatigue.

Apilak is a harmless drug based on royal jelly.

Release form: powder, suppositories, ointments, tablets.

The main contraindication is hypersensitivity to bee products.

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