If a person is on maternity leave and the company is liquidated. How to formalize the dismissal of employees on maternity leave during the liquidation of an organization

Liquidation of an enterprise involves the complete cessation of its activities. This procedure in itself is quite lengthy and complex, as it is associated with the exclusion of the company from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Depending on the situation, it can be of two types:

  • Voluntary – when the management of the organization independently decides on liquidation. From the point of view of labor legislation, this situation is different in that when the employment relationship with employees is terminated, they may be offered a position in another company. In this case, the transfer is made after receiving written consent from the employee.
  • Compulsory – carried out by a higher organization or a competent government agency. The procedure for dismissing employees presupposes their continued employment. These obligations are assigned to the territorial department of the employment service.

The complete cessation of the company’s activities implies the termination of employment relations with all its employees. In this case, the legislation does not impose any restrictions on the employer, so even those preferential categories of citizens are calculated. This includes dismissal upon liquidation of the enterprise on maternity leave, pregnant women and maternity leave.

However, other guarantees are provided for them that are not related to the former employer. After their dismissal, all responsibilities for ensuring and protecting their rights pass to government agencies. These guarantees are recorded in Chapter 41 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and largely depend on the situation in which the employment relationship was terminated

The dismissal of a maternity leaver during the liquidation of an enterprise is carried out in the general manner, but it also has a number of nuances. This procedure includes several stages:

  1. After making a decision to liquidate the company and submitting the relevant documents, the management of the enterprise should send a notification of this fact to the employment service.
  2. It is also necessary to notify employees about this in writing and against signature no later than two months before dismissal. The text of the document must indicate the specific date of termination of the employment relationship and contacting the personnel department to obtain employment and other documents. If the employee has the consent, documents can be sent to him by mail using a registered letter.
  3. On the specified day, the management of the enterprise issues a decree on dismissal and makes it available to employees for review.
  4. After this, the final calculation and transfer of compensation required by law is made.
  5. Documents are issued on the same day. The maternity leaver, among other papers, receives copies of the sick leave certificate and leave application, which are necessary to apply for benefits in government agencies.

If a woman with a child under 3 years of age is dismissed during the liquidation of an enterprise, then this procedure does not impose additional responsibilities on the employer.

Making a decision to terminate the organization's activities

After the management of an enterprise has made a decision to liquidate it, it can take from 4 to 8 months until the company is completely closed. This time will be needed to complete the necessary procedures.

Liquidation of a company is carried out in several stages:

  1. Making a decision to initiate this procedure, organizing a liquidation commission.
  2. Filling out and sending a notification of this fact to the territorial tax department no later than 3 days from the date of the decision.
  3. Notice of the liquidation of the enterprise in official printed publications: “Bulletin of the State. registration or “Bulletin of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation”. Posting information is necessary to notify creditors of the closure of the enterprise and the possibility of contacting the entity to collect debt.
  4. Sending a written notification to the employment service, creditors of the organization, as well as company employees.
  5. Conducting an on-site audit of the tax service. This procedure takes on average 2-3 months. Its duration will depend on the last time this procedure was performed.
  6. Collection of debts from company debtors.
  7. Preparation of liquidation balance sheet.
  8. Carrying out inventory activities.
  9. Reimbursement of debts to creditors.

From the point of view of labor legislation, the procedure for terminating labor relations with employees of a liquidated company is regulated by clause 1 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

After making a decision to terminate the activities of an organization, its management must determine the period for carrying out this procedure and, accordingly, the date for the dismissal of employees. It is necessary to take into account that preferential categories of citizens, including women on maternity leave, have a priority right to be fired last. They continue to be registered with the enterprise until it is excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

In accordance with current legislation, upon liquidation of a company, the employment relationship with all its employees is terminated, even those who are currently absent from the company for health reasons or are on parental leave.

The procedure for calculating employees is carried out in accordance with the general procedure established by labor legislation. However, the dismissal of maternity workers due to this fact has a number of nuances.

Notification to the employee

Based on clause 2 of Article 180 of the Labor Code, the maternity leaver must be notified of the liquidation of the company and the termination of the employment relationship, like other employees, no later than 2 months before the settlement. The notice does not have a prescribed form, but must be in writing and contain information about the reasons and timing of dismissal. Providing information orally is not allowed, since it does not have a legal basis. force and cannot serve as evidence of compliance with the necessary procedure.

This document is drawn up in two copies, one of which is given to the employee, and on the second she must sign. After this, the second copy of the notice remains at the enterprise.

Labor legislation allows early termination of relations in this situation upon receipt of the written consent of employees. In this case, they retain all due payments and compensation.

Preparation of personnel documentation

The procedure for completing documents when dismissing women on maternity leave is carried out in the same manner as with other employees. The management of the enterprise must issue a decree to the enterprise on the termination of labor relations in connection with the liquidation of the company. This document should display not only the date of dismissal and its grounds, but also a link to the calculation of the amounts due to the maternity leaver.

The employee must put her signature on this document, as well as on the notification. Otherwise, the order will be considered invalid, as well as subsequent dismissal on its basis.

After completing this procedure, personnel service employees draw up a work book for the maternity leave person, make appropriate entries in it, and affix stamps.

Rules for registering an employment record

At this stage, special attention should be paid to the correctness of the dismissal record. The first column indicates the serial number of the entry in the labor record. In the second, the date of termination of the employment relationship is noted. In the third column, it is mandatory to indicate the number of the order on the basis of which the calculation is made, as well as its reasons with reference to the article of the current labor legislation. The last column contains the signature of the authorized person and the seal of the enterprise.

After this, personnel service employees make entries in the personal card of the dismissed employee, Form T-2, as well as in the personal account No. T-54 and T-54a.

A properly executed work book is handed to the employee against signature along with other papers to be issued. If there is a written application from the maternity leaver, she may also be given:

  • Certificate of earnings for the previous two years of work;
  • Completed form according to form 2-NDFL;
  • Copies of orders confirming the fact of work at this enterprise, transfers made and dismissal;
  • Calculation sheets.

These documents are requested so that the woman after dismissal can process the necessary payments from the employment and social services. protection, including maternity benefits and monthly transfers when the child reaches 1.5 years of age.

Payments and compensations

The final stage in the process of terminating the employment relationship is the payment of settlement amounts. According to the established rules, they include wages for hours worked, compensation for unused vacation and additional benefits, if provided in this case. When a maternity leaver is dismissed due to the liquidation of the enterprise, she has the right to receive all of the above payments.

According to current legislation, when calculating in such a situation, all employees have the right to receive severance pay in the amount of two months' average earnings. In addition, women on maternity leave have the opportunity to receive payments for the third month, which are transferred by the employment service if she was not employed within 2 weeks from the date of dismissal.

If early termination of employment relations was applied with the consent of the employee, then he also has the right to receive compensation for the entire period before actual employment in a new workplace. The amount of transfers corresponds to the average earnings that a worker received at the enterprise before its liquidation.

For those on maternity leave, additional payments are also provided that they receive upon dismissal due to the cessation of the organization’s activities:

  • One-time child benefit;
  • Monthly payments for the care of a newborn until he reaches the age of one and a half years.

It is necessary to note that if a woman has provided the employer with all the necessary documents to calculate the monthly benefit, then subsequently after dismissal she will continue to receive this amount. Payments will be made by the territorial social protection service.

If the amount of the benefit was not calculated before the liquidation of the enterprise, then it will be set at 40% of the average earnings for the past year before the dismissal of the maternity leave. If a woman is currently on maternity leave, the amounts paid to her will not be recalculated.

Separately, it is necessary to consider the situation with the dismissal of workers on parental leave. Despite the fact that they did not receive wages during the previous reporting period, they are still entitled to severance pay. In this case, the entire period of their vacation is not taken into account, and the average earnings are determined based on the 12 months preceding going on vacation.

Please note that the employer is obliged to pay sick leave for maternity leave in full if it was received before the termination of the relationship with the employee. Its size corresponds to the average earnings for the same period.

If a pregnant woman received sick leave after her dismissal, the company should not pay for it. All expenses associated with these payments will be borne by the state. However, there are a number of exceptions to this situation.

In accordance with current legislation, the management of the enterprise is obliged to pay for sick leave received by a pregnant woman within a month after its payment, if the termination of the employment relationship occurred due to:

  1. Transfer of her husband to work in another area;
  2. Illness and inability to continue working in the area;
  3. The need to care for a seriously ill family member, as well as a person who has received the 1st group of disability.

After termination of the employment relationship, a pregnant woman should register with the employment service. To receive maximum payments, it is important to register with a government agency no later than 2 weeks from the date of dismissal or issuance of an order and receipt of a work permit. If a woman had a child at the time of termination of her employment relationship, then she will need to submit documents to social security to apply for benefits for a newborn.

Liquidation (reorganization) of an enterprise can occur at any time. What should women do who are on maternity or child care leave at this time?

Let us turn to article 261 of the Labor Code. It clearly states that the dismissal of a pregnant woman at the initiative of the employer is not permitted. The only exception is the liquidation of the enterprise or termination of activities by the entrepreneur (IP). Thus, during the liquidation of an enterprise, there are no special features for the dismissal of pregnant women and women caring for a child - everything happens on a general basis.

Termination of an employment contract with women with children under 3 years of age, single mothers with children under 14 years of age (disabled children under 18 years of age) or other persons raising these children without the participation of the mother, at the initiative of the employer, is not allowed (if they have not violated labor discipline).

Consequently, it is possible to deprive a woman of her job only upon liquidation of the enterprise. If an enterprise is reorganized, its staff is reduced, i.e. the enterprise actually remains in existence, then women retain their jobs. In this case, the employer does not have the right to dismiss the employee or ask her to resign of her own free will due to organizational changes.

When an enterprise is liquidated, a woman still loses her job. But there are two options: the liquidation of an enterprise may or may not be associated with bankruptcy.

If the liquidation is related to bankruptcy, the dismissal of employees is carried out according to clause 1 of Art. 81 TK. At the same time, an employee on maternity or child care leave, however, like all employees, retains her seniority until the company is liquidated (amendments are made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities when the enterprise is deregistered from tax registration). Upon liquidation, employees must be officially dismissed and must be paid two months' severance pay and wages.

When an enterprise is liquidated due to bankruptcy, the question of voluntary dismissal arises. Since the bankruptcy procedure takes quite a long time, and the company may not have funds. Then, upon dismissal of one’s own free will, the enterprise is obliged to make all payments due upon liquidation at a time.

Dismissal of employees during liquidation is also possible during their absence from the workplace: during vacation or illness (Part 6 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), while the employee is on maternity leave, parental leave (Article 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) .

If employees are dismissed due to liquidation, managers are required to warn their employees at least two months in advance.

Termination of an employment contract is allowed at an earlier date if the employee agrees to such dismissal, as evidenced by his written consent (Article 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

When an employee is dismissed due to liquidation, the company is obliged to pay him severance pay. In addition, during the period of employment at another place of work, the employee retains his average earnings (Part 1 of Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

What is paid when a pregnant woman or a woman on maternity leave is dismissed during the liquidation of an enterprise or a reduction in staff?

Payments to a pregnant woman, as well as to any employee, upon liquidation:

1. Severance pay equal to one month’s salary.

2. The amount of average earnings for the period of employment, but not more than two months’ earnings (taking into account severance pay). If an employee registered with the employment fund within two weeks after dismissal, but did not get a job during this time, she is entitled to compensation for the third month as decided by the employment service.

3. If an employee is dismissed before the established deadline, in addition to the listed payments, he is entitled to additional compensation for the period of employment. The amount of compensation is calculated as average earnings calculated from the date of dismissal until the moment of liquidation of the enterprise (Part 3 of Article 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

What awaits women on maternity or child care leave if management decides to liquidate the enterprise?

1. The company can fire an employee by sending her a notice of liquidation 2 months in advance.
2. Pay severance pay in the amount of the average monthly salary + two times the average monthly salary for the period of employment.
3. After dismissal, a woman must register with the employment service within two weeks from the date of dismissal.
4. After the birth of a child, upon dismissal, there is only one way - to social security, where you will receive benefits.

It makes sense to consult your FSS branch; perhaps you can receive compensation from them if you provide the appropriate list of documents.

When dismissing a pregnant woman or a woman on maternity leave during the liquidation of an enterprise, in order to provide documents to social security, you must take from your enterprise: work book, dismissal order, certificate of earnings for the previous two years, certificate 2-NDFL for the last three years, a copy applications for parental leave, an application for recalculation of benefits (if any), an order for child care leave, a copy of the sick leave certificate according to the BIR.

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Upon liquidation of an enterprise, in accordance with Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, all employees are subject to mandatory dismissal. If a woman is on leave at this moment, which is related to caring for a small child, the dismissal process still occurs. That is, in this case, the enterprise completely ceases its activities, there are no jobs left, which means that the right to retain a job for a woman who is on leave to care for a small child is lost. But, the employee, like everyone else, must be notified of the liquidation of the enterprise two months before the dismissal process begins. Also, the employee has the right to receive all compensation payments provided for by law.

What payments are made during parental leave or during the liquidation of an enterprise?

  1. In accordance with Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the process of paying severance pay is certainly carried out. It must immediately be said that in this case the employee’s average salary is paid as a benefit. Such payment is made only once;
  2. Payments are made at the time of dismissal; a work book is also provided, which indicates the reason for dismissal; it must be indicated that the dismissal process itself is directly related to the liquidation of the enterprise. Also, a certificate of the amount of wages is issued, exclusively for the last two calendar years;
  3. If the dismissal occurred before the expiration of the period for receiving benefits (up to one and a half years), then you also need to take an application for leave at work, for recalculation of benefits, an order for granting leave, as well as a copy of the sick leave. All of the above documents will be required by the employee in the future to apply for benefits and receive them through social security authorities, since from the moment of liquidation of the enterprise these payments will no longer be made through the enterprise.

Features of the dismissal process

As you understand, dismissal in this case begins two months before the liquidation process. All employees, including those on vacation, are certainly notified of future dismissal. A written notice is generated, and the employee must sign the sample, which remains with the manager. Within two months, until the process of liquidation of the enterprise is completed, all necessary payments are made. Women on vacation can count on a one-time payment of compensation in the amount of the average salary. Over the next two months, employees have the right to receive compensation in the same amount, that is, this compensation is issued to support the employee while looking for a new job. As you understand, this payment is not provided to women on maternity leave.

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Any company can be liquidated at an unexpected moment for its employees. Therefore, employees have many questions about the payments they are entitled to. Next, we will consider what payments are due to pregnant women after the liquidation of the organization.

Who pays maternity benefits when liquidating an enterprise?

During the liquidation procedure of a company, all employees are officially dismissed; pregnant women and women on maternity leave are no exception. According to Russian law, managers do not have the right to fire pregnant women for any reason; a deviation from the rules is the procedure for liquidating the company. Management warns all employees about the upcoming dismissal 60 days before the organization is liquidated.

By law, after the liquidation of an enterprise, all employees must be paid severance pay and wages (it is important not to confuse them with nominal accounts for trustees).

If during the liquidation of the organization a pregnant woman must go on maternity leave, the company pays her:

  • a benefit equal to the amount of monthly earnings;
  • average earnings before going on maternity leave, but no more than for a three-month period, provided that the pregnant woman registers with the employment center.

If the organization is liquidated, then women who are on maternity leave to care for a small child are due payments in the amount of the average salary for three months. Typically, the remaining maternity benefits are provided by the employer, but at the expense of the social insurance fund. Upon liquidation of an enterprise, in order to continue receiving maternity benefits, a woman needs to apply with a package of documents to the Social Insurance Fund office.

If a company branch closes

In accordance with the law, the closure of a branch in one city when the main office is located in another place is considered to be the liquidation of the organization. Therefore, the procedure for receiving funds from the organization remains the same as described above.

The head office is not obliged to provide jobs to pregnant employees who worked in a liquidated branch. Since, according to the law, the liquidation of a company does not equate to a reduction in staff.

How to get a?

During the normal and normal functioning of the organization, maternity payments are made by the employer, but at the expense of the insurance fund. If the company’s accounting department did not have time to send the required package of documents on maternity payments to the Social Insurance Fund office, the pregnant employee must submit them personally to the authorized institution.

In order to receive maternity payments in the event of liquidation of an enterprise, it is necessary to prepare a mandatory package of documents for submission to the Social Insurance Fund.

List of documents

To receive maternity benefits, you must contact the authorized body with a certain list of papers.


  • statement;
  • a certificate from a medical institution indicating that the woman is pregnant;
  • birth certificate of the baby, if he has already been born;
  • copy and original work book;
  • a certificate from the state employment center indicating that the mother did not receive maternity compensation;
  • a copy of the maternity leaver’s passport;
  • details of the account to which the funds will be transferred. For example, a bank account or a bank card account.

To apply for maternity benefits to the employer before the liquidation of the enterprise, you must provide an application and a certificate of pregnancy from a doctor.

In your application for maternity benefits, you must indicate:

  • the name of the organization to which it is submitted;
  • FULL NAME. pregnant;
  • table of contents of the document;
  • the essence of the appeal;
  • a list of papers that are attached to the application;
  • date of application;
  • painting of a maternity maid.

You can download a sample application for maternity leave at link. The presented example of filling will help you draw up your personal application for maternity payments before the liquidation of the company.


When an organization is liquidated, a woman has the right to receive maternity payments in the same amount if the organization had not closed its activities. Initially, along with all other employees, a woman on maternity leave will be paid three average monthly salaries. She will be able to receive payments at her place of work, or by transfer. The method of payments and terms depend on the conditions for accruing wages before going on maternity leave.

For example, before maternity leave, the woman received her salary on the 20th-25th on a bank card. Accordingly, maternity payments will be accrued in the same way on the same dates until the liquidation of the organization.

After the liquidation of the company, the woman must apply to social authorities with a request for maternity payments for child support. Their size will be equal to 40% of the woman’s average salary for the last 12 months that she worked at the liquidated enterprise. According to the law, all women on maternity leave receive 40% of the total average earnings, and whether the organization is liquidated or not does not matter. The date of these payments depends on the date of application to the relevant authorities.

The procedure for reviewing the package of documents by authorized persons takes 10 days; upon completion, a decision will be made on making payments. If the request is granted, the funds will be paid within 10 days.

What to do if the employer does not pay maternity benefits?

If the social fund has transferred the required amount of money to the company’s account, but the employer does not want to pay maternity benefits to his employee, then the worker has the right:

  • contact the employer himself. Initially, it is worth clarifying if the maternity leave account details are correctly indicated in the documents, then listen to the manager’s explanations regarding the delay in payments;
  • contact the FSS;
  • file a complaint against the employer with the prosecutor's office;
  • file a lawsuit against the employer.

In a situation where the company is at the stage of liquidation and the employer does not have the necessary funds or the maternity leaver does not know his whereabouts, the application is sent to the social fund with a mandatory package of documents. Since, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, all benefits to women on maternity leave are paid from the funds of this fund.

In Russia there are several social programs for the protection and support of motherhood. All employed women on maternity leave can count on financial assistance and job retention. Today we will talk about legal dismissal during liquidation of an enterprise and payments to mothers.

Features of payment of maternity money during liquidation of an organization

The state protects women on maternity leave and obliges employers to keep women’s jobs while they are on maternity leave. Only upon liquidation of an organization is it possible to dismiss employees on maternity leave. When a company is closed, all employees are fired; for this purpose, workers are sent written notices, which employees must be familiar with two months before the start of the liquidation procedure.

By law, the company is required to provide financial support to mothers going on maternity leave. Federal Law No. 255 regulates the financial support due to women during pregnancy and childbirth (B&C). It describes all types of benefits due to mothers, as well as the procedure for calculating cash payments. According to this law, a woman has the right to count on two types of benefits:

  1. 1. Payments under the BiR. The money is paid to women during her pregnancy and in the first months after childbirth.
  2. 2. Help with child care. Material support provided to mothers during the first 1.5 years of the baby’s life.

As for the funds received during maternity leave, this amount is calculated taking into account the woman’s salary. Payments are equal to the average monthly income of the mother over the last 2 years. Previously, women had the right to choose a settlement period of 1 or 2 years. But since 2014, this amendment has been removed from the Federal Law. There are often cases when, due to closure, an organization does not have time to fulfill its obligations to provide financial support to employees on maternity leave. In such a situation, the responsibility for transferring funds is transferred to local social protection authorities. To determine the new benefit amount, the woman’s current length of service and salary for the last 720 days of work before going on maternity leave are taken into account.

After the liquidation of the enterprise, you need to begin preparing the documents required to submit for payments to the Social Insurance Fund. Women on maternity leave cannot apply directly to the Social Insurance Fund. This must be done either by the liquidated organization before its official closure, or by social security authorities, which can be contacted after 3 months from the date of closure of the company. You should try to arrange your leave for financial and economic reasons before the company closes. If you take sick leave on maternity leave after the closure of the company, the liquidation commission will not need to deal with the registration and calculation of benefits to you. This responsibility will pass to the FSS, where you will have to submit all prepared documents.

The procedure for issuing a decree during liquidation has some individual features. If the company has not officially ceased to exist when the employee goes on maternity leave, the accounting department will have to submit documents to the Social Insurance Fund to assign financial assistance to the young mother. All this must be completed by the accounting department within 10 days from the date the employee submits the application. And during this period it is necessary to transfer the due funds under the BiR.

The company must fulfill its responsibilities to its employees until their dismissal. After this, the implementation of money transfers becomes the task of the social service for protecting the population. Social security employees carry out the procedure for calculating and accruing funds again, but with one important condition. The total amount of payments to the mother for child care should not exceed the total amount of contributions to the Social Insurance Fund made over the years of work.

To save yourself from any possible problems when terminating your employment relationship with your company, you must immediately take a 2-NDFL certificate for the last years, a salary certificate for the last 720 days, a copy of the application for maternity leave and due payments.

During the liquidation of the organization and for 3 months from the date of closure of the company, the accounting department must continue to fulfill its duties to the employees and pay the money due to them. After this period has expired, you need to contact the local social security service with a package of documents. First of all, you will need an application for maternity benefits. You must provide your bank account details in your application. Your application will be reviewed within 10 days. You should submit all necessary documents to the public protection authority no later than six months from the date of termination of payments from the accounting department. If you do not contact social security within 6 months, you will lose the right to cash support for the previous months.

Social support for pregnant and postpartum women - example of calculation

For each type of financial support, an individual procedure for payments, calculations and deadlines for receiving funds has been developed. The mother begins to receive the first financial assistance in the first months of pregnancy. After submitting a certificate to the accounting department, its support is 613.14 rubles. This is not a lot of money, but it will not be superfluous.

The legislation provides for the provision of financial assistance to maternity mothers so that she can care for the baby in the first years of his life. Calculating and making payments to mothers on vacation is the responsibility of enterprises where women work, but all funds spent are subject to compensation from the Social Insurance Fund. That is, the woman must transfer money from the company’s accounting department, but then these funds will be returned due to previously made contributions to the social insurance service. Mothers and other relatives/guardians of small children can count on payments until the children reach 1.5 years of age. Cash assistance can only be applied for one person.

There are two methods for calculating the amount of payments due to the mother. If the mother worked officially, then she will receive payments taking into account her average salary for the last 720 days after applying a coefficient of 0.4. The accounting department of the enterprise must carry out the calculation and make the necessary deductions, after which all costs will be compensated from the Social Insurance Fund. To make a preliminary calculation yourself, you need to calculate your total earnings for the last 2 years and divide by 720 (the number of days for these 2 years). The resulting amount must be multiplied by 30 to determine the average earnings per month, not per day. And then multiply the result by a factor of 0.4. For example, if over the last 2 years you have earned 500 thousand rubles, then the calculations will be performed as follows:

  • 500,000: 720 = 694.4 rubles – earnings for 1 day,
  • 694.4 x 30 = 20,832 rubles – average monthly earnings,
  • 20,832 x 0.4 = 8,332.8 rubles – the approximate amount of monthly payments.

If the mother’s working experience is less than 6 months, and her salary is below the minimum, then payments will need to be calculated according to the minimum wage in force in the Russian Federation. For students and non-working mothers, the amount of payments is also calculated taking into account the minimum wage, and deductions are made by public protection authorities.

To carry out the necessary calculations and subsequently receive the payments due to you, you must provide the following set of documents:

  • passports of guardians or parents;
  • baby's birth certificate;
  • certificate from a single mother (if available);
  • marriage certificate and divorce certificate (if any);
  • guardian's work record book;
  • a certificate from the employment service about the father’s non-receipt of benefits.

To carry out the calculation, you must submit an application with all the documents described above to the accounting department or other organization that must make payments. The application must contain information about the bank account to which funds should be transferred.

What else can you expect when liquidating a company?

Carrying out the liquidation of the company in full compliance with the laws of the country, the management of the company will have to make other compensation payments to its employees. Laid-off workers can count on severance pay, the amount of which must correspond to the employee's standard monthly salary before the company closes. For workers on maternity leave, the amount of deductions is determined taking into account the average earnings for the last months of service.

The closing company will have to pay its employees the average wage until they are hired again. By law, the average salary must continue to be paid for 2 months. If during this time former employees do not find new jobs, the liquidated enterprise is not to blame for this.

The state is trying by all possible means and means to protect the rights and legitimate interests of women on maternity leave. If an employer, through his actions, violates the rights of his female employees and does not comply with the points described in the employment contract and the current legislation, the women have grounds to appeal to the courts. Through the court, you can not only force the company’s management to pay all existing debts to employees, but also receive significant compensation for causing moral damage.

Financial assistance to mothers is not limited to the payments already mentioned. For example, you can count on significant support if you have three or more children by registering as a large family. In addition, many regions of Russia are creating their own programs for the protection of children and motherhood, which also need to be paid attention to.

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