Divination to meet a loved one on the stones. Basic rules of divination. Divination by the color of stones

Fortune telling on stones is a very exciting way to get predictions. Moreover, their reliability has been tested by time. After all, the first mention of such fortune-telling rites is found in the manuscripts of Ancient Rome. There is a huge variety of divinatory rites in which stones are used. An important condition for the veracity of predictions is the need to use your own collection of stones.

When deciphering fortune-telling, the color of the fallen stones is always taken into account. In addition, in each color, natural attributes can be classified into creative and perceiving. In the first case, these are stones that encourage active action, and in the second, they offer to assess the current situation and adapt to it.

White stones symbolize great vitality and a huge inner potential of a person, which allows you to successfully move towards the goal:

  • Among the stones of a creative orientation, transparent quartz or colorless zircon stand out. When such stones fall out, they push a person to use all his natural abilities to achieve the goal.
  • Among the stones that focus on the fact that you need to listen and take a closer look at what is happening around, and only then begin to act carefully are milk and snow quartz, white pebbles, magnesite, white moonstone, white mother-of-pearl. These stones emphasize the gradualness of life changes.

Black stones always emphasize that a certain period is coming to its logical conclusion.

They symbolize the beginning of a new life stage. Among them are:

  • Hematite, obsidian, black amber and onyx, which are creative and advise not to cling to the current situation or relationships that have no future.
  • Receptors: black-gray smoky quartz dark agate, dark gray granite, matte black pebbles. These stones offer to assess the situation and make a decision that will gently change the circumstances.

Red stones symbolize internal aggression and courage, emphasize that a person is always ready for decisive action:

  • Creative among them: red jasper, pomegranate, corneol, rhodochrosite. They emphasize the need to start active actions.
  • Perceiving among them: red calcite, agate and fluorite, red pebbles. Such stones are a sign that you needlessly blame yourself for what happened.

Orange stones symbolize independence, they emphasize the natural uniqueness of a person, which allows him to be happy.

They can be classified as follows:

  • Having a creative orientation - orange amber, carnelian, jasper and citrine. These stones fall out when a person understands that his life priorities are different from the goals of other people and he needs to decide for himself what will make him happy.
  • Having a perceiving direction - orange matte pebble, smoky quartz, calcite and beryl. Stones appear when it's time to consider your own aspirations.

Yellow stones are associated with solar energy and always carry a favorable meaning. They can be divided into the following groups:

  • Creative, which include: topaz, golden tiger's eye, jasper, amber. They say that it is important to always convey your opinion to people sincerely and without any omissions.
  • Perceiving, which include calcite, quartz and fluorite, golden beryl. Such stones testify to the vain self-doubt of a person.

Green stones symbolize that feelings take precedence over reason. They are classified into the following groups:

  • Creative orientation heliotrope and topaz, opaque malachite, aventurine. These stones call to listen to your heart and do as it tells you.
  • Perceiving orientation - chrysoprase, moss agate, olive serpentine, amazonite, transparent fluorite, aquamarine calcite. These stones call to understand the feelings of people in the immediate environment and move towards the goal only by showing attentiveness to loved ones.

Blue stones symbolize a reasonable attitude to life and the wisdom of a person.

They are divided as follows:

  • Creative - lapis lazuli, hawk's eye, turquoise, lapis lazuli, labradorite. They appear when there is a need to act reasonably, that is, they require you to think about and calculate your every step.
  • Perceiving - moonstone, quartz, satin agate and fluorite, aquamarine, celestine. They talk about the importance of a balanced compromise between feelings and reason.

Stones of purple hues are always associated with intuitive perception and subconscious wisdom of a person.

They are classified into the following groups:

  • Creative orientation - lapis lazuli, opaque sodalite, bornite. Falling out, such stones indicate the need for self-affirmation.
  • Receptive orientation - purple fluorite, transparent amethyst, kunzite. They advise you to completely trust your own premonitions, discarding everything that was previously taught.

Pink stones symbolize the unity of opposites. They are classified like this:

  • Creative - sugilite, rhodochrosite, coral, rhodonite and sodalite. They fall out in fortune-telling when a person needs to be the first to take a step towards reconciliation, even if he was not the cause of the conflict.
  • Perceiving - quartz and mother-of-pearl, tourmaline, kunzite, fluorite, granite. These stones focus on the internal problems of a person.

Brown stones are a call to return to your own origins. They are also advice to perceive the world with your own eyes and ears, and not to take on faith the assessments of other people.

The stones are divided as follows:

  • The creative group includes tiger's eye, amber, brilliant chrysoberyl, jasper. They warn that the cause of the situation is a material problem. It can be resolved only by showing business acumen.
  • The receptive group includes brownish pebbles, various plant fossils, and smoky quartz. Such stones emphasize the weariness of life.

After the collection of stones is collected, fortune-telling can be carried out. Most often, for this, the stones are folded into a bag, and one oracle stone is arbitrarily drawn out. Its meaning must be deciphered.

But there is a more complex method of divination, which allows you to get accurate predictions of the future. To do this, you need to use a fabric circle with a diameter of approximately 30 cm, conditionally divided by circles into three zones.


  • The inner part of the circle is the events in the surrounding world.
  • The middle part of the circle reflects the thoughts and emotions of a person.
  • The outer part of the circle symbolizes everyday life.

For divination, you need to take 3 or six stones from the bag, choosing them arbitrarily, without looking. After that, they need to be thrown into the circle. By the way they are distributed by zones, you can make predictions for the near future. It is very good if it turned out to throw out more stones of a creative orientation. It is very important to remember that when interpreting this fortune-telling, one should not rush. It is necessary to carefully analyze the meaning of the stones and draw conclusions. A little time will pass, and the stones will reveal to you all the secrets of your destiny.

Learn how to tell fortunes on stones - this type of obtaining information about the future has been around for many centuries. Multi-colored stones have been available to man since ancient times. They also became one of the very first magical and mantic instruments.

In the article:

How to guess on stones - where to start

The first thing you have to start with if you are going to the rocks is collecting a collection of divination tools. There are only three of them - these are, in fact, stones, a fortune-telling tablecloth, as well as a bag for storing a fortune-telling tool. Regarding stones, below you can find a list of essential minerals with their meanings for predicting the future. You need to get all the samples, and you can start with any.

The best form for minerals is tumbling.
You can also take beads, but round ones will be extremely uncomfortable. The use of river or sea pebbles is allowed. And one more requirement - there should be two varieties of each mineral of the same color. However, they should be different from each other, you should not confuse even pebbles that are similar in appearance.

The bag can be absolutely anything. Velvet is usually preferred. You can buy a bag or sew it yourself. The size for the tablecloth is 30x30 cm. On it you need to draw or embroider three circles, similar to circles of targets for shooting. The first, the smallest, means your essence and everything that has to do with it. The second is the inner world of the fortuneteller, his thoughts and emotions. The third circle is everyday life.

All that remains outside these circles is the waiting area. What gets into it means problems that you hide from yourself, both unconsciously and meaningfully. Someday you will have to meet with them and deal with them. When the right moment comes for this, the stones will be able to tell you again.

Only one owner is allowed to use divination stones. They can not be given for a while or shared with someone, worn as jewelry and used for other purposes. They must only be used for their intended purpose. They are stored in special bags, in a secluded place - no one should take your magical tools in hand.

Do not guess to people who are skeptical about the process or do not make you feel positive. Do not engage in predictions even in their presence. The results are best kept secret. Do not tell anyone about how your predictions come true.

Fortune telling on stones - the subtleties of the process

So, how to guess on the stones? Take a tablecloth with drawn circles, each of which has its own meaning. You will throw stones at it. You can not engage in fortune-telling in a restless emotional state. In order to get answers, you need to calm down. Perhaps meditation will help you with this. As in all other fortune-telling, here you need to stay focused on the question that you want to ask the Universe or your subconscious.

Divination requires three or six stones. They need to be taken out of the bag blindly and thrown on the tablecloth. After that, watch where they fall. As mentioned above, there are four options - one of the three circles or the realm of waiting.

Now determine the meaning of the color of the stone and its creative or receptive orientation. This can be done with the help of an interpreter or your own intuition - if you are quite familiar with. Keep in mind that if among the minerals that have fallen out there are two of the same color, they must be interpreted separately.

Pay attention - which stones fall out more often, creative or perceiving? In the first case, higher powers assure you that you are on the right path. If most of the divinatory tools during divination are receptive, this indicates depression and indecision.

Divination stones and their meaning

The stones are divided into creative and perceptive. This division emphasizes the difference between masculine and feminine, action and calmness. Such stones have different meanings, despite the fact that they form pairs of stones of the same color. Identical - a conditional concept, differences between shades are encouraged rather than prohibited.

After a while, you yourself will understand which stone is in front of you - creating or perceiving. But for this you need to gain experience in divination and working with stones in general. Study minerals from shops and pebbles collected on river and sea beaches. They are all different, and all are good in their own way for witchcraft and predictions. Below you will find a complete list of stones that are needed for a full divination. But he will be your guide only the first time. With experience, you will learn on your own.

The best version of the white stone of creation is colorless and transparent quartz. Most often, it is with him that the collection of minerals for divination begins. Being on the tablecloth for divination, quartz will say that you have everything to get closer to the goal or resolve the issue. He recommends being active and winning.

White stones of perception - moonstone, cacholong, white marble, as well as pebbles - river or sea. They can report gradual changes for the better. Everything will happen, but not as soon as you would like.

The black stones of creation are hematite, onyx of this color and obsidian. They report the completion of a certain stage and the transition to a new level. You worry in vain about what has already died, suppressing completely justified emotions. Let go of a situation or relationship that can no longer be revived.

Black stones of perception - agate, rauchtopaz, black pebbles, jet and granite of dark shades. They indicate that the requirements of the situation or the person in question are rather tired of you. It's time to force others to leave you alone.

Red stones of creation - jasper, pomegranate, hyacinth. They recommend fighting for what you need.

Red stones of perception - coral, agate, river and sea pebbles. Their message is don't blame yourself needlessly. In the situation that has arisen, it is not your fault.

The orange stones of creation are amber and jasper. You and your loved one have different goals. It's time to decide what exactly will bring you happiness - an established personal life and a strong family, or achieving what you want.

The orange stone of perception is carnelian in a suitable shade. It indicates your loss of guidelines that should help you move towards your goal. Think about your next steps and, most importantly, their results and goals.

Eye of the Tiger

The yellow stones of creation are topaz and tiger's eye. They recommend the fortuneteller not to allow innuendo. You have to state your point of view, talk about feelings, ask for a raise. In other words, don't act secretly, it will lead nowhere.

The yellow stone of perception is citrine. He talks about the uncertainty and depression of others. This can mean both the result of further actions, and what interferes at this stage.

Green stones of creation - serpentine and fluorite without purple inclusions. They advise listening to your heart and acting in accordance with your feelings and emotions.


Green crystal of perception - moss agate. He advises to understand the feelings of people who are involved in this situation. You must move towards the goal without humiliating their dignity and without hurting others.

Blue and blue crystals of creation - lapis lazuli and turquoise. Ignore feelings and emotions. Do what your mind tells you to do - listen to it first. Think and calculate every step.

Blue and blue perception crystals - belomorite, aquamarine and blue fluorite. They encourage finding a solution that satisfies both the mind and the heart. They require radically different actions from you, and you need to stick to the golden mean.

Creative purple crystals - charoite and alexandrite. They indicate spiritual or creative self-affirmation. It will be the result of your actions, but it may also be a necessary component to achieve the goal.

Perceiving violet crystals - amethyst and fluorite without blue and greenish inclusions. They advise you to forget everything you have learned. Do what your intuition tells you to do.

Creative pink stones - coral, rhodonite, rhodochrosite. What you are asking the higher powers about has come from outside. Those who are inside the situation have nothing to do with what happened. You are not to blame for anything, but it is you who will have to take the first step to correct the situation.

Pink Perception Stones - Quartz, Tourmaline, Fluorite, Granite and Pink Sandstone. They point to internal disharmony. These are the emotional problems of the fortuneteller or difficulties within the team. Now you can only avoid stressful situations or unpleasant communication.

Creative brown stones are dark jasper, amber and jasper. They point to the root of the problem, which is material difficulties. In order to resolve the issue, you need to show business qualities.

Receptive brown stones are pebbles, flint, and fossils. They indicate fatigue. The only thing you can do now is to gain strength. Now is not the right time to make things happen.

Meaning of two stones of the same color

If they fall out two stones of the same color, that is, the creator and perceiver is a special sign of fate. Such a stone layout must be interpreted separately. Experienced fortune-tellers call such cases key messages. If you are speaking to gods or entities during divination, you can treat two stones of the same color as a message from them.

Two white stones - time for change. But taking action can make you run out of steam and lose interest in the matter - stick to the golden mean in the pursuit of a dream.

Two blacks - a transition to the next stage of the situation or a change in lifestyle. Sometimes they mean unjustified anger or sadness.

Red - you walk in circles, worry about trifles or get annoyed because of little things. The problem cannot be solved in this way.

Concentrate on what interests you at the moment. Try not to let anything distract you from the subject of divination.

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Fortune telling on stones is a very ancient divination, which is quite popular today. All methods of divination using stones appeared for the first time in Indian and ancient Eastern countries. People who practiced such divination considered them to be real magical rituals. As a rule, they were used to predict the future by priests, sorcerers and soothsayers. According to an old legend, when the world was not yet created, there was a stone sky that protected and guarded everything on the planet. This sky split when Evil appeared on the planet. Then small fragments of the stone sky crumbled into numerous gems. After that, the precious stones that were part of the firmament began to have magical powers.

The magical properties of stones

Stones are able to protect their owner, protect his health, just please the eye and soul. Fortune telling with the help of stones is considered very truthful. Guessing in this way, you can learn about the state of mind of a person, get smart advice, learn about the near future. Precious crystals or beads can connect you with higher powers and become guides to the mysterious and mystical world of the future.

Modern divination by stones

Today, as in ancient times, people resort to divination to get closer to the truth and find out their future. For divination, a wide variety of stones are used - these can be both precious and semi-precious stones, and in some cases even ordinary sea pebbles are used. The stone itself is a very strong energy conductor that is able to connect a person with spirits, and they, in turn, can tell something about the present and the future.

With the development of information technology, so-called online fortune-telling began to appear. Someone is skeptical about this method of divination, believing that it is simply impossible to guess through the Internet. But believe me, it's not like that at all. Today, there are very good programs with which you can get reliable fortune-telling results. The main thing is to treat the very act of divination as a kind of sacrament, a magical practice, and not a comic ritual. Then fortune-telling will definitely help you find out what worries you most and what awaits you in the future.

There are many different "online fortune tellers" on the Internet, but one of the most popular is online fortune telling by stones. You can guess on three stones or on six stones, and you can choose one of the options at the touch of a button. Carrying out fortune-telling, you must ask the most exciting question for you, which is very important. The fortune-telling program will give an answer to this question, and will tell not only about the future, but also about your inner state, about your daily state, as well as about spiritual obstacles in your life. With the help of such fortune-telling, you can always relieve psychological stress, and understand at the right time what you should do in a given situation.

Black agate, from jewelry - great for divination.

Divination by stones is ancient, as the Romans, for example, guessed. According to Apollonius Popilius (the soothsayer of that time), a special stone was searched for divination, it was called a "prophet" and was mined from the bottom of the deepest well, it was black, overgrown with green solid mucus. The stone was washed in the dew collected from thistles and kept under lock and key behind several locks.

Before fortune-telling on this amazing stone, the fortuneteller fasted for several days: he abstained from drinking, wine, sacrificed gifts to the gods, did not go to public meetings, theaters, circuses, entertainment establishments, moved away from women.

The stone was sewn into the best silk fabric and was worn on the chest during the entire fast, and placed under the pillow at night; in the morning at sunrise they washed with dew.

After such special preparations, the stone became "speaking" - it became a "prophet", predicting the fate of a person.

Jasper - such stones for divination by the pattern of stones are well suited.

The fortuneteller got up in the morning at sunrise, went to the river, to the sea or a pond, and, holding a stone in his hand, stood on a steep bank. When he swung, as if throwing a stone into the water, the stone made a sound. Then the stone was asked about its fate, and the stone accurately and clearly said what would happen in the future with the person who had it in his hands and who wore it around his neck, preparing for divination.

Warriors going to battle resorted to such fortune-telling, as well as travelers embarking on a long journey.

One of the legends says that once a certain knight, going to battle, decided to tell fortunes on a stone, and the stone told the knight that he would die; the knight, angry, threw a stone into the water, but he jumped out of the abyss and repeated what he had said three times. The knight was proud and self-confident, did not believe the voice of the "prophet", and died on the same day.

Later, this black divinatory mysterious stone was replaced by amethyst and topaz, which predicted fate. Even later, they began to guess using these stones from a person’s dreams: they put the stones under the pillow at night, thought of a question and, based on the dreams they saw, decided the meaning of the answer.
This divination, according to the ancient seers, was considered one of the true ones.

Jade and jadeite are variants of green stones for divination.

Fortune telling by stones is a good and very interesting use of a personal collection of minerals, you can also guess with the help of balls of stone, pyramids, even figurines and jewelry itself - beads, rings, etc. Of course, you don’t need to take it seriously, like any fortune-telling, but the process is very entertaining. :-) Useful for developing your own sensitivity, intuition.

For the first type of divination - with a rug - you need two stones of each color: white, red, black, yellow, orange, blue, green, lilac, brown and pink (tumbling is best, or beads from jewelry - better not round, otherwise round ones roll far away) :-):

  • one of them - brightly colored or shiny - creative, says that you need to act,
  • the other - more calm, muffled tone, matte - perceiving, says that you need to listen and perceive, but it's too early to act.

Pink dyed large agates - for divination by the pattern of stones, and as pink and lilac stones for divination by colored stones.

It turns out 10 pairs of stones.

You also need to prepare a rug - a piece of dark fabric about 30x30 centimeters in size. On it you need to draw or embroider three circles:

  • The inner circle - it correlates with the most important events of your life, your inner world.
  • The middle circle represents your thoughts and emotions.
  • The outer circle is the zone of the everyday surrounding world, here decisions are implemented and actions take place.

Yellow large agates. From jewelry.

You can guess by three stones, you can by six.

So, we collect all colored stones in a bag - all 10 pairs. Without looking, we take out the required number of stones (3 or 6) from the bag and throw them on the mat. They can fall as you like: a bunch or roll in different directions. Having seen how and in what circles the pebbles fell, you can draw conclusions, for example, about the direction of your emotions in different directions or about the influx of feelings ...

Then we determine the value of the fallen stones by color and creative or perceiving characteristic. Which category (creative or perceiving) a stone belongs to is determined by eye and by feeling - see the description above.

The meanings of the colors of stones in divination

Agate Eye of the Buddha - a brown stone, you can give it a special meaning - very unusual.

White color has the highest creative ability. If you are just starting your collection of stones, start with the creative - this is the keystone. He talks about the presence of great energy, huge potential, about the coming changes and the need for active action. Such a white stone can be, for example, cacholong.

Creative stones - transparent quartz, colorless zircon. If these crystals fall out in divination, it means that you have both the ability and the energy to achieve what you want.

Perceiving: milk and snow quartz, magnesite, white mother-of-pearl, white moonstone, white pebbles. These stones indicate that changes will occur gradually, that it is important not to act anymore, but to listen to what is happening.

Black color is extremely receptive, therefore it is good to acquire the receptive first of the black crystals. He talks about the end of a certain period of life, the transition to a new stage.

Malachites are green stones.

Builder Stones: Hematite, Black Amber, Obsidian, Black Onyx. They indicate that you are wasting energy, clinging to a situation or relationship that has already exhausted itself, or suppressing negative but justified feelings in yourself.

Perceivers: dark agate, black-gray smoky quartz, matte black pebbles, dark gray granite - they say that you are fed up with the demands of the world around you, and it's time to draw a line.

Red is the color of physical energy and action, courage and aggression. The key to this color is a creative stone.

Creative: pomegranate, corneol, red jasper, rhodochrosite. These stones indicate the need to join the battle for what is important to you.

Perceiving: red calcite, fluorite and agate, a matte piece of red brick, red pebbles - a sign that you blame yourself in vain for some kind of situation.

Orange is independence, associated with the consciousness of one's own uniqueness and happiness. The key stone here is the creative one.

Charoite is a lilac, purple stone.

Creative: orange amber, orange carnelian, orange jasper and orange citrine. These stones appear in fortune-telling when you feel that your goal and the goals of people close to you are different, and it's time to decide for yourself what exactly will bring you happiness.

Perceiving; orange pebble with a matte surface, smoky orange quartz, orange calcite or beryl - fall out when you seem to lose your bearings and you need to think about your own aspirations.

Yellow symbolizes the sun and communication. Start collecting yellow stones from the creation stone - it is the key to this color.

Creators: topaz, yellow jasper, golden amber, golden yellow tiger eye - they say that you need to state your point of view very clearly, without omissions.

Perceiving; light gold beryl, yellow calcite or fluorite, yellowish quartz. A receptive yellow crystal is evidence of insecurity, feelings of being overwhelmed by other people.

Green stones in divination are a symbol of the fact that feelings take precedence over reason. The key stone is receptive.

Creative: brilliant opaque malachite, dark green heliotrope, aventurine, green topaz - they tell us: listen to your heart - it is not mistaken.

Receptors: chrysoprase, amazonite, olive green serpentine, transparent green fluorite, aquamarine calcite, moss agate. These stones indicate that you need to understand the feelings of others and achieve your goal by being very attentive to the people around you and their feelings.

The blue color symbolizes intelligence and wisdom. Start with a creative crystal.

Creative: lapis lazuli, turquoise lapis lazuli, hawk's eye (a blue variant of tiger's eye), labradorite. Such stones fall out when, when making a decision, reason should prevail over the heart and one must act deliberately and prudently.

Perceiving: pale blue quartz, pale satin agate, blue fluorite, aquamarine, moonstone and celestine - speak of the need for a reasonable compromise between feelings and reason.

Lilac, violet, indigo stones are associated with intuition, subconscious wisdom. These are the colors of the inner magical forces of man. The main one in the pair is the perceiver.

Creative: opaque sodalite, bornite, lapis lazuli - evidence of your self-affirmation in the spiritual or creative sphere.

Percipients: transparent amethyst, purple fluorite, kunzite - they say that it is time to trust in premonitions and act contrary to everything that you have been taught.

Pink represents the unity of opposites and the ability to heal. The perceiver dominates.

Creative: coral, pink rhodonite and sodalite, sugilite and rhodochrosite - occur when the conflict that has affected you is of external origin, but you need to take the first step towards reconciliation, even if you yourself are not to blame for anything.

Perceiving; rose quartz, "watermelon" tourmaline, pink mother-of-pearl, kunzite, fluorite, pink or white spotted granite and pink sandstone pebbles - attention: the stone says that disharmony is within yourself. Avoid people and situations that can cause stress.

Brown is the color of the earth, a call to turn to the roots: to believe your eyes and ears, and not to accept the statements of others. The Creator Stone is the key to this pair.

Creative; tiger's eye, dark amber, shiny brown chrysoberyl, yellowish brown or brown jasper - indicate that the situation is based on a material problem, and in order to resolve it, it is necessary to apply business acumen.

Receptors: brown-colored pebbles, fossilized pieces of vegetable origin found on the seashore, and smoky brown quartz. If such a stone falls out in fortune-telling, this most likely indicates that you are tired of life, troubles at work and household chores.

This means a key message that you definitely need to pay special attention to.

    Two white stones tell us that the time has come for change and action. There is a danger that dynamic actions will lead to the fact that you quickly run out of steam.

    Two black stones are a sign of the transition to the next stage of life or evidence that your sadness or anger is not justified.

    Two red ones - you do not seek to solve the problem, but are annoyed over trifles or “chew” the same grievances and arguments.

    Two orange - you are trying to find your ideals in the actions of other people. It's time to step out of the shadows and find your place in the sun.

    Two yellow - you should think about the current situation, as something important is coming.

    Two green - a waterfall of emotions will fall on you. Consider what is true feeling and what is sentimentality that you can be blackmailed with.

    Two blue ones - a warning that you are breaking into either an open or the wrong door at all. Decide what exactly you want, develop a detailed plan to achieve the goal.

    Two lilac (purple) stones are a jump into the unknown to test yourself and test your intuition. No one will give you guarantees, but your guardian angel will not leave you.

    Two pink ones - you are in the middle of someone else's battlefield. Get out of the line of fire and recuperate.

    Two browns indicate that you listen to other people's opinions, and not to your own common sense. Think about what you would advise the other person in this situation, and follow your own advice.

The meanings of the combination of colors of stones:

Light and dark (white and black) - the inconstancy of the subject of feelings.
Dark and red - increased emotionality, a rapid change of emotions and feelings.
Light and red - deep, sincere affection.
Blue and green - indifference.
White and blue are a romantic warehouse of the soul.
White and green - the depth of feelings.
Red and green - the passion of nature.
Red and yellow - frivolity, windiness.
Brown - serious intentions

Divination by cracks in stones
or by patterns on smooth stones

You can also guess by the cracks in the stones, and in the same way - by the patterns on the smooth stones. What matters is the shape of these cracks and the symbol it reminds you of. Here much depends on your attentiveness and imagination, as well as on your thoughts at the moment.

You can randomly choose one of your necklaces, beads, rings, after asking a question, and if it is beads, guess which stone you will get the answer from (for example, the fifth one clockwise from the castle). Beads made of jadeite, tourmaline, jasper, rhodonite, and jewelry made of similar stones with a structure and pattern are well suited for this.

    A tree means a long life, and the more branched it is, the richer and more interesting it is,

    Wave - a sudden rise and fall; Running deer - a quick change of place caused by despair;

    Flying bird - disclosure of secrets; Star - unexpected insight;

    Palm - help, support, patronage;

    Eye - someone's close attention;

    Zigzag - serious changes in life;

    Bonfire - retribution for bad deeds;

    Circle - wealth, prosperity;

    The sun - honor, respect, glory,

    Arrow - news, news, letter,

    A person is a quick guest, an addition to the family;

    Snake - cunning, deceit, treason, betrayal;

    Shoe - poverty, restlessness,

    Spider - conspiracy, intrigue, attempt,

    Staircase - successful air travel;

    Trident - a safe journey on the water,

    Wheel - a long journey through the earth;

    The crown is a fair reward for good deeds;

    Sickle, scythe - a sudden illness of someone close.

If the cracks (or pattern) are randomly located, the questioner needs to be prepared for upheavals in the public life of the country.

Cracks (drawing, lines) are barely visible and do not intersect - the near future does not portend anything but meaningless fuss.

Cracks (drawing) are longitudinal in nature - an early and inevitable separation.

Cracks (or lines of a stone pattern) intersect crosswise - the questioner should be wary of intrigues on the part of envious people.

If 3 lines intersect - a love triangle.

4 lines intersect - peace and tranquility in family life.

Divination by nine stones

For this divination, individual gems (tumbling, beads), as well as pendants, rings or earrings, brooches can be used ...

You will need a light scarf, a plate, a candle and 9 gemstones of different colors:

1. Colorless
2. Sky blue
3. Bright blue
4. Purple
5. Green
6. Pink
7. Dark red
8. Yellow
9. Black

Two people are involved in the divination process. One is a fortuneteller, and the other one who wants to know his fate.

All the collected stones are put into a deep plate (best of all made of glass, crystal or metal - voiced) and covered with a white scarf. Two people sit opposite each other at opposite ends of the table. In the middle, between them, a candle is lit. In general, this fortune-telling is a great option to spend time at a romantic dinner.

The fortuneteller puts a plate of gems on his knees and begins to rotate them clockwise under the handkerchief, holding one of them in his hand with each turn.

The person to whom they are guessing listens to the sound of stones hitting the walls of the plate. The pleasant monotonous rustle of stones calms and relaxes, but at some point a sharp sound should reach the mind, which is in a meditative state thanks to sounds and a candle, which will break out of the general tone and awaken the person. Then we say “Stop”, and the fortuneteller will put on the table the stone that is currently in his hand.

Similar action must be repeated three times, laying out the stones in a row one after another.

The first stone will indicate the near future - 1-2 weeks from the moment of divination. The second means the future - from 1 to 2 months. The last stone speaks of what should happen to you during the year. These are symbols of the beginning, process and end of the event.

Interpretations of the meanings of colored stones of this divination:

Rings with stones are also useful for divination.

1. Colorless transparent stone - happiness and success in all endeavors.
2. Pink - soon you will meet someone you have long dreamed of and survive the romance.
3. Dark red - an ambulance with your chosen one / chosen one.
4. Yellow - warns that a lover (s) can cheat on you.
5. Bright blue stone - unexpected business and career opportunities.
6. Blue - good luck in the most important enterprise for you.
7. The black stone says that you need to be more careful, otherwise unpleasant surprises or misfortunes await you in the near future.
8. Purple - any spark of discontent or a reckless act can easily cause a major quarrel with loved ones or colleagues.
9. The green stone is the best prediction, promising the fulfillment of all desires.

This interpretation of meanings is significant for young people with more or less ordinary aspirations in life. If you have completely different aspirations than a wedding, romance, etc. - values ​​can be adjusted, leaving their general meaning. For example, if fortune-telling is about spiritual aspirations, about the possibility of gaining new knowledge, the meanings of the stones are slightly different. You can even write them yourself in advance, selecting 9 favorite stones, and then constantly focus on the version you compiled.

Option for the seeker of knowledge:

1. Colorless transparent stone - success in the pursuit of knowledge in general.
2. Pink - perhaps the intersection of fate with a teacher who will help you.
3. Dark red - to achieve your goal, you need to be active.
4. Yellow - warning: you may fall for the bait of incorrect teachings.
5. Bright blue stone - unexpected discoveries - you can find out not only what you want to know, but also something else, perhaps deeper and more valuable.
6. Blue - luck will help you in your search, but what exactly you will find is unknown.
7. Black stone - you need to be careful, maybe you don’t need the knowledge you are striving for at all, and it’s better to refuse altogether or rethink the search.
8. Purple - conflicts with others and misunderstanding on the part of other people are possible.
9. A green stone is the best prediction that you need what you are striving for and you will get it.

Divination on stones- lithomancy is one of the oldest ways to predict the future using multi-colored or precious stones. There is also online divination by light and dark stones, which is called the "White Stones of Destiny".

To carry out this divination, 16 light and 16 dark pebbles are placed in a special bag (they can be replaced with ordinary beads). The bag is shaken several times, while mentally asking a question or making a wish, and then 16 stones are randomly taken out. The number of selected light pebbles is the result, which is why fortune-telling is called "White Stones of Destiny".

Divination by stones online it is very good to spend on the eve of the New Year holidays, or Christmas time - the stones perfectly “feel” the energy of the person who addresses them, and therefore their forecasts, as a rule, amaze with their accuracy and truthfulness.

To start fortune telling, click the "Guess" button, then, when the alignment is done, click the "Show interpretation" button, which will appear under the stones.

Only dark stones fell out. This suggests that either you did not formulate the question clearly enough, or the stones do not want to reveal the future to you. Try asking the question in a different way or refer to the divination later.

One light stone fell out. You are probably feeling anxious at the moment, and your soul is filled with sadness and loneliness. Things are not going the way you would like, and this state will continue for some time. Don't worry, things will change for the better soon. There will be a long-awaited meeting with a loved one or a romantic acquaintance, which in the future will play an important role in professional and material terms. Now the best position is to calmly wait for Fate itself to present pleasant surprises. And she has countless of them for you!

Two light stones indicate that, most likely, now you are not having the best period in your life. You are probably prone to frequent bouts of melancholy or are depressed. Try not to be so dramatic about what is happening - soon everything will fall into place. Moreover, it will happen as if by magic. In addition, Fate will give you a chance to realize your old dream!

Three light stones indicate that the time to take any action has not yet come. During this period, you should try not to argue with anyone, even if you are sure that you are right, as a simple objection can cause a serious and prolonged conflict. It is also not recommended to lend to anyone, even relatives, not to mention colleagues and neighbors.

Four light stones advise you to live actively, show courage and determination. A period of tempting prospects and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bopportunities awaits you. Fate presents you with a chance to do what you have long dreamed of, try not to miss it. You can not be afraid to take risks and act with unusual methods - you will succeed!

Five fallen light pebbles is a very good omen. You have prosperity, prosperity and success ahead of you. You will be lucky both in love and financially. You can buy lottery tickets, play roulette, bet for money or participate in various games - you will definitely win! The main thing now is to act more, and then your white life strip will be wide and spacious.

Six light stones portend you happiness, success, good luck. Your cherished desire, about which you have already ceased to dream, will come true. All the bad things are behind - relatives and friends will please, beloved - will present a pleasant surprise, and colleagues will help to successfully complete the project that has been started, which will favorably affect your financial situation. You can open your own business - it will bring a lot of additional income, and maybe over time you will think about devoting yourself completely to its development.

Seven light stones portend the time when it will be possible to solve all problems. You will meet your love, there is a high probability of replenishment in the family. This is not necessarily the birth of a baby, but also the acquisition of a pet, the arrival of relatives, or the marriage of one of the family members. The financial situation is stabilized due to the transition to a new job or promotion. You can afford a romantic trip with your loved one to the country of your dreams.

Eight light stones - an indication that Fate will surprise you with a gift - there will be an unexpected meeting with a person who will completely change your life for the better. In material terms, stability and sustainability, and you can afford an expensive purchase.

Nine light stones indicate that the upcoming period will be very profitable. There will be offers for profitable investments in your business, or you will receive a large amount of money from an unexpected source. In love, too, everything is fine - romantic dates, flirting, flirting at work and the constant attention of the opposite sex. But that's not all... A journey full of adventure awaits you!

Ten light pebbles portend a period of rest, especially since the coming time will be filled with passion and romance. To do this, you just need to make adjustments to your usual route - home-work-home. Go to the theater or cinema, do not deny your friends gatherings in a cafe or restaurant, trips to nightclubs. Here you can definitely get acquainted with the one from which butterflies will flutter inside and heat will spread throughout the body. In addition, new relationships will help in work - you will achieve great success!

Eleven light stones indicate that plans that were not implemented in the past will begin to come true. You will receive an interesting business proposal, which you should agree to - working on it will bring not only pleasure, but also great profit. In your personal life, too, everything will return to normal - a series of love disappointments will remain in the past, and you will meet true love.

Twelve light stones are a great success. Troubles, anxieties, disappointments and sorrows remain in the past, and for you it is time for a change for the better. Your professionalism will be appreciated - a promotion or an invitation to a highly paid job. Peace and tranquility will reign in the family, complete harmony with friends, and mutual understanding in the team. The general idyll will positively affect your physical and emotional state - even those around you will notice the sparkle of your happy eyes!

Thirteen light pebbles portend pleasant surprises. Everything is possible in your life: a new job, and moving to another city, and buying a property, and opening your own business, or a new acquaintance with a romantic continuation. A profitable offer from a person of the opposite sex is very likely, with the help of which you will easily enter the high society, where you will acquire useful acquaintances and connections.

The fourteen light stones that fell out to you have prepared for you a time full of romance. Your life will be filled with love and tenderness, which you did not even suspect. Do not refuse dating in public places and romantic dates, make surprises for family and friends. So you can find a new meaning in life, due to which other areas of life are normalized. There is a high probability that an office romance will develop into a serious relationship. Just do not rush things - let everything take its course.

Fifteen light stones speak of riddles and surprises. You will be surprised how many pleasant surprises Fate has prepared for you - a chance meeting with a former love and the renewal of passionate feelings, an unexpected offer of a joint business from a childhood friend, and much more. Even those from whom you did not expect it will surprise you. In no case do not refuse even the most adventurous offers!

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