Where to check the eyes of a child. Comprehensive ophthalmological examination of children and adolescents. Study of the oculomotor system

Good development of the eyes and visual system begins at birth and then continues until the age of fourteen. If your child has problems in this area, it is worth considering where to check your child's eyesight.

Patients under the age of fourteen can get rid of eye problems quite quickly, without even calling for help from surgeons and radical treatments. To begin therapy, it is necessary to visit a doctor periodically.

You can check the eyesight of a child in Moscow in our ophthalmological clinic. You will find a program developed by our specialists, which is based on the work of high-precision devices, therefore it gives undeniable results. Such diagnostic examination of children helps to identify any diseases affecting the eye area. Its advantage is that it will be possible to learn about even small-sized pathologies that are still at an early stage, when they can be cured easily and quickly.

You can sign up for a general diagnostic examination of children. It is comfortable in that it examines all parts of the organs of vision at once and can give the most detailed information about the condition of the subject.

Check the child's vision in an ophthalmological clinic

If you meet with similar problems for the first time, do not hesitate to contact a specialist with questions. A pediatric ophthalmologist will help you, he will provide detailed information and highlight all the vague points.

If you want to check your child's eyes properly, sign up for a comprehensive examination. What it may include:

  • Checking binocularity, how the patient sees, whether with both eyes.
  • A paid children's ophthalmologist looks at how sharp the child's vision is, which is typical: farsightedness, myopia, etc. First, the patient simply says if he sees the signs on the table, calls them, closing one eye, then repeats the same actions, putting on glasses.
  • It is determined whether there is a strabismus.
  • The pressure inside the eye is measured without fail.
  • Ultrasound is performed, which will help to obtain very extensive information about the child's vision, the features of his eyes. Both the anterior and posterior parts of the organs of vision are examined.
  • Biomicroscopy is performed, in which the anterior and posterior parts of the eyeball itself are examined.
  • Be sure to examine the fundus.

After all these procedures, a good pediatric ophthalmologist will be able to make an accurate diagnosis, draw a conclusion and prescribe one or another treatment.

For those who need a pediatric ophthalmologist in Moscow, we suggest contacting the DoctorVisus clinic. Here, every young patient is treated with due attention.

Paid children's ophthalmologist and other doctors in the clinic "Doctor Vizus"

Diagnostics are carried out only by specialists with a medical education and a certificate. Only experienced employees are allowed to work. Each client will be able to verify this after inspection. Parents of patients with vision problems should not worry too much, because the young organism, before it reaches maturity, is treated quite well.

When the results of the procedures are known, the pediatric ophthalmologist will give you recommendations: whether treatment is necessary in your case. If therapies are required, the patient will be prescribed an appropriate course of treatment.

The cost of an eye examination in children

CodeName of serviceService price, rub.

Diagnostic program for children with subsequent consultation of the chief doctor of the Doctor Vizus clinic, doctor of the highest category, MD. Nazarova G.A. (autorefractometry with a narrow and wide pupil, visual acuity, selection of glasses, intraocular pressure pneumotonometry, PZO, fundus examination - reverse ophthalmoscopy)3,200.00
2126 Diagnostic program for children (autorefractometry with a narrow and wide pupil, visual acuity, selection of glasses, intraocular pressure pneumotonometry, PZO, fundus examination - reverse ophthalmoscopy, doctor's consultation)2,500.00

Dispensary examination of children

up to 3 months800.00

3 to 6 months1,800.00

more than 6 months2,500.00

The main thing in checking eyesight in children is regularity.

  • In the absence of problems, one inspection per year is sufficient.
  • If you have myopia, astigmatism and other diseases, you should come once or twice a year.
  • In case of violation of the structure of the retina, it is worth visiting a doctor twice a year.
Sign up to our clinic if you need a pediatric ophthalmologist in Moscow - you will be sure that the child's eyes are healthy.

According to experts, during schooling, the frequency of visual impairment in children increases fivefold. It would seem that everything can be explained by the enormous load on the visual apparatus in the learning process. But it would not be superfluous to recall that the child's organ of vision is only being formed, and therefore it is plastic and has practically inexhaustible reserves. This allows you to adapt to any working conditions and easily learn both bad and good habits. Due to these properties, many eye diseases can be treated exclusively in childhood, and the more successfully, the earlier treatment is started.

Getting ready for your first eye exam

The first visit to the ophthalmologist should not be postponed later than 6 months from the date of birth. Follow-up visits are recommended at 1, 3 years, before entering school (at 5-7 years) and then every 2 years of schooling. If your child wears glasses or contact lenses, they need an annual checkup.

Tell the doctor if you notice that the child rubs his eyes, blinks often, does not fix his eyes.
Features of the eye examination are determined by the age of the child. In most cases, it includes: taking a medical history, examining visual acuity and refraction (the need for vision correction with glasses or contact lenses), assessing the friendliness of eyeball movements, biomicroscopy and examination of the fundus, parent education.

The importance of a well-written medical history cannot be overestimated. Your answers to the doctor's questions largely determine the direction of the diagnostic search. Particularly important information about the complications of pregnancy and childbirth, prematurity, delayed motor development. Tell the doctor if you notice that the child rubs his eyes, blinks often, does not fix his eyes. The doctor will certainly ask you about previously diagnosed eye diseases, examination and treatment. He will ask if there were cases of myopia, hyperopia, amblyopia, strabismus and other eye diseases in the family.

Examination of young children

With the first beam of light reaching the retina, the visual system begins to develop rapidly. Already by 2-3 months, the baby fixes his gaze and follows the movement of objects, clearly distinguishes toys of bright colors (red, orange). By the year - evaluates the shape of objects (cube, pyramid, ball) and their distance.

To find out if your baby’s visual system is developing correctly, an examination will help:

  • Examination of the reaction of pupils to light;
    Direct reaction is determined by alternate illumination of the right and left eyes. The doctor covers one of your child's eyes with his hand and then quickly opens it. In the dark (under the palm) the pupil expands, and narrows in the light. The friendly reaction of the right eye is determined when the left eye is illuminated and vice versa. If each of the pupils reacts to light, the doctor believes that both eyes see in the child. The liveliness of the reaction characterizes the quality of vision.
  • Investigation of fixation by a moving object, for example, a light spot or a bright red ball suspended on a thread;
  • Examination of the state of the media and examination of the fundus: using an ophthalmoscope, the doctor illuminates one of your child's eyes, evaluates the transparency of the media and examines the structures of the fundus.

These studies are carried out to exclude congenital cataracts and glaucoma, optic nerve atrophy, retinopathy of prematurity.

Examination of preschool children

Have you noticed that your 3-year-old kid watches cartoons with enthusiasm? Behind this is the ability to distinguish between painted images and well-developed color vision. You will be surprised, but your child can already have an eye examination, just like an adult, even if he does not know the letters or is embarrassed to speak.

  • The study of visual acuity is carried out using special children's tables with pictures.
  • The study of binocular vision is based on the separation of the visual fields of both eyes with colored filters.
    The child is put on glasses with red glass in front of the right eye and green in front of the left, through which he examines the colored circles. In the presence of binocular vision, red and green circles are visible, with monocular vision - either red or green, distinguishable by only one eye.
  • The "cover" test reveals the nature of the strabismus.
    The child is asked to look at some object (a toy, a pen, an ophthalmoscope mirror) and, alternately covering one of his eyes with his palm, they watch the other: whether there will be an adjusting movement. If it occurs inside, a divergent strabismus is diagnosed, if outwards, it is convergent.
  • The mobility of the eyes is determined by moving an object in front of the examined eye in 8 directions.
  • The study of refraction reveals the need for vision correction with glasses or contact lenses.
    In children, refraction is determined by skiascopy (retinoscopy). The doctor illuminates the pupil of the child with a skiascope, when swaying from side to side, a moving shadow is visible in the lumen of the pupil. Putting a skiascopic ruler with positive or negative lenses to the eye, the doctor determines which of them neutralizes the movement of the shadow. This lens corresponds to refraction.
  • Biomicroscopy allows you to examine the anterior part of the eye (eyelids, conjunctiva, cornea, iris and lens) under high magnification.
  • Ophthalmoscopy - structures of the fundus (retina, optic disc and vessels).

These studies reveal inflammatory, traumatic, dystrophic changes and developmental disorders of the eye. Early diagnosis and treatment of strabismus and amblyopia are especially important.

Examination of school-age children

Is your child acting up and avoiding homework? It is possible that this is due to vision problems.

The child may not see well from the board, have difficulty reading and absorbing what he has read, but is unlikely to complain of vision problems, because he simply does not know what good vision is. That is why regular check-ups of schoolchildren are so important.

  • Visual acuity is examined using letter tables.
  • The study of refraction is carried out by the method of skiascopy or using a device - an autorefractometer.
  • The presence of binocular vision is checked using a color test.
  • The state of convergence can be judged by bringing an object closer to the eyes along the midline.
  • Biomicroscopy and ophthalmoscopy reveal inflammatory, traumatic, dystrophic changes and disorders in the development of eye structures.

Early diagnosis and correction of refractive disorders (nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism) and visual functions (binocular vision, convergence and accommodation) can avoid many difficulties with learning.

Vision is a necessary tool for understanding the world for every child.

We receive most of the information about the world around us thanks to the eyes, which means that they must be healthy and see clearly. Good vision helps the child to carefully study a new subject, to react quickly while playing with peers and to better absorb new knowledge in the classroom. But according to the disappointing statistics given by the Ministry of Health,over a million children in Russiasuffer from various ophthalmic diseases. Moreover, this indicator began to grow most actively in recent years.15 years, i.e. with the advent of the Internet and modern computer games.

The sooner parents pay attention to the health of their child's eyes, the more likely it is to keep it for many years and adjust it if necessary. It is in childhood thatget rid of many ophthalmic diseases,without resorting to surgery. The organ of vision develops until the age of 12-14, and at this time the child's eyes are very receptive and plastic. But in order to take timely measures, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the baby's eyes and regularly carry outdiagnostics. Otherwise, you run the risk of missing a favorable moment or even missing a worsening condition, which will be much more difficult to cope with in the future.

If you want truly qualified specialists to take care of your child's eye health, contact"First Eye Clinic".

We have everything you need to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis and, if necessary, draw up an individual treatment plan for your child. All manipulations are carried out in comfortable conditions and a confidential atmosphere.

We offer the following services for young patients:

  • Dynamic observation at the ophthalmologist.The baby's visual system grows and develops with him. At the same time, she experiences serious overload when the child begins to prepare for school. In the future, the eyes have to regularly deal with huge amounts of visual information. Thanks to regular monitoring by a specialist in our clinic, it is possible to form an individual preventive program and adjust it in accordance with the circumstances.
  • Complex visual stimulation of vision.Long-term formation of the organs of vision gives ophthalmologists time to correct various problems in childhood. "First Eye Clinic" offers various programs for the restoration of vision in young patients. All procedures are absolutely safe and are not accompanied by discomfort or pain.
  • Ophthalmosurgery.In some cases, ophthalmologists have to perform surgical interventions in children. This is the only way to save vision from rapid deterioration, for example, with congenital cataracts or glaucoma. All surgical interventions are carried out in a sparing mode and using the most delicate technologies.
  • Correction of nearsightedness and farsightedness.These conditions require careful observation, competent correction with the help of glasses and gymnastics for the eyes. Only an integrated approach can prevent the disease from progressing. An individual program is developed for each little patient.
  • Treatment of strabismus.The sooner you contact a specialist about the treatment of strabismus in a child, the better. Otherwise, amblyopia or reduced vision in one eye (“lazy eye syndrome”) may develop. In addition, a cosmetic defect in strabismus can be a reason for ridicule among peers and lead to psychological complexes. We carry out both therapeutic and surgical treatment of strabismus.

Regular follow-up with a pediatric ophthalmologist is very important, because at this age you can easily solve all the vision problems in your child.

Remember that the absence of vision complaints does not mean that they do not exist: the child may be embarrassed to talk about them or believe that this is how it should be.

Only an examination by a highly qualified specialist will allow you to make an accurate diagnosis and reveal all the nuances.

Come to "First Eye Clinic"and we will take care of your child's eyes.

At the same time, you will be pleased with our prices and social benefits.

Sign up for a consultation through the site and get extra discount!

Children's ophthalmology - our children's ophthalmology center has a full range of equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases in children. The department is headed by an experienced clinician with more than ten years of experience in European clinics.

Modern equipment makes it possible to conduct a complete ophthalmological examination of a child of any age, prescribe the correct correction (glasses or contact lenses), and, if necessary, conduct a comprehensive treatment of amblyopia, strabismus, myopia, using both traditional and modern computer techniques.

THIS IS INTERESTING: Few people know that newborn children have very low vision, which then gradually improves, improves and reaches normal levels by about the age of seven.

An early ophthalmological examination will allow timely detection of deviations from the norm and promptly begin the necessary eye treatment in children. Nature decreed that if a correct diagnosis is not made in time and treatment is not carried out before the age of ten, and in some cases up to three to five years, then in the future even an anatomically normal eye will not acquire the ability to high vision.

How to prepare for a visit to the ophthalmologist?

Before starting the examination of children and adolescents (under 16 years old), the doctor collects an anamnesis i.e. history of past illnesses.

It is important to know how the child was born, on time or earlier, how much it weighed, whether there are chronic diseases, whether other specialists are observed, what allergies they had, to which, as they said, it is recommended to remember and clarify which medications had an allergic reaction.

In general, the examination of the child lasts about 2 hours(taking into account the expectation of pupil dilation). After such an examination, some patients will not be able to read and write, do homework. After admission, a certificate is issued to the school.

If your child already wears contact lenses, then for a full initial or follow-up appointment (every 6 months), you should come without contact lenses, but with glasses. Contact lenses should be removed at least 1 hour before visiting an ophthalmologist.

If you have booked your child for contact correction and for re-examination, come without contact lenses, with glasses, bring lenses in a container, it is advisable to bring lens boxes (or blister foil) so that the doctor can make sure which lenses your child wears according to the parameters.

In contact lenses, you should come to the appointment only if the doctor has told you about it. This is done only if the doctor needs to do vision control and the child should have been wearing lenses for several hours.

Why is it important to visit a pediatric ophthalmologist regularly?

Light energy, correct perception of images of the surrounding world by the eye - all this stimulates the growth of the child, his metabolic processes, normalizes and accelerates psychophysical development from the first year of life.

Through the eye, 90% of the information about the world around is perceived, and children master the world around them primarily through vision. It is at this time that the connection between the eye and the cerebral cortex is formed and strengthened.

The absence or incorrect correction of refractive defects (farsightedness, myopia, astigmatism), strabismus, congenital eye diseases, their late diagnosis can lead to irreversible consequences!

Children's ophthalmology in Moscow is well developed. And our ophthalmological clinic is equipped with the most modern equipment, which is constantly updated.

Very often, children's strabismus is a consequence of poor vision and is accompanied by neurological pathology.

Treatment of amblyopia ("lazy eye")

Amblyopia (“lazy eye”) is incomplete visual acuity even when wearing glasses with the most complete correction. Successfully treated only in childhood.

Nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism can lead to strabismus. The risks are especially high in childhood!

This is due to the fact that the eye muscles, with different visual acuity in the eyes, work with different efforts and gradually the eye begins to shift. Which in turn leads to an even stronger decrease in vision, increasing the onset of strabismus.

Regular visits to the ophthalmologist are just as important as regular visits to the pediatrician. Unfortunately, a cursory examination of an ophthalmologist in a clinic, kindergarten or school is not always able to give a complete picture of the health of children's eyes. You are lucky if you do not have vision problems. But this does not guarantee that your child's vision will be one hundred percent. Conversely, myopia in one of the parents may not affect the condition of the child's eyes. But it is better to get rid of doubts and go with all questions to specialists.

IOL-master measures the length of the eyeball. This parameter allows you to clarify the causes of many refractive errors. After all, with myopia, the eyes are often elongated, and with farsightedness - on the contrary, "short".

Also, a modern device of a new generation "IOL-master" makes it possible to simultaneously measure the length of the eye, the curvature of the cornea, the depth of the anterior chamber. In the clinic of pediatric ophthalmology, the IOL-master device is indispensable during the examination of small patients with myopia.

"IOL-master" provides "sparing" diagnostics, which will not cause discomfort to the child. A feature of the IOL-master device is that absolutely precise fixation is not required from children. This is a stress-free technique with minimal light exposure. Particular attention is paid to the verification of binocular functions. This is not only about such a visual impairment as strabismus, but also about binocularity (that is, the ability to create “one picture” from those that each eye sees separately). There are also more subtle parameters, such as depth of field. "Incorrect" work of the visual system reduces the quality of vision. In case of violation of fine binocular functions, it is urgent to carry out their restoration.

Modern examination necessarily involves examination with a dilated pupil. New generation drugs are used to dilate the pupil. Unlike atropine, they are harmless and easily tolerated. Even if a more in-depth diagnosis with a dilated pupil is needed, a 3-day examination will be enough for the doctors of the children's department of the Excimer clinic.

In the children's department of the Excimer clinic, diagnosis is the first and very important stage of treatment. Specialists of the children's department of the Excimer Clinic have the opportunity to detect eye disease at the earliest stage and start its treatment when it has not yet had a significant impact on the function of the eye. It is impossible to determine the disease, its cause, prescribe the necessary method of treatment without a thorough diagnosis.

Cost of basic services

Service Price, rub.) By map

Comprehensive examination of the organ of vision and consultation with an ophthalmologist for children under 3 years old ? Determination of individual parameters of the visual system of a child under 3 years of age using a complex of pediatric diagnostic equipment with a consultation with a pediatric ophthalmologist.

5300 ₽

5100 ₽

Comprehensive examination of the organ of vision and consultation of an ophthalmologist for children under 3 years of age upon repeated treatment (up to 6 months after the provision of the service) ? Determination of individual parameters of the visual system of a child under 3 years old using a complex of pediatric diagnostic equipment with a consultation of a pediatric ophthalmologist during dynamic monitoring of the state of the visual system

4400 ₽

4200 ₽

Comprehensive examination of the organ of vision and consultation with an ophthalmologist for children older than 3 years ? Determination of individual parameters of the visual system of a child older than 3 years using a complex of pediatric diagnostic equipment with a consultation with a pediatric ophthalmologist.

5000 ₽

4850 ₽

Comprehensive examination of the organ of vision and consultation of an ophthalmologist for children older than 3 years upon repeated treatment (up to 6 months after the provision of the service) ? Determination of individual parameters of the visual system of a child older than 3 years using a complex of pediatric diagnostic equipment with a consultation of a pediatric ophthalmologist during dynamic monitoring of the state of the visual system

4100 ₽

4000 ₽

Comprehensive examination of the organ of vision and consultation MD, professor ? Examination and consultation of professor, MD. Pershina K.B.

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