Hemorrhoids after childbirth: symptoms and treatment. How long is the recovery period after surgery? How to cure hemorrhoids after childbirth with baths

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  • Reasons for the development of hemorrhoids in the postpartum period
  • Symptoms of hemorrhoids
  • Methods for treating hemorrhoids using traditional methods at home
  • Types of suppositories for treating hemorrhoids after childbirth at home
  • Ointments for quick treatment of hemorrhoids at home
  • Hygiene and active lifestyle as hemorrhoid therapy
  • Diet during treatment

Treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth at home is often necessary for the comprehensive restoration of the body of a woman who has recently become a mother. The birth of a baby is the most important event in the life of a family, but the physical health of the young mother should not be discounted. No problem can be ignored.

How to treat hemorrhoids at home quickly in women after childbirth? This question is of great interest to mothers who have recently given birth, because they need to spend as much time as possible with their child. And for nursing mothers, it is important to know not only how to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth at home, but also what safe folk remedies you can use. During lactation, the use of many pharmaceutical drugs is impossible, therefore, in the postpartum days, therapy with traditional methods is preferable.

Reasons for the development of hemorrhoids in the postpartum period

Often, hemorrhoids occur in a woman if she gave birth in the traditional position lying on her back. The first signs of this disease appear in the late stages of pregnancy, because the enlarged uterus puts a lot of pressure on the rectum, thereby complicating the flow of blood to this area of ​​the body. A young mother usually suffers from constipation. They can also provoke the development of hemorrhoids after childbirth.

It is important to improve bowel function, especially during breastfeeding. The diet should include foods high in fiber: bran, dried fruits, prunes, fruits and vegetables allowed during lactation.

Insufficient drinking regime can also become an impetus for the development of this unpleasant disease. A breastfeeding mother is often advised to limit her fluid intake, especially if she has an excess of breast milk. You can't do this. Breastfeeding requires an established drinking regime.

During pregnancy, the amount of the hormone progesterone increases. It affects constipation and indigestion. After childbirth, these problems can cause pain during bowel movements.

Excess weight and physical inactivity can give impetus to the development of hemorrhoids. The expectant mother must control these moments.

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Symptoms of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are dilation and inflammation of the veins of the lower rectum, often complicated by bleeding and the formation of specific nodes. To understand how to cure the disease, you need to know exactly the symptoms of this delicate problem.

Warning signs:

  • feeling of a foreign body in the anus;
  • itching and burning in the anus;
  • difficulty defecating;
  • pain in the rectal area;
  • prolapse of hemorrhoids in the rectal area;
  • blood during bowel movements.

During pregnancy, physical activity decreases and constipation occurs. The growing uterus puts pressure on the rectum. The development of the disease can be provoked by episiotomy or natural ruptures of the perineum during childbirth. It is often difficult for a woman who has just given birth to see a doctor. Then folk remedies will come to the rescue.

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Methods for treating hemorrhoids using traditional methods at home

When breastfeeding, the use of many chemical medications is impossible. Traditional therapy can help a nursing mother. Traditional methods allow you to organize treatment at home, which is also important, because it is difficult for a mother to leave her baby for a long time to visit a clinic.

It happens that it is difficult to carry out full treatment at home using traditional methods. In this case, a nursing mother should remember about rectal suppositories, that is, suppositories.

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Types of suppositories for treating hemorrhoids after childbirth at home

The most popular include:

Treatment at home can be supplemented with various ointments. A person who has recently given birth should carefully study the instructions for these medications to avoid unwanted side effects and to clarify the possibility of treatment with the chosen ointment during breastfeeding. The ideal option is if the therapy is prescribed by a doctor.

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Ointments for quick treatment of hemorrhoids at home

Has a good effect:

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Hygiene and active lifestyle as hemorrhoid therapy

Treatment at home must be combined with hygiene and an active lifestyle.

Physical activity is very important during the postpartum period. It plays an important role in how to quickly treat hemorrhoids in women at home after childbirth. Every day, a nursing mother needs to take walks in the fresh air.

A young mother should pay attention to her own hygiene. It is necessary not only to take a shower in the morning and evening, but also to wash yourself with an antibacterial agent after each bowel movement, keep your linen clean, and change feminine hygiene products on time.

To effectively treat hemorrhoids after childbirth, a woman needs to remember not to take hot baths or visit a bathhouse or sauna. You need to wash in the shower. You can combine daily hygiene procedures with folk methods: warm baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs such as chamomile, wild strawberry leaves, horsetail or oak bark.

A woman faces a number of difficulties in the postpartum period - hemorrhoids occur. As a side effect of pregnancy, it manifests itself with varicose veins enlarged and inflamed. Veins are localized near the rectum, fill with blood, become deformed, thicken, and enlarge. Then they curl into clubs, forming formations resembling knots. The likelihood of relapse is high in women who are faced with pathology.

The disease is classified into internal and external. The internal one is more dangerous - it causes severe bleeding. The external one does not cause any problems and is easier.

The disease develops before childbirth during the late stages of a woman’s pregnancy. The disease is provoked by increased pressure of the uterus and fetus on the rectum. The longer the pregnancy, the stronger the pressure becomes - it is more difficult for blood to flow.

Frequent occurrence of constipation during pregnancy in women affects the development of hemorrhoids. The reason is the increased production of progesterones during pregnancy, which slows down the functioning of the digestive system. The hormone has a relaxing effect on the venous walls - subsequently they stretch much more easily, and the disease develops in the postpartum period.

The development of the disease is influenced by a sedentary lifestyle, junk food, and excess weight. If a girl often used laxatives, enemas, abused alcohol, drugs, or lifted weights, the likelihood of developing the disease increases. The development of the disease is influenced by congenital defects in the structure of the veins. The disease appears in girls who have given birth after natural childbirth or cesarean section. The disease occurs after the first, second and subsequent births.


The disease occurs in two stages. The first stage is chronic. It lasts for a long time, much milder than in the second stage - acute. The main difference is surprise.

Irritation in the anal area, burning sensation are the first manifestations of a disorder in the rectum, felt by a girl after childbirth. Continuous pain is caused by trauma to the mucous membrane, damaged by feces. Over time, after stool, the pain disappears. The feces appear with blood.

The hemorrhoidal node enlarges over time and, due to inflammatory processes, takes on a reddish tint and swelling. The pain felt by the girl in the anal area becomes long-term. Pain increases when walking, in a sitting position with inflammation of the pathology.

With an exacerbation of the disease, complications are recorded - the formation tissues die, cracks appear, and inflammatory processes occur in the tissues located in the rectal area.

The disease progresses slowly, evenly in the chronic stage. There are no obvious signs, the patient has no idea about the disease. Irritation and burning in the anus bother the patient after defecation. Worsened by a feeling of unsatisfactory bowel movements. Painful sensations are not constant and are short-lived. The node bleeds after stool - the blood flow will increase. If there is excessive bleeding after using the toilet, you should consult a doctor so as not to worsen the situation!

During pregnancy, the symptoms of the disease may not bother you. They appear later - after pregnancy, childbirth. It is caused by pressing of vascular formations by the child’s head during childbirth. We are talking about the vessels in the pelvis located in the rectum, which increases pressure. There is a disturbance in the outflow of veins. Enlarged hemorrhoids often fall out after stool. If the nodule falls out, the formations may go back on their own. The phenomenon is recorded when lifting weights. At advanced stages, the nodules cannot be reduced - this is possible with the help of hands. The lumps do not go away - a terrible pathological process of tissue cell death begins to develop, causing massive bleeding hemorrhoids to appear.

Therapeutic measures

In medicine, there are two methods of treating the disease. In the first method, patients are treated with medications - conservative. The second method is called operative - it requires surgical work. Medications in the later stages do not cope with the disease. In the first and second cases, it is important to immediately consult a doctor when the first signs are detected. The proctologist will draw up a list of necessary recommendations and personal treatment.

At the beginning of the disease, a diet and regimen will help. The main goal of the regime is compliance with hygiene rules. Drink plenty of water and coarse fiber, which helps prevent constipation and reduce pain. Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes are full of fiber. It is recommended to take warm baths and apply ice cubes wrapped in soft cloth to the sore spot to relieve discomfort.

Don't neglect physical activity. Walking will help cure the disease. Spending too much time standing or sitting can worsen your health. Carry out the actions in a supine position - it will reduce the pressure on the rectal veins.

Treatment becomes more complicated when breastfeeding a child - medications pass into the milk. Stop taking medications. An alternative solution is used in the form of external agents (ointments, creams, suppositories). The products relieve irritation, pain, heal wounds, cracks that appeared simultaneously with the release of the node, and have a positive effect on blood microcirculation.

Application of candles

Candles help treat disease:

  • With sea buckthorn oil.
  • With calendula.
  • With propolis.
  • Relief.
  • Procto-Glyvenol.

Candles with sea buckthorn oil are a drug of natural origin. The advantage of the medicine is to help the mother and baby who are breastfeeding. The drug heals cracks and wounds, eliminates terrible itching, swelling, and burning. If taken on time, protect yourself from complications.

The use of suppositories with propolis causes a strong anti-inflammatory effect and gives a chance to relieve pain. Purchased at a pharmacy or made at home.

Application of ointments

  1. Posterized.
  2. Proctosan.
  3. Ointments "Vishnevsky.
  4. Heparin ointment.
  5. Troxevasin.
  6. Relief.

Cream number five has a positive effect on the vascular formations of women. Reduces inflammation and swelling. Prescribed to nursing mothers due to the topical use of the ointment. The impact on the body will be minimal.

The third drug is safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Relieves swelling and inflammation, and can be used during chronic periods during exacerbation. Before using the ointment, take a warm sitz bath with added potassium permanganate, which will quickly disinfect and dry the affected areas. The procedure is applied three times before using the ointment.

Treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth often includes special exercises that help improve blood circulation in the affected area and strengthen the muscles located in the anal area.

In the last stage, the disease cannot be cured using traditional methods - the hemorrhoidal node falls out at first. If the node remains in advanced stages, you can only agree to the operation. The purpose of the operation is to remove hemorrhoids.


A number of traditional medicines are contraindicated for patients breastfeeding. We have to look for ways to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth without the use of medications. Folk remedies come to the rescue, helping in the fight against the disease, healing cracks, reducing constipation, relieving inflammation and pain. The methods and methods of traditional medicine are consistent with the opinion of the attending physician.

Women resort to using candles made from raw potatoes, candied honey or fresh lard. Cut a potato block shorter than your little finger. Dip the bar in honey. The procedure must be repeated at night at least ten times. After treatment, the pain will subside.

An effective method is to use sea buckthorn oil. Copes with small cracks and hemorrhoids. You can buy it at the pharmacy and use it during lactation periods. At home, it is recommended to overcome a girl’s problem with beetroot, sea buckthorn, and honey microenemas.

Take sitz baths to improve blood flow. It is based on herbs that have healing properties - calendula, chamomile. If you boil an onion with its peel, you will get an effective medicinal product that has a positive effect on the patient’s health. Boil the onions with skins in four liters of milk, let cool.

If there is pain in the anus, other manifestations of the disease are felt, propolis or clay lotions will help. For hemorrhoids, applying herbal oils of propolis and sea buckthorn to the skin in the area where the lesion is widespread will have a beneficial effect.

A compress of grated carrots and an infusion of wormwood are useful. Ice cubes from chamomile decoctions are used for postpartum hemorrhoids. Rub the pine cones 3-4 times a day – you will feel relief in a month.

Preventive procedures

Pay attention to the problem in a timely manner, carry out preventive methods to check for the presence of harmful formations. Daily therapeutic exercises, an active lifestyle, and proper nutrition include prevention.

Walking, not fast running, is a proven drug in the fight against the disease. Active sports and special exercises aimed at strengthening the pelvic muscles will improve blood circulation. Clothing that is too tight or too tight will harm the patient's health. For normal bowel function and to prevent constipation, follow a diet that includes foods high in fiber.

  1. Follow the rules of personal hygiene - after stool, wash with cool water.
  2. Rubbing the problem area with a towel is strictly prohibited - you can blot it with a napkin.
  3. There is no need to push too hard during bowel movements.
  4. Avoid eating unhealthy and spicy foods, cabbage, and foods that promote gas formation.
  5. Take medications that have a laxative effect.
  6. Include fruits with pectin in your diet - they will help you cope with hemorrhoids easier and faster. Add meat and fish to your diet.

Preventive measures will help you avoid the disease. During pregnancy, follow the rules of hygiene, lead an active lifestyle, and do not sit on the couch. Pregnancy is not a disease! Excessive inactivity leads to unpleasant consequences. Follow preventive measures after hemorrhoids are cured.

More than half of women who give birth suffer from hemorrhoidal disease. The main signs of hemorrhoids are bleeding, external nodes, fimbriae. The internal nodes are characterized by scarlet blood. The frequency and intensity of bleeding varies. Bloody discharge may be scanty. Sometimes the blood drips and even flows in streams. With prolonged bleeding, obvious signs of anemia appear:

  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • low pressure;
  • dizziness.

Blood-filled hemorrhoids periodically fall out. Their pinching and thrombosis are accompanied by severe pain. In the area of ​​the anus, compactions (infiltrates) of a round shape are determined; they do not have a bluish-purple color. If the node is not corrected in time, it becomes necrotic, ruptures and bleeds.

Other diseases, including cancer, can cause intestinal bleeding. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor and undergo a thorough examination.

If treatment is delayed

Hemorrhoids are a delicate disease. Women, instead of turning to a proctologist, try to treat postpartum hemorrhoids on their own. But folk remedies and medications can temporarily alleviate the patient’s condition and significantly worsen the symptoms of hemorrhoids after childbirth. Complications of the disease:

  • weakening of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • paraproctitis – inflammation of the tissue around the rectum;
  • cracks in the rectal mucosa;
  • adhesions;
  • pararectal fistulas requiring surgical intervention.

After childbirth, hemorrhoids are accompanied by symptoms of inflammation of the nodes with the formation of perineal ulcers. The pain becomes constant and the temperature rises. A serious complication may develop - sepsis.

Attack on constipation

One of the reasons for the exacerbation or appearance of hemorrhoidal disease after the birth of a child is persistent constipation. Women, due to labor pains, are afraid of additional painful sensations during bowel movements. How to get rid of hemorrhoids after childbirth and establish painless stool?

You need to start with nutrition, which is an integral part of the treatment of postpartum hemorrhoids in the maternity hospital and at home. A woman’s daily diet includes:

  • dairy products;
  • foods rich in plant fiber - raw vegetables and fruits, herbs;
  • vegetable oils;
  • natural juices with pulp.

Raisins, dried apricots, and figs also contain plant fiber and are recommended for constipation. Pears, on the contrary, are rich in tannins; when consumed in large quantities, they make it difficult to empty the intestines of feces.

A valuable dietary product is bran - the hard shell of cereals, containing an abundance of dietary fiber and fiber. To prepare a dish for constipation, just stir 2 - 3 tablespoons of wheat bran in a glass of kefir or light yogurt. After childbirth, preference is given to wholemeal bread. The more bran contained in baked goods, the better bowel movements will be. What you should temporarily avoid:

  • chocolate, cocoa, strong coffee;
  • baked goods made from premium and first grade flour - cakes, pastries, buns, pies, pancakes;
  • pasta;
  • solid fats;
  • fatty meat, sausages, frankfurters;
  • any alcohol.

Having gotten rid of constipation without medication, a woman will be able to calmly breastfeed her newborn and use the toilet without fear of impending pain.

Toilet without pain

If the diet did not help, how to go to the toilet after childbirth without severe pain? You'll have to resort to medications. In order for bowel movements to be painless, the stool must be soft. To do this, you need to drink a lot and take mild laxatives. Doctors recommend:

  • Duphalac 30-40 ml in the morning daily before meals;
  • Forlax is a laxative powder with a flavored additive, not absorbed in the intestines;
  • one-time quick-acting microenema Microlax (15 minutes);
  • Mucofalk is a plant-based laxative;
  • suppositories with papaverine relieve spasms;
  • Relief-Advance suppositories relieve pain and weaken.

The proposed products are safe and non-addictive. Contains harmless or natural ingredients. Can be used after childbirth while breastfeeding.

Proctosedyl suppositories are suitable for women who are not breastfeeding. They include the glucocorticosteroid hydrocortisone, the antibacterial drug flamycetin, and the anticoagulant heparin. Suppositories relieve pain, relieve inflammation and swelling of tissues.

The composition of Aurobin ointment also includes the corticosteroid prednisolone, the anesthetic lidocaine, and B vitamins. The product is freely absorbed into the blood, so after childbirth, treating hemorrhoids with ointment while breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth treatment begins directly in the maternity hospital. The woman in labor is carefully adjusted to remove the scars that have fallen out. Prescribed:

  • warm baths with potassium permanganate;
  • antiseptic lotions with furatsilin solution;
  • pain-relieving lotions with 0.5% novocaine;
  • absorbable compresses with Vishnevsky ointment.

For thrombosis of hemorrhoids, suppositories and ointments with heparin, the enzyme preparation chymitrypsin, and UHF are indicated. How to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth with persistent bleeding? Tamponade of the bleeding node with a gelatin self-absorbing sponge "Spongostan" is applied locally. Its volume can increase 45 times. Therefore, the sponge is successfully used for heavy hemorrhoidal bleeding. How else to treat hemorrhoids? To achieve a quick effect, general hemostatic drugs are administered intravenously:

  • Vikasol in ampoules;
  • Calcium chloride 10%;
  • Aminocaproic acid 5%;
  • Dicynon, its analogues Etamzilat, Etamzilat-Ferein, etc.

You can get rid of minor bleeding by taking a course of tablets of the hemostatic agents listed above - vikasol 15 mg, dicinone, etamsylate, Proctonis capsules. The latter drug can be used during breastfeeding, as it contains natural components that are safe for the baby:

  • buckthorn herb is a laxative;
  • Cassia acufolia - a laxative herb;
  • shark cartilage powder;
  • yarrow herb is a hemostatic agent;
  • vitamins “A”, “E”.

The remedy for hemorrhoids after childbirth "Proctonix" weakens, helps get rid of constipation, eliminates swelling, spasms and inflammation of tissues. A cream with the same name includes about a dozen natural ingredients. Apply directly to problem areas. Relieves pain, swelling, burning and inflammation, heals small wounds.

Surgery is a radical treatment for hemorrhoids after childbirth. They resort to it when diet, exercise therapy, regimen and conservative therapy have not helped. The absolute indications for surgery are:

  • constant loss of nodes;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • anemia due to bleeding.

The classic method for removing internal and external nodes remains the improved Miligan-Morgan hemorrhoidectomy. The operation is quite traumatic and is performed under general anesthesia. Epidural anesthesia may be used for pain relief. In this case, an anesthetic is injected into the epidural space of the spine, after which the part of the body below the lower back loses sensation. Cavernous bodies are excised in a certain sequence. First, the node whose position corresponds to 3 o’clock on the dial is removed, then 7 and 11.

Proctologists now have more gentle methods at their disposal that make it possible to effectively treat hemorrhoids after childbirth and reduce the time of hospital stay. The last fact is decisive for nursing mothers. At the initial stage of the disease, endosurgical operation can be performed to disarterize internal hemorrhoids.

What is its essence? Blood is delivered to the corpora cavernosa by arteries. They are located and bandaged using one small device. After bandaging, blood does not flow to the hemorrhoids, and they collapse. Other surgical treatments for postpartum hemorrhoids:

  • cryosurgery - deep freezing of hemorrhoids with subsequent tissue necrosis, is rarely used;
  • sclerotherapy - the introduction of a sclerosing substance into the node, causing a weak inflammatory reaction that destroys the node;
  • ligation (node ​​ligation);
  • laser coagulation of nodes - the method is based on the ability of a laser beam to coagulate tissue by cauterization, leaving a small scar;
  • infrared coagulation - carried out by a coagulator apparatus that emits infrared waves, which are converted in the node into thermal coagulating energy.

How to treat operable hemorrhoids after childbirth? Relatively recently, the operation of removing hemorrhoids using a disposable Longo device began to be used in Russia. It is less traumatic than hemorrhoidectomy, and hemorrhoids can be treated under local anesthesia. Hemorrhoids are not removed; only part of the rectal mucosa is excised. The nodes themselves are pulled up and fixed.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth are quite common, but they are not caused by the process of childbirth itself. Usually, . Unfortunately, pregnant women are most often at risk. If before you only heard about hemorrhoids, then during the wonderful months of waiting for a miracle you can even “feel” it, and after childbirth the disease only gets worse.

Hemorrhoids are a varicose inflamed condition of the veins of the rectum. It occurs due to stagnation of blood in the veins in the anus. In this case, the veins become dilated, curled into a ball, often “fall out” or become inflamed inside, and they are called hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids cause a lot of trouble for a sick person. The course of this disease is very unpleasant, so treatment should not be delayed.

In principle, it is clear why hemorrhoids occur so often during pregnancy and become inflamed after childbirth. The growing uterus puts pressure on the intra-abdominal area, making it difficult for blood to flow from the veins of the rectum. Pregnant women are more prone to varicose veins, especially in the lower extremities. This is facilitated by increasing weight, a sedentary lifestyle, and poor nutrition, which causes frequent constipation. Labor attempts become the “culmination” of pressure on the inflamed hemorrhoids.

Many doctors say that postpartum hemorrhoids rarely require serious treatment (especially surgery). If you follow simple rules, it goes away within a few months after birth. However, only if the disease arose during pregnancy and after childbirth, and was not a long-standing sore.

In this article we will tell you how you can treat mild postpartum hemorrhoids. The main condition for successful treatment is timely contact with a specialist. If during pregnancy certain difficulties arose with hemorrhoids (many medications against hemorrhoids are contraindicated during pregnancy), then after the birth of the baby this disease is easier to treat. However, there are still several nuances if you are breastfeeding your baby. But first things first.


Correct is the main condition for successful treatment of hemorrhoids. And it is extremely necessary for the health of your baby. Why do you need a diet for hemorrhoids and what is it? With the help of nutritional correction, we must cure chronic constipation, which is one of the causes of hemorrhoids. The diet of a nursing mother suffering from hemorrhoids should be healthy and rich in fiber. Your menu should include prunes or dried apricots, bananas and apples, buckwheat, oatmeal, barley and pearl barley porridge, wheat bran, and vegetable oils. It is very useful to drink a glass of cold water with a tablespoon of honey in the morning on an empty stomach. And the amount of fluid consumed should be sufficient (at least 1.5 liters).

It is also useful to eat meat, fish, cauliflower, fresh onions, garlic, and raw carrots. But you will have to say a firm “no” to all sweets, smoked meats and spices. It is also unhealthy to eat rice and semolina porridge, flour products and carbonated sweet drinks. The list of taboo foods also includes: radish, sorrel, turnips, coffee, chocolate, pepper, mustard, and legumes.


It is with the help of physical exercises that you can strengthen your muscles (including the anus). In general, after childbirth, your lifestyle should be as active as possible: walking and jogging, special exercises that normalize blood circulation in the pelvic area.

You can do the following simple exercises:

  • In a standing position, you need to cross your legs and rhythmically tense the muscles of the anus;
  • The same exercise can be done while sitting on a hard chair;
  • while lying on your back with your legs straight, lift each leg in turn;
  • lying on your back, perform the “scissors” exercise with your legs;
  • lying on your back with your knees bent (shoulder-width apart), you should raise your pelvis, while leaning on your shoulders and feet;
  • Lying on your back, do the “bicycle” exercise.


Hygiene for hemorrhoids naturally includes ideal cleanliness of all organs. After stool, if the external nodes are inflamed, you should wash yourself. Preferably cold water, because in this way you will relieve pain and inflammation. It's best to use damp toilet paper, or at least soft paper. Hot baths and saunas are contraindicated for hemorrhoids, but warm ones with decoctions or cold ones will come in handy.

Take a sitz bath in cold water for 5 minutes in the morning and evening.

Warm baths with medicinal herbs (chamomile, oak bark, sage leaves, calendula flowers) are suitable for exacerbation of the disease.

Also, if you have hemorrhoids, you should avoid anal sex. It is this type of sexual intercourse that becomes a common cause of the disease.


Medicines are prescribed only by a doctor! Especially during lactation. It is medications (ointments, suppositories or tablets) that will help relieve swelling, relieve pain from spasms and restore tissue. Typically, drugs are prescribed that improve blood microcirculation, painkillers, and laxatives. After all, the main goal of drug treatment is to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

Painkillers (ointments, gels and suppositories) produce mainly local effects. These include the following drugs: Neflubin, Bupivacaine, Anestezin, Lidocaine. For bleeding, you may be prescribed Vikasol, Detralex, Glivenol, Endotenol. These drugs also improve the tone of the veins.

The choice of drug primarily depends on what kind of feeding your baby is on. After all, many medications are contraindicated during lactation (for example, Detralex, Proctosan, Troxevasin). If the disease is mild, the doctor may even wait to prescribe until you stop breastfeeding.

During lactation, laxatives should be used with caution. After all, they have many side effects and do not eliminate the cause of constipation, but only “weaken” them.


There are plenty of folk recipes for “fighting” hemorrhoids. They are readily shared by healers, grandmothers, “experienced” people, and even those who have never suffered from hemorrhoids. But even here you should be careful and before “folk treatment” it is better to consult a doctor.

Here are some simple recipes to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

  • Take 1 glass of cabbage brine orally 30 minutes before meals;
  • Drink fresh rowan juice with water 3 times a day;
  • a decoction of wild strawberry leaves is used for washing;
  • at night, inject 2 ml of cedar oil into the anus with a disposable syringe;
  • a cotton swab moistened with celandine juice can be inserted into the anus;
  • for bleeding, take 1 teaspoon of fumigata juice or cucumber juice;
  • Use a decoction of horsetail or a decoction of sloe leaves as a lotion.

To successfully treat postpartum hemorrhoids, as we see, very little is required. So:

  • eating the right foods will help prevent constipation;
  • personal hygiene and hardening;
  • physical exercise;
  • avoid colds;
  • consult a doctor in time.

All these simple rules will help you forget about this unpleasant disease forever and enjoy motherhood without pain and discomfort.

Good health to you!

Especially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy

Hemorrhoids after childbirth are a nuisance that awaits at least half of women who have recently given birth to a child. For some, this problem occurs for the first time in their lives, for others - as an exacerbation of a long-existing disease.

How to avoid it, and if it has already appeared, how to treat it? These questions are among the most popular on any women’s forum: going to the doctor is scary, awkward, and there’s no time...

Let's try to answer them.

Delicate anatomy

The rectum is well supplied with blood: there are three arteries alone that feed it. The venous apparatus consists of several plexuses located in different layers of the intestinal walls. Through them, blood flows into the portal and inferior venous systems.

Usually in veins, valves - leaflets on the walls of blood vessels - regulate the strength and direction of blood flow. They are not present in the veins of the portal system, nor are they present in the superior rectal vein, so the function of normalizing blood circulation here is taken over by the muscles that contract during defecation and body movement. However, women often suffer from intestinal atony, constipation, and move little, which leads to chronic stagnation of blood in the vessels of the rectum.

As a result, the walls of the intestinal veins weaken, and nodes filled with stagnant blood form in them.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth occur in the lower part of the rectum due to weakening of the walls of the veins, which are subjected to significant stress during pregnancy and especially during pushing.

Why do knots appear?

Stagnation of blood in the intestinal veins is a direct consequence of the lifestyle and nutrition of women. It almost never occurs in properly nourished, energetic and active expectant mothers.

The risk group includes:

  • Overweight women;
  • Those who are accustomed to eating without a system and on dry food: eat few raw and stewed vegetables, fresh fruits, drink little liquid;
  • Office workers and everyone who moves little.

A small group of patients with hemorrhoids are women who have chronic pathologies of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), abnormalities of intestinal development, some systemic diseases (scleroderma), as well as those who are forced to take certain medications - for example, opiates.

It is believed that genetic predisposition and congenital weakness of the vascular walls remain factors that provoke the development of hemorrhoids.

Thus, in some women hemorrhoids appear long before childbirth, while in others they develop later, under the influence of pregnancy and childbirth, when intra-abdominal blood pressure increases significantly.

Signs of illness

"Fresh" hemorrhoids

The first signs of hemorrhoids after childbirth are characterized by a minimal set of quickly passing symptoms, if the disease did not arise long before pregnancy.

Women feel:

  • Heaviness in the anus, feeling of fullness, heat
  • Pain during bowel movements that goes away quickly

This is the initial stage of the disease. Later, minor bleeding occurs after bowel movements - this is what makes women really worried.

Later, without treatment, internal and external nodes appear. The internal ones often bleed when straining and passing stool, while the external ones are felt at the entrance to the anal canal as lumps the size of a pea or cherry. They also bleed, but not as profusely.

Exacerbation of a long-standing illness

If hemorrhoids have long been a problem, then pregnancy and childbirth aggravate it even more: after the birth of a child, bluish, purple nodes come out, causing excruciating pain and often heavy, prolonged bleeding. Severe hemorrhoids after childbirth are a sign of a long-standing pathological process in the veins of the rectum.

Moreover, it does not matter what the birth was - physiological or by caesarean section: the loss of long-formed nodes cannot be avoided. If they are not treated further, the hemorrhoidal cones become inflamed, ulcerated, and there is a danger of developing paraproctitis and other serious complications.

The older the disease is, the more difficult it is to set the nodes: at first they “go away” on their own, and in the later stages they can only be set by hand, and even then not always.

“Hemorrhoids” case: how to deal with the problem?

What to do if hemorrhoids come out? First, you need to find time to go to the doctor. Ideally, this should be a proctologist - a specialist in diseases of the large intestine. If there is no such doctor, you can contact a surgeon.

A visit to the doctor will help you determine exactly:

  • Number of nodes, their location and status
  • Stage of the disease
  • Possible concomitant pathologies - anal fissures, polyps, tumors
  • Further tactics are treatment with conservative methods or surgical removal of cones

It may also be appropriate to have blood tests done to see if anal bleeding is causing anemia.

“Fresh” postpartum hemorrhoids are treated with special preparations - suppositories, ointments and gels. The purpose of their use is to relieve pain, inflammation, heal wounds, and improve venous blood flow in the anus.

Late stages of the disease must be treated only surgically, since the hemorrhoids no longer adjust, become very painful and bleed. Local remedies have only a temporary symptomatic effect, briefly relieving pain and stopping bleeding, so you should not seriously count on them.

Modern surgical techniques make it possible to get rid of hemorrhoids very quickly and completely: removal of cones is carried out with laser, sclerotherapy, and cryotherapy sessions. These methods are relatively painless and do not require a long recovery period, which is very important for women who have recently given birth to a child.

If a woman is breastfeeding

Which product should I choose? The problem of choice is very serious for women breastfeeding: medicinal substances are quickly absorbed by the intestinal walls and enter the blood, and from there into milk. This can cause severe allergies in the child, so treatment of hemorrhoids during breastfeeding requires mandatory medical consultation before undergoing treatment.

Good results are achieved by suppositories and ointments based on plant extracts and bee products:

  • Candles with calendula
  • Suppositories with propolis
  • Similar ointments

During lactation, doctors recommend using relief, posterisan, procto-glivenol. These drugs not only relieve pain, swelling, inflammation and heal bleeding sites, but also strengthen local immunity in the tissues of the anus.

Traditional medicine

Treatment of hemorrhoids after childbirth can be carried out not only with the help of purchased and not always cheap drugs, but also with folk remedies. Of course, they are unlikely to cure severe, advanced varicose veins, but in the initial stages they can give very good results.

Remedies for external varicose veins

  • Potato compresses

Place peeled, grated potatoes in gauze and apply to the opening of the anus overnight. Before the manipulation, go to the toilet and thoroughly wash the anus area, dry carefully with a soft cloth.

Make potato compresses until the condition improves.

  • Compresses with sea buckthorn oil

Moisten a cotton pad with ready-made pharmaceutical oil or prepared at home (if available), apply to the anus overnight. The preparation is the same - bowel movement, washing with cool water.

  • Compresses with ointment

Dissolve 50 grams of good, fresh butter in a water bath, add 3-4 crushed bay leaves, boil together for 10 minutes.

Strain the resulting broth and pour into a clean jar. When the ointment hardens, lubricate the nodes around the anus with it at night, if possible, also affecting the anus inside. Apply clean gauze or cotton pad.
Apply compresses at night until complete recovery.

Washing the anus area with cool water at night is an excellent way to prevent hemorrhoids and a measure that helps improve the condition when varicose veins begin for the first time or worsen.

You should also make it a rule to wash your anus after each bowel movement. Cool water tones tissues and blood vessels.

You can also do sitz baths with chamomile, calendula, and yarrow for external hemorrhoids.

Remedies for internal hemorrhoids

These remedies are not particularly effective: internal hemorrhoids are often detected in the later stages, when surgery is the only treatment option.

However, you can try if you cannot undergo surgery in the very near future.

  • Rowan juice

If the nodes are disturbed just during frosts, when the rowan is slightly frozen, you can take several bunches and squeeze out the juice. Drink 50 grams after meals. If you are not allergic to honey, add it to the juice.

  • Candles made from aspen leaves

Wash the aspen leaf well, roll it into a tube and carefully insert it into the anus. Do the procedure at night after a bath or washing with cool water until the condition improves.

If relief does not occur within a few days, you will have to go to the doctor and agree to surgical removal of the nodes.

A few more mandatory measures

How to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth to achieve maximum results? You can’t do this with ointments and suppositories alone: ​​you’ll have to completely reconsider your diet and do therapeutic exercises.


A woman who is breastfeeding already has to be careful when choosing foods so that they do not harm the baby. However, during treatment and for the prevention of hemorrhoids, it is necessary to include as many vegetables and fruits in the diet as possible - they are rich in fiber, contain many vitamins and water.

Of course, raw vegetables and fresh fruits can cause intestinal cramps and gas in the baby if he receives breast milk. Therefore, a reasonable compromise here would be dishes made from stewed vegetables - potatoes, zucchini, carrots, beets.

Fresh and baked fruits and juices of a nursing mother can be gradually included in your menu as soon as the pediatrician allows the baby to be given berry purees, grated apples and juice.

It is better to take dietary bread - with bran. Bran has a good effect on intestinal motility and prevents the development of constipation. Every day, the diet should include liquid soups and borscht, cooked in light chicken or vegetable broth, and porridge from whole grains.


Pure water without gas is the basis of a woman’s drinking regime in the postpartum period. There are no special standards here: you need to drink as you wish, but in such a way as to prevent dehydration.

Homemade juices, fruit drinks, and compotes diversify your drinking diet, but you will have to completely give up coffee, tea, and store-bought drinks (even non-carbonated ones).

You should not drink, even if the child receives artificial nutrition: alcohol increases blood flow to varicose nodes and can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

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