Bimatoprost eye drops. Bimatoprost: instructions for use, reviews and analogues, prices in pharmacies. Photos of packaging and bottle

Bimatoprost is a synthetic prostamide that is structurally related to F2ά prostaglandins.

The IOP-lowering action of this drug is to selectively mimic the effect of prostamides, rather than binding to prostaglandin receptors.

The mechanism of action of the drug Bimatoprost is not exactly known, because at present no receptors for it have been found in the body.

The effect of a gradual decrease in IOP is the uveoscleral outflow of intraocular fluid, as well as an increase in the outflow passing through the trabecular meshwork.

The action of this drug begins somewhere in 4 hours immediately after ingestion, and reaches a maximum after only 8-12 hours. Its total duration is about 24 hours.

The drug Bimatoprost effectively penetrates the human sclera and cornea. Also, it is not capable of cumulation and, after instillation, has a rather low systemic effect.

So, when administered once a day, its maximum concentration in the blood occurs after about 10 minutes, and decreases to the lowest sensitivity limit of laboratory methods in just 1.5 hours. With intravenous administration, the half-life is approximately 45 minutes.

Plasma proteins generally bind about 88% of Bimatoprost. The rest of the amount is in absolutely free form.

Excretion of the drug is carried out by the kidneys:

  • up to 67% is excreted in the urine,
  • 25% - with feces.

Indications for use

The action of the drug Bimatoprost does not appear immediately, but for 1-2 months. Keep in mind that the effect may not be permanent, and if you stop using it, the eyelashes may return to their previous state.

In addition, in some cases there are differences in the length of old and new eyelashes, thickness, as well as the direction of growth and color intensity.

If suddenly you forgot to apply the drug on time - this does not mean that you need to double the next dose, just continue to apply the drug as planned at the usual time.

Do not use Bimatoprost during pregnancy or breastfeeding, in the absence of data from clinical trials.

  • hypotrichosis (insufficient growth) of eyelashes;
  • excessive loss of eyelashes.

Mode of application

The standard dose is 1 drop once a day (in the evening) in the sore eye. A significant increase in the frequency of application can reduce the therapeutic effect.

In the case when the next dose is missed, the use of the drug must be continued without change, that is, 1 drop per day. In the case of simultaneous administration of Bimatoprost with any other prostaglandin analogues, it is imperative to control the level of IOP.

Release form, composition

Ophthalmic drops for topical use Bimatoprost 0.03% are available in a 3 ml polyethylene bottle (the kit also includes a special applicator).

The main active ingredient of this drug: bimatoprost - 0.03 mg / ml.

Additional components are:

  • sodium chloride;
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • disubstituted sodium hydrogen phosphate;
  • distilled water,
  • citric acid.

Sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid is added to adjust the pH. The pH level is 6.8-7.8.

Interaction with various drugs

The interaction of the drug Bimatoprost with other drugs is unlikely due to its extremely low concentration in the blood immediately after instillation into the eyes.

According to the results of preclinical studies, this drug is biotransformed in completely different ways, without affecting the liver enzymes that are involved in the metabolism of other drugs.

Numerous studies have not shown interaction with all types of β-blockers in the case of simultaneous use. However, the interaction with other antiglaucoma drugs has not yet been studied.


The drug Bimatoprost is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • in childhood;
  • pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding;
  • with hypersensitivity to the drug Bimatoprost or other components of the drug.

Precautionary measures

Bimatoprost can often cause increased pigmentation of the eyelids, iris and eyelashes. Such effects may be due to an increase in the amount of pigment in melanocytes, but this is not accompanied by an increase in the number of the latter.

The particular severity of such manifestations depends solely on the duration of the reception. Immediately after stopping taking Bimatoprost, often the pigmentation of the iris does not return to the original, and the pigmentation of the eyelashes and eyelids may decrease significantly. The long-term consequences of this effect have not yet been studied.

There are exceptions when, when the drug is stopped, a reversible is noted: an increase in the growth, number and thickness of eyelashes.

With extreme caution, this drug is prescribed to patients with a fairly active inflammatory intraocular process (for example, uveitis and iritis) due to its amplification.

In addition, there is some evidence of recurrence of corneal infiltrates or ocular infections during the use of Bimatoprost.

In this case, the most careful monitoring of sick patients who use this drug is necessary, with a history of viral eye damage (for example, herpes simplex virus).

Taking the drug Bimatoprost in exceptional cases can contribute to the gradual development of the so-called macular edema.

  • diabetic retinopathy,
  • damage to the posterior capsule due to cataract extraction,
  • aphakia.

The effect of the drug Bimatoprost has not yet been studied in the treatment of narrow-angle and angle-closure, neovascular, congenital and uveal glaucoma.

With extreme caution, Bimatoprost should be prescribed to patients with both hepatic and renal insufficiency.

The effect of the drug has also not been studied in patients with impaired respiratory function. But there is some evidence of worsening asthma, chronic lung disease, and dyspnea.

This group of patients should be given this drug with extreme caution.

In the presence of any intracardiac blockades or heart failure, the safety of using Bimatoprost has not yet been evaluated, however, there are isolated reports in the literature of hypotension, as well as the development of bradycardia during its use.

Due to the presence in the composition of a substance such as benzalkonium chloride, with prolonged use of the drug, constant monitoring of the condition of the cornea is required. All this is due to the risk of developing toxic or punctate ulcerative keratopathy, especially in patients who use contact lenses or with dry eye syndrome.

The risk of using the drug during pregnancy according to the FDA is category C. In animal studies, it was found that the drug Bimatoprost has a strong teratogenic effect in case of increasing doses that significantly exceed the maximum for the human body.

There have been no adequate studies on women. Also, the possibility of excretion of the drug, as well as its metabolites into the milk of a nursing mother, has not been studied, but in experiments on animals this fact has been established.

It is because of this that the appointment of this drug is possible only when the effect obtained for the mother exceeds the risk of developing any side effects for the child.

In humans, at the moment, no effect of Bimatoprost on fertility has been identified. In addition, the drug did not have any carcinogenic or mutagenic effect in the ongoing experiments on animals.

The safety of using Bimatoprost in children under 18 years of age has not been evaluated.

There may also be short-term blurred vision or other visual disturbances. In case of their occurrence, it is required to refrain from driving vehicles.

Side effects

The most common and most frequent side effect is conjunctival hyperemia (in 15-40% of cases).

By the third year of using the drug, it progressively begins to decrease almost to complete disappearance.

Approximately 0.5-3% of patients consider this a reason to stop taking the drug. Quite common side effects are severe itching and eyelash growth (approximately 15-40%).

In 1-10% of all cases, side effects such as:

  • dryness, pain, burning and irritation in the eye,
  • some visual impairment
  • constant sensation of a foreign body in the eye,
  • pigmentation of the entire perimacular area,
  • cataract,
  • superficial punctate keratitis,
  • eyelash darkening,
  • periorbital erythema,
  • allergic conjunctivitis,
  • discharge from the eye
  • photophobia,
  • asthenopia,
  • hyposphagma,
  • increased pigmentation of the iris,
  • swelling of the conjunctiva
  • abnormal hair growth.

In rare cases, iritis (intraocular inflammation) is possible.

Of all the systemic side effects, upper respiratory tract infections and colds are the most common (approximately 10%). There are also exceptions when patients complain of increased liver enzymes, headache, and asthenic condition.

Terms and conditions of storage

It is stored at a temperature of 2-25 ° C, always in a place protected from children.

The average cost of the drug in Russia and Ukraine

The average cost of Bimatoprost in Russia is 800 rubles, and in Ukraine - 180 hryvnias.


Excellent analogues of the drug Bimatoprost are drugs such as:

  • Careprost - the average cost is 345 rubles;
  • Bimat - the average cost is 208 rubles;
  • Lumigan - the average cost is 760 rubles;
  • Xlash - the average cost is 1020 rubles.

Careprost is a bimatoprost solution to improve eyelash growth.

What is Careprost?

Careprost is a cosmetic product, as a result of its eyelashes become longer, thicker and darker.

Are there any contraindications for Careprost?

Contraindication to the use of Careprost is individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

What are the ingredients in Careprost?

Active ingredient: bimatoprost.
Inactive ingredients: benzalkonium chloride; sodium chloride; sodium hydrogen phosphate disubstituted; lemon acid; distilled water. Sodium hydroxide and/or hydrochloric acid may be added to adjust the pH. The pH level is 6.8 - 7.8.

Are there any special restrictions associated with the use of Careprost?

Careprost should be applied to the skin of the upper eyelid at the base of the eyelashes. Cm. . It is not recommended to apply on the lower eyelid. If you are using LUMIGAN or other drugs in this class for raised intraocular pressure (EOP), or if you have ever had EOP, you should use Careprost under the strict supervision of your healthcare professional.

The use of Careprost may cause temporary darkening of the skin of the eyelids.

It is also possible to grow hair on the skin in those places where there is frequent contact with Careprost. To avoid this, in case of contact with the skin (except for the upper eyelid), the area should be blotted with a thin cloth or other absorbent material. There may also be differences in the length, thickness, pigmentation, number and/or direction of eyelash growth in different eyes. These differences usually disappear after you stop using Careprost.

Who should be informed about the use of Careprost?

You may want to tell your healthcare provider about using Careprost, especially if you have had problems with intraocular pressure.

You must also report your use of Careprost to your eye pressure monitor.

What should I do if Careprost gets into my eyes?

Careprost will not cause irritation if applied directly to the eyes. In this case, the eyes do not need to be washed.

What are the possible side effects of using Careprost?

The most common side effects from using Careprost are itching and/or redness of the eyes. These symptoms were observed in approximately 4% of patients. Careprost may cause other less common side effects. It can be darkening of the skin of the eyelids, eye irritation, dry eyes and redness of the eyelids.

If the condition of your eyes has changed (an injury or infection has occurred), visual acuity has sharply decreased, you have undergone eye surgery, you have developed conjunctivitis or other eye diseases, you should immediately consult with your doctor about the further use of Careprost.
If you experience any side effects, 8-800-333-32-49 (toll-free).

What happens if you stop using Careprost?

After you stop using Careprost, your eyelids will return to their previous state, darkening of the skin of the eyelids will disappear in a few weeks or months.

How to use Careprost?

Careprost is sold in packs of 3 ml. The recommended dose is a single application at bedtime on the skin of the upper eyelid only at the base of the eyelashes.

Before applying, clean the skin of makeup, remove contact lenses. Take the applicator out of the package. Then, holding the applicator horizontally, apply one drop of Careprost to the applicator close to, but not directly on, the tip. Then, immediately, gently sweep the applicator across the skin of the upper eyelid at the base of the eyelashes, moving from the inside of the eye to the outside. Avoid getting the drug beyond the eyelid.

Repeat the same steps for the second eyelid.

Avoid getting the drug inside the eye or on the lower eyelid. If you miss a dose of the drug, do not try to "catch up". Just use Careprost the next day in the evening.

If Careprost comes into direct contact with the eyes, it will not cause harm. Eyes do not need to be rinsed. Keep the neck of the vial and applicator away from other objects, fingers or other surfaces to avoid bacteria and infection.

Before using Careprost, contact lenses should be removed, they can be put back on 15 minutes after applying the drug.

Use Careprost once a day.

Application more than once a day will not accelerate the growth of eyelashes and will not increase the effect of the drug.

Careprost should be stored between 2-25 degrees C.

Bimatoprost refers to antiglaucoma drugs, which leads to an improvement in the outflow of aqueous humor along the uveoscleral pathway. Most often, this prostaglandin analog is prescribed to patients with open-angle glaucoma.

Composition and form of release

Bimatoprost is available as a 0.005% solution. Additional components are sodium chloride, sodium monohydrate, disodium hydrogen phosphate, benzalkonium chloride, water. ON 2.5 or 5 ml of a clear solution is placed in plastic bottles.

pharmachologic effect

Bimatoprost refers to synthetic analogues of prostaglandins. The decrease in intraocular pressure occurs as a result of improved outflow of aqueous humor along the uveoscleral pathway and through the trabecular meshwork.

The effectiveness of the drug becomes noticeable 4 hours after instillation of the solution. The maximum effect is observed after 8-12 hours and lasts up to 24 hours.


Bimatoprost is prescribed for the treatment of patients with:

  • open-angle glaucoma;
  • Ophthalmic hypertonicity.

Mode of application

Assign bimatoprost 1 drop in the evening in the affected eye. If you use the medicine more often, then the effectiveness of therapy decreases. If you miss the next dose, you need to continue treatment at the standard dose.


Bimatoprost should not be used for hypersensitivity and in pediatric patients. Caution is required in the treatment of patients with acute inflammation of the eyes (iritis, uveitis), herpes infection. The drug is also carefully used at a high risk of developing macular edema (pseudophakia, diabetic retinopathy, aphakia, damage to the posterior lens capsule).

Side effects

When using Bimatoprost, local side effects may develop: conjunctival hyperemia, atypical growth of ciliary hair, itching, irritation, blepharitis, cataracts, superficial punctate keratitis, photophobia, darkening of the periocular zone, increased color of the iris due to pigmentation, erythema, lacrimation, allergic conjunctivitis, hyposphagma , iritis.


Cases of overdose with Bimatoprost are not described. If necessary, symptomatic therapy is prescribed.


With local application of Bimatoprost, the systemic concentration of the substance is very low, so the likelihood of drug interaction is negligible.

special instructions

Bimatoprost can lead to increased pigmentation of the iris, eyelashes and eyelids. This should be reported to the patient before starting treatment, as iris heterochromia becomes irreversible.

After instillation of Bimatoprost, vision may temporarily become blurred, so for this period you need to stop driving.

The active substance of the drug is bimatoprost, which is a prostamide of artificial origin. When using the drug, the outflow of intraocular fluid improves. The action of Bimatoprost begins approximately 4 hours after the instillation of the medication. The agent is able to penetrate the cornea of ​​​​the eye. "Bimatoprost" is used in the treatment of open-angle glaucoma, excessive loss of eyelashes. In addition to the active substance, there are other components in the medication: sodium chloride, a certain amount of citric acid, and specially purified water.

The use of Bimatoprost for eyelash growth

Positive changes can be seen after 6-8 weeks of active use of Bimatoprost. When the course is stopped, the condition of the eyelashes may worsen again.

Important! "Bimatoprost", which activates the growth of eyelashes, is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation, since relevant clinical studies have not been conducted. The tool is effective both with the slow growth of eyelashes, and with their excessive loss.

Contraindications to prescribing medication

From the use of the drug "Bimatoprost" should be abandoned to children under the age of 16 years. The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its components.

Side effects of the drug

Many patients using Bimatoprost complain of conjunctival hyperemia. When using the medication, the following side effects may occur:

  • The appearance of a feeling of dryness in the eye;
  • Decreased clarity of vision;
  • The appearance of a foreign body sensation in the eye;
  • The appearance of signs of blepharitis;
  • Changing the shade of eyelashes;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • Photophobia;
  • Excessively active growth of eyelashes;
  • Increased lacrimation.

Side effects such as asthenia and headache are quite rare when using Bimatoprost. In case of accidental drug overdose, symptomatic treatment is carried out.

Features of the interaction of "Bimatoprost" with other medicines

The drug interacts well with most drugs. But it is not recommended to use it simultaneously with medicines belonging to the group of β-blockers. The interaction of such drugs with Bimatoprost has not yet been studied.

special instructions

  • Retinopathy of diabetic nature;
  • Afakia.

Bimatoprost should not be used if the patient has angle-closure, narrow-angle or congenital glaucoma. Patients who have been diagnosed with liver failure or severe kidney disease should use the drug with caution.

From the use of "Bimatoprost" should refrain from people with a low heart rate, low blood pressure.

Important! Due to the presence of benzalkonium chloride in Bimatoprost, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the cornea. When using the drug in people with dry eye syndrome, the risk of punctate ulcerative keratopathy increases.

When using the drug "Bimatoprost" there may be a temporary decrease in visual clarity. When undergoing a treatment course, it is recommended to refrain from driving a car or doing mental work.

If the patient has iritis, Bimatoprost should be used with caution. In the presence of this pathology, an inflammatory process is observed in the region of the iris. The likelihood of iritis increases in the presence of the following pathologies:

  1. The presence in the body of foci of chronic infection (inflammation of the tonsils, sinusitis);
  2. Increased concentration of sugar in the blood;
  3. Certain autoimmune diseases;
  4. Prolonged stress;
  5. Nervous strain;
  6. Hypothermia.

Note! Iritis can be a complication of eye surgery.

Features of storage of the drug "Bimatoprost"

Eye drops "Bimatoprost" are recommended to be stored in a place that is not accessible to small children. The shelf life of the drug is 2 years from the date of its manufacture. The drug should be stored in a place protected from direct sunlight.

Reviews about the medicine

Reviews about the drug "Bimatoprost" are generally positive. At the same time, many patients note the high cost of the medicine: about 800 rubles.

Karina, 25 years old, Krasnoyarsk.
I have no particular complaints about Bimatoprost. During the use of the drug, no side effects were observed. After using Bimatoprost, the eyelashes grew noticeably, acquired a darker shade. But, unfortunately, the achieved effect quickly disappeared. In the future, I will not use Bimatoprost, which activates the growth of eyelashes. In my opinion, the medicine does not justify its high cost.

Anna, 30 years old, Omsk.
I have a positive impression of Bimatoprost. After applying the medicine, the eyelashes really began to look more attractive. In the first days of using Bimatoprost, I had increased lacrimation, which quickly passed. Next time I will use a cheaper analogue of the medicine, since the cost of the medicine is quite high.

Other effective drugs for glaucoma

Eye drops "Taurine" are used in the presence of the following indications:

  1. Degeneration of the corneal tissue. Pathology can be a congenital anomaly. Corneal tissue dystrophy is often the result of trauma to the trigeminal nerve, keratitis, and age-related changes. In the presence of tissue dystrophy, clouding of the cornea may occur. After the application of "Taurine" there is an improvement in the trophism of the corresponding tissues.
  2. Cataract. The disease develops under the influence of factors such as hereditary predisposition, smoking, exposure to radioactive radiation. The drug "Taurine" improves the nutrition of cells in cataracts, activates the process of regeneration of the eye membranes.
  3. Glaucoma. The disease develops under the influence of various factors. The risk of glaucoma increases with hereditary predisposition. Glaucoma often occurs in patients who have been diagnosed with various eye diseases (myopia, cataracts, iridocyclitis). Patients with hypertension, obesity, and diabetes mellitus are also at increased risk. Glaucoma can also occur in people suffering from cervical osteochondrosis (when the innervation of the eyeballs deteriorates). In the presence of this pathology, an increase in intraocular pressure occurs due to a slowdown in electrolyte balance. The drug "Taurine" reduces the risk of atrophy of the optic nerves, reduces intraocular pressure.

According to the instructions for the use of Taurine drops, the medicine is not prescribed to patients under the age of eighteen. It is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. From the use of "Taurine" during the period of expectation of the child and breastfeeding should be abandoned.

When using eye drops, the following side effects may occur:

  • The appearance of a burning sensation in the eyes;
  • Redness;
  • Increased lacrimation;

The drug "Ocumol" belongs to the group of beta-blockers of non-selective type. The drug helps to normalize intraocular pressure. In the treatment of open-angle glaucoma, the drug "Pilocarpine" is also actively used.

The active substance of Azopt is brinzolamide. The drug is actively used in the presence of open-angle glaucoma in a patient. Azopt should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to its components. It is contraindicated if the patient has severe kidney pathologies: the main part of brinzolamide is excreted from the body by the kidneys. The drug is not recommended for use in the treatment of patients who have been diagnosed with chronic liver disease.

When using Azopt, the following side effects may occur:

  • blurred vision;
  • The appearance of a bitter taste in the mouth;
  • Feeling of dry eyes;
  • Headache;
  • Redness of the conjunctiva;
  • The appearance of itching;
  • Keratopathy;
  • Lachrymation.

Important! In some situations, when using the Azopt drug, complications such as nausea, the occurrence of pain in the chest, pain in the lumbar region, and the appearance of an allergic rash are observed.

The use of folk methods in the presence of a patient with glaucoma

At the initial stage of glaucoma, folk methods are actively used. You can pour 30 grams of eyebright pour 400 ml of boiling water. The resulting mixture is infused and cooled to room temperature. A ready-made remedy for cataracts is actively used for washing the eyes. The infusion helps to reduce intraocular pressure, prevents the exacerbation of glaucoma.

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