Pisces horoscope for the first two months. Horoscope by year of birth for Pisces

This year, your patron Neptune will be in your constellation and this is a good sign, because you will feel at ease, and it will be easier for you to be honest with yourself. Of course, you will be inclined to daydream a little, fly in the clouds, fantasize a little, but you need to seriously work on staying grounded. From the beginning of the year, Mars will also be in your constellation, which will give you strength and energy to fight difficulties, start something of your own and enter a new era of life, which will last the next two years. In February 2017, a solar eclipse is expected in your constellation, which will give you even more strength, and you will be able to maintain the passion and courage that you had at the very beginning of your journey.

In the first half of April 2017, retrograde Venus will enter your constellation, which will make you too lazy, stubborn and you will not notice the surrounding reality, and therefore you should not strain yourself too much during this period. You just need to rest a little.

In mid-October 2017, Jupiter will ascend into the constellation Scorpio and then over the next 12 months you will be full of optimism and the ability to see everything only from the positive side. You will seek new experiences and explore the world and, of course, you will do everything to expand your own capabilities. You can start traveling, go to study and spend time with new people.

In mid-December 2017, Saturn will enter the constellation Capricorn and in the next two to three years you will be able to turn all your dreams into reality. You can easily understand what it really takes to bring it to life, and only those dreams that seem worthy to you will be allowed to come true. You will think more carefully about long-term plans and will strive to combine incompatible things. Also, on your life path you will be able to meet those with whom you were destined to part. You can also leave the environment in which you have been communicating for a long time, but this is only for your own good. Instead, it is better to pay attention to those friends who you care about and who have a fairly noticeable and positive impact on your life.

Horoscope for 2017 for Pisces about love

Until mid-October 2017, Jupiter will be in your Intimacy sector and, therefore, this year will be excellent for solving all problems related to this area and making your relationships with others even stronger. You would like to better understand those around you, and you will know exactly how to do this. If you are just looking for a soul mate, then you should focus on strong and long-lasting relationships and, accordingly, select a partner only according to these criteria. At the end of October 2017 and throughout November, Mars will be in this sector, so for the whole year, pay attention to problems related to intimacy and urgently eliminate the reasons due to which your relationship with your partner may suffer.

In the period from June 2017 to mid-July 2017, Mars will be in your sector of Love and just at this time you will become very romantic and will gravitate towards getting into society. You will so want to give your love to everyone around you. If you are still searching, then you will meet a lot of interesting people on your way and will be able to find your soulmate. If you have a partner, then it’s time to think about how to renew the spark of the relationship and this time should be devoted only to yourself.

In the second half of August, retrograde Mercury will appear in the sector of your Relationships (that is, it will move in the opposite direction) and then it will be time for old problems to surface. Perhaps even some old acquaintances will return to your life. In any case, you should work on how you communicate with others or try to improve those relationships in which you are still experiencing difficulties. Starting from September 2017 and until mid-October 2017, Mars will appear in this sector and at this time you should finally patch up all the holes and establish interaction with your partner. This is the only way you can get a normal healthy relationship and a good experience that will be useful to both of you, and you will not leave each other a single step.

Horoscope for 2017 for Pisces about money and career

Until the very middle of December 2017, Saturn will be in your sector of Professional growth and life path and, thus, you will reap the fruits of your hard work, as well as prepare the ground for future endeavors that will lead to success in a few years. Try to complete as many tasks as possible. If you do everything correctly with a great deal of sincerity, then things will go uphill and while there is time, try to do as much as possible. Indeed, for a couple of days at the very beginning of the year and in December 2017, retrograde Mercury will look into this sector and therefore at this time it is worth devoting yourself to old affairs and projects that have already been abandoned, as well as reconsidering your plans for the future.

In February 2017, a lunar eclipse will occur in your Work sector and, thus, the time will come to solve all the difficulties of this area. Finish everything you have already started and the reward will not be long in coming. If you are tired of your job, then it's time to quit. In August 2017, there will be two events in this sector at once - the presence of Mars and a solar eclipse, and therefore you have an excellent chance to find a new job or start something of your own. Immerse yourself in a new project, establish professional contacts, and without a doubt you will be inspired. In the first week of September 2017, retrograde Mercury will ascend into this sector and difficulties, stagnation, periodic delays and overdue deadlines may arise, and you will urgently need to review, study and correct everything.

Throughout the year, Uranus will be in your Money sector, and in February 2017, Mars will also be there, and therefore during this period you should pay attention to your pocket and try to grab any opportunity that entails profit. By the way, you yourself are able to create such opportunities! It is also worth managing your budget better and making the right decisions. However, you shouldn't be too impulsive when doing this.

In March, retrograde Venus will visit this sector and therefore stagnation awaits you in terms of finances and prospects. At this time, perhaps your attitude towards money will be too dismissive, and you can easily throw away those things that, in your opinion, are no longer needed. Just in case, prepare a small rainy day nest egg to help you cope with any unexpected expenses and continue to control your budget.

Horoscope for 2017 for Pisces about home and family

In the period from the end of April 2017 to the end of May, Mars will rule the roost in your sector of Home and Family, and at this time it is worth devoting yourself to home comfort and family life. You can easily try to change the decor in your home, update something, do minor repairs, change the design and even think about moving. You can solve real estate issues or turn your home into a real fortress. You should spend more time with your family, be closer to them and schedule a general meeting or go for an outing. You should take care to create a strong union in order to calmly accept all the blows of fate. By union we mean not only specific family members, but also those whom you consider them to be.

Horoscope for 2017 for Pisces about the state of mind

In August 2017, a lunar eclipse will occur in the sector of the horoscope, which is responsible for managing your subconscious, and at this time it is worth seriously thinking about your past, about the problems that are gnawing at you from the inside and about the motives of your behavior. You need to understand what you should get rid of in order to understand others better. You can spend time with yourself more often to achieve results and understand further actions. You need to get rid of this internal baggage in order to move on.

Brief monthly horoscope for Pisces for 2017

Pisces horoscope for January 2017

The future seems very vague, and you are not sure that your plans for the next year will lead to success. However, you have a lot of strength and energy and soon you will be able to devote yourself to the ideas and plans that you have decided to implement. By the way, thanks to such endeavors, your strength will only grow.

Pisces horoscope for February 2017

You are capable of a lot and will work fruitfully, and then you will be immersed in those projects that you have been thinking about all month. Even if you abandon half of the old ideas, they will immediately be replaced by new ones and you can easily decide on the most interesting ones and will certainly start working on them.

Pisces horoscope for March 2017

During this period, you will be too distant from reality and it will be difficult for you to do much. Try to get some rest. If you fail, you will have to make a lot of effort to gain self-control. And as a result of these efforts, you will be very gloomy and therefore you just need to cheer up well.

Pisces horoscope for April 2017

It will be very difficult for you to find mutual understanding with others during this period. The reason is that you will not see boundaries and try to communicate with everyone on short terms. The sense of tact will be alien to you, but by and large it does not matter. Try to weigh every word and evaluate the consequences of what is said to avoid trouble.

Pisces horoscope for May 2017, 2017

This will be a very good time for new beginnings, especially from scratch. And you will be able to devote yourself to this fully. Moreover, you will be working on this project for the next year and, possibly, longer. You understand in 2017 that the new activity will be profitable and you will do everything to prepare the ground for this.

Pisces horoscope for June 2017

At this time, you will be in a very playful mood and you will devote all your free time to various hobbies and people with whom communication brings you only pleasure. The more you try to feel those around you with all your heart, the better you understand yourself. At the same time, only by being creative during this period can you enjoy life.

Pisces horoscope for July 2017

This period is characterized by the fact that from the very beginning you will devote yourself only to the most interesting activities that bring you pleasure, but not benefit. Over time, you will gradually begin to pay attention to what is actually worth doing. At the same time, even the smallest details will not be left without your attention. This way, by the end of the month, you will do everything to work hard and be truly useful.

Pisces horoscope for August 2017

You will try to let go of everything that pulled you to the bottom, and work in this sense is no exception. You will easily find a new job that you will truly love. At the same time, you will find a compromise between working time and rest time. Therefore, you will strive both to communicate with others and to new beginnings in your professional activities.

Pisces horoscope for September 2017

During this period, you have an excellent opportunity to sort out relationships, make new acquaintances, reach compromises, and take on new obligations. Believe me, you will succeed in everything. You will find those areas of life that have been ignored for a long time and it is time to breathe new life into them.

Pisces horoscope for October 2017

It's time to stop taking everything too seriously. For the past year this is all you have been doing. It's time to highlight your optimism and see only the good in all situations. This is the only way you can see the prospects around you, which will give you new opportunities. Otherwise, you will never receive anything.

Pisces horoscope for November 2017

It's time to change your life for the better. At the same time, you can change both yourself and any area of ​​your life. It is quite possible that you have been thinking about this for a long time, but will only be able to bring it to life now. And believe me - you can do it!

Pisces horoscope for December 2017

You will be very skeptical about all your plans and it will seem to you that they are hopeless and useless. You will also question the path that you have chosen in this life because you will not have confidence that it will make it possible for your dreams to come true. Try to gather the right thoughts and enter 2018 with your head up.

If you fall into depression and follow your natural passivity, choosing the easiest path, you risk encountering a whole series of unresolved conflicts. Of course, false hope is better than nothing, but still it will not be able to feed or warm you... So what can you do? Just work - work long and hard, activating all your strengths and abilities. 2017 - the year of the Red Fire Rooster - favors confident and motivated individuals who clearly understand their goals and know exactly what they are going to get in the end! For people born under the constellation Pisces, the year of the Red Fire Rooster will not be easy, and this is an indisputable fact. And yet, in order to get into the general flow, you, dear Pisces, will have to roll up your sleeves and take up the implementation of those plans that you have put off for so long. If you can overcome organizational difficulties, then by the spring of 2017 the first sparks of hope will appear in your soul, which will bring you happiness, and the clarity of clearly defined goals that you set for yourself in this battle will give you confidence and give you a sense of certainty on the path you have chosen. Thanks to all this, your endeavors will bring a generous harvest of the desired results!

So, let's analyze in detail the difficulties that people born under the constellation Pisces may face in 2017 - the year of the Red Fire Rooster. First of all, it is necessary to mention that we are talking about surmountable difficulties, but overcoming them will become vital. From the very beginning of 2017, Pisces will notice that not everything is happening as they planned, and yet this is unlikely to upset you - given your personal characteristics. The vast majority of representatives of this sign are likely to become more persistent, and some other Pisces may change their usual tactics, which is to some extent justified in the current situation. Any event that 2017 brings to you can teach you a lot, so you need to be prepared for the fact that this period of thinking will come to the fore. 2017 will be a very dynamic period that will bring us bright and controversial events. That is why it is important to note that the influence of Jupiter, the patron saint of Pisces, will be quite strong during this period. Of course, you will have to do the lion's share of the work yourself, alone. In the coming year, you should not expect that “manna from heaven” will fall straight into your hands, and workaholics, fanatics and people who are not prone to adventurism (or, more simply put, lazy and passive individuals) will not be able to ultimately achieve the most winning positions . In order to achieve success, Pisces needs to take active action, but at the same time, your actions must be proportional to your needs. That is, after putting in maximum effort and doing more work than necessary, you may be surprised to find that it was far from the best option. They say that good taste is characterized by a clear awareness of proportions and is extremely rare, and at some moments you may feel ashamed because you will realize that all this is not about you. During this period, initiative is punished - this is especially true for Pisces with creative habits. It would be better to forget about her for a while. This point is very important because it determines the philosophy of the entire current annual cycle. Do not hurry. In 2017, everything in your life should happen naturally, but do not forget about the need to receive complete physical, aesthetic and moral satisfaction.

For ease of understanding, we can divide 2017 - the year of the Red Fire Rooster - into three stages, each of which is distinguished by specific qualities and trends in relation to your zodiac sign.

The period from the beginning of 2017 to the last third of March (inclusive) for Pisces will become quite clear and unambiguous. Firstly, this period is characterized by high dynamics, which will allow you to achieve very significant results - their influence will be felt both now and in the future. In addition, at this stage, Pisces will be able to lay a solid foundation for the implementation of future projects that they have not even planned yet - for this they need to act purposefully, persistently and consistently. In short, although a fairly high level of activity is required of you, you should not rush into trying to fully exploit only the clear and obvious opportunities. If you are offered something new, and this offer is favorable and useful enough for you, you should not say “no” - or at least you should not reject it outright. No one is saying that it's wise to take risks at every turn now, and the likelihood of winning the lottery this year is no higher than usual. However, the Fire Rooster, which from an energetic point of view is a direct antagonist for Pisces and the element Water itself, simply will not allow you to achieve the desired results with minimal effort. That is, you should take a philosophical approach to the situation - especially when it comes to “affairs of love,” although this year one area of ​​life will not clearly dominate the others. Dear Pisces, the main difficulty is that in the first months of 2017 you will have to work hard for the future. During this period of time, it is very important to prevent the situation from worsening.

From the first days of April to the end of the second third of August, many key trends will change significantly. The spring-summer period will become quite active, and for your zodiac sign it will be especially dynamic and full of a variety of surprises. This phase of 2017 will definitely be an important milestone on your life path - in the sphere of personal relationships, this period will become exemplary and indicative for Pisces. Perhaps it is during this period that you will not have so many new contacts, but it is still important not to distance yourself from people - even if such a desire arises in the depths of your soul, which is more inclined towards misanthropy (during this period this characteristic feature of you will only get stronger). You yourself will understand why you need this - information obtained during a completely random conversation can literally save your life. You can get out of the most difficult situations unscathed (even if you find it hard to believe now), you can win mainly due to your inconstancy, some chaotic nature and tendency to disorder. Situations like this can change your perception of the world, and you should not doubt that you have chosen the right new priorities. More specifically, you don’t have to worry about any relationships ending during this period of time - they will get better again a little later. However, some of your new contacts will end up being short-lived, and there's not much to worry about here either. The important thing is that in the end you will be able to achieve the goals you have set for yourself and find yourself in those positions in which you have long wanted to be. However, right now, single Pisces are unlikely to be able to find their “other half,” and you should not break off or suspend relations with a valuable partner in pursuit of this goal - such actions are unlikely to lead to the emergence of any positive prospects in your personal life.

In the period from September 2017 to February 15, 2018 (before the completion of the annual cycle of the Fire Rooster), it would be logical to pay special attention to work. During this period of time, stellar support will be maximum in the sphere of professional activity, so just let “matters of the heart” fade into the background - current trends will not require any active actions from you in this area of ​​​​life. And yet, regarding your zodiac sign, everything is not so clear and understandable. If you are a performer, do not forget that now the initiative is unlikely to be useful for you. At best, it will bring you only minimal benefit. Your agility, speed of reaction and ability to adapt to changing conditions will help you more. In any case, it may seem to you that new, desirable positions for you are just around the corner - two steps away! It is difficult to say what exactly you need to do in order to be in this position, but people born under the constellation Pisces definitely need to act according to the situation, and during this period of 2017 the stars will definitely be on your side - you can not even doubt this. This period will be successful for entrepreneurs, managers of various ranks and self-employed individuals. You will be pleasantly surprised to discover that your abilities far exceed your expectations, so at this phase of the year, increased activity and dynamism, as well as a general increase in the tone of life, will be very appropriate. It is during this period that the Fire Rooster will be especially loyal to you, dear Pisces, so at this stage it would be quite justified to act boldly and even aggressively. True, as mentioned earlier in this horoscope, you need to act gradually and consistently, not forgetting a sense of proportion, so as not to frighten off the “blue bird of happiness.” You should approach the end of 2017 not only with a sense of completion and successful fulfillment of your obligations, but also with a clearly formulated action plan, the implementation of which will require you to make significant efforts. But all this will come later. Now it is important to understand that the near future will bring you very positive trends.

In general, the end of 2017 will be successful in all respects. As mentioned earlier, lonely Pisces are unlikely to be able to enjoy the successful completion of their emotional and spiritual quest. And yet, you will definitely be able to improve your financial situation, as well as make new friends and good (helpful) acquaintances. Act according to circumstances and take responsibility only when necessary. Stay away from problems, do not interfere in such situations, because at this point in time it will clearly become your big mistake. Instead, look for projects that are risky, but also promising and objectively feasible. Don't be afraid to take a chance, but don't take risks if you're not prepared for the consequences. These simple rules will prove very useful to you in the year of the (Red) Fire Rooster. We wish you happiness and joy in the coming year 2017!

For many of us, the past year has been extremely turbulent and very eventful. Astrologers explain this by the difficult character of the animal symbol of 2017 - the obstinate Rooster.

But the situation will soon change, because the reins of power in 2018 will rightfully belong to the calm and good-natured Dog, who promises to make the coming year a happy one for all representatives of the zodiac circle. Including for Pisces. The horoscope for the year 2018 for Pisces will tell you what the earthy yellow Dog has in store for them.

In general, astrologers foretell many pleasant situations for this sign in the coming year. According to stargazers, Pisces will begin 2018 in calmness and tranquility, right from the first days of January, and this period will last until December. The horoscopes of astrologers for the sign do not foretell any unpleasant surprises or unfavorable events.

The first half of the year will be pleasant and prosperous in all aspects for Pisces – adherents of an active lifestyle. At the beginning of the year, the Dog will give them many chances to change their lives for the better. But for this, the horoscope for 18 advises Pisces to apply all their knowledge and acquired skills in the first months.

Until the beginning of spring, this sign will have to deal with various life situations, the outcome of which will determine their further well-being. In order to avoid mistakes and not bring disaster upon themselves, Pisces will definitely have to carefully think through their every step, their every action. But this will allow them to gain new experience and receive a decent reward for their efforts.

In spring and summer, the Dog will give Pisces a sense of self-confidence. They will feel irresistible and capable of real feats. It is thanks to this that they will have the opportunity to achieve mutual sympathy with the person they like and win many victories in the professional field. To do this, they may have to change their place of work, because astrologers for the sign of Pisces for 2018 consider this option to be quite realistic.

The autumn-winter period in 2018 will be no less good and successful. In November-December, the horoscope predicts a lot of good news and positive emotions for Pisces. This will allow representatives of this zodiac sign to spend 2018 and meet the next year, 2019, in a great mood.

Gentlemen and ladies!

Astrologers assure that the stars will be extremely favorable to Pisces men in the 18th. Moreover, they foretell many dramatic changes for the better. But for this, Pisces men will have to show all their masculinity, determination and assertiveness.

Following the predictions of astrologers, a man may well trust his intuition in solving important issues. His spiritual impulse will be his guiding star in many life situations. Moving towards their goal, Pisces men need to draw up a detailed action plan and follow it step by step. Only in this case will they expect grandiose victories and successful implementation of their plans.

As for personal life, for the male part of Pisces it will be no less successful. According to the forecast for 2018 from the famous astrologers Pavel and Tamara Globa, the male half of humanity born under this zodiac sign will receive many pleasant surprises at the beginning of spring. Those Pisces whose hearts are still free will be lucky enough to meet a person who is almost ideally suited for creating a couple. For those who are already in a couple, the horoscope promises a new honeymoon in the relationship.

But they will have to take care of their health. Pisces men should pay close attention to their well-being, taking preventive measures when necessary.

You can avoid exacerbation of chronic diseases, as well as the appearance of new sores, if you undergo a course of therapy on time and change your lifestyle. The horoscope strongly recommends that in 2018 all representatives of the Pisces sign adhere to proper nutrition and a balanced sleep-wake schedule.

As for the beautiful half of humanity, born under the constellation Pisces, it would also do them no harm to approach their diet and sleep more responsibly. Otherwise, the Pisces woman will be able to feel a little discomfort after the New Year holidays. For other representatives of this zodiac sign, the horoscope promises improved well-being and pleasant changes in appearance.

In terms of love relationships, 2018 promises to be very fruitful for Pisces women. Closer to mid-spring, the period of dating and meeting new young people will begin. Among them, undoubtedly, there will be someone who will subsequently become a reliable support for life.

For Pisces women who are married, astrological predictions are no less pleasant. They, too, will experience a new wave of feelings for their partner, which will allow them to understand why the marriage was created.

In terms of finances, the coming year does not foretell any unpleasant surprises for the female half of this zodiac sign. Forecasts for ladies of the Pisces sign for 2018 from Pavel Globa report that they will have to work a lot throughout the twelve months. However, the time and effort spent will bring quite tangible results. There is a risk of unreasonable spending, which the famous astrologer strongly recommends avoiding.

What awaits the “waterfowl” sign on the love front?

Astrologers give detailed predictions about what awaits representatives of different zodiac signs in love. The love horoscope for 2018 for Pisces will be ambiguous. On the one hand, everyone born under this zodiac symbol will experience many positive moments and joyful events.

On the other hand, many Pisces will have to fight for their relationships. A significant obstacle to their full-fledged family happiness may well be work, to which they will have to devote much more time than in 2017. Of course, the time and effort spent will pay off handsomely, but you will have to spend time that was previously devoted to loved ones and loved ones to solve problems at work.

Mostly in 2018, all Pisces in a couple will experience a measured life. Joyful moments will alternate with minor conflicts that will not be able to destroy the overall idyll. Astrologers advise all representatives of this sign to relax more together. Let it be not only trips, but also walking in the evenings or weekends.

Show your love and care for your “other half.” Especially during busy periods at work, try to pay attention to your loved ones so that they do not feel lonely.

The astrological forecast for Pisces who have not yet met their “soul mate” promises an acquaintance with an interesting person closer to the middle of spring of the coming year. But in order to find a real life partner, Pisces will need to take up this issue closely, since Pisces will not be able to build relationships and simultaneously deal with other aspects of their life.

For marriages, the horoscope forecast for 2018 is not so reassuring. Pisces can start and build new relationships, but there is no need to rush into marriage. It is better for both partners to test their relationship for strength and only after that, preferably after a sufficient period of time, start organizing an engagement or wedding.

Moreover, the horoscope for Pisces for 2018 from Vasilisa Volodina says: nothing enchanting is expected for this sign. According to the famous astrologer, representatives of the sign will lead a very calm personal life.

What awaits the sign in the financial field?

Pisces are distinguished by hard work and determination. Therefore, the front of work that the yellow earthen Dog foreshadows for them at the beginning of the year will certainly be within their capabilities. Moreover, it will bring worthy results - the necessary experience and good profit. So, towards the end of summer, the horoscope for Pisces for the year of the Dog 2018 promises an improvement in well-being.

However, in order for current affairs to always be completed successfully and contribute to the growth of financial well-being, representatives of this zodiac sign will need to unconditionally believe in themselves and their strengths. And also listen to your intuition - in matters of love and finance, it will certainly tell you the direction you need for further action.

According to the financial forecast of astrologers, Pisces will in no case have to feel the need next year, because the Dog will be very generous and supportive towards them, sending many profitable orders and pacifying competitors.

An astrological forecast from Tamara Globa predicts rapid advancement up the career ladder for Pisces. In addition, according to the astrologer, throughout 2018 they will be able to make many profitable acquaintances, which in due time will play a certain role in career growth.

Some people born under the constellation Pisces will be able to change jobs. Those who have long dreamed of a change of scenery and more favorable conditions will be able to make these dreams come true in the coming year. People of creative professions will have to work hard to realize their plans and ideas.

Pisces who took out a loan in 2017 will be able to repay the debt in the first half of the coming year. Having been freed from debt obligations, they will be able to take a little rest and, with renewed vigor, begin to improve their own financial situation.

In the autumn-winter period, the stars recommend that the “waterfowl” sign take up the establishment of professional relationships. New acquaintances and contacts acquired at the beginning of 2018 should be strengthened. This may require you to sacrifice time that you previously devoted to your family.

State of health and well-being of Pisces

Like the love forecast, the health horoscope for representatives of the sign of Pisces is becoming increasingly in demand by the beginning of 2018. It is worth noting that you should not expect anything extremely negative. Yes, the horoscope for 2018 for Pisces from Pavel Globa indicates various viral diseases that will lie in wait for “waterfowl” throughout the twelve months. But with proper and timely care of your body, they can be avoided.

In addition, the horoscope gives a warning for 2018 for Pisces, who is overweight. The coming 2018 is a great year to get your body in order. By directing all your strength to the fight against extra pounds, you can not only improve your well-being, but also begin to catch the admiring glances of others.

Abuse of junk food, as well as regular lack of sleep, will have extremely negative consequences for Pisces in the coming year. Try to create an approximate regimen for yourself at the beginning of January, according to which you will eat and stay awake throughout the year. This way you will be able to avoid serious diseases and complications of existing chronic pathologies.

In order to strengthen your body and increase the body's resistance to various viruses, the horoscope for 2018 for Pisces strongly recommends a vacation in a sanatorium. The most favorable time to go there, according to astrologers, falls in the spring months and early summer.

  • Take care of your spine.
  • Meditate.
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the cold.

If Pisces listens to the predictions of the astrologers, then by the end of the year many of them will notice an improvement in their well-being and appearance. The Yellow Dog, the ruler of the coming year, will help Pisces gather strength and find the right motivation so that 2018 becomes happy and successful for them. Author: Elena Suvorova

Pisces birth dates: 21.02 - 20.03

Ruling planet Pisces: Neptune.

Element Pisces: Water.

Pisces symbols: two fish swimming in different directions, a shell, a wave.

Happy days Pisces: Monday Thursday.

Bad day for Pisces: Wednesday.

Metal Pisces: zinc, platinum.

Pisces Gemstone: emerald.

Pisces plant: seaweed.

Numerology Pisces: number 7.

The most inspiring color of Pisces: turquoise, pink, sea green.

Opposite sign Pisces: Virgo

For people born under the sign of Pisces, 2017 will be a lively and eventful year of the Fire Rooster in all areas of life. Even the less sociable and sociable representatives of this horoscope house will be able to open up, become more decisive and energetic. Events in 2017 will proceed quickly and dynamically, and Pisces will be able to adapt to this pace without any problems. Moreover, representatives of the sign will be delighted with this; such a rhythm of life will become organic and comfortable for them.

The year will be conducive to communication; this is not a time for loneliness and a reclusive lifestyle. Pisces will need to spend as much time as possible communicating with people in pleasant company. Close people will be more active during this period; Pisces will only be required not to resist the fascinating whirlpool of events. Thanks to their increased sociability, representatives of the sign will be able to quickly and easily meet people and communicate at ease.

In 2017, Pisces will feel the need for self-improvement; the stars do not advise resisting this impulse, because all endeavors will be productive and successful. Even if the representatives of the sign do not succeed in everything, then there is no need to be depressed about this, they will easily be able to cope with difficulties and achieve a positive result. True, despite the urgent need to do everything quickly and as efficiently as possible, in the first half of the year Pisces should try to devote more time to family and home. It is best to tackle the implementation of all ambitious projects in the second half of the year.

The most favorable period to begin to manifest yourself will be the end of summer. During this period, Pisces will finally be able to spread their wings, acting actively and confidently. This time is good for achieving your goals, winning the recognition and sympathy of those around you. Even when planning to gain the attention of a certain person, Pisces is not recommended to act actively before September, and starting from this time, you can safely, with confidence in success, rush into battle.

Work for Pisces in 2017

2017 will be a neutral year for representatives of the horoscope sign; no unfavorable or dangerous situations are expected. Ups and downs, successes and failures will depend entirely on the tactics of behavior of the representatives of this zodiac constellation. Everything will be in the hands of Pisces, providence will not interfere in any way with the events taking place.

The beginning of the year will be marked for Pisces by resolving the small matters that have accumulated over time; in order to clear up all matters, you will have to set a goal and show maximum concentration in achieving it. Properly planned time and distribution of work responsibilities will ensure that everything is completed successfully and on time.

Work matters should be arranged according to priority and degree of importance. The main and fundamental things should be given maximum effort and time; things that are not so important can be postponed and done when you have free time, during which time nothing terrible will happen. A properly planned work schedule will make it possible to see that there is no rush and you can work calmly. Pisces will be able to get into the working rhythm without problems, their professional qualities will be appreciated, and their activities will become more noticeable.

The fish will swim quite successfully in the sea of ​​Career, and there is one nuance in particular that will be taken into account. The stars warn representatives of the sign against intemperance in words. There will be situations when it is necessary to remain silent, and therefore you need to be extremely careful when criticizing other people; sometimes it is better to remain silent than to provoke unpleasant moments.

At the end of the year, Pisces will feel accumulated fatigue and a desire to relax and escape from everyday work. This fatigue can result in emotional outbursts and explosions. With proper self-control and discipline, you will be able to cope with emotions, but you should not overestimate the resources of your own body - you also need to rest.

Financial horoscope for 2017 for Pisces

Money affairs in 2017 for representatives of the sign will be quite stable. The stars do not promise them large expenses or serious profits, but warn them against tempting adventures related to finances. If Pisces shows caution, it is likely that at the end of the year they can strengthen their financial position. You will need to learn how to spend money correctly, this will be especially important in the first half of the year. Reasonable savings will allow you to make good savings. In the second half of the year, Pisces will be tempted to spend money.

The horoscope for the year of Fire says that representatives of the sign will work steadily, slowly, without taking unnecessary risks. There will be practically no spending at this time, so there is every chance of replenishing the budget. Meanwhile, as soon as Pisces accumulates enough money, they will have a desire to part with the money; it is quite possible that they will spend it on fulfilling an old dream. This could be a vacation trip, buying expensive furniture or other things that will please the representatives of the sign and raise their status in the eyes of others and their self-esteem.

Even if it seems that it is too early to talk about this now, that this will not happen soon, do not be discouraged. Right now it is important to act carefully and wisely, take the right steps and calculate everything ahead, since this is a guarantee of future success in financial matters.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Pisces

In personal relationships, representatives of the sign will experience an unstable situation; they will try to devote time to their loved ones and family, but in 2017 it is unlikely that they will be able to do this throughout the year. Pisces will be ready to make surprises, surprise and delight their other halves, but external events will constantly distract them from this noble and grateful cause.

The second half of the year will be especially nervous; during this period, the main interests of the representatives of the sign are unlikely to be in the house. The problems to be solved will be more of a social than a love nature. Such a situation will not be understandable to the other halves; most likely, it will not be possible without a clarification of the relationship. Moreover, Pisces in conflict situations will tend to show their stubbornness and straightforwardness. Representatives of the sign will need to learn the language of compromise; if they do not agree to this, there is a risk of more serious problems than ordinary quarrels.

Pisces need to learn to listen to their partner, seek a common language with him, and also work on stabilizing their emotional state. The manifestation of calm on the part of the representatives of the sign will allow their loved one to conduct a constructive dialogue. You should not waste energy on scandals and squabbles, it is better to let it go in a peaceful direction; if this works out, then peace and tranquility in the relationship will be ensured.

As for the free, unencumbered representatives of the sign of Pisces, the stars have not prepared any dangers or pitfalls in their path. On the contrary, in the second half of the year, single Pisces will have many opportunities for dating, romance, and flirting. They can afford this luxury whenever they want, at any time when they have the time and desire. The only recommendation regarding “keep your mouth shut” will affect not only the business sphere, but also love relationships. Point out your partner's shortcomings less, use more pleasant and gentle words - this is a recipe for a personal life without unnecessary cataclysms.

You will take responsibility for solving some old problems and pass this test with flying colors. Also, Pisces will have big holidays and social events associated with serious expenses.


The horoscope considers this month the most suitable for spending more time with family. It may even be worth thinking about procreation. Invite your beloved friends and relatives to visit more often.


Your social image will undergo unpleasant changes, first due to loss of self-control, and then due to irritability and complacency. Show yourself as a more conscious and rational person to restore your position in the social and professional sphere.


You will receive support from higher people, which will result in financial growth. The horoscope also foresees a slight boom in your health.


A good time to find new contacts to improve your sales and marketing strategy. You must demonstrate excellent business acumen and acumen to maintain high cash flow.


An ideal month for global coverage. You will form connections with some influential people and will be emotionally attached to a person of the opposite sex, this will make you weak and strong at the same time, causing emotional struggle. In order not to stand idle in your profession in the future, try to spend more time on business and not on feelings.


If you were planning to buy real estate or a car, now is the right time. You will receive a bonus or other reward from your bosses that will contribute to a successful career. The state of affairs in the family will be excellent; romance will reign in your life in mid-July.


Pisces, you may well unexpectedly win the lottery or receive another monetary surprise, having a party with friends and colleagues to celebrate.


This month will be confusing for you. Having devoted a lot of energy to the struggle for health and wealth, you will not be very successful in either one or the other. This will lead to an emotional breakdown, but you will quickly overcome it.


The horoscope predicts a big breakthrough in the career and social life of Pisces. You will be absorbed in your love feelings and desires, and your partner will reciprocate your feelings. Health problems will be resolved successfully this month due to good planetary positions.


It will be difficult to maintain inner peace and composure because people from the outside will try to knock the ground under your feet. Don't be afraid to openly confront bullies!


Pisces, you can breathe out. Your stress will decrease, and things will gradually begin to improve. Be closer to your loved one, he will provide you with protection and patronage.


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