Why is a work colleague dreaming about what different dream books say? What is the dream of a work colleague who kisses you or swears. The team is the interpretation of sleep. Dream Interpretation Online - Resignation

Seeing a team you know in a dream is a sign of recognition of the merits that you have achieved by working side by side with these people in real life. A dream where you see a school team in which you once studied, or a university one, is a harbinger of a wonderful discovery that you will make completely by accident.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Work

If you dream that you have lost your job, then soon you will be very scared of the coming changes. Change can be good or bad. It depends on a detailed consideration of the symbols of your dream.

Doing hard work in a dream is a sign of great trouble, need, poverty. If in a dream you do not quit this job or something does not change before you wake up, then you will have a long period of failure. But if in a dream you take up work that you like or see that your business is arguing, then in the near future you can count on favorable changes in your destiny.

A dream in which you saw that another person is doing your work, then soon you will have to meet with troubles in the service. Sometimes such a dream indicates that failures in business and disappointment await you.

Active work in a dream portends the successful promotion of your business.

Being an employer in a dream means that you will soon have to make an important decision on which the well-being of other people will depend. Such a dream indicates to you your responsibility for the fate of other people.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why dream of work colleagues? Usually in a dream they are a reflection of an actual or desired interaction. However, the dream book advises you to take into account the most vivid details of what you were lucky to see in your dreams.

According to Miller

Miller's interpreter claims that work colleagues who have shown negligence in the workplace warn of worsening matters.

Partnership or disagreement?

If in a dream a male employee could not cope with the work, and you made comments to him, then in reality, on the contrary, things will go smoothly. The man also reflects the need for pressure and urgent action.

If you dreamed that a male employee (as well as other work colleagues) came to the office in a strange attire or worse, drunk, then in reality there will be misunderstanding and disagreement between you in simple matters.

Show restraint!

Why is a woman colleague dreaming? If in a dream you happened to see a good friend, then the planned event will be successful.

Dreamed of a woman who is difficult to call a friend? The dream book is sure that this is a warning that you should behave more restrained and prudent.

Sometimes a woman from work is a reflection of what you would like to have in your own character, appearance or behavior.

Get ready for miracles!

Dreamed of a pregnant worker? The dream interpretation believes that a real miracle awaits you, which will certainly bring a lot of money.

A pregnant girl in a dream symbolizes the need to reveal her creative potential. The image guarantees the birth of new ideas and the implementation of incredible projects.

To each his own!

What does the death of an employee mean in dreams? For the person himself, the vision promises longevity, a rapid turn in fate, big changes, changes in worldview.

If you happened to see the death of a friend, then the dream book suspects that for various reasons the close connection between you may be broken.


What is the dream of an already deceased worker? The dream interpretation emphasizes that the appearance of a deceased work colleague has a special meaning. Therefore, you need to remember everything that the deceased will say or do in a dream.

If the deceased was cheerful, then everything literally "goes according to plan." Had a dream that she was upset and sad? You have chosen the wrong path and are striving for the wrong goals.

The past will remind...

Why dream of former work colleagues? Their appearance in a dream means that in real life a certain event will have to be decided based on their past experience.

If you are still in close contact with former colleagues, then the dream book is sure that things will go without problems and difficulties.

If former work colleagues seemed unfamiliar to you, then the dream book promises an unexpected meeting with old love or youth friends.

Interpretation of actions

In general, a team of employees in a dream symbolizes common merits. For this reason, the interpretation of sleep is completely based on yours and the behavior of a work colleague.

  • Communicate after hours - achieve everything.
  • On the phone, they will call you to work.
  • Discuss plans - problems are coming.
  • Signing a contract is a quarrel.
  • Making a deal is a loss.
  • Argue - to improve the financial situation.

Trust or intrigue?

If you had to have fun kissing on the cheek with colleagues, then in reality there will be complete mutual understanding, trust and support.

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    See in dream team, which is friendly works for the good of the common cause - in reality you will have to take on additional responsibilities, since one of the employees quits. However, such an impulse will not be appreciated by the authorities, but on the contrary, they will think that all this time the dreamer was engaged in work extraneous duties. When you dreamed(sya) Team? Today.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dream interpretation Felomena. For what dreaming Team in dream By dream book?To me dreamed that my colleagues asked for a visit work.I climb the stairs with them, go into my apartment and feel ashamed that I have old carpets at home, my mother’s room is cluttered up, that I generally live with my mother. (I really live with my mother, and her room is in a terrible state through her fault). I close the door to her room. and she. Read completely

  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed Team, but the right interpretation sleep no in dream book dreaming Team in dream in dream saw this symbol. in dream saw my team By work They work and I stand on the sidelines and watch them, like they didn’t notice me.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Team- see in dream familiar to you team working Dream where do you see school team where you once studied, or university - this is a harbinger of a wonderful discovery that you will make completely by accident. For what dreaming Team By dream book Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    dreamed in dream work - dream book Loff. If in dream to you dream like some kind of person works on heavy work, then this dream says that your life will change for the better. If in dream to you dreamed, what do you work on the former work, then this does not mean at all that you will return to the previous team. Most likely given dream means that you miss your old place work, What's new working the place did not bring satisfaction, and you subconsciously regret that you changed work.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik.guru"

    Interpretation sleep in which dreaming Team With 10 different points of view dream books dreamed Team.dream interpretation Team- see in dream familiar to you team- a sign of recognition of the merits that you have achieved, working side by side with these people in real life. Dream where do you see school team where you once studied, or university - this is a harbinger of a wonderful discovery that you will make completely by accident. Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    There is an opinion that the in dream former Job, means the general mood of fate to correct previous mistakes. What if dreaming former Job? If such dreamed, this does not mean that there will be a direct return to the previous team. Dream rather acts as a philosophical, subconscious comparison of current working conditions and those that were before. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Star dream book. Meaning sleep Job: To you dreamed Job why is it - to hard work, but prosperity. 6 house of the horoscope. What does it mean in dream Job. work usually associated with creativity or aimless fuss. At times on work we have to take on unpleasant responsibilities and hurry. Atmosphere working places in dream is of great importance.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "galya"

    See in dream familiar to you team- a sign of recognition of the merits that you have achieved, working side by side with these people in real life. So if in dream you had a warm relationship with your colleagues, although in fact you don’t want to go to school because of them work, this may indicate your indecision, the desire to hide behind other people's backs, to condemn colleagues instead of building relationships. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "junona"

    Interpretation dreams Job, dream Job, dreamed Job.In dream see Job. If in dream you were doing hard work, then in reality you will achieve well-deserved success. Seen others for work- means the circumstances will be very encouraging. Looking for work- some unforeseen and profitable enterprise awaits you.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    if you dreamed: Bus station For a young woman dream- symbolizes her misunderstanding of the prevailing in collective situations. If in dream You ask everyone ... Gang What is the purpose of the gang in your dream? - she is a symbol of influence on other people or a symbol of security that gives team? Chorus Try to justify the trust placed in you and not let you down team. Conduct in dream chorus - you have to do organizational work.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Home dream book. Interpretation sleep Work. To you dreamed Work what is it - to change the life position. Search work- search for goals in your life; entrust your work- shift the solution of their problems to other people's shoulders; be left without work- lose the meaning of life; to see others work- anxiety about business. What does it mean Work in dream: To you dreamed Work what is it for - Dream promises stability and well-being.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Female dream book. For what dreaming Team By dream book: Team, order - See in dream that you are in command portends condemnation from your colleagues for demonstrative contempt for superiors. Command in dream yourself - to a promotion. Most often this dream commands work and in the FAMILY.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "rumagic"

    Job in dream. Stalking was an effective method for shifting the assemblage point, but the shift itself was negligible. The search for new ways to shift the "assembly point" required a more detailed acquaintance with the emanations of the Eagle, which was deadly. Carlos Castaneda in 90 minutes: Team Harvest. 1.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    dream interpretation Meridian dream interpretation prophetic dreams Lunar dream book dream interpretation Miller online dream interpretation Wangi online dream interpretation Freud dream interpretation Nostradamus Velesov dream book dream interpretation numbers dream interpretation Aesop dream interpretation Pythagoras dream interpretation Jung online Astro dream book online Jewish dream book Roman dream book.For what dreaming Ensemble in dream Friday to you dreamed Ensemble Saturday if had a dream dream about Ensemble Sunday what does it mean dream on the days of the month.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    dream interpretation: Work in dream. Work- Himself - to have respect; see working- the right enterprise will die out. dream interpretation Apostle Simon the Zealot. dream interpretation Adaskin. For what dreaming Work By dream book: Work- If in dream you are doing something work, luck awaits you in reality. Hard work - to achieve great success in business. see beyond work others - to wealth. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "supersonnik"

    Interpretation sleep Colleague. good sign to see in dream a colleague you like well (and it's mutual): such dream portends a calm atmosphere work and equal relationship with collective. if you had a dream that your colleague whom you dislike, or the one with whom you have a conflict, this means that work you will find tension in relations with employees.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    For what dreaming Job in dream: Job - Dream in which you are tense working, warns: in order to succeed, you will have to make a lot of effort. dreamed /dreamed Unemployed - See yourself in dream searching in vain work, uselessly applying to various authorities - to promotion, soon you will move on to a highly paid work.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    « dream interpretation change Works dreamed, for what dreaming in dream change Works». dreamed change Works, but the right interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming change Works in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream saw this symbol.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed Job, but the right interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Job in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream seen this symbol. dreamed that unexpectedly found work, I am a graduate student, despite the fact that work gave the new head of the company, although he himself was 1 day in his position, he came to get acquainted with collective, handed me 3 small locks interconnected and 2 bunches of keys. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik.guru"

    Interpretation sleep in which dreaming TEAM With 10 different points of view dream books, as well as comments from users who dreamed TEAM.Most often this dream about participating in one thing in connection with the common goals that other people in your life are striving for. Be a member commands and carry out the program—principles often emphasized today in work and in the FAMILY.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "zagadaniya"

    dreamed building where you used to be worked- expect change. If the building is already destroyed, then business problems are likely. If you saw in dream company where you used to be worked prosperous - this means that your desires will come true. dreaming your return to your original place work, meeting with collective- nothing more than a resumption of relations with one of the colleagues.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-mira"

    In dream you swore, argued, even hated colleagues - most likely, in real life, you would like to improve relations with labor collective. And, on the contrary, warm, friendly conversations with colleagues are a messenger of you being more careful and not trusting those you don’t know well. dreamed feast with colleagues, corporate event, banquet - dream portends an improvement in the financial situation, a salary increase is possible. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    If the dismissal With work caused by misunderstanding collective or a conflict with a colleague, then, in the opinion dream book Miller, a lot of attention is expected from the authorities or a pleasant surprise from team.See in dream dismissal of the boss - there will be great career prospects. dreaming dismissal With work of their relatives, which happened on the same day, portends a grandiose family event and a lot of pleasant troubles associated with it. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonarium"

    If in dream you saw a colleague with whom you do not get along, or an industrial conflict, this means that you are dissatisfied with your work or relationships in collective, or perhaps they are simply overtired or do not see an opportunity to realize their creative potential. Hello, I quit half a year ago With work, there was a young and handsome manager among the employees, but we never had any communication, nothing in common. And so had a dream at night, he confessed his love, hugged, kissed. Until now, I don’t think about him ... Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed Head, but the right interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Supervisor in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream seen this symbol. Try it! I dreamed of a manual from my work. Handed out the sheets and we (my team) began to answer as in an exam. Rueovodstao not only my office but also other structures. This dreamed 5 days ago and yesterday another one dream.

Almost every person manages to change several professions in his life, and if not the occupation, then at least the place of work. As a rule, we want to remember past places very, very little, because if we left it, then it didn’t suit us in some way.

However, sometimes this happens in the world of dreams, and often causes confusion in the dreamer. On this page you will find out what the former job is dreaming of and the details related to it.

Subconscious Clues

Return to the old place

Returning to an old place of work is considered an ambiguous symbol. Most often, dreams of such content should be taken literally - if you decide to return to your previous workplace, you will succeed.

To re-get a job and fulfill one's duties - such a vision promises the dreamer an increase in income or a large sum of money (award or bonus). Moreover, such a vision portends you great success and respect in the work team.

Go back to your old job and see this organization thrive - in the near future, all your innermost desires will begin to come true.

If in a dream you and your colleagues from your former work are going to have a banquet or a feast, in reality you will be in good standing with your superiors.

See colleagues

To understand the meaning of dreams of such content, remember which of the former colleagues you saw at night:

  • Colleagues- in reality, you risk losing a large amount. To prevent this from happening, avoid questionable cases.
  • chief- you are too afraid of change, both at work and outside it.
  • Head of the institution- you will have good professional growth and leadership talent.
  • Male colleagues only- for a man dreamer, such a dream promises problems; for a woman - an office romance.
  • Female colleagues only- a complete analogy with the previous one, only vice versa.

Other details

To fully understand the meaning of the message revealed to you from above, remember the details of the dream. So:

  • Working hard at your current job- to achieve, you have to work hard.
  • Help your co-workers at a former job- such a dream promises the dreamer interesting and useful communication with people.
  • Try to get a job- fate will give you a very good chance, try not to overlook it.
  • Ask someone to work for you- in reality you will have trouble at work.
  • It's hard to work at a former job without receiving a reward.- the career path that you have chosen will be useless and you will waste your precious time.
  • Being at the old workplace, doing nothing- the business on which you had high hopes will turn out to be unpromising and will bring you only disappointment and loss.
  • Quarrel or conflict with colleagues- in real

Seeing a team you know in a dream is a sign of recognition of the merits that you have achieved by working side by side with these people in real life. A dream where you see a school team in which you once studied, or a university one, is a harbinger of a wonderful discovery that you will make completely by accident.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - New Year

The dream in which you are preparing for the New Year, decorating the Christmas tree and preparing the festive table, is a harbinger of very joyful events for you in the very near future. To light a star and garlands on the Christmas tree a few minutes before the New Year - merry days will replace sorrows.

Clapping champagne and pouring it into glasses to the sound of New Year's chimes is a harbinger of a happy marriage. Walking down the street on New Year's Eve with good frost and falling snow - in reality, expect a scandal that a drunken relative will arrange. Seeing yourself at the New Year's ball - you will soon receive an interesting offer, refusing which you will lose a lot. Meet the New Year in a restaurant - beware of being robbed.

Interpretation of dreams from

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