Why dream of eating raisins. Why dream of raisins in Vanga's dream book? you ate it

Seeing rolls in a dream is a sign that your expectation will be crowned with success, unless the roll crumbles or becomes moldy. If the roll increases in size before your eyes, then great success and happiness await you. See interpretation: bread.

Buying bread in a dream is a sign of profit and profit. Eating a bun in a dream is a harbinger of success in business, useful work and health. Sometimes such a dream predicts that one of your close friends or relatives will need your help, which you will provide to him at the right time. Cutting a bun in a dream means thrift, which will help you save money. Such a dream warns you that you should think about spending money more economically, because you may need it soon. Breaking a bun in a dream does not bode well. You are expected to be disappointed in love. You may find that your lover or lover is unfaithful to you, or you may have to navigate between a sense of duty and your personal feelings. Such a dream often predicts disagreements with partners on issues related to the distribution of profits.

Finding the keys in a roll is a sign that you will be able to foresee the course of events and take advantage of this to your advantage, even if for this you have to use the trust that close people have in you. Seeing in a dream how bread is baked is a harbinger of quick and good changes. Seeing fresh buns in a dream is a harbinger of an increase in income. If the buns are stale, then a boring job awaits you. If in a dream you were in a bakery, then you have to learn something important. A dream about a baker portends a lot of good things and predicts that capricious fortune will finally turn to you. The dream promises a strengthening of the position in society, profitable deals and the fulfillment of desires. To dream of a baker selling bread is a sign of success in business. Becoming a baker in a dream is a harbinger of success in business.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Raisins

If you ate raisins in a dream - in reality you will experience a breakdown. Do not let him cloud your hopes, because they are already close to being realized. And know that you risk getting into a situation fraught with losses, worries, troubles and sorrows.

In addition, seeing or eating raisins in a dream means that there is a little love adventure ahead that you will plunge into without hesitation. It will not have a serious continuation, but you will not regret what happened in the slightest.

Interpretation of dreams from

To dream that you are eating raisins- means that discouragement will overshadow your hopes when they already seem to be close to being realized.

Freud's dream book

Seeing or eating raisins in a dream- you are destined to experience a little love adventure, which you will plunge into without hesitation. And although it will not have any serious continuation, you will not regret what happened in the slightest.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If you dream of raisins- this means that you will suffer, because your hope of meeting a faithful life partner will not come true.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Raisins in a dream- speaks of a fair mental fatigue. It seems that you have spent too much energy on solving some business, and therefore it does not interfere with you to properly relax and refresh your strength.

At the same time, dreaming of a raisin bun- a good sign, portending unexpected and pleasant surprises against the background of general well-being.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

There are raisins- Try to finish what you started.

collect raisins- in a difficult situation, seek help from relatives.

New family dream book

If you ate raisins in a dream- in reality you will experience a decline in spirit. Do not let him cloud your hopes, because they are already close to being realized.

Modern combined dream book

Dream in which you eat raisins- means that you will lose hope for the implementation of your plans at the very moment when you are already close to their implementation.

Eastern female dream book

If you eat raisins- get ready to crush your hopes at the very moment when you are close to the finish line.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Buy raisins in a dream- to big profits.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

There are raisins in a dream- to take care of your health.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

eat raisins- to deceit.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Eat raisins (kishmish)- Dispute with neighbors.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Seeing raisins in a dream- portends disappointment from the fact that close success will turn into a defeat so unexpected that you will simply give up and fall into a dull and gloomy mood.

If in a dream you eat beautiful sultana raisins- it means that in reality you are expected by minor disappointments.

To dream about how someone eats raisins- to joyful events and family peace. Buy raisins and bake raisin muffins- in reality you risk getting into a stupid and ambiguous situation.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

eat raisins- Argument with neighbors.

General dream book

See raisins in a dream- to tears of repentance.

Buying raisins- means that soon you will undeservedly insult your best friend.

you were selling raisins- soon your best friend will undeservedly insult you.

eat raisins- to numerous failures.

You dreamed that you were watching someone eat raisins- failures will haunt one of your loved ones.

The dream in which you dried raisins- warns: your tongue can cause your misfortunes.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Seeing or eating raisins in a dream- to wealth, happiness, joy, but in love - to grief; there are bad raisins- to unrequited love.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

If you dreamed that you were buying raisins- it betrays your desire for an easy life. For some reason, you think that the horse is obliged to work, and everything will be presented to you on a silver platter. It is possible that they will present: but who, what and when is another question!

If you dreamed about picking raisins out of a roll- it means that in real life you are currently engaged in a completely fruitless and hopeless business. Do not try to “pull it out”, as wasted time and energy cannot be returned.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

Eating raisins in a dream- to a love adventure, because of which you will lose your head and do not even think about the consequences of an unexpected hobby. It will end as quickly as it began, but you will not regret what happened.

Culinary dream book

You dreamed of raisins- it means that you risk getting into a situation fraught with losses, worries, troubles and sorrows.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Raisins see or eat- joy, wealth.

Collection of dream books

If a person eats raisins in a dream- soon life will teach him a bitter lesson.

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing or eating raisins in a dream - you are destined to experience a small love adventure that you will plunge into without hesitation. And although it will not have any serious continuation, you will not regret what happened in the slightest.

Dreamed of raisins

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are eating raisins means that discouragement will overshadow your hopes when they already seem to be close to being realized.

Why dream of grapes

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

there are tears; grape red brushes - fright (for a woman); receive as a gift - acquaintance; a branch of grapes - happiness in love.

Dreamed of grapes

according to Miller's dream book

There are grapes in a dream - it means that you will be hardened by great worries; but if you only see bunches hanging in abundance among the foliage, then you will soon achieve a prominent position in society and will be able to give happiness to others. For a young woman, this dream is one of the most promising. She will fulfill her deepest wish. Riding a horse through vineyards, picking and eating grapes at the same time means profitable work and a dream come true. If the grapes that you eat in a dream seem unpleasant to you, this dream portends the emergence of fears and doubts about business, but gradually you will regain peace of mind.

The meaning of sleep about grapes

according to Freud's dream book

The dreamed grape represents pleasure, voluptuousness. So, if you dreamed about how you treated yourself to grapes in a dream, it means that in real life you attach increased importance to the sexual side of your life. What is outside the huge bed does not excite you and does not concern you. You are accustomed to solving all family problems and complications exclusively in bed. I must say that so far you are doing well, but someday this method may bother your half - and then you will have to look for completely different methods of reconciliation and conflict resolution.

Why do Raisins dream in a dream from a dream book?

If you eat raisins - get ready to crash your hopes at the very moment when you are close to the finish line.

Culinary dream book

You dreamed of raisins- it means that you risk getting into a situation fraught with losses, worries, troubles and sorrows.

New dream book 1918

There is joy.

Family dream book

If you ate raisins in a dream- in reality you will happen discouragement. Do not let him cloud your hopes, because they are already close to being realized.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of Raisins?

Dream in which you eat raisins- means that you will lose hope for the implementation of your plans at the very moment when you are already close to their implementation.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did Raisin dream about in a dream?

Seeing or eating raisins in a dream- to wealth, happiness, joy, but in love - to grief; there are bad raisins- to unrequited love.

Dream Interpretation Longo

If you dreamed that you were buying raisins - it betrays your longing for an easy life. For some reason, you think that the horse is obliged to work, and everything will be presented to you on a silver platter. It is possible that they will present: but who, what and when is another question!

If you dreamed how you picked out from a roll raisin- it means that in real life you are currently engaged in a completely fruitless and hopeless business. Do not try to “pull it out”, as wasted time and energy cannot be returned.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers

If you dream of raisins- this means that you will suffer, because your hope of meeting a faithful life partner will not come true.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Raisins see or eat- joy, wealth.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

There are raisins - try to bring the work you have started to the end.

Collect raisins - in a difficult situation, seek help from relatives.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Raisins in a dream - speaks of a fair amount of mental fatigue. It seems that you have spent too much energy on solving some business, and therefore it does not interfere with you to properly relax and refresh your strength.

At the same time, dreaming of a raisin bun- a good sign, portending unexpected and pleasant surprises against the background of general well-being.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

There are raisins - to deception.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

There are raisins in a dream - to take care of your health.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Buy raisins in a dream- to big profits.

Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

feast on in a dream raisins- to a love adventure, because of which you will lose your head and do not even think about the consequences of an unexpected hobby. It will end as quickly as it began, but you will not regret what happened.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of Raisins in a dream?

eat raisins ( sultana) - Dispute with neighbors.

Miller's dream book

To dream that you are eating raisins- means that discouragement will overshadow your hopes when they already seem to be close to being realized.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see Raisins in a dream?

Seeing raisins in a dream- portends disappointment from the fact that close success will turn into a defeat so unexpected that you will simply give up and fall into a dull and gloomy mood.

If in a dream you eat beautiful sultana raisins- it means that in reality you are expected by minor disappointments.

To dream about how someone eats raisins- to joyful events and family peace. Buy raisins and bake raisin muffins- in reality you risk getting into a stupid and ambiguous situation.

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