Why do you dream of seeing yourself wearing a crown? Interpretation of dreams crown, dream crown, dreamed of a crown. Why do you dream about a crown according to Miller’s dream book?

Seeing a crown in a dream means that in reality you will have a great temptation. If the crown you see is gold or silver, expect a pleasant surprise from your loved one; if it is covered with flowers, you will spend joyful hours alone with him.

Wearing a crown on your head means wealth, honor, glory. Seeing someone else with a crown on their head means you are in danger of losing property in real life.

A dream in which you put a crown on someone's head is a sign of upcoming changes in your life. There is a chance that you will travel far or make new interesting acquaintances.

If you are just observing the coronation ceremony from the side, then such a dream promises you a close acquaintance with quite famous people.

For a young girl, such an acquaintance can even turn into matchmaking.

If in a dream you are awarded some kind of honorary crown, this is a sign of prudence and moderate happiness for you. If this event is not solemn enough, crumpled and chaotic, it means that upcoming or planned entertainment may turn into trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Did you dream of a luxurious crown? You are equally likely to experience great success or sad failure. Dream books will use specific examples to explain why this majestic image is dreamed of.

Why do you dream about a crown according to Miller’s dream book?

If a person saw a crown in a dream, it means that his usual way of life will soon change. You will have to give up some habits (it’s good if they are harmful). New acquaintances and a tourist trip to distant countries cannot be ruled out, and no one is immune from the appearance of an incurable disease.

When the crown sits firmly on the dreamer's forehead, it means that he will soon have to part with his property. Perhaps he will become a victim of thieves or bailiffs. Putting a crown on a stranger is good. Such a vision promises friendship with famous and influential people.

Crown: interpretation according to Freud

When you dream of a crown, this is quite good, because such a dream foreshadows rapid career growth for men, and a successful marriage for women. If the sleeper personally puts on the crown, then this is the first sign of a happy and long-lasting marital relationship. But when someone else places the crown on the dreamer’s head, then fame and wealth will not take long to arrive.

Just seeing a crown in a dream: for women - marital love growing stronger day by day, for men - good relationships with colleagues. But removing the crown from your head in a dream is bad. This portends financial losses, breakups and other misfortunes.

What does it mean to see a crown in a dream - Vanga’s dream book

Wearing a crown in a dream means taking on a burden of worries and responsibilities. Wanting to become the owner of a crown is a sign of the dreamer’s greed and greed. Any unpleasant dream in which a crown appears cannot be a harbinger of good events, but if this symbol of power appears in all its glory and amazes with its luxury and beauty, then the dreamer will soon be rich and famous. True, when a poor man dreams of something like this, then you shouldn’t expect wealth to fall out of nowhere, but on the contrary: things will go even worse than they are now. For a sick person, a crown means death, and for a criminal, it means severe punishment.

Why do you dream about a crown according to L. Moroz’s dream book

I dreamed that a stranger had a royal crown on his head, which meant that he would receive honor, glory and universal adoration. When the dreamer’s head is crowned, something similar awaits him. Someone unknown gave a crown in a dream - it could be a gift or a pleasant surprise in reality.

Anyone who loses or breaks the crown will face dishonor and shame. But putting a royal crown on a stranger’s head is a sign of significant changes that will soon occur in the life of the sleeping person. Own coronation - success in business and happiness in family life.

Why do you dream about a crown according to the General Dream Book?

If a person wears a crown in his night dreams, then a serious promotion awaits him. Relatives and acquaintances wearing a crown can also make serious progress in their careers. Finding a royal crown in a dream means in reality making an expensive purchase or making a valuable acquisition.

Anyone who loses the crown will be bitterly disappointed in someone or something. To bend this attribute of power in a dream means minor troubles, but to break it means very big problems. A golden crown always dreams of showing favor from those in power, but a crown strewn with pearls symbolizes the strengthening of positions in society. It is possible that you will have to go “from rags to riches.”

What does it mean to dream about a crown according to the Gypsy dream book

A dreaming crown warns the dreamer about something. If you have to make responsible and important decisions, then it’s worth remembering: didn’t you dream of a royal crown the other day? It’s even worse if the crown was not metal, but made of a material completely unsuitable for these purposes. Paper, for example, or plastic. In this case, the dreamer will face complete failure, therefore, there is no need to start any new business.

When you dream of your own coronation, and one of the important people puts a crown on the head of the sleeping person, then very soon he will be able to earn a decent amount of money, which will place additional responsibility on him. A shining crown on the head is a sign of achieving a very high position in society, however, to do this you will have to break the law or deceive someone.

Variants of dreams in which a crown appears

  • The golden crown is a pleasant surprise;
  • silver crown - favor of influential people;
  • royal crown - prosperity and success;
  • a crown on the head - small honors;
  • black crown - life full of fear;
  • measuring the crown means grandiose plans;
  • ring in the form of a crown - a successful marriage;
  • removing the crown from your head means trouble;
  • a crown falling from the head is a serious illness;
  • diamond crown - vain expectations;
  • a broken crown is a threat;
  • a crown entwined with flowers - a love date;
  • paper crown - business failures;
  • give up the crown - loss of independence;
  • throwing away the crown is a temptation;
  • the crown disappeared during the coronation - a failed party;
  • a crown falling from someone else's head means the death or illness of a relative.

crown on head in a dream

If in a dream you see a crown on your head, then this is undoubtedly a good sign. Such a dream promises success in endeavors, wealth and recognition. New acquaintances, travel, and changes in life. But, if you see a crown on another person, this is a bad sign, foreshadowing material losses and possible illness.

crown on head in a dream

Anyone who sees a crown on their head in a dream takes on responsibility in real life. If a sick person dreams of a crown on his head, then this is a very bad sign, indicating imminent death. A convict who had such a dream should expect punishment.

Why do you dream of a crown on your head?

A crown on another person's head speaks of his success, which will in no way affect the dreamer. A crown on your head promises you will do something stupid. If a sleeping person dreams of the coronation of a high-ranking person, this will affect his social status. And the loss of the crown will lead to a deterioration in reputation, the generation of rumors and loss of authority.

crown on head in a dream

If a woman sees a crown on her head in a dream, then this promises her speedy marriage to a rich and influential man. If a woman is pregnant and sees a crown on herself in a dream, it means that she will give birth to a boy. For a man, a crown on his head is a good sign only if it is not made of gold. For a prisoner to wear a crown on his head, it means things will improve and he will soon be released.

a crown on the head in a dream, what is it for?

A crown on a man’s head promises success at work, a promotion or an increase in salary. A woman who dreams of a crown on her head will soon marry successfully. If in a dream a crown is placed on your head, then this is a sign foreshadowing fame and wealth.

Crowned heads - in modern dreams, crowned heads are gradually moving into the category of mixed images. Three hundred years ago, a dream about them was considered a generally accepted symbol of wealth and power. However, in light of all the twists and turns that accompany their lives at the present time, it is more common for us to dream about them through the prism of our own daily problems.

Often in our dreams we look for images that would be identified with our internal struggle. Due to the fact that crowned heads grow up, suffer and get divorced in front of society, we look at them as symbols that enhance the seriousness of those critical situations in which we find ourselves in real life, and perhaps a dream about them is an attempt to project them greatness on our daily lives.

Becoming a member of the royal family in a dream means seeing a dream of will fulfillment in terms of wealth. However, if the dream contains an element of your movement during the time of the monarchy, the dream may indicate a desire to become more firmly established in a certain area of ​​life, be it finances or emotions. It is worth paying attention to your courtiers.

Being surrounded by crowned heads may be another version of a dream with a mirror image. However, such a dream can also be a dream of justice, provided that in real life you have some secret that does not allow you to act openly. The upper class in many countries often served as a court of last resort. How do you perceive the hierarchical scheme of the state in the light of your own views on social order: do you accept it or not? In real life, do you often have conversations about who is better or worse than others?

Family Dream Book

Seeing or wearing a crown in a dream is a sign of great worries and responsibilities. Desiring her in a dream is a sign of temptation or burden, the hardships of life. Much depends on your perception of this dream, on its context. In general, a gloomy dream cannot foretell amazing and wonderful pleasant events. For the rich, a dream about a crown predicts honors and wealth associated with their rise in society. For the poor, such a dream only portends an additional burden of worries.

Sometimes such a dream can warn you that your deepest secrets may be revealed. For patients, such a dream predicts death. For criminals, such a dream predicts that their crimes will be exposed and they will suffer a well-deserved punishment. Crowning a wife in a dream is a sign of her illness. Crowning a sick person means death. For lovers, such a dream predicts happiness, prosperity and an abundance of attention and gifts from a loved one. A wreath made of flowers is a dream of joy, and one made of gold or silver is a gift. See interpretation: Diamond, Jewelry, Silver, precious stones and metals by name.

Modern Dream Interpretation

Seeing the crown: will soon go on a long journey, where he will find many new friends. This dream also has a sad sign, namely an incurable disease. Seeing a crown on your head in a dream means loss of personal property. To dream about how you crown someone: it means that those around you know your worth. If you dream of the coronation of a royal person, you are placing too many hopes on the help of others. Seeing a crown falling from someone's head means a serious illness or death of a relative. Seeing yourself wearing a crown means that a heavy burden of responsibility for other people will fall on your shoulders. If in a dream you held in your hands or tried on a crown decorated with precious stones, your expectations will be deceived.

Freud's Dream Book

When you dream of a crown, this is quite good, because such a dream foreshadows rapid career growth for men, and a successful marriage for women. If the sleeper personally puts on the crown, then this is the first sign of a happy and long-lasting marital relationship. But when someone else places the crown on the dreamer’s head, then fame and wealth will not take long to arrive. Just seeing a crown in a dream: for women - marital love growing stronger day by day, for men - good relationships with colleagues. But removing the crown from your head in a dream is bad. This portends financial losses, breakups and other misfortunes.

Vanga's Dream Book

Wearing a crown in a dream means taking on a burden of worries and responsibilities. Wanting to become the owner of a crown is a sign of the dreamer’s greed and greed. Any unpleasant dream in which a crown appears cannot be a harbinger of good events, but if this symbol of power appears in all its glory and amazes with its luxury and beauty, then the dreamer will soon be rich and famous. True, when a poor man dreams of something like this, then you shouldn’t expect wealth to fall out of nowhere, but on the contrary: things will go even worse than they are now. For a sick person, a crown means death, and for a criminal, it means severe punishment.

English Dream Interpretation

Dreams in which a crown appears foretell that the dreamer will rise very significantly in his social position; those in power and authority will show him favor. To see yourself wearing a crown - the dream is interpreted the other way around: you will not receive honors. Moreover, due to unworthy behavior you will lose your former authority. Giving your crown to someone of your own free will means your position in society will be independent and high.

Islamic Dream Interpretation

To dream of a crown is an indication of knowledge, power and the Koran. If a woman sees a crown on her own head, it means that she will marry a rich and very influential man. If she is pregnant, she will give birth to a boy. Also, the crown means the attire of the Ajams (not Arabs, but foreigners). For men, a crown is a good dream only if it is not gold. For a prisoner to see a crown is a sign of imminent release and improvement of affairs.

In the eyes of the world.

If in a dream you see yourself wearing a crown- No matter how strange it may seem, do not expect honors. Everything will be the other way around: your unworthy behavior will lead to you losing your former authority.

If in a dream you give your crown to someone with your own hands- this means you will achieve a very high and independent position in society.

Eastern dream book

Why do you dream about Crown in a dream according to the dream book?

If you are attending the coronation- it means you are not satisfied with your social circle. You are much more interested in the lives of the rich and famous, and you would give a lot to become one of them.

I dreamed that you had a crown on your head- the burden of responsibility for the well-being of your loved ones will fall on you.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

If in a dream you have a crown decorated with pearls on your head- then you will soon achieve considerable honor and respect, your position in society will noticeably strengthen, but it is possible that you will be suspected of insufficient respect for religion.

Crown dreamed by a woman- promises a quick marriage. Her husband will hold a high position and have wealth.

Newest dream book

What does the Crown mean in a dream?

The crown may also- testify to inner royalty.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A crown in a dream is a symbol of significant thoughts, plans, plans.

Seeing a crown on someone's head- means that you are close to finding a solution to a complex issue or finding a valuable idea. Perhaps someone's good advice will help you achieve success.

See the crown on yourself and be pleasantly surprised by it- a good omen that promises unexpected success to your plans.

But if the fact of wearing a crown makes you extremely proud- be careful that in reality the crown does not turn into a jester's cap.

Putting a crown on someone's head with your own hands- a sign of practical, very valuable advice that you can receive from the outside.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Crown - protection, reliability.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream about Crown in a dream?

Seeing the crown means you will have a great temptation; wear - wealth; a crown with flowers - joy; made of gold or silver- present.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Corona in a dream?

Seeing a crown in a dream- in reality you will have a great temptation. If the crown you see is gold or silver- expect a pleasant surprise from your loved one, if covered with flowers- spend joyful hours alone with him.

Wear a crown on your head- to wealth, honor, glory. Seeing someone else with a crown on their head- you are in danger of losing property in real life.

A dream in which you put a crown on someone's head- this is a sign of upcoming changes in your life.

If you are just watching the coronation ceremony from the sidelines- then such a dream promises you a close acquaintance with quite famous people.

If in a dream you are awarded some kind of honorary crown- this is a sign of prudence and moderate happiness for you. If the event is not solemn enough, crumpled and chaotic- this means that upcoming or planned entertainment may turn into trouble.

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