How to give linex to children a month. Instructions for using Linex for children of different ages

Future mothers begin to prepare for the appearance of the baby long before. In addition to clothes, cradles and strollers, they also have a first-aid kit for children on their must-buy list. Many of its components do not require explanation, but why buy linex for newborns?

Today you will find out why a course of treatment with linex for infants is needed, how to give linex to newborns, what reviews pediatricians and parents give about it.

The article is informational! Do not self-medicate! Whether your child needs this drug - only your local pediatrician can give an answer. Feel free to contact him for clarification. Do not consult with pharmacists, it is profitable for them to sell a lot of medicines.

If there is a children's linex - dysbacteriosis is not terrible

The digestive system of a newborn baby is sterile, there are absolutely no bacteria in it. After the first breastfeeding, the intestines are populated with microflora, although not always beneficial. Not a single month is needed for a relative balance of microflora to be established in the body of a newborn.

Lactobacilli obtained with mother's milk gradually increase in number, which allows you to regulate the number of pathogenic microorganisms. It is bad that such a process is accompanied by painful manifestations - dysbacteriosis.

Dysbacteriosis causes considerable discomfort in the child due to the increased formation of gases in the intestines. The newborn has:

  • frequent abdominal pain - colic;
  • spitting up or vomiting;
  • cases of temperature increase;
  • change in stool - it becomes liquid, greenish in color with the presence of mucus;
  • but constipation is also possible.

All this is very painful for the crumbs. It is even more difficult for his parents, it is hard for them to watch the baby and not know how to help him. And there is a lot of help, too. There are many popular ways to relieve children's colic, and now linex for babies has also begun to be produced, which helps with dysbacteriosis. Sometimes you hear that no one is safe from colic and you don’t need to deal with them. Wrong statement!

In addition to discomfort, dysbacteriosis has a general negative impact on the growth and development of the baby. This:

  • poor absorption of calcium by the body;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • slow closure of the fontanel;
  • the appearance of diathesis;
  • delayed tooth formation.

Can linex be given to newborns?

Yes, but after consulting a doctor. Young parents should heed the recommendations of a pediatrician about the need to undergo a treatment course for linex for newborns. The drug is an excellent tool for the treatment and prevention of dysbacteriosis. Data from clinical studies allow its use from the first days of life.

If a child is not gaining weight well or his development is lagging behind normal indicators, then one of the obvious reasons may be poor absorption of food. To restore the necessary processes in the child's body, a systematic medication is necessary.

How much to take Linex? Only the attending physician can answer this question. Usually, the course of treatment should be continued until the bowel function is completely normalized and its normal flora is populated.

Linex for newborns - instructions

The reviews of most parents indicate that they notice a significant improvement in the condition of their babies in a relatively short period of time.

In newborns, stool normalizes and colic disappears, appetite and good sleep appear, children are much less likely to be capricious and worried. The positive effect of the drug is obvious.

Reception can be started even in the maternity hospital, where the mother learns for the first time how to take Linex to a newborn. Usually, treatment lasts the first 2-3 weeks of the baby's life.

Most often, the drug is prescribed 3 times a day, 1 capsule at regular intervals. Since it is impossible to give a whole capsule to a child, it is opened, and the contents are given in a teaspoon, previously mixed with water or breast milk. Almost all negative reviews about Linex are due to the inconvenience of its use.

The required dose and frequency of administration should be prescribed only by the attending physician. In no case should you self-medicate! If the local pediatrician did not prescribe the child to take Linex, then it is not recommended to use it on your own without medical advice.

Linex for newborns is given immediately before feeding. Since the powder does not have a pronounced taste and smell, its reception will not cause any difficulties. It is preferable to give the drug with breast milk when the child is most hungry.

Contraindications and side effects of the drug

It must be understood that for linex for newborns, the instruction gives only general indications. In each case, the treatment regimen may differ and be individual.

Linex is contraindicated for babies if there is:

  • hypersensitivity to the components included in its composition;
  • intolerance to galactose (milk sugar);
  • insufficiency (intolerance to breast milk).

If the child is not able to digest mother's milk, it becomes necessary to transfer it to artificial feeding. For the same reason, lactose, which is part of the drug, does not allow it to be used by children with hypersensitivity to this component.

While taking the medicine, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician if the child has an allergic rash on the body, fever (more than 38 ° C), diarrhea that does not go away for more than 2 days, dehydration and abdominal pain. How to give linex to newborns in this case? The drug is canceled and the doctor prescribes another treatment.

In general, lactobacilli in the composition of the product are well tolerated by infants. Systematic medication restores the necessary balance between beneficial and conditionally pathogenic microflora. The child gets rid of the unpleasant symptoms of dysbacteriosis and begins to please the parents with a good mood. The baby begins to develop faster - it's so wonderful!

The first year of a baby's life is the most difficult for mothers. Painful colic gives way to digestive disorders in the form of constipation, diarrhea and infectious diseases of the intestine. The baby adapts to the outside world, gets used to food. The stomach and intestines of the newborn are under great stress, as a result of which failures in their work are possible. Approaching the age of 6 months, the baby will have to start trying adult food - this stage also poses a danger of digestive problems.

Often, parents manage to cope with the problem without drug treatment, because some changes in the body are the norm, age-related features. There are times when probiotics are indispensable. Sometimes it is very important to populate the weakened intestines with beneficial microflora. The most popular probiotic is Linex. Let's take a closer look at its advantages and applications. We will also talk about how to save money without compromising the health of the child.

The introduction of complementary foods can cause digestive problems

Description, composition and form of release

The drug is packaged in sachets of 1.5 grams. There are 10 such doses in one package. Closed packaging helps keep the powder from moisture and odors.

The front of the box has white-yellow-blue colors, as well as the inscription: "Linex powder for children." The powder inside can be of different colors: completely white and even dull gray. A manufacturing company from Slovenia called Sandoz. For adults, there is a different form of release - granules, inside of which is the same powder.

Linex is a third-generation probiotic, which means that it contains several beneficial bacteria at once. In the preparation we are considering, the following types of microorganisms are present:

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus is lactobacillus acidophilus. This species is often present in the gastrointestinal tract. It has an acidic habitat. The bacterium helps maintain an acidic pH by releasing lactic acid. This activity interferes with the development of harmful microorganisms, which are extremely susceptible to an acidic environment.
  • Bifidobacterium infantis is a bifidobacterium that is natural to any person, both large and small. Like the previous species of bacteria, she loves an acidic environment.
  • Enterococcus faecium - enterococci are found in the gastrointestinal tract of any person. They help to ferment food without releasing gases, creating an acidic environment. Differ in the increased endurance.

In addition to the main active ingredients, Linex contains additional ingredients: magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, propylhydroxybenzoate, methylhydroxybenzoate, gelatin.

When using this drug for infants, it is important to consider that its components can cause allergies, this is especially true for the period when the child is not yet receiving complementary foods.

Children with allergic reactions to dairy products should be given Linex for newborns with caution, because of the risk of hypersensitivity reactions.

The package contains sachets for single use.

Indications for use

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An imbalance of microorganisms in the intestines can be corrected with Linex. Each sachet contains the norm of bacterial substances necessary for an infant per day.

In what cases will Linex help newborns? During the use of antibiotic drugs, with vomiting and poisoning, infectious diseases of the intestine and gastrointestinal tract:

  • diarrhea;
  • colic (more in the article:);
  • constipation;
  • indigestion;
  • bloating.

Doctors often prescribe this remedy to newborn children as a source of probiotic substances when the child:

  • born prematurely or by caesarean section;
  • late put to the chest;
  • is on an artificial type of feeding;
  • stays in the hospital for a long time;
  • when there is immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Linex will help defeat bloating, which causes severe discomfort to the baby.

The tool can be used for children of the first year of life:

  • along with the introduction of complementary foods;
  • when teeth are being cut;
  • in the absence of a balanced diet;
  • to restore the microflora of the vagina in girls.

It is necessary to pay attention to some features of taking the powder. The difference in the nutrition of the child will play a decisive role. Babies who are fully breastfed do not need probiotic therapy - there is a bifidus factor in mother's milk, which has a beneficial effect on the growth of positive microflora.

Infants who have already begun to try adult food need to stop complementary foods for the duration of treatment. The best option in this case would be a temporary transition to breast milk only.

Dysbacteriosis present in newborn babies on an artificial type of feeding or not receiving breast milk should be treated with Linex.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug must not be used when:

  • genetic intolerance to galactose, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome;
  • hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug.

The drug can sometimes have side effects, which are allergic manifestations in the form of:

  • rashes;
  • skin itching.

The instructions state that there are no features of the interaction of Linex with other drugs. A probiotic preparation is prescribed for antibiotic treatment and chemotherapy.

Like most drugs, Linex can cause allergies in the form of skin rashes.

How Linux works

Lactic acid microorganisms that are part of the powder, getting into the child's body, begin to work actively. Their main task is to cause lactose fermentation. The level of acidity increases, at which harmful microorganisms are not able to develop. This process is accompanied by the creation of favorable conditions for the functioning of digestive enzymes.

Helping the digestive process, bifidobacteria contribute to the synthesis of vitamins C, B, K, as well as biotin, iron and folic acid. Bile acids thanks to them get normalization, and iron and calcium - the possibility of easier absorption.

Linex is good because it works in the entire intestine. Lactic acid streptococcus works in the small intestine, and bifidobacteria in the small intestine. Thanks to the active work of enzymes, proteins, fats and complex carbohydrates are broken down in the small intestine. Below, in the large intestine, there is a breakdown of substances that were not absorbed in the upper intestine.

Dosage for children of different ages

Young parents often ask a lot of questions about this drug. We will help you figure out the minimum age for taking children in the first year of life and older, as well as how to dilute the medicine.

Linex is allowed to be used from the first days of a child's life. Volume will be calculated based on age. The dosage is indicated in the table:

The components of the product have a minimal risk of negative manifestations on the part of the body, incl. and constipation, therefore, children's Linex is often prescribed for use by pregnant women and during lactation.

Due to the gentle dosage and mild principle of action, Linex for children is often prescribed to pregnant women.

Mode of application

In each package of the drug there is an instruction setting out the rules for use. Here are the main nuances:

  • give the remedy during meals;
  • an open sachet should be used immediately for its intended purpose;
  • children can give the drug along with water, juice, milk and other products;
  • the powder should be thoroughly mixed before use;
  • do not dilute in hot water: the temperature of the liquid should not exceed 35 ° C (bacteria may die).

The average course of admission is 30 days. On the recommendation of a doctor, this period can be reduced to two weeks. If necessary, repeat the therapeutic procedure, you should allow the body to rest (1 month). After this period, the reception can be started again.

If you have the following symptoms, it is strictly forbidden to start taking the drug on your own (without the consent of the doctor):

  • impurities of blood and mucus in the feces;
  • temperature increase over 38°C for a long time;
  • prolonged pain with sharp and acute attacks in the abdomen, which are accompanied by dehydration and weight loss.

The child will gladly drink the drug with juice or another favorite drink.

Be sure to read the instructions before use. It outlines the main important points for receiving funds.

The cost of the drug

Today, Linex is sold in any pharmacy. After conducting analytics for the Russian regions, it can be argued that the packaging of the product from 10 sachets costs about 400-450 rubles. A complete wellness course requires a minimum of 30 packs - you need to buy at least 3 packs. With this calculation, the total cost of treatment will be 1200-1350 rubles.

Analogues of Lineks

Today, there are a number of analogues in pharmacy chains that are in no way inferior to Western Linex:

  • Bifiliz - 350 rubles (10 bottles of 5 doses each).
  • Acipol - 250 rubles (30 capsules) (we recommend reading:). The capsule format can be used by both adults and children.
  • Bifidumbacterin Forte - 250 rubles (for 30 sachets) (more details in the article:);
  • Hilak Forte - 190 rubles (bottle volume - 30 ml). There are no live cultures in the Hilak Forte preparation, but only the products of their metabolism, but nevertheless the remedy has a good effect on the functioning of the digestive system during dysbacteriosis.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion about dysbacteriosis

Modern pediatricians do not have a single opinion about the diagnosis of "dysbacteriosis" and the success of its treatment with probiotic preparations. Most doctors in Russia are of the opinion that dysbacteriosis is a disease that requires treatment. European experts, as well as the well-known doctor Komarovsky, are convinced that such a diagnosis does not exist.

All the same Komarovsky is convinced that probiotics are ineffective due to the fact that all beneficial microorganisms do not reach their goal. They dissolve under the action of gastric juice while still in the stomach.

The doctor also has his own personal opinion regarding the problem of colic, which is characteristic of almost all infants. Komarovsky claims that the presence of colic is an absolutely normal condition for the child's body during the first months of adaptation. The doctor states that today there are simply no effective remedies that can help a child with colic and relieve pain. In his opinion, this difficult period should just be waited out. The difficult time lasts a little - up to 3-4 months.

Instead of a conclusion

  • Linex can be used for newborns due to its safety.
  • When a child is breastfed, taking Linex does not make sense. Breast milk contains all the necessary substances that are responsible for the growth of beneficial microflora.
  • With dysbacteriosis caused by a variety of reasons, it is recommended to take this remedy.
  • The possibility of allergies should be taken into account.
  • Pharmacies have cheaper domestic analogues of Linex, incl. and in capsules.

Linex instructions for babies

Instructions for use of the drug Linex will acquaint parents with all the information necessary for infants about it. Here you can find information about the release form of Linex, as well as its composition and packaging. In addition, detailed information is given on the dosage regimen and indications for use, contraindications and side effects.

Also, the accompanying leaflet contains instructions for various categories of patients, which are important to consider during treatment.

For those who are interested in the opinions of other patients about the effectiveness of Linex, in conclusion, reviews are given about the drug, which anyone can read.

Form, composition, packaging

The drug, intended to regulate the balance of the intestinal microflora, is produced in the form of opaque capsules, the body and cap of which are white, and inside there is the required amount of a white, odorless powder.

The active substance of the drug is the combined component Lebenin, consisting of beneficial live bacteria, lactose and potato starch. The auxiliary substance is the required amount of magnesium stearate.

The capsule shell is made up of substances of methylhydroxybenzoate, propylhydroxybenzoate, titanium dioxide (E171) and gelatin in the required proportions.

The drug is delivered to the pharmacy in packs of cardboard, which contain a different number (from 2 to 8) of blisters, which are made of hard or soft aluminum foil. Each of them contains eight or sixteen capsules. Also, the capsules can be placed in tinted glass bottles and put one per pack. Each of them can contain from 16 to 32 pieces.

Terms and conditions of storage

The main conditions for storing the drug will be dryness in the room and a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. It is also advisable to choose a place that is protected from light and inaccessible to children. Duration of storage - two years from the date of its production.


The effect of the drug on the normalization of intestinal microflora is due to its composition of bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and enterococci, which, by their activity, provide a shift in the acid balance in the intestine towards acidic fermentation of lactose. What contributes to the inhibition of the growth of pathogens and increases the efficiency of enzymes necessary for normal digestion, takes part in the synthesis of vitamins, thereby increasing the body's resistance to adverse factors. In addition, Linex enhances the metabolism of bile acids and pigments, the synthesis of substances that are characterized by antibacterial activity and an increase in the body's immune response.


At the moment, there is no information that could be given in this section of the manual.

Linex indications for use

The drug Linex is indicated for use for those patients who suffer from dysbacteriosis, as well as for prevention.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • Diarrhea;
  • Dyspepsia;
  • Constipation;
  • Flatulence;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomit;
  • Belching;
  • Pain in the abdomen;
  • Possible manifestation of allergic reactions.

Linex for babies: indications

Linex for babies is indicated for use literally from the first days of a baby's life. This drug helps to eliminate dysbacteriosis in crumbs and its further normal development.

A baby is born with a sterile gastrointestinal tract. Gradually, with milk, he receives bacteria for the development of the microflora of his intestines. However, they are not always helpful. After some time, the necessary balance will be established in the child's body, and the intestinal microflora will normalize, but this period will be fraught with manifestations of dysbacteriosis for the baby. This is the presence of green loose stools, and pain in the abdomen, which occurs due to increased gas formation.

The lag in the development of the baby also indicates poor absorption of food, and it would be advisable for a tiny patient to prescribe Linex to force out harmful microflora.


Contraindications for prescribing the drug are the patient's high sensitivity to any of the components of the Linex components, as well as intolerance to dairy products.

Linex instructions for use

The drug is taken orally after meals. The capsule should be taken with a small amount of water. For young children and those patients who find it difficult to swallow the drug, the capsule must be opened and its contents given to the patient diluted in a small amount of water.

For infants and toddlers up to two years of age, one can be prescribed for a three-time intake.

For children from 2 to 12 years of age, one or two pieces are prescribed three times a day.

For adolescents over 12 years of age and adult patients, two pieces are prescribed for a three-time intake.

The duration of therapy depends on the reason for which the development of dysbacteriosis began and on the individuality of the organism.

Linex during pregnancy

For pregnant and lactating women, taking the drug Linex, if necessary, can be recommended for treatment, as well as for any other categories of patients, since it does not pose any danger to the body.

Linex for babies

For children from the first day of life, Linex can be prescribed in the usual dosage, which is provided for patients of this age category.

As a rule, one capsule should be given to the infant three times a day. Of course, the capsule should be opened and the contents poured into a spoon, then the powder is diluted with a small amount of breast milk or water. The drug is given to the baby just before feeding. Linex does not have a pronounced smell and taste, therefore, it practically does not cause difficulties when taking the drug in a newborn.

Side effects

The drug Linex in most cases is well tolerated. There are no reports of negative reactions to its use. The only side effect can be considered the reaction to it of those patients who have developed hypersensitivity.


No case of overdose with this drug has been reported.

Drug Interactions

Taking the drug is allowed in conjunction with any medications that are necessary for the treatment of the patient. This includes the use of antibiotics, as well as drugs for chemotherapy, since not a single case of undesirable interaction of drugs with Linex has been noted.

Additional instructions

Hot drinks and alcohol should be avoided while taking Linex.

It is necessary to consult a doctor in cases where, before taking the drug, the patient's body temperature rises to 38 degrees, there is blood or mucous secretions in the stool, diarrhea does not go away for two days or more, accompanied by acute pain in the abdomen. Also, if the patient's condition is aggravated by dehydration and weight loss. When the patient suffers from diabetes or AIDS.

The drug has no effect on working with complex equipment and driving a vehicle.

For babies additionally

When prescribing Linex treatment to a baby, you should not rely only on the instructions for using the drug, since the pediatrician can prescribe the drug according to an individual scheme. Therefore, the reception should be carried out in strict accordance with the appointment. You should also not be shy to discuss any incomprehensible points with your doctor.

In the event that, after taking the drug, the baby has an allergic reaction or constipation appears, you should immediately call a doctor. There are known cases of allergy to Linex, or rather to lactobacilli, which are part of it. It is possible that the child is lactose intolerant and should be switched to artificial feeding, along with which the doctor will have to choose a different treatment.

Linex analogues

The following drugs can be considered analogues of Linex, which can successfully replace the drug during treatment:

  • Pepidol (more effective);
  • Hilak-forte (cheaper);
  • Acipol;

The Russian analogue of Linex is the Lactevia probiotic complex, which also has a more affordable cost.

Linex price

The cost of the drug cannot be called cheap, so many immediately, upon prescribing it, begin to search for more affordable analogues. Since Linex does not restore the intestinal microflora very quickly, it will need to be purchased additionally, and meanwhile the price of the drug is at least 308 rubles per pack.

Everyone faces digestive problems. Pain and cramps in the abdomen, frequent stools and depression in connection with this, can disturb not only adults, but also children. Dysbacteriosis caused by bad bacteria can negatively affect not only the general condition of the child, but also adversely affect his immunity. Therefore, many experts recommend giving Linex for newborns at the first symptoms of a digestive tract disorder. This modern drug helps from the signs of the disorder and has proven to be excellent as a prophylactic. And so today we will talk in more detail about how to give Linex to newborns in order to make the child feel better, return him to a restful sleep, and at the same time avoid the adverse effects of dysbacteriosis.

Problems associated with the digestive tract and intestines are especially acute for infants. Linex, on the other hand, is needed to relieve suffering not only of the newborn, but also of the parents, facilitating the course of the difficult period of the formation of a small organism.

Linex is not just an effective medicine for problems associated with digestive disorders. This remedy for children is considered safe, does not affect the immune system. It is possible to give Linex to newborns at the first manifestations of the disease in order to increase the absorption of nutrients, to overcome the consequences of dysbacteriosis. At the same time, this modern drug has the main advantages - it acts quite quickly and does not cause allergic reactions.

In general, the drug for dysbacteriosis Linex for newborns is a eubiotic, which contains live bacteria:

  • bifido;
  • lacto;
  • entero.

Due to the content of strains of these bacteria, which belong to the microflora of a healthy person, the drug can quickly normalize bowel function. It works as follows: dried bacteria, when they enter the body of children, come to life and begin their action. To be more precise, enterococci, bifido- and lactobacilli contribute to the fermentation of lactose (one of the components of milk). This, in turn, leads to the establishment of an acidic environment in the intestines, whose "tasks" include the suppression of pathogenic bacteria that enter the baby's stomach at the same time as the main food.

If you read the information contained in the instructions for the use of this modern remedy, then we can conclude that Linex for a newborn is an effective drug with a balanced composition of biologically active substances that help normalize the intestinal microflora and improve protein digestion.

When is the medicine given?

Eubiotic Linex for newborns can be given from the first days of birth. It should be given as prescribed by a doctor and in cases that are described in the instructions for use. As a rule, doctors prescribe a drug for children:

  • with bloating and accumulation of gases;
  • with the appearance of colic and pain;
  • in cases of diarrhea, dysbacteriosis;
  • with slow weight gain;
  • if, against the background of poor digestibility of enzymes, malabsorption syndrome occurs.

Linex for a newborn can also be prescribed from the second day of his life.

The reason for this may be one of the above signs. Under the supervision of a physician, the eubiotic can be given three times a day, dividing 1 capsule into three doses.

Pharmacological form and doses

Despite the fact that the form of release of the drug is capsules, there are no inconveniences with how to give Linex to a newborn. The fact is that the capsule shell, which contains powdered strains of bacteria, can dissolve not only in the intestines. It can be opened by hand to remove the drug.

To make it easier to use Linex for a newborn, it is recommended to dilute it with breast milk, or add the required amount of the drug to the baby's drinking water. The instructions for the use of the medicine also contain information that it is desirable to take the eubiotic after feeding the children. The same applies to older kids who still find it difficult to swallow the capsule on their own.

You can use 1-2 capsules on the recommendation of a doctor in cases where the specialist has identified a serious illness, or an acute form of its course. In such situations, the pediatrician may prescribe the drug for 1-4 weeks.

Parents can also give 1-2 capsules to children from 3 to 12 years old, breaking them into 3 doses. As a rule, the reason for this is a severe manifestation of dysbacteriosis.

As a prophylactic drug for intestinal disorders, Linex for a newborn baby can be used if no special health and digestive problems have been identified.

For infants and older children, taking a eubiotic is possible in parallel with taking a course of taking antibiotics.

Medicine as a prophylactic

When a doctor prescribes this eubiotic, many parents wonder about the duration of the course of preventive treatment. As a means of preventing disorders in the intestinal microflora in infants and older children, Linex is recommended to take one capsule daily after meals. In this case, it is desirable to drink the drug with plenty of water.

The course of treatment can be prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the results of the tests and the tendency to disorders in the digestive processes. The time of taking the medicine is also determined individually, based on the characteristics of the patient's body.

Restrictions on the use of the drug

Both the recommendations of pediatricians regarding the eubiotic, and the instructions for the use of the drug, contain a number of contraindications. First of all, experts note that for children suffering from lactose intolerance, another remedy should be used.

At the first suspicion of intolerance to milk sugar or the results of tests that accurately confirm the fears, it is better not to purchase Linex for a newborn. Including this category of contraindications includes babies, for feeding which, after birth, adapted mixtures are prescribed. As a rule, such products are made on the basis of soy milk.

In most cases, even the smallest patients of Linex are very well tolerated.

However, if the child’s body temperature began to rise while taking the medicine, and the consistency of the stool (with mucus and blood) also changed, you should immediately visit the hospital.

Allergic reactions that may occur after taking the drug are isolated cases. With individual intolerance to the Linex eubiotic (or its individual components), only a rash or pain in the abdomen is observed.

For young children, before taking the drug, it is recommended to dilute it with water at room temperature. It is forbidden to drink Linex capsules with hot water, as there is a high risk of inactivation of bacterial strains that make up the drug.

At the moment, there is a lot of controversy as to whether it is worth giving an eubiotic to infants, and whether there is any benefit from Linex for a newborn. However, based on research, experts have found that the symptoms of dysbacteriosis are much easier to eliminate than to deal with the disease itself and its consequences. Therefore, many newly-made parents prefer to give this eubiotic, trying to make their child feel better.

When a baby is born, its previously sterile intestines begin to fill with microorganisms important for digestion. They are called intestinal flora. However, it happens that the process of colonization by beneficial bacteria is disrupted. And then the baby has various problems with the tummy, changes in stool and pain.

To eliminate such troubles, probiotics are often prescribed. One of the popular drugs of this group is Linex. But is it possible to give this drug to a newborn and how to do it correctly? Let's figure it out.

Composition and action

The main active components of Linex are microorganisms useful for the intestines, presented in the preparation in dried form. Depending on the form, Linex may contain the following bacteria:

  1. Bifidobacterium infantis
  2. Bifidobacterium animalis
  3. lactobacillus acidophilus
  4. Enterococcus faecium

After entering the children's intestines, they inhabit its walls and actively multiply. As a result, the number of useful representatives of the intestinal flora is growing, and their waste products make the intestinal reaction more acidic, which adversely affects opportunistic and pathogenic microbes.

In addition, bacteria from Linex:

  • They produce substances with antibacterial action.
  • Take part in the synthesis of vitamins.
  • Participate in the metabolism of bile pigments.
  • Increase the reactivity of the immune system.

The composition of Linex for children includes beneficial bacteria that colonize the intestines of the child and begin to multiply actively

Release form

Linex, which is given to children, is produced in several forms:

  1. Drops 8 ml Lineks for children. This form of probiotic contains bifidobacteria, sunflower seed, maltodextrin, sucrose, sodium ascorbate, citric acid and tocopherol. It is available in bottles equipped with a dropper dispenser.
  2. Powder Lineks for children. Such a probiotic is sold in portioned sachets, each of which contains a white powder with bifidobacteria supplemented with maltodextrin.
  3. Linex capsules. This form of probiotic contains three types of bacteria in a powder packaged in gelatin white capsules. In addition to microorganisms, the capsules contain starch, magnesium stearate and lactose.
  4. Linex Forte capsules. The difference between this encapsulated version of Linex is the content of only two types of microorganisms, but in an increased amount. The result of the application is a faster colonization of the intestine and a reduction in the dose of the drug per day.

For newborns, the best form is Linex for children in drops- it is perfect for babies who are not yet able to swallow solid food. It is great for young children with emerging microflora. The product does not contain lactose, palm oil, gluten. The composition includes bifidobacteria BB-12, which are as similar as possible to those found in breast milk.


The instruction for any form of Linex allows the use of such a drug in newborns from their first days of life. The drug can be prescribed:

  • In violation of the chair. This symptom often appears with an imbalance in the intestinal flora. The crumbs may experience constipation, greenish stools, diarrhea, feces with mucus and other problems.
  • When switching to artificial feeding. Especially often, Linex is prescribed to infants who were born prematurely or stayed in the hospital for a long time, which became an obstacle to breastfeeding. And in order to populate the intestines with the necessary flora, such babies are prescribed a probiotic.
  • With colic. Often, they begin to disturb the baby from 2-3 months of age, but some babies have colic even in the neonatal period.
  • When treated with antibacterial agents. Linex can be prescribed both at the same time as a course of an antibiotic for the prevention of digestive disorders (in this case, the medicine is taken with a time difference of at least 3 hours), and after such treatment, if there are problems with digestion.

When not to give to newborns

The drug is contraindicated in the presence of intolerance to any of its components. Linex is not prescribed for babies who do not tolerate dairy products, since the drug includes lactose (we are talking about capsules). If an infant has problems with carbohydrate metabolism, for example, galactose intolerance, Linex Forte capsules are contraindicated because they contain carbohydrates.

Do not give Linex to a child who has intolerance to any component that is part of

In all of the above situations, you can use Linex for children in drops or in powder.

Instructions for use

Dosage for newborns

Depending on the form of release, infants of the first month of life are recommended such single doses of the drug:

How to breed

  • If Linex is used in a sachet, then the packaging is carefully torn open, the contents are poured into a spoon, and then mixed with expressed breast milk, water or a mixture. The suspension is prepared before the medicine is given to the baby. It is not recommended to store diluted powder.
  • If the baby is given the drug in a capsule, it should be opened, then the contents should be mixed with a small amount of liquid and given to the baby. Drops of Linex in the right amount are added to a milk or non-dairy drink, and then given to the child. It is important not to forget that Linex is not mixed with hot baby food or a hot drink.

Linex for oral administration can be diluted with formula or breast milk.

How to give

The medicine is given during feeding or immediately after it. The powder form of Linex, the drug in drops or the contents of the Linex Forte capsule is given 1 time per day. Ordinary Linex capsules are given three times a day. The duration of use is determined by the reason for prescribing the probiotic, but often Linex is prescribed in a course of 2-4 weeks.

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