How to eat with pleasure: interesting and easy methods. Poor appetite: causes and what to do

It's easy to reduce your appetite! Find out what foods, herbs and medicines will help you with this. And get 8 effective techniques to deal with bouts of evening zhor.

Eating habits are the basic factor on which the slim figure of a healthy person depends. What are eating habits? This is what a person eats, how often he eats, and also how much food he is saturated with. It is also important to consider psychological attachments. For example, if in a stressful situation a person reaches for sweets, this is likely to provoke the appearance of extra pounds over time.

The “lever” for controlling eating behavior is appetite. Moderate appetite is an indicator of health. And unbridled appetite most often pushes a person to breakdowns, which entail painful reproaches of conscience for eating in excess of the norm.

The psychology of overeating

If you do not understand the psychological causes of overeating thoroughly, then a series of diets with a subsequent return of kilograms will last a lifetime. So, if you are tormented by uncontrolled bouts of hunger, and after eating you often experience heaviness in the stomach and fatigue, you should clearly identify the reasons that make you overeat.

Unconscious habit from childhood

Paradoxically, adults often instill bad habits in children by taking care of them. For example, when parents force a child to eat strictly according to the schedule and eat the entire portion without fail - "in order to grow up healthy." Thus, the child loses a sense of control over natural appetite. The result of such hyper-custody is a person with excess weight and its attendant problems.

Food compensates for the lack of attention and love.

This reason may be a continuation of the first. After all, if a teenager is inclined to be overweight, he, as a rule, acquires complexes. Even if you still manage to defeat extra pounds with age, then it is much more difficult to cope with self-doubt, fear of public speaking, anxiety when communicating with strangers. Fullness provokes isolation and a desire to protect oneself from the outside world. Thus, the lack of attention, communication, the impossibility of self-realization - all this is replaced by food, which blocks all other needs for a short time.

Acts as a sedative

If the transferred nervous tension makes you want to eat a chocolate bar, this is a sure signal that your eating habits are leading to weight gain. Food should not be an antidepressant, and short-term pleasure is not worth having to painfully fight with its consequences later. If you want to reduce your appetite, start with the understanding that food will not solve your problems, but if you treat it the wrong way, it can aggravate them.

Food in a hurry

The process of eating food requires concentration and responsibility. That is, when starting a meal, you should understand how much and what you need. Snacking on the go, when you don’t have time to eat fully and eat more than you need, is a direct road to extra pounds. In addition, "biting" threatens with disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to reduce appetite and become healthier

It has been scientifically proven that it takes 21 days to form a habit. If you have firmly decided to part with excess weight, then first you will have to get rid of bad habits, but acquire useful ones. When you manage to moderate your appetite and adjust your diet, your stomach will get used to less food, from which you will begin to lose weight. In addition, the body will experience less stress, which will preserve health and prolong youth. Set yourself a goal for 21 days to observe food discipline, and the result will not only please you, but also give you confidence in your abilities.

There are several approaches to reduce appetite. You can choose the most optimal for yourself, or alternate between them. Most importantly - do not starve and carefully listen to your well-being. If you feel weak, experience nausea, dizziness, pain in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, contact your doctor immediately.

Foods to Reduce Appetite

Folk remedies

It is important to remember that herbal decoctions should be consumed at least 30 minutes before meals.

  • Burdock root. From the root of burdock, you can prepare a decoction that will significantly dull hunger. Take a teapot or other thick glass container, pour 2 teaspoons of chopped burdock root into it, pour 200 ml of boiling water over them. Capacity 15 min. hold in a water bath. Cool and drink 1 tablespoon every 2 hours.
  • Nettle. The use of tea from dried nettle leaves allows not only to reduce appetite, but also due to the diuretic and mild laxative effect, get rid of the accumulation of fluid, toxins in the body. In addition, nettle has a sedative effect, which is very important if you are prone to snacking on nervous grounds. To prepare, take 1 tablespoon of dried nettle, pour 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. Drink nettle decoction as a tea or take 2 tablespoons of it before each meal.

  • Infusion of corn stigmas. Pour 20-25 g of corn stigmas with 250 ml of water and boil for about 20 minutes. Cool, strain it and take 1 tablespoon three times a day. This will help get rid of the obsessive desire to have an unscheduled snack.
  • Parsley. Parsley dulls the feeling of hunger and speeds up the metabolism. Add fresh parsley to food (for example, to fresh vegetable salads) or drink a decoction. To prepare 1 tablespoon of dried parsley, pour 200 ml of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes, then strain. Take 2 tablespoons before meals.
  • Celery. Celery also speeds up metabolism and significantly reduces appetite. Add it to food and use a decoction: chop fresh celery, pour 2 tablespoons of the plant into 400 ml of boiling water and let cool. Take 100 ml each time before meals.

  • Wheat bran. Pour 200 g of bran with 1 liter of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. Strain, let cool. Take 100 ml of infusion three times a day.
  • Flax-seed. A decoction of flax seeds gently cleanses the body, while reducing appetite. To prepare 1 tablespoon of flaxseeds, pour 200 ml of boiling water and cook for about 30 minutes. on slow fire. Take 100 ml before each meal. To improve digestion, as well as gastritis and heartburn, use flaxseed oil - it envelops the walls of the stomach and reduces appetite. Add 1 teaspoon of oil to cereals and fresh vegetable salads.
  • Garlic and red pepper. For those who are not allergic to red peppers and garlic, they will help reduce appetite significantly. Garlic contains acillin, a substance that stimulates the brain center responsible for satiety, thereby reducing the feeling of hunger. Red peppers contain capsaicin, a substance that gives pepper its spiciness and reduces appetite. In addition, the consumption of red pepper speeds up the metabolism. Add garlic or pepper to your salads and you'll be able to eat much less.

  • Ginger. Ginger root drinks are a huge success. Ginger stimulates metabolic processes, speeds up metabolism, improves digestion, regulates the level of the hormone cortisol and insulin. You can make a ginger drink and drink it hot or cold. To prepare, take 5 cm of ginger root, 4 tablespoons of white (you can green) tea, half of one lemon and 3 sprigs of fresh mint. Grind the ginger, peel the zest from the lemon, finely chop the lemon pulp. Mix the zest and ginger, add chopped lemon and mint, pour 500 ml of cold water and cook for 10-15 minutes over low heat. Let stand 10 minutes, then strain. Brew tea in a separate bowl: pour 500 ml of boiling water over the tea leaves, leave for no more than 3 minutes. Then strain and mix with ginger-lemon broth. Drink 30-40 ml of drink between meals, but not on a full and not on an empty stomach.

You can prepare herbal infusions and teas by combining different ingredients. For example, nettle, burdock root and ginger root. By adding 2 teaspoons of dried chamomile, you will get an excellent remedy that will reduce hunger and have a calming effect.


Almost all herbs that are used to reduce appetite have a diuretic property, so it is extremely important to use them correctly so as not to provoke dehydration.


Various dietary supplements (abbreviated dietary supplements) and appetite suppressants, as a rule, have side effects and have contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, allergic reactions. Their effect is to suppress natural hormones by influencing the nervous system. This is fraught with various negative health consequences: allergies, digestive and nervous disorders. Taking the drug is a temporary measure, which is only an auxiliary action in the process of losing weight. If you intend to get rid of extra pounds forever, it is important to change your eating habits on a conscious level.

  • Sveltform plus. The instructions say that the drug reduces appetite, cravings for sweets and starchy foods, and has a diuretic effect. The composition indicated by the manufacturer contains: yeast with chromium, camellia sinensis (green tea), bubbly fucus, vitamin C.

  • . The effectiveness of this dietary supplement has not been confirmed. The composition contains microcrystalline cellulose and pectin, which, due to swelling, create a feeling of fullness in the stomach and intestines. For those suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract during exacerbations, the drug is categorically contraindicated.
  • . The main active ingredient is, which enhances the process of thermogenesis, speeds up metabolism and suppresses appetite. Among the side effects of the drug are bleeding (including uterine bleeding), sleep disturbance, anxiety, decreased visual acuity, and a flu-like condition.
  • XLS duo Slim and Shape. The composition contains cocoa butter and green tea, which speed up metabolism, as well as malic acid, apple extract, pineapple, parsley, grapefruit, fennel, black currant. The principle of action is identical to other drugs: the acceleration of metabolic processes and the withdrawal of fluid.

  • . The preparation contains garcinia extract, chromium, fucus, vitamin C, vitamin B6, kelp. How it works: Suppresses cravings for sweets and starchy foods thanks to hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which maintains a high concentration of glucose in the blood.
  • Reduxin. The main active ingredients are sibutramine and microcrystalline cellulose. Principle of action: suppression of hunger, acceleration of metabolic processes, stimulation of the production of hormones that block food cravings (serotonin, norepinephrine). Removes metabolic products from the body.
  • . Main components: extracts and garcinia. Principle of action: appetite suppression, acceleration of metabolic processes, diuretic and laxative effect.

  • . Principle of action: fiber fibers swell in the stomach, creating a feeling of satiety. Consumption of the drug suppresses food cravings, reduces the amount of food eaten, accelerates the transit of food through the gastrointestinal tract.

If you decide to take a drug to reduce excessive food cravings, consult your doctor. If there are no contraindications, strictly follow the dosage and in no case try to increase the allowable rate. If you feel nausea, pain in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, weakness - stop taking the remedy.

During pregnancy

Remember that taking appetite suppressants during pregnancy and breastfeeding is strictly prohibited.

  1. Try to eat regularly.
  2. Eat more often, but in smaller portions - so that the feeling of hunger does not have time to worsen.
  3. Eat more fresh fruits.
  4. Try to bypass shops where you risk being tempted by fresh pastries, chocolates, etc.
  5. Prepare your own healthy desserts. For example, based on natural cottage cheese.
  6. If you do not have allergies, eat walnuts and peanuts without salt and spices, but not more than 100 g per day.
  7. Allow yourself sometimes what you want, but stretch the pleasure, eat as slowly as possible.
  8. Take care of the aesthetics of space and table setting. It is also important that the room in which you cook and eat is well lit and ventilated.
  9. Be outdoors more, walk.

How to reduce appetite in the evening

If you are familiar with such a problem as an exacerbation of hunger in the evening, then use the following recommendations:

  1. Eat right. Be sure to have breakfast (the morning meal should be the densest) and lunch. For dinner, it is better to eat something protein: 250 g of boiled chicken fillet and two cucumbers, 200 g of shrimp and 200 g of baked vegetables (for example, zucchini + tomatoes), 250 g of cottage cheese (5-9% fat) and 1 grapefruit.
  2. If after dinner you are still drawn to the refrigerator, drink green tea with lemon.
  3. Switch to some activity: get a manicure, go through the files on the computer, read a book.
  4. Walk outdoors.
  5. Make yourself a "royal" bath: use aromatic oils, salts, foam, herbs. It also relieves stress after a hard day.
  6. Try to meditate.
  7. Do 30 squats and 30 reps for ab exercises.
  8. Arrange a fitting of things that you would like to fit into: this perfectly beats off your appetite and motivates you to continue the struggle for harmony.

The article describes the causes of loss of appetite, and lists options for solving the problem. You will also learn why the key to success in bodybuilding is 50% dependent on nutrition.

A healthy appetite is the key to the correct set of muscle mass. Appetite is one of the main indicators of the intensity of training. If after class you have an irresistible desire to eat something, it means that the training was compiled correctly, and the natural process of restoring the body's strength is underway.

But, unfortunately, such a desire does not always arise. But without the consumption of the required amount of food, recovery processes are slower. Accordingly, muscle growth also slows down.

Reasons for lack of appetite

In addition to the fact that lack of appetite may be due to individual eating habits or insufficient training intensity, the cause is sometimes more serious. Before you start increasing the feeling of hunger by any means, you should make sure that you have no pathologies that could cause appetite disorders. These include:
  • diseases of the digestive tract - gastritis, ulcers, etc.;
  • pathological processes in the liver or gallbladder;
  • mental disorders, depression;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • inflammatory, infectious processes in the body.
If you have identified any deviation in the functioning of the body, immediately consult a doctor, and only after that resort to methods to increase appetite.

It can also be caused by taking certain types of medications and bad habits, such as alcohol abuse and smoking. Another possible reason for a lack of appetite can be poor digestion, as a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and discomfort discourages the desire to eat anything.

In this case, you should initially deal with this problem, and then improve your appetite. For digestion, enzymes will become useful, they help break down food and absorb useful trace elements. Let there always be a plate of Festal, Mezim or Pancreatin with you.

How to improve appetite

For a bodybuilder, it is important to get the required amount of protein from food, since it is this element that leads to muscle growth. But proteins are quite voluminous and the stomach needs much more time to digest them than, for example, carbohydrates. Therefore, the daily rate of protein food provided for a bodybuilder is quite difficult to absorb.

But there is a way out of every situation. There are certain recommendations that help increase appetite, here are some of them:

  1. Eat more often, but less - this will allow you not to overfill the stomach, and it will take less time to break down food. Accordingly, the feeling of hunger will come faster.
  2. To avoid disgust for any product, even if you really like it, you should systematically add variety to the diet.
  3. Eating before bed leads to a drop in blood glucose levels, which will cause an increase in appetite in the morning.
  4. Before eating, drink a glass of sour juice, it stimulates the receptors and increases the feeling of hunger.
  5. Sour juice can be replaced with a slice of lemon or a solution of ascorbic acid. The effect will be the same.
  6. Walking in the fresh air and physical activity help to increase the desire to eat something.
  7. We should not forget about the psychological factor, because the desire to eat something is initially formed as a signal from the brain. A beautifully laid table, an appetizing looking dish and a pleasant aroma will certainly make you want to eat.

Herbs that increase appetite

Collections of various herbs have always been considered excellent helpers for various diseases, and lack of appetite was no exception.

For these purposes, it is customary to use fees with a bitter aftertaste. They contribute to moderate irritation of the gastric mucosa and reflexively cause a feeling of hunger. Their main advantage is almost complete safety for the body, since they do not cause side effects.

Herbal preparations should be carefully taken by people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and those who are prone to allergic reactions.

The best herbs and fees to improve appetite, which can be easily purchased at a pharmacy, are:
  • centaury;
  • calamus root;
  • bitter tincture;
  • sagebrush;
  • appetizing collection;
  • dandelion root.
A decoction of these herbs should be taken half an hour before meals, three times a day. It will be enough for a third of a glass at a time.

Appetite enhancers

Pernexin. This elixir has a moderate degree of increase in appetite, all of its components are of natural origin, so its use is considered safe. The drug contains a whole complex of vitamins, especially group B, as well as iron and sodium glycerophosphate.

Peritol has a high degree of impact on the receptors responsible for the feeling of hunger. The main effect of the drug is the blocking of receptors that suppress appetite. The drug has contraindications, side effects may also occur.

Of the contraindications, the main ones are:

  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • asthma;
  • gastritis or stomach ulcer;
  • age after 50 years.
Side effects may include:
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • spasm of the stomach;
  • dizziness;
  • sense of anxiety.
Insulin. This tool is especially popular among bodybuilders, as it has a pronounced anabolic effect. In addition, it enhances appetite. The desire to eat appears after 20-30 minutes after the administration of the drug. But the drug requires caution in use. Before using it for injection, you should consult a doctor.

Steroids. Almost all anabolic stimulants cause an improvement in appetite, as this is an integral part in the growth of muscle mass. Primobolan is considered the best for these purposes. But we should not forget about all the possible side effects that are characteristic of this group of drugs.

Bioadditives and vitamins. The main vitamin, the decrease in the amount of which in the body causes a lack of appetite, is considered B12, and it is its consumption that should be increased. Its best source is ascorbic acid. In addition, you should take the whole complex of vitamins, especially group B.

Iron preparations also proven to be effective in combating lack of appetite. They should be taken with meals. But an excessive amount of iron or an individual intolerance to this component can cause an upset in the digestive system. Medicines containing iron - Fenyuls, Ferrum Lek, Sorbifer.

There are also supplements sold in pharmacies. For example, Limontar based on citric and succinic acid, or Stimuvet, which contains a complex of vitamins. But practice has shown that their effect is assessed as low.

As a rule, appetite worsens in the summer. When it's hot outside, the desire to eat is drastically reduced. If for an ordinary person it is even useful to throw off a couple of extra pounds, then for a bodybuilder this is a serious problem. All the kilograms that the athlete will lose are cherished muscles, since, in principle, he no longer has fat.

If everything is already completely difficult, and taking certain drugs and medicines gives only a temporary effect, but you still need to eat, use protein shakes. Of course, they cannot and should not replace your main diet, but they will still bring 20-25% of the necessary protein to the body. Remember about vitamins, active training and healthy sleep, and then you will not have problems with appetite.

Video about products that increase appetite:

Many women struggle so desperately with their appetite that they would consider not wanting to eat as happiness. However, everything is good in moderation, including appetite.

Poor appetite can often indicate the presence of a serious illness. Inadequate intake of essential substances into the body due to poor appetite can lead not only to poor health, but even to death.

If the appetite disappears for a short period of time due to emotional reactions, fatigue, stress, then there is nothing to worry about. It is worth worrying when there is no appetite for a long time and leads to poor health and weakness.

How to increase appetite in adults - tips:

- try to establish the cause of poor appetite and get rid of it. There are cases when a woman wants to lose weight so much that the desire to eat absolutely disappears, leading to severe anorexia;

- Eat small meals. Several meals a day in small portions will be beneficial to the body if you put healthy nutrition into these portions;

- cook tasty and beautiful. The smell and appearance of the food should evoke a desire to eat;

- add seasonings, spices, saltiness, fats to food, as they cause gastric juice, stimulating appetite. To this end, use mustard, pepper, chicory, horseradish, dandelion leaves, rosemary in reasonable quantities. All these seasonings are contraindicated if you wish;

- drink plenty of fluids to get rid of dehydration, which is often the cause of loss of appetite. With increased physical activity, you should drink more than 6 glasses of clean water;

- take a multivitamin complex, as a lack of vitamins or trace elements can cause a decrease in appetite. Vitamin C and B12 have a positive effect on appetite;

- drink 50-100 g of dry red wine or an aperitif with a bitter aftertaste 15-20 minutes before meals;

- eat according to the regimen so that the body begins to produce gastric juice in advance;

- do not snack. If you want to eat fruit, then it should not be before a meal;

- lead an active lifestyle, walk, play sports;

- get rid of bad habits, since, for example, a portion of nicotine distracts attention from the need to eat. Get enough sleep, stick to the daily routine;

- use infusions of bitter herbs and complex herbal preparations from wormwood, bison, black currant, mustard, parsnip, horseradish, chicory, yarrow, dandelion, gentian, plantain, calamus, watch.

How to increase appetite in adults: folk recipes.

1. Infusion of wormwood. Take 1 tsp. chopped and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave to brew for half an hour and drink 15-20 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp. three times a day.

2. Yarrow juice. Fresh juice of common yarrow should be drunk in 1 tsp. three times a day, you can with honey.

3. Infusion from the rhizome of dandelion. In the spring, add fresh dandelion leaves to your salad. The bitterness that is in these leaves is exactly what the body needs. From the rhizome, prepare an infusion that will improve appetite and the digestive tract. For this, 2 tsp. crushed dandelion root, pour a glass of cold water and leave to infuse for 8 hours. Drink the infusion should be 4 times a day for a quarter cup.

4. Juice from carrots and watercress. Take 4 carrots and a bunch of watercress. Squeeze the juice out of them and dilute with the same amount of water. Drink half an hour before meals.

5. Infusion of centaury, angelica, sage, rue. Take 20 g of herb centaury umbrella and fragrant rue leaves and 10 g of angelica root and medicinal sage. Separate 3 tbsp. collection and pour 3 cups boiling water. Leave to brew for about 30-40 minutes, then strain and drink three times a day, a third of a glass before meals. Appetite will return in a few days.

6. Infusion of willow, wormwood, yarrow, dandelion. Take 1 part of wormwood herb, dandelion herb, common yarrow herb, half a part of white willow bark. Mix all the ingredients and separate 1 tbsp. collection. Pour 1.5 cups of boiling water and leave to brew for half an hour. Drink three times a day 15-20 minutes before meals for half a glass.

It draws your attention to the fact that if no methods of combating weight loss give a result, and at the same time there is weight loss, constant fatigue, drowsiness, various pains, taste habits change, then you should consult a doctor for qualified help.

At first glance, the need for appetite enhancers is very small. Most people are known to be interested in how to reduce hunger and are constantly dieting. However, this is only at first glance. Loss of appetite is not an uncommon problem, especially in children. Yes, and many adults are underweight, and lack of desire to eat prevents them from gaining it.

What can be done, how to increase the appetite of a child, how to increase the appetite of an adult? These questions are asked by a lot of people. Let's talk today at www.. To begin with, let's find out what reasons can cause this phenomenon:

Causes of lack of appetite in an adult

As you know, a good (but not excessive) appetite is considered a sign of normal physical and psychological health. If you don’t feel like eating at all, this may mean that not everything is good with your health. Here are the most common reasons for this manifestation:

Liver diseases, gastritis, peptic ulcer, various infections, food poisoning, other pathological conditions.

Stress, depression.

Prolonged adherence to an unreasonable diet, anorexia.

Taking certain medications.

If you suspect any illness, see your doctor. With a depressive or prolonged stressful state, you need to visit a psychologist. If there are no health problems, you can help yourself with effective folk remedies:

How to increase appetite in an adult with folk remedies?


Medicinal plants can help: yarrow, mint, dandelion root.

Wormwood is very effective. The plant contains bitterness that increases the desire to eat, improves digestion. In addition, wormwood products give vigor, increase the tone of the body. In our case, it is best to prepare a powder from dry leaves (crush them thoroughly). Take half a teaspoon before meals.

You can also prepare an infusion: pour 2 tbsp. l. wormwood, add a glass of water. Boil, immediately lower the temperature. Simmer covered for 10 minutes. Remove from stove. Wait until it cools down, brews well (about an hour). Drink the filtered remedy in a sip, always before meals. This home remedy is also useful in diseases of the liver, stomach. An infusion of wormwood is recommended to drink for the treatment of depressive conditions.

You can make an infusion of dried dandelion root. It is necessary to grind 1 tbsp. l. root, pour a glass of boiling water. It is better to insist in a thermos, about an hour. Take a little throughout the day.

Food products:

Fresh vegetables, fruits, berries with a sour taste will help improve your appetite. They activate the production of gastric juice, increase the secretion of bile. All this increases the desire to eat. For example, it is good to eat 1-2 oranges in the morning. Or drink a glass of fresh orange juice. If you have stomach problems, you can replace citrus fruits with apples. Just eat a green apple an hour before meals.

Onions and fresh, juicy garlic work well. These products not only increase appetite, but also have a positive effect on digestion. You can also drink fresh black radish juice before meals (unless, of course, there are no stomach diseases).

How to increase a child's appetite with folk remedies?

Parents often complain about the poor appetite of their children and are very worried about this. These worries are not unfounded. As nutritionists say, good nutrition is impossible without a healthy appetite. If the child's body does not receive the necessary nutrients, this can adversely affect the health and development of the child.

Taking action

Honey will improve appetite:

If the child refuses to eat, try giving him honey. Just remember that it can be introduced into the diet from the age of three. Also, the product can cause allergies, so start with small dosages (less than half a teaspoon).

If everything is in order, give it to the baby with tea or drinking water. Enough 1 tsp. on a glass. You can give on an empty stomach 1 tsp. this healing sweetness. Just check with your pediatrician first.

Healing herbs will help:

Prepare an infusion of Veronica officinalis. To do this, pour 1 tsp of grass with a glass of boiling water. When cool, strain. Give the child a little of this remedy (no more than a third of a glass), after meals. An infusion of spring gentian is also being prepared. But it should be given only 1 tbsp. l. before meals.

In general, with a persistent unwillingness of the child to eat, better show it to the pediatrician. Perhaps there are health problems, or there is a lack of vitamins in the body. On the advice of a doctor, you can give your child vitamin complexes, drugs. Vitamin C and B12 are particularly helpful in improving appetite.

According to indications, the doctor may prescribe enzyme preparations (pancreatin, mezim), amino acids and metabolites (citric, succinic acid, glycine, or L-carnitine).

It is impossible to give any drugs to children on their own. They can cause unwanted side effects, many have contraindications. You also need to take into account the degree of violation of appetite. To understand all this, contact your pediatrician. Be healthy!

Hi all. Today we will talk about a very unusual topic for me: how to increase appetite. Unusual because for me it's not a problem. But as statistics show, this is interesting to many, and many cannot force themselves to eat! How to live then? 😀

Causes of decreased appetite

There are a number of diseases that can cause you poor appetite, the most common diseases are:

  1. GASTRITIS- this is inflammation of the gastric mucosa (acute burning pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness) and other diseases of the digestive tract in the body
  2. Oncological diseases (tumors arising from epithelial cells in organs and tissues of the body, cancer, sarcoma, diseases of the blood system - lymphomas and leukemias, and others).
  3. Mental illness, depression
  4. Various infections
  5. Smoking
  6. Alcohol
  7. Vitamin deficiency (requires B12 and ascorbic acid).
  8. Medications can also reduce appetite: antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (this is a group of drugs that have analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects, they reduce pain and inflammation), antihypertensive drugs (these are drugs that lower high blood pressure) and other drugs.

Initial actionsproperly adjust your diet (diet). Try to eat fractional portions (4-6 times a day, every 2-3 hours) include foods that you really like in your diet.But don't abuse it! If you love a certain dish (for example, I love a diplomat) do not eat it all the time. Otherwise, it will also bore you. Constantly change something, diversify your diet.

- In the first half of the day (until 16.00) try to eat a lot of carbohydrate foods (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, pasta) - these are all mostly complex carbohydrates (they are also slow). The bottom line is that we need carbohydrates during the day (because carbohydrates are energy) and we need energy for the whole day. Therefore, no matter how you want to eat there in the morning, remember, BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day. I recommend that you eat within 30 minutes of waking up.

For example, we woke up at 9.30 (we did our morning chores), went to the kitchen to cook our own food. While you are preparing all this goodness, your stomach gradually wakes up, and from the happiness of delicious smells you will love to eat. Usually the problem with appetite is only for breakfast (after breakfast there are no such problems).

For breakfast, you can eat some light food (for example, oatmeal WITH MILK) + some fruits can be cut inside (for deliciousness). I don't think anyone can resist this delicacy.

- In the afternoon (after 16.00) try to eat a lot of protein foods (eggs, chicken breasts, beef, milk, cottage cheese, turkey, fish, etc.).

The fact is that in the second half of the day CARBOHYDRATES (energy) are NO LONGER REQUIRED! You tend to move little, stay at home, and besides, such food will lead to a drop in blood sugar in the morning, and as a result, you will have an increased appetite before breakfast.

If you eat carbohydrates (complex) at night, and if God forbid, simple ones (sugar and all goodies), then all this goodness will go to FAT, be sure. That is what you will not want in the morning.

Do not forget about fiber, this is FRUITS (prunes, raisins, avocados, berries, banana, peaches) + VEGETABLES (cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes) in all meals, whether with carbohydrates, or with protein. The fact is that fiber slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, which is good for appetite and for people who want to lose weight. Nutritionists recommend consuming 30-50 grams of fiber per day. But most people don't even eat 15 grams. Therefore, pay attention to this.

  • Carbohydrates - 50-60%
  • proteins - 20-30%
  • fats - 10-20%

With such a proportion, be sure - you will not lose! Your health will begin to improve significantly, and your appetite will be much higher than it was before. For modern people have the opposite (a different proportion, a lot of fat and carbohydrates and little protein), hence the disturbances in appetite and various diseases (the most dangerous of them is atherosclerosis, from which 3 out of 4 die and other diseases of the cardiovascular system, obesity , cancer, diabetes, etc.).

Vitamins will also help increase your appetite. Be sure to take complex vitamins. Vitamins B12 and ascorbic acid increase appetite very well. If there is a lack of vitamins (there will definitely be a poor appetite). Therefore, even this needs to be monitored!

What else can help increase appetite?

1. Physical activity (sport) such as bodybuilding, powerlifting, some other strength sport. In these sports (you are guaranteed an appetite).

2. Walking in the fresh air (jogging, walking) or just walking the dog = it's great to wake up the body (after a while, you will want to eat) trust me.

3. There are also special BITTERINGS to increase appetite(I don’t know, I’ve never tried it, as for me crap). But if you are interested, read it somewhere on the Internet (I don’t like to write about things I know little about, because I have never tried them, and I don’t know about them at all).

4. There are also special drugs that increase appetite (PERITOL, INSULIN, ANABOLIC STEROIDS). The last two are heavy artillery. I don't really recommend it, definitely! However, I have something to tell you.

Greatly increases appetite INSULIN (for example, short - ACTRAPID). 5-10 units before meals will greatly increase your appetite in about 20 minutes. In any case, before taking the drug, you need to consult a specialist (doctor) and get a detailed acquaintance with the drug, its effect, side effects, etc.

PERITOL - also greatly increases appetite. The fact is that this drug is an antagonist of other drugs (SEROTIN and HISTAMINE), these TWO drugs are MEDIATORS!! They accumulate in the center of hunger, and suppress the feeling of APPETITE, blocking the action of these mediators. And PERITOL helps increase appetite!

In order to increase appetite, 1/2 tablet or 1 tablet 3-4 times a day is enough. Or 1-2 teaspoons of syrup 3-4 times a day. Again, before taking it, you need to consult a doctor, study the drug (its side effects, etc.). by the way, side effects are rare, but if there is something headaches, spasms, anxiety, dizziness and sometimes nausea. There are also contraindications for patients with glaucoma (in people who have increased intraocular pressure), contraindications if there is a stomach ulcer, asthma, or old age.

Anabolic steroid also greatly increase appetite. Moreover, any steroid is able to increase appetite, but the best is considered to be PRIMOBOLAN. Side effects common to all anabolic steroids are possible. Before taking, you need to consult a doctor and study the drug (its side effects, actions, etc.).

Well, that's about all I know about this issue. Hope I could help you. See you again.

Sincerely, administrator.

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