How to get rid of demodicosis in dogs forever. Demodicosis in dogs: symptoms and treatment of a serious illness. Duration of treatment and prognosis

Demodicosis in dogs can be caused not only by a weakened innate immune system. Other factors also influence the appearance of the disease:

  • hormonal disruptions;
  • malnutrition;
  • oncological diseases;
  • medicines that cause immunodeficiency (hormonal drugs, chemotherapy).

As a rule, adults suffer from demodicosis. Up to a year of life in an animal, only juvenile demodicosis can manifest itself, which, as it grows older, disappears on its own. In most cases, it is caused by the fact that the dog's immunity has not yet been fully developed.

The development of the disease most often begins in the autumn or spring.

Classification and symptoms of demodicosis

There are several types of skin disease:

  • focal;
  • juvenile;
  • generalized.

Focal demodicosis is considered the safest. The disease manifests itself in small affected areas in 3-5 places. On infected integuments, the skin is flaky and has no hair. Locations are:

  • head;
  • breast;
  • stomach;
  • paws.

If the animal does not have any other diseases, then in about 80 out of 100 cases, a self-healing occurs. The danger of the focal form is that if it is not treated, then there is a high probability of relapse. For treatment, topical preparations are used. Sometimes focal demodicosis can go into a generalized form.

Generalized demodicosis in dogs, symptoms:

  • damage to large areas of woolen integument;
  • in more severe cases, damage to internal organs occurs;
  • bald areas become gray or red, emitting an unpleasant odor.

Puppies and young dogs up to 1 year old are predisposed to the juvenile form. A sign of the disease is the formation of bald areas in the paws, as well as around the eyes in the form of "glasses". In rare cases, juvenile demodicosis acquires other more severe forms.

Important! Treatment of demodicosis in dogs must be present, regardless of the form of the disease.

Differentiation of demodicosis from other diseases

Demodicosis should not be confused with diseases such as:

  • otodecosis;
  • sarcoptic mange;
  • notoedrosis;
  • microsporia;
  • alimentary dystrophy;
  • infectious diseases.

Otodectosis is an ear scabies and, as a rule, it is not difficult to distinguish it from demodicosis. The place of localization of the disease is exclusively the auricles, the defeat of which occurs inside and outside the ear, due to the fact that the dog begins to intensively comb itchy places. When otodectosis, the ears are affected by mites of the species Otodectes cynotis.

Notoedrosis is caused by causative agents of head scabies of carnivorous Notoedres cati. The disease is characteristic of young individuals. First of all, ticks of this species affect the integuments of wool and skin on the head. Numerous papules and vesicles appear. The skin becomes folded and crusty in the affected areas.

Microsporia and trichophytosis is a ringworm. The causative agents are fungi of the genus Trichophiton et Microsporum. Symptoms of ringworm are severe itching and hair fragments in the affected areas, peeling of the epithelium and swelling. In areas of localization, it seems that the hairs are cut off.

Alimentary dystrophy occurs as a result of an inadequate and unbalanced diet. The disease is characterized by such a main symptom as constant molting. In this case, itching is not observed.

For such infectious diseases as necrobacteriosis, pasteurellosis, damage to the skin and wool is characteristic. In addition, there is fever, exhaustion, dysfunction of internal organs. These symptoms are caused by viruses and bacteria.

First aid for demodicosis

When the first signs of the disease are found, the affected parts of the skin are smeared with fish oil and the bedding where the dog sleeps is changed as often as possible. The animal should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.

After examination by a doctor, the necessary therapy and tests are prescribed. The first thing you need is to bathe your pet with an antibacterial shampoo and apply a special antiseptic lotion.

Medications are prescribed by a doctor depending on the form of the disease and the breed of the dog. In addition, the animal is put on a diet that should include vitamin A and E.

Treatment regimen for demodicosis in dogs

For any form of the disease, the drug "Gamavit" is recommended for use, which is an antioxidant, adaptogen, detoxifier and normalizer of the blood formula. In addition, it reduces the toxicity of acaricidal agents. The drug is used in combination with the Gamabiol balm, which eliminates the inflammatory processes of the skin.

Focal and juvenile demodicosis

In the case of a focal form, first of all, it will be necessary to ensure that the disease does not develop into a generalized one.

The focal form is recommended to be treated with local preparations. The remedy can be prepared independently from equal parts of solar oil, carbon tetrachloride and turpentine. In addition, a 1% trypansini solution is used subcutaneously or intravenously. In combination with the solution, sedimentary sulfur powder is used as a local agent.

Effective local remedies in the treatment of focal form are:

  • 5% soap emulsion;
  • 1% sevin emulsion;
  • 2% solution of chlorophos;
  • 1% coral emulsion;
  • 2% emulsion SK-9.

At the same time, chlorophos is used for oral administration at a dosage of 25 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

In addition, antibacterial drugs are prescribed for home treatment, which are taken from 1 to 3 months, depending on the severity of the disease. Taking antibiotics reduces the risk of a secondary bacterial infection. To eliminate ticks, drugs such as Milbemycin and Ivermectin are prescribed.

Attention! Ivermectin is contraindicated for dogs of the Australian Shepherd, Collie and Sheltie breed. Drugs in this group can lead to serious side effects, even death.

Other breeds are less sensitive to the drug, so the manifestation of side effects is extremely rare.

When carrying out treatment, it is important to regularly bathe the dog with antiseptic agents - this will help your pet recover faster.

In the juvenile form, the animal, in addition to the above remedies, is prescribed vitamin E, which stimulates tissue regeneration.

Generalized demodicosis

The most complex form of the disease, like generalized demodicosis, requires complex therapy.

It should be remembered that none of the drugs for generalized demodicosis does not guarantee a 100% cure.

For home treatment, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • antimicrobial;
  • antifungal;
  • antitoxic;
  • adaptive;
  • immunomodulating;
  • acaricidal.

Acaricides include:

  • Dectomax;
  • Milbemycin;
  • Ivomek;
  • Seifli;
  • based on amitraz.

Immunomodulatory drugs:

  • Maksidin;
  • Fosprenil.

The dog should be treated under regular medical supervision. The course of treatment can last from 3 months to six months, and sometimes more. During this period, after one to two weeks, it is necessary to undergo laboratory tests. A skin scraping is performed and its further microscopy, which makes it possible to determine the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy.

Important! Do not self-medicate your dog. Incorrectly prescribed treatment can lead to complications and death of the animal.


With demodicosis, the dog should receive food rich in vitamins A and E. A protein-restricted diet is used, the consumption of which should be reduced by 2-3 times.


Preventive measures will help prevent relapse, which include:

  1. Hygiene. Change the bedding on which the animal sleeps as often as possible. Groom your coat and use specialized bath shampoos.
  2. Complete nutrition. The pet should receive a balanced diet that helps maintain the immune system and health.
  3. Preventive checkup. Every three months the dog must be shown to the veterinarian.

During the natural shedding process, some doctors recommend adding sulfur to your pet's diet.

Dogs suffering from decomedosis are castrated and sterilized, as there is a high probability of transmitting the disease to offspring.


In most cases, it is not possible to completely get rid of demodicosis, but stable remission can be achieved. Depending on the form of the disease, treatment can last from several months to several years. Proper selection of drugs and an integrated approach to treatment increase the chances of recovery. Dogs younger than 3 years of age respond better to treatment than older animals.

In contact with

A manifestation of demodicosis is skin, hyperkeratosis (thickening of the stratum corneum of the epithelium), damage to the tissues of internal organs, and general exhaustion of the body.

There are recorded cases of diagnosing the disease in 2-month-old puppies, but most often infection with a subcutaneous tick occurs in young dogs - from six months to two years of age.

The so-called "juvenile" demodicosis most often infects individuals of the following breeds:

  • German Shepherds;
  • chihuahua;
  • pit bull terriers;
  • pugs;
  • collie;

Tick ​​damage can be localized, that is, only one part of the body is affected, or generalized - when the tick spreads through various tissues and organs. Given the varying degrees of damage, there is no single prognosis for a cure.

With a localized form, the lesion is present on only one part of the body, but there may be several sites. This type of disease is benign in nature and the main symptom is hyperemia of the skin in the limbs or muzzle. If the disease is accompanied by an infection of bacterial origin, then the formation of suppuration or the appearance of dry skin areas is possible.

With this degree of disease, the prognosis is quite favorable. In 90% of cases, a sudden remission occurs for a period of three weeks to two months, regardless of which therapy is used. In other cases, demodicosis in dogs develops into a more complex - generalized form. There are breeds that are prone to this particular form of subcutaneous mite damage:

  • boxer;
  • shih tzu;
  • shar-pei.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the fact that the localized form of the disease flows into a generalized one:

  • genetic propensity;
  • the state of the immune system;
  • the presence of diseases associated with the endocrine system. (Cushing's syndrome, oncology, etc.)

In this situation, the prognosis is difficult to give, often there are relapses of the disease. Only in 50% of cases, dogs recover without the use of special therapy. But only on condition that the secondary infection is suppressed by immune mechanisms.

Subcutaneous ticks are more common in pets with reduced body resistance to infections; the following breeds are at risk:

  • dwarf pinschers;
  • chihuahua;
  • toy terriers;
  • dachshunds,
  • boxers, etc.

Varieties of demodicosis in dogs

  • Scaly demodicosis- the main symptom of the disease is peeling of the skin surface. In this case, the risk of pathogenic bacteria entering the affected areas increases, which causes a strong inflammatory process.
  • Pustular demodicosis- small compacted nodules are observed on the skin - pustules, their size does not exceed 3-4 mm. A purulent exudate with a putrid odor is released from the pustules. Bloody-purulent discharge dries up on the skin of the pet, forming brown crusts. This type of disease requires long-term therapy.
  • Often dogs develop at the same time both forms diseases, in this case the animal loses its appetite, since the tick is most often localized on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms of demodicosis in dogs

  • the skin turns red, cracks, suppurations form;
  • on the affected areas, bald spots are formed;
  • itching may be absent or weak, therefore, with demodicosis, the dog sometimes does not itch, but may lick the bites; but if it is still there, the animal will itch constantly;
  • pus from pustules smells of rot;
  • the dog can shiver even in hot weather, since thermoregulation is disturbed during the disease.

Initially, small lesions increase significantly over time. All inflamed surfaces lose their coat. Naturally, the disease also affects the behavior of the dog, the pet becomes lethargic, irritable, tries to avoid communication even with its owner.

What to do if a dog is bitten by a tick

Every dog ​​owner should know what to do and how to behave in this case:

  • Firstly, you should not try to treat your pet yourself, since even an experienced veterinarian is not so easy to diagnose a subcutaneous tick. Therefore, as soon as the lesions were detected, it is necessary to immediately deliver the animal to the clinic.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to make the task easier for the specialist by preparing a detailed history - gender, age of the pet, from what and when he was vaccinated, what ailments he suffered, is there any.
  • Thirdly, before visiting the clinic, you should not use any external agents, trying to eliminate the symptoms of the disease - itching, pain, etc. Since the doctor, first of all, takes an analysis - scraping from the affected areas.

For the treatment of the disease, complex conservative therapy is prescribed, which has two directions:

Often used drugs with acaricidal action - Ivomek, Iversekt, Amitrazin, Ivermek. These tools are able to eliminate ticks from all surfaces of the body.

It is recommended to treat the affected areas with antiseptic preparations - Fucorcin (Castellani solution), Furacilin or salicylic acid solution, and then apply external acaricidal agents - Amitan, Amitraz, Ivermectin, Akarabor.

Demodicosis is an inflammatory disease in dogs caused by various species of Demodex canis mites measuring 0.2-0.26 mm. When the number of mites in the hair follicle and on the dog's skin becomes too high, it can lead to skin lesions, genetic disorders, hair loss and problems with the immune system. The severity of demodicosis symptoms in dogs depends on the type of tick.

Symptoms of demodicosis

Demodicosis can either be localized to a specific area of ​​the body, or it can be generalized and affect the entire body. In the case of the localized type, symptoms are usually mild when the disease affects the face, trunk, or legs. In the case of the generalized type, the symptoms are more severe and appear all over the body. The main symptoms are:

  • severe itching (scabies)
  • baldness (alopecia)
  • redness of the skin (erythema)
  • the appearance of scales and lesions on the skin

Causes of infection

The exact causes of demodicosis (mange) in dogs are unknown, but many experts consider genetic factors and immune system problems to be the main causes that predispose a dog to developing demodicosis. Three types of mites are known to cause demodicosis in dogs, and the route of infection is known for only one of them, namely demodex canis. This mite lives on the dog's skin and hair follicle and can be passed from mother to newborn puppy during feeding.


Skin scrapings are used to diagnose demodicosis in dogs. If confirmed, the veterinarian will need to do a urinalysis and possibly some other diagnostic testing. An alternative diagnosis may be a bacterial infection in the hair follicle.

Treatment of demodicosis

In the case of a localized type of demodicosis, it is likely to resolve on its own and disappear spontaneously, which happens in about 90% of cases. For more severe cases, long-term treatment may be required to monitor the animal's condition and prevent secondary diseases. Treatment of severe cases of demodicosis is carried out, as a rule, permanently. In these cases, the procedures are aimed at destroying the pathogen, removing its toxins, restoring immunity and strengthening the animal's body.


Good overall dog health can help prevent some cases of demodicosis. Dogs with a generalized type of demodicosis are not bred, as the disease is more likely to be passed on to offspring.

Questions and answers

How is demodicosis transmitted to dog offspring?

Dogs are protected from these ticks by specific antibodies that are inherited and present in most dogs. But in some cases, dogs have little to no of these antibodies and become vulnerable to the disease. Thus, the ability to resist demodicosis is inherited from the parents.

The puppy was diagnosed with demodicosis, but he did not come into contact with other dogs, except for the mother. But the mother never had demodicosis. How did it happen?

The statement that the dog has never had demodicosis is erroneous. The mites that cause demodicosis are found in the hair follicles of many dogs, humans, and other mammals and do not cause any problems.

How does demodicosis affect people?

Cases of demodicosis in humans are very rare. For the treatment of demodicosis, a consultation with a dermatologist of conventional medicine is required. Treatment of the disease in humans, as a rule, can also take a long time up to several months.

Can demodicosis be transmitted from a sick dog to a healthy one in the house?

Healthy dogs are usually fairly resistant to tick infestation and, as mentioned, most likely already have some. However, you should not allow dogs to have direct physical contact with a sick animal.

You can determine the presence of the disease by several signs that appear with increased activity of ticks. To make an accurate diagnosis, the veterinarian will do a deep scraping for demodicosis in dogs. The main symptoms include the following deviations from the norm:

  1. The animal feels intense itching, which causes it to itch often and for a long time without stopping.
  2. Red spots appear at the base of the hair, on which, after a few days, bubbles form, first of a brick, and then of a putrefactive color.
  3. It starts, the bubbles burst, and a liquid is released that smells bad.
  4. The subcutaneous mite in dogs, the symptoms of which are easy to identify, manifests itself in the form of dry scales formed that stick together the coat. After a certain time, they fall off along with the hairs.
  5. When the situation is running, the animal looks depressed, refuses to eat and may even whine. The temperature drops to 37 degrees.

Types of demodicosis in dogs

Doctors have identified a large number of ticks that can infect animals. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a veterinarian who will conduct an examination and take tests. Demodex in dogs can affect different parts of the body with different additional symptoms and consequences. This will depend on how the disease is treated.

Generalized demodicosis in dogs

This species is characterized by a large degree of damage to the skin, and sometimes internal organs. The features of this disease include the following facts:

  1. The number of areas without hair is more than five and they are constantly increasing. Canine demodicosis disease is manifested by thickening of the skin, which may be red or gray. Over time, it acquires an unpleasant odor.
  2. If treatment is not carried out, then this can cause the death of the animal, since the immune system, liver, gastrointestinal tract and other organs suffer.
  3. It is impossible to completely cure such demodicosis in dogs and the risk of relapse will always be present.

Juvenile demodicosis in dogs

This disease often occurs in animals that are not yet a year old. Puppies become infected from the mother, who not only inherits ticks, but also weakened immunity. Demodicosis in dogs appears in the ears in the form of inflammation, and the main signs include incomprehensible formations around the eyes and in the limbs. Sometimes the juvenile appearance can pass into other diseases. If the puppy's immunity is strong, then the disease can be cured by itself.

Scaly demodicosis in dogs

This type of disease is characterized by the formation of hairless areas in the nose, forehead, lips and limbs, which have a rounded shape. When examined, bran-like scales are visible on them, and the skin itself is very rough to the touch. The demodicosis tick in dogs with a scaly form is cured faster than other species. If the animal has strong immunity, then in 80% of cases self-healing is possible.

Demodicosis in dogs - treatment with folk remedies

As an additional remedy for the drugs that were prescribed by the doctor, you can use folk recipes. It is not recommended to engage only in self-medication, as this can aggravate the condition of the pet. The most popular methods of folk treatment include the following options:

  1. If a dog has demodicosis, first aid involves lubricating the affected parts of the skin with fish oil.
  2. The most effective folk remedy is birch tar, which must be evenly distributed over problem areas and left for three hours.
  3. A medicine can be prepared by mixing a part of pure turpentine and two parts of animal fat.
  4. To prepare a remedy for demodicosis in dogs, you can take part of the celandine juice and four parts of petroleum jelly.
  5. Another recipe consists of a part of crushed elecampane root, two parts of birch tar and four parts of ghee.

If a dog has demodicosis, then it is important to pay attention to proper nutrition. The pet should receive complete, natural and fresh food, which should not contain any chemicals. It is best if the menu consists of meat and dairy products, vegetables, cereals, and you can also eggs. You can add vitamins to the diet, but only they need to be chosen together with the veterinarian. There are special dry foods recommended for skin conditions in dogs.

How to cure a dog from a hypodermic tick?

Treatment continues until microscopy for mites has been negative three times, regardless of external improvement. To help your pet get rid of the disease, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. When the first symptoms are detected, you should immediately contact a veterinarian so that he prescribes the correct treatment.
  2. To protect the liver, it is important to give your dog hepatoprotectors.
  3. When figuring out how to treat a subcutaneous tick in dogs, it is worth pointing out that with a mild form of the disease, it is important to abandon hormonal corticosteroids.
  4. Additionally, it is recommended to use products for external application to soften the skin, relieve itching and speed up the process of skin regeneration.

Separately, it is worth considering how a dog's booth can be treated after demodicosis, since ticks can live in it, which will contribute to the re-development of the disease. Use an aqueous solution of Lysol, formalin or creolin. Scheduled tick treatment is carried out once a winter, in early spring and late autumn. In the warm season, disinfection should be carried out once a month. It is important to disinfect bedding as well.

"Ivermek" with demodicosis of dogs

One of the most commonly prescribed drugs, which belongs to the avermectin series. The composition of the product includes ivermectin and vitamin E. Pharmacies sell Ivermek in the form of a solution for subcutaneous administration, gel and tablets. Features include the following information:

  1. In most cases, treatment of demodicosis in dogs continues for 5-6 weeks. It should be borne in mind that with prolonged use of the drug, a hepatotoxic effect develops, so veterinarians often additionally prescribe hepatoprotectors.
  2. Do not administer the remedy to puppies under six months of age.
  3. It is forbidden to introduce Ivermek, its crossbreeds and bobtails, since in these breeds the toxic effect of the agent is most pronounced.
  4. The dosage should be calculated taking into account the weight of the animal, so 0.5 ml should fall on 5 kg of weight. If the animal weighs less, then it is bred in solution.
  5. Ivermek is released in the form of a gel, which needs to be treated with problem areas of the skin using 0.2 ml of the product.

"Lawyer" from demodicosis dogs

  1. It is released in a solution intended for external use.
  2. The drug for demodicosis in dogs "Lawyer" contains the following main active ingredients: moxidectin and ilidacloprid. The first substance is absorbed into the blood, and the second, on the contrary, but at the same time it quickly spreads throughout the body, providing a long-lasting effect of the remedy.
  3. It is necessary to apply "Lawyer" for demodicosis in dogs on intact skin in places where the dog cannot touch the tongue, so it is better to choose the neck area between the shoulder blades. Large dogs need 3-4 seats.
  4. The amount is calculated so that 0.1 ml of the product per 1 kg of the pet's weight. Use it once a month for 3-4 months.

Bravecto for demodicosis in dogs

The drug is presented in the form of a chewable tablet, which has a round shape and is colored brown. The main characteristics of drugs include:

  1. Treatment of demodicosis in dogs "Bravecto" is carried out using the active substance fluralaner.
  2. They give the drug before and after meals, but an acceptable option is also during meals. Thanks to the pleasant smell and taste, the dog will eat the pill with pleasure.
  3. Calculate the dosage depending on the weight of the pet, so 25-55 mg of fluralaner should fall on 1 kg of weight.
  4. The effect of one tablet lasts for 12 weeks, and then, if the disease has not been treated, it can be repeated.

Gamavit with demodicosis in dogs

In all forms of the disease, veterinarians recommend this drug, which is not only an adaptogen, but also a detoxifier. It helps reduce the toxicity of other drugs. Understanding how to remove a subcutaneous tick in a dog, it should be indicated that "" contributes to the normalization of the blood count. Main parameters:

  1. It is sold in the form of a sterile solution for injection.
  2. The drug is a combined immunomodulator that increases the bactericidal activity of blood serum and helps animals to endure stress more easily.
  3. Gamavit is used to treat demodicosis in dogs in various ways: subcutaneously, intravenously, intramuscularly and by adding to water.
  4. The dosage should be selected by the doctor.

Prevention of demodicosis in dogs

Here are some tips on how you can protect your pet from this disease:

At the beginning of the disease, severe itching appears, the dog itches for several hours in a row. Then redness at the base of the hair becomes visible. A few days later, at the site of redness, bubbles appear with the contents, first of a brick, and then of a clay color. Within 3-4 days, hair falls out at the site of the lesion, the bubbles burst, releasing the fetid contents. This is how the pustular or pustular form of demodicosis manifests itself. If there are less than five spots of hair loss, they speak of a local lesion. If 5 or more spots are visible on the dog's body, a generalized form is diagnosed.

Often, dry scales are found on the body, gluing the coat. The scales may resemble sun-bleached dirt, bran, or fish scales. After a few days, the scales fall off along with the dog's coat. Under them is visible pus.

In severe cases, the dog is depressed, refuses to feed. Body temperature can drop to 37 degrees.

Demodicosis in dogs - causes and course

Demodectic mites in urban conditions remain on stray animals.

It is believed that for each animal species there is a specific causative agent of demodicosis. However, in dogs with demodicosis, not only their “own” tick, but also a feline and even a human one, were isolated. Contrary to the prejudices of doctors, the causative agent of "canine" demodicosis does not occur in humans. The disease is transmitted in the habitats of stray animals. The causative agent is very mobile; you can bring a tick on your shoes to a domestic dog by stepping on the coat of a sick animal.

The disease occurs against the background of a weakened immune system. The protective properties of the skin are affected by maintenance, feeding, stress on the animal and care. Changes in content, for example, the transfer of a dog that lived on the street to an apartment causes a change in the work of the sebaceous glands and reduces the elasticity of the skin. The reverse transfer, that is, the dog living indoors to the street, stimulates the skin glands. The top layer of the skin loses its protective properties. Feeding and exercise are closely related. Under heavy loads, the dog's body lacks nutrients and energy to maintain immunity. Small loads and abundant feeding force the body to deposit nutrients in the subcutaneous (loose) fiber. With the growth of fiber, the immune system ceases to control the skin. In addition, the natural processes of self-cleansing of the skin are disrupted. Scales of dead epithelium and the secretion of the sebaceous glands accumulate in the wool.

At the beginning of the disease, severe itching appears, the dog itches for several hours in a row

Once on the coat, the pathogen quickly moves to the skin. It bites into the thickness and moves to the place of nutrition - the sebaceous gland near the hair follicle. The tick eats first the secret, and then the gland itself. The movement of demodex and the feces secreted by the tick cause severe itching. The gnawed passage slowly fills with interstitial fluid, an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. And the pathogen moves to the next gland. Along the way, the female lays about a thousand eggs at a time, from which larvae hatch in a week. About a month after the eggs are laid, a new generation of sexually mature mites appears. The causative agents of demodicosis usually live in colonies of 2 to 5 thousand individuals.

A few days after the ticks enter the skin, microbes begin to multiply in the gnawed passages, causing purulent skin lesions (pyoderma). A significant proportion of these microbes normally live on the dog's skin.

Demodicosis in dogs can last for years. Without qualified assistance, the animal dies from exhaustion and (or) blood poisoning.

Demodicosis in dogs - treatment

Treatment of demodicosis is carried out in a veterinary clinic. The procedures are aimed at: destruction of the pathogen - demodectic tick; elimination of purulent skin lesions (pyoderma); restoration of immunity; removal of toxins caused by the life of the tick and the reproduction of bacteria; restoration of skin integrity; maintaining and strengthening the body.

The destruction of the pathogen is carried out in two ways. To destroy adult ticks that are near blood vessels, use preparations of ivermectin or doramectin. Ivermectin is deadly to collies and shelties; these animals are administered only doramectin under the supervision of an experienced veterinarian.

To destroy the causative agent of demodicosis in dogs, ointment yam or aversectin is used. Elimination of purulent skin lesions is carried out on the basis of a special analysis - bakposev. The type of microbes that have developed pathogenic properties and its sensitivity to antibiotics are determined. The drug is chosen on the basis of not only the sensitivity of microbes to drugs. The doctor takes into account the condition of the animal and, if any, concomitant diseases.

In severe cases, the dog is depressed, refuses to feed.

Restoration of immunity begins with the correction of nutrition, content and load. After all, drugs that restore immunity are stimulants that use the body's reserves. Therefore, they need to be replenished. Therefore, the restoration of immunity in demodicosis begins on the 3rd - 7th day after the correction of the care, maintenance and feeding of the dog. Medicines of both plant origin (echinacea dry extract, FiBS) and animal (placental suspension) are used. The choice of medication depends on the condition of the animal and the course of the disease.

The elimination of toxins caused by the life of the tick and the multiplication of bacteria is usually combined with the strengthening and maintenance of the body. Preparations of glutargic acid, Essentiale are used. For 1-2 months, Karsil is prescribed, which strengthens liver cells. To maintain kidney function, droppers with solutions of glucose or salts are used. The choice is determined by the condition of the animal. Additionally, infusions or dry extracts of herbs or preparations from them, for example, complex tablets "healthy kidneys", can be prescribed.

To restore the integrity of the skin, wound healing and antiseptic preparations are used. Baby powders with iodoform, panthenol ointment and others can be used.

Maintaining and strengthening the body of a dog with demodicosis increasingly requires the attention of veterinarians. The choice of special drugs depends on the condition of the animal, drugs based on ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid) can be used to improve metabolism and tissue healing. Especially for severe conditions, bioglobin and erbisol were developed.

Demodicosis leaves a heavy trace in the dog's body. Signals for contacting a veterinarian are severe itching, reddening of the skin, and abrupt onset of hair loss.

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