How not to get chickenpox after contact with the patient? How not to get chickenpox How not to get chickenpox

Chickenpox is an incredibly contagious disease. It is caused by one of the herpes viruses. Many do not think about the danger of this disease, believing that chickenpox is an exclusively childhood disease. But this is not entirely true: if a person has not been ill with it in childhood, then he has every chance of catching it in adolescence or adulthood. And for adults, the chickenpox virus causes more significant damage: the disease is much more severe, the likelihood of complications is high.

Why is prevention needed?

Prevention of chickenpox upon contact with a patient is relevant in cases where, for example, a child is sick in the house, and adults cannot say for sure whether they had chickenpox in childhood or not. A person who has already had this disease, has strong immunity and good health, should not worry about infection - this is very unlikely. Basically, only when infected with a virus for the first time, the disease proceeds in an acute form, and immunity is fixed for life. The virus simply remains in the body, but goes into an inactive form. Reactivation of the virus leads to the occurrence of shingles and is rare when immunity is impaired. Herpes zoster is a serious disease. It is accompanied by severe pain, a rash appears along the nerves. The disease can take a chronic course and often recur.


The most basic method that can prevent the development of the disease is the isolation of the source of infection. Chickenpox is transmitted exclusively by airborne droplets, from a sick person to a healthy person, when talking, sneezing, coughing. Also, infection can occur through direct contact, when the contents of the vesicles enter the skin of a healthy person. In addition, the virus quickly penetrates with air currents into neighboring rooms, rooms, apartments, and neighboring floors. It often happens that the isolation method is not feasible for some reason. There are no drugs that prevent the development of this disease. The treatment of the room where the patient is located with a quartz lamp can slightly reduce the likelihood of infection. But you need to use it strictly in accordance with the instructions.

The patient becomes contagious a day or two before the onset of clinical manifestations of chickenpox. This period lasts throughout the illness and ends when a week has passed after the opening of the last vesicle that appeared.

The reproduction of the virus occurs in the lymph nodes, from there it begins to spread throughout the body through the bloodstream. The incubation period for chickenpox is up to 21 days. Then the temperature rises sharply, weakness appears, feeling unwell, and rashes characteristic of chickenpox begin. The rash forms into blisters filled with a clear liquid, which contains the pathogen in large quantities.

Quarantine is a method of preventing the spread of chickenpox, in which certain principles must be observed:

  • the patient should be in the same room, which, if possible, does not include other family members;
  • the patient needs to allocate separate personal hygiene products, dishes;
  • healthy family members are advised to wear gauze bandages;
  • linen and clothes of the patient should be washed separately.

Following these principles does not give an absolute guarantee that no one will get chickenpox, but it will significantly reduce the risk of infection.
The ability to carry the chickenpox virus disappears after the last vial dries up, and the others no longer appear. This can be determined when the elements of the rash are treated with brilliant green. In this case, you can immediately see which bubbles have just appeared, and which have been present for several days.

Vaccination as a preventative option

Many modern doctors see vaccination as a reliable and safe method of preventing chickenpox infection. With vaccination, a weakened virus is introduced into the body, as a result of which the disease begins in a mild form and lifelong immunity is formed. But there has not yet been a consensus on this method of preventing chickenpox. Many experts speak out against this method.

Vaccination is indicated for those people who are extremely undesirable to catch this virus. These include people who are weakened, undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment, HIV carriers. For such groups of patients, chickenpox can lead to the death of the patient. You can also be vaccinated for those who did not encounter chickenpox in childhood, when planning a pregnancy, if the expectant mother has not yet had this disease.

If a newborn is sick with chickenpox, this disease will be very difficult for him. Often there are complicationsaffecting the internal organs, in some cases the disease also affects the brain. If the mother of the child had chickenpox, then her antibodies are transmitted to the baby, as a result of which he develops immunity for a while. But after a few months, it disappears: already at six months, the baby becomes capable of contracting chickenpox.

For pregnant women, chickenpox is dangerous in terms of effects on the fetus. The disease itself is not a direct indication for termination of pregnancy, but in rare cases, in about 2%, the newborn becomes seriously ill, or he develops some kind of malformations or deviations.
As a rule, children aged from one year to 13 years are vaccinated once. Adults are advised to vaccinate twice, with a second procedure 10 weeks after the first.

If the chickenpox vaccine is administered to the body no later than 72 hours after contact with the source of the disease, then it is likely that the disease will manifest itself much more easily. This method is well suited for debilitated patients, newborns, who are extremely undesirable to get sick with this disease. But this method is not suitable for pregnant women - the vaccine is contraindicated for them.

Prevention for pregnant women

What if a pregnant woman who has never had chickenpox came into contact with a source of the virus? There is an emergency prophylactic - immunoglobulin against the chickenpox virus. This drug is administered to pregnant women and their newborn children. This provides the infected person with the necessary antibodies and, therefore, immunity to this virus. Although the method is not able to completely prevent the disease, it relieves the symptoms of chickenpox, and the disease does not harm either the newborn or his mother. This drug cannot be found in pharmacies, it must be prescribed by a doctor.

Universal prevention of all diseases is a healthy lifestyle. Try to provide yourself with proper nutrition, get rid of bad habits, often be in the fresh air, do some sports that are interesting to you. This will strengthen your immunity, and it will actively prevent the penetration of any viruses into the body, including chicken pox.

For children who attend kindergartens and schools, chickenpox is almost impossible to avoid. Basically, quarantine is used - sick children and those who were in contact with them are isolated from healthy ones during the incubation period. Many doctors remain of the opinion that it is better to have chickenpox in childhood, so preventive measures are inappropriate. In this regard, in our country, the chickenpox vaccine is not included in the list of mandatory and is not considered necessary.

Chickenpox is highly contagious. The incidence after contact with a sick person reaches one hundred percent, despite the fact that the patient can become infectious a day before the rash appears, so you may not know about it. And in some cases, this harmless childhood disease can cause a lot of trouble.

Chickenpox spreads by airborne droplets from a sick person to a healthy one. In addition, the virus can get to a healthy person from the contents of the vesicles through direct contact. The patient is contagious from 1-2 days before the appearance of the rash and up to a week after the opening of the last vesicle.

The chickenpox virus multiplies in the lymph nodes, enters the bloodstream, and then spreads throughout the body. The rash appears after the end of the incubation period, which lasts 10-21 days. The temperature suddenly rises, a sore throat appears, small itchy papules appear on the skin, in which the virus is contained in huge quantities.

Is it possible to get chickenpox a second time?

A healthy person, if he had chickenpox in childhood, cannot be re-infected. However, in the case of a sharp weakening of the immune system (HIV, cancer, immunosuppressive therapy), there are cases of repeated chicken pox. Much more often in those who have had chickenpox, shingles develops in old age - painful rashes on the trunk, neck or face.

How do you know if a child is infected?

If the child was in contact with a sick person who at that time had a rash, consider that he was infected. Now you just have to wait for the end of the incubation period, on average for children it is 2 weeks.

It is sometimes possible to become infected if the contact person did not have a rash, but they appeared within 24 hours. For example, you called your friend and found out that her baby was "sleeping", and yesterday they played with yours. In this case, you can assume that your child will get sick soon.

Infection occurs in most cases by airborne droplets. You can become infected by contact with blisters on the skin of the patient. Infection through toys and household items is unlikely because the varicella-zoster virus is very unstable in the environment.

For whom is chickenpox dangerous?

Chickenpox in children is fairly mild and usually without complications. But still, for some, it can be a serious danger.

When infected with chickenpox, they are seriously ill, complications are likely on the internal organs and the brain. If the child's mother had chickenpox in childhood and has antibodies to it, then they are transmitted to the baby, and he becomes naturally immune to this disease. But this period does not last long, and already in six months he can get sick.

Pregnant. In expectant mothers who did not have chickenpox in childhood, if infected during pregnancy, the virus can harm the baby. This is not an indication for interruption, but in 1-2% of cases, a newborn may develop a serious illness, developmental deviations are also possible.

Patients with severely reduced immunity. For HIV-infected patients with blood cancer, after chemotherapy, etc., chickenpox can become fatal.

Chickenpox vaccine

The chickenpox vaccine was developed for people who should not get it. It is indicated for people with weakened immunity (cancer patients, HIV, after chemotherapy), all adults who did not have chickenpox in childhood, before pregnancy, if the expectant mother did not have chickenpox, and especially in large families where a pregnant mother or baby.

Two vaccines are registered in Russia: Okavax and Varilrix. Age of application - from 1 year. For children from 1 to 13 years old, one dose of the vaccine is enough; for adults, it is advisable to administer two doses with an interval of 6-10 weeks to achieve stable immunity.

How not to get chickenpox?

The most effective prevention of chickenpox is quarantine, that is, the complete isolation of a sick person from healthy ones. Masks, hand washing, airing during prolonged contact with the sick person do not play a big role: the virus is very contagious.

The second means of primary prevention is the vaccine. If you enter it before meeting with the virus, then you will not get chickenpox.

If you have already been in contact with a sick person, then you will not succeed in not getting sick. The same applies to children. In any case, the disease will take its toll, and after the incubation period, rashes will appear. However, modern means can smooth out the manifestations of the disease and reduce the symptoms. For this, the same chickenpox vaccine is used.

If the vaccine is administered within 76 hours after contact with the patient, then there is a chance to significantly reduce the manifestations of the disease. This method is used in debilitated patients, newborns - in everyone who should not have chickenpox, except for pregnant women. The chickenpox vaccine is contraindicated in pregnant women.

Emergency prevention for pregnant women

Sometimes it happens that the expectant mother did not have chickenpox and is not immune to it, but, already being pregnant, she encounters a sick person and becomes infected. What to do? The vaccine cannot be used in this case. In medicine, there is a remedy for emergency prevention and treatment of chickenpox in people for whom this virus is very dangerous - immunoglobulin against the chickenpox virus.

Immunoglobulin can be administered to pregnant women and newborns, which provides a person with antibodies and immunity to the virus. This cannot completely stop the development of the disease, but it proceeds in a very mild form and does not harm either the mother or the baby. Pharmacies do not sell such immunoglobulin, so if you first contracted chickenpox during pregnancy, go to the hospital.

To prevent the disease from being taken by surprise, every adult needs to know how not to get chickenpox, especially those in contact with a carrier of type 3 HSV in the active stage. It is almost impossible not to become infected with Varicella Zoster through contact with its carrier, but you can take steps to protect yourself from the virus and not get chickenpox.

It is believed that chickenpox is most easily tolerated in childhood and, in the absence of complications, is successfully completed after 3 weeks. In extreme cases, it is desirable to have it before the age of 30-35. At an older age, the disease is often accompanied by the development of complications.

Interaction with a person infected with HSV type 3 leads to infection in 90-100% of cases. In this case, it is enough to be with a sick person at a distance of up to 20 meters for 5-10 minutes. Infection occurs by airborne droplets. The sick person begins to infect others in 1-2 days for the first symptoms to appear, that is, even in the incubation period, therefore, when living in the same room, it is almost impossible to prevent the spread of the virus.

You can catch chickenpox from the person who had it, within 5 days from the moment the last bubble appeared. For this reason, you should not contact healthy people immediately after feeling better.

Prevention comes down to vaccination, which, however, does not give 100% immunity. This means that in rare cases the disease cannot be prevented by vaccination. A vaccinated adult may be contagious to some individuals.

Chickenpox in vaccinated people usually occurs in a mild form and is not accompanied by complications. Thus, vaccination, if it does not prevent infection, then reduces its negative consequences to a minimum.

A medicine whose action is directed to herpes viruses is Acyclovir. Cyclofen has a similar effect. Some doctors advise using forms of interferons.

How not to catch chickenpox through contact with a sick child

Chickenpox in kindergarten involves the announcement of quarantine. However, such a preventive measure is not effective, because the virus begins to spread even in the incubation period. Many parents deliberately lead their children into contact with HSV type 3 carriers that can infect, because they know that the disease caused by this virus is more easily tolerated in childhood. In extreme cases, vaccination against the specified pathogen is carried out. After the measure of immunoprophylaxis, protection is formed for 20 (maximum 30) years. Children from 12 months to 13 years of age routinely require a single injection of the vaccine, after this age - a double immunization.

In order for an adult not to get chickenpox from a sick child, it is necessary either to avoid contact with the baby (which is unlikely), or to make an emergency vaccination.

How to protect yourself from chickenpox

If there is a risk of HSV type 3 infection, you should try not to contact the sick person, and entrust care for him to family members who have previously had chickenpox. It is important to carry out sanitary and hygienic treatment of the premises.

Measures to prevent chickenpox include:

  • regular airing of the house;
  • providing a sick person with separate dishes, washcloths, towels, and other items;
  • the use of a weak solution of potassium permanganate for cleaning and processing household items, toys;
  • the use of vegetables and fruits by a healthy person;
  • the use of antiviral agents for HSV type 3;
  • wearing a gauze bandage.
  • drink vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • use a quartz lamp to disinfect the room.

Unfortunately, more and more adults are worried about chickenpox, which the doctor will explain how not to get infected. The disease is transmitted during the incubation period, when there are no symptoms. For this reason, persons in contact with an infected person are not always protected.

The high contagiousness of HSV type 3, as a rule, causes the ineffectiveness of the usual preventive measures that are used for other diseases. It is almost impossible to protect yourself from chickenpox without having a vaccine. The most effective measure to prevent HSV type 3 infection is vaccination.

Vaccination - protection against disease

In order not to get chickenpox, there are 2 chickenpox vaccines on the market: Okavax and Varilrix, the use of which forms immunity to the virus, but has a number of contraindications.

You cannot be vaccinated:

Okavaks becomes once, Varilrkis - twice with an interval of 1.5-2 months. Immunity to chickenpox begins to form after 3 days. For this reason, it is possible to vaccinate urgently, within 72-96 hours after contact with an infected person.

1-3 weeks after vaccination, some people experience a skin rash and an increase in body temperature, which indicates an active formation of an immune response to the administered dose of the vaccine.

Vaccination prevents you from getting chickenpox in 90% of cases. Most often, it does not work in people with reduced immunity, in particular, those taking corticosteroids, undergoing chemotherapy, severe pathology, etc.

Emergency prophylaxis in adults, after contact with the patient, includes a single vaccination within 72 (maximum 96) hours. The vaccine contains live attenuated strains, so it can cause the development of symptoms similar to the disease.

Features of immunity to chickenpox

Immunity to chickenpox remains forever, but sometimes the disease occurs again, due to a mutation of the virus. With a decrease in the body's defenses, shingles is observed, which is manifested by spots on the body and pain.

Particularly susceptible to reactivation of the infection are individuals who:

  • infected with HIV;
  • have undergone radiation therapy to treat cancer;
  • are taking corticosteroids.

Babies who are born often have an innate immunity to chickenpox, which is passed through the placenta and persists for some time. For this reason, infants, especially up to 6 months, are extremely rarely infected with type 3 HSV.

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The most effective prevention of chickenpox is quarantine, that is, the complete isolation of a sick person from healthy ones. Masks, hand washing, airing during prolonged contact with the sick person do not play a big role: the virus is very contagious.

The second means of primary prevention is the vaccine. If you enter it before meeting with the virus, then you will not get chickenpox.


If you have already been in contact with a sick person, then you will not succeed in not getting sick. The same applies to children. In any case, the disease will take its toll, and after the incubation period, rashes will appear. However, modern means can smooth out the manifestations of the disease and reduce the symptoms. For this, the same chickenpox vaccine is used.

If the vaccine is administered within 76 hours after contact with the patient, then there is a chance to significantly reduce the manifestations of the disease. This method is used in debilitated patients, newborns - in everyone who should not have chickenpox, except for pregnant women. The chickenpox vaccine is contraindicated in pregnant women.

In this article you will learn:

Where and how can an adult get chickenpox

Paradox: an adult is many times more likely to meet the chickenpox virus than children. The same applies to teenagers who begin to move a lot outside the home. The varicella-zoster virus is extremely volatile, easily moves through the air, and is transmitted by airborne droplets. A sick person is contagious even before the first symptoms appear (about 48 hours before them). That is, no contact with the patient is necessary. You can just ride in the same elevator, in the same subway car, you can walk past the carrier of the virus, or sit in his place at a table in a cafe. The only thing that saves is the instability of the virus that got into the air. But, you don’t really have to count on this if you haven’t had chickenpox yet.

As it is not necessary to rely on nonspecific immunity. If someone tells you that good immunity can save you from chickenpox, do not believe it. The only way to gain immunity to the varicella-zoster virus is to contract the virus, either through disease or vaccination. And this immunity lasts as long as the virus is present in the body. Therefore, when an adult who claims not to have had chickenpox as a child does not get chickenpox, there are only two options. Either as a child he had an asymptomatic course of chickenpox, or for some reason this disease was not recorded in his children's medical record. Alas, there are still parents who manage not to remember what hurt their children in childhood.

Be vigilant: you can also get chickenpox from a patient with shingles (herpes zoster), because this disease is also caused by the varicella-zoster virus, being in fact the “reincarnation” of the virus in the body of a person who once had chickenpox.

For chickenpox in adults, there is a seasonality - these are the winter and spring periods.

Prevention of chickenpox in children after exposure

Chickenpox is a highly contagious viral infection. The probability of getting sick after contact with a sick person is 90% or more. That is why the prevention of chickenpox is very important, because this disease is far from always harmless: sometimes severe complications develop, most often in adults, while infection threatens with serious consequences for pregnant women and their unborn children.

First of all, in order to prevent and prevent the spread of chickenpox, a sick person will be quarantined until the following conditions are met: no new rashes and high temperature for 5 days, all the rash is covered with crusts, good general health.

In addition to this measure, quarantine is declared in the kindergarten or school that the child attends. In this case, the duration of quarantine is 21 days after the discovery of the last child infected with chickenpox. If a new case appears, then the quarantine is extended again by 21 days. During this period, children who attend the same educational institution will not be able to go on vacation to a sanatorium, go to the hospital as planned, change kindergarten, etc.

In order not to put those who are at risk of contracting chickenpox, it is better to refrain from being in public places until the quarantine is completely lifted.

If there was contact with a patient with chickenpox, no additional prophylaxis is required for a healthy child. However, in some cases, it is recommended to administer Varicella Zoster immunoglobulin: if the child has an immunodeficiency, if he has cancer and receives treatment that suppresses immunity, if this is a premature baby, if this is a newborn whose mother had chickenpox 5 days before or 2 days after birth baby.

For children over 13 years of age and in adults, immunoglobulin prophylaxis is recommended if they have not had chickenpox before and have been in close contact with the patient, and this is also necessary for pregnant women who also did not have chickenpox before. In the case of pregnant women, such prophylaxis is carried out primarily to prevent complications in the mother; it does not affect the risk of chickenpox for the child.

There is also a chickenpox vaccine. It is not included in the list of mandatory vaccinations in Russia. She can vaccinate children from 1 year at will. The varicella-zoster virus remains in the body for life after illness and most often provides immunity against this disease. But over time, usually over the age of 50, under certain conditions, the virus can reactivate, and then shingles will develop - a very unpleasant disease.

The manifestation of chickenpox in the hands of a child

It is believed that the likelihood of developing shingles after the vaccine is much less than after chickenpox. However, for healthy children, the chickenpox vaccine is not required. To whom is it shown? First of all, these are both adults and children from high risk groups for the disease, as well as healthy people who have been in close contact with patients with chickenpox.

The feasibility of vaccinating healthy children and adults is still questionable. Those who wish can vaccinate themselves or their children. It is worth noting that if it is not known exactly whether a person had chickenpox or not, then he can be vaccinated in any case: it will not bring any harm, even if there is already immunity to infection.

Vaccination is carried out once for children from 12 months. up to 12 years and twice for children over 12 years of age and adults (the second time 4-8 weeks after the first injection). Whether it is possible for you to be vaccinated right now, the doctor determines. It must be remembered that at the time of the vaccination, a person should feel good and not get sick.

How to avoid contracting chickenpox when you are caring for someone who is sick

Chickenpox (chickenpox) is a viral disease that causes itchy skin rashes that usually affects children under 15 years of age. Chickenpox most commonly affects children between the ages of 5 and 9. Vaccination, which began to be carried out in the mid-90s, now allows you to protect people from contracting this disease. However, if you have not yet had this infection and have not been vaccinated, you need to know what measures to take to avoid contracting chickenpox when you are caring for a sick person.

1. You need to know basic information about the disease- how exactly the virus is transmitted, what are the symptoms of chickenpox, and how severe this disease is in adults, especially in pregnant women and immunocompromised people who have not had this disease before.

  • People who contract chickenpox have characteristic symptoms of the disease, such as an itchy rash (papules) (usually appearing first on the body and scalp and then spreading to the arms and legs), fever (up to 39 degrees Celsius) and feeling weak, appear no earlier than 14-16 days after contact with the patient. Even in those who have been vaccinated, the disease can develop in a mild form, with no more than 50 rashes of papules on the skin.
  • This disease is spread by airborne droplets in the home or classroom, or by direct contact with broken skin papules. The virus can be spread through the air through coughs and sneezes, through secretions from the respiratory system, and even through touching the toys and bedding of a sick person. This disease is highly contagious, and the greatest number of infections occurs in winter and early spring.
  • Women who have recently given birth with chickenpox can infect a newborn baby, and pregnant women can pass the infection to their fetus. In both cases, the disease poses a serious danger to the newborn or fetus. This disease can be life-threatening for newborns, fetuses, and immunosuppressed people, as it can cause pneumonia and even damage the fetus if the baby gets chickenpox in the womb.

2.Two vaccinations required, with a break of 4 to 8 weeks between the introduction of the vaccine, so that the person develops immunity to this disease. Children from 2 to 12 years old are recommended to be vaccinated once. Before you get vaccinated, discuss this with your doctor or specialist at the clinic where you will be vaccinated.

  • Keep in mind that even after vaccination, you may still develop a mild form of the disease. Even in a weak form (less than 50 papules), this disease will allow the body to develop a stable immunity to this disease.

3.Wash your hands with warm water and antibacterial soap every time you pick up any object that the patient has touched. This includes bed linen, towels, dishes, handkerchiefs and any other things that pathogens can remain on.

4. Buy disposable medical masks and gloves at your nearest pharmacy. These products will help you avoid inhaling viruses that are released into the air when the patient coughs or sneezes, and will help prevent the penetration of germs from the secretions of papules or mucus through open lesions on the skin of your hands.

Medical mask to protect against infection
  • Medical gloves should be worn when bathing a sick child or wiping the skin of a bedridden patient. It is very important to keep the patient's skin clean, because the opened papules, which are not clean enough, can become infected, and the patient's condition will become even more difficult.

5. Ask your doctor to prescribe acyclovir for you- a medicine that is sometimes prescribed to the patient in the first one or two days after the appearance of papules to alleviate his condition. If you think you've been infected, or if you're starting to develop symptoms of chickenpox despite your best efforts to avoid getting sick, see your doctor right away so you can start treatment. This treatment is usually given to people who are at higher risk, such as those who have chronic skin conditions or other conditions that may be exacerbated if chickenpox is severe.

  1. Try to get more rest and drink more fluids. Sometimes people who take care of the sick forget to take care of themselves. However, the less you care about your health, the more likely you are to get sick yourself.

What should I do to avoid infecting anyone?

Since chickenpox is an extremely contagious disease, the only way to protect others is the timely diagnosis and isolation of a sick person. In this case, a person becomes contagious already before the onset of the disease and remains so for another five days after the appearance of the last spot on the skin. In the room where the patient is located, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning and ventilation, disinfection is not required.

A person who gets chickenpox becomes infectious the day before the rash appears. With any disease, there are people who are more susceptible, and there are less, but chickenpox is very contagious, and almost everyone who comes into contact with it gets sick. If there was contact with a patient with chickenpox, the only chance to save yourself is to get vaccinated within two days. Up to five days are allowed, but the longer the period, the greater the likelihood that a person will get sick. In any case, after vaccination, the disease will be easier.

What can a doctor do

The doctor will prescribe antiviral drugs for an adult patient (children, as a rule, just need rest and peace). For greater effectiveness, treatment should be started as soon as possible, as soon as the rash appears (at least within 24-48 hours). In case of re-infection, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics and detect complications early.

Chickenpox is a highly infectious disease that occurs predominantly in childhood.

During an exacerbation of the virus, many parents are concerned about the question of how to protect their child from illness and not get infected themselves, because in adults this disease is especially difficult.

Chickenpox - distribution features

For children without deviations in health, smallpox is not a serious disease, it proceeds without complications. differs in high severity, has serious.

The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets

The causative agent of the disease

, known to many under the name "chicken pox", has the ability to quickly spread in the air and be carried by its streams over long distances. The human body, whose immunity is weakened, is very susceptible to the virus, after contact with the source of infection, in most cases, it also becomes ill.

Factors that increase the risk of contracting chickenpox

The chance of contracting chickenpox increases in people who:

  • did not have chickenpox in childhood;
  • not vaccinated against infection;
  • have constant close contact with children;
  • attend school children's institutions, kindergartens.

If cases of illness are detected, children's institutions are closed for quarantine, the duration of which is two weeks.

What to do at the first symptoms

The first manifestations of the disease are expressed in the formation on the skin. Such rashes are accompanied by a strong one. To alleviate this condition, especially in children who tend to scratch pimples, it is recommended:

  • maintain a cool climate in the room so as not to cause overheating of the child's body (there are more, stronger rashes on the sweaty body);
  • with cool water (not higher than body temperature);
  • add soda to bathing water, such procedures can be done several times a day;
  • lubricate the affected areas with ointments or gels that relieve irritation. Strictly follow the dosage.

Wounds cannot be combed

The main task of parents with rashes on children's skin is to prevent scratching of smallpox. From the first day of the disease before going to bed, it is necessary to carry out hygienic water procedures without the use of a washcloth.

Helping an adult:

  • with an increase in body temperature, which is accompanied by fever or chills, bed rest and antipyretic drugs are prescribed (Paracetamol, Nurofen);
  • after each meal, you should gargle with a solution of Furacilin;
    • when pathogenic bacteria enter the affected areas of the skin - purulent inflammation, abscesses;
    • with the penetration of bacteria into the blood - inflammation of the kidneys, pneumonia, sepsis;
    • neuritis of peripheral nerve areas;
    • the transition of chickenpox to a hemorrhagic or gangrenous form.

    In most cases, it is not possible to protect children from infection with the varicella-zoster virus after contact with the patient. Chickenpox is considered a childhood disease, at this age it passes quickly and easily. For an adult, such a disease threatens with complications and a severe form. Preventing the disease will help reduce the risk of infection for adults, and relieve symptoms for children. After treatment, the body develops partial immunity to chickenpox, and the disease most often does not return.

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