How to determine if your gallbladder hurts. What diseases of the liver and gallbladder exist?

Hepatitis (symptoms) Liver cirrhosis - treatment


Diseases of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract

The gallbladder stores bile secreted by the liver and moves it through the bile ducts. The capacity of the gallbladder is 30 - 70 ml.

Liver is the largest digestive gland (weight approximately 1.5 kg) and “feeds” the bone marrow, which produces red globules (erythrocytes - red blood cells). It participates in metabolic processes, primarily in the formation of the body’s own protein from foreign “semi-finished products” received with food, and without protein life is generally impossible. The liver produces bile, which helps digest fats. All blood flowing from the intestines passes through liver, where up to 95% of toxic substances formed during the digestion process are neutralized. It cleanses the blood of the remnants of red cells that have outlived their age (120 days), of bilirubin. When the state of cells and vascular membranes between the bile ducts and capillaries in liver corresponds to the parameters specified by nature, bilirubin is filtered and goes with bile into the duodenum or gallbladder, then thrown out through intestinal tract, coloring the stool greenish and carrying out antiseptic treatment. If the condition of the tissues of the liver and bile ducts deviates from the norm, then the filtering and excretory abilities of this organ decrease, and the content of bilirubin in the blood also increases.

Liver takes part in the synthesis of blood proteins and some blood clotting factors. She accumulates useful material, vitamins. Without going into details, we can say that the liver performs more than 500 functions that are significant for the body. However, it should be noted that it is this important organ that “does not like to reveal” its illnesses in advance.


To reduce the load on liver, it is recommended to follow 10 rules in everyday life:

It is important to go to the doctor at least once every 2 years and have this important organ checked, even if it does not bother you at all.

Avoid alcohol altogether for at least 3 days a week. This cleansing greatly strengthens the liver.

Don't use pills you don't know much about. Self-medication with pills without consulting a doctor is harmful to many other organs, and especially to the liver.

Oddly enough, but frequent use various means against dandruff when washing your hair, the use of deodorants, artificial dyes, hair sprays also negatively affects the liver. It turns out that the whole point here is strong odors: they “get to the liver.”

Remember also that harmful substances can penetrate the liver and through the skin. Therefore, try to cover all areas of the body well if you have to work with chemicals, paints, or solvents.

Pay attention to your companions and interlocutors who are sick with hepatitis (jaundice). It is important to know that this disease is infectious and is transmitted through saliva, semen, blood, and also through water. So it is not at all safe to make love to people with jaundice.

Heavy lunches, dinners, and especially fatty foods are also unsafe for the liver. It is better to eat 5 times a day, but little by little. Then the liver will cope with its duties much more efficiently, without unnecessary stress.

Do not neglect vaccinations against various infectious diseases. Any infection in the body is primarily a blow to the liver.

Less often, the liver reminds of itself to those who try to be calm, cool-blooded and not explode at every occasion.

Regular exercise strengthens the muscles, heart, lungs and thereby helps the liver to always be “in shape”.

If there is a large amount of harmful substances in the body (for example, with chronic disorder digestive process, alcoholism, etc.) liver functions are disrupted, which affects metabolic processes and leads to serious illnesses. To the most frequent illnesses liver - acute inflammatory processes (hepatitis), chronic processes (liver cirrhosis) and neoplasms (cancer).

Therefore, it is necessary to cleanse the liver once a year, but in the 1st year it must be done once a quarter.

You need to take 200 g of olive oil for the procedure and lemon juice and clean according to the scheme. On days 1, 2, 3, they give an enema and eat only apple juice in unlimited quantities, but you only need to drink juice before 10 a.m. - the liver relaxes at this time. After 10 hours, go to bed, place a heating pad on the liver area and every 15 minutes. drink 3 tbsp. l. olive oil and then the same amount of lemon juice. After 120 minutes have passed, remove the heating pad.

Removal of toxins is carried out, as a rule, in 3 doses per 24 hours. 1.5 - 2 hours after the 3rd removal of toxins, it is recommended to give an enema, drink juice, and have a small breakfast of porridge or fruit.

After 12 hours have passed, perform one more cleaning using an enema. But follow a vegetarian diet all week, because all this time is running cleansing the intestines (stool becomes light in color).

Once a week (preferably 2 times) do the following procedure: before going to bed, soak a piece of cloth in water, wring it out and wrap yourself in it, starting from the armpits and ending with the knees, higher and lower as well. Next, you need to be warm, wrap yourself up in bed, and lie quietly for about 90 minutes. This helps strengthen the digestive organs and protects against various diseases and colds.


To liver worked better, pour 250 gr. boiling water 2 tbsp. l. nettle leaves, wrap and let brew for 60 minutes. At the same time, make a decoction of nettle roots (put 1 tablespoon of finely chopped roots into 250 grams of boiling water, heat over low heat for 15 minutes, let sit for half an hour and strain) Next, you need to mix the 2 solutions, add to your taste honey or granulated sugar, take 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals.

Mix 125 gr. cabbage brine with 1/2 tbsp. juice from garden tomatoes. Take 250 grams 3 times a day after meals.

For any liver disease, use a decoction of 1 tbsp. spoons of birch buds per 1 glass of water, take 1 - 2 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals.

Use chestnut season to improve your liver health. Take 20 - 25 pcs. edible chestnut, peel, chop, pour honey until covered. The next day, honey is ready for use, 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.
Do not prepare for future use.


Quince, calamus, aloe, anise, orange, watermelon, banana, barberry, birch, birch mushroom, immortelle, crazy cucumber, lingonberry, budra, drop cap, valerian, verbena, speedwell, cherry, blueberry, pepper knotweed, mustard, pomegranate, grapefruit, Walnut, pear, elecampane, gorse, oak, oregano, smoker, melon, blackberry, watercress, hare cabbage, St. John's wort, strawberry, golden root, centaury, calendula, viburnum, cabbage, potato, chestnut, dogwood, cranberry, coriander, corn, flax , hazelnut, lemongrass, linden, onion, coltsfoot, lemon balm, juniper, carrots, mint, sea buckthorn, cucumber, dandelion, mistletoe, parsley, tansy, sunflower, wormwood, tomato, millet, burdock, rice, rose , chamomile, rowan, lettuce, beet, plum, black currant, pine, sophora, sloe, thyme, pumpkin, yarrow, dill, beans, horsetail, horseradish, persimmon, chicory, blueberries, celandine, sage, rose hips, sorrel, domestic apple tree , ash, jasmine, barley.

FOLK REMEDIES - bitterness in the mouth

If there is bitterness in the mouth and severe pain under the right rib, put a warm compress on the indicated place and take 125 g. olive oil. Then take by weight - 4 parts baking soda, 1 part baking soda and 1 part Glauber's salt, under the influence of it, the secretion of bile increases. Pour half a teaspoon of this mixture into 125 g. warm boiled water and take this mixture 1st time, in the morning on an empty stomach, and the second time - around noon.
Effective in cases of jaundice and gallstones.

To cleanse the liver, apply a heating pad for 15 minutes, wrapped in a towel, for 3 days in a row before going to bed.

Accept olive oil. You need to eat nothing for 1 day, drink only 100 g of oil. At the same time, the bile ducts are cleansed, and a lot of different harmful juices come out of them.

You need to beat well and take a couple of chicken yolks. After 5 minutes, take 250 g. heated mineral water(without gases), then lie down for 2 hours on your right side with a heating pad under your side.


Quince, calamus, acacia, aloe, cherry plum, orange, peanuts, immortelle, drop cap, watch, pomegranate, oregano, smokeweed, St. John's wort, golden rod, calendula, chestnut, dogwood, coriander, corn, buckthorn, cat paws, linden, burdock, onion, toadflax, marjoram, daisies, olive, juniper, carrots, coltsfoot, oats, dandelion, shepherd's purse, tansy, sunflower, wormwood, wheatgrass, rhubarb, radish, rowan, licorice, pine, thyme, cumin, pumpkin, yarrow, dill, hops, cetraria, blueberries, celandine, rosehip, claspberry.


If you feel bitterness in your mouth, grind the flax seed, take enough so that you get 1 cup. l. flour, brew as liquid jelly and take in the morning and evening before meals.

For bitterness in the mouth, as well as for any liver disorders, brew in a teapot like tea (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water) corn silk and drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day warm before meals, you can add 1 teaspoon of honey. Fibers from unripe fruit healing power Dont Have.

Take 500 g. per day infusion of immortelle flowers.

Pour 1 liter of boiling water 250 gr. oats and evaporate over low heat by approximately 0.25 of the initial amount of liquid. Take 250 g. 3 - 4 times a day. A very effective choleretic agent.

The activities of the liver and gall bladder are very significant and varied: participation in metabolism, blood circulation and digestion. The liver is the main organ that cleanses the blood of toxic substances and synthesizes many biological active compounds, necessary for the functioning of the entire organism. For liver damage for a long time no symptoms may occur due to its powerful self-healing ability. If symptoms of liver and gallbladder disease do occur, which indicates that the process is not new, you should immediately adjust your lifestyle, or better yet, seek qualified help.

Causes of liver and gallbladder diseases

So, the main causes of liver pathology may be:

  • Infections (viruses, bacteria, protozoa, helminths);
  • Intoxication (alcohol, drugs, chemical additives food products, pesticides and others);
  • Metabolic disorders, obesity;
  • Severe dietary disorders (a lot of fatty, spicy, fried foods);
  • Neoplasms.

Nonspecific symptoms of the disease

As stated above, specific symptoms in case of liver diseases it may be absent for a long time. But there are also more general, but no less unpleasant, symptoms that indirectly indicate liver pathology. The main ones are:

  • Weakness, high fatigue, malaise and other manifestations of nervous and mental pathology;
  • Aches in joints, muscles;
  • Skin rashes and subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Anemia.

Specific symptoms

Soreness in the right side, itching, jaundice, ascites, “head of the jellyfish”, dyspeptic symptoms, enlarged liver, spleen - all these are the main ones characteristic symptoms disorders of the liver and ducts.

  1. Pain. Feelings of heaviness and pain in the right side are mainly associated with stretching of the enlarged liver capsule, as well as with inflammation of the gallbladder and ducts. With a chronic and long-lasting process in the liver, the pain is dull, aching character. Hepatic colic is characterized by greater severity and suddenness and occurs when there is a spasm of the bile ducts or bladder, or when there is blockage with a stone (most often). The pain often radiates between the shoulder blades, in right shoulder, as well as the lower back. Such an attack may be preceded by nausea and accompanied by vomiting. The attack can last up to a day (on average, several hours).
  2. Jaundice. The skin, sclera of the eyes and visible mucous membranes turn yellowish due to the ingress of bilirubin into them. What often happens with acute hepatitis or blockage of the ducts with a stone (sometimes with ascariasis, pancreatic tumor).
  3. Skin itching. This symptom occurs when skin receptors are irritated by substances that enter the bloodstream toxic substances, bile acids in mechanical or parenchymal jaundice. The itching can be very intense.
  4. Dyspepsia. Signs of dyspepsia (decreased appetite, nausea, bitterness in the mouth, belching, vomiting) can appear both in acute (acute hepatitis, cholecystitis, hepatic colic) pathology and in cirrhosis. Sometimes discolored, or vice versa, black bloody stools occur.
  5. Ascites. This symptom is associated with obstructed blood flow through portal vein and is formed when fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity. They are often signs of liver cirrhosis. As a result of abdominal dropsy (ascites), a venous expansion is formed on its anterior surface, around the navel, which is called the “head of the jellyfish”. Spider veins may appear on the body. Vein expansion can also occur on the esophagus, which in severe cases may be complicated by internal bleeding.

The human liver is quite rightly defined as “the laboratory of the body.” Considering all the functions of this organ, this comparison seems quite accurate. After all, millions pass through the human liver every minute. chemical reactions. It is the main filter that neutralizes all incoming substances. When liver function is impaired, harmful substances enter the human blood, resulting in general poisoning body.

Causes of liver diseases

Diseases of this organ develop in humans for several reasons. Among them, experts identify the most common infectious factor (we are talking about hepatitis viruses), disease, impaired fat metabolism, as well as constant malicious use of alcohol by a person.

Often a person has liver pain if he takes medications for a long period or comes into contact with toxins. In this case, pain in the liver occurs as a consequence of liver poisoning. Symptoms of liver disease also appear in those people who have a hereditary tendency to this pathology. The protective system of the body of a sick person begins to mistake the cells of the liver and bile ducts for foreign cells, which is why the patient subsequently learns how the liver hurts.

However, in some cases, a person may not even know why the liver’s function is gradually impaired. So, sometimes the cause of illness is the wrong approach to daily nutrition, constant adherence to strict, rapid recruitment. A specialist should advise what to do in this case, since self-treatment can lead to aggravation of the situation.

Thus, not only serious illnesses and disturbances in the functioning of body systems, but also human habits and preferences, and the environmental situation. In any case it is necessary preliminary diagnosis and the correct approach to therapy.

Symptoms of liver diseases

If a person develops hepatitis , then we are talking about acute or chronic diffuse inflammation of the liver, which can have different origins.

At acute hepatitis sometimes the symptoms are not pronounced. Consequently, the disease is detected in the process of diagnosing other ailments. But basically, acute hepatitis begins with the so-called pre-icteric stage. At this time, the signs of the disease may resemble those of. After about two weeks, the icteric stage begins.

A more serious disease is acute toxic hepatitis . Due to intoxication of the body, the disease progresses very quickly. The patient's skin, as well as his mucous membranes, acquire a yellowish tint, urine becomes brown, and stool becomes whitish-brown. If there is acute manifestation disease, then it is possible to develop skin itching, nosebleeds, heart rhythm disturbances, and there are also some signs of central nervous system damage.

Examining a patient with suspected acute hepatitis, a specialist discovers that his liver is enlarged, and there is slight pain on palpation. By using laboratory research the diagnosis is confirmed and treatment is prescribed.

When making a diagnosis, it is important for the doctor to carefully study the medical history, since there is always a possibility that the patient viral hepatitis .

When diagnosing liver diseases, quite often patients are diagnosed with chronic hepatitis . Symptoms of liver disease in in this case manifested by its increase, a feeling of heaviness or pain in the right hypochondrium. Signs such as itching of the skin and jaundice are observed less frequently, and only moderate yellowing of the mucous membranes and skin is noted. But at the same time, a person experiences regular nausea and decreased appetite. In addition, a person is bothered by unstable stools and a feeling of weakness. Affects condition and nutrition: the patient does not tolerate fats well. This is why diet is very important for liver disease.

In addition to the described forms of hepatitis, doctors in the diagnostic process also identify other types of this disease: benign And aggressive hepatitis , inactive And active hepatitis , progressive recurrent hepatitis . The form of the disease can be determined with high accuracy by laparoscopy and taking material for the liver.

At hepatosis the patient develops a disorder metabolic processes in liver cells. Gradually developing dystrophic changes. There is no inflammation. Most often, patients are diagnosed fatty liver disease , which occurs due to too frequent and abundant intake of fats into the liver. As a result, fatty liver cells occur.

With an advanced form of hepatitis, a person may gradually develop. This disease has chronic course, it is characterized by progressive liver damage. A complete restructuring of the liver tissue occurs, as a result of which all functions of the organ are disrupted, and the person develops chronic liver failure . With cirrhosis of the liver, a person mainly complains of general weakness, constant pain or a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium and epigastric region, feeling, belching, weight loss,. He has jaundice, redness of the palms, manifestation of the vascular network on the face, chest, and palms. The liver with cirrhosis is enlarged, while its decrease is considered an unfavorable sign. The patient's spleen also enlarges. Further development the disease already occurs with signs portal hypertension. In a person, fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity, as a result of which the abdomen enlarges, the rectum, esophagus, stomach are observed, and edema appears. Possible.

Liver cirrhosis mainly affects people who have been drinking alcohol regularly for many years. Cirrhosis sometimes develops against the background of infectious diseases, hepatitis C and B viruses.


Thanks to intensive development modern medicine, as well as the adoption by doctors of methods of pharmacotherapy and other unconventional means liver treatment is effective. Before prescribing medications for treatment, the doctor clearly establishes the diagnosis and eliminates the causes that led to the development of the disease.

Treatment of liver cirrhosis and other pathologies of this organ is a painstaking and lengthy process. In this case, it is important for the patient to seek help in time and not miss the moment, since delay is fraught with the development of serious diseases, in particular, liver cancer . Some patients believe that traditional medicine will be effective. But liver treatment with folk remedies can only be practiced under the strict guidance of a doctor, and not independently. When practicing complex therapy, the attending physician may recommend treatment with herbs and other folk remedies (liver treatment with honey, oats, etc. is widely practiced).

No less important point In the process of treating the liver, a gentle diet is used. So, if a person develops fatty hepatosis, in which fatty liver cells occur, protein products should predominate in his diet. Developed fatty degeneration requires a strict restriction of the amount of fat in the diet. Patients who have developed hepatosis are not recommended to consume animal fats. At the same time, vitamins and medications to stimulate liver function are prescribed. Recommended to lead active image life.

If the patient is diagnosed or liver cyst , then the treatment of such formations depends on their location and size. In this case, it is important to carry out an accurate diagnosis, after which the doctor makes an individual decision on treatment.

As a drug treatment for diseases of the liver and biliary tract, depending on the characteristics of the disease, it is practiced to take the so-called hepatotropic agents . They are divided into three subgroups. Choleretic drugs activate the secretion of bile and improve the process of its entry into the duodenum. Hepatoprotective drugs improve metabolic processes in the liver, allowing it to more steadily perceive pathogenic influences, and promote liver restoration. Cholelitholytic drugs activate the process of dissolving gallstones.

During treatment hepatitis different forms practiced complex therapy, including different procedures and methods. In particular, they apply medications, which have a beneficial effect on liver function, a special diet and regimen. At the recovery stage, patients are prescribed physiotherapy and sanatorium treatment.

At acute viral hepatitis To ensure the removal of toxic substances from the body, it is recommended to drink plenty of infusions and decoctions of herbs. Traditional medicine recommends using decoctions of flax, chamomile, cinnamon rose hips, red clover, peppermint, oats, St. John's wort, and other herbs and plants. For viral hepatitis, it is recommended to take vitamins E and A, as well as oils and foods that contain these vitamins. Treatment with black radish juice, milk thistle oil, sea buckthorn, etc. is practiced.

In case of liver cirrhosis, the patient is prescribed a diet and alcohol is strictly excluded. If an active process occurs in the liver, then the patient is prescribed a course of treatment, which includes taking, B vitamins , ascorbic acid , vitamins A , D . If a patient exhibits symptoms that indicate liver failure, he is indicated. 5% glucose solution , salt solutions . In the presence of a pronounced inflammatory process, therapy with corticosteroid hormones is practiced, and also prescribed () . Treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.


Speaking about ensuring a gentle regime for liver diseases, first of all, we are talking about the right approach to the organization of human nutrition. A gentle diet allows not only to more effectively treat liver diseases, but also to normalize liver function, the processes of bile formation in the body, and restore metabolic processes. For patients at risk of fatty degeneration of the organ, a special diet for liver disease is indicated. Recommended products include cod, soybeans, cottage cheese, which contain a lot lipotropic substances . People who exhibit symptoms of liver disease are advised to eat foods containing high content fat A person should not consume more than 80 g of fat per day, while every day it is recommended to consume a little vegetable, which provides a choleretic effect, and, therefore, treatment of the liver. If a patient has signs of impaired bile outflow, he is advised to consume about 150 g of fats per day, and half of them should be vegetable oils.

It is not recommended to eat a lot of carbohydrate foods. At chronic diseases liver is practiced fractional meals dishes containing a complete ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Food should be boiled or steamed. For hepatitis, the diet should contain a lot of easily digestible proteins.

It is strictly forbidden to consume fatty meat, smoked meats, rich broths, canned food, chocolate, sour foods, and alcohol. If for most liver diseases a diet needs to be followed only during the treatment and recovery stage, then for cirrhosis of the liver it will be lifelong. Moreover, dietary restrictions for this terrible disease are especially serious.

Gallbladder located under the liver, which is connected to the bladder by the bile duct system. , produced by the liver, ensures the activation of fat production in the liver. The purpose of bile is to improve the absorption of fats and activate the movement of food through the intestines. On the walls of the gallbladder and ducts there is a layer of muscles that, by contracting, stimulate the movement of bile. If failures occur in such contractions, then the person is diagnosed dyskinesia , that is, impaired mobility of the biliary tract. Dyskinesia is manifested by periodic pain in the right hypochondrium.

If we consider gallbladder diseases in general, then dyskinesia is not considered dangerous illness However, due to prolonged progression of this condition, symptoms of cholelithiasis may develop.

In gallstone disease, stones form in the bile ducts or gallbladder. Most often, this disease affects women of working age who have excess weight. While in the gallbladder, stones may not cause concern to the patient, but when they exit into the bile ducts, an attack begins biliary colic . A person suffers from severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and bitterness in the mouth. The attack subsides if the stone passes into the duodenum on its own. Otherwise, the bile ducts become clogged, and the result is an inflammatory process of the gallbladder - spicy . This condition is already seriously life-threatening and should be treated immediately.

If the inflammatory process in the gallbladder proceeds gradually and slowly, then we are talking about chronic cholecystitis . Its treatment is carried out during exacerbation of the disease. Also, the patient must constantly follow a gentle diet; treatment with herbs and other folk methods can be practiced. During an exacerbation of the disease, doctors recommend eating minimal food for several days. Several medications are prescribed different groups, which eliminate the main symptoms of the disease and allow the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract to normalize.

If the patient has a congenital bend of the gallbladder the disease may not appear at all. This is simply a feature of the shape of the gallbladder, which can be discovered by chance during ultrasound examination. But in some cases, a bend in the gallbladder occurs as a consequence of cholecystitis. Periodically, symptoms appear that are provoked by a bending of the gallbladder: poor digestion, nausea, vomiting. Acquired inflection of the gallbladder must be treated. Initially, drug treatment is carried out, and physiotherapy, diet.

Treatment of the gallbladder is carried out only under the guidance of a doctor. If therapeutic treatment does not give the desired effect, and the inflammation progresses, then in this case you have to contact a surgeon.

In some pathologies of the gallbladder, it is only possible surgery. So, surgery often necessary if a patient is found to have gallbladder polyp , and gallstones . Although in the latter case sometimes it is possible to do without surgery. In this case they practice modern methods treatment, as well as therapy with some folk remedies.

Often the most appropriate treatment for gallstone disease is removal of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy). It is performed both by conventional surgery and by laparoscopic method.

Pancreas located in the human abdominal cavity. The main function of this organ is the production of fats, which in the body take part in the process of processing fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Initially, enzymes are secreted into the gland duct, later the enzymes end up in the duodenum. This is where food digestion occurs. Also produced in the pancreas insulin , responsible for the regulation of sugar metabolism. Consequently, its deficiency leads to the development of diabetes.

The main diseases of the pancreas are acute and chronic forms, as well as tumors . The symptoms of these diseases may be similar.

Diseases of the pancreas are usually manifested by pain in epigastric region, which give in the back under left shoulder blade. These symptoms of pancreatic diseases intensify after a person has eaten fried or fatty dish, drank some alcohol. Therefore, an important point in the treatment process is proper diet. A person is also worried about vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea. In addition, he loses his appetite and loses body weight.

At acute pancreatitis an inflammatory process occurs in the pancreas. This disease can affect a person due to the consumption of large amounts of alcohol, as well as as a consequence of diseases of the gallbladder and duodenum. In acute pancreatitis, a person suffers from severe pain and requires medical help. Treatment of the pancreas with folk remedies without prior examination by a doctor cannot be practiced in this case.

The acute form often becomes chronic. At chronic pancreatitis The inflammatory process of the pancreas is long and sluggish. As the disease progresses, the gland tissue is gradually replaced by connective tissue. As a result, fewer enzymes are released and food digestion worsens. In addition, the risk of developing diabetes increases as insulin production also decreases.

When treating a chronic form of the disease, it is important to follow a diet and practice taking medications that reduce the production of gastric juice, as well as products containing enzymes. In this case, it is also possible to treat the pancreas with herbs.

Pancreatic tumors are divided into two types: pancreas cancer And tumors are hormonally active . With oncological formation, the patient develops jaundice, chronic pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, he is very worried severe pain, weight loss. Surgical treatment is practiced. For hormonally active tumors, it is initially determined during the diagnostic process whether the tumor is malignant or benign. After this, a decision is made to undergo chemotherapy or surgery.

It is important that the treatment of such diseases is comprehensive and carried out immediately after diagnosis of the disease.

In order to make a correct diagnosis, the patient must tell the doctor about all the symptoms that bother him. Diseases of the liver and gall bladder are interconnected. Problems in the liver most often lead to problems in the gallbladder and bile ducts.

The doctor must analyze all the symptoms, carefully conduct tests to identify the cause of the disease and only then prescribe competent treatment.

Why do we need the liver and gall bladder?

These organs are very important for human life. They are involved in metabolism, blood circulation and digestion. Thanks to the liver, various toxic substances are removed from the human body.

Any disturbances in the functioning of the liver and gall bladder can lead to a disease that will take a very long time to treat.

As soon as a person suspects that he has liver or gallbladder disease, it is necessary contact specialists immediately so as not to start the disease.

The point is that on early stage illness, a person may not feel any symptoms. All problems appear when the disease has already progressed.

Symptoms of liver and gallbladder disease

Pain. Localized in the right side. The patient is concerned about heaviness right side, as the liver enlarges. The bile ducts and bladder become inflamed, which also leads to pain.

On different stages Disease pain may not manifest itself in the same way. She might be like dull and aching(for a chronic disease), and have a sharp character during spasms of the gallbladder or when removing stones from bile ducts.

Attacks of pain can last from several hours to days. They may be accompanied nausea and even vomiting. The pain can radiate to the forearm and lower back, and can be felt between the shoulder blades.

But pain is not present in all liver diseases, since this organ is devoid of pain sensitivity. A person experiences the most severe pain with hepatic colic. It may be accompanied Very high temperature , reaching up to 40 ⁰ C.

Skin changes

Jaundice. Every human body contains a yellow pigment called bilirubin. In some liver diseases, its amount increases sharply. It leads to coloring the patient's skin, the whites of his eyes and mucous membranes are yellow. This symptom manifests itself in hepatitis and when the bile ducts are blocked by stones.

Pressure may be exerted on the gallbladder and its ducts by the tumor, which will also lead to the closure of the channel. At the initial manifestation of jaundice, the patient's skin color becomes golden color, when neglected, it becomes yellow-green.

Skin irritations and itching. With liver and gall bladder disease, bile acids are often released in an increased volume, and they contain toxic substances that have an adverse effect on the skin, as its nerve endings are irritated. The person begins to itch intensely. The patient constantly experiences unpleasant itching.

Main signs of liver disease

At initial stage liver failure, a person becomes lethargic, constantly wants to sleep, suffers from migraines and dizziness. If you do not pay attention to this problem, the disease will begin to progress, the patient will have hallucinations, and will begin to delirium.

All this can lead to coma, and later to fatal outcome. Such acute liver failure is a symptom of advanced hepatitis. Weight loss. It is observed in long-term progressive cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Heat. This symptom does not occur with any liver disease. More often elevated temperature observed with liver abscess and cholecystitis.

If any of these symptoms occur, you should definitely consult a doctor to prescribe additional tests and made the correct diagnosis. Only after this the doctor will be able to prescribe competent treatment.

Treatment of liver and gallbladder diseases

Tests necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis of liver and gallbladder disease.

After all the necessary tests and staging correct diagnosis, the doctor begins treatment. First you need about determine the causes of the disease and eliminate them.

After identifying the cause of liver and gallbladder disease, specialists must begin treatment.

Treatment of liver cirrhosis

The process can take quite long time. The main thing is for the patient to see a doctor in time, otherwise the advanced disease can lead to liver cancer. You should not resort to traditional medicine recipes on your own.

Some herbs can only make the situation worse. Any medicine must be agreed with your doctor. The doctor himself may suggest adding to the medications traditional medicine folk remedies(honey, herbs), but all treatment should be carried out comprehensively.

Liver cirrhosis is often a consequence of viral hepatitis. Therefore, first of all, the previous disease should be cured. Liver cirrhosis also develops with alcohol abuse.

In this case, you need to get rid of addiction, normalize your diet, stick to special diet and use medications prescribed by the doctor to cleanse the liver.

Chronic hepatitis. It is more difficult to diagnose than to treat. Recovery comes through taking a variety of medications and following a strict diet.

The patient must monitor his diet throughout his life so as not to increase the load on the liver. Any deviations in diet can lead to exacerbation of the disease.

Biliary dyskinesia

With this disease, the functioning of the gallbladder and bile ducts is disrupted. Inside the bubble and biliary tract There are muscles that help move bile through the ducts. When these muscles malfunction, dyskinesia occurs.

The causes of this disease may be hormonal disorders, congenital abnormal structure of the gallbladder and its ducts, giardiasis, gastritis, adnexitis, etc. Mostly women suffer from this disease.

A good specialist, after making a diagnosis and identifying the causes of the disease, will appoint complex treatment to solve all problems. It is necessary to get rid of the disease that resulted in dyskinesia and restore the functioning of the muscles of the gallbladder and bile ducts.

With this disease, a person experiences nervous disorders, therefore, during treatment it is necessary to calm your nervous system. The patient should get enough sleep, create a convenient daily routine and a comfortable environment at home.

Only in this case will the treatment be effective and the disease will recede. It is advisable to cleanse the liver during recovery, which will help get rid of toxic substances in the body.

Cholecystitis and cholangitis. This inflammatory diseases. With cholecystitis, the disease is localized in the gallbladder. And with cholangitis, inflammation affects the bile ducts.

The disease occurs when sand and stones appear in the gallbladder and its ducts. They can also cause inflammation various microorganisms, penetrating here from the intestines. After identifying the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to analyze the patient’s bile for a more accurate diagnosis.

Treatment medicines, which relieve inflammation in the body, must be accompanied by a strict diet.

Cholelithiasis. This disease is characterized by the formation of stones in the gallbladder and its ducts. Often this disease is triggered by heredity. Symptoms of the disease are elevated body temperature, manifestations of biliary colic and yellow pigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes.

As with any gallbladder disease, a strict diet is necessary. In severe advanced cases, surgical treatment is performed.

Prevention of liver and gallbladder diseases

In order not to get sick again after treatment for liver and gall bladder diseases, you should follow a diet that lead healthy image life. Avoid various kinds inflammation and infections.

Do not develop liver and gallbladder diseases. You need to carefully monitor your health and if any unpleasant symptom definitely as soon as possible contact specialists.

Do not forget that many diseases of the liver and gall bladder in an advanced state can lead to oncology, and here doctors may no longer be powerless.

Diseases digestive system endanger the entire body. Often they have general symptoms with other pathological processes, which complicates making an accurate diagnosis.

The liver and gallbladder are interconnected and perform important functions. Diseases of these organs are accompanied by general symptoms, which are characterized by weakness, deterioration general condition, nausea and hormonal changes.

In more advanced stages of the disease, yellowing of the skin and sclera of the eyes and pain of varying severity in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium are noted.

Liver functions

One of the vital organs in the digestive system is the liver. It is localized under the diaphragm, occupying almost the entire area of ​​the right side of the abdominal cavity.

This body does not have nerve endings, therefore, in case of malfunctions or diseases, the liver itself cannot hurt.

At this point, it swells and enlarges, putting pressure on neighboring organs, including the diaphragm. This causes pain.

The liver is the body's natural filter, protecting it from toxins and other harmful substances.

What other important functions does it have:

  • Utilizes and inactivates toxic metabolic products;
  • Takes an active part in vitamin and mineral metabolism;
  • Neutralizes excess thyroid, adrenal, steroid and sex hormones;
  • Participates in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • Takes part in lipid metabolism;
  • Actively breaks down fats;
  • Performs other important functions.

Most large gland in the gastrointestinal tract is the liver. She performs whole line vital functions of the body.

Any disturbance in its functioning or liver disease can have a detrimental effect on its functioning, disrupting one or all of its functions.

Functions of the gallbladder

This body performs important function in the gastrointestinal tract. The gallbladder and liver are closely related.

The second actively secretes bile, which accumulates in the cavity of the gallbladder. After food intake, accumulated bile is released into the duodenum, facilitating normal digestion and absorption of food.

There are many various factors, which can affect the functioning of the gallbladder. One of these disorders is bile stagnation.

It can occur due to various factors, causing the disease cholecystitis. The consequence may be complete removal of the organ.

It is not vital, but the quality and usefulness of the patient’s life changes radically. Required special treatment and lifelong adherence to the diet.

Causes of liver diseases

Since the liver and gallbladder are closely related to each other, many diseases can have common reasons development:

  • Obesity, metabolic disorder. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease leads to significant changes in the tissue structures of the organ. The functional abilities of the liver are impaired.
  • Alcohol addiction. There are several forms of development of the disease - fatty degeneration, alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis.
  • Liver disease of viral origin. These include viral hepatitis. As the pathological process develops, liver cirrhosis develops or oncological diseases organ. Viruses provoke a pathological process, destroy healthy cells by liver
  • Consequence of long-term use of potent medicines, consumption, harmful effects of toxins and other harmful substances. Drugs harmful to the liver include many painkillers, sleeping pills, antibiotics, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Genetic factors and heredity play a big role. Call serious violations the liver and gallbladder may have helminthic infestations.

Liver pathologies

In addition to the above reasons, liver dysfunction can develop as a result of liver and gallbladder diseases.

Both organs are interconnected with each other. When one organ is damaged, another suffers. This leads to serious pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Hepatosis. The disease is represented by a metabolic disorder in liver cells, which are called hepatocytes. Dystrophic changes develop in them.
  • Hepatitis. The cause of the disease is the penetration of infection into the human body, after which an incubation period begins. There are many forms of hepatitis. Almost all of them are dangerous. The virus is localized in the liver, slowly and asymptomatically destroying it. The first signs of the disease appear in advanced stages.
  • Fibrosis. The disease is represented by the replacement of healthy organ cells with connective tissue.
  • Cirrhosis. This disease is a consequence of previous liver diseases. The pathology is characterized by fibrous replacement of healthy organ tissues with irreversible consequences in the form of complete impairment of functional abilities.
  • Liver failure. The disease is presented in the form of partial damage to the functional abilities of the organ.
  • Oncological neoplasms. Liver cancer is a consequence of many diseases of the organ. The appearance of malignant tumors affects the liver, leading to death.

Gallbladder pathologies

The relationship between the liver and gallbladder is explained by their close proximity to each other and the performance of sequential functions.

Both organs are connected by bile ducts. The liver produces bile, which takes an active part in the breakdown of fats and the movement of food through the intestines.

The muscle tissue of the gallbladder, contracting, stimulates the movement of bile. Any disturbances in the functioning of the liver and gallbladder can lead to serious illnesses with subsequent complications.


When contractile function is impaired in the gallbladder and its ducts, the movement of bile fails. A number of reasons may contribute to this:

  • Improper diet, in which the patient consumes a lot of fatty, fried, junk foods;
  • Long breaks between meals;
  • Consequence of diseases gastrointestinal tract, among which are gastritis, duodenitis, pancreatitis, ulcerative lesions;
  • Disruptions in the hormonal system;
  • Climax;
  • Worm infestations;
  • Allergic reactions to food;
  • Stressful situations, nervous overstrain.

This pathology has a favorable prognosis because it is functional in nature.

Treatment of the gallbladder and liver should be comprehensive and complete, since this pathology leads to inflammatory processes, cholelithiasis.

Symptoms of dyskinesia appear as pain in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, stool disorders in the form of diarrhea and constipation, nausea, vomiting.

Pain can occur for various reasons. The main ones are nervous and physical stress, violation or non-compliance with dietary nutrition.

In order to get rid of this state, you will need to avoid nervous disorders, physical activity, overwork.

Be sure to consult a doctor and take it with his permission. sedatives or No-Shpu.

Cholecystitis and cholangitis

Dyskinesia can cause a number of inflammatory processes. They can affect the gallbladder and its ducts.

In the first case, the disease develops cholecystitis, in the second - cholangitis. What are the reasons for the development of these violations:

  • Formation of sand and stones in the bladder and its ducts. This leads to disruption of the outflow of bile;
  • The development of acute forms of hepatitis, which leads to pathological process in liver tissues.
  • Penetration of pathogens and harmful bacteria from the intestinal cavity or through the blood during chronic diseases(gynecological, tuberculosis, tonsillitis).

Pathology can develop as a result of chronic diseases of the digestive system, improper diet nutrition, hereditary factor.

Liver and gallbladder disease is characterized by a number of unpleasant symptoms, including:

  • Paroxysmal pain in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Manifestations of nausea, vomiting may occur;
  • On the second or third day, the skin and sclera of the eyes become yellow;

To determine how to treat the disease, you must immediately call a doctor. The doctor will conduct a detailed diagnosis, establish an accurate diagnosis, and prescribe the correct treatment.


This disease occurs against the background of the formation of stones in the cavity of the gallbladder or its ducts.

The reasons for the formation of stones can be accumulation and stagnation of bile, inflammatory processes, infection of bile, increased level cholesterol, salts, some types of proteins.

This process can occur as a result of lipid metabolism disorders or the deposition of bile pigments.

Who is at risk:

  • Elderly people;
  • Use of medications;
  • Hereditary factor and genetic predisposition;
  • Improper diet, when obesity is replaced by a sharp loss of body weight and vice versa;
  • Metabolic diseases (including diabetes and metabolic syndrome);
  • Pathologies of the digestive system;
  • Postoperative condition;

Doctors have found that this pathology occurs more often in women than in the male half of the population.

With any changes in the composition of bile, substances accumulate and form solid formations. Sometimes they are called flakes, which can grow and increase in size.

What contributes to the development of the disease:

  • A dietary disorder in which the patient consumes too much a large number of foods high in cholesterol;
  • Obesity, overweight bodies;
  • Reduced levels of bile acids in bile;
  • Reduced amount of phospholipids, which have the same qualities as bile acids(does not allow cholesterol and other substances to transform into a solid state);
  • In case of stagnation of bile, when its natural circulation is disrupted.

Stagnation can be of two types:

  • Mechanical;
  • Functional.

In the first case, the process is formed as a result of obstruction due to tumor growths, adhesions, kinks, and scars. Functional reasons include disturbances in the motility of the organ and ducts.

Often the causes of the development of the disease are various infections, autoimmune conditions, inflammatory processes and allergic reactions.

General symptoms

Any problems associated with the liver or gall bladder have common symptoms and similar manifestations of the disease.

These organs are very important for the human body, but many diseases that affect them may not manifest themselves at first.

Asymptomatic manifestation poses a serious threat, since the first signs may appear at the moment when the disease has progressed to a severe stage.

Initially, the patient may feel weakness, malaise, deterioration in general condition, and chronic fatigue.

But all these signs can be attributed to many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, so many patients are in no hurry to see a doctor.

The appearance of the first pain in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium becomes the cause of complaints and visits from patients to doctors. What other signs may appear:

  • A weakened state of the whole organism, which flows into chronic form. Diseases of the liver and gall bladder can have a detrimental effect on all body systems and organs. The brain and central nervous system suffer from this. There are sleep disturbances such as insomnia, depressive states, stress, memory impairment, concentration, attention.
  • Signs of intoxication. A person may experience discomfort associated with nausea, vomiting, bowel dysfunction in the form of diarrhea or constipation, body temperature may increase, bloating, flatulence may appear, increased gas formation, belching, bitter taste in oral cavity And unpleasant smell from her.
  • Pain syndrome. It is associated with an increase in the size of the liver, putting pressure on neighboring organs. Another reason may be the presence of stones that lead to pain, inflammatory process, stagnation.
  • Irritation and itching on skin. These phenomena occur due to a malfunction of the filtration organ. All toxic and other harmful substances that enter the body must be eliminated from the body. But due to impaired functional abilities, they penetrate into the blood and then enter the epidermis. This picture is characterized by the presence skin rashes and subsequent itching with irritation.
  • Change in color of waste products. Feces may become discolored, urine may become dark color. Due to poor digestion and absorption of incoming food, some changes in the form of fats or food fragments may be found in the feces.
  • The skin and sclera of the eyes turn yellow. The manifestation of jaundice is caused by the loss of organ function when bilirubin enters the blood, then into the tissues of the epidermis and sclera of the eyes.
  • The appearance of swelling. This is due to an increase in load on the walls of the vascular system, which increase in size due to loss of elasticity. This threatens the development of varicose veins of the esophagus. Swelling develops when the water-electrolyte balance is disrupted. It is especially noticeable on the legs. Cirrhosis of the liver and fatty degeneration of cells is accompanied by the discharge of blood through the vascular system of the esophagus or stomach. In this case, ascites develops, in which a large amount of fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity.
  • Changes in shape and color nail plate. Such manifestations are characteristic of liver failure.
  • Appearance spider veins. Their presence in many cases indicates the presence of severe cirrhosis. The reason is poor clotting blood, in which the liver is unable to fully perform its functions, and therefore cannot secrete all the necessary cells in the required quantity for blood clotting.
  • Changes in the nervous system and hormonal background. Men note disruptions in the production of sex hormones; in women, menstrual cycle. In advanced stages it is disrupted protein metabolism, volume decreases muscle mass, leading to muscle atrophy.

The appearance of any of the listed signs is serious reason for urgent medical attention.

Many diseases can be asymptomatic, so even weakness and chronic fatigue without pain serve as a reason for a preventive examination.

Be sure to watch your diet. Treatment of the gallbladder and liver must be prescribed by a doctor based on diagnostic and laboratory tests.

Used as a treatment drug therapy together with dietary nutrition.

Severe forms of the disease, in which medicines do not have any positive effects, surgical intervention is prescribed.

The selection and prescription of medications should be carried out exclusively by a doctor. Self-medication is contraindicated.

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