How to understand that you have been bewitched? How to get rid of a love spell

If you are new to of magic, then it will be useful for you to get acquainted with the signs by which you can accurately determine whether it is done on you or your loved one love spell.

Love spells on alcohol time-tested and work almost always. Any alcohol is quickly absorbed into the blood and is an ideal carrier of any information. In addition, alcohol slows down a person’s consciousness and removes self-control.

Of the entire arsenal of alcoholic drinks, vodka, red wine, champagne, and cognac are usually used to apply a love spell. Beer, moonshine and dry wines are used less frequently.

In alcoholic drink and food through a conspiracy or thought forms provide certain information. This information acts as a saboteur in the victim’s body. Food enters the stomach and blocks the victim's willpower. It is no coincidence that people say: “First feed and drink, and then ask for what you want.”

Signs of a love spell:

1. The victim's passionate desire for the object of love- to the person who made love spell. The victim is not at all attracted to other people of the opposite sex in terms of sex. The victim feels that he cannot live without the object of love, but this connection is of little satisfaction. After sexual contact with a bewitching woman, instead of joy and energy, the man feels guilty, overwhelmed, lethargic, and strives to leave quickly. On the way home, he promises himself that this was the last time, that he will not go to her again, but when he approaches the threshold of his house, his legs themselves carry him back, against his will and common sense.

2. Lethargy, lack of will, reluctance to do anything, a distant “glassy” look, lack of initiative, humility, loss of the ability to make decisions. The victim of a love spell never confesses that he is under the influence of others, that something wrong is happening to him (her). On the contrary, he (she) is confident that everything is under control. Family members see the inappropriate behavior of the love spell victim and suggest turning to a magician or healer for help. But the victim flatly refuses to admit that it was committed against him (her) magical attack and even more so refuses to go to a specialist to remove the love spell.

3. Complete loss of self-esteem.

4. Depression, feeling of hopelessness, pain in the heart, irregular heartbeat.

5. Fear of losing "beloved" or "beloved". Humiliation in front of her or him.

6.Growing troubles at work, business losses. The victim loses interest in everything that does not concern the object of his “love”.

7. High suggestibility.

8.Fatigue, poor sleep, nightmares. Often dreams have a specific love motive, which is repeated with minor deviations.

10. Hatred towards the object of love and at the same time the feeling that you cannot live without him (without her).

11. Complete indifference to your spouse(wife) and children. Often a weak-willed, lost husband begs his wife to forgive him and let him go to another: “My dear, I love you, I have always loved and will love, but I can’t live without her (the mistress of the love spell). Let me go, I’ll live with her for a while and come back. And everything with us will be the same again.”

12. Blows of fate pursuing the victim of a love spell. Failures grow like a snowball.

13. Presence of foreign objects, salt or land in the victim's pockets.

14. The appearance of scattered earth at the threshold of an apartment (house), spilled water, candle stubs, wool, matches, needles stuck into a doorframe, nails. It is possible that the rival is causing damage to the family by breaking off relationships and quarrels, which increases her chances of success.

15. If love spell war drags on for a long time, it is possible mental illness, insanity of the victim, suicide attempts and even sudden death.

16. Usually a woman’s intuition does not deceive her. If a love spell is cast on a husband, then any wife will definitely feel a sharp cooling of the husband’s feelings, his strange illogical behavior. The husband does not show the same attention, avoids conversations, dodges kisses, is not interested in family affairs, and does not share his news. The woman feels a vacuum around her; she does not receive the same energy from her husband.

17. Man, whose wife they are trying to take away with the help of a love spell, also feels the emptiness that has formed around him. Even if the wife is nearby, her thoughts and feelings are not directed at him. Even though it is present, it is still absent.

18. Pain in the groin of the victim of a love spell. Characteristic pain in the genitals.

The most reliable way to determine whether a love spell has been cast is to contact a specialist with a photograph of the victim.

To diagnose the presence of a love spell and other magical attacks, you can contact us.

In some types of love spells they may manifest themselves additional signs.

A love spell is always a violent suggestion of love. This is damage. Due to the suppression of the center of will, the victim becomes weak-willed not only in relation to the person who performed the love spell, but also in relationships with other people. The victim of a love spell is easy to manipulate, easily suggestible, and commits rash acts. If a love spell is cast on a businessman, then his business falls apart, income falls, and competitors press harder. The stronger the love spell program, the sooner this happens.

In addition, many people begin to have stomach problems. If the love spell was done repeatedly, this can lead to stomach ulcers. U love spell victims Various diseases may appear, and doctors will not be able to make a diagnosis.

It should be noted that cooling of feelings and late returns home are not proof presence of a love spell. It is possible that your spouse is in love of his own free will and walks of his own free will. Many people are predisposed to cheating.

Or maybe the reduction in sexual contacts is explained by the fact that your life partner is currently experiencing a decline in energy or stress.

If you are sure that a love spell has been cast on you or your loved one, you need to contact a specialist for help. Don't delay! The faster you remove the love spell, the less loss.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

And also our blogs:

On our websites we do not provide links to magic forums or websites of magicians (healers).

We also do not participate in any forums. We don't have the time or desire for this.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, people without conscience and thirsty for money. The police and other regulatory authorities have not yet been able to cope with the growing influx of "Deception for profit" madness.

Therefore, please be careful and careful!

Sincerely – Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

To understand how a bewitched man behaves, it is important to know the essence of the mystical ritual. Magic gurus interpret a love spell as a witchcraft influence on an object for the purpose of emotionally, sexually tying it to the performer of the ritual.

  • How to find out if there is a love spell on your husband

    The degree of destructive effect of a love spell depends only on the customer and his choice.

    Weak rituals capable of arousing sympathy in the subject. Most often these are used by young girls who dream of a high relationship. The essence of these simple conspiracies lies in the texts that are recited on a candle, a piece of paper with the name of the betrothed, an apple, etc.

    This type of divination is the most gentle of all; its result depends on the efforts and desires of the girl. A man will not suffer from such a conspiracy, and if the lady’s feelings are not as serious as she imagined, then he will not even guess about the attachment.

    Group more strong but not deadly prisushek can be classified as the second type of love influences. Among them: a love spell on a photograph, (egilet). A person bewitched by such methods can be freed from their effects using a reverse ritual.

    The strongest, included in the third group, can only be performed by experienced shamans, masters of black magic. The spell acting on the object of witchcraft completely suppresses the will, the ability to think and make independent decisions. solutions. They simply zombify him.

    This category includes cemetery love spells and specific Voodoo magic. They are practically not removable. Most often, the rituals of the latter group satisfy the passionate desire of deceived women, revenge. Also, don’t rule out the one caused by your opponent.

    The stronger the ritual, the more pronounced behavioral changes will appear in the bewitched man. But character and temperament matter.

    Rituals with photography can change a person’s appearance: he loses weight, his movements become angular. He doesn’t want to show himself in public, withdraws, and becomes gloomy. There is a streak of bad luck at work.

    Blood rituals are fraught with uncontrollable outbursts of jealousy and aggressive behavior. A person with a choleric type of temperament will show especially vivid emotions. But a melancholic person, who tends to worry about everything inside, can become seriously ill from such emotional stress.

    Sexual ritual acts primarily change the intimate side of the object’s life. Any sexual intercourse (no matter with the spouse or the one who bewitched him) causes disgust and dissatisfaction with oneself.

    Along with disgusting feelings, he again and again subconsciously craves intimacy with the woman who has bewitched him. Sexual relationships with your spouse (when it was not she who was bewitching) come to naught - attraction disappears.

    If a man previously paid attention to beautiful ladies, behaved confidently, and knew how to charm anyone, then after the love spell he does not notice anyone except the one who cast the love curse.

    And rituals with a Voodoo doll turn you into a slave. The will is suppressed, the guy is depressed. Alcohol appears in life. If before the negative impact the fellow was characterized as a joker and the life of the party, now he is a homebody, touchy, henpecked. But as soon as he takes a certain dose of alcohol, he becomes uncontrollable, gets into fights, and provokes scandals.

    With the help of a black love spell, you can launch a self-destruction program. The risk of dying from accidental death, in a fight, or attempted suicide increases.

    Decent gentlemen who bore a woman who has had enough of them with their constant submissiveness are relegated to the category of exes and also face unnatural death. A person, if proper help is not provided to him, simply dries up and bends over from melancholy.

    When applied, it is better to turn to an experienced magician.

    The behavior of a bewitched man directly depends on the strength of the love spell. But there are some symptoms that make it possible to discern the influence of a love plot.

    • Dramatic changes in behavior, especially with loved ones: indifference, irritability, unsupported aggression, giving way to apathy.
    • Inconsistent actions: a person is constantly looking for something, in a hurry to get somewhere. At one point, having changed his mind, he withdraws and falls into a terrible depression.
    • The sexual side of life is changing. Complete or partial impotence may occur.
    • Deterioration of health. She gets sick for no reason, chronic illnesses worsen, insomnia appears, and her blood pressure increases.
    • He constantly talks about the girl who bewitched him. If this is a mistress, she stops communicating with her family and hides her passion. All his thoughts are directed in one direction, the rest is unattractive and insignificant.
    • She does not realize that sudden feelings for a person can be imposed by the black ritual she performed.

    If a woman suspects that her husband has been subjected to amorous influence, she can use special rituals to confirm the signs. A love spell determined in time can be removed by practicing magicians.

    First way. Drop a little holy water into the tea prepared for your husband and say when serving the drink:

    “Heavenly Father! My life is in your hands! Give me the answer: is love shared between my husband and me?”

    Most likely, the bewitched person will find a thousand ways to quarrel: the tea will be hot (cold), unsweetened (or there is too much sugar), the cup is served in the wrong way... He may knock the drink over himself (at the causal place) or drop cookies into it.

    Second way. On Sunday, go to church for matins. Pray and light a candle for the health of all your loved ones living with you. Observe the task for your husband’s health by continuously reading “Our Father” seven times: it turns black and sparkles (crackles, “shoots”) - the husband is bewitched; goes out - light it again and don’t worry.

    It’s not difficult to identify; you just have to be careful and sensitive. Even if you notice a sharp change in your loved one’s behavior, do not panic.

  • Lovers rarely analyze the source of their feelings. Romantic emotions completely take over their being. But it happens differently. If love is unnatural, imposed from the outside, it suppresses and drags you down to the bottom of depression. How to identify this, how to understand that you have been bewitched? Why do this? Let's look at it in detail and step by step.

    What is a love spell?

    For the uninitiated, it is necessary to clarify what exactly we have to deal with. To figure out how to understand that you have been bewitched, you should get acquainted with the definitions. Magic provides everyone with a whole set of tools for interfering in someone else's fate. One of them is a love spell. This is a program specially embedded in the aura that causes a craving for the customer. It should be noted that the victim’s feelings only resemble love, but are not it. Sincerity, openness, and selflessness are absent in relationships. They cause in a person a barely perceptible feeling that what is happening is wrong, similar to the one that arises when you suspect deception. Girls are advised to listen to their intuition if you want to know how to understand that a man has bewitched you. The love program works in the aura due to the energy allocated for other purposes: health, well-being, happiness, and so on. Therefore, a love spell leads to the emergence of negative circumstances and situations that make you suffer. A person in love thinks that he is “fighting for reciprocity,” but in fact he is increasingly succumbing to the black energy induced by the witch.

    Observe your emotions and behavior

    A little more additional information. She will help explain how to understand that you have been bewitched and what to do. Let us briefly describe the main signs of magical influence felt by the victim and noticeable from the outside. They need to be analyzed if you suspect that you have become a victim of a witch. Signs visible to the victim:

    • Constantly drawn to a person, you can’t think about anything else.
    • You react aggressively to criticism of your “loved one.”
    • You often get colds.
    • You regularly become a victim of various types of accidents: from breakdowns of household appliances to fires and transport accidents.
    • Menstruation becomes very painful (although it used to be normal).
    • Sleep is disturbed and nightmares appear.
    • Cravings for alcohol, smoking or something worse.
    • There is no desire to communicate with friends and relatives.
    • Former interests and hobbies are no longer of interest. The center of attention is the object of adoration; it obscures everything else.
    • Frequent mood swings from apathy to inexplicable hysterics.

    People, when they start to figure out how to understand that you have been bewitched, try to identify all the listed signs in themselves. In fact, one or two are enough to suspect something is wrong. Love spells are different and manifest themselves individually. This must be taken into account when diagnosing.

    Ask your loved ones, talk to them

    In diagnosing magical influences, the most important stage is the first stage, namely: awareness of the problem. Understand: the victim of witchcraft is internally sure that he is in love. She (or he) does not want to listen to others who insist that the chosen one is unclean in soul. If a guy is wondering how to understand that a girl has bewitched you, success is practically in his hands. Therefore, it is recommended to talk with a close, trusted person. Ask him how your behavior seems to him from the outside. You should pay attention to the following signs:

    • Displaying unreasonable cruelty or indifference towards friends and family.
    • Detachment, unwillingness to listen to what they say.
    • Inappropriate reaction to comments about a loved one.
    • Negative assessment of those people whom you previously liked (important!).
    • Frequent mood changes.

    If a loving person confirms in a frank conversation that you are behaving in accordance with the symptoms listed above, no longer find out how to understand that you have been bewitched. The answer, unfortunately, is yes. We urgently need to get rid of witchcraft spells.

    Analysis of the “history of relations”

    You know, people are designed this way: no matter what you tell them, they are in no hurry to give up their own opinion. This is also true in our situation. It’s not enough to explain how to understand that you’ve been bewitched. He is drawn to a person even with sincere, pure feelings. It is necessary for the victim to reach the truth herself. You don't need to work hard for this. Lovers love to remember the “history of the relationship”: how I met, what they said, and so on. This nice habit is offered to anyone who is interested in identifying the problem. If the “beloved” has not previously evoked any tender thoughts, and even, on the contrary, seemed unpleasant or disgusting, there is reason to think about it. The same thing happens when you met this person by chance, and previously similar personalities did not enjoy your sympathy.

    Continue analysis

    Girls who want to figure out how to understand that you have been bewitched by a man would do well to look at themselves from the outside. As a rule, a love spell suppresses the personality. Are you groveling in front of your partner? Answer this annoying question. Does he treat you like a queen, a jewel, an angel? Under the influence of witchcraft, a woman does not notice humiliation and outright bullying. Talk to friends or older relatives as they see it from the outside. Pure feelings are based on respect. If there is none, there is a love spell or you have not chosen the best partner. Look into your partner's eyes. The person who ordered the love spell avoids contact between souls. This is a subconscious reaction. If a person averts his eyes, there is reason to doubt his pure intentions.

    How to understand that you have been bewitched by a guy: an experiment

    Women have a special, magical energy. It is quite easy for a girl to prove to herself that she has become a victim of witchcraft. You need to do the following. Buy fresh chicken eggs. Be sure to ask if they were in the refrigerator. You need those that have not experienced frost, which means they remain alive. In the evening, pick one up. Sit alone and dream about your “loved one.” Remember the details of communication, affection, words, glances, smiles and the like. After about fifteen minutes, break the egg into a jar of water. Hold it above your head. Keep thinking about your feelings. You can read a prayer or ask your guardian angel for help. But this is optional. To diagnose a love spell, it is enough to transfer the image of the aura into the egg, that is, transmit your own emotions to it. The ritual is simple. Look into the jar.

    Results of the ritual

    Now check your energy by looking at the egg.

    • Lies at the bottom of the jar - there is no love spell.
    • “Snot” rises from the protein - there is an evil eye.
    • The yolk spills - a love spell.
    • There was blood in the egg too.
    • There is also an unpleasant rotten smell.

    In fact, men also conduct this experiment. But their diagnosis is not so accurate. Sometimes the egg does not show a love spell. Women can use this method, it is accurate.

    How to understand that you have been bewitched and how to get rid of it

    Let's approach it from the other side. Witchcraft is insidious. It influences a person so much that she is ready to believe in anything, just not to leave the imposed harmful path. It is impossible to prove to a person that he has been bewitched until he himself thinks about it. It is necessary to make the victim doubt. If you think you have been under the influence of witchcraft, most likely you have not. The victim will suspect the customer of lying in the very last place. To remove doubts from your head, perform the ritual described above. Often it shows a negative result. This is wonderful! Enjoy your feelings and put the bad stuff out of your head. But if the result is positive, you should urgently get rid of the love spell. It's not particularly difficult to do this. In rare cases, the help of a real magician is required. First of all, stop communicating with the customer. Believers are recommended to go to the temple. Sometimes this is enough to get rid of a love spell. And the aura is cleansed of negative programs with the help of prayer. Here, for example, is a ritual popular among village grandmothers.

    Getting rid of a love spell

    Buy candles from the church. Determine the quantity yourself when you read the description to the end. Choose a time so that no one disturbs or interrupts you from work. If you have a trusted person, ask him to assist. You need to light one candle, remove the wick from the second and place the wax in a spoon. Place a bowl or bowl of water nearby. Melt the wax in a spoon in the fire of the first candle. At this time, read prayers. It is recommended in this order:

    • "Our Father".
    • "May God rise again."
    • “Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice.”

    Pour the wax into the water. Repeat three times. The ritual should be carried out for seven days in a row, each time burning the candle to the end. Bury the wax in the ground away from people. It turns out that you will need fourteen candles. If you have a helper, ask him to pour out the wax. The first time - above the head, the second - in the heart area, the third - in the genital area. While you are carrying out the cleansing, it is forbidden to meet and talk with the person who ordered the love spell. If your suspicions turn out to be unfounded, it’s okay. You cannot kill true love with such a ritual, it will only become stronger. Good luck!

    Either independently or with the help of a specialist.

    At all different situation with signs and symptoms of love spell. A person who is bewitched will never begin to look for these signs in himself, much less remove them from himself. All these signs are written for close people who can determine presence of a love spell and try to get rid of it yourself these signs of a love spell, and return the loved one, accordingly.

    In exceptional cases, the bewitched person can soberly and adequately assess his condition and his actions. If this happens, then the bewitched person asks his relatives to help him get rid of the obsession; he himself is not able to do this. Very difficult, atypical situations also happen - to help in such difficult cases, we have organized a special one.

    Direct signs of a love spell

    It can be equally easily determined - both men and women. In general, those who are bewitched not only do not ask their relatives to save them from love spell .

    On the contrary - if they are very irritated, make trouble, if their behavior is assessed by their relatives and friends - there is a manifestation. In general, any occult negativity, especially at the beginning, is characterized by the manifestation of the first symptoms in the form of mild psychological irritation.

    Even if the bewitched understand that they are doing something harmful to themselves and their loved ones, their reaction is inadequate. For example: “leave me alone, let it be what will be.” I'm happy with everything, I'm happier than ever in my life. Don't you dare disturb me, even if I die tomorrow. Even if it’s a day, it’s mine.”

    Direct signs of a love spell(first sign love, foremost) - in men and women- the following:

    • Inadequate assessment of the current situation, complete unnatural ignorance of his own interests, the interests of his children, parents, spouses, even if he fully agrees with the indisputable facts of infringement of his own interests.
    • High suggestibility from the object of adoration, a man idealizes his beloved, not noticing the shortcomings, speaks in her words, expresses her opinion and defends her interests, not his own, even when his loved ones directly point this out to him. To no avail! The bewitched man with a “tin” look mumbles his version.
    • Passionate desire for an object of desire, after sexual contact, a feeling of guilt, a desire to leave, at first, to go home as soon as possible, on the way thinking that this is his last visit to his mistress. But the bewitched man cannot find a place for himself at home; his legs themselves carry him to her, the only one. In some cases, the bewitched even ask their wife for permission to temporarily leave, hoping that everything will work out and he will be able to pull himself together and return home. But it was not there!
    • A person is completely unable to control his aspirations and actions, or make decisions.
    • Sexual relationship with wife ends, if made on a person, i.e. the ability to have sexual contact, only exclusively with those being bewitched, with a wife - cannot be by definition, and with other objects too. Even an ordinary love spell was made, then sexual contact with the bewitched wife is extremely difficult, uncomfortable, and he tries to avoid fulfilling marital duties.
    • The bewitched man shows complete indifference to children, sometimes to his parents if they are against his new hobby.
    • The bewitched person considers himself happy next to the person, giving him only problems and inconveniences, risks of all kinds.
    • Categorically suppresses the slightest criticism of a loved one; there is no objective assessment of a loved one.
    • Sexual desire for the object of adoration is obsessive in nature.
    • Loss of self-esteem. All kinds of humiliation because of the fear of losing your love, because of this, a feeling of love and hatred at the same time for your loved one.
    • Object of desire to become the center of the universe for the brought one, everything else not connected with him fades into the background.
    • A previously efficient and able-bodied person suddenly loses interest in his favorite activity, work, business. Suffering losses or losing a job.

    How does the bewitched person’s well-being change:

    • frequent mood changes, strong emotionality, sentimentality;
    • fatigue, bad sleep, dreams of an erotic nature with lovers;
    • depression, yearning;
    • sweating, palpitations, heart pain;
    • maybe there is a desire suicide if there are serious obstacles to reuniting with your loved one;
    • craving for alcohol, even if it wasn’t there before;
    • worsening alcoholism, if he was present earlier;
    • maybe early heart attack, early death;
    • soreness, fatigue, grumpiness, irritability, having come to his senses, he realizes that he did something bad, but it’s too late, the train has left!

    This is an action to destroy former family relationships for the wife.

    We hope that the data love spell symptoms will help you perform the ritual on time lapel- in business time plays a vital role in returning your loved one!. It is useless to throw hysteria and create scenes for the bewitched - this will only aggravate the problem.

    Indirect signs and symptoms of a love spell

    • Blows of fate: “black streak” - losses of any kind, transport accidents, breakdowns of home appliances, massive and for no apparent reason.
    • Loss or theft of precious items.
    • A sharp loss of health of the spouse, her inappropriate behavior, irritability, anger. Often the influence of damage goes specifically to the spouse, so that she kicks out her husband with her own hands.
    • The presence of pads under the door or in the yard, in an apartment, in a secluded place, perhaps even in the marital bed, if the bewitched person brought his “love” home in the absence of his wife.

    The purpose of the lining is to drive the bewitched person away from his home, children, and wife.

    Things serve as linings; how to get rid of them is described in the “” section.

    Questions and answers

    I will try to answer the most common questions.

    1. Does the fact that the customer cannot communicate with the object have a positive effect on P.?

    In the first stages, at the beginning of the ritual, communication is prohibited if the relationship is extremely conflicting on the part of the object on whom the love spell is performed. As the ritual is performed, communication can be resumed if the object has calmed down and does not mind communicating. You cannot force your communication. I will advise you on how to behave after the ritual. I will consult until the desired relationship is fully established. But if communication is impossible in principle, then how to behave so that it takes place, I will tell you Also.

    2. Can the object guess that he has been bewitched?

    If the ritual took place in a short time and violently, then the object may well begin to analyze his state and ask his partner directly about it. If this happens, you should be calm and neutral. There is no need to proudly prove your innocence; it will arouse suspicion even more. Prepare in advance what you will say about this, think over the answer (if you are asked such a question), it must be reliable and individual for each case.

    3. Are P-you possible for life?

    I, on your partner myself. You will learn to do this yourself, and it is up to you to decide the timing of your connection.

    4. Is long-term protection against love spell possible?

    There is no preliminary protection against any acts of sexual and love magic (love spell). However there is Ritual "Soul to Soul", he is able to identify the influence, aggression of a sexual nature on your partner, and eliminate them. I teach this to my clients.

    5. What are the signs of P-ta? How to recognize it?

    . This is sudden aggression in behavior, avoidance of intimacy, concealment of money, minimal communication with family, and subsequently deprivation of health and well-being. See article ""

    6. How does P-t affect the psyche?

    It has a negative effect on the psyche, because it is violence against the individual. A person is deprived of the right to choose. All actions to return relationships, as well as love spells in the Mirror Corridor, are safe for the client and for the object of influence, since the work is not on the individual, but on creating a new reality where people’s relationships will be harmonious.

    Today, when the Internet and store shelves are simply full of various books describing magical conspiracies and rituals, it is not difficult to imagine yourself as a great magician and bewitch the person you like. Not only women, but also men resort to love magic. However, no one is at all interested in whether the object of desire wants to be close to the performer, so it is important to know how to determine a love spell.

    Signs of drying out

    Any person can determine a love spell. You don't have to have super powers to do this. Not every victim of a love spell will be able to independently understand that she was affected. By and large, this is precisely the essence of drying. The subject should not understand that his consciousness is processed, but think that he really feels affection. How to determine a love spell in a loved one?

    1. Communication problems begin. Until recently, a person had a friend whom he always trusted and shared his most intimate things with, but today this friend seems to be his worst enemy.
    2. The object will seriously defend the right to be with the customer with a formidable “lion’s roar”. If someone speaks badly about a new passion, all this is immediately perceived with hostility, and the speaker becomes his worst enemy.
    3. The facility does not pay any attention to the physical or external defects of the customer. For example, having a beautiful wife who does everything for him, a man will become attracted to a much older woman.

    In addition to changes in behavior, mild illness or a cold may occur. The effect of a love spell is accompanied by sleep disorders. Often a person can change his occupation or begins to do something that he did not like before. For example, a quiet person suddenly becomes an avid partygoer or vice versa.

    Not only boys, but also girls can become the subject of witchcraft. Women most often experience poor health. Insomnia or dreams with sexual overtones, in which the main character is the customer. Basically, the reproductive system is affected, so pain in the lower abdomen, in the groin area, disruption of the menstrual cycle, and hormonal disorders are not uncommon. After intimate pleasures with the customer, a feeling of emptiness and terrible fatigue appear.

    Is it possible to find out that you are bewitched yourself?

    How to determine a love spell on yourself, is it possible? If you are visited by strange thoughts, are haunted by nightmares, or feel in love, which is accompanied by conflicting feelings, you should think about it. It is quite difficult to determine a love spell, because sometimes people create couples, and looking at them you can’t help but wonder how they live together.

    The fact is that people love not only for their beautiful appearance and excellent manners. Experienced practitioners say that when a person chooses an unworthy partner for himself, it is not always a love spell. Perhaps in a past life you sinned very much, and now you are connected with this person on a karmic level. Love that arose on its own does not cause disgust for other people who were previously very close (parents, friends, children).

    Methods for determining dryness

    Often people are faced with the question of how to determine a love spell. If all the above symptoms are present, it’s time to start making a diagnosis. There are several simple rituals that will help you determine a love spell with ease at home. A love spell can be diagnosed using a simple egg. To do this you need: a fresh egg, a photo of the object where it is depicted in full growth, a transparent vessel with spring water and a knife.

    The main active attribute must be fertilized, so it is important to get a homemade egg. Next, take the photo and rotate the testicle clockwise over it for several minutes. Then break the egg into the vessel with the liquid using a knife. If the protein is transparent, everything is fine and you have nothing to worry about; if the protein is cloudy or has a putrid smell, then the love spell is done and works great.

    Determine dryness using wax and water. For this method you will need several church lights, holy water, a vessel, a ladle, and a full-length photo of a person. Take a ladle and place the pieces of the torch into it, after removing the wick and cutting the wax. Hold the ladle over the photograph for a while and melt the contents until liquid. Then the wax is poured into water, after it takes its shape, it is taken out and examined:

    • a smooth piece indicates that the man has no dryness;
    • a piece with an uneven structure and branches says that there is an impact and it’s time to start eliminating it.

    Orthodox diagnostic method

    If the method of determining dryness at home is not suitable for you, use the Orthodox method. A good way to find out whether the marriage has been made for your son: go to the temple early in the morning, buy candles and light them for the health of yourself and your man.

    Standing at the altar, pray for the salvation of the soul, looking at the lamp. If the fire crackles and dark streaks appear, a love spell has been cast. Sometimes a magical plot is read so skillfully that the sign indicating its presence is not noticeable, so you need to stand longer. If the light goes out before it burns out, it means that a ceremony was performed with cemetery attributes or on a Voodoo doll. Here you should immediately begin to remove the witchcraft spell, otherwise there is a great risk of losing a person.

    Another method is to use holy water. You need to guess the moment when your other half is in a good mood and offer to drink some water, saying that it has been blessed, supposedly for cleansing and healing. If the reaction is positive, it means there is no spell on your spouse. When the reaction was a sharp refusal, aggression is a sure sign of the presence of a magical influence on his subconscious.

    Signs of a love spell

    Signs of a love spell. School of Marina Sugrobova

    Damage - how to find out. How to determine whether there is an evil eye, damage, curse on a person (One)

    Determination of dryness by blood

    For this method you will need: a glass of water, a needle, coarse sea salt. You should prick your left ring finger and drop one drop of blood into a glass of liquid. Leave the water with blood to infuse overnight, and look at the results in the morning:

    • there is a whitish sediment or literally a few pink grains at the bottom - there is no drying;
    • pink sediment - the ritual was performed by a non-professional or has a very weak effect;
    • red sediment speaks of strong witchcraft that can completely subjugate your will;
    • purple sediment - a strong impact that will lead to loss of personality, madness;
    • the greenery at the bottom of the glass says that, in addition to love magic, damage was also done.

    Methods of protection against weak rituals

    Most often, in order to bewitch, a man is given a lining. The essence of the ritual is for the victim to touch the thing. It can be anything. If a lining was found under your threshold or on the door, you need to get rid of it, but under no circumstances should you pick it up with your hands. The one who cast the spell on you or your life partner is just waiting for at least a particle to fall into your home.

    You cannot sweep away the lining with a house broom and throw it in the trash or burn it in your oven. Magicians also do not recommend burning found things. Before burning evil, the fire element will intensify its effect, so you will receive more harm than good. However, there is an option with burning at a deserted pedestrian intersection, then the negativity directed at you will be transferred to the performer.

    You need to find an annual aspen tree in the forest or park and pull it out. Throw the thrown item into the hole formed and stick the tree back, top down. How to behave if diagnostics showed you the presence of dryness? First, you need to calm down, if you managed to convince yourself and understand that something is wrong, this is already good, it means you have a strong biofield and it is not so easy to influence you. There is no point in having a frank conversation with someone who has bewitched you. The best thing is to go to a reliable magician who can remove the dryness.

    You need to unshackle yourself. Magic, when used by amateurs, can behave in completely unknown ways. If you manage to identify the drying, then you will be able to free yourself from the spell. First, try to change your social circle, do for yourself what you have long wanted, it is important to get a charge of positive emotions, and even better, move away from the person who bewitched you, most likely, the effect of the spell will immediately dissipate.


    One of the methods of combating all kinds of magical influences is true faith. Only a mind and body filled with pure faith can resist any evil. Strong magical rituals deprive people of any ability to resist and lead to madness or death.

    On Sunday you need to take the bewitched thing and pull out a long thread from it. In the temple you need to place candles next to the icons of the Mother of God, the Son of God and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Go to the face of any of the saints and touch the candle so that the thread touches it and say a prayer.

    “Lord God, help, save and preserve Your Servant (name of the bewitched). A strong slander led him astray, he mixed up the paths. Bring him out of the darkness, cleanse his soul. Don’t leave him to the demons, intercede. Do not close your gates to him. Amen".

    When you get home, thread the needle and sew a seam on the clothing your subject wears most often. Once a day, preferably before bed, read “Our Father” and a prayer for the healing of the sick.

    Alternative method

    If you are very worried about a loved one, you can transfer the dryness to yourself. Such a ritual will cause a lot of trouble, but getting rid of them will be quite simple. You need to take a drop of blood from the object and mix it with a spoonful of wormwood tincture.

    To remove witchcraft, you need to pour it all into a glass of clean water and immediately drink all the water. After this ritual, you will begin to have headaches, weakness, and depression. Such symptoms may last for about a month. Don’t worry that you will be drawn to a sorcerer; each love ritual is aimed at a specific character.

    Consequences of drying

    If a person has a dryness, then sooner or later the consequences of its influence will appear. The body is constantly in a depressed state. Consciousness is at a crossroads, it seems as if it is being torn in half. When a love spell is made using black magic in a cemetery with a photograph of the victim buried, most likely nothing will be able to help her.

    When there is a magical effect on one of the couple, most often, such a relationship does not bring satisfaction to either partner. There is no warmth, everything happens on the edge. Relationships are constantly strained, the victim often breaks down and leaves, then returns again. Magic forces the victim to do something that the victim does not really want, hence the irritation and anger at himself, at the other half.

    Most often, when the ritual has worked, the customer realizes that he received something completely different from what he wanted. But getting rid of the spell is not so easy. Now two people are connected by an invisible thread forever. Even if you manage to break the spell, the result will be two ruined lives. In this case, neither the victim nor the customer will be able to meet the person destined for them.


    How can I find out if a love spell was cast on me? When a person is under the influence of a spell, it does not go unnoticed. It's like he's drugged. Most often, your loved one will be able to notice the first symptoms. First of all, it becomes:

    • difficult to build relationships with people;
    • Can’t communicate normally;
    • everyone is irritating and seems annoying;
    • there is a desire to retire;
    • thoughts of suicide come into consciousness.

    There is an irresistible pull towards the customer. The most interesting thing is that next to him you want to howl like a wolf or run from him wherever your eyes look, but you don’t want to live without him. What to do when diagnostics show that there is dryness? It is best to contact a magician to remove the effects of love spells. If the love spell was cast on a family man, then you may have to clear the karma not only of him, but of all family members. Often, when making sugar on married people, rituals are carried out in parallel to death, the evil eye of the rest of the family members.

    It is important to remember that by drying up, you are depriving a lot of people, including yourself, of the opportunity to have a good future. A woman or man who brings discord into another’s family takes a grave sin upon their soul. Magic is a terrible tool; in some hands it can be magic, in others it can be a weapon that brings a lot of grief and suffering. Any person should remember that real magic is not drying-up, curses, evil eyes and damage, but earthly human feelings, relationships between two, love. There are so many beautiful things in life, and if they don’t reciprocate your feelings, it means it’s necessary, it’s meant to be by fate.

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