How to get rid of a headache: home remedies and medications. Headache: how to easily relieve and eliminate symptoms Is it possible to prevent migraine

is the most common type of pain. Headache can vary in intensity, be acute or aching, have different localizations, and even appear at certain times of the day, or spontaneously. In medicine, there is also the term "chronic headache", it is never considered as a separate symptom, since it is a combination of pathological changes in the body.

Main causes of headache

It is immediately necessary to indicate that only a specialist can find out the true cause of a headache. Moreover, most often during the diagnosis will work therapist, ophthalmologist and neuropathologist, in some clinics, there is also a specialist who deals exclusively with headaches - cephalgologist.

Note:a headache never happens just like that, this symptom indicates the development of a pathological condition in the body that can affect both the vascular system and the nervous system.

Painkillers for "simple" headaches

This section will list medications that can relieve unexplained and unbearable headaches.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which have a weak effect specifically for headaches:

  • anthranils - Revmonn (Etofenamate) or Mefenamic acid;
  • based on acrylacetic acid - Ketofril, Ketorol, Ketanov, Ketorolac;
  • Pyrazolone derivatives - Tempalgin, Analgin, Propyphenazone, Novalgin, Sedalgin, Baralgin;
  • based on para-aminophenol - Cefekon, Kalpol, Phenacetin, Panadol,.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with a strong analgesic effect:

Local irritants, which work directly on the site of pain, are able to warm up this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. This action increases blood flow, and coupled with local irritation, there is a mild analgesic effect. Topical remedies that can help get rid of headaches include Kapsikam, Vietnamese balsam, Finalgon, Viprosal, and bee/snake venom ointments.

Medications for neuropathic headache relief

In some cases, a headache occurs without visible external intervention and inflammation - in this case, we will talk about the pain syndrome in question. Such pain occurs against the background of pathological lesions of the central or peripheral nervous system. It is neuropathic pain that is chronic, which occurs against the background of the following diseases:

  • vascular pathology - for example,;
  • in which the visual tubercle, the cerebral cortex and the brain stem are affected;
  • , or metastases in it;
  • (neuritis) of the trigeminal and facial nerves.

In parallel with headaches in this case, a person will have a sleep disturbance, often develop. That is why neuropathic headaches are relieved not only by medications, but also by psychotherapy and physiotherapy.

With neuropathic headaches, antiepileptic drugs will help patients:

  1. Lyrica (Pregabalin)- quite effective painkillers for neuropathic pain, but can be addictive and even addictive. It is released only by prescription, for the relief of an intense headache of a neuropathic nature, 150-600 mg of this drug will be needed (it depends on several factors - the true cause of neuropathic headaches, the age of the patient, the duration of the pathology). Pregabalin has quite powerful side effects - heart palpitations, severe. If this drug is taken simultaneously with drugs that depress the central nervous system, then the patient may stop breathing.
  2. Gabapentin- an anticonvulsant drug that can be taken only as directed by a doctor. An absolute contraindication to the use of this drug is the patient's hypersensitivity to its components, relative - pregnancy, lactation and. Gabapentin also has side effects - instability of blood pressure, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes.
  3. Carbamazepine is a recognized leader in the treatment of neuritis of the cranial nerves.

Often, to relieve neuropathic headaches, doctors recommend using:

  • Buspirone;
  • Mezapam;
  • diazepam;
  • Valium, Elenium;
  • Pexotan.

As a rule, drugs for neuropathic headache are selected taking into account the diagnosis of the underlying disease:

  1. If there is a lesion of the trigeminal nerve, then Finlepsin and Oscarbazepine will be the priority drugs.
  2. Diagnosed neuralgia of herpetic etiology - Pregabalin, Tramadol and Valproate (anticonvulsants).
  3. Central neuropathic pain - Pregabalin and / or Gabapentene are prescribed first, then (if not effective) they are switched to the antiepileptic Lamotrigine.

Medicines for headache due to tumors

If a patient has a headache on the background of a malignant op or skull, then he will be transferred to Tramadol or morphine-like central action. These two medicines are combined not according to the principle of their mechanism of action, but according to the level of accounting for their intake. Tramadol is a mild opioid painkiller, but not a drug. Despite this, it is impossible to purchase this remedy on a free sale - you will need to get a prescription from your doctor, and it is given only by decision of a special commission.

Stronger painkillers include Omnopon, Promedol, Fentanyl, and Buprenorphine. These drugs can depress pain centers in the thalamus, cause euphoria and change the perception of pain.

Almost all opioids are addictive and addictive. If these drugs are taken in high doses, this can lead to respiratory and vascular depression.

migraine headache pills

Headache associated with migraine can be prevented or stopped at the time of presence. If a migraine headache is already taking place, then they will help:

  • non-steroidal painkillers;
  • selective serotonin agonists in tablets - for example, Rapimig, Noratriptan, Sumatripan, Imigran, and so on;
  • Digridroergotamine mesylate, which relieves spasm of the veins.

If migraine attacks occur no more than twice a month and the headache is not relieved by the above medications, then doctors prescribe:

  • Topiramate;
  • Verapamil;
  • bisoprolol;
  • Amitriptyline;
  • Profimig;
  • Nemotan and others.

How to relieve a headache with increased intracranial pressure

With a headache, it will be intense and bursting. The main drugs that will help relieve this unpleasant sensation are Diacarb in tablets, which is taken simultaneously with Panagin or Asparkam, and magnesium sulfate in injections. If conservative treatment does not give a positive effect, then doctors will prescribe surgery - patients undergo shunting to ensure the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid.

If we are talking about high intraocular pressure, then with a headache in this case it would be appropriate to take Arutimol, Kosopt, Travatan and other means.

Medicines for headaches

Headache with high blood pressure will be localized in the back of the head and accompanied by dizziness, and. If urgent measures are not taken to stabilize the patient's condition, then everything can end or - pathological conditions that pose a real danger to human life.

As a rule, appointments for headaches against the background of hypertension come down to ensuring the stabilization of blood pressure, so you won’t be able to get by with “one pill” - you will need to undergo a course of treatment. The list of drugs that will relieve high blood pressure and, therefore, headaches include Valsartan, Hypothiazid, Lisinopril, Metoprolol, Amlodipine and others.

We recommend reading:

Headache is the body's "signal" that medical attention is needed. Of course, people are accustomed to taking an anesthetic pill when uncomfortable sensations appear in the head, and this can also be considered the right thing to do. But if a headache:

  • is permanent or appears at a certain time of the day;
  • accompanied by nausea and dizziness;
  • is bursting in nature;
  • has a clear localization,

then you should definitely consult a doctor - most likely, you will need to undergo a complete diagnosis and then a full treatment. The situation should also be alert when, for the next restoration of well-being, a person takes medicines for headaches in increased quantities. It must be remembered that the thoughtless use of drugs that are designed to relieve headaches is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

We are used to, as soon as it starts pounding in the temples or squeezing the back of the head, grasping for analgesics. Although it is known that these drugs have a lot of side effects - they have a bad effect on the stomach, they are hardly excreted by the liver, and the kidneys are overloaded. Well, if the head is your strong point and you swallow pills no more than once every six months.

And if the head cracks almost every day? The reasons are most often either vascular or tension pains - from stress and forced posture at the desktop or driving a car. How to deal with a headache without pills? Here's what experts advise:

1. Massage

It has been scientifically proven that if a person often suffers from headaches and at the same time allocates a little of his time for massage at least 2-3 times a week, then his attacks will be at least twice as rare and much weaker. Massage restores blood flow and allows the body to relax - and this relieves spasms - the main cause of pain. In addition, a head massage is very pleasant. Do it in smooth circular motions - moving from the back of the head to the forehead. And the bio-point responsible for the normalization of pressure is located under the occiput [self-massage for headaches - in the BTW section].

2. Stretch

Tension pains occur due to stagnation of blood in the area of ​​the collar zone and because the muscles become numb and "harden". Everything is simple! We stretch the neck, raising the head up, then lowering it down, then to the right and left, and finally we make circular movements with the head. Moreover, at the end point of each movement, we make a sipping movement with the neck and fix the neck and head in this position for 10 seconds. Then five seconds of rest and proceed to the next movement.

3. Warm - cold

If the pain is throbbing, then you can apply ice or a wet towel to the temples - important arteries pass here, which supply blood to the cerebral cortex. A slight decrease in temperature can quickly drown out a headache, according to CNN Health. On the contrary, if the pain is pressing, then you should put something warm on the back of the neck - this will create an outflow of blood and lower the pressure.

4. Relaxed atmosphere

Very often, we cannot cope with a headache without medication, simply because we do not know how to relax. Hence the constant stress. Allocate your poor little head "unloading" minutes - at least 20 minutes after a working day, listen to pleasant background music (better without words, so as not to concentrate on the meaning of the song and not start humming), learn to control your breathing according to the yogic principle (breathe with your stomach, "knock down" breathing rhythm - this helps relieve stress). And most importantly - you need to accustom yourself to clear your head of all extraneous thoughts for a short time! According to scientists, during the day we absorb only 5-7% of the necessary information, all other thoughts are empty chores.


It is better to do self-massage while sitting. All points must be pressed with an average force of 1-1.5 minutes for each.

So, if you are in pain:

The first point is located above the bridge of the nose - in the middle between the eyebrows. Turn your thumb with your fingernail down and press down with the pad.

From above, inspect your brush with tightly folded fingers. Between the thumb and forefinger, a muscular tubercle is formed. In its center will be the point we need. Press firmly on it with the thumb of your other hand. Massage the points on both hands alternately.


Feel for a hole in your temple - this will be the “sunny” point, which is especially revered in Chinese massage. It is better to massage these points at the same time with your middle fingers.

The next point is located on the head just behind the top point of the ear. Press on both points at the same time with the pad of your middle finger.


First, thoroughly stretch the muscles in the neck and shoulders.

Then, with index fingers, massage the superciliary arches from the bridge of the nose to the center with light circular movements.

Find a point under the occiput. Massage it a little longer - 2-2.5 minutes.

Drink plenty of water. Dehydration often causes headaches. This is because the lack of water leads to a decrease in the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain. As soon as you feel a headache coming on, try drinking a glass of cool water. If the headache is caused by dehydration, drinking water will relieve or even cure it within minutes.

  • To prevent dehydration, you need to drink eight glasses of water a day.
  • Drinking water is especially important after drinking alcohol, as it causes dehydration, leading to headaches and hangovers.
  • Use lavender oil. Lavender products are well known for their relaxing properties, but did you know that lavender oil is also very effective in treating headaches? Just take a bowl of hot water and add a few drops of lavender oil. Bend over to the surface of the water and place a towel over your head. Breathe deeply in the lavender vapor.

    • Alternatively, you can apply lavender oil topically. Try massaging your temples with lavender oil for a few minutes while breathing deeply.
    • Keep in mind that lavender oil should not be swallowed.
  • Use rosemary. Rosemary can be very helpful in treating headaches. Try massaging your head with a little rosemary oil (which has anti-inflammatory properties) to instantly relieve pain. In addition, you can drink rosemary and sage herbal tea to relieve headaches.

    • To make rosemary and sage tea, add one teaspoon each of crushed sage and rosemary leaves to a cup of boiling water. Cover with a lid and infuse to room temperature.
    • Drink this tea two to three times a day.
  • Use cloves. Cloves can be used in several ways to relieve headaches. Here are some tips:

    • Gently crush a few cloves and place the pieces in a linen bag or clean handkerchief. Breathe in the smell of crushed cloves to relieve headaches.
    • Mix clove oil with sea salt and massage your forehead and temples. Clove oil produces a cooling effect, while sea salt enhances the massage.
  • Use basil oil. Basil is a very fragrant herb that can be used effectively to treat headaches. Basil acts as a muscle relaxant, so it is useful for treating tension headaches and tight muscles. Basil tea twice a day is an excellent home remedy.

    • Place a few fresh, washed basil leaves in a glass and let steep for a few minutes before drinking. Sip the tea slowly and your headache will gradually go away.
    • During a headache, you can chew fresh basil leaves or massage your head with pure basil oil.
  • Use ginger. Ginger reduces inflammation in the blood vessels, which is why it is often used in the treatment of headaches. Try adding 1 inch of fresh chopped or grated ginger root to a cup of tea and let steep for a few minutes before drinking. You can add milk or sugar to taste. Surprisingly, ginger tea is said to relieve headaches and reduce inflammation just as quickly as aspirin.

    • Alternatively, you can boil fresh or dried ginger in water and breathe in the steam to get rid of headaches.
    • Ginger candy can also help with headaches.
  • Use cinnamon. Cinnamon can help relieve headaches, especially those that accompany a cold. The easiest way to use cinnamon is to make a paste of freshly ground cinnamon and a little water. Apply this paste on your forehead and leave for ten to fifteen minutes. The headache should go away soon.

    • Alternatively, you can make a soothing drink by adding two teaspoons of cinnamon powder to a cup of hot milk. Add a teaspoon of honey for sweetness, if needed.
  • Use peppermint. It is known for its calming properties but can also be very effective in treating headaches. Use peppermint oil to massage your forehead, temples, and even your jaws. In addition, place freshly crushed peppermint leaves on your forehead for 15 minutes while breathing deeply.

    • Fresh mint leaves can also be used to make a soothing tea. Simply place washed mint leaves in a glass of boiling water and let it brew for a few minutes.
    • You can also breathe over mint by adding a few drops of peppermint oil to boiling water.
  • Eat an apple. Apples help with headaches as they are able to balance the alkaline and acid levels in the body, thus providing relief. Try eating an apple (with the skin on) as soon as you feel a headache coming on.

    • Alternatively, you can add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, which has similar properties, to a glass of water. Drink this solution for immediate headache relief.
  • A headache is an unpleasant sensation that prevents one from concentrating on work, causes a decline in mental and physical activity, and disrupts all a person’s plans. How to remove without drugs? After all, no one wants to constantly swallow pills. Let's look into this issue.

    The most common causes of migraine:

    • physical and mental fatigue;
    • emotional overstrain;
    • poor sleep, lack of sleep;
    • a disease accompanied by an inflammatory process;
    • osteochondrosis;
    • beriberi, hormonal imbalance;
    • circulatory disorders in the brain;
    • hypertension;
    • many other reasons.

    Dealing with headaches without medication

    How to relieve a headache without medication? Is it possible? Consider the good old methods of dealing with migraines, as well as folk remedies that can be easily prepared at home by buying the most affordable ingredients in a pharmacy or store.

    Folk methods of dealing with migraine

    • Copper is a metal that "draws" pain into itself. Can be applied to the forehead. The pain will go away in about half an hour.
    • Cabbage leaves or beet tops are able to "take in" a headache.
    • To relieve migraines, use a strip of woolen fabric. This strip must be put on the head so that in front it lies a little on the eyebrows, and in the back - under the back of the head.
    • 100 milliliters of blackcurrant juice or 50 milliliters of potato juice also helps well.
    • Saves from migraine lemon. You need to take the peel of a fresh lemon, remove the white film and attach it to the sore spot. From above, you can tie a wool cloth around your head and lie down to rest.
    • If whiskey presses, it is recommended to take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and honey daily with meals.
    • With migraines, it is effective to drink aloe juice - 30 drops per 100 milliliters of water.

    Recipes for some simple remedies

    Acupressure for headaches

    How to relieve a headache without drugs, but with the help of a regular massage? There are points on the human body that relieve headaches. They are located:

    • in the eye area;
    • on the neck below the back of the head;
    • between the thumb and forefinger;
    • in the wrist area.

    The technique of acupressure says that you need to lightly rub these points or lightly press them. After such an exercise, you immediately feel a surge of vivacity, and the migraine is gone.

    We are looking for the main points for massage

    Using Aromatherapy for Migraines

    How to relieve a headache without medication? This question can also be answered by an aromatherapist.

    To combat a migraine, you can try using it. You need to fumigate a room with it and sit calmly and relaxed. Basil oil is an effective remedy for calming the nervous system. If you fumigate the room daily with basil oil for a month, then headaches will leave forever, and mental activity will be activated.

    Effective headache remedies are lavender, geraniums, roses. They are able to anesthetize, support the body's immunity.

    In aromatherapy, it is very important to know what causes a headache, and only then you can choose the right oil. For example, if the cause is high blood pressure, then ylang-ylang will help.

    If you suffer from a migraine or fatigue has accumulated, you can put a few drops of lemon and geranium essential oils on a napkin, apply to your nose and inhale the aroma until it evaporates.

    Cold compresses are also effective. Essential oils of basil, peppermint, lemon, rose and lavender are added to them. You can use either one of the fragrances, the smell of which you like the most, or all at once, in equal amounts - at your own discretion. These oils should be added to a glass of chilled mineral water. Soak a cotton cloth in liquid and apply as a compress to the temples and forehead. Change as soon as it gets warm, after 5-7 minutes. This procedure is desirable to do at the first sign of a migraine.

    You can also massage the whiskey with aromatic oil. Melissa, lemon, lavender are suitable for this purpose. For massage, you need to apply a drop of oil on the forehead, temples and rub with fingertips until absorbed.

    How to get rid of a headache during pregnancy without medication

    A pregnant woman should not take pills. And how to relieve a headache during pregnancy without medication? It is most often recommended to do the following:

    • take a walk in the fresh air, ventilate the apartment, sleep and relax in a favorable environment, without extraneous light and noise;
    • take a shower, make a cold compress;
    • massage the main sensitive points;
    • drink tea with lemon or mint, you can brew chamomile or rose hips;
    • light the aroma lamp by choosing an essential oil with your favorite aroma.

    If you have a headache in the morning, the pillow may not be right, or the bed may be uncomfortable. Sleep should be calm and comfortable. If the cause of migraine is not clear, you need to exclude chocolate and citrus from the diet. A pregnant woman, first of all, needs to avoid negative emotions, walk a lot, breathe fresh air, and relax. Taking care of yourself should come first!

    Headache treatment in children

    How to relieve a headache in a child without medication? After all, their body needs to be protected, and it is too early to take pills and drops.

    • It is recommended for a child with a migraine to wash his head with a decoction of peppermint.
    • If headaches arose on an emotional background, you need to eat a tablespoon of sugar for several days before going to bed, drinking it with a glass of water.
    • In the event that a headache is caused by overwork, a warm bath and chamomile tea will help.
    • With migraines, fresh strawberries or lingonberries will be effective. A good helper will be a tablespoon of fresh viburnum juice. Blackcurrant juice is also effective: it should be given to the child 50 milliliters three times a day. A good result for a migraine in a child will give 50 milliliters of juice from fresh potatoes, also three times a day.
    • An infusion of cinnamon will help a child with a migraine: pour five grams of cinnamon with 100 milliliters cooled to about 80 degrees.
      Infuse for half an hour, drink two sips every hour.
    • It is very useful for a child to drink half a glass of dairy products, such as whey or yogurt, on an empty stomach every day. This reduces the chances that a migraine will spoil the mood and plans of the child.
    • Strange as it may sound, but the headache will decrease if you press your forehead against the window pane.
    • You can apply fresh lilac or cabbage leaves to the forehead of the child.
    • Like adults, lemon will help children. Peel its fresh peel from the white film and apply to the temples. True, they will leave behind a red spot, but it will disappear along with the headache.

    Happy is he who has never had a headache. But for some reason I am sure that among you there are no such people at all. It is known: any ailment cannot be tolerated, but is it necessary in each case to resort to the help of pills? Today I will tell you how to quickly relieve a headache without medication. It turns out that this is possible.

    You can read about the types and causes of malaise in my article "". There are also some useful tips for getting rid of the disease. But in folk medicine, a lot of experience has been accumulated in the treatment of malaise, and today I will share some of the fight against trouble.

    How to quickly relieve a headache without drugs

    Massage. Massage of the whole head, several points on the face, head and hands will help you.

    1. Doctors advise everyone who often suffers from malaise to massage regularly, at least twice a week. It will restore blood circulation and allow the body to relax.
    2. Make a light massage with a wooden comb - this will calm the blood vessels. It will also help to massage the head with index fingers, from the temples up and down the head down to the cheeks. Do this in a circular motion. After a couple of minutes, the pain will subside. Pay special attention to the point located at the base of the skull. To enhance the effect, add a small amount of argan or coconut oil to your fingers.
    3. Have someone massage your neck and back. This will take the pressure off.
    4. Massage with tennis balls. Put them in a sock, then lie on your back and place the balls on the occipital bone, just below the base of the skull. At first, the sensation will not be very pleasant, but if you relax well, then the pain will lag behind.

    But there is also a special, acupressure massage, which will help to quickly relieve pain completely without drugs.

    • The first point is located on the forehead, between the eyebrows, right above the bridge of the nose. Press on the point with the pad of your thumb, turning your finger with your nail down.
    • Mentally draw a line vertically in the middle of the face and find a point on the head, which is located 1 - 1.5 above the hairline. Massage with fingertips.
    • Find a point on the hand in the hollow, between the thumb and forefinger, this is where their bones meet. You will immediately understand that it is she, because when pressed you will feel pain. Massage it with pressure on both hands.
    • The next point is at the temple. In Chinese massage, it is called solar. Find a small hole in your temple and massage it on both sides at once with your middle fingers.
      On the back of the head, look for the next point: just behind the top point of the ear. Press simultaneously on both sides with your middle fingers.

    There is another type of acupressure called Su-jok therapy. I wrote in my other article and you can get acquainted with an interesting method of treatment


    • For throbbing pain, apply a cold compress or apply some ice to your temples. A slight decrease in temperature will relieve pain without taking pills.
    • Pressive pain should be treated with a warm compress applied to the back of the neck.
    • Hot water is a good way to deal with trouble. You can take a hot shower. Or you can apply another option: lower your hands for 10 minutes in hot water. As a result, the blood supply will improve and the pain will go away. With frequent pain, it is useful to do foot baths with hot water before going to bed.

    Aromatherapy, essential oils:
    When doing a head massage, you can dip your fingers in essential oil - they have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Oils will relieve tension from the muscles, soothe and bring relief.
    Eucalyptus, almond lavender, and coconut oils work well.
    Aromatherapy is also a very effective method of treatment. Use the listed oils when taking a bath, or simply inhale them with an aroma lamp. Add chamomile, rosemary, nutmeg or peppermint oil.

    Get rid of pain without pills

    To help, I have selected for you a few recipes of traditional medicine.

    1. Oregano. Powder the leaves and flowers of the plant. You can sniff it or brew it like a tea. Drink half a glass up to three times a day.
    2. Mary's root. Half a teaspoon of the crushed root of the plant is enough for a glass of boiling water. Wrap to infuse well and strain well. You need to take the infusion in a tablespoon before meals.
    3. Betel leaves. If you have fresh betel leaves, then take advantage of their healing power. They have long been known for their cooling and analgesic properties. Grind and knead a few leaves, and then apply to the forehead and temples for half an hour. You can just chew a leaf, it will also help.
    4. Black chokeberry. Take two tablespoons of juice shortly before meals.
    5. Ginger. With anti-inflammatory properties, relaxing blood vessels, ginger root is great for headaches. If you drink ginger tea constantly, then the natural sedative mechanism will turn on. And for quick relief of severe pain, ginger is an excellent remedy.
    6. Apples, apple cider vinegar. Eat a small piece of apple with a little salt. And immediately drink water. But you can also help yourself and others: pour a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into hot water and breathe in the steam for about 10 minutes.
    7. "Wine of Hippocrates". A very healthy drink that will help relieve pain without drugs at all, and also relieve stress. In half a liter of red wine, add finely chopped lemon and a large spoonful of honey.
    8. Almond. A handful of nuts and you're good again - almonds contain painkillers that can reduce pain.
    9. Camphor oil. The vessels will expand and the pain will quickly go away if you smell a mixture of camphor oil with ammonia (take 50 ml.).
    10. St. John's wort. Pour a spoonful of grass with one glass of water, bring to a boil and cook a little (15 minutes). Drink three times a day for a quarter cup.
    11. White willow bark. Put a teaspoon of bark in half a liter of cold water, let it brew overnight and drink it all during the day
    12. Mint. This plant has a mild relaxing effect. Brew mint tea and drink in small sips. You can add a spoonful of honey - sweet also helps to soothe the pain.
    13. Cinnamon. A wonderful plant, suitable not only for giving taste or aroma to pastries, but also capable of actively relieving pain. Rub the cinnamon stick and dilute the powder with water. Lubricate the temples, forehead with the paste and lie down for a while. Cinnamon helps a lot, especially if the pain is caused by vasospasm due to cold.

    Well, if you believe in conspiracies, then this one will definitely help:

    “Adam has a headache, Adam passes the pain on to Eve. Eve - to the snake, the snake - to the apple, the apple - to the sun, the sun - to the sea, the sea - to the wind, and the wind dispelled ... "

    Even the most severe pain in the head can be quickly eliminated without medication, friends, and my advice will help you. Share yours, proven - me. And my readers will be very grateful to you. Stay healthy and see you on the blog again.

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