What foods cause gas? Foods that cause increased gas formation in the intestines

The formation of gases is natural during the digestion process, but excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines causes digestive problems called bloating or flatulence. This symptom is extremely unpleasant not only because it makes you feel awkward in front of others, but also because painful sensations. Fortunately, getting rid of bloating is possible. Scientists have identified diseases of the digestive system and foods that cause gas formation.

Gastrointestinal problems

  • Dysbacteriosis. An imbalance of intestinal microflora disrupts the digestive processes, which causes flatulence.
  • Pancreatitis. The pancreas does not produce enough enzymes to break down substances, so this task falls on bacteria in the large intestine. Their work causes excessive gas formation.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome. Spasms, constipation, and disorders do not benefit digestion and contribute to the appearance of flatulence.
  • Intestinal obstruction. The complicated passage of feces and gases along with them provokes bloating.

List of foods that cause gas in adults:

  • Raw fruits. Apples, grapes, peaches, and pears contain fructose, a large amount of which causes fermentation and, accordingly, flatulence. However, even dried fruits (for example, prunes), if consumed excessively, can increase gas formation.
  • Dairy products. A deficiency associated with age or genetics causes fermentation in the large intestine.
  • Cabbage, radishes, radishes, tomatoes, and greens in large quantities burden the digestive system.
  • Products containing yeast. Beer, kvass, fresh baked goods, as well as some dairy products (cheeses, curds, etc.) cause fermentation, which provokes increased gas formation.
  • Meat, fish. Long-term eating often causes bloating.
  • Carbonated, sweet, cold drinks. Sugar causes fermentation, carbon dioxide causes flatulence.
  • Other foods containing large amounts of carbohydrates, coarse fiber (a lot of bran is also not good for digestion), lactose, oligosaccharides and yeast.


What foods cause gas formation in the intestines? Any! The only difference is that in some cases a person does not notice this, while in others it manifests itself. severe symptoms flatulence. So, for example, the stomach does not have sufficient resources to thoroughly digest legumes(peas, soybeans, beans and others). Because of this, the bacteria inhabiting the intestines are forced to complete the process on their own. As a result, there is increased formation of gases. But this can be avoided. It is enough to soak the required portion of beans a few hours before cooking. If you do not neglect this advice, you can avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of flatulence, which is always inappropriate.

When answering the question of which legumes cause less gas, it is worth mentioning lentils. It has a more gentle effect on the body than many other similar crops.


Various varieties of this vegetable (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and so on) have become quite widespread. Many people know first-hand what gas formation from cabbage is. This is due to the fact that it contains coarse fiber, the side effect of digestion of which can be flatulence. It also contains sulfur, which is the cause of quite unpleasant odor gases But it is worth noting that not everyone faces such consequences. It is also noteworthy that the younger the vegetable, the less gases are released during its digestion.

In order to avoid flatulence when eating cabbage, you will need to pre-heat it (unfortunately, this method is not relevant in the case of white cabbage, which is “dangerous” even when boiled).

You should watch your portion sizes and avoid eating too much to avoid bloating. Peking cabbage is considered the “safest” cabbage, since it is digested by the body without any side effects. You should not completely exclude various varieties of this vegetable from your diet, because it contains a large amount of vitamin C.

Bakery products

The aroma of fresh baked goods is quite difficult to resist. However, about such unpleasant side effect, like gas formation from bread, should not be forgotten either. Most often, it is freshly baked products that cause flatulence. This is due to the fact that they contain yeast, which provokes the fermentation process. These fungi produce much more carbon dioxide than stomach bacteria. That is why all people suffering from flatulence should reduce their consumption of fresh bread.

It is noteworthy that increased gas formation provoke almost all products that contain flour. Therefore, washing them down with fermented milk drinks or kvass is far from the best idea.


Almost all hot spices have been proven to be irritating. gastrointestinal tract and cause bloating. Garlic can also be included in this category. In his case, the cause of flatulence may not be entirely clear, because it does not contain much dietary fiber that could contribute to this. Garlic causes bloating and gas due to the presence of starch in it. The latter is digested human body with great difficulty. The fact is that the breakdown of starch does not occur until it reaches the colon. Here its digestion is accompanied by the formation large quantity gases

Factors provoking flatulence

Swallowed air is another cause of gas formation after eating. This happens during a conversation at the table, drinking any drinks through a straw, snacking on the go, chewing gum after eating.

Flatulence is caused excessive consumption food at one time. The stomach can hold no more than 400 g of food. Anything beyond this not only complicates digestion and causes bloating, but also causes drowsiness.

Bad habits also contribute to gas formation. Alcoholic drinks provoke flatulence, and smoking in general disrupts the digestion process.

Bloating can be caused even by neutral foods that are well absorbed by the body individually, but if combined incorrectly, they complicate digestion. Combinations of meat and sweets, fish and eggs, dairy products, melon and watermelon with any others are bad.

Products that do not cause increased gas formation

For the treatment and prevention of flatulence, it is recommended to eat certain products. Among them:

  • Cereal porridge cooked in water.
  • Fermented milk products. Kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, yogurt improve intestinal function.
  • Baked and thermally processed fruits and vegetables.
  • Boiled, stewed and steamed protein products: meat, fish.
  • Stale or unleavened bread.

Proper nutrition

To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, regain self-confidence and enjoy life again, you need to reconsider your diet, give up bad habits, lead active image life and normalize digestion in the presence of diseases.

Chewing food thoroughly and eating clean water half an hour before and after meals, dinner no later than three hours before bedtime, and no talking at the table.

At serious problems Doctors recommend switching to 4 meals a day to reduce portions and reduce the burden on digestion. Effective advice is to drink a sufficient amount of clean water (at least 1.5 liters per day, excluding drinks, soups, juices).

You should not completely give up foods that cause gas, since some of them (for example, rice) can help combat flatulence. However, it is important to monitor their consumption in moderation.

Improves the functioning of the digestive system motor activity And special exercises. Even regular exercise and morning exercises normalize intestinal motility, improve blood flow, speed up digestion, and, importantly, minimize the risk of developing gastrointestinal diseases.


If flatulence and bloating cause discomfort, cause painful sensations, for quick relief, it is not enough to give up foods that cause gas, you need the following drugs:

  • Defoamers. Main active substance, as a rule, is simethicone. It destroys foam (in this state, gases are in the intestines) and promotes their absorption or removal to the outside in a “neutralized” form.
  • Enterosorbents. Reception even usual activated carbon promotes the adsorption of gases, as well as toxins and bacteria, causing flatulence.
  • Products containing enzymes. Promote faster digestion of food without leaving carbohydrates for bacteria from the large intestine.

In conclusion

Flatulence can be a lot of inconvenience, but it can be controlled. Treatment of diseases of the digestive tract, proper nutrition and moderate consumption of foods that cause gas will ease the intestines and relieve discomfort.

Gas formation, also known as flatulence and bloating, often plagues the adult half of humanity. This problem is less common in children.

There are several reasons for this phenomenon, but the most common one is that people consume foods that cause gas in large quantities.

Causes of increased gas formation

The reasons leading to flatulence are different. Most often they are related to a person’s diet, what foods he consumes and how. But these are not the only factors that lead to gases beginning to accumulate in the digestive tract.

Factors contributing to gas formation are the following:

  1. A person consumes food by chewing it poorly and swallowing large pieces along with air.
  2. While eating, it is customary for adults to have conversations, this is especially noticeable during business dinners. And such a habit can cause gas formation due to air entering the esophagus and stomach.
  3. Enzyme deficiency in an adult common problem, causing increased gas formation. When there are not enough enzymes, the food in the stomach is poorly digested and enters the intestines in the wrong form. This causes fermentation and the formation of gases in the human intestines.
  4. Eating a large amount of food at once, or overeating, is also a reason that causes gas accumulation.
  5. Intense gas formation is also caused by fast eating and eating on the go - snacking on sandwiches and washing them down with coffee.
  6. Consumption of certain gas-forming products.
  7. Wrong food combinations are also a gas-forming cause. Some foods are well absorbed in the human body, but sometimes, if you add additional food to them, the body's reaction may be increased gas formation in the stomach or intestines.
  8. Intestinal dysbiosis often contributes to the formation of large amounts of gas, as well as bloating.
  9. Eating chewing gum causes air to enter the esophagus during swallowing, which causes it to remain in the stomach and try to find a way out, leading to gas in the human body.
  10. Smoking causes gas formation for the same reason.
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How does gas formation occur?

With gas formation, people often notice some symptoms, which will differ depending on which organ of the digestive tract the accumulation of gases occurs in.

Symptoms of gas accumulation in the stomachSymptoms of gas accumulation in the intestines
gases form belches, which can lead to heartburn in the futurebloating appears
there is a feeling of fullness in the stomachflatulence
loss of appetiteaccumulation of gas can cause constipation, especially in women during pregnancy
pain appears in the stomach area, at first acute, then becomes naggingsometimes mild paroxysmal pain occurs in the left or right half of the abdomen

To prevent the occurrence similar symptoms, gas formation is best prevented. To do this, you should adhere to simple rules, which we will talk about now.


What foods cause gas?

People with increased gas formation should avoid eating certain foods that contribute to the accumulation of gases. Basically, these are foods that are rich in healthy, but difficult to digest fiber, that contain starch, as well as foods that are unusual for the body, which increase gas formation due to a lack of necessary enzymes for digesting new food.

Products that enhance and increase gas formation are as follows:

  • legumes (asparagus, beans, peas, lentils);
  • cabbage, especially white cabbage;
  • vegetables and fruits that did not pass heat treatment(corn, turnips, potatoes, garlic, radishes; apples, peaches, pears, prunes, grapes);
  • carbonated drinks;
  • flour products rich in yeast, rye bread and bran, eating black bread also has a bad effect;
  • milk (especially people with low amounts of the lactase enzyme will have to give up milk);
  • eggs;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • chewing candies and chewing gum.

Such gas-forming products are not always bad for the human body, but if you have a tendency to flatulence, then they increase the likelihood of this. In this case, from products causing accumulation gases, you will have to refuse or reduce their consumption to a minimum.

Wrong food combination

Sometimes products that normally do not form an accumulation of gases can give such an effect due to the incompatibility of some components with others. And then, in combination with each other, the products are gas-forming.

The list of such combinations is as follows:

  • eating flour and kefir at the same time;
  • combination of eggs and fish in one dish;
  • consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables with thermally processed ones;
  • combination of dairy and fermented milk products.

Knowing what foods cause gas if consumed incorrectly, you can build your diet so that similar foods are not encountered at one meal. This will help a person normalize the functioning of his body.

What foods will not cause gas?

Heat-treated vegetables do not cause gas formation.

To adjust your diet, you need to replace the above foods with those that do not cause gas or even reduce it.

The list of such products is as follows:

  • rice and buckwheat;
  • chicken meat, turkey meat;
  • cod;
  • fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, only fresh, non-fat ones are allowed, hard cheese is allowed);
  • boiled beets, carrots and other heat-treated vegetables;
  • wheat bread;
  • steamed egg omelet;
  • vegetable oils;
  • not strong teas and herbal teas to improve digestion.

Spices that reduce gas formation will come in handy in any dish. Therefore, try to add cumin, fennel, dill, marjoram, and ginger more often.

These are not only products that reduce gas formation, but also substances that relieve inflammation and abdominal pain.

What to do if you have increased gas formation?

If you are faced with a similar problem, then first review your diet and remove gas-forming foods from it.

  1. Food should be chewed thoroughly and eaten in small pieces.
  2. Snacking on the go is strictly prohibited.
  3. You should not drink large amounts of water with your food, as this will dilute it. gastric juice. Take a small sip if necessary.
  4. Observing drinking regime(up to 2 liters of clean water per day), remember that you should not drink water 20 minutes before meals and 20 minutes after.
  5. Leave the consumption of protein foods in the morning, in the evening only easily digestible foods.
  6. Try to eat at the table in a comfortable position, do not talk much while eating.
  7. If possible, give preference to boiled and steamed dishes, and avoid fried ones.
  8. Do not drink drinks through a straw.
  9. Do not overeat - the optimal portion for one meal is 300 grams.
  10. Don't overeat before bed.

Once you know which foods to avoid, you can start keeping a diary. Eat healthy foods, and sometimes add foods to your diet that cause gas. Record your body's reaction to them. This way you can set your individual diet. After all, maybe cabbage won’t cause bloating for you, while for someone else it will cause flatulence.

Remember that the health of your body depends entirely on you. If you succumb to temptation too often, then do not be surprised by belching, flatulence and abdominal pain.

It is best to stick to a diet and consume gas-forming foods extremely rarely.

Flatulence, or bloating, usually accompanies poor functionality of the pancreas and biliary system. In this case, not enough enzymes are released for active digestion of food in thin section intestines.

Poorly digested food irritates and begins to ferment. This is where all the unpleasant sensations that bother the patient come from. Therefore, patients are recommended to take various medications or folk remedies aimed at eliminating the problem. It is also extremely important to monitor your diet and eat foods that reduce gas formation.

Products that increase gas formation

Nutrition is the first and most common cause of flatulence. Normally, our intestines produce about 1.5 liters of gases per day. And there is no escape from this. They have to be released. But you’ve probably noticed more than once that after certain foods, gas formation increases significantly, for example, if you eat.

There are a number of products that not every person can digest. And this undigested food enters the intestines. There is a huge number of hungry microorganisms that attack it and begin to use it as own source nutrition. The result of this is an excessive concentration of gases in the intestines.

In addition to legumes there are a whole series products that everyone has to one degree or another individual person can trigger this process:

  1. Food that enhances fermentation. This is beer, carbonated sweet drinks, kvass, milk.
  2. Products that initially have a lot of coarse fiber, dietary fiber, irritate the intestines, are used by microflora for increased gas formation. This is cabbage and a number of other similar products.

In order not to limit your diet and consume all products, it is recommended to use heat treatment during their preparation, as well as add ginger, coriander, rosemary, and bay leaf. They reduce gas formation and provide it with a quiet, unnoticeable release.

Other causes of gas formation

For a person accustomed to using chewing gum, the effect of flatulence often occurs. Especially if you do it on an empty stomach. Our microflora really likes sorbitol, which is contained in chewing gum. And it processes it, releasing quite a lot of gas. In addition, when chewing gum, a person, as a rule, is talking at this moment, as a result of which air is swallowed.

Stress can cause increased gas formation. Our brain is connected to the intestines, which react to emotional shock with spasms and slowdown of activity. The microflora has more time and food, and it takes full advantage of its chance.

A sedentary lifestyle often leads to problems with increased gas formation. Office workers and housewives are at risk. The fact is that when we move little, our intestines become lazy. The blood flow to it is reduced, metabolic and digestive processes slow down, and the pressure inside the abdomen, that is, intestinal tone, decreases.

Sometimes flatulence can be a symptom of a dangerous disease:

Powders from plant materials

Patients with chronic form To relieve flatulence, it is very useful to take a level teaspoon of psyllium seed powder with each meal. This remedy removes poisons and toxins from the intestines very well, neutralizes gases, and cleanses the blood.

It can be replaced with crushed fennel seeds, which have similar properties. In addition, they use powder from wild carrot seeds, elecampane root with honey, and angelica or medicinal roots.

Any person suffering from such sensitive issue, like flatulence, makes every effort to get rid of it. In cases where it is not caused by pathologies digestive organs, but arose as a result of nutritional errors in nutrition, this is quite simple to do. It is only necessary to identify with the greatest accuracy which foods do not cause gas formation in the intestines, and based on them, make daily menu. With the help of such adjustments to products, you can not only prevent the appearance negative symptoms, but also to reduce existing dysfunctional gas symptoms.

Foods for gas metabolism disorders

Get rid of bloating if it is caused by nutritional reasons, perhaps without even resorting to drug therapy, but just adding to daily diet a specific list of products. You can always get a list of them from a gastroenterologist, but here we will discuss only a few of them:

  • Bananas, fruits that people who want to lose weight are prejudiced against, can not only be eaten during flatulence, but also necessary. They provide beneficial influence and eliminate bloating thanks to high content potassium They also effectively help with constipation, which is always accompanied by swelling. This list of foods that effectively help with gas retention in the intestines includes fruits such as oranges, kiwi, avocados, and pistachios.
  • Asparagus, a vegetable that reduces the level of gas mixture and liquid in the intestines, prevents the development of flatulence and bloating. It not only relieves the feeling of increased gas formation and associated discomfort, but also contains prebiotics that promote direct growth beneficial bacteria. And this, in turn, is an important factor for reducing or completely preventing the release of a gas mixture and normalizing the balance in the digestive system, allowing to avoid gas discomfort.
  • Fennel seeds are also beneficial for the digestive tract. They contain certain substance, which relieves spasms from the intestinal walls, which allows naturally release accumulated gases and reduce bloating syndrome.
  • It is also worth paying attention to yogurt with probiotics (colonies of beneficial bacteria that help regulate the digestive process and improve the health of the entire gastrointestinal tract). Thanks to the action of probiotics, increased gas formation in the intestines is very effectively eliminated.
  • An excellent remedy for colds is ginger. But few people know that this root is a good remedy for bloating. This one is tied therapeutic effect containing an enzyme that adsorbs proteins, which leads to a decrease in the production of gases caused by their poor breakdown, as well as the prevention of bloating.
  • Among drinks for this purpose, it is recommended to use chamomile tea, bay leaf and mint, which has the relaxing effect inherent in these plants. Experts also recommend adding fresh young dill to all dishes in which this is possible. It’s good to eat it separately, so to speak, as a bite, with a piece of bread, or drink it after a meal dill water, which is easy enough to prepare yourself, rather than having to go to a herbal pharmacy to get it.

Diet that saves you from gas dysfunction

First of all, to create a daily menu that eliminates increased gas formation, foods that cause metabolic disorders in the intestines must be excluded from the diet. Next, an approximate list of dishes is compiled that contain a set of products that can prevent gas dysfunction in the digestive organs.

It's worth paying attention to the drinks. Sweet sodas, kvass and beer should be completely excluded from the daily diet. Although they themselves do not provoke excessive production of a gas mixture in the intestines, they do contain an excess amount of gas that lingers in the intestines and causes bloating in a person.

It’s worth remembering the “beer belly” that is always present among lovers of this foamy drink. And now in more detail about what should be included in the daily diet to save a person from flatulence:

  • Buckwheat and rice cereals are the best foods that effectively help against bloating. They have a positive effect on the functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract due to the fact that they are easily digested.
  • Vegetables are necessary for any person, but with this intestinal dysfunction, eating them in fresh not recommended, so heat treatment should be used. The permitted method of preparation is boiling in water or steaming. You can also bake them or cook them in a slow cooker.
  • Meat or fish must be selected only lean varieties. This is due to the fact that fats provoke constipation, and, accordingly, increased gas formation and flatulence. Dishes from them are also prepared by baking or boiling. It is these cooking methods that allow you to avoid metabolic disorders in the intestines and the associated increase in gas formation.
  • For people suffering from this pathology, only yeast-free bread is suitable; it is best if it is wheat, but not fresh, but yesterday’s baked bread. Only a diet that uses products that reduce gas formation can stop flatulence caused by increased gas production after eating.

Food rules for the diet for flatulence

In order to prevent the emergence of a delicate problem that always causes embarrassment for a person, you should listen to some recommendations from gastroenterologists regarding menu planning. This pathological dysfunction, which occurs in the intestines and brings great discomfort to a person, does not involve eating only light soups and cereals.

The choice of foods that a person suffering from flatulence is allowed to eat is quite large, so it is not difficult to create a complete and tasty menu from them:

  • vegetables, with the exception of those prohibited for consumption by the attending physician, can be prepared not only boiled or pureed, but also casseroles or stews with the addition of lean meat and fish;
  • eggs make an excellent steamed omelet, which can also include any permitted meat or fish products, as well as vegetables;
  • Cereals, rice and buckwheat are prepared not only in the form of liquid porridges or side dishes, but also in meatballs or casseroles.

With a little imagination, you can ensure that the daily menu of a person prone to flatulence due to nutritional disorders in food becomes not only beneficial for the intestines thanks to products that prevent an increase in the process of gas formation, but also tasty. The main thing is not to allow it to get on the table even occasionally.

During the digestion process, food undergoes mechanical and chemical treatment, which helps break down complex compounds into simpler ones so that they are absorbed into the intestines and used by the body for its needs. During food processing, gases are formed. Their presence in the intestines is normal.

After all, their participation is necessary in the digestion process. In an adult digestive tract there is about one liter of different gases. If the intestines function normally, then the gases formed do not stay in it for a long time, but are evenly released. Disruption of the digestive system leads to an increase in the amount of gases, which causes discomfort to a person.

Why do some foods cause gas?

The reason for this unpleasant phenomenon many factors may serve, in particular, some products that promote gas formation with high content starch, carbohydrates and sugar. Enzymes are needed to break them down into simple compounds. If there are not enough of them, then food is poorly digested, which slows down its passage from the stomach to the intestines, causing a feeling of bloating after eating. Leftover food that has not had time to digest ends up in the large intestine and creates a favorable environment for bacteria. Bacteria, when feeding, release a lot of carbon dioxide, causing bloating and abdominal distension.

In addition to bacteria, some products are also capable of producing gases. These include apples, which, when they begin to ferment, release gases. Fermentation can be caused by some drinks. The same thing happens when fresh bread, buns and biscuits enter the stomach.

What foods cause gas in the intestines?

The list of foods that cause gas formation in the stomach is quite wide. It not only pea soup, known to everyone for his negative consequences. For many people, the following foods become carminative:

Without exception, all legumes. They contain insoluble plant fiber and complex sugars, so they are poorly digested in the stomach. Eating them can lead to unwanted increased gas formation in the intestines. But this is not a reason to refuse them, because they are beneficial. Exit to in this case Pre-soaking the legumes overnight before cooking may be a good idea.

In addition, you can use a little trick by adding a pinch of soda to the soaking water, which helps break down complex sugars. Bean seeds must be washed before cooking. Nutritionists recommend diversifying your diet with legume dishes to allow the stomach to get used to such food and “teach” it to digest it. This will eliminate the excess formation of gaseous substances in the future.

Some vegetables. The amount of gas begins to increase after eating the following vegetables:

  • white cabbage;
  • radish and radish;
  • potatoes;
  • onions and garlic.

IN white cabbage there is a lot of plant fiber, there are a lot of organic acids in it, all together they increase the activity of intestinal motility, but this irritates the intestinal walls, which leads to an increase in gaseous substances released by bacteria. Boiled cabbage has a gentle effect on the stomach, unlike raw vegetable. For passionate cabbage lovers, nutritionists recommend preparing first courses from it. Those who adhere to a raw food diet should keep in mind that broccoli salad - good alternative white cabbage salad.

Radishes and radishes contain an excess of sulfur; in addition, like all vegetables, they are rich in fiber and contain too much indigestible fiber. Therefore, in order not to experience discomfort It’s better not to eat them very often, but you shouldn’t give up these vegetables completely. The vitamins and microelements contained in them contribute to good digestion, normal operation heart and strengthening the immune system.

Potatoes are a starchy food that contains an abundance of fiber. Elements such as starch and fiber in combination have an astringent effect, due to which contractions of the intestinal walls are disrupted, which leads to the formation of gases. But there is no such thing as excessive flatulence from potatoes, so by eating a little of it you don’t have to worry that at the most inopportune moment you’ll feel a churning sensation in your stomach.

Onions and garlic are included in the list of products that increase gas formation because they contain a lot of sulfur-containing compounds and extractives. But very little of them are added to dishes, so they cannot cause abdominal distension.

Berries and fruits. Many people consider them not food, but tasty and healthy treat. But in order not to encounter the problem of bloating, you need to be careful with some of them, in particular with:

  • grapes;
  • gooseberries;
  • pears and apples;
  • cherries and sweet cherries;
  • peaches and dried apricots;
  • pineapple

All the above-mentioned berries and fruits contain fructose, sucrose and acids, fermentative. Many people have more than once encountered the problem of fermentative dyspepsia. It is expressed by a complex of symptoms: heaviness, pain in the lower abdomen and frequent loose stools. This is caused by excessive consumption of fruits from the above assortment. But you shouldn’t completely indulge yourself in such delicacies, because they are suppliers of many vitamins for the body that help activate immune cells. Nutritionists recommend drinking fruit juices. They are easier to digest and do not fill the stomach.

Milk and products made from it. They contain a lot of lactose, which is difficult for the intestines to digest, which contributes to the formation of gases that literally bloat the stomach. However, only people with a deficiency of the enzyme that helps break down complex dairy products should completely give up dairy products. milk sugar(lactose) into monosaccharides (glucose and fructose). The rest should refuse healthy food, not worth it. Any dairy product rich in calcium, vitamins and amino acids. All of them improve digestion. To reduce gas formation from milk, nutritionists recommend consuming it in small portions.

Bakery products, especially freshly baked ones. They contain yeast, which aggravates the fermentation process of undigested food. Yeast produces more carbon dioxide during fermentation than stomach bacteria. This may explain why, when reducing consumption bakery products or excluding them from the diet, many feel better.

The right combination of products is the key to good health

Those who are prone to flatulence should keep in mind that products that are initially harmless in this regard can aggravate this condition if they are not combined correctly. So a problem may arise when mixing some vegetables and fruits, for example, if you cook milkshake with cherries or add sour fruit to porridge. By the way, sometimes the culprit of bloating, of course, not directly, but indirectly can be fried and fatty food. By itself, it does not increase the formation of gases. But if you eat it excessively, it does not leave the stomach longer, weakening intestinal motility, so gases accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract.

By the way, some products that provoke gas formation in the intestines begin to be harmful under certain circumstances, for example, this can happen with:

  • bell peppers, zucchini and cucumbers, if you do not season the salad prepared from them with anything;
  • meat, fish, eggs and mushrooms eaten immediately before bed;
  • spices, if you wash down dishes seasoned with them generously;
  • with any food that is not the first freshness.

Same menu, but different consequences

The effect on the human body of any products that increase gas formation
individually, as our digestive system quite complicated. Therefore, it is impossible to predict how the body will react in a particular case to any product. You just need to be more careful about your health, trying to limit the use of products that cause gas in your diet.

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