What kind of kindergartens are there? Kindergartens in JSC

With the birth of a child, parents are forced to make many decisions every day regarding not only their lives, but also the life of their baby. And these decisions are sometimes very important and responsible, in particular in relation to kindergarten. And if our mothers only had to decide whether to send their children to kindergarten or raise them at home, today’s parents have to make a more difficult choice. Today, many kindergartens of different directions are opening, so it is important to understand what each type of kindergarten gives the child, and also take into account all their advantages and disadvantages.

So, according to the form of ownership, the following types of kindergartens are distinguished:

Municipal kindergarten

The advantages include a convenient location - after all, this is a kindergarten at the place of residence. But there are also disadvantages: a large number of children in groups, and therefore there may be an insufficient number of toys and general comfort.

Departmental kindergarten

Such kindergartens are opened for children of specific organizations. There is no such overcrowding as in municipal gardens. But even employees of departmental organizations have to pay for the services of these preschool institutions, and for people “from the outside” the tuition fees are even higher.

Home kindergarten

There are few children in such kindergartens, the atmosphere is homely and friendly, each child is given maximum attention. However, due to the insufficient development of the legal framework in this area, some difficulties may arise. In addition, most often teachers do not have proper pedagogical education.

Private kindergarten

Private kindergartens are the most well-equipped and comfortable, there are usually few children in groups, and many additional sections are organized. The only negative is that the services of such an institution are always paid.

If you have already decided that you will go to private kindergarten, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the prices and characteristics kindergartens your area:

But it’s not enough to choose a comfortable kindergarten with small groups and competent teachers. It is important to decide on the focus of the kindergarten your child will attend. According to areas of activity, gardens are divided into:

Classic kindergarten

It does not have a special focus, attention is paid to general education, etiquette, and the basics of physical development. Of course, the child receives a wide range of knowledge and skills, but the standardization of education practically nullifies the development of the child’s personal abilities.

Kindergarten with a focus on studying a specific subject

More time is devoted to a specific subject, for example, a foreign language, drawing, physical education.

Health kindergarten

Particular attention is paid to health procedures (massage, gymnastics, exercise therapy). Designed for children with severe and chronic illnesses.

Combined garden

In such kindergartens, groups have been created for in-depth study of various subjects for healthy children, and separate groups for children with diseases. Such institutions employ a speech therapist and a psychologist. Visiting such gardens develops in children a sense of compassion for the sick, and for disabled children, being in combined gardens helps them better adapt to the environment and develop faster.

Of course, it is quite difficult to immediately understand all the diversity of preschool educational institutions. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider what kind of education program you want for your child, and based on this, choose a kindergarten from those available in your area.

An educational institution for preschool children (usually from 3 to 7 years old), in the Russian Federation one of the types of preschool institutions

The kindergarten system is designed both for the initial socialization of children, teaching them communication skills with peers, and for a massive, publicly accessible solution to the problem of their parents’ employment (for which the opening hours of a kindergarten in most cases coincide with the typical work schedule of most professions: from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. hours five days a week). The kindergarten system also provides minimal preparation for children to study at school - at the level of primary reading, writing and arithmetic skills.

Kindergartens can be state, municipal and private. Visiting them in Russia is not mandatory for children.

What types of kindergartens are there?

Firstly, municipal, that is, district. They come in two types: gardens and nurseries. The latter accept children starting from 1.5 years old, and kindergartens - from 3 years old, although there are exceptions when children are accepted only from 4-5 years old. Today there are quite a few nurseries left, so placing a child under 3 years old in a decent nursery is very problematic. There are usually 15 children in the “malyshovka” group, 20 in the middle group, and 25 in the senior group. This refers to the average number of children in the group, but approximately half actually attend kindergarten. In addition, municipal gardens can be divided into those in which the payment is 84 rubles and those in which the payment is from 500-1000 rubles. per month, including additional classes. True, in those kindergartens where the payment is only 84 rubles, parents have to pay for additional classes, usually in the amount of 100 rubles. per month for each item, and also periodically shell out 200-300 rubles. to buy toys for children and gifts for kindergarten staff. In addition, many of these types of institutions require an application fee, which ranges from $100 to $1,000.

Municipal kindergartens are engaged in one of the educational programs of preschool education. Classes in the program must necessarily include: acquaintance with the surrounding world (with objects in the immediate environment, nature, life phenomena); games (role-playing, active, didactic); speech development (replenishment of vocabulary, learning correct pronunciation, word agreement, oral storytelling); acquaintance with fiction (retelling what you read, reading, memorizing); familiarization with elementary mathematical concepts; teaching the basics of fine arts (drawing, modeling, appliqué, designing); musical classes (listening to music, singing, musical-rhythmic movements); physical education classes.

Municipal kindergartens are the gardens of our childhood. A lot depends on the manager. Under equal conditions, some gardens are known throughout the region and everyone strives to get into them. In the state kindergarten there is a “general education program”. The activities of the kindergarten are strictly controlled by a higher authority (department, education department). Some gardens provide additional paid services, which you have the right to refuse.

Advantages of a municipal kindergarten:

  • Low cost, existence of preferential categories (single mother, mother of many children, widow, educators, etc.).
  • Close to home. Doctors do not recommend taking your child to kindergarten if the journey takes more than 20 minutes.

Disadvantages of a municipal kindergarten:

  • Groups are too full (25 - 30 people).
  • The quality of supervision, care and activities suffers when the occupancy is high.
  • The garden does not always have highly qualified specialists and the required number of specialists due to low wages.
  • Lack of any delicacies in the diet. If a child does not like a certain dish, he may remain hungry until the next meal.
  • “The absence or low availability of good teaching aids, games, equipment, etc. in the kindergarten.

Choosing a municipal kindergarten:

  • It is better to enroll in a kindergarten in advance and in several at once, especially if you live in a new area. In new areas, it is better to do this immediately after the birth of the child, otherwise you risk not getting anywhere at all.
  • Find out how the kindergarten of your choice adapts children who have never attended kindergarten before.
  • Find out the kindergarten's operating hours. All state kindergartens are 12-hour, 14-hour or 24-hour (five-day). There is a short stay regime. If educators require parents to pick up their child at 5 p.m., this is their personal initiative, to which they have no right. The so-called “short days” are also a violation of the law; the kindergarten must work the same on all working days.
  • Pay attention to the number of children in the group and the number of teachers. According to the Standard Regulations on Preschool Education, there should be no more than 20 children in a group, two teachers - one in the first shift and one in the second, as well as a nanny. In municipal gardens, violations of this provision are often encountered.

The second type of gardens is departmental. In them, children are already divided into two groups: those children whose stay there is paid for by the enterprise where one of the parents works, and those children whose parents independently pay for the child’s stay at the rates established by the institution. The cost ranges from 500 to 5-6 thousand rubles per month. Sometimes moms and dads are charged an entry fee. Traditionally, in departmental kindergartens the living conditions for children are better than in municipal ones, as well as better nutrition, fewer children in the group, and more additional activities. Of course, there are exceptions to the general rule: it all depends on how rich a particular department is. For example, the kindergarten system of the Academy of Sciences includes different kindergartens: some of them have additional classes, others have a swimming pool, and some have none of this. Nevertheless, the advantage of all kindergartens of this system is the small number of children in the group - 10-12 people.

Departmental kindergartens are not directly controlled by educational authorities; their programs and procedures are determined by those enterprises and organizations in whose department the kindergarten is located. Such kindergartens are more expensive, but for the children of company employees the price is significantly lower. There are few departmental gardens now, and their number is decreasing, because... Not every organization can afford the luxury of running a kindergarten.

Advantages of a departmental kindergarten:

  • A relatively small (compared to a municipal kindergarten) number of children in the group.
  • Better living conditions for children (compared to municipal kindergartens).
  • More varied menu.
  • Better technical and material support.

Disadvantages of a departmental kindergarten:

  • Such a garden is not always located next to the house.
  • Quite a high payment (from two thousand rubles per month).
  • There may be difficulties with enrolling children from outside.

Choosing a departmental kindergarten:

  • Check to see if the garden is state certified and licensed.
  • Pay attention to how well the social base of the enterprise in whose department the garden is located is provided.

The third option for preschool is private kindergartens. They are owned by one or more private individuals. Accordingly, their level depends on the organizational abilities of those to whom they belong. Some of the private kindergartens are created on the basis of state ones, that is, they are located in the same building, but provide a larger range of services. Others occupy a separate building and work with children according to their own program.

Private gardens- an ideal option in the absence of financial difficulties. They usually work until 20:00 - 21:00 or around the clock. Private gardens have a very intensive and rich development program. Private gardens, as a rule, are well equipped with games, toys, teaching materials, visual aids, etc. Private gardens do not allow themselves to hire low-skilled specialists. Control over the work of non-state preschool educational institutions is carried out through licensing, accreditation, certification of programs and certification of teachers.

Advantages of a private kindergarten:

  • A small number of children in the group (from 5 to 10 people) - each child receives enough attention.
  • Varied and tasty food (an individual menu for your child is possible).
  • An individual approach to children, which makes it possible to maximize their abilities. Each group has several educators; the children’s development and health are monitored by speech therapists, psychologists, speech pathologists, doctors, etc.
  • Parents have the right to influence the educational process - for example, through the board of trustees. In particular, they can inspect the kitchen, attend classes, etc.
  • Many private kindergartens operate on the "kindergarten - school" system.

Disadvantages of a private kindergarten:

  • High cost (from 350 euros per month). If your child is ill for the paid month, not every private kindergarten will return your money.
  • A private garden is not always located next to the house.
  • Sometimes the desire to please parents at their own expense harms the educational process.

Choosing a private kindergarten:

  • Pay attention to the proximity of the kindergarten to the house; some kindergartens provide transportation of children to the institution and back.
  • Read the license for educational activities, the Charter of the institution and the agreement. Find out if the kindergarten has a document for the area it currently occupies. The contract must contain the range of services provided, terms of payment and the regime of the child’s stay in kindergarten. All rights and obligations of the parties must be specified in detail and included in the contract.
  • Check out the menu. Inspect the premises, toys, walking area, pay attention to the communication between teachers and children.
  • Find out about the program and methods used in the kindergarten. Find out which school the kindergarten is aimed at - private or general education.
  • You can ask questions about the education and qualifications of garden workers. In a good garden they will proudly tell you about their employees and show you their diplomas.
  • Find out the working hours of the doctor and nurse.
  • Pay attention to the period of operation of a kindergarten: five years is already a significant period in our time.

Now about suburban preschool institutions: the child stays there from Monday to Friday. Children are delivered centrally by bus on Monday and Friday from various metro stations. Such gardens can be departmental or private; the price of staying in them ranges from 200 to 500 dollars per month. There are always additional classes here, there is usually a swimming pool, and most importantly, the kids are in the fresh air all day long.

A separate conversation is home gardens. Most parents have a very skeptical attitude towards them. Their cost is very high, starting from $250, and the conditions of stay leave much to be desired. Judge for yourself: classes for children in all subjects are taught by the same person, who also prepares food for them. If products in state, departmental and even private kindergartens undergo strict control, in this case there is none at all. The only advantage of such a kindergarten is the small number of children in the group - about 5 people.

Home kindergarten (family kindergarten)- a type of private kindergarten. Usually it is kept in their apartment by a married couple or the founders rent a room in which there is a playroom and a bedroom. A teacher, nanny, cook, teachers are invited, or the owner of the family kindergarten does everything herself.

Advantages of home kindergarten:

  • The living conditions for children are close to those at home.
  • Small number of children (3 - 10 people).
  • Individual approach to training, education and nutrition of each child.

Disadvantages of home kindergarten:

  • Quite a high fee.
  • Possible problems with lack of equipment or premises.

The rules for choosing a kindergarten are the same as when choosing any private kindergarten. And finally - specialized kindergartens. They are intended for children with various disabilities: speech, vision, hearing, and mental retardation. However, if in Soviet times parents tried to stay away from such kindergartens unless there was special evidence for it, now, on the contrary, by hook or by crook they are trying to place their children in such institutions. This fact is easily explained: specialized kindergartens cost the same as municipal ones (84 rubles), but the number of children in the group is very small - 10-12 people. Accordingly, more attention is paid to them, and in addition, the services of a speech therapist are now very expensive (about 100 rubles per hour), and for many parents, a speech therapy kindergarten is the only opportunity to provide their child with such classes.

Modern young parents have to keep up with everything, and as soon as the baby turns 3 years old, an active search for a kindergarten begins. Of course, you want to choose the best conditions for your child, where he will be safe and under the supervision of caring educators, but how to make the right choice? When looking for a kindergarten, you have to take into account not only the location of the preschool institution, but also its specifics, since in kindergarten the child learns to communicate with other children, develops, and gains new knowledge and emotions.

Types of kindergartens

In the fulledu.ru catalog we have collected kindergartens of all directions and types. You can quickly find the item you are interested in using simple navigation.

Moscow kindergartens are divided into several categories:

  • State kindergarten;
  • Combined kindergartens;
  • Kindergartens of compensatory type;
  • General developmental kindergartens;
  • Kindergartens for supervision and health improvement;
  • Kindergartens with primary school;
  • Kindergartens with an artistic and aesthetic bias;
  • Kindergartens with an ethnocultural component of education;
  • Children's centers and clubs;
  • Pro-gymnasiums;
  • Nursery.

State kindergarten is the most common and familiar type of preschool educational institution, where care, education, health improvement and education of children are provided. Kindergartens may differ in educational programs.

A combined kindergarten includes groups of different directions and combinations: health-improving, general developmental, compensatory, etc.

Moscow kindergartens of a compensatory type are designed to educate and educate children with various pathologies. Children with mental development disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, tuberculosis intoxication, hearing and speech dysfunctions, visual impairments and other chronic diseases can study here. In compensatory kindergartens, only specially trained, highly qualified employees with medical education work. Children with developmental disabilities are provided with special conditions: massage rooms, swimming pools, special exercise equipment, saunas, dietary meals, and small groups are created. Children's institutions of this type provide not only treatment, but also education. Doctors simultaneously raise, teach and treat children according to a specially developed program. As a rule, kindergartens operate counseling centers where parents can contact and receive advice or advice. To assign a child to a compensatory kindergarten, it is necessary to undergo an examination, provide a referral from a pediatrician and all related certificates.

General developmental kindergartens focus on a certain direction in the child’s development: intellectual, physical, artistic and aesthetic.

Moscow kindergartens for supervision and health improvement work with an emphasis on preventive, sanitary and hygienic, health procedures and activities.

Kindergartens with primary schools involve the enrollment of children aged 6 years and older in preparation for entering school. Here children are introduced to basic subjects, knowledge and skills that will be useful to them in 1st grade. Children who attend kindergartens with primary schools are easier to integrate into the educational process.

Kindergartens with an artistic and aesthetic bias help to develop creative talents in a child, cultivate aesthetic taste and a sense of beauty. Here children are engaged in drawing, modeling, learning poetry, participating in performances, singing songs and engaging in other types of arts.

Kindergartens with an ethnocultural component of education teach children tolerance, tolerance, and respect for all cultural traditions. Educators instill in children high moral principles that reject the idea of ​​national exclusivity and chosenness. Kids in these kindergartens learn to be friends and share with other people, regardless of their nationality, skin color or eye shape. In addition, children learn the history, culture and traditions of other countries, which has a positive impact on their education.

Children's centers and clubs are specialized educational institutions for children, which include an art studio, a children's theater, a computer class, a swimming pool, playgrounds, a fitness center and much more. The Child Development Center takes an integrated approach. Children receive psychological, physical, intellectual, artistic and aesthetic education.

Gymnasiums prepare children for school. They educate children of primary school and preschool age. In the pro-gymnasium, children are introduced to the basics of subjects required for primary school (Russian, mathematics, English). The educational program of the pro-gymnasium includes subjects on aesthetic education that contribute to the harmonious development of the individual.

In pro-gymnasiums they devote a lot of time to music and choreography, drawing and modeling, rhetoric and rhythm, swimming, and outdoor games. When choosing a gymnasium, parents should study the list of subjects taught so that the child is fully prepared for school. In pro-gymnasiums, lessons are held in a playful, easy way, thanks to which children better absorb knowledge.

Studying in a pre-gymnasium allows you to well prepare a child for studying at school, maintaining discipline, the need to do homework and fulfill certain requirements. After comprehensive preparation, it will be much easier for the child to adapt to school.

A nursery is a children's educational institution for the youngest.

Types of kindergartens by type of ownership

Moscow kindergartens are divided into different types, depending on the form of ownership. There are several main types of kindergartens:

  • Municipal;
  • Departmental;
  • Pets;
  • Private.

Municipal kindergartens are the most accessible and inexpensive type of preschool institutions managed by the Department of Education. There are many such gardens; they are usually located close to home and work according to the chosen educational program. The disadvantages of municipal kindergartens include a large number of children in groups, constant queues and lengthy registrations for those wishing to enter the kindergarten.

The compulsory program of a municipal preschool institution includes: the basics of fine arts (modeling, drawing, design, appliqué), music classes (singing, listening to musical compositions, musical rhythmic movements), correct speech (learning new words, correct pronunciation, development of diction) , studying fiction, getting to know natural phenomena and the environment, playing games, doing physical education, learning the basics of mathematics.

Departmental kindergartens are subordinate to a specific department, for example, a factory, plant, enterprise. The advantages of departmental kindergartens: fewer children in groups, higher quality food, equipment, and environment. The downside is the high cost of services.

Home kindergartens are a relatively new and still rare species. Home kindergartens are located in an apartment, a private house, or a rented building. As a rule, 3-5 children are recruited into a group in order to provide each child with maximum attention. The cost of the service is set by the owner of the establishment. If you want to send your child to a home kindergarten, then first inquire about the qualifications of the teacher, the availability of the necessary furniture, and conditions for the child to play and relax.

Private kindergartens in Moscow are the property of one or more people. The level of services provided depends only on the capabilities and abilities of the owner. There are private kindergartens created on the basis of public ones and located in the same building, but at the same time they provide a wider range of services. The majority of private institutions are located in their own building and operate according to an individual program.

A private kindergarten is an ideal option for those who do not experience financial difficulties. It usually runs longer than regular daycares and provides a very fun and interesting development program for children. Private gardens are often well stocked. There is everything for a child here: tasty, healthy food, toys, educational materials, manuals and books, swimming pools, children's sports equipment, musical instruments and much more. The cost of the kindergarten will depend on its equipment, the number of services provided, location, quality of food and other factors. Another significant advantage of private child care institutions is highly qualified staff. Owners of private kindergartens try to hire only experienced, talented teachers with appropriate education. Since private gardens are completely dependent on their clients, they care about their reputation.

If you are looking for the best kindergarten for your child, then use our catalog. It contains all types of kindergartens from different districts of the city, district and region. Here you can find the nearest municipal garden on the map or find the address of a private kindergarten.

Kindergartens in our database are sorted into the following categories: new, rated, reviews, alphabetically. We invite you to read the opinions of people who have encountered kindergartens in Moscow and the Moscow region. The catalog contains more than 5,000 preschool institutions. Using a simple and understandable navigator, you can easily find the most suitable option.

If you choose a departmental kindergarten for your child, then you should understand that such kindergartens are not directly controlled by the Ministry of Education. In departmental kindergartens, programs and procedures are determined by enterprises, organizations and companies in whose department this preschool children's institution is located.

Keeping your child in a departmental kindergarten will cost you more. However, there are significant discounts for children of employees of an enterprise (organization, company). Today there are few such kindergartens and their number continues to decline.

Advantages of a departmental kindergarten

The first advantage is the small number of children in the group. Secondly, the conditions for children to stay in a group are better than in state preschool educational institutions. Another advantage is that the menu in such kindergartens is better thought out. The disadvantages of such kindergartens are quite high fees and great difficulties in enrolling children whose parents are not employees of this enterprise or organization.

When choosing a departmental kindergarten, consider the following points. First, check the availability of all documents - license and state certification. Secondly, pay close attention to how well the social base of the enterprise (organization, company) is provided, which runs the kindergarten, and how rich this company (enterprise) is. If these two conditions are not met, then there is a big risk of paying for low-quality preschool education and upbringing.

The ideal option, if you have money, is a private kindergarten. Such kindergartens are open until 20:00 or 21:00, or even around the clock. A special place in such kindergartens is given to the development program; it is very intensive and eventful.

In private kindergartens, children do not lack toys and visual aids. Children are taken for a walk not only to the equipped playground, but also to the forested area. The work of these kindergartens is controlled through licensing, accreditation, certification of teaching staff and certification of programs.

Advantages of private kindergartens

There are a small number of children in groups of 10-12 kids. As a result of the small number of children in the group, children receive more attention from teachers. In such kindergartens, an individual approach to each child is provided to a greater extent, and the child’s adaptation to kindergarten is easier. The food is varied and tasty. Not only educators work with children, but also pediatricians, speech therapists, psychologists and sometimes even teachers.

When choosing a private kindergarten, pay attention to the fact that it is close to home. The journey to the kindergarten should not take more than 30 minutes. Be sure to check the availability of documents - license, charter, contract. Pay attention to those clauses of the contract that talk about the cost of a child’s stay in kindergarten.

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