What should be the menstrual cycle. How many days does a menstrual cycle last. How to calculate the cycle of menstruation

You probably know quite a lot about your menstrual cycle, such as the frequency and intensity of your periods. Here we take a closer look at the female menstrual cycle, ovulation and menstruation. Of course, no website can replace a full consultation with a healthcare professional, however, we will help you get a general idea of ​​​​how this happens.

Understanding your menstrual cycle

The duration of the female cycle is not the same. The most common cycle length is 23 to 35 days. The difference in the duration of the menstrual cycle, as a rule, concerns the period before ovulation (the so-called follicular or follicular phase). For most women, it takes 12 to 16 days from ovulation (when an egg is released from the ovary) to the onset of menstruation (called the luteal phase).

Phases of the menstrual cycle

Menstruation (monthly)

The first day of the menstrual cycle is the first day of menstruation (day 1). Menstruation then lasts 3 to 7 days. Surely, you know that in the presence of menstrual pain, you experience the most severe pain in the first few days of menstruation. This is because your hormones actively promote shedding of the uterine lining that has grown over the previous menstrual cycle.

Preparing for ovulation

At the beginning of your cycle, the pituitary gland, a gland located at the base of the brain, produces follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). It is the main hormone that stimulates the ovaries to produce eggs. Follicles are fluid-filled sacs in the ovaries. Each follicle contains an immature egg. FSH promotes the maturation of a certain number of follicles and the production of the hormone estrogen. On the first day of menstruation, estrogen levels are at their lowest. Then it begins to rise along with the maturation of the follicles.

As the follicles develop, usually one of them becomes "dominant", and the egg matures in this large follicle. At the same time, the growing level of estrogen in the body is responsible for the saturation of the lining of the uterine cavity with nutrients and blood. This is to ensure that, in the event of pregnancy, the fertilized egg has all the nutrients and support it needs to grow. High levels of estrogen also contribute to the formation of mucus, a “sperm-friendly” environment (or, scientifically, cervical (cervical) mucus of the fertile phase). You may have noticed a thin, sticky discharge that may have a cloudy whitish tint. Spermatozoa move more easily through this mucus and survive for several days.

Your body produces hormones that control your menstrual cycle. At the beginning of the cycle, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is an important hormone. An increase in FSH contributes to the maturation of ovarian follicles (fluid-filled vesicles containing one immature egg each) and the beginning of the production of a second hormone, estrogen.

Understanding the ovulation cycle


The level of estrogen in the body rises steadily, and at some point it leads to a sharp increase in the level of luteinizing hormone (ovulatory LH surge). The surge of LH leads to the rupture of the dominant follicle and the release of a mature egg from it, which then enters the fallopian tube. This process is called ovulation.

Many women think that they ovulate on day 14, but 14 days is an average and most women tend to ovulate on a different day of their menstrual cycle. The day of ovulation differs from cycle to cycle. Some women claim to experience a painful spasm during ovulation, but most women feel nothing and ovulate without any symptoms.

The level of estrogen in the body is still rising and at some point it leads to a sharp increase in LH - an LH surge. This surge of LH triggers ovulation, the moment an egg is released from the ovary. Although many women think that ovulation occurs on day 14, the actual day of ovulation depends on the length of the cycle. Some women feel a cramp during ovulation.

After ovulation

Once released, the egg travels down the fallopian tube towards the uterus. Its life cycle is up to 24 hours. The life cycle of a spermatozoon is more variable, however, and, as a rule, is from 3 to 5 days. Thus, the days immediately preceding ovulation and the day of ovulation itself are the most fertile - that's when you have the greatest chance of getting pregnant. Immediately after ovulation, the follicle begins to produce another hormone - progesterone.

Progesterone contributes to the subsequent preparation of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity for the adoption of a fertilized egg. Meanwhile, the empty follicle in the ovary begins to shrink, but continues to produce progesterone and begins to produce estrogen. During this time, you may experience premenstrual tension syndrome (PMS), such as breast tenderness, bloating, drowsiness, depression, and irritability.

Once released, the egg travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus. The egg lives from 12 to 24 hours, but because the sperm lives for several days, the highest fertility and the highest chance of getting pregnant occurs when having unprotected sex on the day of ovulation and the day before. Immediately after ovulation, the destroyed follicle begins to produce another hormone called progesterone.

Preparing for the next period

When an empty follicle shrinks in the event of an unfertilized egg, estrogen and progesterone levels decrease. In the absence of a high level of hormones to maintain the necessary environment, the increased mass of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity begins to exfoliate, and the body gets rid of it. This represents the start of menstruation and the beginning of the next cycle.

When the empty follicle shrinks, if a fertilized egg does not attach to the uterus, your progesterone level drops. The uterus no longer needs to maintain an environment to support the baby, so the body needs to reboot and prepare for the next cycle. Symptoms of premenstrual tension (PMN) will begin to subside. Without a high level of hormones to maintain the necessary environment, the formed lining of the uterus begins to break down, and the body begins to excrete it. This is the start of your period and the next cycle.

In the case of fertilization of the egg and its fixation in the uterus, the empty follicle is supported by an increased level of the pregnancy hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin). The production of estrogen and progesterone continues for a long time until the placenta becomes strong enough to support the developing embryo.

The fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterine cavity. As a rule, this occurs a week after fertilization.

After implantation of the egg, your body begins to produce the pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which will keep the empty follicle active. It will continue to produce estrogen and progesterone to prevent shedding of the uterine lining until the placenta has formed to support the pregnancy and contains all the nutrients the embryo needs.

The menstrual cycle is the amount of time from the first day of menstruation to the start of the next discharge, if jumps are visible in it, then the woman has health problems.

The calculation of the length of menstruation allows you to control your reproductive health

The duration of the menstrual cycle and its regularity indicate how healthy a woman is in the intimate sphere.

Today, not every woman knows how long her monthly cycle lasts. And this is fraught with late detection of pathologies.

What is the length of the cycle and the menses themselves

Given that the body of each woman is special, the normal duration of the menstrual cycle is 21-35 days. In addition, it must be regular. If in one month the cycle was 24 days, and in the other 28, then you need to see a doctor - this is a sign of some kind of deviation.

The cycle can fluctuate by 1-2 days, but no more.

The normal duration of menstruation is 3 to 7 days. It is important to monitor how much blood is released, its amount should not exceed 80 ml.

The length of the monthly cycle is normal - 21-35 days

The division of the period of menstruation into phases

There are two stages into which the monthly cycle is delimited:

  • follicular - time before ovulation;
  • luteal - after its onset.

The first phase can vary greatly in duration, not only for individual women, but even for the same woman. Due to this stage, the duration of the menstrual cycle is determined, and its delays occur.

The length of this period may decrease if there is a rapid maturation of the follicle and increase when it is formed more slowly.

The duration of the luteal phase varies from 14 to 16 days. Fluctuations in the range of 2 days are allowed.

The time of manifestation of this stage can be reduced in the absence of the required amount of the corpus luteum (how much it is required can be found out from the gynecologist). With such a problem, frequent miscarriages are observed in early pregnancy.

The duration of this stage increases in the presence of pregnancy or the formation of a corpus luteum cyst (this is not dangerous and should go away on its own).

Both phases play a very important role when considering the length of the menstrual cycle.

Phases of the menstrual cycle: follicular, luteal and ovulation

Features of calculating the monthly cycle

Before you calculate the duration of the period of menstruation, you must choose what will be used to record. It is recommended to find the most convenient way that will not be lost at the first opportunity. Suitable notebook, notebook, tablet, calendar.

  • 1 day of the beginning of the last menstruation is allocated. For example, December 7th.
  • The date of the beginning of these selections is noted. For example, January 4th.
  • A calculation is being made. 31 (the duration of a given month) - 7 + 4 = 28.

Repeat these calculations every month.

There is a group of girls and women who definitely need to calculate the monthly cycle:

  • girls who have just begun menstruation;
  • women, after 40 years;
  • those who plan to conceive (in this case, it calculates how much time is left before ovulation).

A special calendar is a convenient method for monitoring menstruation

Calculating the duration of the menstrual cycle to conceive a child

If a woman wants to get pregnant, then the monthly period is calculated a little differently.

The most suitable moment for conception is ovulation, under normal conditions, it occurs on the 14-16th day. The duration of this period is only 1 day.

In order to correctly calculate the most favorable time for conceiving a child, you must have data on all menstruation for the last year. Then the longest and shortest cycle is selected. Subtract 11 from the first, and 18 from the second. For example, 25-18=7 and 34-11=23.

These figures mean that the period between 7 and 23 days of the cycle is the most suitable for conception.

It is important to highlight that you should not confuse the duration of the cycle and the duration of menstruation.

Ovulation is the most favorable day for conception

What leads to a violation of the regularity of monthly discharge

It should be noted that it is wrong to calculate the duration of the menstrual cycle in advance, since there are many reasons that can lead to its shift by several days, and sometimes even weeks.

The main reasons that violate the normal duration of the cycle are:

  • disorder in the hormonal background;
  • postpartum period, breastfeeding;
  • adolescence;
  • manifestation of menopause;
  • restoration of the female body after an abortion;
  • acclimatization;
  • sudden weight loss or weight gain;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • taking medications;
  • stressful situations.

Some of the above causes go away on their own, while others need to be treated. And the speed of recovery depends entirely on how long the woman goes to the gynecologist.

If the violation of the cycle occurred once, then do not worry - this is the norm. Our life is unpredictable and full of stressful situations, which can lead to delays or an earlier onset of menstruation.

Sudden weight loss can lead to missed periods

The main symptoms that indicate a failure of the monthly cycle

Today, gynecologists have identified the following signs that confirm the violation of the normal cycle:

  • a large amount of blood is released, it clearly exceeds the norm of 80 ml;
  • very scant discharge;
  • during menstruation, a woman feels severe pain;
  • monthly in one month came several times;
  • the appearance of spotting on average a year after their cessation.

You need to understand that any such symptom is a reason to see a doctor and it absolutely does not matter how long you were there (even if several hours have passed). Health should always occupy the main place, in no case should it be relegated to the background, since this is the key to happiness.

By definition, the menstrual cycle in women is the period from one menstruation to the next. The changes that occur in the body of women are cyclical.

The duration of the first menstrual cycles in women, as well as the last cycles (during the onset of menopause) can be quite varied. Moreover, a significant role in the development of the menstrual cycle in women is played by individual physiological characteristics of the body and heredity.

How to count

For example, if menstruation began on March 3, then this day is considered the first day of this menstrual cycle. If the next period is April 4th, then April 3rd will be the last day (gets the 28th day) of that menstrual cycle, and April 4th will be the first day of the next menstrual cycle.

Usually, to calculate the days of ovulation (release of an egg) or the onset of the next menstruation, a cycle of 28 days is taken, but such a cycle occurs only in 10-15% of women. As a rule, the duration of the menstrual cycle in women varies from 21 to 36 days and depends on their individual characteristics.

The menstrual cycle in women is regulated by hormones.

The main roles in the development of the menstrual cycle are played by two hormones: Luteinizing hormone (LH) and Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Both of these hormones are produced by the pituitary gland, a small gland located on the lower part of the brain, and cause the ovaries to produce the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen and progesterone, in turn, "force" the uterus and mammary glands to prepare for possible fertilization and the development of pregnancy. Before the onset of menstruation, women notice swelling and soreness of the mammary glands, mood changes, aching pains in the lower abdomen and other changes may appear.

Menstrual bleeding (menstruation as such, menstruation, "red days") lasts, as a rule, from 3 to 7 days, and on average lasts about 5 days. Blood loss during one menstrual cycle usually ranges from 15 to 75 ml. The whole point of the menstrual cycle in women is to prepare the woman's body for a possible pregnancy. Unlike many animals, a person has the opportunity to conceive a child almost every month. Every month, a woman of childbearing age undergoes cyclic changes in her body, preparing her entire body (and mainly the genitals) for a possible pregnancy. These cyclic changes are called the menstrual cycle.

Cycle phases

In the first half of the menstrual cycle, in growing a mature egg and in preparing a place in the uterus for its development, if it is fertilized. The central event (in importance and timing) of each menstrual cycle in a healthy woman is ovulation - the release of an egg that can be fertilized by sperm and give rise to a new life. In the event that the egg is fertilized, the development of the menstrual cycle stops and pregnancy occurs. If fertilization does not occur, the egg dies, and all changes in the woman's body undergo reverse development during the second half of the menstrual cycle, before the start of the next cycle. The menstrual cycle has three phases: follicular (before the release of the egg from the ovary), ovular (release of the egg), and luteal (after the release of the egg).

Follicular phase

At the beginning of the follicular phase (immediately after the end of the previous cycle), the lining of the uterus (endometrium) is filled with nutrients and blood vessels necessary for the growth of the embryo during the first period of pregnancy. Growth of the mucosa, i.e. the inner lining of the uterus is directly dependent on the concentration of female sex hormones in the woman's blood.

ovular phase

The ovulatory phase (ovulation) begins with a sharp increase in the level of luteinizing hormone in the blood and usually lasts from 16 to 32 hours. Ovulation (egg release) occurs under the action of luteinizing hormone. At the time of ovulation, some women may experience short-term pain in the lower abdomen. In the luteal phase, the ruptured follicle closes and forms in the ovary the so-called "corpus luteum" - a cluster of cells that produce progesterone. The role of the corpus luteum is to prepare the uterus for a possible pregnancy.

The hormone progesterone

Progesterone produced by the "yellow body" causes a thickening of the inner lining of the uterus, the endometrium. The egg can be fertilized no later than 12 hours after its release. Within 12 to 24 hours after the release of the egg, a sharp increase in the level of luteinizing hormone in the body can be determined using a special urine test.

If after ovulation, which occurs in the middle of the cycle, pregnancy does not occur, then the concentration of estrogen and progesterone in the blood decreases, and on the first day of the new cycle, rejection of the uterine mucosa begins, the onset of menstruation. During the luteal phase, progesterone causes a slight increase in body temperature (basal temperature, i.e. in the rectum) and maintains this elevated temperature until the onset of menstruation.

In the event that ovulation has occurred, there is an increase in basal body temperature, which can serve as an indicator of whether ovulation has occurred or not. If the fertilization of the egg does not occur, then the corpus luteum disappears after 14 days, and the level of the hormone progesterone and estrogen in the blood decreases to a critical level. What is the beginning of a new menstrual cycle.

When does pregnancy occur

If fertilization occurs, the luteal phase turns into pregnancy, and a new period does not begin. This event occurs as follows: if the egg was fertilized and it was attached to the uterus, the cells around the developing fetus begin to produce a special hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone keeps the corpus luteum alive by preventing it from disappearing.

Hello! What should every woman know about her monthly phenomenon, laid down by nature? In the material - "The menstrual cycle in women", there are detailed answers to many important questions.

Feature of the female body

What is menstruation? Once a month, the uterus builds up a new endometrium, or lining, in preparation to receive a fertilized egg. When it is not there, the uterus begins to reject the lining.

The menstrual period begins in girls when they are 11-14 years old and continues until about the age of 50 in women. Allocations become irregular at the age of 39-51 years, then they stop completely.

Start this natural phenomenon can lead the girl to anxiety. In girls, bleeding may also be irregular at first. In a year everything will be back to normal.

Norm is 21,28,30 days. The menstrual cycle confirms that the girl is healthy, developed and able to have offspring.

Women's cycle can lead a girl to pregnancy even from casual intercourse. Mom must prepare her daughter for adulthood so that there is no trouble.

What is the menstrual cycle? A cycle is the period from the first day of bleeding to the first day of the next bleeding.

Cycle duration:

  • medium - 28 days
  • short - 21 days
  • long - 35 days
  • adolescents are not uncommon - 45 days. This is normal, then everything will be fine.

If you notice violations of the menstrual cycle, that is, it lasts more than 7 days, then you should consult a doctor. Perhaps he will prescribe treatment.

Cycle control is provided by hormones: estrogen and progesterone. What it is? These are the most important women's.

  • Estrogen promotes the growth of the endometrium in the uterus.
  • Progesterone is formed in the middle of the cycle, that is, after ovulation.

Both hormones prepare the uterus to receive a fertilized egg.

The middle of the cycle in women, what is it?

Approximately in the middle of the cycle in the female body, an egg matures, capable of fertilization, that is, ovulation occurs. If you are planning a pregnancy, then at this time the female body is ready to conceive a baby. How to determine this moment by day.

With a cycle of 28-30 days, ovulation occurs on the 14th-15th day, if you count from the beginning of the bleeding.

Sexual intercourse these days most often ends in pregnancy. Buy tests to determine the maturation of the egg. Testing should be done 24-48 hours before ovulation. If you do not plan to have children, then these days are considered the most dangerous.

But testing can fail because there are many different factors that can affect cycle length. You can calculate the phases of your menstrual cycle yourself if you measure your basal body temperature daily. Some women count these days for conception, while others - on the contrary, so as not to become pregnant.

  1. Take a regular thermometer. Early in the morning, without getting out of bed, without making sudden movements (this is important!), Insert it into the rectum.
  2. Hold there for 7 minutes.
  3. Record your testimony.
  4. Based on daily readings, draw a graph. In the upper line, indicate the days of measurements, on the side - the basal rate. At the junction, put points, which then connect with a straight line.

When does this process start?

On days when the temperature rises sharply, ovulation occurs.

It is important for every woman to know the phases of the cycle so as not to make a mistake in the calculation. Cycle phases, what are they? These are important periods between periods.

  • First phase- follicular (the first phase, how many days does it last? 3-4 days);
  • Second phase- ovulation;
  • Third phase- luteal.

Follicular gives to the beginning of the formation and maturation of the egg. Ovulation - designed to perform an important female function - conception.

What happens in the second phase?

In the first phase of the cycle, the temperature is around 36.8°C. 1-2 days before ovulation, there is a decrease literally by a fraction of a degree. Then the indicator begins to grow within 3 days and remains at such indicators until the end of the second phase (37.0-37.5 ° C). The body is preparing for pregnancy.

Attention! Any stress, malaise, alcohol, bad habits can change your schedule and ovulation can occur on a different day, followed by an unwanted pregnancy. What happens to the body if the fever persists for two weeks? Congratulations on your pregnancy!

The average duration of the second phase of the cycle, what does this mean for a woman? Within 4-6 days, you can conceive a child.

The luteal phase takes place in two ways:

  • with a fertilized egg;
  • or without it, if it was not fertilized;
  • if conception has occurred, then the corpus luteum begins to be produced, which actively releases the hormone lutein. It is he who will support and "feed" the egg.

What keeps a woman from aging

These are hormones. The performance, attractiveness and mood of a woman often depend on them. In addition, the production of hormones changes almost every day during the process of hemorrhage, which is why women's moods change so often.

It is important to know the days of the cycle, the description of which will help you to know yourself better. In 1 day the uterus throws out the endometrium that has served, that is, bleeding begins. A woman may experience malaise, pain in the lower abdomen. To reduce pain, you can take "No-shpu", "Buscopan", "Belastezin", "Papaverine".

On day 2 profuse sweating begins. On day 3 the uterus is very open, which can contribute to infection. On this day, a woman can also become pregnant, so sex must be protected.

From day 4 mood begins to improve, efficiency appears, as menstruation is nearing completion.

What is the cycle by day in the second half? Days starting 9th to 11th day considered dangerous, you can get pregnant. They say that at this time you can conceive a girl. And on the day of ovulation and immediately after it, it is suitable for conceiving a boy.

On day 12 increases the libido of women, which entails a strong sexual desire.

When does the second half start? From day 14 when the egg begins to move towards the male principle, ovulation occurs. On the 16th day a woman may gain weight as her appetite increases. Until 19 days the possibility of getting pregnant remains.

From day 20"safe" days begin. What are "safe days"? These days, the possibility of getting pregnant decreases.

Many women ask the question: is it possible for a woman to get pregnant before her menstrual cycle?

The probability is small, but no one can give a complete guarantee. The period of menstruation can change under the influence of many factors. No woman has an even cycle throughout her life. Even a cold, fatigue or stress can change it.

Many doctors warn that the body is able to “give out” repeated ovulation, so even 1 day before menstruation, you can conceive.

The female cycle by day, what happens these days, every woman should know, because it will show when you are ready to conceive, when you are passionate or vice versa - cold, why your mood changes so much.

sexual cycles

When you hear - the ovarian-menstrual cycle, it is the cyclical secretion of gonadotropin that is established in the body. The concept of the sexual cycle includes a normal process that occurs in the ovaries under the influence of hormones, followed by menstruation.

Its duration is on average 28 +/- 7 days. What interval between periods is considered normal? If fertilization does not occur, then as soon as this cycle ends, the period of a new cycle begins. How long does it take? The interval between periods, the norm is from 21 to 35 days. But it also happens differently. Get a small calendar where you will celebrate the first day of the appearance of discharge.

It is worth noting that 14 days should elapse between ovulation and the next menstruation, but deviations of 1-2 days are possible. If you notice that your cycle is too short or too long, then you should contact your gynecologist to find out the reasons.

Violation of the cycle may indicate diseases of the genital area. When does the lengthening of the cycle begin? The cycle can only be lengthened after 45 years, as changes occur in the process of maturation of the egg.

Sometimes a woman may notice spotting even after menstruation. This should not be!

A drop of blood can only be released at the time of ovulation. If you notice sudden discharge, do not treat yourself - consult a doctor immediately!

Phases of the ovarian-menstrual cycle. Titles:

  • Menstrual (desquamation phase)
  • Postmenstrual (estrogenic, proliferative, reparative, or follicular)
  • Premenstrual (progestin, luteal, secretory phase preceding pregnancy).

menstrual phase lasts an average of 4 days. The first day of the cycle is the beginning of endometrial rejection. These days, progesterone is absent, and estrogen has not yet formed.

Postmenstrual phase- begins on the 5th day of the ovarian cycle, ends 1-2 days after ovulation. Ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle. In this phase, the growth and development of follicles occurs. During the development of the follicles, a large amount of estrogen is produced.

premenstrual phase lasts 12-14 days. The high level of progesterone these days creates favorable conditions for the implantation of the embryo.

The graph shows the period of menstruation when you can get pregnant.

First menstruation in girls

She must go through all the stages of her growing up with her daughter, including the beginning of menstruation. First of all, it is necessary to explain what menstruation is in girls. The simplest explanation is that this phenomenon is inherent in nature and there is no need to be afraid of it. Be sure to explain - what is the duration of the menstrual cycle.

It is important for a girl to know the phases of menstruation, because in the middle of them a girl can become pregnant, which is very undesirable for an immature organism. Which phase is considered the most dangerous, every teenager should also know about it.

About how menstruation occurs, it is written above on the test. This process is the same for both an adult woman and a girl. But if an adult woman already knows what symptoms precede her, then the teenager must be clearly explained.

Before the onset of menstruation, there are such phenomena:

  • drawing pain in the sacrum, often in the small of the back;
  • headache;
  • fatigue, weakness;
  • nipple sensitivity;
  • increase ;
  • sometimes there is a discharge of mucous secretions.

Allocation by day:

  • 1 day- meager discharge;
  • 2.3 day- plentiful;
  • 4.5 day- reduction of secretions;
  • 6-7 day- cessation of menstruation.

Dear mothers, when your daughter is 10-11 years old, start a conversation about approaching the natural process. Learn how to use pads and other personal hygiene items. The main thing is to talk about early pregnancy and its consequences so that your daughter's life is joyful and without unnecessary problems.

The regular onset of critical days is one of the important indicators of the work of the reproductive, endocrine system. Every girl needs to know which cycle of menstruation is considered normal, why its duration may change.

Keep track of your menstrual cycle calendar

Phases of the menstrual cycle

All processes in a woman's body occur cyclically, monthly changes also occur in the reproductive system, this is called the menstrual cycle, it consists of several phases.

menstrual phase

The duration of the phase is 3-7 days, accompanied by bloody vaginal discharge, irritability, mood swings. There is pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, migraine, sometimes vomiting, diarrhea.

During this period, follicles in the ovaries mature, under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone, their growth begins, each follicle contains 1 egg.

During the menstrual phase, the girl's mood worsens

Proliferative (follicular)

In the second phase, the woman's body begins to prepare for conception, the pituitary gland produces a large amount of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), the level of estrogen increases, the endometrium is saturated with nutrients. Against the background of hormonal changes, sparse sticky cervical mucus begins to stand out, a woman's working capacity and sexual desire increase.

During the proliferative phase, cervical mucus is secreted

One follicle becomes dominant, the remaining vesicles stop growing and return to a dormant state. The average duration of the second period is 14 days, by which time the size of the egg reaches 200-250 mm.


The shortest phase of the monthly cycle lasts 12-48 hours, it is during this period that conception occurs if the egg meets the sperm. The amount of estrogen, luteinizing hormone increases, the level of FSH decreases. The egg breaks the walls of the follicle, the villi of the epithelium help it move into the fallopian tube, if fertilization does not occur, it will die within 24 hours.

The ovulatory phase is characterized by the movement of the egg into the fallopian tube

Signs - abundant liquid discharge of white, pink or yellow, the chest enlarges and hurts, the basal temperature rises, the cervix rises high, becomes soft. During this period, there is an increase in appetite and sexual desire, the lower abdomen, lower back, and head may hurt.

Luteal (corpus luteum phase)

Lasts 14 days. When the egg leaves the follicle, a small yellow vesicle begins to grow at the rupture site, it produces estrogen, androgens, progesterone. This phase is accompanied by signs of PMS - migraine, pain in the abdomen, back, mammary glands, irritability and aggression. At the end of this period, you can find out whether conception has occurred or not. During pregnancy, they will be within 37.3 degrees, in addition, you can do a test, take hCG.

During the luteal phase, a yellow vesicle begins to grow at the site of the release of the egg from the follicle.

Despite the fact that the ovulatory phase lasts no more than 48 hours, the interval of 5 days before and after the release of the egg from the ovary is considered fertile. This is due to the fact that sperm in a favorable vaginal environment can remain viable for up to 7 days.

Adolescent breastfeeding women often have anovulatory cycles before menopause, but a healthy woman aged 30–35 years should have no more than 1–2 such cycles per year.

How to calculate the cycle of menstruation?

The countdown of the beginning of a new menstrual cycle begins from the first day of the appearance of spotting, ends before the appearance of the next spotting -.

To know exactly the favorable days for conception, it is better to mark the start and end dates of the cycle. To determine the fertile days when there is a high probability of becoming pregnant, it is necessary to subtract 14 from the number of cycle days, the result shows the beginning of the ovulatory period.

Calculator for calculating the cycle and day of conception

Length of the menstrual cycle: days

Indicate on the calendar the start date and end date of the last menstruation: Menstruation Safe day
Possible ovulation Estimated day of ovulation

Normally, the maximum total amount of menstrual blood that is released in the first phase is approximately 80 ml. Painful and heavy periods with nausea, chills, severe headache are a sign of a high level of prostaglandins in the first phase, the hormone provokes intense uterine contractions, which can prevent conception.

Normal menstruation cycle - how many days is it?

The ideal duration of the female cycle in girls under 30 is 28 days, but these values ​​​​are quite individual, therefore, normally, menstruation can occur in 23–36 days.

Age affects the duration of the cycle; in adolescents, during the first two years after the onset of menstruation, the cycle is irregular, it can be short, within 21-25 days, or very long - more than 45 days.

Up to 35 years, the cycle is regular, it is possible to correctly determine the date of ovulation, but gradually the intervals between menstruation are lengthened, after 40 years there are changes in the amount of discharge, as menopause approaches, the physiological processes in the reproductive system become less and less regular.

The corpus luteum phase in women with any cycle length is 14 days.

Causes of deviations from the norm

An excessively long or short cycle, early and late ovulation, scanty or heavy discharge, a pronounced manifestation of PMS - all these factors may indicate malfunctions in the body, which is reflected in the length of the cycle.

Why does the cycle fail:

  • natural aging of the body - the closer the menopause, the less regular the cycle becomes;
  • stress, nervous and physical overwork;
  • a sharp increase or decrease in weight by more than 10%;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • puberty;
  • climate change;
  • postpartum period, lactation;
  • recent abortion;
  • gynecological diseases of an inflammatory nature;
  • venereal diseases;
  • disturbances in the work of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands.

You should immediately consult a doctor in the absence of menstruation for more than 2 months, if this is not related to pregnancy, with a cycle duration of less than 21 days, if spotting continues for less than 3 or more than 7 days, appears in the middle of the cycle, or one year after the onset of menopause.

In diseases of the adrenal glands, the cycle fails

Normalization of the menstrual cycle

With a single failure of the cycle, there is no reason to panic, but if the situation is repeated regularly, there is no ovulation, it is necessary to undergo an examination to identify the cause of the deviations.

Diagnosis includes a general, biochemical, hormonal blood test, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, smear, hysteroscopy. Treatment is carried out by conservative and surgical methods.

Oral contraceptives will help eliminate minor deviations in the hormonal balance, reduce the intensity of PMS manifestations. The most popular are Janine, Yarina.

After 45 years, women begin to show signs of menopause, the cycle becomes irregular. To improve well-being, hormonal drugs are prescribed - Gestrinon, Danazol, drugs contribute to the gradual death of the endometrium, suppress the hormone that is responsible for the maturation of the egg.

One of the most popular and effective drugs for restoring the cycle is Duphaston. The drug is prescribed for irregular cycles, painful periods, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, endometriosis, low progesterone levels. The agent is included in the therapy in the treatment of infertility, which occurred against the background of failures in the luteal phase.

Duphaston helps to restore the menstrual cycle

Urozhestan is a hormonal drug that helps with dysmenorrhea, the drug is prescribed in the presence of benign neoplasms in the uterus, infertility, endometriosis, as a prophylactic agent for the threat of miscarriage and premature birth.

Non-hormonal drugs to normalize the cycle:

  1. Cyclodinone is a non-hormonal herbal remedy, but it normalizes the balance of female sex hormones, lowers prolactin levels, and helps eliminate pain in the mammary glands. The duration of the course is 3 months.
  2. Dysmenorm is a homeopathic remedy used in complex therapy for violations of the monthly cycle, the medicine well eliminates the manifestations of PMS. The minimum course duration is 3 months.
  3. Cyclovita is a vitamin and mineral complex that helps reduce the manifestations of PMS, normalize the cycle, eliminate manifestations of stress, and improve the condition of the skin. The course is designed for 3 months.
In case of serious pathologies, curettage of the uterine cavity, endometrial ablation, or complete removal of the uterus is performed.

Alternative medicine recipes to normalize the cycle

Alternative methods will help to make the cycle regular, discharge less painful and get rid of PMS. But with serious hormonal disorders, severe inflammatory processes, they should be used as an additional means of therapy.

Simple Recipes:

  1. If menstruation is irregular - 1 tsp. dried cornflower inflorescences brew 250 ml of boiling water, strain after an hour. Drink 70 ml three times a day for 21 days.
  2. If the discharge is plentiful, you need to pour the zest from 7 oranges with 1.5 liters of water, boil over low heat until the amount of liquid decreases by 3 times. Strain, cool, add 15 ml of honey. Drink 200 ml three times a day half an hour before meals.
  3. Parsley infusion will help eliminate amenorrhea - place 30 g of leaves in a thermos, pour 600 ml of boiling water, leave overnight. Drink in strained form, 100 ml 30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day. It is necessary to continue treatment for 3 weeks, a second course can be started after a seven-day break.
  4. With a short interval between periods - 10 g of a shepherd's bag, brew 300 ml of boiling water, strain after an hour. Infusion to drink during the day in 5 doses. The duration of therapy is 14 days, you can continue the course after 10 days, during menstruation it is contraindicated to take the medicine.

Shepherd's purse decoction helps restore the female cycle

If you need to somewhat speed up the onset of menstruation, you need to drink lemon balm tea several times a day - 1 tsp. herbs in 220 ml of boiling water.

Knowing your menstrual cycle, it is easier for a woman to plan a pregnancy and monitor her health. Normally, the cycle has a length of 28-30 days, the duration of menstruation is 3-5 days, the discharge should be moderate. Even significant deviations from the average parameters can be caused by individual characteristics, stress, overwork. But if other unpleasant symptoms appear, it is not possible to get pregnant, it is necessary to undergo an examination and begin treatment.

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