When are coated metal crowns used? What kind of spraying is done on metal crowns

The problem of choice is constantly faced by a modern person, and dentistry is no exception. Long gone are the days when a very limited amount of materials were used for prosthetics - gold, stainless steel and plastic. Today, the patient has plenty to choose from: metal ceramics, ceramics, porcelain, gold prostheses and coated metal crowns. Especially wealthy people can afford dental implants.

Of course, ceramic prostheses practically do not differ from natural teeth and give an aesthetic appearance to the dentition. You should not refuse them when it comes to the front teeth. But if the molars that carry a large chewing load are damaged, it is better to use metal crowns on the teeth with a coating.

Advantages of metal crowns:

  • they are durable and reliable;
  • do a great job of chewing food;
  • for prosthetics, it is not necessary to remove a large amount of dental tissue, since the metal crown has a sufficient thickness;
  • ease of manufacture;
  • democratic price;
  • ease of installation;
  • they fit snugly to the neck of the tooth;
  • tooth functions will be preserved for a long time.

Modern technologies for the manufacture of crowns are very different from those used previously. Today, in the arsenal of dentists, there are not stamped crowns, as in the last century, but solid cast ones. They are used for prosthetics of chewing teeth, while they exactly repeat the anatomical shape and fit snugly to the tooth tissues. The cost of a metal crown with a coating is much lower than metal-ceramic products. If the prosthetic tooth is not visible to others, then you should not remove too much enamel from it. Thus, the life of the tooth is shortened.

Materials used

Crowns are made from metal alloys:

  • chromium and nickel;
  • chromium and cobalt;
  • with the inclusion of precious metals;
  • of iron or steel;
  • with the inclusion of titanium.

It should be said that titanium alloy is distinguished by the greatest reliability and wear resistance. The cost of a metal crown coated with titanium is quite high, but lower than that of a noble metal. Crowns can also have plastic or ceramic overlays, but there are a few things to keep in mind. The plastic coating turns blue over time, darkens, absorbs odors. The ceramic coating is not very durable, as chips form on it.

If you live in the Novogireevo district, Reutov, then contact the specialists of the Credo clinic. Doctors will advise the best option for dental prosthetics, while taking into account the wishes of the patient.

Metal crowns are orthopedic structures made of metal alloys that restore the anatomical shape and function of teeth. Treatment with metal crowns is a rather old, but effective method. Such designs are very strong, durable and inexpensive.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of metal crowns include:

  1. Effective restoration of functions (chewing, swallowing, speech);
  2. High strength;
  3. Tight fit to the tissues of the tooth;
  4. Absence of chips and breakages;
  5. Anatomical shape of the structure;
  6. No damage to opposing teeth;
  7. Does not require complex tooth preparation and nerve removal;
  8. Small cost;
  9. Long service life.

The disadvantages of the design are:

  • Poor aesthetics. Crowns look very different from natural teeth. When installing a metal crown on the front tooth, the design is very noticeable to others and will violate the aesthetics of the smile;
  • If you are allergic to metals, do not install a metal crown. It is only possible to manufacture other types of structures or crowns of gold. Since there is practically no allergy to this metal;
  • After a long period of time, the crown wears off;
  • Perhaps the occurrence of galvanic currents in the oral cavity due to the presence of several types of metal in the mouth. Galvanic currents cause unpleasant symptoms: headache, metallic taste, eating disorders, burning in the mouth, poor sleep;
  • With a long service life of the crown, the neck of the tooth may be exposed, food can get under the crown and a carious process may occur.


Metal crowns are cast and stamped. One-piece cast products are made according to individual casts of teeth by firing at high temperature in a special furnace. Such crowns have thick cast walls, which makes the design very durable. Crowns are used on the lateral group of teeth due to their resistance to chewing pressure. Solid crowns are of the following types:

  1. Sprayed. At the request of the patient, the crowns are covered with a golden coating and look like gold teeth;
  2. Zirconium-coated is a new type of design in which metal crowns are coated with a small layer of zirconia. Spraying isolates the oral cavity from metal, can be used for allergies, does not cause galvanic currents. Zirconia crowns are the best, highest quality and most expensive. Spraying is an inexpensive crown option that will have some of the benefits of zirconia.
  3. Without spraying - these are ordinary products that have a steel or silver color;
  4. With a covering (facing). To make the designs more aesthetic, the front (front) surface is covered with ceramic mass. At the same time, the crown looks natural and does not catch the eye. The disadvantage of ceramic veneers is the risk of chipping, so it is recommended not to load the artificial tooth.

Stamped crowns are a metal cap. For manufacturing, standard sleeves are used and grinding is carried out with a special machine to give the desired shape of the tooth. Such crowns are easy to manufacture and have a low cost. When preparing the teeth, the minimum amount of hard tissue is removed, so there is no need to depulp the tooth.

The disadvantages of the design include: erasure after prolonged use, incomplete restoration of the anatomy of the tooth, the risk of caries at the border of the crown and enamel.

Preparation for a cast crown

An important stage in the manufacture of the structure is the preparation, that is, the preparation of the tooth. Preparation for a solid metal crown consists of grinding the interdental contacts, the chewing surface of the tooth or the cutting edge by 0.2 - 0.3 mm. Next, the vestibular and oral sides of the tooth are prepared with an unnecessary thickness, as a result of which the tooth acquires a cylindrical shape. Preparations are carried out using special burs and a drill.

The finished stump for the crown looks like a truncated cone, the walls converge at an angle of 2-8 degrees. Experienced doctors create a ledge in the neck of the tooth. The ledge improves the fixation of the future structure and is an additional retention point for the dental technician. After preparation, the tooth is smoothed and polished using dental heads.


After installing metal crowns, you must carefully follow the rules of hygienic care. In the absence of brushing teeth and interdental spaces, food debris accumulates in the area of ​​​​the neck of the teeth, between the crown and gum. When microorganisms and carbohydrates enter the area of ​​transition of the crown to the tooth, conditions are created for the development of a carious process. In addition, the tooth can collapse under the orthopedic structure.

To maintain the health of teeth and oral cavity organs, it is necessary to brush your teeth twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. During cleaning, you need to pay enough attention to the crowns, carefully clean the plaque between the crown and the gum. To clean the interdental spaces, it is recommended to use dental floss (flos).

To do this, you need to take a thread 15-20 cm long, wind it around your index fingers and clean between each tooth. After eating, use mouthwash or rinse your mouth with water. In case of periodontal diseases, rinsing with antiseptic solutions should be carried out, treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs should be carried out.

After the installation of crowns, one should not forget about the need for preventive examinations at the dentist. It is recommended to visit a doctor every 6 months, to carry out professional dental hygiene, to check the condition of the crowns. In the event of an unpleasant odor from under the structure or a violation of the fit of the crown, refixation (re-installation on new cement) can be performed.

Life time

Metal crowns have a long service life. Durable material makes it possible to operate the structure for 15-20 years or more. Very often, patients walk with crowns for more than 25 years. But it is recommended to replace crowns every 10 years. After a long period of time, atrophy and drooping of the gums occur, the edge of the crown is exposed. As a result, the crown may decement or dental disease may occur. If periodontal disease occurs, the service life of the crowns will be reduced.

The service life of the construction will also depend on the professionalism of the doctor, the dental technician, the type of construction and the conditions of use. In order for the crown to last longer, you need to follow the rules of care, avoid excessive chewing load on the tooth, periodically visit the dentist for a preventive examination.

How much does a metal crown cost

Metal crowns are an inexpensive design in dentistry. The cost will depend on the prestige of the dental clinic, its location, the professionalism of the doctor and dental technician. And also from the type of metal, when making a crown from gold or platinum alloys, the price will be high. On average, the cost of a metal crown ranges from 1,000 to 18,000 rubles. If you need to make an inlay for a crown, the price will be slightly higher.

Is it possible to do CT and MRI with metal crowns

Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are important research methods in medicine. 90% of people have metal constructions in the oral cavity: crowns, pins, braces, implants, plates. The MRI method is based on the registration of response electron pulses when the required area of ​​study is placed in a powerful electromagnetic field.

During the study, a three-dimensional image is obtained, which allows you to evaluate the function and blood flow of the organ. Metallic elements in the body cause image shifts and abnormal examination results. Modern technologies allow MRI and CT in almost all cases due to the minimal use of pure metal alloys in dentistry.

Also, modern MRI machines allow you to change the settings and get reliable examination results. We can conclude that everyone can conduct examinations, you just need to inform the doctor about the metal structures in the mouth.

Due to diseases of the oral cavity, malnutrition and age-related changes, the smile loses its attractiveness. The most common problems are darkening, the appearance of white spots, minor chips and irregularities in the dentition. To eliminate these defects, dental lamination is prescribed in aesthetic dentistry. This is a cosmetic procedure without a therapeutic effect, which in rare cases helps to reduce the hypersensitivity of the enamel.

In the article Stom-Firms.ru we will talk in detail about lamination, when and how it is done, and whether the procedure has disadvantages.

What is dental lamination

The essence of the procedure is that a plate is glued to each tooth in the smile zone. The patient selects the shade of the lining, and the doctor models its shape so that it follows the contour of the tooth.

Lamination is often compared to bleaching and veneer - the installation of veneers. To understand the specifics of the method and its difference from other aesthetic technologies, we have compiled a comparative table.

Whitening is a safe procedure, but it cannot correct the shape of the crowns. When laminating, the enamel is slightly ground down or etched with acid to improve adhesion to the overlays. The plates correct small defects in the dentition. When veneering, the teeth grind down a lot and mask serious flaws.

Indications and contraindications for dental lamination

The procedure allows you to only slightly change the shape of the incisors, so it is not prescribed for everyone. We list the cases when the restoration is effective:

  • The patient is dissatisfied with the natural shade of the enamel;
  • Chemical bleaching is contraindicated;
  • There are small gaps between the incisors, chips, scratches and cracks;
  • Unesthetic shape of the teeth.

If it is necessary to eliminate significant aesthetic violations, for example, large gaps or deep cracks, veneer is offered.

Lamination can not be done when caries is diagnosed, there are large fillings on the front teeth, with an allergy to the composite and with bruxism. Another contraindication is a deep and direct bite: when the upper jaw protrudes above the lower one or if they are completely closed.

Teeth lamination methods

Prior to the restoration, caries is treated and hygienic cleaning is carried out. The therapist then chooses the method of lamination: direct, semi-direct, or indirect. The solution depends on what problem needs to be fixed: just change the color or carry out a restoration.

Direct dental lamination: composite veneers

The technique allows you to change only the shade of the dentition. Restoration takes place in one visit. The dentist grinds off 0.5 mm of enamel and coats the teeth successively with conditioner, adhesive and composite material.

The volume of the last layer depends on the natural tone of the enamel: the darker it is, the thicker the veneer. Next, the dentist polishes and grinds the coating. In time, this stage is equal to all previous work, because the coating is given a natural shape and shine.

The final appearance of the teeth largely depends on the skills of the specialist. He calculates how much material needs to be applied to make the smile look natural. Therefore, before taking, be sure to read reviews about therapists and choose a reliable experienced specialist.

Advantages of the technique: low price in comparison with other techniques, the ability to adjust the result if the shape or shade does not suit you, and the minimum working time - all manipulations are done in one visit. Minus - fragility: depending on the thickness, after 3-8 years, veneers are erased and lose their luster.

Semi-direct lamination method

Installing composite veneers is a laborious process that takes a lot of time. To speed up the work in dentistry, componiers began to be offered. These are factory blanks with a thickness of 0.3-0.7 mm, which are fixed to the composite. They come in two shades: universal (natural) and bleached.

The patient chooses a color, the doctor slightly grinds the dentition to eliminate irregularities, applies an adhesive, and a composite composition is applied to the componeers. For adhesion, the component is illuminated with a lamp, corrects its shape and polishes. Durability of pads - an average of 8 years.

Indirect lamination

The technology is used when it is necessary not only to bleach, but also to restore individual units. To do this, the doctor takes a cast of the jaw, and in the laboratory, restoration structures are made from it. They are of 3 types:

  • The thinnest -Lumineers. These are pads as thick as a contact lens - up to 0.3 mm, they are made using a patented technology in the USA. The system does not require turning, but it takes 1 month to manufacture and ship. The reliability of the design, according to the manufacturer, is 10-20 years.
  • Russian analogue, which is slightly thicker than lumineers -ultraneers. They are made of heavy-duty ceramic IPS e.max with a thickness of 0.3-0.5 mm. Enamel is not prepared for it, and the manufacturing time is 7-14 days. Durability - more than 10 years.
  • Ceramic laminates- thicker plates than those listed: the thickness varies from 0.5 to 0.9 mm. They are made from a metal-free material, which is similar in properties to a living tooth: it also refracts light and looks as natural as possible. To fix them, the dentist prepares the tissues a little, then tries on the lining, as a rule, this requires several visits. Of the advantages of the design, bioinertness is noted, that is, it does not cause rejection; and durability: within 10 years does not lose color and gloss.

It is important to understand that the service life of onlays depends not only on the quality of the work of the dentist. The patient must take care of the incisors, do not bite off solid food and follow the rules of hygiene.

How much does dental lamination cost?

Pros and cons of dental lamination

Compared to other reconstruction technologies, the procedure has a number of advantages:

  • Tissues are less injured than when fixing veneers;
  • Long service life;
  • Painlessness;
  • With semi-direct and indirect methods, you can predict the result and check whether the shade is suitable before starting work. The doctor applies a plate to the tooth to see how natural the color looks.

Among the shortcomings are the high cost of the service and the fact that the enamel is still injured.

On these pages you will find more information about laminating teeth and ways to restore your smile:


  1. N. Yudina, Systematization of Anterior Teeth Microprostheses and Substantiation of the Choice of Aesthetic Design: Veneers, Laminates, Ultraneers, Lumineers or Componeers? // Modern dentistry No. 2, 2012
  2. Official site of Cerinate Smile Design Studio - manufacturer of lumineers.

Coated metal crowns are very popular in practical dentistry. The metal frame itself has been used for a long time, you can still meet people with "gold" and "silver" teeth. Now dentistry has resolutely abandoned ugly sparkling metals and patients are offered to put coated products that do not differ from the rest of the dentition.

Coated structures retained the main feature of such products - a metal frame. But the outer coating is now modern different. Modern technologies for the manufacture of prostheses make it possible to cover the surface with enamel, one to one repeating the color of the tooth. Therefore, tooth-colored metal products are one of the most popular methods of prosthetics today.

Products with a coating and a metal frame have excellent endurance characteristics, they are able to withstand a large load in the process of chewing food, therefore they are placed taking into account which teeth need to be prosthetized. Indications for the installation of metal structures:

  • the need to protect the walls with severe destruction of the enamel walls;
  • prosthetics on implants;
  • the need to support bridge-like prosthetic structures;
  • prosthetics of chewing teeth.

Frames are made to order. These are solid constructions, they sit perfectly on the tooth and tightly wrap around it. They provide excellent service over time, they are not easily damaged, and the surface of the structure does not leave chips, cracks in the enamel and grooves from chewing food.

A distinctive feature of modern dentures is a unique coating that makes them identical to your own teeth. Titanium nitride is used for spraying, and the procedure itself is carried out using the vacuum-plasma method.

The process of etching titanium nitride on a metal base is carried out in a vacuum under the influence of high temperature and a certain voltage. The prosthetic part is degreased, polished, after which, under the influence of current from one electrode, the smallest particles pass to the frame, which performs the function of the second electrode.

Artificial enamel covers the entire surface of the frame. Patients may not worry that somewhere the product will not be completely processed and the metal may shine through - this is excluded. The only visualized metal part is the edge of the product, where titanium nitride is not applied, but when the structure is installed, it goes under the gum and remains invisible to others.

Product varieties

Coated metal crowns differ in the type of metal from which the framework is made, as well as in the method of manufacture. Regarding the method, it can be mentioned that the crowns are solid and stamped. Stamped ones are inferior to solid ones in terms of strength, and they are cheaper. But cast frames last much longer, so most patients choose these structures.

As for the metal from which the bases are made, they can be: steel, gold alloys, titanium alloys, cobalt and chromium alloy, silver and palladium.

Regardless of what the frame will be, the product after processing looks great and fully fits the dentition. To select the color of artificial enamel, the dentist checks the patient's enamel shade map and only then the metal is treated with titanium nitride.

Advantages of a spray frame

When choosing crowns, people are guided by various considerations - appearance, price of the product, etc. As for metal coated crowns, we can mention their advantages in order to focus the attention of patients when choosing this particular product:

  • very durable and with proper installation, such structures will last more than a dozen years;
  • are made according to an individual cast, and therefore most accurately imitate the shape of their own and fit perfectly into the dentition;
  • hypoallergenic, therefore take root in most patients;
  • in appearance, the novelties surpassed their predecessors in many respects, while maintaining the aesthetics of the patient's smile;
  • in the oral cavity, the products fit perfectly into place, they fit snugly and do not create the feeling of a foreign object in the mouth.

An important advantage is the fact that the product does not give a metallic taste in the mouth, which was noted during prosthetics by predecessors - conventional metal frames.

Metal structures are mainly placed to perform complex tasks of chewing food, but products with titanium nitride can also be placed in the smile zone, where they are not so actively involved. Consider locations where such frames can be installed:

  • frontal zone- doctors recommend installing durable crowns with a metal frame and zirconium coating. These crowns not only fit your own teeth, but are also particularly durable;
  • chewing teeth- here it is better to use cast frames, as they are more durable. Moreover, in this zone, the presence of spraying does not play such an important role, because the chewing surfaces themselves are hidden from the eyes of others.

The choice of design varies according to different indicators and the optimal cost can be discussed with the doctor.

Not so long, but requiring preparation. The stages of prosthetics can be described as follows:

  • at the first visit, the doctor conducts an examination and, if necessary, treats teeth from caries, pulpitis, etc.;
  • with severe destruction of the walls, it may be necessary to install a pin or;
  • after that, the surface is ground and an impression is made to make a crown;

  • several times the frame is tried on, sent for revision - this is a completely normal process, rarely when it fits perfectly the first time;
  • after the final fitting, the crown is sent to the laboratory for processing and the prosthetics will be successfully completed on the next visit.

It is worth noting that in the process of treating teeth and fitting the frame, the doctor continues to work with the patient's oral cavity - he does, removes the stone, etc. The patient is given recommendations on how to behave with a crown - do not gnaw nuts, seeds, candies and other hard foods. At the end of the treatment, the patient receives a crown with a coating and healthy teeth for many years to come.

Long used in dentistry, metal crowns are considered obsolete by some patients. But this is a wrong opinion. Metal crowns continue to be used and are quite popular. Thanks to their improvement, bimetallic (made of chromium or titanium), stamped and cast crowns appeared. Each patient can choose the most suitable design for himself.


Metal crowns, often coated, are used to restore chewing teeth. They perfectly withstand the load when chewing. And the location in an invisible zone for others does not require increased aesthetics.

Before installing this design, the tooth is prepared so that the prosthesis then does not protrude from the dentition.

Crowns have the following advantages:

  • low cost;
  • reliability;
  • high strength;
  • the ability to protect the remaining tooth from external influences and strengthen it.

Among the shortcomings of metal products, insufficient aesthetics can be distinguished. But today, this problem is being fought with the help of gold or white plating, which makes the teeth more attractive.

And cast products made with the help of modern technology are of the highest quality.

How are they made?

To install a metal crown, the patient needs to visit the dentist at least twice. At the first visit, the teeth are prepared for prosthetics, and at the second visit, the prosthesis is already placed.

Stages of work of the dentist at the first visit:

  1. An x-ray is taken to examine the canals of the tooth and its surrounding tissues.
  2. The tooth is prepared for installation, it is prepared. Before this, if necessary, remove the nerve.
  3. Tooth grinding. For a living tooth, anesthesia is used. How much tooth tissue will be ground off depends on what type of crown will be used. For a metal crown, the tooth is grinded minimally.
  4. Next, casts are taken and sent to the laboratory for the manufacture of the structure.
  5. A temporary plastic crown is made and placed on the prepared tooth.

On the second visit to the dentist, the doctor tries on and fits the structure to the dimensions, and then attaches it using cement.

Types of metal crowns

Metal crowns are solid and stamped.

Stamped ones are much easier to make, and therefore their price is lower. Such structures are made from standard blanks. Such a prosthesis resembles a cap that is put on the teeth like a case.

Grinding teeth for this design is minimal. After all, the walls of stamped products are very thin. They can be used without depulpation of the tooth.

Among the shortcomings of such structures, one can single out the incomplete restoration of chewing functions, as well as the erasure of the material during prolonged use. Also, these crowns often do not fit snugly to the tooth, provoking the development of caries.

One-piece cast products are made by one-piece casting. The patient can choose designs with or without spraying, as well as with or without lining. A crown can be made for one tooth or a whole bridge. Such structures are very durable and wear-resistant.

The cast of the jaw allows you to make cast products according to the individual dimensions of the tooth. This fact eliminates the possibility of cracks appearing on the structure, and hence the penetration of bacteria.

The aesthetics of such prostheses are enhanced by spraying or cladding made of ceramic or plastic. But here it is worth noting that the cladding coating may crack.

Samples of such products

Consider the main types of solid metal structures:

  1. Simple crowns without spraying.
  2. With gold or other plating.
  3. Coated with facing material. Most often used ceramics. So the outer side of the prosthesis is covered with a ceramic overlay. Such teeth require careful operation, as ceramics can crack when eating.
  4. Combination of crowns lined with ceramics (in the smile zone) and simple, unlined (in invisible areas of the dentition).

Cast dental structures

To make a cast structure, it is necessary to cast individual blanks from wax, according to which the main products will subsequently be cast.

Such dentures are as close as possible to the patient's natural teeth and repeat his anatomical features. Their service life is quite long, however, before stopping, the abutment tooth should be sharpened sufficiently.

In order to improve the aesthetics, such prostheses are covered with spraying or cladding.

gold teeth

The advantage of gold prostheses is that gold is biologically compatible with oral tissues. This is the main difference between this material and other metals, which in most cases cause an allergic reaction.

The material is quite soft, which allows you to give it the desired shape for maximum adherence to the dental organ.

Such a prosthesis is also protected from damage in the form of cracks and chips, because gold is strong enough. This material is also close in its hardness to the hardness of tooth enamel, which protects the product from abrasion.

Today, gold is often replaced with titanium, gold-platinum alloys, as well as an alloy of gold and palladium during prosthetics.

Stamped crowns

These prostheses are made from factory sleeves, giving them the desired shape. Their shell is thin enough that does not require a strong turning of the tooth. Such a metal structure can be installed in the presence of a living root and a third of the tooth. They are made of stainless steel or gold.

Ease of manufacture determines the low price, but at the same time, the short service life of such prostheses. I make gold items from alloys containing 90 percent gold.

Manufacturing steps

The process of manufacturing a stamped product includes the following steps:

  • according to the casts, the product is modeled, which must be done within 15 minutes, until the raw material is compressed;
  • with the help of plaster, the lines of the prosthesis are marked so that it is not too narrow or wide;
  • wax modeling is carried out, it is applied to plaster to set the anatomical shape;
  • using a traced model, a peak strain is created from steel, it is driven into a sleeve;
  • with the help of a screw press, external stamping is made;
  • the stamp is removed, the edges of the crown are cut off with special scissors.

During manufacture, they are fired several times. So the metal becomes stronger and more stubborn. After all, the prosthesis should not contain cracks and irregularities.

Installation process

Crowns are usually installed in 2 stages:

  1. First, the structure is placed temporarily, which allows you to trace the reaction of the tooth.
  2. In the absence of patient complaints about pain, the crown is removed at the next visit to the dental office, the cement is cleaned, and placed again using stronger cement (zinc phosphate or glass ionomer).

If the design causes discomfort to the patient, it is removed after a temporary installation and sent for revision.

What should be the correct crown?

A product that has been manufactured and installed correctly meets the following criteria:

  • adheres well to the tooth;
  • has a smooth, polished surface;
  • the crown should sink into the periodontal recess by no more than 0.2 mm;
  • repeats the anatomical shape of a living tooth;
  • correctly contacts with the teeth of the opposite jaw, as well as with neighboring ones.

Requirements for a cult

For proper fixation, the doctor must adhere to the following rules:

  • prevent overhanging edges and ledges, exclude the presence of the equator;
  • the axis of the tooth and the surface of the stump must be strictly parallel;
  • grind the tooth in the range from 0.25 to 0.3 mm, while maintaining the natural shape of the dental organ.

Observing the above rules, the specialist minimizes the possibility of problems during prosthetics with metal products.

Contraindications for installation

Often patients ask questions: when can metal crowns be placed, and whether they are harmful in certain cases.

  • the presence of bruxism;
  • the presence of allergic reactions to steel;
  • malocclusion of the dentition;
  • severe damage to the tooth;
  • the presence of a complex in the patient due to low aesthetics (when teeth are prosthetics in the smile zone).

Advantages of crowns

  1. Low cost.
  2. Reliability.
  3. High strength.
  4. Implementation of a strengthening function for the rest of the tooth.

Of the unpleasant moments, insufficient aesthetics are distinguished. But gold teeth and white-coated organs improve her enough.

Also, new technologies allow the production of one-piece cast structures, which are of higher quality.

Disadvantages of metal crowns

  1. The possibility of galvanic reactions when different alloys are used to make the structure.
  2. Risk of an allergic reaction to metal.
  3. Low aesthetics and high unnaturalness due to the metallic sheen. The best option in this case is to install metal crowns on chewing teeth that are not visible to others.
  4. Stamped crowns have a minus, characterized by the presence of a gap between the gum and the tooth, which contributes to the clogging of food debris and, as a result, caries, inflammation of the gums, and bad breath. Also, they are quickly erased due to the thin walls of the structure.

Timeless technology

The use of metal crowns implies an "eternally young" technology for their production. Appearing in the last century, it has hardly been modernized in recent years.

It does not lose its popularity along with modern methods of prosthetics. This is understandable, because the design is as durable as possible, but it is inexpensive.

How much do crowns cost?

Approximate prices for metal crowns are as follows:

  1. Aesthetic - 8.5 thousand rubles.
  2. Milled - 12 thousand rubles.
  3. Articular - 15 thousand rubles.

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