When you feel sick all the time. Causes of constant nausea. Nausea in infectious diseases

Nausea is created by nature to eliminate dangerous substances from the stomach until they are absorbed into the bloodstream. Nausea accompanies every second disease, a similar symptom, the second most common, after pain. The cause of nausea may vary in origin, localization, and does not always end in vomiting. To get rid of an unpleasant symptom, sometimes you have to undergo a long examination by different specialists.

Why is your child sick?

The reasons why a child feels sick can be divided into physiological and pathological.

Physiological include:

  • Weak vestibular apparatus. Nausea appears during a trip in any form of transport, on children's attractions.
  • Dehydration. This condition occurs in the summer, after long active games as a result of the loss of salts. Eliminated quickly after replenishment of fluid reserves.
  • . Even emotionally stable children sometimes experience severe anxiety, worries, worries, which can make them feel sick.
  • . Appears with intolerance to any product or drug.

What are the diagnostic methods?

In medicine, nausea is classified into several categories:

  • psychogenic (neurological disorders)
  • hematogenous-toxic (various poisonings, intoxications)
  • visceral (violation of internal organs)
  • brain (pathology)
  • metabolic (hormonal disruptions)

To determine the true cause of the painful sensation of nausea, it is initially worth observing the accompanying symptoms. If a person has impaired bowel function, decreased appetite, then he needs to seek help from a gastroenterologist.

If nausea goes along with headaches, dizziness, disorder or hearing, the patient should consult a neurologist.

Methods of instrumental diagnostics help to establish the diagnosis:

  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (popularly "swallowing a probe"). The study diagnoses most pathologies of the digestive tract.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs. It is carried out to analyze the work of the gallbladder, bile ducts.
  • X-ray with a contrast agent to study the patency, the existence of tumors.
    MRI of the brain.
  • CT scan of the vessels of the head.

If a complete examination did not reveal any abnormalities in the body, the patient is diagnosed with functional dyspepsia.

Among the variety of causes of nausea without vomiting, it is extremely difficult to determine the truth. Do not self-medicate and swallow medicines for nausea. The disease should be treated, not the symptom.

Nausea occurs at least once in a person's life. It has a negative effect on the state of the body, does not allow you to focus on household chores, on the performance of official duties at work.

And if such a state of health continues for more than one day?

An unpleasant feeling when you feel sick, but do not vomit, suggests that some kind of disease has appeared in the body. Not immediately a person suffering from this condition will be able to understand what caused it and what needs to be done to alleviate his condition.

Attacks of malaise can torment a person from several days to several months. May be repeated periodically. And in this situation, the main thing is to find the causes of your condition, answer the question of what caused it, what provoked it?

Causes of nausea

As for the causes of nausea, they can be divided into the following groups:

  • Causes that do not threaten health;
  • Causes that threaten health;
  • Causes associated with chronic diseases.

Causes that do not threaten human health:

  • Pregnancy. Toxicosis affects many women in the early stages of pregnancy. Quite often, such attacks lead to the fact that women vomit quite strongly. In severe cases, hospitalization is possible to prevent the threat of miscarriage;
  • Disorders of the vestibular apparatus. Due to its hypersensitivity, people react badly to travel in transport and especially over long distances. The passenger has a very hard time, and if he also vomits, then the dissatisfaction of others is added to his poor health. Very often this condition is also caused by seasickness;
  • A similar condition can be caused by a reaction to certain odors;
  • Deterioration of well-being can be caused by both fatty foods and banal overeating. This is a kind of payment for gluttony;
  • Stress, hysteria can cause a feeling of nausea;
  • An unpleasant sensation can also be caused by taking medications. In order to avoid such consequences, it is advisable not to self-medicate and read the instructions for the medicines very carefully. There may be cases when well-established drugs are suitable for one, while for others they cause such side effects.

The causes of nausea that threaten human health are quite diverse.

These include:

  • Heat or sunstroke. Can lead to serious consequences;
  • Intoxication caused by excessive alcohol consumption. In this case, a person rarely vomits, but the feeling of being very sick is a fairly frequent phenomenon;
  • Kidney disorders. May be accompanied by pain, fever, chills. The patient vomits infrequently;
  • Helminths (worms). They can lead to disruption of the digestive system, harm the body as a whole and lead to quite serious complications;
  • Damage to the central nervous system. May occur as a result of head injuries, inflammation of the brain, as a result of circulatory disorders of the brain, severe headaches;
  • Poisoning caused by inhalation of toxic substances. Often caused by strong specific odors of paint and varnish products, acetone.

Causes of chronic human diseases.

It can be:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

These include:

  • Gastritis, peptic ulcer - are caused by malnutrition and are accompanied by pain or heaviness in the abdomen, heartburn;
  • Cholelithiasis, dyskinesia of the gallbladder and its ducts. There may be pain in the right hypochondrium, a bitter taste in the mouth;
  • Intestinal infection. At the initial stage of infection, severe nausea, but does not vomit;
  • Pancreatitis - nausea after eating, bitterness in the mouth, bloating;
  • Acute appendicitis - abdominal pain on the right, nausea, fever.
  • Heart failure. Perhaps a constant feeling of nausea, almost always a person vomits. There may be a feeling of lack of air and hiccups;
  • Low or high blood pressure. Symptoms such as dizziness and headache may also be present. Situations are possible when a person vomits;
  • Stroke. In addition to an unpleasant feeling, there may be severe pain in the back of the head, dizziness, even paralysis is possible;
  • Cancer diseases. Chemotherapy and other treatments cause this unpleasant sensation.

Constant nausea may be present mainly due to gallbladder disease, pancreatitis, gastritis. Also, constant nausea can be associated with hormonal imbalance, especially during menstruation. Severely sick and in case of poisoning. True, in this case, such symptoms can be eliminated fairly quickly.

Nauseous, but not vomiting: what to do in this case

What to do when you feel sick?

Any discomfort negatively affects our lives, does not allow us to do what we want, travel and just enjoy the world around us. Therefore, from such a malaise, you should get rid of it as soon as possible.

If we are not talking about diseases, the following measures will help:

  • Leave the place where this irritating factor is present;
  • Try to walk if possible. In the case when this is not possible, use folk remedies to get rid of such sensations;
  • Consult a doctor and change the medicine;
  • Review your diet and get rid of the habit of eating a lot and often;
  • Learn to respond more calmly to what is happening.

Each person can choose a way to get rid of such a reaction of the body.

Seizures can completely stop from such simple and accessible to any person ways:

  • Deep, calm breathing;
  • Drinking mineral water without gases at room temperature in small quantities;
  • Drinking a decoction of mint leaves and parsley;
  • Drinking tea with lemon;
  • The use of aromatherapy. Suitable citrus, lavender smells.

Nausea: how to get rid of it with medication

It is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible for help. The doctor may prescribe medications that can bring relief before receiving the results of the examination.

Most often in such cases, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Aeron - the agent affects the salivary glands, they begin to produce less secretion. During attacks, it is recommended to take two tablets. This remedy has side effects. These include drying of the mucous membranes, problems with coordination of movement, arrhythmia. An increase in intraocular pressure is possible. This is due to the effect on the function of the lacrimal glands, the outflow of intraocular fluid worsens. In this regard, this drug is not prescribed for patients with glaucoma. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to take medication for men with prostate diseases;
  • Validol - refers to drugs to eliminate heart pain. But the fact that menthol (its active substance) is able to eliminate the feeling of nausea is not known to everyone. Validol can be bought in the usual tablets, capsules or liquids. Most importantly, remember that more than three tablets of validol per day can not be taken. A solution of validol is dripped onto sugar and washed down with a small amount of water. A day can be no more than 20 drops, with a single dose - 5 drops. The medicine has a calming effect on the human body and there are no special restrictions on its use. There may be lacrimation and dizziness;
  • Peppermint Tablets - Contains organic peppermint oil and sugar. But, despite this, they are quite an effective tool in the fight against unpleasant manifestations. Tablets have antispasmodic, choleretic and sedative effects. They taste good. There are no contraindications for their use. They are not suitable only for people who do not perceive mint, and diabetics. The recommended dose is two tablets at a time, but not more than eight per day;
  • Avio-Sea - you can also use homeopathic pills to eliminate the cause of the discomfort associated with motion sickness. They are accepted an hour before the trip. Repeat the reception every half hour. Contraindications are age up to 6 years, pregnancy and lactation.

Prevention of nausea without vomiting

If the causes of nausea have been identified and your health has returned to normal, then do not forget about prevention.

Morning sickness is a common condition experienced by people of all genders and ages. If you feel sick in the morning, the reasons can be varied. All of them are divided into physiological and pathological. To understand how to get rid of nausea in the morning, you should understand what provokes it.

Physiological causes of nausea

The first thing that comes to mind for a woman of reproductive age when morning sickness appears is pregnancy. Indeed, the development of the fetus in the uterus provokes the activation of the immune system. Hormonal surges join, the process of forming the dominant pregnancy in the cerebral cortex.

These factors provoke gestosis. The main signs of pregnancy in the first trimester:

  • nausea in the morning, more often after eating or a strong smell;
  • vomit;
  • delay of menstruation;
  • positive test for human chorionic gonadotropin.

After the formation of the placenta, from about 12 weeks, the symptoms of preeclampsia subside and nausea gradually disappears.

Another cause of nausea in the morning is vegetative-vascular dystonia. Violation of the interaction of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the nervous system leads to a drop in pressure in the morning, which can be manifested by nausea and vomiting.

In addition to the physiological causes of morning sickness, pathological conditions associated with bad habits are distinguished:

  • smoking on an empty stomach provokes the development of nausea;
  • hangover accompanied by morning sickness.

When taking pills, a common side effect is morning sickness. Cause discomfort:

  • antibiotics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • iron-containing preparations;
  • antihistamines.

Diseases that cause nausea in the morning

Nausea is dangerous as one of the symptoms of a serious pathology of the internal organs. With many pathologies, morning sickness is the only manifestation of an early stage in the development of the disease. Pathological causes that make you feel sick in the morning:

  1. Gastrointestinal disorders are the most common cause of morning sickness.
  2. Diseases of the endocrine glands.
  3. Acute surgical pathology.
  4. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  5. Infection.
  6. Helminthiases.
  7. neurological problems.
  8. Diseases of the kidneys.
  9. Oncology.

Pathology of the digestive system

If you feel sick on an empty stomach, the cause may be gastritis or a stomach ulcer. Nausea is accompanied by hunger pain. aggravated, there is a bursting sensation in the epigastrium. If you have symptoms, you should seek help from a gastroenterologist. Gastroscopy and analysis for Helicobacter pylori infection will help the doctor make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Cholecystitis may be accompanied by nausea, morning heartburn, a yellow coating on the tongue, and bad breath. Sonographic examination of the abdominal organs has a high diagnostic value in making this diagnosis.

Pancreatitis is manifested by morning sickness, pain in the right side of the abdomen. The condition worsens after eating fatty, fried, spicy foods.

Endocrine pathology

With a decrease in thyroid function - hypothyroidism, severe nausea. In addition, appetite decreases, hair falls out, swelling increases throughout the body. The mass is increasing. There is tearfulness, depression. Tests for thyroid hormones T3, T4 and thyroid-stimulating hormone help resolve the issue of diagnosis.

Symptoms characteristic of hypothyroidism

If morning sickness and even vomiting appear against the background of diabetes mellitus, then this may indicate a high level of ketone bodies in the blood. Ketoacidosis is a serious condition that requires immediate treatment, otherwise coma occurs. The accumulation of ketone bodies occurs against the background of decompensation of diabetes mellitus and untreated hyperglycemia. The condition is accompanied by thirst, itching in the genital area, poor wound healing. To establish the diagnosis, consultation with an endocrinologist and a fractional study of glucose in the blood are necessary.

Acute surgical pathology

Nausea appears with appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, acute cholecystitis, pancreatitis. Any of the conditions is accompanied by pain.

  • appendicitis is characterized by pain in the right iliac region;
  • with intestinal obstruction, the whole stomach hurts, there is bloating;
  • cholecystitis hurts in the right hypochondrium;
  • with pancreatitis, shingles pain.
Acute pathology requires immediate surgical care.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

If after the age of 40 you feel sick in the morning, the cause may be the onset of hypertension. The clinic is complemented by a headache, reddening of the skin of the face, pain in the region of the heart, a feeling of pulsation of blood vessels.

Arterial hypertension can be complicated by a crisis. During an attack, the pressure rises to 200/110 mm Hg, the patient may feel sick, up to the development of vomiting.

If the patient is worried about nausea and there are pains in the left half of the chest, radiating to the left arm, then perhaps we are talking about myocardial infarction. Doctors distinguish several forms of an atypical course of a heart attack. One of them is gastralgic, accompanied by nausea, pain in the right and left hypochondria, diarrhea. When similar symptoms appear, you need to call an ambulance team. Experts will conduct an examination. Electrocardiography will provide information about the state of the heart muscle.

Infectious pathology

An intestinal infection can cause morning sickness, vomiting, as well as diarrhea and severe abdominal pain. The provocateur of the condition is pathogenic microorganisms that enter the body with dirty hands, stale food, raw eggs, and milk. Bacteria, multiplying, cause intoxication. In mild cases, treatment is carried out at home, with the appointment of a drinking regimen, antibiotics and sorbents. In severe toxicoinfection, treatment should be in a hospital.

Defeat by helminths

Typical localization of echinococcus in the liver

Neurological diseases

Migraine is a condition familiar to many people. Unbearable headache accompanied by severe nausea. Often people suffering from pathology wake up in the morning with an attack. Nausea in the morning caused by a migraine does not go away after vomiting. Pain medications and sleep will take care of the problem.

According to statistics, most often a stroke of the brain develops in the early morning. In addition to nausea, dizziness, drops in blood pressure, there are also specific symptoms. Depending on the location of the ischemic injury, the patient may experience facial asymmetry, sideways deviation of the tongue, decreased strength in the arm, or inability to lift one of the legs. When a similar clinic appears, it is urgent to seek medical help.

Traumatic brain injury appears after damage to the skull and microdamages in the structure of the substance of the brain. Changes occur in the vestibular regions, and therefore dizziness, unsteadiness of gait, nausea and vomiting without relief develop. As a rule, changes begin the morning after traumatization. The correct diagnosis is made on the basis of the conclusions of a traumatologist and a neurosurgeon.

Pathology of the urinary system

Infectious diseases of the kidneys cause intoxication, which is manifested by an increase in body temperature. Also a consequence of pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis is nausea in the morning. The malaise is accompanied by swelling of the face after sleep, dysuric phenomena. With similar symptoms, it is better to consult a therapist.

Comparison of a healthy kidney and a kidney affected by pyelonephritis


Nausea in the morning is a symptom that accompanies many cancers. The most frequent of them:

  1. Stomach cancer. Nausea is accompanied by aversion to meat food, significant weight loss, up to exhaustion.
  2. Cancer of the gallbladder and liver. Nausea is accompanied by dull pain in the right hypochondrium.
  3. Adenocarcinoma of the pancreas is accompanied by the rapid development of cachexia - exhaustion.
  4. Leukemias.
  5. Lymphomas.
  6. Paraneoplastic syndrome - intoxication of the body with tumor growth products.

Morning sickness is the most common complication of chemotherapy. An oncologist deals with the diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases.

A person can be nauseated for a variety of reasons. And the root causes of this condition are different for everyone and may differ due to the characteristics of the body of a particular person. The only thing that unites all people who are faced with such a phenomenon as periodic or constant nausea is a great desire to get rid of this feeling.

There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of nausea, due to which it can be very or slightly nauseated. The most dangerous causes of nausea, problems due to which nausea is periodically or constantly, are various kinds of diseases.

The main and most common reasons why you feel nauseous, constantly nauseous:

1 Gastric ulcer or gastritis. The patient has a burning sensation in the upper abdomen before eating, as well as after he eats. In some cases, bloating can be observed, and after eating, the feeling of nausea becomes stronger.

2 A feeling of nausea can occur in cases where the patient has chosen the wrong medication. Especially strong discomfort can be in the morning.

3 Severe nausea can also occur during meningitis. In addition, the patient painfully tolerates bright light and his temperature may rise, and severe pain may begin in the back of the head.

4 With a concussion, a person may experience nausea and dizziness.

5 Gallbladder disease. While eating, the patient feels nauseous and feels as if the stomach were bursting. Pain occurs on the right side under the ribs. In addition, the patient suffers from heartburn and copious gas.

6 Inflammation of the pancreas. The patient has a feeling of nausea immediately after he eats. At the same time, his stomach is bursting and diarrhea may begin.

7 Intestinal infection. In this situation, the patient will begin to feel nauseous already 1-2 hours after he ate. In most cases, the patient begins to vomit. There may be pain in the umbilical region, and after 8-10 hours - diarrhea.

8 Failures associated with the work of the vestibular apparatus. A person may feel nauseous due to a sharp change in body position or sharp bends. He might also get dizzy.

9 Inflammation of the appendix. Nausea may occur for no reason, however, the patient will feel sharp pains in the abdomen and his temperature will rise.

10 In heart failure, the patient usually feels nauseous, lacks air, and pain occurs in the pit of the stomach. In some cases, the patient may begin to hiccup. In addition to everything, the patient may begin an attack of vomiting.

11 Patients suffering from arterial hypertension often experience a feeling of nausea at an early time, which lasts quite a long time. The patient gets tired quickly and feels weak throughout the day.

12 With an inflammatory process in the kidneys, the patient will feel sick all the time. Of the other symptoms, it is worth noting an elevated body temperature (up to 38 C o). In addition, the patient may have difficulty during urination, it can be painful.

What diseases can cause nausea and a feeling of constant nausea?

The main diseases that can provoke a frequent and periodic feeling of nausea, feelings of constant nausea:

Ulcer or gastritis

The main symptoms and signs of the development of diseases such as ulcers or gastritis are the appearance of a feeling of nausea immediately after eating, there may even be distension in the abdomen and a feeling of severe heaviness in the stomach. Also, the symptoms of gastritis or ulcers can be in the form of pain in the lower abdomen, heartburn, burning sensation in the abdomen immediately after eating or in the morning, when the person has not yet eaten anything.

If symptoms and signs of the development of such whitening as gastritis or peptic ulcer appear, it is recommended that you always seek help from a doctor who can prescribe an ultrasound scan, a biochemical blood test, or a test for the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the body.

pancreatitis- the symptoms of which are nausea after eating, bloating, abdominal pain, mostly dull pain in the right hypochondrium. With pancreatitis, in addition to nausea and a feeling of nausea, bitterness in the mouth, weight loss, and some bowel disorders may appear.

Appendicitis- a disease in which it is necessary to immediately call for emergency medical care, because. appendicitis is a very dangerous disease not only for human health, but also for his life. With appendicitis, nausea is not associated with eating, pain in the lower abdomen on the right may appear suddenly, or it may also happen that pain in the lower abdomen can gradually increase from a state of discomfort to characteristic and even unbearable pain in the lower right side of the abdomen. A symptom of appendicitis, in addition to the fact that the abdomen hurts badly on the lower right, may be an increase in body temperature, and a feeling of nausea can lead to vomiting.

Gallbladder disease- such a cause of nausea, a feeling of constant nausea, is usually accompanied by symptoms such as a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, abdominal pain worries on the right side of the abdomen, in the region of the right hypochondrium. Also, symptoms of gallbladder disease are severe heartburn, a feeling of mild nausea, nausea even during meals, and excessive gas formation may form.

Food poisoning or intestinal infection(viral or bacterial) - all this can cause nausea, which very often ends in vomiting, which may be accompanied by severe diarrhea (diarrhea). With these diseases, abdominal pain may appear, and body temperature rises to 38, 39 degrees.

Hypertension- in the morning, nausea may appear in a person precisely because of hypertension, the face in the morning may be with swelling. A person suffering from hypertension often has headaches, may feel very dizzy, and the face is often flushed.

Hypothyroidism- the cause of a constant feeling of mild nausea, constant nausea, which is accompanied by increased fatigue, drowsiness, anemia and other symptoms.

kidney problems- a constant feeling of nausea, slight nausea, may also appear due to the onset of an inflammatory process in the kidneys.

Disorder of the vestibular apparatus very often accompanied by nausea, which, in case of excessive exposure and load on the vestibular apparatus, can lead to vomiting. A disorder of the vestibular apparatus may also be accompanied by tinnitus, loss of balance, and other symptoms. Treatment of disorders of the vestibular apparatus is best discussed with your doctor.

Constant nausea, why is it constantly nauseous?

If a person does not leave the feeling of nausea, it is worth paying attention to the state of health, since we can talk about a disease that has already acquired a chronic character at the moment, or in this way a new disease manifests itself. Nausea may come on suddenly and may last throughout the day. If bouts of nausea happen quite often and do not go away on duty, then you need to consult a specialist as soon as possible.

Nausea during menstruation, menstruation

It is during menstruation that hormonal changes occur and a woman experiences a feeling of discomfort. Another reason for feeling unwell during menstruation is the displacement of the uterus or its incorrect position. In the first few days of menstruation, it is better to stop playing sports, as physical activity can cause nausea. Nausea can also be provoked by dysmenorrhea or a disturbed menstrual cycle. Nausea can also be due to blood loss during menstruation.

If nausea (persistent nausea) lasts for a week

If a person is nauseated throughout the week, they may develop a new disease or progress to an old disease. If a woman is nauseated, this may be due to the premenstrual period or a possible pregnancy. Sometimes nausea can be due to taking antibiotics or medications, or mild poisoning is thus manifested. If nausea does not go away within a week, seek the advice of a specialist.

Causes of nausea, main causes of nausea

There can be quite a few reasons for nausea, and they all differ significantly from each other. With nausea, we can talk about both ordinary poisoning and myocardial infarction. If a person feels nauseated, perhaps this is how an exacerbation of the disease manifests itself. In order to identify the causes of this condition, it is necessary to pay attention to the symptoms that occur with nausea. For example, it can be fever, pain in the abdomen and under the ribs, heartburn or hiccups. The patient may also get sick or dizzy, start an attack of vomiting, etc. Together, all these signs will help the specialist see the full picture and he will be able to prescribe the correct complex therapy.

Severe dizziness (dizziness) and nausea

Dizziness along with a feeling of nausea can indicate high blood pressure, concussion, dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus, hypothyroidism. Sometimes, this condition can be caused by poisoning or malnutrition.

Nausea after eating, after eating

The main causes of nausea after eating are stomach ulcers and gastritis. Symptoms include heartburn and flatulence. It is also possible that a person may feel nauseated from a strong feeling of hunger.

With pancreatitis, the patient usually begins to feel nauseous after he has eaten. At the same time, he begins to have diarrhea and there is pain on the right side under the ribs.

Headaches and nausea

Similar symptoms, in the form of a severe headache and feeling of nausea, may indicate the development of meningitis. The patient has a fever (up to 40 C) and dizziness, while the head begins to ache in the back of the head.

If we are talking about an intestinal infection, then, in addition to the main symptoms, the patient begins to have a headache a couple of hours after he began to feel sick.

Nauseous in the morning

Feeling nauseous in the morning can occur for a variety of reasons. First of all, it is worth noting malnutrition. If you eat a lot of salty and smoked foods at night in combination with alcohol, then in the morning a person will not only feel sick, but he will also have a severe stomach ache.

Quite often, bouts of nausea can occur in the morning, after taking medication on an empty stomach. Although it is possible that the drug is chosen incorrectly and should be changed to another.

If we are talking about a woman, then morning sickness may indicate a possible pregnancy. Most often this happens in the first few months of pregnancy. Over time, this will pass.

Nausea and severe stomach pain, abdominal pain and nausea

In most cases, when a patient has a stomach ache and does not leave the feeling of nausea, then he has an intestinal infection or food poisoning. In order for the patient to get better, he needs to completely empty the stomach.

Heart failure can be manifested by continuous and increasing pain in the upper abdomen.

With pancreatitis, the patient has a taste of bitterness in the mouth, as well as pain on the right under the ribs. Nausea begins after eating.

Mild nausea (slight nausea)

Very often, nausea occurs due to the frequent consumption of fatty and spicy foods in large quantities. Another reason is hypothyroidism. In addition to the fact that the patient quickly gets tired, he also gains weight.

Nausea in children

It is difficult for young children to explain what exactly they feel when a particular symptom appears. Nausea in children can occur due to fast running or fast games with peers. In addition, nausea can be caused by poisoning, ingestion of a foreign object, intestinal infection, consequences after operations, etc.

Severe weakness and nausea - causes

Very severe nausea, when you feel very sick and weakness appears in the body, may indicate the development of a disease such as hypothyroidism or anemia. In some women, such a reaction of the body in the form of the appearance of weakness and a feeling of constant nausea may appear in the premenstrual period. Also, constant nausea and weakness can be during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy.

In some cases, excessive weakness and nausea may occur after surgery. Often the patient needs several days to fully restore his well-being and physical activity, in case of major surgical operations, the recovery period, and hence the symptoms in the form of weakness and constant nausea, can last more than one week.

Causes of nausea, constant nausea during pregnancy

Pregnancy is characterized by a very serious restructuring of a woman's body, especially against a hormonal background. Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, especially in the first two trimesters of pregnancy, constant and intermittent nausea, a feeling of weakness and exhaustion may appear. Such a restructuring of the body is necessary for the full development of childbirth and the gradual preparation for them. For some women, weakness and nausea are less noticeable during pregnancy, while for others, such symptoms in the form of weakness and nausea can be a real torment. In any case, if you feel very sick during pregnancy, you should seek help from a doctor, discuss this situation with your gynecologist.

What should you do if you feel nauseous, sick?

Most importantly, if there is a constant or intermittent, sudden feeling of nausea, do not panic. Stop, rest, drink water. Depending on the cause, you can choose the best way to eliminate nausea. In case of poisoning, you need to do a gastric lavage and provoke a vomiting attack. In case of alcohol intoxication or poisoning, it is best to drink activated charcoal and lie down. And during pregnancy, drying or salty cookies will help to cope with nausea.

In other cases, nausea can signal serious illness. In such situations, you can not do without the help of a specialist.

Nausea is an unpleasant sensation in the upper part of the stomach that leads to vomiting. When a person vomits, a disease-causing bacterium is exported from his body, which provokes nausea.

However, nausea is not always accompanied by vomiting, which leads to prolonged discomfort that does not go away all day. Why is this happening? Let's figure it out.

In most cases, nausea is a sign of intoxication. A bacterium, virus or toxin enters the human stomach, and this negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

When a person is sick, but does not vomit, all day long - there is nothing wrong with that, because the causes of this phenomenon are associated with irritants of the internal environment. Removing the irritant will bring the desired relief to the patient.

However, there are cases when, without vomiting, a person feels sick for a week. An attack of prolonged lightheadedness can be triggered by diseases of the stomach, heart and other organs.


If we ignore the diseases that provoke nausea, we can distinguish the following causes of its occurrence:

  1. First trimester of pregnancy. Most pregnant women feel sick in the morning due to morning sickness. Discomfort in the stomach they can feel all day. Toxicosis is an absolutely normal phenomenon, not caused by any pathology. In most cases, with toxicosis, a pregnant woman does not vomit.
    While the body of a pregnant girl goes through the physiological stage of preparation for motherhood, she will face this problem.
  2. Sensitivity of the vestibular apparatus. Some people have an increased susceptibility of the vestibular apparatus. This can lead to the fact that a person cannot move in any transport. A person with this problem rarely vomits while driving, but the feeling of nausea does not leave him throughout the trip.
  3. The stench. Any unpleasant odors are noted by the nerve center, which is located in the brain stem. This leads to the start of the process of nausea.
  4. Wrong nutrition. Failure to follow the rules of a healthy diet leads to a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Why is there a violation of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract? This violation may be the result of long-term consumption of fatty foods by a person. Also, a malfunction in the digestive system can cause banal overeating. A person often feels sick after feasts. The best prevention of discomfort in the stomach after a feast is to take a medication that promotes better digestion of food by the stomach. For example, you can take Mezim or Festal.
  5. Psycho-emotional shock. When people are frightened or upset about something, in a word, they experience a strong negative emotion, this can lead to feelings of nausea. Usually a person is sick after a tantrum.
  6. Side effect after taking medication. Discomfort in the stomach area is one of the most common side effects of an overdose of a particular medication. In most cases, a person will feel sick after not following the prescribed dosage of antibiotics. The ailment may continue on the second day.
  7. Individual intolerance to the substance. If a person takes a medicine whose active ingredient is contraindicated for medical reasons, he may begin to feel dizzy without vomiting. The same effect is given by eating foods that are contraindicated for humans.

All these reasons provoke the appearance of the so-called feeling of "safe" nausea. It cannot be called long. This ailment worries a person from several hours to several days.

If nausea occurs systematically and it is not associated with a person’s wrong lifestyle, a medical examination should be performed to determine the cause that provokes its appearance.

When this disease is dangerous to health

In some cases, a person feels sick due to serious complications occurring in his body. In these cases, the patient must be given first aid.

A patient suffering from a feeling of nausea should induce vomiting only if his illness is associated with intoxication of the body.

In this case, there is indeed a need for the occurrence of vomiting, since together with the vomit, toxins are exported from the patient's body, which provoke the disease.

The sooner the release of toxins, the sooner recovery will come.

When the occurrence of discomfort in the upper chest was preceded by any pathology associated with the functioning of the internal organs, vomiting will not bring the desired relief to the patient.

Therefore, there is no need to call it.

Methods for inducing vomiting

When a toxin is present in a person's body, while his stomach is empty, it is more difficult for him to provoke vomiting.

If the patient is sure that his illness is associated with intoxication of the body, he should provoke vomiting as soon as possible. You can do this by implementing the following methods:

  1. The patient needs to drink water. Water is the best natural medicine to cleanse the stomach. After he drinks the water, you should go to the toilet, lean forward and press with two fingers on the tongue root. It is important to act very carefully, as nails can easily damage the larynx.
  2. There is a category of people who have a very low vomiting threshold. It is much more difficult for them to provoke vomiting and, most likely, pressure on the tongue root will not bring them any result. In this case, they should drink a large amount of water, namely 1.5-2 liters. It is advisable to drink warm water. After that, a vomiting urge should appear. Tip: to quickly remove the toxin from the stomach, you need to dissolve potassium permanganate in warm water.
  3. A glass of black tea with milk can help provoke vomiting. However, instead of sugar, salt should be poured into tea. It may not be a very tasty medicine, but it will help to immediately induce vomiting. Enough to drink two glasses of salty milk tea.
  4. It is possible to help the patient remove the toxin from the body with the help of the release of vomit, thanks to the syrup of the emetic root. You can find such a syrup in a pharmacy.

If a person suffering from this ailment cannot leave the house on his own and go to the pharmacy, due to poor health, he should ask one of the family members to purchase this medicine.

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