Control work in stylistics for students of the specialty "Documentary support of management and archiving" (correspondence course). Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Plan of practical session No. 6 - 7

Prepare answers to the following questions.

1. Norms for using a noun:

What is the meaning of gender for invariable nouns? What are the rules for determining the gender of indeclinable nouns?

  • Endings R.p. unit nouns m.r. - a (- i) / - y (- u).
  • Forms V.p. animate and inanimate nouns.
  • Ending options P.p. unit nouns m. (-e / -y).
  • Endings I.p. pl. h. nouns m.r. - s (s) / -a (s).
  • Endings R.p. plural nouns.
  • Endings etc. units and many others. numbers.

2. Norms for the use of an adjective.

Formation of short forms of adjectives. Synonymy of full and short adjectives, their use in speech.

Formation of forms of degrees of comparison of adjectives. The use of forms of degrees of comparison of adjectives in speech.

3. Norms for the use of the numeral.

  • Variants of combinations of cardinal numbers with nouns.
  • Declension of simple, complex and compound numbers.
  • The use of collective nouns.

4. Norms of the use of the Russian verb.

  • Features of the formation of personal forms of the verb.
  • Synonymy of personal forms of the verb.
  • Form options.

Do the following exercises.

1. Determine the gender and lexical meaning of the following words. Make up phrases with them (adjective and noun). Sample: typical bourgeois. Check the meaning of unfamiliar words in a dictionary.

Dominoes (Wed), kangaroo (m), flamingo (m), scarf (wd), milady (w), coupe, soprano, banjo, argo, bureau, borjomi, brandy, impresario, caballero, pony, salami, kohlrabi, hindi, contralto, madam , protégé, mademoiselle, entertainer, chimpanzee, interview, jalousie, dragée, dossier, dandy, lady, cabaret, kimono, communiqué, cure, penalty, medley, stew, resume, reputation, taboo, fiasco, kharcho, meringue, alibi, avenue , iwashi.

Research Institute, ZhEK, VTEK, Ministry of Railways, Power Lines, WTO, CIA, ECG, Union of Right Forces, CSCE, UNPO, ACS, NATO, UNESCO, NTV, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Civil Registry Office.

2. Insert endings and justify your choice.

A passer-by bought a pack of tobacco. A lot of raisins and prunes were put in the compote. The hostess handed the guest a cup of hot tea. The patient took a tablet of validol and drank a spoonful of bromine. There was so much screaming and screeching that my eardrums almost burst. The riders were out of sight. There is no end to various proposals. Get more cement and some alabaster from the warehouse. Excellent grapes were delivered to all stores. Give him a laugh for the sake of it. Do you want cabbage soup or borscht for dinner? It snowed overnight. He showed no sign of being upset.

3. Open the brackets putting the nouns in the correct case.

Dozens of tons of Bulgarian tomatoes, Ukrainian apples, Crimean tangerines, Vietnamese melons, African bananas are delivered in refrigerated trains. For his work, the stoker has a whole set of pokers. At the festival one could see the national clothes of Tajiks, Kirghiz, Yakuts, Uzbeks, Mongols, Mordvins, Ossetians, Bashkirs, Buryats, Turkmens. The department store had a rich assortment of elegant shoes, stockings, oversized socks, ladies' boots. The hostel received sets of new pillowcases, sheets, blankets. I was not lucky as a child, I had a lot of nannies. We were given a few key chains as a keepsake. Perhaps there are no criteria for truth. The ship sailed past the picturesque coasts. The octopus did not have enough of all its tentacles - and the victim managed to escape.

4. Add endings, motivate the choice of a variant ending.

On this hot day, one could breathe freely only in a cool corner of the garden. Ducks swam in the pond. The sparrows were looking for food in the snow. The rains have washed away the road and now the boots are stuck in the ground. The order and cleanliness of the workshop was striking. Experts have found many healing properties in honey. I was only on vacation this summer for two weeks. A large chandelier hung in the middle of the ceiling on a thick hook. The fishermen spent the night on the cape, and at dawn they went to sea. You won't find needles in a haystack. The races began in the big circle. Sparks sparkled from time to time in the smoke coming out of the chimney.

5. Form short forms from these adjectives. Determine in which cases the formation of such forms is impossible and name the factors that impose restrictions on the formation of such forms.

Brown, related, large, pale pink, ancient, black, neighborly, sincere, light, salty, shabby, bay, silent, pistachio, well-intentioned, backward, blue-green, small, heroic, purest.

6. Open the brackets by choosing one of the suggested forms. Determine in which cases it is acceptable to use only the short form, only the long form, both forms.

I'm full. Today he is angry. The professor is pleased with the success of his students. The patient is still weak. The water in the river was dark and cold. Konstantin Sergeevich is very smart. These polygons are symmetrical. He is too shy. These mistakes are easily correctable. The meat is almost ready. The walls in this fortress are high). Our city is beautiful at any time of the year. He was able to perform the most difficult task. White chestnut blossoms were like candles on holiday trees.

7. With the following words, if possible, make subject-quantitative phrases (numeral + noun).

Three kangaroos, one boy, one child, one jeans, one house, one scissors, one sneak, six people, one girlfriend, cream, eleven people, driving out, one bakery, one disco, surrealism, one crybaby, one day, red tape, relatives, courage, opportunity, sand, one peach, one commander.

8. Choose the right form, motivate your choice.

Two friends met after a long separation. The patient fought for her life, fearing to leave four orphans without help. There were three sons in the family of the old Yakut. All three are excellent hunters. There were two servants with the master. There are four of them, they are all students of the ballet school. So the three little pigs deceived the evil wolf. The classes were taught by two assistant professors. Trees have been planted on both sides of the street. There are three professors at the department. I shouted - two passers-by turned around.

9. Open the brackets using the correct form of the verbs.

Boats don't stand still, they float on the water. The wind is blowing, the rain splashes in the face. The Assembly elects a committee and authorizes it to draw up a draft resolution. The mourners stand on the platform, waving after the departing train. Spring has come, streams are flowing, dripping from the roofs. A bright dot lit up in the darkness, flashed and then faded. For several days the wolf roamed the forest. On the same day, an enemy detachment invaded the area where our troops were located. Women stand by the shore and rinse clothes. The jury is already finishing its work and is now summing up its work. We were glad that we had avoided an unpleasant meeting. I will be exhausted if I continue to work with such tension. The doctors said that I would recover soon. I've been driving around the city for an hour now. Having bought "Combat", I defeated cockroaches. When can I convince you? She poured money around every corner, wanting to get all the knick-knacks of the world. Having told the truth, I immediately got sick of him and goodbye my career. The only lantern that illuminated the road to the sea went out. The light faded from his eyes. As a result of the accident, he became blind and deaf. As always, he got into the story.

Literature to prepare for the lesson

1. Valgina N.S. Active processes in modern Russian. M., 2003.

2. Grekov V.F., Kryuchkov S.E., Cheshko L.A. A manual for classes in the Russian language. - M., 2009.

3. Graudina L.K. Grammatical correctness of Russian speech. Stylistic Dictionary of Variants / Institute of Rus. lang. them. V.V. Vinogradov RAS; OK. Graudina, V.A. Itskovich, L.P. Katlinskaya. – M.: Astrel: AST, 2004.

4. Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G., Kashaeva E.Yu. Russian language and culture of speech. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2011.

5. Rosenthal D.E. Handbook of the Russian language: Practical style. - M., 2006.

6. Rosenthal D.E. Russian language: A guide for applicants to universities. - M., 1988.

7. Russian language and culture of speech: Proc. for universities / Ed. V.D. Chernyak. - M .: Higher. school; S.-Pb.: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University im. A.I. Herzen, 2003.

8. Solganik G.Ya., Dronyaeva T.S. The style of the modern Russian language and the culture of speech. - M., 2002.

Part 1. Norms of the Russian language in oral and written speech Task 1. Based on the data of the orthoepic dictionary, enter the words below into the table. Mark with the help of transcription the features of the pronunciation of individual sounds and their combinations (see sample). Orthoepic norms Imperative norm Dispositive norm pa [te] nt [depression] and additional. [depre]ssia Identification, cremation, competent, computer, penny, polygamist, hiring, bewildered, newborn, ward, settled, eyeglass, laundry, press, project, fiddling, rating, dull, cordial (friend). Task 2. Based on the data of the orthoepic dictionary, enter the words below in the table. Put stress in words (see sample). Accentological norms Imperative norm Dispositive norm catalog marketing and additional marketing Analogue, gas pipeline, belief, initiated (case), dispensary, contract, blinds, industry, catalog, quarter, provision, facilitate, reward, force, orphans (plural, im . pad.; sing. Task 3. Choose the option that corresponds to modern grammar norms. In examples with numerals, open the brackets and write the numbers in words. Check yourself with the help of special dictionaries and reference books. 1. Work at the department (three professors - three professors). 2. (Accountants - accountants) issue fictitious expenses (orders - orders). 3. At the lesson we talked about the article (by Aleksey Panasyuk - Aleksey Panasyuk) “Psychology of professional communication of lawyers”. 4. Without (jeans - jeans), a modern wardrobe is unthinkable. 5. There was a miscalculation at the checkout, it was not enough (24,391 rubles - a ruble). Task 4. Choose the option that corresponds to modern grammar norms. 1. Having opened the door, (the defendant managed to leave the premises - the defendant was able to leave the premises). 2. Insulting subordinates, (it did not occur to him to apologize - he did not even guess to apologize). 3. Chesnokov was charged with (organization and active participation in criminal group actions - organization of criminal group actions and active participation in them). 4. (From the personnel department - from the personnel department) a notice of dismissal came. 5. Novikov I.T. by negligence deleted from the computer (report of colleague Romanenko S.A., prepared in a timely manner - timely prepared report of colleague Romanenko S.A.). Task 5. Correct the sentences by eliminating lexical errors. Indicate the types of errors: choosing a word without taking into account its meaning, speech redundancy (tautology or pleonasm), violation of lexical compatibility, incorrect use of paronyms, synonyms, antonyms. 1. The verdict of the court was proclaimed. 2. Most of the graduates of our academy have achieved successful careers. 3. We want to cooperate with you. 4. Write your initials in full. 5. The main essence of the criminal case is set out in the protocol. 6. The monitoring department was instructed to develop qualified requirements for experts at the regional level. 7. The introduction of new technologies will have the desired effect in the development of the economy. 8. The offender became a victim of justice. 9. Serious defects in the conduct of the investigative measures were discovered only at the trial. 10. The rule of law and the law is the general and main principle of the rule of law. Part 2. Fundamentals of the style of the Russian language Task 1. Compose the text of the annotation of the scientific source. Task 2. Describe the stylistic and genre features of the annotation according to the following plan: 1. The scope of the text 2. The dominant function of the language 3. The purpose of creating this particular text 4. Type and form of speech 5. Text style 6. Style variety (sub-style) 7. Lexical features of the text (indicate the most typical words and phrases for this style and genre using examples from your own text) Part 3. Basics of rhetoric Task. Prepare a persuasive text (1.5 - 2 pages) containing arguments in support of your position on the chosen topic for subsequent oral public speaking in the test (see Evaluation of oral public speaking in the Appendix). Topics for preparing oral public presentations 1. Is crime an inevitable companion of mankind? 2. The institution of marriage: is it needed in modern society? 3. Are books needed in the 21st century? 4. For most people, the punishment is the need to think (G. Ford). 5. There are no gloomy times, there are only gloomy people (R. Rollan)

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federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education

Ural State Law Academy

Chelyabinsk branch

Department of "Russian, Foreign Languages ​​and Culture of Speech"


discipline: "Culture of speech of a lawyer"

Option number 1

Completed by: student gr. 130 VO

Galkina Elena Alexandrovna



year 2012

Part 1. Norms of the Russian language in the oral and written speech of a lawyer

Task 1. Based on the data of the orthoepic dictionary, enter

the words below into a table. In the "Accentological Norms" section, put the stress in the words, in the "Orthoepic Norms" section, note with the help of transcription the features of the pronunciation of individual sounds and their combinations (see sample).

Analogue, gas pipeline, fear, belief, counterpart, initiated (case), dispensary, contract, blinds, fixed, identification, industry, catalog, quarter, cremation, competent, computer, penny, (on) elevator, polygamist, hiring, bewildered, newborn, provision,

facilitate, simultaneous, guardianship, settled, eyeglass, press, reward,

Table #1

Accent norms

Orthoepic norms

imperative norm

dispositive norm

imperative norm

dispositive norm



excited about (case)

Continuation of table No. 1


dispan [se] r



and [de]ntification

industry and more industry






(on) the elevator






simultaneous and additional simultaneous




Continuation of table No. 1



cordial (friend)


heart attack)


move to hide

expert (conclusion)

Task 2. Choose the option that corresponds to modern grammar norms. In examples with numerals, open the brackets and write the numbers in words. Check yourself with the help of special dictionaries and reference books.

1. Having opened the door, (the defendant managed to leave the premises - the defendant was able to leave the premises). 2. Insulting subordinates, (it did not occur to him to apologize - he did not even guess to apologize). 3. Work at the department (three professors - three professors). 4. A large number of new laws (should - must) come into force next year. 5. The woman watchman (did not want, did not want) to let us through. 6. (Accountants - accountants) issue fictitious expenses (orders - orders). 7. At the lesson we talked about the article (by Aleksey Panasyuk - Aleksey Panasyuk) “Psychology of professional communication of lawyers”. 8. In each batch, the underfilling of the product was up to (1.5 liters - liters). 9. The court sentenced each defendant to (five to five) years' imprisonment. 10. There was a miscalculation at the checkout, not enough (24391 rubles - ruble).

1. By opening the door, the defendant was able to leave the premises.

2. Insulting his subordinates, he did not even think of apologizing.

3. Three professors work at the department.

4. A large number of new laws should come into force next year.

5. The watchman didn't want to let us through.

6. Accountants write fictitious expense orders.

7. At the lesson we talked about the article by Alexey Panasyuk "Psychology of Professional Communication of Lawyers".

8. In each batch, the underfilling of the product was up to one and a half liters.

9. The court sentenced each defendant to five years' imprisonment.

10. There was a miscalculation at the checkout, twenty-four thousand three hundred ninety-one rubles were not enough.

Task 3. Correct the sentences by eliminating lexical errors. Indicate the types of errors: choosing a word without taking into account its meaning, speech redundancy (tautology or pleonasm), violation of lexical compatibility, incorrect use of paronyms, synonyms, antonyms.

1. The verdict of the court was proclaimed. 2. Most of the graduates of our academy have achieved successful careers. 3. We want to cooperate with you. 4. Write your initials in full. 5. The main essence of the criminal case is set out in the protocol. 6. The monitoring department was instructed to develop qualified requirements for experts at the regional level. 7. The introduction of new technologies will have the desired effect in the development of the economy. 8. The offender became a victim of justice. 9. Serious defects in the conduct of the investigative measures were discovered only at the trial. 10. The rule of law and the law is the general and main principle of the rule of law.

  1. The verdict of the court was announced (incorrect use of synonyms).
  2. Most of the graduates of our academy have achieved success (the choice of a word without considering its meaning).
  3. We want to cooperate with you (pleonasm).
  4. Write your initials (choose a word without considering its meaning).
  5. The essence of the criminal case is set out in the protocol (pleonasm).
  6. The monitoring department was instructed to develop requirements for experts at the regional level (violation of lexical compatibility).
  7. The introduction of new technologies will play a big role in the development of the economy (violation of lexical compatibility).
  8. The criminal has become the object of justice (the choice of a word without considering its meaning).
  9. Serious defects in the conduct of investigative experiments were discovered only at the trial (the choice of a word without regard to its meaning).
  10. The rule of law and the law is the general and main principle of the rule of law (incorrect use of synonyms).

Part 2. Fundamentals of the style of the Russian language in legal communication. Read the text. Perform its functional and stylistic analysis. Arrange the results of the analysis in the form of a table (see educational and methodological instructions for performing the test).

AND I. Kozachenko


Civilization throughout its existence has been and is constantly being tested for the strength of moral institutions, which determine a high level of guarantees for the protection, first of all, of universal human values.

Destructive factors of an external nature, swept over the historical space like a tornado, sweeping away everything in its path, more than once brought to the verge of extinction on Earth not only everything conscious, but also living things. However, internal phenomena have had and still have no less power of shock, which no less ruthlessly and cruelly destroyed and destroy the internal organization of civilization as a whole, any other human community and even an individual person. The internal insidious enemies (vices) of humanity and man are a hundred times more dangerous than any, even a large-scale natural cataclysm, since, having a high degree of mimicry, they skillfully hide their identifying features (properties), organically merging with the social and moral environment of their habitat, so that in the most inopportune moment to strike his fatal blow.

To the category of vices that can destroy moral immunity

a person that allows him to identify himself among his own kind,

Undoubtedly, one can attribute human "venality". A person stricken with the “corruptibility” virus is ready at the first opportunity to give himself and his feelings for money. It is reprehensible when a person, for the sake of achieving some benefits, as the people say: sells himself “with giblets”, his soul, his honor and dignity (if any). In such situations, he reduces himself to the status of a commodity, he sells himself, and he himself reaps the fruits of a kind of contract of sale. Such people deserve moral condemnation and cause feelings of disgust. Obviously, the great Russian poet-citizen N.A. wrote about them in his time. Nekrasov: "You are looking for a purchased kiss, you are running after a corrupt beauty." These people are selling themselves. For any human hostel, another type of people who can be bribed, ready for a reward for a dishonorable act, is more dangerous. In this case, we are talking about people who have a certain social status, occupy certain positions, perform certain functions, the implementation of which is inevitably associated with public interests. If people of this category are prone to venality, then, unfortunately, they sell not only and not so much themselves, but those superiorities over others that “granted” him an official or official position, position, material advantage and, to a large extent, the rank he holds. . The problem is complicated by the fact that this numerous category of officials

real, not imaginary, well-being of millions of people. And although this phenomenon has its roots in our long ethnic past, there is no justification for it even today. Corruption and bribery of officials and politicians of all levels, as a social phenomenon, is usually called corruption in the most general sense. The immoral essence and social immorality of the corruption of officials finds expression in the fact that, without incurring any material costs and without making any material advances, they often receive constant and fabulous profits only for the fact that they are an official and occupy certain positions. That is why in modern conditions corruption is not just self-sale and bribery of an official, it is a kind of psychology of his thinking and activity, it is the image of an official-bureaucrat. In this regard, the definition of the concept of corruption in its stable forms in modern conditions is the direct use by an official of his official position for the purpose of personal enrichment.

Table number 2

Text analysis options

Text analysis

Scope of the text

Mass media (newspapers, magazines)

The purpose of the text

Make the reader realize their own life position and arrange the signs in the title in accordance with this

Dominant function of language

Thought-forming - to convince, influence the mind in order to bring up an active citizenship

Type and form of speech


Text style, style variation (substyle)



Text Genre

Flashback Text

Continuation of table No. 2

Stylistic features of the text at different language levels

lexical features

“civilization throughout its existence has been constantly exposed to…”, “sells itself with “offal”, “give yourself and your feelings for money”, “corruption”

morphological features

“not only…”, “not less…”, “even individual…”, “only…”

syntactic features

“That is why, in modern conditions, corruption is not just self-sale and bribery of an official, it is a kind of psychology of his thinking and activity, this is the image of an official-bureaucrat”

Part 3. Fundamentals of legal rhetoric

Task 1. Analyze the proposed excerpts from court speeches in terms of the argumentation of the statements (theses) contained in them. Formulate a thesis (on your own or find it in the text) and determine the nature and type of arguments (see educational and methodological instructions for the test).

Text #1.

Strength is not in execution, but in love for a person. When you discuss the fate of Boris in your deliberation room, remember his moral suffering, about the hard lesson that life gave him in

Short description

Part 1. Norms of the Russian language in the oral and written speech of a lawyer
Task 1. Based on the data of the orthoepic dictionary, enter
the words below into a table. In the "Accentological Norms" section, put the stress in the words, in the "Orthoepic Norms" section, note with the help of transcription the features of the pronunciation of individual sounds and their combinations (see sample).

1. ... usually denote a permanent, timeless, absolute sign, not associated with a specific situation.

2. ... usually denote a non-durable state, a temporary sign, relative, characteristic of a particular situation.

3. ... are less characteristic of colloquial speech.

4. ... are characteristic of many adjectives expressing a constant property of objects.

5. Only ... are characteristic of many predicative adjectives ...

6. …. usually not used as a nominal predicate when denoting weather

7. Only…. characteristic of adjectives denoting the names of certain colors.

8. … can control nouns.

Exercise 89

1. Tatyana Petrovna, you (so beautiful, so beautiful) today.2. Why are you, Alexey Nikolaevich, (so lonely, so lonely)? 3. Really, Ilya, you are not (glad, glad)? 4. You, Olga, (proud, proud).

Exercise 90 Pick up 2-3 of your examples for each cell.

Handsome, less restrained, more beautiful, the best, more agile, the most beautiful, the most beautiful, the most beautiful, the most beautiful of all, the kindest, more restrained, the best , the most important, the most important, the most restrained.

Topic 17. Stylistics of numerals

Target: to study the stylistic features of the use of numerals in modern Russian.


  • Identify the features of the use of numerals in different styles of speech.
  • Consider the specifics of the implementation of informative and expressive functions by numerals.
  • To characterize the functional-semantic and grammatical features of quantitative, ordinal, collective and fractional numbers.

Key concepts: quantitative, ordinal, collective, fractional numbers; simple, complex and compound numerals; metaphorical use of numerals; variable forms of numerals; limited compatibility of collective numerals; countable nouns; declension of numbers.

Issues for discussion

1. Place of the numeral in different styles of speech

2. Stylistic resources of numerals

2.1. Cardinal numbers

2.2. Collective numbers

3. Combinations of numerals with nouns

4. Use of countable nouns

5. Numerals in compound words


The stylistic characterization of numerals should begin with identifying the features of their use in speech, with determining the informative and aesthetic functions of numerals and describing the conditions for the implementation of these functions. Here you can consider in more detail the specifics of the use of this part of speech in artistic speech and journalism (metaphorization of numerals; the connection of some numerals with the system of figurative and expressive means of oral folk art, etc.).

Considering the stylistic features of individual categories of numerals, one should focus on the difficulties associated with the use of grammatical forms of this category:

Quantitative numbers - the presence of variant forms in some cases ( eighteight);

Ordinal numbers - the possibility of metaphorization with the loss of the main quantitative meaning ( first student, second grade);

Collective numerals - limitations in compatibility; features of declension (replacement of collective numerals by quantitative ones in oblique cases when combined with inanimate nouns: four days - about four days); narrow scope of use;

Fractional numbers - features of combination with nouns (a fraction controls a noun: one whole two tenths of a second).

The declension of numerals requires special attention, as well as some cases of combining nouns with prepositional case forms (combinations like bought twenty-three notebooks, worked for many days etc.).

Numerals should be distinguished from the so-called counter words, devoid of an exact quantitative meaning and most often assigned to a narrow circle of words ( ten eggs, three horses). Counting words, as a rule, are used in a reduced context, tk. most of them have a colloquial and even archaic coloration ( dozen).


  1. Golub I.B. Stylistics of the Russian language. - M.: Iris Press, 2008. - S. 256-270
  2. Kozhina M.N. Stylistics of the Russian language. - M .: Education, 1997. - P. 469-481

additional literature

  1. Solganik G.Ya., Dronyaeva T.S. Stylistics of the modern Russian language and culture of speech: Proc. allowance for students. fak. Journalism.- M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2004. - S. 153-158.
  2. Belchikov Yu.A. Practical stylistics of the Russian language. – M.: AST-PRESS BOOK. - S. 179-198.


Exercise 91

1. The general meaning of the numeral name is an indication of abstract numbers, the number of objects and their order in counting.

2. The semantic features of the numeral do not allow their metaphorical use.

3. In certain contexts, the numeral can become a strong expressive means.

4. The main function of numerals in a literary text is aesthetic.

5. The saturation of a journalistic text with numerals depends on the author's attitude, genre, size of the publication.

6. Numerals can be introduced into a literary text in order to give it credibility, to create the illusion of real life.

7. The expressive coloring of some numerals is due to their involvement in the system of figurative means of folklore.

8. The stylistic development of numerals in fiction is associated with the achievements of romantic writers.

9. The inclusion of numerals in the poetic language was due to the expansion of the themes of Russian poetry, the development of new forms, and the renewal of figurative means.

10. Metaphorization deprives numerals of their main grammatical feature: the designation of an exact number or quantity.

Exercise 92

There are three professors working at the department (three professors). 2. A person can live without food for more than (four or four) days. 3. Our cat had (five-five) kittens. 4. This complex case was conducted (two judges - two judges). 5. Those who were selected for the competition were (four - four). 6. They had (ten - ten) children in their family. 7. All (three brothers - three brothers) became officers. 8. My (two sisters - two sisters) live in Moscow. 9. They looked back at my cry (two passers-by - two passers-by). 10. Entered the room (three young people - three young people).

Exercise 93 RU":

How to say correctly: with two hundred rubles or with two hundred rubles?

What word usage corresponds to modern norms : fifty books or fifty books?

How to say correctly : mother of three children or mother of three? Three scissors missing or three scissors?

How to harmonize the words "twenty-two" and "nursery": twenty-two nurseries? Twenty-two nurseries? Or do they not agree?

Exercise 94. Complete the sentences so that you get correct statements about collective numbers:

Collective nouns are used:

1. With nouns…. kind, naming persons .... gender: …..

2. With nouns that have the form ... .. numbers, for example: ….

3. Collective numbers above ... are not used . They are replaced by quantitative numbers, for example ...

4. With words …, … , …, and " ” in the meaning of “person”, for example: ...

5. With .... pronouns, for example: ....

6. With ... .. numerals and adjectives: ….

The style of the numeral name includes the following questions: the combination of numerals with a noun; the use of collective numbers; features of the use of numerals in compound words.

Combinations of numerals with nouns

1. The variant forms of the instrumental case of simple and complex numerals and combinations with them are equal in rights: eight - eight, eighty - eighty, eight hundred ~ eight hundred.

In variants of fifty - fifty. sixty - sixties, etc. the former are normative.

In the options for managing r three hundred rubles - with / the first ruble, in which the numeral, in accordance with the rule, agrees and case with the noun, is the standard.

Variant forms of a thousand - thousand are equal in rights, but they imply different subsequent management; cf : expenses are calculated in more than one thousand rubles (the word thousand with the preceding numeral one is considered as a noun and governs the genitive case of the next word) - arrival, here e thousand rubles (as a numeral, the word thousand usually agrees with the subsequent noun).

2. With a normative form of the type e, five hundred and eighty-four rubles (in the compound numeral, all its constituent parts decline: this provision is mandatory for written speech); a simplified construction that occurs in oral speech has a colloquial stylistic coloring r and literary speech is unacceptable.

Wed normative form: cargo weighing one thousand five hundred tons (not one thousand five hundred tons), but in the ordinal number in one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three (not in one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three).

3. When connecting a compound numeral ending in two, three, four (22. 23, 24, 32. 33, 34 ... 102. SW, 104 g. l.). with nouns that have only plural forms

number (day, sleigh, scissors), there is a syntactic incompatibility: it is impossible to say neither twenty-two days, nor twenty-two days, nor twenty-two days. In such cases, depending on the context, you need to replace words or restructure the sentence. For example: instead of 22 days, you can say: twenty-two days (if the text is not related to the terminological use of the word day, for example, in a medical history), for twenty-two days and aphids. Wed in business style: thirty-four pieces of scissors, we will deliver garage doors in the amount of sixty-three pieces to the warehouse.

4. In normative speech, the control of the words ode and ode in all cases is strictly distinguished: both brothers - both sisters -, therefore: on both sides, and on both sides, etc.

Combinations of r of both gates, at both hours, which do not meet the grammatical norm, are also colloquial, since the form of the indirect case is formed from a non-existent initial form (there is no nominative case, both - both gates, both - both hours due to the absence of the category of gender in nouns used only in the plural form). Possible editing: g of those and p of other gates (hours).

5. The use of the word couple in the sense of two is inherent in colloquial speech: buy a couple of apples, a couple of pears. The use of the specified word in the meaning of several, "a couple of days, a couple of trifles, a couple of words, a couple of lines, has the same character. In strictly standardized bookish speech (for example, in an official business or scientific style), such use is unacceptable.

6. In combinations two (three, four) or more ... the controlled noun is put in the genitive singular: two or more options, three or more difficult forms, four or more valuable sentences, i.e. the noun is dependent on the numerals two, three, four, and not on the word more.

7. The preposition in the distributive (distributive) sense controls the dative and accusative cases of the numeral, cf .:

a) one ruble, one thousand books, one million inhabitants, one billion rubles (with numerals one, one thousand, one million, one billion);

b) two pencils, three notebooks, four sheets of paper, two scissors, ninety kopecks each, one hundred tickets each, three hundred rubles each (with numerals two, three, four, two, three, four, ninety, one hundred, two hundred , three hundred, four hundred); previously encountered book forms such as ninety kopecks, one hundred rubles are perceived in our time as obsolete.

The remaining quantitative numbers (five, six ... ten, eleven, twelve ... twenty, thirty, forty, fifty ...) allow two forms in the construction under consideration: with the dative case (the book version with a touch of obsolescence) and with the accusative case (in neutral use, g do five kopecks - five kopecks each, ten raї - ten times each. forty places - forty places each, seventy rubles each - seventy rubles each.

The same options are possible with compound numerals: twenty-five rubles each - twenty-five pvo.ieu each, forty-seven kopecks each - forty-seven kopecks each, etc. But if there are two words in the compound numeral. three, four, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred. then the whole counting combination is put in the form of the accusative case: twenty-two kopecks each, two hundred and thirty-five rubles each.

The use of constructions with the accusative case becomes predominant. This is especially true for the numerals five hundred - nine hundred.

8. The constructions 4b, 2 (forty-six point two tenths) of a percent (not "percent"), 5.8 kilometers (not ... kilometers), i.e. are correct. with a mixed number, the noun is a fraction, not an integer. Also: 45.0 (forty-five and zero tenths) seconds, b 7/8 (six and seven-eighths) meters Fri p.

9. Paired with one and a half dozen people - with a dozen and a half people, the first construction is normative: the numeral one and a half in all cases, except for the nominative and accusative, is combined with the plural form of the subsequent land, noun.

The correct construction is one and a half kilometers from the regional center (not half a hundred kilometers ...): the numeral one and a half hundred is combined with nouns in the same way as one and a half, i.e. agrees in all cases, except for the nominative and accusative (cf .: one and a half kilometers)

185. Expand the brackets. Put the numeral a noun and the correct case. Check out the options.

І. He felt confident e (400 rubles), received from the wholesale for small expenses. 2. The dictionary was a thick volume (1800 pages). 3. Lermontov was born in (1814 goal). 4. The dusk of the night is directed at me with (1000 binoculars) on the axis. (V. Pl 5. It was a small village with (3 thousand inhabitants). 6, The child begins to quite consciously comprehend the world \ as early as (5 lei). '. The expedition was supposed to be long, it is unlikely to end in (32 days).

8, It is difficult to choose the correct one from (21 options) to solve the problem.

9. You can talk about a certain trend if there are two or more (identical cases). 10. Only about a dozen examples are involved in the course work. I 1. Yellow road marking line with a length of (2 meters) to (2.5 meters). 12. We. as always, (both, both) hands for your proposal. 13, Our correspondent managed to meet with (both. both) twin brothers.

(86. Dump. vi i. os t pchsage > u \,i ["„і k і e pі it (i k> і slozhep n і x below option he kolі і tes і itv .ta-i nt-ty" knni

i. In the "koch[tyutapnch! N class pas sweet dough spoon go on (I1CCKOJL.KO -■- carried KO PL CHЄ. gochsk). 2. і It. 1 t I III\u003e 1 P - MHOTV l NЄІ!) he wandered around hide. 2 He made me tell the same thing over (DSSYAT -■ DSCHTN times). 4., \) you bought apples for a lot, only (five five rubles) ate kidoirlmm. 5. Each received (forty-seven - forty seven QUESTIONS) to lklіmєiu.(U (both, those II other companies) at the worst moment of the match something unimaginable was going on.

7. (A pair of beautiful necks. Your beautiful glues) The wind і arose in the washing of the head. 8. We will meet only in (a couple of hours, two hours). M. Started; and to prіklsi.t me to the office on the use of collective numerals

Cathedral: e-lvine numerals gSy /, cable, four (numbers іеlії hijacking ptt are usually used>. i right up,. yu Oeentero) are combined:

lyre: mCoe Ppyjeit. three syrups.

With suіІіеSNLIІЇSDPIІCHP. IHіSYuSHІІCHP forms ONLY MULTIPLE S1VЄN - noto numbers. Reoe andorot. demand no.

with superstventslnїhp! awn, rheoyasha. .ііоііііі. with a noun.tuuo in the confluence of even Rnoe Oetei. three reicht, tute MO.TRYKH re- OCHPI. four.01 and NSOChrSsie.ІСії"іСісо g > 0.1 і С

with personal met: i he men ich m and lich. py. it. us. We are One, there are three of us, or oi, i.! U Five",


With і і іаtvаnі іami paired objects: One ruhavshі. three sipos in the meaning of t to.olo-that aphids: the norm; the combination of this oruk (and not the axis of the feast yells, causing the idea of ​​​​four objects. іak How trousers are not for pairs, but for pieces); combinations of pari ori, s, chira half back have a frame of a supporting nature.

Collective chpe.shchelpye are used in the meaning of the names of the nouns of the hexadecimal: uotu.tu ikme. three n gray nteayah; sister many tie lnout.

Tina combinations three portpiles. four-ero doctrine and none. p.u. with cyiuecivital feminine names) are not recommended even in ra and supporting speech.

When SIPONI chchnost and design with quantitative and sobі i ra i ate s i chiє. ні і елн ымн і р on they weapons - anise weapons, you can choose one of the options.

G1 relioch i and gє.іyio uiotrsolenpe collective numerals; with su Ostan opted masculine adjectives; two

prohachi silt, three, soybean others, even gray hoinoypyh:

with masculine nouns ending in -я: two men, three young men.

In some cases, on the contrary, collective numerals are not used, since they introduce a reduced connotation of meaning: two professors, three generals (not two professors, three generals).

3. In combination with animate nouns, collective numerals are used both in the nominative and in oblique cases: three children, mother of three children.

In combination with inanimate nouns, as a rule, only the nominative-accusative case is used: two saneil, three scissors, four days. In indirect cases, the forms of the corresponding cardinal numbers are used: to two sledges, with three scissors, about four days.

At the word watch (device), a collective numeral is used (one watch, two hours) or the word piece is added (five watches are missing). The expression couple of hours has a colloquial character,

187. Expand the brackets. Choose a collective or quantitative numeral, justify your choice. If possible, give their stylistic characteristics.

I. Work at the department (three professors - three professors).

2. A person can live without food for more than (four - four) days. 3. Our cat had (five - five) kittens. 4. Lead this complex case (two judges - two judges). 5. Those who were selected for the competition were (four - four). 6. Order "Mother Heroine*" is given to a woman with (ten - ten) children. 7. There were (fifteen-fifteenpatero) children in our family. 8. All (three brothers - three brothers) became officers and left our town, and (two sisters - two sisters) stayed close to their parents, 9. I shouted - (two passers-by - two passers-by) looked around. 10. Entered the room (three young people - three young people).

188. From the words below, choose ge with which it is possible to use a collective numeral. Justify your choice.

Gates, general, weekdays, day, girl, children, puppy, president. military, athlete, sister, chess player, bulldozer, Volga*, city, village, animal, computer, scissors, son, judge.

The use of numerals in compound words

1. Variants of compound words are equal in rights, which include the element two-, two- "two-voice - two-voice, two-bottom - two-bottom, two-class - two-class, two-year - two-year, two-field - two-field, two-slope - two-slope, two-syllable - two-syllable, double-barreled - double-barreled, two-sidedness - two-sidedness.

Compound words double-breasted. two-headed, two-kopeck piece, two-headed, two-stranded, two-digit, two-prong, two-wheeler, two-fold, two-faced, two-fingered, two-horned, two-headed, two-foot, two-carbonic, two-term, two-lingual and some others do not allow spellings with two-.

But the main array of such compound words is written with a two-element: diatomic, biennial, two-chamber, biennial. double, two-deck, two-percentage, two-layer, two-hundred-year-old, two-day, two-stroke, two-volume, two-hour, two-color, two-story, etc.

Before vowels, as a rule, two- is used to avoid the confluence of two vowels: two-act, two-axis, two-tier, two-element, but there are deviations: dioxide, bicarbonate, bilingualism and some others.

2. The numeral sex-, meaning half, is not used as an independent word in the modern literary language, except for colloquial options: take medicine for half a teaspoon; half the theater of Moscow came to the premiere,

As part of compound words, the numeral sex- with nouns in the genitive case, in oblique cases (except for the accusative) takes the form of semi-: half an hour, half an hour, half an hour's walk, half a year, within six months.

In the nominative and accusative cases, the numeral half- in compound words is consistent with the plural adjective: every six months, in the first half hour, difficult half-way, over the last half century (over the last half century - profanity); with a predicate-verb or a short participle, it agrees in the form of a plural or neuter gender: half a century has passed - half a century has passed, half an hour has flashed - half an hour has flashed.

In the variant forms of the genitive case, half an hour is missing - half an hour is missing, the last option is colloquial.

189. Choose the forms in brackets. Explain your choice.

1. Nobody likes to be cut off at (half-word - half-word). 2. We were from the city in (half an hour - half an hour) drive. 3. He answered the letter (half a year - the house was blown) later. 4. This medicine is washed down with (cup - half glass) of water, 5. For this test, you can limit yourself to (half a dozen - half a dozen) eggs.

6. Abstracts had to be handed in by (May 1st - May 1st).

7. All flowers sold out by (March 8 - March 8).

8. He promised to come at (half-past two - half past one). 9. Next

the catcher had to talk to (one and a half dozen - no.ivrop; dozens) witnesses. 10. A cargo weighing and (thousand;, five hundred - one thousand five hundred) kilograms was delivered. 11. Napa faction is ready to propose (two or more options - two or more options

this bill.

190. Choose the first part of compound words - lv \ - almost two -.

Two heads and an eagle, a lion .. face Janus. two., chamber parliament two,. step elections, two. lvu.boat courses. lv.lnevny stock, two..apartment house, two.fragmented crystal, two., fingers and cross, two..shift work, two..language dictionary, number, two..wire wire, TVu.lidnp man, two..rushnik, two..side negotiations

191. Find stylistic mistakes, wrong them

1. The firm needs two secretaries. 2. The car was pulled out and. swamps with the help of two tractors, 5. He will always say some ambiguity! 4. Moscow is one and a half hundred kilometers from here. 5. He gave his remarks in three fe chats at once. Immediately four workers filed applications for resignation.7. Our family adopted three orphans. 8. This course of lectures is given by two professors, 9. A survey showed that in fifty-one percent of cases the consequences of using this medicine are negative 10, The law is passed by both houses of parliament і I. The weight of these fruits sometimes reaches one and a half kilograms. 12. I was born in 1980, I 3. Our town has changed a lot over the past half century. 14. NONE of the players had Nc at both gates, because the game was in the center of the field.

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