Who is Shariy and where does he live. Where does political blogger Anatoly Shariy live? Childhood and youth

Anatoly Anatolievich Shariy(ukr. Anatoly Shariy) - Ukrainian journalist, author of publications about organized crime in Ukraine in 2008-2011; political refugee in the European Union. Author of a video blog with systematic criticism of publications in the media (mainly Ukrainian) related to the events in Ukraine in 2013-2015.

He studied at the Kiev Higher Tank Engineering School (Department of Regimental Intelligence).

He began to engage in journalism in early 2005, having previously suffered from gambling addiction for many years.

Journalism and pressure

  • Since 2005 worked:
in glossy publications in Ukraine "Natalie", "The Only", "Polina"; in the Ukrainian newspaper "Segodnya". in Russia he collaborated with the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper and others.
  • 2006 - the period of Shariy's work in women's glossy magazines includes his article "Why the child sleeps", written in December 2006, in which the journalist raised the issue of the use of children by professional beggars in Kiev.
  • Since 2008, he has been a regular contributor to From-UA online publications, Obozrevatel (obozrevatel.com), since 2009 he has worked only with online publications.
  • From 2008 to the beginning of 2012, when he fled from Ukraine, he was the head of the investigation department of the Obozrevatel website.

Article about pedophiles

In October 2009, Shariy published an article entitled "Public Orphanage". The article tells about the huge (with an area of ​​5000 m²), fashionable (with swimming pools and SPA salons) Odessa orphanage "Zhemchuzhinka", hung with CCTV cameras, which contains only 23 boys and girls, and the number of employees is almost 2 times higher than the number of children. Closer to the night, elite foreign cars come to the orphanage, and leave in the morning.

Since 2007, People's Deputy Mykhailo Sirota and the head of the Supervisory Board of the All-Ukrainian Public Organization "Society of Equal Opportunities" Svetlana Dyadchenko demanded an audit of the activities of the orphanage, they wrote to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Prosecutor's Office, and the Security Service of Ukraine. In 2008, Mikhail Sirota died in a car accident. After the SBU started checking, the Zhemchuzhinka's visit log disappeared. The employees refused to allow doctors and psychologists to visit the children for verification, arguing that the children would be traumatized.

In the summer of 2010, Oksana Drogan, executive director of the K Charitable Foundation, which built and owns a fashionable orphanage, sued Shariy, accusing him of defamation.

On August 4, 2010, Shariy published the second article "For an article on pedophilia - on trial", in which he analyzed the accusatory process. On September 15, Shariy's phone received a call from an Odessa landline phone, and an unknown man advised him to pay the lawsuit, otherwise he would be "cut off his head and lost." On the same evening, the journalist filed a complaint with the SBU, which, however, did not react in any way to the received signal. On September 19, Shariy was found guilty by a court decision on the suit of the Orphanage "Zhemchuzhinka" and was obliged to compensate the Fund "K" moral damage in the amount of 1000 hryvnia.

McDonald's shooting case

On May 1, 2011, Anatoly Shariy shot twice at a visitor to a McDonald's diner in Kyiv. On this occasion, Anatoly Shariy said that when he was having dinner with his wife, an unknown person approached the table and began to insult them. When the journalist asked him to calm down, he offered to go out to "sort things out." In view of the aggression provoked by the unknown, outside the walls of McDonald's, Shariy shot him twice with a traumatic pistol, hitting his leg and stomach. Shariy himself called the police, but was detained, and his pistol was confiscated.

On the Day of the Journalist of Ukraine (June 6), Shariy was awarded by the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vasily Farinnik "for 'professionalism' and 'objectivity' in covering the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

On June 16, Adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs Konstantin Stogniy told Shariy's colleague, journalist Alexander Chalenko, that the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kiev, General Krikun, was personally tasked by Minister A. Mogilev to "resolve the issue with Shariy" in order to prevent the following negative materials from being written about the Department for Combating Illicit Trafficking drugs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. On June 20, Shariy gave a press conference in Obozrevatel and stated that "the McDonald's shooting case" is pressure from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and UBNON; he also said that he lives openly, he did not change his mobile phone. The Jewish World newspaper, published in the United States, published an article claiming that the name of the unknown person who provoked the conflict in the diner appeared on the lists of freelance agents of the Kyiv police. On June 21, a criminal case was opened against Shariy under article 296 part 4. criminal code. Police officers came to Obozrevatel and handed summons to Shariy under the recording of video cameras. Investigators of Shevchenkovsky SO TVM-3 investigated the case in 4 working days.

During the trial in case No. 10-26059 on the shooting at McDonald's, witnesses for the prosecution stated that before testifying in the Shevchenkovsky District Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kiev, they were acquainted with the video recordings of surveillance cameras. The judge of the Shevchenkovsky Court of Kiev denied all petitions to summon witnesses in the case who could cast doubt on the indictment, to demand a video from the McDonald's hall, to demand a table layout, and so on. Observers from the "representation of the European Commission in Kyiv" promised to be present at the trial.

Investigation into the killings of stray animals

In November 2011, according to the results of the investigation of A. Shariy, a Kyiv killer of dogs was detained.

“Two days ago, Svidok told a story about a 19-year-old boy who abused animals with particular sadism. The pervert published a video of terrible torment on the Internet. The journalist was the first on the trail of the bastard, and, finally, the police detained him.”

The material about the investigation was accepted a couple of hours after it was sent and published on the obozrevatel.com website under the title “How the Obozrevatel found out the Kyiv maniac.”

Conflict with the Ministry of Internal Affairs

In the spring of 2011, Shariy began to write articles on the fight against organized crime, as exclusive information on drug trafficking and illegal gambling became available to him. Shariy was personally involved in activities such as the "closing of an underground casino," which was more in line with the activities of an intelligence officer than a journalist.

Investigation of abuses in the field of illicit drug trafficking

In 2011, together with journalists from the 1 + 1 channel, Shariy conducted a series of investigations on the protection of the drug trade in Ukraine by the Office for Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking. The result of such investigations was the dismissal of a number of high-ranking officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the closure of three drug centers in Kyiv. On June 7, the first part of the article “OBNON spits in the face of the Minister?” was published, which became the starting point of the confrontation between Shariy and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Investigation of illegal gambling activities

With the journalists of the 1 + 1 TV channel, he issued several investigations proving the involvement of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in covering up illegal casinos in Kyiv. July 12, 2011 Anatoly Shariy and the film crew of the 1 + 1 channel are locked in the casino. After a special news release on the 1+1 TV channel, the journalists are released.

Investigation of the "Aloyanov case"

On June 29, 2011, Shariy publishes the first part of the investigation into the murder of the owner of the 4room supermarket, in which he accuses the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, represented by the minister and his deputy Vasily Farinnik, of taking a bribe of 1.5 million US dollars.

On June 29, 2011, Shariy published an operational video recording of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in which Artur Aloyan, a representative of the well-known Aloyanov clan in Ukraine, ordered the murder of a Kyiv businessman. Also in the material, Shariy argued that the Russian citizen Merab Suslov, who was brought to justice for the murder of businessman Shabab Aloyan in 2009, was innocent. Shariy accused the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, represented by the Minister of Internal Affairs Mogilev and his deputy, Major General Vasily Farinnik, that Artur Aloyan was released due to the receipt of a bribe in the amount of 1.5 million US dollars by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

On September 21, 2011, Shariy published the material “Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Yezidis. Millions in blood. Part 1., in which he again accused the top of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the fact that Merab Suslov, accused of murdering the owner of 4room, was in custody illegally. On the same day, case No. 09-22896 on the attempt on Shariy's life is closed, and a criminal case is initiated against the journalist himself under article 383 part 2 of the Criminal Code (for "staging an attempt").

assassination attempt

On July 12, 2011 at 3:30 am, a few hours after the incident in the underground casino, when Shariy and the film crew of the 1 + 1 channel were locked in the premises by escaped workers, a shot was fired at Shariy's car on Radchenko Street. As a result, the windshield and rear window of the car were shot through, the inner lining of the passenger compartment was damaged by shot, the journalist was not injured. Employees of the Solomensky Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kyiv, journalists from the 1 + 1 channel, representatives of the prosecutor's office and the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs arrived at the scene. An operational-investigative group with a cynologist arrived at the scene, unsuccessfully searched for traces of criminals and weapons for several hours. Journalists from the 1 + 1 channel were on the spot, filming the search for weapons on camera. As soon as the journalists and Shariy left for the ROVD, the police found a sawn-off shotgun.

Shariy refused to write a statement and recognize himself as a victim. On the same day, an investigator of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kyiv took away from the journalist the keys to the car, which was blocked in the parking lot of the Solomensky Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kyiv.

Criminal case No. 09-22896 was opened on the fact of the assassination of the journalist. The head of the press service of the Kyiv police, Vladimir Polishchuk, put forward a version according to which Shariy “wanted to only scare,” since the shooting began when he had already jumped out of the car.

On July 14, the assassination case was taken under the personal control of the President of Ukraine Yanukovych, Deputy Prosecutor General Kuzmin and Minister of the Interior Mogilev. Shariy's interrogations lasted 6-10 hours, and on July 15 he was fingerprinted and DNA samples were taken.

On July 19, night searches prohibited by Ukrainian legislation were carried out in the apartment of Shariy's mother and in the apartment of his wife. Investigators seize memory cards and mobile phone SIM cards. The front door was cordoned off by the police, who did not allow either lawyers or Shariy's colleagues from the 1 + 1 channel to enter the place of searches.

Two days later, the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent out another release to the media, in which it said that on December 20, Shariy's case was submitted to the court.

Version of the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the staging

On October 5, 2011, the Department of Public Relations of the GUMVD of Ukraine in the city of Kyiv sent out a press release to the media entitled "The attempted murder turned out to be a staging." The release claimed that Shariy staged the assassination attempt. On October 6, Shariy was supposed to attend a "round table" on freedom of speech, with the participation of President Yanukovych. However, Shariy's invitation was cancelled.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs claimed that on the cartridge left in the barrel of the gun, from which the shot was fired at Shariy's car, his fingerprint was found. At the same time, he cannot provide this evidence, since after transferring the print to the tape for sending to the Research and Development Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the print on the cartridge was destroyed. On October 27, Shariy published an open letter to the Minister of Internal Affairs Mogilev, in which he directly accused him of pressure.

Criminal prosecution

In Ukraine, two criminal cases were initiated against Anatoly Shariy:

  • On June 29, 2011, Shariy was handed a decision to initiate a criminal case against him under Article 296 (hooliganism) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - on May 1 shooting at a McDonald's fast food restaurant, when Anatoly Shariy fired rubber bullets twice at an unknown person who attacked his wife.
  • In October 2011, under part 2 of article 383 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, because of the shelling of Shariy's car on July 13 (the journalist was accused of staging an attempt on himself).

As of the end of 2013, both cases were under litigation. In the annual report of the human rights organization Human Rights Watch for 2011, the attack on Shariy was mentioned as one of the confirmations of the worsening situation for journalists in Ukraine.

Flight abroad and asylum

On February 7, 2012 Anatoly Shariy was put on the All-Ukrainian wanted list. On March 19, 2012, he gave an interview in which he stated that he was in the European Union and asked for asylum in Lithuania.

On June 8, 2012, Radio Liberty, Novy Region, Ekho Moskvy reported that Anatoly Shariy had received asylum in the European Union. Shariy is the first Ukrainian journalist who received refugee status in the EU countries in recent years.

According to Shariy himself, many people helped him, including the ex-Minister of Economy of Ukraine Bogdan Danylyshyn (an associate of Yulia Tymoshenko). As reported in the media, Shariy, who was under two travel bans, illegally left Ukraine in January 2012, using someone else's passport, went to Moscow, and from there to the Netherlands.

Detention and attempted extradition to Ukraine

On July 16, 2013, Shariy was arrested in the Netherlands by Interpol, at the request of the Ukrainian authorities. On July 18, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine made a statement about the possible extradition of Shariy. However, on the same day, the court of the Netherlands refused Ukraine to extradite Shariy to Ukraine.

In February 2015, information appeared that Anatoly Shariy, who was in Lithuania, could be deprived of refugee status and extradited to law enforcement agencies of Ukraine (after the accusatory articles of one Lithuanian journalist, the Lithuanian Ministry of Internal Affairs began to check his case and initiated certain legal procedures).

Media activities (2014-2015)

After the Ukrainian Euromaidan in the winter of 2013-2014. A. A. Shariy gained wide popularity by commenting on the events in Ukraine and positioning himself as a debunker of falsifications (“fakes”) in the media (mainly Ukrainian).

On October 1, 2014, the main channel of Anatoly Shariy on YouTube video hosting was temporarily blocked with the wording "due to numerous complaints from third parties due to the fact that materials posted by the user violated copyrights." The journalist himself called it “an unequivocal attack on freedom of speech” from channels 1 + 1, 2 + 2 and TSN and indicated that he considers the materials he uploads to be completely based on the rules of video hosting, allowing the use of other people's materials with their discussion and criticism. Later, the wording of the channel's removal was changed from "complaints of copyright infringement" to "due to serious infringements". Without waiting for the blocked channel to be restored, the journalist created a second channel with similar content. On October 15, following the results of consideration of claims by the video hosting administration, the main channel was restored. On October 27, 2014, following new complaints, the main channel was removed again. On November 11, the second channel was also switched off for several hours. According to A. Shariy, the reason was "an identity check based on a complaint from Ukraine." On November 14, 2014, the main channel became available again.

As of September 19, 2015, his YouTube channel takes 687th place in the world ranking (more than 600 thousand subscribers, more than 539 million views).

Political affiliation

Shariy never declared his affiliation to any political party. On the official page of VKontakte, in the questionnaire, he indicated his political preferences as socialist.

Applying for political asylum in Lithuania in 2011-2012, Shariy said that both representatives of the authorities and the opposition help him in Ukraine. The Obozrevatel website, where Shariy worked in 2008-2012, belongs to Mikhail Brodsky, a participant in the Orange Revolution, who, with the election of Yanukovych as president, took the post of head of the State Committee for Entrepreneurship in the government of Azarov.


As of March 2012, Sharia's wife worked in Kyiv as a deputy editor-in-chief "in a well-known women's publication." They have a daughter. The couple divorced in May 2012.

On November 19, 2013, the Medianyan website, which publishes details of the personal life of Ukrainian journalists, reported that Shariy lives in the Netherlands and was going to get married - he got engaged to journalist Olga Bondarenko.

Anatoly Shariy - photo

Shariy, Anatoly Anatolievich

Shariy, Anatoly Anatolievich


Date of Birth:

Since 2011, he has been the head of the Investigations department of the Obozrevatel portal.

Investigation of abuses in the field of illicit drug trafficking

In 2011, together with journalists from the 1 + 1 channel, he conducted a series of investigations on the “protection” of the drug trade in Ukraine by the UBNON Ministry of Internal Affairs (Department for Combating Drug Trafficking). The result of the investigations was the dismissal of a number of high-ranking officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the closure of three drug centers in Kyiv.

On June 7, part one of the article “Does OBNON spits in the face of the Minister?” comes out, which became the starting point of the confrontation

Investigation of illegal gambling activities

With the journalists of the 1 + 1 TV channel, he issued several investigations proving the involvement of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in covering up illegal casinos in Kyiv. On June 12, 2011, Anatoly Shariy and the film crew of the 1+1 channel are taken hostage in the casino. After a special news release on the 1+1 TV channel, the journalists are released.

Investigation of the "Aloyanov case"

On June 29, 2011, Shariy publishes an operational video recording of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in which Artur Aloyan, a representative of the well-known Aloyan clan in Ukraine, orders the murder of a Kyiv businessman. Also in the material, Shariy claims that Merab Suslov, a citizen of the Russian Federation brought to justice for the murder of businessman Shabab Aloyan in 2009, is innocent. Shariy accuses the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, represented by the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Mogilev and his deputy, Major General Vasily Farinnik, that Artur Aloyan was released due to the receipt of a bribe in the amount of 1.5 million US dollars by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

On September 21, Shariy publishes the material “Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Yezidis. Millions in blood. On the same day, the case of the attempt on his life was closed, and a case was opened against the journalist himself for "staging the attempt."

Incident at McDonald's

On May 1, 2011, Anatoly Shariy shot twice at a McDonald's visitor in Kyiv. According to Shariy, an unknown person attacked his wife, provoked a conflict, several times offered to “get out”. As a result, he received two bullets from a traumatic pistol registered for Shariy. The attacker fled, Shariy called the police and wrote a statement. Subsequently, information appears in the American and Russian media that the person who attacked Shariy is a freelance informant of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

assassination attempt

On the night of July 12-13, 2011, Shariy's car, which was returning from an investigation, resulted in the closure of an illegal casino on the street. Gmyri in Kyiv, a shot was fired. As a result of the assassination attempt, the journalist was not injured, the windshield and rear window of the car were shot through, the inner lining of the passenger compartment was damaged by shotgun shells. Employees of the Solomensky Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kiev, journalists from the 1 + 1 channel, representatives of the prosecutor's office and the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs arrived at the scene.

The Kyiv Prosecutor's Office and the Shevchenkovsky District Prosecutor's Office receive a number of complaints about gross violations in the work of the investigation from the Obozrevatel portal and Shariy's lawyers, but the Prosecutor's Office ignores these appeals.

June 29 A. Shariy publishes the first part of the investigation into the murder of the owner of the 4room supermarket, in which he accuses the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, represented by the Minister and his deputy Vasily Farinnik, of taking a bribe of 1.5 million US dollars.

On the same day, Shariy was handed a decision to open a criminal case against him.

A few hours later, at 3.30 am on Radchenko Street, a shot was fired at Shariy's car. An operational-investigative group with a cynologist arrives at the scene, unsuccessfully looking for traces of criminals and weapons for several hours. At the same time, journalists from the 1 + 1 channel are on site, filming the search for weapons on camera. As soon as the journalists and Shariy leave for the ROVD, the police find a sawn-off shotgun.

On the same day, an investigator of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kiev, having learned that Shariy officially refuses to write a statement to the police and comment on what happened in the media, robs the journalist of the keys to the car, which is blocked in the parking lot of the Solomensky Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kiev .

Criminal case No. 09-22896 is initiated on the fact of the assassination of a journalist. The interrogations of A. Shariy last for 6-10 hours, on July 15 they take fingerprints and DNA samples from him.

On July 19, in the apartment of A. Sharia's mother and in the apartment of his wife, night searches are carried out, prohibited by Ukrainian legislation. Investigators seize memory cards and mobile phone SIM cards. The front door is cordoned off by the police, who do not allow either lawyers or Shariy's colleagues from the 1 + 1 channel to enter the place of searches.

The composition and surname of the head of the investigation team, despite numerous requests from representatives of the victim A. Shariy and information requests from the "Observer", were not disclosed.

September 21 A. Shariy publishes the material “Ministry of Internal Affairs and Yezidis. Millions in Blood Part 1. In the material, he again accuses the top of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the fact that Merab Suslov, accused of the murder of the owner of "4room", is in custody illegally. On the same day, September 21, case No. 09-22896 on the attempted assassination of Shariy is closed, and a criminal case is initiated against the journalist himself under Article 383 Ch2 of the Criminal Code.

Two days later, the Ministry of Internal Affairs sends out another release to the media, in which it reports that on December 20 Shariy's case was submitted to court.

During the trial in case No. 10-26059 on the shooting at McDonald's, witnesses for the prosecution stated that before testifying in the Shevchenkovsky District Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kiev, they were acquainted with the video recordings of surveillance cameras. It also turned out that the victim could not give the address of the hospital to which he went, and from where, according to him, the doctor reported the incident to the police. The official response from the Ministry of Internal Affairs states that, apart from Shariy, no one contacted the police regarding the incident at McDonald's.

It also turned out in court that the case was handled by at least two people who had nothing to do with the investigation team. The judge of the Shevchenkovsky Court in Kyiv denied all motions to summon witnesses in the case who could cast doubt on the indictment, to demand a video from the McDonald's hall, to demand a table layout, and so on. There are observers from the European Union on the courts, who do not hide their concern about the course of the process.

In the annual report of the human rights organization Human Rights Watch, the Shariy case is mentioned as one of the confirmations of the worsening situation with freedom of speech in Ukraine.

On February 7, Anatoly Shariy was put on the All-Ukrainian wanted list, and his preventive measure was changed to detention and placement in SIZO No. 13.

Flight abroad and asylum

On March 19, 2012, Anatoly Shariy gave interviews to Radio Liberty, Ukrainska Pravda and others, in which he stated that he was in the European Union and asked for asylum in Lithuania. According to Shariy himself, the ex-Minister of Economy of Ukraine helped him to carry out the plan of leaving the border

Anatoly Shariy since 2014 has been actively criticizing the events in Ukraine after the Revolution of Dignity, as well as the Ukrainian authorities. He fled Ukraine after opening a criminal case against him on the fact of shooting in the capital's McDonald's. For the past few years he has been living in Europe, which also did not prevent the CEC from registering him as a candidate for people's deputies. In April 2019, the court canceled the arrest and search for Shariy.

His video blog and personal website are monetized, that is, they make a profit from views. He draws the attention of colleagues and readers to the fact that he is a "Ukrainian" journalist.


Born on August 20, 1978 in Kyiv. Higher education. Former journalist for The Observer.

He says that he studied at the Kiev Higher Tank Engineering School (department of regimental intelligence). There is a problem with the Kyiv Higher Tank Engineering School. They enter the school after school at the age of 17-18, i.e. if he was born on August 20, 1978, then he had to enter from 1995 and later ... And this means that he had to graduate from the Kiev Institute of Ground Forces.

In 2005 he came to journalism - “He never talks about what he did before his entry into journalism in early 2005.

Since 2005 works:

In glossy publications in Ukraine "Natalie", "The Only", "Polina"; in the Ukrainian newspaper "Segodnya".

In Russia, he collaborated with the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper and others.

2006 - during the period of Shariy's work in women's glossy magazines, his article “Why the child sleeps”, written in December 2006, in which Shariy raises the issue of the use of children by professional beggars in Kiev, refers. The article becomes a long-term hit of Runet.

From 2008 at the beginning of 2012 (when Shariy fled from Ukraine) he was the head of the Investigation department of the Obozrevatel website.


As of March 2012, Sharia's wife worked in Kyiv as a deputy editor-in-chief "in a well-known women's publication." They have a daughter. The couple divorced in May 2012.

On November 19, 2013, on the Medianyan website, which publishes details of the personal life of Ukrainian journalists, it was reported that Shariy lives in the Netherlands and was going to get married - he got engaged to journalist Olga Bondarenko

Private bussiness

A journalist whose undoubted forte is investigations. Investigations of everything and everything - from schemes of theft of budgetary funds, and ending with bribery of passport officers. Anatoly's past is covered with a dense veil of secrecy, and information about what Shariy did before joining journalism appears only from time to time in the form of excerpts from articles of domestic publications of many years ago with contradictory content.

It is known for certain that Anatoly, a native of Kiev, was a cadet of a tank school in the profile of "regimental intelligence", but upon graduation he disappeared from the sight of both the military registration and enlistment office and many close acquaintances. Years later, he appeared as a permanent author of articles on the psychological topics of the Natalie magazine. He also worked closely with the publications "The Only", "Moskovsky Komsomolets", with Moscow glossy magazines, but at the peak of royal success he went headlong into the Internet, moreover, he retrained from a psychologist of relations into a tough oppositionist of the then "orange power". Today, according to the statements of Shariy himself, “wetting everyone, and indiscriminately”, and receives “pleasure of an almost sexual nature” from negative comments.

Anatoly was invited to the publication by the breeders of the Observer, which, according to him, he never regretted.

Conflicts with the Ministry of Internal Affairs

  • On May 1, 2011, Anatoly Shariy shot twice at a visitor to a McDonald's diner in Kyiv. According to Shariy's statement: when he was having dinner with his wife, an unknown person approached him and started insulting him. When the journalist asked him to calm down, he offered to go out to "sort things out." On the street, Shariy shot him twice with a traumatic pistol, hitting him in the leg and stomach. Shariy, who himself called the police, was detained, the pistol was confiscated.

According to another version (including activists of the Road Control public organization), the initiator of the clash was Shariy himself, who shot at the back of a McDonald's visitor. At the same time, attention is focused on the discrepancy between the description of events and the video from the surveillance camera.

On the Day of the Journalist of Ukraine (June 6), Shariy was awarded by the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vasily Farinnik "For professionalism and objectivity in covering the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

On June 16, Adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs Konstantin Stogniy told Shariy's colleague, journalist Alexander Chalenko, that the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kiev, General Krikun, was personally tasked by Minister Mogilev to "resolve the issue with Shariy" in order to prevent the writing of the following negative materials about the UBNON MVD.

On June 20, Shariy gave a press conference in Obozrevatel and stated that "the McDonald's shooting case" is pressure from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and UBNON; he also said that he lives openly, he did not change his mobile phone. The Jewish World newspaper, published in the United States, published an article claiming that the name of the unknown person who provoked the conflict in the diner appears on the lists of freelance agents of the Kyiv police.

On June 21, a criminal case was initiated against Shariy under article 296 part 4. criminal code. Police officers appeared at Obozrevatel and handed summons to Shariy under the recording of video cameras. Investigators of Shevchenkovsky SO TUM-3 investigated the case in 4 working days.

During the trial in case No. 10-26059 on the shooting at McDonald's, witnesses for the prosecution stated that before testifying in the Shevchenkovsky District Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kiev, they were acquainted with the video recordings of surveillance cameras. The judge of the Shevchenkovsky Court of Kiev denied all petitions to summon witnesses in the case who could cast doubt on the indictment, to demand a video from the McDonald's hall, to demand a table layout, and so on. Observers from the "representation of the European Commission in Kyiv" were promised at the trial.

  • In the spring of 2011, Shariy began writing on the fight against organized crime, and exclusive information on drug trafficking and illegal gambling became available to him. Shariy took part in such operations as "closing the underground casino".
  • In 2011, together with journalists from the 1 + 1 channel, he conducted a series of investigations on the “protection” of the drug trade in Ukraine by the UBNON Ministry of Internal Affairs (Department for Combating Drug Trafficking). The result of the investigations was the dismissal of a number of high-ranking officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the closure of three drug centers in Kyiv.

On June 7, the first part of the article “OBNON spits in the face of the minister?” was published, which became the starting point of the confrontation between Shariy and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Investigation of the "Aloyanov case"

On June 29, 2011, Shariy publishes the first part of the investigation into the murder of the owner of the 4room supermarket, in which he accuses the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, represented by the minister and his deputy Vasily Farinnik, of taking a bribe of 1,500,000 US dollars.

On June 29, 2011, Shariy published an operational video recording of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in which Artur Aloyan, a representative of the well-known Aloyanov clan in Ukraine, ordered the murder of a Kyiv businessman. Also in the material, Shariy argued that Russian citizen Merab Suslov, who was brought to justice for the murder of businessman Shabab Aloyan in 2009, was innocent. Shariy accused the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, represented by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Mogilev and his deputy, Major General Vasily Farinnik, that Artur Aloyan was released as a result of receiving a bribe in the amount of 1,500,000 US dollars by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

On September 21, 2011, Shariy published the material “Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Yezidis. Millions in blood. Part 1 ”, in which he again accused the top of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the fact that Merab Suslov, accused of murdering the owner of “4room”, was illegally detained. On the same day, case No. 09-22896 on the attempt on Shariy's life is closed, and a criminal case is initiated against the journalist himself under article 383 part 2 of the Criminal Code (for "staging an attempt").

assassination attempt

On July 12, 2011, at 3:30 am, a few hours after the incident in the underground casino, when Shariy and the film crew of the 1 + 1 channel were locked in the premises by escaped workers, a shot was fired at Shariy's car on Radchenko Street. As a result, the windshield and rear glass of the car were shot through, the inner lining of the passenger compartment was damaged by shot, the journalist was not injured. Employees of the Solomensky District Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kyiv, journalists from the 1 + 1 channel, representatives of the prosecutor's office and the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs arrived at the scene. An operational-investigative group with a cynologist arrived at the scene, unsuccessfully searched for traces of criminals and weapons for several hours. Journalists from the 1 + 1 channel were on the spot, filming the search for weapons on camera. As soon as the journalists and Shariy went to the police department, the police found a sawn-off shotgun. Shariy refused to write a statement and recognize himself as a victim. On the same day, an investigator of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kyiv took away from the journalist the keys to the car, which was blocked in the parking lot of the Solomensky District Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kyiv. Criminal case No. 09-22896 was opened on the fact of the assassination of the journalist. The head of the press service of the Kyiv police, Vladimir Polishchuk, put forward a version according to which Shariy “wanted to only scare,” since the shooting began when he had already jumped out of the car.

On July 14, 2011, the assassination case was taken under the personal control of President of Ukraine Yanukovych, Deputy Prosecutor General Kuzmin and Minister of Internal Affairs Mogilev. Shariy's interrogations lasted for 6-10 hours, on July 15 he was fingerprinted and DNA samples were taken.

On July 19, a search was carried out in the apartment of Shariy's mother and in the apartment of his wife. Investigators seize memory cards and mobile phone SIM cards. Paradnoye was surrounded by police, which do not allow lawyers or Shariy's colleagues from the 1 + 1 channel to enter the place of searches.

Two days later, the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent out another release to the media, in which it said that on December 20, Shariy's case was submitted to the court.

Version of the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the staging

On October 5, 2011, the Department of Public Relations of the GUMVD of Ukraine in the city of Kyiv sent out a press release to the media entitled "The attempted murder turned out to be a staging." The release claimed that Shariy staged the assassination attempt. On October 6, Shariy was supposed to attend a "round table" on freedom of speech, with the participation of President Yanukovych. However, Shariy's invitation was cancelled. The Ministry of Internal Affairs claimed that on the cartridge, which remained in the barrel of the gun, from which the shot was fired at Shariy's car, his fingerprint was found. At the same time, he cannot provide this evidence, since after transferring the print to a tape for sending to the NIEKTs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the print on the cartridge was destroyed. On October 27, Shariy published an open letter to the Minister of Internal Affairs Mogilev, in which he directly accused him of pressing.

Criminal prosecution

In Ukraine, two criminal cases were initiated against Anatoly Shariy:

On June 29, 2011, Shariy was handed a decision to initiate a criminal case against him under article 296 (hooliganism) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - on May 1 shooting at a McDonald's fast food restaurant, when Anatoly Shariy fired rubber bullets twice at an unknown person who allegedly attacked his wife.

In October 2011, under Part 2 of Article 383 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (knowingly false report of a crime with the artificial creation of evidence of the prosecution) due to the shelling of Shariy's car on July 13 (the journalist was accused of staging an attempt on himself).

As of the end of 2013, both cases were under litigation. In the annual report of the human rights organization Human Rights Watch for 2011, the attack on Shariy was mentioned as one of the confirmations of the worsening situation for journalists in Ukraine.

Detentions by Yushchenko's guards

On January 12, 2011, journalists Anatoly Shariy and Oleksandr Chalenko of the Observer were detained by the guards of the ex-President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko.

Ranks, ranks, regalia

He has the Cross of Distinction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the nature of which, like many other details of Shariy's life, is unknown ...

Anatoly Anatolyevich Shariy(ukr. Anatoly Anatolyovich Shariy; genus. August 20, Kyiv, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - Ukrainian journalist, video blogger, businessman, author of publications on organized crime in Ukraine in 2008-2011, political refugee in the European Union. Since 2013 - the author of a video blog aimed at systematic criticism of materials in the Ukrainian media (less often - Russian and Western) related to the events in Ukraine after the Euromaidan, as well as the actions of the Ukrainian authorities. Founder of the Shariy.net online publication.


Anatoly Anatolyevich Shariy was born on August 20, 1978 in Kyiv. He studied at the Kiev Higher Tank Engineering School (Department of Regimental Intelligence). According to his own words, he took part in the Orange Revolution.

Maternal grandfather - Yuri Alexandrovich Gorsky (1910-1941), lieutenant of the 46th separate anti-aircraft artillery division, participated in the battles of the Great Patriotic War and died in the Krasnaya Polyana region.

Religiously, he adheres to Protestant views. In politics, he adheres to right-wing views, calls himself "a cosmopolitan with a bias towards nationalism." Considers Donetsk and Lugansk the territory of Ukraine. Disapproves of the annexation of Crimea to Russia in March 2014.

Journalistic activity until 2011

Since 2005, Shariy has worked in the glossy publications Natalie, The Only, Polina; in the Ukrainian newspaper "Today", and also wrote articles for the Ukrainian supplement "Moskovsky Komsomolets". The period of the journalist’s work in women’s glossy magazines includes his article “Why the child sleeps”, written in December 2006, in which the journalist raised the issue of the use of children by professional beggars in Kiev. Since 2008, Shariy has been regularly published in From-UA, "Obozrevatel" online publications. From 2008 to 2012, he was the head of the investigation department of the Obozrevatel website.

In October 2009, Shariy published an article entitled "Public Orphanage". The article tells about a huge (with an area of ​​5000 m²) fashionable (with swimming pools and spas) Odessa orphanage "Zhemchuzhinka", hung with CCTV cameras, which contains only 23 boys and girls, and the number of employees is almost 2 times higher than the number of children. Closer to the night, elite foreign cars come to the orphanage, and in the morning they leave. Since 2007, People's Deputy Mykhailo Sirota and the head of the Supervisory Board of the All-Ukrainian Public Organization "Society of Equal Opportunities" Svetlana Dyadchenko demanded an audit of the activities of the orphanage, wrote to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Prosecutor's Office, and the SBU. In 2008, Mikhail Sirota died in a car accident.

After the SBU started checking, the Zhemchuzhinka's visit log disappeared. The employees refused to allow doctors and psychologists to visit the children for testing, arguing that the children would be traumatized. In the summer of 2010, Oksana Drogan, executive director of the K Charitable Foundation, which built and owns a fashionable orphanage, sued Shariy, accusing him of defamation. On August 4, 2010, Shariy published the second article "For an article on pedophilia - on trial", in which he analyzed the accusatory process. On September 15, Shariy's phone received a call from an Odessa landline phone, and an unknown man advised him to pay the lawsuit, otherwise he would be "cut off his head and lost." On the same evening, the journalist filed a statement with the SBU, which, however, did not react in any way to the received signal.

On September 19, Shariy was found guilty by a court decision in the suit of the Orphanage "Zhemchuzhinka" and was obliged to compensate Fund "K" for moral damage in the amount of 1000 hryvnia. According to Shariy, he lost the case because the materials he submitted to the court in the case of the orphanage contained copies of the negotiations between the deputy Sirota and the representative of the Prosecutor General's Office. Judge Lozinskaya requested the original recording of the conversation from Shariy as a plaintiff, which he could not provide, since the Prosecutor General's Office did not issue requests at the request of individuals. All Shariy's proposals to address the request through the court directly to the Prosecutor General's Office were refused.

2011 investigations

In the spring of 2011, Shariy began to write articles on the fight against organized crime, as exclusive information on drug trafficking and illegal gambling became available to him. Shariy was personally involved in such actions as "closing the underground casino", which was more in line with the activities of an intelligence officer, rather than a journalist. In 2011, together with the journalists of the 1 + 1 channel, Shariy conducted a series of investigations on the "protection" of the drug trade in Ukraine by the Office for Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking. The result of such investigations was the dismissal of a number of high-ranking officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the closure of three drug centers in Kyiv. On June 7, the first part of the article “Does OBNON spits in the face of the Minister?” , which became the starting point of the confrontation between Shariy and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

With the journalists of the 1 + 1 TV channel, he issued several investigations proving the involvement of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in covering up illegal casinos in Kyiv. On July 12, 2011, Sharia and the film crew of the 1 + 1 channel are locked in the casino.

On June 29, 2011, Shariy publishes the first part of the investigation into the murder of the owner of the 4room supermarket, in which he accuses the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, represented by the minister and his deputy Vasily Farinnik, of taking a bribe of 1.5 million US dollars. On June 29, 2011, Shariy published an operational video recording of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in which Artur Aloyan, a representative of the well-known Aloyanov clan in Ukraine, ordered the murder of a Kyiv businessman. Also in the material, Shariy argued that the Russian citizen Merab Suslov, who was brought to justice for the murder of businessman Shabab Aloyan in 2009, was innocent. Shariy accused the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, represented by the Minister of Internal Affairs Mogilev and his deputy, Major General Vasily Farinnik, that Artur Aloyan was released due to the receipt of a bribe in the amount of 1.5 million US dollars by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. On September 21, 2011, Shariy published the material “Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Yezidis. Millions in blood. Part 1. , in which he again accused the top of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that Merab Suslov, accused of murdering the owner of 4room, was illegally detained. On the same day, case No. 09-22896 on the attempt on Shariy's life is closed, and a criminal case is initiated against the journalist himself under article 383 part 2 of the Criminal Code (for "staging an attempt"). On December 23, 2011, the article "The Personal File of General Krikun" is published. , in which he covers the work of the police, touching more on the topic of the Aloyanov family.

In November 2011, according to the results of Shariy's investigation, a Kyiv killer of dogs was detained. “Two days ago, Svidok told a story about a 19-year-old boy who abused animals with particular sadism. The pervert published a video of terrible torment on the Internet. The journalist was the first on the trail of the bastard, and, finally, the police detained him. The material on the investigation was accepted a couple of hours after it was sent and published on the obozrevatel.com website under the title “How the Obozrevatel found out the Kyiv maniac”.

Criminal prosecutions

McDonald's shooting case

On May 1, 2011, Shariy shot twice at a visitor to a McDonald's diner in Kyiv. On this occasion, Shariy said that when he was having dinner with his wife, an unknown person approached the table and began to insult them. When the journalist asked him to calm down, he offered to go out to "sort things out." In view of the aggression provoked by the unknown outside the walls of McDonald's, Shariy fired two shots at him from a traumatic pistol, hitting him in the leg and stomach. Shariy himself called the police, was detained, his pistol was confiscated.

On June 16, Adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs Konstantin Stogniy told Shariy’s colleague, journalist Alexander Chalenko, that the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kiev, General Krikun, was personally tasked by Minister Anatoly Mogilev to “resolve the issue with Shariy” in order to prevent the following negative materials from being written about the Department for Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Ukraine. On June 20, Shariy gave a press conference in Obozrevatel and stated that "the case of the shooting at McDonald's" is pressure from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and UBNON; he also said that he lived openly, his cell phone did not change. The Jewish World newspaper, published in the United States, published an article claiming that the name of the unknown person who provoked the conflict in the diner appeared on the lists of freelance agents of the Kyiv police. On June 21, a criminal case was opened against Shariy under article 296 part 4 of the Criminal Code. Police officers came to Obozrevatel and handed summons to Shariy under the recording of video cameras. Investigators of Shevchenkovsky SO TVM-3 investigated the case in four working days. On June 29, he was handed a resolution.

During the trial in case No. 10-26059 on the shooting at McDonald's, witnesses for the prosecution stated that before testifying in the Shevchenkovsky District Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kiev, they were acquainted with the video recordings of surveillance cameras. The judge of the Shevchenkovsky Court of Kiev denied all petitions to summon witnesses in the case who could cast doubt on the indictment, to demand a video from the McDonald's hall, to demand a table layout, etc. Observers from “ Representation of the European Commission in Kiev".

assassination attempt

On July 12, 2011 at 3:30 am, a few hours after the incident in the underground casino, when Shariy and the film crew of the 1 + 1 channel were locked indoors by escaped workers, a shot was fired at Shariy's car on Radchenko Street. As a result, the windshield and rear glass of the car were shot through, the inner lining of the passenger compartment was damaged by shot, the journalist was not injured. Employees of the Solomensky Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kyiv, journalists of the 1 + 1 channel, representatives of the prosecutor's office and the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs arrived at the scene. An operational-investigative group with a cynologist was also called, and for several hours they unsuccessfully searched for traces of criminals and weapons. Journalists from the 1 + 1 channel were on the spot, filming the search for weapons on camera. As soon as the journalists and Shariy left for the ROVD, the police found a sawn-off shotgun. However, Anatoly Shariy refused to write a statement and recognize himself as a victim. On the same day, an investigator of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kyiv took away from the journalist the keys to the car, which was blocked in the parking lot of the Solomensky Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kyiv.

In October 2011, criminal case No. 09-22896 was initiated on the fact of the attempt on the life of a journalist under Part 2 of Article 383 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The head of the press service of the Kyiv police, Volodymyr Polishchuk, put forward a version according to which Shariy "they only wanted to scare", since the shooting began when he had already jumped out of the car.

On July 14, the assassination case was taken under the personal control of President of Ukraine Yanukovych, Deputy Prosecutor General Kuzmin and Minister of Internal Affairs Mogilev. Shariy's interrogations lasted for 6-10 hours, on July 15 he was fingerprinted and DNA samples were taken.

On July 19, night searches prohibited by Ukrainian law were carried out in the apartment of Shariy's mother and in the apartment of his wife. Investigators seized memory cards and SIM cards of mobile phones. The entrance was cordoned off by the police, who did not allow either lawyers or Shariy's colleagues from the 1 + 1 channel to enter the place of searches. Two days later, the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent out another release to the media, in which it said that on July 20, Shariy's case was submitted to the court [ ] [ ] .

Version of the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the staging

On October 5, 2011, the Department of Public Relations of the GUMVD of Ukraine in the city of Kyiv sent out a press release to the media entitled "The attempted murder turned out to be a staging." The release claimed that Shariy staged the assassination attempt. On October 6, Shariy was supposed to attend a round table on freedom of speech with the participation of President Yanukovych. However, Shariy's invitation was canceled [ ] .

The Ministry of Internal Affairs claimed that on the cartridge left in the barrel of the gun, from which the shot was fired at Shariy's car, his fingerprint was found. At the same time, he cannot provide this evidence, since after transferring the print to the tape for sending to the Research and Development Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the print on the cartridge was destroyed. On October 27, Shariy published an open letter to the Minister of Internal Affairs Mogilev, in which he directly accused him of pressing.

Political refuge

As of the end of 2013, both criminal cases against Sharia in Ukraine were at the trial stage. In the annual report of the human rights organization Human Rights Watch for 2011, the attack on Shariy was mentioned as one of the confirmations of the worsening situation for journalists in Ukraine.

On February 7, 2012, Shariy was put on the All-Ukrainian wanted list. On March 19, 2012, he gave interviews in which he stated that he was in the European Union and asked for asylum in Lithuania.

On June 8, 2012, the media reported that Shariy had received asylum in the European Union. Shariy is the first Ukrainian journalist who received refugee status in the EU countries in recent years.

According to Shariy himself, many people helped him, including the ex-Minister of Economy of Ukraine Bogdan Danylyshyn (an associate of Yulia Tymoshenko).

On July 16, 2013, Shariy was arrested in the Netherlands by Interpol at the request of the Ukrainian authorities. On July 18, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine made a statement about the possible extradition of Shariy. However, on the same day, the court of the Netherlands refused to extradite Ukraine.

In February 2015, information appeared that Shariy, who was in Lithuania, could be deprived of refugee status and extradited to law enforcement agencies of Ukraine (after the accusatory articles of one Lithuanian journalist, the Lithuanian Ministry of Internal Affairs began to check his case and initiated certain legal procedures).

Activities after 2014

On October 1, 2014, Sharia's main channel on YouTube video hosting was temporarily blocked with the wording "due to the filing of numerous complaints by third parties due to the fact that materials posted by the user violated copyrights". The journalist himself called it " a clear attack on freedom of speech" from the channels " 1 + 1", " 2 + 2" and TSN and indicated that he considers the materials he uploads to be completely based on the rules of video hosting, allowing the use of other people's materials with their discussion and criticism. Later, the wording of the channel's removal was changed from "complaints of copyright infringement" to "due to serious infringements". Without waiting for the blocked channel to be restored, the journalist created a second channel with similar content. On October 15, based on the results of consideration of claims by the administration of the video hosting, the main channel was restored. On October 27, 2014, following new complaints, the main channel was again deleted. On November 11, the second channel was also switched off for several hours. According to Shariy, the reason was "an identity check based on a complaint from Ukraine". On November 14, 2014, the main channel became available again.

Until April 2016, he also covered events in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. He stopped this after a negative reaction to the video dedicated to the independence day of the local people's republics (DPR and LPR) from subscribers and residents living in these regions, accusing Shariy of deliberately distorting information, incorrect wording of questions and deliberate selection of respondents. At the same time, Shariy continues the work of his project “From Normal People”, which consists in transferring money to elderly residents located in the conflict zone in Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

As of October 12, 2016, his YouTube channel ranked 577th in terms of the number of views in the VSP Group's youtube statistics (more than 1 billion views, more than 853 thousand subscribers). At the beginning of April 2017, the number of subscribers on Sharia's channel reached 1 million.

On November 14, 2017, Shariy joined the European Federation of Journalists and received an appropriate international certificate.

On August 26, 2018, Shariy's verified Facebook account, which at that time had about 280 thousand subscribers, was first banned for a month, and then completely deleted. In his August 27 video, Anatoly claimed that this was initiated by the Poroshenko administration, which is trying to silence him, and was technically implemented with the support of "patriotic" Facebook employees, ethnic Ukrainians. After the video was published and numerous requests from subscribers to support Facebook, Anatoly's account was restored, although the ban was not lifted.

Investigations and high-profile events

In the fall of 2014, Anatoly Shariy drew attention to the activities of the Russian “human rights activist” Elena Vasilyeva, the founder of the group “Gruz-200 from Ukraine to Russia”, who was disgraced due to the mention of zombie rays, which citizens of the Russian Federation are exposed to through telephone communication, as well as the fact that used the list of football players of the Orenburg FC Gazovik as a list of Russian officers who died in the Donbass. In November of the same year, the journalist exposed another list of Elena Vasilyeva, who this time took the names of applicants from Buryatia, reworked them and passed them off as dead soldiers. In the next few months, Anatoly devoted several more of his videos to exposing Vasilyeva. On February 4, 2015, the journalist began publishing previously unknown materials that represented a hidden recording of video and audio conversations between Vasilyeva and a certain counterparty named Gennady (presumably the head of the FSB department for the Kursk region, Major General Sviridov Gennady Aleksandrovich). In the course of conversations, Vasilyeva repeatedly reported on how much she manages to receive from the parents of Ukrainian prisoners of war, and also spoke negatively about the activities of the chief of staff of the "Officer Corps" (Ukrainian. "Officer Corps") Vladimir Ruban, who prevented her from earning money by releasing the military for free. However, already on February 6, Shariy completed the video cycle ahead of schedule, explaining that his videos did not have the proper impact on the Ukrainian media, which continued to invite Vasilyeva as an expert. However, already in March of the same year, Vasilyeva unsuccessfully emigrated to Israel, after which her career as a civil activist began to decline.

Periodically carried out provocations against the Ukrainian media: in May 2017 he sent “compromising evidence” against himself to the journalists of Channel Five, in September 2018 he provided forged documents for the Espresso TV channel program Shustrova Live about the possible financing of the NewsOne TV channel by the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska (on the basis of whose report the head of the Popular Front faction Maxim Burbak filed a request with the SBU).

On May 12, 2018, Shariy published screenshots of closed posts on Facebook by Vasily Marushchinets, Consul of Ukraine in Hamburg, which contained calls "Death to anti-fascists", comments "It is an honor to be a fascist" and statements in the spirit of "Jews declared war on Germany back in March 1934". The publication of the screenshots caused a public outcry, after which the Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin announced the start of disciplinary proceedings. On May 30, a message appeared on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine that Marushchinets had been dismissed from the ministry, and a copy of the disciplinary sanction was transferred to law enforcement agencies for further investigation.

In June 2018, the Shariy spouses published documents of interrogations of Ukrainian activist Gennady Afanasyev (which he refused during the trial in 2015 due to the use of torture to obtain them), containing Gennady's testimony against Oleg Sentsov (at that time on hunger strike). The TV channels 112 Ukraine and NewsOne, which participated in the coverage of the topic, were criticized for violating journalistic standards. The topic caused a significant resonance in the Ukrainian media; some of them said that this was a biased work, with the aim of making the Sentsov case "ambiguous".

In August 2018, Anatoly Shariy published a series of videos dedicated to Maidan activist Oleksandr Kostenko, who spent 3.5 years in a Russian prison and who was positioned by the Ukrainian side as a political prisoner. On August 3, 2018, Kostenko was released, after which, accompanied by Consul Gennady Brichenko, he arrived in Moscow at the Ukrainian Embassy in Russia. Immediately after his release, he was contacted by telephone by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, who called the former prisoner "a man with a principled position." On August 6, Kostenko arrived in Kyiv. In the capital of Ukraine, thanks to Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman and Mayor of Kyiv Vitaliy Klitschko, an apartment was found for Kostenko. Anatoly Shariy already on August 3 began to publish videos in which he reminded that earlier the SBU had criminal cases opened against Kostenko, and that, in all likelihood, arrest and imprisonment in Russia saved him from arrest and imprisonment in Ukraine. Subsequently, Olga and Anatoly Sharii published documents according to which Kostenko, having moved to the territory of Crimea, applied for Russian citizenship, after which he was captured during a special inspection, and subsequently brought to trial. And in his testimony, among other things, he stated the fact of cooperation with the special services of the Russian Federation. Claiming that he received from his "curator" Goloskokov $ 1.5 thousand remuneration for "draining" information of interest to the Russian special services.

Criticism of President Poroshenko and persecution by the administration of the President of Ukraine

Throughout the presidential term of Petro Poroshenko, Anatoly Shariy repeatedly criticized his activities, in particular the president's actions to resolve the events in the East of Ukraine, PR on these events, as well as PR on dubious successes and achievements that either were not such, or were committed Poroshenko's predecessors. In response to criticism, according to Shariy himself, the presidential administration launched a campaign to discredit the journalist, involving, in particular, Mark Feigin, who spread false information about the criminal prosecution of Shariy in the European Union. In addition, the administration filed a request with Google Corporation, in which it demanded to disclose the place of residence of the authors of several YouTube channels, among which was Anatoly Shariy's channel.

In response to these actions, in December 2018 Anatoly Shariy offered UAH 15,000. anyone who asks Poroshenko a question about the reasons for the persecution of blogger Shariy. At the beginning of 2019, the campaign turned into a flash mob, during which in many cities of Ukraine, during a meeting with the president, questions were raised about the persecution of the blogger. In a number of cases, there was an inadequate reaction of the president and his guards to citizens' questions: the president's bodyguards knocked the phones out of the hands of the questioners, the SBU officers beat the daredevils, and the president himself tore off their hats, slapped the face and pinched the nose of those who voiced the question. In addition, at the very beginning of the campaign, Poroshenko, answering a question about the persecution of Shariy, said: "Anatoly Shariy is not a Ukrainian journalist, he works for Russia." In response, Shariy filed a lawsuit against Poroshenko on charges of defamation.

In February 2019, at the height of the presidential campaign, Shariy suggested that the financial assistance that the President promised to the poor after his re-election, in fact, hides the collection of personal data that will be used to generate a parallel list of ballots. The blogger also published data on one election commission, where 8 out of 10 members of the commission will be "Poroshenko's", that is, although they will represent independent candidates, in fact they will receive commands and instructions from the headquarters of the incumbent president.

After in late February - early March 2019, bihus.info journalists published the correspondence of Ukroboronprom leaders who were engaged in money laundering on parts for military equipment purchased in Russia, Anatoly Shariy presented evidence that the company of President Petro Poroshenko "Leninskaya Kuznya" accepted active participation in laundering the state budget of the country by selling obviously unusable spare parts at an inflated (3-6 times) price.

Lawsuits after 2014

Lawsuit from the TV channel "1 + 1"

In June 2015, Shariy won a lawsuit against the 1 + 1 TV channel, which filed a lawsuit about using fragments of the TSN program and commenting on them in videos on the Youtube video channel, with the wording of copyright infringement. The TV channel concealed the fact of filing this claim. According to Anatoly Shariy's lawyer Nikita Popov, "it was a real lawlessness of the judiciary." [ ]

Demands were made to ban Shariy from using any videos from the TSN TV program. The judges of the Solomensky District Court of Kyiv satisfied the claim of the TV channel. The defense filed an appeal on the grounds that the meeting was held without the participation of Shariy, and the subpoenas were sent to the address where he had not lived for more than four years. On June 25, 2015, the appeal was granted. [ ]

Today I won the High Specialized Court for Civil and Criminal Cases against 1+1. Channel cassation rejected. The use of their videos on my channel is legal (previously it was legal in the States). With which I congratulate myself. I have the best of everything - journalists, friends, lawyers. Who is next? Although I know...

Lawsuits against Elena Manchenko

In November 2015, Shariy applied to the Obolonsky District Court of Kyiv with a lawsuit “for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation” against his half-sister Elena Manchenko. In his lawsuit, Shariy demanded that Manchenko refute the statement circulated on the Internet that he is a “pedophile and a thief”, and his cohabitant Olga Bondarenko is “engaged in prostitution”. On January 19, 2016, the court dismissed the claim, referring to the Plenum of the Supreme Court of Ukraine No. 1 dated February 29, 2009, according to which the responsibility for the dissemination of discrediting information lies not with the one who uttered the information, but with the one who published it, but if it is impossible to establish it - on the owner of the resource on which the information was published, if it is impossible to establish both of them, the burden of proof lies with the applicant.

In March 2019, Anatoly Shariy won a case for the protection of honor and dignity in a Dutch court. Elena Manchenko acted as a defendant in the libel case against Shariy. The blogger published a court decision, from which it follows that Manchenko lost the court and is obliged to pay 100 thousand euros in compensation for non-pecuniary damage. Following this, in the same month, the prosecutor's office of the Kingdom of the Netherlands opened an investigation into the commission of a criminal offense against Shariy under Art. 261 (spreading slander). The suspect in the case is Elena Manchenko.

Lawsuit against Detector Media

In February 2017, Shariy demanded through the court to refute the article published by the online publication " Media Detector» information that, in his opinion, discredits his honor, dignity and business reputation. The reason was an article by journalist Bohdan Logvinenko “A friend of the largest biomass. About “Rain” and not only”, in which Shariy was called “the mouthpiece of the Russian world” and “scandalous Ukrainian pseudo-refugee”. In June, the Shevchenkovsky District Court of Kyiv dismissed the claim. In July , the case was sent to the Court of Appeal , which dismissed the suit on 7 September . In court, representatives of the defendants stated that the definition "Russian world" in itself does not carry a negative connotation and therefore Shariy should not be indignant at the expression "the mouthpiece of the" Russian world "". The objection said:

There are many definitions, views, concepts, interpretations of history and conceptual principles of the idea of ​​the “Russian world”<…>"Indicative is the definition given by the playwright Nikolai Ostrovsky that "the Russian world is a human community of Orthodox Christians living in the unity of faith, ritual and customs."

Lawsuits against Mark Feigin and complaint

On July 13, 2017, on the air of the program “Own Truth” on the radio station “Moscow Speaks”, Mark Feigin stated: “He [Shariy] is on trial for pedophilia, I think that they have someone to deal with. So this comrade, I hope, will sooner or later be brought to justice. To the host’s objection that the information about the criminal case against the blogger is unreliable, Feigin stated in the affirmative: “What about Shariy? Quite reliable."

On July 18, 2017, Shariy's lawyers applied to the Khamovnichesky Court of Moscow and the Investigative Committee of Russia in connection with the statement of Feigin's lawyer, who accused him of committing a crime of a sexual nature. The journalist himself asked to refute the information disseminated by the lawyer. The journalist himself also negatively assessed the professional qualities of Mark Feygin, considering them responsible for the lost cases of his Ukrainian clients.

On October 25, 2017, the Khamovnichesky Court of Moscow satisfied Shariy’s claim, obliging Feygin to refute the information he had disseminated and recovering 66 thousand rubles from him to cover legal costs. On December 27, 2018, Mark Feigin, executing the said court decision, once again appeared on the air of Moscow Speaking, where he denied the false information he had previously disseminated that Anatoly Shariy was being held somewhere on a case of pedophilia.

In December 2017, it became known that Gurevich filed a complaint against Mark Feigin with the qualification commission of the Moscow City Bar Association and the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (which later supported the complaint), accusing her colleague of insulting her and her client on social networks before and after the process. Feigin called the lawsuit an attempt to remove Ukrainian journalist Roman Sushchenko from the trial. The start of consideration of the complaint was scheduled for January 24, 2018.

On April 24, 2018, the Moscow Chamber of Lawyers revoked the status of a lawyer Mark Feigin for obscene statements on social networks against fellow lawyers and their clients.

In July 2018, Shariy filed a new lawsuit against Feigin demanding the recovery of about three million rubles in compensation for moral damage and a refutation of all the information that Feygin had been spreading about him on Twitter throughout the year. The Free Russia Forum, among the participants of which is Feigin, added Sharia to the "Putin's List".

On February 28, 2019, the court satisfied Shariy's claim against Feygin. In accordance with the court decision, Feygin must tweet that "in the period from 2017 to 2018, I spread information that Shariy is a pedophile, that he has a case of pedophilia, but this is not true." Feigin has no right to delete this entry after publication. The court also decided that Feigin must pay 150 thousand rubles to cover legal costs and 50 thousand rubles in moral compensation.

Lawsuit against Espresso TV and Vitaly Portnikov

On August 14, 2017, A. Shariy announced that the Kiev court had accepted his lawsuit against the Espresso TV channel and journalist Vitaly Portnikov, who called it on the air a “Kremlin project” and spoke about the connections of the blogger’s activities with “Russian masters”. In his blog, Shariy cited a copy of the objection to the lawsuit filed by the defendants, in which it was argued that the Kremlin was not meant to be the Moscow Kremlin as a personal name, but the Kremlin in a broad sense, as a fortification in an ancient Russian city, but in the phrase about "Russian masters" there was an introductory phrase “relatively speaking”, which supposedly indicated the ephemeral, unreality, fictional nature of the entire sentence as a whole.


According to the ratings of the Brand Analytics Analytical Center, in April 2015, the Shariy.net website entered the top ten most cited blogs in Runet.

According to the Zmiya rating agency, as of September 10, 2017, the page of the Shariy.net online publication ranks 53rd in terms of popularity in the Ukrainian Facebook segment.

Grades and ratings

Russian journalist and TV presenter Vladimir Pozner, commenting on Shariy's activities, said that Anatoly is one of those who have the right to be called a journalist because, unlike many others, he calls a shovel a shovel:

Shariy is, without a doubt, a journalist. He allowed himself (and, as far as I understand, he continues to allow himself) to write and speak the truth about Ukraine. It once ended with the fact that he had to carry his legs, and today he is forced to hide from the authorities of this unusually democratic country.

On November 16, 2017, the UNIAN news agency published the rating of the most authoritative personalities in the Ukrainian segment of Facebook and Twitter, in which Anatoly Shariy is in 12th place, with a total audience of 511,000 people (in this segment).

According to Brand Analytics for February 2019, Anatoly Shariy's YouTube channel among Russian-speaking bloggers ranked first in terms of audience engagement.

Awards and prizes


  1. Shariy on Socialblade
  2. Iskander Khisamov. Anatoly Shariy: love and hate for Ukraine. Interview of the editor-in-chief of the publication Ukraina.ru with the main enemy of the Kyiv regime. Part 2. Ukraine.ru, 01.11.2017
  3. Koprovskaya, Irina. Anatoly Shariy became the first Ukrainian journalist who was granted political asylum in the European Union (indefinite) . Facts.UA (July 17, 2012). Retrieved March 9, 2019.
  4. Anatoly Shariy (Russian). YouTube. Retrieved 26 October 2017.
  5. Dossier: Anatoly Shariy (indefinite) . 24smi.org (March 9, 2019). Retrieved March 9, 2019.
  6. Evil design. Anatoly Shary. Answer to the Russian human rights activist. (indefinite) (February 21, 2015). Retrieved 26 October 2017.
  7. Anatoly Shary. 2013.
  8. Balasheva, Oksana. A gamer with nine years of experience was saved by a student (indefinite) . Segodnya.ua (August 17, 2007). - “Anatoly Shariy has been a casino player for many years. Doctors shrugged, relatives turned away. The 18-year-old girl Olga Rabulets, who was in love with him, was able to get rid of addiction. Retrieved November 28, 2014. Archived from the original on November 27, 2014.
Anatoly Anatolyevich Shariy is a Ukrainian video blogger and journalist who became famous at the turn of 2013 and 2014 thanks to the exposure of fake news and scandalous investigations.

In the three years since Shariy's channel was created, more than a million people have subscribed to it, and his name has become a symbol of honest and unbiased journalism. Anatoly's subscribers know that the blogger uses his own funds to help Donbass pensioners, left to the mercy of fate by the current Ukrainian authorities.

Childhood and youth

The future journalist was born and raised in an intelligent Kyiv family. His mother worked as an engineer at the Kievpribor plant, his father is a representative of the creative profession. Anatoly's great-grandfather, Gorsky Alexander Klementievich, was a hereditary nobleman, after the revolution of 1917 he remained in Russia, supervised the construction of large facilities.

Little Tolik learned to read early and by the age of seven he had managed to study the entire parental library, including Remarque and The Master and Margarita. At school, he was an excellent student, won olympiads, was awarded diplomas more than once. In adolescence, he became interested in photography, began to write poetry. When the boy was twelve, his father left the family. Mother could barely make ends meet, so Tolik had to part with the dream of becoming a historian.

After school, he entered the Kiev Tank School at the department of regimental intelligence, but he never became a professional military man. He was suddenly drawn into gambling, but, gathering his will into a fist and listening to the persuasion of his girlfriend, Anatoly managed to overcome this harmful addiction. As a player, he came into contact with the ins and outs of this dirty business, which helped him a lot in further investigations.

Journalist career

Anatoly Shariy came to journalism in 2005. Starting with small articles on psychology for the magazines "Natalie" and "The Only One", he soon moved on to acute social topics. His journalistic investigations revealed such painful problems as drug trafficking, illegal gambling business, the existence of children's brothels, theft of children and their use for begging.

Another high-profile article is “Public Orphanage”. The journalist exposed the employees of the Zhemchuzhina orphanage, who offered a certain category of citizens (who came to the Zhemchuzhina without fail in expensive foreign cars) to satisfy their perverted sexual desires with the help of orphanage wards.

Very soon, Shariy became the head of the investigative department in the large Ukrainian publication Obozrevatel and became so developed in his journalistic activities that he became a danger to many dishonest officials and police officers.

They began to “block oxygen” for him, and soon they organized a real persecution. Two criminal cases were fabricated against Anatoly, in which endless interrogations were arranged, illegal night searches were carried out in the apartment of his wife and sick mother. The journalist's car was confiscated, his calls were tapped, and his movement was restricted by undertaking not to leave the place. In search of justice, Shariy appealed to the Presidential Administration, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Minister of the Interior, the SBU, but all in vain.

In the summer of 2011, an assassination attempt was made on Sharia. A shot was fired at his car, but the journalist was not hurt. The Interior Ministry concluded that the attack was staged.

A criminal case was opened against Anatoly under 2 hours of Art. 383 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Shortly before that, another criminal case was opened against Shariy under Art. 296 ("Hooliganism") - On May 1, 2011, he shot from a traumatic pistol at a man who allegedly attacked his wife. The human rights organization Human Rights Watch called the attack on Anatoly one of the signs of discrimination against journalists in Ukraine.

He was threatened with arrest and a real term, so in 2012 Anatoly was forced to leave the territory of Ukraine and seek asylum in the European Union.

But even there he did not sit idly by. As a concerned citizen of his country, Shariy cannot help but be concerned about the consequences of the coup d'état that took place in Ukraine. After the tragic events in Odessa on May 2, 2014, Anatoly began to run his YouTube channel, covering various high-profile events taking place on the territory of Ukraine and exposing the “fakes” of corrupt media.

Personal life of Anatoly Shariy

The first wife of Shariy was a young translator Olga Rabulets. It was she who helped him get out of the maelstrom of gambling and insisted that he take up journalism. Olga gave birth to his daughter, but in 2012, due to the departure of Anatoly, the couple broke up.

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