Advanced training courses for higher education teachers. Pedagogy and psychology of higher professional education. The qualification “Higher School Teacher” is awarded (520 hours)




professional retraining programs

Goal: comprehensive psychological, pedagogical, socio-economic and information technology preparation for teaching activities in a higher educational institution based on the main program of higher professional education; formation of the following competencies in students:

General cultural: understanding of the main tasks, results of the functioning of higher education, the ability to analyze and evaluate one’s readiness for teaching activities, the formation of professional thinking, citizenship education, the development of a value system, semantic and motivational spheres of the individual;

Professional and pedagogical: readiness to design and implement modern educational technologies, choose the optimal teaching strategy and learning goals, ability to carry out professional and pedagogical activities at a scientific level.

Listener category: undergraduates, graduate students, scientific and pedagogical workers with higher education and at least 2 years of experience in scientific and pedagogical work.

Training period: 14 months

Form of study: partial break from work

Lesson mode: according to schedule, 6-8 hours per week

Name of sections, disciplines and topics

Total audit. hours


Application of educational technologies

Ways to control educational results


Prac., seminar. classes

1. Human psychology

Lectures-presentations, reports, individual training, essays, psychological testing

1.1. Main categories of psychology

1.2. Psychology of Personality

1.3. Psychological characteristics of students.

1.4. Psychological aspects of teaching.

2. Pedagogy

Lectures-presentations, problem lectures, reports, individual preparation, essays, round table, role-playing situations

2.1. Main categories of pedagogy. Higher education pedagogy

2.2. Didactics of higher education

2.3. Higher School Teacher Standard

2.4. Mastery of pedagogical communication at university

3. History, philosophy and methodology of the relevant field of science (according to the minimum candidate program in the relevant field of science)

Exam, essay

4. Information technologies in science and education

Exam, individual project

4.1. Hardware and software in new information technologies

4.2. Role functions of the teacher and organizational models of learning in the information environment

4.3. Information environment for training a competent specialist, creation of electronic publications

4.4. Software and methodological support for the educational process

5. Psychology of vocational education

Lectures-presentations, problem lectures, reports, individual preparation, essays, round table, role-playing situations

5.1. Psychological foundations of design and organization of situations of joint productive activity of teacher and students

5.2. Psychological problems of formation of professionalism

5.3. Psychological foundations of scientific creativity

6. Pedagogical skills

Lectures-presentations, problem lectures, individual preparation, essays, role-playing situations

6.1. Components of teaching excellence

6.2. Mastery in educational and educational activities

7. Technologies of professionally oriented training

Lectures-presentations, problem lectures, reports, individual preparation, essays, round table, project activities

Test, individual project,

6.1. Design of the educational process

6.2. Modern technologies of training and knowledge control

6.3. Fundamentals of mathematical processing of natural technology. and pedagogical dimensions

8. Organizational foundations of the education system

Lectures-presentations, problem lectures, reports, individual preparation, essays, round table

7.1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the education system

7.2. Legislative, legal and economic issues of higher professional education

7.3. Management of the quality of education at the university

9. Foreign language (according to the minimum candidate program in the relevant branch of science)

Lectures-presentations, individual training, role-playing

10. Modern heads of scientific disciplines

Lectures-presentations, problem lectures, reports, individual training, round table

11. Training of professionally oriented communication


Total audience theoretical hours preparation

12. Pedagogical practice

Lectures-presentations, individual training, self-analysis

Test lesson

Report on teaching practice

13. Final state certification

14. Defense of final qualification work

Organization All MCRKPO. Department of Geographical Education, Innovative and Space Technologies MCRKPO. Department of Management and Project Management MCRKPO. Department of Psychology of Leadership MCRKPO. Department for analysis of the effectiveness of educational policy MCRKPO. Department for the implementation of interactive educational technologies MCRKPO. Department for the Introduction of Digital Educational Technologies of the Moscow Center for Education and Training. Department of additional education and training MCRKPO. Department of Additional Education and Upbringing of the Department of Meta-Subject Training and Educational Technologies of the ICRPE. Department of Preschool and Primary Education MCRKPO. Department of Natural Science Education MCRKPO. Department of Inclusive Education MCRKPO. Department for coordination and support of projects for the development of human resources potential of ICRKPO. Department of Educational Technologies MCRKPO. Department for the training of pedagogical personnel of the artistic and aesthetic cycle of the Moscow Center for Education and Culture. Department for support of the implementation of the concept of mathematical education of the Moscow Center for Education and Training. Department of Management Training and Development of Leadership Potential of MCRKPO. Department of Public Communications MCRKPO. Department for the development and testing of meta-subject and interdisciplinary programs of the Directorate of Interdisciplinary Training and Educational Technologies of the Moscow Center for Education and Training. Department for the development and support of additional professional programs of the ICRPE. Department of Regional Cooperation MCRKPO. Department of modern technologies for the development of human resources of educational workers of the ICRPE. Support department of the State Civil Aviation Inspectorate MCRKPO. Department of Social and Humanitarian Education MCRKPO. Sector of Foreign Languages ​​MCRCPE. Sector of multicultural education MCRKPO. Sector of physical education MCRKPO. Department of Continuing Art Education MCRKPO. Directorate for training and professional development of management personnel of the ICRKPO. Department of Teacher Training in Educational Areas of the ICRPE. Directorate for Professional Development of Teaching Staff of the Moscow Center for Education and Training. Directorate for the Development of Digital, Interactive and Distance Education Technologies of the ICRPE. Educational department of MCRKPO MCRKPO. Center for Career Development of Managerial Personnel of the ICRKPO. Center for consulting, design and implementation of educational products MCRKPO. Center for meta-subject training and convergent programs of the ICRPE. Center for General Cultural Competencies of Teachers of the Moscow Center for Educational and Cultural Education. Center for assessing the competencies of teaching staff MCRKPO. Center for Instructional Design and Digital Pedagogy "Business Center" APKiPPRO ANO "Institute of Applied Analysis of Behavior and Psychosocial Technologies" ANO "Scientific and Methodological Center for Mediation and Law" ANO "National Research Institute of Further Professional Education" ANO "Creative Educational Technologies" ANO "National Center for Innovation in Education" ANO VO "International Institute of Management LINK" ANO VO "University of Russian Innovative Education" ANO VO "MPI St. John the Theologian" ANO DPO "Institute for Problems of Educational Policy "EUREKA" ANO DPO "Cultural and Educational Center "Global World" ANO DPO "MASPK" ANO DPO "Multidisciplinary Innovation Center" ANO DPO "Moscow Academy of National Economy and Public Administration" (MANHiGS) ANO DPO "OBRAZOVANIE-RS" ANO DPO "Prosveshcheniye-Stolitsa" ANO DPO "SoftLine Education" ANO DPO "TsRMK-educational programs" ANO DPO "Center for Effective Education" ANO DPO "Kitaygorodskaya School" ANO DPO "Higher School of Competencies" ANO DPO "Institute of Personnel Development" ANO DPO "Educational Center for the Municipal Sphere Kamenny Gorod" ANO DPO "SNTA" ANO DPO "UMC RSA "Interkon-Intellect" ANO DPO Open Institute "Developmental Education" ANO DPO CPSO "Center for Psychological Support of Education "POINT PSI" » ANO Legal Support Center "Profzashchita" ANOVO "International University in Moscow" ANODO "International Sports Academy of Irina Viner" JSC "Academy "Enlightenment" JSC "ELTI-KUDITS" State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Leningrad State University named after. A.S. Pushkin" (Moscow branch) State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow City Pedagogical University" State Autonomous Educational Institution of Further Professional Education "Moscow Center for the Quality of Education" State Autonomous Institution of Additional Professional Education "Moscow Center for the Development of Human Resources Potential of Education" (MCRKPO) State Autonomous Institution of Additional Professional Education "Moscow Center for Technological Modernization of Education" (Temocenter) State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education " Center for Pedagogical Excellence" GAPOU "Technological College No. 24" (GAPOU TK No. 24) State Institution "Moscow Zoo" GBOU City Organizational and Methodological Center "School Book" GBOU DPO "Center for Patriotic Education and School Sports" GBOU DPO GMC DOGM (City Methodological Center ) GBOUDO "Palace of Creativity of Children and Youth named after A.P. Gaidar" GBOU "Sparrow Hills" GBOU "Moscow State College of Electromechanics and Information Technologies" GBOU "First Moscow Educational Complex" GBOU "College of Communications No. 54" named after P.M. Vostrukhina GBPOU "Polytechnic College No. 47 named after V.G. Fedorov" State Budgetary Institution "City Psychological and Pedagogical Center" State Budgetary Institution of Additional Professional Education "Moscow Educational and Sports Center" of the Department of Sports and Tourism of the City of Moscow State Budgetary Institution of Additional Professional Education of Moscow "Directorate of Educational Programs in the Field of Culture and art" City Methodological Center and MIOO State budgetary educational institution of higher education "Moscow City Pedagogical University" Institute of additional education Institute of advanced training and professional retraining of employees of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Institute of tourism and hospitality Department of IT and OS. Order DO 732 Department of Life Safety Department of Valeology Department of Health-Saving Content of Educational Technologies Department of Mathematics (state contract) Department of International Integration of Linguistic Education Department of German Language Department of Labor Safety Department of Psychological Innovations in Education Department of Social and Humanitarian Education Department of Tutor Support of Educational Activities Department of Personnel Management Department of Physics Department Linguistics Laboratory of Informatics MSTU ISOT MIOO. Department of Preschool Education MIOO. Department of Foreign Languages, MIOO. Department of Information Technologies of Education MIOO. Department of History and Culture of Religions of the Peoples of Russia MIOO. Department of Correctional Pedagogy, MIOO. Department of international (multicultural) education and integration of migrant children at the MIOO school. Department of Biology Teaching Methods, MIOO. Department of Methods of Teaching Informatics, MIOO. Department of Methods of Teaching Physics, MIOO. Department of teaching methods of chemistry, ecology and natural science of MIOO. Department of Competence Modeling and Teacher Personality Development of MIOO. Department of Primary Education MIOO. Department of General Pedagogy, MIOO. Department of Pedagogy of Extracurricular Activities of MIOO. Department of Practical Psychology, MIOO. Department of Professional Education MIOO. Department of Educational Psychology, MIOO. Department of Social and Humanitarian Education MIOO. Department of Technology MIOO. Department of Management of Development of Educational Systems of MIOO. Department of Philosophy of Education MIOO. Department of Environmental Education and Sustainable Development MIOO. Department of Economics MIOO. Department of Economics of Education MIOO. Department of Aesthetic Education and Cultural Studies MIOO. Department of Professional Pedagogical Support and Support of the State Academy of State University of Moscow State University Department of Continuing Additional Education MC Green Educational Center MTsNMO Scientific Research Institute of Preschool Education named after A.V. Zaporozhets National Research University Higher School of Economics "Federal Methodological Center for Financial Literacy of the System of General and Secondary Vocational Education" National Research University Higher School of Economics "Center for Social Sphere Finance of the Institute of Social politics" NOU "Institute of Pedagogical Systems" NOU VO "Moscow Social Pedagogical Institute" NOU FE "Institute of New Technologies" NOU FE "Institute of System-Activity Pedagogy" NU FE "National Institute of Modern Education" NOU VO "MFPU "Synergy" Non-profit educational institution "School for Toddlers" JSC VO "Moscow Psychological and Social University" ODO POU "Center for Additional Education "Sneil" OMC VOUO OMC SAO OMC NEAO OMC SZAO OMC TsOUO DO OMC SWAO Children's Science City LLC "Institute of Organizational Psychology" LLC " Info lesson LLC International Center "Creative Technologies of Consulting" LLC Scientific and Educational Center for the Development of Continuing Education LLC National Technological University LLC SiSiN LLC Federation of Fitness Aerobics of Russia LLC Education Development Center named after I. G. Pestalozzi" LLC "BELOV PRODUCTION" (Higher School of Sanogenic Correctional Pedagogy) LLC "Institute of Consulting and Educational Development" LLC "Laboratory of Intellectual Technologies LINTECH" LLC "International Association of Additional Education" LLC "International Educational Projects" LLC "Methods of Intellectual Development" LLC "Project Management Practice" LLC "RELOD" LLC "Modern Educational Technologies" LLC "Capital Institute of Foreign Languages" LLC Multidisciplinary Training Center for Additional Professional Education "Educational Standard" LLC Training Center "PROFATTESTATION" LLC Training Center "PROFACADEMY" OU Pedagogical University " First of September" OCHU VO "Moscow International Academy" RBOO "Center for Curative Pedagogy" RSU named after. A.N. Kosygina Resource center for the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard LLC Joint courses MIOO ShNT (School of New Technologies) Joint programs MIOO-MCKO Union “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia) Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology” Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “National Research Technological University “MISiS” Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research University "MIET" Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research University "Higher School of Economics" Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research University "Higher School of Economics". Department of Foreign Languages, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Institute of Practical Psychology, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics named after. A.N. Tikhonov Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) named after I.M. Gubkin" Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenov University) FSAOU DPO "Academy for Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers" FGAU "Federal Institute for Educational Development" FGBNU "Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education" FGBNU "Institute of Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education" FGBNU "Institute of Educational Management of the Russian Academy of Education" FGBNU "Institute of Art Education and Cultural Studies of the Russian Academy of Education" FGBOU "Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation" FGBOU "Russian Peoples' Friendship University" FGBOU HE "Academy of Watercolor and Fine Arts of Sergei Andriyaka » Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "State Institute of Russian Language named after. A.S. Pushkin" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "State University of Management" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Aviation Institute" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Architectural Institute" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Engineering University" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Technological University "STANKIN" FGBOU of Higher Education "Moscow State University named after M. IN. Lomonosov" FSBEI HE "Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky" FSBEI HE "Moscow Pedagogical State University" FSBEI HE "Moscow Polytechnic University" FSBEI HE "Russian State Humanitarian University" FSBEI HE "Russian State Social University" FSBEI HE "Russian Chemical-Technological University named after D.I. Mendeleev" FSBEI HE "Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov" FSBEI HE "Moscow State Linguistic University" FSBEI HE "Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University" FSBEI HE "Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman" FSBEI HE "Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman". Technopark "Engineerium" FSBEI HE "Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman". Center for pre-university training (department of interaction with specialized schools) FSBEI HE "National Research Moscow State Construction University" FSBEI HE "National Research Moscow State Construction University". Institute of Distance Education of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering". Department of Youth and Information Policy of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering". Center for Pre-University Training "Abiturient" FSBEI HE "Russian University of Transport (MIIT)" FSBEI HE RNRMU named after. N.I. Pirogov Ministry of Health of Russia FSBEI HPE "Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation" FSBEI HPE MGUESI (MESI) FSBEI HPE RGAIS FSBEI DPO "Institute for the Development of Additional Professional Education" FSBEI "Federal Scientific Center for Physical Culture and Sports" FSBE "Russian Academy of Education" FSBI "Russian Academy of Education". Department of Advanced Scientific Research Faculty of Advanced Studies Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V. I. Surikov at the Russian Academy of Arts" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Technological University" Foundation for Support of Social Projects "Education for Society" TsPPRIK "Yasenevo" Center for Pedagogical Excellence "Moscow University named after S.Yu. Witte" POU DPO " Fractal" Private Educational Institution ODPO "Endemic" Private Educational Institution of Further Professional Education "Business School "Capital"

Start training

Document: a standard diploma of professional retraining, giving the right to conduct professional activities in higher education (sent by Russian Post).

Relevance of the program:

Modern society sets quite ambitious tasks for higher education, which consist in developing not only professional competencies in future specialists, but also general cultural ones, including the ability to work in a team, cooperate with colleagues, to prevent and constructively resolve conflict situations in the process of professional activity; the ability to demonstrate psychological stability in difficult and extreme conditions, to apply methods of emotional and cognitive regulation to optimize one’s own activities and psychological state; the ability to make optimal organizational and managerial decisions, etc., which in turn places high demands on the professional competence of a university teacher. This confirms the content of the professional standard “Higher School Teacher”.

An analysis of the quality of professional training of teaching staff of educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education shows that the majority of teachers do not have a pedagogical education that allows them to competently solve these problems. In this regard, this program has been developed and offered. Having the qualification “Higher School Teacher” increases the competitiveness of specialists in the labor market in the educational field. In particular, having a higher education teaching diploma may be the basis for admission to relevant positions.

Purpose of the program: is focused on psychological, pedagogical and scientific-methodological preparation for the work of a university teacher.

Course objectives: help students take a fresh look at teaching and education. To familiarize yourself with the rules by which the educational process is organized, to highlight effective pedagogical technologies in the work of a teacher, to teach how to allocate time for various types of educational work, to select the best combination of theoretical and factual material for the disciplines taught, and much more.

Student education requirements: Persons with higher education are allowed to study additional professional programs. Students who have an incomplete higher education diploma or a teaching certificate are not accepted for training*.

*in accordance with the explanations of the Ministry of Education and Science AK-2453/06 dated August 25, 2015, “training in one-year pedagogical classes at secondary schools for the training of preschool teachers cannot be equated to primary vocational education, and accordingly to secondary vocational education under the current legislation Russian Federation in the field of education".

Form of study: 100% distance learning (without interruption from work), training takes place online on the educational portal

Distance learning tools: electronic educational and methodological complexes, including electronic textbooks, teaching aids, educational videos, audio recordings.

Final certification form for the program: interdisciplinary examination in the form of a test.

Module 1. Legal support of educational activities – 30 hours.
Module 2. Quality management in the education system under the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard – 32 hours.
Module 3. Design of educational systems – 32 hours.
Module 4. Management of scientific and innovative activities – 30 hours.
Module 5. Pedagogy and psychology of higher education – 30 hours.
Module 6. Educational psychology – 30 hours.
Module 7. Modern technologies of the educational process of higher education – 36 hours.
Module 8. Information and communication technologies in higher education – 30 hours.

You can find out more about the program and training in the Education Department by phone: +7 495 105 96 04.

Pedagogy and psychology of higher professional education with the qualification of “higher school teacher”

  • Methodological support of the educational process
    • Lesson 1. Introductory lesson for students of professional retraining courses in the “Pedagogy and Methods of Higher Education” program.
  • Workshop on solving professional problems
    • Lesson 1. Designing professional self-development and self-education of a teacher.
    • Lesson 2. Forecasting and designing the educational process. Organization of the educational environment to solve the pedagogical problem.
    • Lesson 3. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics as an integral part of solving pedagogical problems.
    • Lesson 4. Crises and conflicts in professional activities. Psychoprophylaxis and psychohygiene in professional activities.
    • Lesson 5. Children's group as an object of psychological and pedagogical study: structure, stages of formation, diagnostics.
    • Lesson 6. Professional task in the educational process. Types and types of professional tasks.
    • Lesson 7. Algorithm and evaluation of solving a professional problem based on real pedagogical facts.
    • Lesson 8. Analysis of pedagogical situations as a form of assessing the level of qualifications of teaching staff.
    • Lesson 9. Psychological-pedagogical interaction as an integral part of solving pedagogical problems.
    • Lesson 10. Technology of pedagogical support for children of different ages as a condition for successfully solving professional problems.
    • Lesson 11. Professional support and accompaniment of the educational process.
    • Lesson 12. Professional support and accompaniment of the educational process.
    • Lesson 13. Planning and organizing work with students with deviant behavior.
    • Lesson 14. Map of the effectiveness of the professional activity of a teacher. Introspection.
    • Lesson 15. Pedagogical design as a resource for the development of teachers and educational organizations.
    • Lesson 16. Individual educational route: technology of design (self-design) and implementation.
    • Lesson 17. Designing a model of professional development for teachers and educational institutions in the context of the ideas of lifelong education.
    • Lesson 18. How to design a “road map” and implement an individual educational route for a teacher?
  • Psychology of Vocational Education
    • Lesson 1. Psychology of vocational education: general characteristics.
    • Lesson 2. Age and professional development of personality.
    • Lesson 3. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of vocational education.
    • Lesson 4. Psychology of activity and personality of a professional school teacher.
    • Lesson 5. Psychology of vocational training, education and development.
    • Lesson 6. Education and self-education of the modern personality: principles, criteria, research methods.
    • Lesson 7. Professional personality deformations and psychotechnologies for overcoming them.
    • Lesson 8. Psychological support for the professional activities of a teacher at a higher educational institution.
    • Lesson 9. Psychological and pedagogical competence and professional culture of a teacher.
    • Lesson 10. Methods for activating professional self-determination of the individual. Development of career success.
    • Lesson 11. Essential characteristics of a teacher’s professional and personal development.
    • Lesson 12. Stages of professional development and self-development of a teacher under standardization conditions.
    • Lesson 13. Individual style of a teacher: psychological characteristics and levels of development.
    • Lesson 14. Formation of an individual style of teaching activity in the process of professional training of a teacher.
    • Lesson 15. Professional burnout: concept, causes, stages and self-diagnosis.
    • Lesson 16. Prevention of professional burnout: practical tools.
  • Information Technology
    • Lesson 1. System-activity approach to the study of the theoretical foundations of computer science and information technology.
    • Lesson 2. Organization of student research activities using information technology.
    • Lesson 3. Personal website as an individual resource for a teacher’s professional achievements and a means of creating the information space of an educational organization.
    • Lesson 4. Information technologies in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.
    • Lesson 5. Introduction to information technologies and their evolution.
    • Lesson 6. Modern software for educational activities in information technology (FSES).
    • Lesson 7. Hardware platform and software of information technologies.
    • Lesson 8. Basic capabilities of information processing in the word processor MS Word.
    • Lesson 9. Advanced information processing capabilities in the MS Word word processor.
    • Lesson 10. Processing and formatting information in the word processor MS Excel (FSES).
    • Lesson 11. Information technologies for processing text information.
    • Lesson 12. Information technologies of multimedia.
    • Lesson 13. Network technologies for information processing. Internet technologies.
    • Lesson 14. Information technologies for processing numerical information.
    • Lesson 15. Distance educational technologies: status and prospects.
    • Lesson 16. ICT competence of a teacher in accordance with the professional standard.
    • Lesson 17. Organization and conduct of electronic and distance learning in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
    • Lesson 18. Distance educational technologies in the context of standardization of modern education.
    • Lesson 19. Methodological issues of using electronic textbooks in the educational process.
    • Lesson 20. Formation of an information space for the implementation of mobile learning.
    • Lesson 21. Advantages and disadvantages of electronic textbooks and their place in modern education.
  • Pedagogy
    • Lesson 1. Object, subject and tasks of pedagogical science. Categorical apparatus of pedagogy.
    • Lesson 2. Development and formation of personality in modern science “Pedagogy”.
    • Lesson 3. The problem of the content of education in the pedagogical process.
    • Lesson 4. Education as a social phenomenon and as a pedagogical process.
    • Lesson 5. Innovations in education: modern pedagogical technologies.
    • Lesson 6. System-activity approach as a methodological basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO.
    • Lesson 7. System-activity approach to the work of a teacher.
    • Lesson 8. Education in the pedagogical process.
    • Lesson 9. Sociocultural environment of education: institutions of family, culture, art and education.
    • Lesson 10. Interaction of an educational organization with a family as a condition for fulfilling the Federal State Educational Standard.
    • Lesson 11. Pedagogical process: art and technology of education.
    • Lesson 12. Education as the basis of pedagogical activity and development of the modern child.
    • Lesson 13. Professional support and accompaniment of the educational process.
    • Lesson 14. Spiritual and moral qualities of a teacher as a factor in the success of the process of personal education.
    • Lesson 15. Interactive forms of cooperation with parents in terms of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  • Legal norms of pedagogical activity
    • Lesson 1. Basic rights and obligations of the employee and employer in accordance with modern legislation.
    • Lesson 2. Disciplinary responsibility of the organization’s personnel.
    • Lesson 3. Employment contract: concept, content and types.
    • Lesson 4. The role of trade unions in protecting the labor rights of organization employees.
    • Lesson 5. Labor guarantees and workers compensation: general provisions.
    • Lesson 6. The right to education and educational law.
    • Lesson 7. Legal support for the modernization of Russian education.
    • Lesson 8. Legal regulation of property relations in the education system.
    • Lesson 9. External documentary audit of an educational organization: questions and answers.
    • Lesson 10. The mechanism of legal regulation of educational relations: norms of educational law and educational law-making.
    • Lesson 11. Dispute resolution procedures with the participation of educational organizations.
    • Lesson 12. System of legal guarantees of the rights and legitimate interests of teaching staff.
    • Lesson 13. Legal status and legal responsibility of teaching staff.
    • Lesson 14. The procedure for dismissing an employee in accordance with modern legislation.
    • Lesson 15. Working time and rest time: concept, types, order of establishment. Legal regulation of wages.
  • Innovative models and technologies in vocational education
    • Lesson 1. Theoretical foundations of innovative processes in vocational education.
    • Lesson 2. Features of the formation and development of innovative educational systems.
    • Lesson 3. Innovative educational projects, criteria for assessing their effectiveness.
    • Lesson 4. Modeling innovative processes in vocational education.
    • Lesson 5. Innovative technologies in vocational education
    • Lesson 6. Classification of pedagogical technologies in vocational education.
    • Lesson 7. Implementation of innovative technologies in the educational practice of a vocational school.
    • Lesson 8. Individualization of education in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC. Innovative technologies of open educational space.
    • Lesson 9. Educational innovations in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.
    • Lesson 10. Modern innovative pedagogical technologies.
    • Lesson 11. Innovative project: from concept to implementation.
    • Lesson 12. Personal and professional self-development of a teacher in innovative activities.
    • Lesson 13. Innovative development of educational systems: aspects of the implementation of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” and the Federal State Educational Standard for General Education.
    • Lesson 14. Innovative educational project in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
    • Lesson 15. Formation of psychological readiness of teaching staff for innovative activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.
    • Lesson 16. Methodological support of innovative activities as a mechanism for the professional development of managers and teachers.
    • Lesson 17. Personal project: the author’s concept of the teacher’s educational activities.
  • Psychodidactics
    • Lesson 1. Psychodidactics and educational practice
    • Lesson 2. Classification of research methods used in psychodidactics and educational practice
    • Lesson 3. Introduction of active and interactive teaching methods into the educational process in the conditions of lesson activities (FSES)
    • Lesson 4. Education and cognitive development of the individual, taking into account genotypic and environmental characteristics
    • Lesson 5. Educational process: gender approach in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
    • Lesson 6. Diagnosis of individual creativity
    • Lesson 7. Modern concepts of education in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard: types, types of training, technologies
    • Lesson 8. Modern technologies for adult education
    • Lesson 9. Modern concepts, approaches, theories of building a system of continuous education for teachers: analysis and critical assessment
    • Lesson 10. Federal State Educational Standards of Education: technologies of developmental education
    • Lesson 11. Innovations in education: experimental models and practical implementation
    • Lesson 12. Innovative activities on the use of multimedia in the educational process: implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
    • Lesson 13. Generalization of pedagogical experience in the system of scientific and methodological support of innovative activities
    • Lesson 14. Psychological safety of the educational process as a condition for ensuring psychological health
    • Lesson 15. Modern educational technologies and forms of organizing educational activities that ensure the effective implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
    • Lesson 16. Introduction of active and interactive teaching methods into the educational process in extracurricular activities
    • Lesson 17. Assessing the effectiveness of using interactive teaching methods (FSES)
  • Organizational foundations of vocational education
    • Lesson 1. The concept of management in education.
    • Lesson 2. Modern problems of managing an educational organization in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
    • Lesson 3. Humanitarian methods of management in the educational process.
    • Lesson 4. Management psychology: the main psychological characteristics of an employee and their use in managing an organization.
    • Lesson 5. State-public education management system.
    • Lesson 6. Public and state management in an educational organization in accordance with the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation.”
    • Lesson 7. Functions of pedagogical management.
    • Lesson 8. Management activities: modern technologies in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
    • Lesson 9. Program-targeted approach to managing the educational process.
    • Lesson 10. State public management of PAs: extra-budgetary financing or attracting additional investments.
    • Lesson 11. Systematic approach to education.
    • Lesson 12. Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard through a systemic activity approach in subject teaching.
    • Lesson 13. Educational organization as a pedagogical system and an object of management.
    • Lesson 14. Effective management: a model of educational activities of the team.
    • Lesson 15. The student body as an object of pedagogical management. Student self-government.
    • Lesson 16. Teaching staff from a management perspective.
    • Lesson 17. Social and psychological aspects of interaction in a group: team management.
    • Lesson 18. Managerial culture of teachers and leaders.
    • Lesson 19. Management and leadership as socio-psychological phenomena of management.
    • Lesson 20. Interaction of social institutions in the management of educational systems.
    • Lesson 21. Legal regulation of education quality management in the Russian Federation.
    • Lesson 22. Advanced training and certification of teaching staff: requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.
    • Lesson 23. Certification of teaching staff: new approaches.
    • Lesson 24. Management in an educational organization and its role in improving the quality of education.
    • Lesson 25. Master class as an effective pedagogical technology for successful certification and improvement of professional competence.
    • Lesson 26. The essence of management activities in the education system.
    • Lesson 27. Training session in the vocational education system.
    • Lesson 28. System of extracurricular work to develop professionally significant competencies of students.
    • Lesson 29. Working with gifted students: individual educational route, research work, exhibitions, competitions.
  • Conflict Management
    • Lesson 1. Conflict resolution strategies as a condition of psychological health in the educational environment (FSES).
    • Lesson 2. Practical techniques for resolving conflict situations in an educational organization.
    • Lesson 3. Methods for diagnosing conflict situations in public organizations.
    • Lesson 4. Social and psychological climate in the teaching staff.
    • Lesson 5. Conflicts in OO: models for solving situational problems.
    • Lesson 6. “Conflict-free school”: reconciliation service.
    • Lesson 7. Raising a tolerant personality in an educational organization.
    • Lesson 8. Creating an atmosphere of psychological support in a children's team (class, group).
    • Lesson 9. Conflict resolution in OO: models, principles, methods and methods.
    • Lesson 10. Psychological support for resolving conflict situations in an educational organization.
    • Lesson 11. Effective behavior in a conflict situation in the “teacher-student” system.
    • Lesson 12. Problems of managing preventive work of various types of deviant behavior of children and adolescents in an educational organization.
    • Lesson 13. Modeling psychological safety in an educational organization.
    • Lesson 14. Methods of psychological correction of parent-child relationships.
    • Lesson 15. Technologies for preventing and resolving conflicts in an educational environment.
    • Lesson 16. Self-management and self-motivation: managing your behavior and emotional states.
    • Lesson 17. Psychological and pedagogical support for the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards LLC: work with the teaching staff on the prevention of “emotional burnout”.
    • Lesson 18. Ways to develop psychological stress resistance in subjects of the educational process.
  • Introduction to teaching
    • Lesson 1. Standard of professional activity “Teacher of vocational training, vocational education and additional vocational education.”
    • Lesson 2. Teaching profession.
    • Lesson 3. Pedagogical activity and its characteristics.
    • Lesson 4. Professional activity and personality of a teacher.
    • Lesson 5. General and professional culture of the teacher.
    • Lesson 6. Professional and pedagogical competence.
    • Lesson 7. Professional and personal self-development of a teacher in the system of continuing education.
    • Lesson 8. Criteria for the effectiveness of a teacher’s professional activity.
    • Lesson 9. “Universal electronic portfolio of a teacher” as a tool for modeling a professional pedagogical portfolio of achievements.
    • Lesson 10. Motivation for teaching activity as the basis for a teacher’s psychological and professional readiness for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
    • Lesson 11. Professional standard of a teacher: general cultural and professional competencies.
    • Lesson 12. Content and structure of the teacher’s professional standard. Qualification characteristics of a teacher.
    • Lesson 13. Professional competencies of teaching.
    • Lesson 14. Individual educational route of a teacher as a system of continuous pedagogical education in accordance with the professional standard of a teacher.
  • Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics
    • Lesson 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics as a science.
    • Lesson 2. Classification of methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics.
    • Lesson 3. Monitoring, diagnostics and evaluation of the professional activities of a modern teacher.
    • Lesson 4. Psychometric requirements for diagnostic techniques.
    • Lesson 5. Projective methods for diagnosing mental states of middle and high school students.
    • Lesson 6. Visualization of data and conclusions of psychological and pedagogical research.
    • Lesson 7. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of personality.
    • Lesson 8. Stages, methods, techniques and techniques of personal counseling in psychological and pedagogical practice.
    • Lesson 9. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of cognitive and emotional-volitional spheres.
    • Lesson 10. Cognitive activity of the individual.
    • Lesson 11. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of personality.
    • Lesson 12. Development of reflective, communicative and personal skills of teachers.
    • Lesson 13. Diagnostic work in an educational organization in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Diagnosis of emotional and personal characteristics of children.
    • Lesson 14. Pedagogical diagnostics and monitoring: features of the organization.
  • Methodology of pedagogical activity
    • Lesson 1. Education as a social phenomenon and as a pedagogical process.
    • Lesson 2. Continuing professional education using distance learning.
    • Lesson 3. Object, subject and tasks of pedagogical science. Categorical apparatus of pedagogy.
    • Lesson 4. Pedagogical process: art and technology of education.
    • Lesson 5. The structure of pedagogy. Scientific research in pedagogy.
    • Lesson 6. Designing a model of professional development for teachers and educational institutions in the context of the ideas of lifelong education.
    • Lesson 7. Pedagogy in the system of human sciences. Pedagogical science and pedagogical practice.
    • Lesson 8. Monitoring the professional competence of a teacher.
    • Lesson 9. Methodology of pedagogy. Methodological culture of the teacher.
    • Lesson 10. Teacher’s speech culture as the basis for the success of professional teaching activities.
    • Lesson 11. Professional development of teachers: basic concepts and theoretical approaches.

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