Therapeutic exercise for people of retirement age. Diseases of the elderly - physical education treats. Heart failure, atherosclerosis, hypertension

Physical activity in old age is very important: only by moving you can stay in good shape. We are not talking about high physical activity, but walking and specially designed articular gymnastics for the elderly at a calm pace should be in the arsenal of every person who has stepped over his sixtieth birthday, but has not put an end to his life.

About the benefits of walking

Walking refers to moderate activity that does not cause discomfort or pain. If possible, it is worth replacing short-distance public transport with walking at a measured pace.

Age should not be a reason for refusing to walk, go shopping, visit public places, meet friends.

Walking has a comprehensive effect on the body:

  • activates the work of the muscular and ligamentous apparatus;
  • increases blood circulation and blood supply to organs and systems;
  • metabolism is accelerated, decay products are more efficiently excreted;
  • immunity increases;
  • gas exchange increases, tissues are supplied with oxygen, energy processes are launched;
  • efficiency, vitality, mood increase, well-being improves.

Walking involves many muscle groups, relieves spasms and excessive tension, which has a positive effect on the health and condition of the musculoskeletal system.

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We have been told about the benefits of physical activity since childhood: sport develops strength and endurance, shapes the figure and tempers ...

The result of systematic moderate physical activity will be:

  • healing and strengthening of the heart and blood vessels. Walking makes the blood move faster, lowers cholesterol and the risk of atherosclerosis;
  • improvement of well-being, nervous and mental tension, chronic fatigue disappear;
  • activation of acupuncture points on the feet, and, as a result, improvement of the processes of digestion and bile secretion, facilitation of defecation and cleansing of the body.

Gymnastics for the elderly

Complex number 1 - warm-up

The exercises of the complex are recommended for warming up, they can be performed both after waking up and during the day. No need to overstrain, everyone is free to choose the intensity of physical activity. It should bring pleasure and a little fatigue, not pain and discomfort.

Gymnastics allows you to stimulate not only physical, but also mental health, maintain thought processes, memory at the usual level.

  1. Sit on a bed or chair, stretch your legs. Pull the toes towards you, hold them in this position for 5-10 seconds, then relax. Pull the toes away from you, similarly linger, relax the feet.
  2. Raise the right and left hands alternately above the head (10 times); then, raise the legs above the floor (to the possible height), alternately, 10 times.
  3. "Bridge" - emphasis on the palms and feet, bend the body, linger for a few seconds. Exercise is recommended to be done on the bed, so as not to hurt yourself in case of a fall.

Breathing during exercise should be even, deep.

Complex No. 2 - main

  1. To stretch the muscles of the neck, you need to lower your head and rotate it from side to side. Muscles should not be tense, breathing should be even.
  2. Keep your head straight, bend to your shoulders, trying to reach your shoulder with your cheek as much as possible.
  3. Head rotation clockwise and counterclockwise (4 times each).
  4. Starting position - hands on the shoulders, elbows bent. Circular rotations of the elbows forward and backward.
  5. Bend your arms at the elbows (palms pointing up), rotational movements of the arms back and forth.
  6. Tilts forward - backward, performed on inspiration, at the moment of tilting the arms are spread apart. Performing back bends, you need to bend your back as much as possible.
  7. Starting position - heels together, toes - to the sides, hands - at the waist. Perform shallow squats (half squats) for 4 counts. Knees during the exercise are bred to the sides.
  8. Perform deep squats while simultaneously making rotational movements with your hands.

Exercises for women

  1. Starting position - sitting, legs apart. While inhaling, tilt to the right leg, trying to reach the foot, then take the starting position and repeat the tilt to the other leg.
  2. Starting position - legs together, stretched forward. While inhaling, stretch your fingertips to your toes, then take the starting position and repeat again.
  3. Starting position: the right leg is straight, extended forward, the left leg is bent, the fingers are pressed into the thigh of the right leg. While inhaling, stretch to the toes of the right foot, exhale, change the position of the legs, repeat.
  4. Starting position - sitting, knees bent. While inhaling, try to put your bent knees on the floor, tilting them to the right, tilt your head to the left at the same time (and vice versa).
  5. Starting position - sitting, knees bent. Stretch the right leg up, then tilt, trying not to bend, to the left, again - up and lower. Repeat with the left leg.

Healthy knees: exercises from Tatyana Lisitskaya

We offer you a mini-workout to stabilize the knee joint and strengthen the muscles that surround it. It will help get rid of knee pain, avoid injuries or rehabilitate after them.

The knees are one of the most fragile parts of our body. If you're experiencing pain in your knee joints, such as when you're climbing stairs, it's time to strengthen your knees with exercise.

Half toe raises

Place your feet slightly wider than your pelvis, bend your knees slightly, place your palms on your hips, slightly tilt your body forward. At a slow pace, stand on your toes and then lower your heels.

Control the position of the knees: they should be exactly above the feet. Perform 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps.

Lunges to the side

Stand up straight, place your palms on your hips. Bending your knees, lunge to the right. Then, without straightening your knees, lunge to the left and transfer your body weight to your left leg. Make sure that the knee of the supporting leg is kept exactly above the foot.

Perform 2-3 series 4-6 times in each direction.

Stretching the quadriceps and anterior thigh

Bend the leg back, lifting the heel to the buttocks, grab the foot with your hand. Try to keep your knees together.

Feel the stretch in the front of your thigh muscles. Concentrate on the ankle of the skating leg for better balance.

If you find it difficult to balance, hold on to the back of a chair. Hold the pose for 8-10 seconds, then switch legs. Do 2-3 sets.

Bend your leg forward, bringing your knee up to your chest, and grab your shin with your hands. Make sure that the hip joints are in line, keep the torso straight. Hold the pose for 8-10 seconds, then switch legs. Do 2-3 sets.


Stand up straight and raise your hand up. Bending at the hips, lean forward to parallel with the floor and lift your leg back also to parallel with the floor. Look down, try to keep the body, arm and leg in line.

Concentrate on the ankle of the skating leg for better balance. You can hold on to the back of the chair, releasing the support from time to time. Hold the pose for as long as you can. Then pause for a minute and repeat with the other leg.

If you are confidently standing in the “swallow”, perform the “swallow” in a semi-squat: slightly bend the knee of the supporting leg.

Leg raise with dumbbell

You will need a chair, a dumbbell (or a water bottle), and a belt. Fasten one end of the belt to the dumbbell, and the other, after 20-30 cm, to the ankle.

Place a chair next to the mat, lie on your back, raise your legs and put your shins on the seat, throwing a dumbbell over it.

As you exhale, straighten your leg with a dumbbell in the knee joint, while inhaling, bend again, but do not touch the chair. Repeat at a slow pace 8-10 times on each leg.

This mini-workout takes no more than 15 minutes. Do it three to four times a week. I wish you success!

Preventive gymnastics

One of the options for preventive gymnastics is presented in the video, if you wish, you can choose the appropriate exercises and form your own complex:

The pace of exercises and their intensity are selected individually, depending on the physical condition. Both should be increased gradually, reduce the load in case of fatigue or poor health, but, if possible, exercise regularly.

Surely, many understand that sitting idle, the problem will not be eliminated, but only like a snowball, it acquires volumes. What is the key to good health? Physical activity!

I came across a wonderful course by an experienced specialist who helps to eliminate the problem with the joints. If you are worried about the joints, then rather here

I really want each of you to clearly realize that you don’t need to write everything off for age and so on! Don't you want to extend your life and improve your health so that you can spend more time with loved ones and do what you love?

If you suffer from joint pain, then you must understand that the pain will not go away on its own. And good gymnastics is a great medicine.

BUT! It is also important to understand that not all exercises will be beneficial, many of them may not only not help, but in most cases harm and exacerbate the problem.

Therefore, the right approach and the choice of a competent and professional specialist are important here.

Do not try to get rid of the problem by inaction and swallowing a handful of pills. It will only aggravate your health. Prove to everyone that age is not a sentence of time!

V. A. SILUYANOVA, professor,
V. G. CHERNY, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Honorary Master of Sports of the USSR

In an elderly person, physical activity is usually reduced. It is difficult for him to bend over, sit down because of pain in the spine, knee, hip, shoulder joints.

Special exercises will help reduce stiffness and soreness of movements. They should be performed with the maximum possible amplitude, avoiding the occurrence of severe pain.

Physical training and self-massage activate the contractility of not only skeletal muscles, but also the heart muscles, improve its nutrition; increases the strength of the respiratory muscles, the vital capacity of the lungs; arterial pressure is normalized to a certain extent.

Before you start exercising, consult with your doctor. He will tell you what kind of physical activity is feasible for you now, and in the future, regularly show your doctor a self-control diary.

Having started classes, during the first week daily, and then about once a week, make notes in the diary about your well-being, sleep, appetite, pulse rate before and after classes; note the time for which the pulse returns to the original data.

Please note: even at the beginning of classes, the pulse should not increase by more than 15-20 beats per minute and return to the original data later than after 10-15 minutes.

Lying on your back

Self-massage of the ankle and foot.

Lie down on an ottoman or rug, put a pillow under your shoulders and head. Take a comfortable position, relax as much as possible. Put the right foot on the left.

With the inner surface of the right foot, rub the inner and front surfaces of the left ankle joint and the back of the foot.

Rubbing is performed with small, vigorous up and down movements (Figure 1).

Repeat 4-5 times.

The same on the other leg.

Self-massage of the lower leg.

Bend the left leg slightly at the knee, lower the outer side onto the ottoman. With the inner surface of the right foot, rub the inner surface of the left shin.

Rubbing is performed with small up and down movements, in the direction from the ankle joint to the knee joint (Figure 2).

Repeat 4-5 times.

Lie on your left side. Rubbing the back surface of the left leg with the inner surface of the right foot from the Achilles tendon to the popliteal fossa.

Then firmly press the right foot to the Achilles tendon of the left leg and, pressing on the calf muscle, move it up towards the popliteal fossa, the pressure should cause a pleasantly painful sensation (Figure 3).

Repeat 3-4 times.

The same on the other leg.

Self-massage of the hip joints.

Lie on your back, straighten your legs and slightly spread apart. With the pads of slightly bent four fingers of the right hand, make circular rubbing in the region of the right hip joint.

Circular movements are made in the direction from the index finger to the little finger for a minute (Figure 4). Each subsequent round is a little more than the previous one.

The same with the left hand on the left hip joint.

Self-massage of the abdomen.

Bend your legs at the knees, spread them shoulder-width apart. Place the palm of the left on the lower abdomen on the right. Stroke the abdomen with the base of the palm up to the right hypochondrium, then horizontally across the abdomen, to the left hypochondrium and then to the lower abdomen on the left (Figure 5).

2-3 light strokes and the same with pressure.


1. Lie on your back, legs along the body; spread your arms to the sides - inhale; exhaling, with brushes squeeze the lower and lateral parts of the chest. Repeat 4-5 times.

2. Bend and unbend the toes, then make circular movements in the ankle joints to the right and left. Breathing is arbitrary. Repeat 5-6 times each movement.

3. Bend your knees, spread them shoulder-width apart - inhale deeply; exhaling, alternately tilt your knees inward, the pelvis is motionless. Repeat 8-10 times.

4. Inhale deeply, pull the leg to the chest; exhaling, - 3 times as close as possible to the knee to the chest. Repeat with each leg 3-4 times.

5. Relax the muscles of the legs, arms, torso. Lie down for a minute in a relaxed state. Breathing is calm.

Repeat exercise 4.

6. Lying on your back, hands on hips, inhale deeply; exhaling, raise the legs 25-30 degrees, lower (Figure I). In the future, you can gradually raise your legs to 50-70 degrees. Repeat 5-7 times.

7. Lying on your back, arms to the sides - inhale; exhaling, sit down, lean forward, reach the shins with your fingers (Figure II), and if not difficult, then the feet.

Repeat 3-4 times.

Repeat exercise 4.

If you feel well after a week or two, you can add self-massage and exercises in a sitting position.

Sitting on a chair

Self-massage of the knee joint.

Legs shoulder width apart. Put the palms of both hands on the lateral surfaces of the right knee joint, make circular strokes simultaneously with both hands.

Put your thumbs over the patella, with the pads of the remaining four for a minute, do straight-line and circular rubbing of the lateral and front surfaces of the knee joint (Figure 6).

The same on the other leg.

Self-massage of brushes.

Spread your fingers and join your palms. Move them one in relation to the other - up and down (Figure 7) for 30 seconds.

Put the left hand on the right knee, then rub its back surface with the palm of the right hand (Figure 8) for 30 seconds. The same on the other brush.

Then rub them, as they do, warming chilled hands.

Self-massage of the wrist joint.

Bend the left arm at the elbow, put it on the table, hang the hand freely with the palm down. Grasp the area of ​​​​the wrist joint with the right hand - so that the thumb is on the bottom, and the other four are on top.

Moving the fingers around the wrist joint in one direction or the other, rub it for 30 seconds (Figure 9).

The same on the other hand.

Self-massage of the elbow joint.

Put the left foot on the right, and the left hand on the left thigh, lean forward slightly, relax the arm muscles. With the right palm, perform circular rubbing of the elbow for 30 seconds (Figure 10).

The same on the other hand.

Self-massage of the shoulder joint.

The starting position is the same. With the right palm, make circular strokes in the region of the left shoulder joint, and then with light pressure, circular rubbing (Figure 11) for one minute.

The same on the other hand.

Self-massage of the intercostal muscles.

The starting position is the same. Slightly spread and bend the four fingers of the right hand, set at the edge of the sternum so that they fall into the intercostal spaces. Sliding over them, make straight rubbing. Women do this by bypassing the breast (Figure 12).


8. Hands on hips; inhale deeply, exhale, tilt your head forward. Inhale - head back, exhale - the head returns to its original position. Inhale, tilt your head to the side - exhale. Inhale - head straight, exhaling, tilt your head to the other side. Rest for 3 seconds.

Inhale, exhale, rotate the head to the right; inhale, exhale, rotate the head to the left.

Repeat each movement 4-5 times.

In the future, in the absence of dizziness, you can perform all movements in a row and repeat each 5-7 times.

9. Hands to the sides - inhale deeply; exhaling, lean forward, trying to reach the feet with the hands.

Repeat 4-5 times.

If there is significant pain in the lumbar and thoracic spine, the degree of inclination should be reduced.

10. Hands to the sides - inhale deeply; raise the right hand up, lean to the left, the left hand slides down - a fuller exhalation is possible (Figure III).

Repeat 4-6 times.

The same on the other side.

11. Grasp the chair seat with your hands, inhale deeply; exhaling, lift up the straight right leg, return to the starting position.

Repeat with each leg 4-6 times.

With good health, after two to three weeks, add self-massage and exercises in a standing position.


Self-massage of the lumbosacral region.

Feet shoulder width apart, slightly bend back. Clench your fingers into fists. With their back side, straightly rub the lumbar and sacral region up and down, as well as to the sides of the spine (Figure 13).

Then in the same direction circular motion. Repeat 3-4 times in each direction.

Self-massage of the gluteal muscles.

Transfer the weight of the body to the left leg, bend the right leg slightly at the knee, set it aside and back, on the toe, relax the gluteal muscle. With the palm of the right hand, make a straight stroke of the right buttock from the bottom up.

Then, with the base of the palm in the same direction, do a squeeze. After that, grab the gluteal muscle between the thumb and the rest of the fingers, squeezing and unclenching them, knead the muscle, while shifting it from bottom to top. Thus, the entire gluteal muscle is treated.

Massage of the gluteal muscle is carried out for one and a half minutes.

The same on the other side.


Repeat in a standing position exercises 8, 9, 10.

12. Lean on the back of a chair with your left hand, inhale deeply; exhaling, swing forward and backward with the right leg.

Repeat 4-5 times.

The same with the other leg.

13. Hands in front of the chest, inhale deeply; exhaling, springy take away first bent, and then straight arms to the sides.

Repeat 5-6 times. If fatigue appears, rest for 1-2 minutes.

14. Left hand on the back of a chair, inhale deeply; exhaling, circular movements with the right leg in one direction or the other. The leg is slightly bent at the knee. The same with the left foot.

Repeat 3-4 times on each side.

15. Hands down, inhale deeply; exhaling - swing movements - one arm up, the other back, and vice versa (Figure IV).

Repeat 3-4 times.

16. Hands down - inhale; exhaling - circular movements in the shoulder joints, 3-4 forward and the same back.

17. Lean your hands on the back of a chair, inhale deeply; exhaling, sit down.

Repeat 4-5 times. If there is a crunch in the joints and significant soreness, it is better to do half-squats - squat until a slight soreness appears.

The complex ends with walking around the room for 2-3 minutes. While walking, rising on your toes, hands up - inhale, lower your hands down through the sides - exhale.

Those who tolerate the load well should not rush into new exercises when the previous ones have not yet been fully mastered. It is better to increase the number of repetitions of each exercise, increase the degree of muscle tension during their implementation, increase the range of motion.

Six months later, as training progresses, those for whom the load is insufficient, after consulting with a doctor, can increase it with a gymnastic stick, dumbbells (weight 1-1.5 kilograms).

Hiking and skiing with a gradual lengthening of the route are useful, but not to the point of fatigue!

Drawing by P. BENDEL


Gymnastics Taijiquan Health systems of the Far East >>>

In addition to increasing resistance to meteorological effects, taijiquan gymnastics is widely used in China in the treatment of certain diseases of the cardiovascular system and nervous diseases, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Especially in a large volume, this gymnastics is recommended by Chinese folk doctors during the recovery period. Taijiquan gymnastics is an effective means of preventing disorders and disorders that occur in old age.

V. I. Zapadnyuk, Professor

The usual therapeutic dose for the elderly is too high.

Many elderly people develop several diseases at the same time, so they have to take more medicines than younger people. For example. 75-80% of all drugs prescribed for cardiovascular diseases are purchased in pharmacies by the elderly.

You are over sixty

In ancient Rome, on the grave of a man who lived for 112 years, the inscription was carved: "He ate and drank in moderation."

Adaptation to old age

The term "adaptation" comes from the Latin word "adapto" (I adapt) and means in biology the adaptation of animal and plant organisms to the conditions of existence.

Man, like other living beings, can adapt to the effects of various environmental factors (climate changes, living conditions, nutrition, work, etc.). But, of course, the adaptive capabilities of the organism are not unlimited and have certain limits.

Recently, publications have appeared in the press devoted to the problem of adaptation to old age. In this case, the concept of adaptation is somewhat expanded, moving from the biological area to the socio-psychological area. The issues raised in these works are of considerable theoretical and practical interest.

Old age and disease must be actively resisted

Laureate of the Lenin Prize, Hero of Socialist Labor, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Professor N. M. AMOSOV is a surgeon, writer, scientist, following unbeaten paths.

His books “Reflections on Health”, “Thoughts and Heart”, numerous newspaper and magazine publications invariably arouse interest not only in our country, but also abroad.

They contain his human and professional experience in strengthening health, prolonging active creative longevity. They contain philosophical reflections on the place of man in modern life.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov is the head of the Kiev Research Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery and at the same time the head of the biocybernetics department of the Institute of Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. Amosov is in his 75th year, but he operates almost daily, carries out a great social and scientific work.

The topic of the conversation with our correspondent P. SMOLNIKOV N. M. AMOSOV defined as follows: a healthy lifestyle and social prevention of diseases.

Nikolai Mikhailovich, more than 10 years ago, in your book “Thoughts about Health,” you said that the real path to health is the improvement of healthcare, strengthening its preventive role. Doctors should not only treat diseases, but also teach a healthy lifestyle. Such a restructuring requires not so much material as organizational efforts. What has changed since then?

Nutritional Considerations for the Elderly and Old (See The Nutritional Health Guide)

Even with physiological old age, there are shifts in metabolism and the state of organs and systems of the body. However, by changing the nature of nutrition, it is possible to influence the metabolism, adaptive (adaptive) and compensatory capabilities of the body and thus influence the pace and direction of the aging process.

Rational nutrition in old age (gerodietetics) is an important factor in the prevention of pathological deposits on physiologically regular aging. The basics of gerodietetics presented below must be taken into account when organizing therapeutic nutrition for the elderly and old people, i.e. in the practice of geriatrics - the treatment of diseases in old age.

Ergogenic diets that regulate the acid-base balance of the blood. Products that act as oxidizers or alkalinizers of the body's internal environment See Phytoergonomics [Using plants to improve performance]

It is known that plant foods affect the acid-base reaction (ABR) of the blood, and this, in turn, affects performance. Indeed, maintaining blood pH within narrow limits is currently undeniable.

Moreover, it has been shown that in many conditions with a decrease in working capacity, there is a tendency to acidify the blood: physical fatigue, spring fatigue (desynchronosis), some chronic diseases that reduce working capacity, etc.

Thus, significant fluctuations in blood pH and reserve alkalinity were noted in diseases of the kidneys, lungs, stomach, liver, diabetes, heart defects, poisoning, hypertension, etc. >>>

Everyone knows the axiom “movement is life”. Indeed, in order to live, one must constantly move at any age. The issue of movement for pensioners is especially acute: you don’t have to go to work, you can watch all the series in a row and there are many reasons not to get up from the couch: there are a lot of sores. However, one must move in order to live qualitatively, to have a clear mind,. And it doesn’t have to be a set of any physical exercises. But wellness does not hurt at all.

The main problem of older people is the feeling of their uselessness in society. It is important during this period to find supporters for yourself, do what you love, master a computer, communicate on social networks. It is worth starting to do morning exercises. It will cheer up, vitality, give optimism and cheerfulness for the whole day.
I invite you to the group on Folk Wisdom, Medicine and Experience

What will you get?

Awakening in the morning is the transition from a sleepy state to active activity. The whole organism must switch to a new mode. At a young age, this transition occurs quickly within a few minutes. With age, this transition is stretched over time, which negatively affects the state of internal organs.

In order for the organs to wake up faster and start working in the daytime mode, morning exercises are needed. Its purpose is to activate the nervous system by transmitting impulses from the muscles to the brain. The more muscles involved in the morning warm-up, the faster the transition will occur. Therefore, in gymnastics for those over 50, exercises are selected that stimulate all processes in the body. These exercises will help strengthen and maintain the mobility of the ligaments and joints, maintain a beautiful posture, make up for the lack of movement, increasing muscle tone.

Conditions for gymnastics

In order for the intestines to start working and remove toxins and toxins, you need to drink a glass of warm water.

Ventilate the room before gymnastics to saturate the cells with oxygen.

Do not overdo it, you should get joy and, not fatigue and a desire to lie down again.

Clothing should be comfortable.

Practice calm breathing.

After class, it is good to take water procedures.

Morning exercises for the elderly

This complex should cover all muscle groups.

  1. Sitting on a chair, look down, up, right, left, then make a few rotational movements with your eyes. Perform all movements first with raised and then lowered eyelids. Movement should not be abrupt. After the end of the exercise, in a circular motion of the fingers, it is easy to stroke the eyes, and then blink them.
  2. And now, without changing the position 10 times, strongly squeeze the eyelids.
  3. In a sitting position, slowly turn your head 5-6 times to the sides, fixing your eyes on a certain point.
  4. IP (starting position) standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Inhale, put your foot back on the toe, arms up and bend. Exhale - IP. Now do the same with the other leg. Repeat 5-6 times.
  5. IP - legs wider than shoulders, arms in front. Inhale, turn the torso to the side, arms to the sides too. Exhale - IP. Repeat on the other side.
  6. IP - standing, spread your legs wide, hands on your belt. When inhaling - swing to the side with the foot, exhaling - IP. And now move to the other side. Repeat 5-6 times.
  7. IP - standing. Perform swings back alternately with your legs.
  8. IP - standing, arms bent to the shoulders. When inhaling, bend in the back, spreading your arms to the sides. Exhale - IP.
  9. Get on all fours. Inhale - straighten your left leg, do not bend your arms. Exhale - IP. Do the same with the right leg.
  10. Lying on blue, arms and legs spread apart. Inhale - turn around so that you clap your right palm on your left. Exhale - IP. Now run on the other side. Repeat several times.
  11. IP - standing. Step in place with your hips high.
  12. This morning exercise will help the body wake up faster. You need to do it in any form, without rushing. Do all exercises smoothly and without straining. It is important to control your breathing. You can adjust the complex and add exercises as you wish.

We hope that the exercises will give you pleasure and energize you for the whole day.

The benefits of walking

Of course, during the day you need to choose the time and walk in the fresh air. It is necessary to walk at any age in winter and summer, regardless of the weather. The walk should last at least an hour. Useful walking at a fast pace.

What is the benefit of walking?

Firstly, an excellent load on the muscles of the neck, back, lower back, the activity of internal organs is activated, the blood supply to the body improves, oxygenation of tissues and all cells occurs, metabolism increases, immunity increases. Walking helps to improve the functioning of the digestive system, cope with constipation. In a word, walking increases vitality, reduces fatigue syndrome, improves mood, is good.

Combining morning exercises for the elderly with intensive walking, you will significantly improve the quality of life. It is important to increase the load in training. But be careful, everything is good in moderation!

Remember that gymnastics can be done by everyone: at any age and disease. Health to you!


Traditional medicine recipes are most often used in combination with conventional treatment or as an addition to traditional treatment. Any recipe is good after consultation with a specialist.

Do not self-medicate!

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Therapeutic exercise is very important for the elderly, because it allows you to prolong life and activity. At a respectable age, people are prone to many chronic diseases. The young organism had sufficient strength and simply did not allow them to manifest themselves.

In old age, unfortunately, this is not possible. But do not despair. You can successfully resist them even at this age. And a special set of exercises will provide significant assistance in this. Read about carbohydrates.

Optimal physical activity

For an elderly person, intense physical activity is contraindicated. But physiotherapy exercises are necessary. It will help maintain the level of physical activity, which will certainly only benefit. Physiotherapy exercises for an elderly person will be a feasible burden and will bring many benefits.

Why do the elderly need physiotherapy exercises

  1. Skeletal muscles must be maintained in constant tone.
  2. It is very important that the blood is saturated with oxygen. At this age, this is extremely necessary, since the volume of the lungs is reduced, resulting in oxygen deficiency. This has a negative impact on the human condition.
  3. The system of the heart and blood vessels is trained. But it is not necessary to be too zealous, not forgetting about age.
  4. It is an excellent way to prevent the occurrence of atherosclerotic phenomena. There is an expansion of blood vessels, which favorably affects the state of blood flow through the vessels.
  5. The intestines begin to work better, increasing their peristalsis.

Approximate set of exercises

The complex below consists of several commonly available lightweight exercises.

  1. "Pendulum" - performed in a standing position. The muscles of the neck relax, and the head tilts to the right and left. The head makes unhurried movements like a pendulum.
  2. The exercise is performed from the same starting position. The head is alternately placed on each shoulder. It doesn’t matter if nothing happens right away, increase the amplitude gradually.
  3. The head is thrown back and rotational movements are made.
  4. The location of the brushes are the shoulders. The arms are bent at the elbow joint and spread apart. If the exercise is performed 5 times in each direction, then this is quite enough.
  5. Bend your arms at the elbows and spread them apart. Simulate a situation in which you want to hug someone.
  6. It is necessary to take a maximum breath and arch your back. In this position, you need to linger a little. Then exhale and straighten up.
  7. Hands on the belt, socks are divorced. The legs should be slightly bent at the knee joints. In this position, half-squats are performed.
  8. The legs are kept together. Performing a low squat. At the same time, circular movements are performed with the hands. It is enough to make several such approaches. At first, this exercise may be difficult for some. Don't worry, things will get better little by little.

The use of such a set of exercises will provide an elderly person with the necessary physical activity. If you do them daily, then after a while you can feel much better.

The general condition will noticeably become cheerful, various diseases will be less disturbing. Interest in life will awaken again, and everything around will be perceived with a positive attitude.

To maintain good health in old age, it is necessary to pay close attention to the systematic implementation of physical exercises. Health groups for pensioners help elderly people to strengthen joints, muscles, increase endurance, increase coordination of movements, maintain respiratory organs and the cardiovascular system in working order. Instructors working with this contingent select exercises that would exclude the possibility of damage and injury.

What should a trainer take into account when working with older people?

Exercises for pensioners in the health group should not include tasks for speed (timed races), strength actions (the concept of a barbell). The load must be selected by the instructor, taking into account the individual condition of the pensioner. It is better for older people to perform sets of exercises in the morning. The number of repetitions of one task - no more than 10 times.

How to properly distribute the load?

Health groups for pensioners are trained by experienced instructors who make sure that "newcomers" do not overdo it 2-3 days after the start of physical activity. The duration of classes gradually increases, new movements and exercises are added. It is desirable to combine (gymnastics) with physical tasks.

Variant of a complex of physical exercises

There is a health group for every district of the capital. Elderly people visit them not only for sports, but also for communication. What can be included in the complex of classes for this age category?

  1. The legs are placed shoulder-width apart, hands are placed on the belt. The head is smoothly tilted to the left and right shoulder (alternately), trying to reach the ear. Then the slopes are performed back and forth, trying to touch the chest with the chin. Gradually, the speed of movement increases. When performing this exercise, the head should not turn. As the final element in a clockwise direction, a circular movement of the head is performed.
  2. The starting position remains the same. Slowly tilt the body to the right, pull the right hand to the knee. At the same time, we raise the left hand to the armpit. We perform similar tilts to the left. When performing a task, we try not to make sudden movements.
  3. We return to the starting position. We perform circular movements with the shoulders. The back during the exercise is as rounded as possible, we are trying to bring the shoulder blades together.
  4. We place our feet shoulder-width apart, stretch our arms in front of us. We reduce and spread both hands at the same time, doing the exercise "scissors". Then we make circular movements with our hands.
  5. We put our hands on the belt, the legs are shoulder-width apart. We turn the torso to the right, then return to its original state, stretch our arms forward. We repeat the task, turning to the left, then we take the original position.
  6. We sit on the floor, having previously laid a thin gymnastic rug. We stretch our legs forward, smoothly tilt the torso, try to reach the tips of our toes with our hands.
  7. We lean against the wall, raise our hands smoothly up. Then we move away from the wall for 1-2 steps, we try to lean back, touch the wall with the tips of our hands. We return to the original position.
  8. Lie on your back, spread your arms to the sides. We bend our legs at the knees, lift them up alternately, trying to touch the chest with our knees.

Health groups for pensioners can use other options for physical exercises, supplement or modify tasks at the discretion of the instructor. If age and physical condition allow, in addition to classes in cycling, skiing. There are also special health groups for pensioners (in St. Petersburg and other cities) in swimming pools, specializing in water gymnastics.


There is no such thing as old age for those people who take short morning runs every day, regularly visit the pool, walk in the park with their grandchildren, lead a healthy lifestyle. Numerous health groups for pensioners are created so that people do not feel like unnecessary old people, and remain young, fit, active as long as possible.

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