Treatment of hormonal imbalance with folk remedies. Hormonal imbalance in women: symptoms, treatment

Our bodies are fragile ecosystems that must be protected and supported in every possible way in order to obtain the optimal result in the form of excellent health and good mood. An important factor The optimal functioning of the body is a hormonal balance, within which all the necessary hormones are in a calm state, and an increase in their quantity (so-called hormonal surges) occurs when necessary.

So, we know for sure that hormones must be kept in balance. But how to do this? You may not have guessed, but the diet here is one of the simplest and effective methods impact.


The most famous male hormone, testosterone, is more than just muscles. While testosterone does play a role in increasing bone and muscle strength, it is also critical for development male body during puberty. In adulthood, testosterone is necessary for the production of sperm, which, in turn, directly affects sexual desire and energy, according to the Hormone Health Network.

What to do: There is soy products(such as edamame and tofu), grapes, tuna, pomegranate and eggs. At the same time, it can reduce testosterone levels large number white flour and alcohol.


Estrogen, the main female hormone, is known for its ability to regulate the menstrual cycle and influence breast growth, as well as protect bones in both sexes. Stabilizing weight (read: bringing it back to normal) will help maintain the required level of estrogen, whereas if you are underweight, the amount of estrogen in the body may decrease. Livestrong experts note that a lack of estrogen with an excess of testosterone in the long term can lead to breast cancer.

What to do: eat whole grain products, soy, and fresh fruit and vegetables (especially broccoli and cauliflower).


This stress-related hormone provides our body with energy in difficult situations, opening respiratory tract and pumping blood to the muscles that are most important at the moment, increasing overall endurance. But if there is too much adrenaline, it can have serious health consequences. Hormone Health Network warns that too much of the hormone can cause dizziness, irritability, restlessness and other anxiety symptoms. At the same time, adrenaline control - best way cope with stress and even panic attacks.

What to do: exercise or learn meditation. Mindfulness exercises have also been shown to reduce anxiety by redirecting your concentration to something else in the moment.


Cortisol is another hormone directly linked to stress. During stressful situations, it, as the Huffington Post writes, maintains fluid balance in the body and stabilizes blood pressure. Outside of these scenarios, cortisol also affects sex drive, immunity, and digestion. But chronically high level cortisol may suppress immune system, reduce libido and increase blood pressure, and also contribute to physical changes body like acne and obesity.

What to do: learn to manage stress - using the same methods as with adrenaline, or your own discoveries (for example, a good book from childhood or favorite music).


In certain amounts, exercise can be beneficial for insulin levels, and especially for people with diabetes - as it increases the body's sensitivity to insulin (according to the Mayo Clinic). Let us remember that insulin regulates sugar levels, and in this case it will consistently reduce it. However, diabetics should be as careful as possible: intense exercise can lead to hypoglycemia, when blood sugar levels drop too low.

What to do: Before you head out to your workout, make sure you have the right snack with a balanced amount of protein, fat, and complex carbohydrates. And use it before (preferably 30-40 minutes before), and not after training.

The term " hormone"translated from Greek means a substance that sets in motion. Hormones, of which there are more than a hundred varieties, are produced by the internal secretion organs, i.e. endocrine organs. Hormones entering the blood are carried by it, having a deep, varied and very important effect on the body. Some of the hormones, such as thyroid hormones, have overall impact on all organs, others, like aldosterone, on one or two organs. However, insufficient production of one of the hormones leads to illness in the body as a whole.

How can we help ourselves with the help of nutrition to try to regulate the release endocrine system various hormones without resorting to hormone replacement therapy? First, let's get acquainted with the symptoms of insufficient production of one or another hormone.

Does your face feel swollen in the morning? In the morning, look carefully at yourself in the mirror. Swollen and puffy cheeks? If so, then you probably have a function deficiency thyroid gland. Do you have a swollen, moon-shaped face in the morning? Your adrenal glands may be producing more cortisol than your body needs. Excess cortisol appears in people exposed to intense and prolonged stress. If this case is stress, then thanks to the excess cortisol you have enough energy to withstand mental stress. But excess cortisol suppresses thyroid function and causes a deficiency of thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones provide us with not only appearance in the morning, but also good mood after sleep and during rest. Who among us does not have a relative or acquaintance who gets up on the wrong foot every morning and shows irritability at the beginning of the day? Such a person has morning depression. Or a busy person gets very tired after work if there is simply no time to sit down at work.

Thyroid gland - the most sensitive of all other glands to the seasons of the year. In winter, the level of thyroid hormones drops, and therefore we store 1-3 extra pounds. Sometimes the function of the gland can be reduced in the summer. What products should be used to activate the thyroid gland - this “sleeping beauty” and increase the production of hormones.

First of all, all seafood and seaweed, because they have the highest content of organic iodine. Plant products include persimmon, feijoa, dates, chokeberry and currants, prunes, apples, cherries, cucumbers, potatoes, beets, carrots, cabbage, eggplants, garlic, radishes, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, onions. But remember that excess meat consumption, especially fatty varieties, leads to a decrease in the level of thyroid hormones. Products that stimulate the growth of the thyroid gland when consumed in large quantities include cabbage (especially cauliflower), root vegetables (especially radishes, turnips), as well as spinach, peaches, and Jerusalem artichoke. In many cases, with a slight excess intake of iodine from food, the main role in the development of goiter is played by a deficiency of other microelements, such as cobalt, manganese, and selenium. The effect of treatment can only be obtained by correcting their intake into the body.

Growth hormone, or executive hormone. Produced by pituitary cells. Without the presence of this hormone in childhood we would remain dwarfs. An adult needs growth hormones to maintain the stability and reliability of his physical fitness. Growth hormone determines a person's height, strengthens the body, straightens the back, develops the nose, jaw, chin, shoulder and pelvic muscles, helps maintain youth, reduces the layer of fat, strengthens the hips, reduces the belly, gives energy during the day, helps restore strength, especially after night vigil, effectively reduces anxiety. To increase the level of growth hormone production, eat enough foods with high content proteins (meat, poultry, fish). Limit your coffee consumption. Women who consume a lot of coffee have low levels of growth hormone, somatomedin, in their blood. Give yourself moderate physical activity - with each exercise, growth hormone is pushed into the blood. Stop smoking - smoking addiction can lead to premature aging.

Melatonin, or sleep hormone. It is mainly secreted by the pineal gland, a small gland located deep in the brain. Other organs – the intestines and the retina of the eye – also have the ability to produce melatonin. Beneficially reduces tension, relaxes muscles, reduces adrenaline and thins the blood, causes yawning at night and the desire to go to bed, and wakes up in the morning by activating thyroid hormones. How to Naturally Increase Melatonin Levels? The room you sleep in should not be too hot or too cold. The room should be light in the morning and completely dark at night. While on vacation, try to be in the sun in the morning. Eat more products, rich in melatonin: rice, corn, oats. Fruits: bananas. Give preference to cold-pressed vegetable oils containing a high percentage of Omega-6, do not consume too much Omega-3 fatty acids (in fish). Take calcium and magnesium before bed, amino acid supplements like tryptophan and carnitine, and vitamin B3. Reduce your coffee consumption alcoholic drinks and certain medications, such as b-blockers, benzodiazepines at night, antipsychotics during the day, clonidine and lithium.

Estradiol, or the hormone of femininity. Most of estradiol is produced by the ovaries, a smaller part is produced by adipose tissue from other hormones secreted by the adrenal glands. Estradiol promotes breast development and the creation of roundness female forms, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates unwanted hair, moisturizes the eyes and makes them shiny and radiant, promotes joy, cheerfulness, good mood, provides physical endurance, promotes the desire for love and intimacy. With a lack of estradiol, the eyes are dull, the breasts are small or have lost their elasticity, and there is excessive male-type hair growth. Complaints are usually about fatigue during the day, a tendency to depression, despondency, lack of sexual desire, scanty menstruation or their delay. What do you recommend? Eat enough food: the number of calories you consume should correspond to the energy you expend. The food should contain a sufficient amount of animal protein (meat, poultry, fish, eggs). Avoid whole grains (bread and pasta coarsely ground): their fiber takes estrogens from the body and excretes them in excrement. Avoid prolonged stressful situations, smoke less and drink coffee less often. Avoid birth control pills with low content chemical estrogens.

Testosterone or the masculinity hormone. This is the same hormone that makes a man a man. Provides a constant flow of energy, gives stamina from morning to evening, increases physical strength And vitality, develops body muscles, strengthens the figure, reduces the amount of fat, creates a good mood and awakens sexual desire. The basis of the hormone is amino acids and polyunsaturated fats, while such an important trace element as zinc takes part in its production. Therefore, its production will be affected by the abundance or deficiency of these substances in the diet.

The immediate precursors of testosterone and testosterone itself are found in large quantities in bee products - royal jelly and bee pollen. When consumed, they have a pronounced anabolic effect. In addition, honey contains boron, which helps increase testosterone production and reduces testosterone levels. female hormone estrogen. By the way, estrogen is also present in the male body, but in much smaller quantities. With obesity, its level can increase, and testosterone levels, on the contrary, decrease. Thus, products that increase testosterone synthesis and decrease estrogen levels have right action on the male body.

But about the fact that Cholesterol is needed for the synthesis of sex hormones, few people know. Indeed, the basis of the hormone is cholesterol, but this does not mean that we should eat it with spoons. black caviar, cod liver and chicken yolks. The body synthesizes cholesterol for hormones in the liver from polyunsaturated fatty acids that came with food. If, of course, they did. If there is a deficiency of them in the diet, then, alas, the food rich in cholesterol, but poor in unsaturated fats will lead to the development of atherosclerosis, and will not make a superman out of a man.

For the opposite effect, consume fatty foods. sea ​​fish with minimal heat treatment, take omega-3−6−9 fatty acid supplements. Buy a variety of cold-pressed vegetable oils and use them at the same time. The best for this purpose will be: olive, flaxseed, sesame, walnut. Good source unsaturated fat seeds and nuts: flax-seed, sesame seeds, pine nuts will be an excellent addition to green leafy salads, walnuts You can have a snack and satisfy your hunger. Nuts and seeds also contain vitamin E, which is essential for maintaining hormonal balance.

I would especially like to say about oatmeal, which in Rus' since ancient times was considered a man's porridge. The tradition of eating oatmeal for breakfast 3-4 times a week will bring you closer to the English aristocracy and give you strength, courage and masculinity.

Zinc is important to increase the production of male sex hormones. Most of it is found in oysters and other seafood. They are considered classic aphrodisiacs. Minerals seafood is better absorbed by our body, as it is contained in the form of salts. Traditionally, veal, beef and poultry are recommended for raising testosterone levels, as foods containing the necessary amino acids for its synthesis.

Traditionally, red meat and dark poultry meat are recommended to increase testosterone production due to the sufficient content of amino acids necessary for its synthesis. The meat is also rich in zinc and B vitamins, which are essential for a man’s hormonal balance. Zinc, in addition to increasing the synthesis of testosterone, reduces the production of another hormone, prolactin, which often leads to sexual dysfunction and, in women, to diseases of the mammary glands. Brown rice, grain bread, and green vegetables are rich in zinc.

Progesterone or the hormone of peace in the family. This is a hormone of a serene state, which makes a woman more calm, carefree and a little lazy during pregnancy, when it is produced in large quantities. Creates a feeling of peace and improves sleep. In what products? If progesterone production naturally is reduced, then the consumption of animal proteins (meat, poultry, fish) and fats, including cholesterol (eggs, fish, fatty meats) should be increased. Try to avoid stressful situations, sleep more, take walks in the evenings. Add to your diet foods containing vitamins P and C (ascorutin) - citrus fruits, rose hips, black currants, etc. Monitor your fluid intake. A sufficient amount of progesterone in the blood is a good prevention of preservation bone tissue until old age. Calcium is not washed out of bones.

Serotonin is the hormone of joy. When it is produced in sufficient quantities, we experience a feeling of satisfaction, joy, happiness, because chemical nature it belongs to the opiate group. And, on the contrary, with its deficiency, we fall into melancholy, feel lethargy and weakness, and lack of any interest in life.

Increase production:

Chocolate. It contains methylxanthines, which stimulate transmission nerve impulses and make us more alert, and also cause the release of endorphins, which create a feeling of satisfaction and improve our mood.
You only need to remember that dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70% is suitable for these purposes. 15-20 g of such chocolate daily will not give you an increase in kilograms, but will provide a charge of vivacity and good mood.

In addition, endophrine levels increase foods rich in animal protein, such as turkey, chicken, beef, eggs and cheese. They contain two amino acids - tryptophan and L-phenylalanine, which cause the brain to produce endorphins. Lentils, beans, champignons and oyster mushrooms also contain a large amount of tryptophan.

From vegetables Tomatoes are indicated to increase serotonin. In some cultures they are called "apples of love." Thanks to the content of tryptamine in a sufficiently large amount, whose action resembles the action of serotonin, we relax and lose our “brakes”.

In fruits serotonin is found in bananas, dates, figs, plums.

Reduce production:

Alcohol, caffeine and trendy energy drinks, containing guarana and other caffeine-like substances that seem to lift the mood, but in fact are factors that reduce the production of serotonin. Mood and energy increase temporarily, but in fact they all have a depressing effect on the central nervous system and lead to its depletion. Every time you need everything high dose in order to be cheerful with their help, and the person becomes dependent.

Products high in sugar, yeast, leading to fermentation in the intestines disrupt the balance of microorganisms that synthesize derivatives for this hormone. Therefore, in many cases, depressed mood can be the result of dysbiosis.

Well, besides this, you need to remember that overeating both protein and carbohydrate products inhibits hormone production.

And also important hormones - vasopressin or the memory hormone, pregnenolone or the memory hormone, insulin or the sugar hormone, DHEA or the hormone for improving the quality of life, etc. And, as you understand, all hormones are extremely important for each of us and their correct quantitative ratio is extremely important.

Choice proper nutrition, sufficient physical activity, combating stress will certainly improve your well-being and restore hormonal background and thereby create some protection against old age. And rest assured that within 3 weeks of starting to work on yourself, you will see significant changes in your health and mood that will delight you.

It happens that a change in hormones occurs in the female body - this is a phenomenon that is quite common among modern women. There can be either a shortage or an excess of hormones. As a result of such restructuring, some diseases or pathologies may appear or progress.

Due to the fact that hormonal levels are disrupted after childbirth, deviations in menstrual cycles often occur and they become irregular. If a woman has infections of the genitourinary system or her immunity is significantly reduced, the development of uterine fibroids, polyps, hyperplasia, polycystic disease and other diseases is possible.

A gynecologist-endocrinologist can cure hormonal imbalances in women. A study of the submitted data is being carried out necessary tests, and also focuses on the patient’s complaints and ailments. You can also support your hormonal levels folk remedies. Many recipes taken from traditional methods, tested by generations and can help get rid of the disease.

Today we will look at how you can improve hormonal levels in women and hormonal levels in men.

But first you need to understand why this phenomenon occurs, what contributes to its development, and then how to improve your hormonal levels.

Why do problems occur with hormonal photon?

The reasons can be completely different.

For example, frequent illnesses girls in early age, such as:

  • angina;
  • flu;
  • colds and others.

Viral diseases weaken the immune system, and the body becomes very susceptible to infections.

Due to weakened immunity, amenorrhea may occur. That is, the girl’s cycle, which should be once a month and regular, fails and becomes irregular.

A little older girls may have a disorder hormonal levels because of:

  • repeated abortions;
  • infections in the reproductive system;
  • inflammation;
  • injuries occurring in the reproductive system.

Women are also susceptible to changes in hormonal levels during menopause, this is due to age-related changes female body.

Experts say that hormonal imbalances are possible due to disturbances in the endocrine system after undergoing genitourinary system surgical operations.

Of course, it is better to find out from a gynecologist-endocrinologist how women are and under no circumstances self-medicate.

It should be noted that normalizing hormonal levels is a process that requires time, self-control, and it cannot be abandoned halfway through; for this you need to have self-control, willpower and the desire to be healthy. Also, a component factor in restoring hormonal levels is a good mood and self-confidence. If a person is positive, the treatment will be much more effective, and the result will not be long in coming. Normalizing hormonal levels will give a woman youth, beauty and always high spirits.

Hormones are biological active substances. Hormone levels depend directly on the condition endocrine glands. An imbalance is possible due to an increase or, conversely, a lack of any hormone, which causes an imbalance.

There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Stress. When a person feels stressed, the level of cortisol in his body increases. This is a hormone responsible for stress in the body. If stress is experienced frequently, cortisol begins to be produced in large quantities, which leads to the appearance of the happiness hormone progesterone.
  • Unbalanced diet. In order for hormones to be produced correctly, this requires proper and balanced nutrition.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. If there is a lack in a person's life physical activity, he may become obese. In men, this leads to a decrease in male hormones, an increase in female hormones and a decrease in testosterone levels. Sports and active image life - good advice, how to normalize hormonal levels in women and men.
  • Bad habits. Drinking alcoholic beverages, as well as tobacco products may also lower testosterone levels in men.
  • Lack of sleep and body fatigue. If a person constantly works at night or changes time zones during frequent business trips, his body does not have time to rest, and the hormonal background begins to change, as well as general condition person, his well-being.
  • Phytohormones in food. When consuming foods that contain phytohormones, the level of androgens decreases. For example, phytohormones are found in large quantities in beer.
  • Heredity. Disorders can be passed down from generation to generation, so you can turn to the older generation to find out how to improve your hormonal levels.
  • Environmental factor. According to statistics, about 30% of people who experience hormonal imbalances live in populated areas with an unfavorable environment. Because of this, hormonal levels in men are even disrupted.
  • Endocrine glands. It happens that endocrine glands are injured. This leads to a decrease in hormone production, that is, to an imbalance.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance

There are no specific symptoms for hormonal imbalances. Therefore, many people, when any ailments appear, do not know that it is due to an imbalance of their hormones.

If there is a violation in the functionality of one of these systems, then the chain connecting them all is broken.

If a person has problems with the thyroid gland, insulin will stop being produced. Therefore, people with diabetes often examine their thyroid gland. At frequent occurrence stress, the adrenal glands stop producing adrenaline, which disrupts the level of sex hormones in women. Most of the Russian population live in places where there is an increased iodine deficiency. They often experience hormonal intoxication.

A woman needs to be wary if she experiences the following symptoms:

  • The woman does not diet or exercise physical activity or sports, but at the same time she has active decline weight. Of course, weight loss will please any representative of the fair sex, but it must be a wake-up call, since the weight should not go away on its own. There is good reason to believe that the cause is a hormonal imbalance. For example, weight may decrease with frequent feeling stress, divorce, illness loved one. During such periods, adrenaline actively attacks the human body, so weight begins to decrease. The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormone, and when there is too much of it, weight loss occurs. You may also notice excessive dryness of your hair and scalp. The sooner a woman turns to a specialist, the better it will be for her health.
  • Slightly observed elevated temperature body, about 37.5 degrees. It is practically not felt and does not affect the person’s condition; a slight blush appears. You need to remember that the natural body temperature is 36.6 degrees. If it rises higher, this indicates a problem in the body.
  • Increased heart rate for no reason. There may be tingling in the heart, pain, or a feeling as if the heart is not beating. During the examination, it is discovered that all tests are normal, and no extraneous noise is detected on the ECG.
  • Tremor of the limbs. It can cover the whole body, sometimes there is a feeling that the whole body is trembling. If a young, healthy, physically developed person’s hands tremble, then either he has neurosis or a hormonal imbalance.
  • Some people have profuse sweating, even if at this time the person is physically resting. If this trouble was discovered quite recently, then this indicates changes in the lymphatic system.
  • Increased drowsiness, or, conversely, lack of sleep. The inability to fall asleep for a long time or the ability to fall asleep as soon as the head touches the pillow, but in the morning it is very difficult to wake up and not fall asleep again, indicates elevated level adrenaline in the blood.
  • A woman is often nervous and expresses dissatisfaction about her life. Feels useless and useless. Of course, any person is capable of experiencing momentary weaknesses, but a woman’s constant state of anxiety becomes an alarm bell. If a woman relaxes and stops being nervous, her hormonal levels will normalize.
  • Rapidly dirty hair and scalp characteristic feature for teenagers, because they constantly experience fluctuations in hormones. And the adult healthy person You shouldn't experience this kind of discomfort.
  • Pain during the menstrual cycle. Painful menstruation also possible in a teenager aged 16-18, this is quite normal phenomenon. But an adult healthy woman shouldn't experience painful sensations, including stomach upset, constant pressure changes, increased heart rate.

If these symptoms are present in a woman during menstrual cycle at the age of 30-35 years, she urgently needs to contact a gynecologist for further examination.

  • In the morning, there is excessive swelling of the face, neck and décolleté. In this case, there may be an excess of cortisol, the reasons being constant overwork, worry, anxiety and stress.

Drugs that restore hormonal levels

Now let's look at products that restore hormonal levels.

Most often, specialists appoint medications. These are usually synthetic hormones. They suppress hormones that are produced in excess.

List of effective drugs:

  • "Regulon"
  • "Mersilon"
  • "Logest"

You should take such medications only if they have been prescribed by your doctor. Many women, after recommendations from a specialist, refuse this method restoration of hormonal levels. But it must be taken into account that if it is not treated properly, it can develop into serious consequences, causing significant harm to the body.


Vitamins for hormonal imbalances are quite effective remedy, not causing harm to the body. But they are not able to compensate for the deficiency or excess of hormones. They can only alleviate the effects of hormone imbalance in the body. Especially useful vitamins will occur with lack of sleep, with frequent previously mentioned stress, when hormonal levels are not stable. You can take vitamins to restore hormonal levels after childbirth. But before using them, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since a woman’s body is especially weakened after childbirth, especially since the lactation period must be taken into account, since some substances are undesirable for both the newborn and the mother in labor.

Basic essential vitamins:

  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin E;
  • B vitamins;
  • Folic acid.

Dietary supplements.

Biologically active additives also often prescribed by endocrinologists. But they do not provide proper treatment. Their functions are more similar to the functions of vitamins also taken, so you should not focus your attention only on them.


Experts recommend diets that normalize hormonal levels. For example, they advise daily use seafood and dates, currants and prunes, as well as persimmons and spinach. You absolutely need to avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine, and instead increase the amount of fiber in your diet. You need to get regular and good sleep, stop bad habits in the form of drinking alcohol and smoking, as well as regularly taking walks on fresh air and provide yourself with useful physical activity.

In the body of every person there is the pituitary gland. To ensure a sufficient amount of this hormone, you need to eat more protein foods, for example, fish, cape, poultry, you can make your own cocktails containing proteins. We must also not forget about physical activity.

The influence of food on the normalization of hormones

To restore the level estradiol(one of the most important hormones in a woman’s body) you need to include more meat, fish, chicken eggs, but do not use flour products, since they remove estradiol from the female body.

Progesterone is a hormone that is responsible in our body for calmness, concentration and tranquility. To maintain it at normal levels, you need to consume vitamins C and P, you need to focus on rose hips, citrus fruits, and black currants.

To improve a man's level testosterone in the body, it needs to focus on foods that contain zinc. Honey is considered such a product. royal jelly, and also some I recommend bee pollen. Also beneficial is the consumption of fatty sea red fish, red meat, vegetable oil, but only if it is cold-pressed, nuts, seeds, oatmeal.

Serotonin responsible for bursts of happiness and joy. If a deficiency of this hormone is detected in the body, you need to eat dark chocolate (preferably starting the day with a slice), white meat, eggs, cheese, tomatoes and mushrooms, bananas and plums. In order not to lower the level of serotonin and not bring it to a critical level in the body, you need to stop consuming alcohol and nicotine, as well as energy drinks, products containing yeast and sugar.

Traditional medicine

Nowadays, a woman can find a lot of recipes that tell her how to improve her hormonal levels.

Here are some recipes:


From time immemorial this herb has been considered female grass. It can make the menstrual cycle regular. How to make an infusion with oregano:

Place 2 tablespoons of fresh finely chopped oregano (you can also use dried) in a mug and pour boiling water over it. Cover the mug so that the herbs steam. After 30-40 minutes, the infusion will be ready for use. You need to take it in small sips throughout the day.


Take 1 tablespoon of hop cones and pour a glass of boiling water. It will be nice if the broth is placed in a thermos. Let it brew for an hour and a half, after which you need to consume 100 ml before each meal.


This herb has helped many women restore hormonal levels and improve the condition of the body, as well as increase vigor.

1 tablespoon of dried herb (leaves) is poured with a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, strain the broth. You need to take half a glass before each meal from the 16th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle.

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Hormonal imbalance in women is a common condition, similar in its manifestations to stress. Usually the concept of “hormonal imbalance” is associated with adolescence or menopause, but female body susceptible to hormones at any age. 80% of girls and women suffer from hormonal problems at one point or another in your life.

Hormones regulate the functioning of other body systems. A minor glitch can make a woman feel bad and actually lead to long-term health problems. Many factors influence the production and functioning of hormones. One of the reasons for the disorder may be age. Pregnancy, a woman's menstrual cycle, thyroid problems or diabetes also greatly affect endocrine system. Even more often, medications, especially birth control pills, can upset the delicate balance in the body.

Some women are genetically predisposed to hormonal imbalances; in others, the culprit is unpleasant symptoms becomes a way of life. Poor sleep, lack of sleep physical exercise and poor diet (including consuming too many calories) gradually begin to affect your health. In addition, stress can have a very detrimental effect on the endocrine system and the body as a whole.

When the body regularly does not receive the necessary nutrients, it is more than likely that the woman will experience one or more symptoms associated with hormonal imbalance, For example:

  • menstrual irregularities,
  • (PCOS),
  • insulin resistance,
  • lack of progesterone,
  • androgen imbalance.

The ratio of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone is especially important for the normal hormonal balance of a woman. Levels of thyroid hormones, insulin, and cortisol also play a role.


Hormonal imbalance in women usually manifests itself as irregular periods or heavy bleeding. Sharp changes in mood at certain times each month are another sign of fluctuating hormone levels; this may include premenstrual syndrome or premenstrual dysphoric disorder.

In addition, anxiety, loss of appetite, insomnia, poor concentration along with sudden weight gain, decreased desire, hot flashes and excessive sweating may be symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women. Be sure to talk to your doctor if you have any of these signs.

Hormonal imbalance in women: symptoms

  • Irregular or absent periods

Changes in the menstrual cycle signal a disruption in the hormonal activity that controls menstruation. Often the cause is an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone, including due to.

  • Weight gain

Sudden weight changes, a sudden decrease in body weight, or, conversely, an increase in weight, making it difficult to lose weight, may indicate hormonal imbalance or problems with the thyroid gland. Changes in body shape and figure can be caused by endocrine disorders and disorders of the adrenal glands. Changes in hormone production during menopause can also contribute to the deposition of fat in the abdominal area. This can happen even if the woman has never had weight problems before. High levels of stress and bad dream make it harder to lose fat around your waist.

  • Irritability and/or moodiness

Feeling depressed, aggressive, abrupt change mood or constant fatigue may be caused by sudden changes in the balance of estrogen, testosterone and progesterone or an imbalance of adrenal hormones.

  • Skin problems
  1. Natural remedies

For minor symptoms, when the disorder is not caused by a severe disorder, congenital or hereditary disease, vitamins and herbal supplements can restore disrupted hormonal levels. So, increased prolactin treats herbs, reduced sensitivity to insulin - vitamin D,

Hormonal imbalance can occur due to various reasons. There are quite a lot of them, because in the human body there are several endocrine glands that are involved in the production of hormones. Factors such as:

  • smoking;
  • excessive addiction to alcohol;
  • long stay in stressful situations, unbalanced diet;
  • hard physical labor;
  • poor environment;
  • heredity;
  • certain diseases - hypothyroidism, obesity, diabetes.

happen hormonal imbalance maybe in case of artificial termination of pregnancy, after childbirth or during menopause. Inflammation of the genital organs can provoke this problem. Well, don’t forget about such a factor as heredity. By the way, the hormonal levels of expectant mothers also change, and quite seriously. After all, the body begins to rebuild during this period, adapting to new conditions.

Certain symptoms of hormonal imbalance will indicate the presence of a problem. However, it should be noted here that they are not pronounced. In addition, a deficiency or, conversely, too much of one or another hormone manifests itself in different ways. You should definitely contact a doctor if your body weight begins to change without any reason - your weight increases or, conversely, decreases.

In addition, alarms in in this case will constant drowsiness, fatigue, sharp changes mood, excessive hair growth individual parts face or body, hand tremors, rapid heartbeat, oily skin and hair, painful or irregular periods. Hormones in women can also deviate significantly from the norm with polycystic ovary syndrome - this will also be indicated by the corresponding symptoms. Among them, we should highlight a decrease in the volume of blood released during menstruation, nagging pain in the stomach, inability to get pregnant for a long time.

How can you normalize a woman’s hormonal levels?

As you can see, there are quite a lot of reasons that provoke such a problem, and we have not listed all of them. Accordingly, in this case you should definitely consult a doctor. After all, treatment will not be effective if the cause that triggered the failure is not established. Only after it is installed will it be possible to adjust the hormones. Otherwise, the risk of serious complications will be very high.

Also, do not forget that everything in the body is interconnected, and, for example, a high level of adrenaline in the blood caused by a malfunction of the adrenal glands leads to problems with the genitals. Estrogen (the sex hormone) directly affects the ability to engage in mental and physical activity. It also affects a woman’s mood and her external attractiveness. For normal conception of a child and subsequent bearing of the baby, a sufficient amount of progesterone is needed. A deficiency of this hormone can cause serious problems, negatively affecting reproductive function.

So, let's figure out how to normalize hormonal levels in the fairer sex. First of all, you will need to go through comprehensive examination, which includes gynecological examination, history taking, ultrasound examination adrenal glands, liver, pelvic organs, thyroid gland. You also need to take a blood test - for sugar and blood levels. TSH hormones, T32 and T4. In some cases, an X-ray examination may be necessary.

After the doctor determines the cause that caused the problem, a decision is made on how to eliminate it. First of all, I would like to note here contraceptives– with the help of such tablets it is possible to normalize the level of sex hormones. Naturally, all prescriptions should be made only by a doctor. Oral contraceptives, which normalize hormonal levels, can be divided into 2 main groups - mini-pills containing progesterone alone, and combined ones (estrogen is also present here).

Another very effective option restoration of hormonal levels - these are dietary supplements. As a rule, they are prescribed for initial stage complex therapy. You will also have to make changes to your diet here. The whole point is that certain products help increase the level of certain hormones. For example, if you have problems with progesterone, it is recommended to enrich your diet with olives, raspberries, avocados, raw nuts, sweet red peppers, pumpkin juice. Complex therapy should also include vitamins.

How can you normalize a woman’s hormonal levels using folk remedies?

This problem can be solved without pills. It is quite possible to normalize the level of a particular hormone using folk remedies. Let us immediately warn you that this option is only permissible in consultation with a doctor. There are quite a large number of options here. For example, it is possible to use complex treatment herbs. This therapy has its own characteristics. The thing is that at a certain period of the menstrual cycle you need to consume medicinal herbs, which begin to show activity after they enter the body. The treatment regimen could be, for example, like this. First we take wormwood (days 1-5 of the cycle), then sage (from 6 to 15), and then comes the turn of red brush and hogweed (from 16 to 25).

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