Treatment of hand lymphostasis after mastectomy (removal of the mammary gland). Symptoms and various methods of treatment of hand lymphostasis Hand lymphostasis in breast cancer

Lymphostasis of the hand is a serious disease that causes persistent swelling. Let's look at the causes of the disease, methods of treatment and preventive measures that will get rid of lymphostasis.

Lymphostasis is a persistent swelling of tissues, which is formed due to disturbances in the outflow of lymph, that is, tissue fluid. As a rule, lymphostasis affects the lower extremities.

There are several factors that can become a direct cause of lymphostasis:

  • Surgical operations in which lymph nodes were removed.
  • Erysipelas.
  • Problems with lymphatic and venous vessels.

There are several stages of lymphostasis, each stage has its own symptoms and characteristics. The last stage of lymphostasis is elephantiasis or elephantiasis. Such a condition is characterized by a strong increase and thickening of the volume of the limbs, as well as trophic disorders of the subcutaneous tissue and skin, and as a result, the patient's disability.

Puffiness, which becomes the main symptom of lymphostasis, appears due to a slight inflammatory process. For example, after a bruise, there may be swelling of the soft tissues, this is due to the influx of lymphatic fluid.

After a while, the swelling disappears, for this, compresses, injections and medications are used. But there are violations that are associated with the functioning of the lymphatic system, and then any bruise can lead to violations of the outflow of lymph. With lymphostasis of the hand, patients experience chronic edema, which significantly disrupts the structure of the skin. Seals the upper layer, on which ulcers subsequently form, and elephantiasis progresses.

Causes of lymphostasis of the hand

The causes of hand lymphostasis are based on injuries and damage to the lymphatic system. As a rule, these are burns, bruises, operations, fractures, sprains or dislocations. Also, the causes of lymphostasis of the hand include:

Depending on the cause and type of damage to the lymphatic system, there are two types of lymphostasis: primary and secondary.

The causes of primary lymphostasis of the hand are an anomaly of the lymphatic system and blood vessels, usually congenital. The disease cannot be determined in the first years of life, it begins to manifest itself during puberty.

The causes of secondary lymphostasis of the hand are not congenital, and any healthy person can acquire them. These include: tumors in the lymphatic system, injuries, chronic diseases, a sedentary lifestyle (this applies to bedridden patients), erysipelas of the hands, operations on the chest cavity, obesity.

Lymphostasis of the hand after mastectomy

A mastectomy is the removal of the breast due to a malignant tumor. When the breast is removed, the lymph nodes under the arm may be removed. This leads to a violation of the outflow of lymphatic fluid, that is, to lymphostasis of the hand after mastectomy. If, during a mastectomy, the lymph nodes that are located in the armpits are irradiated, then this also becomes the cause of lymphostasis.

Due to the disturbed outflow of lymph, that is, damage to the drainage and lymph nodes, a persistent and severe swelling of the arm appears. If the swelling went away a couple of months after the mastectomy, then we are talking about post-mastectomy lymphostasis. If the edema that appears does not come down and is not treatable, then we are talking about lymphedema. Lymphostasis does not appear in every woman who has undergone a mastectomy, but if it does, it can accompany her throughout her life or go away after months or even years of fighting the disease.

The danger of hand lymphostasis after mastectomy is that swelling can cause hand deformity and is often accompanied by inflammatory processes. Post-mastectomy lymphosis causes a lot of inconvenience to patients and causes stress and depression during the treatment period.

If lymphostasis of the hand after mastectomy appears in the first year of treatment, then, as a rule, it is not dangerous and can be treated. The swelling is mild, but accompanied by bursting, aching pain and heaviness in the arm, all this causes a lot of inconvenience. If you do not take up the treatment of lymphostasis of the hand after a mastectomy in time, then the disease will go into the stage of severe dense lymphostasis, the treatment of which is a longer and painstaking process.

Why does lymphedema appear after mastectomy?

With a mastectomy, not only the breast is removed, but also the lymphatics, vessels, nodes that received and gave lymph from the mammary glands. After the breast and lymph nodes are removed, the body fails.

  • The size of the removed lymph nodes can be different, it all depends on the stage and shape of the tumor and its location. In very severe cases, it is possible to remove the pectoralis minor muscle and level 3 lymph nodes.
  • Lymph nodes are removed because there is a possibility that cancer cells are located in the lymphatic system. And if they are removed, then in the future it is possible to avoid a recurrence of cancer.
  • It is possible to determine if there are cancer cells in the lymph nodes only after their removal. The oncologist conducts histological examination of the removed lymph nodes and the mammary gland.
  • Lymphostasis during mastectomy occurs due to a malfunction in the body. After the lymph nodes have been removed, the body does not stop directing the lymph, but all of it accumulates in the area of ​​​​the shoulder and arm.

It is impossible to predict the outcome of the operation in advance. There are cases when, after the complete removal of lymph nodes and muscle tissue during mastectomy, lymphostasis does not occur. But it also happens the other way around, when the slightest interference in the lymphatic system causes severe lymphostasis of the hand.

Symptoms of lymphostasis of the hand

Symptoms of lymphostasis of the hand depend on the stage of development of lymphostasis. Let's look at the stages of the disease and the symptoms that accompany it.

First stage:

  • Slight swelling on the arm, which appears in the late afternoon and disappears after sleep, that is, in the morning.
  • Puffiness appears constantly, but at this stage, patients rarely seek medical help.
  • At the first stage, connective tissue growths have not yet begun, therefore, when seeking medical help, further development of lymphostasis can be prevented.

Second stage:

  • Irreversible swelling appears on the arm.
  • Connective tissues grow and hardening of the skin on the arm occurs.
  • Due to swelling, the skin on the arm is swollen and tight, which causes pain in the arm.
  • As a rule, it is at this stage that patients seek medical help.
  • Treatment is possible, but requires full compliance with the recommendations and great effort.

Third stage:

  • The disease becomes irreversible
  • All the symptoms described in the first and second stages are intensified.
  • Wounds and cysts appear on the arm.
  • Fingers are deformed, that is, lymphostasis of the extremities appears.
  • The hand becomes inactive due to the development of elephantiasis.
  • Eczema, ulcers, or erysipelas may also occur.

Symptoms of hand lymphostasis completely depend on the stage at which the disease is located. With each stage, the symptoms become dangerous and irreversible and entail a lot of complications, in very difficult cases, death is possible.

Diagnosis of lymphostasis of the hand

Diagnosis of hand lymphostasis begins with a study of the symptoms of the disease and a complete examination of the hand. When diagnosing, it is necessary to do a biochemical analysis of blood and urine and a clinical analysis. It is necessary to consult a vascular surgeon and conduct a complete examination of the chest cavity, small pelvis, peritoneum, veins and extremities. In order to finally confirm the diagnosis - lymphostasis, and find out the reasons for its appearance, lymphography of the lymphatic system and lymphatic vessels is performed.

  • At the first signs of lymphostasis of the hand, that is, when swelling appears, you should immediately contact a vascular surgeon, lymphologist or phlebologist. The doctor will be able to reliably determine the cause of the swelling, and in the case of progressive lymphosis, he will prescribe a set of tests and ultrasound.
  • In the diagnosis of lymphostasis of the hand and the study of vascular patency, a lymphoscintigraph is used, in other words, x-ray lymphography. This technique allows you to observe changes in the lymphatic system and find places of blockage of blood vessels.
  • Lymphostasis of the hand can be confused with deep vein thrombosis or post-phlebitic syndrome. In all cases, varicose veins, mild swelling, unilateral lymphedema, and hyperpigmentation are observed. In order to accurately diagnose lymphostasis of the hand, ultrasound of the limbs and veins is performed.

Treatment of lymphostasis of the hand

Treatment of hand lymphostasis depends on the stage of the disease. Lymphostasis of the hand is a severe, in some cases irreversible, swelling that occurs due to damaged lymphatic system and lymph nodes. Swelling on the arm may also appear due to the inflammatory process, after a bruise or blow. Edema occurs due to the influx of lymph to the affected area.

As a rule, edema disappears on its own, but in the case of lymphostatic edema, swelling can be eliminated only with the help of medicines and only in the first stages of the disease. But lymphostasis can cause not only a bruise or burn, but also a disease of the lymphatic system, which is characterized by impaired lymph outflow.

The treatment of hand lymphostasis is completely aimed at stopping the swelling and returning the hand to its normal state, without complications. The speed and effectiveness of treatment depend on timely seeking medical help and diagnosing lymphostasis. The course of treatment provides for the full implementation of all the rules and recommendations, which include therapy, drug treatment and the desire of the patient. They treat lymphostasis of the hand, as a rule, with conservative methods that are aimed at creating all the conditions that will help, cleanse the lymphatic vessels and bring the lymphatic tracts and nodes into a normal working state.

Treatment of lymphostasis of the hand consists of:

  • Complex drug therapy.
  • The use of manual lymphatic drainage, which helps to carry out the outflow of lymph from the affected area.
  • Care of the affected hand, the use of ointments and creams.
  • Selection of a special compression bandage and underwear.
  • A complex of therapeutic gymnastics and massage.

In some cases, for the treatment of lymphostasis of the hand, it involves pneumomassage or lymphopress. The procedure is carried out under the strict supervision of a physician. Also, for the treatment of lymphostasis, laser therapy, electromagnetic stimulation are used, which have a positive effect on the lymphatic system. Running lymphostasis, that is, lymphostasis of the hand in the last stages, is practically untreatable. In the last stages of the disease, osteopathic visceral techniques are used as a treatment, which can reduce swelling and improve lymph inflow and outflow.

Treatment of hand lymphostasis after mastectomy

Treatment of hand lymphostasis after mastectomy begins after the stage of development of lymphostasis is determined. Lymphostasis after mastectomy is dense and soft. Mild lymphedema of the arm after mastectomy is a reversible swelling that is treatable and may occur up to a year after surgery. If mild lymphostasis has not been cured, then it develops into an irreversible form of the disease - dense lymphostasis.

Dense lymphostasis of the arm is directly related to the scars that form in the region of the lymph nodes after undergoing a course of radiation therapy, which is used to treat mastectomy. Many doctors claim that the appearance of dense lymphostasis of the arm after a mastectomy is the first sign that the cancer cells have not gone away, that is, a recurrence of oncology is possible.

In the process of treating lymphostasis, it is very important to restore the outflow of lymph. For this, collaterals are connected, which ensure normal blood circulation and lymph outflow. Another method of treatment is exercise therapy. A set of therapeutic exercises is recommended to start a week after the mastectomy. This kind of rehabilitation should be carried out at all stages of hand lymphostasis. In the first days after the removal of the mammary gland, it is very difficult to carry out therapeutic exercises, as the body hurts and the hands do not obey. But the sooner you start therapeutic exercises, the more likely it is to avoid the appearance of lymphostasis. Physical exercise will improve the outflow of lymph, increase the elasticity of the tissues of the shoulder and arm, and help eliminate spasms that occur in the muscles.

It will not be superfluous to visit the pool and undergo a course of treatment using a compression sleeve, which helps to stimulate lymph flow. Please note that the main treatment for hand lymphostasis after mastectomy is special gymnastics, massages and physical education, and only then drug treatment.

Hand massage for lymphedema

Hand massage with lymphostasis can be done both by the patient himself and by any person who knows the skills and nuances of therapeutic massage. As a rule, during mastectomy and lymphostasis, upon discharge from the hospital, I instruct the patient and one of the family members regarding hand massage and the technique of its execution.

Let's look at the options for hand massage for lymphostasis:

  • Raise up the arm that has swelling or the arm that had a mastectomy. Place your hand on a vertical surface. With the other hand, gently massage, stroke the affected arm. This must be done from the fingers to the shoulder and from the elbow to the shoulder, but not all over the arm. Sometimes, with such a massage, therapeutic ointments and creams are used.
  • It is necessary to massage the hand from all sides. Carefully work the sides of the arm, inner and outer. Massage movements should be soft, slow, slight pressure on the subcutaneous tissues should be felt. But this does not mean that the hand needs to be squeezed hard. During the massage, you should not feel any discomfort or pain.

The duration of one massage procedure is about 5 minutes. Massage is recommended every 2-3 hours, depending on the stage of lymphostasis and the type of edema.

Treatment of lymphostasis of the hand with folk remedies

Treatment of hand lymphostasis with folk remedies is a treatment that has evolved over many years. That is, we can say with confidence that folk methods of treatment are a proven panacea for hand lymphostasis. Let's look at the most effective recipes that are used in the treatment of lymphostasis with folk remedies.

Treatment with plantain

  • 2 tablespoons dried plantain leaves
  • 2 cups boiling water
  • 1 teaspoon honey

Pour boiling water over plantain leaves overnight and let it brew. Strain the decoction in the morning. Should be taken 30 minutes before meals. Before drinking a decoction, you must eat a spoonful of honey, this enhances the healing effect of the tincture. Drinking a decoction is recommended for two months.

Tar treatment

  • 1 tablespoon of tar
  • 1 head of onion

The onion must be baked in the oven, and the onion must be baked in the husk. After the bulb has baked, it must be cleaned and mixed with tar. Spread the resulting mixture on a thick layer of gauze bandage and apply it to the lymphostasis on the arm at night. In the morning, you need to remove the bandage, wipe your hand with warm water and do a light massage. Traditional medicine recommends taking honey before applying a compress and after removing it. Honey actively fights against lymphostasis of the hand, accelerates and enhances the effect of other medical procedures. Repeat the procedure, it is recommended for a month or two.

garlic treatment

  • 250 grams minced fresh garlic
  • 350 grams of liquid honey

The ingredients must be mixed and infused for one week. You need to take the mixture one tablespoon one hour before meals, the course of treatment is 60 days.

Treatment of hand lymphostasis with folk remedies involves taking tinctures and lotions to the affected hand from herbs and plants that contain vitamin C and P. These vitamins help to thin the lymph and improve its outflow and inflow through the lymphatic system. Drink pomegranate juice, decoctions of currants, cranberries and rose hips. Eat fruits and drink red juices, as they contain a lot of vitamin P: grapes, beetroot juice, currants, mountain ash.

Gymnastics with lymphostasis of the hand

Gymnastics with lymphostasis of the hand is a mandatory therapy, without which a full-fledged treatment is simply impossible. We offer you a complex of therapeutic exercises, which is recommended for hand lymphostasis. Each exercise must be done in five sets of ten times - this is the optimal physical activity that will help improve lymph flow and relieve pain in the arm.

  • Place your hands on your knees so that your palms look down, try to keep your elbows straight. Slowly turn your palms over, from the back to the outside. Please note that the fingers should be as relaxed as possible.
  • Put your hands behind your back and connect to the lock. The arms should be bent at the elbows, and the palms pressed to the back. Slowly pull your palms towards your shoulder blades.
  • Hands on your knees, elbows straight, alternately clench and unclench your fists.
  • Raise your hand up, hold it in front of you, slowly lower it. Observe the breathing technique, slow inhalation and exhalation.
  • Clasp your hands behind your back in a lock on straight elbows. Raise your arms up so that the shoulder blades are brought together.
  • Put your hands on your shoulders, slowly lower and raise.
  • Place your hands on your shoulders and make circular motions with your arms and shoulders, back and forth.
  • Stand up, tilt your body and lower your sore arm. Relax your arm completely and swing it from side to side and back and forth.
  • Raise your sore arm up and linger in this position for a couple of seconds, then take your hand to the side and linger again.

In addition to gymnastics, preventive measures are very important for the treatment and prevention of lymphostasis.

  • With lymphostasis of the hand, it is very important to follow the rules of hygiene and regularly care for the affected limb. Remove nails and calluses, decontaminate used tools to minimize infection in the lymph.
  • Avoid injury, burns, scratches and any kind of damage. Try not to overheat, as this will only increase the lymphatic swelling.
  • Lead a mobile lifestyle, as sitting in one place or lying down can cause lymph stagnation in the body and will only complicate the disease.
  • Use various nourishing and moisturizing creams, this will save your hand from cracks and dryness.
  • Stick to a diet and nutrition rules, this is an important part of the complex treatment of hand lymphostasis.

Lymphostasis of the hand does not make a person disabled. Lymphostasis does not interfere with everyday activities and lead an active lifestyle. Be patient and follow all the rules of treatment, nutrition and gymnastics, and you can cure hand lymphostasis.

It is important to know!

Lymphedema - swelling of the limb due to hypoplasia of the lymphatic vessels (primary lymphedema) or their obstruction or destruction (secondary). Symptoms include brown skin and firm (finger pressure does not leave an impression) swelling of one or more limbs.

Lymphostasis of the upper limb is a disease associated with a violation of the outflow of lymph and its retention in the tissues. As a result of insufficient drainage of lymph from the upper limbs, their swelling and enlargement begin, sometimes ulcerative formations appear. Most often, the cause of the development of the disease is a violation in the work of blood vessels, but a considerable percentage of patients are women with breast cancer. In this article, we will talk about how to treat lymphostasis of the hand, what are the main directions of treatment, let's talk about nutrition, how to use a compression sleeve and whether exercise is useful.

General scheme

If you have developed lymphostasis of the upper limb, then the overall prognosis for treatment is positive. It is possible to cure the disease, but only at the initial stage. If you ignore the problem for a long time and do not take any action, then it is likely to start the disease to the stage when the problem becomes practically incurable. The basis of treatment is taking medications of various groups. Depending on the cause of the disease, the attending physician may prescribe a course of antibiotics if inflammatory processes are observed. In almost all cases, drugs are used that improve blood flow, as well as lymph flow. They prevent an increase in the effect of stagnant processes and significantly reduce the swelling of the hands.

To enhance the effect of drugs, the treatment regimen also includes physiotherapy exercises, massage, physiotherapy and proper nutrition. Such an integrated approach makes it possible to use the full potential of treatment in order to prevent the transition of the disease to a severe (incurable) stage and to keep the limbs fully functional. Let's take a closer look at what the treatment regimen for a hand with lymphostasis looks like. Please note: each of the methods described below affects a certain aspect of the pathology, and in order to achieve recovery, you need to approach the problem in a comprehensive manner. By choosing one method, it is impossible to achieve positive results.

Medications for a conservative method of therapy

Drug treatment involves the use of drugs of the following groups:

  • Angioprotectors - increase vascular tone, have an anti-inflammatory effect. The course of treatment is about 30 days. The most popular drugs of the group are Troxevasin, Troxerutin. Available in the form of tablets, ointments, solutions for injection.

  • Enzymes are tablets consisting of active enzymes that stimulate the action of phlebotonics and angioprotectors. In addition, they accelerate the breakdown and removal of toxins from tissues, and also have a moderate analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Immunomodulators are drugs that stimulate the immune system. They help not only prevent the progression of the disease, but also improve the lymphatic drainage effect. Among the most popular are succinic acid, tincture of Eleutherococcus, Likopid.

Phlebotonics - eliminate inflammatory processes and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. The most popular drug from the group is Detralex. Antibiotics - drugs of this group are prescribed to patients who have developed erysipelas of the hand.


The main action of physical procedures are aimed at stimulating the circulation of lymph in sick hands. For this, the following methods are used: massage, magnetotherapy, laser therapy.

The duration of treatment and the list of procedures are determined by your doctor. However, massage with lymphostasis is applicable in almost all cases. This method is especially effective in the initial stages, when the outflow of lymph can be easily stimulated. As the most effective physiotherapeutic procedure, massage is recommended to be done independently with a break of 2-3 hours. For more information on how to massage yourself, you can learn from the video on the Internet. The simplest way is to do light, pressure-free circular motions with your intact left or right hand. In this way, you need to walk on all surfaces of the hand and achieve easy warming up. After each massage session, a special orthopedic bandage is put on the limb (arm). Such a sleeve or bandage enhances the effect.

Important! If you do the massage yourself, then do not overdo it. With such a disease as lymphostasis, rough movements, strong pressure on the sore arm during and after the massage are contraindicated.

Despite all the positive aspects, massage has a number of contraindications:

  • Erysipelas (red spots).
  • Oncology.
  • Trophic ulcers.
  • Severe vascular atherosclerosis.

You can not apply massage if there are trophic ulcers on the skin.


Exercise therapy is necessarily included in complex treatment. Gymnastics with lymphostasis of the hand has the most qualitative effect in the postoperative period, for example, after a mastectomy. A set of exercises is prescribed after the first week, it is aimed at strengthening the muscles and relieving spasm, which delays the normal movement of the lymph and can provoke lymphostasis. If the exercise therapy after the operation is carried out correctly, then the woman recovers faster.

This method of treatment is useful at any stage of hand disease. The active actions of the muscles, along with physiotherapeutic procedures, proper nutrition and drug treatment, stimulate lymph flow and reduce inflammation.


An important point in the treatment of lymphostasis is proper nutrition. The connection between this problem and the products consumed has been noticed for a long time, and excess weight can even cause the development of lymphostasis. Your food should not be meager, it should be complete, consist only of healthy products.

To begin with, it is worth sorting out a list of what should be excluded from the diet: it is spicy, salty and sweet. Foods with these pronounced taste properties have an unpleasant and undesirable effect - they can retain fluid and cause swelling, so they should be removed from the diet.

Protein should predominate in the daily diet, but the amount of fatty and carbohydrate foods should be reduced. In large quantities, fruits and vegetables, as well as dairy and sour-milk products, should be present in the food menu. To top it off, you should increase the amount of fluid consumed to 1.5-2 liters per day. It should be plain purified water or fruit drinks without sugar. Soda or sweet water is strictly prohibited, and any alcoholic beverages are also prohibited in your diet.

Folk methods

Finally, it is worth mentioning about the methods of treating the problem, based on folk wisdom. Conventionally, all effective types of treatment can be divided into:

  • oral treatment. This includes taking decoctions of yarrow, knotweed or pomegranate peel. Such drinks stimulate the outflow of lymph, relieve inflammation, and pomegranate also saturates the tissues with useful microelements. They can be included in the menu of proper nutrition.
  • local treatment. It consists of compresses based on medicinal herbs or ointments. For external action, take aloe, chamomile or calendula. Saturated decoctions of herbs are suitable for lotions, and crushed and mixed with an oil base, you can make a healing ointment.
  • Cold and hot shower. Everyone knows what a positive effect can be observed from a contrast shower. In our case, it is interesting to increase vascular tone. Important! When doing a contrast shower, avoid sudden changes in temperature. It is best to change it from hot to slightly warm.


Faced with the problem of lymphostasis of the upper limbs, the main thing is not to hesitate. If you consult a doctor in time and start treatment, then the prognosis for recovery is positive. The main thing is not to start lymphostasis of the hands and, at the first sign of it, consult a doctor. Only a physician can accurately determine the source of the problem and prescribe the most effective treatment and nutrition regimen, especially if you have erysipelas.

Currently, the level of cancer is quite high. This can be explained by various conditions: poor ecology, unhealthy lifestyle, a large number of chemical additives in food. Among all cancers, one of the leading places is occupied by women.

Unfortunately, it often happens that we seek help quite late, so we have to remove the breast, and this entails other problems, for example, lymphostasis of the hand after a mastectomy. It is with this disease that we will try to deal with our article.

What is lymphedema?

The operation to remove the mammary gland is already carried out in extreme cases, when doctors are sure that other methods of treatment will not give the desired effect. The most common complication after surgery is swelling of the upper limb, which develops due to the appearance of lymphostasis.

If after the operation there is a violation of the outflow of lymphatic fluid, then they say that lymphostasis of the hand has developed after removal. In this case, an increase in the affected organ occurs. If such a problem is not eliminated, then the process spreads to neighboring tissues, microcirculation of blood and lymph is disturbed there. From such a state is not far from fibrosis and trophic ulcers.

If we add to this, and then sepsis is within easy reach. When, as a result of the operation, large lymph nodes are removed, the drainage function is disturbed, which leads to swelling of the hand.

Reasons for the development of the disease

With lymphostasis, persistent edema is observed, which occurs due to a violation of the outflow of tissue fluid. If you have been diagnosed with lymphostasis of the hand, the reasons may be the following:

  1. Operations with the removal of lymph nodes, which just include a mastectomy.
  2. Erysipelas.
  3. Chronic problems with the lymphatic and venous system.

Regardless of the cause, this disease requires immediate treatment to prevent serious complications from developing. There are cases when the lymph nodes and muscle tissue are completely removed, and lymphostasis does not develop, and for some, even with the slightest intervention, a severe complication begins.

Varieties of lymphostasis

Doctors distinguish several stages in the development of lymphostasis:

  1. Early swelling.
  2. Late.

The first variety usually develops immediately after the removal of the breast, as damage to the lymph nodes and leakage of lymph occurs. This swelling is also called soft.

Late lymphostasis of the hand after removal of the mammary gland can develop quite a long time after the operation. Most often, such complications affect women who were exposed to radiation before or after surgery. They can also be provoked by scarring processes, which prevents the restoration of normal lymphatic drainage.

You should not take measures to eliminate this problem on your own, you should consult a doctor, because often late edema can signal a recurrence of an oncological disease. If this is not confirmed, then it is possible to begin treatment of lymphostasis of the hand after a mastectomy.

Diagnosis of the disease

Usually, after the operation, the woman will be in the hospital for about three more weeks under the supervision of doctors, so during the examination, the doctor can detect problems with the lymphatic system in time.

If the edema begins to develop at later stages, then you will also need to consult a gynecologist, who will definitely ask:

  • What operation was carried out and how many there were.
  • Were there any complications in the early stages after breast removal.
  • The time when lymphostasis of the hand appeared after the removal of the mammary gland.
  • How the disease proceeds.
  • What medications have you already taken.
  • The presence of other chronic diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease.

Since it is not a gynecologist who should treat lymphostasis, he will recommend that you contact a specialist for an adequate solution to this problem.

Lymphostasis of the hand: symptoms

If the disease proceeds in a mild form, then the appearance of swelling of the hand can be noted, which usually increases during the day, and disappears after a night's rest. Physical activity or, conversely, a long immobile position can lead to an increase in edema.

At this stage, irreversible changes in the connective tissue are completely absent, therefore, if you turn to a lymphologist in time, the prescribed treatment will allow you to get rid of this problem.

The average degree of the disease is characterized by edema that does not disappear after rest. In this case, the growth of connective tissue occurs, the skin is stretched and thickened, and pain can be felt. With persistent lymphostasis, fatigue and convulsions are observed.

If lymphostasis enters the last stage, which is considered severe, irreversible changes in the lymphatic system are already observed. Fibrocystic formations and elephantiasis can be observed. These changes lead to the fact that the contours of the hand change and its functioning is disrupted.

The most terrible is a serious complication of this period - sepsis, which can lead to death.

Treatment of lymphostasis

The treatment of this disease includes two stages:

  1. Ambulatory treatment. Assigned by a lymphologist. At this stage, the treatment of hand lymphostasis after mastectomy is reduced to the following procedures:
  • Wearing special compression stockings.
  • Hand massage.
  • magnetic therapy.
  • Medical treatment.
  • laser therapy.
  • Compliance with a certain diet.
  • Physiotherapy.

2. Surgical treatment if hand lymphostasis in breast cancer could not be overcome by conservative methods. Operation is also indicated in cases where the disease progresses rapidly.

Medical therapy

If lymphostasis of the hand develops, only a doctor should prescribe treatment. Along with all physiotherapeutic methods, drug therapy is used, in which it is prescribed:

  • Angioprotectors.
  • Phlebotics.
  • Immunostimulants.
  • Enzymes.
  • Antibiotics if erysipelas joins.

All of these groups of drugs in conjunction with the procedures make it possible to restore the normal outflow of lymph and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Therapeutic exercise for lymphostasis

Not only massage for hand lymphostasis will be effective, but also a set of physical exercises that the doctor will recommend to you. All complexes are aimed at improving the outflow of lymph. You can start classes from 7-10 days after the operation.

After the woman feels some stiffness in her arm and shoulder girdle, from this she begins to stoop, press her hand to her body. This leads to additional problems in the form of headaches, spasms that disrupt the movement of lymphatic fluid.

Massage and physiotherapy exercises will help to avoid such consequences or get rid of them, if any. The effect will depend on the time when classes begin - the sooner the better.

You can perform the proposed exercises while sitting on the bed, straightening your shoulders. Repeat each exercise 4 to 10 times. Do not bring yourself to exhaustion, when unpleasant or painful sensations appear, you need to rest.

  1. Straighten your arms and put them on your knees, palms down. It is necessary to turn the brushes over, but without straining at the same time.
  2. The position is the same, fingers alternately clenched into a fist and unclenched.
  3. The arms should be bent at the elbows, while the palms lie on the shoulders. Slowly raise and lower your arms.
  4. Lean in the direction where the operation was performed, lower your hand and make small movements back and forth with it.
  5. It is necessary to raise the arm from the operated side up and hold it in this position for several seconds.
  6. Inhale - raise your hand in front of you, hold your breath and take your hand to the side. Exhale - lower your hand.
  7. Perform in the shoulder joint.
  8. Interlace your fingers behind your back and straighten your arms. Try to raise your arms in this position.
  9. Connect your hands behind your back in a “lock” and press them to your lower back.

Perform all exercises slowly, do not rush. In this case, it is not the speed of execution that matters, but the regularity.

Healing massage

Before a woman is discharged from the hospital, the doctor will definitely talk to her about the daily routine, the sets of exercises that need to be done, and also show and tell about the massage technique.

Folk healers against lymphostasis

Don't panic if you've been diagnosed with hand lymphedema after a mastectomy. Treatment with folk remedies in conjunction with other methods of therapy will give good results.

First of all, traditional medicine advises taking diuretic infusions and decoctions that will not contribute to fluid retention in the body. A good effect is the intake of diuretic tea, here is the recipe for its preparation:

  1. Collect, dry and chop blackcurrant leaves.
  2. Combine them with the same amount of rose hips.
  3. Brew 1 teaspoon of the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water.
  4. Take before meals 4 times a day, 100 ml after the tea is infused.

If you ask folk healers about how to treat hand lymphostasis, they will give you a lot of recipes. Here are some of them:

If you combine folk recipes with physiotherapy, drug treatment, then you will be able to get rid of lymphostasis.

Diet for lymphedema

You should always monitor your weight, since extra pounds do not add health to us, and even more so if there are problems with the lymphatic system. Nutrition for hand lymphostasis should be rational and within reasonable limits, after all, we eat to live, and do not live to eat.

Any food can become a medicine, ancient philosophers spoke about this. You can give the following recommendations on the diet during lymphostasis:

  • Reduce the amount of foods containing animal fats.
  • Remove smoked meats, sausages from the diet.
  • Increase consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Do not give up whole grains in the form of cereals.
  • The diet should include dairy products.
  • Butter is not recommended to be completely excluded, but replace most of it with vegetable oil.
  • Food should be boiled, stewed, not fried.
  • In addition, you can add a multivitamin.

It is necessary to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. This will not only have a good effect on your health, but will also give you more strength.

Particular attention should be paid to the amount of liquid that you consume during the day. It should not exceed 1.5 liters per day. It is advisable to drink this amount before 16-17 hours. Before going to bed, it is better not to drink liquid, if you want, you can afford a glass of kefir or fruit.

when ill

After any operation, a person needs to be restored, but there is no need to talk about breast removal. This is not only a physical injury, but also a great psychological stress for any woman.

First of all, in order to recover faster after the operation, and even more so if you have lymphostasis of the arm after removal of the mammary gland, a special role is given to the daily routine. To restore the body needs rest, so a night's sleep should be at least 7-8 hours. Do not sit up in front of the TV until midnight, it is advisable to go to bed at 22.00 or 22.30.

In order for sleep to be strong and healthy, it is necessary to take a warm shower, paying special attention to water massage of sore spots. Many doctors do not recommend taking a bath. For a sore arm, you can prepare a second, higher pillow if you have lymphostasis of the arm. The photo just shows that this position is more convenient.

While there are problems with the lymphatic system, it is not recommended to sleep on the affected side, especially putting your hand under your head. After waking up in the morning, you need to pay attention to the morning toilet, a little exercise and take a light breakfast.

If you do not need to rush to work, then you can take a walk in the park. At home, you can remove the bra with a prosthesis so that the body rests. During the day, daytime sleep is recommended, it will help you recover faster after the operation.

Many women almost immediately after returning from the hospital rush into battle and begin to put things in order, wash, clean. This is strictly forbidden, your household must take this into account, and they will have to take on most of the worries if they want to see their mother and wife healthy.

After a mastectomy, the body will take a long time to restore its lymphatic system. How successful this is can be judged by the presence of edema on the arm. A ring on the finger can be a good indicator: if it is put on as easily as it was before the operation, then everything is going well.

For those who have a personal plot or their own house with a plot of land, the amount of work there should also be significantly reduced. If this cannot be avoided, then prepare a bench for work. As soon as you feel a little tired, you need to rest.

Do not forget not only about the area of ​​operation, but also about healthy breasts. Try to avoid injuries, shocks, especially in crowded vehicles.

How to prevent the development of lymphostasis

If you could not avoid such a diagnosis as hand lymphostasis, treatment will still be needed to prevent more serious complications. But you can take some measures to minimize the risk of such a disease or prevent it altogether:

  • Things with tight elastic bands and cuffs should be removed from your wardrobe in order to prevent squeezing of the lymphatic and blood vessels.
  • Use your healthy hand for physical labor, carrying bags, and so on.
  • It is necessary to measure blood pressure on a healthy arm.
  • Try to exercise every day.
  • As soon as you notice some changes in the hand, whether it be redness, swelling, pain, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • In the first year after the operation, you can lift no more than 1 kg with your hand from the side of the removed breast.
  • Do not allow work that requires you to stand for a long time with your torso bent forward and your arms down.
  • The hand must be protected from all injuries and damage, even injections should not be done into it.
  • Sleep on your back or healthy side.

In the fair sex, cancer often affects the mammary glands. In this case, a mastectomy will help to cope with it. However, quite often, surgical intervention causes postoperative complications, one of which is lymphostasis of the hand after removal of the mammary gland.

Lymphostasis is observed in almost 80% of cases, and if a woman strictly follows medical recommendations, then the disease can be quickly dealt with. Often, complete rehabilitation lasts no more than 6 months, after which all symptoms of lymphostasis completely disappear.

Lymphostasis of the upper limb is an edema caused by the accumulation of a lot of fluid in the intercellular space of the arm and cavity next to the capillaries. In the capillaries, plasma is filtered, which leads to its leakage into the interstitial space, where it is converted into a fluid that impregnates the tissues. Half of this fluid enters the lymphatic vessels, and the rest returns to the bloodstream.

The situation that develops due to the fact that large lymph nodes are removed during surgical treatment causes a violation of the drainage function and contributes to further swelling of the arm.

If a woman sometimes has swelling of the arm after breast surgery, the doctor diagnoses her with lymphedema. With such a disease, there is a deterioration in the outflow of lymph, which often leads to the appearance of swelling of the tissues. Of course, this phenomenon causes stiffness of movements, and also does not allow you to “use” your hand normally.

With this disease, patients often experience an increase in the upper limb. If special treatment is not carried out, then this process will also affect neighboring tissues, in which there will also be a violation of the microcirculation of the lymph and blood flow. And this threatens the development of fibrosis, trophic ulcers and other dangerous complications.

If erysipelas of the hand develops with lymphostasis that occurs after a mastectomy, then sepsis can easily develop.

Lymphedema or lymphostasis after mastectomy is divided into 2 types:

  1. Primary (early) - occurs shortly after the complete removal of the mammary gland, which causes damage to the lymph nodes.
  2. Secondary (late) - appears long after the operation.

Often, secondary lymphedema is diagnosed in patients who, before or after surgery, were exposed to radiation of the body as a treatment for certain diseases.

Also, pathology is divided into such forms (depending on the type of edema), such as:

  • Soft (reversible) - the primary view.
  • Dense.

In the development of the disease, several stages can be distinguished:

Sometimes doctors single out the last stage of the disease, in which there is a complete violation of blood circulation and an irreversible type of deformity of the hand, which causes disability in a woman.

During the mild stage of the disease, swelling that occurs during the day disappears only at night. The main causes of swelling can be both minor physical exertion and a long immobile state of the hand. With this form of lymphostasis, there are no irreversible tissue changes, and if you seek medical help in time, you can completely cure the disease.

If the disease enters the middle stage, then it is already more difficult to cope with pain in the limb, since cramps in the injured arm are often observed.

The most severe and dangerous for health is the last stage of the disease - in this case, the patient experiences serious changes in the lymphatic system.

In complicated cases, fibrocystic formations develop (the appearance of elephantiasis is also possible), which leads to a change in the contours of the limb, and it can no longer function normally. The most severe consequence of this stage is sepsis, often leading to death.

Primary lymphostasis usually appears in the first few days after the operation, due to which trauma to small vessels and tissues occurred. Indeed, at this time, new lymphatic ducts are formed in the limb, where previously unused lymphatic vessels take part. Gradually, during the healing of the wound, in many patients the swelling on the arm gradually disappears, but in half of the patients it “lingers” for a long time.

Sometimes there are situations when the edema subsides, and after 2-3 months it may reappear, which occurs due to the defective work of new lymphatic vessels. It is worth knowing that if lymphostasis has developed during the first 12 months after surgical treatment, it can be called mild or reversible.

The risk group includes patients who have an increased likelihood of developing lymphostasis. Among them:

  1. Women who have poor blood clotting.
  2. Patients with hormonal disorders.
  3. Patients with advanced venous insufficiency.

Distinctive symptoms

With primary lymphostasis, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Drawing pain in arm and shoulder.
  • Swelling of the limb.
  • Shackled movements.
  • Finger numbness.
  • Burning sensation in the place of swelling, as well as its periodic bursting.
  • Increased swelling in the morning (as a result of a long immobile position) and after a strong load on the limb.
  • Skin inflammation.
  • Phantom chest pains.
  • Back pain - caused by muscle stiffness and unreasonable stoop.

If a year later (sometimes earlier) after the woman had the operation, the swelling did not disappear or developed again, the doctor diagnoses her lymphostasis of the hand of the secondary type, which is characterized by thickening of the edema.

Symptoms of the re-stage depend on the origin of the disease:

  • If the inflammatory process is caused by an infection, then the patient's temperature rises, especially in the place where the tumor is localized.
  • Erysipelas and small ulcers appear on the skin.
  • Muscle spasms, sometimes so severe that the woman cannot endure the pain.
  • Change in skin color on the affected limb.
  • Pain and burning sensation.

Causes of the disease

To identify the causes of the primary stage of lymphostasis, it is worth learning more about how the lymphatic and circulatory systems of people work, which complement each other and ensure the normal functioning of the body.

The lymphostasis of the hand, which appears after a mastectomy, develops because during the operation, the lymphatic vessels are damaged or completely removed, as well as the lymph nodes that protect the body from infection. As a result of this situation, tissue fluid, which is constantly formed, cannot be fully excreted through the lymph nodes, but begins to accumulate in large quantities in the connective tissue. The main symptom of this condition is the appearance of swelling on the arm.

Additional causes of secondary stage lymphedema may include:

  1. Limb injuries that appeared in the recovery period.
  2. Inactivity, which causes stagnation of the lymph.
  3. Penetration of infection into tissue cells. Most often, infection occurs during surgery.
  4. The formation of metastases.
  5. Neglect of restorative procedures (massage, gymnastics, use of special underwear, etc.).
  6. Unhealthy Lifestyle.
  7. The appearance of scars on the lymph nodes after radiation treatment.

Sometimes there are situations in which in some patients the muscle tissue and lymph nodes are completely removed, and lymphostasis does not develop in them, while in others even minimal intervention causes a complication dangerous to health.

If the patient has a primary form of the disease, then at discharge, the doctor should give her a memo, which will describe the rules and procedures for the recovery period, which will help speed up healing and prevent relapse. Also, the doctor should tell the woman about possible complications and what to do in this case.

Treatment of lymphostasis of the hand after mastectomy is carried out in two ways:

If repeated lymphostasis in breast cancer was caused by the formation of metastases, then it should be treated only by surgery, after which the patient is required to undergo mandatory chemotherapy. Unfortunately, the secondary form of the disease is treated quite difficult - besides, the prognosis of the pathology is not favorable for every woman.

Taking medicines

Only a doctor should deal with drug treatment of lymphedema of the hand. Specific names of medicines are prescribed by the attending specialist, based on possible contraindications and side effects.

In addition to physiotherapy, the patient must be prescribed:

  • Antibiotics.
  • Angioprotectors.
  • Venotonics (in the absence of metastases in the body).
  • Phlebotics.
  • Painkiller.
  • Diuretics.
  • Immunostimulants.
  • Stimulants.
  • Enzymes.

Therapy for recurrent lymphedema of the arm begins after determining the causes that caused this disease. If it's erysipelas or an infection, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. Along with them, the treatment will be as follows:

  • Taking diuretics.
  • Immunostimulants.
  • Reception of minerals and vitamin complexes.
  • Taking antihistamines.
  • Homeopathy.
  • Solutions for the treatment of ulcers.

With severe pain, analgesics are added to the above drugs, the choice of which for the patient is carried out individually.

The combination of the above drugs with physiotherapy and massage will strengthen the walls of the lymphatic vessels and normalize the outflow of their contents.

Successful treatment of the disease is impossible without a set of exercises, because thanks to them it is possible to improve the flow of lymph in the body. You can start charging on the 7-10th day after the surgical intervention (subject to stable health).

After a mastectomy, the patient constantly feels tension in the upper part of the limb - this causes stoop as a result of pressing the arm to the body (this is done in order to reduce pain). All this contributes to the appearance of spasms and temporal pain, which lead to a deterioration in the outflow of lymph. Exercise therapy and massage will help to avoid these consequences, and the sooner classes are started, the faster the patient will receive a therapeutic effect.

You can carry out exercise therapy at home, while always straightening your shoulders. Any exercise is repeated 4-10 times, but even in this case, a woman should not overexert herself. If the limb begins to hurt, then classes should be stopped and rest a little.

A set of therapeutic exercises:

  1. Put your hands on your knees with your palms down. Then slowly turn the hands over - in this case, the limbs do not need to be strained.
  2. We accept the same position, only now you need to squeeze your fingers, and then unclench them.
  3. It is necessary to lean towards the diseased limb, freely lower the hand down and make swaying movements back and forth with it.
  4. You need to raise your hand in front of you and hold it in this position for 10 seconds. If such a movement does not cause discomfort, change the position of the hand, stretching it up above you.
  5. It is required to squeeze your hands behind your back, and then straighten them. Then we carefully try to raise our hands from behind, without straining them too much.

Additional will write out and show the attending specialist. All movements must be performed without overexerting. The main thing is not the speed and strength of execution, but the frequency of classes.


With lymphedema after a mastectomy, as well as if there are no rashes and ulcers on the swollen limb, massage that can be performed at home helps a lot. Make it under the power of the patient herself, or relatives.

To do this, stretch out the swollen arm and rest it against the wall. With the second hand, you need to start massaging it, slowly stroking the skin, moving from the elbow to the shoulder joint, and then from the elbow to the hand. Next, the tissues are slightly pinched and kneaded.

Massage movements should not be made strong, but they should be tangible, unhurried and smooth. When performing a massage, it is allowed to use creams and ointments, which the doctor will tell about. The time of one session should not be more than 5 minutes, however, massage can be performed 2-4 times a day.

As an additional procedure, you can sign up for sessions of hardware pneumomassage. It is carried out only in salons using special equipment that acts on the limbs with rarefied and compressed air.

The use of folk methods

The use of alternative therapy in combination with traditional methods of treatment gives good results in lymphostasis of the upper limb, which was caused by mastectomy. With the help of such methods of treatment, it will be possible to quickly remove subcutaneous edema and prevent the recurrence of the disease.

To prevent fluid retention, diuretic decoctions or infusions will help, some of which are:

  • fennel;
  • parsley:
  • burdock root;
  • nettle;
  • sophora fruits;
  • plantain.

The following recipes will help to remove inflammation on a swollen limb, eliminate its numbness, and also strengthen connective tissue:



Compresses For its preparation, you can use different ingredients: dry low-fat cottage cheese, baked onions, aloe gruel, cabbage leaves, carrots and grated raw potatoes, honey. Products can be applied to the hand together or separately - one thing today, another tomorrow.
diuretic collection To prepare it, you need to take dried and chopped blackcurrant leaves and the same amount of wild rose berries. They need to be thoroughly mixed and pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water. Then you need to let the tea brew, after which the drink is taken 4 times a day for half a glass. It is advisable to drink the infusion before meals.
Sophora fruit tincture To prepare it, you need to take 50 g of the fruits of this plant and fill them with half a liter of good vodka. Leave to infuse for 3 weeks, while not forgetting to mix the tincture. After the prescribed time, when it is ready, you need to take 30 drops on an empty stomach. For a day, you should drink 90 drops of a remedy.
herbal collection A collection of dandelion root, elderberry, willow bark, meadowsweet, sweet clover has a good healing effect (all herbs are taken in the same amount). To prepare the decoction, you will need to take 1.5 tablespoons of the dry mixture, pour half liters of water over them, boil and hold for 3-5 minutes on low heat. After this, the broth should be left to infuse, then you can take 3 times a day for half a glass.
Plantain leaf decoction Approximately 2 tbsp. raw materials are poured into 300 ml. hot water, insist 8-10 hours and drink during the day for three approaches.
Compress from edema It is necessary to brew the dough based on rye flour and add the same amount of kefir to it. Then you need to mix everything thoroughly, and then soak gauze in the mixture. After this, the compress must be applied to the diseased limb and wait for it to dry completely. This tool can be applied to the hand 2-3 times a day.
Trays About 6 tbsp. chopped string (can be replaced with chamomile, sage) is poured with 2 liters of boiling water, heated over low heat for 10-15 minutes and cooled to room temperature. In the finished broth, hold the hand for about 20 minutes.
Juice from beetroot It is necessary to drink beetroot juice, 200 ml per day. In this case, it is better to use freshly prepared homemade juice.

The combination of folk methods of treatment with physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises, massage and the use of drugs will help to quickly remove the symptoms of lymphostasis, prevent the transition of the disease into a severe form, as well as the development of a secondary stage of pathology.


Since an increase in body weight in violation of the normal functioning of the lymphatic system gives the body a large number of problems, the patient must monitor his diet. This will not aggravate an already difficult state of health.

To successfully recover from lymphostasis of the hand after removal of the breast tumor, you should follow the following nutritional tips:

  1. Reduce the amount of foods that contain animal fats.
  2. Refrain from eating sausages and smoked products.
  3. Eat enough fresh fruits, berries and vegetables.
  4. Be sure to include whole grain cereals and dairy products in your diet.
  5. Butter should not be abandoned, but 2/3 of its total amount should be replaced with vegetable oil.
  6. Do not abuse liquids.
  7. Reduce your intake of salt and salty foods.
  8. Food is best consumed stewed or boiled.
  9. You can’t eat your fill - it’s better to get up from the table a little hungry.
  10. Eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  11. Before going to bed, it is allowed to drink kefir or fermented baked milk.

These simple tips will allow you to keep your body weight "in limits", especially in the period after the operation, which will help to normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system and improve the patient's condition.

How to prevent the onset of the disease

Any surgical operation is a serious stress for human health, and not only physical, but also psychological. In order for rehabilitation after a mastectomy to take place as quickly as possible, it is necessary:



Compliance with the daily routine You need to go to bed no later than 22 hours, and sleep should last 8 hours. It is also recommended to rest during the day.
Carrying out water procedures To make the sleep stronger, it is worth taking a swim - at the same time, you can perform a water massage on the sore arm, where the breast was recently removed and at the location of the sutures, since over time the limb may swell and become numb.
Sleep organization With lymphostasis, you should not sleep on the side affected by the disease, and also put the affected limb under your head. It is best to prepare a high pillow for her, because this way the limb will swell less.
Choice of clothes It is worth removing all things that have elastic bands and cuffs from the wardrobe, which will avoid squeezing the vessels of the body. Do not forget .
Injury protection You also need to protect the limb from injury and various injuries. For example, it is forbidden to make injections into it, allow shocks, measure blood pressure so as not to pinch the vessels.

Carry bags and do physical work only with a healthy hand. In the first time after the operation, you can lift no more than 1 kg. with the hand that is closest to the removed breast.

You should not immediately after the operation rush into battle and do all the homework that has accumulated. Something can be temporarily postponed, and with something the husband and children who take care of the wife and mother can help. In addition, work should be avoided in which the affected arm is in a lowered state for a long time.


It is worth knowing that after a mastectomy, the body will restore the normal functioning of the lymphatic system for quite a long time, and how successfully this will happen can be understood by the appearance or absence of edema.

As soon as there are any changes in the limb, which may swell, get sick, or there will be a noticeable red spot on it, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will conduct the necessary examination, collect tests, and then prescribe the necessary treatment. And the sooner a woman starts therapeutic measures, the higher the chances that lymphostasis will be completely curable and the patient will be able to avoid complications.

Lymphostasis is a pathology in which there is a process of tissue swelling caused by impaired lymph outflow. This disease is very difficult to diagnose in time, which complicates the process of treating hand lymphostasis. From the beginning, it is important to consider the main causes of the appearance of this disease, of which the following processes can be distinguished:

  • various injuries: dislocations, bruises, fractures;
  • injuries, as a result of which the lymphatic vessels and nodes were damaged;
  • the impact of radiation exposure as a result of cancer treatment;
  • interventions of surgeons, as a result of which the vessels were damaged;
  • infectious diseases;
  • tumor formation in the lymphatic system.

In general, hand lymphostasis has several different stages, which are characterized by different symptoms and features. The most final stage in the development of lymphostasis is called elephantiasis. This condition is characterized by an increase in the volume of the limb and various trophic skin disorders, the result of the disease is the patient's disability. Let us consider in more detail all the stages of the development of the disease.

  1. First stage. A mild form of puffiness is characteristic, which usually manifests itself in the evening, and already disappears in the morning. In addition, edema appears regularly, but the processes of tissue growth do not yet appear. At this stage, you can completely stop the development of the disease, if you take action in time.
  2. Second stage. A strong and irreversible edema appears on the limb. Connective tissues begin to grow rapidly and as a result, hardening of the skin occurs. Most often, patients turn to specialists during this period, since there is a special discomfort at the second stage. Complete treatment in this case is possible, but this requires quite a lot of effort and a lot of time.
  3. Third stage. Pathology is already absolutely irreversible, all symptoms have strong amplification several times. Small wounds gradually begin to appear on the skin, the hand may lose its mobility as a result of a strong progression of the disease.

Puffiness is formed as a result of a slight inflammation of the limb, however, with progression, it can have unpleasant consequences. Under such circumstances, the treatment of lymphostasis of the hand becomes much more complicated.

Treatment of lymphostasis of the hand

In order to begin treatment for lymphostasis of the hand, it is necessary to determine at what stage the disease is. This will depend on the prescription of drugs. Treatment of lymphostasis of the hand is primarily aimed at completely stopping the swelling and preventing the development of the disease. In such situations, the main task of specialists is to return the hand to its normal state and prevent possible complications. The result of treatment directly depends on the speed of consultation with the doctor, as well as the diagnosis.

The course of treatment of the disease includes compliance with all the rules established by the professional, which include taking certain drugs, the patient's desire and general therapy. Treatment of lymphostasis of the hand is carried out using conservative methods aimed at cleansing the vessels and bringing the lymph nodes into normal working condition.

The stages of treatment of lymphostasis are as follows:

  • Medical therapy.
  • Careful care of the affected hand.
  • Carrying out a complex of prescribed gymnastics.
  • Selection of compression underwear.
  • Applications of manual lymphatic drainage for effective lymph outflow.

In certain situations, pneumomassage can be prescribed for the treatment of lymphostasis of the hand, however, it must be carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist. In addition, other therapies that have a good effect on the lymphatic system can be prescribed.

In the last stages of lymphostasis, when complete treatment is no longer possible, therapy is carried out aimed at reducing swelling and improving blood flow.

Treatment of hand lymphostasis after mastectomy

Treatment of lymphostasis after a mastectomy requires an accurate determination of its stage. After a mastectomy, lymphostasis can be of two types: dense and soft.

  • Mild lymphostasis is a reversible process, it can appear within a year after the operation. It is easy to treat, even a complete recovery is possible.
  • Dense lymphostasis is a neglected form of mild lymphostasis, which is accompanied by the formation of scars at the site of the lymph nodes, as a result of mastectomy treatment.

Experienced specialists are confident that the appearance of dense lymphostasis as a result of mastectomy treatment, first of all, characterizes the fact that cancer cells have not yet left the body, so the oncology may occur.


as a preventive measure, you can exercise regularly. This will help improve blood circulation and prevent the formation of malignant inflammation. Exercises should be aimed at increasing tissue elasticity, improving lymph outflow and eliminating muscle spasms.

The treatment of hand lymphostasis requires a lot of time and effort, so it is best to lead a healthy lifestyle and carry out the recommended prevention so that you do not have problems with the lymphatic vessels in the future.

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