Treatment of lymph nodes. Inflammation of the lymph nodes: causes, treatment. Do alcohol and smoking affect the manifestation of psoriasis? Why does the immune system start attacking its own cells? - perhaps for the reasons stated in this part

Psoriasis is a non-contagious disease characterized by the appearance of pinkish, scaly patches on the skin. This is a chronic disease that can occur in both children and adults. Another name for this disease is scaly lichen.

Spots are localized on different parts of the skin: elbows, knees, lower legs, lower back, calves, thighs. This disease causes great discomfort and inconvenience to a person. Psoriasis makes it difficult to perform some physical activities, restricts movement, interferes with proper rest, etc.

Causes of psoriasis

Psoriasis manifests itself at any age, but the peak occurs at the age of 14 to 22 years and from 57 to 60 years. The disease can be activated in case of a serious external cause, which leads to a sharp decrease in immunity.

The genetic factor is one of the main causes of the disease.

Other factors provoking the development of the disease:

  • Infectious diseases (streptococcal infection, sinusitis, pharyngitis, etc.)
  • sunburn
  • stressful situations
  • Skin injury
  • HIV infection
  • Violation of fat metabolism
  • Dysfunction of skin and cells (growth of useless cells)

In addition, the use of certain drugs, such as Interferon, Indomethacin, drugs containing lithium and others, contribute to the development of psoriasis.

In children, peeling can occur as a result of previous diseases (ARVI, chronic infections, etc.). In adolescence, psoriasis occurs during puberty.

The main types of psoriasis and their symptoms

The disease can occur both by itself and simultaneously with other diseases, following one after another. With psoriasis, red spots appear on the skin, covered with white scales. Their size is small at first, but eventually increases to the size of a coin. Then, when the spots merge, plaques are formed that look like topographic maps.

There are several types of psoriasis:

  • Spotted
  • teardrop
  • Back
  • seborrheic
  • Nail psoriasis
  • Psoriatic erythroderma
  • Pustular psoriasis
  • Arthropathic psoriasis

Spotted psoriasis is the most common form of the disease. It is characterized by a rash of spots on certain areas of the skin, which then appear on the opposite side. It usually appears after an infection in 1-2 weeks. At first, the spots are small in size, gradually develop into thick plaques. When they are damaged, hemorrhage occurs. Spots on the skin can persist for a long time.

Guttate psoriasis is less common. Plaques 1-3 mm in size appear suddenly on various parts of the skin. They go by themselves. The onset of guttate psoriasis may be associated with stressful situations, from an infection, etc. This type of psoriasis can often be confused with a rash. Reddened areas of the skin are visible between the spots.

Inverse psoriasis is characterized by the presence of smooth spots on the skin. Such spots usually appear on the folds of the skin (in the armpit and inguinal region, under the breast, etc.). It is this form of the disease that is very difficult to treat. Exacerbation occurs as a result of sweat secretions and friction of clothing.

Seborrheic psoriasis occurs on the scalp as scaly patches. In addition, they are localized behind the ears, on the shoulder blades, in the groin and armpits.

Nail psoriasis. A very common form of the disease. The nails exfoliate, change color (the nail plate has a yellow or gray-yellow color), a large number of grooves appear. Dead skin builds up under the nails, so psoriasis can often be confused with nail fungus. This form of the disease is very closely associated with psoriatic arthritis.

Psoriatic erythroderma is a rare but severe form of the disease. Areas on the skin become scaly and red in color. Erythroderma occurs as a result of irrational treatment and the use of certain drugs (corticosteroids, synthetic and antimalarial drugs). The lesion can reach large areas of the skin, while the skin cannot perform its protective function. The result can be sepsis, which can lead to death.

Pustular psoriasis is characterized by the formation of pustules on the legs and arms. Appears as a primary disease, but can develop from another type of psoriasis. It provokes the appearance of pustular psoriasis, pregnancy, allergic reactions, infections, etc.

Rashes may be accompanied by fever, itching, burning of the skin, swollen lymph nodes, etc.

In addition to the skin, psoriasis can affect the joints. This is psoriatic arthritis. Usually, psoriasis affects the interflank joints, in exceptional cases, the vertebral region and the sacrum. Patients complain of pain in the joints, which is accompanied by swelling. In addition, subluxations and dislocations of the affected joints are possible.

Stages of development of psoriasis

The first (progressive) stage. Spots appear on the skin, which gradually increase in size. Their occurrence is accompanied by even minor minor damage. It could be a sunburn, a prick or a scratch.

The second (stationary) stage. After a progressive stage, a stationary stage begins in a couple of days. Plaques attack the entire skin, have a silvery-white hue, increase in size and begin to peel off.

The third (regressive) stage. Papules gradually dissolve and disappear, peeling decreases, but itching and burning remain.

For each stage, an appropriate treatment plan is assigned.

Diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis

A skin biopsy is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis. This helps to distinguish psoriasis from other types of pathologies. The analysis reveals a huge number of dry cells without signs of inflammation.

  1. In addition, you should be tested for HIV infection.
  2. Treatment depends on the location, form, severity of the disease, pathological changes, etc. In addition, the gender and age of the patient are taken into account.
  3. Treatment of psoriasis takes a long time and consists of several stages:
  4. First stage. Use drugs that are applied to the affected areas of the body. Medicines can be based on hormones, and without hormones. Basically, non-hormonal preparations are shown at the first stage: Zinc ointment, Naftalan ointment, Antipsorin, Colloidin, Psorkutan, etc.
  5. These drugs reduce skin itching, pain, and inflammation.

Hormonal drugs may be prescribed, but with caution. They have side effects that can lead to negative consequences. Steroid drugs regulate mineral, carbohydrate and protein metabolism, have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.

At the second stage of treatment, PUVA therapy is used. It is an exposure to areas of the skin or the entire body of UV rays, which are enhanced by a photosensitizer. The course of treatment is 2-4 times a week, 15-20 procedures. PUVA therapy is used in the regressing stage of the disease. Contraindications - acute phase of the disease.

For the treatment of psoriasis, an excimer laser system is used. The radiations are of high intensity.

Systemic treatment of the disease is used when other treatments have not given a positive result or the spots have spread over large areas.

This type of treatment is very dangerous for the body, since the hormonal preparations Sinoderm, Flunolon, Uniderm, Hyoxysone, Diprospan, etc. are used.

They inhibit the development of connective tissue in areas of inflammation. They have anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, anti-allergic action.

Drugs that are used in systemic treatment are very effective. Among them are cytostatics, retinoids, cyclosporine and biological preparations.

Methotrexate reduces the manifestations of psoriasis by depressing the immune system. This drug affects cell division, and this can lead to anemia, leukopenia, or infectious complications.

Acitretin regulates the processes of cell division, their growth and death. The main side effect is a teratogenic factor. The use of this drug is contraindicated during pregnancy.

There are targeted drugs on the market. They include monoclonal antibodies: T-cells, macrophages, dendritic cells. They act on the cells of the immune system, inhibit their synthesis. These drugs include: Thymodepressin, Basiliximab, Etanercept, Infliximab, etc. The use of these drugs is agreed with the doctor.

At the progressive stage, antihistamines are prescribed and sedative therapy is indicated using tincture of valerian, elenium, etc.

It is not possible to completely cure the disease, but there is an exception. In the process of treatment, the disease can go into a latent stage, which lasts a month or a year.

Treatment of psoriasis folk methods

It is very useful for psoriasis to take baths with sea salt and decoctions of sage, succession. Ointments based on herbal ingredients, decoctions for oral administration, compresses and baths have a good effect on the skin. However, before using this or that method, you should consult your doctor. Otherwise, you can harm the body.

  1. Egg ointment. Put the egg in a glass and pour in the vinegar so that the egg is completely covered. Cover the glass with a lid and put in a dark place for a day. Then take out the egg and mix with all the contents. Next, put a spoonful of pork fat and mix again. The ointment is ready.
  2. Apply as follows. Rinse skin stains and let dry. Then gently apply on plaques. The ointment should not get on healthy skin, you can get burned. Keep for about an hour. After that, carefully remove the contents with a cotton pad. There will be a burning sensation at first. This procedure should be carried out every day, only in this case a positive result can be achieved.
  3. Ointment for hairline. To prepare the ointment, it is necessary to burn the buckwheat straw and collect its ashes. Grind pork fat with ashes and spread on the head. Tie your head with a scarf and leave for 1-2 days. After that, wash your hair. The procedure should be carried out after 2 days. The total number of procedures is 6 times.
  4. Herbal collection. To prepare a decoction in a pharmacy, you should purchase all the components, usually they are sold in fees. You will need a series, elderberry and St. John's wort, elecampane root, lingonberry leaves, corn stigmas and horsetail. Pour boiling water over all components and cook for about 5 minutes. After that, insist half an hour, strain. Take half a glass in the morning and evening.
  5. Decoction of bay leaf. Pour boiling water over the leaves and let it brew for 30 minutes. Then strain and take half a cup inside 2-3 times a day for a week.
  6. A decoction of wheatgrass roots. Grind the roots, pour boiling water (6 liters) and leave for about 4 hours. Pour the contents into a saucepan and put on fire until it boils. Then strain and pour into the bath. The patient is advised to take a bath for about 15-20 minutes. Carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week until the spots completely disappear.
  7. Propolis oil. Take 25 gr. propolis clean and grind. On fire, heat the butter (500 g) and bring to a boil. Then remove from heat and pour in the powdered mixture of propolis. Mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply to the affected areas only pre-cleanse with hydrogen peroxide. The oil perfectly helps to relieve itching, copes with open wounds and promotes the healing of exfoliated skin.
  8. Ointment from oak bark. To prepare the ointment, you will need 30 g of oak ash, 80 g of grease, ash of rosehip branches, egg white. Mix everything until smooth and leave for 14 days. Lubricate the skin every day.
  9. Honey ointment with eucalyptus and Kalanchoe. Take honey, Kalanchoe juice and eucalyptus oil in a ratio of 1:1:2. Mix everything well and leave for 3 days. To achieve a good effect, lubricate the affected areas daily.
  10. Ointment from a series. Alcohol and a series of take in equal quantities. Insist 3 days. Next, squeeze the grass, add vaseline and lanolin, mix. Lubricate the skin 2 times a day.
  11. Chaga infusion. Soak the dried mushroom in cold water for 4 hours. Then grind and again pour water in a ratio of 1:5. Infuse for 2 days, after which the liquid is drained, and the sediment is squeezed out. Take after meals 3 times a day 1/2 cup.

Treatment with folk methods is effective in complex therapy. Therefore, you should consult a doctor who will select the necessary treatment plan.

If you take a responsible and disciplined approach to treatment and follow all the doctor's instructions, then psoriasis can be cured.

Prevention of psoriasis

Preventive measures for psoriasis are aimed at reducing exacerbation and lengthening the remission period. Patients should follow these guidelines:

During the adoption of water procedures, the skin must be cleaned with a soft sponge, wiped only with a soft towel. Be sure to apply a moisturizer or milk after a shower, thereby protecting the hydrolipid membrane of the skin.

Avoid household injuries - scratches, scratches, etc. It is recommended to wear clothes made from natural fabrics to avoid allergic reactions.

Humidify the air in the room, as the use of air conditioning in the room contributes to dry skin.

Beware of infectious and colds.

Minimize stressful and mental situations, as well as overwork and hypothermia.

Eliminate alcohol intake.

In the video you can learn more about psoriasis.

You should review your diet. It is necessary to refuse spicy dishes, smoked foods, strong broths, etc. Since these products affect the exacerbation of the disease.

This article is dedicated to my parents

Discussion in the forum - in the topic open in a new window)



Some information about psoriasis and the relationship between an inflamed bowel condition and a skin condition.

The possible causes provoking the "psoriasis state" of the intestine are discussed.

Why does the immune system start attacking its own cells? - perhaps for the reasons stated in this part.

What can be done so that the intestines recover and stop negatively affecting the skin?

An analysis of several well-known situations in psoriasis from the point of view outlined in this article.

Personal experience and effects of the PNL system on body weight and psoriasis.

Why should certain foods be avoided? - again based on the materials of the article.

Simple and quick food recipes. Descriptions and photos of breakfasts and lunches.

Psoriasis is a rather nasty disease that has plagued people for many years. People with psoriasis spend years of their lives and a lot of money learning to get along with it.

At first, they are tormented by the questions “Why me?”, “How to live with this?” and so on. Each person usually goes through this difficult period with great nervous overload, as a result of getting used to his psoriasis and finding a common language with him. And where are you going?
In the first, most difficult period, a person needs support. It is at this moment that you can “break wood” and commit a lot of unnecessary and even dangerous actions for health.
Necessary information on the site, as well as friendly support that people with psoriasis find on the forum, are priceless.

By the time this article was being written, the author of the text, participating in the forum under the nickname Lionok, had been living with a nasty itchy and flaky form of psoriasis for 14 years. Over the years, more than a dozen methods have been tried to alleviate the condition - medicinal, balneological, apparatus, etc. And none of them gave a stable, long-term improvement. However, the connection between food and skin condition has become apparent during this time.
Unlike previously used methods, the PNL power system *) yielded tangible positive and hopefully long-term results.

I would like to say a big thank you to the organizers of the site and to all those who have supported its operation for 15 years. Separately, I would like to thank the moderators and administrators of the forum for creating a creative and kind environment on the forum.
Thanks to all the contributors to the section on nutrition for psoriasis - for cautious assessments, friendly criticism, and clarifying questions. Special thanks to forum members: cloudberry– for her idea of ​​a tasty, healthy, varied and effective diet for psoriasis, and FROL– for constructive comments and editorial corrections.

*) The abbreviation PNL means Psora-Net-Lion Cub (Pi-en-el), which reflects the prominent role of the forum participants in the development of the system below.

Part 1. General information. Psoriasis and intestines

Many generations of serious scientists devoted a lot of time to psoriasis, classified the disease, divided it into types, put forward a number of theories based on the results of serious research and analysis of statistical data. However, unfortunately, the cause of psoriasis has not yet been established.

What do we know about this disease? How does it arise? There is no answer yet. An answer that would eliminate the cause.Psoriasis can occur at any age and at any income level. A person who has psoriasis can live anywhere in the world.

All modern drugs eliminate the effects of psoriasis. Whether it is hormonal ointments or modern biological preparations (biological immune response modifiers or anticytokine drugs). All of them affect the last element of a long chain. On the biochemical processes occurring in the skin.

In addition to drugs, there are methods that can bring relief to people with psoriasis.The experience of people with psoriasis, reflected on our forum and website, speaks of a possible improvement in the condition of those who starve, and those who eat strictly certain foods. There are many reports about the positive results of the use of thiosulfate, about the positive effect of ointments based on grease, about remissions after relaxing in seaside resorts in combination with a tan, especially at the Dead Sea, about the positive effect of tanning in solariums.

There are also a number of situations - provocateurs of the state of psoriasis, which can worsen the condition. Food. Nervous stress. Past illnesses treated with antibiotics.

However, there is no one method that would help everyone. Even the most modern and insanely expensive anti-cytokine drugs affect people with psoriasis in different ways.

How can you put it all together and explain the reason? So far, no one knows.

Practical recommendations formulated by Dr. J. Pegano in the book "Psoriasis Treatment - The Natural Way" - have given relief to many people who have used them. The hypothesis of J. Pegano about increased intestinal permeability, about the elements of certain products provoking psoriasis, is supplemented by the concept of SIBO (excessive bacterial growth syndrome -), stating that not only the products themselves can serve as a source of provocative elements, but bacteria in the intestine can also produce elements that provoke psoriasis. Moreover, these provoking elements can be both the results of the activity of living bacteria and substances (agents) formed after their death.

There are reports that people with psoriasis have an inflamed small intestine. In view of the considerable length and area of ​​the intestine, inflammation of this kind has a very significant effect on the entire immune system.
The intestines can be compared to human skin. It performs the function of protecting against a very aggressive environment located in the intestines. From the environment, which is designed to decompose biological elements into components.

The ongoing chronic inflammation of such a large organ can lead to a number of systemic disorders in the body. Aspects of the relationship between psoriasis and other diseases have also been considered by a number of scientists who have concluded that such a relationship exists. Imagine that half of your skin is inflamed due to excessive sun exposure. Your health will be disgusting, and not only the skin will hurt. The area of ​​the small intestine is significant (about 0.5 m 2 if we consider it a perfectly smooth tube) and comparable to the area of ​​the skin (about 2 m 2). I have come across the statement that if all the folds and villi are counted, then the area of ​​the small intestine will be about 200 m2. And the constant inflammation of the surface on such an area will certainly affect the immune system and the whole organism as a whole. I intuitively associate intestinal inflammation with both frequent and acute colds and acne in adolescence.

Why does the inflamed intestine in people with psoriasis not return to its natural state, although the body's immune system copes well with problems in other human organs?

Part 2. Possible causes of intestinal inflammation. Food as a provocateur

Now it is possible to move on to the search for the reasons why "psoriatic inflammation" of the intestine can occur.

So does the immune system always cope with all problems on its own? Not always.

Wounds acquired in conditions of high temperature and high humidity, such as in a humid and hot climate, may not heal, but rot. The same thing can happen in the intestines. Chyme treated with gastric juice, neutralized in the duodenum with bile, treated with enzymes designed to decompose biological materials - this is a very aggressive environment. And once inflamed intestines under the influence of this environment may never recover.

Chyme also contains bacteria. There are indications in the messages of the forum participants that people with psoriasis suffering from incompetence of the Bauhin's valve improve after a surgical operation to eliminate this problem. Based on this, it can be assumed that bacteria that enter the small intestine from the large intestine through the bauhinia valve (Fig. 1) worsen the skin condition of people with psoriasis.

Rice. 1. The structure of the large intestine. Shown on the left ileocaecal valve- ileocecal valve, or Bauginiev (Baushniev) damper.

The failure of the Bauhinian damper is a rather rare diagnosis. Few people know what it is and where it is located, because an extremely acute condition is diagnosed, which has visible consequences and requires surgical intervention. Perhaps in some people this problem is not so acute and therefore not diagnosed. It is also possible that as the chyme moves from the caecum into the ascending colon, some of the bacteria living in the large intestine is pushed into the small intestine when the caecum contracts.

The second way bacteria can enter the small intestine (Figure 2) is through the stomach. Bacteria in food, bacteria from the mouth enter the stomach continuously. And given that diarrhea can occur as a result of the consumption of low-quality food, it can be safely argued that some of the bacteria that enter the stomach survive and pass into the intestines.

Apparently, some of the bacteria that enter the stomach from the nasopharynx during inflammation of the latter also survive. The number of bacteria entering the stomach during the period of illness is much higher than the usual amount. And the reaction of the body, consisting in the absence of appetite during the period of illness, is quite possibly just a defensive reaction. With food from a sore throat, a huge amount of bacteria can enter the intestines.

Rice. 2. The structure of the small intestine.

It is possible that the aggressiveness of the environment in the intestine increases due to the imperfect result of neutralizing the acid reaction of the chyme in the duodenum. And this may be one of the direct causes of intestinal inflammation. There is an assumption that a rare positive effect on psoriasis of hepatoprotectors is precisely to improve the composition of bile and improve the result of neutralization of chyme.

What other causes of intestinal inflammation can be?
- Mechanical damage, for example, chewed acid-resistant shells of fruit stones.
- Reaction to infections in the intestines. Especially during illness.
- The reaction to the waste products of bacteria (the above hypothesis).
- Bacteria from the sore throat (with a constant focal infection of the tonsils, chronic tonsillitis), bacteria from the large intestine and bacteria contained in food can also be harmful to relieve inflammation of the intestine. And in this case, you can try to destroy unwanted groups of bacteria with bacteriophages. The positive effect of bacteriophages on psoriasis patients was reported on our forum.
- An allergic reaction to food can also be the cause of ongoing inflammation. Chocolate, sugar, alcohol, carbonated drinks, etc. often have a negative effect on skin diseases.

It is possible (and even likely) that all these factors combine and influence one after the other. Like a swing, swinging and gradually worsening the condition of the intestines.

For example, the processes occurring in the duodenum can be ideal in most cases, but with severe intoxication of the body with alcohol, with diseases when the liver is heavily loaded, the person lies down, the process of neutralizing the acidic reaction of the chyme can be far from ideal. As a result, another piece of the small intestine becomes inflamed and cannot return to its original state under the influence of the "aggressive external environment" - the contents of the intestine.

So why is the environment in the intestine aggressive? What makes it so? It's time to remember the diet developed by Dr. J. Pegano.

Without going into details of the theory of the body's acid-base reaction to foods, you can see that a number of foods that are prohibited in this food system are digested by the stomach for a very long time. For example, beef. In the stomach, food is crushed into tiny particles, but these food particles leave spaces in which bacteria that were originally in the food can multiply. It is not for nothing that in many countries food is not stored, but only freshly prepared food is eaten.

Further, any fat retains food in the stomach. Even vegetable oil retains vegetable salad in the stomach compared to salad without oil.And pork, due to its high fat content, is in the stomach for the greatest amount of time. Perhaps, already at the moment of being in the stomach, putrefactive processes can begin in these products. Fat slows down the processing of solid protein products by gastric juice. These foods stay in the stomach longer than others. Both red meat and fats are undesirable when eating according to the J. Pegano system.

When does intestinal content affect the intestines? Constantly! But - with some reservation. While a person is awake, small intestinal motility pushes chyme along the intestine. But a person falls asleep, many processes in his body slow down. Intestinal motility slows down, and the chyme is longer in contact with the intestine. Longer than during the day. Therefore, you should not sleep with a full stomach or with a full small intestine.

The influence of the bacterial content of the large intestine on psoriasis can be roughly estimated. It is known that water and vitamins are mainly absorbed in the large intestine. And the negative, putrefactive elements are not absorbed. Hydrocolonoscopy, recommended by J. Pegano as one of the initial procedures in the treatment of psoriasis, can change the composition of bacteria living in the large intestine. But by itself, this method does not bring relief to people with psoriasis, so there is most likely no direct effect. Perhaps there is an influence of the bacterial composition from the large intestine on the bacterial composition of the small intestine. Bacteria can enter the small intestine from the large intestine during the day, but will soon be returned to the caecum by the natural movement of chyme.

The problem can also occur at night. It is physically easier to push the products of digestion to the caecum in a horizontal position than up. But at the same time, it is possible that the Bauhinia damper will slightly change the nature of the work. And if in the daytime, even with an imperfectly working Bauginian damper, bacteria that have entered the small intestine from the large intestine are quickly returned to the large intestine by natural motility, then at night these processes are slowed down. And the bacteria will get into the chyme, located in the ileum, and intensive multiplication of bacteria will begin in it. These bacteria begin to multiply in the area near the Bauhinian valve and gradually spread along the intestine, possibly up to the duodenum. It is when a person sleeps that bacteria have enough time to multiply in the small intestine.

Chyme in the ileum and without it should be bacterially unfavorable. Immediately after the stomach, in the duodenum, the food bolus treated with gastric juice and bile is not yet infected with a large number of bacteria. For the simple reason that bacteria take time to multiply. But here the chyme goes on its way through the small intestine. Intestinal bacteria attach themselves to the chyme's own bacteria left in it after passing through the stomach and duodenum. At the end of the small intestine, it is already extremely “contaminated” with bacteria and their waste products. Perhaps that is why the processes of absorption are different in the ileum and in the jejunum. The ileum is more adapted to the presence of bacterially infected chyme in it. If the chyme remains in the small intestine, especially in the jejunum, overnight, then it is highly likely to be captured by bacteria and the bacteria will meet the morning part of the food mass right at the duodenum.Therefore, even people with a perfectly functioning Bauhinian valve can also have an excess amount of bacteria in the small intestine.

The products of vital activity of bacteria in the small intestine can also provoke excessive aggressiveness of the environment in the intestine and thus further inflammation.And it is possible that intestinal inflammation itself provokes an inadequate response of the immune system and, as a result, leads to manifestations of psoriasis. Thus, the inflamed intestine begins to let in undesirable elements of the aggressive external environment in the intestine, which in turn support the inflammation of the intestine from the inside and are also a source of increased stress on the immune system, thereby provoking the development of psoriasis.

Part 3. Fantasies about autoimmune diseases

What happens to the intestines with constant negative impact?
If you rub a callus on your hand, wait until it passes, rub the callus again, wait until it passes, rub it again, and so on over and over again, then after a short time the skin in this place will cease to be the same as it was. She will be different. This will be the body's response to changing conditions.
So it is with the intestines. If you regularly moisten it with "aggressive chemistry", then it will change its state. I am sure that all urban residents of civilized countries do not have the same intestines as their ancestors had a hundred years ago.

Why do diets and systemic drugs that reduce immunity help?
Systemic drugs inhibit the functioning of the immune system as a whole and cause a quantitative decrease in the biological elements of immunity.
The diet cannot boast of such results in the destruction of biological elements. It does not lower the immune system. It reduces the body's immune response. And as a result, there is a quantitative change in the biological components of immunity.
Thus, under the influence of a proper nutrition system, the body stops producing something and, as a result, an immune reaction takes place in the skin.

Let's start a diet. The content of some biological element decreases, and psoriasis goes away. But a little something is wrong - again the amount of some element exceeds the critical one, and psoriasis returns.
With the PNL nutrition system, the contents of the intestine change, the duration of the presence of chyme in the intestine. Both due to the food itself, and due to a change in the amount of enzymes. Perhaps the food is analyzed by the body and subsequently enzymes are produced in the right amount, with which it will subsequently be processed. But this does not happen in one day, the gastrointestinal tract gradually gets used to food and begins to produce the enzymes necessary for it in certain volumes.

Many have faced this situation: if you “sit” on vegetables for a long time, and then eat a lot of meat, it will not be very comfortable. The components produced by the pancreas will not contain the necessary enzymes. Northern peoples lack certain enzymes and are forced to ferment fish before eating it. Rather, a constant diet of fish that has been stored for a long time and partially fermented during this time reduces the amount of enzymes produced by the body. If the body does not reduce the amount of these enzymes, they will begin to destroy the intestines. Getting into an environment with a different type of food, representatives of the northern peoples can already eat any food. Their bodies are rebuilding.

Therefore, it is better not to include red meat in the diet. The body will stop producing the enzymes necessary for its decomposition. Perhaps it is these enzymes that decompose the intestines. All mammals are similar in this sense. Enzymes act in the same way and do not distinguish between "human meat" and "mammalian meat".

The number of bacteria in the intestine can change depending on the composition of the nutrient medium (the food eaten). Both the quantitative and qualitative composition of the bacteria existing in the intestine can change and, accordingly, the quantitative and qualitative results of their work.
By changing the composition of the environment that affects the intestines, we change its state and the reaction of the intestine itself. And it largely consists of tissues that produce an "immune response." And thus we change this answer. Perhaps, after that, both the absolute amount and the percentage of immune elements in the body as a whole change, and this is what leads to remission.

However, the composition of the intestinal contents changes over time. The body generally needs time to rebuild and develop the appropriate food enzymes in the required quantities. The intestines need to rebuild and change the immune response in response to the changed environment. All this happens gradually. Smoothly. This is an organism, and there can be no flickering or instant reaction here.
To help the body balance the amount of enzymes needed, eat approximately the same amount of food by nutrient composition and weight at the same time throughout the day.

Problems with the immune response in the gut can affect the skin in the following ways.
During digestion, part of the intestinal cells is destroyed under the influence of certain factors mentioned earlier. A specific protein contained in the cells of the intestine is perceived as an antigen and an antibody with a certain determinant group is produced against it. And there is nothing wrong with that. Because this specific protein is located inside the intestinal cells and the immune system does not see it inside the whole cell. Destroyed cells are evacuated along with chyme.
The cells of the intestines and the skin are, in a sense, the same. They protect the body from external influences. It is possible that in the cells of the epidermis - keratinocytes - there is a protein with the same group.
Epidermal cells, like any other cells, can die from necrosis. A cell is a complex biological system. And something can go wrong with her. And she will not live to old age, to apoptosis (genetically programmed cell death), but will die rapidly. N- or T-killers can kill her due to an external attack. The cause may be mechanical damage (prick, abrasion) or mechanical compression, as on the outside of the elbow or in a skin fold. Epidermal cell necrosis occurs (Fig. 3). And the cell exists for some time in a dilapidated state.

Rice. 3. Cell death: necrosis and apoptosis.

Next to the cell is an antibody with a determinant group developed for a specific protein of the intestinal cell. These antibodies are abundant in the body, they are constantly produced due to the ongoing processes of intestinal cell death. The antibody detects a specific protein from a dilapidated cell, since it has all the signs of an antigen and does everything so that the immune system destroys it, causing an immune response. Nearby is a T-helper that secretes a cytokine that spreads information: an antigen with a certain determinant group has found an antigen, and a CD8+ T-killer, on the surface of which an antibody with a similar determinant group is located, has a reason to go to the scene and see what happens. He sees a damaged, but not yet completely destroyed cell and perceives this as a threat. It reacts by releasing TNF-alpha (tumor necrosis factor), which causes inflammation, which triggers proliferation (cell division) and calls on macrophages to destroy the remnants of the necrotic dilapidated cell. Determines as an antigen a specific protein of a destroyed cell and finds it on the surface of a neighboring healthy cell.

A specific protein does not attack the cell, it is nearby, it just came into contact with a neighboring cell. But the lymphocyte does not know this. He has no way to figure it out. What if it is an antigen that has already entered the cell, has multiplied in it and is trying to leave the affected cell? Because of the nature of its work as a T-killer, this T-lymphocyte believes that if it destroys the cell itself, it will destroy the problem on its surface. And he starts to kill this cell. by breaking the cell membrane. As a result, the remnants of the cell again destroyed by the T-killer get on neighboring cells. And the process is repeated.
When combing, mechanical pressure occurs on necrotic cells, it crushes their contents along the “sides”, the psoriatic process accelerates. Therefore, you should not disturb areas with psoriasis by mechanical action and comb them.

In normally developing skin, cell division occurs in the basal layer (Fig. 4). Perhaps, in psoriasis, when the basal layer is severely damaged, “holes” gape in it, the spiny layer shows its cambial function, and intensive cell division begins in it.

Rice. 4. Layers of the epidermis (source: Wikipedia, article "Epidermis").

Given that the skin is an excretory organ, the remnants of the cells of the basal layer, all the elements of the immune system that are in the basal layer, are pushed to the surface and enter the spinous layer. And they start the process of proliferation in this “thick” layer (compared to the “thin” basal layer), also starting to kill cells. Which provides a very intense peeling in some varieties of psoriasis. In the worst case for a person, psoriatic processes develop until they completely capture the entire skin.
The intake of new antibodies depends entirely on the state of the intestine. Antibodies stopped dying in huge quantities in the intestines, their excessive quantitative production by the immune system dropped sharply, the excess amount of antibodies stopped entering the skin, their density became less critical - and psoriasis recedes.
The tendency to psoriasis, perhaps, lies precisely in the fact that specific proteins coincide in the cells of the epidermis and small intestine in some people.
And different types of psoriasis may be related to which antibodies are produced and which of the cell proteins they act on.

Other autoimmune diseases can develop in a similar pattern.
It is very interesting that the antibody produces a determinant group not for the entire foreign antigen, but for part of it. More precisely, it produces several antibodies to different parts of the antigen with different determinant groups. This allows the body to respond to mutated infections and viruses. The flu virus has mutated. An antibody comes in that is produced on the non-mutated part and says: “Aha! I recognized you, you are a stranger! And it produces new antibodies, including the new part of the antigen. It turns out that the bully grew a mustache or changed the color of his T-shirt, but he was recognized by his trousers and boots. And we took the next photo. New mustache and new T-shirt. So, when he changes everything except his mustache, he will be recognized by this very mustache. And this is a very strong means of fighting the body with mutated antigens.

But this is also the key to the emergence of autoimmune diseases. A protein, defined as an antigen, enters the body. It produces several antibodies with different determinant groups. Separately for a T-shirt, separately for a mustache, separately for boots. But if this protein partially coincides with a human protein (well, they have the same T-shirts - a coincidence), then an autoimmune disease can occur. Different antibodies will be generated with different determinant groups for both the non-human part of the protein and the human part of the protein. Thus, the strongest weapon is turned against man.
How can this happen? For example, a huge amount of genetically close material enters the human body. Stop! How does it hit? - with food. This is where the problem may arise. Partially similar to human protein, a foreign protein can be perceived by the immune system as an antigen. Antibodies will be produced for different parts of the protein. Including on areas of the protein similar to the human. As a result, an autoaggressive antibody is produced and, as a result, an autoimmune disease occurs.

The likelihood of such a development of events will be significantly greater if the animal and the person had previously had the same disease. The human immune system will detect a familiar disease and label the animal's entire protein as an antigen.
Thus, in order not to get an autoimmune disease according to the described scheme, it is necessary to avoid food that is similar in genome to the human one.
First, there are no others like them. Cannibalism is prohibited.
Secondly, do not eat similar (in genetic terms) animals.
It is not customary to eat monkeys. And here it is remembered that the pig is also very similar to the human genome. And pigs get sick with similar diseases. The same flu, for example. So in the light of the above scheme of the occurrence of autoimmune diseases, it is better not to include pork in the diet.

Part 4. How to relieve intestinal inflammation?

So what should be done to reduce the impact on the intestines of its contents?
First, do not include in the diet foods that are "provokers of worsening psoriasis." At the first stage. While the intestines are inflamed.
Secondly, to have a more or less stable food composition. If you eat almost the same amount of protein at the same time, then the enzymes will be produced as much as necessary for its decomposition. If you greatly diversify food, then on some day there will not be enough of them, and on another day there will be an overabundance.
Thirdly, it is necessary to reduce the time spent by food in the small intestine.
Ideally, no chyme should remain in the small intestine overnight. In this case, the negative impact of the contents of the intestine on the intestine itself will be minimized.

How can this be achieved?
It is necessary to eat foods that are in the stomach for a short time. So that they don't rot.
And eat so that all the chyme gets from the small intestine to the large intestine before sleep.
Fat and protein stay in the stomach for a long time. Few hours. Then for about ten hours the chyme moves through the intestines. Let's conditionally accept that a person sleeps, wakes up, prepares breakfast at about 9 o'clock, which means that there are 15 hours for food to pass from breakfast to sleep. In the morning, you can eat food that is difficult to digest: protein foods, possibly fatty foods, get the necessary calories with carbohydrates. This food will take a long time to digest, but in a long day it will have time to go all the way to the large intestine.
At lunch, you need “lighter” food, which will not be in the stomach for a long time and will quickly enter the small intestine. These are carbohydrates. They leave the stomach in an hour and also have time to get into the large intestine before the onset of sleep.
And what's for dinner? Nothing!
Whatever you eat for dinner, whatever sport you do after that to improve intestinal motility and, accordingly, to accelerate the progress of chyme, it will remain overnight in the small intestine.

My guess is that people with a certain genome, tall and thin, have very fast bowel movements. Their food probably passes very quickly through the small intestine and into the large intestine. As a result, little of what is eaten has time to be absorbed. Putrefactive processes are short in time and the result of these effects on the body is minimal, the small intestine remains “clean” at night. People don't get fat as a result. But if they eat at night, then they may also develop psoriasis and gain excess weight.

To provide an empty intestine at night, you and I, who do not have such natural properties of intestinal motility as tall and thin people, need to organize a diet in a certain way, namely:
In the morning - an energy-sufficient portion of protein and, possibly, fatty foods with the addition of carbohydrates.
At lunch, an energy-sufficient portion of carbohydrates with some monounsaturated fats, such as olive oil, and perhaps a small amount of protein that does not linger in the stomach for a long time. This protein is found in fish. But it’s best to avoid protein foods at lunchtime altogether.
Recommended for lunch:
- "fast carbohydrates", namely vegetables, salad crops,
- "slow carbohydrates", that is, cereals,
- and for dessert "very fast carbohydrates" such as fruit. Their juice contains glucose, which is instantly absorbed. So that this glucose “does not interrupt the appetite”, fruits should be eaten last.
After dinner, it is possible to drink high-calorie drinks within an hour after the completion of the lunch meal. As long as the food is in the stomach. After that, drink only water. The total calorie content of meals should correspond to your daily need.
Spices have a negative effect on the condition of people with psoriasis, so it is advisable to avoid their use until the condition improves.

Several obvious questions immediately arise.

Question one: "Can I do without dinner?"
You can. You won't feel like eating in the evening. You have already eaten enough for the body to live comfortably all day.
Yes, you will want something. But don't eat. Drink. An hour and a half after eating. Gotta get drunk. Drink warm water with a temperature above body temperature. Forty degrees. And after a while, you will also want something. Either chew or drink. There will be no feeling of hunger. In this case, you need to drink a glass of warm water.
If the desire has not passed, you need to drink another cup of warm water. And the body will stop demanding anything. At this point, he needs water.

Question two: Can I sleep on an empty stomach? I can't sleep without eating something before bed!"
You can easily fall asleep on an empty stomach. After dinner, you must follow a strict rule: not a crumb in your mouth. If you try even a tiny piece of something, for example, when cooking, the stomach will throw out a huge amount of gastric juice, if it is slightly sweet, and even non-caloric, on aspartame, then insulin will also be released. The content of glucose in the blood will drop sharply. As a result, after five to ten minutes you will experience terrible hunger and will not be able to refuse food by any means. From a huge amount of food. In this case, doing "something light" will not work.

Question three: “Will my stomach stretch from such large portions? Will I eat more after this?”
The weight, volume and calorie content of each of the two servings does not exceed the same parameters for your usual lunch. On the contrary, the stomach, which will be in a state without additional weight from food for most of the day and all night, will successfully shrink to normal size and will remain in this state for most of the day.
At the initial stage, vegetables are an obligatory element of the nutrition system, so the volume will be a little large. It is at the initial stage that you need to eat a lot of vegetables. A full stomach provides a feeling of satiety for a long time. Twice full stomach provides a feeling of satiety for the whole day. It will take ten minutes extra to the usual breakfast time.

If you want to lose weight at the same time, then you can limit yourself to portions with a reduced calorie content. About 1300-1400 kcal (kilocalories) per day, assuming 55 grams of protein per day. This amount of protein corresponds to 300 grams of "raw" protein products before they are cooked: skinless chicken breast, fish, cottage cheese.
In the morning you need to eat 700-800 kcal, including proteins and fats, and possibly carbohydrates.
At lunch, you need to eat 500-600 kcal of carbohydrates. With minimal fat.
If you are losing weight, you need to take vitamins.
Follow the reaction of the body. Some vitamins caused me an exacerbation. Complivit, for example, never called him.

If you decide to switch to such a diet or lose weight in this way, you should definitely consult with your doctor about the possible negative consequences, taking into account the state of your body, and only then make an informed decision.
Given the positive results obtained by many people as a result of the use of the nutrition system of J. Pegano, at the initial stage it is better to be guided by the list of products allowed by his system.

Part 5. Questions and Answers

I would like to consider a number of facts and understand how they correspond to the causes of psoriasis discussed above.

1) Psoriasis in children. What is it for them? From what? They do not drink alcohol, eat by the hour, without spices.
The intestine can be inflamed in childhood. Both food and the general immune response of the body to bacteria and viruses that enter the intestines can serve as provocateurs.
For example, the primary source may be a sore throat. The infection enters the intestines with food. Penetrates into the intestines, the intestine becomes inflamed. And in the future it cannot recover under the influence of the “intestinal environment” (intestinal contents).
Also, the occurrence of dermatoses in children from eating chocolate suggests that the problem may begin due to the composition of the food. Either the chocolate itself as an allergen can cause a reaction that ends in inflammation of the intestine, or the products of the processing of chocolate components by bacteria.
Perhaps the influence of carbonated drinks, sweets can also have similar consequences. It is also possible that the result of neutralizing the acid reaction of the chyme in the duodenum is not ideal, especially when children sleep after dinner. Do kids need a nap after dinner? I am familiar with a family in which four sons grow up. The youngest never sleeps during the day. He wonders what the brothers are doing. Is it really necessary for children to take a nap after lunch? Perhaps it is necessary for tired parents, and not for children?

2) Why does fasting or intravenous nutrition help relieve psoriasis only in isolated cases?
The concepts of Pegano and SIBR do not answer this question very well. If the amount of food or bacteria in the intestines has decreased, then the ingress of provoking substances through the “leaky” inflamed intestine should be significantly reduced. And the psoriatic reaction should decrease proportionally.
This fact fits better with the theory of an inflamed intestine, which gives an immune response to the whole body. Yes, fasting/intravenous nutrition reduces the number of bacteria, the number of molecules entering the body through the intestines. But it does not relieve intestinal inflammation and does not change the aggressiveness of the environment in the intestines.

3) Relief of psoriasis at sea combined with a tan. Why is this happening?
The answer to this question most likely lies in the development of a general immune response to intestinal inflammation.
It can be assumed that inflammation of the intestine does not directly lead to inflammation on the skin, but through the system as a whole. Through the lymphatic system and inflamed lymph nodes, which in this state, helping the immune tissues of the intestines, intensively clone the immune elements that are constantly lost in the intestines and in the skin.
Many people, before gaining visible manifestations of psoriasis, tend to have frequent colds, constantly inflamed nasopharynx, tonsils, and lymph nodes. Salt water and sea air are rich in salt, ions, which can relieve inflammation of the nasopharynx, lymph nodes, as a result, reducing the number of immune system elements produced and thereby lowering their total number. The correct concentration of elements for a healthy person is achieved. Lymph nodes stop producing their excessive amount. Psoriasis as a result subsides.
The same can be said about the impact of the Dead Sea. Sunburn, substances contained in the air, a concentrated salt solution remove both inflammatory processes in general and change the course of processes in the skin, in particular. Perhaps, in the Dead Sea, in comparison with the seas of ordinary salinity, there are processes similar to osmosis. Elements enter the body through the skin, which change the biochemical processes in the skin, leading to the temporary disappearance of the manifestations of psoriasis. And even, perhaps, they reduce the inflammation of the intestines and lymph nodes, which often leads to a long remission. The body can also get the elements it needs to fight inflammation through the lungs, along with sea air saturated with specific components.

4) Why does the transition to nutrition according to the J. Pegano system not help everyone?
The intestine, which has been inflamed, is in a very aggressive environment. And if the gastric juice must be neutralized in the duodenum, then biologically active enzymes, the purpose of which is to destroy the biological mass, remain in the intestine. Bacteria and the results of their vital activity add their share to this environment. And this composition also affects the inflamed intestine and does not allow it to recover.
Changing the composition of the diet and, as a result, changing the contents of the intestine and reducing the impact of the contents on the inflamed intestine may not be enough.
This can be compared to irrigating an open wound with salt water. And then salted water. In both cases, the wound will not heal.
It is not enough to change the diet from the usual to the diet according to J. Pegano. It is necessary to eat so that the intestine recovers the maximum time.

5) Why do fortrans, thiosulfate help? And why does it all come back?
These drugs definitely affect the condition of the skin for the better. It is possible that during this time the intestine is partially restored, heals, ceases to be so inflamed as it was before the use of these drugs, but then everything returns to normal. How can these drugs work? First, directly change the contents of the intestine. But this, most likely, is not their main action. Since the action of these drugs is rapid, it is possible that they have the property of an immunosuppressor that acts on the immune tissues of the intestine. And that is why it is not recommended to use them with a PNL power system. The body needs time to relieve inflammation of the intestines, to balance the amount of immune elements in the body. So why interfere with immunity with chemistry that kills it? If you have lived with psoriatic manifestations for several years, then why rush? Psoriasis will pass by itself in a couple of months, along with the stabilization of the immune system. You need to be patient.

6) Why can hepatoprotectors help? Or maybe not help?
Hepatoprotectors appear to affect bile produced by the liver and possibly pancreatic products. And thus directly affect the composition of the "external environment of the intestine." The fact that they are recognized as an adjuvant in the treatment of psoriasis most likely indicates that the physico-biological parameters of bile are not the most important thing for the problem of the composition of the intestinal contents.

7) Why does grease and ointments based on it help with psoriasis?
According to familiar mechanics who are constantly involved in the repair of complex catches and aggregates, whose hands are constantly in various lubricants, including grease, any scratch on such a “dirty” hand never fester and heals quickly. Solid oil acts as a strong antiseptic and accelerator of the skin healing process, not only in psoriasis. Most likely, it does not allow the immune system to cause inflammation, with its strong aseptic properties, pathogenic bacteria do not enter the wound, and it heals quickly.
Perhaps solidol acts similarly in psoriasis. Its components do not allow the immune system to "re-inflame" the wound and give the command for cell division. In fact, this is an immunosuppressive effect.

8) Why do tanning and solarium help? Why do 311 nm light sources perform better than others?
It is known that people who abuse tanning beds and solariums have an increased risk of skin cancer compared to people who do not tan. As can be assumed, solar radiation kills some components of the immune system or reduces their activity, resulting in local immunodeficiency in the skin.
Depending on the wavelength, the maximum absorption of light by the skin is located at different depths, so that the most effective light for psoriasis (ultraviolet with a wavelength of about 308–311 nm) is more likely to provoke the development of local immunodeficiency at those depths where the mechanism of excessive cell division is triggered during psoriasis.

9) Is it possible to use lecithin, flower teas, slippery elm, other "natural" ingredients that improve the condition and are recommended by J. Pegano?

Yes, these products can be used. They affect the state of the “intestinal environment” and, by removing the aggressiveness of the intestinal contents, help to naturally accelerate the healing process of the intestine and, accordingly, reduce its immune response. But even without them, your psoriasis will “pass” over time.

10) Why are chronic plaques the last to go in remission?
Apparently, in psoriasis, the basal layer is severely damaged. The cells of the spinous layer, due to their division, try to make up for the missing protection of the dermis. Perhaps, after the restoration of the basal layer, the immune system gives a command to stop cell division in this layer. But through the basal layer, the command to stop proliferation does not reach the spinous layer, and the cells of this layer continue to actively divide. This command to stop cell division of the spiny layer can be given by hormones, grease elements or other agents.
Hormonal preparations are recommended for use during remission. Apparently, their action in actively developing psoriasis (with a destroyed basal layer) is ineffective. During an exacerbation, the immune system constantly gives the command to divide the cells of the spinous layer, but during remission, it is possible that the basal layer is restored and normalized, and it remains to stop the division of cells of the spinous layer.

Part 6. My experience with the system PNL

What is overweight and psoriasis, I know firsthand.
The maximum weight was 106 kg with the maximum normal (BMI 25) 75 kg. And psoriasis is also great frolic on my skin:
So I had to fight both weight and psoriasis for many years. Otherwise, the weight increased, psoriasis captured the entire head and began to crawl from under the hair to the forehead, and also increased the affected areas in other areas of the skin.


During the first month of nutrition according to the PNL system, weight loss was 7 kg.
Moreover, once this month I attended a festive dinner with salads, fatty sausage, duck, cake and sweets. And of course, I ate it all.
Previously, I lost weight both using the Hemocode system and the fractional nutrition system of Dr. Gavrilov (trademark at the time of the course Dr. Bormental). In the first case, I lost about 20 kg. In the second - 32 kg (from 106 to 74 kg).
Both courses resulted in significant weight loss. Unfortunately temporary.I had to repeat. And again, they also had an effect.Not without complications.

It is very difficult to enter the fractional nutrition system. It is possible, but you need to think hard for about a week, prepare psychologically. Remember those "anchors" that were laid in the brain during the main course. It's difficult psychologically. And this psychological state must be maintained. Weigh yourself, draw graphs. Otherwise, hands down. There is a lot of habit - it remains. You feel uncomfortable looking at portions of 100-200 kcal. This is a difficult state.
And it is very easy to “jump off” the fractional power system. And that's why. With fractional nutrition, the stomach is constantly reduced. But the holidays are coming. The weight is no longer so big as to deny yourself gatherings with friends and relatives. You end up eating a lot. The stomach is stretched, and the next day you want to eat. No. Not this way. I REALLY want to eat. And there are many. And after two days you are already jumping off the fractional nutrition system, and it is extremely difficult to enter it again.

For a month and a half of my life according to the described PNL system, I had two holidays in a narrow family circle. With a large selection of food. And both times I did not deny myself anything. And the next day I calmly returned to this system, because with this system I eat a lot. Because the stomach works in a natural mode. Stretches and contracts in a completely natural way twice a day.

The obvious disadvantages of those systems that I used to lose weight before are the uncomfortable state of the body during the course. When I lost weight on the mentioned systems, I was cold. At times, under the skin, somewhere inside, perhaps at the border of fat and muscle, and possibly in the muscles themselves, there was an unpleasant itch. Very unpleasant.
When using the PNL power system, you experience a comfortable feeling of warmth.
Weight loss minus 7 kg for the first month according to the PNL system corresponds to the weight loss of the first month according to Dr. Gavrilov's system. Although then I started to lose weight with 106 kg. And here with 92 kg. And the initial weight greatly affects weight loss in the first months. The heavier you are, the faster you lose weight.

With the system of Dr. Gavrilov, the daily calorie content was in the range of 1000-1300 kcal. I kept my average caloric content within 1100 kcal. In the case of the PNL system, the daily calorie intake was at least 1400 kcal. That allowed twice a day to fill up "to satiety." Purely psychologically, it is very comfortable to eat tightly twice a day. And after that, you don't want to eat anymore. And eating 5-6 times a day for 200 kcal is difficult. In order to prepare five or six portions of food every day and then carry them with you, to keep more or less equal intervals between meals, you need to have a lot, a lot of patience and opportunities. You can't eat at any time.

In my opinion, the PNL power system is quite comfortable in terms of sensations and convenient in terms of practical application.


The state of psoriasis was very reminiscent of the engine, which spun the starter, and he either started up or not: he sneezes, starts to work at normal speeds and then coughs again. Several times it seemed: here they are, visible improvements. It'll all be over in a week. But for some reason, the next day, the state again arose no better than the first day. And even a couple of times a few new spots appeared. True, they moored and began to heal immediately, but there were a couple of such days.

At the beginning of the application of the PNL nutrition system on the body, I mainly had lesions up to 1 cm in diameter. Once every 3-4 days, as a result of combing, it was possible to easily separate pieces of skin from them. Under the torn pieces, the surface was wet to the touch, a wet spot, possibly with blood.
On the scalp (SCS) there were also individual lesions of a slightly smaller size, separated by thin strips of white skin. Like a mosaic. At the beginning of the use of this nutrition system, the area of ​​​​inflammation of ICH was, according to my estimates, 50-70 percent. Perhaps more. Separate specks all over the head and areas in which they were densely located. Itching on ICH was one of the main components of discomfort in psoriasis. Peeling also brought a lot of unpleasant moments. It is impossible to constantly monitor the condition of the shoulders. "Dandruff" on the shoulders is inevitable. If you get carried away, then the combing on the head could well end in the appearance of blood.

3 days after I began to apply the PNL nutritional system, the nature of the itching changed significantly. It became not so intense and was not felt throughout the day.
After the first week, the nature of peeling has changed. The skin continued to peel off. When trying to tear off a piece of skin, he was separated with difficulty. The plaques seem to have dried up. And they began to look more like ordinary wounds, which also itch when healing. It became more difficult to tear off pieces of skin. And there were no more wet spots under them.

During the first month there was a process of thinning of the plaques on the body. On some, previously inflamed, convex and smooth plaques, a network of wrinkles has formed, the appearance of which precedes the restoration of the skin.
The skin of ICH, of course, itched during the first month. She acted differently. Then, when combing, there was a feeling under the fingertips that the skin was “grains”. It just flew off in flakes, as before. But dry thin flakes. No thick pieces. Without combing to the blood. Out of habit, you stroke your head, it seems that there was no itching, but there were combs. How important it is not to touch psoriasis ... Especially not to sharpen your nails about it.

At the end of the first month, the skin on ICH in areas where there were few foci felt differently. I remembered the feeling of scratching when there was no psoriasis on my head. Two weeks later, the state of the zones with a dense arrangement of foci became completely different than it was at the beginning.
From the fourth to the sixth week on ICH there was a feeling of pain, strongly tightened skin. This sensation sharply intensified when trying to scratch his head. And as a result, by the end of the sixth week, the itching almost disappeared.

During the first month there were several local exacerbations for several days. Perhaps it was a reaction to a specific and as yet unidentified food.
In the same month, I had a viral sore. Without fever, but in turn, for several days, my throat, bronchi and lungs, and ears ached. The cough went away for more than two weeks. There were all sorts of coughing and sniffing. Perhaps exacerbations on the skin were associated with these processes.
I do not exclude that weight loss, intoxication from a cold had a bad effect on the liver, forced it to work in an abnormal mode and, as a result, there were exacerbations on the skin.
Specifically did not use lecithin, flower teas, slippery elm. Slippery elm drank 2 times, but decided to refuse for the purity of the experiment. This tool is not available in Russia.

I note that the use of the PNL nutrition system in my case made it possible to change the course of psoriasis - towards stabilization and reduction - without the use of drug, physiotherapy or spa therapy methods. Subjective improvements in the condition were noted constantly. Although in parallel sometimes there were some exacerbations.

Given the unambiguously positive results in weight loss and improvement in psoriasis, I can safely recommend this nutrition system.

Unfortunately, 2 months after the start of using the PNL system, I had to leave for a warm seaside city on business, so all further results can be “blurred” by this fact.


Starting from the second month of using the PNL system, I changed the drinking pattern.
I have been trying to find a water regime for a long time that would allow me to fulfill the urologist's recommendation to drink 2-3 liters of water a day. This recommendation is also often found in articles by nutritionists. And we are talking about pure water. And not about liquid products in the form of tea, coffee, juices.
It is painful for me to drink 10-15 glasses of water throughout the day. Constantly running to the toilet, thirst begins to torment. Lips are always dry. Vicious circle.

I note that according to personal feelings, when you drink a lot of water, it is easier for the body to maintain water balance. He easily parted with excess and unnecessary water. Because he “understands” that there is an abundance of water. This is manifested in more stable indicators of the current weight, and when the weight is lowered, the reduction graph is smoother - without jerks, jumps and dips. The appearance of such “absurdities” on the weight loss chart indicates that the body either gets rid of too much water, or vice versa, retains the excess.
When you drink a lot in small portions, the water gets boring and there is a desire to drink tea and coffee. As a result, I can completely switch from water to coffee.

The following solution was found. At the moment when the food left the stomach, two and a half hours after a protein breakfast and an hour and a half after a carbohydrate dinner, a feeling of thirst arises. And this state comes at the right time. No matter how aggressive the environment in the intestines, if you add some water to it, it will become less aggressive. Water will wash the stomach, the intestines, through which the chyme has already passed.

So at the moment when thirst arises after eating, I drink 1 liter, perhaps a little more warm water. With a temperature above 36.6 ° C. Do you think it's difficult to drink a liter? No. Not difficult. Takes a couple of minutes if a hot and cold water cooler is available. Drink in big sips. 50 milliliters per sip. It's real.
As a result, the thirst goes away, and the further state is very comfortable. The bladder fills with fluid very full. As a result, the number of visits to the toilet is reduced. I don't want to drink after that. You automatically forget about tea and coffee.
I also want to drink in the evening. Then I drink 2-3 cups of water. I think it's 500-700 milliliters.

I do not consider this mode mandatory, but I recommend trying it. It seems to me that such water consumption also improved the general condition.

In any case, I recommend drinking at least two liters of warm water a day. If you do not drink a lot of water after an hour and a half after dinner, you will be thirsty. Which by the evening will be replaced by a feeling of hunger. And then it will be very difficult to fight with yourself.

Part 7. Power system. Products useful and harmful

Once again I would like to repeat thoughts about harmful and useful products.

Pork. Extremely fatty meat with harmful polyunsaturated fats. Longer than all other food lingers in the stomach. It takes a long time for the stomach juices to break down fatty pork into microscopic pieces. During the time spent in the stomach, pork continues to "spoil", and the results of natural decomposition enter the intestines. Pigs are genetically similar to humans. In the event of an unfavorable combination of circumstances, pork can provoke an autoimmune disease. It requires the production of a large number of enzymes that decompose protein, and an excess of these enzymes can adversely affect the intestines.

Red meat. Beef, veal. Meat products stay in the stomach for a long time due to fat and require the production of a large amount of enzymes to break them down. The same enzymes can destroy the intestine itself due to the similarity of the "meat" of all mammals.

All protein foods are in the stomach for a long time, and therefore it is better to eat them in the morning. The lightest protein foods in terms of digestion are skinless chicken breast, fish, and low-fat cottage cheese. It is these products that should make up the protein part of the nutrition system at the first stage.

Combined foods containing polyunsaturated fats are best avoided. Butter, mayonnaise, products containing palm oil, such as soft cheese, are sources of polyunsaturated fats. These foods are high in calories and harmful.

In general, it is undesirable to eat foods with an energy value of more than 200 kcal per 100 g of the product after cooking.
Cheeses do not satisfy this rule. But this does not mean that they should be completely abandoned. At the first stage of losing weight, it is better to choose light cheeses with a fat content of about 15% and a protein content of about 30%.

It is also undesirable to drink sugary drinks. Especially carbonated ones. They can cause the secretion of gastric juice. And subsequently, the mixture of drink and gastric juice may not be completely neutralized in the duodenum, due to the fact that the liquid almost immediately drains into the intestines. This also applies to juices. Eat fruit in its natural form!

Alcohol is a poison, for the withdrawal of which the liver will have to work hard. at the expense of other functions. The irritating and burning effect of alcohol can also affect the inflamed areas of the intestine.

Spices can also further irritate the intestines. In addition, it is desirable to limit salt intake in the first period. Do not salt food while cooking. If you can not live without salt, it is better to add a little salt to food right before eating. So that the salt does not dissolve in the mass of the product, but remains on its surface and immediately gets on the tongue.

Carbohydrates in the form of cereals, vegetables, salad crops, pasta are digested quite easily. It is advisable to use pasta with bran. Their taste is not much different from the taste of regular pasta, while they are much healthier, as they provide good intestinal motility. Most cereals, when processed, retain parts of the shell that are necessary for digestion and contain vitamins. Except for white rice. Due to the value of the rice shell, it is completely separated for the further production of rice oil. Therefore, rice should be cooked in the form of a mixture of white and brown rice at least in a ratio of one to one, preferably with a predominance of brown. Brown rice is rice that has had its hull intact during processing and cleaning. Boiled on its own, it is coarse in taste, but in a one-to-one ratio with white rice, a very interesting texture appears in the final dish.

Bread, especially white bread, is made from refined flour, which in turn is made from unshelled grains. This is a high-calorie food with added fats of unknown origin. It is advisable not to make it the basis of the diet. And don't eat at all. At the same time, if you want pancakes or pies in the form of an independent dish, nothing bad will happen.

Potatoes and bananas. Very high calorie foods. When I talk about fruits and vegetables, I don't mean those foods. They are very high in calories. And undesirable in the daily diet.
Grapes stand a little apart from fruits, as they have twice the calories of basic apples and pears. When calculating the weight of fruits, it is necessary to conditionally double the weight of grapes.

If you want to lose weight, it is advisable to use milk with a low fat content (1.5% or less to reduce the amount of unhealthy fats that enter the body).

The use of high-calorie drinks outside of meals is undesirable. When sweets enter the mouth, the body immediately begins to produce insulin, which leads to a decrease in blood sugar levels. And, as a result, after a short time there is a feeling of hunger.
For sweet non-caloric drinks, for example, based on aspartame, the body reacts in the same way. Therefore, you should not drink such drinks outside the main meal. In general, it's best to avoid them entirely.

You need to use the following basic sets of products:

a) In the morning for breakfast.
300 g before cooking chicken breast or fish with their daily alternation.
400-500 g of vegetables, fried in 12 g of olive or other vegetable oil. If there is corn, peas or potatoes in the mixture - then 400 g. If these products are not in the mixture - 500 g of vegetables.
A cup of warm milk with a spoonful of cocoa mixed with sugar. Alternating with a glass of juice. I rarely drink juice. Warm milk or cocoa is great on an empty stomach.

b) In the afternoon at lunchtime.
400-500 g vegetables, fried in 12 g olive or other vegetable oil, alternating with 85 g pasta (before cooking).
Plus 0.5 kg of fruit.
Plus 65 g of cereal before cooking, alternating with 250 g of berries.

In the evening and between meals, you should drink only warm water.

The specified set of products corresponds to approximately 1500 kcal. If you do not want to lose weight, then increase the calorie content of breakfast due to more fatty foods at breakfast. It is unlikely that it will be possible to increase the calorie content of food by increasing the amount of healthy foods due to the large volume of the morning portion.

Eat freshly prepared food. Food that has stood is worse than freshly prepared. Bacteria have already settled there. Even if the food was stored in the refrigerator.

It is highly desirable at first to eat vegetables for breakfast and lunch. Vegetables provide a full stomach and a feeling of overeating. Which doesn't really exist. Not to mention that it is healthy and wholesome food. After a while, the body will get used to two meals a day, and it will be enough for you to simply gain the necessary calorie content, while not stuffing your stomach to failure.

If you are losing weight, it is advisable to take vitamins. However, some of them can lead to exacerbation of psoriasis. You have to watch your body's reaction. Complivit, for example, did not cause problems for me.

And do not sleep during the day when the food is in the stomach and intestines.

If you are sick, then you should switch to more high-calorie foods and bring calories up to 2000-2500 kcal per day. Simply put, switch to your usual diet. Colds are associated with severe intoxication of the body. The liver at this moment is heavily loaded. A lot of toxins are dissolved in adipose tissue. When you lose weight, these toxins are released into the blood and also add to the work of the liver. Therefore, during the period of intoxication of the body with a disease, in order not to overload the liver, one should not lose weight.

Part 8. Recipes and samples of the daily menu

Notes on dosing accuracy.

There will be nothing to worry about if instead of the indicated 300 g of chicken or fish, cook 350 g. Or any other weight within these limits. No need to measure weight with pharmaceutical accuracy. The same is with vegetables and fruits.
It is better not to underestimate the indicated figures. The calorie reserve in the presented sets is significant. When losing weight without compromising health, you can consume a minimum of 900 kcal per day, and nothing will happen, but why? - when you can get 1500 kcal, be full all day, lose weight easily and quickly.

In addition, with a decrease in the volume of food, the amount of vitamins entering the body decreases, therefore, I repeat, one should not reduce portion sizes to a minimum and, accordingly, daily calorie content.

The only weight that needs to be closely monitored is the weight of the oil.
From the bottle, you can easily pour the wrong movement of your hand into the pan instead of the necessary and useful 12 g of oil and 30 g, and 50. And this will already be a clear overkill. Therefore, use a scale and a bottle with a dispenser from which the oil flows in a thin stream.
Cereals, cheeses, sour cream, pancakes are also desirable to measure more precisely, as these are high-calorie foods.

The basic products of the system are: chicken breast, fish, vegetables, fruits, berries, cereals, pasta, eggs, cheeses, cottage cheese.

Other not very healthy or too high-calorie foods in the form of dried fruits, pancakes, pies, high-calorie cheeses, juices, canned vegetables were also used. Rarely, with control of portion weight and total calories.

These methods allow you to cook with almost no fat. Especially interesting for people who are prone to fullness.

Grilled skinless chicken breast
Preheat oven to 250 o C.
Trim any visible fat from the chicken breast from factory processing.
Place the breast on the hot skillet. Wait a couple of minutes until a thin white layer and a crust appear.
Turn over and fry for 2 minutes. Place the chicken on a rack and place in the oven.

At the same time, reduce the temperature in the oven to 200-220 ° C.
After 20-25 minutes, the chicken is ready.
It is important that there is no core of color left inside the large pieces that does not match the color of the rest of the white and pink chicken.

The breast will be juicy and tender. The age-old problem of dry and rubbery chicken breast will be solved.

If there is no time for the oven, cut the skinless chicken breast into pieces - 2-3 cm cubes and fry in the hottest pan. Oil free. The chicken breast should completely change color. In this case, no juice should appear, otherwise the chicken breast will be tough.

Fried salmon
The recommended thickness of a piece of fish is 15-18 mm. Put a piece of fish in a pan. You can lightly grease the pan with oil. You can also fry without oil. To prevent grease and oil from splashing from the pan, it is recommended to wrap the fish in a waffle towel before frying so that it absorbs water.
Fry exactly 2 minutes. Or 2 and a quarter if the piece is thick.
Turn over.
Roast for two more minutes.
Immediately transfer the steak to a plate so that the fish stops cooking.
The result is a piece of fish with a crispy crust. And with a slightly transparent core.
If the color is uniform, the fish is overcooked.

grilled catfish
Take the frozen steak out of the freezer and place it on a wire rack in the oven.
Turn on the oven and set the temperature to 250°C.
After 25 minutes, the catfish is ready.
You can defrost the catfish beforehand. Oddly enough, this does not affect the cooking time.
When cooked on a wire rack in the oven, catfish is very tasty and retains a fairly firm texture.

Steamed and lightly fried vegetables
Put the required amount of vegetables in the pan. If the vegetables are from the freezer, then in order for them to defrost faster, you can add a little boiling water. The water boils, the steam defrosts the vegetables. If no water is added, the vegetables will be crispier but will take longer to cook.
At the moment when the vegetables are about to burn, add 12 g of olive or other vegetable oil to 400-500 g of vegetables. And fry, stirring for a couple more minutes. Recipe:
- 400 g of a vegetable mixture with corn, peas, potatoes (undesirable according to J. Pegano).
- 500 g of vegetables, if the mixture does not contain corn, legumes and potatoes.

boiled cod

Cod is boiled, divided into portions in proportion to 200 or 300 g of fish and frozen. Only in the case of boiling, the weight of already boiled cod is taken into account. The decrease in the weight of the finished product is offset by the loss of calories that went into the broth. The specific calorie content of cooked foods corresponds to the calorie content of raw foods. Naturally, if you pour out the broth.
(A serving of 200 g makes sense if you fill it with one egg during further cooking.)

Boiled rice, millet and other cereals.

Brown and white rice in a 1:1 ratio.

Brown and white rice after cooking.

I cook all grains the same way.
I put 60-90 g of cereal in a glass saucepan (this is about 200-300 kcal) and pour 300 ml of filtered or better chilled boiled water. I close the lid and put it in the microwave at maximum power for 3-4 minutes so that the water boils. In order not to wash the pan every time, I put the saucepan on an additional wide plate.
After that, I transfer the power of the microwave to 300 W and leave it to cook for 20-25 minutes, depending on the desired degree of boiling of the cereal. By selection, you can achieve that all the water will evaporate, but the cereal will be sufficiently boiled and not overdried.
It is important to keep track of the amount of water. Water should remain in the microwave until the end of cooking. Otherwise, the microwave will burn out or the cereal will be overdried.
Small exceptions. Barley is cooked for 30 minutes, corn grits - 20 minutes. Buckwheat requires not 300, but 400-450 ml of water.

thawed berries
In the evening, take the berries out of the freezer and let them defrost overnight in a regular refrigerator compartment. By noon the next day they will be defrosted. Heat them up to your desired temperature in the microwave. No sugar. You can boil it, you can warm it up to a lower temperature.
You can always use a green salad instead of vegetables or along with vegetables.
It is important to monitor the calorie content of the dressing. Use clearly weighed vegetable oil, lemon juice, soy sauce. And never use mayonnaise.
All the above recipes are very simple and do not require special attention, and almost do not use oil when cooking.

Let's see how interesting and varied the menu is based on basic products.


Optimal breakfasts
(they should be eaten 5-6 times a week)

Chicken with vegetables

Vegetables - 400 g before cooking.
(If there is no corn or peas in the mixture, then the weight of vegetables must be raised to 500 g.)
Olive oil - 12 g.

(In the photo - a large mug with cocoa with a volume of more than 300 ml. Just to the brim, the mug is filled with additional hot water.)

Catfish with rice

400 g frozen catfish steak (about 300 g remains after defrosting).
Rice - 45 g brown and 45 gr. white (before cooking).
Soy sauce.
200 g milk with a spoonful of cocoa mixed with sugar.

Cod and vegetables

300 g cod.
400-500 g vegetables before frying.
12 g butter.

Cod with egg and vegetables

200 g cod.
400-500 g vegetables before frying.
12 g butter.
Egg С0 — 1 pc.*)
200 ml of milk with a spoonful of cocoa mixed with sugar.
*) In this and in all subsequent recipes, unless otherwise indicated, it is necessary to use the “selected egg” (C0), i.e. an egg weighing at least 65 g.

You can shake the egg and mix with the fish, fry separately, like a cutlet, but without oil. It also turns out delicious.

Chicken, vegetables, egg

200 ml of milk with a spoonful of cocoa mixed with sugar.
Chicken breast without skin - 200 g before cooking.
Egg 1 pc.
Vegetables 400 g, fried on

Breakfast with salmon

300 g salmon before frying.
90 g of rice (or other cereals) before cooking (or 400-500 g of vegetables fried in 12 g of olive or other vegetable oil).
200 ml juice.
Juice to some extent combines with fatty salmon a little better than cocoa. But you can also cook cocoa instead of juice.
The stomach reacts normally to the combination of fish and milk.

Chicken, macaroni and cheese

Chicken - 200 g before cooking.

Macaroni - 65 g before cooking.
Cheese (Oltermani or similar) - 70 g.
200 ml of milk with a spoonful of cocoa mixed with sugar.

This is Oltermani cheese with a fat content of 17% and a protein content of 29%. While losing weight, you need to eat these cheeses. There are also variants of such cheeses from different manufacturers with 15% fat and 30% protein.

Chicken with macaroni and cheese
(Chicken mac and cheese variant - more chicken, less cheese.)

Chicken breast - 300 g before cooking.
Macaroni - 65 g before cooking.
Light cheese - 30 g.
200 ml of milk with a spoonful of cocoa mixed with sugar.

Easier Options
(also good to eat)

Pasta with cheese
Cheese with a fat content of 17% and a protein content of 29% - 150 g.
55 g pasta.
200 ml of milk with a spoonful of cocoa mixed with sugar.

Pasta with chicken
Pasta - 85 g before cooking.
Chicken - 300 g before cooking.
200 ml of milk with a spoonful of cocoa mixed with sugar.


Auxiliary breakfast options

These options are not ideal in terms of the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
They can be eaten a couple of times a week, between well-balanced nutritional breakfasts of the first group.
By and large, for a month and a half, these combinations were only once.

Eggs with vegetables

400-500 g vegetables before frying.
12 g olive or other vegetable oil.
3 large or 4 small eggs.
200 ml of milk with a spoonful of cocoa mixed with sugar.

Brie cheese with vegetables

Brie cheese - 125 gr
300 g vegetables before cooking
12 g olive oil
200 ml of milk with a spoonful of cocoa mixed with sugar.

Pasta with bran and tehina (or hummus)

Pasta with bran - 60 g before cooking.
200 ml of milk with a spoonful of cocoa mixed with sugar.

Fritters, sour cream, cottage cheese

Cottage cheese (0.5% fat - 220 g, 2% fat - 200 g).
Pancakes or pancakes - 140 g.
Sour cream 15% - 50 g.
200 ml of milk with a spoonful of cocoa mixed with sugar.

Fritters and tahina (or hummus)

Tahini (or hummus) - 125 g (half of the package).
Fritters '85
200 ml of milk with a spoonful of cocoa mixed with sugar.

Eggs with canned vegetables

200 ml of milk with a spoonful of cocoa mixed with sugar.
Egg С0 — 4 pcs.
Olive oil or other vegetable oil - 12 g.
Canned peas with carrots - 400 g bank.

Chicken, canned vegetables, fruits, cocoa

300 g chicken before cooking.
Canned vegetables (canned peas with carrots) - 400 g bank.
200 g grapes.

Chicken and corn flakes

Chicken breast - 300 g before cooking.
Corn flakes 50 g with milk 200 ml.
200 ml of milk with a spoonful of cocoa mixed with sugar.

Fritters with caviar

100 g of red caviar.
140 g pancakes.
200 ml of milk mixed with a spoonful of cocoa with sugar.

And yet - the worst breakfast option in terms of nutrient composition during this time:

(You can’t eat it, but it was a pity to throw away the accidentally bought package of some unknown thing sold under the brand name “curd cheese”. This “sort of cheese” contains a minimum of protein (6 g per 100 g of product), a huge amount of fat (20g/100g of product) Unknown Origin Disgusting formulation variant.)
"Cheese" Almette - pack of 150 g.
Pasta - 77 g before cooking.
200 ml of milk with a spoonful of cocoa mixed with sugar.

Basic lunch options

Vegetables, fruits, berries

400-500 g vegetables before frying.
12 g olive or other vegetable oil.
250 g thawed berries.
500 g fruit.

Meals with cereals

Millet lunch

lunch with rice

Dinner with barley

400-500 g of vegetables, fried in 12 g of olive or other vegetable oil.
30 g of cereal before cooking.
200 g apples.
180 g grapes.

Lunch: pasta and fruit

800 g fruit.
85 g pasta before cooking.


Nut and dried fruit options
(Handy for times when you're not sure you can reheat food during the day.)

Dried bananas and almonds

100 g dried bananas.
50 g almonds.

Dates and almonds

100 g dates.
50 g almonds.

Fruits, berries, almonds

Fruits - 500 g.
Berries - 300 g.
Almonds - 50 g.

Salad and fruits

Chinese cabbage (can be combined with another salad) - 400 g.
Olive oil - 12 g.
Egg С0 — 1 pc.
Juice from half of one lemon.
Soy sauce.
Fruits - 500 g.
(Worcester sauce tastes better, but it has a lot of harsh spices.)
200 ml of milk with a spoonful of cocoa mixed with sugar.

It makes a huge bowl of salad.
For dressing, the egg is dipped in boiling water for exactly 1 minute. It is taken out and broken into a salad. A thin layer of protein adhering to the shell should not be scraped off. Pierce the egg on the blunt side before cooking. Juice is squeezed from half a lemon, vegetable oil and a few drops of sauce are added. Mixed. Better hands.
Taste is great.

And also - other endless combinations ...

Salad. There was a full plate. But here he is already almost eaten.

Salad 250 g
Dressing: boiled (1 min.) egg, 12 g olive oil, juice of half a lemon.
30 g rice before cooking.
200 g of vegetables before frying for 12 g of olive oil.

Mushroom soup
100 g of grapes.
A little overkill in calories. About 800. But why not eat more on the weekend?

I repeat that the presented breakfast sets contain about 750 kcal, and lunches - about 600 kcal.
When the desired weight is reached, it is necessary to slowly, 100 kcal per day, increase the calorie content.

Weight stabilizes quickly. One of the secrets of fast weight loss in the first month is that there is a large amount of chyme in the "stomach". And as soon as you start eating more, the weight automatically grows due to the additional chyme.
Therefore, upon reaching the desired weight, one should not sharply increase the calorie content to normal. In this case, you will gain a kilogram or two. It is necessary to gradually increase the calorie content, during this time to lose a little more weight, and the additional weight of food in the intestines compensates for this weight.

I have psoriasis since the age of 15. From the age of 17 lymph nodes on the neck and behind the ear are enlarged. I am 37 years old. I turned to the surgeon, did an ultrasound (maximum node 1.58 cm) and passed a general blood test - there is no inflammation, the blood is calm. The surgeon forgot all the time of my visits that the increase in nodes has been a very long time and she missed about chronic psoriasis. Just in case, in order to prescribe anti-inflammatory treatment, she advised me to go to an oncologist. What indications - it is not known to exclude something bad. But this way you can go to all doctors, but you need to look at the problem in a complex, taking into account psoriasis. And what kind of pro-inflammatory therapy if there is no inflammation in the body, judging by the blood. What to do?

ANSWERED: 08/18/2016

Hello, there are many reasons to increase nodes. Psoriasis, as a rule (without exacerbation) does not cause an increase. But, this is a very peculiar pathology, with an unpredictable course.

clarifying question

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Psoriasis is an extremely dangerous disease. It is often believed that psoriasis does not affect the health of the whole body, that it is a skin disease - but this is far from the case. Itching, cracked and oozing skin, periodic “morphine” pains are only “seeds”, and then inevitable complications come. It is strange sometimes to hear (even from specialists) that psoriasis is a skin disease, when it is already clear: psoriasis is a systemic disease that affects not only the skin, but also many other (if not all) systems of the body. Very often, people with psoriasis can develop a form of arthritis called psoriatic arthritis. Appropriate medical examination is needed to confirm this diagnosis. Although not always present, psoriatic arthritis is more commonly seen in people with widespread psoriasis than in people with localized psoriasis. Psoriatic arthritis affects people of all ages and can lead to the following complications:

  • Dystrophy of the nails
  • Mucosal damage. There are descriptions of psoriatic elements on the mucous membrane of the urethra, bladder.
  • Eye damage is represented by subacute conjunctivitis, iritis, iridocyclitis, episcleritis, uveitis, lens sclerosis.
  • There are also possible lesions of the mucous membranes of the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, up to ulcerative-necrotic changes in its walls.
  • Often - an increase in the size of the liver with hepatocellular insufficiency and splenomegaly.

In addition to functional disorders of the central nervous system, organic changes are observed in the form of encephalopathy with a predominant lesion of subcortical formations, epileptic seizures, delirium, and polyneuritis.

Heart damage goes according to the type of myocarditis or myocardial dystrophy; rarely, but there are coronaryitis, pericarditis, heart defects. Heart damage is observed both in the skin form of psoriasis and in arthropathic, however, in the latter, these changes are more common and involve the valvular apparatus to a greater extent.
There are also spontaneous muscle pain, muscle weakness, muscle atrophy, up to progressive weight loss.

Often there is an increase in lymph nodes, especially inguinal and femoral; the degree of severity of lymphadenomopathy, as a rule, is in direct connection with the activity of the process. This list of “horror stories” can go on and on, but it is obvious that psoriasis is indeed a very dangerous and serious disease.

Is psoriasis dangerous for life?

Psoriasis is practically not life-threatening. The main inconvenience of this disease are: the presence of inflammatory lesions and peeling on the skin. Only common severe forms of psoriasis in patients who do not receive full treatment can lead to death.

Is psoriasis hereditary?

When studying the role of heredity in the occurrence of psoriasis, data were obtained that testify in favor of this hypothesis. It was found that the violation of metabolic processes in the blood and skin of patients with persistent, occur early, precede clinical manifestations and are believed to be genetically determined, as they are detected in clinically healthy blood relatives with familial psoriasis. Researchers believe that changes in cells in psoriasis are inherited and this creates a predisposition to the disease. In a sense, psoriasis can even be called a family disease. This does not mean, of course, that if your closest relatives had psoriasis, then you will definitely get sick too, but the risk is very high - from 20 to 60% (according to various experts).

Can psoriasis be cured?

There are many medications and treatments available that can reduce and control psoriasis, even over a fairly long period of time. In most cases, psoriasis is permanent. It can come and go for no apparent reason. Psoriasis does not necessarily worsen with age; it can occur at any age from infancy to old age. Sometimes psoriasis stays in small, localized areas and never spreads. Treatment of psoriasis is a complex therapeutic problem. In many cases, it can be successfully solved, since there are a number of therapeutic methods. But, unfortunately, all of them give only a temporary effect, although the possibility of improving the quality of life of patients is not excluded. Meanwhile, quite often, already at the first visit, the doctor tells the patient about the incurability of the disease and the need to come to terms with it, which is completely unacceptable. Psoriasis SHOULD be fought despite the diagnoses, disappointing statistics and inconsistency in the approaches of different specialists.

Do smoking and alcohol affect the onset of the disease?

It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously, since there are no such studies (in any case, we have not seen them). However, it should be noted that since smoking and excessive drinking weaken the immune system and strike at the work of other systems and organs of the body, it is possible that these factors play an important role in the appearance and further development of psoriasis. So think about it: maybe your psoriasis is just a reaction of your body to bad habits? In any case, it is very easy to check this - you yourself know how.

What makes psoriasis worse?

There are some reasons that can worsen the course of psoriasis. But it should be understood that since everyone has “his own” psoriasis, these factors work differently for everyone, or they don’t work at all. Some of them are listed below.

  1. Skin damage and scratching.

    Irritations and scratches can activate psoriasis. You should try to stop the mechanical irritation of the skin, especially in the area of ​​the knee and elbow joints. I would also like to note the following point: some people experience a sharp exacerbation after washing (in the bathroom or in the shower), so we advise you to limit contact with water (including swimming in natural reservoirs).

  2. Sun rays.

    For many people with psoriasis, moderate sun exposure is very beneficial. A small number of people (about 10%) find that their psoriasis is aggravated by any amount of sun exposure. If you have white skin, you may need sunscreen. Interestingly, by the way, the observation that among the black population, the percentage of patients with psoriasis is much lower than among the representatives of the white race.

  3. Overweight.

    It is noticed that among psoriatics a large percentage of overweight people. So it is quite possible that getting rid of extra pounds, you make the first victory over psoriasis.

  4. Unfavorable psychological factors.
  5. Some medicines used for other reasons.
  6. Infections.

What is the cause of psoriasis?

In recent years, various hypotheses for the development of the disease have been put forward. It is believed that genetic factors play a significant role in the occurrence of psoriasis. Of certain importance are the imbalance of vitamins, minerals, microcirculation. In psoriasis, not only skin, but also general body disorders were revealed: changes in the immune status, disorders of the nervous system and metabolism. But none of these numerous violations is able to explain the mechanism of the development of the disease.

Observing patients suffering from psoriasis, doctors came to the conclusion that various injuries, such as burns (including sunburn), cuts or scratches, can provoke the appearance of psoriatic flaking. In addition, the course of this disease can be influenced by seasonal changes, bringing relief in summer, and exacerbation in winter. Psoriasis can be triggered by emotional stress or a viral infection, certain medications such as those used to treat high blood pressure and heart disease, manic-depressive disorders, and anti-inflammatory drugs.

When studying "external causes", with which patients associate the appearance of the first clinical signs of the disease, 19.7% indicated a nervous shock, 16.8% - a rash appeared after a sore throat, 7.7% - after hypothermia, 44, 2% - it was not possible to establish any factor.

Many researchers have paid attention to the relationship between the appearance of the first rashes and past infectious diseases. However, the number of such patients was small - from 0.6% to 16.8%.

The development of psoriasis under the influence of acute and chronic infection, according to some authors, begins as a result of the receipt of impulses from the focus of infection to the central nervous (vegetative department) and endocrine systems, which rebuilds the body's reactivity. According to others, damage to protective regulatory systems occurs due to exposure to toxicons. Some authors believe that the development of psoriasis in the presence of foci of chronic infection is due to a genetic predisposition to this dermatosis, as well as genetic disorders of protective mechanisms, mainly in the skin.

At least once in a lifetime, every person suffers from swollen lymph nodes, for example, during an illness with the flu. However, few people know exactly where they are located and notice inflammation of the lymph nodes in time. Treatment therefore does not begin in a timely manner. What symptoms may indicate lymphadenitis? Is alternative treatment of lymph nodes effective, and what are the methods of traditional therapy?

The value of lymph nodes for the human body

Lymph nodes are part of the human immune system. There are several hundred of them in the human body. Localization of lymph nodes directly depends on the direction of the lymphatic vessels. They are located in groups and are visceral, parietal (located next to the internal organs), as well as peripheral. It is the increase in peripheral lymph nodes that is easiest to diagnose: under the armpits, on the back of the head, on the neck, etc.

Lymphadenitis is not always an independent disease, but most often a consequence of the course of other ailments in the human body. Lymph nodes act as a barrier and do not allow the spread of infections, as well as foreign substances in the human body. That is why only those nodules that are closest to the focus of the disease become inflamed. Through special vessels, lymph flows to the lymph nodes and is cleaned there. In turn, lymphocytes are delivered from the lymph nodes to the focus of inflammation, which fight foreign proteins.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm

Treatment of inflamed lymph nodes begins with determining the true cause of their increase. A swollen nodule under the arm indicates that an inflammatory process is taking place next to it, and the organ takes an active part in the disinfection of this area. The most common causes of swollen lymph nodes are:

  • blockage of axillary pores, the appearance of pustules;
  • serious wounds and suppuration in the shoulders, arms or chest;
  • skin diseases (neurodermatitis, eczema or psoriasis);
  • HIV infection;
  • mastopathy;
  • any infectious diseases (tuberculosis, plague, syphilis, tularemia, brucellosis);
  • rheumatism;
  • cancerous diseases.

In children, the true cause of inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes may be chickenpox, infectious mononucleosis, or measles.

In pregnant and lactating women, sometimes during lactation, a lobule of the mammary gland increases, which is mistaken for a lymph node. A standard examination by a doctor will help make sure that the real lymph node is in perfect order.

Symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm

Treatment of lymph nodes under the arm should be started when the first symptoms of their inflammation appear in order to avoid complications.

The first signal of the inflammatory process is the swelling of the lymph nodes under the armpits, closer to the chest area. In acute inflammation around this area, the skin becomes hot, and touching it brings pain. There is also redness of the skin. There are a number of other symptoms that may accompany lymphadenitis - weight loss, chills, fever, a state of general weakness of the body.

But pain during inflammation is not always present. The appearance of this symptom depends on the cause of the inflammatory process: if the lymph nodes are enlarged due to the patient's diseases such as tuberculosis or syphilis, then there will be no pain. Also, a person will not experience pain, an increase in lymph nodes in which is provoked by an oncological disease.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck

Given the fact that an increase in lymph nodes occurs due to the course of some other disease, then when inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck occurs, treatment and diagnosis should primarily be aimed at identifying and eliminating the most common infections of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity: acute respiratory infections and SARS, tonsillitis, chicken pox, influenza, stomatitis, gingivitis, diphtheria, etc.

An increase in the lymph nodes in the neck can be dictated by a sharp decrease in immunity, because in such a situation they have a double load. In children who often suffer from acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections and other infectious diseases, there is an increase in the lymph nodes of a chronic nature, most of all this is reflected in the tonsils. Lymph nodes can also increase after hypothermia or during beriberi, constant stress or prolonged mental stress.

The most dangerous causes of the inflammatory process in the cervical lymph nodes are immunodeficiency states and tumors. In some cases, the increase is provoked by chronic alcoholism or thyroid disease.

Symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck

As in the previous case, inflammation can be visually observed during an external examination of the submandibular groups of lymph nodes: in the normal state, they are invisible, but during the inflammatory process, the size of the nodes can vary from a pea to the volume of an egg. Soreness can manifest itself not only on palpation, but also on swallowing. Often, an increase in the cervical lymph nodes is accompanied by headaches, high fever and weakness throughout the body.

The treatment of lymph nodes in the neck, as well as the symptoms of the inflammatory process, directly depend on the initial cause of the disease. That is, if lymphadenitis was provoked by an infectious disease, then the symptoms of an infectious lesion of the body will be the most noticeable, and the symptoms of lymphadenitis will be secondary. For example, enlarged cervical lymph nodes are just one of the symptoms of angina, so you need to concentrate on fighting it, and not trying to relieve their local inflammation.

Types of lymphadenopathy

Like any disease, lymphadenitis has its own varieties, stages and forms. Treatment of lymph nodes directly depends on these indicators.

Nonspecific lymphadenitis, for example, can be acute or chronic. At the same time, there is still a division of it into serous, fibrinous purulent or hemorrhagic.

A non-specific type of disease is caused by the penetration of pyogenic bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, etc.) into the lymph node. If this happened due to damage and suppuration of the skin tissues in the region of the lymph node, then such lymphadenitis is considered an independent primary disease.

Acute nonspecific lymphadenitis in the absence of proper treatment may have complications: the formation of lymphatic fistulas, thrombophlebitis, the spread of purulent infection to other organs.

Specific lymphadenitis is always secondary - this is the body's response to the progression of tuberculosis, syphilis, actinomycosis, plague, etc.

Diagnosis of the disease

If you suspect lymphadenitis, you should immediately contact a therapist or surgeon. The doctor can make a diagnosis by listening to the patient's complaints and conducting an external examination.

One of the key diagnostic methods is a puncture and examination of the composition of the punctate. Sometimes a biopsy is used, but only in cases where the puncture did not bring more or less clear results. The methods of radiopaque lymphography and scanning help to study the pathological processes that occur in the lymphatic system.

But in order to understand the true causes of lymphadenitis, it is necessary to conduct additional research and exclude the possibility of infectious diseases. Mantoux and Pirquet samples are taken for tuberculosis and an x-ray of the lungs is taken. Syphilitic lymphadenitis is detected at the puncture stage.

Additional research methods include MRI of the affected area, CT and ultrasound of the lymphatic vessels.

Treatment of lymph nodes with traditional means

Acute nonspecific lymphadenitis at the initial stage can be controlled with the help of antibiotic therapy, for which the means most effective in combating one or another group of purulent bacteria are selected. UHF-therapy is also actively used. Purulent lymphadenitis rarely does without surgical intervention, since it is necessary to open abscesses and other purulent formations and cleanse them of exudate - this is the only way to stop the inflammatory process.

Treatment of lymph nodes under the arm or on the neck with chronic nonspecific lymphadenitis will be effective only if the underlying disease that provokes the increase in nodes is eliminated.

The same applies to the treatment of specific lymphadenitis. If, for example, tuberculosis caused inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck, treatment will include both active tuberculosis control methods and local treatment procedures: streptomycin injections into the affected node, compresses with tubazid ointment. Treatment of nodes enlarged due to syphilis is accompanied by injections of penicillin.

Treatment of lymph nodes with folk remedies

The use of folk remedies is possible only after agreeing this issue with the attending physician, otherwise complications can be provoked. Treatment of lymph nodes at home is carried out with the help of special compresses and tinctures.

Compress No. 1

To perform the procedure, you need to buy echinacea tincture at the pharmacy and mix it with warm water in about a 1:2 ratio. Cotton wool or a bandage soaked in the solution should be applied to the diseased lymph node, fixed, left overnight. Treatment of lymph nodes at home with the help of such a compress is one of the most effective.

Compress No. 2

In an enameled dish, you need to place a teaspoon of St. John's wort and one of the same spoonful of walnut, mistletoe and yarrow leaves. Herbs are poured with a glass of water and brought to a boil, then boiled over low heat for 5 minutes with the lid closed.

Treatment of lymph nodes with this decoction is carried out only after it has been filtered: soaking cotton fabric in herbal decoction, you need to apply a compress at night to the inflamed node for two weeks.

Decoction for oral administration

It is necessary to get young pine shoots in such a volume that they can be crushed into a 2-liter jar. The shoots are placed in an enamel pot, poured with three liters of water and brought to a boil. On low heat, with a covered lid, the broth boils for about 2 hours. After 2 hours, the broth is removed from the stove and filtered into another enamel bowl. To it you need to add a tablespoon of sugar, boil again and cook for 2 hours.

Treatment of lymph nodes with folk remedies (broths) lasts quite a long time - for a month. 30-40 days you need to drink pine broth - twice a day after eating a tablespoon.

Prevention of lymphadenitis

Any disease carries little pleasant, and the treatment of lymph nodes in the neck or in any other place takes a long time and causes inconvenience. Therefore, it is more profitable, of course, to prevent such diseases.

What happens if, for example, the treatment of lymph nodes in children or adults is not timely? The situation will worsen after some time, the pathological process will begin to provoke more and more malfunctions in the lymphatic system: lymph outflow will be disturbed, scarring of the lymphoid tissue and the development of lymphedema will occur.

How can inflammation of the lymph nodes be prevented? Treatment and prevention of the disease are based on the implementation of a number of rules.

  1. Firstly, it is impossible to leave the resulting abrasions, all kinds of wounds and other damage to the epidermis without proper medical treatment.
  2. Secondly, it is necessary to avoid microtraumas of the skin.
  3. Thirdly, it is worth visiting dentists on time, and getting rid of boils and other purulent formations in the dermatologist's office, which can become a source of infection.
  4. Fourthly, it is necessary to visit a doctor if there are symptoms of inflammatory processes in the body. After all, actinomycosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis and other diseases that require immediate treatment can be the cause of the malaise.

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